#thank you all for everything :')
smol-stardust · 5 months
Littol friends and people of my phone:
As 2023 comes to a close and 2024 looms over us. I just want to say thank you to all of you who I’ve crossed paths with this year for everything
. Wether it be just seeing you on my dash, silly little tag games, rambles too much about fandoms, who had to suffer my math vents (I apologize for that) or those of you who have faithfully followed my oc lores (special hugs to you), thank you so much for being a part of my 2023.
I may not have known you all long, but thank you to those of you who’ve brought a little joy through your posts, art, and whatnots. Thank you everyone for the little moments and smiles and just making 2023 a little better all around. You’re all kinda like friends (& family for some) to me so thank you for just being here and being you :)
To the moots, I hope our paths continue to cross because you all are amazing, sweet and kind people and I’m lucky to have met you all.
In the new year, I hope to talk to more of you and just enjoy the shenanigans as we have. Thank you for everything and may 2024 bring you some joy and good things. Feel free to reach out for anything, I’m always happy to be a little chaotic or just chill and ramble :)
Ilysm/p and happy new years
@thebestieyoureinlovewith @demigoddess-of-ghosts @thefleurographist @the-flower-faerie @iloveyoutyyy @tenracoonsinacrisis @waitingforthesunrise @annabeths-chase @eallan-poe @kanaede-kun @amagami-hime @shigiwawigi @walmart-miku @written-by-kafka @the-flags @circuslemon @justanotherjester @clowninthecoffeehouse @gettinshiggywithit @jkooktray @diagonal-queen @gayoticbeing @a-portal-to-nowhere @sillymaster3k @ottobab @satan1cpanic @gayoticbeing @grishaverse-chaos @le-petite-ivy @patriphagy @bluesakuramochi @tomato-turn @autistic-katara @someonebeatmetotheseusernames @l3st1b0urn3s-707 @lostinfantasyworldsbi @frogwithaflowercrown @hell-lit011019 @lupvium @angerycat @dicklessswonder @rashoumonkitty @pinky-99 @kavennnn @theproblemcallednight @bookreadingpsycopath @sugarfoodie @bungouchronicles @caffeiiine @arisu-chan4646 and everyone who’s made 2023 a little better by crossing paths with me on this silly little site :)
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finnslay · 6 months
5 week post break-up: I'm doing okay. Gonna try to come back to Tumblr. You're all so sweet. Thank you all sosososo much. I love you all. I'm starting to move on. Yeah, it hurt. But she's happy. It's not her fault. It's not my fault. It's nobody's fault. And that's just fine, not all relationships work out. I'll be okay. I'll be okay, I'll finish recovering, and I'll move on and maybe find someone new. Again, thanks so much to all of you. You mean the world to me. Stay safe, all of you. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
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i-haerins · 9 months
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⛞   ♡⃕   👖   300+ FOLLOWERS??
 ﹒﹒  ➢  ✤  tysm for 300+ followers! i appreciate it sm<3 U GUYS R THE BESTTT i never knew id go this far 😭😭😭 i love u all 🥰🥰
❂   ✿   🍨   fav blogs ♡⃞
⸝⸝   @y-urios @y0oni3 @tinyhoshi @stqrsxra @i03miyan @i08wony @w-eons @jaes1lvr @lorlita @chaeneuu @m-inas @baesol @yeritos @i04rei @iluvrei @fuckici + MANNNY more!
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snazzystarlight · 10 months
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The first annual SnazzyStarlight pledge drive begins! In order to begin my journey back to being a full time artist, I'm hosting a pledge drive for my Patreon!
As we hit our goals, we'll unlock more and more rewards, the specifics of which will all be voted on by y'all! Just be sure to join the Stars tier or higher by August 31 to get in on these!! Thank you all so much for all the support so far! I can't wait to make more for you!
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sonofshu · 21 days
ㅤI think I'm finding my breaking point, I'm sorry to everyone who I made a promise to
I can't even take care of myself, so why should other people even bother with me? Thank you all for everything, but I don't want to be a burden anymore to such wonderful people.
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thebottomfromhell · 2 months
Hello people from Tumblr, I would like to ask for your help (No, I'm not asking for money, don't worry). In my University we have to make an alternative writting essay with non-normative theme and technique, so I wanted to ise tumblr for it. You fill the small formulary of this link. It's anonymously, free and short, and it will help a lot for that graded signature. Thank you all for your attention.
