#thank yall so much ily
ratlastheseus · 5 years
Help a Trans Guy Out?
Hi guys! I’m going to be having Top Surgery in less than a month, and I would really appreciate if anyone would donate to my Paypal. Any amount is cool!! I’d just like to avoid being functionally broke afterwards (since I won’t be able to work for about 2 and a half months).  Don’t feel obligated to donate if you cant!! But please please give me a good old reblog-a-roo if you’d like to help 💖💖 My Paypal: [email protected]
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air-raptor · 2 years
vico ortiz going to a pirate ren fair and cosplaying izzy hands... them openly requesting an olu/jim/jackie edit... retweeting those edits on main... they are the moment. lovely. absolutely amazing
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rikkivoid · 4 years
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when u get flustered while sparring w ur rival and make things weird
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ilonacho · 2 years
Ilo how did you wind up making the hottest Inside Job character?
The secret is to bimbofy yourself
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missingn000 · 2 years
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hello friends i am once again asking for fic recs
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zoluna · 3 years
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zolu kith to celebrate my 1000 FOLLOWERS ACHIEVEMENTTTT
thanks everyone for the support B)
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lestatlioncunt · 2 years
crave for vesper 👀
47. crave characters: vesper moxley, daniel moxley words: 1.973 warnings: nothing at all, just a chill piece this time
“Ew. So, this is your house?” Daniel’s expectations over the look of his new home were crushed down as soon as he set foot into the apartment: just one big room welcoming a kitchen, a bed, a couch and a television and a lot of junk – his words – scattered around the place. He truly wished that a bathroom was hiding behind that one single door present in the whole house.
“Sorry if I’m not living in the fucking royal palace.” Vesper mocked the harsh comment her humble refuge received. It wasn’t much but it was honest living. Kind of. Although, having a roof over your head is still far more desirable than sleeping in a sordid alley as he did in the last few weeks.
“I just thought you made good eddies, y’know? Being famous and all.” He set off to explore the surroundings: the place wasn’t exactly in its best shape, his sister left a lot of items and clothes lounging around on the floor or on whatever disponible surface was there and surely – much to his displeasure – forgot to clean in the last four or five days.
“I’m seedy-underground-boxer famous.” Vesper reasoned as she dropped on the floor that one and only bag Daniel had with him, filled with what little he decided to take with him after fleeing from their mother’s house. “You saw the place where I work. Did you really think I could get rich in there?”
He simply shrugged, not even sparing a bored look to her, as his focus shifted on analysing every little trinket adorning the shelves. “The guy at the bar called me pretty boy, though. That’s nice.” He picked up a turtle shaped sculpture and knocked twice on its shell, expecting some kind of reaction or sound out of it. The dull sound coming from the surface left him disappointed.
Vesper squinted at the comment and made a mental note to tell the guy in question to never speak again to her brother or else, but kept the notion to herself; it wasn’t her business after all but a little warning wouldn’t hurt, right?
“You’re gonna sleep here for now.” She changed topic. Picking up a few shirts hanging on the couch, she made space to let the new addition to the family find a little spot for himself.
“What?” Daniel turned in her direction, still holding the turtle in his hands. Eyes open wide and a frown on his face. “On the couch?” He looked almost outraged, like she just made the most insulting proposition he ever heard of. Vesper simply nodded and throwed her belongings on her bed, Daniel’s new resting spot finally ready. “My sisters back with mom would let me sleep on their bed sometimes when we spent the night together…” He trailed off. The intent was clearly aimed to spark some kind of jealousy over the mention of his second family, the one he so effortlessly left behind to search for Vesper. He pretended to examine other little objects scattered around as he placed the animal sculpture back to its place, yet his eyes where sneakily looking for any kind of reaction.
If only Vesper was that easy to fool.
“Fine, you can go back to them. That would mean less trouble for me.” She suggested while picking up again the bag on the floor and dropping it on the couch. Daniel’s lips curled in dissatisfaction at the failure and accepted his fate. “Comme on fait son lit, on se couche.” The words rolled out of her mouth so naturally, like she spoke the language for all her life.
“What the fuck does that mean.” Daniel’s eyebrows shot up as his gaze fixed on Vesper, confusion written all over his face.
“What, your mother didn’t teach you French?” He shook his head. “Curious.” So that was something only her and her mother shared? She ignored the notion; mulling over it had no sense now. “Anyway, what does your majesty craves for dinner?” She asked while getting closer to the small fridge and examine if something at all was being stored in there.
He hummed, pondering his answer as he slipped his hand in one of the boxing gloves he just found. “Chicken cutlet. And fries. Yes, that would be great right now.” His tone halfway through solemnity and mockery as he pretended to throw a few punches with the glove on.
“Sure.” Vesper matched that same attitude that her brother just offered her and she crunched down, her eyes admiring the spectacle of a half-empty fridge. “The best I can do is half sushi box I kinda stole from a place in Japantown and ramen noodles to heat up.”
“Oh sushi.” Slipping off the glove, his eyes light up at the proposal. “That’s great, I love sushi.” Vesper let out a relieved breath, satisfying his palate didn’t take that much effort at least; she picked up what little her kitchen was storing and began working on their modest dinner.
Daniel was still rummaging through her stuff, the action was indeed upsetting her but only slightly, not enough to force her to speak up and scold him; she now had to persuade herself to accept someone else using her stuff, her house, once again. An inexplicable wave of relief washed over her yet she preferred to ignore it, her full attention was required for the noodles now. She simply took the leftovers and proceeded to heat them up in a microwave, like that was the most difficult procedure she had to get done.
“Do you like reading?” Her brother suddenly spoke up again.
“I wouldn’t say that’s my biggest passion.” She shrugged and opened the sushi box she so preciously stored and checked if it was still good to eat.
