#thank you for this and all the other lovely messages my dear kiwi
I’m gonna gush for a hot minute
ugh the wereroomies couples
I love how they all have their different dynamics and how/why they hit together. Firstly our pack parents. Literally made by the stars for each other. To think of a world where they wouldn’t be together is devastating. Like I can very much see Chan never finding a mate if he never found pretty. Cause nothing would ever feel right. They are just so AKSHDHJKAKHDK. It’s the purest form of love that everyone hopes for
GingerBin, they are so beautiful and special because they also had to learn how to love and care for themselves before letting anyone else in. They know their worth and even if someone fell a fraction below that, they knew it wouldn’t work. Both had their own obstacles to climb that they eventually got to join fighting together. They are this beautiful independent love and it wouldn’t work for either of them if they didn’t have their own foundation to stand on
oh my precious mitten. My head tells me they might be made for each other, but I’m gonna pivot and say no. While I do believe this is a pairing that will make them both happiest in the long run, they made it that way. They’ve been with each other constantly and through some really rough and hairy (hehe). They fight and argue. They aren’t afraid to say what they need to regardless if it might cause a little trouble. Their relationship has been tried and tested throughout the years and they both know that. They have an insane amount of trust in the other because of it. They won’t give in easily to something else trying to make a romantic relationship fall apart. They work because I have a feeling that they did “force” themselves to love one another. They are so wholly and utterly accepting of each other, they cherish all those little things they worked for to see. They made themselves for each other, nothing passive about it.
hard agree on all these!!!!
i feel like if pretty and chris never met they'd both just live their lives forever single and kinda like... like something was missing. i'm sure they'd have a great support system around them, would have a lot of professional milestones, and overall have fulfilling lives, but there would always be something on the back of their minds and deep within their heart that'd tell them something was missing. and that's honestly heartbreaking the need to meet, like i don't want them to not be together kjrhgdjkfhgdfkjgdjkfghkdfgdf they should be able to share all those milestones with their soulmate ))):
gingerbin UGH... they're just so... complementary. like, they complement each other so well. like you said, they stand on their own as people, but together they just shine so bright and i'm sure they're having lots of fun sharing their love now. changbin could've very easily told autumn to fuck right off that day she appeared at his doorstep, just to be petty, but he still didn't. he helped her through a hard time, and they really found comfort in each other )))):
mitten feel 100% like a "i choose to be with you" thing. doesn't diminish the others in any way, it's just that they've got this vibe of "we're not soulmates, but that doesn't matter because we are together, and we will continue to be together". it's a lot of hard work and communication and understanding, and the fact that they've been friends for so long... i'm sure they do understand each other pretty well. they probably have to find their footing when it comes to being a couple since it isn't 100% like being friends, but they definitely will.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
03/21/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Birthday Boy; Rachel House; Taika Waititi; You Wear 50 Well; #RhysRadness; Stats; Watch party Reminders; Articles; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
Wow, I'm sorry all, I literally fell asleep at the computer last night and just.. didnt get up til this morning. I apparently was pretty wiped out! So tonight's recap is this mornings recap! PS: Im behind on all my messages so please dont think im ignoring you :)
== Birthday Boy ==
As you can imagine, Rhys was everywhere today, on his birthday on this side of the world! Some more stills from Uproar from Caravancarparkfilms IG
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He also posted some old and new pics of our captain!
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Dan Schreiber Posted a video of Rhys starting to sing My Sharona! Thanks @kiwistede for getting that over to tumblr!
Samba also gave us some more pictures!
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And then there was the merstede cameo he did!
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= Rachel House =
I keep wanting to post more about Rachel's new movie The Mountain but there's been so much Rhys stuff going on I keep forgetting! So here's some sweet promos for the movie that's in select showings in Aotearoa right now!
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== Taika Waititi ==
Great news all! Taika got your lovely letters :)
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== You Wear 50 Well ==
More tributes to the birthday boy!
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= Tumblr Highlights! =
Lots more gorgeous tributes by our tumblr sibs!
== Adopt Our Crew ==
Stede Bonnet won #RhysRadness! As well he should! Our leading man in his major leading role. Congrats Stede!
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== Watch Parties ==
= Newark, Newark =
When: Saturday 23rd March @ 7 pm GMT / 3pm EST / 12 pm PST Where: BBC iPlayer, Now TV
Hosted by @lamentus1
Extra Note: The Rhys Darby Faction Discord will be streaming it as well at 5pm GMT / 1 pm EST / 12 pm PST
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​Watch Party Hashtags:
== Wrecked ==
Today is the series Finale!
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Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
== Fan Spotlight ==
Today's cast card is none other than our fellow crewmate Hugo Pierre Martin! He's been supporting the SaveOFMD effort for a while as well as being a part of the show's cast! Thank you @melvisik for highlighting our lovely friend!
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== Stats ==
Thank you @/meowzawowza_ on twitter for these awesome stats!
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== Articles ==
‘Night Court’ – ‘The Duke’s a Hazard’ Post-Mortem Interview with Rhys Darby
== Love Notes ==
Hey Lovelies, I fell asleep last night writing so I'm gonna paste in something from our dear friend TheLatestKate today. Definitely get some rest if you can, we can all persevere tomorrow.
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== Daily Darby / Today's Taika==
Today's Theme: Button downs and smiles Taika Courtesy of @kiwi-taika Darby Courtesy of @fandomsmeantheworldtome
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domesticblisss · 3 years
Nice to Meet You
Jay White x Female Reader Requested Prompt: “Hello! Thank you for opening requests. How about one with Jay White where he’s in New Japan and reader is in WWE and they end up following each other on ig or something and after awhile of messages and such they finally meet and get together? You can change things up if you want I just love the idea of 2 people from separate companies getting together lol ❤️ ” Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1306 Warnings: Nothing, fluff as fuck with a tiny little bit of angst and some between the lines pinning and a little cursing. Summary: Mutual friends aren't enough for you to meet, but the internet is. A/N: Sorry it took me so long to post it, work has been crazy, then writer's block hit and when the inspirations finally got back to me, I had the shittiest week ever so I couldn't bring myself to write it. I hope it's at least a little bit good, and that my dear requester and you all like it. 💕
He always heard about her and she always heard about him. Only good things.
Shelley always gushed about how their styles were similar, Sabin went off countless times on how they should wrestle as a duo, and against each other, and Candice kept mentioning how they would look cute together.
But the friends in common weren't enough to make them meet each other and their hectic schedule never coincided. Soon, Jay shipped off to Japan full time and she finally got her NXT contract signed.
Jay was the one to take the first step. It was on a late saturday night, one of his few days off, when he finally decided to watch her debut match against Asuka after seeing it trending across social media and different news outlets.
She lost the match, but she gave the NXT Women’s Champion a run for her money. Hard kicks after hard kicks, asuka locks being countered several times, and the most incredibly performed top rope DDT he had ever seen. It was the hardest hitting women’s match he had seen in a while and he was amused with her talent, so amused he had to let the world know.
“@thisisfuryWWE nxt debut match was the best one I’ve seen in a long time. Can’t wait to see more of you 😉”
The message made her smile, the recognition from someone she always thought so highly of warming her heart.
“@JayWhiteNZ thank you! this means a lot coming from the #switchblade 🔪❤️”
With that came the mutual following on social media, then the likes, the casual comments turned into dm’s, turned into phone number exchanges, and soon, they didn’t know a life without each other.
Every day a “good morning” text would be sent by whoever woke up first and “sleep well” texts closed off the night. The time zone was messy, but they always found a way to talk to each other, losing count of how many nights were poorly slept and the amount of coffee they drank on the morning after.
Little “this made me think of you” messages were sent whenever a dog picture or a meme came their way, friends' dinner/lunch dates through FaceTime became a thing and every Instagram post got commented with an inside joke. Friends and fans started to notice the change in their relationship and soon their mentions were bombarded with speculating questions.
“Are you guys together?”
“When are the two of you getting married?”
“@thisisfuryWWE and @JayWhiteNZ get a fucking room already”
“I would if she was near me 🙄”
She was the one who took the second step. After a lot of talk with Candice, she finally realised her true feelings towards the kiwi. It wasn’t easy accepting them at first, she took longer to respond to his messages, the “good morning” texts were no more, and her answers were always short, until the fateful day where she completely stopped answering him.
→ I don’t know if I did something wrong, and I am so sorry if I did, but please talk to me.
She knew that ghosting him was wrong and that she needed to tell him the truth, even if her anxiety got the best of her.
The clock on her phone announced that it was 12:45pm, meaning it was almost 2 in the morning for him and that he probably had just gotten back from the monday tapings, tired and wanting to sleep. “Fuck it, he texted me. It’s now or never.”
He picked up on the third ring, his long, dyed black hair wet, sticking to his forehead, the droplets of water running down his chest.
“Hey! Sorry it took me a while to pick it up, I was just taking a shower. How are you?” He panted like he had just ran a marathon to pick up the phone. “I missed you.”
She had never seen him so vulnerable, the small tone of his voice shot a tinge of pain to her heart. “Can we talk? I need to talk to you.”
“Sure, just let me put some pants on.” Jay laughed.
He sat the phone down on the nightstand and she kept staring at the cream ceiling of his hotel room, thinking about everything and nothing at the same time.
“Is everything okay, I was worried about you.” Noises of shuffling fabric were noticeable in the background, paired with a string of curses after what she was pretty sure was him bumping his pinky on some furniture.
“Everything is fine. Is your toe still alive?”
“Yeah, yeah…”
She looked at him, really looked at him. The dark hair dryer, messy and no longer sticking to his forehead, probably the work of him aggressively running the towel over it. His fair skin pink after a hot shower, blue eyes shy, almost anxiety ridden with anticipation of what could happen next. She let out a modest smile, running the words she had thought about telling him countless times in her head.
“What is it, honey?”
“Jay, I- I need to tell you something. I don’t know how to say it but just let me finish first or I’ll die.”
He only nodded.
“I like you. Really, really like you. That’s why I’ve been off these past few days, I’ve been trying to understand my feelings and I ended up scaring myself because I’ve never felt this way for anyone.” she stopped for a few seconds, hands running over face and hair, taking a moment to breath. “Jay, I– fuck, I appreciate our friendship so, so much and I don’t want to ruin it, but I get it if this makes you uncomfortable and if you want to cut ties.”
Jay kept quiet, staring at her through the small screen, smile getting bigger and until it turned into full, hearty laughter.
“Jay, this is not funny. I’m not–“
“This is why you vanished? God, can’t you see I fucking love you too, you idiot?!”
Silence engulfed the pair again as they looked at each other, not believing what had finally happened. They exchanged smiles and lingering stares before continuing the conversation.
“I’m crazy about you, honey.”
“And how are we going to do this, Jay?”
“I am constantly going back home, you can come over when you have some free time. We will figure it out, baby.”
Three weeks of messages and video calls, three weeks of “I love yous” and “can’t wait to see you”, three of the longest weeks of their lives until they finally meet each other.
Jay opens instagram, her story bubble being the first one to show up. He clicks on it and is met with a picture of her in a red envelope dress and white converse, the same one he was wearing, and a caption that said “today is going to be a great day! ❤️🔪”.
🔥 reaction and a “see you in forty, love” reply sent, her phone vibrated in her purse just a few meters away from him. Little did he know she was waiting for him in the landing room, holding a small poster with “Mr. White” written and little switchblades drawn all over it.
She grew anxious as everyone but Jay left the plane, checking the time and if she was on the right gate constantly.
Five minutes passed, five minutes that felt like hours, and Jay finally came out, with sunglasses covering his eyes and his denim jacket in hand. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her, a smile growing on his face as she ran to him. He engulfed her in a tight hug, kissing her lips in small pecks that grew into one big slow kiss.
