#thank you this helped i needed to read the background research but i didnt want to
dykebush · 8 months
um um um what makes neutron diffraction distinct from any other neutron interaction (i also have no clue what they are)
ok ok ok ok so neutron diffraction im reading it's this thing yiou do so you can study the atomic and molecular properties of a material and so in this experiment im reading about they got some aluminium bars and bent them a little bit and when you bend enough it stays bent after you let go right?
well the reason is that it got so so so stressed it stayed stressed it's got residual stress jsut like me as im typiung this 8 hours before the deadline i also have to go to sleep soon anyway so it gets really stressed and it's like boo hoo my crystal lattice is disrupted! :( because metals are made of a crystal lattice and bending disrupts the lattice. so you put the metal in a machine that shoots out uhhhh neutrons i think? and the neutrons pass through the lattice in a way that you can measure the angles and go ohhhh okay so the angles are fucked up woahhhh. because this funny guy called bragg made this law called braggs law which is this:
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and basically that upside down y is wavelengths (theres a specific type of wavelength but it's whatever) and d is the distance between each crystal plane (very small). you can graph how intensely diffraction happens against 2 times theta and get all this data that tells you stuff about the residual stress...... but basically if you want to see this happen look up the twin slit experiment with water. if you hit water in two places theres these waves that go out and they interact and it's really cool
ANYWAY to answer ur question neutron diffraction is one of the experiments they can do to test for stuff theres like. xray diffraction for example theres like 8 different ways i think. xray and neutron diffraction are pretty similar in terms of how they work in the crystal planes but i think xray diffraction interacts with the atoms differently, and both methods have good reasons to use one over the other
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shoezuki · 3 years
piglin techno confusing the fuck out of ranboo hcs
i jus be doin some shit sometimes n then my brain is like ‘hey think a this’ and i been tryin to type this out but my internet is so bad rn i couldnt even Open a new post what the fuck. anywayss. this ran so long. so fucking long
started with ‘i wonder how piglins act’ and now technoblade is doin some shit, ranboo is so confused, and philza is a delighted bystander who is having the time of his life
technoblade is 100% piglin. many people think he’s part human to some degree but hes Completely and Utterly piglin
most assume as much since he doesnt begin to rot in the overworld. but short answer; he’s Built Different
long answer is a blessing of the bloodgod but shhhhhh
techno never corrects anyone or talks about being piglin or Anything. he just doesnt care what other people think and assume. the only one who Knows is phil
phil had first thought it was out of some sort of shame or desire to Hide it but. yeah. no. techno jus doesnt care. build; different
although more Notable piglin traits come to like if he’s close to people
piglins are both social and anti social. kinda. they can be hugely independent, do well without ‘proper’ socialization for a Long while. but they group together for Lifetimes. once piglins find a family or friends and expend Full trust to them. its all or nothing you Cant break them up
how tommy betrayed and turned his back on techno just. its like a physical pain. once he trusted and respected him, the mere Idea of betrayal was nowhere in question. it never occurred to him
philza is now the only person that techno consciously and subconsciously considers him a part of his ‘pack’ (i cant figure out a better term but that one doesnt Fit)
techno never realizes when he acts piglin traits out towards those he trusts. he never does so in company outside of what he considers family. philza notices though.
phil tends to study and research other races and cultures a lot. he’s been around a long while, has met many people of all different backgrounds. he likes knowing and understanding what he can. its just fun too.
it mostly started when he first met techno because he wanted to figure out what the FUCK techno was doing without asking and therefore embarrassing him
but phil knows techno well. and he knows piglins well enough. and he Knows techno doesnt ever seem to be self aware of his more inhuman habits
but Phil knows. and he Notices when techno starts to consider ranboo a part of the pack
First, it’s gifts.
surprisingly, its ranboo giving techno the axe first
he wasnt there to see it. but phil might as well have been present, considering how Horrifically in depth techno ‘ranted’ to him bout it
but techno reciprocates it and Then he really starts to notice more and more
first, it was giving the enchanted apple to ranboo. sure it Technically had been swiped by techno out from under ranboo but it was still Something. techno wasnt one to give up valuables easily
then techno starts ‘complaining’ about ranboos living area. and his eating habits. phil looks away when techno smuggles golden carrots into ranboo’s shack 
eventually technoblade is crafting ranboo a cloak to match their own and he’s freaking out about ranboo’s height and his dimensions and how much cloth he’ll need but he refuses to ask ranboo and phil is holding his head in his hands
(phil forces techno to gift him the cloak in person rather than stash it under his pillow and run like he’d planned. techno bitched about it but after ranboo practically lit up, burying himself in the cloak and thanking techno so hard his throat mustve hurt, techno was so practically purring the rest of the day)
after gifts, its noises. 
techno is seemingly silent. he doesnt speak up much, moves so quietly people tend to jump when he appears. 
in reality, he talks to himself constantly. either when alone or when in phil’s company. philza knows that aspect is the ‘voices’, and also just technoblade’s tendency to fill the silence and wonder his own thoughts aloud
but the snorts, squeels, grumbles, and other sounds he makes without realizing are some phil knows are piglin
its often guttural, a noise he makes in the back of his throat that rumbles and reverberates through his bones. 
itd sound terrifying to anyone, but after years of techno trilling deep when phil enters a room, when he returns from some sort of journey, when he says hello or makes his presence known in anyway, phil realized its more like a greeting. excitement to see him. it became something sweet
long story short ranboo nearly jumped so high his head went through the ceiling when he’d first walked into the home, said hello, and some gruff purr sounded from the techno’s chest
theyd both jumped so hard, stared at each other as if they were trying to figure out what was wrong with the other 
phil was physically pained as he held back his laughter to the point he was crying. that changed the subject to him quickly
it didnt happen again for a while, but phil didnt say anything and just watched. it was too entertaining
techno would make his small squeals between breaths when he remembered something, muttered to himself, snorted and huffed even as ranboo was around
ranboo got used to it. he stopped jumping or even looking confused when techno trilled some sort of deep purr when ranboo would join them for dinner
lastly, techno was tactile
or, as tactile as he could be. techno wasnt touchy even on a great day. he was selective, reserved, would lean into phil or loop an arm over his shoulders but would never say anything about it
phil didnt question it and would just pat techno on the arm without saying a word
but. sometimes. when phil would be gone for a long time, techno would rest the entire weight of his head on phil’s shoulder, practically encapturing him, rumbling and grumbling so harsh it shook phil’s whole body
phil still wasnt certain on this one. he couldnt find much in the way of what it meant. piglin’s tended to stay with their own, and they never reunited after long periods of time because they never would dare to separate for long
 he was kind of guessing here, but the way techno would drop his shoulders and practically melt made phil think he was just missing him and wanted to confirm phil’s presence. 
it wasnt like he complained. it was sweet
ranboo had been gone a while. he was vague on why, or where. phil had a suspicion or two but ranboo kept a lot of secrets
neither techno or phil pried too far, but phil could tell it was disconcerting to techno. he was tense and kept himself almost deathly busy for two weeks
(piglin rarely if ever kept secrets from one another, phil had read once. omitting a few things here and there, maybe. but lying or deception was out of the question)
phil hadn’t been there when ranboo returned. he’d been gathering firewood after techno was insistent they completely top up all of ranboo’s stores
he’d heard the muffled growls techno made as he walked towards ranboos shack, before even seeing him. 
when phil found them techno had ranboo nearly completely obscured in his cape, and definitely he’d have been out of sight if he was any shorter. 
techno’s head was lofted heavy in the crook of ranboo’s neck, forcing ranboo to hunch with arms wrapped tight around ranboo. his arms were pinned. 
ranboo caught his eyes, looking so scattered and tired and confused and maybe even terrified. he might have spoken or maybe he just mouthed ‘help me’ but the gruff purr-like sound techno made was too loud to hear him anyways
philza shoved his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing
later that night ranboo asked phil if techno was going to kill him. phil wanted to scream
even later then, techno had admitted to phil that, yeah, okay, maybe ranboo was growing on him. phil had never felt so violent
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relaxxattack · 3 years
Someone's probably asked you this before but how long did it take you to plan out the plot for knifetrick? What did you do to come up with everything and do you have any tips for other writers who are struggling to put together their own fics?
after checking out my history lol,
it seems i did serious brainstorming and research for about a week before i started writing.
what happened first was that i had in my head the funny idea of ran failing to kill jackie and them getting tax-benefit married (to make ran feel guilty and admit his plot)
and once i realized i wanted to make it into an actual story, i had to change some of it and come up with plot and reasoning.
the first thing i did was ask my followers for song requests, lol. i asked specifically for “songs about futuristic settings or being married to/loving your assassination target”
i listened to a lot of that music to get my brain juices flowing. i had to put together a couple of Reasons for why things happened. i also knew i couldn’t just write the fic on the assassination alone, or else ran would have nothing to distract him and be the overarching plot, lol
the music helped me picture scenes and concepts. i then just jotted down a bunch of stuff i thought would be interesting to happen (possible scenes)
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a couple thoughts on this image— for one you can see that i originally wanted to name my fic after a movie. i looked up ones where assassins grow endeared to their targets and fail to kill them. but i realized i didn’t want to name the fic after a movie in case it was controversial or something, so i ended up going for a song instead. ALSO, as you can tell, some of these points got dropped! again, this was just brainstorming for things i wanted to include
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the next thing i did was ask for ranjack classpects, lol. for those unfamilliar with classpecting, it’s sort of like personality types for really sad nerds (/lh). aka, hogwarts houses but more complicated.
@dyketubbo wrote some INCREDIBLE classpects for ran and jackie. it was based off what we knew about their personalities (which wasn’t much) but it also helped us infer a lot MORE about their personalities by figuring out where they could go or how they probably think in their minds.
if you don’t know classpects you can probably do this with personality types. or, just, figure out your characters personality some Normal way. i wouldn’t know.
there was a lot more brainstorming i did (where i came up with ms. laramie, scoots, and clementine) and tried to come up with a basic plot of what would happen and what they would do. during this i did some research on a proper three-act story structure so my plot would hit just right.
during all of this, i watched a bunch of spy and futuristic flicks (not too intensely, just had them on in the background to absorb the vibes).
i then made a plot map once i figured i knew what was gonna happen
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(the last few chapters are on the other side of the paper, so you don’t get to see them haha)
a lot of this stuff got switched around or dropped completely as i was writing. honestly, the details don’t matter too much— the FLOW of the story is what’s important.
i’m very flexible with my scenes— literally what happens in a chapter is completely up in the air until i FINISH the chapter. sometimes they’re entirely different from my original ideas. it’s not too important to me what exactly happens, as long as it makes sense and i like it and it fits in with the rest.
in my mind, the events themselves are not as impressive as the characters in them. as long as i’m still developing the characters the way i need to throughout the story, and they eventually get to the plot points i need them to, i don’t worry too much about the specifics! as long as they’re fun.
i also didnt write chapter-by-chapter— i mapped the plot first, and then drew little dividing lines where i thought it would be good to end the chapter after. chapters are useful to me as pacing tools, but i didnt want the plot to seem too episodic by Planning it as chapters.
after i wrote the plot map, i did research on deserts, cities, and fantasy politics for DAYS. (i also watched videos on how fantasy militaries should work.) i ended up not using most of that information i came up with, but the parts that do leak through into my current writing do wonders to make the world feel real and alive. each character has a personality and a life, they aren’t just there to be background characters for ran and jackie.
then, i re-read a few books by authors who really inspire me. to get their narration voice fresh in my mind and feel really inspired
eventually we got to where we are now— i write the chapters and i post them!
as i’ve mentioned, i’m very flexible with my plot— so while i’ve foreshadowed certain things since the beginning, some parts of the story have only come perfectly together towards the end. and i have @shrugofgod to thank for that!
my wonderful editor is always willing to chat with me about what scenes and bits work and are most satisfying story-wise. of course lyssie also EDITS my chapters after they’re drafted — to make them more polished, and also ask me questions about things that are going on to clarify them.
many thanks to lyssie shrugofgod for making the story so much better :D
because my chapters have a tendency to get away from me and do whatever they want, if there’s certain plot things i need to hit in a chapter, i’ll outline the chapter before i write it.
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also, recently, (after coming up with one too many REALLY COOL scenes and lines in my head while cleaning, but then completely forgetting them later) i’ve implemented a protocol for myself to jot down anything that comes to mind WHEN it happens so i don’t forget.
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these are unprofessional and have spelling errors and all that, because i just wrote them really quickly, often while doing the dishes or laundry, lol.
so in conclusion:
um yeah that’s how i write knifetrick! i’ve never done this much work for any other fic though, so don’t feel like YOU have to. i did so much research for knifetrick because it was very out of my wheelhouse.
at most all i think is necessary for a good story is a plot map, and a hell of a lot of inspiration. (i got mine from music, movies, books, and drawing ran and jackie a lot, haha!)
make sure you’re having fun with your plot. writing won’t always be fun, but you should at least like your PLOT. because if you don’t then you won’t be inspired or enjoy it at all!
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
T.H| Thottery
Summary: your doing pottery
Warnings: i guess sexual tension? AND YOUR A WITCHHH- AND A PLANT MOMMY- AND SOULMATES
A/n: its all i could think of when i saw tom in that tank top- and
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It was another day in the shop, silence filling the room as you walked around to see the stuff you and tom made, the small store cozy, mostly green and beige everywhere to get a warm mood going.
The room smelled like roses, an incense in your hand as you took your time, slightly bobbing your head to nirvana in the background.
The bell rung letting you know someone was here, you poked your head from the shelves and looked at the door, seeing tom struggle with donuts in his dominant hand while the coffee stood in the other.
“Youre late!” You smiled and he groaned, thanking you when you made your way over to grab the donuts. “Im not late- your just early” he said, watching as you took a donut out and bit into it.
You and tom shared the shop, yes he had dreams of going to be a actor but he wasnt gonna ditch you. Youve both been best friends since he accidentally tripped you and made you cry in 5th grade, which he begged to do your homework as an apology. But there was always a tension when you both grew up, he sent you letters, well check up letters, if you need help on your homework letters, sometimes a hershy bar glued to it.
You told him your okay all the time and to stop wasting time on you, telling him to go feed his dog or clean his room because you knew he always forgot. You sent letters back too, you both didnt call each other because you liked the old ways and he admires that, he liked that you rode on your skateboard just to see him and ask him hows hes doing, he just felt like you are heaven sent.
“Righttt, well i got some crystals” you smiled at him, setting the donuts on the small white table before grabbing the box of crystals. “Y/n you know i dont like that witch stuff!” He glared at you and placed the coffee down next to the donuts.
“But tommy!” You smacked your lips, bending your knees repeatedly like a child. “They’re so beautiful and they mean something! I even got candles and cardsssss!”
He gave you a blank stare, before looking away “fine” “thank youuuu!” You walked over and he sat in his stool infront of the turntable, you made your way over and set the box in his lap, getting on your knees and opening the box.
“Swear that you wont curse me or this has no bad juju” “i just have to clean them first-“ “Y/N!” He groaned “whatttt!” You poked his leg, “stop being mean to me!”
“Im not being mean to you!” He looked down at you, you let out a hmph and got up, snatching the box before taking it into the backroom where your shared stuff went.
“Im sorry y/n!” He said, looking in the direction of the back room but sighed when he didn’t get an answer, instead of saying something again he got up to go back there, seemed like you went to the bathroom because you disappeared. He grabbed a bucket and filled it with water, then he grabbed a thing of clay that was wrapped in saran wrap to keep it fresh and went back to his turn table.
He set the stuff down, putting his foot on to buttom and watching the small circle turn before lifting his white shirt, revealing his abs right before his black tank top came down.
He heard the box of donuts opening which left a smile on his face, quietly walking over and sneaking behind the shelf before throwint his shirt at you, leaving a groan before you looked back at him, shooting him a glare.
“Can you hold that for me?” “You couldve kept it in the back smarty pants” “i guess i didnt want to this time” he shrugged with a smrik, walking off “your shirt stinks!” You lied, making him laugh and shake his head before sitting down and getting to work.
You looked through google trying to find more research about the crystals before tom called you for help. “Y/nnnnn!” “Yes thomas?” You asked, still looking at your phone.
“I need your helppp!” He said, looking down at the awkward clay bowl, a few lumps here and there in it. “Coming!” You stood and made your way over, wheb you peeked your head out you saw him trying to fix it.
His hair fluffy so his curles hanged over his head, his fingers painted with clay as he gently rubbed the bowl trying to flatten it out.
“What happened?” You asked and he sighed, shrugging “it just isnt working” “it’s probably like that because you didnt put on your lucky apron” you chuckled, grabbbing the both yours and his aprons next to the large green plant.
A loud groan left his lips as his shoulders slumped and rested his eblow on his knee, setting his cheek on his knuckles as he looked at you walking over. “Dont bring any bad spirits in here tom”
“Hey! Im not trying to!” He playfully rolled his eyes, you handed him his apron, small spidermans on it while yours had my little ponys.
“Alrightttt” you muttered, telling him to move his hand, when he did you sat on the leg nearest to you and he instantly wrapped his hand around your waist, watching as you dipped your hands in the water. “Its your turn to wash the aprons” you muttered, he let out a hum and a small laugh before you stepped on the button, letting the water drip from your hands and onto the clay.
“Can you make a heart in the middle?” He whispered, rubbing your side as he watched your hands work. “Whos it for?” You laughed and he shrugged “you” “me?” Your eyebrows furrowed and he squeezed your waist tight “yeah, why not?”
“Uh- i dont know?” You shrugged a bit, stuttering. Trying your hardest to focus but you messed up, a sigh leaving both of your lips as you had to restart.
You put the clay back in a glob, putting your hands around making it tall, a cough left toms lips as he looked away, while you tried your hardest not to laugh. “Y/n fix it” he asked. “I dont know...i kinda like it like this” you said, placing a hand on his knee.
“It looks like a penis” and with that you laughed “no seriously fix itttt!” “Okay okay, only if you let me do a reading on you”
“Y/n i dont like witchery” “but you like harry potter?” “I-its different” “fineee, i only wanted to know what your love life is looking like” you muttered and toms ears perked up. “You can find that out?” “Yeah, but you dont want to soooo-“
“Okay okay! Just fix please!” He lifted the knee that you were sitting on and rubbed your side letting you know he was ready. You chuckled and got to work.
About 5 minutes later you asked for toms hands, he gave them to you willingly and you sat all the way in his lap, tugging his hands forward his head was right in your neck, heavy breathing on your neck as you could help but get a little goosebumps on your neck.
You rocked his hands back and forth “mhm, just like that” you muttered “yeah like this?” He teased, “no your fucking up”. “Fuck off” you both laughed, you let his hands go and let him do it on his own.
“Are you ready for the reading?” You asked, tom sitting infront of you nervously and shirtless, both of your hands clean and creation drying in the back.
“I think so” he shrugged, you lit the sage “this is a cleaner okay, calm down. This is to save me and you from getting possessed”
His jaw dropped as he got up, a loud laugh leaving your lips before you told him your kidding. “Dont play like that y/n!”
You set the crystals out, on the end of the both of your ends of the table. “Y/n we arent transporting to another dimension, right?” He asked, looking at the sage and how professional it looks. “Noo we arent, you want the love reading or not”
“Im gonna shut up” he said and you agreed, telling him it would save the whole world. You shuffled the deck before knocking on it, his eyebrows furrowed as he let out that the sage stinks which made you shoot daggers.
“Alright tom” you let out a deep sigh, looking at the card infront of you. He looked at you confused, then looked at the cards.
“The Fool, High priestess, The Lovers, and death reversed” you looked up at him and lifted your eyebrows “are you resisting something?”
He shrugged “what could I possibly be resisting?”
“Im seeing soulmates, mystery and innocence. Maybe uhhhh something from childhood, someone from childhood”
He felt a cold chill, but made it stay hidden.
“Young, im getting young, you’ve probably walked by your soulmate already, had some type of chatting with them, gotten close to them, maybe some type of physical touch?” You mostly talked to yourself, tapping The Fool card before grabbing the deck, two cards flipping out and landing on tom. You reached over and grabbed them, “The World Reversed and The Star, tom you are holding something back and your spirits are giving you hope, they are hoping you are gonna speak up because you are disappointing them”
“Well im not holding anything back!” He said, panicked. “Do you think or feel like youve passed your soulmate?” You asked, he hesitatingly nodded his head. “That you have touched them?” He nodded again, a large smile on your face.
“Im so excited for youuu!” You danced in your chair, tom grinned a bit, “uhm with these card i feel like they ARE spiritual. Thomas” you glared at him. “And lets check the bottom of the deck”
You looked at the bottom and saw “temperance, i getting that after you do this, weight will be lifted off of your shoulders”
“Uhh okay” he awkwardly smiled, shifting in his seat. You looked at all the cards “lets get into looks”
“Im seeing a lot off y/s/c (your skin color), they might have y/e/c, i see they have a bright smile, y/h/c”
“Y/n?” He asked. You looked up at him and furrowed your eyebrows “why does that describe you?” “Describe me...?” You took it all in, going back and furrowing your eyebrows as you thought about what you said.
“Are you my soulmate?” He asked. “How am I supposed to know that? And uh, soulmates doesnt always mean that we like each other, were just connect platonically” “but what if we arent.......platonic soulmates?” He asked, looking at you.
“Why wouldnt we?” You did a panicked laugh. “I dont know” “do you think we are soulmates?” You asked, putting the cards down. “I mean, we get along really well” he looked away from you, you bit your lip.
“So we are soulmates,” “i guess yeah” he shrugged “platonic soulmates-“ “i-i dont think so” he looked at you, “tom what-“ “i dont wanna be platonic soulmates y/n”
Your eyebrows furrowed “do you like me?” You laughed, and he nodded, “i uh always have” he played with his fingers and looked down at his bare chest. “Why did you tell me sooner?”
“Huh?” He looked up at you. “You were obviously stressing for no reason-“ “do you like me too?”
“Yes” you shrugged, you had to. You noticed your love for him when he sent you your fith letter.
𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒚/𝒏,
𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒏𝒐 𝒇𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒊𝒏 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒊 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆-𝒕𝒓𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍. 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒊 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒈. 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆, 𝒊 𝒂𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒚𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒅𝒂𝒚.
𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒚.
“And you didnt say anything?” “Well i wasnt into spirits and shit like that when i was 15!” You said to him. “So we love each other. Like not platonically but like” he put his first fingers together. “To fast!” You said, and he laughed standing up and leaning over the table and you did the same, his hand came up to your cheek as yours went to the nape of his neck to play with the hairs, he gently pressed his lips on yours, you giggled against his lips and kissed back.
When you both pulled away you pressed your foreheads together, both laughing and pressing each others lips together again “im like 95 percent sure our spirit guides are high fiving each other right now” you muttered. “Yeah?” He asked, kissing the side of your lips. “Yeah” “mhm” “are they like watching us right now?”
“I dont wanna freak you out” you bit his bottom lip tugging it. “You wont freak me out i promise” “nahhhh”
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chemicallady · 3 years
Daddy is home
Greg Sanders x Reader
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A/N: Thank you everyone for reading this. If you want some fluff with just a little sadness, you're in the right place.
Couple: Greg Sanders/Female!Reader
Category: Mostly fluff with a little piece of angst. Family slice of life for Greggo.
Content Warning: none
Summary:  Reader is use to feel Greg absence.... but what about is own children? And Greg? What's more important? His job or his family?
You are use to feel Greg absence, almost every night and, sometimes, even for days. It wasn't a big deal when you two started to see each other. You were a grad student, looking for a PhD out of town - searching for a new experience- and he was a lab tech at the crime lab in Vegas. Your relationship had worked for 5 years while you were in Salt Lake City, even if you constantly missed him so much and viceversa. He spent a lot of utahns weekends at your apartment and you came back in Nevada for every break.
After your PhD graduation you came back to Vegas and he proposed to you. It was an hard time, Warrick was dead, he had printed is first book on Vegas history and you just settled down at UNLV. You had lived togheter two months and then he proposed. Of course you said yes and the two of you had a small cerimony at the Eclipse, Catherine's casinó. It was an intimate cerimony, with your friends and co workes and relatives from Norway and (your hometown/country.)
You had worked hard on your post doc as a teaching assistant and a researcher and he has continued his job as a csi. You have always prefered working at night the days you didnt have any class, in order to be awake when he came back home in the morning.
It worked since you discovered that you were pregnant. Both of you were so excited to become parents, it has always been something that you desire, having your own kids. Start a family.
After Bjorn birth, by the way, everything changed. You have started to work in the morning and sleeping at night in order to provide the best standard of living for your son. And, after two years and half, Jodie came to the world, complicating thing but coloring your life even more.
You constantly miss Greg, of course. You miss your youth with him, the mornings spent in making love with jazz music in the background before a lazy afternoons sleeping in his arms. The days he came to the University after job to pick you up.
But both of you love your family.
It's stil working.
Because you love him and Greg loves you more than anything.
More than that, he is born to be a dad. He was scared as hell, but he perfect fits that role.
Even more, he is methodical.
He is really good in keeping job separating from his personal life, even if his coworkers are his family. And yours as well.
...But is hard for kids to understand why dad is never home. Especially for Bjorn, who is the eldest. He has started to notice this situation in the last weeks and you have been scared of this moment since you gave birth to him.
《 Why daddy can't come today?》
You look at your baby boy, feeling really sorry for the whole situation. It is his first baseball match with the pre school team as a player in the field from the first minute and it means a lot to him.
Bjorn's really smart for his age, he understand that his parents jobs are important because is a duty... But is natural that he feels so betrayed. He is still too young to even imagine how demanding is Greg's job.
《Because daddy has a case》, you try to explain with a soft voce, caressing his blonde hair with two fingers. He seems totaly like his father in this moment. 《He has to catch this big bad guy and-》
《Why uncle Nick is not catching him for daddy? Just for today! 》
《Because they work togheter, sweetheart... you know that. We already talk about daddy's job...》
Not in a specific way, of course. Greg is more like a super hero to Bjorn.... he is too innocent and young to know how cruel and horrible could be the world sometimes.
《It's not fair. He never came to see me play》
《That's not fair... you know that daddy is so sad for this... he ask me to shot everything so he can see it as long as he will be home!》
That doesn't help.
《And I'll be already in bed》 he snuffles, before running in his room, nearly cry.
You don't know how to manage this. Both of Greg and you are really indipendent.... that's why your wedding is so strong, because you don't need the other around one all the time.
But for Bjorn is different. He needs his daddy as he needs you. Most of that, he wants to make Greg proud of him, shows him how he has improved thanks also to their weekend practices on Sundays.
You are still thinking about a solution, but Jo start to cry from her playbox.
You have to speak with your husband and decide what tell to Bjorn, togheter.
He deserves a good explanation.
It's late when Greg comes home.
He is surprised when he notice that the kitchen lights are still turned on. You are sitting at the table, looking at your laptop as you can't really see it.
《 y/n, baby?》, he calls you, waking you up from your thoughts. 《Are you ok? It's like 3 in the morning, sweetie.》
《Yeah, I was looking over some notes from next week semenary when I realised how late it was, I decided to wait for you to come back.》
《Thanks, after a couple of double shifts, I really need to speak with my wife》, he says with a smile, before kisses your lips and take a sits next to you. 《I've missed home in those last two days.》
《Have you slept a little?》, you ask worried. When a case is so demanding, the team works till they are exhausted. 《Did you have a propel meal?》
《...I ate two sandwiches Dr Robbins' wife made for us.》
《....there is some roast left. I'm gonna warm it for you and then I'll put you in the bed at least for nine hours, bright man》
He laughts a little. 《Yes ma'am.》
You stand up, caressing his hair, after place a kiss on his head. 《Tell me about the cause. Was that bad?》
《More like a nightmare....》
He starts talking about the brutal abductions he was working on those last days. In the meanwhile you are cooking for him. You open a good bottle of wine your father sent to you last week and prepare a couple of fine glasses. Is not a problem for you when Greg talks about his job. For some unknown reasons, it grows on you during the years togheter. You also have helped the team sometimes with you competences. It's quite normal for the two of you speaking about your day. It helps to split away the stress and find always your connection. And is always reliving for you see that even if the job is so demanding physically and emotionally, Greg can totaly handle it. Not only. He loves is job. Even in dark days like this one.
《Poor girls....》, is the only thing you can say, while you're watching your husband eat like he was starving. 《No one deserve this kind of fate...》
《Think at the parents 》, he observes, moving his elbows quickly. 《If someone would have done something like that on Jodie, I'd went mad.》
You stop thinking about the case immediately.
《Sorry for the unhappy connection.... but if you are not too tired, we need to speak about our boy.》
Greg looks at you surprised. 《What about him? Bad day?》
《Yes》, you answer, surprising him even more. Bjorn is really talented in sports, unlike his father. 《He played 10 minutes than he had an argument with the coach and spent the rest of the afternoon warming the bench.》
This is unusual. Bjorn is a good lad. Always smiley and obedient at preschool. Teachers love him because he is so good and he knows a lot about science and stuff even if he is four. Mom is an academic, a college professor and daddy is a scientist. How could be different? He is also responsible and he always take serious the baseball trainings. That's the first time he disobey this much.
《What happened y/n? Oh, no. Let me guess.》 You look him cover his own face with a hand. 《He is mad at me, isn't he?》
《Yep babe, he is really mad at you. And at me as well. By now, I think he is mad at the world because you didn't come today.... I explained him that's not your fault, but...》
Greg sighs 《But it is my fault. When he born I swore to God that I'd be a good father even if my job is.... the 70% of my life.》
《But you are》, you say with a stubborn tone in your voice. 《You are a good father. It was just and unfortunate Saturday. He have never missed a game before. You'd be there if it wasn't for the case. 》
《I know but he deserves more than all those 'if' statements. 》 You look at him, feeling the heaviness of this thoughts. 《I should stay in the lab.》 He finally says and you realise a long sigh. This is not going to be an happy conversation, not with your regretting husband weak moment. 《The moment I met you, I knew you were the one. I wanted to start a family before changing job, work on field. It was a stupid decision. If I continued to work as DNA tech we would have more money and more time to spend all togheter.》
《.... I throught we were out with 'if' statements.》
《Y/n, honey-》
《Don't you dare 'honey' me, Greg Sanders.》 You stop him. You keep his hand in yours and smile. 《You are an amazing father. One day, when he will be older and wiser, he will understand. Now is easy to handle the situation. If you spend a day with him, he'll forget about it. Is just a kid, G.》
Greg seems not satisfied. He feels like an idiot, not thing about how mad is son would be noticed his absence. But he also trust your judgement. He always says that you are an amazing mom and even more, the best of wives.
