#thank you for asking ily
leslovesfatties · 8 months
What do you look for in a potential feedee?
Well, I’ve never had one haha but obviously insatiable appetite, wouldn’t get sick of me fondling their fat every chance I’d get, already obese, the usual! Lol
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atomicmoths · 2 years
Do the Suncatchers have a Ketch? What is it like?
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Yes they do have a Ketch and boy it’s a biggin’! The three sisters dubbed the Ketch Sunsail when they inherited it from their mother, the former Kell. It’s been home to the entire House of Suncatchers ever since they left Mercury. Inside is decorated with various tapestries and drapes of varying color. In the Kell’s quarter, there’s a series of large stained glass windows. The Sunsail predates the Whirlwind by quite some time and is one of the biggest and long living Kecthes in the Sol System, which is what also allows them to take in so many refugees from varying houses. As it stands, they’re an all Eliksni crew since they originally started as a typical House so because of this they still have traditional House roles and rituals. However, they have a very small Dreg population and refrain from docking unless they feel it’s absolutely necessary.
Full disclaimer, this is an edit I did of their Ketch from some original blank destiny models, hence why I had to add the sails.
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supersonic1994 · 2 months
rye my dearest how are u! I missed u so bad I'm glad to see you posting again!! <33
hello my lovely!! I’m doing okay <3 really burnt out and done with uni so I try not to think about it but it is what it is! I’m also feeling better physically now :-) I’ll have my symptoms for awhile but at least I know how to deal with them
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itsnotreal · 1 year
Heyyy 🌿📷🐰hru doing love 💖💖
🌿- favorite outfit? Tshirt and sweatpants!🫣
📷 what’s your lock screen?
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🐰 - what do you think says the most about a person? How they treat people who serve them. Like a waiter or waitress. The guy working register at McDonald’s. The nurse at the ER. You know what I mean?
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xjustakay · 1 year
Hello lovely 😊 how are you?? Hope all is well 🌺
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I love WIP games! So for your post, I am intrigued by all of your WIPs, but I’m trying not to be too greedy lol So I’ll request a few and give you the option to answer any or all:
I love the Weasley twins so Slytherin Fred has me soooo curious
Dreomione is one of my favorite triads! So feel free to share some Dreomione filth
Ocean Away—I’m a water sign so my eyes popped to this one first
Thanks so much in advance!!
the gif!!! i'm crying you're the sweetest, thank you. i hope you're doing well, you angel<3
as for the wip things;
slytherin freddie boy!! so that one is an ongoing continuation of the slytherin fred wip i started a while back (i swear it's not forgotten, don't look at me akdljakfldjk). but basically! it's a little bit more of a character study than most of my other fics, like it's technically fremione, but it focuses a lot more on fred in slytherin and his dynamic with his housemates and his family in relation to his unexpected place there. little bit of romeo and juliet type undertones will come in with the fremione aspect, but overall it's a pretty slytherin character and fred as an individual centric fic! the next due chapter is in sorcerer's stone era and he convinces a handful of his housemates that it's stupid to go back to their common room as told when there's a literal troll down there.
[we're jumping to ocean away bc i'm gonna put the dreomione filth last lmao] SO OCEAN AWAY! ironically enough, has nothing to do with water i'm so sorry lmao. it's like, a metaphorical ocean. it's another of my fremione ongoing wips (can i chill?) but a shorter one, that's heavily inspired by the song ocean away from the unofficial bridgerton musical. it's heavy on the angst and poor coping mechanisms and yearning. they're messy exes post-war, finding their way back to each other, it's a little rough time. hermione's pov chapter was first, fred's pov chapter is next and it's arguably more emotional lol.
DREOMIONE FILTH. self explanatory, i think LOL. established theomione, but dreo are roommates, and draco keeps being subjected to the two of them together but finds he likes it a little bit too much. i started brainstorming this one literally a year ago and i have... so much to add to it still but i actually have some i can share, so here lol, i'll leave a nsfw snippet for this one below;;
“Go on then, darling.” Theo hums. It’s instantaneous. It should be embarrassing, but Draco can’t even fucking think straight. His hand twists, squeezes, and then his hips are jutting upward, thighs tense and toes curled into the bedsheet. Like he’s been granted the same permission that Granger has to come finally; something about that seems to short-circuit his brain. He’s hitting a new high —or a new low, he has no idea at this point— as he comes over his fist and onto his stomach, hips rolling up into the hand tugging his cock through his orgasm. The loud, sinful sounds of Granger’s own peak have him absolutely shuddering through it.
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Hi, I just stumbled upon your blog. So I'm here now and I want to learn more about your stuff.
Which one of your wips is your favorite and why? And who's your blorbo from said wips. I want to hear all about it :^)
Hi! Hope you’re still here, and didn’t give up on me after (checks watch) four days between ask and answer.
My favorite is The SOLE Project!
It’s the one I’ve been working on for the longest, and therefore the most developed. It’s about a group of teens who were grown in a lab, and given superpowers by the head of that facility, Dr. Barbara Agau.