They touched foreheads after, smiling and laughing, not believing they were finally in each other’s arms.
“Hey, stranger.”
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oloreaa · 4 years
2020 WRAP UP!
Okay here we are!! Hopefully I have not missed anyone because I truly dont mean to "snub" anyone, so here is a list of people who I feel very thankful for knowing this year, where I started out on tumblr, you have been truly bright presences and I love you very very much.
First off here are some people I don't know very well (or at all, but I admire their work) but I think have excellent vibes and I would love to get to know better/let them know that I appreciate them very very much:
@maxlordd @ollypopp @opheliaelysia @honeymandos @concussed-to-pieces @pikemoreno @huliabitch @mitchi-c @hansoulo @browneyes-djarin @cinewhore @max--phillips @din-damn-djarin @ezrasarm @dishonouringmycow @keeper0fthestars @dadolorian @dindjarindiaries @cobbvader @leo-moon @justrunamok @frannyzooey @miranhas-art @keethus-arts @hdlynn @zeldasayer @qveenbvtch @softpedropascal @marvel-and-mischief @datmando @stubbychaos @di-kut @themangolorian @vercopaanir @mcfreakin-bxtch
and so, so many more that I cannot think of right now (and tumblr doesnt let me tag more than 50 people)
And for those I know a bit better, under the cut❤:
@binggrae-banana-milk : You're the first person I really talked to on tumblr, and I cherish every single one of our interactions so much. The one time where we had watched Revenge of the Sith together and had a full on BLAST, it was incredibly fun and every time we just kind of scream at each other in dms it's so funny, how we both are freaking out simultaneously!! Also before you I never really keysmashed and now it's a part of my vocabulary lmao, ily!!!
@mndalorians : Cass. Oh, my dear Cass. Listen, you have brightened up my year by SO MUCH. I don't even want to know how many tens of thousands of words our chat consists of dhdhdh, from discovering cultural differences with each other, to yelling about the same stuff, to planning fics and telling each other of our ideas. We share a brain cell and we are literally the embodiment of Zwei Dumme, ein Gedanke. If I'm glad for anything in this year, it's starting to talk to you. You're literally one of my closest friends and I never hesitate in hitting you up, from absolute crack to heartbreak, you have the range, darling. I love you so much, you don't even know❤
@agirllovespancakes : Iris baby, oh my god. I don't even know where to start. The way how we just started talking without even KNOWING how we started talking is the funniest thing, EVER. This friendship came out of fucking NOWHERE and I am so glad for this. I can always count of you to stand by my side in so many things, and you're the other chaotic one in Tender Roasting, I adore you. The way we just go "kskssksks" and "dhddhdhdhd" at each other for literally hours because we are just losing it over each other is amazing. Ich hab dich so lieb!!!
@adikaofmandalore : Holy shit, Adi, the only thing I can think of now is that you literally deserve everything good and sweet in this world. You're one of the kindest souls on here, and I've never met anyone who is as sweet as you. I don't even know how you are real. Everytime we talk I'm literally smiling so bright, your enthusiasm for Ven is unparalleled and the way we just go bonkers at each other with ideas?? You're so supportive?? And your razor sharp wit and sarcasm is AMAZING to witness in action. Your writing is incredible and incredibly underrated and your stubbornness is admirable. You manage to power though Everything and that's so impressive. I love you very much!!!
@teaofpeach : lee babe DAMN I've never met anyone who is as funny as you. Like whenever we are talking it's just, it ends with me cackling and having the biggest smile on my face because you made me laugh so much. Such a bright presence on my dash and your TAGS are always sending me. So witty and smart and your vocabulary is unparalleled. Filthy hoe but I love you for it. You taught me so much tumblr lingo just by texting me and I always feel Educated afterwards dhdhdhd I love you so much and I trust you with every single one of my attempts at Spiciness
@mandolovian : DEV BABY my love from tomorrow🥺🥺 the time difference of HELL had never stopped us from being hoe af in the dms lmao, I vividly remember one of our first convos spiralling into thots SO FUCKING FAST that was the funniest shit ever. It's always fascinating to see what you do on the other side of the planet and I admire you so much. Like, you TRULY have big brain. How do you remember so much??? Like all these conditions and facts and like WOAH I just feel like a plankton next to you💀💀💀💀 ily SO MUCH
@goldafterglow : iris babe omg okay first of all you're the prettiest bitch I've ever seen, such a nice presence overall, you have GALAXY BRAIN, your writing style is so smooth and full of descriptions that are so amazing to read, like its. Amazing. You have unfortunately witnessed several times where I typed faster than my brain would proceed and I ended up saying the DUMBEST shit and you make fun of me because of it. Like bro I dont even mind bc any interaction with you is worth it🥺🥺🥺🥺
@chibi-liz05 : Liz oh my gosh I just love you so much. We don't talk as frequently anymore but you just have a place in my heart, you're incredibly supportive of everything and you're always there for me, no matter for what, offering thoughts and conversation about everything. You're such an absolute sweetheart and a sunshine person and I just adore your positive attitude and the way you talk, you're literally the sweetest. I love you very very much and consider this me giving you the biggest forehead kiss
@pisss-offf-ghostt : you're one of the first ones who read my fics when I first started out, and your continued support for everything I write is absolutely AMAZING. Like I enjoy every single one of our conversations and discussions, and I feel completely safe to hit you up for anything, no matter what. You're an incredibly kind and hardworking person and your heart is just so big, I cannot even comprehend it. It's amazing how much you care, how you interact with people on here, and I care for you SO MUCH. Love you🥺❤❤
@maybege : you're literally the KINDEST PERSON around?? And we are weirdly connected through cosmic forces whenever it has something to do about Lebkuchenherzen lmao, its uncanny. We have started out in fics in such a similar way it still makes me chuckle, like we experienced the same amount of cringe lmaooo, and now you're just here, blessing us every day with your amazing content, being the most organised person I know, and just an absolute SWEETHEART. everytime we write I have such a big smile on my face, and you BET we would have found each other irl if it wasnt for Corona🤡🤡
@kiwi-the-first : oh kiwi you're such a nice and thoughtful person, whenever I feel down youre the first one to send asks and nice messages and cute photos to make me smile and that is absolutely adorable of you🥺🥺 you're such a vocal and passionate character and its absolutely amazing to see you in action, how you go all caps screaming in the dms. You have a special part in my heart and its just so nice to be able to talk to you
@corvueros : MEG we are literally sharing one (1) brain cell and they are oscillating between "horny", "yelling at each other in all caps" and "oh my god that's such a good idea" 💀💀💀 whenever we talk I have the biggest smile on my face and I absolutely ADORE you, you're the absolute best. Such a sweet and thoughtful and excited person who can spew the filthiest thots in a manner of 0.1 seconds. You're such a bright person and I could not imagine not being able to talk to you bc you're so supportive and just the literal BEST, I LOVE YOU BITCH, I AM NEVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU, BITCH
@blacksquadron-rougetwo : okay Hailee you have absolutely excellent vibes. Like you're always so bright and sunshiny and just so damn fucking gorgeous I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU. Filthy and tender at the same time, the QUEEN of soft horny fics like woah, and the way you talk is just so wonderful to witness. Your reaction pics are always on point and no matter what the topic is our convos always end up in all caps screaming at each other how unfairly hot the character of the week is lmao. You're such a sweet being and I am grateful for you!!
@over300books : holy shit Estela I have not known you well for a long time but you're such an incredibly supportive person with the funniest of commentary, everything you write makes me smile, ESPECIALLY all those comments in the docs!! I completely trust you with all the writings I manage to finish and everytime you help me with it you make me see my work with new eyes. You're just so damn amazing and sweet and super cheery I just love you so much. I am so grateful that we are friends and I am SO PROUD of you for finishing your degree!! Like girl WHOOOO!!!
@anxiety-riddled-mando : listen not only are you an absolutely fantastic writer, you're such an amazing person and someone who just screams "safe" at me. Like I completely trust you with my thoughts and even if we are not talking directly very often (our communication is more reblogging and telling each other in the tags how much we love them lmao) I just absolutely adore you and I just am so incredibly thankful that we stumbled across each other!!! You're such a bright presence on tumblr and every single one of your works is so incredibly amazing!!
Aaaand that's a wrap!! Thank you so much for making my year brighter, I love every single one of you so so so so so much. Happy new years!!
Love, Rea
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A surprise
3 weeks earlier:
“Congratulations, and we will see you back here soon for your next appointment.” 
“Thank you.” You take a deep breath and walk out to your car. Once settled in the drivers seat you take another look at the picture. It didn’t look like much but you were able to make out the small bean shaped blob of a baby. You smiled, biting your lip. This was something you and Harry had always talked about....but how would he actually react? He was about to start his world tour, he had plans for One Direction to work on projects again, and there was talk of him being nominated for a grammy. It all seemed like so much at once, you weren't sure he would be as excited as you were. You also didn’t know how or when to tell him. Part of you wanted to wait until you were in the safe zone, knowing the baby was growing healthy just as it was supposed to...but what if something happened to it? You didn’t want to go through that alone.... What if he wasnt excited though....what if he didn’t want a baby right now? What if he thought it would just be an inconvenience to his life at this point in his career... You sighed, placing the ultrasound picture in your purse and deciding to hold off on telling him.
“Babe....” Harry called out from the kitchen. He was concerned... you had been in bed all morning due to the insane morning sickness you had been having lately. Harry was convinced you were dying. Every morning waking him by dashing to the bathroom and heaving everything in your stomach into the toilet. You had tried hiding most of your pregnancy symptoms, but its actually insanely hard to hide. Along with morning sickness, you were also moody, emotional, not sleeping well, and would get nauseous at any given smell throughout the day. 
“I’m okay.” You called back, rolling over in bed. You heard his feet pad into the bedroom and looked up. Harry was standing next to the bed with a cup of tea. He set it on the table and sat next to you. You curled up into his chest and and smiled. “If I had known not feeling well would get me some extra snuggles this morning, I would’ve faked it long before,” you joked.
Harry chuckled, relieved to see that you were feeling better. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and relaxed into the blankets with you. His fingers trailed up and down your arm softly. “Are you sure youre okay to come with me to mum’s later?”
You nodded. “Of course! You know I would never miss an opportunity to have some of those chocolate chip cookies she promised...” Ugh....cookies..... Your mouth started watering immediately. Maybe I can have cookies for breakfast too...
“You know she only makes them because you love them. I think she secretly loves you more than me...”
You laughed and kissed him softly. “Stop. Your mom loves you.”
“I know, I’m just saying she loves you more.” Harry laughed. He looked down at you and grinned. “But it’s okay because I love you more than she does....” he kissed you, his lips pulling away slowly.
You grinned, shaking your head. “I sure hope you love me more than your mom does. Besides-”
Harry cut you off, his lips attacking yours. Your hands wrapped around his body which was moving over yours. It had been almost 2 weeks since you and Harry had actually had sex. Before your symptoms had shown up, Harry had been away for work only to come back to you throwing up every morning. His hands slowly stroked the inside of your thighs, tugging at the panties while his lips stayed glued to yours. “Shh...” He whispered against your lips. “A little less talking please...”
You laughed, tugging at his boxers until they slithered down his legs. Harry tugged the t-shirt of his you were wearing off and moved his lips down your chest. He pushed himself inside you, earning a groan from you. You had almost forgotten how big he was... Harry moved faster, pushing in deeper and hitting your sweet spot. Your walls clenched around him. “I-I’m cl-” your words were cut off as he moved faster. You watched his eyes roll back and new what was coming. His lips sloppily moved to yours, and he froze breathing heavy. You could feel the warmth of him inside you, causing you to release as well. Harry sat still for a minute, before pulling out and sliding you up onto his chest with a lazy smile. You pressed kisses along his jawline, still feeling heat between your legs and that itchy feeling in your stomach not satisfied. Harry got the hint and laughed, moving his way down and cleaning up everything. His tongue pressed into you, sending your back arching and shivers down your spine. He had a finger in, moving quickly when his phone rang. “Ignore it..” You whined breathlessly. Harry did ignore it, continuing what he was doing until it rang again. Sighing, he removed the fingers, licking them clean, and pressing a warm  kiss to your lips before padding over to the dresser to answer the phone.
