#thank you paty
thegeminisage · 1 year
Hmm. 20-22 inclusive …. making you be negative 😈 I’m assuming you’ll do zelda but as a scholar I’m also interested in your spn thoughts so you pick mwah
oooh dealer's choice this is so tough...what if i just answer for both LMAO im so sorry ok Lets Go
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
for zelda: i really, really wish i liked wind waker. i wanna like wind waker so fucking bad. i love wind waker's story. i love wind waker's ganondorf. i love how bright and cheerful the graphics are contrasted with how solemn it is underground. i love the dungeons and the gameplay. but god i HATE the cartoony little balloon heads. it takes me right out of those serious moments. i don't mind stylization but if it could have been just a LITTLE BIT. less stylized. just a LITTLE LESS like animal crossing characters. it's beautiful to look at but for a game with such serious hidden elements WHICH I LOVE i find trouble taking it seriously.
for spn: god, all of crowley's little arcs. he was almost never interesting, and while you can excuse bad writing for cas because it's cas, you can't make crowley happen. fetch is never gonna happen! you can show me his fun hot mom and his dead son and it still isn't happening! he's just the walking talking embodiment of the "angels and demons are just like OFFICE WORKERS" trope which i hate so fucking deeply because it's the least sexy direction they ever took and the exact opposite of what i want from my angels and demons. all of the middle seasons suffered deeply from this. crowley COULD have been interesting, but tbh, i liked him best in the season they killed him off.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
for zelda: i could do wind waker again but actually i completely understand the hype, bc wind waker is a great game even if i can't deal with it like a normal person. same with botw - i found most of the joy thru exploration, so it just didnt Hit on replays the way other zeldas do, but its influence cannot be understated and the hype is deserved. what if everybody is right all the time to hype any and everything about zelda?? oh wait actually. sorry. twilight princess ilia. idk if people hype her but if they do theyre wrong. love and light to her, she's Fine, but it feels kind of like a knockoff of malon (superior) and i generally dislike when link has romantic interests besides zelda, even if the love interest gets amnesia (wistful sigh). this sin was especially egregious bc zelda barely has any screentime at all, but i forgive tp for this because what screentime she DOES have is spent being in lesbians with midna. so it works out just this once due to the power of gay people, but that's some thin fucking ice. anyway, sorry to ilia and ilia fans for being a misogynist
for spn: i hate canon claire. i can't get into it in depth but like...sorry, even without the issue of My Own Claire Ideas, i still don't know if i could do it. being gay does not save her from having the exact same "damaged but spunky teen girl" personality given to almost EVERY OTHER TEENAGE GIRL (or young woman) on the show. to some extent she, krissy, mary from the winchesters, charlie, jo, alex, etc etc all have the same personality with a few defining quirks tacked on as an afterthought. do i love some of these characters? yes, of course. are they well-written? absolutely not <3
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
for zelda: in general, i think skyward sword gets a bad rap despite lanayru desert's entire (waves hand vaguely) and zelda being a fucked up evil goddess who canonically manipulates link's love for her. AND GROOSE. never forget groose. more specifically i think not enough people have acknowledged 1. the champions corpses are definitely still in those cockpits 2. oot link essentially became a stalfos by walking into the lost woods without navi and never came back. hello?? generally those dark little implications that u have read between the lines to get <3
for spn: oh baby its michael!dean. i waited so long and i only really got what i wanted for one episode but it was so good. it was SO good. no one else is as hype about the fact that it took nine REAL LIFE YEARS to get there. a DECADE of my finite time on earth. but ohhh was it ever worth the wait. what else could i possibly write 100k+ about
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Happy Valentines
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Thank you so, so much and
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siriuslynephilim · 11 months
can someone please explain to my mom that i don't want to hear about her and my dad's fights about money omfg
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
I hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all. I’m sometimes the hardest to express, but the easiest to ignore. I can be given to many, or just one. What am I?
-Riddler (definitely not Pati)
Eeekkk😍-- I-I mean it's love, definitely love 😁💚 so please don't kill me but feel free to take me hostage
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
🤡 - ok so i dunno i giggle the whole time i'm writing anything with arkham eddie, but the puns in this halloween one were fun to write!!
🎢 - i don't know if any of my fics are wild rides lmao maybe basement office on ao3 mostly because it's so looooooong and i have some twists and turns finally coming into it!
💋 - love them!! the first kiss is the best bit! i don't write enough of them i don't think, i usually start with pre-existing relationships or don't give them enough attention oops
🛠 - boring answer but i use tumblr drafts and microsoft word (and sometimes google docs if i have to go from home to work and i haven't finished something yet!)
🎨 - i have had seven (?) bits of art that my fics/playlists/headcanons/drabbles somehow inspired and each of them made me cry happy tears for an absurd length of time. it's so nice to exist in a little echo chamber where we inspire each other ;-; also all of the art is saved in a folder on my laptop so i can look at it always 💚
⌛ - oof this is... it depends greatly on a number of factors. i think i have undiagnosed adhd which doesn't help the concentration thing! it also depends on what mood i'm in, and whether i get the right inspiration for something. it could take me 6 hours to write 500 words or it could take me an hour to write 2.5k there is no rhyme nor reason. i will say that everything i post each day is written on that day like i don't write in advance because i hate myself 🙃
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march-harrigan · 2 years
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Right back at you 😆👀👀
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mayasaura · 26 days
did you see te pati maori declared independence??
I DID NOT! Holy shit! Thanks for the news!
Okay, now reporting back from one research deep-dive, the recent context as I understand it is this:
Last November, a conservative right-wing Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, assumed office. He's got a lot of less than stellar right-wing policies, and that includes making cuts to the Ministry of Social Development and opposing co-governance with the Waitangi Tribunal and other Māori leadership organisations over the administering of public services such as education, health, and infrastructure. He's been openly critical of Māori seats in Parliament, though he hasn't (yet) opposed them. Over the course of his administration, there's been an initiative to omit or cut mentions of the Treaty of Waitangi, the foundational document of New Zealand that forms the basis of arguments for Māori protections, from official language.
Which brings us to yesterday, May 30th. Budget Day. The day the new administration would announce their first budget and a day of mass action for supporters of te Pāti Māori protesting the treatment of Māori under the new government. I don't have any concrete numbers, but RNZ reports thousands of protestors, while the NZ Herald estimates "tens of thousands" turning out nation-wide, and a walking protest that delayed rush-hour traffic in Auckland for hours.
You may have already guessed that the budget was Bad. As I understand it, the budget effectively cut any kind of targeted funding for Māori health or education, and decreased funding for Māori cultural festivals and celebrations. And again, I cannot stress enough how much I am not an expert on this topic, so there's probably a lot more in there I don't know about.
In response to the new budget, Māori Party MP Rawiri Waititi issued a Declaration of Independence to the New Zealand Parliament, (video of his speech in link) with the support of his fellow te Pāti Māori co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer.
There doesn't seem to be any concrete plan in place yet for the organisation of the new Māori parliament, but MPs Waititi and Ngarewa-Packer met with protestors to collect signatures for the Declaration, which they plan to bring to a hui taumata (meeting of congress) today, Friday, May 31st. The text of the Declaration can be found on te Pāti Māori website, in the form of a petition. You do not have to be Māori to sign, but I believe you do have to be kiwi.
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celtic-crossbow · 5 months
You’re Holy to Me
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader Setting: Alexandria Warnings: Sexual themes; thigh riding; minor degradation; brat taming Summary: Daryl knows just how to make you behave. A/N: Thank you @thewalkingdilf for letting me use your idea. I hope I did it justice!
©celtic-crossbow 2024. I do not allow for my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or placed on any other platform without my consent.
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“Are you done yet?” You were whining, knowing damn well how it grated on Daryl’s nerves when he was focused on something. Right now, that focus was his bike. You absolutely knew better, but carried on anyway. “Come on, Daryl!
The archer was on one knee, eyes narrowed in concentration. At the next mewl of his name, he dropped a wrench with a loud clatter. You had been attached to his hip— apparently in every way except the one you wanted —since leaving your shared room that morning. Not that he minded. It was nice to feel loved, to feel wanted. “Listen, sunshine, I got a lot to do, so why don’tcha go on home an’ bug Carol for a bit?”
“Carol can’t help me.” You pouted from directly behind him. Biting your lip, you drew your finger through his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. “Come on, I wanna play.” You huffed, pressing a foot against his leg to get his attention focused on you. 
In such close proximity, Daryl could practically smell your arousal and he shivered. “You’re bein’ awf’ly needy right now. Ya really should go to the house.” When you didn’t answer, he nearly turned to address you again but then he felt you pressing yourself against him. Knelt as he was, your center was against the back of his neck, warm through the fabric of your skirt. “Better stop now, Y/N. Ya don’t let me finish up here, I ain’t gonna let you finish for a while.”
