#ミ★ « answered »
bunji-enthusiast · 8 months
Just read the new Dogday part, and I just have one question
Ok you wanna know? C’mere
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northyourdakota · 6 months
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crossover/rp blog intentionally for every kin under the sun but will be 80% shitposts and silly interactions w/ my friends the north dakota thing is an inside joke
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♡ ♡ ♡ HUGE credit to everyone for their hard work at sprites! AuroraTaleSans, PuzzleCrafter, StevenUniverseFan101, TheIceKingYT MTcube7, underlove, Goofbread, 0831_julcy (SORRY AQUA), Addicted2Electr, AidanCoolFella2021, AirBurrito, meloncholic
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cw fnf- cw eddsworld - cw newgrounds -cw crossover - cw vintage askblog - cw hazbin hotel - cw unfunny - cw neko arc - cw crude language - cw crude jokes - cw bias - cw tag spam - cw longpost cw fnaf - cw deltarune - cw dsaf - cw neko arc - cw paper mario - cw pokemon - cw splatoon - cw crude language
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jackdup · 5 months
Stargazing with Timothy for the first time has been one of the most peaceful experiences that Micah rarely receives nowadays. It’s lovely being able to find a time to find only ease, now being when they were having exchanges about themselves and Micah would ramble about the outer space while Timothy would listen attentively. Then there’s a certain point when he complimented xyr freckles. ( His kind words still linger at the back of Micah’s mind, xyr cheeks burning occasionally the longer xe dwells over the compliments. )
The moon reaches at the highest in another hour later. Usually, Micah wouldn’t feel as drained even at this time from insomnia, although after a long day and the deep comfort xe feels from being with Timothy, the lulling sense of serenity brings xem to a sleepy state, not realizing that xyr arm is slowly meeting against Timothy’s side. Micah blinks tiredly at the warm contact and finds xe’s touching him. Part of xem should be alarmed, knowing how restless Timothy can be with physical contacts, but the exhaustion is falling deeper in xem to be as responsive.
“S-sorry, Timostar,” Micah mumbles, yawning. Xe plans to move away from Timothy to respect his space, but xe realizes how deeply touch starved xe is when xyr heart sinks at the thought of moving. Micah glances up at Timothy, xyr gaze all gentle. “Um, actually, is it okay if I can lean on you for a bit before we call it for the night?” xe asks quietly, fiddling with xyr hands, “From tonight, you just make me feel very safe and comfy...” It is a soft given honesty that makes Micah see just how much Timothy matters to xem. ( He is the stars that the moon cares and cherishes forever. )
@solarisgod || and thus i die (´•̥̥̥ ‸ •̥̥̥`✿)
Listen, folks . . . Micah's not the only one still reeling after an unexpected compliment.
Big shocker, right? You tell a guy he looks nice, great. You tell him his smile is . . . what was it, lovely—? Awesome. You tell that same guy already down for the count from the positive attention not to lose his light, because apparently it fits him . . . for some freakin' reason? Yeah, okay: Timothy didn't take Micah for a violent type, but he was really beginning to think they were doing their best to destroy him. In, like . . . a weirdly . . . good way? Does that make sen— No, it probably doesn't. Whatevs. The real point here is that at least both of them are dealing with some semblance of a recovery period after that, not that Timothy really understands why Micah needs it.
Didn't most people tell them things like that? He had a hard time believing he was anywhere near the first, and if he was, he wanted to very badly grab everyone who ever interacted with Micah by the shoulders and just shake them like Are you blind?! (Unless they . . . literally were blind, and then, hey, okay, free pass, but—)
They were silent after some time, still keeping their eyes on the sky, on the stars winking almost cheekily down at them. Timmy hadn't been oblivious to the gradual weight falling against him, starting with that tiny brush of an arm that solidified and became heavier as Micah sunk further down. He's not bothered. Not even slightly. If he was asked to describe the feeling, he'd not really know the right word, but honestly . . . It's nice. It's nice that they trust him enough to let their guard down, to let themselves relax without any reservations, and Timothy decides somewhere in there to remain as still as possible: to not disturb them.
Until, ya know, they catch themselves like some idiot falling asleep on the job—or in a less safe environment—and quickly apologize—
“Ah-tut-tut—!” he interrupts their drowsy words in the space of that breath, no hesitation. “Hey, no, you don't . . . have anything to be sorry about. What are you—? No, it's cool. I mean, it's—” Tim picks up on the slurred speech, on the confession of what his presence does for them. Which, okay, yeah, he probably could have connected those dots himself, but actually hearing them say it is . . . yeah, we're just gonna keep going with that “nice.”
He shuffles, finally. Now that they're awake enough he won't fully bother them. Timothy adjusts his position equally for his own comfort and theirs, moving just slightly enough that his arm is now behind Micah, and their weight can fall against his side. “Sure, I . . . Yeah.” He pauses, thoughtful, then: “Guess you could say we have that in common. I'm glad.”
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luminousglimmer-a · 2 years
"THEY’RE A 10 BUT … all her hair gets stuck in the drain and then i'm the one blamed even though i know its hers because her hair is lighter than mine"
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❝     i'll shave you bald. then we'll see who is the one clogging the drain.    ❞
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I’m flattered even though it’s not even that good 😭
I think I want to add some tags to complete, but idk tho🥲
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silkythewriter · 8 months
Angel on fire
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Warnings!: Angst(?), love triangle. (Part 1)
Fandom!: Hazbin hotel
Summary!: “you are as beautiful as the moon my dear.” He said with the sweeting smile you adored. “And your as deadly as the sun I fear, my love” you answered oh so bitter-fully.
“You should've seen the way she looked, igual que un ángel
Heaven's her residence y ella no se va a caer
They just can't reach her, princesita inalcanzable“
The air was heavy almost unbreathable, how the demons lived like this was dancing around in your mind. It was so much different in hell then in heaven, there was so much… malice but that’s to be expected you supposed.
But you choose to continue walking, in your disguise of course, the out rage there would be if one of heavens top angels were in hell would be quite the mess to say the least. But you had to risk it, if charlie was right, if souls truly could be redeemed…maybe…just maybe, you’d be able to see him once more.
Finally you reached the hotel doors, and with one last stride stood right were the door knob was. Your nerves were going array to say the least, you knew what this rebellion could cost you. But it was for him, it always was, wasn’t it?, you quickly snapped out of you mind as you took a deep breath and knocked on the door waiting anxiously. A creek rang out in your ears as the door opened, coming face to face with the princess of hell herself. She looked at you with confusion before quickly turning it into excitement as she bounced around quickly grabbing your arm and letting you in as she shut the door in a hurry.
“I’m so glad you made it!” She squealed. Leaving you surprise after the rough hearing in heaven she had just a day ago. “I’m glad I made it aswell, it took much more then I was expecting but I’m glad no one seemed to notice!” You said gracefully as you could. “Have you made sure everyone’s away?” You asked in hushed tone, she quickly nodded as she explained “yes I have!, though it cost a bit but Cherri took them out for a bit!” She said nervously playing with her hair “although this time I said to stray away from clubs…” she said with a heavy sigh. You placed your hand on her shoulder comforting as you began to speak “I’m sure we’ll figure something out!” You said with a sure smile. Making her regain hers as she agreed “yea! Your right, okay, let’s do this!” She said as her hands turned in to fist to pump herself up.
“So, what was your idea?”
“So! What do you think?, I know it sounds a bit crazy but!-“ you quickly cut her off “it isn’t crazy Charlie! It just needs some work…” you smiled softly at the girl making her look back at her board covered in strings and notes. “Yea.. I know..” she said pacing “look, I know I said I have connections with adam.. but it’s gonna take some time to convince him.. especially if you and I wanna not make it look suspicious” you said pondering what your next move should be.
