#thank u for asking i love talking about my ocs!!
umbylievable · 2 months
superhero world building and mechanics is, this is not an exaggeration, my absolute favorite thing in the world. tell us everything.
SO everything is set in a fictional city in Delaware called Kaiyper. Why Delaware? Because it's close enough to the federal government for the presence of superheroes to be a concern but Delaware is also unassuming enough that the average American citizen would know jack shit about it.
The origin story is that there was a government funded genetics lab located in Kaiyper that was conducting experiments on rats regarding activating dormant genes. In this process they discovered a virus that appeared completely benign but actually caused the activation of a "superhero" gene in certain populations in the presence of a large amount of adrenaline. One scientist, upon learning the government intended to use it to create a superpowered army, decided the virus was too dangerous and destroyed all but one sample.
See this scientist wasn't exactly a beacon of goodness either. They still wanted to see their research flourish. And there was a man who rode the bus with them by the name of Jason Weiss who they felt was the perfect human subject to test this on. So they exposed Jason to the virus surreptitiously and then went underground.
Unfortunately even though the virus wasn't communicable in rats it proved to be in humans, and it slowly spread through the city. So people started developing superpowers out of nowhere, and no one knew the cause except the government and the lab, and they kept it hush hush for obvious reasons.
The main story takes place about 30 years after that initial infection. Jason died in a fight with the city's first supervillain. His daughter, Leona (under the codename Duchess Vespus), who only recently discovered her own superpower, has taken it upon herself to become the city's protector in his stead. She's joined by her childhood best friend Tripp Weaver, AKA Trap-Ease, and an enigmatic alien named Th'alhnan, AKA Angelface.
The city has a broad cast of supervillains, ranging from petty thieves to mass murderers, and that includes an exotic dancer named Candice Randall, stage name Candy, villain name Pound Foolish. And she just happens to be one of Leona's girlfriends.
The other girlfriend, Danielle (who belongs to my bestie @moonlube) is a member of an underground supervillain containment group composed of non-powered humans operating outside of the law to try and help control the superpowered crime wave in the city. Her partner is James, a goofball and perpetual fuck-up whose car is constantly getting wrecked by superhero shenanigans. His insurance is so high.
Most of the story revolves around Leona, Candice, and Dani trying to navigate romance amidst their clashing careers. The fun thing about the superhero gene is, its expression is not just dependent on genetics but on necessity. The primary power they develop is dependent on what they needed or wished for it to do at the time of its activation. Leona is invulnerable because she was attempting to take a bullet for someone when her power activated. Her father Jason had super strength because he was trying to stop a bus. Some people have more than one power, but it's unknown why some people develop more powers than others.
Other fun characters include
Shandar, an emperor of a now destroyed planet, forced to take refuge on earth while they plot their revenge
Diamondback, a spoiled nepo baby who has taken up supervillainy just because he was bored
The Broforce Five, five college fratboys with superpowers who think they're the rightful protectors of Kaiyper. One of them is killed early in the story and the Broforce disbands.
Abraham, a broken shapeshifting alien superweapon that can now only turn into a weird dog and a backpack. He belongs to James.
Scarabesque, a former ballerina whose career was ruined by an injury. Now wears a protective armor and uses her powers for evil. Has a little bit of a crush on Leona.
I recently started retooling the whole thing so there's some posts with more info on my blog I need to retype but that is the basics of it!!
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terristre · 9 months
I know request says closed but I just wanted to tell you that we’ll finally be getting the Glorious Masquerade event this month. Any thought pookie? You excited?
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I AM COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS til i can bully this man 💥🥊
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nastylillad · 4 months
God, the things I would do to Barnaby.
Pin him against the wall and fuck him like the bitch he is (with consent obviously)
He has been a snarky brat for too long and needs to be put in his place (lovingly and sexily)
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n-o-eyes · 1 year
Wanted to ask about Lavender, just general thing's about them like personality n such
they look cute
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they're a baby!
in appearance, lavender is just a smaller, fluffier nari. but in most other regards they take after the other one...
they're a gentle thing, rather sad most of the time. they have a lot of mixed feelings about their existence. Nari spends most of his time trying to make them happy.
they also eat a lot!