“Daryl.” You whined, moving your hips side to side. “Are you still not done with your other girlfriend? I need you now.” Your fingertips found their way into his hair again, scratching and lightly tugging. “You know there’s a better place to stretch those fingers.”
He had just retrieved the wrench only to drop it again, this time reaching it to wrap his fingers around your wrist. With a growl, he stood, turning to loom over you in a way you would have found intimidating if you didn’t know him like the back of your hand. 
Oh boy, you were in for it now. 
“Why ya gotta be such a brat?” His tone held no heat, but there was a threat there; the type of threat that had a rush of arousal soaking through your panties. You blinked up at him with a coy smile. “Ya knew exactly whatcha was doin’, didn’tcha? Can’t go one day without that greedy lil’ pussy bein’ filled, can ya?”
“What on earth will you ever do with me?” Your smile remained and only fueled the lust burning through the archer. 
“I know exactly what m’gonna do with ya.”
His eyes narrowed and you gulped at the same time as your cunt clenched around nothing. His large hands gripped your hips tightly, just enough for the slightest amount of pain. When he walked into you, you began to back up, allowing him to lead you to wherever it was he wanted you. 
Sliding an arm around your waist, he leaned to swiped the other across his workbench, the tools and parts crashing and clattering on the hard floor. Hopefully Aaron didn’t come running to check things out because your panties were already being dragged down your legs. 
Biting your bottom lip, you slipped your feet from your sandals and stepped out of your underwear, watching with warm cheeks as Daryl lifted them to dangle between you. The center was darkened, drenched with your slick. Those electric blue eyes slid over to you while he twirled the garment in the air with his index finger. 
“Messy girl. C’mon then.” He let your panties fall and reached for your hips again, a squeak leaving your lips as he pushed you down onto his left thigh. “Wanna cum so bad, go ahead.” He smirked when your head tilted. He wanted you to ride his thigh? 
Daryl was patiently waiting you out, his grip firm but not guiding. You let your hips roll experimentally, watching him for affirmation. All you received was an arched brow. 
“But, Daryl—”
“But nothin’. You wanna cum, make it happen.”
You huffed, pouting. Maybe if you did as he asked, he’d fuck you until you saw stars. With that motivation in mind, you ground yourself down and thrust your hips forward, the rough denim grazing your clit just enough to make you jolt. It was easy to find a rhythm after that. 
“Atta girl. Gotta work for it.” He never moved, his leg steady and grip solid. You had to admit, it felt good. You likely couldn’t cum like that but it was a nice way to kickstart that fire low in your belly. “That’s it, pretty girl.” He cooed at you, chuckling when you whined in reply. “Feel good?”
“Uh huh.” You reached forward for those broad shoulders, holding tightly to help you balance when your thighs began to burn. You could feel the dampness you were leaving smeared over his jeans, the slick lessening the friction you so desperately needed. “Daryl.” 
“Nope. Can’t help ya, sunshine. Gotta learn your lesson. Them’s the rules.”
“But—but you’re gonna fuck me, right?” You didn’t stop grinding, your hands coming down to rest over his, silently pleading with him to take pity on you and help. When he stayed silent, you mewled and jutted out your bottom lip. “Right?”
“Ain’t nothin’ goin’ in that pretty pussy tonight.” The whine you responded with made his cock twitch but he resisted.
You were teetering on the edge, desperately alternating between bouncing and grinding, searching for that angle that would bring you relief. It felt so so good but left you a whimpering, blubbering mess. Maybe if you touched yourself, you could coax your orgasm to the surface. 
Your fingers barely brushed the tuft of hair above your slit before his hand left your hip to slap it away. Daryl tutted. “Nuh uh.”
“Oh, god, Daryl. I’m so close. I just need—”
“Ya should’a thought ‘bout that ‘fore ya acted out.” He held you steady, fingers digging into your flesh. Watching you work to bring yourself to climax had him straining against his pants. He wanted nothing more than to bend you over his bike and pound into you until you were screaming loud enough to worry the couple inside. But he wouldn’t. 
“Please, fuck! Please, Daryl!” Sweat was dampening your shirt, your breasts bouncing, nipples hard against the fabric. Dirty girl, you hadn’t worn a bra. Just for him. 
“C’mon, girl. That’s it. Look atcha, gettin’ yourself off on my thigh. Go on, make yourself cum. Ya don’t need me, right?”
“I need you. I need you, please!” You threw back your head, bringing up your hands to squeeze your breasts, pinch your sensitive nipples. Trying anything and everything to reach that precipice. Thankful he allowed you at least that stimulation. 
“So, so pretty like this. Ya’d like for me to fuck ya right now, wouldn’cha?”
“Yes! Fuck me, please!” Your hips were moving erratically, warmth and wetness seeping through the thick fabric to his skin. He was extremely close to giving you what you wanted. 
“Nope. Just look too good like this.” Each sound, each ah ah ah was driving him crazy but he just didn’t have it in him to stop you. You were a vision. Your hair falling around your face, damp strands sticking to your neck. Tears leaking from the corners of your eyes. Your plump lips open with the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard spilling past them. If he wasn’t careful, he’d cum in his jeans just watching you. 
There was a drawn out moan that broke off into a whine. Your hands dropped to Daryl’s forearms, nails biting into his skin while his fingers continued to hold firm to your hips. 
“I can’t, Daryl! I can’t!”
“Yeah, ya can.” You rutted against him hard and fast, finally finally feeling that dam within you beginning to break. Gritting your teeth, you rode him hard, actually managing to rock him against the bench. “C’mon, sweet girl. Cum for me.”
The coil within you snapped, pulses of pleasure driving hard straight down to your throbbing clit. The wanton moan of the archer’s name ended with a shout, strong hands grounding you as you writhed and shook, soaking his thigh with your essence. 
You came down slowly, hips still jerking sporadically from the overstimulation of being pressed against his leg. At your content hum, he released you and let you fall forward against him. 
“Gonna let me work in peace now?” He chuckled when you had to force yourself to lean back far enough to blink at him with heavy lidded eyes. 
“Mhm.” With the laziest of smiles, you stood, covering your mouth when your movement revealed the mess on his jeans. “I should go get you another pair. You can change out here and I can take those—”
“What makes ya think we’re done here?”
Your mouth snapped shut, brows raising. Daryl stood and guided you to sit on the workbench with gentle fingers on your biceps. You didn’t have a chance to question him before he started working at his belt. It was then you noticed the prominent bulge in his jeans. 
“Gotta teach that mouth a lesson too.”
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baby-tini · 21 days
Hii!! Thinking about a desperate (very platonic coworker) Dabi who gets desperate after having a crush on reader for so long, so he decides to sneak into their room while they're working and bury his face into her panties while he absentmindedly palms himself through his sweatpants, only for the reader to walk in after getting off work early.
Just a suggestion!! absolutely no pressure, I luv luv luv your work!!
Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoy my work and I hope I did your request justice, I love the occasional pathetic Dabi willing to get off with a pair of your panties to suffice his nasty little thoughts. Dabi always thought you were hot, ever since you joined the league, prancing around in those tight ass shirts and those mini skirts. He knew, you knew, what you were doing, teasing him. Intentionally dropping things on the floor only to bend over in front of him as your skirt flips up, showing him that tiny black thong that has him re-adjusting himself and holding his breath. The little shorts you wear that ride up your thighs when you sit down, those same shorts that barley cover your ass. It pisses him off, intentionally turning him on and going about like you don't know he's rock hard, pumping his cock to thoughts of you when he's alone. Stealing your panties and using them to pump his cock as he groans your name, chest heaving as he pants and his eyes are rolling back thinking about your tight cunt, what it would feel like wrapped around him, how warm and wet it would be for him as he fucks you through orgasm after orgasm. Pulling the prettiest sounds out of you, screaming for him, asking him to let you cum, begging him to go faster, fuck you harder as tears drip down your cheeks and your eyes are tightly shut from the overwhelming pleasure he gives you. The pretty sound he forces from your throat as your head falls back or.. would you push him away because it's too much. Begging him too slow down so that you can catch your breath. He has these thoughts constantly and no matter how often he fucks his fist. pumping his cock as pale beads of pre drip from the slit, he always gets hard at the thought of seeing you, the choked gasps being pulled from his throat as he thinks about you in your little outfits, leaving nothing to the imagination, but that's good, that works for him. It gives him more too think about as he cums, picturing what paties your wearing under those little pieces of cloth you call clothes. But, then it's not enough anymore, he needs the source but that's too risky so.. he goes to the next best thing.. your bedroom. It's not super girly, no pink zebra print or overly stimulating colors, pretty normal in fact, but he's not here for that, he's here for those little panties of yours. Your dirty hamper is his best bet, they've already been worn and you need to wash them anyway, he's sure you won't mind if he leaves you a little gift. Your bed's soft, smells so much like you, that's good, he needs it over riding his senses as he cums. There's slick in the crotch of your panties, you probably just recently took them off, and they smell so good. he's positive he has time to get a session in, Tomura sent you on a mission, you shouldn't be back for a while, that's good for him but he still has to hurry. It always feels good when he jerks off but, surrounded by your scent as he has your panties over his nose, muffleing his groans and the occasional whimper makes it all that much better. Putting his mind in a place of ecstasy as he gets close. You taste good too, your slick tastes so sweet, he's positive it'll taste better when he buries his face in your pussy, feeling you pull at his hair when you cum in his mouth as he drinks it down. He's close, he can feel it, the knot in his stomach as his abs flex is tell-tale to him, he's gonna cum. His head's so wrapped up he doesn't hear your door open as you saunter in. "Well.. would you look at this? Are you enjoying yourself Dabi?"