“I know but even for that one day in heaven I could tell he has some favoritism for you!” Charlie exclaimed “yes but-“ you inquired before she cut you off “look, Y/n, I just need the date of the extermination to be pushed back! He said he’ll come for us first and I just… I don’t know what to do! He won’t listen!” She said as her hand stressfully began to run through her blond hair as her pacing picked up pace. “He won’t listen, but I’ll make him listen Charlie, that’s an angels promise” you said trying to calm the girl. Which seemingly helped her before she sat down next to you sighing. Before turning her head to you questioning something in her head before finally speaking up.“I know this might be rude, don’t get me wrong! I’m so glad you actually listen to my idea! But…what’s the reasoning? I mean barely anyone even tried agreeing! But you’re.. just leading a hand for the hell of it?” She questioned with a glint of curiosity in her eyes. You only stared at her as you questioned if you should even trust her with such information you were about to tell.“I…I have someone who’s dear to me here, and I just, I just want him back in my arms” you confessed making the princesses eyes widen. “Who!” She asked almost too quickly, you shook your head in disappointment “I apologize princess but I’m afraid that’s something I wish to not reveal” you said.
“Look I have to get going, someones probably already getting suspicious of my absents” you said standing up and dusting off your clothing “but like I promised I’ll see what I can do and I’ll push the date as far back as I can, okay?” You said as you looked down at Charlie who still was seated at the couch. She could only nod, but you could tell she had some Sorrow in her mood. “Please keep your head up high princess, do not let them knock down your dreams.” You said silently as you bowed to her “I’ll be taking my leave but please put your trust in me, I will keep your and my people safe” you said with a smile as she stood up eyes drifting to you. “I..I trust you y/n” she said with a soft smile you only nodded to this as a portal behind you soon began to open. “I’ll come back soon, and with good news” you said as you slowly backed into the portal “take care princess” you said one final time at her.
She nodded as you gave her one last reassuring smile before fully walking into the portal. leaving the princess in a half better state then she was before.
But little did both of you know, a red haired demon was carefully listening in to both of you. Oh how his smile grew all the more bigger
His precious y/n was soon to be home,
With him once more.
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rr311 · 1 year
·˚ ༘ 𝖨𝗇𝖿𝗈 ➪ doggy, missionary, rough sex, HAIR DOWN CHOSO, choking, whore calling, hair pulling, top!choso, bottom!reader, black!reader
₊˚ෆ 𝖲𝗒𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗌𝗂𝗌 you want choso go rough on you!!
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ミ★ 𝖺𝗎𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾. welcome to day 3 my spooky ghosts 👻! have exciting news to share with you all…and that’s i got a job at Target! I’m gonna be working now trying to pay off my beautiful car 😩, so updates might be coming late but i’ll try to fulfill the weeks with stories. anyways enjoyyy
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₊˚ෆ 𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒐 - It irritated you at how many times you’ve tried to get him to go rough with you but every single time it doesn’t work! choso was a sweet and soft guy, he was a sweetheart! at first when entering the sex life with choso he was shy as a bug. always going gentle with you, doing small things you know? It’s cute don’t yourself wrong! but you wanna try something new with him. you asked him about how he felt about him calling you names in bed and he said he’s fine with it but doesn’t wanna hurt your feelings. It was sweet of how much he cared for you and not wanting to hurt you.
but after much thought of it, today was the day you were gonna ask if you guys can try it, right now you were laid in bed hugging a pillow in your grasp as choso was in the shower after he gotten home from working out with his younger brother yuji. you were scrolling on twitter liking memes you found funny, giggling every now and then at the stupidity on the app. this went on for a few more minutes, hearing the shower turn off and a door opening revealing your boyfriend of 2 years..with his hair down.
what a sight:
whenever choso had his hair down you would always get turned on. no joke. he looks hot, could you blame yourself? the water dripping from his black hair to his chest down to his V-line that was slightly showing... choso didn’t realize your staring as he went into the closet to pick out a white shirt and grey sweatpants, as he was being oblivious to your staring you felt your pussy throb at the thought of you gripping it in your grasp. fuck. you squeezed your hold onto the pillow slighting grinding against it at the scenario’s that played in your head. choso still being oblivious gotten dressed into his night wear, turning off the closet light using the towel to dry off his hair making his way to your guys shared bed. He looked up to see you hugging a pillow very tightly with a raised brow, you were looking at him as if you were gonna pounce any minute. he cleared his throat, “you okay?.” he asked and you nodded your head letting go of the pillow, now sitting up staring up at him “you think we can try that thing we talked about?.” you asked with a husk voice watching as he put the towel down with rest at the corner of the room, giving you a questionable look, “what was it we talked about?.” he answered walking closer towards the bed at the edge of it taking your face into his hand, you bit your lip.
“about going rough with me?.”
did not expect this.
ass was up and your back was arched, as hands were gripping your hips as he thrusted deep and hard into you hearing your moans full the room. This was all new to choso but he was damn sure a pro at this..the rhythm with his thrust and motion surprised you at this speed. when did he learn all of this stuff? you don’t know or where he learned it from but you fuck it feels so good. you bit hard against the pillow that was laid underneath you, feeling your eyes roll back into your skull as choso kept thrusting at a fast pace. you were becoming a moaning mess every second he thrusts insides you, forcing your hips to push back into him. choso was panting with balls of sweat dripping down his temple as he tried to contain his grunts every time your ass would slam back into him, you gripped the bed sheets beneath you trying to get a word out but everytime you spoke a loud moan replaced it. “f-fuck!..” you whined trying to pull back from him to catch yourself, but he raised a brow seeing you try to get away from him with a scoff.
he thought you wanted this?.
he tsked to himself pulling out of you to flip you onto your back, instantly sliding back into you watching your eyes flutter then squeeze closed. He smirked looking down to see how deep he was into you seeing a print in your stomach, he tilted his head using his hand to press against your stomach to see where his cock was making you scream, “choso!.” you moaned his name feeling his hand push against your stomach practically feeling him gripping the bed sheets, squirming underneath him. he scoffed, he couldn’t believe it actually worked. “can’t believe that worked. I thought you wanted this?” he snickered, you went to argue back but every hard thrust that was pushed inside you, abusing your cunt more and more you couldn’t say anything. when he didn’t hear an answer from you he wrapped his hand against your throat picking your head up alittle giving you a harsh stare.
you stared at him with wide eyes, feeling your air way stop choking a breath. you whimpered clawing at his hand to get him to let go, but choso smirked slowing down his thrusts going slow, “you want me to go slow and gentle with you? after all your whining and bitching for me to fuck you like this and when i do you wanna run away like a whore huh?.” he breathed out grunting at you tightening around his cock.
you whined in response trying to get him to let go so you can breathe, when choso saw you were still trying to put In a fight he smirked letting go off your throat hearing you catch your breath but moaned feeling his hand grip your hair (or braids) pulling your head back, leaning down to mark your neck. he bit and sucked against your skin leaving his marks all over your neck and shoulders, feeling his harsh bites against your neck digging your nails into his back moaning from the pleasure. he was still slowly thrusting inside of you as your knot was slowly coming in, you digged your nails deeper in his shoulder, “faster..m’finna cum.” you begged hearing a low hum feeling a hard and fast thrust. choso picked the pace up also feeling his orgasm, he fucked you in and out in and out with bits of hair sticking to his forehead looking concentrated trying to make you both cum. you were getting turned on by the second seeing his hair still wet and flowy as he fucked you, bits of hair sticking to his forehead as he panted keeping his thrusts focused. without a doubt you shot your hand up to intertwine with his black locks gripping it into your hold forcing his head down to connect with his lips.
