#thank you!! 💜
fiona-fififi · 4 months
I’m the anon that sent you the ask about your fic! And that snippet was AMAZING! I’m seriously so excited to read this. 😍😍
I totally get being hesitant to engage with fandom at the moment, it’s hella toxic out there. I’m just LIBERALLY using the block button, which I’ve never really had to do before, but it’s making my experience much more pleasant. Don’t let them get you down, you are very talented!
Anon, I hope you're still out there! (I saw this several days ago, but then forgot to respond—I'm sorry for the delay!)
I'm glad you enjoyed the snippet! I'm hopeful that I might finish this one, but honestly, the state of the fandom lately has left me less than enthused. It's hard to get excited over writing or even just participating in fandom when it feels like anything you do is going to piss someone off.
I've never really been one to block—in the past it's always been easy to unfollow and avoid most of the issues. The problem I'm coming up against this time around is that these attitudes are seeping into blogs I've always trusted and really enjoyed, and it's super disheartening to see people I thought I could trust spouting the same rhetoric as the anons in my inbox seeking to be actively cruel. It's just not a great feeling to have to unfollow everyone, you know? Right now, there are only a handful of people whose blogs feel like a safe space anymore, and that is such a turnaround from even just a few months ago.
It's exhausting, honestly, and I'm increasingly avoiding posting any kind of opinions or thoughts about the show to avoid the bullshit, and at that point, what is even the point of being part of a fandom, you know?
So, anyway, I'm very glad you appreciated the snippet, and I'll try to maybe finish it one of these days. Hopefully, everything calms down here soon, so we can all just go back to getting along and enjoying the show we love.
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littleoblivions · 2 months
top 5 one word title songs of taylors
honorable mentions to exile & style <3
ask me my "TOP 5/TOP 10" anything!
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notasdriedapricots · 7 months
Spell your url with song titles
thank you for the tag, @ariendiel! 💗
I tried to choose songs I haven't used in any previous music ask, AND I didn't allow the regular offenders like Jamie Cullum, Vulfpeck (and adjacent projects/related people), Sammy Rae & the Friends, Busty and the Bass, Gregory Porter, Lake Street Dive, Scary Pockets, Lous and the Yakuza... I and even with all that some were so hard.
ALSO Just in case, I'm a vibes girlie, not a lyrics girlie. I'm not responsible for how silly some of this songs' lyrics are, and to be honest I probably don't even know what half of them say because I never paid much attention lol Also also, my playlist is currently at 45 hours, I do not pay attention to most of the words in there. God bless the language barrier...
Nickel & Dime, by Nic Hanson
On The Back Foot, by Ryan Prewett and Tyler Flowers
Take It Up a Notch, by Lack Of Afro, Wax and Herbal T
Adelphia, by The Cat Empire
Solitude, by Lila Iké
Dr. Funk, by The Main Squeeze
Real Good, by Outasight
I'm Leavin' (The Na-Na Song), by Couch and Ella Galvin
Extra Extra, by Michael Shynes
downBAD, by Stop Light Observations
Arty Boy - Tennyson Remix, by Flight Facilities, Emma Louise, and Tennyson
Planet X, by Calimossa
Read Receipts, by Kyle Thornton & The Company
It's Your Voodoo Working, by Hugh Coltman
Cabaret, by Luiz Henrique and Walter Wanderley
Over It, by Dux and Raquel Rodriguez
The Thrill, by Yam Haus
Side Eyes, by Awfbeat (give me some credit for not putting September here, because you know I would have... But I only had two Ss and I wanted to mix things up a bit. Also this is great, I mean the bridge)
I'm late, as usual, but I'm tagging @definitelynotagentm @sailorpleiades @moderarato @justtuesdays and @mp3minded
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strangesmallbard · 1 year
“Please,” Abi says, elongating the word just to annoy her. She rescues her own jacket, which had fallen halfway underneath her single bed, and shakes it out in Tally’s direction. “The General visits Raelle’s mushroom training because it’s literally new canon, but why the hell would she visit Knowing classes except to check on her favorite ex-biddy? She’s not a Knower.”