“Then why the book?” Daniel was turning the pages of the tome in his hands, the title on the cover was almost scraped away completely. A few pages had some sketches or words noted down.
Vesper spared a glance to his direction, trying to comprehend what he was talking about: as soon as her eyes registered what he was holding in his hands, her gaze turned sterner.
“That’s not mine. Actually, I should’ve left that back in the old apartment.” She crossed her arms and turned back on her task: watching the noodles turn around and around. “You can have it, if you want. I’ll probably just throw it away if you aren’t interested too.”
Daniel gave no verbal answer but decided that old cluster of paper was now his, something about it picked his interest and he had to investigate further on it. He pushed it against his chest and chose to store it among his other – few – belongings before his sister had the chance to throw it away as she said. As he got closer to the couch, he noticed a worn leather jacket hanging on the armrest, too big for him and just a little too large for Vesper too. Curiosity got the best of him and, as his eyes sparkled with interest once again, he decided to try it on.
“Hey, who’s the owner of this jacket?” Vesper spared a glance at Daniel, surely not expecting him to wear the clothing he was asking about. He wiggled his arms up and down, hands barely showing as the size was probably twice his – the sight made her smile instinctively.
“That’s dad’s.” Tone calm and controlled; fondness slowly crawled out of her words as she continued. “It was his favourite, he would never take it off.”
Daniel stopped moving and gazed at the jacket that suddenly held so much meaning: wearing it felt weird, too big for him, like something else was missing and yet warm, like an embrace he never got the chance to experience. The question bubbled up in his mind naturally: would he like me?
“How was he like?” He asked, instead. His other question would irremediably remain unanswered forever. Unfair, a part of him thought, it’s not like he was asking if his father would’ve loved him, just liked. That’s not much to ask.
Vesper sighed, memories of the good times where few and scattered but better than nothing at all. “He wasn’t perfect.” She began, eyebrows furrowing. Recalling his worst moments had no sense, wouldn’t make neither of them feel better. “Sometimes he was a real piece of work, but at least he tried…tried to be something better. Not like…” A pause congested with rage and resentment followed, as if she was trying to collect all the fury she buried somewhere deep down. “Her.”
Daniel nodded; he knew she referred to their mother. What a predicament the two siblings found themselves in, one never had a mother and the other a father – not one he would call dad and mean it at least.
“He was kinda funny too.” Vesper suddenly continued, as if she sensed the heaviness of her brother’s thoughts. “And made fun of everyone too. Always found a way to step into trouble. Reminds me of you.” She glanced at him sideways, just to see his reaction, as she plopped the now hot noodles into two way too large bowls. “Sometimes he would cook pasta for dinner and not a clean plate would be in sight, so he would drop it into these kinds of bowls we usually used for salad. Sometimes vinegar was still there too.” Daniel let a shiver run through his body, like he just tasted that vinegar flavoured pasta. Vesper grinned at him and placed one bowl in front of him, a witty expression on her face hinting that maybe this one too had vinegar in it. Somewhere, deep into her heart, something stirred and screamed, longing for a question she knew had no sense to make. She didn’t want me in her life and I don’t want her in mine. She glanced again at the jacket: “He never got up on the ring without that thing on, y’know?” Tilting her chin, she signalled the worn-out jacket. “And I did the same. I guess it felt like a good luck charm. Maybe…” The ramen was rotating in the ceramic as she moved it around with the chopsticks in regular motions, eyes fixed on it. “If you want you can have it for yourself, I think it’s time I manage on my own without it.”
Daniel nodded as he slurped some of his noodles loudly. “Cool…but do I look dumb with it?” He moved his left arm, clearly mentioning the fact the jacket was way too big for him. Both scoffed out a laugh as they looked at each other playfully.
“Yeah, you look like a total gonk with it but I guess you’re used to that kind of look.” He made a mocking sound and replied with a clear ‘no you’ before gobbling down his dinner.
“Hey so, what’s the deal with him being super famous and all. Did you ever see him fight?” Words came out half muffled as he chewed on a sushi roll.
“Nah he was a legend around twenty-twenty or something. The memories I have of him fighting are from his shitty boxing days.” She puffed out her chest proudly. “I was way better than him already when ten.” Her gaze left her brother and started wandering around the room, jumping from one object to the other. “I think I have some old recording of his big times. Wanna see them?”
Daniel immediately jumped on his feet and nodded vigorously, the jacket making him smaller and even shorter than normal. He looked positively dumb, Vesper thought while getting up.
“Can’t wait to see dad beating the shit out of some randos.” He grabbed his plate and sprinted to the couch, already getting comfortable on it. “That’s like, a movie night or whatever.”
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Why are people interacting with me im literally a nobody who started a reblog account and all I do is talk about one character why do yall interact
I love yall tho you guys have no idea how happy all this interaction is making me I feel so loved
Lowkey wanna cry
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snafus-peckuh · 3 years
hbo war fandom making edits, fics and a whole character arc for someone that got 32 seconds of screen time
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*plans out and writes carefully constructed fanfic*
Post: barely gets 50 likes
*randomly posts something i came up with on the spot*
Post: 1000+ likes
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cuppajj · 3 years
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withloveajaxx · 2 years
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i promise i'll do an event soon jus give me some time to plan it out and stuff :"D
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jgnico · 2 years
We passed 800 followers! Thank you so so so much!
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daisydevorak · 3 years
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Wh-wha.. What, h-how?
*Cries in french*
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argylemikewheeler · 2 years
I've been here since 2018 too! I really enjoyed reading your post s2 fics
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lylahammar · 3 years
btw everyone who came to my last stream already knows that I cry easily when people say sweet things about my art, but people showing interest in my OCs makes me especially emotional EVERY time so today has been ✨MESSY✨
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