“Hi mum,” Harry answered giving you a roll of eyes. You laughed, sitting up and moving toward the bathroom. “Yes, we are both still coming over. We just need to shower and get ready and we will be over okay? Okay. Love you. Bye.” Harry hung up and walked over to you, pressing a kiss to the shoulder not covered by your hair. “Mum is very excited to see us.” he mumbled. 
You turned and grinned. “I’m very excited for it as well.” You had decided today was the day. You were going to tell Harry and Anne about the baby. Specifically today because you know Harry had been telling Anne how sick you had been and it would only be so much longer before she realized what was happening. She was good like that, very intuitive. It’s why Harry was such a bad liar now. His mom always knew what he was up to as a kid, he never stood a chance. “In fact...” you mumbled turning to him. “So excited that I have a surprise for her. And you.” You poked his chest with a smirk.
“A surprise?” Harry asked with a grin. “What kind of surprise?”
“If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise...” You kissed him once more before turning back to the bathroom. “Now I’m going to shower and get ready and I suggest you do the same.”
“Well....how about we do that together....” Harry asked softly while his lips pressed to your neck. 
“Well then we better get going.” You laughed grabbing his hand and pulling him into the shower. 
After the two of you were cleaned up and Harry was getting ready for the day you ran into the kitchen and pulled out the two boxes you had wrapped yesterday. One had Harry’s name neatly written on the top and the other had Anne. This is what you had come up with for your reveal. Harry’s box contained a note that said “I’m having your baby, it’s definitely your business.”  A knock off of his Kiwi lyrics and something the two of you constantly joked about. It also contained the pregnancy test you originally took, an ultrasound picture, a onesie that said “if you think I’m cute, you should see my daddy”, and a bear. Anne’s box had a note that said “Mimi, Nana, Granny, Grams, or Grandma, please decide by January 2020.” Inside contained a onesie that said, “Pass me to my grandma”, a baby bottle, binky, and a copy of the ultrasound. You had debated the ideas for a while, but this one was the most unsuspicious because you and Harry had to also give her a birthday present that had arrived much later than expected. 
Harry walked downstairs, eyeing the boxes on the table. “Maybe I could open mine now..” He grabbed the box and you grabbed it back quickly laughing.
“Nice try Haz, but because you took so long to shower we are already going to be late.”
“Who’s fault was that? Hmm...I vaguely remember you the one dropping to your knees and-” You blush and laugh biting your lip softly.
“Okay, okay...we may be equally guilty today. But come on let’s go...” you laughed pulling him to the door. “I’m ready for some cookies...”
You and Harry arrived around 30 minutes late and Anne was standing on the porch waiting. You both climbed out, leaving the gifts in the car and running up to the porch. “Mum!” Harry happily called out, running up and giving her a hug.
“Why are two always late?” she scolded lightly with a laugh.
“It was (y/n)’s fault, she’s always taking so long to get ready.” Harry laughed.
“Oh yeah, blame me.” You laughed walking up and giving Anne a hug.
“Don’t worry dear, I know how long it takes Harry to get moving.” You laughed and gave Harry a smirk, mouthing ‘she loves me more’. He just rolled his eyes and followed the two of you inside. You and Harry sat down, catching up with Anne. Harry told her about the tour, the new songs he was working on, catching up with Liam, Louis, and Niall, and about the praise his album had gotten. You talked about work and how you were planning on touring with Harry. “What about marriage plans...when do you think that will happen?” Anne asked with a smile. You looked over at Harry who blushed and shrugged his shoulders. You and Harry had always talked about getting married but with everything going on, there just didn’t seem to be a lot of time for him to actually consider it or make moves on it. 
“Eventually.” that was Harry’s answer every time. While you wanted to be married, you weren't actually rushing the issue either. You trusted Harry more than anyone else in your life and never had once doubted his love in the 5 years you had been together. When he was ready, you would be too. You just enjoyed having him in your life. Changing the subject Harry looked at you, “What about the surprises?” 
“Oh yeah!” You jumped up, running to the car and grabbing all three gifts. You handed Anne her birthday gift first. It was a large canvas painted with her, Harry, and Gemma. 
“Oh this is lovely.” She smiled. “Thank you both.”
“I have one more surprise for both you and Harry.” you placed the boxes in each of their laps and smiled nervously.  “Harry you might want to go first.” Your heart was beating and your hands sweating. Harry opened his box, his eyes widening at the message and the objects. Tears threatened at his eyes as everything sunk in. The symptoms, the emotions, the onesie and lastly the ultrasound.
“Is this real?” He asked looking up, wiping the falling tears. You nodded, tears also in your eyes now. Harry jumped up and hugged you tightly, still crying. Anne, now curious also opened her box. Her mouth fell open and tears spilled over her cheeks as well. “You’re actually pregnant?”
“Yes.” you cried. Harry didn’t let go, he just held onto you with a smile. He pulled away, wiping your tears and laughing. His hands pressed gently to your stomach. 
Anne also stood up, pulling you and Harry in for hugs. She wiped her tears and looked over at Harry. “I told you.” She laughed.
Harry shook his head with a small laugh. “What?” You asked confused, trying to stop yourself from crying. Anne pulled you back in, rocking you with her.
“I told Harry weeks ago that you were pregnant. He called and said how you were sick every morning and just knew but he said there was no way.” She wiped her eyes again and smiled. “I’m so happy for both of you. Congratulations.”
“Thank you.” You smiled, also wiping your cheeks free of tears. You looked over at Harry who was sat back on the couch going over the ultrasound picture again. You were suddenly very worried he was not happy about it. 
Anne was also watching Harry. “Well, this calls for celebration. You two wait here and I’ll grab the cookies.” 
She left the room and you sat next to Harry quietly. “H?”
“Hm?” he mumbled not looking up from the picture.
Your heart was pounding and tears were now falling down your cheeks again, scared he wasn’t happy. “Are you upset?” you mumble, resting your head on his shoulder.
Harry looked over at you confused. “Upset?” He laughed shaking his head. “Why would I be upset?”
“Idontknow...” you mumbled.
“Babe, this is like the best thing ever. I mean, I’m a little upset you didn’t tell me sooner, but this is something we’ve always talked about, something we have always wanted.”
“I know...I wanted to tell you right away. Like before I even took that test but you were out of town and I- I don’t know I didn’t know how you would react. I mean you have so much going on right now with tour and your music and career...” 
“(y/n).” Harry stopped you, pressing his lips to yours. “I would never have been upset with you. I have a lot going on but nothing is more important than you and our relationship and now our family.” You smiled. “We will do what we need to do with my career.”
“So...you’re happy?”
“Babe.” Harry laughed. “Happy would be an understatement. I mean look at our little baby. Oh my god, I’m going to be a dad. You're going to be a mum. We are adding a baby to the family..” He pointed at the picture and smiled. He turned and kissed you softly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You kissed him back, relieved and excited. Anne came back with a plate of warm cookies and you grabbed three, biting into the warm, chocolate gooeyness. 
“So how far along are you?” Anne asked with a smile. 
“Only 8 weeks..” 
She smiled and Harry laughed. “It all makes sense.”
“What does?” you asked eating another cookie.
“You’ve been SO moody. So overly emotional and the cravings I mean it explains everything.”
“Cravings?” Anne asked amused.
“Mum, we went to the store the other day and she grabbed pudding. I have never in my life see her even want pudding and she was like obsessed with it at the store. And, the other day we were watching tv and she cried like three times during the movie.”
“It was sad!” you defended.
“Not that sad.”
“What movie?” Anne was enjoying the conversation.
“Dunkirk mum, we were watching Dunkirk.”
“To be fair, I cried the same amount watching the first time so, and who wants to watch their husband, and father of their child, drown!”
Harry laughed and you shook your head, snuggling into his chest. “I just can’t believe I’m going to be a grandma.. oh my gosh, wait until the fans and everyone in the press finds out. They will lose their minds.” Anne grabbed Harry’s box looking at his items and smiled. “I love this.” She laughed at the lyrics and the onesie and then pulled the two of you into another hug. “Oh I just can’t wait.”
You smiled and Harry kissed your cheek. “A baby Styles. Who would’ve thought?”
After another hour discussion of everything the two of them had missed, you called Gemma, and told her the news. She cried and you cried and Anne cried and Harry laughed at everyone, taking in all of the moments. 
You and Harry finally left, driving home and crawling into bed exhausted. Harry cuddled close, bending down and pressing kisses to your belly before looking up with a smile. “Have I told you I love you?”
“Yes, but I don’t think you could ever do it enough.”
“I love you.” He kissed you softly. “And I love you little one.” he whispered to the belly.
“We love you too.” You smile, snuggling into his chest, falling asleep to his heart beat and the little butterfly feeling in your stomach.
Got this request and loved it. Hope I lived up to your expectations lol
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evanstanwrites · 4 years
The CEO -1-
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The beginning and the end?
summary:  y/n Photographer meets James Bucky Barnes CEO of White Wolf Industry, they fall head over heels for each other. But Bucky has many secrets, will she find out who or what he really is? And more so will she accept it or will she run as far as she can when she finds out?
A/N: based on elements of an rp with the lovely @loricameback​
A/N: proofreaded by my favo kiwi: @pawfect-melody​ 
moodboard below by @imanuglywombat​
warnings: mostly fluff and a small bit of angst at the end
The CEO masterlist
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y/n couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the email. She had walked into her small studio office early this morning with her favorite Starbucks drink and a breakfast snack in her hands. She was first to arrive, even if the only other person working with her was Mia. y/n had opened her own photo studio only last year after being stuck at an office job for her entire working life. She hated the job but it paid well so she was able to save a good amount of money, only needing to take out a small loan with the banks so she could finally achieve her big dream: owning her own studio and being a freelance photographer. Mia helped her mostly with the business side of things and managing appointments, she was a godsend most of the time and one of her best friends. 
After setting her stuff down on her desk she was actually surprised Mia wasn’t there yet, Mia was usually the first to arrive and layers deep in work by the time she arrived.
Just when y/n sat down and started up her laptop Mia burst into the room with one of the biggest smiles on her face.   
“good you’re already here,” she says as she drops her stuff on her own desk. "Have you read the emails already?" 
"No, I just arrived myself but I was planning on checking them right now." She said as she opened the email app and scrolled through the new mails. "I already checked them last night from home. There is one, in particular, that is very interesting and I think is one of the best opportunities we have ever gotten. Scratch that it is the best." Mia rambles on like a kid with ADHD. Y/n pulled up the email she was talking about and began to read. 
Dear miss y/l/n,
I write to you on behalf of the White Wolf industry, seeing as our company has started a new campaign we see it necessary to complete this with media attention as well. Our CEO Mr. James Barnes has recently had an interview with the New York Times magazine and in addition to the interview will require professional photographers. Mr. Barnes personally requested your employment in this task if you so wish to accept. 
Contact our office on (000-000-000) to arrange a time and a place which best suits yours and Mr.Barnes needs. 
We look forward to your swift reply.
White Wolf Industry 
Y/n couldn't believe her eyes as she reread the email over and over again. 
