#thank you Sevi-fuk!
goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Super Effective!: Morningstars vs Vaggie
Lucifer: Vaggie?
Vaggie: Yes, Lucifer?
Lucifer: (Morningstar Puppy Eyes) Can we have McBurger Queen for dinner?
Vaggie: What did Charlie say?
Lucifer: To ask you.
Vaggie: We have food here.
Lucifer: You leave me no choice. CHARLIEZARD!!! USE BABY DOLL EYES!!!
Vaggie: Wait, what?
Charlie: RAWR!!! (jumps out from behind the door wearing a charmander onesie) Lucifetch'd, use Charm!
Lucifer: (transforms his clothes into a farfetched onesie) Ha-HA!
Vaggie: Farfetch'd doesn't know "Charm"!!!
Charlie & Lucifer: (double damage, Morningstar Puppy Eyes)
Vaggie: (overpowered by the adorable double team) AGH!!! Fine! We can have McBurger Queen!
Charlie & Lucifer: (jump up and down in a circle while holding hands) Yay!
Razzle: (bursts in wearing a unicorn onesie) Baaaa!
Charlie: All good, Razzle! We don't need you to use Razzling Gleam. Vaggie said yes!
Razzle: (throws his hooves into the air excitedly) BAAAAAA!!!
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 7 months
Vaggie: (licking the wound in her hand after the battle)
Charlie: (holding up disinfectant) Vaggie! No! Bad girl! (Baps her with clean towel) That's how you get infections!
Vaggie: (hisses and growls) Saliva has natural healing qualities!!!
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I think I'll never draw this, so I'll just give this idea to you.
Kids running after Yang, who is 50 years old and absolutely doesn't want to take her meds cause "they taste awful". In the end, kids catch her and try to give her meds in nice way, but Yang still doesn't open her mouth.
Then one of the kids say "oh look, mama is home!". Yang yells Blake's name as one of the kids pinches her nose and forces the spoon of a medicine in Yang's mouth as she starts tearing up.
After kids let Yang go she doesn't talk to them cause "no talk, I'm angy"
Hey, @sevi-fuk!
That is absolutely amazing! I love it! I am so gonna write up a fic on it! I want to be able to do it justice, though, so it will get it's own Baby and the Bees post that will get it's own link.
Medicine: Baby and the Bees
Sorry you feel like you won't be able to get to it for a drawing. That would have been a funny comic! Best wishes!
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Medicine: Baby and the Bees
Thank you @sevi-fuk for giving me the idea! Hopefully, I can do it justice here!
Yang: (sprinting through the back fields of the house) You'll never take me alive!!!
Tian: (giving chase) Get back here, Dagon! You need to take your arthritis medication!
Yin: (taking up the rear) And your blood pressure meds!
Keir: (sprinting around tryng to flank Yang) The doctor even made it easy on you by making it into a single syrup cocktail that you only have to take once a month! Come on!
Yang: NEVER!!!
Tian: (panting) How the hell is she in her fifties but still so fast?
Yin: I have no idea, but there has to be an easier way to do this...
Keir: GUYS!!! I GOT HER!!!
Tian & Yin: (sprint up to where Keir is struggling to hold Yang down)
Yang: Betrayed by my own son!!!
Tian: Good job, Keir! (passes medicine filled syringe to Yin and pins down Yang's other arm) How did you catch her?
Keir: I pretended to sprain my ankle in a rabbit hole.
Yang: Traitor! Those rabbit holes are no joke!
Yin: (straddles Yang's chest and uses her knees to help hold down Yang's shoulders) This is for your own good, Dagon! We want you to be healthy so you can live a long, happy life!
Yang: (bucking like a bull as she pins her lips shut and bites the insides closed while thrashing her head back and forth)
Tian: (struggling to hold Yang down) Oh, hey, look! Mama's home!
Yang: (cranes head towards the house) Hey, Ba- ack!
Yin: (pinches Yang's nose closed and stuffs the syringe of medicine in her mouth, pressing down the plunger and laying on Yang's face to force her to swallow)
Yang: (thrashes and starts rolling around like a crocodile doing a death roll) mmmMMMMmmMMMmMMm!!!!!!
-At the Dinner Table-
Blake: (glances around the table) Soooo...how was everyone's day?
Yang: (pouting with her arms crossed and barely picking at her food)
TYK: (covered in dirt and grass stains) Dagon's angy.
Blake: I see that. Why is Yangy angy?
TYK: Medicine....
Yang: (huffs and turns away from the table) Betrayed by my own children.
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Hey, there. I absolutely love your work! Especially something with bees being parents.
Could I ask for more pregnant Blake? I just know she'd eat a lot and would stare at Yang's food cause Blake is still hungry after eating her share. Yang, of course, can't say no to those cute big eyes and gives Blake her food
Hey, @sevi-fuk! Thanks for leaving a message! I love your artwork with the Bees, especially with the twins.
I can absolutely write up more pregnant Blake! One hungry Mama coming right up!
Yang: (staring at the three empty plates in front of Blake) I'm not even going to ask where you managed to put all of that.
Blake: What? I'm eating for three. (runs hand across her severely swollen belly) The babies require nutrients. (stares at Yang's plate)
Yang: (looks at her plate) Hey, uh-uh! You've already had your own.
Blake: (puppy eyes)
Yang: ....... (slides plate over to Blake) I'm not much of a fish fan anyway...
Blake: Yay! (takes plate and gives Yang a kiss)
-One Week Later-
Yang: (walks into the house carrying takeout)
Blake: (bashfully) Yaaaaang?
Yang: Yes, babe?
Blake: I know I said I didn't want anything....
Yang: (whips off backpack and pulls out five extra carryout containers) I HAVE LEARNED!!!
Blake: (swoons) My hero~
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Dropping by to ask for more dad Yang cuddling with pregnant Blake, pls.
(Also I'm glad your son is doing okay!)
Hey, @sevi-fuk! I got the perfect one for that! (and thanks! He's being a trooper.)
Blake & Yang: (snuggling in bed)
Yang: (rubbing her hand over Blake's swollen baby belly)
Baby Belly: (kick)
Yang: Looks like someone's awake.
Blake: (sighs) Like clockwork. Ooph! (clutches belly)
Yang: What's wrong????
Blake: Sorry, babe, but...can you move your arm off my stomach? There's a lot of pressure there already, and it's...making it worse...
Yang: Of course! (moves hand to Blake's thigh but presses closer to Blake's back) Better?
Blake: Much. Thank you.
-Minutes go by-
Blake: .....Yang?
Yang: Mmhmm?
Blake: ....You just wanted to touch my ass, didn't you?
Yang: Have you seen your hips and ass right now?! How could I not?!
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