#thank u for sending this bless u
dimensionalspades · 1 year
💭 + Julian's view of his parents!
- headcanons || accepting -
Oh we just want an essay huh
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By the time 'Doctor Bashir, I Presume' rolls around, Julian's feelings are negative. He still loves his parents, very deep down, but he's been no contact with them for over a decade and doesn't want to change that. Throughout the episode, his feelings grow more acidic because he realizes just how self-absorbed they are and it fully sets in that he was never his own person to them, just a "legacy".
But there was a time when he adored them. When he was a child and couldn't grasp what'd happened to him, he trusted his parents like all kids do. For quite a few years, Julian tried to be the perfect son to appease his father. But as time went on, the cracks started to show. Julian often couldn't process the overload of enhanced sensory information, leading to meltdowns and, occasionally, Julian shutting down entirely. His parents would grow increasingly controlling of Julian, forcing him to take up classes and tutors in an effort to shove every bit of knowledge and accomplishment onto him. They refused to seek therapy for Julian, fearing that someone would figure out what they'd done, and even went so far as to move on occasion if Richard felt even the smallest hint they'd be exposed. Julian tried to ignore his problems with very limited success, and instead buried himself in hyperfixations, with his parents intervening in interests they deemed not worth his time.
This built a deep-seated resentment that quickly turned into hatred, particularly for Richard, who showed Julian time and time again how shallow his love was. He only ever saw Julian as an extension of himself and punished him when he stepped outside of that role. Richard's "need" to have the perfect son completely demolished Julian's sense of self, and his refusal to help Julian manage the pitfalls that came with being enhanced and autistic left lifelong scars on Julian and is why he's so meticulous about masking.
While Julian knew how selfish his parents truly were, he still loved them when he discovered that he'd been augmented. The discovery shattered him completely, and if asked, he probably can't remember the full confrontation with his parents due to stress. Everything fell into place, and in an instant he saw what his father for what he was; a malignant narcissist who hated his son.
Amsha, however, is a more complicated case to Julian. In his youth, when he was struggling with sensory overload or just in general, he would run to Amsha. Often, when Richard grew angry with Julian or they got into an argument, Amsha would comfort him while reinforcing Richard's point of view. She enabled Richard's abuse, and many times grew just as frustrated with Julian's struggle to manage his emotions and socialize "properly". It actually wasn't until DBIP that Julian saw just how much Amsha agreed with and sympathized with Richard. While the reveal of what they'd done showed him that, her demand for Julian to understand their point of view of practicing eugenics on their son hammered home that Amsha wasn't a better parent than Richard, she was just better at manipulating.
Post canon when Richard is out of jail, they attempt to get into contact with Julian again, but Julian refuses, and goes so far as to leave the station if they ever try to visit ds9.
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peskyfirefly · 3 months
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dedicated to @feitanporter 🖤 happy birthday bestie!
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[ image added in mica's honor ]
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oxavane · 6 months
Your lucifer has me in a chokehold
oh me too anon, me too
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rozyrne · 2 months
He supposed even in this time of supposed relaxation, there was no rest to be had. He had tried the first night in earnest, but with the noise that had erupted it seemed that it was not meant to be - Dimitri's hands couldn't stand to be so idle, even in paradise.
What he had not expected was for another to share in his nocturnal proclivities.
"Oh! Excuse me, I had not expected for another to be awake at this hour." It was really quite late, wasn't it? The exclamation came at normal volume, but when he recalled himself he lowered pitch to something softer, more suitable the hour.
"Apologies, I hope it wasn't I that had disturbed you." He hadn't been doing aught but a quick inventory of the cabin, this time, though he had been preparing to leave the house for a run along the beach. "I know that there has been some commotion at night lately. I hope that you weren't bothered."
His head canted a moment, before he remembered; "Oh, excuse me! We have not yet been introduced. I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, I am leader of the Blue Lions house at the academy. I...hope that we can work together in the coming trials."
OH NO! HE HOPES HE HASN'T BEEN CAUGHT sneaking a midnight snack!! and by an emblem!! whipping around from where he'd been searching the shelves, rosado stuffs both hands behind his back innocently.
and discreetly swallows the chocolate in his mouth.
"oh, no, of course not. why would you be bothering me in here?" it's not like people slept in the storage, right? ...well, maybe some people did ; he couldn't judge. was emblem dimitri the type to sleep in the storage?