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sailorsallyart · 11 months
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a thank you commission for @just-misha-and-castiel who requested some fluff featuring sunflowers 🌻 Thank you for your support and for being a friend, Paty 💕 [click for HQ]
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choerypetal · 3 months
Reunited / Rick Grimes
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summary: With Rick Grimes alive, escaping from the bridge proved to be a daunting challenge for everyone, especially for you and the others you had encountered, many of whom had since passed or moved on to different parts of the city. While the CRM focused on rescuing new victims from a nearby vault, you, like many others, had believed Rick to be dead. However, his unexpected return brought about a reunion that revealed a deeper, more profound connection between two lovers.
ps: english isn't my first language so i appolagize for any grammar errors (which i will be editing them if seen through out) but i do hope you enjoy!
Rick was keenly aware of your hiding spot. Tracking you down, though, was simply a waiting game. Fortunately, you slipped away after the chaos on the bridge. Everyone, including you, thought Rick had perished. Michonne's desperate scream and Daryl's uneasy sense confirmed the loss of the man they all relied on. Forever.
However, this time was unlike any other. Rick found himself recruited by the army stationed outside the city's main gates. It wasn't until he and Donald caught wind of a nearby enclave of survivors in need of rescue that their journey truly began. It was during one of these escort missions that Rick spotted you, utterly vulnerable. Within the vault, amidst a mix of shattered families and strangers burdened with the trauma of living in a city overrun by monsters, you were just one among many in desperate need of aid. And what truly killed Rick more was the fact that he, himself couldn’t even get near you. 
Still reeling from the shock, you struggled to muster your remaining energy. Amidst the escort, you caught sight of Jadis, but even recalling your own surroundings was a challenge. The sight of living, talking humans proved more daunting than you had anticipated, let alone considering what might transpire once you were among them.
Rick had to be halted just before catching sight of you. His mouth, ready to whisper your name away. Y/N… Without exchanging a word, Donald swiftly grasped his left shoulder, their shared glance conveying the need for patience, particularly considering your recent ordeal. ‘She'll receive immediate care,’ Donald whispered, knowing well that you were among the select few the army had been searching for. 
Throughout your time there, you hardly ventured beyond the confines of your room, following strict orders to remain within. Occasionally, brief strolls outside the base were permitted, but always under strict time constraints. Initially, you couldn't shake the feeling that this place resembled a prison rather than a refuge. Yet, despite your reservations, something within those walls compelled you to stay longer than you had anticipated, much to Rick's dismay. 
Rick watched you from afar. A lost soul he did not believed to be reunited with, let alone feeling your presence amongst himself. How you would exist from your room to get some fresh air, sitting near the lake that separated a journey you once tried to forget. And the others, imagining what it would’ve been if everyone was here. With him. So he simply kept his distance. Nothing to scare you of course. 
Days passing, now felt like months and you were already assigned in your first years of training. Although you had offer your help in the nursery section, which thanks to Donald whom made sure that you get the position, it was during your first day working amongst other nurses, that you actually met in. In flesh. 
Rick had to be cautious. He understood your potential reaction, especially if you were to discover that he, along with other military colleagues, was the one privy to knowledge about your area. Moreover, encountering him in person felt like a nightmare you wished hadn't occurred. As your eyes fell upon the patient, injured like others who arrived, his world shifted entirely upon hearing your voice utter, "Coming right up."
Upon returning from preparing the bed for your next patient, you were unprepared for the revelation of Rick's presence and how he came to be here. The moment this realization hit, your eyes and mind aligned abruptly. Despite striving to maintain professionalism, the sight of the man shook you to the core. A man everyone had believed to be dead, now standing alive before you. What unnerved you most was his well-being. Nonetheless, you pressed on with your duties, mustering the courage to ask the first question: "Any injuries?" Rick, anticipating your reaction, responded promptly and simply. He claimed only his arm required the usual annual check-up, though both of you suspected there might be more beneath the surface.
During his appointment, Rick and you did barely say a word. As you tendered his wounds, you noticed his gaze softens everytime your fingers would be delicately clean his new arm rest. It was something he had missed from living outside the base. When Carl was still alive, you had been with them for sometime already and you would be keeping Judith while he went to gather some material for the week. Enough so to keep them alive and with more and more allies during your stay, foes such as Negan where a doomed faith would be met, ever since the bridge he couldn’t get his mind off anyone. Michonne included, who you had the joy to meet and talk during your off times. 
As the silence enveloped the room, you found solace in softly murmuring a sweet melody, a habit you had maintained since earlier days. Rick had always been captivated by this tune, ingrained in his mind whenever you tended to anyone at camp. In those moments, he longed for the return of such days, free from the threat of walkers. However, he knew deep down that this hope existed only in his dreams, far removed from reality. So he did the same, in his head. Before actually breaking the silence. Enough for you to force an habit to even begin talking with a man you thought once dead. 
"I'd be remiss not to ask how you're doing," he said, his voice familiar yet slightly rough, even hoarse. However, there was an unexpected calmness to it, as if nothing troubled him since his rescue by the army. Your gaze lifted swiftly from his wound, allowing yourself a brief moment to absorb the sound of his voice once more. "You're right, please, tell me," you replied, pausing briefly, your eyes steadfastly meeting his. "How are you?" 
He almost felt a chuckle bubbling up inside him. The irony of your unwavering presence hadn't faded since the last encounter. You, someone who had seen it all, just like him, had managed to find solace in humor. You owed that partly to Daryl, who could be either a good or bad influence, depending on one's perspective. For Rick, it was undoubtedly a positive one. However, he knew he had to temper his eagerness with patience. "I could have my good days," he teased in his familiar voice, one you had grown accustomed to and secretly missed hearing. "But now that you're here..." He approached cautiously, noticing your slight flinch, yet your eyes conveyed an attempt to appear unaffected by his presence, which he found oddly endearing. "And you?" 
Of course, you couldn't evade the question. Instantly, you hesitated, but Rick's approach, the way he initiated the interaction firsthand, signaled that he was still the same Rick you knew. A Rick who, albeit a bit "sane," still carried the essence you remembered. Like Michonne, you felt a glimmer of hope in this world knowing he was still around. "Couldn't say I've had my best days either," you admitted. 
He chuckles. “Funny, isn’t?” He lowered his gaze his fingers grumbling within each other, playing with his watch soon after. “How we all have our best days.” He said in a way that made you fivers down your spine. His words spoke like butter in your ears and yet, you wanted to embrace him instantly in his arm soon after. The only thing was that you couldn’t guess if what he meant was real, or simply a mutual feeling you both had once years ago? Especially after the bridge.
"Guess it's just luck," you shrugged innocently, completing the final touches of tending to his wound. Rick couldn't help but admire your face, and before he knew it, his hand was cupping your cheek, his gaze meeting your lips. Without giving you a chance to speak, he brushed his lips against yours, a kiss that instantly brought back memories of your time outside the city. He had wanted to kiss you then, to taste your skin, to have you all to himself.
"God damn it," he murmured softly after another shared kiss, his forehead resting against yours as he tried to catch his breath. A chuckle escaped him, prompting you to question what was amusing him. His answer was simple, "You have no idea how hard I searched for you. I owe Donald for that one." Oh, he certainly did.
You smiled softly, feeling reassured by his response. If it weren't for Donald, who knows where you would be now. The thought of ending up like so many others frightened you. But then you reunited with Rick, and from that moment on, being with him was all that mattered. For both of you, being together was everything. You belonged to him completely. 
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soulaires · 8 months
aaron warner family headcanons
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The Warner Family.
pairings: dad!aaron warner x mom!reader
summary: get to know more about the warner family!
warnings: fluff, domestic, ooc, domestic shenanigans, protective aaron warner …
🪩:: voicemail ; read my other aaron warner fics here.