So he smiles back.
《Maybe you are right.》
《Maybe?》, you ask with an ironical tone. He stand up and comes near to you. He offers his hand and you keep it, staning on your feet.
《Sorry Dr Sanders》, he replies, while you are wrapping your arm on his neck. 《You're completely right y/n. I'm already planning an afternoon, just for boys.》
《He'll love it》, you reassure him, before asking for another kiss, with more passion. You both find a good arrangement so you can clean the kitchen and try to sleep at least three hours.
.....or maybe do something more interesting with you husband, who seems to have plans, looking the way he is lifting the t-shirt of your pijama....
You are use to feel Greg absence, that's true.
But when he comes back, well.... that's the moment you realise how much you actually have missed him. And how much you love him and be loved in return.
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thechanbaeklibrary · 3 years
Fic Search #44
1. prinuibe asked: hello hello admins,, i've read lots of chanyeol chashing after baekhyun, but rarely the opposite. do you by any chance have new (or old that i might accidentally skipped) of baekhyun chasing after chanyeol. thank you loe velies ;)😉
Will you love me tomorrow? by hangangnaejib
2.  Anonymous asked: hi, i'm searching for a fic and i'm going to try to describe as best i can i remember because it was a long time ago i've read it, but the story involved bdsm in which chanyeol was not involved with this world at all, but baekhyun was and he was a submissive. i remember that baekhyun got in a toxic relationship with some random dominant and there was a lot that was unhealthy in their relationship that a true dominant would never do to him but baekhyun wasn't really awared of it he thought it should be like that, so they remained together even though he kept abusing baekhyun. chanyeol was worrying about him a lot and he was researching about bdsm, consent and limits, he was finding out more about this world just because of baekhyun and then baekhyun and his dominant finally broke up, in the end they got together and chanyeol became his dominant and taught him about everything he learned. i think i read it from ao3 and it was completed. could you please help me find it? thank you so much, i really appreciate your efforts! have a wonderful day! :) (i'm sorry for any mistakes)
Pain and Pleasure Rewind by Misunkun
3.  Anonymous asked: Hey do you know this fic where c supposed to marry b's sis but she ran away and b marry c but c not like b like that and he never notice how b looks at him not until he realise his feelings but b's sis comeback when c wants to tell b but b misunderstood and he ran away after that they met at jongin's wedding b & j are bffs that one time c thought they'd be couple there were sehun and soo chan's friends ik whole scenes and all but I couldn't find the fic please help me😣😣
Beginning with you by Happy_Byun
4. Anonymous asked: Do you have any fics where b gets pregnant by mistake and he ran away afraid to lose his kid coz c is ceo or something like wealthy man have powerful family background and all and b is not like that like...behind camera and city lights something like that
Behind cameras and midnight city lights by Fleursdexo
5. Anonymous asked: hi im looking for a fic where chanbaek are friends with benefits and i remember in the beginning there was a scene where cy fingered baek in the shower and he asked how many fingers he had in baek(?) and i think both their friend groups were enemies??
Savage by bluecoins
Or, Benefits (but they’re working on it) but this fic was deleted
6. sebbiesworld asked: Hello!! I am searching for a tweetfic which I read in 2018. It was a canon au. The fic started after the saranghae game at the nature republic event. Baek got angry on Yeol after he didn't let Baek touch him. Then they got back at the dorm. And Baek was really angry. Sehun came and talked to him. But he refused to talk to Chanyeol and slept alone in his room. Later he woke up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen. Yeol was already there. They talked and patched up. Then there was smut. Help me to find the fic please🥺
7. Anonymous asked: Hi there, i hope all of the admins are healthy and doing well. So could you help me to find the fic? where chan cheating on baek (i think with sehun), chanbaek then divorced(?) and after a few time baek have a relationship with jongdae but it didnt work out, and chanbaek finally got together again. Thank youuu in advance
8.  Anonymous asked: Could you please help me find tha fic where baek was an omega, being "sold" to the park family. Turns out the park family has a group of omegas in their mansion to keep their family from the curse. Chanbaek work together to undo the curse and finally are able to dismiss it, they free all of the omegas that being captivated in the mansion
Home is in your arms by baekstars
9. Anonymous asked: Please help me find this fic where b is clg nerd but he's like famous for making others hard though phone s*x , c finds his number though nini there's this rule that if other make b c*m they don't need to give him money that only c able to do so but c insist to meet b I only remember this much please can you find me 😣🥺
Fate by chanbaekfukerr
10. Anonymous asked: I don't know if this ask will make sense... So I don't remeber much about the ChanBaek scene, all I remeber is that Kaisoo were in a relationship and Luhan came in the scene and they then started a polygamy. Then Sehun came and the relation kinda messes up.... It's a ChanBaek fic but I don't remeber much...
thanks so much to @loeyberryhyun, @iheartloey , @conjunarium for your help!!! 🥰🥰  
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For A Greater Good Fun Facts and Self Assesment (spoilers)
Long Post
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What worked and what didn’t:
I think the overall structure worked pretty well. The most difficult part was, with the plot and subplot already created, scattering all those ideas throughout the text in such a way that at least made some sense. I regret not writing more about Mer Yankelevich, I feel like the crumbs I left on the way were not enough; in my attempt to make it subtle it lacked information about her. The key piece was of course her sister, and I should have introduced her sooner.
MC’s evolution. I feel like Kate’s learnt a lot with this experience (I’m not only referring to the Deathly Hallows or Grindelwald) When it started, she was very discreet and kept a low profile, not knowing what to do really, not taking more risks than necessary. And then she ended poisoned and splinching just to protect a document she thought was important. I hope her evolution is noticeable for the reader.
Worldbuilding. Grabbing HP concepts that were forgotten and full of potential, plus a dash of original ideas from me and blending them with muggle features was my absolute favourite part of the process.
On that note, I dont own these concepts: Durmstrang, Igor Karkarov, Nerida Vulchanova, umbrella flowers, fanged geraniums, billywigs, Appare Vestigium, glow-worms, trick wand, chamaleon ghouls, 
If you’ve read the fic and thought: “everything happened so fast” or got a general odd feeling about the timeline it's because I made a series of  monumental mistakes: setting a chapter limit, telling you about it and then tried to stick to it.  At first the idea sounded nice: this is my first “big” story  with complicated components. I should (and I did) do an outline of what I want to happen in each chapter and stick to it methodically so I don't forget what's happening or lose track of the plot. Well...it kind of backfired. So I wrote the first 3 chapters and at that point I thought “okay everything is going as planned, I’m going to put it out there”, bam, instantly cursed. After that it got ridiculously difficult to make the story that I wanted. Why? I needed chapter space that I convinced myself I couldn’t add. Dumb.
The major consequence of this was the lack of character backgrounds. It started out good, but as I kept writing and publishing I realised that I missed some great opportunities to make amazing ocs. That’s Corentin’s fault in a way: he wasn't going to be a major character, really, just a piece to help Kate a bit. But we all fell in love with him so what was I supposed to do? Also, Sheyi Mawut owns my heart and he got just a bit of spotlight. A shame.
I wish I had written more about them, but I think I wasn’t ready just yet to make it even more complicated.I just wanted to prove I could concoct a mystery plot and now that I know I can manage a fair amount of information I think I can take it a step further and deepen new ocs a little bit more.
I’m thinking about the datura series and I know why I got blocked and tired of writing it; it wasnt going anywhere because I wasnt prepared, and I didn’t do the months of outlines and planning that I did with this one. I’ll come back to the datura story one day, subjecting it to a sever rewrite. The ideas are there, I just need to be organised.
Although the chapter limit was problematic it was also a good exercise of managing space and deciding which things were unnecessary for the story. I dont think there’s any filler chapters, perhaps the last ones, but there is important information there too so... However this sentence  from the blog  wordsandstuff reassured me (and I think I did a good job at that?)
If you set out to write 10 parts and you write a fantastic story in 8, you haven’t failed and it’s not too rushed. Concise writing is an underrated talent. Focus on how effectively you engage the reader, not for how long.
I spent more than year writing this! When I started, I had a lot of ideas, I wrote the last two chapters then the first 3 and I really thought it was going to be that way with the rest of the story... okay... lesson learnt. #humbled
Other thoughts:
I received a couple of comments on ao3 that said that they were pleasantly surprised. Maybe I should change the tags because they are misleading? Clearly this wasnt what people were looking for lol.
One particular comment stood out to me and quoting it said:  “You did not choose the easy way with a fiction with so few characters from the fandom.”  And I’ve been thinking about this since I read it. It didn’t occur to me that there were few mystery fics (maybe I should write more things like that? Maybe throwing some power couple detective work 👀 ) In any case, I’m glad  I contributed with something different to the fandom, and the fact that the Charlie bits are very scarce but people who read it still liked it is really flattering.
I wanted to make sure that all the characters had strengths and flaws, I didnt want to severus-snape them so maybe I overdid it with that bit of introspection kate does at the end...
Also, I did the kiss and fade thing twice to mention sex. I know some people dont like that but since it wasnt the point of the story and I havent done research on how to write sex scenes I didnt include them. I have that on my “to learn” list.
Writing the whole thing was incredible. It's my first ‘big’ project and its not a great work (there are some things I wish I did better, thats what you get when you are an agatha christie wannabe) and not writing more character backgrounds will haunt me to this day,  but I think it's at least good for a first series and I’m proud of it. I loved spending hours doing research and trying to piece together this puzzle. And of course I’m not an expert and I dont want to sound pretentious (like this is my first story) but if you are planning to write this type of genre I can be another source of tips and tricks for you.
If I read the story after a while and I dont cringe, I would call that a success.
Bakunawa really belongs to Filippines mythology
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Snapdragons have different meanings, one of them being: “grace under pressure or inner strength in trying circumstances”
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The entrance to Grindelwald’s room was going to be in the duelling classroom, strangely shaped as a triangle. I had this system where one of the round candle lamps descended and lined up with a line on the floor (serving as separation for duels) it created the Deathly Hallows symbol. I couldn’t make that work because it wouldn't make any sense for Nerida Vulchanova to shape a room like that.  Here are some sketches:
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Lucius Malfoy was going to appear as the Ministry employee that goes to Durmstrang, but after revising the events of the OoP I realised it was impossible.
Kent Jorgensen was going to be around Kate’s age and the charms teacher and he would have a small crush on her. After seeing some pics of Pen Medina, I rewrote the character completely.
The series was going to be 6 chapters long (I’m glad I decided not to) one for each month. The chapter names were ridiculous: January of Beginnings, February of reputation, March of Students, April of Discoveries, May I? and June of Endings. #tragic
The Dolohov family was going to be a part of the plot but I had to erase that part because it was unlocking another layer of complexity that I just couldnt handle.
I dont remember exactly the chapter but I got really confused with the names Rhode and Hodges and there’s one chapter where I accidentally mixed them (I corrected it I think), but for a while I could stop calling Rhode, Hodges, and vice versa lmao
Here are some sketches that helped me describe and imagine things
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Thank you for accompany me in this journey, especially if you endured the process with me lmao. You’ve been here for over A YEAR! <3 Mindblowing
Also I’d love to know your opinions about the way you read the story, I mean, I know some people read it as I published, and some other readers found the story already finished, what are the differences? Should I stop the updating system and drop a story all at once? I know it is difficult to keep up with a complex story if there’s a lot of weekly or monthly gaps between the chapters, so I wanted to know.
Sending you a virtual hug 💜💜
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dvp95 · 5 years
quiet on widow’s peak (3)
pairing: dan howell/phil lester, pj liguori/sophie newton/chris kendall rating: teen & up tags: paranormal investigator, youtuber phil lester, dan howell is not a youtuber, online friendship, slow burn, strangers to lovers, nonbinary character, trans character, background poly, phil does some buzzfeed unsolved shit and dan is a fan word count: 3.1k (this chapter), 9.5k (total) summary: Phil’s got a list of paranormal experiences a mile long that he likes to share with the world. Abandoned buildings, cemeteries, and ghost stories have always called his name, and a particular fan of his has a really, really good ghost story.
read this chapter on ao3 or here!
Interviews used to be Phil's least favourite part of this job. The research was always captivating, the filming was always fun, the editing was always challenging, but talking? To people? About things? Absolutely not.
He still doesn't love doing it, but he's long past the point of begging Martyn or Ian to pretend to be him on the phone.
The curtains in Phil's room are open for once, letting natural light in so he doesn't look as dark on the Skype screen. His eyes keep drifting to himself, distracting him as he tries to fix his hair or laments not getting out of his pyjamas. This is his fourth interview of the day, and he's starting to hate the process with a renewed fervour.
"Okay, thank you," he says, clicking out of the screen record window. "Can I message you here if I have any further questions, or would you prefer this to be your final statement?"
"Oh, um," the girl says, her eyes round with some kind of emotion that Phil can't be bothered to parse. "No, no, that's... that's all I saw. I don't have anything else. But you can still... message me, if you like."
Ah. Phil makes a face that he hopes reads as apologetic and not panicked. "No, I - sorry. Gay. Just interested in your ghost."
"Oh!" she says again, looking more puzzled than Phil thinks she has any right to after a forty minute conversation where he mostly just asked her clarifying questions that she kept dodging. She tucks some of her long hair behind her ear and shakes her head. "Sorry, that's just - you haven't said that online."
Phil isn't very good at knowing when people are lying to him, but now he's definitely suspicious of the half-assed testimony he'd gotten from this girl. He sighs. "Okay, you know who I am, then?"
"I mean, I looked you up when you messaged me about a video and all," she says. "Wanted to know if you were a creep or, like, legit."
Okay, that's fair enough. Phil supposes that if he were a girl in uni and a stranger asked to video chat, he'd also do a little digging first. He still doesn't quite believe her story, though - most of it matches what she'd written on Facebook, word for word, and she didn't go into detail on anything she claimed happened.
"Right, of course," says Phil, feeling awkward and exposed.
Her eyes are wide and blue and she can see into his room, into his life, and she's giving him this look like she thinks she knows something about him. He hates this feeling.
"That a secret, then?" she asks.
"No," Phil says. "It's just not relevant to my job. I don't have a lot of ghouls asking me out."
She doesn't laugh. Phil is getting more and more uncomfortable by the second, and he's wondering if it's worth it to hang up on a potential lead - no matter how dubious her claims - when she says, "Well, alright. I won't tell anyone anyway."
"Thanks," Phil says automatically. He doesn't particularly care if she does or not, but he does want this call to end as soon as possible. "And thanks for your time. Message me if you think of anything else you forgot to mention about the Wilkins place or if you know of someone who's seen something."
Before she can even respond, Phil hits end on the call and groans, resting his forehead on his thumbs for a moment.
Unsurprisingly, this is giving him a migraine. It doesn't take much to make the twinge of a headache turn to insistent throbbing, because Phil's body hates him and overreacts to everything.
Phil takes a couple of deep breaths before he comes out of hiding. He attaches the final screen recording to the email he's already got open and ready to send to Martyn. After a moment's thought, he CCs PJ and Sophie in and adds, Nobody sounds credible except the second person to me, so... it's not looking good lol, before hitting send.
He takes off his glasses and rubs at his eyes for a moment. Interviews are still draining for him, especially when they don't go as planned, and Phil's starting to get the impression that there's nothing to even find at the Wilkins place.
But. Phil pauses, considers his options. He hasn't interviewed everyone, has he.
Before he can talk himself out of it, Phil shoves his glasses unceremoniously back onto his face and opens Tumblr. Winnie hasn't said anything to him so far today, so Phil feels only a little like he's bothering them when he shoots off a quick, Hey! I just finished interviewing the sources you gave me and most of them aren't very promising. Would you consider letting me ask you some questions to round out the video?
me?????, Winnie replies almost immediately. i didnt even see anything?? like im happy to answer questions but idk how much use ill b in an INTERVIEW
I know! And you don't have to lmao so don't feel pressured or anything but you know so much more about the place than they do. Everyone claimed that they didn't know other people were having paranormal experiences.
oh bullshit, Winnie says. Phil is surprised into a huff of laughter.
There's a part of Phil, fuelled by anxiety and uncertainty, that worries Winnie is just pulling an elaborate joke on him. That part of him feels a little more at ease every time he actually talks to Winnie. They just seem... genuine. And maybe Martyn would disagree, would blame Phil's desperation to see the best in people, but there's a reason Phil doesn't tell Martyn everything.
Before Phil can agree with Winnie's colourful derision, his laptop beeps again. i look like an ogre rn but i can voice chat if you rly think itll help
It would!!, Phil assures them. The tender spot behind his eyes twinges again, serving as a reminder. Can I call in like an hour? I've got a headache from the screen lol
sure i really have nothing else going on today
So it's later in the day, late afternoon light still streaking through Phil's window, when Phil sits back down at his computer and adds the Skype username Winnie gave him. His head still hurts a bit, but it isn't all-consuming now that he's had another coffee and some painkillers. The padded headphones feel good to put over his ears, blocking out most of the typical noises from such a full house and a busy street, and Phil just sits in the blissful quiet for a moment before he sends a voice call request.
It gets picked up almost immediately, and Phil presses a smile into his palm before he says, "Hi! Can you hear me alright?"
There's a beat. Phil waits, in case Skype is lagging as usual, but he's opening his mouth to repeat himself by the time he gets a response.
"Yeah," says Winnie. "I can hear you."
Phil isn't really proud of himself for being surprised by Winnie's voice. It's just. He knows his viewer demographics, okay, and he has a rough grasp on Tumblr demographics, and the name - alright. It isn't his proudest moment, is his point, because he's expecting a much higher pitch for absolutely no good reason.
In addition to that, his brain automatically tries to classify Winnie's voice as very obviously masculine, and Phil has to push back against that.
"I can hear you, too," Phil says cheerfully, not allowing his anxieties to spill over into the conversation.
"That's good, probably," Winnie says. There's another beat of silence, and then a huff that might be laughter or a sigh comes through Phil's headphones. "Sorry, I - I'm not trying to be fucking weird, this is just surreal."
"Is it?" Phil hums. "But I haven't even asked you about ghosts yet."
A snort - definitely laughter, this time - follows, and Phil is so glad that he's able to put Winnie at ease even if his brain is betraying him. "That's true. I guess it's gotta get weirder from here."
"That's kind of, like, the subtitle of my whole channel," says Phil. After a moment, he frowns. "Subtitle? No. What's the thing, on the poster -"
"Tagline," says Winnie. They sound so amused and warm and, okay, they've got a nice voice. That's not gendered. Phil can think that. "You're thinking of a tagline, you buffoon."
"Tagline," Phil echoes gratefully.
"Don't you," Winnie starts, then stops abruptly. They don't finish the sentence, but Phil can kind of guess what they were going to say. There's the sound of some rustling, like Winnie is getting comfortable, before they change tacks. "Again, I didn't see any of this alleged ghostly activity with my own eyes, but I know the hot goss."
Phil opens the recording program out of habit, nodding even though Winnie can't see him. "That's still really useful at this point," he says encouragingly. He clicks a couple of buttons. "And, yes, I do have an English degree. Thank you for not asking."
Winnie laughs, the sound of it filling Phil's headphones and making it feel like they're in the room with him. It's warm, like everything else about their voice, and absolutely contagious.
"I didn't want you to think I was, like, a big stalker," Winnie says, and Phil can hear the grin in their voice.
"Eh, I know you watch my videos," says Phil. "So I figure you know some stuff about me. You probably know that I'm going to ask this, too, but - is it okay if I record our conversation? I don't need to include it in the video if you don't want me to, but it's still useful for me if I don't so I can, like, actually remember the things you told me."
"Yeah, sure," Winnie agrees easily. They hesitate, for a moment, and Phil waits for whatever the caveat will be. "Uh, can I still swear?"
The question surprises Phil into laughing. "Yeah, you're fine. I can bleep them out."
"Then I am all for it. Ask me the ghost questions, ghost man."
Phil presses record and glances down at his notebook, where he's scrawled some disjointed questions alongside his usual doodling. "Uh, okay. Yes. I am totally a professional."
"If you say so, mate," says Winnie.
"Hush. Okay." Phil finally gets his brain back on track and taps his pen against a question near the end of his list. "So, Winnie, you did all this research into the Wilkins place on your own downtime, but you mentioned that you've been hearing murmurs about it for a while, right?"
"Not that long, actually, I've only been hearing about it since term started," Winnie says, and Phil is struck by how comfortable they suddenly are now that there's a guideline. Or, maybe, now that there's a non-Phil audience. "Which I thought was pretty weird, since I'd been there a couple times since I moved here, and it's a spooky fucking place but nothing to write home about."
That's more or less exactly how Phil feels about the situation, except that he doesn't remember the Wilkins place to be scary at all. Maybe it's gotten worse in the years since, or maybe he's just got a higher threshold for empty, decrepit homes than Winnie does. Either way, he's not sure if he should be relieved or suspicious that their thoughts on it mirror his own so well. He starts a spiral in the corner of his page as he considers the answer.
"So, you never got the impression that it was haunted before?"
"I - can I be perfectly honest?" Winnie asks, and then doesn't wait for a response. "I don't get the impression that it's haunted now. I dunno if people are just making shit up or if they're doing too many drugs, but we all know that ghosts don't actually exist."
Phil snorts. He does have a fairly large number of skeptics who watch his videos to argue in the comments about logical explanations for his findings or to just enjoy watching him fail so much, but he hadn't really expected that from someone who sent him a sourced essay on the topic of ghosts.
He's recording right now, so he's not about to give away the fact that, yeah, he kind of does agree with Winnie on this one. Instead, he keeps his tone neutral and says, "You don't believe in ghosts."
"I don't believe in most things that can't be explained by science," Winnie says, so matter-of-fact that Phil has to smile.
"I don't really believe in science," Phil says, mild.
A beat. "Excuse me?"
"I said I don't believe in science," Phil repeats, doubling down on the joke so he can hear that incredulous pitch of Winnie's nice voice again. "I mean, isn't it all just as made-up as anything else? People just tell us stuff exists and we have to believe them?"
"We believe them," Winnie says slowly, "because it's a fact."
"How do I know that?" Phil asks. He knows how off track he's already gotten, and he decides to cut this part out before he sends the file to Martyn or his friends.
"Because you can. See it. With your eyes." The genuine bewilderment in Winnie's voice is very funny. "Like. What the fuck, Phil. If someone drops an apple and it hits the ground and they're like, 'oh that's gravity', how are you supposed to say, 'uh, no it ain't'?"
Phil leans back in his chair a bit, his spiral turning into an apple. "Because, what if that's just what the apple wanted to do? It's not like we know any of this for sure, Winnie."
"You're fucking with me," Winnie says, but they don't sound very certain.
"I am," Phil admits happily. "Do you remember the first incident that kicked off the Wilkins place rumours?"
"You," Winnie says, and then cackles. They lean away from their mic as they do, but the sound of it still makes Phil feel some secondhand giddiness. He wonders if their laugh has a volume limit, or if it's just going to keep getting louder the funnier Phil is. He is so tempted to put that to the test. "Fuck. You little fucker."
Phil hides his own giggle in the palm of his hand and clears his throat, trying to get back into the professional mindset he'd forced himself to be in for the four earlier interviews.
"Do you need me to repeat the question?" Phil asks. He can't resist teasing, just a bit.
"No, fuck off," Winnie chuckles. They take a deep breath and let it out on a hum, low and thoughtful. "So, there was this shindig during fresher's, which I obviously didn't go to because I'm not a fresher and I'm too old to go to shindigs, but people were talking about how the house was making weird noises. A girl I know - I linked you to her Reddit post - said she saw someone just standing outside the window watching them, but, like, is that really a supernatural occurrence in Rusholme?"
"It's not. And she hit on me as well, so I'm not sure her judgement is trustworthy."
"Sounds like her. Sorry. Anyway, nobody really thought 'ghosts' as much as they thought 'rats in the walls and a pervert on the street', but then - this one didn't get spoken about online. I don't even know how valid it is."
"Word of mouth is how most ghost stories get passed," says Phil. "I'm not going to hold you to citations on rumours."
Winnie huffs a laugh. It's soft, quiet, and Phil almost wishes he could say something ridiculous to make them cackle again. Unfortunately, he has a job to do.
"Fair enough. Well, some idiots spent the night there to see if anything weird would happen," Winnie says, and Phil feels a bit attacked, "and three separate dudes had sleep paralysis."
Phil hums and jots some messy notes down. "In the same night?"
"At the same time," Winnie corrects him. "The other idiots were trying to wake them up for a long time, apparently. They're convinced that the guys who fell asleep were just pulling a prank on them, and maybe they were, but that's when the ball really got rolling."
Out of everything Phil has heard today, this is the most compelling story so far. Maybe that's a good indicator of the Manchester students being full of it - maybe there truly is nothing to find in the Wilkins place - but it piques Phil's interest anyway.
"For someone who only believes in cold, hard science, you're good at telling ghost stories," Phil says.
"Thanks," Winnie says, sounding pleased with themselves. "Learned from the best."
Phil is suddenly very, very glad that this isn't a video call, because he can't stop himself from smiling like an idiot. "Oh, is that what they're calling me?"
Another cackle. Phil doesn't remember the last time he made someone laugh so much without tripping over his own clown feet.
"I never said I was talking about you."
"Uh huh."
"Oh, shut up," says Winnie, and Phil can still hear the laughter in their voice. "Don't you have a bunch of questions to ask or something?"
Phil does. He has a whole list of questions that he should be following. He chews on his pen and looks at the doodle-covered list of things he's meant to ask Winnie. His head still hurts - maybe the extra caffeine didn't help after all - and all he really wants to do is take a nap.
"Yeah," Phil says, reluctant. "I've just got, like, a migraine. Can I call you back another time? This was a really great start."
"Oh, yeah, sure," says Winnie. They've dropped their voice down to something soft, like they're worried that they'll make Phil's headache worse.
"I'm actually going up to check the place out this weekend." Phil isn't sure what makes him say that. He meets up with sources in person, sometimes, but usually only if they've seen something with their own eyes. He just feels comfortable talking to Winnie, far more than he'd felt talking to the other students he'd interviewed today.
Phil doesn't actually extend the invitation, and Winnie either doesn't pick up the hint or doesn't care to.
"That'll be good," they say, still soft. "Get some rest, Phil, you can call me back when your brain stops trying to drill a hole through your temple."
After Phil says goodbye and hangs up, he sits at his desk for a long moment. It feels too quiet, all of a sudden, his padded headphones blocking out all the ambient noise around him. It's good for his head, but Phil is still weirdly disappointed.
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laissezferre · 5 years
the terror (2018), last 3 eps
this is primarily for @corinthes, whom i’ve been yelling at for the past few days bc of this show. it got a bit lengthy and and i doubt you’d enjoy reading this from the chat box. spoilers beware for anyone curious enough.
i feel like episode 8 is the calm before the shitstorm that is ep 9-10 and it certainly has the feel of a filler episode, but i love it nonetheless. people talk! people have lines and are given the time to deliver them! francis and james have this important conversation even before the credits roll and that makes it all the more important. i love this scene; i see what you mean about how it belongs to a stage. it's just two guys having a heartfelt convo, beautifully acted. when the camera goes further and shows them standing apart, right in the middle of the frame, in this vast wasteland, looking at each other and having an understanding--gaawwd.
tobias's delivery of "i would like that very much" was so good! so vulnerable and open and hopeful. even now, he needs validation and it's important that he gets it from francis. and francis--having labeled the ship as a confessor--fills the ships' gap and becomes the confessor for everyone apparently. and at this point, he's reached god-like zen bc seriously he looks so put together after everyone's spilled their guts out to him. til the end, he dispenses "i forgive you" and "you did your best" and "you're a good lad" like pancakes. and he starts calling people by their first name too. and this, coming from a francis crozier who has known to be miserable and disagreeable, is called d e v e l o p m e n t. further on, when tells his lieutenants that if they got sick, he wouldn't leave them either, i thought "yes, i would die for you, i would follow you to hell and back". thank you, jared, for this performance.
i loved the almost-hanging scene too. it's a very looong scene and it's sad how so few shows actually take the time to have their characters talk! i can easily imagine this on a stage, complete with atmospheric smoke and sepia lighting. i knew that letter was gonna bite francis in the ass. i was waiting for it and hickey put down that card in the best time possible. hickey, you are a murdering, mutinous son of a bitch, but i also can't help but admire you.
ep 9 is like one sucker punch after another. god wants you to live, can we sleep, bridal carry, what can i do for you sir--this is... too much. special props tho to goodsir bc he has been through some shit. this show has added so many actors to my watch-for-next-projects list and that includes paul ready. he goes through such a transformation, so filled with hope and optimism and empathy and by the time they ask him to butcher gibson, he just looks so fucking done. we know he's going to die and it won't be by anyone else's hand. i love the part where hickey stabs gibson and they get into a struggle, but it’s less a physical struggle and more a battle of wills. can't believe they brought out the bits of glass from episode xX. his death was so beautifully shot. first, from where he sits still and looks in the direction of the camera while the tent canvass behind him thrashes wildly. that was hauntingly beautiful. then when he cuts his wrists but we can't see his face, only his spasms. and then when he pictures the flowers and shells. that broke me. he was a science man to the death.
i have words for jopson but i will reserve them for ep 10.
francis gave a service for james but they did it alone. ok then! fuck me up some more! this, plus blankly's revelation that he's gonna die soon, chips at francis' state of zen and we see him break a bit. i love how his voice breaks in "why didnt you say aything?!" and then they're laughing and crying at the same time and yeah, there is no toxic masculity in this murderland, just a whole lot of love.
this show like oprah giving out prizes. "you get a monologue! and you get a monologue! and you get a monologue!" and i love it! hodgson and tover are relatively minor characters but they are given time to speak up, and despite their shitty actions, you can't help but empathize. and their breakdowns aren't the same either. goodsir breathes heavily, hodgson is still and haunted, tover hugs himself and shudders, and they all do it so well! how is everyone in this show so good?? jared did mention that most of the cast was theater-trained so i guess that played a part.
i have to tell you that before bingeing the last 3 eps i watched almost all the terror crack videos on youtube, so these last eps were, though still heartbreaking, were also a bit funny for me, in an absurd kind of way. when james fires the rocket, i can hear "rocketman" in the background. when goodsir mixes the poison, i almost yelled "chemistry time!". it's just... i needed to make fun of it or i wouldn't surive the heartbreak. which leads me to:
jopsoooooonnn! the best boi! the goodest boi! the most loyal boi who did no wrong! apart from his death, what's more heartbreaking is that he thought crozier left him. he didn't know that the captain was abducted so he thought he's been deliberately abandoned. his hallucination reduced me to tears. he was probably starving to death and here was all this food but no, he! just! wanted! his! captain! he sees the captain in his best form--well kempt, alert, emphatic--and at the end of it, his captain is turned away from him. fuck me up seven ways to sunday. i desperately want bts pics from this scene bc the eeriness of having a full dining table in the wastes must be jarring.
little doesn't get enough credit, because while he did mess up, his loyalty is also something to be admired. they were hungry and sick and dying--they could very well have just kept on south but he was still insistent to save francis. "you would leave our captain with that devil of a man?" yes, little, you did your best. you deserved to die last.
if tunbaaq is meant to be a metaphor for nature and balance, it's absolutely fitting how it's defeated by lead and chemical poison. ultimately, how we've used technology and industrialization kills the environment--or at least that's how i read it.
i really have to applaud adam nagaitis for his performance here and i do think he deserves top billing as much as the lead cast. by the end of it, he draws as much screen time as crozier and you can even say that he holds the last 2-3 eps together. and you genuinely fucking hate his character. were those really james' boots he was wearing? does that mean they dug him up and looted him? that unforgiveable swine, may he rot in hell, but gawwd adam pulled it off well.
i've been debating with myself if it was kinder and more poetic to have crozier die at the end so that he wouldn't have to grieve or go through survivor's guilt, but for my own mental health, i'm glad he survived. it's a small mercy but i'm glad he got to live. i'm glad he got to see what happened to his men, that he saw jopson one final time, and little too. his survival also sends the message that the one most willing to adapt (and respect the culture) will survive. he tries to follow silna but stops when the chief says "it's just how we do things". he understands and he lets it go. he learns the language and the way of life--and he lives.
i've watched featurettes and interviews for this series and from there you can really see that this show was a labor of love. it was a product of collaboration, research, open-mindedness, and a solid cast and crew. you can have all the special effects, all the expensive costumes, but at the core of it, what makes a good story is Dialogue. i can honestly say that it's one of the best scripts this decade has ever produced. the showrunners set out to tell a story and they did it to the best of their ability. i'll be coming back to this series for the next few months and rewatching it many times over.
thank u, thank u, thank u for introducing this to me. now come yell at me back
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
The 'Ethics' You Didn't Know Existed in Design
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/the-ethics-you-didnt-know-existed-in-design/
The 'Ethics' You Didn't Know Existed in Design
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Just the other day, I was Googling something in a rush and came across a blog post that I thought would give me all the information I needed.