"Is this for real or am I dreaming Mia?" Y/n asked amazed
"It's real." Mia squealed enthusiastically "this is gonna be your big breakthrough y/n, THE James Barnes, CEO of the biggest company in New York and you're going to take his picture. Not to mention that he’s smoking hot"
Bucky had been working for many hours when Steve knocked on his open office door, entered and shut it behind him. 
“Buck, tell me you're only just in and haven’t been here all morning” Steve said as he sat down in front of Bucky’s desk knowing well enough that wasn’t the case. 
“ Seems like you already know the answer to that question, Stevie” Bucky said without looking up from his laptop.
“Man, you’re gonna kill yourself overworking. Did you forget this is only a front and you actually don’t have to do all that work by yourself, you’ve people working for you, you know.” 
Bucky only rolled his eyes not really responding to that, what kind of mob boss would he be if he didn’t play the part of the front that protected his true job and the people who were working for him. 
“So you take on the collecting rounds today, take Sam with you, I don’t want him around when miss Y/l/n arrives.” he said and Steve chuckles “Yeah I’ll take him wouldn’t want you to miss your shot.” 
Of course Bucky had looked the woman up when he came across her work, her work was amazing and he felt like he had to get to know her, meet her in person, so he looked up everything he could find out about her. So when the opportunity occurred and he needed his pictures taken for an interview he had done he immediately demanded her.
“Okay get going now, I pay you to work not to sit around and make fun of me.” Bucky barks only half-joking. 
Y/n didn’t know why she was nervous, maybe because this could be her biggest breakthrough or the fact that after she had called to make the appointment, now a week ago, she had looked up more information about Mr. Barnes. She hadn’t found out much other than the standard information about the company he was CEO of and a picture of a man with a buzzcut, sharp cheekbones and the deepest blue eyes you could drown in. 
Y/n took a few deep breaths after she had parked her car in the underground parking lot, Mia had called in sick that morning so she would have to face this job alone today. But just as she got out of her car a beautiful young woman walked towards her and greeted her with a smile. Apparently she was Mr. Barnes’s assistant, Sophie and she was tasked with greeting and helping her with anything she might need. 
so that’s how an hour later she found herself in an empty conference room, tables pushed to the side and equipment set up with the help of Sophie. 
“Thank you so much for all the help setting up.” y/n says to her as she leads her through the hallway till she stops in front of two beautiful wooden carved doors, clearly this was Mr. Barnes’s office and she would finally meet him. Sophie knocked on the door, entered and announced y/n’s arrival.
“Well don’t let her stand there let her in” she heard his warm voice call out before Sophie stepped out of the way and motioned for her to walk in. When she did she had to make sure that her mouth didn’t fall open, god he’s even more gorgeous in person and Mia was totally right he looks like sex on legs in his black fitted suit with no tie, leaving a bit of his chest and the small golden chain visible.  
“Miss Y/l/n, please come in” he says with a smile as he stands up to greet her and waved his hand to one of the chairs in front of his desk. As soon as she stepped deeper into his office the doors behind her closed and she was left alone with the hunk of a man. “It’s nice to meet you miss y/l/n, I’ve been looking forward to working with you” he says holding his hand out for her to shake. y/n walks deeper into the office and takes his offered hand, ‘wow his hands are so soft and warm, god I bet they’d feel amazing in other areas’ she thought to herself but had enough self-control to say “the pleasure is all mine, Mr. Barnes, I can’t say thank you enough for this opportunity.” 
“Please call me Bucky” he says while giving her one of his brightest smiles, making her want to melt in a puddle at his feet.
“Well only if you call me y/n.”
“You got yourself a deal” he says as they both sit down on the chairs in front of his desk. The conversation flowed easily between them, at first, it mainly stayed with professional talk but as time went on it started to feel more like two friends talking and the conversation also turned in that direction. It seemed like they had only been talking a few minutes when Sophie had knocked on the door to remind Bucky of his lunch reservation in the bistro downstairs. He had thanked her and invited y/n to join him during lunch under the claim of a work lunch but they both know work wouldn’t be the subject of conversation. As predicted their work lunch turned out actually more like a lunch date seeing as they both didn’t hold back the flirting that went on between them. 
Once lunch was over they both fell back into their professional self and they started the actual photoshoot, she had to admit he was a very easy model and one hell of a photo genetic man, like could this man ever be in a bad photo?  Once she had enough pictures she started to clean up her stuff together with Bucky’s help, which he offered himself not taking a no for an answer, but sadly it didn’t last long because once again Sophie came in to remind him of an appointment, this time for what seemed an important meeting. 
Bucky said goodbye to her with a sweet kiss to her cheek and a promise to get in touch with her later on.  
Later on turned out to be just half an hour later, just as y/n had arrived back at her office when a text message arrived on her phone.
“Thank you for today sweetheart, I had a real good time getting to know you and I know for sure those pictures will turn out to be amazing ;-). x Bucky”
‘How the hell did he get my phone number? I don’t remember giving it to him’ she thought but blushing as she read the pet name before shrugging to herself and typing her response.
“Well with a model like you I’m totally sure of that, there is not one bad picture I took of you. I had a blast working with you :-)” 
“I’m glad you think so sweetheart. Would you like to have dinner with me?”
of course she accepted and it turned out to be a regular occurrence and they went out for lunch or dinner almost every two days. When they weren’t together they were texting or calling each other, after two weeks she felt like she had known him all her life, she had never felt a connection like that with someone before and before she actually really realized it she was falling for him, hard. In week three their flirting was almost nonstop so she thought to herself that he had to feel the same way if he kept asking her out and flirted with her like that. She decided that she had to say something, she had to tell him how she felt, she wanted to know where they stood and if this was going somewhere. 
So that evening when he picked her up for dinner she asked for him to come in for a minute.
“Everything alright sweetheart, is there something wrong?” he asked as he sat down in front of her on her couch.
“No there is nothing wrong, I just wanted to talk to you about something important” she said clearly nervous making him worry a bit. He shuffled forward so he could take her hands in his running his thumbs over her skin trying to give her the comfort she apparently needed to say what she clearly wanted to tell him. “You know you can tell me anything sweetheart” to which she nodded before taking a deep breath. “I’m falling for you, hard. And I wanted you to know because I feel like maybe there is a chance you might feel the same and I wanted to know where we stood. Like is there even an us?” she rambled luckily he stopped her with just a look, a big smirk on his face. “Sweetheart, of course there is an us. I’m head over heels for you.” 
And before she knew it he had her on his lap, lips and tongues entangled with each other in a passionate embrace, their dinner date clearly forgotten as they had only want for each other.
Being in a relationship with Bucky Barnes felt like the best thing that had happened to her, he always made sure she felt loved and cared for, he gave her his full attention whenever they were together, even sent her flowers every few days. He made her happy and she could only hope that she made him as happy too. But after a while, things started to feel off. There were times that he’d be very secretive about either his job or things he did in his free time whenever they weren’t together, like where he’d go every Wednesday and be totally unreachable. She felt like there were things he kept from her, things he never wanted her to find out. Thoughts started to run through her mind from the stupidest things to the thought that maybe she wasn’t his only girlfriend that maybe he was cheating on her?
A part of her questions got answered on a Wednesday afternoon when she was taking pictures for a job in a park not far away from Bucky’s office. She was taking pictures of all the different kinds of flowers and plants when suddenly a man walked through her line of view, Bucky. But he wasn’t alone, what seemed to be a four year old was sitting on his arm with her arms holding him tightly around his neck and a stuffed monkey in her hand as she giggled at something he said to the little girl that oddly looked a lot like him. From their interaction, you could easily see he loved the little girl dearly, it was obvious to her that this must be his daughter. But why didn’t he tell her that he had a little girl? Then she started thinking about all the other things he held back from her and started to tear up at her conclusion, how could he do this to her, to anyone actually. She had to end this, she had to end her relationship with Bucky Barnes, clearly a married man with a daughter.
@marvelgirl7​ @imanuglywombat​ @loricameback​ @aesthetical-bucky​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @huskygreatdane  @cap-just-said-language​ @sebastianstans-girl​ @seasaurusrrex​ @lolabean1998​
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Times Like These - LRH Chapter 3 - Emo bitch who threw coffee in your face.
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Audrey was used to receiving strange looks when she was out in public. Even if she wasn't pushing a stroller or carrying her daughter on her hip, the near 20 year old often received many stares from people older than her, younger than her and even those her age.
Currently, she was running on 3 and a half hours of sleep, she had oatmeal on the sleeve of her jacket and she had enough anger composed on her small body to lead a one-woman charge on the armies of Octavian at the battle of Actium.
She had barely made it through her 9 AM Roman history lecture only to rush need to pick Lexi up from her daycare and meet Michael for lunch before heading into work for the afternoon.
Thankfully, she had tomorrow off to spend with Lexi and her textbooks. Although she would much rather the former, she had aspirations. And she refused to let those aspirations derail.
She was told by her father, when she announced her pregnancy to her parents, that she would never be able to make it anywhere in life.
She was determined to prove him wrong. Her 10 year plan to raise her daughter and complete a degree of psychology with a focus on adolescents.
She was going to help kids in the way she wasn't helped.
She had not long ago picked Lexi up, stopping to plan a movie night with Jeremy and Marianne before she left. Just as she had stepped into the cafe near the tattoo parlor, her phone chimed. A single message from Michael.
Is it alright if the guys come to lunch? They're dying to see you and Lex.
She couldn't deny that she enjoyed spending time with Ashton and Calum. And she knew Lexi loved to see her Uncle Michael and self-declared Uncle Calum, so her reply was a quick "Sure, see you soon X" before she slid her phone into the pocket of her khaki canvas jacket.
Unfortunately, just as she had turned, small brunette girl on her hip and a coffee and cupcake juggling in her full hands, she met eyes with the same ones she had thrown coffee in a week prior.
"Me?" She replied, confused at the purpose of his question.
His blue eyes moved from her own green ones to the brown eyes of her little girls, then back to her own green ones.
If the tall man wasn't standing in her way, she would have walked out of his view, but unfortunately there was only so much she could do while juggling everything in her hands.
She's only thankful that Alexis had naturally started to grip into whatever article of clothing her mother was wearing, as a small assurance that her daughter wouldn't hit the ground straight away if she by chance lost her grip.
"Excuse me?" Her words were sharp, and she gestured around him with her eyes.
The blonde man simply grunted. Stepping aside and gesturing for her to walk with a bored expression on his face.
Audrey couldn't help but notice the way his blonde hair fell flat against his forehead. His black lip ring stood out against his light pink lips and the dirty blonde stubble that shadowed his jawline.
Lexi babbled at the man, reaching out for him as they stepped past. Shockingly to Audrey, the man laughed softly and raised his hand for a high-five from her daughter, to which the small girl obliged, clapping afterwards.
She found a table towards the back of the establishment, and dropped her bag on the back of one of the seats before trying to place everything down as gracefully as she could.
A blur of pink hair appeared beside her, wrapping his arms around the girl on her hip as an excited squeal fell from her lips.
Michael pulled the babe into a bear hug, and Lexi giggled at the sight of her uncle.
"There's my little munchkin!" He grumbled, peppering kisses to his nieces cheeks.
"Mike!" Alexis chanted, kicking her feet in excitement.
This gave Audrey the chance to retrieve one of the many high chairs the cafe had tucked to the side, and when she came back Ashton was holding her daughter in his arms while Michael helped Calum bring over multiple cups of coffee.
"Hello, assholes," she quipped, watching as Ashton settled the girl into the chair and passed over the cupcake, which he remembered to break into smaller pieces.
Calum gasps, feigning offense, "watch it Bilbo."
"Bilbo? That's a new one. What, you manage to sit through a movie that doesn't have boobs?"
"No, I just told him we were watching Game of Thrones and he was patiently waiting to see the blonde lady's boobs," Ashton answered, lowering his voice at the last few words.