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Aaron found out about it when he heard some crying in the bathroom at the middle of the night, noticing your lack of presence beside him, he got worried and walk towards the bathroom.
There, he saw you, in front of a mirror having a breakdown.
He approached you and asked whats wrong.
“love?” he said softly, as he hugged you from behind and caressed your hair, “My love, whats wrong?” he asked you worriedly.
“aaron..” you trailed off as you continue to sob. He hugged you tightly and kissed your forehead , pulling away as he make you look at him, “what is it, angel? You can tell me.” he urged you.
“I’m pregnant.” you blurt out.
With the lack of reply, you panicked.
“I missed my period recently and I feel kinda shit lately so me juliette and nazeera bought an pregnancy test earlier and I tested all 7 of them and they are all positive, I don’t—”
As you were rambling, he quickly hugged you tightly and lifting you up to the ground as he span you around. You laugh softly at this gesture as he peppered kisses to your face and hair while he whispered sweet nothings.
“Its okay. We will be okay. Don’t worry. We got this, yeah? I love you. Thank you. Thank you, I love you so much, My love.”
at the first stage he got nervous about being a dad and have some self doubt but later got over it as he saw you patying your belly despite it still not visible.
he got more protective over you and never ever let you do things.
you guys told your friends by a guess the word game. They all cried.
He bought a book about being a dad and take notes on pregnancy books to help you out.
Baby proofs the every part of the house immediately.
He went to every appointment with you
He never ever made you feel guilty for your cravings.
Oh you want a food from a store hours away? Just wait.
A hellspawn food combination that you want? He will eat it with you.
Massage? Done.
A food from a different country? He ordered his men to get it ASAP.
Want some sweets especially made by your husband even though you have never tasted his baking? He learned how to bake immediately!
You guys did an gender reveal in the most fun way.
You did it as both kenji and juliette worn a baby costume with 'boy' written in the blue bib for juliette while 'girl' in a pink bib for kenji
They both FIGHT to determine who wins to know the gender
They even go overboard as they jumped into the swimming pool racing each other to the finish line
Kenji won.
So, its a girl!
You guys decorated her room immediately
You did ALOOOTTTT of shopping!!!!!
Your husband just spoils you rotten as you keep buying cute toys, plushies, and pretty cute clothes!!!
“my love, don't you think its a bit too much?” “I am sure the little princess do not need that much clothes, honey.”
he gave up as soon as he saw some cute baby clothes + a matching one.
When you guys did a baby shower its so emotional like omg you guys are gonna be parents!
You and Aaron planted a tree so it grows with baby dior!
teenager!dior safe place is the tree, she goes there to lay down, read and to relax when stresses!
Your friends wrote letters for dior to read when she reached the age 7, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21 and 22!
You and aaron made her a gmail account as you guys constantly wrote her some letters and random things there for her to read in the future
When you went into the labor he desperately wished to take away your pain and was crying with you. He comforted you as he cares your hair and gives you kisses.
“shh, its okay, baby. Im here. Im not going anywhere. ”
“you got this, my love. You are doing so well.”
“Aaron! I can't do this—”
“yes, yes you can, darling.”
He really can't bare to see you in so much pain even though he had seen so much worse
He was very gentle and was crying when he held your baby girl in his hands. His princess, his girls, his universe.
After the labour, you were barely allowed to do things in the house, he only let you rest while he take cares with everything.
You guys had an 3 months lockdown, not allowing anyone to visit the baby
Always keeping an eye for baby monitors
You and him do an rock, paper scissors when it comes to changing baby Dior diapers (he lets you win, sometimes.)
Dior have your eyes so he is a victim to those puppy dog eyes. He can't say no to you, what more to his princess especially with your eyes?
Learns to do her hair!!
Dior first words is not 'momma' or 'dada' it was Kenny. Kenny. You and aaron felt betrayed.
Despite with the nickname, kenji teared up and always paraded the moment (to your husband dismay) he grows to adore the nickname when she keep calling him that
He sometimes forget that he played dress up with baby di so sometimes he go to work with tiara, ribbons, those princess accessories on him.
“Refrain from laughing, there is nothing funny about this matter.” “uh...theres something on you, sir.” “oh.”
Sometimes they were to scared to point it out
Kenji, nazeera and juliette made fun of him not until they were a victim of the dress up
At one point, kenji kidnapped baby dior and was later banned from seeing her for 2 months (barely a month in dior throwed a tantrum wanting to see her uncle kenny)
Baby dior played with your make up when she misses you! She wanna look like you because she misses you so much
Dior is an nature girlie! Aaron believes his angel is a reincarnated of persephone/artemis
Baby dior wears her pants backwards. She believes that “tails” should be at the back. You and Aaron gave up on the fight.
You guys had an motto that if its not hurting anyone or themselves, don't fight it. Let them.
One time you guys thought she was playing phone call but turns out she was in an hour real call with james.
Seashells hunting !!!!!
Everytime you guys went to a beach aaron always buy a big beautiful seashell then hides it in the sand for her to find!!! And her reactions always makes you and him melt!!
he also buries some treasure chests
He made an contract of no boyfriend until shes 30 and made baby dior sign with her prints with paints. He framed it.
You scold him for that and he just shrugs lol
teenage!dior have you in her closefriend and private insta!!
she collects shells and glue them to a cardboard and gifts it to you!
She wants a sibling so one day she just go “I want a baby sister or brother 🥺”
Keeps wishing on a well for it
Aaron is 100% in he just goes “Princess, ask mommy :)” “me too, baby. Let’s just ask momma for it, hm?”
Well, let’s just say she always get what she wants…
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authors note: I had fun doing this Omg I wanna make it a series, do you guys want it? Please let me know!!! Feedbacks and reactions are very much appreciated!!!
(Aaron Warner) tag list 🏷 : @ravisinghs-wife @ab-baybay @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove @cosmicswan
If you want to be added to my A.W tag list plz let me know in my inbox ! 💌
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praisethesuuun · 1 year
If your request are open, can you write record of ragnarok poseidon x reader?? Well, the topic is up to you^^
I hope you have a nice day!^^
awww thank you so much, ofc I can write for this grumpy fish, hope you like it❤️
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Poseidon x fem!reader: Savior
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Type: fluff
Warnings: blood
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Poseidon thought you were the weirdest goddess in Valhalla, he didn't even know how you were friend with his brother Hades. Sometimes he watched you walking between humans, assisting them every day without caring about the other gods' judgment. Truth is, you were a goddess of medicine, you lived to help humans and you couldn't understand why you should use your powers for everyone except mankind.
"How can a deity assist heartless creatures as humans?" asked the King of the Sea to his older brother. Hades was quieter than usual: he knew you and your motivations, but talking about you behind your back didn't seem right. "You help fishes" was the only thing that came to his mind to help the other reflect. Poseidon looked at Hades, pure rage in his eyes.
Fishes were perfect; they couldn't talk, sin or feel emotions. Their beauty was in their mere existence. "Why don't you just ask them?"
But Hades didn't have an answer back as Poseidon stood up to exit the Underworld. The older brother sighed loudly while the other walked away angrily. He sighed loudly before calling one of his servants, asking them to call for Hermes as fast as possible: he had a message to deliver and it was urgent. Poseidon was going to give you a visit, you had to be prepared.
In the meantime, you were bandaging one of your patients because of a very bad injury. A tap woke you from your thoughts, you turned towards one of the windows seeing a strange shadow outside. "What the..." you said confused. The clinic was about to close and you needed to clean all your tools. Fear began to set in with each step closer to the door, a shiver running down your spine. "I'm sorry, how can I...Hermes?" you said widening your eyes. Why was Hermes there? Everytime he came around was to announce an important meeting or to inform you of some sick god. In short, he was bad news.
"Lord Hades sent me here to hand you this" he answered solemnly with his usual smile. Only now you realize that he was holding a letter in his hand: the paper was pitch black, while the wax seal was of a beautiful purple. It was obvious that it was from Hades.
"Thank you, Hermes. You can go now"
"As you please, Lady Y/N" said before leaving with a cloud of dust behind him. You coughed violently, cursing. "Hades, what happened now?"
You said returning into your clinic, letter in hand and dirty because of Hermes. Deciding to retire for the night, you said goodnight to the patiens and turned off the lights. If Hades had sent Hermes it meant that something big was about to happen, the real question was, what was it? It could've been anything and this didn't help your anxiety. Sitting on the bed, you released a deep breath before discarding the "mysterious thing". The handwriting of the King of Helleim was hasty, as if he was in a hurry to finish it and you didn't miss the little dots of ink that decorated the sheet.
"YOU'RE KIDDING ME" you shouted in the middle of the night after reading it. You wanted to cry so bad that you started to tremble like a leaf. Apparently, Poseidon would've visited you in the next few days and his older brother had well thought of leaving you a list of behaviors to follow. The King of Sea was well known to not giving a shit about the life of anyone except his family: one misstep with him and you'd be considered shark food.