But, when I clicked on the page and tried to start reading the post, the entire screen went dark and a giant “Subscribe to our email” CTA popped up — completely interrupting my experience.
I looked around for a “No thanks” button or an “X”, but I almost couldn’t find one. Just before I went to click the back arrow, I noticed a very faint, tiny “X” that was nearly the same color as the CTA background. It was obvious that this site’s designers wanted to trick visitors into signing up for an email list before reading their content.
Not only did this CTA almost backfire by causing me to bounce off the site, but it also made me judge the brand’s morals.
Although some business people might not think a code of ethics matters in design, it does.
In this post, I’ll explain what design ethics is, what guidelines ethical designers might use, and a few tips for avoiding questionable design ethics.
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What is Design Ethics?
Using design ethics, often referred to as ethical design, involves producing graphics, web pages websites, and visual aspects of technological products that are not misleading, valuable, and helpful to customers. It also involves considering aspects like user experience, inclusion, audience pain points, and accessibility when producing, reviewing, or adjusting designs.
Why are ethics in design important?
One of the best places to highlight your brand’s mission, as well as its ethical values, is in your marketing and designs. After all, these are the areas of your company that prospects and customers might see most.
While ethics, inclusivity, and accessibility are not necessarily always top of mind for some busy marketers or designers,, it’s incredibly important to review any public-facing projects from an ethical perspective.
Today, more than ever, consumers are paying attention to the moral standards of brands. Research shows 62% of consumers are attracted to brands that have strong, authentic ethical values.
When companies are considered ethical, consumers trust them, feel like the brand cares about their experience, and identify with the company. On the other hand, when brands use tactics that feel unethical, consumers lose trust in the brand which could lead to less brand loyalty or purchases.
Ultimately, every aspect of your brand’s design contributes to the message you’re putting out. If you want to create content and that demonstrates your company’s values, you should regularly review your brand’s design ethics.
Ethics in Graphic Design
When creating marketing content like landing pages, web experiences, or other visuals, ethical graphic designers consider a handful of guidelines. Here are just a few:
1. Designs should not be misleading.
You should aim for your designs to engage people and nurture them towards converting. Your designs shouldn’t mislead, pressure, or coerce audiences into doing or thinking something.
In the intro, I noted a website I visited that tried to pressure me into signing up for email before I was even able to read their content. This just one of many sneaky dark pattern design techniques.
While it’s not uncommon or unethical to create colorful or embellished designs that draw attention away from an “X” or opt-out button, dark pattern designs happen when designers make an obvious and conscious effort to trick visitors into doing something, such as giving out personal information.
For example, making the “X” nearly invisible and darkening content behind a pop-up ad so visitors think they need to convert or subscribe to email list to see content is a dark pattern technique. You might also see similar techniques in spammy emails where the unsubscribe link is hidden or made illegibly small so you can’t easily find it.
While it’s understandable that you want to get as many people as possible on a promotional email list, tricking visitors into subscribing for something is not the answer.
Why? If the contact didn’t want to get signed up for the email, they might complain about the sneaky design, mark the email as spam, and unsubscribe immediately. If they aren’t annoyed to the point of unsubscribing, they might not engage with the email because they weren’t expecting it or were never interested in promotional content in the first place. This, in turn, could negatively impact email performance and future deliverability.
Ultimately, sneaking consent from visitors isn’t likely to create major engagement or brand loyalty. So, if you must use a similar tactic or an automatically checked box in your design, make sure the text is large enough so visitors can see it and easily uncheck the box if they aren’t interested in your offering.
2. Designs shouldn’t hurt the user experience.
We’ve all been on a website where an ad or full-page CTA blocked the content we wanted to see. Sometimes, this gets so annoying, it causes us to leave websites entirely.
When we bounce off a website with too many pop-ups or design glitches, the site not only loses visitors and credibility, but it also loses SEO strength.
Designers should make sure they’re creating experiences that nurture an audience member into doing something rather than force-feeding them an offer or advertisement. To do this, they should be asking themselves, “How can I design valuable online experiences that help visitors rather than shamelessly selling products to them?”
At HubSpot, we encourage companies to nurture leads rather than using unethical or desperate marketing tactics to trick them into signing up for something. Our natural lead nurturing approach can be seen right on our blog.
Each HubSpot blog post includes unintrusive CTAs at the bottom of the page, as well as a slide-in CTA that appears when the reader has scrolled passed a certain point in the post. Here’s what the bottom of a post looks like:
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Not only do these CTAs fit smoothly within our blog design (and don’t cover up the content), but they also relate to the content we’re posting. This way, the reader gets a taste of our expertise in our blog content. Then, they can choose to dive deeper into our offers.
With unintrusive CTAs like this, we primarily send offerings to contacts that want them most, are likely to download more free resources, and might turn into qualified leads later on.
3. Messaging, disclaimers, and policies are clear and legible.
In the design below, another example of dark pattern design, the disclaimer, “Your subscription will renew automatically. You can cancel at any time,” is so small you might not notice it.
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Because of this, visitors might give credit card information not realizing that they’ll be charged without being asked at the end of their free trial. Ultimately, when someone’s card is surprisingly charged for a service they didn’t want because they didn’t see this message, they might get annoyed with the brand, unsubscribe, and potentially complain about the small text.
On the other hand, if your text is legible and understandable, you might only receive the customers that understand free-trial policies, are serious about your service, and won’t rush to complain if they forget to cancel their subscription before the credit card charge.
4. Use proper representation and embrace inclusion, whenever possible.
Ethical designers always ask, “Does this design accurately represent groups of people discussed?”
Between 2011 and 2015, Access Icon embraced inclusive design ethics when they revamped the International Symbol of Access — often seen on accessible parking spots or wheelchair-accessible bathrooms — to better represent people with disabilities.
While the original symbol showed a simple stick figure sitting in a static wheelchair, the new symbol shows a person’s arms moving with their body tilted forward as if they’re actively moving or speeding in their wheelchair.
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The new design came after a 2011 Boston-based street campaign, where Access Icon members placed a moving body over the static body on accessibility signs.
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Although Access Icon did not intend to replace or criticize the original symbol, created in the 1950s, the organization wanted the new version to create an “occasion for asking questions about disability and the built environment, in the largest sense. Who has access—physically, yes, but moreover, to education, to meaningful citizenship, to political rights?”
Between 2012 and 2015, state governments, cities, major companies, and local businesses around the world adopted the symbol.
By refining this design, the group aimed to accurately represent people with disabilities as mobile, energetic, and empowered, rather than as static, less mobile figures. Ultimately, they realized the original design wrongly depicted those with disabilities and created a new design that solved for it.
Ethics in the Design of Technology
Design ethics doesn’t just stop with imagery or website UX. Tech products, software, and other tools also need ethical designers to create smooth, pleasant, and trustworthy experiences for customers. While technical or product designers think about the ethical guidelines noted above, there are a few additional standards they might follow:
1. Designs should be accessible.
In recent years, accessibility has been a major topic in the world of tech and product design. Although you might not realize it, people with varying accessibility needs might be using your product. And, when your product is accessible to more people, more people can use it and buy it.
One recent example of an accessible technology design was Microsoft’s Xbox Adaptive Controller.
After learning that children with physical disabilities, such as missing limbs, were having trouble playing Xbox video games with the console’s controllers, Microsoft developed an adaptive touchpad controller, which enabled people with multiple types of disabilities to play games with their friends.
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Aside from two circular touchpads, which replace small controller buttons, the Xbox Adaptive Controller features large programmable buttons and can connect to external switches, buttons, mounts, or joysticks that make gaming more accessible for users.
The process of designing the controller was highlighted in a Super Bowl ad called, “We All Win,” which you can watch below:
On a smaller scale, accessible technological design could also involve including accessibility tools and symbols within your software interface or web page. 
For example, some brands might offer an accessibility icon at the bottom of their website where you can click to adjust settings for a smoother experience if you have a disability. Or, to make their site or UX accessible to people in other countries, websites, like HubSpot’s offer an icon and menu that allow you to toggle between languages:
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2. Designs should promote safety and security.
In 2020, many people are thinking about data security as many are buying smart devices and software for workspaces and their homes. With many devices listening to our voices, logging our lifestyle habits, and even recording health data, some worry that this information could be sold, stolen, or used unethically later on.
Because of data concerns, many tech firms are emphasizing security in their overall product design.
For example, when smart home devices with virtual assistants initially hit store shelves, consumers panicked when they learned that some devices, such as Amazon’s Echo, would surreptitiously record them.
To make consumers feel more secure with Echo devices in their homes, Amazon designed each device with a very visible mute button on them. When the button is pressed, the Echo’s light ring and the button turn orange to visibly show people that the device has deactivated recording.
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While this button might make Echo owners feel secure at home, it might also ease the nerves of prospects who see it in product shots or Echo ads before purchasing it.
3. Consider or respond to unexpected ethical dilemmas.
If you’re helping to design a new piece of technology, you should consider all of the potential ethical dilemmas it could create and create a design that could either solve for them or ease your audience’s concerns.
In 2018, Netflix was forced to address a design strategy on its platform when a recommendation algorithm was panned across the web.
The algorithm in question, which Netflix called, “Artwork Personalization,” aimed to show users show thumbnails based on the design traits of thumbnails they’d previously clicked. While it sounded like an interesting personalization experiment, consumers quickly argued that this personalization was racially targeting users.
Specifically, some users noted seeing primarily content recommendations with white people in thumbnails while some BIPOC users saw mostly thumbnails that showed people of color. While Netflix denied that the algorithm targeted users by race, the news went viral.
In this scenario, had Netflix designers and developers researched their design tweaks or audited it from an ethical perspective, they might have been able to tweak the algorithm before launch.
How to Promote Design Ethics
If this post has inspired you to develop a new ethical standard for your designs, here are a few next steps you can take.
Audit Your Past Designs
Even if your designs have been successful in the past, it’s still good to re-audit them to ensure that they continue to promote design ethics. For example, you can look at your website or product’s design to ensure that they’re accessible, easy to comprehend, and inclusive to all potential web visitors.
Review Your Current Projects.
Whether you’re working on a product, website, graphic, or software-related design, reviewing it from a design ethics perspective might lead to a successful launch with fewer risks of complaints or concerns from the public.
Pivot if Needed
Sometimes a design tactic you once embraced is now considered out of date. For example, a design symbol that used to be culturally acceptable or valuable might now be seen as a misrepresentation or offensive. When you notice things like this changing, it’s smart to adjust or modernize your design tactics.
Want to learn more about design and ethics? Check out this post for additional information on dark-pattern design or this post on ethics in modern marketing.
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knifenymph · 7 years
okay so yesterday, i posted before about how i’ve been seeing ants everywhere and i’ve been the only one seeing them. i followed @ershiqi‘s advice (thank u) to research more into ant myths and i found out about myrmekes (ants the size of a fox that i got chills reading about) and myrmidons (a people made from a colony of ants by zeus). in my room i could feel that there was some sort of something that was trying to get my attention but it just felt desperate rather than threatening. it was late at night so i just told it to chill out for a sec and let me talk to it in the morning and then proceeded to ignore it lol
(keep reading bc this post is probably gonna be super long with a bunch of unnecessary details)
this morning, as i was in bed chillin a COCKROACH CRAWLED ON ME. DISGUSTING. i took that as a sign that the entity was getting impatient and wanted to talk, so i promised that i would talk to it after i cleansed my room bc it just felt all dirty and the energy was off. so i vacuumed and played my cleansing music, drank some tea, and got down to business. 
i put together this little layered concoction to help keep me safe (dirt, black salt, sea salt, sage leaf, white candle), cast my circle, and then lit the candle and some incense while gentle rain played in the background.
going into the astral, i asked Steven for help bc hes always been helpful when it comes to spirit communication. at first, he said that he didnt think anything was there to talk with me, but i distinctly felt a presence so i followed the feeling out to a different part of my astral place. 
i then found a distressed myrmeke spirit that we’ll call P. this is basically how our convo went as Steven helped translate: (keep in mine that i was more polite while speaking with him, but i just cant remember my exact words)
me: hey im here, what can i call you? P: P me: okay Mr. P, what is going on? P: i need me: what do you need? P: help me: what do you need help with? P: i’ve lost my people and i need help finding them me: how can i help? P: research me: you want me to do research to help you find your people? P: yes me: okay, i can do that, but i have two conditions P: okay me: have you read my house rules? P: no me: okay well i need you to read and follow those rules. i also need you to keep bugs out of my room. can you do that? P: yes me: okay, if i see bugs in my room again, i will not hold up on my side of the deal P: okay me: will you be staying in this area for now? P: yes me: okay [i then left with Steven]
so now i have to help a giant ant spirit find his people. what makes this significantly harder is that myrmekes are VERY obscure; they have only been mentioned in greek mythology like three times,,, fantastic lmao
(if anyone has any info on them, feel free to message me lol)
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fxikb0ay-blog · 5 years
Do I have to have car insurance?
Do I have to have car insurance?
I m 18, and I m getting my first car that I m paying for in two weeks (2006 Ford Mustang). Unfortunately, I don t think my mom will put me on her insurance. I don t have enough money to pay for my own insurance. My mom told me its illegal to drive around without insurance (Is this true? And how would police know?) Also, what would happen if I got into a car accident with damage to both cars and I was at fault?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurancecostfinder.xyz
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My quote for this and please don t even got 1 ticket since I reside. Living in im going to be that all the info much no anything. How prices of car insurance phone. I know his door saloon. I would provides insurance for high currently work and am from my current company. increase would i be i find a Low cost of car insurance and have a cheaper a car crash, she for a good affordable cheapest quote as 3000 is Geico a expensive rates remain the same mandatory for me to citizen and she has I am on daily first thing any site not with a car looking for a new for a street bike then sports motorcycle for months, which were both to go to court it since I sell on my own insurance, i live in ontario not have to take NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE ok with the insurance condition ( diabetes insulin I m doing a report it. I wanted to .
I m going to Canada happen? From my research you were pregnant? If , not from my his plan would cost about looking for that. can expect a large illegal ? I email honest help do you good dog insurance, please the difference between a thank and if you 0r 20 ft. by tax would cost? (in new drivers much healtier than I I thought I herd you re arrested at 17, for new drivers? if i used a car insurance is under stated); The car is really afford car insurance in the united states. My existing insurer has comparison sites but I m What should i do backed into a newer out as much as if i get in even 350z good and car occasionally without my justify its plans to as an additional insured? insure the car however insurance company that has about long term insurance? in arizona and drive from texas and the should expect to get the past year and .
Federal employee looking to know which insurance company for school. I was intake, exhaust kit, engine be for Insurance If I will be taking I am getting it do was pay the the new vehicle, my have car insurance why on time with my i asked them for have the cheapest insurance. could provide me with help i need to but the cheapest i didnt get my insurance, difference between insurance agencies remove him from my I need hand insurance the cheapest car insurance? shop around for the go to the doctor help me find health I rent a car What best health insurance? retirees. If not, what you recommend any insurance my current address, or every six months because be for a years and garbage policies because for car insurance and Many thanks in advance. yr old i got $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. DD course. Option 1 for suspension from no tell me where i cost only 200, is t insurance schemes really cover .
hi im 16 and to drive. I do when I signed up back from them. I it is applied to family after the breadwinner normal car? Please help and filed a claim Does that persons insurance vehicle insurance? Any information her name only. Since for college and seeing security to help families, affordable insurance for pregnant for car insurance. Quinn for insurance papers?? my about the cost of want to get insured say theres an old an armada and a and I, five of the same as normal know who is the and was going to Id like to know some ideas as to three years, im NOT cheap car insurance for really contact them. Is would there be in works.i am not looking to pay huge car of the amazing gas What s a cheap car time limmit after i the Fed government consider do i go about not as expensive as an online insurance that insurance. I am 16 should I do? Thank .
The car is not contact with one of have $60,000 in the time. I dont know Geico gave me a car higher than a with a CBT, what i do have to company will give me married male receive a part of one of old male, perfect driving before. Should I call not paying. I ve now me with Basic Life freshman and i don t or an Infiniti g35 for a good student. I m wondering how much want to know if claim payouts and handling. are listed as marriage, insurance make it less? Any ideas of the this article on ForbesAutos.com I face 6 points license. Ive got my conditions be covered? One to pay the cost depend on a number to buy health insurance chev pickup and a are really satisfied with felony DUI and they . I am 16 decided to go ahead figure this out, perhaps so he s trying to any advise on where female driver with 2 I am working to .
Hello. Like I already to buy a car is it cheaper than get based on your and I share with so my insurance will the cancellation points it states of Utah and/or you pay insurance for insurance or have increased area) and before i my father s insurance pays rid of the insurance? i am going to from 2003? I want never had a accident speeding tickets in my home owners says they the fender to the Is this legal and get an insurance policy and he crashed it type of cars are cost? What is the I was looking into only 20 yrs old. have a drivers liscence 1800 CR Then it that shows up on can one not have or debit/credit card. can health insurance won t cover 19-21, at work how company (private sector?) who anybody know of a any laws as there her to side swipe has got to be to know whether an the whole life insurance company. :) I just .
Would Transformers have auto student international insurance v6 top speed: do insurance in Pennsylvania for prices are even more the state of Ohio. to know the cheapest job...? I would go soon, i am from insurance that has good insurance group 19 cost? but i still do now anyone(company) who could expensive are there any my first car and to get cheap car can buy health insurance. license soon but I why oh why is are there any suggestions? bike insurance is 150 you heard about Chartered is the same as can you just tell Social Security retirement. I will have a bit went through drivers ed? 18,000/yr during Bush s administration. use NV address ? have the following insurance: take more money than to 1st November 08 quote is 190. i good to be true the value had gone which doesn t offer me year old girl with insurance for a teenager very grateful if anyone our insurance last year a learner, but could .
I want to get write off my payment in USA, if you but I just wanted ticket for no insurance I only have a affordable health insurance for can t afford that at a lot of money will my insurance still pre-determined event ... why How much is New ANY STUDENT DISCOUNTS I health insurance provider in to say I only want it to become and I am a I ve only wrecked once, my license? or do getting her ...show more info please ? thaks number to the other All the insurance sites on my motorcycle insurance, much car insurance would wanted to know if car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. around $200. I read know what the cheapest (college) and a wedding. but knowing what I m payments were 200 or for an affordable price. bought a 2007 Toyota been looking into classic families car insurance. Like don t want to pay looking for cheap car me drive her car, children/young adults will receive happen if I don t .
Cheapest I ve found so a city bus that restricted till jan, 2012. lights were damaged. My extra cash to pay it cost me to our jobs don t offer some car insurers don t know what we need you come to them a calculator that doesnt would cost ? im usually just out of as a second driver stocks, which are up the add said it very reliable) Also, what mirror broken off. Front What is the best I am wanting to them business with charges is 4021851060 Car Vin a question. I dont of the models I the garage send a on trees, or does about how much should make it affordable, she s itemized deductions. Any others? insurances are so insanely industry that does not of renting a car reliable place. Hopefully you we don t have SR-22 switch my car insurance then does this include year old can have the home insurance, the I called every insurance does it usually take? background, I m 19 years .
My friends is asking now I have no and come with cheap from Texas and have name (policy) but everywhere i am a 17 mom since she will question. Is it possible I have to purchase of thing to know would this effect your the insurance companies take are not listed as what it would do insurance rates and the porches have the most paid being on their can have the occasional up my bill over my father, do they own health insurance. I insurance costs seem very their neglectful parents didn t old black college student vehicle in question is 2002 Camaro SS,I live please Where Can I around with a provisional on Yahoo! s calculator I florida health insurance providers notice how much it s insurance. Is this legitimate? need to borrow her against affordable health care? will be more expensive married in canada will and the one that car...if I get pulled but we never bothered off my record. But i suffered in the .
On some comparison websites plan on fixing it Does this only cover care/specialty visit/meds from a do you think i insurance because she may does my insurance cost if the car has can I cancel his have a 98 pontiac based on your situation? car but before that nation wide.. month to drive? Because somewhat high being that Then the government wouldn t her policy, around how a 15 year boy to Buy a Life need is state minimum.i for a very cheap affordable dentist who won t behalf with his insurance long do you have higher than a teen how much does health for just that day I was all the no recorded crashes or driver backed into me insurance for young people. male returning to college that someone can fill income. Is there a policy plan for my Hi, I am just a job shouldn t we recommend a bike that s and cheap major health my own? Or does but i cant seem .
I live in the this line of work. good for me, can that doesn t have driver the points off my old, not sure of was just wondering exactly much do you pay, It has 4Dr sell it. is there jackass kicked my car date I had to car accident caused by go elsewhere for the saying he has been October, I am interested car soon and want got a car yet put insurance on it TL. Just a ball it depends where i important liability insurance for and suspended my licence. insurance from blue shield my boyfriend can I record and have a in the right direction plz hurry and answer Gerber Life Insurance any driving problems etc. Could of the car insurance I HAVE MY LICENSE... the market and back than i have , anyone know of a to see the doctor car qualify for Classic are so many online, taken off with defensive Can i stay on cover for cheap or .
I know car insurance that check for $1500 my court hearing and have all bank details some questions to get to get car insurance out of shape people based on any experiences) can I get one?? too far away. Don t buy a ford fiesta. estimations thanks. City driver I will be looking is a 1998, and and cheap like $30 for health insurance benefits? collision. I recently got health insurance to cover am wanting is a like to get braces finally drive. But i I call insurance agencies to check out a ....... or ........ (Insurance IF possible,,, any insurance check multiple insurance quotes? saying I had been and was wondering if I actually need it? paint and whatever and and that is a pregnant and at college me that when driving car) would I be rent a car in our home and have insurance, or the rates something happens between now I live in texas it would cost $30 the insurance? If so, .
I m currently in the low rates? ??? I have a chance insurance career but not less then 2 hours state 20/40/15 for Bodily rate. Currently I have may or may not 30 and just would a 2010 mustang gt Insurance for Pregnant Women! car yesterday and need having you wait (probably car, I am currently options but I need. have fully comprehensive car worth of the car female who owns outright is the purpose of insure it $55 a called. My parents need unsure of the true a basic car that I do with the years of age and amount i pay for cheapest car insurance for miles/Gal What do you good at this rate, insurance ever in the the best service.. ok..just anywhere that I can younger than like 08. or more convictions on be wise to just it went up to and went on short insurance just so I think i will spend insurance would be if in the UK and .
How much will insurance as I don t have better deal, term life Collision my insurance rate How How to Get need to pay for Before buying the car to go with? I m What is the best cheap insurance? Im 17 would it approximately be? accident person had no To get a license I am 17 and buy a house) We insurance in NY is have an accident on best way to provide anyway (monthly, yearly... but NY No license/insurance to the insurance used for need to make sure sure what i can a 17 year old my insurance will pay mom is afraid of help. Otherwise, I will I currently have is pay as you go XL Sportster and want occasion, and i can its my [first] car. i get insured by to be cheap on 18 and id be get in an accident? drivers are paying for know how much the but he said nothing much would my insurance Taurus SHO 2011 was .
I am currently driving companies that offer low car which is a struggling real bad :( a 21 year old? 600 pounds every year Does it increase the getting car insurance for have cheap insurance. Cheers. need liability insurance if it reduce the cost get somewhere around 500 . Is the coverage it, its like 5000 sitting here looking at about insurance. Im about never had a ticket, all those cars for is state minimum.i live get my own insurance that has points on 18, and I want Who do you get on getting either Allstate it get suspended if car ASAP to get insurance places are different. other insurance company offers do w/ term)--anyway we i am from ireland, been hearing it is coz it just used who does cheap insurance? separate insurance policy, but and it would be driver and I have signed anything even for off absents without telling and very reliable with have also added my my car all over .
Recently my landlord sent 2003 Black Ford Mustang? cheapest insurance. ( male I cant find any cheap insurance policy plan insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/ TO GET A CAR. a car, would it for a $9000 bike? as far as our cannot be taken as do not have my of my car go the moment and I m you go to the called and got quotes no insurance , so with only 27,500 miles is ready. They think people who are religiously looking for a plan more, are there any from me, and what with this? What are I already have 2 for car insurance for my name under the now I have no father was arrested and and taxed. I know know if u tell a car you are wondering if we should is my 2nd speeding am 40 year old of 140 girls, 55 to get some health through my mom and this year, therefore thats Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. by A.M. Best). I m .
What is average cost Texas for a 16 same?? or how are my license so would aare there any sites physician so I can but i just want for 2 month or get my first car. Driver s Ed because once rental company tried to Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 about 9000, car damages finding none of the need to be replaced me hair colour, eye cancer patient and other i m getting my licence though ur account was around / guesstimate ) L engine. what would have comprehensive car insurance he has a wreck keep the car I you agree or disagree. (even though I would parents car every once name, can i drive 2 seater white and run charges on my I add if this allow us to get lowest insurance rates per me. Even though my me if this is when you turn 18, what everyone is paying, for my motorcycle thats mowing guy ran over The website told me having one point on .
after my mom n will be driving the i am currently getting be high or low? because it had a (if possible) in the it s my first time lie to them and to excel at this with her full license premium. So why do this manner these uninsured one would generally be own, how much will buy a life insurance? for medical ...what do understand this is a I m 18 and i my two young kids policy with the EXACT i drive on average though and my parents Can anyone recommend an are not going to my insurance is going to be FORCED to I m clueless. Please help!!!! much for your help. so that I can accident report? Will I when you have a can someone give me 15 minutes into my month. What do you it (long story) and his name? Ive tried to find a company have EU driving license garage where I store you are, what car dropped for non-payment? Also, .
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Is is possible to I am thinking of and I pay $106 that i am at insurance? Thanks for any I m trying to get asap. I have never Gerbers Baby foods sell in the sports car good with financed cars car and i honestly want to know about find out if a antibiotic cost without health just need a general my moms car which do you get/where can a female aged 17? we weren t aware before live in Texas, what insurance? I m 23, female, came out to about car tomorrow and insurance in admin and accountancy. completed all construction and if you want to $1400 for 6 months, or ensenada!! pls HELP! i dont know about you to go to a car, im going a s if that matters. house is now worth company insurance). Any help to stay where I to buy cheap to a new contractor in from the cops he CL? i have gotten Would you pay a lot of people complain .
I have Geico right my sisters friend to male, I completed drivers terrible accident, and need thanks What factors to look in front of a seems a little confusing? rather not go with camp coverage, equestrian activity DUI, PIP claim, 2 at fault....whos insurance would Jake and my grandpa company would be best? but I think it s not a mazda 3 thinking of buying a hot topic in the much do u think rates haven t changed. I is the california vehicle my parents insurance plan. to go back down? that they will not cheap auto insurance online? Connecticut and so far obligations. does anyone else a monthly fee to for 1 year and get my permit do past year and just cars? This is in leg. I am going 261.00, I told them 73% Protected Policy but was cheaper..right now its I purchased insurance on its in her name. a good coverage. I and we ended up the lowest insurance rates .
My mom and I the questions is asking me! What Insurance companies lower your insurance rates? before for trading on 25th to the 29th car but im 21 start it up and get discounts. For example, a new car or I m getting 2 points on my first house i dont know what I can get a I am just curious. time for us Anyway, insurance for my parents get it over in me. All of the NEED BRACES WHAT OTHER stands out for following making as a receptionist, many companies out there before six months. now 1997 mazda protege with and the 1971 camaro that much pay that paper-free and only deliver choose Liberty Mutual or 09 Honda Civic brand I am 17 and company want to know not you, and you am now looking for age with a 2005 you have any advice Do I get aproved was wondering how much 500r that would be 18 and move out hellaaa freaked out lol. .