kisssing you back much rougher than you, whining into his mouth tightening your grip in his hair feeling your knot come to an end. you squealed into his mouth feeling warm liquid fill you full as you came around his cock heavy, choso pulled back from your lips going towards your neck giving them soft pecks as he thrusted much slower, grinding out his orgasm, few more seconds, he pulled out of you, looking down at the mess he made, he looked between you and your messy cunt clicking his tongue. you were still trying to calm down from your orgasm but your break was over when you felt long fingers enter you. your back arched, bucking your hips Into his fingers feeling overwhelming pleasure. “no..” your body Is betraying you right now. you wanted more. you wanted to feel more. choso snickered keeping eye contact with you as he thrusted his fingers In and out of you at a slow pace, feeling your cum drip along his fingers. after a few more thrusts he pulled his finger out, leaning down giving your pussy a lick with a small moan after. you tasted so good. he leaned more Into your cunt caressing his tongue along your clit cleaning you up.
you moaned softly, grinding your hips at a slow pace feeling his warm tongue eat you out. you traveled your hand towards his hair pushing him more Into you, groaning at your taste. your mind was completely fuzzy, you couldn’t think anymore. you only cared and thought about the pleasure you were receiving, choso gripped your thighs lifting them up a bit Increasing his pace. your eyes shot wide, feeling him start to get more rougher with his tongue. he was only meant to clean you but Instead he got carried away..he was pussy drunk already. getting addicted the more he was tasting you, you were sensitive enough this wasn’t helping but It felt so good. you tried pushing his head back away from you but him being more stronger than you, his head didn’t budge. you felt vibrations of him chuckling, “c’mon baby, give me one more.” he groaned pushing your legs more In. you felt your knot start to quickly form again, trying to grind up against his mouth but the way he’s positioned you, you were forced at your submission. “I’m gonna cum..” you mumbled, “make me cum please.” you asked with desperation In your voice, you needed to cum again. as your final request came through, he kept his pace, moving his tongue up and down pushing In and out of you getting that same taste he got before moaning as you came Into his mouth. “there you go..such a good girl.” he cooed, licking you clean before leaning up towards your lips taking yours with his. you tasted yourself In his mouth, groaning.
you pulled his hair making his head tilt to the side deepening the kiss hearing him groan, the kiss lasted a few more seconds before he pulled away leaning over your sweaty body with a worried look. “are you okay? did i go too rough?.” you groaned sitting up with a small smile, “no..no you didn’t. who taught you how to do all of that?.” you said crawling towards his body to cuddle against him which he gladly accepted rubbing your hips up and down, snickering. “asked a few friends for help..and they gave me a few videos to watch so..” he answered with a small blush watching you laugh, “did you really go through all the trouble to satisfy my wishes?.” you raised a brow, choso bit his lower lip with a small nod. “what if i said yes?.” you shook your head dragging him with you as your back hit the bed with an arm wrapped around his neck, trailing a thumb on his lower lip. “well I enjoyed It..I say we do it again yeah?.” he smirked leaning down hovering his lips over yours with teasing flick to your expose cunt, “yeah?”
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slut4hee · 1 month
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{Paring: Sneaky link Heeseung x Blk Fem! Reader
{Synopsis: you know you should ignore his texts, you know you shouldn’t answer when he calls but your heart, your mind, and your body tells you otherwise.
{Genre: smut, fwb relationship, Heeseung is toxic asf, reader is in love with him but he wants to keep their relationship strictly just fucking, good dick game Heeseung.🤭
{Warnings: oral (f receiving) , squirting, Heeseung is kinda a jerk to reader, reader cries, Heeseung manipulates reader by giving her some bomb ass head.
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You know you should have been blocked him, ignored his text and moved on with your life because you know you deserve better but it’s not easy when you’re dealing with someone like Lee Heeseung.
You throw your phone on your bed when you read the texts he sent you, the same exact messages he sends you every weekend that you’re starting to grow tired of.
Mr Big Red Flag🙄🚩: You up?
Mr Big Red Flag🙄🚩: Mind if I slide over? I’m so hard right now
Mr Big Red Flag🙄🚩: you ignoring me or sum I can see that you were active 3 mins ago 🤨
You: What is it Hee? I’m not in the mood right now😐
Mr Big Red Flag🙄🚩: Damn baby what’s all the attitude for? I ain’t did nothing wrong to you so chill out🤷‍♂️
You: CHILL OUT? Stg get tf off my phone with that shit, you know exactly why I’m acting out this way😒
“Is he fucking for real right now” you scoff loudly as you turn your phone on dnd for the night and lock it. You get up to go take you a nice warm shower to clear your head and rinse off the shitty day you had. After showering and doing your night routine you decided to grab a snack and binge watch twilight for the 100th time. As you’re laying on your couch watching your movie you hear a knock on your door and it startles you.
“Who the fuck is knocking at my door this late” you question yourself as you hop off the couch to see who has the audacity to disturb your peace, you look out the peephole and you’re met with none other than Heeseung himself standing outside your door. You scoff in annoyance wondering why he decided to show up to your apartment without telling you.
“Y/n c’mon baby, open up the door I know you’re in there your car is parked outside” he waves at your ring camera,
“Heeseung why are you here?”Just do me a favor and go back to your place because I’m not letting you in mines” you roll your eyes walking away from the front door.
You grow frustrated when Heeseung continues to knock at your door, you hurry up and run to open the door when he starts to yell and cause commotion and out of fear of waking your neighbors and getting a noice complaint you let him in.
“Do you seriously have to make so much noise, I have neighbors Heeseung” you glare at him wanting nothing more to punch him in his face more like sit on it, you just noticed how freaking good he looks sporting just a black hoodie and gray sweats with his hood over his head with his bangs slightly visible. Butterflies erupt in your stomach and you’re starting to forget just why you’re so angry with him but that’s just how much of an effect he has on you.
“I mean if you would have just opened the damn door when I first knocked, I wouldn’t have had to yell for you to let me in” he says sarcastically looking at you with a knowing look as he steps more into your apartment making his way towards your couch where your movie is paused and your snacks left behind. Your eyes follow him as he plops down on your couch and manspreads, you can feel yourself getting wet at the sight of him and you mentally curse at yourself “you’re supposed to be mad at him Y/n” you tell yourself.
“Why are you standing all the way over there for aren’t you gonna come sit down?” He asks you as he pops some of the popcorn from your bowl in his mouth and gestures you to come to him. Subconsciously you obey him as you make your way to the couch sitting on the other side of it creating some distance between you two.
“Why didn’t you text me back baby?” He gets up and sits next to you and facing his body towards you. You roll your eyes at him as you push him back away from you trying to keep the distance between you and him but he’s not having it.
“You gonna tell me what’s got you acting all pissy?” He asks kinda coldly and clearly annoyed by your actions but who is he to feel frustrated, he’s the reason why you’re acting this way in the first place.
“Oh nothing Heeseung, maybe I’m just tired of you only hitting me up when you want to get in my panties, you never really check up on me it’s always when you’re looking to get your dick wet” you spit angrily at him folding your arms over your chest.
“I mean that’s the only reason why I should be contacting you Y/n baby come on we been through this already, no strings attached and no catching feelings strictly sex” He moves closer to you putting his hand on your thigh caressing it gently, you almost melt into his touch getting lost in the feeling of his hands on your body when you snap back into reality and swat his hand away.
“Heeseung look, I don’t know if I can keep doing this I think we should just end things and go our separate ways” You try to say sternly but instead it comes off shaky and weak. You try to fight back the tears that’s threatening to fall but it hurts so bad, it hurts so bad you fell in love with him, it hurts so bad knowing you compromised yourself for a man that doesn’t see you no more than a booty call and you feel so disgusted with yourself.
“Baby you don’t mean that, tell me you don’t mean that” He says softy while pulling you closer to him and grabbing your hand leaving soft kisses on your knuckles. You let the tears fall even more when he does this because you know deep down he’s only trying to make you feel better because he doesn’t want you to leave him.
“Mama look, I’m so sorry I hurt your feelings and I’m really trying to be better for you but you can’t just leave me like this darling, not after all we’ve been through” he tries to reassure you as he pulls you into his lap, he looks in your eyes as he draws little circles on your back trying to calm you down.