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posture relaxes when it's clear he really just didn't expect to find him here——phew, in the clear. "rosado," returns the usual friendly smile, sprinkled with a bat of long lashes, "usually, i'm with the golden deer, but i guess that doesn't really matter. for now, we're all stuck together like snakes in a basket."
dimitri alexandre... what was the last part? he doesn't think he'd ever learned the emblems' whole names, just that they were some seriously impressive bigshots back in their home worlds. emblem-in-the-flesh or house leader, he should be on his best behavior ; wouldn't want to bring shame to hortensia's name all the way across the pond and all that royal stuff. "i gotta admit, it's a huge relief to hear we have tw... ... " they're usually confused by ' emblem ', they're usually confused by ' emblem '. he gives a little bounce with balled fists to distract from the slip: "——i mean, a house leader on our side. victory's gotta be in the bag already!"
wait, wasn't edelgard here too? he doesn't remember if he's seen claude.
oh well!
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magnifiico · 10 months
She was of course in absolute awe, of the great power that this king possessed.
Her heart already leaping at the very possibility of having her own wish granted! Though today, would not be that day. Oh no, she had already heard about how things were done here. With her of course being much too young then, knowing that she had to wait for a couple more years would still not dim the sparkle of hope and excitement that had now set itself in her very eyes.
"So... yer highny-ness, what was yer wish?" She dared asked, her lips curling up almost cheekily then. Almost as if she knew that she had asked something she shouldn't have. Otherwise it won't come true. As it was said. But that was only for wishes that have yet to come true now, right?
@yukikorogashi || scoops this sweetie up <3
Your “highny-ness” was... a new one.
And dare he say such a title all on its own momentarily threw him off as he pivoted to face the young girl—certainly thereafter the burning question so few gathered the courage to broach. (Or was it that they cared more for their own wishes than what their generous king could possibly want for himself?)
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Even so, a patient smile grew on his lips, and he bent over slightly to match the girl's height. “Ah-ah... You know how wishes work,” the king gingerly chastised, though her blatant cheekiness was reflected in the playful wink offered back. “Besides, that implies there could be more I desire than what my kingdom and people already offer. Worry about your own wish.”
And he tapped his knuckle beneath her chin before rising back to his full height. As he swung his cape around himself to take his leave, King Magnifico made sure to add, “I look forward to seeing it.”
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3416 · 1 year
hi emma! i miss the boys but willy the most atm, do you have any favorite game or interview moments of his?
hiiiiii there... can't believe how long this summer is going to feel without them tbh. BUT MISSING WILLIAM NYLANDER HOURS? okay, i got you.
one of my favorite willy vids is his leaf to leaf with jt from last year. he's just so.. chill and open and happy there idk. his laugh gets me, and it's the same in his older leaf to leaf with auston. i also love the one with zach hyman from covid times and getting to see him laidback in his own space. and then... more recently.. i have revisited the bunting and willy tim hortons drive through content 489324923 times to cheer me up. also for more serious but interesting conversation, i've loved what the leafs have done with their 3 course conversations and willy's swedish menu one was interesting!!
if you want some older days stuff, there's his 20 questions with kasperi kapanen from when they were on the marlies... that was my intro to their dynamic and i love it. (and the 20 questions from the year before that is good too.. he's just a young baby giggly cherub imo) (also peep this willy + pasta interview from back in the day... it's fascinating to dig into the old connections imo) and here's an old compilation of him laughing :') i'm sure there are fancams and vids on twitter of him, but i'm TERRIBLE at keepign track of and sorting media on twitter, my bad.
and then maybe my favorite willy video of all time bc i'm not immune to cute happy children is that iconic interview with his dad where he's in the bg squirming around and knocking shit over and laughing... cutest thing i've seen in my entire life EVER.
if you're looking for more hockey stuff, here's a fun fanvid abt his career highlights up until last year (and how bitchy ppl have been abt his career only for him to prove his worth over n over), and then here's a recent compilation of all his highlights from this year... get to relive his hockey skill and pretend like we're still watching him play. it's a crime that we're not.
anyway, hope any of that helped or cheered you up. i hate how every leaf goes dark during the off season, but i totally don't blame them. if worst comes to worst, i also scroll through their igs/twitters and just google search them or look through blogs who have them as favorites. it's rough out here missing hockey players.
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demonwebs · 2 months
i love u guys i rly do, i just suck so bad at making starters out of nothing. but pls always feel free to send me memes and make a thread out of it <3
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losersroom · 3 months
what is a location where you'd like to set a fic but haven't?