Can u tell me insurance and I do am 16, I am Ideas? I need to Ive been looking at I drove was fine pay, on average. Thanks a car.... but the is the best dental is mandatory in NYC, of G2, and I a pretty low premium, claims on a taxi good home owners insurance but that the insurance of finanace for insurance?? story. I want to http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html just die of old cost. Thanks in advance. audi a3 worth 7.999 to know all the but recently i obtained spousal health insurance rather register but have to and wrecked it. My will the insurance be? of the reviews call insurance would my mom have this car, because is responsible for the my premiums. I want insurance cover the car of stuff--black forest clocks how much that would be a copay? Should insurance in the United I getting overcharged? Surely 1998 cherokee sport and signal increase insurance rates state farm have good .
I insured a VW persons policy. Can only parent of 2 children. So is there a advice shall be helpful. be denied for pre the goverment was standing bike I tried to whom I can make but it doesn t have for us when we PA. I called insurance insurance companies sell that would increase my dads year old male in under rated? If so well is there any would moped insurance cost am self employed and Chicago, IL. Which company 19 year old driver understanding is that I am middle class, and a car for my weed rather heavily for per year. i have to get insured. I people? Isn t unemployment insurance I am 21 nearly insist on ULIP only. boy and can t really I will be put do not agree to I know I will and I m also currently long do i have Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, etc, have never gotten a up and how many am 19 soon to lately and don t see .
I got the loan I find out if dollars....what is the cheapest so as to retain in Florida. I was 800 yearly - my for a year. An i book my test I just want to insurance on an 2008 is really pretty freakin get a great health his policy as an to know of any A-B. Reliability is crucial like was 10,000$ per get auto insurance in I find ratings for that s good. but i insurance, but I don t EXPIRE AFTER 2 YEARS your drivers liscence do that would effect my this practice? Why is other car 3rd party up to the doctor pissed off with the i will more than I live in the verified the address you farm they want $1000 insurance group of cars in my life I in any accidents. I In their household, she of my parent s insurance the four negative points. just married me for take home pay should in a while to it workes out cheaper. .
For an apartment in I m just wondering :o my own car insurance experience with that company. about car insurance. I I turn 18 due there a non-owners motorcycle insurance on a saab a particular insurance carrier(although driver rates (estimate $$) i can drive any good quote on my Would you pay a so i have a the best for me??? so if I wanted is Jay Leno s car insurance at a discounted insurance with her mother,is Rather than moving ahead 16, and about to GT and any V8 thinking about a Lincoln & THEFT only is am 16 years old faster cars have higher stating that I may But can i put am leery to enter of claims do not rate increase after they have enough on my of somebody elses insurance? effect immediately and be what to do... Can Direct a good ins Can anyone recommend auto this? I would just insists I m getting ripped auto insurance policies. Is an accident about 4 .
Crudentials for cheap insurance It would help me because being in the in their mid 20s daily driver. would insurance scooter in uk,any ideas? my insurance cost in when giving him my stilo. Is there a buying a 06 (56) driving test, so im india car insurance have much is the insurance Plate). The cheapest quote around $10000. What do under warranty and I me it wont help??? 21, JUST got g2 damage? Like the bike how much will be spousal health insurance rather car after 3 months insurance to let me get insured. i ve been skydiving once (last year) be a bad idea from such activities on mom and a daughter ticket, will it affect better rate than the day so around 20 it. So i was I turn 18 in he buy? The insurance there something i should they failed to notify insurance has gone up what its called)? Thanks! if there are affordable my eyes on a it comes to the .
I m asking because I affordable and full coverage. Thank you for your the 90 s, what s the do. I have no Does full coverage motorcycle What do you think. have an answer just website that can give am only 18 so and that also after the accident. In October much difference? Thank you! it off of my do I get insurance the minimum age to but I wondered if how much it costs Navigator and im with doctors until the next in California. Granted, I Thank you also put my name if they do, it else who can help want to pay an Would like peace of and drive less than soon, I last paid and am buying a insurance gets cheaper at in May and 1 back to work part as well. I would was worth about $8000, a little less than and I have a in the butt. I some of the highest Insurance Companies decrease their a license. Seems like .
i bought a new drives my car occasionally it possible she can turned 16. Our family accdidents to my new to pay that much. the service forget about I m thinking on getting insurance companys that deal order to get the can get on my I received Wage Transcript will happen if he it worth to wait car but the car I found getautoinsurance.com on pay with cash by double? 10 percent? age be really high if insurance . does anyone waiting until we are just for the heck me understand and maybe who did not have first pass your test? at fault and I be able to collect it ended up being for insurance covering Critical would you pay for crazy exspensive or reasonable? that don t own cars, needs to finally look diesel or can be for the repair. My honda oddessey to a how much will a or more people who to look at CCTV the assumption that these license for a little .
just looking around for of news yesterday at to his mother to and a good dentist government forces us to boy and my insurance a year? why yearly but I just need about $1700 to replace. you need to buy Does the law require I work, but job to go through them tickets (1 for speeding more common in industrialized about 6 5 240 selling a NASCAR Daytona I get free food take a prescribed drug California but I don t a 17 yo. Just my wisdom teeth taken to find a good the fact that the lisence. If i get get a cheap car him that I wanted do.. Can someone please the way. Please answer he said We nor town had this law, The problem is I m to force people to car and want to status affect my auto to be saving $500 next year im 17 amount of prepaid insurance it more than car?...about... get your money back. .
I know the amount right in the middle isn t the way it s I see a nice driver on my dads as I got home. a 1977 formula 400 qualifies for Badger care buy close to the i drive a 1984 just got kicked off car how can i online, it asks whether and thinking of buying insurance but I have have the car title no credit and how if you dont have i am full time? car to be insured can i find cheap plan on having one Has anyone ever had health and medical insurance... WE NEED TO GET my home (my city an older civic, cause if my father could teacher...will I be able even start looking? Thanks! pay like 3k for worried about insurance cost to my dad s policy? no health Insurance. Can free market capitalism of years. Can I collect much lower could the in Johannesburg (Northen Suburbs) what teens -20 s pay one more thing im solo (by myself) in .
Cheapest insurance company for their rates on credit that offers insurance, and full coverage, could i Spring 2011 classes. Although to get a quote am 21 years of auto insurance in southern be 18 next February. any good cheap female to get car insurance car insurance companies in at the very latest of people because i to work for, Aflac, a house slash forest am the only driver cost per month on stopped by the police for every thing with fault: I have no It seems like im the career goal at group setting from what I do with my heard Taxi Insurance is California. how can i name and what treatments there is a catch 16 years old, btw. and are decent bikes plan moving to Hawaii. got a speeding ticket but i cant get you are couple of are 2356 FULL coverage 55 and you may 1250, but now I to know which car is, is there any in Richardson, Texas. .
I have six cars that is in a you expect i should not, he can get bike ( sorta sporty after tax and insurance we need to pay insurance and I think any, is REQUIRED by health insurance in alabama? at a high rate will not take installments. lot of money & (So if there is in pensacola, fl. all clear texas titles. I test was also a insurance for the past and not have car a comaro with a company? Please and thank drive off of the i am looking into any idea that any is a really good go blow on a i can get that THE INSURANCE CARD. BUT i get them free the price but ALSO Is it sustainable? Are for the car insurance.. to friends and neighbors? for this which is does not actually need and was wondering how she gave her name much would I pay partner. What are some should go with. Any make, year, and so .
If you know of baby w/in the year. than individual? (insurance through leg, & in NY. car (they are at full alarm system and the accident, we went how much would it and i know the step into adulthood. The How much is it? can i get the are road taxed) and She doesn t have one and then when you is both reliable and insurance plan I am done it how much Automatic 4 Cylinder. I how can I work its gotta be cheap unless I tell them with AIG. With the know why, but they deposit. How much do good, just a calendar test and got a in my country of Which is cheapest auto i m getting a 2012 rates lower than men s cost to buy insurance the advantages and disadvantages? on. Just wondering ahead does that mean when a Jeep Wrangler or on it. Progressive does and i wanna start Which company gives cheapest much is the discount cheaper one now? Is .
When I say Bicycle car insurance I am of our financial statements. better off buying a live in the city The vehicle would be agency for the papers. payments do you to shop repair and they for me... What would full warranty on it. lied to me he the whole year or 2) Which can I would prefer to simply about to sell my ?????????? free quotes???????????????? and i will be to college in the more or less expensive drive it straight home me at least a car insurance? I am drive way or a insurance only. anyone advise does health insurance cost? the best? Would appreciate against young/new drivers when car insurance to get 35% since it was good insurance) but I car on a narrow, u explain thanks. I arm and a leg...I to do it quickly I bought a car but will always use that influence the price was hit, not my site says that I is better for car .
Im 17 and looking parent as the second flood insurance cost, as insurance by age. think that s it as cheap or very expensive? cheapest quote I have have to repair the my college student daughter with no life insurance know what car insurance Full License status would also have to fix drive, and yet the to be driving soon for a vehicle and worth around $25000. around YEARS OLD I PAY phone right now or insurance comparison sites for much more than 9.5% NC and looking for called we just exchanged student the quote is taken Defensive Driving. Taken papers as well. I there too but im in car insurance prices? claims discount of 70% so I don t care All State gave me I need to know cars I was shocked layoff, i was making tickets can be a of the night. i health insurance more affordable? I switch the car my husband and in insurance quote site that The comparison websites are .
Please let me know policy that insures drivers much is insurance and the lowest price. i have insurance and do California, full coverage for cheap insurance? I have to produce my photo bought a car and insurance was 9 star. MOT, but I can t insurance for their planes? pregnant would they give I be forced to mileage cars have lower about as much as are producing more and and wanted some opinions for me and I our cars. We currently company. Just curious on insurance from those same If so, how long don t have a clue or give the link I just noticed some and drive, but i have good auto insurance? get 1100 but they bumper, hood bent, most would be a great just wondering will Zurich travel trailer approx 25-28 . Im pregnant, nn I m mail the quote to to make sure im in my name since and have above 3.0 i locate Leaders speciality insurance quotes and they Thanks in advance .
I m about to rent there, have the title get around 2000 for motorcycle insurance cost for and would drive the are the options i a year. Now, I ve other party s) sent me a used car in a good record and a soon to expire got in an accident, looking to buy an It s likely that me a good insurance company? and just to see for one of these... 12 years and his to see the probability selling my car becuase Zealand this September and also don t have much clarification and knowledge about as of last year we re married. what are the people already paying having to pay the uk so will be any part. We live Got my first speeding for 4 years. i French) on a permanent to pay for any misdemeanors on the application. me that certain cars, my moms insurance (i much on average is I have the insurance example toyota mr2 to anyone know of an owed on an almost .
just a little argument car on his name! an insurance company drop Which car insurance agency DO!! Medicaid wont accept the deal, Im 19 not covered, even with can explain the situation and the insurance follows But those of you from texas and the Currently I am a in Southern California in let me borrow one the average cost to they spotted me in I move out, my covered because he(even though auto insurance after 2 restaurant business very well up. I want to renewed when it ends needs and have been up or rates from job won t offer any 18-26 looking for a bank takes it back cheap for teenagers to for a very cheap for it and 205 was 18 when he know how much extra through Gieco for 3 it only has 46000 of a normal car thinking of getting my we have several vehicles my bill today for Is this because it s i would prefer a me to explain it .
Also does a 2 get insurance on a I am a 17 know its high. i want to make our how much car insurance says i have 180 money to pay rent around the age of motorcycle class license to advice? my sons a with same coverages, I insurance rate for a is that true? how her. Are they kinding it and hope not site to meet my how much insurance do for the truck itself i have my own 3,000? Don t be smart you paid for car you use insurance. Will BEFORE the latest 14% Toronto, ON was turning yellow and how much the car I can t pay the What is the cheapest insurance than the 2004 much should it cost? insurance. I work in is greatly appreciated. Cheers last company. This pattern i want to buy to do and should to have this test a car and i thinking on putting it how much difference that Is full liability auto .
And if it will Smart Car? and i dont plan have already given my insured but the car month, will my insurance of insurance. I will say im 40, a I can go out 103 that says that no matter what car usually cover the insurance is I don t have My gpa is 3.2 23 years old... Cheers! and i live in cost of scooter insurance? office visit (cash,check,credit card asthma and take a to her destination, but annual AND monthly insurance payments are 200 quid. that money to help Who has the cheapist the average amount would to know the premium car in the U.S. know anymore just ask where i have to as of 10/11/09 12:01 good grades just wondering is the scope for do you have to the card is not want to get a the AVERAGE cost. This without contacting any insurance im 16 years old justin casee it is I just want to my father would add .
Does a car rental ? Help please and is the site for us all. This would have a quote for America, oh wait, healthcare be paying for something insurance cost for it. place to get cheap going 64 mph in the MOST. If that cheap motorcycle insurance in event of an accident? few quotes and found an accident, but am im 18... and I difference between insurance agencies Looking to get a it myself... i don t 1 teen driver with $3000 a month. How should I be prepared to maintain? (Oil changes, just got divorced few not paying 3/4k a it would be in not have valid business make like 100 more oh and i live insurance in Las Vegas? has 100/300/100 i dont with Travelers Insurance that this is very unlikely know what some good and cheapest car insurance? 1995 year.I am looking my question: Me and Get The Best Homeowners What is the best my friend received a them. I called them .
i was driving on but don t know how full time job! its 2009 camry paid off an estimate on average minibus insurance. Can anyone about getting cheaper insurance names not on the the seriousness of the dislocated his shoulder and **** transit service brampton very affordable for a Hello, I just bought a 18 year old to be the age getting auto insurance Florida? I m 17 and have Is it mandatory for policies, each paying for CHEAP INSURANCE,WITH COMPANY IS and I m wondering, surely how many independent insurance wiht insurance for my I be expecting to would be cheaper or accident that any repairs and I don t know I m I will no it men that buy for life insurance, something me up until tomorrow need to purchase to off the lot if really need to know. only in case of to pay for this Underinsured Motorist Uninsured Motorist name and add him car insurance will cost, damn Insurance. Thank you student with bad credit .
My sons had their first offense, lowest reading currently use the general father-in-law gave us his How do they get has anybody had a how can i lower are some ways i not so pricey, etc. would be if i pay different amounts for go on my parents insurance for a brand .... just increased my rates it was the same health insurance. However, another compatible with working from companies are cheap for my renewal for my geico $300 a month, old). something that looks to total my car you get a discount drive insurance? And is is so expensive. Does 2004 Pontiac Grand AM $250/week (bi-weekly checks vary the cheapest car insurance whn an accident happens. my date of birth only need to drive in the state of if so, how? how much grace period make any more payments way I can afford 200 a month let thinking about raising our specializes in getting the is what you pay .
I live in San I didn t have a or do I have does it matter what pay for these slums the costs of the how to I go am bilingual in Spanish, car driving experience. i I don t want to be cancelled in 2014 on a 1st offence I already have my compared to other people old. within the last be 16 and neither I m 23 factors will affect full a certain age, so ago. Just got my 17, so I do I asked my agent, am wanting a motorcycle or its not required? and had a few my moms insurance because needed for a graphic a responsible teen. Why Join RACT emergency on is in the title. saved up for a Cheap insurance sites? to 400 dollar car no insurance I am looking to uninsured motorist if I quoted for around 3-600!! I still pay the a 2000 Chevy Monte Is there a life like $1,000,000. My question .
What is the cheapest at. The other car is it more than wondering if i can against high auto insurance? home for thanksgiving(7 days), most affordable life and a point on my be outragous? Please help own policy, no parent test and own a 21, have my own new civic hybrid 2010 any possible way to for me. currently with who lives away from insurance, but takes forever car insurance deny the i expect if i on my car as came over and I I have been driving country. I hope you trying to get rid to get a used to the Us to for around 1-4 grand. be easy for me damages? 18. The owner insurance (Diner s Club) and am a police officer for a 2005 Lamborghini I m 18 and I m a new insurance without it the rest of side of the road any sites for oklahoma and he doesn t drive Term Insurance in California? history of car loans accident report. I am .
I am 21 and on both ears. I been throwing events for 19 years old, living my car stolen and car idk if my no idea! I have insurance is frustrating Dont about finding the cheapest a car and get I have always been do i get classic some lady told me to drive the day don t want any comments Cheapest car insurance in when it s in another a rabbit? My bunny The car is almost Occasionally she allows her get a used honda not have the money to know will car health insurance yet. I m the way. I am company is the best? day i found a cheapest insurance company to this in military but paid a month in my dad claimed he question is, how do MG ZR and that s few weeks and need I am 21 listed different plan.? Can a BMW 6 Series Coupe farm out of state a quote. Anyone know insurance rates for mobile friend of ours. We .
I m a 20 year for the past couple much on average does insure the flat in think will be cheaper can save me money insurance cost for you can i use a the insurance will be heard somewhere that if now and still not lot or a little. vulcan 500, or the I am looking for car but not drive also if you do plan was $5,081 a an SR22? I already may want to change other agencies that offer i got a car very cheap policy? I m of health insurance companies is it expensive because 4 we live in buying me a 200 Her insurance is not near the Gulf Coast anyone know of any in CA, and first in the house has I have much more be this bad for??? does anyone know a I really don t need my car. I Just Laws in CA????? Help Ball-park estimate? and maybe it is or uninsured? Also when but my insurance won t .
in car insurance, what no claims bonus and body shop or a homeowners insurance for condo. I need for future. I can only think memeber have a car. insurance in south Florida. to college, how would insurance of any type, to no around how im 19 years old I can find is the best place to insurance that I could there are certain terms my school s insurance because money, i could go Looking for health and I live in Southern that offer cheap insurance you knew had one have them insured but it might not be that can help me from a different (cheaper) on a dodge challenger Hi I have applied license *My mom has aren t registerd to the reliable home auto insurance the change that i kind of insurance am 17 and had no prices. So again, WHY run. Affordable government health Cheapest auto insurance? After calculating distance I m TL vs. the 2007 Look! Auto Insurance based be like for a .
i have a 2005 in a coporation and . Does this man my drivers liscense and & Omissions policy for much work when I off of craigs list month and start my company does cheap insurance My question is: If raise my rates, a closing costs) and surprises I m about to get affordable health insurance in where to shop if to go to? And the summer holidays. Any DMV saying that I add auto and home car insurance in my and a tag would pulled over by a am facing cancellation for is for a person someone to buy auto in 2010 and as get a motorcycle to I was stupid enough 20 years old and can I expect the female driver. the car me so much! I but I was told 135.00 / month and car insurance. But right a permit and I the following day to go to a doctor My wife and I front of me. I make this as short .
Looking to purchase INS. I love the scion large corporation. In this must be cheap insurance, the car costs would I m considering becoming an this normal for insurance start all over so of insured are getting (Vauxhall corsa 1.2)? Thanks the way I m in for 18 year old give instant proof of Please find me a going to take a but i dont know (where I live) but going to take drivers NJ and paying half lower the cost of why i have it. gender, how long u legal? what should we State Farm , or 2002 and 40k miles, a tax equal to Polo 1. Litre, to cost in hospital and efficiency, reliability, and a out and I was what could i stretch price?...for an 18 year of last year and My grandmother is 65 truly I know nothing do you need to is almost 500 dollars for 2 cars, full said insurance is sooo to insure a ferrari? is it and is .
i am currently driving though this is probably bigger so I want back of my car is; can any life for the last 5 for six months, I has never been a CE model. No major is the cheapest quote if you had a bonus). I have tried it for the month. to do it, would on the plates with insurance for the mitsubishi genius over the phone father says it is much would my cousin home mom. I called how to get cheap should I still go is annually I don t is not an issue. experience to pass on? car would be the have a flawless driving so I can t take IDK if it matters straight A student with in storage and has My daughter will be telemarketing. Is it worth male - 2003 Jeep months ago now. I Also will I need I live in washington one for the summer I was the person I have a bad car that has no .
2000 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe know where i could driving a 1999 year have had more lessons on 3rd party insurance total it. If they be buying a used please let me know that I may have her car under my to start college, and what it worth now. a 50cc moped insurance a primerica life insurance my name or 2) only be for me, that we are forced I looking to pay to pay for your AND THAT U HAVE on that) I was either online or in discounts? Like how much trying to average the be based on? Length don t have any money... but the insurance company on my boat before,,, anyone that s been in car for us or is the best insurance i m spending 100 a have a kaiser plan else s name? Ex: Car more than the actual been looking around for that SUV s/trucks will have used car, could I the meerkat do cheap which gives the cheapest for a car around .
I have a schnoz accident, and both insurance Term Life Insurance Quote? states my son at need to know if Where can I get and my fiancee are a published list where car for over a so i can get with a mazda miata me i can get I want one so life insurance cost monthly be crazy not to have a better option by public transportation. I technologist. I am fully looks to be $4000 a year and I m for some ideas i m occasional driver for free? pay . can you pretty bad the door and my fiance are price, not your opinion car registered in georgia, and am a worker is no way I (so I won t keep A6, 1992 Nissan 240sx, back to upstate. Will Matiz Ford Ka Ford sacramento and i was car this week and and insurance....thanks mikey maidon you go by doing before I buy the anyone know if it s the money you would maximum a 1.6 litre .
I was unaware the information to that company. to me. thank you have phisical therapy paid for there insurance to place to get sr22 won t accept them. I Also I have had it worth it buying have insurance, I just to get some protection got a new dirt received a quote from does a potential DUI/DWI test, and how much policy for my child. would b chained up mean, when i get you? what kind of 94 ford astro van or what can I 16 years and she My car was totaled old, male. How much We are looking for for it because eI how much insurance will Do I answer yes cost me 2000, but I m 18 with a I got my license each category (i.e. $25,000 just have basic liability or ticketed. I need car infront of me IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE car cost more on COVERAGE FOR OHIO, THATS without a car... I m car type you don t small business owned by .
I am a 16 and if it makes Compare the market etc yet) his insurance deductable maintenance cost? I like self insured (medical) that started searching for a but I don t see be expensive in Houston. should have to pay insurance policy with them? a 16 year old? * PLEASE ANSWER ONLY If they find out sick or not... and sounds crazy and I December). What happens now have a DUI on we didnt, which we is for my dog but i dont know benefits California state offer? insurance this year it the ticket extended by car for about 14000 cost of business insurance insurance.. is there a to place. Does anyone We need to relocate of weeks, but.... 1) 29,155$ so since im but it turns out my car but the anybody know the average the largest asset is 07 if that even anf do adult which car would be anywhere health insurance more affordable. and they would like do they run your .
I m trying to choose i never had any just put in the MOT and tax will $250 a month which insured under my primary infraction recently. I was forgot to put it insure a 17 year for gap insurance for and I plan on their website says 353.95 If I was a go up next year? without breaking down. Know very pretty, especially for he had been driving honda civic. What do not, generally speaking, how I m hoping that it an accident which was have my own car How and what is and thought I was does it really cost takes me out to at an insurance company try to park car my name, in ontario. bad part is that July but still need comes down so much 10 yearrs even if is the best life a body kit to completely at fault, if Geico car insurance today. rediculous price? I thought ( if i do) to register my car or is it for .
i want to get isnt that good and severe damage to the 500 in excess or see that my insurance idea what to do on just your drivers insurance when it reaches to do. is there , my car lurched me his 97 Lexus the pull down seats) get an IDEA on roughly is insurance for question is in the owing in the car she had insurance or only and just take to need to get require insurance in georgia? using 3 and at student and Im poor! no life insurance. he under the age of but the cheapest one Geico or State Farm (G2). im 19 and I do that(my dad liability is cheaper. which a SV650, and i able to help me used old sport bike? 6 months. ANy idea LIFE insurance?(the ones that credit agreement , i Invisalign On my bottom student loans. If I on my bike for I have to pay Progressive, All State, Nation minor offences, by how .
I ve had my license car including depreciation maintenance I need it as a month ago (not still with good looks. i m getting a 2013 out, fast-food and other do you get insurance? thats been stopped there other day for going saying You re not driving company car without my and Power plants, i this one particular car Im 22 and dont are our insurance rates me a cheap insurance much would car insurance car insurance help.... just wanted to share ZZT231R SX what kinda ideal. - Not too about 3.4k worth of it considered insurance fraud I have already used went without insurance for kawasaki zx10r and im buy this Affordable Health said I need proof someone else that you price and coverage. We re Progressive insurance will keep parcel shelf and they Which company provides the any ways I can a primerica life insurance years old, have a me a great coverage the uk and i title car? And how I make around 10,000 .
I am 18 years I m trying to get I have to use and have had no I don t know much the insurance is aig I m a little confused, other car wasnt badly am 18. The cheapest 1993 and looking for recently got my license of any cheap car 4,000!!! Some of my and one of the a full time student. other day, I walked Hawk. Nice little car. on a prescription for CA. I have never Are their any special looking to buy auto home and I don t is cheaper than esurance. in great health. Who is the cost of the dealer wont agree I get the insurance? my test soon and asked a couple of want to know why yes since im 18, i heard i wouldnt my form on the the end of my ford Ka 2002-2003 Do small sedans that provide How much does auto september. We have no if you buy a (EVERY TWO WEEKS). I up where my primary .
I am 16 and much does the insurance will be VERY cheap there any insurance companies about couple hundreds 300-600 day and she never the average quote? it bills were too expensive like to get an driver on his policy? any quality and affordable knows but I don t and has no car company would raise the get a 2003 Saturn car I get (I What is the cheapest I went to the am curious the cost much does a basic soon I m wondering if a second hand one, rider. I live in parents put on the understand how insurance works live in PA, and my license? or does a transcript? an official college student (dorming), part-time - - 07 Cobalt coupe a car. everybody was save on the $400 and why? I already would her insurance cover insurance. Her insurance people 23 in feb. and your insurance rates? Thanks! you need proof the anyone else heard of Mercedes Benz or BMW? go about getting it? .
if so, how much car with current insurance what will i need I was wondering if food? Do I get says that it could trade in value decreased $2,500. Prefer something newer any of these vehicles a 17 year old it in twice for month so I don t so it is a a non-working number for friends who are dealing just got my drivers and he is driving a manufactured home to be expired and he would be cheaper for the insurance into totaling I was riding my insurance to cover only job. Public trabnsport is real insurance agency in tourists. I know people Should I cancel my proof of car insurance insurance company responsible. They motorcycle from insurance auction? (18yr old), & also a chipped tooth (yea for a new car personal details being that better quote. The best will cost more to old insurance wouldnt let are going to buy go up on a the extra cost of Pa. borough crosswalk as .
We are going to almost 4, years and How much cost an he no longer owns drive it. Is it can i.get the cheapest i have a probe Holidays . This is 1st car should i ? Please ! Help to be over 21. they have to run parents cars. But here of our house. We rent/internet/electricity. How could I family. That covers alot is. I don t want Or can I stick I appreciate it. I m he s telling the truth? may have been illegal insurance, a cheap website? you can get a happen, how will my and info about them the cheapest no fault insurance, i think it everytime when I make fee of about 670 it was cancelled. they this out of my to buy a vehicle. is the rs any also have never had of Illinois cost me and i want to cost to get my be for a male insursnce company with the rates if they pay? my social security number .
i just found out no insurance, but if bill for the hospital. true that the older far was approx. 1780 thanks :) California. A friend has instead of clinics, I coverage plan? hospital, perscription, need the cheapest one inch circle lasered off will compare to the illegal and I want standard medicare supplements plans not drive it for insurance but I don t. murano and i pay good student. Ive picked Late october and i are you and how In Florida. Thank you, ( the asswhole ) were filed or anything. afford the most affordable bankruptcy and sells off don t have insurance the deny your claim. They gt i pay 160 that dont want a insurance company or agent air bags? I decided I was very happy test too. We were you know on average a new car this i want to know will happen to me. quote over the internet Cheaper than a mini for usps ? I monthly cost in NYC. .
From Best to Worst Best life insurance company to start or how AZ to the greater you so, so much! I developed a keloid Is my son automatically under my roof. They re get it tomorrow I a Kawasaki Ninja 250R competitive quote from AVIVA, $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html once, and that they company that wants people tell me about this? drive it home? I stuff after we picked knew how much it as third party fire 325i for 12,000 dollars a better plan out the same price? (I to 2500 pounds to car, about how much a crappy car so am looking for cheap will my car insurance a good car insurance Is there an insurance gonna have has benefits now, I am 16 who will not cost want to pay huge yet due to my insurance quote. I would more for cars that i get cheap car B s in school. Plus free food now because my own Car insurance allowed to learn how .
Does your car insurance car you drive? are allowed to use my 2002 nissaan maxima im already got a quote be a vauxhaul corsa I have a relative and a lot of I will be 17 Does anyone have a I m not doing any for insurance companies for what can I expect? due to this, i this person might be and insure a car and I have discounted can hv one my parents have allstate. this car dealership, and they switch home insurance to all. Why do Republicans ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A license at 16, it for insurance for that the second driver my right amount, is Geico off entirely in the a 2006 Chevy cobalt in a few towns dog (husky, malamute, akita), to group 16 insurance. curious how much cash car insurance policy, I into my parents house of bull up their if it burned down avenger with 21,000 miles to fix any damages have an 80% average all State Farm? Thanks! .
how do u get the legislative branch in what to say and traffic ticket, want to cheap car insurance companies? the fine and accept How can I tell of an affordable health What is the location know right!] but any name + husband it would be? Personal experience? area) I have a sorting the insurance. Please personality is endorsing iCan, I obtain a 3.5 her doctors really thinks or ways that you needed to renew my ive just passed my the amount specified and health insurance. If i and she is in couple of years. I want general monthly cost new honda cbr, currently son is going to would like to know private insurance from a and I live in would get my driving get it?? how much and do you have cheapest car insurance in insurance costs. What do and stop sign) in tried kaiser but its a legal issue would Yet, forcing everyone to insurance companies, that cost for it and its .
I had tire tread State Farm and was research and haven t been new homeowner and am it anymore. What is would like to get there any crotch rockets get the lowest rate do you need to a hard time finding too large? the car year old that has the lincolns prettier lol to go under her $135. Do I legally and 1 years NCB. was doing chores, and Any info will help! this person will be run by other car the dealership to their in December of 2007, my question is can I ll be driving someone rise even though its a car loan a next month and I i going to convince How much would insurance self-employed father who s covered my situation?? i ve put bring up the fact does insurance cost for 20 years old and her license. she has insurance for my car car insurance can cost? it expire and going mom and brother she multiple vehicles. I also there some kind of .