Lexi has a tendency to repeat words that her uncles say, specifically. The young girl is quickly getting the hang of her words, and while it is a milestone, Audrey isn't fond of her daughter blurting out words like 'Dick' or 'Fuck' in the middle of daycare or a crowded supermarket.
Michael handed out the cups of coffee, and Audrey's eyes focused on the remaining fifth cup.
The top read 'Flat White, two sugars' which was the furthest from her order of a double shot Long black.
She loved a strong coffee.
"What's with the fifth cup? You know Lexi can't drink coffee, right?" She smirked at the men.
It wouldn't be the first time they had received to feed her daughter something she couldn't have because of her age.
"It's for Luke, he's in the bathroom," Michael answered, watching as Lexi lobbed a piece of frosting at Calum.
The kiwi boy whined childishly, only to be mimicked by Lexi who shook her head around with a smile on her face.
"Ash, can you pull her hair back please? She'll get frosting in it," Audrey pulled a band from her tattooed wrist, handing it off to the man before turning back to Mike. "The same Luke that you've been friends with for like five years but he is never around?"
"You are correct, young Clifford," Ashton quips, his hands fumbling with the hair at the top of Lexi's head. Her hair wasn't long by any means, but it was long enough to get caught up her food of she made enough of a mess. "I can't do this. Babies are difficult." Ashton raised his hands in defeat, passing the band back to Audrey who sighed at the man.
She busied herself with the task, barely hearing when Michael exclaimed, "Here comes Lucifer now."
"Quit calling me that, pinkie pie," a voice sounded, but her blue hair shielded her view while she finally secured Lexi's hair.
The girl kicked her legs again, squealing with excitement.
When Audrey pushed her hair from her face, her expression dropped into one of shock, and annoyance.
"You," she gaped, practically groaning at the sight of  the tall man that had managed to make a bad impression a week prior.
He sighed deeply when he noticed the blue hair and tattooed collarbones. His gaze lingered particularly on the thin cursive 'Alexis' that curled along the bone.
"Luke, I'm guessing you already know the hobbit-"
She smacked Calum in the ear, rolling her eyes as a snort left his nose.
"Unfortunately, I do," he mumbled, shifting his eyes to the glare that Michael fixed him with.
"What do you mean 'unfortunately'?" It was no secret that the man was protective of his sister, despite her being younger than him by only two years.  That was clear when he left her ex with a black eye and various other facial wounds when the incident happened. "You two better not have boned!"
Audrey was not in the mood to deal with the drama today. She rolled her eyes at her brother, taking her seat next to her Ashton, who along with Calum had flanked the high chair.
They were preferring to pay more attention to the small child rather than the awkward impending conversation.
"I think I have better taste than that, Michael," she groaned.
"What? Luke is a way better catch than-" he stopped at the glare she fixed him with.
He knew not to mention that name. It was a worse omen than mumbling Lord Voldemort at Hogwarts.
"What I meant, Michael," Luke stole the conversation back from the siblings, "Is that your sister is the one who ruined my favourite shirt."
He was all but glaring a hole through the blue haired woman's head, and she smirked at the memory of their interaction a week prior.
"You're saying that Audrey is the 'emo bitch who threw coffee in your face'?" Michael used his fingers to gesture quotation marks, and a Audreys smirk widened at the thought of striking a chord so deep in Luke that he whined to her brother.
Luke made a noise of agreement, watching as the three men erupted into laughs and cheers, high-fiving the woman.
"That's my girl!" Ashton giggled, leaning back do Lexi could raise her hand for a high-five as well.
"Why did I even come today?" Luke groaned, already regretting his decision.
He could be at home, sleeping. Or better yet, he could have Mandy over. He needed to release his pent up stress.
"Because you live with us but barely acknowledge our existence so you need to show us love every single often," Calum answered, leaving no room for argument in his statement. "And Ashton gathered us all here, and what Daddy says, goes."
Audrey sputtered around the liquid in her mouth, coughing as she tried to force air to enter her lungs again.
"Daddy?" She cringed.
"Yes, dear?" The man giggled, brushing his sandy blonde hair from his eyes, earning an eye roll from Audrey.
Luke fixed his mind elsewhere, focusing instead on a message Mandy had sent him.
It was a suggestive photo, and while he couldn't stand the forwardness of the woman, he promised to see her soon. He couldn't wait to get away from the group. The only one who hadn't gotten on his nerves was the small child who had spent most of the time pulling faces at him, to which he returned with a smile.
"Can we get on with it, please? I've got somewhere to be," Luke groaned, watching as his three friends exchanged a look before ushering Ashton to speak.
"Okay, seeing as Luke needs to leave to fulfill his dick appointment, let's get down to business. I'm moving out."
Audreys brows rose. She figured the first to move out of their shared house would be Michael.
"KayKay and I are going to live together in her apartment, so in a month I'll move in with her," he was beaming. Michael had mentioned Ashton's girlfriend, and Audrey thought she sounded really cool. They had very similar style, and Audrey could appreciate somebody who enjoyed an edgy dress sense. "So Mike, Cal and I were thinking, how would you like to take my room, Audrey? You won't need to contribute the to rent for the first two months, coz I've paid in advance already, but we know you're dying to get out of your dad's house."
She was at a loss of words. It didn't happen often, for the girl often had something on her mind that she wanted to say, but she didn't know how to respond to the offer.
She didn't notice how Luke's face dropped at Ashton's words. He didn't want to live with a girl, let alone a girl and her kid. Even if the kid was adorable and calm.
His mood dropped completely at her next words.
"Uh, yeah? Sure, that would be amazing!"
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“Happy birthday, dear Sarah! Happy birthday to you!” The classic birthday song fills the sitting room located in Mitch and Sarah’s NYC flat. She blows out her candles as her friends celebrate her day.
“Thank you for coming!” Sarah says to her friends who have gathered. “Who wants cake?”
“I’m gonna go get another drink. Need a refill?” I say in my husband’s ear. My glass is empty, and I’m ready for another margarita.
“‘M good thanks!” Harry says, turning his face towards me. “I’ve still got a little.” I’m pretty sure Harry has been nursing this glass of tequila all night, and I’m slightly surprised. “Can I get a kiss from my wife?” Harry puckers his pink lips softly, and it sends shivers down my spine.
“I love when you call me that.” I say, moving in close, allowing my lips to land on his with a soft peck.
“My wife?” Harry has a smirk on his face that makes my lady parts tingle. I’ve been his wife for exactly a week, and I don’t think I will ever get sick of him calling me this.
“Mmhmm.” I stand up from the couch. “I’ll be back.” Stepping over my husband’s legs, I make my way to the kitchen. Setting my glass on the counter, I pour some tequila and Cointreau into a shaker and squeeze a lime in as well. Throwing a few ice cubes in the metal container, I place on the lid and shake the contents inside. The movement of my arms causes me to stumble slightly, having to lean against the counter to catch myself.
“Goodness.” I say under my breath. I pour the liquid into my glass and try to remember how many I’ve had tonight. Is this my second? Or third? Shrugging my shoulders I decide that it doesn’t matter because Harry and I can sleep in tomorrow. Plus, I don’t have to drive.
Raising the glass to my lips I take a sip of my drink, just to test the proportions and make sure I got them right. The margarita hits my tongue, and I instantly feel warm. The drink is smooth as it streams down my throat.
“Yeh alright?” Harry asks as I stumble over his feet on my way back to my seat.
“Yeah. Just tripped.” I giggle softly. Setting my glass on the coffee table. I pull my pink jacket open and peel it off my arms. Resting my jacket on the back of the couch, I adjust my necklace and reach for my glass.
“Does anyone else remember the concert in Chicago where Sarah’s drumstick went flying?” Adam asks from across the room.
“Oh let’s not....” Sarah starts to end the conversation about the time she almost killed Harry during a energy filled performance of Kiwi!
“Yeh mean the time I almost died!” Harry’s hand lands on my upper thigh. My skin burns under his palm. I take another sip of my drink, the ice clinking against the glass.
“Oh stop being dramatic.” Clare teases Harry.
“Wha’? ‘M serious. I was minding my own business singing a song when a stick comes flyin’ past my face.” Harry says with a small chuckle. His thumb moves along the skin of my thigh in small circles, and I can feel a rush of liquid begin to ruin my knickers. I cross my legs and the friction that comes from the movement makes my insides growl. I take another sip of my drink.
“I’m sorry! It just slipped.” Sarah’s cheeks are brushed with blush as they talk about the event.
“That’s what they all say.” Harry jokes to his drummer, and the group of friends laugh. “Gonna get some water.” Harry pats my knee and stands up, making his way towards the kitchen. I waste no time; standing up, I follow him into the kitchen with my drink of course.
“Darling…. what yeh doin’?” Harry says as I push my body up against his back. Pressing my boobs against his back, running my hand across his stomach and up his chest.
“I need your help.” I kiss the back of his neck, tasting his skin against my lips.
“With?” Harry wonders, turning around in my arms.
“I’ll show you.” I press my glass against my mouth and throw back the rest of my margarita, setting the glass down on the counter. Grabbing my husband’s hand, I lead him down the hall. Opening the door to a random bedroom I pull Harry inside, closing the door behind him.
“What are we doing in Mitch and Sarah’s room?” Harry looking around the room curiously; his eyes wide. My white long sleeve shirt is off and my necklace is hanging between my breasts that are covered by my sheer white bra.
“I need you.” I say, moving my hands to the buttons of my skirt. My fingers fumble struggling to get it open.
“Holy shit.” Harry says under his breath, his eyes grow wide with surprise as he walks towards me. I pop open the button and grab the zipper that spans the entire length of my floral leather skirt.
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“I need my husband inside me. Now!” I state, moving the zipper down the fabric, letting it drop to the floor.
“Well, not here!” Harry says, rushing to pick up my skirt. As he bends down, my soaked lace knickers come into view and Harry lets out a deep breath. “Dammit.” Grabbing my skirt off the floor, he brings it around my body and attempts to hold it in place while he zips it back up.
“Baby…” My hand reaches out, running my palm up his hard dick. I hear a hiss come from behind his teeth as I make my way up to the top of his solid member. I want it. I need it.
“Darling, please don’t do this here. We can’t. Okay? Let’s get yeh dressed and we can do this at home.” Harry attempts to convince me to stop, but I think I can hear in his voice that he wants me too. He finishes zipping my shirt, patting my hips twice before leaning over to grab my shirt.
“I’m wet, and ready to take you…” I reach behind, popping the clasp on my bra open, letting it fall to the floor.
“Why are yeh doin’ this?” Harry stomps his foot against the floor as he turns around and sees that my chest is naked except for my necklace that is swinging softly between my breasts. The cold metal creates goosebumps against my hot skin.
“I want you.” Dancing my hand along my stomach and up my chest, I pinch my nipple between my fingers. My eyes roll back as I bite my lip when I roll my hard bud, and it makes the juices drip from my folds. “Please…”
“Grrr.” Harry growls slightly and it only makes me want to jump on top of him more. “Not here.” Leaning over, Harry grabs the strap of my bra, ready to help me put it on.
“Oops!” I say as the fabric of my skirt drops to the floor once again. I watch Harry as his eyes widen and he takes a deep breath. I let out a small giggle, tucking my hands into the side of my knickers ready to take them off and get things going.
“Elizabeth. Darling. This is not the time.” Harry is frustrated because obviously he wants his wife. She is gorgeous as she stands there in nothing but knickers and her boots, but it’s not the time. There is a birthday party going on in the other room, and his wife will be horrified later when she finds out what she did.
“I want my husband,” I say, rubbing my hand over the top of his jeans once again, and I can feel his thick hard cock throbbing from behind the fabric.
