#thank you so much for the ask <333
itsana004 · 3 months
But what if I DO wanna hear you ramble and write paragraphs as to why Droite is your favourite? ' w '
Omg, okay, you asked for it so no going back!
1. She ass kicked Tron while he was one of main Zexal 1 villain and not even his Barian crest worked on her - in fact she was so tired of slaying so much she just let him win to continue the plot or whatever
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2. Kaito can't catch a break because she always gets her way and I stan!
-She tells him to "Back of!!" He does
-She constantly catches this man's lies and gets confidential info out of him
-She *makes him* change routes so she can fight Tron
Aka Queen sh8t 😍
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3. She so cool badass and gorgeous like???
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4. She gained Life Points and lost 0 of them throughout her whole WDC ride like the queen she is 💅
Unlike someone....
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5. She hates her boss and does her own thing>:)
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Lmaooo this is not the face of someone who feels sorry their boss of many years just died a painful death 💀 and I love it lmaooo
6. She casually drinks blood 💀
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7. She didn't wear whatever this was 💀
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8. She traumatised a Barian Emperor so much he hates butterflies now
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8. Their shenanigans
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9. Her tragic past proves even more how much of a queen she is
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acrazybayernfan · 22 days
Thomas and Toni?
I'll be honest with you it's an option that I never even considered so the answer is logically no, from my side. Buuuut now that you mentioned I can see the potential: two opposite personalities but two very down to heart players, the introvert/extrovert dynamic, the north and south opposition, the young love broken by Toni's departure, Toni torn between his resentment again Bayern for the way they treated him and his affection for Thomas... so much drama (insert here raccoon rubbing his hands gesture). In conclusion I will give them a closer look from now on.
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rrat-king · 1 month
oh ask game 17, 28, 33? :D
17. What trope is your favorite to write?
i love love love slice of life and writing complicated relationships but in like incredibly mundane circumstances
28. Which fic is closest to your heart?
oh this is. this is so hard. probably Something Found just cuz it's kinda my love letter not only to trackerbees but also to the applebees siblings as a whole. it's also the longest thing i have completed at the moment and just, i really poured myself into it and i love it
33. Which of your fic titles is your favorite?
Old Habits just because i love a turn of phrase, but like, its a subversion cuz it's just old habits, they don't necessarily have to die hard (also it's kinda a religous pun (to me))
ask game here
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libelelle · 2 years
Thought: Silver spends a few months in Normal School, but because of his weird insistence on how "the history books are WRONG and I know they're WRONG because I lived through those events!", he gets labeled as a Problem Child and is transferred to a new school, and that's where he meets silver two electric boogaloo.
OOOOHOHOHOH you. i like the way you think.
silver gets registered in school very suddenly after returning to the future and its a disaster. the best education hes had is survival skills he needed to survive the apocalypse, so he gets shoved into school missing 10~ years of education that everyone else has. Not only this but the one thing he knows better than everyone else is wrong and he wont budge on it. he hands in test after test that are covered page to page in corrections. he gets into arguments about the course material with his teachers nearly every class. he never provides any sources other than "i was there, i SAW it."
hes so frustrated and confused and all the teachers have had it up to here with his shit, so when one day he pushes a littleee too far, they take him straight to the office and he gets kicked out. they register him in a new school, a smaller school, one where he won't get as much attention and one where they wont ever have to deal with him again. hes someone elses problem now.
except now theres a new, bigger problem. he walks through the door to meet someone who should not exist. or maybe hes the one who shouldnt exist.
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wikiangela · 8 months
alive shannon 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 (but much more enthusiastically)
yaaay I love talking about this fic haha
so, the alive shannon fic is my most precious baby, and I love her sooo much (both the fic and shannon haha)
the idea started bc I was tired of the discourse and hate on Shannon bc she doesn't deserve it, and since I first watched the show I always just felt so bad for her - but that's a whole rant sitting in my drafts so that's all I'm gonna say on that atm hahaha
the fic is going to be basically a rewrite of canon where Shannon survives the accident and she and Eddie get divorced, and she stays in Christopher's life - so she sticks around and she and Eddie become friends/co-parents, and she's gonna get to know Buck too (I think they're on their way to become besties tbh lol) - and most of all she and Chris will get to have a relationship
so that, and all the events from canon that are still gonna happen and how it might differ with her around - and in the middle of it all Buck and Eddie will slowly fall in love, and she's gonna be so 👀 about Eddie and Buck's relationship and eventually she's gonna be like: these oblivious idiots are never gonna get it istg haha (she might meddle a bit too, and I kinda want to get it up to the end of s4 with Ana just to see Shannon be like: it should be Buck, wtf is eddie even doing lol)
and I'm just excited to explore these dynamics, and Eddie moving on and letting himself fall for someone else (Buck), and him and Shannon getting the closure they were robbed of in the show haha
it's gonna be switching pov with each chapter so we'll get all three perspectives and it's sooo much fun to write and I have sooo many ideas (as of now there's almost 20k words, and I'm still only on chapter 3, didn't even get to the truck bombing yet, so it's gonna be fucking long lmao)