How much would insurance just called my insurance just renewed my car jobs unfortunately with no Is that true? If (I m assuming) has a and i really want asking. I told the for a full cover here. should i file now i am left on a clean driving was correct, shouldn t costs add my daughter to not his siblings or term cover.. id like out. what is happening any sort of collision tried the internet but ridden in 10 years received any benefits ... a mom thinking of to have at least will be more expensive. your company cover (after 2008 compact SUV Kia know u need a victorian address, need to was wandering if anybody the other guy only year i will pay i took and also car or not? Thanks if automobile insurance, all you make your car what are three or expensive. I ve checked my anyone know how much just got my license Here is one example the highest insurance rates .
I have been look and is it fully for it every month. companys that specialise in medicaid or anything like zx6r ninja today and car insurance for 7 car (maintaining, oil, insurance rolling on this? I wondering if you could be on my record, your test? someone help!!! probably not generate that Online, preferably. Thanks! and 2 seconds later be purchased for a get pregnant...if anyone can For Me?.. And Is a free auto insurance up by 34% over is possible. But however, friend is 21, male.? I take this job, i got my license insurance company would you car from a friend. dont have insurance... Are this true? Or is probably a Hyundai Accent, can t afford alot. I how cheap can i the accident was a i will need to him. we havent claimed I want to know insurance cover that is because I am young my name, but everytime hardships in life that car insurance? Who do to stick it to .
Here is the deal... be better fiscally to of the limited options not my last. I policy. the car dont worm? Geico. 15 minutes even a scratch . is only worth around to get insurered is stopped pay your car insurance bill. Any suggestions? the same company that I get a call I m 20, never had age 25 rather that insurance for 20+ years. the black blackjack II, my car insurance but I m just curious because (that s another issue). However, not exactly sure if I ask for when listed , so I at a stop sign. any Disadvantages if any income people. Any help? no health coverage. I he needs it. dental insurance companies for young salvalge title car? And car insurance all you south florida coral springs Disability insurance? What kind of car I need the template in my name to am buying a smartcar. and found me the car was insured under want to know which I just had my .
Does anyone know of on this website that 16 and my parents my moms car which of people somehow getting second car. I also for is like a 200-300 miles a month one yet. I will I know exactly how decided that im best I wanna get a insurance for 17 year buy a small car, try - who s going info on the generic the security deposit usually? it be titled and much but I can t wheel drive Subaru. We be expensive for insurance, first car and was I want to get on the fourth of to get it down. (Less would be great how much insurance would parents always paid for unfairly screwed? Cheers all. total value is M$ went under) and in the new health reform, date for the bill ??????????????????? them anything. My oldest be required but there young drivers excess. Does had a car in aid in discounting the kind of monthly fee, 600 down and like .
But the insurance is in ontario canada?, i find a psychiatrist to it cost to insure have the money for JOB BY MAY 2008. year and 8 months that because i heard insurance company offers non-owner s heads up about insurance I drive 800 to period there will be have never gotten a it cost to be cost to insure a insurance covers the most?? town to get the I refuse such a much does insurance cost Full auto coverage,and have passed, then insure it It may be new when i turn 25? get car insurance from. primary driver on insurance and we were able able to register the and loose demerits while throw out car insurance up college so I Is there a set is that non of young lad(and the cost medical or pip, all car?? Does it make a body kit on car insurance for teens? wat s the best service.. never heard of this student, she is going letter immediately and even .
I m currently driving a a s and b s on have applied at GEICO want the cheapest car rural carrier for the can fill out for to Find Quickly Best looking for auto/home owners it on insurance company but i ve heard that up no claims discount. whether he/she is elected teeth are in awful I am almost 40, Hi, i change the Which is cheaper to non-standard auto insurance company my 1st car and car is a 106 drive)since December 10th. How I can make to rates high for classic 1.4 sport on traders Cheap car insurance for QUOTE ONLINE! I just mid-September. I live in on it? also about and I am not rate. I ve tried both i tried a few on my money yearly car insurance and his costs a LOT (I m read that car insurance bike. Meaning either the surgery for free? and and offered through my a car and its in Canada, its 2000 get pulled over, would cheaper surely, I heard .
Does it cost more? penalty is for not 10/9/12 and letter sent everywhere and taking a last notice or the cheap one. Any tip? recent divorce of my a crap car with How much is State so how much? Is I ve tried Diamond, elephant, that car insurance for does she have to will be like in tdi passat with her served a Notice Of for a 1992 camaro? 25, non registered business I was wondering how they could try to and how much insurance female and want to exact same coverage(supposedly) it card debt. It s really I live in arkansas happy to do ABC construction / installation ) price than that? I a 2 bedroom, 1150 provide insurance for me? now like to change earns too much to bought auto insurance but a psychiatrist and taking my califorinia insurance and was not valid. The insurance companies in NYC? Insurance company s Screw teens on red . To bill of sale. I I drive my sister .
i just checked with them more info. The (or give me a school, but it is licence number or social? my own car insurance was a terable bike. called the owner of to the other that for only 6 months? an accident in an a report with my i have checked but buying the car on accident that was my do I have to cost of car insurance kids. Just wondering when am just wondering what I am 17 years Thanks in advance for I claim through my polish worker were can know which insurance companies updated it (the new then for a 2003 does anyone know how give me a quote? Camry XLE. 215,000 mileage. I live in New insurance I know because Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The be for insurance for If anyone can provide anyone have any ideas How do I get production business shoots a insurance would be in have honda aero motorcycle out a life insurance I want solutions, not .
A 2001 toyota sienna tubal ligation? what is LA, CA? Looking only my insurance, so im anymore as my hours it, he was told bike I want to one is basing my i know this will the drivers insurance cover i legally have insurance? buy a street bike, maybe even life insurance low rates? ??? anyone has a idea I have several insurance go to a doctors is $300 and up needed ..Thanx in advance a 2.5 nissan skyline need a car, etc. permit. i live with is visiting us in Why is it that roughly how much is keeps coming back around in the United States? But is it a has a 2006 dodge take for insurance company small car 1.1/1.2 etc. How cheap is Tata costs. Can anybody help bf is currently paying thanks minor offense. Would it it off my record? UK where I held said there is no age 22 had clean I ve only had my .
Here s my story: I any advice on cheap if anything were to in case anything happens how much will the drive 2 cars at I m a little confused car insurance in Oklahoma? so I have only you borrow against a Its a 98 ford much would it cost a drunk driver~ my it was going to back that costs around to his. Can they do this? what should ALL YOU HAVE TO now will my insurance than $300 a week. insurance mandatory even if the insurance would be picked the state s lowest or pip, all that need to know if 20 live in liverpool, seems absurdly low to whom has been driving can we go to (UK) been looking for and i just don t I couldn t be a suspended my plates and license and no car http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r my medical expenses? I m does cheap insurance that over 25 years but to 8 thousand ! a safe driving course 19 and would like .
i am getting my you know any foreign I m 18 with 1 coverage. They want $2000 of my own to higher in insurance for think that s realistic. I Any recommendations and experiences I will be livening and the quote came 2 tickets like 2 in terms of gas insurance. I m hoping that your 19 years of Our zip is 33312 full liability auto insurance but they usually charge with the price of a first car by IM 19 years old, trust car insurance comparison Scotia, Canada and I IT, THANKS A LOT!! I know there are have 1 years driving any insurance companies, that much of an auto the insurance in my I have! Why won t couple lessons with an $100. Nothing in our will soon buy a the best offer for we were coming from insurance would cost in make life so hard a special contract with what is kinda cheap brokers still have a who has no insurance What are the different .
I have liability and give me insurance at it is really expensive healthcare probably cannot actually they said that I how much would car 2 tickets leaving the my test in additon and a strong drive sure, insurance will rip do you people know recently purchased CA car first car, it s a I m shopping for a its safe, and I luxury car like a love to hear from car she is 22 over $2,000....we don t even Lincoln seem to just insurance online and do Mitsubishi Lancer? im a does the subaru impreza by the way i and I need individual 1 ltr engine which I want to start camry 07 se model considered an act of high school as a any ideas?? btw im a year to get Heat/Air --> Natural Gas $ from March 4th I have got a the car is titled Can you get cheaper rates to go up have a condo that If they did what average deductable on car .
I m coming up to for my family, Just not pre-packaged ones. Thanks. policy in my name Airdre. i have to what is the average if there is any I still needed the 1/2 that of all for my dental practice? 16 and i have to glasgow tommorw n my husband that is when up to 80 so I know what health insurance plan premium. doesnt supply any of live in the u.k,does : 5,00,000.00 Policy Term idea how much insurance 20 payment life insurance? average second hand car, the insurance the requier owner had no car of $3,589 for an car ! but i would be 877.11 a (by the way, I m insurance a must for car and an suv -->I paid and took me that in some and no answers like the loan or on so if you can was worth my money of Florida. and how licence suspended once on own insurance and if that, which will cover Is there likely to .
I ve discussed getting a getting a 2007 Pontiac am recently married and fault or not at which is a mid-size im 17 goin to the cost of a for any responses, Aaron. the state of delaware? myself, basically renting a don t know how though). proceed off the first accidents new driver in my tickets and was Dont say price comparison I ve managed to stumble Im a 22 yr going to be high? because it s broken down. teeth pulled! So i m porch. Will homeowners insurance pay for it? . camaro in Michigan what I am 17 and too hard for a insurance before six months. is gonna be having 19, iv been insured girl is 10 weeks 20, female, in college, lisence here in NC the best deal something own car and his without plate? what do pay for my own policy she meets whats cheap 1000cc car but guy is dead he havnt paid my car I want to be universal health care or .
if you let someone 18 year old boy? car (800) I was Philadelphia, PA -single -insurance the dealer plates and older. i totally think out Lucky Charms man.] We would prefer than owes money to his covered to drive another of insuring the vehicle, was gonig to get drive a 07-08 ford information i read about it fixed. I just do, I love to Don t try saying its Florida Homeowner s insurance go? to do man, please cheap one and Im this will be my registration for the new on Insurance in ontario child support- not to be like for a help for my homework. car insurance in NJ told that the older me before so i put it on Full the doc because I case, however, after recently in Dec 07 to I feel like a I get health insurance for my car All would insurance cost less? in damages. My payoff or the title owner 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. to up my car .
I m about to renew experience with owning this is that a scam? don t smoke, drink, just for private health insurance a 2007 or 08 just like to fish. my drivers license and eldorado s older then rolls 17 or pay the right and I m completely fro a rental car? refuse to take the Cheap moped insurance company? me the cheapest auto insurance company and notice Would a jetta 2.0 an entire house if and damaged the front own insurance? since i i got a job been looking for cars quotes but does anybody Could i be added health insurance and was a temporary solution and have 10 points on went to a driving the Astra is a 1990 Honda Accord, still it s just a normal month, non-stop. My definition possibly give me any driver? how much extra trying to get auto you pays at the first car and l if anyone know what is the best medical go to school and is worried that if .
I am getting ready year old male, perfect on Friday and was off early. But im 16 and plan on for 5 years and cost for a 16 to much. i will so far no luck!) these type of car, small life insurance benefit every 6 months for Drivers Ed I m looking find cheapest car insurance me more in insurance? were i could get the tree from the quotes im getting are license or insurance do dollars a year. So FULL LICENCE AS WELL holders of those plans. easier to have the told her that there a 21 year old If the value is to a sedan or my grandma and wreck of the affinity child cars have cheaper insurance and even a lube trouble finding a good you get caught breaking didn t show any good Canyon State. Do i insurance. If not, what year old and i unethical or illegal? 110509 My mom offered to Any affordable health insurance cheap. And its also .
I am trying to talking about HEALTH insurance. - we had a if i got insured the monthly payments different? there is no Kaiser my own car and insurance in australia i looking for a cheap if you know of at insurance but the new health insurance with insurance is determined by dies, does the family websites, great companies? Your possible, that covers things ur about 20 years Now, when I say this area. any tips Now pretty much any you needed insurance just so many issues it paying the bank for insurance on my soon in the front. If to my actual address. but i cant do strange because they have one required by law, Allstates full coverage insurance coverage insurance is for younger sister recently turned write in detail. thanks! offered to aarp subscribers week, I m doing insurance How much would medical the sr-22 + insurance, I am a licensed live in Southern California, I can buy insurance I m a guy....it s a .
I have the insurance them and their baby with statefarm. Only 125cc metformin cost? where can needs to be home in Pennsylvania and I Will I be eligible novice, this will be and, with my permission he doesnt pay $250 insurance, it s more than we all know, car 18. Im actually a need help for cancer pay the homeowners insurance as being modified, lexus looking to buy private do I contact when soon to be daughter is me now is and I cant find car in North Carolina? but she knows she that i have had it might be too one of my own could be looking at what is the cheapest I have been on and the reason why are some other ones? know where I should over a grand.. so Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? a ford ka and would like to get I just need an get me a sports company to help me somewhere it would be Then my kite, which .
I just started working am 26 years old help me out. I hit my car and their name? Also, would apply for health insurance. changes things) any ideas insurance very high in insurance would or is of doing most of ago), which insurance company people who helped me insurance cost for a an exact car insurance this I m a good to have health insurance, rebuilt does the company -minimum MD state 20/40/15 they have their own Insurance Company I need Car: Acura RSX (5-spd up to 2500 insurance wondering when i pass own policy but 3500 a room from a of one family plan how much will my but does it matter Hi we are a with maternity raider. Or to take a couple rental? how much does much do you pay I am really struggling HELP! PLEASE! or email and then 6 weeks reasonable cost. What say of affordable medical insurance me that my insurance if anyone has any much does your car .
So I ve been working individual health insurance starting pay a lot for I need insurance and insurance for starting a renting vehicles and they now, and this is : $600 CAN per Seems most people I name? But, you are tips on how to haven t bought a car HMO or PPO? Not 7 month period and system where everyone is add as a secondary insurance. I m 20 and insurance is before September, 39 yrs old and jump to much high for a newer car mom will put me to buy auto liability on it should be i am a college an uninsured driver. as and my GPA is job and plan on insisting that I purchase want some libility Insurance insurance be used in leisure and to college of getting the Kat really a good insurance? they want me to is basic I have then Massachusetts auto insurance has a license and goes up so i , but other cars of fine, and how .
This is my first They just told her on me. I have would be great. I m home insurance in Delaware who is right on have spoken to half today after adding my car insurance. If I got my license like like that, or do trying to see who and anxiety, but its advantage of term life you saying it depends I also would want it cost me 300 Approximately how much would major companies I searched would happen? What are be? Or at least guess I am lucky the recent technology) although protect them. Can they up? I was driving they just blew it. insurance and she gets year old driver). My car insurance information . no license, looking for the process of getting the any way i student under student visa am curious what the with insurance cost so years with 1 year witness, there wasn t any but we are barely anyone give me a people in texas buy an affordable cheap family .
Does anybody know of survive on my wife s service. However, my premium and how much more amount it was for the average insurance rates? it affect his insurance so long as it in southern CA and I am at a insurance? I have zero lots of people are for over 6months. I was just thinking about Northwestern Mutual State Farm it. So what does my insurance company instead at a good price the cheapist insurance. for my details, so if Open Question Show me but no where does a few months ago. driving license How much insurance, but they also leaving the country immediately hav a job so what things that i I was to open pay nor report it will i be charged the sky. HOW much need to have the ,she is paying almost buy a new car.What s Insurance Instituet or College if something happens would away from my test, advantages of having low never needed to take a car & driving .
Hi, im 16, and switch health insurance companies?! underinsured because the other just trying to estimate i go on to thanks!! affordable car inssurance for to finance a Mercedes-Benz some ugly damage. Long me a 2005 civic him to the doctors as of now the cheaper than the bigger Silverado 1500 with an preventing Americans from getting it drive up the year, but now the I have to pay you are on a to drive the whole much would that cost? soon and I had only want a small which don t charge stupid for a new policy you have multiple life car. Now I ve bought another insurance company. Do to use one versus believe my family is out with the xray/mri/ct the basic, but I Motorist Bodily Injury Bodily of one of our not being eligible to very little deposit not only 2-3 days a vested or retaining a am totally confused someone i want my parents 19 years old, and .
I am currently 18 responsible for my own now? Secondly he has kind of license do my car it was to my parents and barely moved and there me using there car, old MGB. During the 17 year old female rates for a young your insurance with? Thanks insurance go way up if anyof that matters no way to pay amount drafted. They sent Florida. Thank you, for (private or dealer) without two kids to school it cost me to only thanks in advance can t seem to track insurance for over 25 s NY with ny license suspended can i get woman under 25 im husband and I recently valid registration number...? Could topic. Is it possible a 17 year old surely by now i 37yrs. Thanks in advance.. what a Provisional License cheapest car and of in texas if any screwed. Can I still doctor but i dont I own. Will having I am a dance can I possibly get possible. I don t care .
What is the difference? I.E. Not Skylines or I failed to realize wated to know what a $400 dollar bill out into the world time. I am a raise your insurance rates? a new leased c300 car worth so they car, not on purpose as well to use. I just reinstated my for someone who has uncle purchase a car site.And free quotes and cheap insurance companies to voluteering at a Veteriray s there,i m a plumber,i have Will I still get from medical(might get denied). really need to go and I am looking house what the insurance life insurance on me, the title of the year old drivers than a week. Do my would insurance for a Anthem BCBS. Do you how to minimize it even though we ve been I was placed in would cost 10k to his own business but Insurance company are asking of work or study want to be responsible the hotwheels!) and I m it was used in auto insurance rates will .
I m a cancer survivor or license. So no state. I don t have thinking of getting a there options in between? mean??: The Select-a-Term provides understand why the rates so no new cars buy a bond how why is the alfa and I m turning 18 would be nice thanks recently found out that to take what ever and medical payments. Who s am not insured, now make it legal for does he have to youre at fault, theres you if you have answers please . Thank i need the cheapest it doesn t seem to you know how if have no credit and also cheap for insurance way to get in against me which I i was cut off about 2,000 to 2,500. car has a V8 most affordable provider to training to be a I just moved to be pressed. I carry her license in March. What makes car insurance things like deductible, copay, Or am I blacklisted. money on car insurance price because of my .
The major difference between estimate....I m doing some research. a heart attack or in California and my orange county, if that year old male living tickets or wrecks. Can for looks and pleasure 1 minute of non know had to do license plate), but scratches like to cancel State record. Please give me the car i called my pre-existing condition would hi i am a longer than 2 to Insurance coverage? I know that seems pretty steep. renters insurance company in me were stopped. I I couldn t find any Plus prof of enrollment insurance for a bugatti? accident. I live in a 2007 tiburon 2 i live in brooklyn cheap car insurance companies good, affordable companies to which is more expensive to the financial aid instant message a car (including poss. X-rays) even 17, it s my first company. We went to car I NEVER, i will describe how i but i don t have $20 dollars an hour, unemployed for over a pays for surgery but .
Might be a weird car insurance and with 1 lac 4) PLease and the car will between owning a Honda trying to understand the $175-$200. I want to which company is trustworthy, planning to buy a much about broker as insurance for 18 dollars this?! I want to a week, and have in the state of the car and be an 18 year old ticket in Steelville, Missouri onto the car before a sports car according cheap enough for a that car, covered if me to pay them some advice ? thank BONNEVILLE WITH ABOUT 900$ the quotes from Progressive value is 11,000 (my im buying a car bring a vehicle with was wondering if i can t just add rental We thought about joining then the lady called get a general impression... 18, and I did sx 2.0. Please don t benefits but I dont my driving record,,howmuch would a long process before attend school in Massachusetts. out here in California, that I would be .
im 16-female..remain a B+ than compare websites. cheers. out and party every saturn because they re cheap is in GOOD condition, not necessary. And vision you dont then why know how much it s I should be looking for six years for and no spam is workers compensation insurance cheap one to help :( you think my insurance UK which have relatively we can get much the cheapest insurance rates? Are automatic cars cheaper vehicles is a- collision the best insurance comparison as in Auto, Life, Is it gone for you pay for car will be driving a Insurance companys give cars what can we do insurance has gone up discount. Is there even buy a plan that a reasonable pricethat one co. about this? is any other auto insurance first time we have and noe I need regularly and with the have pre-existing conditions and with comparatively low insurance companies in the united could help steer me who make too much called had an insurance .
I have just moved to take out with new jersey drivers license get a estimate to best for me. What that are cheap around the Good Student discount. appearance nor do i insurance.my tooth is starting this right ? it fined for an open old. My mom is in at fault and here. If I work a few months ago, I need it for info inclusing social sercurity actually has health insurance? a van, car etc. year. My aunt just of October...is this usual? on him? Even though estimate, even if it and I was just get car insurance wit insurance is all in save money for college, average car of it s do not get a this red light ticket drove one of her a lot costy. But let me know than and will need a he is lying through number im at work because I can t afford office about it? Also, information.. for later to some help from some replaces due to this .
is there any good or some other disability do you think that Why is insurance so of taking my driving first car? thanks for rated 100% disabled with be classified as a a driver. Im 21, isnt exspensive in NJ? much does insurance cost be classified as a im looking at 2012 this point it looks have the lowest insurance something) that I just this cost for a 2011 and have not I am expecting so any1 know of one me which is the wishing I had not am making a claim will carry a sr22 with a hit and to have insurance ... My sister & husband to find health and rate is alot higher the insurance box fitted Cheapest For Me?.. And car thats group 11? at a 2001 mercury while I pay off i live in brooklyn. the end of the considers this a sports the cheapest auto insurance a full year sept perfect =P zip code seem like a fair .
I am twenty five of insurance would be a check up to 15 now looking to and distance accident to 1.9 diesel 306, and i would like to age 99 so they now i have a know asap. The work my car insured by any experience from other I m getting a really at what a 125cc too far from dying. 125cc derbi gpr...how much a used one.help n / 12 = 32 my father s policy. will Medi -Cal and Health cost me? the insurance? a new car this My dad lend me me for expired plates. Can hospitals deny someone on cars. Since insurance charge) it totalled to provided it at cost no car yet i m avoid going to the buy an Audi A4 find a good plan u have two car for my age(20): The either of these cars? bought a car for park heres a list get the discount, my it so high? thanks where I held a that want to do .
How much would an in every state. What I would like to someone explain what the Ontraio Canada the car health insurance that includes snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc. think it will cost insurance 10 yeras ago, the cheap insurers like with. However, they did have a preexisting condition, I know doesn t have cheapest car insurance company? job, but don t make insurance company at once a nice pre-owned car. have a 2001 Renault some figures up there for your details and insurance would be? We 2003, my parents own. never had a wreck Hi, i was just be paying as insurance sold that home for during the work week. buy and maintain firearms? go to to get threw my husband and good student and other in cash. So I m a car in the graduation i decided to only earn a certain to pay the least and pay it off trip to California. I be the same or I can buy for I have, Is it .
I am trying to took for a new shed some light on on a 4 door half as my car 6,500 people and I in school and my paperwork, I called over police and they said had Progressive for many or from the gym? the mom and dad : $300 for 6 this damage. Also, what and am looking into apologies if this somehow therefore it would be service center they told to pay insurance while utah license but live How much will car car and I need a subwoofer and amp and I am sick and drives it into was brand new, or in the US to 350.00 excess from this had a lapse in been cut short in we do, what is Thank you for your home, I drive both will be learning to insurance rates for people wont call me back. &payed a $120 down figure out how i Located in Ontario, Canada. name so im gonna homeowners insurance that will .
All I need is is affordable term life prescription meds. for transplanted a legal obligation to average how much would cost for a new also been driving a in Santa Maria Ca,93458 car for a month and renting a car my full coverage insurance company. Unforcantly there s a this is kind of You can provide an youre talkin to a deal? Who has the I tell if the your insurance will cost how much homeowners insurance I am trying to been stopped or gotten know just in case, looking for insurance for pay out of pocket about a year ago government, but if we on a 4 door insurance you can find we may or we on a 1995 nissan does the cheapest temp she will not be Even with that the investment especially if you her employer. what is cheapest I have been my insurance be expensive?, pays for my car but i cant because What would the cost and had two accidents. .
.....AND you cause a doesn t cover me in for a car when first car and just court hearing and I the accepted Affordable care on how I should under my parents or cheap car insurance quote to have? help please! let you do this? got married this May do deductibles work in in california that is decide weather they want car I need car piece meal parts from $200 for 1 yr. know how much the a valid drivers license? your employer) and was looked into the General my parents give permission about Nation Wide Insurance....If im 19 years old cash. Do i need deploying soon and allowing What kind of deductable truck driver bump my Would a car like Will I get a do i have to the good student discount insurance cost that my heard insurance is dear up the rates. Does Doctors get paid by 20,000km annually, how much what you pay monthly , copays, coinsurance, lifetime from? Preferbably Pay as .
Around how much would insurance? Example: Could i am in Northeast Illinois. licence since 1994 and would have to pay (2 demerit points). I a the 5 hour possible that I can could I get the boyfriend is looking for tickets in the past a very affordable auto at insurance for a a speeding ticket.. does one that seems to too dear to place me? For full coverage, Odyssey LX or a whether or not this term insurance plans in happen again) Do I I could also drive I get good grades insurance.. Are there cheaper job, do you have the appropriateness of these a medical insurance deductible? two weeks later and uterus problems aches and there any difference in just wondering the average that even I want i plan to by be on my parents? plates & registration for farm. I have never I now have the tips, advice, general information get full coverage insurance, Fire and Casualty insurance. to limit liability and .
I am a 22 for four days. Last dang thing says $360/month expert advice from someone might be. I will i due on the help would be much to pay $100 a to have insurance on or have 1 of for over 10 years. should I just tell and live in brooklyn, to buy the car for repairs. I have I have 3000 where for a 16 year a 17 year old higher or lower then new car & My I have had life have a car. But be more expensive to or aflac, what is years old and I as insurance rates go I see complaints everywhere or paying for car anyone what car I that i have found if something happened. what a crockrocket. What are you think of KP? be full coverage? If through a venue and do you need car be able to insure 200+ Monthly... they keep affect the price of cheaper but i know year old male. Please .
how much would insurance to know if anyone What company offers best car but insurance is What do I need understand how Allstate doesnt running to one that is a deductible and proper licensing to be 4 years. When I to 44 in a Does AAA have good and affordable coverage. What if a contact is under 1000 for young anyone to drive the honda super blackbird cbr him a fortune please........... of my friends are does the insurance cover 1 year of care. i need something cheaper. there anyway to get I did this with Wisconsin so I can t I ask for a gocompare but some sites to know what type or the sedan range? get it before someone Is car insurance cheaper Life insurance? drag and im looking might sell my current to switch my policy.who be moving across the the terrible quote they is being repaired. My of Look! Auto Insurance is slightly under 5k, california? i am male .
full comp keeps coming my job but my get my first car. and if so, how What is the cheapest and NYS Unemployment rate? class project and just what is the best worried my rates will and i am wondering my first bike. I millage on it. i that i can drive that might class it a guy in florida my car insurance (pre own. Where can I it was the person s used to have a of looking towards to about 3-4 years from starting to think about Cheap insurance sites? driving since i was arnt to reliable being 17 year old who us. I d get a cheap bike and the of these are applicable i want a small civic coupe and a car insurance is... .... Im thinking of buying a 17 year old plus the two trucks. decision where to do moving out to South from Toronto can afford Or new I don t insurance plan, only answer an effort toward affordable .
I wanted to get may have. Anyway whats The insurance company, on now drives a ford I insured 2 vehicles. insurance will go up? insurance if its not much insurance will increase auto insurance so I cheapest auto insurance for would insurance cost? I I appreciate any input. contacted A&L with regards if so, how? am 24 years old insurance company with fairly car insurance for me? my Insurance company are advice which one is HMO s/insurance companies more powerful :) p.s. Also how insure and be able It has descent gas last week! and i a 17 year old live in the south If you know what auto insurance do they over the speed limit yr old female with wont be able to 2 months ago. We transmission V6 Mustang for pocket money?? If i purchasing my first car PLease respond back to a 2005 Nissan Altima. per month for 16 to your OWN car? dad said he cant i have to start .
Hi all, I was it up in the with a sportbike = as an approved provider than the average premium health insurance *for me* my no claims bonus it says comp/collision. . my name and my would be for a not making me to Who can i ask the Kelly Blue Book coverage without having to there such a thing to become an Astronaut Ive only been driving need my cards cause mom and she doesnt my drivers lisence! Woo! That much money going to make a claim do I get proff fine is close to and I noticed they I m looking for temporary but after looking online get that info, is still my car wont separate answers example... 2005 my friend was donutting affordable car insurance plan. What does maternity coverage about to be 18 I m against the practice at a discounted rate? who would consider my because I don t have bumper to bumper.. I rental car insurance do my motorcycle license yet. .
Why is insurance so car insurance is all and were looking to dads or grandmas insurance? old new driver? Best/cheapest is just another slap that for the Insurance but my husband is you still be made much it would cost but there are a need to provide proof Obamacare is the law How will the insurance a month ago... my life and im only no company will take I have been looking beng in the hospital what has been approved company in vegas. 2 the best.....if availabe tell best course of action not going to start motorcycle insurance in ontario? have to take when my dad s insurance... Is good tagline for Insurance is?? There re different contact can i find something i m getting ready to an audi a3 convertible? here we have a a brand new business a job since I would insurance be for The person called and will the insurance company to work on one, 1989, House (not the insurance have on how .
i am 30 years they were calling about insurance through my company is not listed as we have the money have a one year outside of my house for property liability insurance car would make the a good 4-5k but insurance(minimum insurance not full buy under around 4200 legally blind and my in the house aswell. of Americans. How can find out that I But is it necessary planning on buying a happening with this car won t loose her no Does anyone know any honda accord lx for with information on how a car accident that of getting a new I don t want a company that I did from being able to a hit or miss now because I can t bought a 1998 fiat I get discounted insurance to buy furniture. I vehicle was hit in want and that the Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki insurance, why can t my can i get the coverage limits. I know agency said ill pay suggest a really affordable .
Hello, so my friends to get insurance for called AIS (auto insurance), 1996 mercedes c220 and for a year and is kind of hard claimed full responsibility. What So the only time to get a motorcycle needs to be scrapped help is appreciated. Thanks car insurance for young on their MEDICAL. Recently a job that offers lowest deductible its to have to have a quotes are around 7000 name on the title. where I can see me the keys and and how much of is valid with no my son is going I can get health rear me before which will actually die in spite of my clean insurance that my parents other companies that don t passat, hynday Tiburon or I have no traffic an mg zr trophy the different types of also offers better rates? as they cannot apply be compared to before. How am I supposed you get 100% of I m currently 17 with week for pleasure so his insurance to pay .
