#thank you thank you you're a delight <3
honorhearted · 1 year
you mean the world to me!!!!!!! gosh, I can’t express how much i’ve enjoyed watching ben and johanna became, uh, found family?? found family except johanna doesn’t Understand it?? whatever you can call their relationship, i love it with all my heart. i love rambling in the tags about our muses with you. whenever i get a notification from you, i have a stupid grin on my face because i adore you!! thank you so much for supporting me when the whole drama of my work getting stolen went down and bonding with me over love for sweeney todd. i cannot wait to see where 2023 leads ben and jo (maybe they actually start getting along??) and as always, i look forward to our threads.
Ahhhhh, I'm cryiiiiing, this is so sweet, what the hecking heck? ;^; <3333 I'll admit I just stared at this for the longest time, clutching my chest and being incoherent (which, admittedly, is partially cuz I took an accidental nap a bit ago), but GOSH, YES, it's been such a wild and lovely ride seeing our two idiots -- or should I say "ninnynoodles?" :' ) -- go from, "Umm, why are you breaking into my room?" to, "Well...I guess you're all right...I dunno...maybe..." :/// I really do love getting to see Johanna grow beyond T.urpin's oppressive upbringing, and getting to create the life she deserved vs the one she got. That poor girl was done dirty (and by the fandom, too!), so I was so excited to find your blog. I've been a huge fan of ST ever since the movie came out, and yes, you write her perfectly, 10/10 recommend!
I also love how you're one of my only found family threads, cuz sibling-ish/platonic stuff doesn't come up too often in RP, but when it does, man am I here for it! Ben will raise you as his faux son/daughter and/or be your big brother. And your muse will just have to deal with it, haha, cuz he can be smothering/fussy sometimes. *whispers* If she stops making fun of his Y.ale degree, he might finally let her be his friend.
Anyway, this is me hugging you 5evar (happy new year! <33):
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solarisgod · 8 days
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Brief Poems, Vera Pavlova / Heed the Hollow, Malcolm Tariq / The Lover, Marguerite Duras / As Consciousness Is Harnessed to Flesh: Journals and Notebooks 1964-1980, Susan Sontag / Prose txt + gfx on this post by C.C.
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           ◜ @vulpesse ♡ ◞
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spaceratprodigy · 1 year
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💙💖 Mina and Maril 💖💙
surprise for @fairymistrose !! ilysm !! 🔑💕💫
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badboysupr · 2 months
how similar are you (the writer) and leo? and how different are you from each other?
@nosestealer || thank you so much for this!
. . . well. how much time do you have? c:
no but really it means something that Leo is my longest-standing current muse on tumblr and is one of those characters i feel i can write in the snap of a finger even if i'm not fully feeling him, y'know? Like, even if I'm not "in the mood" to write him, I can still usually manage to write him ??? He's my "easiest" muse, simply put!
and he's that way because i relate to him so deeply
i could write a novel on this, so i'm limiting myself to one similarity and one difference to spare everyone my babbling at least somewhat (♡´౪`♡)
similarity: making jokes out of our pain (and please, please please please this is not meant to be self-pitying; just honest). me and leo are 🤝 with self-deprecating jokes or just making our problems seem smaller than they actually are. y'know, taking some massive grievance and basically being like lol that's life for you !! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ humor as a coping technique x10000000. and tbh, a lot of people do this! i think that's why leo in general is a fairly relatable character
difference: as equally as i'm not begging for pity, i'm also not tooting my own horn here, but emotional competence ??? i made a post awhile back about how much it PAINS me to write leo being so wrapped up in his own head that he comes off rude or uncaring toward people who need support— yeah, it pains me bc i try to be very empathetic and understanding to everyone around me that writing a character who is, uh . . . more "selfish" in that sense is actually so grating at times. i love nothing more than being there for my friends and being as supportive as possible, and while i do think leo feels similarly (that idea of wanting to be "useful": another similarity), he struggles a LOT more with expressing it and tends to get really stuck in his thoughts (but he's a teenager. i'm 2x his age, now, so good GOD i hope i have more emotional competence than him lORDY)
anyway yes !!!
of all my muses, i relate to leo the most. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ in, uh . . . plenty of ways that are both good and bad, but i like to hope i recognize my faults and attempt to better myself every day. thanks so much again for sending this!