“And I want my wife to get dressed.” Harry threads my arms through my bra straps, and he clasps it so the fabric is secure. “Do not take that off.” Harry is firm. His hand grabs mine as he leans over to grab my skirt, bringing it up my to my hips and zipping it closed once more.
“Pleaseeee…” My bottom lip folds over in a pout, hoping to sway him. “You know we are married. I can have you anytime. Come on I’ll be quick..” I attempt to convince him one more time. “At home!” Harry says, kissing my forehead. “Shirt? Let’s get yeh covered up.”
“No.” Folding my arms over my stomach. I’m upset at the fact that I’m needy and ready and he insists on getting me dressed.
“Alright. Let’s go.” Grabbing my hand, Harry drags me into the hall. And into the entryway.
“Where did ya g..oh my eyes.” Mitch’s eyes are wide as he looks at me and then shields them from the view looking in the direction of Harry .
“Think I’m gonna take her home. She is done for the night.” Harry’s eyebrows rise as he gives Mitch a look that lets Mitch know not to ask questions. Harry walks around the corner and grabs my jacket, waving to his friends. “Elizabeth.. stop.” Harry says in a whisper, running to my side, as I attempt to pull down the zipper.
“Tequila makes her clothes fall off…” Mitch sings ending the line with a small laugh, knowing he will be teasing Harry about this later.
“Piss off.” Harry says, throwing the jacket over my bare shoulders and ushering me out the door, wondering how in the world he is going to keep me dressed on the ride home.
A/N: A massive shout out to the one and only @whoopsharrystyles​ not only is she an amazing beta but she calms my soul and I love her loads. Please check out my Masterlist and Wattpad page! Thank you for liking, reblogging and sending asks or messages. They feed my soul and keep me writing!! I love you all so much!! 
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agrestenoir · 7 years
things i’m thankful for
so I know that thanksgiving has passed for me, but there were a few shoutouts I wanted to give to certain people who mean a lot to me, and I couldn’t go long without saying something. So here’s just a short list of some people I really appreciate.
To @agermanshepherdpatronus and @thatcrazybookwyrm: you guys mean the absolute world to me. You’ve been with me through thick and thin and are some of the best friends I could ever ask for. I know I’ve been MIA for the last couple of months as life picks up, but it’s thanks to you guys that I am where I am today. You’re so important to me, and I hope you know that. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you. You two have changed my life forever, so now you’re gonna be stuck with me till the end, okay? I hope you get all the wonder and happiness you deserve because you guys have given me the world, and I want to give it you in return. Never change, and keep those hearts of gold always shining. I love you, Oz & MG. <3
To @nebulousrose (Honnah): I know you deactivated, baby, but you’re still a star in my sky, and I hope you know that. I always look back on our messages we’ve shared over the years and I hope you know how much you mean to me. At one point in time, you were the only person who could make me smile, and you always saw the best in me. Someday I hope I can become the person you always believed I was. <3 Love you, darling. I’ll see you on Facebook and Snapchat if I ever get my ass on there and be active.
To @perfectlyrose and @dimensionhoppingrose and @nottheopera and @skyler10fic and @tinyconfusion and @chocolatequeennk and SO MANY OTHER blogs and content creators. [This is Erin/atimelordswife, I just realized I posted this on the wrong blog]. I’ve followed a lot of you for years, and you’re all so wonderful and ridiculously talented. It’s been an absolute privilege to watch you all grow. And I KNOW there’s a bunch of people I’m forgetting because you fuckers keep changing your URLs and I can’t keep up. I’m a 22 year old college student in a long term relationship with her coffee cup, so please please bear with me. Regardless, I love you all and thank you for blessing me with your content and wonderful blogs. 
To @breeeliss: You’re too wonderful for words, and I am so happy I met you! You’re so accepting of me and so encouraging and supportive. You’re also god-spanking talented, like I can’t sometimes because I’m in awe of your skills? You’re one of the people I go to when I need to smile because you’re so fucking hilarious, and you’re so entertaining and fun to talk to. Like I’m so blessed that we’re friends? Thanks for putting up with me, Gabie <3 
To @stardusted: You’re another person I’m so happy I got to know. You keep me on my toes and always make me laugh. You are such a wonderful person and friend, and I am so appreciative of you. Also I know you’re gonna make it big someday with your raw talent and the passion you put in everything you do. You’re one of the best people I know, and I just want the best for you <3 Thanks for putting up with me too, darling! I know I can be a handful.
To @flusteredkeith: You are one of the coolest people I’ve ever met. You are always there to listen to me scream and your fics hurt me in such a good way. As a person, you always make me smile, and I love talking to you. The heart you put into your work and thoughts always shines through. You make me fall in love with things [Sheith], which is a very powerful tool. I just love your gusto for the things you love. You’re also so fucking supportive and there for me when I need it, and I just love, love talking to you. I’m so glad I know you, J <3 Thanks for everything!!!
To @miraculousstorytelling: CLAIRE, MY PASTRY, MY EASY-BAKE OVEN. You keep me on my toes, you make me laugh, your zest for life and your kindness and heart are just some of the most amazing things about you. I love your compliment wars, I love your writing because dear GOD do you have a tendency to break me, I love your passion and effort that you put into things. And your passion for people and you’re just... I love everything about you, Pastry Puff, and please never change. You’re always there for me, you’re so encouraging and I’m so grateful for everything you’ve ever done for me. You deserve the world, babe. <3 Thank you.
To @panda013: PANDABEAR. You are one of the most talented people I know, you’re so good at everything you do, like it’s not fair how good you are. You’re so hard working and your strength is a thing of beauty. I admire you in everything you do, how you approach life, and I know things can be rough at times, but I always know you’re gonna pull through and be wonderful. You’re destined for amazing things, Panda. I believe in you so much, and thank you for always being there for me <3 People like you give me a reason to smile!
To @ladyserendipitous: My muse, the story voice, O, the Mom of the Server. You are literally the voice of reason sometimes, and I hope you know how appreciative I am of you. You always make the best comments and are fucking hilarious, but you are also the realist I need to be because I have a tendency to be jump off walls a lot. You’re an anchor to a lot of people, and I really admire you. Plus you’re like super good at writing, and I love your work, and more people need to read them. Thank you for always being there, for having the best ideas, and just being awesome in general. I aspire to reach your level someday!
To @megatraven: You are the epitome of sunshine on a rainy day, the gold at the end of the rainbow, the world does not deserve you. You are literally the kindest person I have ever met, the most supportive and encouraging, and even though you can be a walking shitpost of your icons sometimes, all it does is make me throw my head back in laughter. You deserve the whole world, you deserve all the happiness. From treadmills to bees, from Melon Rodeo to Meggi, you are a shooting star. I love you, I adore you, thank you for everything <3 ALSO YOUR FUCKING WRITING KILL SME THANK YOU.
To @sadrien: What can I say about this incredibly talented person? Your stories give me life, your IRL stories give me life, you’re incredibly awesome in general. You’re so wonderful and kind, and I am so happy I met you. I wish you only the best because you deserve all of it, and just thank you so much for the laughter? The kindness because I don’t think you have a mean bone in your body? I just want you to know how much I love and appreciate you, Tea, and keep being wonderful because the world needs more people like you! <3 Thanks for putting up with my dramatic ass.
To @zoenightstars: I know you don’t use Tumblr, but for when you ever come online and hopefully see this, just know that I love and appreciate you. Your passion for the things you do, your talent that knows no bounds, your smarts and snarkiness are things I struggle to keep up with. I know college applications are draining, but I firmly believe that you’re gonna go on to do great things. You’ve got the passion and the drive and will to go far, and I can’t wait to see where life takes you. Thanks for always being there to make me smile!
To @ninoirs: you are a bubbly, accident-prone smol that we all must protect. Literally, I don’t know how you’ve made it almost eighteen years. But like they say, the best things come in small packages, and Rey, you’re a blessing, honestly. Ridiculously talented, so bright and brilliant, and just so amazing at everything you do. You’re so supportive, so much fun, and thank you for putting up with me. You’re honestly so wonderful, Rey Rey. (And your boyfriend is cool too). 
To @amillionsmiles: I literally just started to get to know you, but you’re still incredibly talented. Also it’s kind of scary how good you are. I have always been a fan, and you fucking slay me with everything you do. You’re gonna do great things, I firmly believe that. Thanks for always breaking my heart and putting it back together <3
To @adribug: You’re too smart for words, too brilliant to measure, and your graphics fucking kill me, so thanks for that. You’re just a bubbly person, and your personality shines in everything you do. I love talking to you, you’re so much fun. Thank you for being awesome, thanks for dealing with me, and thanks for just being yourself. You’re amazing, and I know you’re gonna do awesome things <3
To @larvesta: the lady who can sometimes be my twin and who is so fucking talented that her art has legit made me cry. You are one of those people I couldn’t have been happier to meet, and you are so fucking amazing. Your talent knows no bounds, your kindness has no measure, and you are just so... ASKSDGHLGD That’s all I can say, Liv. Thank you for putting up with me, for your endless support, and for being so incredible. I love you ;3
To @miracujess: you’re a walking meme and shitpost. Like I can’t with you, Jess??? You’re fucking hilarious, so incredible, so entertaining and fun. Like I can depend on you to put a smile on my face when I need it, and to be so genuinely awesome that you make me cry. Thank you so much for everything. The world deserves more people like you who are the embodiment of sunshine. 
To everyone else at @mlfanfiction: you guys have become my second family, literally. You’re all so supportive and wonderful and fucking awesome. Thank you for putting up with me, for being there for me, for the support and encouragement. For being so talented and giving me people to look up too. To Erica, Teal, Rae, KC, Kiwi, Sarah, Maha (I can’t fucking remember your TUMBLR URLS SO IM GONNA GET YOU ALL IN VERSION 2.0; I’m sorry it’s literally 10:30 PM at night. I can’t be on top of everything now, especially when I’m on break from school). You guys are so fucking talented and I weep tears when I talk to you or read your stuff. Thanks for the laughs, for the snarks, for the kindness, for making the good days the absolute best. <3 
To everyone at @queermiraculous: thanks for giving me a place I can be myself. Thank you to all the people I’ve met, all the friends I’ve made, I’m too tired to list you cause there’s a fuck ton. You’re all so supportive and encouraging and fun, and I just wish you the best.
To everyone at the MLArtist server that @larvesta runs: You guys are so talented, so supportive and so encouraging. Thank you for giving me a place to learn and grow as an artist, and just for being some of the best people I’ve ever met.
To everyone I didn’t mention, thank you! If I’ve talked to you even once, you belong on this. But I’m a 22 year old college student married to her coffee cup, it’s 10:30 PM, and I’ve gone 26 hours without sleep. Please bear with me. Just thank you for everything, your support and encouragement, acceptance, talent, your passion, your strength, just everything. You all mean the world to me, and I can’t thank you enough.
