#thank tou for asking blaze :D
sixpigeonz · 10 months
tell me about frogs :] !!! please
frog rant incoming (kinda ish)
my favourite frogs are the ones that look like their surroundings and use it as a form of camouflage like the Vietnamese mossy frog or the long nosed Horne's frog also know as the malayan horned frog like its one of those things I can't wrap around my head that they're real but they are!!!
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pictures don't do them justice like I just think it's really neat if it were to ever have a frog as a pet I would get a mossy frog or a dumpy frog : D
also they're not a frog but honorable mention to the mexican burrowing toad my favourite toad of all time I love the croaks that they make like its just my favourite its so goofy I love them so bad😭
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if you couldn't tell I love frogs because they're just silly goofy little guys yk??? like nothing behind those eyes besides be frog. but some of them are just cool as fuck like the glass frog who's skin is transparent and could actually be the cure to blood clotting because of its ability
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LIKE HOW FUCKING COOL???? frogs can come in so many different shapes and sizes and they're all unique in their own way and they're just small little creatures living their best life I love ethem so bad
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britishassistant · 4 years
But I Like One Piece (16)
Surprisingly, Lee wraps his head around the idea of reincarnation from another world the easiest.
“It’s like when children at the Orphanage are adopted.” He explains blithely. “The parents who take them away give them new names, so you can’t ask to visit or see how Shinpachi is doing anymore, but the person who was known as Shinpachi still exists. He just has a new life with a new name somewhere far away.”
There’s a moment of contemplative and slightly horrified silence.
“Huh.” She says. “I-I guess it is kinda like that. I am Mayu, I just...remember being someone else before that. Somewhere very, very different.”
“Mayu—” Her mother pinches the bridge of her nose. “How-how do you know that this—this other world even exists?”
Well, she’d known they’d need proof to believe her, one way or another. Hopefully this will be complex enough that it should suffice.
She takes a deep breath.
«It’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the will of the fight, risin’ up to the challenge of our rival. And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night, and he’s watching us all with the eeeeeyyyyyyeee—of the tiger.»
Naruto grins. “Hey, it’s the singy thing!”
Lee gives a little round of applause. “You have a very nice voice, Mayu-chan!”
She tries not to blush and fails miserably.
Gai-sensei nods. “A most youthful tune, Mayu-chan. But do the sounds have any meaning?”
“Wait just a moment.”
All eyes turn to her father, whose head is hanging down, hair bracketing his eyes.
“Those sounds...aren’t they...”
She feels a drop of sweat slide down the back of her neck. Otou-san is the second son of a samurai clan after all; it’s no surprise that he can recognize a foreign language just by hear—
“They’re the noises you used to make when you were a little baby!!” Her father yells, pointing a dramatic finger at her.
“NO!!” She yells back, cheeks aflame. “Well, actually, yes, they kinda were, but they weren’t just baby noises!!”
Okaa-san gasps, pressing a hand to her cheek. “Dear, I can’t believe I couldn’t remember! You were so sweet, Mayu-chan, always going ‘aa dun uda’sta oo’.”
“That’s because I was trying to say «I don’t understand you»!” She groans, covering her eyes. “I didn’t understand this language back then! I just wanted to know what was going on!”
“Hey, hey, Mayu’s Tou-san,” Naruto says, eyes sparkling with mischief. “What was Mayu’s first word?”
Her father exhales and strokes his chin while looking off into the distance with a nostalgic twinkle in his eye. “Well, let’s see. She would’ve been about twenty months old or so—”
“IS NOW REALLY THE TIME FOR THIS STORY?!” She cuts in desperately. “I’m trying to prove the existence of another world by showing that I know a language that no one in this world has ever heard of and is far too insane for anyone with a brain to have made up!”
“Insane?” Says Lee, tilting his head in confusion.
“English is the pirate of languages.” She mutters darkly. “It goes around and beats up other languages and steals their words.”
“Is there anything about your past life that’s not related to pirates?!” Okaa-san asks, exasperation evident in her tone.
“I like pirates.” She says, hurt.
Her mother shoots her an unamused look. “Ketsugi Mayu...”
She holds up her hands in surrender. “Pirates were kinda mythical in my past life by the time I was alive. There were historical ones, but people romanticized them a lot. Like ninja.”