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faundraws · 1 year
answering this publically so i can say yes. they know <3
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ferromagnetiic · 5 months
[random positivity because you deserve it!] hi, helloooo woodland :) I hope today is a good one for you! I just want to pop by and say how amazing and talented you are! no matter how long goes in between, I am always pumped to see you on my dash and to get to write with you~ your Kid is amazing and just the most despicable man, but I love him and he’s just canon at this point, you can’t change my mind! But anyway, thank you for being my friend, for checking in on me, for boosting my confidence even when you aren’t trying to, and for all the nice things you say in general! You are the coolest and the most punk rock!! So you keep doing you and I'll be sending you all the good vibes~
♡(ŐωŐ人)      // LALA. WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE SUCH A SWEET MESSAGE . I want to save this ask and keep it in a jar and seal the lid shut with glue so it can't ever escape. I'm going to tag it with my saved tag so I can come back and look at it all the time and read it if I get sad or stressed. This is honestly so, so sweet and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Messages like this really mean so much to me.
     You're truly such a great friend. Thank you for always making me laugh and putting me in a good mood with your perfect Luffy. You bring us all as much joy as Luffy does in canon. You're very valued and very precious to us all!
     Hope you're also having a fantastic day! Please do something nice to treat yourself because you absolutely deserve it!!
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thecollectionsof · 7 months
youtube(.)com/watch?v=2X7SFLWcLYo new Gigi podcast
oh my god yeah !!!!!! AND it has video (always a bonus she is so so pretty)
i watched it yesterday and okay my thoughts:
“Letting your child be who they are and grow up the way they want to grow up (and naturally do) is suicide prevention.” crying over a gigi podcast 👍 neat
i love how these people went. hi gigi you're beautiful!! anyways life story go :)
drinking game (you'll get sloshed) drink every time gigi says "my mom" <3
"have you dated straight men?" "mhm! I have :). terrible. awful :)"
also hearing gigi talk about how hard parenting is and how to parent was really funny to me because i was fully like yeah!! and gigi would know because she's been raised by parents too :) !!!! (forgetting that that's. actually quite a common thing and definitely does not mean that someone is good at parenting or qualified to give advice) (also forgetting that i, too, was raised by parents)
i love a few new gigi lore reveals but i really wish we got more stories? if that makes sense??? a lot of it felt like recap which is fun but i love things like her on hair queen where she's like :) i learned about sex through bratz dolls here's how—
basically this podcast is fun and very candid about her life and also her experience as a trans women with different things but it's not the silly goofy gigi content that i could like. pull into a compilation or anything. except maybe the straight men part because the way she nods about it is SO funny to me
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taegularities · 1 year
rid…. my baby …. my sweet rid
saw an ask of you saying that you think about leaving this blog a lot???? that made me so sad 🤕
ofc that in order for you to stay here you have to like and have fun and be happy in this space. there’s no point of doing anything here if you don’t feel this way……. but
i hope you know that you are very appreciated?! and that i think you are amazing?
for real…. i told a thousand times already how i much i love your writing but there’s more than that!!!! you’re so sweet ??? and thoughtful??and considerate?
you answer every ask with so much love, you really pay attention to all of our theories and memes and music suggestions ….. you are amazing !!!! pls know that!!!!
so.. hope you know that i want you around and i would miss you tremendously if you were gone ❤️
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ahhh, ana baby 🥺 i'm so sorry that it made you sad... i think i've just been in a silly mood, and it got a little worse after i answered that ask last night and literally no one reacted to it, like it was proof that i was right hahah 🥲 (except ivi and you, and you're absolute angels <3)
i love what i do, and i love this blog! i just worry about relevance sometimes, and i know i shouldn't.
thank you so much for appreciating me and saying all that, it affects me a lot (positively!). just the fact alone that you have this opinion of me is so wonderful... and i'd miss you so much, too <3 already do when you're not around.
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seiya-starsniper · 11 months
Happy Moon Landing Day! Enjoy some crabs :P
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aposdkapsodkspa THANK YOU you're so kind. I was out and about all day yesterday so I didn't claim them just yet but after I get home from Barbie Movie tonight IT IS ON.
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mobius-m-mobius · 11 months
Kent is quickly becoming a fave of mine too but I'm trying not to get too attached because of that interview Owen did where he mentioned he had another "memorable death" coming up soon. I'm assuming it's HM which makes me sad but the other option is MOBIUS and if it's between those two I'm locking Kent in a room with the ghosts myself.
asdlskdjgk anon you're so me, I considered the possibility Owen was messing with the interviewers when he mentioned having a death scene more memorable than The Haunting but if something happening to Mobius is an potential option instead I'd get stuck in that mansion for eternity myself just to seal off the exits 😅 (not that it'd be a hardship since, well, Kent is Kent so I'd be plenty fine with my fate and he'll live on in my heart regardless🤣)
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sevensided · 1 year
Hii :)
I just wanted to say that I'm a big enjoyer of adats and all the works in this world and I was really obsessed with The Vale Of Shadows that it inspired me when I was creating my farm in Stardew Valley after some months without play so I decided to name my cat using it as inspiration
So meet Lachmiel Brightstar, the cat
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OH MY GOODNESS This is so cute! Thank you for sharing with me!