And boy is she fun to write. Absolutely amoral, ruthless, and efficient, she has calculated everything and expects the results to conform precisely.
It’s a beautiful combination of easy to write for me and easy to root against for readers, because she is so thorough in her mental + emotional abuse and control of the protagonist, Beth.
I made the decision to split SOLE into two books, so if I’m working on it, then I’m busy writing Book 2! Since, at this point, I have finished rewriting Book 1.
Let me know if you’d like some stuff linked; I’ve been here since 2017 and am a very thorough tagger, so I can find moodboards, writing excerpts, even a Star Trek fic if you want it!
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charlesleclerctv · 1 year
okay okay nice... are you out with someone? I mean, you're safe right? I can't help but ask, you know how this world is today :(
you're the nicest :( i'm with my mum and cousin and childhood friend so all 🇭🇷 & comfort <3
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qualifiedcutie · 1 year
8, 22, 24 😘
8. favorite fanfic trope?
Well... I don't actually read fanfiction! Or long stories in general, for that matter. But I looked up tropes and I think one of my favourites would be hurt/comfort.
22. fictional crushes?
I don't really have fictional crushes... Had to really think about this question but I realized my answer to this question is actually Howl (from Howl's Moving Castle)
24. what makes you blush?
You. 💖
Hehe sorry i just had to :3 I don't know anything that would literally make my face go red, but when speaking metaphorically i think one of the best ways to make me blush, is when someone shows love or affection at a moment where i didn't see it coming. When you're cooking a meal with a friend and suddenly they hug you from behind. When you're just having a conversation and at an unexpected moment they start complimenting you in a really sweet way. Those little moments don't happen often but thry are the best.
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Tasha 💕 Hii !! How are you <3
Red tv-
Message in a bottle
Atw (10 minutes version)
Come back.. be here
Everything has changed
Midnights- (this one was hard)
Midnight rain
Wcs,maroon,the great war,vigilante shit 😭
Reputation (i cant wait to hear the vault tracks!!)
Dancing with our hands tied
New year's day
King of my heart
Mad woman
My tears ricochet
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licncourt · 2 years
Post your academic publications some time, I want to read them! but redact your name and anything else that may identify location cause safety first.
Well I only have a couple so far (I'm still a baby scholar) but I will! I'll probably share the abridged/draft versions for privacy's sake, but you'll get the idea!!
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some-greaser-punk · 11 months
9, 20, 42 :)
9. hot or cold coffee? yes to both i love both
20. call it soda or pop? i say soda, im from southern california
42. an app you frequently used besides tumblr? mmmmm i use discord a lot? does that count?
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enbyeddiediaz · 1 year
1: sleeping in or getting an early start? - I'm definitely pro sleeping in but I can't do it as much or for as long as I used to be able to bc I have to take my meds before noon :/ also I hate mornings ajdjkfkf
2: coffee or tea? - coffee for sure but it's gotta be at least a little bit sugary, I've tried to like tea but I just can't do it
3: favorite breakfast food? - I'm gonna have to go with eggs benedict or chocolate chip pancakes
4: opinions on brunch? - absolutely adore it especially since I'm never hungry at normal people's breakfast time I literally had it today
5: how many houseplants do you have? - I have one, it's a succulent and it's gonna die soon bc it got infected with smthg :(
chill weekend ask game
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gentlebeard · 3 months
If I could hold you for a minute, Darling, I’d go through it again
For @edsbacktattoo & @stedesearring 💕 Show: Our Flag Means Death - Season 1 & 2 Music: Francesca by Hozier YouTube
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buglaur · 8 months
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if virgil was in a horror movie he'd probably be first to die
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the-phantom-peach · 15 days
I have a bunch of assessments due so I'm procrastinating by looking at your art again 😭😭😭. Could I perhaps request some silly school pegoryu? 🙏💕
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heartbreak-sandwich · 5 months
Hear me out on this one! A cute secret date turn relationship with Billy x fem reader. He doesn’t want people like his dad or Tommy getting in the way with his time with his girlfriend. You can write it however you pls!
Hope you like that idea, thank you 😊
Hiiiii!!! I’m sorry this sat in my inbox for so long!! I’m finally catching up on all of my requests, and this one is so cute! I really appreciate your patience, and I hope you like it! We're feeling fluffy with this one today 💕 | Master List 📖
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You weren’t sure what a date with Billy Hargrove would entail. You had heard the rumors about the new King of Hawkins High – how he took a different girl home every week, and his sleek, blue Camaro was permanently parked out at Lover’s Lake. You were shocked that Friday when you were alone in the auditorium running through light cues, and Billy approached you.
“Tommy’s not here,” you called to him as he walked down one of the aisles. Tommy Hagan had been charged with sweeping up the auditorium during the lunch hour for two weeks after playing what he thought was a harmless prank on a freshman on the basketball team, and you were sure Billy had come looking for him.
“Is it just you in here?” His question caught you off guard, but you tried not to let it distract you from your work.
“Yeah. Did you need something?” Billy sat down in the chair next to you, and you finally looked up from your stack of cue sheets to see his signature smirk and cerulean eyes, deep like the ocean. You could smell his spiced aftershave, a hint of cigarette smoke, and the cool aroma of winterfresh gum as he leaned in closer to you.