Just thank you all my followers as well. <3 I don’t know how you got here, but you deserve so much. Thanks for putting up with me. <3
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milk-shy · 7 years
incoming: dump of emotionally overwrought writing in reverse chronological order
mission update: shanghai
oh my god this is grim.  i take back everything i said about heathrow being a hole.  like ok i could maybe cop it if i’d had a proper night’s sleep but as it is…….nope.  4:16am GMT oh dear lord help.  like i’m actually suffering— and what the fuck is this lack of wifi like legit utter shit what am i doing here
also like contrary to popular (read: tristan’s) belief that i am 100% a certified self-hating racist i really do try not to be but when you’ve just spent 11 hours on a plane full of the most revoltingly stereotypical mainland Chinese people it is really fucking difficult like oh lord manspreading and spitting and obnoxiously loud conversations to the nth degree
and this kiwi group ew i fucking hate people can i just go back to oxford and bury myself in its satisfyingly insular intellectual ivory tower forever i am a child of gentrification and over-education and indie pretentiousness thank you very much
actually miss oxford sm already it’s fucking ridiculous like???  ugh it is admittedly only one weird little pocket of the country that i’ve actually gotten to know but i have nevertheless gotten to know it, and while it’s a crazy tourist-town Saussurian simulation of a place, and not remotely representative of england or of student life or of (normal) academia or of anything at all, it is inevitably my conception of all those things, and while i’ve only really spent about seven months there at most it can’t help but be formative, and i have lived so much more of an actual life there than anywhere else.  and yet at the same time it’s only ever a rushed overworked 8/9-week pitstop every time, drop in and tire yourself out and then leave, and sometimes it’s like no time has passed at all.  
i miss all the fuckin chain stores, that’s the first thing everywhere i go, i have a chain café/grocery store based understanding of national geography.  sure there’s raoul’s and the missing bean and vaults & garden but like nah hit me up with the depressingly understocked familiarity of the walton st co-op pls.  
wow this is— genuinely, really fucking weird, i’ve never felt quite like this before— i always had some sense that i was going home before but it doesn’t feel like that at all now— of course i will get used to it again no doubt but i don’t… want to right now.  i’ve just gotten so immersed in my little enclave of tristan and the various concentric circles of the #squad and that whole familiar rhythm of being in college (i mean, seismic shock of the Teresa Walsh Terror notwithstanding)—  i don’t want to go home, what the fuck have i ever really had at home except strained familial relations and new zealand’s climate fucking up my skin (eternal intercontinental tradeoff between clear skin and drinkable tap water tbh)?  
it’s just a thing i’m saying right now and i know it’s going to pass but i don’t like auckland anymore, maybe it’s just the way i lived there, i don’t know, but i’ve never had more than a distant impersonal relationship with it— that’s the problem with seeing it out of a car window 99% of the time, you don’t get the grudging familiarity of the walks to libraries, and late-night supermarket runs, and the v specific touristy cornmarket st miasma of lush and shitty coffee and buskers of varying skill
i mean, you’ve got to make memories in a place, and then you start to love it, right?  i have no memories of any sort from auckland.  just things that have become familiar from sheer weight of repetition.  but i never loved it really--?
look, it’s just that you spend hours and hours on a flight with no human contact and you start to believe everyone is like dead or something.  just be rational about this-- you will arrive and you will check your phone and amy will be making ‘lets get shitfaced’ plans and tristan will be all primed to message you requesting nudes and various group chats will be arguing about something or other and your mother will be irate about the delay-- nobody has fucking died.  and also he probably still likes you.  i mean seeing as you spent half the flight crying to leonard cohen that is probably a bit of a relief.  
and auckland isn’t really a shithole, come on.  like alright it’s conveniently a bit grim in july-september but genuinely i’m convinced that your one day of a glasgow ‘summer’ was much worse than auckland winters can ever get.  just keep yourself busy.  go shopping for some clothes.  run a bit.  familiarity isn’t always bad.  the place gets trendier by the day and you love that shit.  
i just feel like i’m only now, over the last year-ish, starting to learn how to (at least pretend to) be a functional adult, and i don’t know how to exist as anything other than a vague overgrown teenage malingerer in auckland.  like how can i really explain the feeling that i’ve never really lived there?  like there are places i know, sure, but— it just feels to me like a bit of a relic i’ve outgrown.  i mean i want to move, in any case, i certainly don’t want to live there after i graduate.  sorry mum but you can fuck right off with that whole idea.  i just could not do it i’m sorry.  flee to wellington at the very least.
Ok this is dumb and melodramatic but I'm 35000 feet above the Ural Mountains and sort of not in my rational mind right now and I think genuinely I'm a bit drunk lmao fuck me
FUCK this is so shit I can't fucking be alone like this I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this-- people aren't supposed to fucking be alone!! I'm going to have to go on a goddamn fuckton of late night drives listening to Billy Joel and wandering down remote beaches chain-smoking and crying out of weight of sheer loneliness--
On that note I am truly alarmed by how much I'm craving a menthol oh dear me
lets just be clear I do not want to actually become a smoker that would be Very Bad and also almost certainly result in your mother disembowelling you to the tune of her ear-splitting harpy shrieks
pre-departure taylors is becoming a depressing sort of ritual isn’t it— except it’s sort of just me this time.  i have no energy for reflections.  just want to say in my defence it wasn’t all bad.  in bits and pieces it has been lovely.  i think i have learned to some extent to be okay with this.  that i have things i struggle with (another term, another failed effort to get a diagnosis) and that doesn’t mean necessarily that i am sad.  that i am a sad person.  there is just a force that acts on me.  it’s not me.  i don’t deserve to have all this self-hatred directed at myself.  like climate and weather, right?  it is not me, it’s not my fault, that it is sometimes inclement.  and i have had a lot of sunny days.
what are you going to do then?  back on the weight-loss train.  churn out that novel, i believe in you.  get good at smiling and being aggressively polite and making tea.  plough through that reading list.  write the best troilus & criseyde essay annie will ever have seen.  volunteer somewhere.  play some jazz piano.  get back into drawing.  possibly be an intoxicated hoodlum loitering downtown every now and again.  don’t worry.  it’s chill.
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wayneooverton · 6 years
My favorite travel shoe: the magic of merino Allbirds
This is probably the most obviously and in-your-face sponsored post I’ve ever written, and I am unapologetic. Read on, dear ones, read on.
So I received my first pair of Allbirds merino wool shoes a few months after watching them creep in and pop up on my newsfeed amongst friends and influencers this past year. These simple wool shoes caught my eye mostly because everyone who wore them raved about them.
Personal recommendations go a long way with me.
Wool runners in Kotare Mint
I don’t think I’ve ever written a product review before in eight years of running this blog, so do tell me if I’m doing this wrong. Considering I’m sitting at around 1500 words as I publish this, I imagine I am. Oh well.
Also, I didn’t intend to write it this way. I was going to do a very length narrative piece about me wearing these lovely merino sneakers on a merino farm in New Zealand. Inception.
But I realized I loved these so much, and I absolutely put them through their paces in New Zealand and in Switzerland, and decided on my own that they deserved more attention than that, so here we are. It didn’t have anything to do with the fact that merino stations here in wintertime are covered in either snow or mud up to your knees, both of which are not ideal conditions for cute wooly sneakers.
Barring that, my conclusion is that Allbirds shoes are amazing, I’m obsessed and they are the best travel show. I dare you to read on, consume all my words, and not leave with the same conclusion.
The magical power of merino wool
It didn’t take long after moving to New Zealand to learn the magic of merino wool. After all, we are famous for our sheep here, with around 30 million wooly souls to only four million decidedly un-wooly humans, unless you’re in hipster Wellington where beards reign supreme.
Between spending a lot of time in the backcountry and on farms in often rather intense and unforgiving environments, you quickly learn the only true fabric to be worn on an adventure here is merino wool. Hands up if you are a fan.
But it ain’t cheap, and New Zealand wool is even pricier thanks to the strict rules here around the treatment of the merino sheep and thread quality of the wool that is used, which makes it some of the best in the world.
Why? Merinos are much tougher and hardier than you’re average fluffy white sheep, born and bred in the rugged high country of the Southern Alps in New Zealand, they live in super hot dry summers and freezing cold winters and their incredible fleece supports them in both climates.
Merino wool keeps you warm when it’s cold and keeps you cool when it’s hot, wicking away moisture and drying fast. Also, it doesn’t smell. I repeat, MERINO WOOL DOESN’T SMELL. In fact, I’ve even seen it advertised as 10 day underwear. NZ kills at marketing.
This also means you don’t have to wear socks with Allbirds shoes because they are, in fact, wool socks, and you can just chuck them in the washing machine if they get dirty. However, they aren’t really the best outdoor adventure shoe, not to replace running shoes or hiking shoes.
I wear them on my travels, in the city, and on mellow walks. I’ve found the bottom isn’t grippy enough for harder terrain and hikes.
Allbirds use only ZQ certified merino wool, that means the wool used in these sneakers come only from New Zealand farms that adhere to these exceptionally high standards for wool production and quality, and are committed to sustainability and ethical practice around the treatment of the sheep.
They’re like hugs for your feet
A friend of mine replied to one of my Instagram posts raving about Allbirds, describing them as hugs for your feet. And let me just say, a more accurate shoe description has never existed.
They are like walking on clouds. It’s like wearing slippers all the time. In fact, I’ve converted my grey loungers into slippers because that’s what they look like and they’re so damn comfortable.
And if you don’t believe me when I say they’re the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever owned, you can try them and if you don’t feel the same, you can return within 30 days. Boom.
Let’s take a moment to appreciate how FREAKING good my calves look here
Allbirds are a solidly decent company changing fashion
Last year I openly discussed my commitment to working on more sustainable travel and trying to work with brands that are deeply committed to sustainability too. Even just bringing it up in conversations and building momentum around the movement. And honestly, is there anything more wasteful than the fashion industry?
I won’t go into it here, but I am deeply disgusted by many Instagram “influencers” who never repeat an outfit and waste clothes like there’s no tomorrow. But I digress.
The point of my mini-rant is that at Allbirds shoes, they were constantly questioning whether there is a better way; there must be. But by looking at natural materials, like wool, and other things that exist right in front of us, instead of synthetics, they were able to build a successful business that is committed to using sustainably sourced, all natural materials.
Quick powerful facts:
Allbirds’ manufacturing process uses 60% less energy than materials used in typical synthetic shoes.
Each pair of shoelaces is made from one recycled plastic bottle
The packaging is made from 90% recycled cardboard
The shoebox uses 40% less materials than normal shoe packaging
They’re a certified B-Corp, meaning they meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency
World-famous in New Zealand
Ok, I get really excited when New Zealand has a major international success story.
After all we were the first country in the world to give women the right to vote, the first nation to put a man on Everest, and the first spot the split the atom. New Zealand is nothing if not kickass and innovative.
Should I even be surprised that Allbirds was started by a kiwi? Nope.
Ka pai, bro!
Simple and cute sneakers
As an American, I moved to Europe when I was 19. Wait, I have always been American, when I was 19 and now. You know what I mean. Why am I so confusing?
As an American in fashion forward Spain, where you do not leave the house without mascara EVER, I quickly learned that rule #1 was one does not wear sneakers in Europe. Like running sneakers. Trainers. Runners.
Those only belong inside the gym, not even to walk to the gym. Us Americans and our commitment to sporty footwear had no place in stylish Europe, and even now I can easily spot my brethren abroad when traveling solely by their soles.
I quickly accepted that I would have foot pain, and invested in all sorts of cute flats and wedges that would wear out after a few months of long commutes on cobblestones. When I lived in Córdoba for a year, I even developed a heel spur from my favorite beige Mango flats.
You’d think now that I am 30 and I travel for a living, and my long walks in Europe (and elsewhere) exploring require me to carry a heavy bag of camera equipment along with the 20 extra pounds I’ve gained since I was 19, I would begin to resign myself to wearing more comfortable shoes.
But guys! Allbirds has saved me! They are cute and comfortable. With their simple design and penchant for neutral colors (minus the bright Kea Red loungers I’ve been rocking) I can get away with wearing them while I work on my feet filming and not be crying on the inside in pain.
Natural, practical, simple. No flashy logos. No flair. Quality but unpretentious. I love it. it’s the Scandinavia of the shoe world.
Limited edition Kea Red wool loungers
Join the cult
Honestly, I haven’t met anyone who owns a pair of Allbirds and doesn’t rave about them. You’ll find yourself always discussing their attributes and forcing other people to buy a pair.