"This can't be true" you sobbed hiding your face with your hands. You were terrified of that god, but maybe being friend with Hades might change the outcome of your meeting. "Who am I kidding, he wouldn't care anyway"
In the end, you decided to sleep on it, trying not to make it so much of a drama.
You didn't close eye that night and everyone in the clinic could see it. Patients worried about their golden-handed doctor, but no one seemed to be able to calm you down. Eventually, the time to confront Poseidon came: the god was found on the beach next to the clinic, standing in the strong sunset light, which seemed to brighten his blue eyes even more. You started to sweat, at least you shouldn't be worried about locking eye contact, something that you were grateful for.
"It's a pleasure to see you here, Lord Poseidon" you said in the friendliest way possible, trying to not show any trace of fear; your heart was beating so loud that you thought he could hear it and the tension in the air was as thick as ever.
"Why are you here with these humans?"
You jolted at the sound of his deep voice. Since he was still turning his back to you, you couldn't tell if he had actually spoke or if you had just imagined it. You hummed, pretending to think about a plausible answer, then you talked: "I am a goddess of medicine, it's my job to assist as much people as I can"
Seconds passed. "Humas are heartless, horrible creatures" he said, a bit of confusion in his voice instead of the rage that you were expecting. "A god cannot be considered as such if he has no believers who pray them. If they ask me to help them, then I will, it's part of my responsability as a deity, Lord Poseidon"
For a moment you worried about all the things you just said. Maybe you shouldn't have been so confident, damned Hades and all the messes he puts you through. "You'll change your mind" he said before walking in the sea, disappearing step by step.
When even the last hair disappeared under the dark surface of the water, your legs gave out and you couldn't help but bring a hand to your chest. "What the hell was that?" you asked yourself. You only returned to your room after spending an hour lying on the beach just digesting what happened that evening, and you only did that because you were starting to feel cold.
The day passed, but you kept worrying about Poseidon. Hades hadn't been heard, either with a letter or by sending Hermes and it wasn't helping you, at all. Your negative mood began to affect your healing powers, causing you to no longer be able to heal as before and the people of the village you were helping decided to put an end to your deal. "What do you mean?" you said when the village chief showed up at your door with about fifty people behind him, some even armed. You couldn't believe your eyes: despite everything you'd done for them, they'd even found the courage to stand against a deity; your heart became empty seeing the evil that hovered among humanity.
"He was right" you thought holding yourself against the door jamb, too weak to even react. But just as the traitors were about to attack you, a figure thrusted themself between you and them, and within moments, all was silent. You opened your eyes only to find blood in front you, a lonely figure in the middle of the corpses. "I told you, you fool" talked Poseidon turning around slowly and cleaning his trident with a single swing of his arm, the remaining blood trickling from the blades to join the rest of the puddles. "What are you...doing here?" you said without believing your eyes. "I was coming to resume our discussion"
And it was the truth: the King of Sea had thought a lot about it, trying to find an answer sensible enough to calm his mind, then he decide to come find you when he wasn't able to do that. Honestly, he certainly wasn't expecting to be faced with a similar situation and without even thinking he was ready to kill. For Poseidon, humanity had to be reminded of their place every now and then; Hades would take care of them, in the end you two were friends and his brother could be cruel when he wanted
"Thank you, Lord Poseidon"
He turned around to look at you and he was surprised to see you smiling despite of the situation. He approached you and your heart jumped as your feet left the ground. "Wait!" but Poseidon wasn't listening to you as he took you princess style into his arms. "This isn't safe anymore, so you'll be staying with me for the time being"
You blushed feeling his hot skin in stark contrast to the icy sea water. And for the thousandth time that day you wondered how you got into that situation, but all your concern vanished as you looked up at your savior only to meet his icy eyes, already turned on you. Maybe, being his guest wouldn't be so bad.
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tired-biscuit · 11 months
What would Kiba do if we would tell him how handsome he is but in a coo voice, just straight up petting his face and patting his head telling him what a pretty boy he is.
18+ fem!reader // cw: praise kink, very soft and cute. modern AU, established relationship.
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he’s unsure about it at first.
this man is just so unapproachable-looking at first glance, you know? he’s dark, all sharp features, crossed arms over a wide chest. he’s heavy boots, anger issues, fed up eye rolls and impatience. the persistent scowl that he’s always wearing on his face doesn’t help his case either. just by looking at him, people get the feeling that he’s going to be a bitchy cunt the moment he opens his mouth.
and kiba likes that just fine. he likes being intense and perhaps even a little bit intimidating because it leaves a lasting impression, which is what he’s always strived to achieve anyway. he likes that when he steps into the room, people’s eyes flicker in his direction. that they turn a bit wary. that he provokes a reaction. that he can’t possibly be overlooked.
so for you to step onto your tippy-toes and pull him closer because of the height difference, smushing his cheeks until his lips are pursing, gushing and cooing what an absolute cutie he is; what a pretty boy he is, definitely catches him off guard at the start of your relationship.
i mean, he tries so hard to look like he’s this big, cool badass who does not give a single flying fuck about anything or anyone, just for you to come skedaddling his way; flipping that image right on its head with all your empathy and lovey-dovey gestures.
nevertheless, i think he secretly feels flattered by it, though it does take him a long while to start to wilfully show and actually admit to how much he appreciates all your doting in reality. you already know it, of course — how endearing he actually finds your actions — from how the tips of his ears flush a faint red each time you get sugary with him, and how his eyes start to flicker onto just about anything in the room but you.
it’s always the same reaction. you go all “ooh, you’re my baby! my lil’ baby!” on him and he grumbles something under his breath; telling you to “c’mon, stop that” while his face gets so warm to the touch that it makes the tips of your fingers tingle. what’s even funnier is that he doesn’t even think of moving away despite all the fuss and protesting that he’s causing. and it’s so adorable, how vividly flustered he gets by it every single time!
so months pass one after the other, and slowly, ever so patiently, you lure out a praise kink out of him that he never even knew he had.
because all of a sudden, your grumpy boyfriend catches himself preening — yes, actually preening — just so that he can receive more of your little compliments. catches himself helping you with little, mindless chores just so that you have a reason to thank him and give him your approval afterwards.
he sighs to no end and mopes in bed until you lean over and give him his goodnight kiss. whenever he comes home from work, feeling tired as hell, he just plops down on top of you while you’re watching tv on the couch, and lets you wrap your legs around him and stroke his back until he feels better.
he actually likes all the cooing and babying. he likes the sweet little pet names that you call him. he likes the cutesy text messages and the matching bracelets and the fact that you insist on getting matching t-shirts whenever you go on vacation together. he likes taking pictures with you, even if he never posts anything on his instagram. he’s so down bad that he even wears your initial around his neck.
he likes how you take care of him when he gets sick, even if he starts acting dramatic about it; whining and complaining like he’s about to die from a simple cold. he likes how you cheer for him whenever you have a lazy day and choose to spend it by playing video games on the couch — you make him keep trying to beat the stupid level even if he lacks the patience for it. as a matter of fact, he’ll win it just for you.
and he also likes that you keep steady eye contact whenever you clamber on top of him in that clumsy way that he thinks is oh, just so goddamn cute, and how you ride him in that slow, passionate rhythm he’d never pick himself before meeting you. he likes how you smile and caress his face when his lips part and he moans in pure bliss at the feeling of your sticky cunt squeezing around him so, so tight; finally submitting to the feeling and allowing himself to be vulnerable. he likes how you call him beautiful, then. not handsome, not hot; beautiful.
it’s the little things. sometimes they’re cute, like holding his hand when you’re out and about, and sharing the leftovers from your plate with him because you know he wants them even if he never asks for them. other times they’re dumb, like when you convince him to let you pamper him with your vast collection of skincare products, and how you get matching tongue piercings just because you’re curious what it’s like to kiss with them as soon as the swelling goes down.
he’s fond of it all as long as it’s with you. because unlike with other people, you don’t just look at him; you make him feel seen. with you, love grows.
you see the layers and all the gooey softness that hides underneath. you see his heart. the twinkle of kindness that appears in his dark brown eyes. how careful and gentle he is with animals. the playfulness in his grin, even if it’s sharp and rare.
you see him.
but you best know that he’s fighting for his life in the groupchat the moment his friends find out how much he actually loves it when you baby him!
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pinkvenomsstuff · 2 years
Friends don't kiss friends pt. 2
Carl Gallagher x fem
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You arrived at the abandoned lot that Carl spoke of, and as expected, there really were teenagers gathering there. The strong smell of marijuana and the dozens of beer bottles and cans thrown on the floor seemed to abduct the whole place. "Are you sure you want to stay here?" you asked Carl "Yes, there are some friends of mine that are here." he replied, walking over to one of the cars that had the hood open. "Hey white boy Carl!" one of the guys yells, Carl greets him with a smile. "Hey guys! Just Carl now." he smiles, you appear behind him attracting the attention of your friends.