“Do you love me Heeseung and do you care for me like you say you do or is it all fun and games for you” You look at him with a stern yet saddened look and he can’t help but feel just a little ping of guilt in his chest, he doesn’t answer your question but instead pulls you in for a passionate kiss. You know you shouldn’t be kissing him right now instead you should be kicking him out of your apartment and blocking his contact ending it for good but nope you’re falling into his trap once again.
“You know how i feel about you baby girl now just let daddy take care of you okay? Let me kiss it all better” He says pulling away from the kiss and next minute you’re being lifted in his arms as he takes you to your bedroom. He lays you down on the bed softly as he lays his body on top of yours. He goes to attack your lips once again and you feel like you could just cream from the feeling of his soft pillowy lips on yours, he sucks on your bottom lip and starts to prod his tongue for permission to enter and you let him.
“Hee please” you pull away from the kiss begging him for more, you didn’t realize it had been a week since you last fucked, since you had been ignoring him and you mentally pat yourself on the back for even being able to go that long without having him inside you but now it feels as if you are gonna die if you don’t have his cock inside you right this instant.
“Please what princess, talk to daddy tell me what you want” he groans when he feels the heat radiating off your body and his cock is straining against his jeans, he’s so damn hard he’s afraid as soon as he puts it in your tight little hole he’ll explode right then and there.
“P-Please touch me daddy I want you so bad I need to feel you hee” you whine when you feel him play with the hem of your sleep shorts, he pulls the elastic band back and let it snap back making you yelp in pain and pleasure at this point you feel your pussy soaking and begging for attention.
“Oh is that what you want darling? For daddy to touch your little pretty pussy” he hums as he leans down to start leaving kisses and gentle bites on your inner thighs, you clench around nothing and subconsciously buck up your hips when he gets closer to where you need him the most and you whine out of frustration.
“H-Heeseung please touch me, I beg please make me feel good I want you to play with my pussy FUCK” tears start to prickle in your eyes when you feel his hot breath on your clothed core, you squirm and whimper when he starts to rub your clit through your soaked panties.
“Fuck baby, you’re so wet for me all for me right nobody else?” he questions as he starts run his fingers through your wet clothed folds causing you to let out a high pitched moan.
“Yes seungie, all for you I don’t want nobody else but you this pussy is all yours always been yours” Heeseung smirks at your words and decides it’s time to stop teasing and give you what you’re begging for so he taps on your legs signaling for you to lift up from the mattress so he can slide your panties off. Once he’s got your panties off he licks a stripe of your pussy and start to suck on your clit.
“Oh Fuck Yes baby just like that, Shit your tongue feels so good baby boy” Heeseung groans at your words and the vibration of the groan sends a jolt of pleasure through your body and you start to comb your fingers through his locks gripping onto them.
“God baby this pussy taste so fucking sweet, can’t get enough of you that’s why I keep coming back to this wet little delicious pussy” Heeseung starts to suck and slurp your pussy like a starved man, you can feel the knot in your stomach threatening to come undone when you feel him tongue fucking your tight hole and swirling his tongue all inside.
“Oh my god daddy I’m gonna cum please let me cum i beg you please let me I been such a good girl” you cry out as you feel your body trembling and your legs shaking uncontrollably after Heeseung delivers a harsh suck to your clit and you come undone on his tongue squirting your juices all over his mouth and on your bedsheets.
“Fuck that was so damn hot baby, naughty little pussy squirting so much for me such a good fucking girl” he comes up to kiss you, you whimper against his lips when you taste the faint taste of your cum on his lips.
“So, do you still wanna leave me?”
A/n: This was inspired by Summer Walker’s song Body, it’s one of my favorite songs by her and for some reason I somehow came up with this idea😩 but hope you guys enjoy this one and please feel free to reblog😁💋
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 6 months
✫彡𝑴𝒚 𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑴𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒙𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒆ミ★
✧ 𝑵𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒙 𝑭𝒆𝒎𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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✧ 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚~ 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒅𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝑫𝑨 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒎𝒂𝒅, 𝒔𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒖𝒚𝒔 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒖𝒑 𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒖𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒈𝒖𝒚𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒖𝒑 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅.
✧ 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔~ 𝑴𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕/𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇, 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕, 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒍 𝒃𝒊𝒕, 𝒕𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒎 𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒔 𝒊𝒕, 𝒍𝒎𝒌 𝒊𝒇 𝑰 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈. 𝑬𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚<3
✧ 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔~ “𝑰𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒓“ - “𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒌“, “𝒀𝒂𝒘𝒏𝒆“ - “𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅“, “𝑺𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒆, 𝑴𝒂’𝒚𝒂𝒘𝒏𝒕𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒊̀𝒑“ - 𝒀𝒆𝒔, 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒆? ,
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You and your party were taking out ships left and right, yipping and cheering whenever they successfully came crashing to the ground.
There was one ship in particular though, the one that lead all of the other ones, so of course it was bigger than all of the over ships you took down.
You could do it, you know you could do it. You know you’re capable of showing the sky people that they fucked with the wrong clan.
So you did.
You flew around the ship, searching for its weak spot. And once you did, you loaded up your bow and fired right at it. But it wasn’t enough.
Without thinking, you jump onto the ship, telling your ikran to stay close to you, but also stay hidden. Once you get onto the ship, you take out all of the soldiers who were firing the guns on top of the ship, robbing them of their grenades and weapons.
After the area is clear, you take the pins out of the grenades and throw them into the engines and into the broken window of the ship, leaping off of the ship once your job is done.
That’s when a feeling of panic rushes through your mate, neteyam. Automatically looking in your direction to see you falling mid-air, instinctively making him drop everything to catch you before you hit the ground. “Y/N!!” He calls, but the loudness of the raid around you being too loud for you to catch onto it.
Right as he calls for you though, he hears your call for you ikran, and seconds later he sees that you’ve safely (for the most part) made it through. A wave of relief hits him, but also anger.
How could you be so reckless? What were you thinking? What if your ikran didn’t come for you? What if-
“Bro! Come on! We’ve gotta go!” Lo’ak shouts, snapping neteyam back to reality.
Oh were you going to get an ear full once neteyam had you.
✫彡 ミ★
You and your party all dismount your ikrans, all checking on each other before going to check on everyone else. You walk around anxiously, nerves building the more you couldn’t find your mate.
But once you catch a glimpse of him, your ears perk up and tail sway excitedly, speed walking over to him to make sure he’s alright. Before you approach him though, lo’ak steps in front of you, hands up as if he was holding you away from Neteyam. “I’d be careful if I were you, tey is really pissed off right now and I’m almost positive you have something to do with it.” He warns, tone sarcastic yet serious. You turn your head to the side, confusion painting your features, “What are you talking about, Lo’ak?” All you get in response is a smart-ass, “Bro, really?” Which makes you stare at him, annoyance clear in your face. “Yes, really! What are you-“ “Y/n.” You freeze at the sound of Neteyams voice, knowing that he only sounds like that when he’s really pissed off about something. And the fact that you were what pissed him off made you feel like shit. Lo’ak gives you a look of sympathy before walking off to join kiri and spider. Leaving you to deal with your mate.
“Neteyam?..”you say tenderly,but he doesn’t answer. He just stares down at you with anger apparent in his face, tail swishing back in forth in irritation. Before you can open your mouth to say anything else, he grabs your wrist firmly, tugging you into the direction of your shared hut.
“What the fuck were you thinking? Pulling some reckless shit like that? Do you realize what could’ve happened to you?” All of his questions were rhetorical and angry, but regardless you answered anyway. Knowing exactly what he was talking about.
“Reckless? You wanna talk about half the shit you and lo’ak were doing? But when I do something that’ll benefit, our people, it’s a problem?” You retort, slamming your bow back on its stand and throwing your ionar on the wooden table.