“What?! How dare they, that’s really rude, believe it!” Naruto fumes, crossing his arms. “...Kaa-san, what’s rom-an-ti-sized mean anyway?”
“It means they make up stories about them to make them seem...nicer.” Okaa-san explains. “Usually by pretending they aren’t as violent as they really are.”
“Oh.” Naruto thinks about this. “That’s dumb. Ninja are already cool, they don’t need to be nice.”
“Pirates are cooler.” She says.
“They are not—”
“Don’t start.” Her mother says in her scary week-long-ban-from-cooking voice.
“Yes Okaa-san.” They chorus.
“But wait.” Lee’s now frowning. “If the only ninja are historical, then how did countries in your past life defend themselves?”
“With armies of soldiers. Normal ones.” She replies. “ Though those might be replaced by flying robot drones by now. There used to be ninja in Japan—may still be even if only in name—but there wasn’t anything like chakra in my past life, so we developed technologically to fight each other instead. Now the world’s kinda in a stalemate peace because we’ve developed so far that the planet will become unable to support human life if we ever go all out.”
Lee stares at her, then drops his head, fists trembling in his lap.
Gai-sensei presses a hand to his shoulder. “Lee.”
She grows alarmed as tears begin to drip off of her friend’s face. Oh shit, she hadn’t meant to insult his dream. “Hey, Lee—”
“Mayu-chan.” His voice is surprisingly steady. “Did you mean everything you said? You aren’t making anything up?”
She hesitates but shakes her head, mouth twisting in consternation. “Yes. I did mean it. Lee, I’m sorry—”
Suddenly his arms shoot up in the air, fists still clenched. When he raises his head, his tears are sliding around a wide and dazzling grin.
“There’s a world of ninja without chakra.” He whispers, tone awed. “They don’t need chakra to become strong. To become ninja.”
Gai-sensei beams back and ruffles Lee’s hair into a haystack. “Of course! A youthful spirit and the willingness to work hard are what truly make a ninja!”
“And our Lee has that in spades.” Okaa-san says fondly, smoothing some of the now-haystack back into place. “You’ll be a fine ninja, I’m sure of it.”
Lee sniffs noisily. “Gai-sensei, Chie-oba-san...!”
“Yeah!” Naruto throws his arm over Lee’s shoulders. “An’ then you an’ me an’ Mayu-chan are gonna be on a kickass ninja team together, believe it!”
“I’m gonna be a pirate.” She interjects staunchly.
Naruto pouts at her for a moment, before he brightens again. “Fine then! Sakura-chan can be our third teammate, and Mayu’ll be the pirate mascot!”
“Sakura-chan?” Lee cries eagerly.
“Pirate mascot?!” She echoes indignantly.
Naruto sticks his tongue out at her triumphantly while her father and Gai-sensei turn away to muffle what sounds suspiciously like laughter.
She folds her arms and scowls at the stair in front of her while her mother pats her head consolingly.
Otou-san manages to get his chuckles under control enough to place a hand upon her and Lee’s shoulders. “We’ll always be very proud of you all, whether you’re a pirate mascot—” He fails to hide his snickering under her disapproving gaze, “—or a ninja. We just want you to be happy.”
“Jirou-oji-san!” Lee sniffs, eyes refilling with tears.
It takes another five minutes to get Lee and Gai-sensei to stop crying and hugging everyone in reach.
This is only exacerbated by the fact that her parents lose all rational sense and begin blushing and stuttering helplessly when they’re caught in Gai-sensei’s embrace.
Once everyone’s calmed down a bit, Naruto turns to her again. “So if this world was a story in your past life, does that mean you know the future, or any super cool jutsus?”
“No.” She says. “Because I never read that comic. I only ever read One Piece and argued with idiots who tried to say that that comic was better, which it obviously wasn’t.”
Her mother rolls her eyes at her as she lies, “I don’t even remember what that series was called, or any of the characters from it.”
Naruto narrows his eyes at her. “Then how’d you know you were here?” He fires back.
She stares at him as placidly as possible. He’s her best friend in this world—practically her brother in all but name. Lee is too, and Gai-sensei may as well be a third parent by this point.
She’s afraid of dying again, but she thinks that if it were for this family right here, her family, she’d face it with the kind of smile that only a D could muster.