"Is this one? Who is it?" a guy with a joint in his hand asks. "My girl." he responds with a wide smile, squeezing his waist a little. "So you guys date?" "No." he denies it smiling awkwardly "She's my best friend bro." "Oh, wait. Is that the girl you used to talk about in juvie? Here you say you liked-" Carl covers the boy's mouth, looking at you with a very embarrassed look. "Hey, alright." you say smiling subtly, he stops holding the boy's lips. "It's the girl you told me about earlier when we were at Paty's?" you ask.
Carl scratches the back of his head nervously. "Yes it is." "Oh, nice." you gesture for the boys to make room for you to sit with them. "So, tell me, what was this super mysterious girl Carl said like." you say patting his thighs. "Oh, well. I remember him saying that she was quite pretty, and that he had a crush on her since he was a kid." one of them starts. "Yes, and what a girl saw it. Because to make that old Car's heart go soft..." he jokes, punching his chest, everyone laughs. "Yeah, he was like a fucking boring loon in love. It was like, "Oh my God, I like her so much. But I don't know how to tell her that. Oh bro I'm so insecure." he tries to imitate Carl's voice, horribly, you laugh at his imitation along with the boys. "I love Y/N so much."
He completes, the boys continue to laugh and make fun of Carl. His eyes widen and you stop for a second, wondering if you've heard his name or just one very similar to his. "Y/N Y/Y?" you stutter when asking. "Yeah, I think, some shit like that." the boy responds by puffing smoke from his joint. You bow your head looking slowly at Carl, who is already staring at you, you end up choking on your own saliva in that tension. "Oh shit girl. Are you okay? Have a beer." one of the boys who had a scar on his lip hands you a bottle.
You thank him by picking it up and taking a few sips while looking at Carl, he looks away to the floor. The boys sense the tension between you. "Uh... what's going on?" one of them questions looking at the two of you. Carl is reluctant but ends up coming to you and taking your hand gently, he lifts you up and you walk in front of them. "Guys, this is Y/N." he says, jaws dropping and surprised eyes fall upon you. "Fucking bro. Sorry man..."
"It's all right." he looks at you smiling slightly. "Well, at least she's a really pretty girl." one of them says. "Yes, she is. And I think it's time for us to go." Carl says shrugging his shoulders, the boys let out frustrated grunts. "Oh, but you just got here." "I know, but I don't want it to be too late. The sun is already setting and I need to leave my girl at home." he explains, shaking hands with each of them.
He hugs a specific boy, who whispers in his ear. "She seems like a good girl man, take care of her." you can hear through the not-so-distant distance between you. "Yes, I love her with my life." you try very hard not to let a grandiose smile appear on your face. "Alright man. And Y/N take good care of this Carl, this kid is a roller coaster of trouble, really." the same boy as before speaks smiling, you look into Carl's eyes, glowing as bright as a constellation. A smile forms on his lips. "I'll take care of it. It was nice meeting you."
You give them one last wave, walking to your car. You see Carl walking towards you, following his steps but leaving significant distance between you. You pull the car door open, getting into it at the same time as he does.
You start the car, get out of there and continue to your house. There was a deafening silence there, it was only possible to hear his uncompensated breathilips You just heard that your childhood crush also has a crush on you. Her eyes met Carl's a few times, but no words left her lips.
You're forced out of your thoughts when you realize you've turned the street to your house. You park the car in front of your house, turn it off and get out. You take the keys and take a few steps, approaching the door. You look at Carl hoping he would say something before you walk into your house and things get awkward between you. Seconds and more seconds, he doesn't say anything, you understand. "Um, okay bye." you mumble feeling tears form in your eyes, you try to put the key in the lock but fail miserably because it has fallen out of your hands.
"Cum!" you exclaim, Carl comes running up to you and hugs you. You take a while to return the hug but then you do. The heat of his body, the incredible scent of his masculine perfume invaded her nostrils. He pulls away holding your face, your blue eyes rolling across your face, as if analyzing every single thing about you. "Y/N, I love you." his words make you lose control of your body, you had to lean on Carl to keep from falling. "Y-You what?" "You heard."
He smiles mischievously, pulling his face to seal your lips. In a kiss that is calm but full of passion and lust, you put both arms around his shoulders, and Carl continues to hold your waist. You break the kiss after almost a minute to catch your breath. "Do you love me too? Because if you don't, I get it, seriously, I won't be upset-" You don't wait for him to finish that bullshit, you grab his shirt collar and pull him to kiss him again. Your tongues meet during the kiss, dancing in perfect harmony, as if you were in an orchestra. With steady hands coming down from your hips to your ass.
"You talk the fuck out." you say breathlessly, Carl smiles and so do you. "How long have you felt like you like me?" you ask, sitting on the sidewalk, so does he. "I think since that time when you kissed me to ward off some Southern boys who kept bothering you." he reveals "But maybe it was when we broke into the principal's office to get his cigarette back." you laugh remembering the moment, but then you stop to think. "Carl! That was almost five years ago, you could have said you liked me."
"I didn't know how." he shrugs his shoulders a little sadly. "There was this sixth grade guy who was popular and a boy friend of Karen who had a crush on you." "Was it the same boy you hit because he touched my ass?" you ask remembering what happened. "Yeah. He was a shitty asshole, but he was handsome. I'd seen you talk to him a few times, I thought you liked each other. That's why I started kind of dating Bonnie." "The blonde girl who lived with her family in a van?" "Yeah. And then the bitch Dominique and Kelly. But it all went wrong, I didn't know why, but now I do."
"And because?" you ask leaning your head on his shoulder. "You. I've always loved you, since preschool I think, but I dated other girls because I thought you didn't like me. That's why I never really loved any of them or managed to maintain the relationship, I was always thinking about you. what it would be like to kiss you, touch you in other ways, feel you..." He squeezes her thigh subtly, a wave of shock seeming to course through her veins. "Hey, no silly hands here!" You hear your father's voice behind you, you turn around and see Kevin hugging Veronica at the door.
"Mom, Dad! How long have you been there, and listening to our conversation?" you ask holding out your hand for Carl to get up. "I think since 'I've always loved you'." Kevin says smiling, you laugh at the situation and so does Carl. "Since you've heard everything. Can I sleep over at his place?" you ask crossing your hand in Carl's. "No, Yes!" his parents exclaim together, his mother steps on his toes. "Yes dear, but be sensible." she says smiling proudly. "Yeah. Kev groans. "Carl, if you impregnate my daughter I'll cut off your dick while you sleep." he threatens, Carl's eyes widen. "Okay dad. Let's go Carl."
"Hm...wait." he says, you stop looking at him confused. "What?" you ask, Carl reaches into his own pants pocket, he looks at you like you're a goddess or something. He holds your right hand and kneels in front of you. "Oh, you na-" "Shut up. I'm trying to be romantic around your parents here." he whispers in his ear, you laugh the way he said. "Well. Y/N Ball, do you agree to date and eventually marry this handsome cadet Carl Gallagher?" he asks, a bright smile plays on his lips. "Yeah, oh shit. But we'll talk about the wedding later."
He gets up and you run jumping on his lap, Carl starts laughing leaving kisses all over your face. He presses you against his body, your legs around his waist as he hugs your back. Carl puts you down after a few seconds. He opens the box and looks at you confused. "Oh, I should put the ring on before, right?" you laugh. "Yeah, but fuck it, we make the rules here." "Yeah, fuck it." he exclaims placing the golden ring on his right hand's ring finger.
"Oh Carl..." you study the ring on your finger, incredibly beautiful and exactly your size. "That must have been expensive... it didn't have to." you hug him. "Of course I did. You deserve the best babe, I love you." he kisses his forehead affectionately, you take the opportunity to put the other pair of the ring on his finger. "I love you too."
"Damn, they're so cute Kev!" Ve exclaims, tears falling from his eyes. "Mom, don't cry or I'll cry too." you say, really starting to get emotional. "Okay, no crying here. You're a man!" Kev almost screams, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Alright…let's go before this gets even weirder." Carl says in his ear, you laugh. "We're going, parents."
You give your parents one last smile before crossing the street with Carl, you enter the playpen seeing Frank still lying on the floor, but unfortunately he is awake. "Carl..." he whispers holding out a hand. "Fuck Frank!" Carl grumbles stepping over him, you do the same entering the boy's house. The family is gathered in the living room. "Hey guys!" you greet everyone with a friendly smile. Fiona waves at you.