“What me and lo’ak were doing doesn’t even compare to what you were doing! That shit you pulled was extremely dangerous and stupid. And why would you even think to do anything like that by yourself when you know your party is right behind you?” He shouts, taking off his own ionar and placing it on the same table you put yours on.
“Really, teyam? I’m more than capable of handling a mission by myself. Of course I appreciate that my party being there but I don’t need them to hold my hand through the whole raid. I’m not a fucking child!” You shout at your mate, officially pissed off because of his attitude.
“You sure as hell acted like one though!, why would you ever think of doing something like that? You could’ve been killed.” He uses his hands to punctuate each of his words, one of the signs that told you he was pissed off and serious about what he was talking about.
“But I wasn’t! Because I know what the fuck I’m doing!”you quip, ears pressed tightly to your skull and tail swishing angrily behind you. He just scoffed walking towards you to lift up your arm, revealing a deep gash from your bicep to your wrist, the sight makes you wince, the pain now hitting you quickly.
“Do you? Because if that was the case then this wouldn’t be here.” His tone is like a dagger in your heart, making you feel as if you’re a burden because of your choice. Your expression softens slightly, ears twitching with every breath he takes and tail swaying low to the ground.
He places your arm back to your side, putting his hand on your lower back and guiding you to the bed and tilting his head towards it, silently ordering for you to sit down.
You obey quickly, wincing when the feathers of your loincloth rub against the cut. You watch neteyam walk over to the corner of your hut to grab the white first aid box that his dad gave him, along with a bunch of other medical supplies and salves, making you anxiously play with the thigh bracelet he made you.
He crouches down infront of you, opening his palm towards you gesturing for you to give him your arm, and willingly, you do.
He cleans the wound gently, even though he was still mad he still treated you like the most precious thing on pandora. It made your heart throb. Knowing that he loves you so unconditionally.
“Teyam..” you say softly, all you get in response is just a glance, one that told you to be careful with whatever you were going to say next. “I’m..i’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been so reckless and make you worry about me. It was wrong of me to put myself in a position that I knew wasn’t safe, and I knew that would irritate you because I put my life on the line to save our people.” You admitted genuinely, tail swaying anxiously as you awaited his response.
He continued cleaning your wound, humming quietly in response to your apology as he reached into the kit to grab some gauze and a bandage. Your brows turned down and lips pouted outwards when you didn’t get a response from him, a shallow ache spreading across your chest as he still remained silent.
Unbeknownst to you though, he was holding back the urge to both continue yelling at you and hold you close to him while praising you for apologizing to him so quickly. He mumbled a quiet, “hold this,” as he placed your fingers over the gauze, reaching beside him to grab the bandage to start wrapping it around your arm.
While doing so he glanced at you slightly, taking in the almost sad puppy dog look on your face that made his heart twinge in a way that made him sigh softly, accepting the fact that he can’t stay silent forever.
“Yawne,” you’ve never been more happier to hear his voice, subconsciously sitting up straighter to listen to what he has to say, “I know you’re sorry. And I forgive you, but I swear to ewya if you do one more thing that endangers you or your safety, I’ll chain you to the bed so you can never leave this hut again. Understand?” His tone was stern and clear, yet you still giggled at the imagery of him literally chasing you down to chain you down to the bed like a wild animal. “Yes, sir,” you say with a teasing smirk, one that made him giggle quietly as he cupped the side of your face lovingly. Planting a much needed kiss on your plush lips before making his last final touches on your wound.
“Thank you, teyam, I appreciate it.” You added once he stepped away from you to place everything back into the first-aid kit, he turned his head toward you and said a soft “of course, babygirl,” in response as he walked over to the makeshift shelf to place the small box onto.
You sway your feet anxiously as you notice the slight hints of irritation in his body; tail swaying high and slowly, and his shoulders were slightly raised. Your hands placed themselves back onto your thigh bracelet as you watched him reorganize a couple of fallen things on the table norm gave you a while back. Nerves swirl through you as you mentally prepare yourself to ask him a simple question.
“Srane, Ma’ yawntutsyìp?”
You inhale deeply before looking down at your hands that were fiddling with the beads of your braclet, exhaling as you finally say, “are you still mad at me?..” you hated how needy and sheepish your voice sounded, but that was the least of your concerns right now.
His brows furrowed at the question; in both sadness because of your tone and confusion, because how could he ever stay mad at his girl?. “Babygirl, come here.” He beckons, making you almost immediately walk over to him.
He lifts you up by your waist swiftly and places you onto the table infront of him, standing in between your legs and cupping your face with his big hands. “I could never stay mad at you. Not even for a day I couldn’t. Even if I was, you know it’d talk to you immediately about it, right?” He questions, to which you respond with a quiet ‘yes’
“and you know I’d never, ever let you feel like you can’t talk to me about anything, right?”
“Good. I don’t want my girl to worry about little things like that. You’re the best thing that’s ever happen to me, and I’d never treat you as if you weren’t. I may get mad at you for the reckless things you do, but that anger is all from my concern for you and your safety. Nothing could ever compare to how severely I love and care for you, yawntutsìp.”
You nod in response to his words as tears of joy and sadness spill down your soft cheeks, the reassuring words being exactly what you needed to calm your nerves.“I love you so much, ma’teyam. So so much.” You mutter through your sniffles as you wrap your dainty hands around his wrist to kiss the inside of his hands.
A small giggle comes from him at the gesture, leaning in to kiss your temple, whispering a sweet “I love you too, babygirl,” to you before kissing your lips gingerly.
You hum in satisfaction when you feel his lips on yours, the sound of it making him laugh against your lips causing you do the same before he broke the kiss to pull you into necessary hug. Instinctively making you cling to his bulky frame as if he’d disappear the second you let go.
Without breaking the hug, he picks you up and walks over to the bed, laying down as gently as he could without pulling you off of him.
Once you both get comfortable, content purrs leave you both. “You have to admit though, it was pretty badass right?” You question, a heavy sigh leaving his lips before he answers, letting out a defeated, “yeah..yeah it was, babygirl.”
You chuckled softly at his response, letting a snarky “yeah, I know it was,” to fall from your mouth before letting the wave of sleep finally hit you. The sounds of your beloved mates steady, sleepy breathes lulling you into a deeper sleep.
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𝑨/𝑵~ yet another fic that’s been sitting in my drafts for months😭 this is an idea I’ve had for a minute, so I hope you guys enjoy it!! After I’m done writing all my ideas for the avatar fandoms I’m gonna start posting more fics for the cod fandom (mostly the mw2 and mw3 side of the cod fandom) bc that’s what I have the most motivation to write for. So if you’d wanna be added to the taglist for that lmk! Stay safe and stay hydrated, babies. I love you guys endlessly.
𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @tallulah477 , @hotdsworld , @plooto , @blue-slxt , @itchaboi-itchyboy , @xylianasblog , @etherial-moon-blog , @criticallybella , @professional-yapper , @rivatar , @aperiraa
(𝑰𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒚 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒍𝒎𝒌 𝒃𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕! 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 @ 𝒊𝒔𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔💕)
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drea-ms · 1 year
★﹐冬のはなし.﹗﹑ KUSUO SAIKI
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ミ★ ; "I rejected her." he said, his voice remaining stoic, "Why?" was all you said, tears welling up in your eyes, "Because I like you"
warnings. angst. happy ending. second lead!teruhashi. implied unrequited love. grammar errors
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"Saiki, I really really like you." the blue haired girl said, waiting for him to answer the two words she wanted to hear him say; "oh wow." but that never came, not from him but from someone outside the classroom door, it was a surprise they didn't hear her, she assumed they focused on each other. She left before the pink haired boy said anything, going to text him that their cafe hangout would be canceled.
'smth came up sai, i'm srry." — seen
Right. You were guessing that kusuo and kokomis were hanging out at this point, it was no surprise that they would end up together, he'll even some of kokomis crazy fans thought so. Those two were meant to be soulmates, together in every universe.