oh that's an interesting question because i feel like im actually running out of locations to set things to feel Fresh. (particularly sex scenes. do you know how much of a trial it is trying to figure out someplace to describe these idiots fucking that i haven't done already. hotel room? check. jonas' apartment? check. brock's apartment? check. bathroom, public or otherwise? check. on a couch? check. the xcel energy center? check. the country of sweden? check. ignore that some of these are in things i havent published yet)
honestly one of my favorite things about hrpf is it allows me to write about minnesota. on the one hand it's obviously easier for me to write about places i've been irl, but i also just love doing it. i love the twin cities area and i love it up north and everything in between. so all in all ive been pretty satisfied with the selection of Settings available to me. maybe i need to come up with an excuse to actually set something Up North for more than just a flashback scene lol. yeah i think that's the answer
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jackdup · 5 months
❛  if ya fall, ah will catch ya, bro!  ❜ - Vault Hunter Itsuki 8DDDD
@yukikorogashi || meme
You'd think, after all this time, the whole fear of heights thing just, like . . . wouldn't be a problem anymore. Seriously: how many times did a guy have to face his fears for those dumb fears to finally go away? Exposure. Exposure. A lot of exposure. Basically endless exposure to every horror imaginable, and yet here he is, kiddos. Still mortified the very second he so much as dares to look down, and—
Y'know? Having the support is . . . great, but. That's like saying, Oh, you're afraid of getting shot? Don't worry, buddy! I'll pull the bullet out of you when it's over. Like. It's still gonna happen. Whether you're there to catch me or not— The fall will still happen.
“Coooooolsies.” It's not cool at all. And did his voice suddenly get higher—? He moves one pace closer to that edge, then looks at the extremely narrow, super ultra safe path they've made the absolutely inspired decision to take. “U-uhh . . . you should probably still go first, though.”
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fxreflyes · 6 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💛
hi nonny!! or should I say beloved moot in disguise wearing sunglasses (I’m imagining this is like the marvel disguise of sunglasses and a hat except I can’t tell) but hi hi I’m delighted I’m one of your fav mutuals, i can guarantee you’re one of mine!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
I don’t have a fav playlist exactly sooo imma do two!
This is my playlist for being in a good mood - linked here :)
West end girls - pet shop boys
Lonely people - America
A victory of love - alphaville
Friday I’m in love - the cure
People are people - Depeche Mode
Then from one that has my all time faves:
Spent gladiator 2 - the mountain goats
Radio nowhere - Bruce Springsteen
Tournament - nation of language
Crush - Ethel Cain
I always wanna die sometime - the 1975
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valiisthea · 1 year
"May I listen to your heart for a little while?" (from dion to terence @araedium ;w;)
Heartbeat Starters || Always Accepting
@araedium || Terence
Terence turns when he hears Dion speak, eyes curious and gentle as he processes the request. Not exactly per his expectations, however exceeding them.
Terence would not deny a request from Dion in any situation, but when the request involves affection? Call him eager to accept.
"Yes, my prince, you know you are always welcome in my arms." He says with a smile, laying back on the bed and gently guiding Dion into his embrace.
He helps maneuver Dion's head right beneath his chin, so that his ear can rest comfortably over the spot where Terence's heart beats loud and strong.
"Stay for as long as you see fit. I am more than happy to provide any comfort I can."
And he presses a soft kiss to the top of Dion's head.
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harrylights · 11 months
#ok so reflection time#i’ll be honest i didn’t listen to fitf right away bc i had just gotten out of treatment and i was scared to listen to ANY new music that#might trigger any sad emotions and send me spiralling lmao but !#this time last year i was just starting to settle into myself#i went on a great first date and to my first mosh pit (even tho it was an indie band?)#and even tho i don’t rly talk to the person i went on the date w anymore that night will always be so special to me#i went w my bestie too and it was just such a stark reminder of the beauty in life#and when i did finally listen to fitf#it honestly changed me#i was so overwhelmed w pride for louis#like he’s come so far and the music he’s making is not only amazing subjectively#but feels so authentic to him (as much as i can tell that from not knowing him personally anyway)#and like genuinely i never could have guessed how great this album would be if you’d asked me to guess what his solo music would be like#when 1d ended and just#so so grateful for this album and the people it’s brought me closer to#hearing most of it live was insane and amazing and i’ll never forget it ever ever ever#thank u louis for making music ur way and blessing us all w it#the community at large is obviously not perfect but there are some parts of it that just take my breath away#the sense of belonging i felt at his show#unparalleled#he has a way of making ppl feel safe enough to just be themselves#and i admire that so much#when i think about the kind of person i wanna be that’s the first quality that comes to mind#so so grateful rn#ty universe ily#rowyn rambles
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shawcl · 1 year
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whoa sky pics be upon ye
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butchviking · 2 years
there was an artifact i saw once at an exhibition & it was a viking-era child’s drawing of a ship on a piece of wood and it moved me so much when i saw it i started crying immediately and i’ve never been able to find it or find a photo of it since :(
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thethingost · 1 year
eye of the tiger >:3c
eye of the tiger: favourite 80s movie?
have u seen my blog.
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skysurfing · 1 year
i love your drawings, your art style is so playful and really speaks to me💗 somehow the vivid color and the angles and the “loudness” is just
THAnk you ilu <3 first time loudness has made an appearance in my art description and it made me think a lot which is dangerous but very much appreciated
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