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cephalonheadquarters · 2 months
I’m soooooo bad at thinking of questions but I’ll try to think of something *chamelos all over the placeSorry Ummmmm I can’t think of anything. Chamelo morning routine? What does he do every day…i like hearing mundane information like this about peoples characters
His morning routine is. Quite mundane actually its ok
He wakes up in the late-ish morning like, somewhere between 9-10. His work starts at 10:30 and it doesn't even take that long to get there (8-10 mins on scooter). Chamelo makes himself wake up "early" since he has a tendency to roll out of bed and speedruns getting ready at the very last minute.
He just gets dressed, brushes teeth, washes face, scrubs..weird fish hair.. u know, regular morning things. He also skips breakfast since he's kind of a slow eater and doesn't want to be late (even though he would have more than enough time if he got out of bed earlier!!!!!!)
For every day in general, well. he goes to work lol but I did talk about other things he does in his free time [see here]
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moenmomentsthemoe-en · 8 months
WHAT is the lore behind m2 . i see them a lot and they look very cool 🔥🔥 /nf
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GAHH IM GLAD YOU LIKE M2'S DESIGN i was so scared it was too scuffed
m2 is a sona !! (okay technically oc but but theres a reason i call them a sona hehe) they mainly do data collection so that m1 has more to work with !! their entire physical form is messy (wooden puppeteer legs + waist, occasional colour theme changes, etc) since they don't really feel the need to have a 'well put-together' form because of their work :D . Out of the three sonas i have currently, they're the most likely to get warped and controlled by the things they encounter in their work (spoilers), which causes them to lash out at m1/m3 sometimes :]
(SORRY IF A LOT OF THE INFO IS VAGUEEE i am so so excited to talk about them always but if i reveal everything then i might never start the comic series i had planned for m1 and m2 RAHHH)
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dykexenomorph · 25 days
uhm i love ocs, please! let's hear about them!
i havent talked about them in a while so im gnna do flinch and flintlock (ocs of mine tht r siblings) for these :33
🌈 - Do you associate any colors with them? YES ACTUALLY, flinch is very much green and flintlock is blue to me
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be? flinch would just be like "IMPULSIVE DUMBASS ^". flintlock would be "EMO BROODER ^".
💙 - Describe their bedroom! Is it personalized, unchanged? Messy, neat? flinch's room is STUPID messy, all of his walls are covered head to toe with random posters/trinkets/etc. it drives flintlock nuts. flintlocks room is almost the complete opposite, its super well kept (hes one of those "a place for everything and everything in its place" kind of people). he keeps TWO separate desks and about 1000 bookshelves covered in books and journals in it.
🧁 - When is their birthday? How do they celebrate it, if at all? honestly this is something ive somehow never thought about? i think they'd probably have winter birthdays, but i don't think they celebrate it what with the whole traversing parallel universes thing they've got going on.
💭 - How is their mental health? Do they struggle with guilt or shame? well! its not good ill tell you that much! flinch guilts himself constantly for unintentionally making flintlock feel unneeded/like he wasnt good enough (and also for flintlock's temporary death) and flintlock feels unredeemable after the things he did to the both of them.
⚡ - Does this oc have any unusual or “irrational” fears? flintlock is scared of sharks and flinch is scared of moths!!
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kingsbride-moved · 1 year
hi hope <3 do you have any dragon girls you haven’t posted about yet? or some art of them you haven’t shared? i love them and i really want to see more!