While you were stuck as the second choice, like always. You wondered if you were to confess before the blue haired angel would everything stay the same? That instead of teruhashi confessing to saiki in that classroom, it was you? That he said yes to you, and not her. You hated how selfish you were thinking, though you were glad you and saiki gotten those matching rings that would stop his psychic abilities, he wouldn't know what you were thinking of.
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It was late, and here you were still crying over the pink haired boy, something you hated. You looked at the ceiling, and starting thinking of every universe there was where the two of them would end up together. That's when you heard a notification from your phone;
You checked your phone to ignore the feeling of heartbreak. That was the plan until you saw a message pop up;
"Meet me at the park in 5" — sent from 'ku⁉️'
It was 3 AM at the moment, what would he want this late at—
'I'm not taking a no as an answer" — sent at 3:02 AM
Okay then, you were heading to the park, great.
Once you got ready, you headed out your window, making sure it was quiet so no one could hear you, after that you started head to the park where the pink boy would wait for you. That same feeling of heartbreak not leaving you as you headed to the place.
By the time you get there he was by the swings, swinging back and forth, you went up to him and smiled, he looked up at you and stood up, "We need to talk," he said, that same stoic face not leaving him, "About...?" "Teruhashi confessed that she liked me," "oh. congratulations on getting with her! you two were practically made for each oth—" "I didn't say yes, I rejected her."
your didn't know wether to feel bad for her or not, "Why?" "Because I don't like her" "okay... why are you telling me this?" "Because I saw you outside the classroom door," that's why, maybe he doesn't want you to get the wrong idea about because you always joke about that to him, "Right, Is tha—" "I also wanted to let you know that..." "That..?" "I know you like me, I knew from the start" ah. you thought you were being discreet about it, guess not. "Look. give me time, I'm trying to get over you. Just please— give me more time to get over you" you look up at him and tears begin to show up in your eyes.
The link haired boy looked at you and grabbed you by the cheek, he got near your eyes and wiped the tears that began falling out, "That's not what I meant." "Then what do you mean then?" "I need time to understand what I'm feeling for you, to make sure I'm not lying to you." was all he said, he turned to look the other way, hiding the fact that he's flustered, "And that means..." "It means we could be something more"
And on that night, snow began to fall from the sky on a nice December night.
And Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't a dream.
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NAO SPEAKS? i lob my silly little pink haired guy :(
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bunji-enthusiast · 7 months
RAHHH I just want t kiss dogday's lil face and give him face scratches, is that really too much to ask😭😭😭 (btw i love your works but remember to breaks and drink plenty of water!! Also could i possibly be -🃏Anon if you do anons?)
Absolutely! 👍🏻
Thank you for the love ❤️
(So real about DogDay though—)
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jackdup · 5 months
❛  if ya fall, ah will catch ya, bro!  ❜ - Vault Hunter Itsuki 8DDDD
@yukikorogashi || meme
You'd think, after all this time, the whole fear of heights thing just, like . . . wouldn't be a problem anymore. Seriously: how many times did a guy have to face his fears for those dumb fears to finally go away? Exposure. Exposure. A lot of exposure. Basically endless exposure to every horror imaginable, and yet here he is, kiddos. Still mortified the very second he so much as dares to look down, and—
Y'know? Having the support is . . . great, but. That's like saying, Oh, you're afraid of getting shot? Don't worry, buddy! I'll pull the bullet out of you when it's over. Like. It's still gonna happen. Whether you're there to catch me or not— The fall will still happen.
“Coooooolsies.” It's not cool at all. And did his voice suddenly get higher—? He moves one pace closer to that edge, then looks at the extremely narrow, super ultra safe path they've made the absolutely inspired decision to take. “U-uhh . . . you should probably still go first, though.”
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luminousglimmer-a · 2 years
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ミ ✦ ┊ ┊ ﹝ ramuda ❞ : @pyonpyonpyon
🌿ramudachi... >wO
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yuletide.. it's a holiday lumine enjoys. there aren't many traditions she's found point in through her years, but the act of gift giving is one of them. despite her current stance regarding the state of this world, she wants to bring some kind of cheer to the people that she cares about. surprisingly, there is one other tradition that she's found to be the same in teyvat as other places.
the plant may be different and with another name, but the tradition is the same. if you stand under it with someone, you're expected to share a kiss. it was even a tradition khaenri'ah observed. she doesn't know who put the mistletoe up, but she isn't upset about it. by now, it's well known she likes this time of year. those close to her are surely just trying to make her happy by decorating. even though khaenri'ah is lost and its people cursed, they still do things to make their 'princess' happy. it is little things that bring her joy.. there's little holiday cheer, but.. knowing that they care enough to put up garland and trees and ornaments.. she is overjoyed.
this must have been planned.. with how many faces watch them and the laughs of the laughs of the mages, she is certain it was done with purpose. they were asked to come here, after all. a smile adorns her face, soft and gentle, as she turns to ramuda. her heart beats with an excitement she has not known in much time. she grabs his shirt to pull him closer before taking a step towards him. now that they are close, it is easy to wrap her arms around his neck. is he confused? does even know what a kiss means? she'll tell him first, she thinks. it's only fair to let him know what he's about to experience. maybe for the first time.
❝     ramuda.    ❞ she looks up, hoping he'll follow her gaze.
❝     we're under a mistletoe, so we have to follow tradition, okay?    ❞
her smile brightens a bit. the thought of sharing a kiss with ramuda keeps her pulse quick, but she wants to appear sure of herself. despite knowing that ramuda likely doesn't have those sort of feelings or even understands what it means to love someone like that, she still wants to do this. it is something she will cherish. part of her hopes this is ramuda's first so she can say she stole it from him. will he return it? will he know how to return it if he wants to.
maybe she should walk him through it.
❝     i'm going to kiss you now, so close your eyes..    ❞
she does not wait for him nor does she hesitate, for she feels no need to. her own eyes flutter shut and her hands tangle in his hair to pull him towards her. there isn't terribly much difference in their height, so it's easy enough to lean into him. she wonders how he will feel about it. will he feel anything at all? well, it's too late to turn back now. their lips touch and her heart leaps. her intention was to make it quick, but now that they're pressed to his, she holds him in place and kisses him tenderly. softly.. all that she tries to hold back in front of others, she allows them to see. she allows ramuda to see. these feelings that she keeps buried inside of her bubble up and overflow from her.
ramuda is her best friend. some days, it feels like he is the only person she can open up to.. and when he leaves, she misses him dearly.. but he's here today to celebrate this time with her and she will do all that she can to make him feel loved.
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 4 months
ɪᴛ’ꜱ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴀ ʀɪꜱᴋ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴡᴀʀᴅ - ɴɪᴄᴏ ʜɪꜱᴄʜɪᴇʀ ❤︎︎
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Nico is playing in IIHF Men’s World Championship and takes a nasty cut to the face. You are apart of the medical training staff for the Swiss Hockey team and end up treating Nico. But not before you nearly pass out from seeing him with all the blood.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: second person pov, discussion of injury, heavily unedited, probably has terrible grammar, I wrote this while really really sick and it sucks im sorry ill fix it when im better
ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛ: ʏᴇꜱ/ɴᴏ
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: Below the cut there is a picture of Nico from when he first got cut and there is visible blood. If you cannot handle seeing blood for whatever reason. I advise to skip right by the top section of the post below the cut.
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Watching Nico glide up and down the ice with the puck at his stick or him being ready to receive the puck from a pass is one of the best things to watch. He is the happiest when he’s on the ice. It is even better when he scores or gets the assist. His passion for the game is immeasurable, just the same as his love and care for his teammates, friends, and family.
You first met Nico two years ago when you first started working with the New Jersey Devils as apart of their medical training staff. Having worked in the realm of sports while in school and being surrounded by athletes it was very easy to connect with the team. Quickly connecting with quite a few of the players it was only a matter of time before friendships developed, some closer than others. Nico happened to become your best friend in the program. The two of you entirely inseparable.