"Hi bros. Y/N, why are you blushing?" Lip asks, you swallow hard. "Oh fuck it. Grab a beer and sit down." you look at Carl shrugging his shoulders, Debbie hands you a bottle of beer. Carl sits on the floor, as all the seats are taken. You sit next to him, he puts an arm around the back of your neck, you smile passionately at each other. "Did the sun go down or is it you smiling? How disgusting." Debbie makes a face. "It's you shutting your mouth." Carl responds. "Carl!" you push him lightly.
"Shut up all of you. That way the movie loses its fun." Ian yells, you all fall silent. Fiona holds out the glass jar of nachos filled with cheddar and bacon for you. Suddenly, she lets out a scream, covering her mouth with her hand. "Wait. Y/N is that a ring?" she asks in surprise, you nod smiling. "Yea." "Who are you dating? Because Carl is almost on top of you, that would be a betrayal, right?" Liam asks innocently. "No? How would I cheat on my boyfriend with himself?" you laugh playfully.
Debbie drops her pizza slice. "Oh what? Really?" Ian asks ruffling his hair. You and Carl answer yes, the family rises to hug you. "I'm happy, but why so much excitement people?" you ask seeing Fi bring more beers and food. "What? Are you kidding? Carl's been in love with you since kindergarten, we look forward to that." Lip says. "Oh... when was that?" Fiona asks. "Literally two minutes away." Carl responds by eating his nachos. "Holy shit, I can't imagine how Kev will react to that. He's such a drooling, jealous father..." "He knows, they were in front of us when Carl proposed." "Fuck!" Fiona laughs.
You dial your parents' name and your family group appears. You ask them to come here saying they're having a very lively movie night. In just a few minutes they show up with the twins on their laps, Debbie puts the kids to bed and joins you. "You know there's a Frank on your porch, don't you?" Veronica says sitting on Kev's lap that he is sitting in the armchair that expelled Lip. "Yes, we left it there." Ian says carefree. You look at everyone, it's true that Frank is a horrible father, but since Franny was born he hasn't been that bad for you; and that makes you feel a little sorry for him. Even if he deserves it.
"So you're going to leave him there?" you ask. "He's doing like, three degrees, he could freeze to death." "Yea." Lip responds, everyone agrees. "Tomorrow morning he should get up and go straight to the bar to drink or do a lot of cocaine." Fiona talks laughing. "Don't worry, Hon. Frank lives as long as a fucking cockroach." Carl says kissing his neck, everyone looks at you with disgusted faces. "Ew. You guys look like an old couple" Lip and Ian joke. "Fuck you Gallagher's!" The rest of the night was you drinking, eating and laughing a lot. As if nothing in the outside world could stop you.
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
Hello! I saw your work when you wrote about three men from the house of the dragon (Jace, Aegon and Aemond) at once and I fucking loved it! I don't know if you can write something like this again? Maybe, somewhere during some kind of ball, some lord sticks to the reader in the corridor (very cruelly sticks, perhaps so that pieces of her paty remain (remember Sansa from the first season)) some lord, and she tries to fight back, but too much shocked and these men come to the rescue, God I hope you understand me thanks for your creativity!
My prince in shining silks?
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Rating: Teen
Tags: Aegon II x Reader, Aemond x Reader, Jace x Reader, AFAB!Costayne reader, chivalry, sweetness really, fluffy, Aemond is emotionally constipated, Jace is a baby, Aegon and Sunfyre are BFFS, I get a little character studyish, TW: attempted rape, nondescript castration, Aegon’s past misdeeds
Some say that the North remembers. But you’d like to say that the Hightower’s never, ever forgot a slight. They were too proud, too old of a family. Elevated to the highest position as they became the puppeteer for the Dragon. It was a grand tourney and feast in the Reach for young Prince Daeron’s 13th name day, a man grown now.
You were of House Costayne. Bannermen of the Hightowers, but had not so hidden preferences for Rhaenyra as rightful ruler for the future of the kingdom. Also the fact that your ancestor Elinor Costayne was a black bride of Maegor. Who was supposed to stay true to his Hightower bride. Therefore there wasn’t the best of blood between your families.
But your family was here. Quite spread thin if you could say. All filtered far away from the center of the jamboree. One of the dragons roared from far off. It sounded like Prince Daeron’s she-dragon Tessarion. Daeron was a kind soul and handsome. Too young for you by some years. You’d overheard Lord Hobart reprimand the lad after chatting to you, “You know what color her family’s flag flies.”
That was that. He didn’t speak to you much anymore, but would smile. You were a lady in waiting for Samantha Tarly, soon to be Hightower. It made things much worse for you and your position at the feast. Down with lesser nobility and the knights. Suddenly you felt very alone and afraid, picking at your meat nauseously.
A breath reeking of wine entered your ear, “Why’ve they got pretty little Costayne down here? You bed the princeling, incur the wrath of Lord Otto?” You turned to face the man, shock etched into your features, stuttering, “N-no my lord it must’ve b-been a mistake!” It was the huge second son of Lord Bulwer, Uther. He looked bullish like the sigil they bore.
He crowded into your space, grinning, huge hand gripping your shoulder. Bulwer grunted, “No one’s going to see when their pretty lady is gone, not down here. Maybe Prince Daeron will come to the rescue.” You remained quiet, eyes searching for a familiar face but found none. Tears leaked from your eyes as Uther led you farther away from the din of safety.
Aegon hated these events. He lounged back and sloppily poured more mead down his throat. Alicent slapped his arm as to say, have some decorum you halfwit! The prince scoffed and got up, he needed to take a piss anyways. He sauntered through the woods, relieved himself, and decided to stagger over to his baby Sunfyre.
The golden beast huffed at Aegon, nuzzling his palm. The blonde softly chatted in Valyrian. He loved Sunfyre, so much, probably the only friend that unconditionally loved him. Both of their heads turned at the sound of a woman’s plea for help, cut off by the sound of a smack. Sunfyre growled lowly, turning to look at his owner as if to say, “Are we going to do something about that? What if it’s Hel?”
Aegon really couldn’t be bothered but he heard another shriek and Sunfyre had already dipped for Aegon to mount his beast. The elder prince eyed the dark forest, his golden dragon snorting and twitching it’s head to-and-fro. Aegon demanded, “Keligon,” he pat golden scales, “Ilagon.” Sunfyre let him hop off and come forward to the scene.
Some Reach lord, thick as a aurochs and hairy like one too had a girl shoved into the dirt, down in a rut, hands tearing at her garb. Aegon could see the tears in her eyes under the moonlight. Guilt constricted his chest. Is this what he thought was fun? The Targaryen needed to set himself right, help the girl.
“In the name of the Seven Kingdoms, your Prince commands you to cease at once!,” Aegon called down from his higher position. His dragon hung back, snorting and waiting. She cried, “Please! Prince Aegon! My virtue! I need Lady Tarly!” The lord snarled, “Your family stuck her at the end of the table for a reason, just having a little fun, get back to your silken chair.”
Just having a bit’ of fun.
Aegon was furious now, self-hatred fueling his desire to make this man burn. He barked, “I’ll ask one more time, get off the Lady and go back to your shitty house and their shitty wooden chairs.”
The aurochs scoffed and ripped the girls bodice with a grin. He really was stupid, drunk, or possibly both. She tried to cover her exposed teats, sobbing for Lady Tarly, her father, she was of Costayne. Costayne was a reputable house. This would be bad to ignore a bannermen’s virgin girl. Even if they were a bit astray. Maybe this could get them back.
Aegon looked over his shoulder to meet gleaming reptilian eyes. He pointed at the man and hissed, “Sunfyre, Dohaeris!” He mounted the dragon again, who let our a fierce screech. The ugly lordling hopped back and cried out in shock. The lady of Costayne covered herself and scurried backwards, getting even more dirty. The Prince directed his purple eyes to the man, “If I hear of you assaulting ladies of nobility again, all I have to do is say one word and you’ll be a nice roast.”
He dismounted again, thanking his dearest friend. The girl sat crumpled, heaving sobs, eyes swollen. Aegon offered her his cloak with a frown, asking, “Who was that?” Her wide eyes met his, beautiful in their sadness. Aegon liked sad things more than all of the revelry. She mumbled, “Uther Bulwer. I was supposed to be seated with Lady Tarly or my family. Thank you my Prince. I cannot repay you enough.”
Aegon hummed, “That’s horrid, I apologize on behalf of the dumb fuck who did that. C’mon, show me to your tent and I’ll get Tarly.” He gathered her up in his arms, her legs shaking too bad to take a step. Aegon looked at her crumpled face and asked gently, “Would you mind getting on my mount, he’s a good boy. Listens well.”
Her eyes grew wide at Sunfyre, but the dragon dipped its head and let out a soft purr as to show it’s good behavior. Aegon couldn’t help but smile at his mount. She stammered, “O-okay.”