“I just came to see if you’re free tonight.” Billy smacked his gum as he rested an arm over the back of your chair, awaiting your answer. You froze, unsure if this was a mistake or some kind of cruel joke.
“What for?” You searched his expression for any clues as to what he might be thinking, but it was unchanging.
“To go out,” he answered nonchalantly. Your breath caught in your chest, and crimson heat crept up to your cheeks.
“Like…on a date?” He had to have noticed your blushing and the perplexing look on your face, but he kept his cool completely.
“Of course.” He beamed, his blinding smile causing your stomach to erupt into butterflies.
“With you?!” Billy’s exterior cracked slightly with that question. He looked offended, almost irritated, and he started to fidget with something in his pocket.
“Look, if you don’t want to –”
“No!” You cut him off in a hurry. “No, it’s not that at all. It’s just –” He looked intently into your eyes as you tried to find the right words to explain your bewilderment. “I guess I didn’t think I was really your type.”
Billy chuckled and looked down at his shoes before meeting your eyes once more. “Well, I guess there’s a lot you don’t know about me. I’ll pick you up at, say, 8 o’clock?” The voice in your head was screaming don’t do it; you know better, but everything else in your body reacted in the complete opposite fashion.
“Sure,” you agreed softly. Billy smiled once more before standing up from his chair, taking smooth strides toward the auditorium’s exit.
“See you tonight,” he called over his shoulder, never looking back. You heard the door close after him, and all you could do was stare wide-eyed at the wall while you tried to process what had just happened.
Of course he brought you to some random clearing in the woods. You were sure he was either about to murder you or try to get laid, and you couldn’t decide which one was worse. You assumed a date would occur somewhere conventional, like the movies, a restaurant, or the mall – not here at…an overlook? You tried not to let your apprehension show as Billy shifted his car into park.
“Well, here we are,” he declared, opening the driver’s side door and climbing out of the car into the chill of the starry night. You were surprised again when you heard the passenger door opening just a few seconds later, and he helped you out of your seat, steadying you on the uneven ground.
“Where is here, exactly?”
“I’ll show you; come here. And be careful. There’s a lot to trip over out here in the dark,” he warned. That didn’t make you feel any better about the possibility of being murdered, but you didn’t have much choice but to hold onto his arm as he led you to a guard rail at the top of the overlook.
“Wow,” you murmured. Every single light throughout the town of Hawkins was visible from where the two of you stood, and it was absolutely breathtaking. You had never seen so many shooting stars, and the deep navy sky was littered with sparkling clusters which were usually totally camouflaged under the umbrella of downtown’s streetlamps.
“You like it?” Billy sounded hopeful, like he actually cared whether his choice pleased you, and you nodded. He let out a small sigh of relief, and he slowly took your hand from his arm, interlacing your fingers together. The setting was more romantic than you had expected, and you couldn’t shake the nagging thoughts in the back of your mind that something was still amiss.
What if he had taken you here just so no one would see you together?
What if he was ashamed to be with you?
“Billy?” The anxiety in your voice must have been obvious because you felt him tense up beside you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing at all,” you half lied. “This is amazing. It’s just – are you embarrassed to be seen with me?”
“What?” The hurt in his tone tugged on your heartstrings. “No…no, why would you think that?” His other hand covered the top of yours, and he turned to face you. You could hardly make out his features in the dim glow of the city lights below you, but you could feel his concern tainting the atmosphere.
“I guess I expected a date to be somewhere more public. And when you took me to a hideout in the mountains, I was worried it was because you didn’t want anyone to know we were together,” you admitted, avoiding his eye contact. His warm hands squeezed yours just a little tighter.
“Hey, look at me,” he soothed. “That’s not what this is. I didn’t want anyone to interrupt us. I wanted to be alone, just the two of us, so we could talk. You know, have real conversations. I’m so tired of my dad, my coaches, Tommy, Troy, and everyone else breathing down my neck, criticizing every decision I make.” Billy cupped the side of your face, grazing your cheek with his thumb. “I don’t want anyone getting in the way of something that could be really, really good for me.”
Your scarlet flush returned at his reassurance. You never would have dreamed Billy could be so gentle, so emotional. But he wanted to be here with you, marveling at this beauty, and it was the start of something wonderful.
“I believe you. I’m sorry for assuming. I’m just not used to things like this,” you whispered. He closed the distance between you so that your noses were touching, and you could feel his breath against your lips – a cool, winterfresh breeze.
“Do you want to be together? Like, as a couple?” Billy almost seemed nervous to ask you, but you were elated, answering him without wasting another second.
“Yes. Of course, yes.” You couldn’t stifle your grin. You felt sunshine in your chest, and you didn’t know what else to say in that moment, but everything felt perfect.
Billy leaned in slowly, his lips connecting with yours in the sweetest of first kisses. Time slowed as the two of you connected, and nothing else mattered while you basked in his warmth, stars showering overhead as the town of Hawkins slipped into a slumber below you.
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