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captainchilly · 1 year
11, 16, 29 :)
11. anything from your childhood you’ve held on to?
honestly a lot of stuff cause im way too sentimental. i have most of my stuffed animals still and most of my books and i’m pretty sure i have a couple of my old barbies in my closet
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
love it so muchhhh
29. preferred pasta noodle?
penne or bowtie. i usually buy penne tho idk why.
weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well
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morning-star-joy · 1 year
I gotta agree with them having a baby how not a lot of people like that type of story line because I am the same way -
BUT !!! - I gotta admit I’d love to see what you do with that part of there story ! It’s the way you write about them that I really love 🤣❤️ so if you so eventually post it on here I can’t wait to read it
That’s totally valid! It’s not a trope that’s for everyone, which is why I’m making it it’s own little AU storyline. (Personally, I don’t want kids, but Joel Miller makes me go crazy for breeding kinks and pregnancy 🤣🥵)
Ahh thank you for your kind words about it! I’m really glad to hear you’d want to read it 🥹 it’s definitely something I need to sit down and work on. I got lots of WIPs piling up lately, I need to sort through what to write and when haha 😂
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base0h · 2 years
500 followers! I’m so glad you guys liked the holiday event- please lmk if you have ideas for another event bec I need help with planning 💀 I want to do something special for you all bec I’m so grateful for all the support 😭💜
sending hugs to all of youuu <3
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lookforanewangle · 2 years
anon meme hours!! ✨ what's something coming up in the future that you're looking forward to? could be a big thing but could also be a little thing. for me it's boots and scarves for sweater season
combat boots and skinny jeans and hoodie season my beloved!! <3
hmmm oh! I have a little staycation coming up at the beginning of november that's going to allow me to go to my first in-person NaNoWriMo write-in since pre-covid which is very exciting!! so that's three things I'm excited about, NaNo and vacation and write-ins :D
anonymously (or not) ask me any question you’d like to know about me!
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simonsapelsin · 13 days
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌
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plasmadaze · 3 months
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Send this star to 10 (or more 👽) mutuals to let them know you love them ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐💜
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littleoblivions · 1 year
9 and 20! 🫶🏻
9. do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)?
lol this is so complicated because the company i got laid off from 6 months ago was a skincare company and i had a thorough routine for the first time in my life bc the products were great tbh (used a face wash, toner, moisturizer, and serum daily). so when they fucked me over it was like i was Angry using the products and also i ran out of some product and obviously i’m not going to buy more for full price (we had a really good employee discount too). so now i’m just using a cetaphil wash on my face and nothing really else lmaooo
20. favorite disney princess movie?
does aladdin count? if not then the little mermaid probably! wait the princess diaries tho….
number ask game!
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might I interest you in a Michael doodle today?
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I’ll finish this soon, trust 🙏
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strangesmallbard · 1 year
Two! Two 🌹🌹 for you ah ah ahhh
Alex’s voice rang out through the empty corridor, made homier by carpets and a table lamp in the waiting area. Olivia paused to turn it off. She just read an article in People about the importance of saving energy—well, it was about how Cameron Diaz reduces emissions by driving a Prius. Same difference, really. Olivia was about to check out her hair again in the hall mirror when Alex laughed and she froze like a cartoon character.
This was ridiculous.
“This is ridiculous,” Olivia murmured, confirming her decision. Armed with memories of how many murderers she’s interrogated, Olivia followed the only light still on to the doorway of Alex’s office. (Lingering there wasn’t cowardly, it was polite. Really, it was the least she could do.)
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captainchilly · 1 year
16, 23, 25, 26 :)
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
i love mint chocolate chip so much omggg
23. do you wear jewelry?
not really. i have like smallish silicone tunnels in my ears and i wear my watch but that’s about it.
25. would you say you have good taste in music?
lol absolutely not
26. how’s your spice tolerance?
i mean it’s okay. i eat like buffalo wings and jalapeños but beyond that i can’t do unless i’m being stubborn or petty
weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well
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kandismon · 4 months
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totally lore-accurate swanqueen screencap redraws 4/∞
they're on their first date :3c
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frostbitebakery · 3 months
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for @voxmyriad
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