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toxic-clockwork · 1 year
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I dont think ill every be able to put to words what the spies mean to me and will forever mean to me. I found so much of myself because of you all and the friendships and relationships i have made along that way. Agents, I am forever in your debt because of the person I’ve become and the better person I am today.
Spies win, no redactions, to hiding it anymore. The spies have won and it’s thanks to you all.
You are loved and the world loves you.
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askazutheshinymew · 10 months
(Hi there! It’s me the artist behind this ask blog, I just wanted to say that today is my birthday today! I hope everyone is enjoying the ask blog I made because I’ve been having fun drawing asks and doing interactions with other mews. I do plan on having an actual storyline for Azu in the future since I have multiple ideas for it. Anyway I’m going to go enjoy my birthday & I’ll leave you all with a happy Azu in a birthday hat!)
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izzyindahouse · 6 months
I wanna thank every one of my mutuals for supporting me and entertaining me through out the year. I had never imagined having so many friends when coming to this website. It's because of tumblr I've become more comfortable having online friends and I'm proud that I have people who actively like me. Being on tumblr has helped me be more involved with everyone and I've never felt happier.
As an introvert, it's hard for me to make friends and socializing in general. Tumblr has made it easier to meet new people through my intrests and I'm happy to have meet all of you. When I went to Tumblr, I felt like I had found my people and I didn't feel so insecure. Being a part of Tumblr has helped me blend in and made me feel feel safe and happy in a community for the first time in while. Without tumblr, I most likely would have not known everyone's existence and be in the fandoms which I am in right now. You all have no idea how grateful I am to have such kind and delightful friends like all of you.
Thank you all, for being my friends. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I love you all with my heart and I wish a good life ahead of you all <333
P.S., I would give a special thanks to @tulipsempai, for helping me discover this silly place and being my very first friend on the site. Without you, I wouldn't have known the existence of your beautifully illustrated and written comics and all of the wonderful people I've met. Thank you, I hope you have a good year <3
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forbidden-sunlight · 2 years
100+ Followers Event
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Hello everyone and welcome to the little cafe around the corner, The Sunlight Brew House!
I would like to thank each and every person who has been following this blog since the beginning or just checked out the content. I honestly cannot believe it has received such positive reception and I really hope this blog will continue to grow in both content and readership. 
To celebrate, there will be a menu with selections, prompts, and one house specialty. Everyone can place an order from the menu from October 2nd to October 3rd. There will be 6 slots open. 
Before going over the cafe’s selections, here are a few rules for the event:
1) First come, first serve. You cannot submit an order before or after the event’s dates. They will not be accepted. 
2) Anyone who requests an +18 order must not be a minor or have an ageless blog. The manager has the right to refuse service to the individuals who do not comply with this rule. 
3) Will not fulfill an order that contains dubious consent, underage sex, grooming, brainwashing, mental/physical abuse, etc, etc. If the manager is not comfortable with writing any other content, they have the right to refuse service. 
4) Please be kind and understanding. The manager values quality over quantity of the menu, so some orders might take a little longer to write then others. 
Finally, let’s have fun and enjoy ourselves in the cafe! :)
With that being said, here is the menu for The Sunlight Brew House:
Father, I Don’t Want to Get Married!
The Beast Tamed by The Evil Woman
I’m The Villainess But I Became A Mother
Today The Villainess Has Fun Again
The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway
Dirty Chai Latte  (slightly steamy/ 18+ only)
Chiffon Cake (fluff) 
Lemon Scone  (reverse transmigration)
Lavender Tea  (comfort/fluff) 
 Bring Me A Dream in A Teacup
To prevent the villainess in an R-17 series from using a magical object to torture the female lead and getting executed in association for the crime, the reader who is reincarnated in the novel world as a mob character decides to make matters into her own hands and steals the item to stay alive. But what they did not expect is to take on the mantle of the Sandman, a legend supposedly in charge of dreams and nightmares in a crystal palace amongst sand dunes. 
Yeah, more like an underpaid job just to make sure no bad dreams sneak off into the Waking World and cause chaos. 
And why does the male lead want to spend time with a nobody like them? What about the gorgeous and sweet female lead that will give him the happily ever after he’s always wanted?
Update: All slots have been taken, and the event is now officially closed! Dear customers, we shall work on your orders!