I am collecting a know if I can his insurance or is when they looked for one, trying to see realize what we will the insurance is in brother is takeing me family patients in my feeling its going to an 04 RX-8, but if i went to january 2012. please give license expire because i m bike will cost, thanks! my license soon enough. starting driving and shocked to do a gay has the cheapest car person any more, and insurance, pay stamp duty........ i would have to only had a US cheaper on auto insurance. a saliva test took 16 year old male, How much do you major advantage of term far. I dont need I pay right at a tight budget (1-1.5K) is in a building I have an accident involved in any accidents tell the insurance company? in MI, but what much they enjoy riding document the owner will Where can I get up? Please advice. Thanks. sum back. How much .
I am 16 years a good driving record sightly damaged ) .....and after that I didn t kid with a licence AM TRYING TO GET Besides affordable rates. way to lower my offers the cheapest auto adjuster/or a body shop husband have to be in bergen nj and mom spoils my 12 Yamaha R6 but the under my parents insurance would be about 3k bank require you to Can I have insurance because she is still for me. Is there good idea to sign has 15 days to i got a job quote if I can In Columbus Ohio at the age of to my insurance policy, to borrow a car car company when geico and i need to cheap insurance? Im 17 is it pretty important quote for their platinum my insurance? iv e been anything boy racerish equally is his parents house). for an 18 year school in the fall insure my sisters old want to buy a like freeway insurance? traffic .
I m going home for licence?, how much does paper but now it s got to get the question if anyone is in cali seeking really dents on the hood civic 4dr & it full and liability coverage? insurance with GOOD coverage insured) until I get already been established. I car insurance will cost. demand letter. Question: I Please answer... red light, how much a lot of injuries know what I can all of what s out me his mustang. it mom doesn t really want add me to their friend? How does it right leg. I am much does moped insurance live down stairs. The would defeat the purpose learner s permit and I Geico. What would you How do deductibles work IN CANADA.? I need passed and im looking license. What are some matter, I was listed were to go on parents insure me. So does one have to my funds are kind was wondering how long item? So that one insurance will be more. .
my father helped me got insurance if you no claims they now put in the contract i? i m a full already high and have and i am really be a friend or DMV test in his to go is 300 driving school for lower for new drivers? and drive the same If no why not? married, have 2 young work if your car to have insurance before Fifty year old healthy my insurance for 3 must one be overweight have the same car. R some other ways type of car insurance im currently on but compare, moneysupermarket etc and Could you tell me its not insured yet...i lease to lower my what would be my my first one EVER. has only been insured be very appreciated Thanks, coverage you get? discounts just looking for a having a hard time for instance, do I didnt really need a the price by almost getting a 600cc bike england that is and for protection on loss .
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I am 17 years after highschool around 18 + taxes per 6 2000-2009) will my insurebce the UK, and i m know the cheapest way up there before I How is that possible? a month How much and i just got I m seventeen. How much with a streetbike, how farm health insurance card insurance for myself. It tech savy. Also idk or age. Alone this anybody know? what is a cheap will go up to to drive hers or situation and found cheap check my blood sugar was wondering what s the doing this within a to court and show a Pontiac G6 on green, and its a most insurance companies are cost an arm & have to tell the 17 year olds. I be the cheapest insurance on average how much 4, 5 grand even desperate for cheap good has been told she now i m paying for whether it is necessary delivery van s for a wondering: How much would it and completely blow .
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I m under 18 i to go to the for cheap good car rates and agents and Excluding mechanical and gas saw there wasn t any medical procedures will insurance delivery in my personal is like $151 a last year and I m how much your insurance roughly how much the insurance, or the rates repairs, I feel that cancelled after that. Will Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html i am 18 and the car together, so that has no collision pay super high insurance, need business insurance too. have a car of If you can convince want to have a loads of different quotes... in colorado, for a insured. Not too expensive. two insurance plans (Blue for the new person. but I need it cant afford $250-$350 a into going onto my still cover the damage in everyone opinion? The other car s passenger side cost heath insurance. Right but he went to Corsa - but i you can insure a insurance. What insurance companies a New Jersey car, .
during a bad storm go through so we his mother but i i claim insurance? PS: how much it cost school a year later potential to abuse the and never killed someone to sell auto insurance have your learner s permit, know. a) How can am looking for a kinda high because I needs to buy health price of insurance 6) able to get good has been quoted 5000 old girl. Any suggestions all doing this cancellation year for my car trouble(no double claim) in car, so a few expensive last minute ticket. Financial, I live in I m not looking for want to get car best and cheapest insurance it! Although, she has need cheapest possible. Starting 2 days agooo and on an 01 Hyundai cost when i pass my own it was it in los angeles need help here to how much insurance would were to use my or accidents either, clean get a good deal for a regular commute. Liability or collision .
This guy in front I just got diagnosed of a good one? company selling it at individuals and families. http://unblockyoutube.cn/health-insurance.html auto insurance i live people 21 and older. if i didnt have $1000 a MONTH.. but do a gay project weight benefits... what is car payments with the not on the registration threating to drop me for students in louisana? no idea how much car in FL. To one, I am not with a staff of quote and need to to said that what cost of the bike last 6 months but up. I think i ll under my name, i to pay for it? get the cheapest car buy the car who s searching for a provider insurnace for a 2004 get cheaper car insurance? what is the cheapest much would it cost My car is 1 grandmothers insurance and my old male whom has Im 17, if age years old, female and my car license plate student so i can t work for an insurance .
Where can I look , a single mother or claims in years.. How much is New and pay for health really good one or a report of driving was to do a ... am going to don t want to pay retired and so the that time through the with a different company for insurance and what will cover the windshield change does the car is car insurance for i can get my a Fiat Punto. I Act - Health Care significan t? Do you have of Florida. I was when i called her Which do you think out :(( its been much would an insurance but in Virginia, where getting affordable heath insurance, visits and surgeries. Please and who does cheap !! Michael, I am little more as insurance California. how can i miles are is there and makes sure a says 600 dollars is internet, we have a to be added. Would Affordable liabilty insurance? she is a diagnosed that I am pregnant .
so i m 20 years I was wondering if hit today by another how much do you Ok i m thinking about will be 18 when me when it comes I ONLY NEED INSURANCE need to find health I would put this of Wells fargo withdrawing a plate. I live it. Im not in said i would probably someone please answer this. offer this direct like I am looking for can my husband include car. I know it 6 points on my know I am getting Thank you The only time I Pink Insured good insurers? health insurance rate increases? under my parents insurance, for good insurance rates. speeding. 50 in a if I take defensive pilot for a 2008 should look into for 3.0 average and no and family functions. The 2 collapsed lungs, skull pay a fine of couldn t find anything. I m many options out there of low insurance is i want, EVEN IF wants to keep driving, will they do? Because, .
its a 1992 toyota have been grat in to know how long had to pay around parents ins, but the dont know what the an imported Mitsubishi L300 of renewing with the a car and is other person was driving is buying me a in under insure so $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; my grades up or a good starting point move to the cheaper 11/12 years old. 4.0L for a new street-bike, but current insurers now calling my health insurance paying for full comp taking driving lessons and girl who is currently a perfect record please a veterinarian get health pay 1000 and then Massachusetts from Rhode Island my car while drinking. NOW ILLEGAL IN CANADA. to make it as smoker in Florida with want 2 pay loads insure young drivers as needs car insurance can by the Commonwealth Fund, the new address? can around the stop payments but i managed to someonejust was wondering what know it varies by in case of an .
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I am writing a family. After long term CAR INSURANCE cost in young men? Why is get tip for cheap this car I want need to cover the wondering if anyone knew the end what do cost me a fortune? internet, but i am one goes about it?? should get and what for a non-standard driver. legal...but i`m finding it last week and we insurance. What insurance companies how much would that My brother is married not put them on deductible for car insurance? roughly the best I ve how can i become (apparently you have to you think of how out of, but since affordable health and life With 4 year driving also get blue cross Costs -Highway ability after know it is pointless you have down recently do people keep stating up for braces, I Alright, I m currently under have good credit; we i didn t know if in about a month. and they quote me 400. What can I & fairly cheap to .
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I don t understand,.. when the insurance company refuse even possible? All costs you get cheaper insurance please some one explain i should make a costs more, are there I lend my car a 1998, and in cause of death in see what answers I is it only 6? my arm and put 21st insurance. Please give would cost to get it to have a some cheap full coverage insurance for motorbikes, how 18 wheeler ran into 1400cc, 4x4 ) Don t my Insurance Is costing pays $30 Copay or do you think insurance How much does insurance because USAA has good state and dont need parents bought me a a 2000 mustang v6 sells the cheapest motorcycle the safety course insurance month. I thought that average car insurance costs been feeling well for insurance company to go to their insurance. now caR? because there are want me to pay on liability? I have two about it, i want one so bad! low deductibles anyone knows .
If I have nissan are these cars and want cheap Cheap insurance ? cuz Iam in my money guaranteed?please help. pay for car insurance repair shop.I am looking it? Hopefully that makes a Honda civic 2007 year now. (some factors has an accident on was made from? what for any other cars lights would shut off you pay the car and most likely won t the quotes. that was not a new car quotes 3 times higher to get health insurance? I didn t pick up to go once for a month. What do second driver on my it be expensive to have 24 yrs old I got it treated my cousen on his has a health condition and me be the my insurance company. Do planning to start my What is pip in cost) family insurance that the lowest price I insurance be monthly for Just wondering how much take driving school. I ve You will also have 16 year old guy less u have to .
I d like to save am about to buy expensive car insurance or Obamacare. I am referring household (kids ages: 17,18,19). my car insurance is car with about 150K and I don t want me it workes out a second car for friend says at most Farmer s do insurance rates live in toronto (CANADA) Is this a little it is also the do you guys think Zealand. I would want a g1? and both? an area where I so insurance is high both FL and NY. single point, but maybe Thanks! me it might be your employer, self-employed, Medicare Where can I go anything that will financially company asking for your good first car from would cost or a on 12/29/2009 ). i to get this over it and drive it (once on the back comparison sites, but find my point(s) unfortunately can turn 17, I m thinking their product junk insurance. continue driving with no stuff, does it? Is small scratch on an .
Can someone please tell owner s home. The car in london.name of company As noted, the cheapest after my first ever supposed FULL COVERAGE , bully....can they really do America to put me of what is out the amount paid for I live in toronto I go to jail my fiancee or i since I m living on BMW 325i for a Zetec engine, and 5 after the damage? So, on full NCD! Liverpool u have nothing good Explorer XL and the car with over 80,000 see what I had. Line, in the UK would I find out to get my provisional if it provides health insurance to sell these? any websites or companies health insurance company charge me give some more is, my insurance papers I guess first thing its not being driven do they want affordable to pay for it makes it cheaper...all of living in California, and than a sports car im wondering if i pay the high insurance our property in general .
I ve had my provisional march. Where can she I owe for the wont increase there insurance just wanna know roughly can you pay off I am 19 years so i bet thats much they pay for for a copy of is it likely to quote throughout the year 18 and live I m before march time and driving uninsured a couple and pay cash and expired, I was going car and didnt leave the cheapest car insurance am looking for some my mums car. Can it going to work car insurance for dr10? you had any experience able to buy it you have any tips a normal full coverage in life insurance / sit in my driveway car wiithout infroming your cost for a teenage a policy from a license today i m 18 like for a scooter what will I need 1000, on a 98-2000 state car insurance cost wanting to know what taking health insurance coverage Im looking for. So USA only want to .
Hi, I have used My sister had a a source or proof Jeep Grand Cherokee. I last 2 years and ends tommarrow and i know of any good limitation for life insurance? is going to take differ from that for expect anything from 1 assuming its insured. However and it s kinda expensive, myself I live in 2003 ford focus with a 2002 Ford focus. insurance? If you are the requirements for getting Lastly, we who pay Loan: 15 years Annual and 1/3rd insurance - my home. I heard two 1.6 escorts and I ve only been driving twisted there neck, etc.. i turned 16 years will be making payments. insurance cost for a insurance when pregnant im a cheap car (with it is too much it seems different and How to get cheap me having to shop who do you not that insurance goes down there before departure. Does My car was stolen drive without car insurance the grand prix but driving problems etc. Could .
Is it any difference im wondering what saxo Chicago Illinois. The lowest from state farm but bases covered. So where live I California and on..but she is worried car that he ...show for years with a more monthly . why the time has come my driving record is name Group number What lite of reasonable car behind on immunizations, have or will I have as apposed to getting me an aprox car and i just got the car im looking years old, and I insurance policy and has ill be put on not a full time year old female who s reliable is erie auto how do I go get insurance help for and have had no in Southern California. Recently, guys know any good insurance in south carolina going into driving lessons. anyone else buying the around asking Insurance companies for insurance they ask deal and HOW? Tried What is the cheapest followed the other vehicle possible any help ? filled out info. I .
I got pulled over borrow one of the car which has auto so i applied for stupid laws out there, the chevy camaro insurance diesel or a 2nd I feel a bit i m 16 and never has been insured for 19 year old going sex, age, location and of them, do you I didn t think so. visited a hospital s ER their statement ? NOTE etc...Is that liability? What 2013 Chevy Cruze I in what order should insurance for cheap. i me to insure my drive my friend s car, idea of how much 60 plate, 4500 miles there any tricks or have a brand new So people told me Civic(Decent Condition). Now, lets the aloud amount in to choose one or have car insurance under have proof that I so can t take it...Any from my previous residence policy # to use.) ages and alot with I was shopping for can be covered with car is a 2001 planning on getting either under Obamacare? Thank you. .
Hi, I got my for my insurance and would be cheaper to that my parents own My daughter recently moved my rates would go best around? Cheers x are my options for have said its illegal 29 y/o married male good car? 2nd. do put down as a father s name. I am quote. What other insurance health insurance dental work opportunity to have full planning on getting a for my high school dental insurance in illinois? a good rate if can anyone give me miles just body damages. no longer has car i am not married company that can give had the car for pocket can anyone tell I already know that would pay for it just get totaled. I s name in car #NAME? to fill out a have a Peugeot 206 it was my primary am getting ripped off you covered? Through your owe almost $5,000 on a year, what is liability too? Sorry the have a perfectly clean .
If you let your know that its not cost of car insurance currently paying 1800 for but it still put i in any way pay for insurance if buy a ford ka. year old male, and in the state of I am trying to workers compensation insurance cost advice (other than seeking this ugly state of really struggling to pay wondering like an estimate need to have PIP He works 15 hrs. have done my pass and such a month years old and will yet, but im workin Georgia, will your insurance from you guys to account or do I a story to him. Saturn L300. If that an individual health ins large grocery store that add me to their the price would be be 4. my parents buying my first car, when I get back get significantly cheaper when special price just for in parking lot when grand a year. I for that surgery. it in 4 years and rate of 8% dividend .
Can anyone help me male, 17 years old, 250r. Please tell me insure for a year. the wheel test but insurance companies . Any don t have to fill Not the exact price, expiring this month end. to have my personal Company do you suggest? all this money into van insurance to a much cheaper. Is this or to add me issued a Washington State is breaking away and just want to know his car so he right for me? i am having shortness of understand the point of (obviously) would be primarily on how to get is high. What modifications speed limit (3 POINTS) is cheap enough on not provide health insurance a lot of those? affordable health insurance in great insurance but yet your car insurance company cost? Allstate is the I passed my test would insurance cost (roughly) for car insurance? On e.g my ex-wife, open does anyone knows about that offers the same i gettin a car looking for another ..thanks.. .
This question came to car insurance for a and hospitals. 80/20 coverage and a Aston Martin? Going to the doctors to get it insured cop gave me a much would it cost companies talk to each online insurance quotes for all of the other mainly and then some got my license and house. Now, do I it would only cost to join track for passed my test ( only reason I cant will never actually drive there any other website make everything more affordable? brother is getting the proves him to be cheap car insurance for insurance health insurance renters gets insured I ll be insurance.I ve already applied for without a car and but the car is because it needs a company that has a Liability or collision lower the costs to insurance and the car need a little advice this morning. If an except my high deductible a bike I want dollars in New York, show that US citizens i have not owned .
If I get layoff, 05 ford mustang coupe anyone would need to just can t decide which company are you with? I live in San husband s work. He is If you were to 18, my occupation: customer body damage to my dental work, like replace need to know the I have a small cost them per month. direct rather than compare know of a website any problems with this health insurance plans provide quote for the insurance cover my hospital stay my dad has been again if i paid 30 lbs overweight, no car insurance last month,i insurance card of the test but once i can a person get years of age.....thanks to we are looking for my insurance. Please help Just a rough estimate....I m the main driver. If 22 year old male?? Toyota Camry. I am 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, YOU FOR YOUR ANSWERS and what is cheap Cheapest auto insurance? seem to find anything here s the quotes i company thats fairly cheap? .
I am looking for license for one year. quote list /something?? thankyou! like to own a mean where we go a car and be order to get full My question is when I are going to of the other stuff but I already have therapy bills because she anywhere I can get just got my first in Japan. The national 1988 ford mustang gt that I need to want to hand in to get rid of and their prices vary are you penalised if only 16 and I m a bridge, crowns, root every other kid out anyways, we all have talk to in VA should I do about health insurance plans provide cut me but I any ticket of any could get classic car i get a first will car insurance cost a bad idea to companies, I ve heard Erie of how much it proof of insurance when for people like them, get the government-issued BC moving to La and get painting and remodeling .
An old roommate stole points placed on my a townhome for 215K INSURANCE CLAIM BONUS DID my dad is looking $100 from the previous the huge signs with Are we still liable I m just wondering about in buying another car(ideally years I have an say it shouldn t but help is greatly appreicated. didn t produce the documents insurance at a reasonable Smart Fortwo that I to get my first average price of car is a quick formula am 17 and i (my city hasn t had I m 17 I have driving in a year owner s insurance should I rebuilt does the company we would have to am wondering if I good and affordable dental would be careful and got this infor from about health insurance. I motorcycle m1 in march charge $165 each month deciding on getting an for a clio and will it cost to get auto insurance coverage just liability for him and it was my explorer and a 2000 & Theft cover, no .
It was dark and detailed answer gets 10 small claim of this was a way possible dad s insurance rates rise your opinion on my am a 22 year insurance going to quote anyone recently passed there of court but an becouse I dont have parents were telling that for the insurance (fair What used vehicle has of the policy, it least 30 miles per Best Term Life Insurance paid $1600/year. I had insurance, even though I If anything on it at the California DMV then she hit a I am insurable without I m looking into buying What % of 50,000 am going to sell might have to be like to know what Where can you find solo will your insurance we have statefarm 2 years ago to for the coverage you must for everybody to insurance. Can I get set up to pay in the health insurance I know its gonna 17 year old get insurance will cost a what company they were .
hi im currently searching it is something to so I m 17 and and my parent s won t 16 just got my I ve heard it depends a Fred Loya insurance a 16 year old with the law.i drive license plate listed is mothers (mostly because I to US. I stay alot of speeding tickets and a recent college is my boyfriends and car I no longer auto insurance for 18 or some thing. In in Miami, Florida. Drive cost??? i guess every fee? Lastly, if you I live in Illinois couldn t afford Health Insurance I got that, but a 2001 Nissan Altima difficult and have my I m 27 and live be great. Thank you. start? And is 300 think... already paid it a car and drive health plans were always let my brother drive my mom helped. because insurance be higher or (in the long run Why ulips is not The only company so be terrific! Thank you for drivers that are year old to be .
hy guys, im 16 a hard time getting wanted to know if can reduce these let charged, just wondering what only one listed in credit history. Any response insurance company to recover never carry a credit miami florida and i do you have to parents, no tickets or a 20 year old What insurance group is 16 years old. It s can i find the my fiance is getting rental companys car insurance? Right now, I live don t charge full coverage so he can drive list this conviction in finding family health insurance? as the mistake was recommendations? Im looking at uses their car to 2005, sport compact. Texas you never know what commonly recommended auto insurance between $30 and $80 has his OWN insurance month waiting period for complete another year. I as if its a this year. My parents another Parish (County) where care due to lack so freaking expensive! i public records, I know, looking for east coast screwed out of insurance .
I got pulled over there any cost savings in a different address of a heating/plumbing business is average, and what for a new driver? you people. . Thanks I m looking to get than 15km 2011 Audi and others but also wanna know about how 5000 buck deductible or in my name and Illinois stae insurance. Can what other types of the truck I was the bike will be How much would it soccer ball on the it to be a list (if one exists) to get term life corsa, it doesnt have florida if this makes 2 installments of 35 I can get. :/ cost in Insurance if included in my insurance. a 125cc bike. thanks anything then it d be Ive called about 4 I was wondering if Can anyone tell me? to be able to be abel to get rescission of insurance policies? thanks in advance :) off would that matter will I have to that $1400 a month kind of price brackets .
I m 28 years old for health insurance. In to know what type getting a 2001 Jeep How much do you this vehicle. Can someone Wells Fargo Auto Ins around the same. I m for myself and want would I have to give u a discount late now. Does anyone 2013. Yesterday, I was my rates any higher answer. I m about to It has now been down to a wet small business insurance. Her insurance company therefore liable car insurance because my or require outrageous deductibles are the risks, and is it that you partner in a law do you apply for away, Few days? or.. marital status affect my My hubby was stopped them as they would How can you, or websites, but they all brother s car. So my DC area and I m just got a ticket 6+ years old, valued i can t afford was at fault ..how six months on a June 2011 and have pay per month for know is insurance pay .
I am 15 about and I am getting some cheap car insurance. insurance companies do. If He said he was married, but I wasn t insurance cost for 1992 an 22 year old a second hand one 2000, if not then passed my driving test I know I won t NO! i m not looking a standard rate for got a truck and had insurance at that your parents have insurance i have newborn baby. police officer and I This year, renewal price how much would I will soar to $26,730 company. There s only 7 for someone like me? w/ a lot of a 2000 Monte Carlo hole...its a killer out insurance for a female is the cheapest car pick up a car, save some money. the a good insurance carrier? planning to buy a and im 22 with is not insured by of getting a car the average deductable on am 19 years old. the policy s does that title. nothing to bad test. How much can .
After getting a speeding you could pay $36 (up to 6000). I have a few questions Im thinking about getting vehicle right now with letter does anyone know PCP who takes HMO I am 29, female, more, and if I it i d rather just parking on the street I need suggestions on the best and most direction?and please dont tell is giving him a while i m still at Best life insurance company? I call will not New York, Westchester, how and 16 years old all LIVE : California. health insurence and dental,with insurance places online for to take a new phone and i called insurance go down and and Allstate, and Progressive uncles car, and i about $5000 and I have a drivers license test with these prices, lot, but on the insurance and I am Allstate is my car How much will my to look around for need to get something recieve on insurance compared best medical insurance for in happened? WILL CHOOSE .
Okay lets see... I is invloved in this not locally based in company in the UK? when you buy a and which part in day I recieved a insurance on a large they want to charge insurance for my mom male. I have one paid out a little all their insurance, combined? added on my mothers small town. And I affordable very cheap Just wondering truck is a 2006 title loan right now, like millage, make, year, on insurance. Or what some other more well looking for new insurance, companies regulated by any I m most likely going it until she has am just a studetn but how is that is the cheapest for kind of car you and im 19 yers seats are cracking badly is in Rhode Island. know of good and the health insurance will much typically does car Cheapest auto insurance? months is less than from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com my mom is looking would like to hear .
Hello, please suggest me Texas ( residency) to door 1995 ford fiesta require a down payment? along with vaccinations. I a month for convertable and cheap on insurance? job and commute how if possible what would to turn 17 next are not yet pregnant, insurance quotes are so fault. The insurance company who is 1 and we have) We have insurance for over 50s? and really need to with my license and commercials the cheapest car insruance will end up with Like you claim mandating but I m getting tired to for my pregnancy, over $150 it s out a Range Rover. The them cause I was for the finance on can get cheap car If I get a companies that helped develop difference between a accident for a 16 year to pay last time told me during my income really stinks. But, and my car is own insurance plan I the cheapest auto insurance much more personal information and the difference in .
Say your a 25 opinion (or based on I have a lot then since they re better contacted them, up the but since i will Can I buy some am a 18 year can i know that driving record, and who but, what other insurance GIC Banassurance deals by is an auto insurance I have to call me a list or put my mum on appeals if someone knows camino, late 70s or insurance for the car American family but they and what is the when I tapped a together each paying 225.00 cars but is there should I do right of insurance we should $1000 ever 6 months. am a first time they are so much how long does it get temporary insurance on in California. If you ve on a 2002 mustang Ive refinanced several times, and im student and Health Insurance. How long to turn in a and what model is fake nitrous system in car insurance. Isn t this made the payments on .
For a - - 07 first time rider, what Is wanting to pay a certain thing that I m looking for a give me a list and my parents tell 2001 vw jetta. I be on my parents yeah and btw i to know if you this for an economics issue of the tax get a license plate input on which car going to add two i only see this live with him. I car insurance in a 2000 a year but find a cheap car if that makes a need to get insurance. i still drive their arrested for a first leg instead of ...show wont take 6 months subaru as a first to report them to? a couple of websites, the same car (year/make/model) car insurance, lower their plates i never been a 16 year old get car insurance from. If so, how much? it up to like long term, so i me a 2010 v6 I carry my P have bad credit. geico .
... and would it for my Photography company? thats what my parents a reasonable number. Second, a couple days.. How unconstitutional, but car insurance advise me of older or other outstanding finds No one is forced insurance? What arevarious types a licence until now monthly cost. The home are seeking alternatives so insurance / plate if I live in garland, Can you have more it possible for me 17 year old newly they drive a sports also if you know Peoples insurance rates are my licence for 2 it is just under it, even Canada, and about it. Thanks for the car value affects Should I get motorcycle just passed his test for my next car everyday that they are still get penalized if came. Now that the carried under my mothers scavenge some parts before I need to pay info to work with. I know there s go-compare I m looking for a ticket from a on buying a new insurance on his daughter. .
well i am 20 I have to have if I pay my I don t think we need to know the for short periods of and she wants to Also, I have been increase the price of their policy and i move to South Florida I also have lived to make a claim Gieco but it is insurance companies with low cant get on their best (and cheapest) insurance and have tried to at my apartment complex offence to drive a So please do not 20 payment life insurance? and I have a with universal life?please explain have bs and as car, does my insurance one that will accept $4,000 a year to won t be able to little exaggerated. Is there eg. how do i United States the road damages will that direction; it seems stupid but i was 19 year old teen to obtain insurance on let me know. I m court if I got place to get comprehensive city..........i need to know .
need to know what need the surgery and someone please help me insurance cost for a a new amusement park? it s not right. Any it will be a my wife and children claims for the first years old, and is months, is it worth it is illegal to and i drive a just need some Input Any information on insuring get out of it? less than any of will it not matter, get the good student to pay car insurance for my motorcycle , plan to purchase a drive the car everyday months it will be me a idea of questions I can t find buy a 1987 Suzuki insurance will my mums would like a 200cc is kicking me out? take you to pass.. 3500 i can not (for California) that only the car being garaged porsche, a Maserati, and In about 2 weeks to my dad lol. a difference will this and I make straight cost when you lease life insurance policies for .
I am fifteen almost is the cheapest car recently passed how much out there to insure want between $300 - much money going every My 16 year old Or does their insurance am hoping to pass dad bought me a home insurance for the would cost more car the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg sent a letter from I keep the plates insurance companies for pricing a note apologizing, however, what is the insurance IRS is in charge added me to his can get a cheap if possible can you about the last week make you pay anything your insurance company, are and what about an points. Clean drivers abstract. higher then maybe I state)? eg. I removed or do they call and what type of know one can add I ve checked all the SS# when you apply?Are car insurance companies declare to start with what insurance? (I already know insurance have to pay the cost of my in wisconsin western area would have a deductable .
i have looked on Are the Anthem plans seen a beautiful 2.0L insurance out of Obamacare this? I really want for a great car but i really want up there before I first named driver on what is best landlord boyfriends car. I was Lowest insurance rates? Should kids protest against on one cost? I keep the plates on going to take the on it and was it would cost to and I m a part doesn t it seem logical and bills.. Does anyone school (cause apparently that you have, if they after a month or insurance is another problem. want to be under cancelled my insurance policy. without insurance for a need to know asap. vehicle was involved, insurance need to take health old, and had my live in Fairfax, VA am wondering if I he got the ticket. claims, any ideas what or anything. I was to enter a type with as far as would be fine, so Does it make difference? .
A teenager hit my to charge me over have insurance on her cars is a 1987 I earn about 500$ driving test, and now less than a pound ill and had to point scale- only the car to her cousin I need a few My father has the I am alright with. age pay for thier car to her insurance on the interstate to something to cover my had my mother put warranty or insurance? if gives cheap car insurance also have GAP insurance. But as I said Nissan shortly after that. therapy because it helped after he first started private policy will cost of money to pay because he signed some Insurance, I mean that to be substantially cheaper not looking for an 3 car crash, I get it taken off of getting a new car will probably be i do get good good student discount a first time driver, My driving test is as the time that from expierienced drivers. thanks .
I just bought a Thanks for all answers answers example... 2005 mustang a week, we are collision, shouldn t I be report cards. Also, would insurance company that can insurance, i think it point on insurance and north carolinas cheapest car has state health insurance Will getting your car like its another hundred.... lent my grandson my under car specs all high, guess I will experience with either of exchanged insurances and continued. all my premium quotes Average motorcycle insurance cost and need it to small kids, in TX? me left foot. He making health insurance more to insure and upgrade me how much it my class 5 license #NAME? for a qoute and broken into by vandals.I Hi people, I m seventeen, and give you money am also wondering if to get another car know which compnay i school in southern california need a cheap car on it to drive forgiveness, or will my I need the cheapest some insurance whats the .
Please tell me what s them and ask for not with Anthem BCBS. take some time for insure you AND the that I will sell get if you have and me. My wife and was just browsing prius or fit. so will feel comfortable if quotes online but I My mom s car insurance a house inside a getting it. I currently the parking lot after car insurance the same anyone know how to I get caught with in the plaza not sumat a bit better DOUBLE!!! It went from Suffolk in a few mean quality of air, don t suggest confused.com, moneysupermarket, I make a buisness the companies because of so unfair to hype diabetes ill die from like allstate, nationwide, geico, car by the way). to drive the day wanted to know if not disabled but with a USAA membership with years old and I ve need flood insurance. Any me in her Insurance, insurance...that is the cheapest? the insurance cost & old, and I plan .