Hello! Aw thank you for being interested in my dragon girls 🥺 hmm I have 2 newer ones but I don't have any "official" art of them just yet, so I'll talk about one I haven't drawn in a long while but still think about a lot, she's honestly one of my fav OCs 😭
Introducing Anjubelle 💕 she's from an old story of mine where a bet between two different groups of gods leads to absolute chaos in the life of a mortal woman 😱 (this art is super old so I'd like to redraw her at some point 💔💔)
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She's the youngest daughter of a chaos goddess, and is half dragon! She's the kind of girl who gets very caught up in her own fantasies... She loves knights and desperately wants to marry one... But her way of going about this was to put Herself in a tower and wait for a knight to rescue her 😫 however, unfortunately for her, most knights hear about the "tower guarded by a dragon with a princess trapped inside" and don't realize the fact that the dragon and princess are in fact one in the same. Thankfully Anjubelle is powerful and can easily kick any would be dragon-slayers out, but shes starting to become a bit disillusioned at this point...!
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karda · 2 years
idk how to rlly say this but. everything you create is so beautiful.
like all your art, your photography, your ocs stories, noah and finn and ryder and winnifred and whimsy and joy and madeline and hope and cassidy and misfortune, their worlds, their personalities, their lives, are just so full of joy and nostalgia and emotion and beauty and i love it so much
and the way you describe things, as well is so beautiful. the way you describe emotions and colors and the beauty you see in the world is so good. everything you create is bursting at the seams with sparks and lava lamp bubbles and the full moon and the sun and the stars and im so, so happy that youre happy and i hope you know that you are love and you are loved :)
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mockiery · 2 years
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Llewyn and Wes with their cat, Half-Pint. Comm by @guruan <3
(close-up and more about my OC Wes and their story under the cut) [ID in Alt]
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Wes Tiernan is a bartender at The Auld Triangle, an Irish pub in Greenwich Village. We meet him in February, 1961, shortly after the events of Inside Llewyn Davis, when Llewyn drunkenly wanders into his bar and gets himself kicked out. Later, he returns to the Triangle and meets Wes for the first time. They get to know each other as Llewyn begins to come back more and more (to spend time with Wes, of course).
Wes is a trans man, and is closeted. He's charismatic -- he knows the scripts and the right words to say to his patrons like the back of his hand. He loves hooking up with people, and people love hooking up with him. During these hook-ups, he's incredibly focused on his partner, and his partner alone, not letting them touch him -- in part to hide his being trans.
Wes is also biracial; Irish and African American, but white-passing. He grew up in the rural South with folk, blues, and gospel music as an essential part of his life, and lost touch with it after leaving his hometown to move to NYC. Llewyn helps him get back in touch with music in a way he hasn't been in years.
I've written quite a bit for them, but it's out of order and a little all over the place. I'm trying to write some of the early stuff chronologically now, and if anyone is interested, I might get around to posting some of it on ao3.
Wes is the most fleshed-out and real-feeling OC I've ever written, and writing him and Llewyn is a genuine delight. I've been having the time of my life creating him and their story the past couple months, and I am always down to talk about them, so don't be afraid to send asks! When it comes to writing, I thrive on people enabling me lol.
(Note: Some of the stuff I've written for them is pretty spicy, which is new for me! Eventually they have a pretty active sex life, but it's a lot later in their relationship, so if I end up sharing more, that won't show up for a while. Either way, I'd keep it on ao3 and/or tag it on tumblr appropriately, just so you know!)
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starfall-isle · 1 year
Hi hi!! I love Petri, can you tell us any more about her (and how she got to know espio and vector)? She seems like such a fun OC :]
Thank you I’m really happy u like her!! Short answer is that she is babysitting, but she interns at the Chaotix detective agency! ^^ She was a Secretary for the Eggman empire but lost her job and hired Vector and Espio to help her find anything they could on Eggman that could help her get her job back (she did not tell them that part lol) 
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spearxwind · 2 years
i don't have any specific questions about challenger deep i just really like talas can i hear some fun facts about him
Sure!! Here's a bunch of random facts in no particular order:
He's the second biggest thing in the ocean, second only to Deimos!