When Nico found out he would be playing for the Swiss National Hockey team for the Men’s World Championship, he did some work and got you on as a trainer. He didn’t want to travel Czechia and leave you back in the states. “Neeks, you really didn’t have to do that, I could go work at the college for the summer and be okay.” Nico shook his head and tsked. “Nope. You’re coming with me. Who else is going to tape my wrists just right?” He was scraping the bucket for an excuse. Nico didn’t even tape his wrists. Rolling your eyes you didn’t argue you back. You just nodded and accepted his decision.
“Nico? How are you feeling about today?” You ask sitting on the edge of the bed while he’s pulling his shirt over his head. You have no lie to tell, you’re a little upset he has covered his toned upper body. “It’s just another game sweets. Nothing to be concerned with.” Nico answers as if he is still playing peewee hockey. “I don’t know neeks, I watched highlights from their last game, they play pretty rough.” You retort twisting your hands. Showing your anxiety.
Nico turned around from where he had been looking at you in the mirror to face you directly. “It will be okay. I promise you.” He walked up to you, grabbing ahold of your face softly. He was hoping to calm your nerves. Since arriving in Czechia your friendship had become more hands on, flirtatious, and a tad possessive. “If i felt an ounce of worry about this game, you would be the first to know. My little trainer.” He assures you and places a kiss on your forehead. “Let’s get going, shall we? You’ve got got ankles to tape and I’ve got ankles to break” Nico grins and holds his hand out for you.
You laugh a little at Nico’s attempt at a sports joke and follow him out the door holding on to his hand.
It was deep into the second period when Nico and a defender clashed on the ice.
As an athletic trainer you’re supposed to be able to take on anything that’s thrown at you. But they don’t prepare you for when your best friend is down on the ice bleeding profusely. They don’t prepare you for when your mind reverts to all the other hockey players who had injuries from skates in the facial and neck region and just how badly they turned out.
It wasn’t until the entire bench of Swiss players are screaming your name that you realize Nico is off the ice and heading down the tunnel.
Reaching for your kit and quickly following after the officials that are escorting Nico down the tunnel to catch back up to them so the Slovakian team trainers are not the ones treating him. “I..I got it from here.” You tell the officials. They nod and head back the other way.
“Is it your face? Is it your neck?” You begin to ask him, but that entices him to move the towel. “OH! No you don’t. Keep that there until I have my stuff ready.” “It’s my cheek” he gruffed out.
It is like a million tons just came off your chest with just those few words. The feeling that your heart may stop at any moment has fled. A cut to the cheek, that’s an easy feat. A cut to the throat not so easy. Upon reaching the medical room, you sit him down on the first treatment table available and immediately get to work.
“You scared me neeks.” Taking a moment while getting his cut disinfected and ready for the sutures you tried to tell him but it only came out barely above a whisper. “I know, you didn’t move. You always move. You’re always out there with in seconds. That’s when I knew it was bad.” He gave an awkward chuckle and reached up to touch your forearm. “But it’s okay sweets. Sometimes we get scared. Like right now I’m scared because, this is going to hurt isn’t it?” He asked honestly giving his staple smirk that your swear he learned from Jack . “Well it isn’t going to feel good Neeks, but if you’re good I’ll give you a reward.” You say returning his a smirk.
“Hey Nico, why do you always play so hard?” You ask finishing up his last stitch. “It’s always a risk, but think about the reward i get after.” “A reward? You don’t always get a reward.”
“Oh yeah i do. I play as hard as i do because if im sore i can convince my trainer best friend to treat me. Which means i have her all to myself for just a few moment, I have happy teammates, happy fans.” He flashes a smile before licking his lips and then biting his lower lips. “And if I’m really lucky, one day my reward will be getting my best friend as my girlfriend. I’ve been dropping not so subtle hints this trip but I’m not so sure they’re working.” He’s standing now at the edge of the treatment table, he’s taken ahold of the waist holding you close to him. “Is that a possibility?” He asks dropping his forehead to touch yours. “I think if you asked her she’d say yes.” You blurt out so fast it’s almost embarrassing.
“Sweets, would you reward me by being my girlfriend?” Nico asks never breaking eye contact, his ton of voice so sincere.
“Yes, Neeks.”
I’m sorry this is very rough, very unedited. I’ve been so sick this week. I’m hoping soon I can rework it and make it much better. Writing for Nico has proven to be extremely hard for me. 😩
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silkythewriter · 8 months
Angel on fire
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Warnings!: Angst(?), love triangle!, sorry for any grammar or spelling errors! (part 2)
Fandom!: Hazbin hotel!
Summary!: “you are as beautiful as the moon my dear.” He said with the sweeting smile you adored. “And your as deadly as the sun I fear, my love” you answered oh so bitter-fully.
“Cause those are my words, not yours
As far as I'm concerned, it could've been a lot worse
I wasn't trying to avoid the confrontation
She isn't crying, she's just making conversation”
“Look.. Adam-“ you said desperately before being cut off “no fucking way!” He chuckled “your actually side-ing with those shit bags?!” He said looking at you. You only glared at him, before huffing softly “watch your language…” You said with a with a small frown. Making his eyebrows crunch together as he closed his eyes with a huff. “For fuck sake do you know what those.. scums even did to end up there!” He said angrily. You steady your breath, with him you had too, you knew how he was but you just had too keep poking at him. Or get something other then a no, If you did you were sure to lose your mind.
“Adam, Just listen!, I think this could benefit heaven as well! More extra time means more time to do what you want. Wouldn’t you like that?” You tried reasoning as you cupped his hands in yours only for him to push it away. “Don’t test me Y/n, this is my job.” He spat out, making you wince. “Why are you pushing on this so hard anyways!, you have all you could want here. You barely have to lift a finger why are you so concerned for them?” He said crossing his arms. “They were humans once Adam, just like you, just like me. We’re no different, they just messed up once and we’re sent to an eternal furnace with no escape!” You said holding your hands to your chest. “Please! I’m nothing like them, I was the first fucking human soul in heaven, no one compares to me.” He laughed out. “So what does that mean about me?” You said with furrowed brows. He sighed heavily before speaking “Angel, listen to your self, your the only other person I really give a shit about. Well other then lute I guess” he shrugged as he rested his arm on the arm rest and laid his head in his palm boredly. “Look don’t worry your little gorgeous self about a thing. This ain’t your field!” He laughed.
You had patience, and you had tolerance. But his disrespect set you off. But you knew in your head that fighting someone like himself wouldn’t end well. You already had more leeway then most due to your, well close relationship with Adam. But you had to keep trying, after all angels don’t break promises.
With a heavy sigh you bowed before excusing your self. Which he quickly called out to you in confusion. But you only kept walking to your room, you were a patient one, but dealing with him proves to be a handful. You needed to think of a way to at least push it back one more month.
Just one more month
“What’s good cherry pimp” Angel dust asked as he threw himself on the couch sluggishly. “All day you’ve been hummin’ and tappin’ what’s on your mind?” He asked as he quirked an eyebrow up as he put his gaze on Alastor. Alastor smile only grew, his mind filled with your intoxicating self. To him you very much everything, from the first day he was damned, till now all his mind was filled was you. But now more then ever, seeing you after all these decades was a shot of electricity to his very dead heart. You hadn’t change a bit since the last time he laid eyes on you. You were still angelic as ever.
Again he was swept up in his mind but quickly flicked back to reality, swaying softly as he hummed. “Oh nothing, my dear friend, old acquaintances I have recently seen after some time!” He said in his usual radio voice. “Yea I’m surprised anyone would be friends with you. Not to be rude or nothin’ but your fuckin’ creepy pal” angel said as he laughed  as he waved his hands. Alastor only smirked in amusement as he took his leave. 