She refuses to sentence Naruto to a miserable life of second-guessing and unearned guilt over things that he couldn’t possibly control.
Not this time.
Usopp, Nami and Robin give her the conviction to make this lie believable.
“The Hokage Monument.” She tells them smoothly. “It was in the background of almost every panel that idiots who liked the comic would try to show me. I didn’t remember where I recognized it from until I was about four years old though.”
Naruto doesn’t quite look convinced at first, but his expression becomes more accepting as he mulls it over.
Lee, bless him, just nods along trustingly.
Okaa-san tilts her head and stares at her with unnerving scrutiny.
Otou-san touches her mother’s arm, an eyebrow raised in concern, only for his wife to shake her head almost absent-mindedly.
Gai-sensei’s nose twitches.
She holds her breath.
His face breaks out into his usual beam. “I see! So the Will of Fire blazes strongly even in other worlds!”
She exhales, sending a mental thank you to the Rational Trio. “Yes. Any other questions?”
“Did you have a family in your past life?” Lee asks.
She flinches.
“Ah.” Lee’s smile is sad and understanding. “It’s okay if you didn’t—”
“I know it is.” She cuts in, grin feeling stilted. “It’s just—they weren’t anything to special. My Dad was a businessman and pretty strict. My Mum was a housewife and very spiritual. Kinda boring overall.”
Lee nods again, though he looks a little confused.
Okaa-san and Otou-san look...hurt.
She wants to hug them, but there’s a little part of her that whispers that doing so would be a betrayal. She forces herself to turn to a nicer topic.
“I did have a little brother, Harp.” She smiles to herself. “He’s a good kid, you guys would’ve loved him. He’s wizard at doing presentations and performances and things like that, really makes it easy to understand and believe what he’s saying, you know? He’s gonna be a famous actor when he grows up, or a politician, some really great speaker once—”
She freezes. “Shit.”
“Language!” Okaa-san says, but she barely hears her, knuckles white as her nails dig into her knees.
“I didn’t make a will.” She rasps. “I never made—and now they’ll get it all. They’ll take everything, and he’ll still be trapped.”
“Who will take everything?” Otou-san says, steely-eyed and serious. “Mayu, was someone you were related to threatening your family?”
She shakes her head. “Not—not threatening, exactly. S’just.” She makes an abortive movement with her hands. “Living with Mum and Dad was...not good. For me or Harp. They never got on with each other, and both of them were disappointed in us in their own way—anyway.”
“No, why were they disappointed?” Okaa-san says, eyes blazing. “I want to know what they thought was wrong with my little girl.”
“Okaa-san—” She tries to say, flattery and embarrassment warring inside her.
“Nothing’s wrong with Mayu-chan!” Lee interrupts, little chest puffed out. “She’s fine the way she is!”
“Except that she does curry too spicy.” Naruto cuts in. “And argues with the Academy teachers a lot. But that’s not disappointing, believe it!”
She’s torn between the overwhelming desire to kick him in the shins and give him a great big hug.
Gai-sensei gives what, for him, counts as a discrete cough. “While I’m sure we can agree that Mayu-chan is one of the farthest things from disappointing there is, I believe you were in the process of explaining your dilemma?”
“Right.” She tries to will her cheeks to stop burning.
“Well, I had some money saved up so I could try to get Harp out—hire a good lawyer and see if, while Mum and Dad’s divorce was finalized, I could win custody so he’d get to live with me.”
“What’s divorce?” Lee asks.
“It’s when two people who are married decide they don’t want to be married anymore.” She explains. “So they go to a court of law to make it so they officially aren’t, and each person gets part of what they both owned.”
Naruto gasps, like the idea is somehow shocking to him. To be fair to him, the adults look equally scandalized, so she guesses that’s not exactly a common practice here. “You can do that?! But why? I thought married people were supposed to love each other forever.”
“Usually they do.” She says wearily. “But sometimes people fall out of love, or one person is hurt by the other, or both misunderstand the person they got married to. Dad thought a woman like my Mum would be very business-focused like he wanted. Mum thought a man like my Dad would be very spiritually enlightened like she wanted.”
Naruto looks confused but considering, so she moves on.