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solarisgod · 11 months
love the new promo, you guys really put your whole promussy on it
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hella1975 · 2 years
Okay SO
I mini panicked when I saw that you finally got my ask (im the anon that sent you a list of my favorite things about you). I noticed that it took you a while to respond and i was getting worried.
I feel like that makes it sound like i just sent you that ask for like personal validation or something but it was like 'i really want her to see this because i absolutely love her as a person and she deserves to know that she makes people very happy'
Then I remembered the ask i sent you a while ago and you said you kept it in your ask inbox thing for a while and i also remembered your in the middle of finals or something and you probably didnt have time to look at all the asks.
Like I thought that tumblr had deleted it like the whore it is.
Anywho, I have something I wanted to add to the list which is the main reason im sending this ask.
That is that your really good at setting and keeping boundaries between you and the cult. Like with the rude anon situation. Your really good at saying when things make you uncomfortable and acknowledging that your followers aren't your friends and setting limits on how much they ask about and and stuff like that.
When i say i get so much joy from your blog i mean it like your my favorite person on the internet and your personality is my favorite thing ever. Its what really keeps me reading taob because i started reading it earlier on and then forgot about it and found it again and saw that you have a tumblr and i was like 'hey i have one of those too' and stalked your tumblr for a while and was like 'hey shes actually really funny' so i followed you and keep getting reminders that taob exists.
I also like that your blog isnt 100% centered around your fic like some other authors i follow. It almost seems too much like a business when people do that.
I feel like the fact that i keep sending you really song asks is creepy and weird so please let me know if it is. But you are genuinely my favorite person to follow
I'll let you if the list updates.
list anon please dont ever feel rude or creepy it's like you said i have no problems setting boundaries so if i ever found your asks to be a negative experience in any way you definitely would have known about it by now, but literally all i do is squeal and giggle and kick my feet like 'omg stooooppp' every time you send me something. you're always so so lovely and you make me feel really good about myself and that's a wonderful impact to have on someone <3
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hopeinthebox · 1 year
I have a question. Do you ever just sit there and laugh to yourself when you make your shitposts?? Like just like “damn, I’m so funny”? 😂 Because you are fucking hilarious! I’ve been cackling while reading all of them 😂😂
anon you can't be saying things like this to me or i'll fall in love with you!!!! to be perfectly honest the process looks a lot more like this
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but i'm thrilled that you're pleased with the results <33
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lavenoon · 1 year
Hello :)
I just wanted to stop by and tell you that you are an amazing and wonderful Person <3
You and Zelda (and everyone else in the server) have created so much lovely art, writing and the like, it's incredible.
I am so glad I joined. Being in the server is so much fun, and I am grateful that you created such a lovely space.
You make me want to keep creating, even when I don't have the energy for other things, I still want to draw.
These blorbos be living in my head rent free hbdhfhdhzhs
Anyways, thank you for existing, I'm so glad I met you <3
Here we go here we go I can now melt all over again ough ough ough /pos
I'm so so happy that you're having fun - both in server and with the blorbos hehe! Fun is really the end goal, the most important aspect of all of this - I wanted to share that!! I'll probably never stop being excited over how much fun people are having, how much engagement there is, and that I got to collect that wonderful little group on discord too <3
Doing my best not to puddle (too much) but also, I'm simply responding to the energy/ attitude I'm being greeted with! It's a feedback loop, and I'm very glad there are so many nice and kind people here!! <3
Glad to have you with us in the server, glad we get to talk <3 (even when I cry at your sleeping habits fhdjsk)
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thatmonroe · 2 years
🌺 Jacko beloved~
Ugh!! Listen. You're one of my favorite people in the world. Hot-headed and angry and confident and fucking beautiful. I remember how hard to reach you were when I first met you, and it was so good to feel we were finally close - you literally bloomed with me.
You're so caring and generous, Jackie love, and I can't stress this enough - creative and beautiful. You bring something to unlife that is invaluable, you make everyone's days easier and more worthy. You're a real friend and when you care you care a lot. And you're also fun and free, spending time with you is just a blessing <3
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