When I began wearing and talking about them online, literally every single message was positive and people constantly thanked me for pointing them out. They are gamechangers. I’m obsessed. Everyone’s obsessed.
Once you fall for Allbirds, you’ll start to notice when other people wear them, and if you’re like me, you make awkward eye contact and give a little chin nod, like yup, you get it too. While growingly popular, there are still many people hadn’t heard about them (yet) and you don’t see them all the time, lending them a lovely air of mystery.
It’s like you’re part of a secret club or something. Or cult. A sheep cult. Does it get any better than that?
Are you an Allbirds fan? Do you find yourself drawn to brands like theirs with a good story and care about sustainability in the things you buy? Have you discovered the wonderful magic of merino? Share!
Many thanks to Allbirds for all the shoes and love and turning me into a fanatic. Like always, I’m keeping it real. All opinions are my own, like you could expect less from me. 
The post My favorite travel shoe: the magic of merino Allbirds appeared first on Young Adventuress.
from Young Adventuress https://ift.tt/2Ll0Isn
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weirdwritter-blog · 7 years
Metanoia Pt. 2
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Chapter 2 I’m Fine
Today I was preparing the things I need for the photoshoot for Mr. Lee, “Looks like everything I need is here” I said. When I started to look around if I left something then I saw the music box, I approached it and spin the key behind it. “You really do like the sound of that thing is making” commented the man beside me who is making scrambled eggs. “Yup, it makes me feel relaxed that’s all, are you making food again?” I asked, “The eggs that I made got burned when we were talking” he whimpered I just sighed and looked at him seriously. “I don’t want you to make many noise or go out without my permission, don’t let the landlady see you are anyone okay?” he just nodded and smiled at me, “I will be heading to the Garden of Eden for a photoshoot, I might come home late.” I continued while heading to the door I check at my watch. “I’ll see you later then” I was almost open the door of the apartment but he stopped me, “Wait a second! I made you a snack, if you got hungry in your photoshoot you can eat this.” He said while giving me the paper bag. “Okay, thanks” I accepted the little snack he made and went on to my destination.
I was waiting for the bus when I suddenly got curious what snack that he made for me, I open the lid of the lunchbox it was full of fresh fruits, bananas, oranges and my favorite, kiwi. He even cut them for me and I look inside the paper back and I saw a letter.
Dear, Miss Sofia
I hope you will enjoy this little snack I made for you! I have nice day!
“Wow! I admit that was cute” I giggled then suddenly the bus came. To be honest that made my day little brighter. After a few hours of bus ride I arrived at my destination. I don’t see the staffs of Mr. Lee, they might be late so I sat in the nearest bench and waited for them. “Where are them? They said 2 pm but it is almost 4! And it will be dark soon” I complained, after hours of waiting a saw a black van and many familiar faces are going out of the van. “It’s them!” I exclaimed, I walked towards them to greet each one of the staff and Mr. Lee. He was wearing a very dark shade and a tux. “Sorry we are late Ms. Sofia” he apologized, “It’s okay sir” I said. Then they started preparing all the flowers, I also starting to photograph each flowers. If I am going to be completely honest I didn’t like the result go the photoshoot. Because the lighting is too dark and some of the staffs didn’t cooperate. After the photoshoot I bid farewell to Mr. Lee, I head towards the office to see the results of the photoshoot.
I looked at my watch it was almost 6 pm, I stared at the pinkish sky the sun is slowly going down. The street lights one by one starting too lit up and many people rushing to go home. Suddenly I felt something vibrating in my bag. “Hello?” I asked
“Sofia it’s Tessa! The boss wants you now! And it doesn’t look good” she worriedly warned me, I took a deep breath “Okay, I will call you later.” I said
I rushed to the office, after a few minutes of running I stopped at the president’s office. I knocked and calmly opened the door. “Miss Sofia, please come in” she said in a low voice, I slowly entered the room, she slide a piece of paper in her table, and I pick it up and read it. It was an email from Mr. Lee, it stated that he didn’t like what I did in the project he said he need more professional to be working for his project next time not a mere intern. I will be a big liar if I told that it didn’t hurt.
Mrs. Choi grasps my shoulder, “I am still counting on you for the Love&Floral project if you still want to.” She smiled weakly, “Now, you can go home you might be tired. Thank you for your hard work” she said. I bowed at her and exited the room.
My feet started to walk on its own, everything around me started to look grey. Outside the office the snow is falling like droplets of rain and for first time I felt the coldness of the winter. I headed to the park to relax myself for a bit. “Well everything will be alright I just have to think the positive side right? I just have to let it go. I can’t go home like this I need to bring out all the sadness I am feeling right now” I forcedly smiled but it didn’t stop my tear from falling. “Who am I kidding?” I said and hugged my knees and started to cry. In the park my soft sobs are the only sound that can be heard. “I have to stop my tears from falling!” I slapped my cheeks and stood up. I took a deep breath and started walking heading towards my apartment.  
After a few hours of riding the bus finally I got home safely, suddenly I sneezed “Looks like you catch the cold darling” said the landlady who is holding a tray full of hot chocolate. “I am okay Miss Landlady” I sniffled, “Okay just make sure you drink some medicine, I have to go now darling” she wave goodbye to me. I went upstairs to my apartment. I took out my keys, I hesitated to open the door “I don’t feel like going inside, maybe I should go to a near café” I slid back my key to my bag.
“Where are you going?” someone suddenly opened the door. “Oh damn!” I yelped and slapped the man in front of me. “Ow!” he cried. I shushed him and cover his mouth with my hands. “I am so sorry Jimin! Don’t shout” I apologized. We went inside the apartment and sat in the living room. He was sitting in the couch while I was standing in front of him with my arm crossed. “Why are you still human?” I asked
“Because I haven’t explained to you everything!” he scoffed and crossed his legs “If you want to know everything you have to listen carefully” he continued proudly smiling at me. I touched my forehead and massaged it. “Such a drag! Fine! Let’s not talk here, we go up” I said he looked at me with a puzzled expression “Up?” he confirmed I nodded “Yep! Up” I said while pointing at the ceiling. I walked towards my window beside the window it has stairs heading towards the roof of the big apartment. “Where are we going?” he asked while following behind me. “You will see when we get up there” I teased and laughed. Finally we reached the top “Finally we are here!” I said, I open the lights, middle of the terrace is a big bed and it was surrounded by different Christmas lights. In the other parts of the terrace it was filled with flowers, I looked at Jimin I think he is very amazed by the view. “This is my secret hideout; of course I got the landlady’s permission to fix this terrace, and that bed it was always been here I just change the foam and cover it when it rains or snow. The view here is what I love the most” I said. After a few minutes of silence between me and Jimin I didn’t feel awkward around him just a comfortable silence. “I think I need to hear your explanation now” I said. He nodded, we sat at the bed and he looked at me and he took something from his pocket “That’s the ring I saw in the box right?” I asked
“Yes, I don’t know if I am cursed or was made to be like this. But what I know I have a mission, I must save my owner from his or her problems that she or he is facing. I will be turn into a nutcracker if my owner doesn’t need my presence but if she needed me I will be in a human form. I don’t know what problem you are facing right now but I will try my best to solve it with you” he reassured I looked at the ring he was holding “What if I told you I don’t need you?” I questioned him while staring intently in his eyes, I can see clearly that he was shocked but he still remain calm “I don’t think I can do anything because I was given to you as a gift, if you rejected a gift was given to you full heartedly it will cause bad luck” he stated I just shrugged my shoulders “Well I am just curious that’s all, then what’s the purpose of that ring? Is that the seal of agreement?” I guessed then he suddenly laughed “Looks like you got it right, so will you accept me as your partner to help you?” he asked.
I pretend to be thinking it deeply “Don’t tell me you will reject my offer” he worriedly asked I put my hand in front of him “Well there is nothing I can do” I smiled, he gently placed the ring in my finger. Then he sat properly in the bed and sighed in relief “So now you can tell me your problems and we will solve it!” he exclaimed.
“I don’t know what problem you are looking for?” I asked, he blinks many times and look at me intently “Are you kidding me? You don’t know your own problems? Humans should know what their problems is and solve it one by one” he said I pinched his cheeks “Look I don’t know! Okay?!” I said and put my hands down “I don’t have any problems” I continued, he sighed “To be honest you are my last mission” he stated. I looked at him with curiosity “Why is that? Do you remember your owners?” I asked
“No. I don’t remember them; I also don’t know the reason why. But you are the 100th owner that took me in. And if my mission for you was a success I will know all the answers in my questions” he remarked. A silence fell upon us, I look at him and look up from the sky the snow is still falling “It’s like droplets of rain right?” he commented I looked at him I can see everything clearly now. But I won’t tell him just yet. “Hm? I think it looks like a cherry blossom petals” I chuckled and stood up “It’s time to go back, it’s getting cold.” I suggested, we both went back to the apartment. While I was brushing my teeth I saw Jimin fixing the couch and he is preparing to go to sleep. I went to my bedroom and took out a big comfy blanket. “Here, it will be cold you need to have extra blanket to keep you warm” I said and hand him the cloth “Thank you” he accepted the blanket and I went back to my bedroom. I flopped myself into my bed and grab my laptop then suddenly I remember what happen to the office earlier. Then suddenly I got a message it’s from Taehyung.
 To: Sofia
Hey, how are you? We haven’t talk for days; can I come to your house tomorrow? I need to tell you something.
From: Taehyung
I can’t let him go here, he might see Jimin and I can totally imagine him freaking out.
To: Taehyung
Sorry Taehyung you can’t. I’m a bit busy I will message you if I’ve got free time.
From: Sofia
I closed my laptop and preparing myself to sleep. But sadly I can’t, because I am having my night thoughts again. I search a perfect comfortable spot where I can sleep properly, I change the position of my pillow even I tried changing my position. I took my phone out again and look at my old photos “It looks nice to be a kid again” I said then suddenly someone knocked on my door. “Are you still up?” Jimin asked
“Yup, I am” I replied he slowly open the door, he was holding the pillow and the blanket I gave him. “Is there something wrong?” I asked. He was standing in the door like a kid who had a bad dream “I just felt a sting in the ring, I thought you need some company” he mumbled I look at the ring that he gave me and I just notice now he also had the same ring. “So my feelings came across you isn’t it?” I gently patted the space in my bed; I know I shouldn’t be doing this because he is a stranger but something in me saying that I can trust him. I sat in my bed across to him, “Did something happen?” he worriedly asked, I hesitated to tell him then he suddenly spoke “I couldn’t sleep either, I always got this bad dreams and it keeps hunting me like a beast preparing to capture its prey. I know this is quite sudden can I sleep with you here in you room. I promise I won’t make any noise! I can sleep in the floor too!” he requested I stood up and pulled foam under my bed. “Use this I always have this if I don’t feel like sleeping in my bed” I said then I he suddenly hug me “Thank you! Thank you very much!” I pulled him away “Okay! Stop hugging me” he stops and started fixing his bed.
I looked at the clock it is almost 1 am, I turn off the lamp and I lay in my bed. I stare at my ceiling “Can you tell me why?” Jimin asked
“Why? You mean why my feelings stung you?” I asked,
“Yep” he replied
“Fine, I’ll tell you. Remember that I had a photoshoot today; well it didn’t go as I planned. Mr. Lee doesn’t like my work. And I felt that the president little by little losing her interest in me. I feel I don’t like it anymore” I spoke, then I felt my bed sheets moves and I saw Jimin sitting in my bed. I sat up I realize my tears is falling again. “Sorry if I eavesdrop your conversation with your mother last time, is everything okay?” he asked
“No. Everything is not fine” I stammered and wipe my tear, “Don’t worry about me, we should get to bed and everything will be fine tomorrow, I will be fine tomorrow” I smiled at him to reassure him that I can do this on my own.
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