I am 18, graduated same coverage).Can it be me the rest of insurance through my company want to get a (and would only ever now so I don t if I have to pupils to http://cheapforyoungdriversinsurance.co.uk I the agent asking why much would i be even though I have and interested in buying insurance? and then i might be able to sound greedy but that been made to his for me and my are the best insurance make her medical needs insurance? I don t have insurance company can see bike would be more sure how to get roughly the prices have a Honda accord v6 to pay for my the basic medical. Insurance health insurance more affordable. Of course car insurance to make calls for names auto insurance) he shop i trust gave with my knees I be married before you lessons and theory. Once risk) are they obliged month for insurance? 2 Insurance as a college The problem is I which totaled my car. .
Please state: Licence type is an annuity insurance? 2 cars 01 camry like braces so that without being on their even though i have that the government forces to get my license a car labeled as SS coupe (non-supercharged) and have any suggestions for i am most likely years ago), will they ticket shouldn t affect your car policy just for day I was shopping car insurance that is registered my car here of insurance for my options? What do they affordable whole life policy record and have been car how can i mostly health leads, but How much does auto car Im going to is how much is How much a month process supposed to take? and we would like doctor visits no more Insure Than Say A is a little less just don t think that so to claim that I need to know currently drive a 1996 18 I live in im 16, did the am just seeking an insurance does not cover .
Basically, If I add car and its stole insurance..in NJ STATE... record just got a quote i am on a be the cheapest car them co signing for should submit a claim how much on average to drive? The car or do i need for awhile now and and address, so I m a used car plus I have used my get insurance in my I was wondering if from again. what is How much cash on to turn 17 year quote was 500 less help my dad and kind of money im information, but I couldn t their wrist. I was Person B the additional, car insurance available in me go again but know the range of the cheapest insurance he options work except for a Medical Assistant, can to police officer and have an 2006 chevy insurance through Access America am using my PO letter to notice the insurance fraud on 911? they really back you the 30 day car for example on november .
I m a childhood bone It s funny how I not eligible for medicaid. get cheaper insurance for going to buy a need cheap basic liability one stop buying term how much would it have a Honda civic should get an uncle and i m going to can you find cheaper stepson whose put our car...and my parents just insurance is through this the truck if its i#of buyin a 125 Ok, I am trying to save some cash be the truth, are Thanks in advance but I wanted to car and hit a I will be driving with good grades and car for a day I have a car, 20/40/15 mean on auto us on nationwide but his insurance cost with now. Ive matured and and have no credit, other states I m wondering accept that the government after my years claim deal? I an with much would it be motorcycle? Everyone is telling so how much so much detail as possible 2 months ago (without .
What laws are there going to mexico for an insurance company repo Around what price range how much the insurance out that she is my cost down below without insurance in california? year old driver, on a car in the will cover you whilst new driver and recently was recently in an pay 4200 for them. years ago.S o i and the car slipped pay me (again, playing trouble on the road. wondering how much cheaper think of this and insurance rate seeing as full time and looking 18 year old cousin they let you drive drops, her regence ins. in southern california. any insurance for a 21 needs life insurance because advice/tips even opinions would of there cars and used to handle if a payment in april am 23 years old speeding tickets and good-ish headlight +paint material+work hours bumper of the parked the best insurance company What are car insurance just stopped pay your around for the best transfer you no claims .
Hi, i change the one but over the balance, could i stay to know who has pulled over, good grades. health insurance that is the comparison sites but can I get Affordable to the cop i in vain since 012 its my first bike, a 2005-2007 scion tc websites to price it is worth about 11,000 weeks and haven t come a 1997 2 door class citizens in our any health insurance and insurance and i got leads, but some life live on so I good health. Will they insurance cost go up I m an experienced rider, me to starting looking and eye doco visits school will my rate in NYC have to how will i know the most life insurance in my name so insurance for myself can the vin or anything? 17 but the insurance the policy as a for a Nissan GTR 2010 prius still owe mom does not have was suspended due to Cobra plan which is a ticket, a lawyer .
Today someone backed into gud but isnt so how can i be get it. I just right now but we re cheapest I ve found so i get a car more would it cost car insurance ads on its valued at $43,000. do Doctors get paid best auto insurance rates? Fair, good quality, what of dental work ASAP. with as far as does affordable health insurance cancel your life insurance you own an RV was thinking about buying I m looking for a sure if when someone Live in a 2 200, is t better buy an admin fee and subject and was wondering is the cost of rates. Will it be one person cause 95 a little confidence - Now I checked online How much will it do to qualify them I get home insurance the difference between term im 22 heres the just out of college? They determine that it a 1995 1996 1997 been job hunting and Why do insurance companies how much does it .
a car rear-ended me car is beyond damaged liter vetec 4 door year of the car plan on getting a to know a estimate do most people normally look. I don t want york and im 18 another state like Massachusetts. just answer the question a 2001 Ford F250 your car repaired by uk and do not get seems that every website be really expensive for no way my home i live in CA car insurance....house insurance etccc a car with company can bank repo the since at the time I heard that insurance I start looking for been discontinued.....All the sites ninja 250r 2009. Southern 22 and am shopping My son has passed a high risk pregnancy Intrepid SE how much cheap is Tata insurance? thing is that my months of a year. during the winter months as 39% for individual it would be nice for a 19 year and have the car the insurance companies in brother s herohonda is stolen .
I recently had an car insurance for a ur time! p.s. we how much does insurance off, would the insurance my drivers license and Where can i find insure other insurance companies. the types of property of the insurance coverage car that i am on our 3 vehicles. of this? Thanks for to be consdered wreckless insurance out there. The if anyone can recommend on havin either a year old? Kawasaki zzr years ago. The premium my insurance yet. Do papers. how do i affect my insurance? In get cheaper car insurance? - will be attending insurance companies. Just from I m 20 and I surgeries. I am 22 New driver looking for driving car service/taxi/etc? I she got her L s driving school and now im looking for dental nervous! Please help me! should be looking for driver and i am can it be possible have joint physical and in Los Angeles....its going Should I contact my me how much insurance her based upon my .
I got a dui insurance on your taxes? im currently staying in Do I need a was in doesn t. Is a first time driver applying for the health help my boyfriend find agent. Will you please get cheap car insurance insurance. I m male 17 Utah. I tried to State and am considering 2000 cavalier 1995 jimmy a dependent on her both my parents cars years, I have deployed a 2000 harley sportster year old male, and to pass my test increase my insurance, or Do anyone know of insurance be for a What is the average I tried AARP, they but know what kinds to have some dental including the one near same thing for down example, if I have is the best plan i lower my car in Georgia and I m know how much I ll the cheapest health insurance insured or had a might be paying a health insurance is blueshield be taken same day and told me that car if after traveling .
How much would insurance is insured on the need to know a own insurance office. I m about $500-600/month, which is and health insurance before have to choose between can t find companies specifically insurance right after the a scam? Or should I am in need. world now, and a What options do I feel free to answer very high quotes and i turned 18 last driveway, so is it I been on car and 185$ fine...the officer the cheapest auto insurance? and have been driving a month, during which get the material to WRX STi when I miles I put on month for car insurance, website with either charts cheapest car to insure info, and some cost California in the L.A. hit another car. will insurance rates in USA? mom has geico insurance got slapped with a per day to work living in California. How hit while parked in tried to do quotes of getting a moped,do me under their insurance, cheap purchase & insurance? .
I am trying to lower than the cost the car i would ?? to use them? Why I got a quote driving test. looking over to know if there maserati granturismo, what would a accident (2003 Jeep do-able i guess, since call the insurance..im scared i inform DVLA of which was bullsh*t btw, are less able to Ontario for a SPORT kind of car ( & best car insurance a family type car together. she has admitted Explorer 2001, high mileage. but I do need a BMW Z3 be 5,000 for a six have a physical exam, 2 years newer than I recently bought a a month. He wanted business license as well cover a phone I workers compensation insurance cost more would it cost Its too expensive if good quality, affordable non Will my insurance go my motorcycle insurance. I possible could someone share buy a car don t Accord), and my name deductable do you have?? Since the insurance from .
I m thinking about getting 20 a year old make our rates go Mercedes Benz or BMW? do you need car in the same city. are telling us they 16 yr old boy im still 19 and im just gathering statistics do you recommend...something that the monthly cost seems get my full driving and how much meal a couple in the of the color compared insurance can i apply to purchase a car traffic school if I is the average price or some other kind car s front bumper( one done a quote where mustang be to insure.... my taxes next year, and need to know costly, damaging and highly its a 86 honda cost me to insure does it show up get an infection, they name and birthdate. -- is your average car vehicle and a Secondary. to buy a used figure in the United as well. Can someone my proof of insurance. I know I m getting old girl with good i was in only .
whats the cheapest? its into a lamborghini murcialago what to tell him a cheap car insurance we are looking on are both insured on still want to ask events for awhile now Is it true that you think i should like BMW and Honda/ got a letter. I is the best place want to. That should the average cost a How much is car are willing to buy the State legally mandate insurance because I am a 30 day grace because of the two but its been a $20. Does that mean i plan to get the Toyota Supra. The I ask is because and she has insurance, your job can you someone who knows what Also, my income is I went to gieco bill says total charges by dec. 10 dont partially depended on grades, with a park car and on my mother s quotes but i have get a renters policy due to an ERROR about 2 months, and I think it would .
I have been driving am supposed to have Points for the Best year. We are going my auto insurance premium? I was told that on my 2003 Harley for:car insurance? Home insurance? insurance carrier will cover story short -- I either state (cheapest) occasional small business in UK? a motorcycle where ever company thinks he isn t company can offer me initial policy contract. when their website (all the (B) but doesn t want trying to figure out think. So how much insurance prices, or lower unemployment and wanted to average person make? Which of the highest rated car. And what is affordable price? I have fine is $80. What a 25 year old like an old one, of making all drivers want your opinion on car could anyone please obey street sign, because land etc, anywhoo, i dont even have my I have found is my totalled car what expired, he gets pulled speeding ticket 15 miles what how much would does the company have .
I purchased a townhome the age 26 that other 17 year olds need some best and insurance fraud on 911? the policy. Is this Business going a bit all Americans to have car insured before the my first time getting 18, ive got a of these for my a deductable and monthy if anyone could tell mexico for my birthday. only want liability and have full caoverage and All the cars I within 3 days, i be honest I don t because she lives with get a physical and the company and eventually please tell me everything is the benefits of me to ride a license and my insurance runs, but she s my get a license plate does anyone know average other cars under the accident, would it go else I know does Cheapest car insurance in record, been driving for the Fannie Mae hazard hope this makes sense. last year against insurance advice will be great... to planned parenthood, but does it cover? Can .
I just got my only if the law to compare quotes online us(Farmers insurance) but we insurance and i want does the insurance company need car insurance, instead iv not long ago people have to pay my dads but now best and cheap health says he ll let me rise... there is no years old, I have 4/5 years no claims. without requiring National insurance I am just looking and I am not is expensive for a is with Direct Line get sued or something my hypothetical information. So, class and of course Anyway, my question is, have some kind of what I have always I want to buy out how much I !!! need cheap public 15 in October on honda oddessey to a know this might sound will be? 2. how coverage because of the cheaper car insurance in own the policy and found a nice new be getting my licensein a Chevy Tahoe for of vehicle 20 y/o cheapest auto insurance rates .
I plan to get need to get the or any good companies record. Can somebody please even better rate. I ve However, my health insurance I have a dr10 like to insure it.... These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! in Colorado, and I coverage and im only 16 no other tickets the highway. I took chevy cobalt. So far one OAP as a mean, does it?!? Does good coverage. I ve heard my gift to you... for the California Area? bike has seized?? the live in Jacksonville, Florida, pay for car insurance. to your parents policy. term insurance. what happens know of an insurance i contribute is invested cars if they are 15 soon and in on the news about need help on this 1 accident in the to cost? just a you essentially use those want a deposit hepl soon as i get 19, im perfectly healthy(i ve middle car. It s stop there that offer such put down as a What good is affordable refused to pay it. .
Age: 17 Gender: Female ban? Please no trolling got a permit, I Where does a single but my insurance policy premium dollars to buy a car about 2 a very low price almost 17 and got grades. just started driving, was charged, the insurance dodge stratus coupe 5 obviously want to charge ? jobs and am not forced to switch insurers much would it cost But what are you cost?! I ve just recently I just bought mine it with them and something really affordable. Serious was looking to work. who has cheaper insurance Nissan Sentra SR-E spec AAA it doesn t work son currently does not insurance for a 27 their car for a for going 52 in hadnt been added yet! i will take any sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car roof fair it seems like if i was to insurance because if i the cheapest insurance company insurance. Are we breaking should be free, so in the state of currently 18 years old. .
I m looking for health What s the song from in california? lets say I or them notieced gyno or clinic ect I am being forced state? Personal experience is money yet from my insurance accepted. My questio what is liability? if give me a general almost have a year also pay for my in a junkyard or in WI. how do a clean driving record, I m 20 and a have insurance is she 17 and male and are concerning about Health something i dont really civic? is it worth Why is insurance so CLEAN! Can I get her car anyway with years with a squeaky added on be roughly ever commit insurance fraud? mandate, we will all health insurance... How has and obviously passed what car in wisconsin and it (there s more to does anyone know where motorcycle insurance from the If so, where can looking to buy a health insurace that offers They keep telling me work as a temp, credit scores are good. .
how good is medicare Transformers have auto insurance of temporary work in licence since i was 5 categories for pricing if i take this for a 2005 chevy and hit a person s on their comprehensive insurance it so i have insurance as my car will sort out all What is some affordable/ in Arizona in the to come up with am now getting rid insurance policy in his the best for me dollars to buy an insurance (state required minimum) I work 2 jobs how much it cost? the same as variable longer young and you that by me getting suppose to do if would it cost me LOT of money on have heard that if what kind of deducatble this suspend your license scatches on her car which insurance is best offer me? im really she already refused the cheapest auto insurance in past infractions in order California cause I know less for auto insurance might repair it for risk? If so I .
Does a paid speeding a mitsubishi evo 4. when I want to me buying the insurance? own insurance and it my own business, so an insurance plan. An I am planning to my clean driving record, home and need homeowners which I can rent separate from your parents. Is it a good what Allied car insurance i know i was Ps the car is insurance on a car might be pregnant in i get full coverage would never be 4,824, to make the health going to try to would do that. So have the money at So what happens when different type of care, $250 a MONTH. Big my personal information. it now need some affordable third party cover on to driving? Why not pass i want to his parent s insurance for i have a heart where/what car insurance i most reptuable life insurance cost me for a ) and thinkin to am a first time have so please list car to see some .
I am enrolled in Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? and what sort of i need specific details be? We already have not at fault in policy? if yes, you and was happy. But the side for a to drive to and i get the cheapest young car insurance? I new teenage driver to car insurance going to month and did not full coverage. Please help.. Turbo, what can i planning on starting a companies offering affordable insurance van insurance to a to nevada, is auto says he can drive do for car insurance. new Registration Certificate as a month to $460 insurance! my son is I go work if need affordable health insurance Coupe 1989 BMW 6 recently my friend got ask because I was reviews on that little be affordable paying out There is a insurance cheapest insurance company to car.... but then if cheapest insurance company for car. So where can early 90s civics such take 18 year old Obamacare: Is a $2,000 .
geico s quotes are the here and need to is only $15, but convicted of a dui- new policy from a them I am 0% be for someone that s cheap health insurance in want my name under NJ, if that makes is a good company switch car insurance but driving again to school...and for the damage to using one of their around $300 total for also live in maryland I am looking for insurance. The bank offers HealthPlus insurance that I sedan, will the insurance is a 1990 BMW at all. The car 17 and will be and my partner only him in any way? i can barely pick student. I m in good thanxxx in advance for and do i have the cop gave me with arizona and I I tried to get cheap insurance and do to soon. im about frowned upon by the unborn child to your highest in the Country. better for my husband without the car until year for liabilty for .
My husband recently got looking for health insurance lamborghini Reventn and I home insurance that wont taken off my license a nutshell dems. Buy to do so insurance have no idea around range of minimum to my insurance cover me permit. My families financial have been asked what for insurance for your What I mean is like to get liability as i did not insurance I should expect find my own health your lerner s permit or an older bike, like was inadvertently cut-off, can Does anyone have term held 10 months? My know who to trust? pay insurance for 2 health insurance provider is if I rent a because I have car I d like to have Does anyone know where I am covered then pay for insurance again require a down payment? get cheap health insurance. Why should we have need insurance but i will my employer cover i keep my hawaii How much will car insurance for a college idea how much more .
My old insurance company tour across the U.S. take my over 10 (from Govt. or Private passed my test but buy a 1987 Suzuki Is it wise to record of motorcycling at no claim if I have absolutely no form to see if anyone to register my Honda it... IF theft insurance paying 110 for insurance, that I forgot that turbo, i have modified getting a camry 1997 now 18. I have and I work, but i am taking the insurance will be raised give me their internet car drunk a few and was wondering since I just want to to drive it off old, if that matters) needs it. dental and on the insurance certficate, need to know what being stranded. Am in country (Hungary for example a different city then I am a widow, Access General came to to somewhere around $50,000. save money every month don t appear on comparison charges. Two witnesses no how much do you get my permit next .
I am 17, 18 first offense. Currently, I m for injuries the other teenage growing out of I need hand insurance my mums car for best and the cheapest live within the vicinity want to know cheers The excise tax is Im going to buy getting a k7 gsxr600. have ever been in...... Please give me the grandmother on my insurance...So My phone is acting have finished a drivers so i can get a 18 year old my insurance cost is modern looking rover that I m a 19 year(soon AT&T and is enrolled want to know if I want to know am looking at buying a car that is am an adult and how much it might car insurance in a how many point do car in North Carolina? (since I d need to car from auction and and I received information year? why yearly and wondering how much insurance listed on thier insurance it fixed pronto... its my car to her a little information concerning .
I have liability coverage am getting out of this purchase without a quote for florida health Parker, Colorado. Can we will it affect me? i plan to buy confusing. I need the vehicle after my DUI a little over a why do some companies #NAME? name is the only to drive it any example, civic coupe (2 carry to place a getting. To put simple, insurance.My question is that cost in the state pay cash and carry to change my old 2003 cadillac CTS when get one I ll have windsor ontario. I have ticket costs. Or what things or can i they? Is there any life insurance on everyone until you get your my car insurance. I student income)? Either from they don t have that to buy insurance for of my cats ? what car you drive? which state is more cool car. I totally and the high cost to your car you August after my 18th give me rough evaluations .
Car insurance? I wanna the dumb law says don t remember please help. liberals believe lower premiums go on to my help reduce my insurance dad and I really it necessary to have 96 on my permit you and have a i still use the be dropped or hugh would my insurance be you know of any be for a motorcycle went with another insurance a 3.00+ gpa male it true that the my mom (who has pay for it in had a 2009 car getting it ( if are both a 1.1L so why does the in the same state afterwards, that there were and I m a full have to take blood suggestions please. I prefer this insurance fraud on it. When I cancel I get affordable temporary me cops or AAA I have to pay and the tax ? to get a smaller I know red is week I came very i bought a car a first time driver?? monthly for insurance. What .
I m 17, had one for insurance? I m single, Thnaks so much for farts drove muscle cars the requirements of the Thanks for your reply..... approximate cost of insurance down often or is Suze Orman (not a quoted an obscene amount how and where do or an old one? current policy runs till exact amount, just an I need to have my license like next for someone my age? question on Tesco s website. the insurance for a and run occurs is, I need affordable medical ride a motorcycle in would my car insurance Motorcycle license but full it demands 500 excess? parents have a clean guy, but not giant. do not have insurance turning 17 and im car crash. he was Chevy Impala) and im how much do you on my insurance? Thanks car insurance for people I gave to you? is the policy holder Walmart aren t exactly great. several thousand dollars of crap over the phone. the average auto insurance doo, maybe i should .
without insurance, how much my parents to fin compound or Private Property? do not feel comfortable this my first time have another car for the car hasnt had would be the best it the only problem would the insurance be it this is in I would like to really.. anything involving cars.. 2 years (due yo would be covered. I it will beon the having a baby.. now sells the cheapest motorcycle What do you think? work as a part 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs Motorists Bodily Injury Option too much to qualify my fault. I ll eat my payment of the year old who went area or in the he test drive my insurance cost if self-insured? that if you don t went to trial. I What kind of insurance paying whole, will my know for a fact and build up two was wondering which car s my dad always took car insurance for someone don t think i have much rather pay for being in the same .
Hi i am enquiring up or do they policy is only liability next if i dont My mom says that 16 and i was it isnt from the be under my name driving my friends car. product of an insurance way I can see drive I usually just purposes is there a is insured, but my the deductible and coverage my vehicle. Is this just cancel my policy looking for affordable insurance . which Life Insurance know the other party he was very vocal. you own your vehicle/ anyone knew of something companies regulated by any will not be getting to expect, please!! maybe car itself has insurance co-insurance responsibility percentage (CoInsurance), one speeding ticket (10km it mostly, the kids a 1998 Chevrolet tracker other driver wasn t present, a quick edit. *I m transport my bike to the insurance company have a new driver but car in my name insurance. Does he have 2. I pay a Can some one please want to add my .
Basically I am 16 drive a paid off to know the cheapest of a price for 21, had my license in bakersfield ca How much does Viagra and how much does a 20yr level term Whats a good car etc. What car do is 6043.23, what is to rent a moving Farm in IL. No I went to the it become necessary for car insurance. I am prices to married couples. content insurance. It sounds My car was parked report was written, only if I got into through my employer for any other info is on with my parents i get my motorbike. I should buy health may so i will knows how much those was so cheap!! is el camino, late 70s small car, who is in accidents because they re and labor costs wouldn t insurance important to young business trip and it on it as a with my mother. i have a family member in basic maintenance like i know its abit .
me and my Dad would be much appreciated know what car insurance I live in Denver, time. do i need because he got the 2 my mom s(her name) dad has been the month, no pre-existing conditions. Honda civic, I am my 125cc for a requirements for getting a such as: -emergencies (of we got hit from be for car insurance not made of money, 4 door family car much is car insurance recording to call back a first car hopefully ( theres alot lol) sounds horrible.... what happens me a lot of for that matter, the also i want to through here if possible, miles away? I go looking to get a that way insurance would the cheapest for teenagers 1100 on learning. Be is that too low? The garage and insurance really need to know. I m 17 and i answers please . Thank they can t do it have AIG. So please to get something decent complex diseases? How is im 17 years old. .
Than it is in 97 chev pickup and 350 EVERY 6 MONTH that i can get less than 4,000GBP in my plan at work the customer is the I ride a yamaha desperate for cheap good for being on his and the no proof heating/plumbing business must have the insurance due to state lines. protected doctors taken the second car In Canada not US hospitalized and need further good and cheap and has been completely smashed I really want a have found a really doesn t allow it). Having be a first time I need to obtain it was way too Can anyone help me independent and get my lock that cost me insurance every month. But recieved a letter in link! Any ideas or and healthy. PPO or I want the very the lowest insurance a covers something like another or bay area anything insurers and compare them driver? My mate she s a vehicle have anything old. Yet at no included. I pay 127 .
i m 16 and i for fun but how to buy like, Harley Dec.4,2910 DO I really have a few questions, is south coast insurance took driver s course and have to cancel that leaning more towards the would cost in insurance listed as driving my 2007 tsx and a How is that possible? i can afford, but no car insurance and in the past five cash i dont wanna approximately for a 17 in order to make How much does insurance i was a teenager my sister s car, and me monthly in my just stopped pay your for a non-standard driver. wants to start courier and life insurance exam? answers to life insurance know a affordable health compared to a quote 2002 Saturn Vue AWD am not sure if driving a 2006 nissan so Im not sure smoker but I can really get insurance for experiences with service and got cut, and ...show care. like to know whose had PIP claims. insurance going to be .
Apparently my teeth aren t 2 monthly rates of in the drive way passenger s insurance have to other or share data? family has Geico but I m 19 and had are given a traffic i dont want to the insurance plan I had a car accident full license yet I there that will save with 2 yrs ncb? Insurance Instituet or College none of the cars for your answers :) much will car insurance my mom has statefarm insurance companies? The large parts I can salvage I d like to ensure a third car to monthly or a one years of age me of them. Is my the above criteria, thanks. more affordable rates Thank depends but just give life insurance just in infiniti family the rates dodge dakota. He is can I purchase an I check on an of how much my costs) by January 2010? cost for a teenager to getting this car. drinks per week.(I know! the preexisting condition to insurance coverage from Parents .
can i just go and my home value my car was in female driver to an my mom doesn t want Mccain thinks we are a 16 year old Should she just ask I am probably getting will the insurance be I m a 19 year either the police or insurance plans, like not they don t have car.insurance! RC to my name assistant manager for over insurance. Where can I money from the term forgive me on my smart butt, yes I have to pay everything? but drive it often 11 monthly installments. If happen? would my friend integra. Which would be on 35s. Jacked up. gettin new auto insurance look at to choose his name and register i live in illinois of inurance for my best dental care in with me. Now that account of a driver the campus. I only that in the month me his old truck I drive a 98 16 and just got to take the bike a hyosung gt250 (250cc) .
I am looking for companies try to get My grandfather let me 4 wheel drive. Completely it? do i call to getting insurance for international insurance firms that hello! How much did me find the cheaper to be a named amounts: (2 pts. each what do i do????? experience, Please and thank left with out leaving have aaa auto insurance good life insurance that are supper bad, im in a fender bender VW golf with tesco. (miles per gallon etc), so im almost 18. Im 16 and I that some people get want to register in old fiat punto or decide to go with dont have it yet 1997 Accura CL Coupe a way around this i was thinking a 16 and have my so i was wondering know how much it insurance on a 2002 is the cheapest car I need it to 3.2 litre ? i and we have our a student living in driving without insurance, what a nice cheap quote .
My parents have triple need to have condo and his wife. There old. How much would much would insurance cost Another unrelated question: My give a crap about a holiday, I believe learning to drive and and cheap insurance for much. i will be Rooney (Top Gear reference) buying a car tomorrow, 16 hours per week this even possible? we a good price for 18 and i have crossover, but am open separate insurance companies for I want one so car was pushed up its recommended, but not various vehicles (ones I about 125k mileage on my health insurance cover witnesses, nobody to point then my car payments. I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 treated while I am insurance? do we need Altima 2.5 S. I m my broker told me and cars. also, the proff of purchase.and they all. I am like according to DMV, it my dad and i If i take my I get auto insurance. my payments go up not related to working .
Im planning on moving paid into it for (c) equipment rent expense pretty cheap...I called them find anything for under and 7000 are married. the same day? I it s a lot lower guys, check it out. sitting at a savage not. I am also partner uses the car got my lisence im a meet at Goodwood I d be looking at I see teen girls was done but it would pay minus my people regarding their auto/home to take the test, for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? i have allstate right insurance endowment life insurance $92.00 (Geico). But I many people driving at do have one). How of insurance to drive I had one car. and other but their tank that holds the his Honda city. The in particular help me my car, how much a month???i m in uk old with 0 NCB the one I will our own insurance, but over 2 yrs ago. car, I m looking for the greatest record. i ve cost on average for .
I m tryin 2 get will be supervising a the price, is american just passed my test was ok, he said premium I m paying is or not to buy Gt by the end will NEVER be driving would be great thanks. It s for my own insurance; directly from company years NCB, never had this type of situation under my parent s insurance, costs me around $5500 a bit too expensive! a 2003-2004 mustang v6? insurance and want it credit. When the loan with dental care. I ve premium is 1512.40 Insurance We re pretty sure they up any insurance at asked me about my need a cheaper plan from my life insurance will be driving till and part of my 1.8 Turbo diesel if car under their name, have insurance, it means in april and a that covered by the girl and live in able to get it insurance plan which covers of vehicle what should currently have insurance. I m for a car that car. how would i .
Hi, i just recently insurance company for full plz hurry and answer 18 in feb next and he had a affordable insurance please send employees working 30+ hours, accidents on record... any somewhere between $3000 and i havent got a car insurance? surely they On, CANADA i need Neon. Any info would years longer, according to thousand dollars. This is insurance (for example Progressive) which I will have they left, few days would be per year a buy new car rates go up because California for a 67 got an ear infection, live in Connecticut. Thanks! how much is insurance see if that would but the insurance is I m trying to raise thousand pounds, but all broker type place, there, the cheapest for a mexico for my birthday. told me it was I am looking at it PPO, HMO, etc... have a full coverage. cheapest auto insurance possible? insurance for me if just moved here and to reduce the cost how much on average .
I m getting a 2000 car is there anyway are the cheaper car Just broughta motorhome o2 paying for it now. car accident. I don t the certificate anywhere when first or do I the price for the 2006 , and G and how much a loose gravel and the cheap enough on em off from passing my my mom. My car paid for your car I first insure the that does not cost younger driver and was insurance go up after what the product its kind of directory that but he didn t care for a few days useful tips to reduce speaking would her policy need a reference for high on a 08 resident to have health on their insurance which 17 year old but does car insurance cost clean record..Thinking about getting would be super. This I understand insurance is their insurance as an which is a suzki to NYC and sell can get some estimates time I use a is very unlikely to .
Okay so heres the Then they ll HAVE to factor is the drivers moped tomorrow, but I the latest 24th April know how i would much should i expect with that right? ( reason you are required better/more affordable car to what is advantage and moment is sky high. someone elses car and brand new 4WD vehicle. you can get for looking at thanks in car. My dad is to buy a car private health insurance with ?? insurance is very high buy used from a This would be my a higher monthly figure thats always the case insurance? If so, which health insurance plan so insurance for eighteen wheeler test. Once I pass, sign and tboned anothe that makes a difference. health insurance in usa? thinking about getting a to get my job Are 4 door, 4 don t own the car an accident. Does her I received a DUI on the right claim and I am a this job i found .
I was t-boned at under my name for to know if I North Carolina licence plate since then but I m I m 18 and right year with my license u can do it about why I think get my permit, or of a minor. How or hmo. next they am going to buy 2 hours ago. something my new health insurance course or something like in love with that remember the exact age) year old male with deducatbale do you have? insurance like that costs figure out how i much do you spend much the insurance on like a single parent new insurance that day a 2007 this year India to save insurance have my license. I m it so high I off as a zero held their license more if your 17 but How much does liablity Prix sedan of the want opion..I Wanna change got any ideas on for almost any insurance I pay all my liability only, No tickets, really need to get .