“Anyway, I had a lot of money saved up, but because I died without leaving anything that said how I wanted it to be used, Mum and Dad will take all of it, or at least argue over who should get the most of it in the divorce.” She clenches her fists. “And Harp’ll never see a penny.”
“Mayu-chan.” Naruto’s voice wavers slightly. “Did you not love your parents?”
For an awful moment, she’s struck by the paralyzing urge to say “No”.
Then the horror and guilt settle in her gut again like undercooked food and make her feel like she’s going to choke on bile.
“Wh—of course I loved them!” She sputters indignantly. “They were my Mum and Dad. You’ve got to love your Mum and Dad.”
“It’s okay if you didn’t!” Naruto holds up his hands placatingly. “They just don’t sound very nice! You said that they said you were a disappointment! And you didn’t want your little brother to be with them!”
He and Lee are staring at her wide-eyed, as if waiting for her to snap at them again. The same way Naruto and Kiba look around Sakura these days.
She takes a deep breath and tries to make her voice softer, gentler. “I’m sorry for yelling. It’s just, sometimes, you can love someone and know when they’re not very good at something, or in a position that they and other people aren’t happy they’re in. I did love my Mum and Dad, but they are the last people in that world I’d trust with a kid. It wasn’t their fault, but I thought if I could get Harp out, let him grow up happy—”
She shakes her head, worrying the scar on her lower lip.
She’d promised him she’d get him out.
She’d promised.
“How old were you?” Her father asks, voice low. “When...?”
She can’t bring herself to look at him, but he sounds weary down to his very bones.
“I was twenty years old.” She says to the stair in front of her.
“Is that.” Her mother hesitates for a moment. “Is that an old age to die at? Among the people of that world.”
She makes a face. “Nah. I’d been an adult for two years in the eyes of the law, but most people in my past life could expect to live until their lates eighties or nineties before dying of natural causes.”
She hears Gai-sensei whisper “late eighties or nineties” to himself in a tone filled with something like wonder.
It’s that wonder which spurs her to look up and say, “In fact, if you manage to live to your hundredth birthday, the Queen sends you a card wishing you a happy birthday and congratulating you. I had a friend whose great grandma got one.”
Only Gai-sensei looks as amazed by this information as she’d hoped they’d all be. Lee’s trying to muster up the same enthusiasm as their teacher, but he can’t quite. Naruto looks more confused than anything.
Otou-san and Okaa-san are just staring at her like they don’t recognize her.
It hurts too much to hold their gaze.
“How’d you die?” Naruto asks. “Were you fighting a bad guy?”
She rubs the back of her neck. “Not really. A man broke into the flat. I grabbed a knife. He freaked out and his gun went off. He said it was an accident.”
She hisses the last word with all the venom it deserves.
She doesn’t understand anymore why the One Piece anime tried to censor Belle-mere’s death by changing it from a headshot to a bullet to the chest.
A headshot is quick and painless, at least.
She’s so caught up in her own memories that she doesn’t hear her father’s question. “Pardon?”
“What was your name?” Otou-san’s voice is soft and understanding, even though his eyes are pitying.
“...The girl who died was called Tamara Kaur. Her friends called her Tammy or Tim-Tam for short.” She says, a mournful grin on her face. “My name is Ketsugi Mayu. I’ll be in your care, if you’ll have me.”
The quiet that follows this statement, half joke and half plea, is enough to make whatever hopes she was still desperately clinging to crumble like a sandcastle in the face of the tide.
There aren’t many more questions after that.
Aside from the pointed conversation that began with “so if the person Naruto mentioned really was a comic character, then who was the home invader?” and ended with her exasperated mother asking “What do you mean, you ‘accidentally created divinity’?”
She winces. “Kinda that? I just, I was praying to them for normal stuff, and then that day I prayed for help with cutting the lamb and ended up with an entire meal I didn’t remember cooking.”
Okaa-san stares at her for a long moment before burying her head in her hands. She makes a noise Mayu thinks might be a sob.
Otou-san pats her back awkwardly and shoots her what she thinks is meant to be a reassuring smile. “Your Kaa-san’s fine. She just...needs a moment.”
“So it was Sanji?” Naruto whispers to her.
She nods rapidly.
Naruto’s face splits into a grin so wide his eyes almost close. “Awesome.”
“I know.” She whispers back, hardly able to keep from smiling herself.