She remained silent as Sunfyre ungainly took them to the Costayne and Tarly tents. He helped her down and carried the girl inside, who had calmed significantly. She even pat Sunfyre and whimpered, “T-thank you.” She received a pleased chuff in response.
When they entered the Costayne tent Aegon was assaulted by members of the family and a frantic Samantha Tarly. She cried and gathered the girl up, demanding, “Where was she? Where was my girl?” Lord Costayne came to Aegon and looked down, offering a hand to shake. Aegon explained, “I was uh- relieving myself and heard her. Uther Bulwark was attempting to take her virtue. His violets flicked over to the young lady being coddled by others, looking heavenly in his emerald cloak.
Costayne frowned deeply and hummed, “Raper. He should be sent to the wall. I would also request why the girl was seated at the end.”
Aegon dutifully nodded and replied, “I will return to my family and resolve the matter. May I speak to the girl?”
Narrowed eyes. Aegon still had a shite reputation.
“You may.”
Lady Sam looked up and allowed for Aegon to kneel at her side. He thumbed the ermine cloak and said, “Green is a nice color on you. Please be safe and mayhaps write a raven or send a message through Daeron. Good night to you.” She tearily smiled, “Thank you my prince, you are too kind.” The Costayne kissed his cheek with soft lips and that was it. He felt her eyes follow his retreating form.
Aegon decided he would marry the girl on his aggressive stomp back to the family tent. After he got Bulwer sent to freeze his cock off and chide his mother for being callous over the poor, beautiful, sad thing’s last name.
Ser Harwin used to joke that Jace had his head constantly on a swivel. Which was a good trait, his father said. Jace knew the truth, who didn’t. Regardless, he was eyeing the feast. His Velaryon cousins were squabbling, the Targaryens looked pessimistic per usual. He took his time glaring down Daemon, who paid him no mind, whispering to mother. Daeron and Luke chatted amicably.
Baratheon, Lannister, Arryn, no Stark, Tyrell, even Martell had made their appearances. The rest of the Hightowers and their bannermen were at a table. Jace studied all the sigils of the Houses of the Kingdoms. He saw their green. Then the other colors of Tarly, Costayne, and Ball. Lord Costayne apparently had a very comely daughter, Lady Sam Tarly’s little lady in waiting. He didn’t spot her. Daeron had spoke of her beauty earlier but said he wasn’t allowed to interact per the old cunt Hobart.
He eyed to the outer tables of hedge knights, lesser houses, and high bastards. He saw the black and white of the Three Towers in a handsome dress. She was being shook and grabbed at by what seemed a Bulwer man. The man was twice his size but Jace would not stand for a raper or deviant like his cousin. He got up from his table, mother raising a questioning brow.
Jace silently stalked round to where the Bulwer was leading the muffled Costayne off. He darted behind them, using the cover of the night. Leaping forward he held a knife to the man’s thick neck, right on the pumping jugular. Jacaerys rumbled, “You’ll be castrated and sent to the wall for defiling a lady of her standing you fool.”
The man stiffened and Jace could smell piss as he nicked the skin of his neck with sharp Valyrian steel. He stammered, “She asked for it s-sir. Swear on it.” Jacaerys coolly replied, “Remove that paw of yours and let’s hear Lady Costayne then.” She turned to peer over Bulwer’s wide shoulder, weeping, “Please help Prince Jacaerys, I wish to be with my family!”
Bulwer let go of her and dashed off into the woods with a curse. She bowed and thanked him profusely, tears staining perfect cheeks. Jace frowned, “I apologize if the fool got piss on your beautiful dress m’lady. How in the Seven Hells did you end up at the edge of the feast?”
She bit her lip to stay quiet, eventually whispering, “My family supports your mother. The Queen did not like that. And no, somehow the piss missed my dress, thank you.”
Jacaerys gruffed, “Good choice on your family, even in the nest of Greens. Let me escort you back to their table, yes?” She grabbed his hands and kissed them gently, demurring, “Yes my prince, thank you.” Jace kept his hand at the small of her back as he led her to the Tarly-Costayne table. They received her joyfully, cheering the prince on. Lord Costayne gave a solemn nod and smile. The girl turned with flushed cheeks, “A dance later perhaps?”
Jacaerys smiled, “I’ll be waiting.”
Rhaenyra questioned him, “What were you doing over there? Right in the Tower. Or one of them.” Jace puffed his chest out, “I saved Lady Costayne’s virtue from some brutish Bulwer second son.” Daemon patted his back and commended, “Good man. That will be a boon for their support. Lady Tarly thinks her as a daughter.”
When Jace spun the beauty around later, he dreamt of her in a gorgeous Targaryen maiden’s cloak. They shared a kiss in the crowd later, her asking him to visit on Vermax some time. Jace eagerly acquiesced, promising to find the time. Something no one was sure how much was left.
Aemond growled to himself, “Fuck tourneys, fuck parties, fuck feasts, and especially fuck my brother.” He swung at a tourney dummy outside of the revelry. They wouldn’t come looking, maybe send Criston if something was really needed. There was no time for shite like this, the man needed to train for the war.
He wanted blood. Especially Strong blood.
The Targaryen’s second son sharply swung down at the dummy, grunting with effort. He thought of drunkard Aegon probably taking some serving wench’s cunt and swung again. Why did the gods resort him to this status? The spare. They must have a purpose for him somewhere.
He heard shuffling and a grunt from his left. A girl’s muffled squeal. Aemond’s hearing was better on his blind side. See Criston had assisted him into honing that into an advantage. He stopped his swinging and paused.
“Stop! My virtue! They will know!,” came a small voice.
Clothes were ripped. A gruff voice slurred, “Like they care, Green’s just waiting for a reason to make you a silent sister. Shut up whore!” Another muffled yelp echoed into the quiet tourney grounds.
Aemond crouched and moved forward, eye searching for the raper. He was taking a lady of repute, he could hear that much from her accent. He arrived outside the stables, a horse whinnying in distress. Horses were smart like that, like his Vhagar, could pick up on people. The blonde snuck around the stables, quietly peering through slats until he saw the pair.
A…pretty young lady. Being defiled by some brute. Aemond swung open the door and yelled, “Stop now you raping cunt!” The man turned around with a growl, standing to his full height. He was obviously drunk. The man reached for his sword, clearly unable to tell he was about to swing on a Targaryen as Aemond had his cloak up.
The man wore the bull sigil of Bulwer. He had a great sword. Perfect, Aemond could outmaneuver the lummox. The girl held her arms over her exposed chest, mouth agape, deep eyes wide. The man swung down in a clumsy arc, the prince deflecting it and jumping to the side to strike at the man’s ankle, cutting him down. Bulwer howled and cursed, struggling to get up. Aemond yanked down his cloak and tossed it to the girl.
The bull’s face was etched with fear upon realization of who he just attacked. Aemond laughed bitterly, amused at the surprise. He crouched over the man and sheathed his sword, pulling out a sharp knife. The blonde politely called out, “Close your eyes my lady, I have to do something before this fool is sent to the wall.”
Bulwer trembled, struck with fear. Aemond grinned as he unlaced the man’s breeches, “Won’t have to freeze your cock and balls off at the wall if you don’t have any more.”
Cries and squalling of pain filled the tourney grounds, widely unheard by the feast. Now cradling his once privates, the Bulwer whimpered and moaned in pain. Aemond wiped his hands on the deviant’s clean doublet and stood back up.
The girl had gotten up by now, still closing her eyes. Aemond cleared his throat awkwardly and said, “It’s over now my lady. He won’t be able to hurt a lady again.” She opened her teary eyes and wrapped Aemond into a tight hug. The prince was shocked, wrapping his lean limbs around her waist, the jewels pressing into his sleeves. He murmured, “You’re safe, yes, what’s your house my lady?”
Black supporters. Aemond’s lips pressed together. He wanted the lady to be a fervent supporter of his family. The second son needed a wife too. Maybe this ordeal would change things around. She sighed, “I thought you were this scary, mean, vicious dog they kept at the keep.”
Aemond laughed, genuinely, he liked her melodic tone. He replied, “I can be, but I also practice chivalry.” She hummed, “Yes, I’ve seen that.” Aemond wanted to stay in her arms, smell her scent even if marred by the musk of horse.
He asked anyways, “Would you like an escort back?”
She shook her head, divine face looking up to his. Costayne meekly asked, “Would it be inappropriate if we stayed like this for awhile, my prince?” Aemond found himself pressing his lips to hers gently, sharing a sweet peck. He murmured, “Probably so, but let’s find a place better than around him.” They both chuckled, held hands, and found a spot by the babbling brook.
They’d find them later. Holding hands and chatting. That would be the last time she stayed in the Reach for many a year.
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