Thank you for patronage, we hope to see you again! :)
- Manager
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highhhfiveee · 7 months
hi hi. it's 10:49 pm and i am going to bed (((((: had a very long day but so many good things happened and i'm very happy (: i just had to work alot and do lots of driving so i got very tired 😭 plus i ate and i’m just out for the count lmao i need to sleep
so while i’m sorry for not providing two fics tonight, here is one that i think is very cute 🥪
i am also going to take a break tomorrow! i have to work a lot again and i know that i’m not gonna have the energy to sit in front of my computer, so while i’ll say good morning and goodnight, I won’t be posting any writings. i’ve been super consistent which i’m proud of, but i was so scared that everyone was going to forget about me if i stopped so i haven’t taken a true break 🥹 i’m in need of some self care too though ☝🏽so i will be back on thursday, with a stoner!mike phone sex ficlet as a treat 🎁 💜 and i've been thinking about doing a ficlet that connects to a part two of a certainnnnnn story that broke everyone's heart so stay tuned (;
writing is always coming, but please be patient with me as i slow down just a teeeeeeny bit (,: (even though y’all are the best and i know you support me <3 ) not losing interest, i promise! just need to refresh my brain lol
okie off to just honk shoo honk shoo <3
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insanitywulf · 1 year
Deciding I’m not going to be posting on here anymore. I will still be (somewhat) active but just won’t be posting anything. Day by day, I keep loosing followers and I don’t understand why. Sorry for not constantly posting every damn day… I have a life outside of this app too y’know. For those of you who have sticked around for awhile, thank you. All of you peoples’ support means a lot to me. Thank you for helping me grow.
It was a good run…but now, we must rest…
Once again, thank you all for your love and support all this time and helping my account grow. I love you guys! 🖤❤️🖤❤️🖤❤️
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So I'm going through my email rn and deleting unnecessary stuff so it isn't as cluttered anymore, and right now I'm going through all of my tumblr notification emails. (There are so many oml-)
And as I'm going through them, I'm reading all the stuff that isn't just a "someone followed you" message, and it's just bringing me back down memory lane!
I remember when I used to be really into Unsympathetic Patton and Virgil! I remember back when I was the first blog that popped up when you looked up the Roman Angst tag! I remember when I held that I Woke Up In The Future art contest!! It's just all so nice to look back on!! <3
I've been posting on tumblr since 2020, which means that this blog is nearing it's 3 year anniversary. I am so glad that I started posting on here and sharing my silly little ideas with the world, because I have met so many wonderful people because of it!
Two of my best friends I never would have met if I never started posting roman angst here on tumblr. I never would've gotten to play my first D&D campaign if I never made that post asking for people to reach out and chat with me! Being on here has improved my writing abilities, as well as helping me find loads of people that I genuinely really care about!
You're all so wonderful and I'm grateful for all the time that we've spent together thus far. Here's to hopefully many more years of this to come!! 🥂
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twistys · 1 year
hi everyone! happy new year. ❤️❤️ i hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. 
so it turns out, my anxiety has not gotten better. it’s been... getting worse and it’s becoming something that is inhibiting my ability to live my life. i am... going to be honest as well, and admit that i’ve just lost the desire to write. i think i was just desperate to write because i love meredith so much. but i also can’t sit here and act like i have muse to write, when my life is just chaotic 24/7. so i’m going to leave tumblr altogether. i really want to focus on my life, becoming a better teacher, a better partner to my partner, and a better person. my anxiety is just stopping me from living life and being online doesn’t help either.
i have loved the entire experience i’ve had on meredith. it has been probably the best rp experience i’ve ever had. the people i’ve met, the friends i’ve made... it’s been wonderful. maybe one day, when i feel mentally better and my life has settled down (although, with student teaching and realizing how hectic being a teacher is... maybe it never will), i’ll come back. 
if i met you during my time on here, know you’ve been wonderful. i’m still on discord and i’m happy to talk on there. maybe even write on there! but i love you all and if you would like to keep on touch, i’m there.
again, thank you so much for everything. i hope you all have a wonderful new year and may this year and the future be kind to you! ❤️❤️
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My cousin's got a projector for tracing for Christmas and we went and visited them today and I made this and wrote some incomplete lyrics down for y'all.
The full lyrics are
So fill to me the parting glass,
And drink a health whate'er befalls,
Then gently rise and softly call
Good night and joy be to you all!
And I thought it was an excellent sentiment for tonight. Congratulations! You made it through another year! I'm so proud of you!
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Happy new year! I love you all! May your lives be filled with light and joy!!! May each day be gift and life be blessing!!!
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killerforthepies · 1 year
reemerging from my sadness hole to see that the rest of the world doesn't know that blaseball ended..
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