Okaa-san sends her to turn off all the taps and hang her clothes back up upstairs.
She supposes she has wasted enough water for one day.
She blinks in the mid-afternoon sun when she opens the door to her bedroom, ignoring the masks that are all but pressed against the shut window more out of habit at this point.
She feels too drained to even feel alarmed by their proximity to her home. Talking about her Mum and Dad always did that to her, even when she was in the same world as them.
A phantom hunger pang pierces her stomach.
She shudders at the memory. Oh Luffy, she hopes Harp got out quickly, that he didn’t have to grow up on meals that were either pigswill or denied to him entirely.
He’d be...what, eighteen, nineteen by now?
Reading about Sanji and the adventures of the Straw Hats used to help her get through those punishments.
She sends a prayer to them now that Harp didn’t have to learn how to do that himself.
Otou-san, Okaa-san, and Gai-sensei are discussing something in low, serious voices when she comes back downstairs.
They quiet down for a bit when she steps between Lee and Naruto to get to the kitchen.
When she returns to the hallway, Gai-sensei pats her shoulder with a little too much force, shooting her a megawatt beam and a thumbs up.
“Do not worry, Jirou-san, Chie-san! I am certain that there will be no cause for concern for yourselves or Mayu-chan!”
Otou-san heaves a sigh. “We have every faith in you. It’s just—”
Okaa-san lays a hand on Gai-sensei’s arm. “Please, Gai.”
He solemnly takes her hand in one of his own, reaching out to grab her father’s arm with the other. “Everything will be as it always is. I swear it to you.”
The adults’ eyes seem to glisten as they stare at each other.
She glances at Naruto and Lee, eyebrow raised.
Naruto gives a quizzical shrug. Lee’s almost vibrating as he stares at their parents, eyes wide.
She hates to break up the moment, but there’s an elephant in the room that needs addressing.
She coughs a little. “Um, Okaa-sama, Otou-sama?”
Her parents look over at her, shoulders stiffening.
She worries the scar on her lower lip. “I, ah, just wanted to say, that if you need some time to-to process what I’ve told you, and you don’t want me a-around for it, I can get out of the house, go somewhere else for as long as you need me to—”
Otou-san and Okaa-san stare at her, expressions of pure horror on their faces.
Shit, has she really overstepped by that much? “O-or if you don’t want me to come back, I could always try to find o-other living arrangements for myself—”
The slap to the back of her head isn’t nearly as painful as most of the blows she’s weathered during training, but the sheer surprise of the attack has her clutching it and looking up in bewilderment.
Gai-sensei looks madder than she’s ever seen him.
“...Or I could leave the village entirely?” She meekly suggests, unsure of what to say to appease her teacher’s anger.
“And when did anyone ever say they wanted you to leave?!” Gai-sensei booms.
She blinks in confusion. “But I’m not who you thought I was, I have—”
“Are you Ketsugi Mayu?” Her mother asks, voice drier than an over-baked cake.
“And do you enjoying cooking and feeding people?” Okaa-san walks towards her and leans down.
“Well, yes, but—”
“And you have an obsession with pirates that leads you to act without thinking a lot?” Her mother reaches out and grabs her cheeks.
“It’s not an obsession—” She feebly tries to argue through pursed lips.
“Then you are my daughter.” Okaa-san says. “And you are going to stay right here where I can see you, and we are going to lay down some ground rules about contacting strange deities, do you hear me young lady?!”
She’s so alarmed by the sight of angry tears gathering in her mother’s eyes that she just nods her head as best as she can in this grip.
Okaa-san lets out a little sob and then she’s being enveloped in a crushing hug by both of her parents.
Otou-san murmurs, “Our family stays together, damn what anyone may think. Even if we have enemies on all sides, the Ketsugi clan will weather any blows. Didn’t we already tell you that?”
Then she feels Lee and Naruto’s little arms squeezing her from behind, and the gentle weight that means Gai-sensei has joined the hug too.
“Please don’t go Mayu.” Naruto says, sounding small and scared. “Please.”
She can’t help it when she starts bawling like a little kid again.