there are already way too many snippets posted here, you can find them under the alive shannon fic tag (this post is tagged as this too lol) but here's one more that I'm not sure I shared haha - it's from chapter 1, from Eddie's pov, and it's him and Buck waiting for news about Shannon's condition at the hospital, and not knowing if she survives or not
He thinks back to his and Shannon's latest interactions, to her coming back, to the chaos of their relationship, that Eddie knows isn’t good, he knows that, he just can’t help wanting to fix it – she’s his wife, how can he just give up? Maybe it was good, once upon a time, before they were thrust into parenthood and marriage way too young, before they were pressured and divided by Eddie’s family, their suggestions sounding more like orders, now that Eddie thinks back on it, orders that he followed, being just a dumb kid. Maybe if he hadn’t left, if he stayed and supported her, if they did it all together, like the partners they were supposed to be… But there’s no point thinking about what ifs. It’s all over, whether she survives or not, and he just has to make his peace with it. He thinks back to their last conversation, and he hates to admit that she was right. “She wants a divorce.” he hears himself blur out, voice hoarse and breaking, unused in hours. He’s not sure why this is what he’s focusing on right now, why this is what he wants to tell Buck, but at least he’s not breaking down. He’ll allow himself a moment for that after he talks to his son, after he knows- “Shannon.” he croaks out, as if there was a need to specify. He feels Buck’s gaze on his face, but he can’t look up, can’t look into those worried blue eyes, or he’ll drown in them, willingly and completely, not ever wanting to swim back to the surface and face this cruel world. “She asked me for a divorce.” “Eddie, I’m so sorry-” Buck starts, but Eddie interrupts him with a bitter chuckle that sounds almost like he’s choking. He might as well be, he thinks the only reason he’s still breathing is holding his hand right now. Only other reason is back home, not realizing what’s happening, just doing his homework or watching cartoons. Eddie really doesn’t want to bring him bad news, he’s too young for this. “She’s right. I couldn’t- I didn’t want to see it. But she’s right.” he sighs, readjusting his grip on Buck’s hand, but not letting go. He doesn’t want to ever let go. If he did, he thinks he’d just crumble into a million little pieces right now, left for Buck to pick up. And he has no doubt Buck would, every smallest piece, and put him back together again. Really, what would he do without him? How did he do it without him until now?
ask me about my wips
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jargyles · 10 months
for your last post about the song association, what about jargyle? if someone already asked that, what about jancy?
jancyyy jancy my beloveddddd i am also so incredibly indecisive of songs that remind me of them so heres: TWO!
school crush manifesting into desperation, bassline that snaps like a fired pistol, twinkly sounding guitars & lyrics about sleeping on the floor, so incredibly jancy to me
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mvalentine · 2 years
Maaaal, not sure if you've answered this but what is Ethan & Lana's song? ❤️
ruby!! ❤️ you honestly shouldn’t have asked me this because as per usual it got TOO long but oh well here we go!!:
okay so from day one ‘their song’ for me has always been ‘peer pressure by james bay & julia michaels’
put your hands on my body just like you think you know me
want your heart beating on me, don't leave me hot and lonely
i don't usually give in to peer pressure
but I'll give in to yours
these lyrics just encapsulate them so incredibly well? ‘put your hands on my body just like you think you know me?’- these are two people that aren’t readily open to vulnerability and letting people in but something about the other makes them want to tell them everything, to let them in. ‘i don’t usually give into peer pressure, but ill give in to yours’ — this lyric is SO perfect for them because these two are both such headstrong people who really don’t want to fall in love, and yet. even from the beginning when lana didn’t necessarily like him all that much, she felt a certain draw to him. for example in the dolores chapter she tells ethan about isabella (her best friend) and how she passed away. something about him always makes her want to open up, some innate pull she can’t fully explain. and the feeling is very much mutual <3
you're dancing around on my mind every second
i’m under control till you're in front of me
maybe i'm scared, i don't care, i’m addicted
i'm in it
i mean these are pretty self explanatory shjsjs— these two are truly the embodiment of the trope ‘they’re competent at everything but each other’ 💀 they’re both SO terrified of these feelings in the beginning, constantly trying to deny how they feel. but they can’t help it— they’re addicted, they’re too far gone, they’re well and truly in it.
okay i have SO many more (mainly angsty) songs that fit ethan & lana to a t but since this answer is already so long ill just link my e&l playlist incase you’re interested <3 (with special mentions to i don’t miss you at all by finneas and forget me by lewis capaldi for ethan’s pov)
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ldobmm · 1 year
26% for viktor!!!
26%. How well can your character resist their emotions and impulses?
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For Viktor, emotions and impulses are quite complicated and even more complicated to explain clearly I think. When Viktor was younger, it was really hard for them to resists their emotions, but they have never really struggled with impulse control. They really did show emotions quite naturally and it was always evident what they were thinking. But over time, emotions almost seem non existent? Viktor, now, tends to do things that are calculated so I suppose you could say they have good impulse control, as they do things in a specific time and order to fulfill certain desires, revenges, or promises. I wouldn't say they resist emotions even now, rather, its because Viktor does a good job masking their emotions that it seems like they have everything under perfect control. The only people who know of the depths of Viktor's emotions is the night and Mecha, the robot that they built.