He hates the taste of blood but loves crunching things so he compromises by biting directly into hard shit like pumpkins (or ships, I guess)
The reason why he doesn't wear shirts is bc of his back fin, having it held down is really uncomfortable (and his coat is very loose, so he doesnt mind that one)
The scar on his face was made by a true leviathan hunting weapon, and is thus permanent.
His hearing is scary good, if a sonar pings him, he can hear it back and know where the ship is (so watch out!)
His last name is "Carver", it was the name of the boat his old team was on (that he sank)
In big eel form he cannot walk on land (he's too long) but he can slither :) like actual morays can
Sometimes when he's on the surface he does that thing toothless does in httyd1 with the fire except with his ice beam. Comfy ice nest to lay on and have a nap
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cosbeans · 1 year
YAHAHA u get a special one don't think i ever formally introduced my most beloved, shiye
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theyre uh. yea they're the oc i made to ship with jhin HASJGASDJF theyre a vastaya (bootleg league furries) and i had written them solely as a character study to see under which circumstances love might just be possible for the man, and it kind of spiraled out of control from there <3
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frost-blight · 1 year
question for any Guardian you prefer! What is their opinion about fireteams? Do they like running with them? Do they bounce around to fill for other teams? Avoid them entirely?
I'll pick Frost because it's a complicated answer (read: I am biased).
In his early life, Frost fell into long lasting fireteams easily, having a strong affinity for arc and being a fast learner who could adapt to a lot of different tactics. Beyond that, people found him sweet, reliable, and pleasant to work with.
Generally, once Frost found a fireteam, he viewed it as his family, and he stayed with it until permanent deaths caused it to fracture. And with each team, he grew a little less talkative, a little more distant, and into a little more of a wildcard.
By the time the Great Disaster had rolled around, Frost's team, aside from Pitch, knew him mostly as a strong but quiet Guardian and little else. Despite any outward appearances, Frost still cared for his team deeply, but had reached his limit on loss and trauma. So when he turned out—yet again—to be the only survivor, he entered into an 80 year dry spell, in which the only fireteams he took part in were Vanguard assigned and only for the sake of funding his work.
Now, his fireteam is less of a fireteam and more of a conglomerate of lovers and his lovers' friends, who have slowly but surely adopted him much like one does a feral cat. He never intended to be in this predicament again, but...ah, well.
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ncytiri · 1 year
tagged by: @nuclearstorms, thank you bones!!! 💗 tagging: anyone who has ocs they want to talk about! please tag me if you do because i wanna read about yours!! template by @sehyune / picrew
✦ favorite oc
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zafira al-sentinel (skyrim)
all of my ocs are so dear to me but i think if i had to pick one, it would be zafira <3 she is one of my oldest too (i think this year she will be maybeeeee 6 years old?) because i have been playing with variations of her since my junior year of high school so she is like a true day one :') she is such a sweetheart and loves helping people and loves animals!!! she's sort of a reluctant hero and didn't really wanna be dovahkiin but realized she could use her powers for good :')))
✦ newest oc
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jang mi-cha (fallout 3)
i recently started playing fallout 3 for the first time since it came out??? because i rmr playing it when i was like 8 and being way too scared by it KSDLFKJS so i figured to give it another shot! so this is ms. mi-cha!! my lone wanderer and for my playthrough, she is half korean, half black (going off of the fact that catherine's game model is black which i never knew until i started going through the fallout wiki!) and she is a lil smartypants <3 and OFC she's bi (she dated amata when they were young teens but realized they were better as friends and they were each others first kisses!!)