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jaycewrites-192000 · 5 years
I Miss You |Dabi x Pro Hero Reader|
"You really think someone like me could make it?" Asked a red haired boy. "I mean, sure it sounds cool to be a hero but I don't know if it's for me, despite what my old man says." He growls slightly at the mentioning of his father. "Of course you could!" His good friend says enthusiastically. "You could do anything if you really wanted to Touya! Your quirk is super strong!" Touya hums. "Too strong..." He holds out his arm in front of him, they were wrapped up in bandages due to said quirk.
"But thanks, (Y/n)." He leans back against the tree you two met at everyday. It was especially beautiful this time of year, it was in full bloom, the leaves swaying in the gentle wind. It made Touya feel calm, something he almost never got back home. (Y/n) leaned back as well and looked up at the tree. "Maybe you'll be able to control it one day." They say gently. "It really is a beautiful quirk Touya." The red head laughs. "Yeah right. What's so beautiful about fire? It only destroys."
(Y/n) looks over at him. "Not when you know how to use it properly. I've seen it Touya. I've seen you use your quirk, weather you were practicing or just messing around with it. It gives me such a warm feeling." It was true, they always felt warm whenever they saw Touya using his quirk. It may be dangerous but not him, not Touya. You knew him, he would never hurt anyone.
At least, that's what they thought...
(Y/n) was on their regular patrols, checking if there were any bank robberies, muggings, random attacks, the usual stuff. They never really got to see much action, but today would be a day they would never forget. "We got a villain attack near your location (hero name)! We need you on  the sight now!" Their superior's voice came through your ear piece. "Right!" They responded before rushing off to help. Once (Y/n) arrived to the location, they saw something that made them freeze.
Blue flames, just like...
The villain responsible for the flames turned to face (Y/n). His was covered in burn marks, they plastered on his jaw, down his throat, his eyes, and his arms. Most likely more places on his body from the looks of it. His pitch black hair matched his appearance to a T. Once his blazing blue eyes saw (Y/n), he froze as well. "...(Y/n)?" His voice rasped slightly as he spoke. "Touya...what are you-"
"Stop right there!" More heroes arrived on the spot, ready to attack the villain in front of them. (Y/n) wanted to stop them, but they were already attacking. Touya blocked them by creating a fire wall before running off into the shadows. (Y/n) wasn't about to loose him again, they climbed up the nearest building to get a better view from above. Eventually they spotted Touya, before he could get any further they jumped down from the building and pinned him down. "Touya! What the hell are you doing!? What happened to you!?" (Y/ n) whispered shouted, they wanted to scream their head off but couldn't afford the rest of the heroes finding them.
Touya glares up at them, then quickly throws (Y/n) off and pins them down. "My name isn't Touya." He growls. (Y/n) looked up at him confused, what did he mean? Of course it was Touya, they knew those blue flames anywhere. "Touya what are you talking about?" His grip tights on their arms, making them yelp. "T-Touya!?"
"I go by Dabi now." He says while giving you a stern glare, as if his real name disgusted him. “D-Dabi?” (Y/n) said aloud. They had never been so confused in their life. After years of wondering where their best friend had gone, not knowing if he was alive or dead, and now that they’ve found him, and he wasn’t even himself. “Who did this to you Tou-” (Y/ n) felt his grip tighten as they started his name. “Dabi?” They correct themseleves. “What? You mean the horrible scars? The black hair? Or the staples in my face?” He chuckles darkly. “No one did any of this to me. I did this, I did this to myself.”
(Y/n) gulps, this wasn’t the Touya they knew. They didn’t know who this was, and they were scared.“What about your family? Your mother, she-”
“I know where she is.” His voice dropped another octave, almost as if he was warning you not to continue. “B-But your little brother Shouto! Does he know!? Or Fuyumi!? Natsuo!?” Dabi had finally had enough of (Y/n) questions, he got off of them and started to walk away. “I suggest you get back to the rest of those bastards. Before I make you look like this too.” He looks down at his scarred up arms.
(Y/n) got up, shouting, desperately trying to get him to come back to them. But when he ignored them and kept walking they gave up. With one last try they murmured. “I miss you...”
Dabi stopped for only a second, before continuing on into the shadows, disappearing from sight comtplely.
He wanted nothing more to turn back and hold (Y/n) in his arms, but he knew someone was keeping watch on him. And he’d be damned if he let that bastard lay a hand on them.
|I hoped you enjoyed! I’m thinking about making a part two, but idk yet. What do you guys think?|
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