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lil-catty · 2 years
fuchsia and hot pink for the ask game (*^‿^*)
i would describe myself as empathetic, easily frightened, and joking, and my favorite relationship trope is flirting that starts as a joke but turns real!!
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redleavesinthewind · 1 year
I know your brothers fic only has one chapter so far but I'm so invested. It's such an interesting interpretation of Erik's character and I'm so excited to see the eventual August fallout. Like Wille trusting him and then finding out abiut the video later on after thinking they're on the same side??? All of them sitting around playing cards together to distract themselves. ALSO it mentions that the kristina is on his side at the beginning so is she falling somewhere in between in this whole erik vs wille argument?? Very excited
hi! i’ve been staring at this ask all day yesterday and just wanted to keep it in my inbox, but i also wanna answer it <33
tbh the august parts are my favourite thing to write at the moment cause it builds up to wille finding out, but i’m also exploring how he would have changed with the years and being closer to wille and simon
the card game scene wasn’t originally planned! it just kind of happened, and now it’s like, a core moment for their friend group <3
about kristina, she still very much wanted wille to deny the video, however because he’s not the crown prince, there’s a little less pressure on him, and it’s much more his own decision. and kristina’s stance is that she’d prefer a denial, but would support wille either way. so she’s not necessarily happy about it, but she’s helping wille and simon navigate the media/pr, stuff like that
i hope the next chapters won’t disappoint!!
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itsana004 · 7 months
I don’t suppose you happen to have any arts or memes in the backlog you never posted~?
The answer is yes but mostly for art because they are either incomplete or I just didn't think it would be liked and was mostly for myself or I abandoned them after being distracted with something else
For the memes they are from 2 years ago and deep in the file still incomplete sigh... but yeah there are backlog stuff that I just haven't posted
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acrazybayernfan · 21 days
For the ship or no ship game, Thomas x Harry Kane?
Hello thank you so much for the ask, I'm really sorry to only answer now. I was rehearsing for my theater examen during the all day, then I went at a friend's house to watch the game between Murray and Stan in Roland Garros and I only came home now.
Okay for Thomas and Harry I would say that it's too early for me to really ship them. I need to see more. I know that they both get along very well (and they're probably closer than lewy and thomas ever was or more accurately I should say friendlier (I think it is a better way to describe it), and coming from me you know that this is massive), they play golf together and all but on the pitch surprisingly it's not magical between them (which could be explained by a lot of factors). So for now I'll pass but I'm open for more development in the future.
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montied · 1 year
what are ur top 5 bands
my chemical romance
fall out boy
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rrat-king · 1 month
Compliment your writing and post a screenshot of one of your favorite comments?
1. Compliment your writing
i think i'm pretty good at having distinct voices for characters, or at least capturing their voices in writing.
4. Post a screenshot of one of your favorite comments
this one just. it makes me laugh I love it so much
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ask game here
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devotion-disorder · 8 months
You mentioned in Noel’s bio how he has severe face blindness-, how would he go about dealing that with his darling, then? Knowing he can’t see their face? Would it frustrate him? Intrigue him? Would it make his tendencies worse or better? Just curious.
Your artwork is amazing and I hope you have a great day!
Noel is born with his face blindness so he has since learnt to deal with it. For most people, he just relies on context clues or their hair/clothes/voice etc. to recognize them.
For his s/o though, i've always had half an idea in mind that they used to be childhood friends...
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(yes his natural hair colour is white. if he ever finds you looking at this picture he will be so embarrassed.)
this became a long ass post of noel lore so
Noel might be able to handle his prosopagnosia now, but that wasn't always the case. Being a somewhat shy kid, the inability to recognize other people made it harder for him to make friends. He just feels disconnected from most people --- sometimes he looks in the mirror and can hardly register that he's staring at himself.
I'd imagine this is where his s/o comes in, and they become a very stable, comforting presence in his life until one day, they moved away without saying anything.
So to Noel, his s/o is someone that he knows on a deep and personal level, and he can basically recognize them out of instinct.
Of course, his condition still frustrates him very much --- what kind of lover is he if he can't even remember his partner's face? That's why he dedicates himself to remembering every single detail of his s/o: counting every freckle and lash; replicating in his mind the exact lilt of their voice, the quirks of their body language...
but maybe in a very cheesy way, he's thankful for his condition? because it means, every day, he can re-live how he met his s/o and the first experience of seeing their face ...
On another note, another anon sent this:
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and the idea of "just vibes" is so funny to me for some reason. like if Noel was just out one day and spidey-sensed some random person as their s/o:
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loves2spwge · 6 days
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they just want to be one...
commissions @jolyonvane did for me where i asked if he could please please please make stan look as desperate and exhausted as he usually does but is being kept together by all his love for his sbf kyle
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