✦ oldest oc
refer to the seventh question because i realized mara is in fact my oldest oc but i didn't wanna rewrite that here so yeah! see mara's info down there 🫶
✦ meanest oc
this is crazy i don't actually have a true mean oc... i can't help but make nice characters 😔 he doesn't count since he isn't my oc but i do play around with miraak from skyrim and he is such an asshole but he's my little asshole <3
✦ softest oc
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deon cameron (state of decay 2)
MY SWEET BOYYYYY (i say abt a 25 year old man), deon is definitely the softest oc i have so far, he is the second in command, later the leader, of my first community in state of decay 2, the fragments! he took over the position after his best friend (and crush) max's mental health started to decline as a result of stuff he had to do as warlord (a subclass of hero in sod2) :( he is a very kind hearted man, always wanting what is best for the settlement and as a trader hero, he established a trading outpost at their homebase allowing for traders from around the region to come and trade! he also looooves animals and specialized in pathology to help create more plague samples and became one of the settlement's main medics! he is a very busy man but he doesn't care what is thrown his way, as long as it means that the settlement and the valley is safe!!
✦ most aloof/standoffish oc
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venus (cyberpunk 2077)
it comes as no surprise as someone who was once embroiled in arasaka's innerworkings and coming from a family who was thoroughly involved in arasaka business would be standoffish but after being backstabbed by a higher up in a botched assassination attempt on another higher up and having everything she had worked so hard to earn taken away in the blink of an eye, it's no wonder that venus is the way she is :/ but don't let her steely expression and sharp words get to you too much, once you crack through her touch outer shell, you will find a woman who wants nothing more than to be loved and trusted :/ she rly does have a heart of gold tho, she kept it quietly but when she was still employed at arasaka, a small chunk of her paycheck went towards a school for inner city kids to help fund their educations and provide teachers with supplies 💗
✦ dumbest (affectionate) oc
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mara sanchez (saints row 2)
i mean. if you have seen saints row 2 in any way, either played it or watched a playthrough of it, you will see how much of a dumb (affectionate) game it is 😭 i believe mara is my oldest oc omg... this bitch has been with me for 10+ years?? that's actually so crazy to think abt omg... anywho, mara is the boss of the third street saints and is genuinely one unserious women. she is fashionable as hell and likes to appear a professional, well kept lady but she is anything but 💀 has been caught streaking multiple times on the beach during a night out with her crew, once got stuck hanging out the side of a helicopter during a mission with her underwear on full display, advertises open house free weed "tastings" at the university district apartment, joined a coed curling team at the university when she was younger for the hell of it... just a very unserious woman
✦ smartest oc
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xolia vene (star wars) and jang mi-cha (fallout 3)
i already mentioned mi-cha being a smart lady in her section but i felt i would mention her here once more <3 and ms. xolia my beloved... she is a benefactor for the resistance in my sequel trilogy rewrite and i can't decide whether i want her to run a nice nightclub or be like an art gallery curator that is able to shuffle money around without suspicion... but yes! she was orphaned as a young child and taken in by a wealthy family from naboo who later saw their oldest child become the senator of naboo and xolia sort of followed in her sister's footsteps during her teenage years, shadowing her and learning the inner workings of the galactic senate. she is a very attentive and smart woman and i love her dearly 💓
✦ oc you'd be best friends with irl
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vernon (cyberpunk 2077)
VERNONNNNN named after vernon from the kpop group seventeen and also inspired by vernon himself! he is a nomad and just such a little comedian, even though he is a pretty quiet guy! like when he is in the right atmosphere, around the right people, he will be the absolute life of the party. he is a major cat lover and is looking to adopt whatever cat he might stumble upon in night city. i think vernon and i would get along super well for all of these reasons but specifically the part abt being cat lovers!
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caluski · 1 year
Sure, I'd love to read some backgrounds to your OCs, like where does Mercy's name come from etc.
That's so exciting to hear! Let me start writing then :-))) although about mercy i can tell you now, it's short for Mercedes because his mom was a Filipina, so I decided to pick a name that would be somewhat more typical to trends from there than the American ones!
Also, when I was little, i read a book about a bunch of teenagers, and there was a goth girl in there who liked to write horror, and Mercedes was the name of her self-insert heroine. Kind of forgot about it for years, until I was looking for a new name for him, and suddenly remembered it, like, "wow, mercedes is a name with spanish roots after all"! Decided to ignore the fact that its pretty universally given to women tho lmao
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