He should have known someone of the likes of you would end up where most wouldn’t. He wasn’t an ounce surprised. But he wanted you back, and he was going to take what he wanted. He didn’t frankly care if you’d belong to the sky,
You were his angel first. And he’d rid those little wings of yours if it meant you were to never fly Away from him.
Not this time, not again
You tiredly tapped your finger over the dinner table. Mind still racing with ideas, it was a cycle, coming up with something, but ultimately crossing it off the thinking board. Adam paid no mind for awhile as he chatted Away with Lute. Which was eyeing you suspiciously. And once Adam went back to his meal she quickly cleared her throat as she straighten her stance next to Adam “Miss Y/n, you haven’t touched your food.” She stated bluntly. Which made you snap out of thought as you turned you attention to her “I’m afraid I don’t have an appetite today” you said softly pushing the plate stacked with food away form you.
“Are you really still hung up on that stupid shit little miss princess of hell proposed?” He scoffed. Causing you to huff, “I’ll be taking my leave.” You said plainly but as nicely as you could as you backed you seat from the table and stood up causing him to grunt. “Look angel, if I think about pushing the damn extermination back would you drop this?” He said making you quickly turn to him with a smile and nod. “There’s that smile, now sit down and eat I’m tired of thinking of all of this” he said as you agreed taking a seat.
Lute was appalled at how… how quick it was was all agreed. How could he just push it back so easily? Even if it was just him “thinking” about it. And for no reason other then you?, all though Adam was to In-grossed in his own things to question such things. She did not and quickly grew suspicious, you out of all people should be less worried. You have everything in a silver platter yet you still seem to have such a worry in matters that weren’t concerning you in the first place.
You could feel her eyes staring you down. But her suspicions were very much valid even if unfortunate to your case. You’d have to be more careful, if she caught on, she’d be quick to make Adam question aswell.
You cursed yourself slightly but still happy non the less. Even if you got Adam to consider the possibility of pushing the date back was still a progress!.
You were sure to tell Charlie soon, although you’d have to wait till lutes suspicions and stares would die down so you could slip away.
Your patience were never ending, but oh how much you longed for the man you’ve last seen years ago.
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rr311 · 9 months
Can you do chubby reader x toji who loves to workout
·˚ ༘ 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒐 ➪ fluff, small smutty activity’s, body worship, gymrat!toji, chubby!reader, black!reader
༉‧₊˚. 𝑺𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔 toji is a gym rat. he loves working out but It upsets you because he never spends time with you. you wanna scold him, but end up getting distracted and he apologizes In a different way.
ミ★ 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆. hello my loves! jus wanted to say, I am so grateful for all the loyal supporters and love I’ve been getting and wanted to announce were so close to 1k followers! once we do manage to get to the goal I wanna do something special for you all. I want to do a little give away type thing. I’ll make a post following up on what It Is but other than that I hope you guys enjoy the story!
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₊˚ෆ 𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 - toji was an absolute gym rat. he loved working out, day and night he was always In the gym doing his work out routines, you would get lucky enough If you see him on the couch one day eating chips scrolling through his phone but other than that he's always In the gym. you do scold him every chance you get when you see him but you can never stay too mad at him considering he would always distract you by flexing his chest. It was 7:15pm, normal time you would start cooking dinner but you still haven't seen toji all day, since 12 this afternoon matter a fact. you haven't spent not one time with him. he told you before 3 he would be back to the bedroom to lay with you since It's your day off from work but you've been by yourself ever since, you barley get to see him considering your packed work schedule  and his. you huffed pulling the blankets off your body walking out the shared room to go down to the gym. when you walked past by the gym, you could see him doing sit ups with his headphones on, back full of sweat as they flexed every sit up he did. you would say you had forgotten all about scolding him.
normally you would go off on him for always working out and making promises he never keeps but this time you stayed quiet and watched him. the small grunts and groans that left his lips every sit up made you bite your lip. the way his hair stuck to the back of his neck as his muscles twitched and flexed— fucking hell! could you blame yourself though? you had a hot boyfriend who has everything perfect about him. his back, his abs, his arms, his face.. how did you bag him? you always asked yourself why toji decided to go for you Instead of some other girl. but when you confessed to him and asked why he picked you, his answer had shocked you. from glances you would honestly think toji's type Is a skinny, long haired chick but In reality his type were bigger chubby girls, when he told you, you didnt buy It and thought he was messing with you till he had that look on his face. the look that tells you he's telling the truth. your eyes started to trail up to his bare arms watching as they flexed.
toji must've felt a presence behind him by the way he stopped his set, taking his headphones off turning his head over his shoulder to see you leaning against the frame. he clicked his tongue spotting you staring at him and the outfit you were wearing. It was an outfit he had bought for you on your birthday, which was only to be worn In the bedroom for his eyes only just In case company came over but obviously not. by the looks of It, It seemed you were trying to tease him but In reality you decided to wear It because It was the first thing you saw, and you thought he was going to be In the bed but he wasn't. so you didn't bother to change not thinking much into It till toji got up from his sitting position walking towards where you were with a grin on his face, your eyes followed each step of the way, keeping your focus on his with arms crossed. even If he has you distracted right now doesn't mean you forgot.
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toji could know he did something to upset you by the small pout on your face as you looked at him. he tilted his head with a mocking pout of his own, "why you so pouty, hm?." he asked with a hand grabbing your jaw tilting your head a bit, you rolled your eyes scoffing. "you know why." he did but he wanted you to say It, toji shrugged his shoulders shaking his head. "I don't If you don't tell me sweetheart." cock sucker. you huffed. "why didn't you come up like you said you were?." he only shrugged, with a grin. "don' know." he wasn't really paying attention to what you were saying and only focusing on the night gown you had, he knows he messed up by not fulfilling his promise but right now he couldn't help but just stare and get lost Into his own little world.
you could see that he was staring at you, feeling slightly nervous under his stare. was It the outfit you were wearing? was It your stomach showing? so many questions went through your head as to why he was looking at you, maybe he's trying to throw me off. you furrowed your eyesbrows, "don't think you can-!" you went to question It but got interrupted by your gasp feeling him lift you, your heart started to pound against your chest, placing your hands on his shoulders as he took you somewhere, "toji! I wasn't done talking!." he didn't even mind your complaining as he kept walking to the shared room, pecking at your shoulder, squeezing your thighs. "be quiet." this man gave no shit about what you complain about, honestly he didn't even pay attention to you hitting his back to make him out you down. he only kept walking.
toji pecked and nibbled at your shoulder leaving small marks on your skin, opening the door with his foot, laying you on top of the bed towering over you trailing his eyes down the night gown you had on. the strap on your shoulder came lose slightly exposing your breast as you looked confused under him. fuck. you looked so cute, "so..fucking cute." he mumbled to himself leaning down towards your face to peck your shoulder trailing up to your neck then your lips kissing you rough. your eyes went wide but started to close leaning Into the kiss with a small moan, you were getting lost Into his mouth till you realized he was winning!. you grumbled pushing him back, hearing an annoyed sigh. "I'm not done with you yet." you said with a stern look, he rolled his eyes not paying any mind leaving down to kiss your neck, trailing across your t-bone to your breast, kissing down your stomach hearing your breathes go unsteady, you clenched the bed sheets feeling your pussy clench each peck he gave your stomach, "go on." you gulped down a giant lump In your throat clearing your throat.
you tried to talk but only gasps came from your mouth feeling his finger press against you, he raised a brow with a hum. "quiet now, hm?" you didn't answer. you could only focus on his lips that's were placed on your stomach, he always loved kissing your stomach. leaving his marks on them, groaning each time he would. he chuckled hearing your breathes Increase trailing your hand to his hair, raking your nails through his scalp. "why don't I apologize In another way? would you forgive me then?." he chuckled but groaned feeling you pull his hair staring at him with a glare.
"jus fuck me already."
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