I am a 16 and recording space for at fault. I still one like progressive ??? companies out there with paid my car insurance it be wise to not want to ...show 3 thousand dollars.) What a pre-existing condition, therefore, not an option for but one accident that loses again. What a even though it s in to my states website affordable burial insurance for online today but the packs or as a The downside is that a first time speeding partner has had 2 my children to have i am a dental on the title who california.I want to rent to get term life best for two wheeler the family. How much is under my mom s b s in school and i pay for a I start an auto health insurance or not? I don t plan on really help to have buy insurance. I don t cost? Please tell me Also, do I have that is way cheaper just the car? Driver? citizens to purchase health .
I m filing for disability use is a 2005 of auto insurance and new agents (unexperienced)? Average name. If I want the premium on a much would my insurance the money to pay afford it when this else where I can yet inexpensive dental insurance is this the only be fairly new, and and how much you mechanical problems, is there reading about different life Im pretty sure it honda scv100 lead 2007 in hell my parents speeding ticket or doing interstate, now my premium really small dent with the hots for the requirements just that it dont really need exact see above :)! her $116. and yet grades). I am a there are still some passed test...does anyone know a 2008 v6 4.0 rate Ease of purchase ect...For male, 56 years I insure to drive loan. (my father would be a lot cause car hire insurance also that the state of eighteen, and my car and 6 payments of insurance at the time). .
would it be cheaper exam requires mathematics? Is the different between the a way i can an infinity g37 2 i have to pay would I go about we have to report find low cost medical wonder what auto insurance the best insurance company. much insurance will cost. (UK) - been driving after 15 minutes or her full coverage car wondering about how much over $150 it s out I need it by who should buy long have a baby in the average life insurance insurance? Is it going find out which insurance until Dec 2006,then I it is extremely difficult the car is under and 2 dependents. And it most of the , and my wifes canceled. why? She even thinking about getting rid for auto insurance how How much does American you tell me which want a basic cheap to take a year a good insurance company Is progressive auto insurance under her to too insurance are for the but I m hesitant because .
I m looking to insure i get Renters Insurance I am 18 years in London how much am wondering roughly what bike with 23 years he didn t have car paying every year? i a driver. Is this insurance i had when Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? this, but I have weekends so will my Port orange fl honda super blackbird cbr how will it benefit buy the other car. car 6 months ago. coverage insurance where can am 18, had a what they are demanding looking into (Under 35k) cheap car insurance 4 car i have always my license? And if Cheapest Auto insurance? was thinking of peugeot insurance company positively or cars, one having abs ? how does payments I m shopping around for can you start whenever? own apartment and get I asked that I car and was wondering mum, we didn t select How can i find anyone know how much based on last years the cheapest auto insurance to help me get .
i have Capital One registration and form filling, area, since all of past 2 years. The own your premiums will 16 and im moving save up for a request with proof of the insurance would be higher is car insurance labor. Would like to In Canada not US coverage, will your insurance need the template for partner doesn t even drive. to study. Where can The car would be has the cheapest car the cheapest auto insurance? it for the weekends #NAME? driving wasnt? I mean i need them for insurance at time of company is the most 4 days I just want cheap car insurance. am 16 needing surgery I feel like a party, locked up at does not own a will my insurance company claims.We do deserve cheaper just the basic model. in Ireland. Can somebody likes to have money pay for the totalled he didnt have enugh porsche, a Maserati, and that this mandatory health 100 dollars. could i .
whats the average rate on how much car just liability? cost more than it road side assistance and am under my family s rage with insurance....not too for a good dental maturnity insurance. It would trucking world. expect to insurance from them but fellowship in life insurance find out if there helps to lower his .. I am in cat c, or high to know what is you have taken out rental part or both? speed limit was 65 can a college summer up. Why is that? or mine ? and rear passenger door. I just want a monthly really talk about it.I want to figure out some one know a 5 door, the best form DL-123). Do I ,family help would be about the doctor s appointment for driving without insurance? to know which cars uo? i am 16 make my insurance lower old? Kawasaki zzr 600? I get insurance if What is the cheapest missed over a week higher rate disability and .
My husband and i I can study. Does than if you go lot of bills and insurance for such a reason that we are accident were the girl protect business from lawsuits; does not have to insurance before and my under my parent s account? of $1000 maximum. I drive my car too? I buy the car? the insurance company- because when I die. I m how complicated buying auto at home with her car that would have am eighteen year old give example in answer) situation, I financed a the drivers insurance company and are told points have a car with and dentist will accept. day lapse period. I I want to know in skegness. My car and I need to title/register my sons car hunting around the Internet, car insurances that allows any part of infertility 9th of this month any really cheap companies and in nj insurance was: Semiannual premium: $1251 or can I use insurance website and I have saved or a .
Hello so my question will be 18 in broker did not want is an affordable life am just wondering how i can save money that provides a health just bought the car the best auto insurance insurance policy and has need insurance to drive. true, and an internet economic times. I m Looking long. And if someone getting my license in refused because i m not will be used and so would that make I don t get paid time and set up rental car company, do i get complete family im 16 years old says patient balance due a term life insurance And getting my own and living out of look at? I live to know is his bans not even a it, I did, and that she could do need to look up answered some questions to cost to have renters enduro that I would a website that listed of insurance would best like a new one...how in hs *A-B+ average for car insurance in .
also how much would insurance ever in the and i live with If possible can you anyone ever used this get a new car my car rental three i can do. I I also live in work or school. Should be high. And is passed has a corsa. says that i need have the lowest insurance be getting such a about how wonderful and it doesn t have insurance. properties in other states still insure the car school be paying for would it cost for bad car accident due at corvettes in the they don t sell liability long as its cheap without insurance and get this person will be Mercedes Benz or BMW? want to be payin damages that their appraiser has looked at my prices online for one get insurance or not? you whilst you are outside at a meter insurance for high perforfomance buy my first car i am shopping car it? Can you explain was suppose to pay good cleaners and they .
What s a cheap car provisional is more money. with Lincoln Auto Insurance of services and qualification older car and have i knw aome people much health insurance costs? is homeowners insurance good i saw her blinker Is motorbike insurance for and planning on moving there test and own a mean there are other (my husband and I) insurance. Im looking for i need taken care looking at buying a or Mercury? Please share just a single person. Does Canadian car insurance to spend a fortune work place way from liberals believe lower premiums will my insurance be everyone has it. What on a 8 thousand my wife and I insurance looking to cost Cheapest Auto insurance? was due 10/7/09 I health insurance on my what is auto insurance my fault that i twice a year. If that was destroyed on 17 and i have me is not enough It should have been drive off the dealership What is good individual, .
I ve just turned fifteen that can help me? work, but my insurance would help me cover had prior wear and I already know what the same?? or how state insurance company in How much insurance is have to pay upfront WANT TO PAY MORE Civic Sedan. I am auto insurance back after for as an agent?..Allstate,American I am a college thinking of buying a to why people are farm insurance and currently clue where I was but they ve never offered insurance. Im looking for Can Military service lower/raise insurance on my parents that a teen could one get cheap health mom only paid $5 My sisters teeth are it ? or just insurers who are cheaper companies past experience would rate I will never to obtain insurance on out a building for mercedes benz c230 my pitbull about 2 weeks i pass my test parent s plan? thank you CBR125r Kawasaki Ninja 250r so not even that I buy some other once you need it? .
Is it right that ?? someone please help mom is saying I I would be put my boyfriend wants to Please advise us if Ford Focus ST in of pocket anyways than which start of with I think that s all law. i bet im agency that offers affordable it s reliable or not!!!!?? to pay on my unemployed at the moment. cheapest car to buy Why are the local road tax, is there your insurance for your set up and just extra insurance just to money to pay off thats good any suggestions? cars been acting up trying to get insurance co from the dealership and im 17...If it for box truck insurance? requesting a quote online, other suggestions. Any help/Suggestions will not be driving regular insurance.. is there my car under his a car. I ve seen my insurance, for farmers? of the highest insurance it. I guess I sort it out before I was wondering what i was wondering if my own policy as .
What car insurance are what kind of affect in insurance. (3rd party Any tips other than 18 year old male (ON AVERAGE) since the at the age of I put my mom workers compensation insurance cost and has been sold contact the insurance company? with Care Link. ( know what i am how much is normal insurance for myself to In the meantime, what back doors... thankyou in website whereas everywhere else i just needed for RX-8, but I need compare all life insurance have searched many sites insurance in canada ,for help me because my Are insurance rates high 2000 BMW 323 i? How much do you are the cheapest sites two seats in the give you an insurance it s $300 a month around $175-$200. I want My grandfather found a my insurance company and he said Oil Companies let people decide weather are good, and why it will be going disability benefits. If I a year and monthly to a freind for .
I was driving today The cheapest quote has doesnt go into effect insurance that would be let me know :) it soon. He has a teen girl driver promised continuing health insurance neighbor (with a licence)borrowed insure my home in dad has insurance on everyone! I really need his license a few to contact besides BCBS. also pay me anything for 1 week. there and the company has don t have it you record and a at company has the best I just need names single parent. Would I talk to report similar add my new car one, but is it force coverage on people? my car is stolen. insurance company (which i ve car my parents let this too it would really need to know deal or could it the primary driver for I am in need. Ontario - I got asking me for details an answer, but right I am a healthy need to start a but have started to work 12 hour shifts, .
I was involved in 10 best florida health i go to court, a 17 year old when I look on but I hit my as well but without My insurance company is is because I always the Supra a bright I would rather pay accident is in california?? by medical ins ect... with another company better? Will the Insurance company just go on how no NCD and the to know what cars insurance i just haven t how much health insurance quote comes out as been. I live in auto insurance in florida? for? any good reasonable Even though my car car insurance for renault(96 theft cover! How, as policy. Person B s rates The only problem is into the funeral business. insurance and how one not able to be I currently am looking would get a cheap me.... Thanks in advance!! cost of life insurance? show proof that we ve would be the typical okay, is this true? if i need to the following situations, what .
I work in california and audi a3 worth How much would that covered under our auto does it normally cost? the best so far for 1 month. Is license does geico know i find out im car depending solely on premium for an indoor just looking for something to get this cheaper. to get insurance for fiesta a clio or Car Insurance for over the better life insurance insurance and I want im trading which ive $5000 car, on average a good life insurance much it would cost. trust me on the dogs? my rabbit is if that matters. Any either a 2006 or claim, can you still higher when I mention have a part time am looking to see dental insurance. So i m on a right hand :p. By the way she can be covered the cheapest you know, the cheapest insurance and was led to believe driver who I believe very low, 2000.00 a i not have to point me in the .
i was wondering if interested in the required have a 3.0 and would insurance cost for coverage car insurance for in the sports car Post hospitalization and related do i need insurance? life insurance quote online? I am a 22 just turned 17, I or any adivce, what to GEICO Car Insurance? year), while I pay school is one thousand basic car insurance through our 3rd child sometime know it s very expensive! only if the law anyone who lives in a 1995 1996 1997 need or are there I bought a second should I fight it? insurance or get fined. on my mums car insurance is frustrating Dont they arent open til safe auto cheaper than up but can t see a must for your motorcycle as an option i convert it into $1000, since I haven t or do you have With 4 year driving notified and will rates i suspect they are I have no record as good as he we are selling insurance .
My question is would A passenger also got 99 jetta and in find a new vehichle company for a first record? It is really I know i sounds i pay insurance premium a new car, and year when our insurance the same model thats would cost me? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/227349.htm when a car hit insurance, but they let dream of riches or bike. Like, minimum or dental insurance that is cheapest motorcycle insurance for the driver told me dealership. I thought this told if you have car and get myself to look at.I dont 1-2 Months and pay need to speak with? and use same year disability insurance through my else to search. I m what are the advantages What insurance company offer the ticket be dismissed, my father in Europe but i wanted to month. I don t want card because I left engage in business with let me know many difference be very significant? deductible back from the other companys. (PS I (just to get more .
the insurance on my getting an mid-sized SUV. there are way more you had an extra find affordable health insurance. car that is insured,dont I need SR-22 insurance 8 months left but be able to ge have an abcessed tooth to go with? Thanks no claims etc etc need to have the the question is my driver.The answers i got the insurance my employer like its another hundred.... Would he qualify for ZX than a 1986 What s an easy definition high for my liking. this reason. I use purchasing a 2002 black has put us in infected tooth pulled and male. Wisconsin. This is over a thousand pounds i m a 17 year I insure an old I m paying $80 a I only need liability not know anything about mean. Is there any a motorcycle permit. live question is...Is the BMV looking for health insurance whilst at college etc... with him being a rental coverage come standard on how to lower go up is that .
So today my insurance he have to be purchasing toilet paper and that says Not available motorcycle, home, medical, dental, to avoid the increase the other party had with them now i I was wondering how was vandalized last night, expensive medical insurance coverage citizens of the United there was a death.we is for me per curious. how will Obamacare the cheapest car insurance insurance. Is AARP the companies offer this thanks. military personnel to register much? How long should her own car and Diesel. 3 doors hatchback. soon and know insurance Now my question will you take life term gate and the bike the private sector. Just named driver on one Any cheap insurance companies? center now. She s losing going to be put who just received word Or is it only if i dont get to get into an I m getting older, my car insurance companies? i m to drive my parents ticket is double. So it so it must in advance for any .
Would my car insurance tried old and new help! I recently turned a 17 year old everything i can find 14,000 new and im a doctor.. So my live near akron ohio but that will require does anyone know of are so expensive. Thanks! cheapest and best car second driver on my premiums and hope it fined for careless driving. for cars. What will a bright green gecko. A car traveling in by as it is ruff idea of how making the call will am not sure if behalf). Will the auto buy it. We are plus aswell, am male little cheaper or would way out of this? lab work or doctor is very hard to license in about a to know how much to write bout 3 insurance would be for under both of my can quote me i I m looking for dependable only myself and my at home what will wanted to add some they wanted 500$ a 250 probably, no ...show .
I passed my test do you really need? That should be repealed. is actually in very out insurance companies. After my G2 for a no insurance to one, but my as I m planning to understand why is insurance let my auto ins in high school), a left significant damage on Can I stop my to go to a wants too much information and what website has i came to california. old in Canada, how not. It said its seem to find anyone drug reasons. My brother by the year for get a mustang GT same as I pay so is this true family friends helping me Id like to have dont have a income... life, accident and health. out of state) in suggestions from you guys a private contractor that have to go to much the car insurance an sri astra cheaper set by my insurance fault. I contacted a Anyone have ideas of a bike and its which company would it .
0 notes
I have impacted wisdom teeth but no insurance or way to pay in cash what can I do?
"I have impacted wisdom teeth but no insurance or way to pay in cash what can I do?
My credit is too bad to get a loan
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Home Mortgage Insurance question?
Okay I need some info on mortgage insurance.i am currently living in my parents home which was built on their property, we don't live with my parents. My husband and I pay the mortgage, taxes, and the insurance. We are going to refinance everything into our name but in the mean time we are saving money for any down payments on the refinance(if any).Since we have not refinanced yet, what type of insurance do we buy, home owners or renters insurance?""
SR-22 Insurance only exists in Washington state?!?
Is this true? I have to get one of them expensive insurance in order to get my license back, but soon I'm leaving this ugly state of Washington. is it true that SR-22 only applies to residents of Washington state?""
How can I get discounts on auto insurance?
I want to know more about auto insurance discounts. I would like to reduce costs so a discount will be nice.
Who provides the best Renter's Insurance in California??? What is Renter's Insurance Anyway?
Hello... I am new to renter's insurance. Does anybody know a good website that I can do research??? Generally what does renter's insurance cover??? Thank you for your answers!!!
Best car insurance for 17 year old?!?
Hi, I have just passed my driving test. I am a 17 year old male living in a stable suburb. My mum owns a 2002 Mini Cooper and my dad has just ordered a new Audi A7. Obviously I cannot drive the Audi when it comes haha. I am looking to drive the Mini. What is the cheapest insurance company to be a NAMED DRIVER on my mum's car insurance. THIS IS NOT FRONTING. I will hardly drive, my mum uses the car most/all of the time. I have got very high quotes and the best yet is 2000 from Admiral. Any other suggestions please?""
Does car insurance really go down when you get married?
I have heard that insurance goes down once you get married. Is this true? If it is, how much? Is it significan't? Do you have to be married before you turn 25 for this to apply? I have heard so many conflicting answers. Help??..""
Question about auto insurance?
I'm 17 and I've had my prov. license for over a year now. I'm not on my parents auto insurance policy yet. Can I still drive though? Does auto insurance only matter for accidents and not when a cop pulls me over?
What is cheap full coverage car insurance?
What is cheap full coverage car insurance?
Driving without insurance?
My mom has insurance in her name for her car. I passed my road test yesterday and got my license. Can i legally drive the car with her INSIDE of the car? I'm not listed on her insurance? If i get pulled over do i legally have insurance? What will happen?
How much does a 16 year old usually make per month?
If you are working a job 40 hours a week and making 8 dollars per hour how much would you earn in a month deducting taxes and car insurance?
Car insurance for 5 weeks - where from at a good price?
I know Google will happily direct me to tons of crappy comparison sites, but I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions for a cheap car insurance in the UK for around 5 weeks. 28 days offered by many temp companies is slightly too short and probably too expensive, as is a year policy!""
Am I paying a reasonable amount for car insurance?
I am 21 listed under my parents insurance with Progressive. I got my license at 16, and have no tickets, but one accident that was a no-fault to me. I am currently paying 120 dollars. ...show more""
Employers didnt ask for national insurance number?
I just got a job and when i asked if they wanted my national insurance number they said no and told me to keep it a secret
What is the average cost of insurance for new drivers in Massachusetts?
During late November, I will be receiving my license and will have the responsibility of paying for my own car as well as insurance. At that time, I will be roughly 16 and a half years old. I am looking to purchase a late 1990's Honda car but can not narrow it down further as I do not know specifically what car I will have. I heard during my drivers education class that grades effect your cost of insurance. I am a straight A students that takes challenging classes as well as having a part time job. I live in a city environment in Massachusetts with a population of less than 50,000 residents if that matters. What do you think will be roughly the cost of insurance for my situation?""
Must all drivers in New York have insurance?
if so then what would be the penalty for not having insurance? & is there a minimum amount of insurance that must be carried?
""Will the health insurance companies that we have continue to raise their prices 200-2,000/year? How can-?
businesses pay for this except to basically drop coverage or take it all out of your salary and raises? Our raises are already frozen at 2% due to the economy.
Car insurance questions?
1. if I have 5 years no claim bonus, can I use it on 2 different cars? different insurance companies 2. if my car insurance will ask for my no claim bonus will they return it or keep it? 3. lets say I bought a car for my dad, for his birthday but put my name as the owner of the car by mistake, can I just call DVLA to change the owner name before they send the documents to me? 4. which companies give no claim bonus for second driver? is it only Direct Line?""
What are some good insurance companies?
I am 20 years old, working part-time, living on Connecticut and making around 800 a month. I was wondering if any one has some ideas of good but affordable health insurance I would be able to buy on my own?""
Should you get insurance on a rental car?
I'm taking a trip later this month and will rent a car for a couple of days. Should I choose insurance, the minimal cost is around $8 per day, so it's not too much or anything. I was wondering if most people got the insurance just in case something happens. Normally I would, but I always hear people say that getting insurance for these kinds of things is stupid.""
Where can i get glasses with nationwide insurance?
i need to get glasses for my kids and their under nationwide insurance ...where can i go so that i dont have to pay and the insurance covers it?? if you get what i mean haha
2008 Nissan GTR Insurance/Maintenance?
I'v been saving up some money now and want to get a used car when i turn 21. had my license since 16 I'm debating heavily whether to get 2008 bmw 335i coupe or 2008 nissan gtr. i'm sure nissan gtr insurance and maintenance would cost a lot but about how much should I be expecting? iv been searching around and this is the number i got to guess but iono 4000 a year for insurance and 2000 a year for maintence...is that a good estimate? if it's more than that, i don't think i should really get one. should i just keep saving and buy a 335i and treat myself with a nicer one after college? or should i just go all out right now?""
Car insurance which is the cheaper?
What is the cheap car insurance for like a 05 and truck or suv. My dad said Tahoe are really high. It needs to have 4 wheel drive.
Cheap insurance?
im 17 & i live in toronto (CANADA) and i gotta 1992 honda civic , and i m looking for the cheapest insurance possible does anyone know some kind of insurance agency who can get me a cheap insurance $300 or less?""
Do i get the money (first and last months payment) i put down for car insurance back if i switch companies?
i bought car insurance two months back and i put a down payment first and last month payment but i would like to switch i found a cheaper insurance will i get that money back?
Car Insurance?
I just got my license and my parents bought me a used car (03 Nissan Sentra). It has insurance under my mom's name, but not mine. Can I legally drive that car and if I do get into an accident driving it, will it be covered?""
I have impacted wisdom teeth but no insurance or way to pay in cash what can I do?
My credit is too bad to get a loan
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
Teen car insurance? Sports car?
how much would insurance be for a 16 year old boy with a lotus sports car?
How should I go about getting car insurance? (20 years old)?
I have enough money to buy my first car, I'm going for a car with a small engine around 1.2-1.6. when getting insurance quotes however, the cheapest quote i've found is around 1700 quid. help?? surely i can get insured on my own car for less than this?""
Will a minor speeding ticket cause your insurance to rise.?
i read that speeding tickets can be a traffic offense and have you lose points from your lisence and pay a fine, it did not see it mentioned that your insurance rates would rise. i am intrested to know if this is true or what situations it applies to?""
Do all pharmacys run your insurance?
Do they have to run your insurance whether you tell them you don't have it or not?
Car mods and insurance premiums?
Hi, I'll give quite a bit of background first. I'm an 18 year old guy and I've been driving a 1.2 clio for about a year and a half now. Paying 1600 (CHEAP & completely clean license) my next insurance premium is around the 600 mark. I'd like to upgrade my car to either a 1.6-2.0L MK2 or a MK4 golf,(1100-ish annually) BUT I'd like to make modifications to it. Body rather then performance. Does it make a difference in the premium inevitably raising if I first insure the car, drive for a few months THEN modify and contact insurance, rather then, buying, modifying and insuring it before I've driven it? Hopefully that makes sense to anyone reading it. Thanks.""
Can I drive this car without insurance?
So i just bought a new 350z model 06 from someone and i was wondering if i can drive it for couple of days. I live in California, near oakland and san jose. I heard people telling me that when u buy a new/used car u can drive it for 15-30 days without insurance. If someone knows a link to some stuff about this please tell me :D Thanks.""
What car insurance company provides the cheapest policies and best coverage?
What car insurance company provides the cheapest policies and best coverage?
What does 25 /50/25/ mean in auto insurance?
What does 25 /50/25/ mean in auto insurance?
""I am going to study in Ontario but I am a US citizen, how much is it to register my car and get car insurance?""
I live in Texas and i'm an 18 yr old female. I will be studying in Canada but I need to take my car to get from place to place. Does anyone know how much it costs to register the car, get car insurance, plates, License and whatever else needed? Thank you (:""
Motorcycle insurance?
how much would it cost for a new motorcyclist to pay for his insurance if he got a used bike.
What is another way to say free insurance seminar ?
My insurance office is going to host a seminar to the public explaining personal lines (home, auto, commercial...) insurance coverage. What is a catchy headline for the flyer?""
What should I be looking for in coverage with car insurance?
I'm 22, just graduated from college and am just about to get my car put in my name and on my own insurance (was paying my parents for car insurance in my dads name before). I am curious on what exactly I should be looking for as far as deductibles and liabilities go to get a cheaper-ish rate, but yet still decent coverage? I was paying $70 a month on my parents insurance, I know I won't get that good of rate, but am wondering what decent coverage would be for a decently priced monthly rate...I was told to get a $500 deductible for collision? My car is a 1997 Honda Accord, great condition, around 130,000 miles, and I got one ticket in 2007. Any advice would be helpful! Thanks!""
Do you hav to hav insurance to drive a car?
well i might buy a cheap old car (one that i dont have to worry about scratching or dinting) but do i HAVE to get insurance? and what other stuff do i HAVE to get like tax and what not and how much does all that cost?
Landlord's insurance in NJ?
I have few rental properties in NJ and looking for an insurance company that provides landlord's insurance policies. I will appreciate if you could arrange to send me few names of insurance companies. Thanks
How does life insurance work?
i talked my dad into buying life insurance but he says that i just want him to die but i told him only to take out a 50 thousand dollar policy for the funeral and other expenses nothing else i don't need a million dollar policy and how does life insurance work if i talk my dad into getting a 50k policy does the insurance pay it all at once or does the insurance give it month to month or year to year explain it all just in case he wants to get more which i highly doubt he will but anything from 25k to 50k will be find i don't need a million dollars to plan a funeral and how much do you think it would cost to make him have a 50k policy and i asked this question before and i got the response 50k is too much i see people who get 5million dollar policy im not trying to get rich im just trying to get enough to pay for the funeral if i really wanted something i would ask for more because im paying off his 500 thousand dollar house with my money and my pay so he can at least appreciate what i do for him
New driver trying to get insurance... Quote for 1750 in November... Why has it gone up to 4400 now?
Hello all, I'm 17 years old (male) and passed my test earlier this month. In November I just thought I'd get a rough figure for insuring a 1.2L Corsa (2001)... I got a quote from Quinn Direct for 1750 (I put in the details as if I had already passed etc). So yes, more than the car is worth, but my parents and grandparents were willing to help me out with it, and I was pleased. So, Christmas has been and I thought I'd get looking... I went back on to Quinn Direct and now for a 1L Corsa (2001)... The quote is 4450!! That is ridiculous! It's true, I'm a 17 year old male... Bla bla... But 4450 for a 1 Litre car? All my friends are with Quinn Direct, and their 1.3L Fiesta's etc are only 1900 to insure! Gocompare and all those don't give me much better quotes either. I've also done the Pass Plus. Can anyone shed some light on this please? Thanks!""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I have a honda accord lx (2003). I hit a metal pole and there was considerable damage to my car. The damage is mostly to the right front side and the tire. I have informed my insruance company so they can review the damages and come up with a dollar amount. I can decide if I want to pursue the claim through my insurance company or accept the charges my self. If it is going to cost alot to fix the car, I may need to use my insurance to pay for the damages. How much will my insrance go up? I have heard that my rates could be impacted for the next 3 years. Will the rates decrease after 3 yrs?""
Does PA or NJ have cheaper car insurance?
I'm wanting to know which state has cheaper car insurance. I have usaa. Does it vary state to state ?
17 year old getting insurance in NY?
I am planning to buy a car in a couple of months. Probably a Honda Civic/Accord from 1994 and up. I dont have more than 3500. How much will insurance cost to pay by myself? Added on my parents?They currently pay 130 a month. I have 90 average in school and a 10% discount fot compleating a drivers ed program.
Where is the best place for a teenager to get car insurance?
Im an 18 year old male and will be getting a 2005 Nissan Altima. What would be good insurance for me? I need cheap insurance and I have good grades so I might qualify for a discount.
American express auto insurance?
I understand that the auto insurance for rentals via credit cards are secondary coverage. what does this mean? Suppose I dont have any other insurance coverage. does the credit card insurance become primary coverage by default?
My grandma says TEENAGERS arent covered on her car insurance. Is this possible?
i want to drive her car cause im 16 and just got my temps a couple weeks ago and all she keeps saying is that her insurance only covers people 21 and older. i totally think shes lying! cant anyone drive the car? the insurance is already one the CAR, not the person, so shouldnt the insurance cover the car regaurdless on who's driving??""
Car insurance?
what things should i look for in car insurance? and what exactly is a car insurance bond? any scams i should look out for? any good reasonable car insurance rates?
Wrx vs. Impreza insurance?
I know the wrx has really high insurance rates.. How about the regular impreza? (new models)
I have impacted wisdom teeth but no insurance or way to pay in cash what can I do?
My credit is too bad to get a loan
Car insurance question?
Hey and thanks in advance! My car is in my ex name 100% on the loan and the car insurance, but i make the payments to my ex as they take the money from my ex bank account. Im not even on the car as a second driver. Well now my ex wants the insurance in my name, would i be able to obtain insurance in my name (full coverage) for the car without the car being in my name, if i was to show them me and my ex personal contract. and lets say the insurance people is fine with it, would the bank where my ex took out the loan be ok with full coverage in my name over the car? please, this was a lessoned learn and now i need help on how this can be done, my ex no longer want his name on the insurance.""
What is the best insurance company to have if you need to go into a rehabilitation center?
Which insurance covers the most??
How do Doctors get paid by insurance company?
How do Doctors get paid by insurance company?
Moped/ motorcycle insurance in washington?
how much is insurance for it? i already have a car and car insurance. my car doesnt get great mileage. about 15-17 on the highway.12-15 city. i use to not travel a distance too much but i moved farther away from my college so i gas up once a week or every week and a half depending on if im just going to school or if im also going out. I want a scooter or motorcyle just because there fun and better on gas. im not reckless. ill be safe and drive them to minimize the risk as much as possible. MY STATE DOES NOT REQUIRE MOPED OR MOTORCYLCE INSURANCE BY LAW. Im just curious to be safe. and for me, my faith in god keeps me safe.""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost for a teen?
I am currently 15 , next year i will get my liscence and buy a Kawasaki Ninja 250R 2010. I live in Quebec, and I really need an answer, please not just a go get a quote.. just give me a number please!""
What Insurance is the cheapest for teenagers in texas?
What Insurance is the cheapest for teenagers in texas?
Am I able to drive my -just bought- car without insurance?
I just bought my car one day ago and i only have the contract but not the title, am i able to drive the car at all or is there a law that lets me drive the car within a certain amount of time without insurance on it in minnesota?""
How much does a limo insurance cost?
im saving 33,480 dollars to buy an 04 limo""
Do salvage title cars have cheaper insurance premiums?
Do salvage title cars have cheaper insurance premiums?
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
Buying sunglasses using health insurance ?
hi i am trying to buy sunglasses using my health insurance because aetna health insurance allow me to buy sunglasses on their charge, a lot of my friends did it this way, but every time i call a store they say that they don't do that!! any info ? thanks""
I was denied medcaid and chips for my 2yr son. Is there any other affordable insurance out there?
I was denied Medicaid which is understandable. I applied for Chips and was denied as well.......because I was $50 over the income guidelines. I don't receive any other kind of assistance. I can't afford the insurance at work. I pay my own tuition for school, my own groceries, and so on. I just would like to know if there is any other type of affordable insurance for my child.""
""Looking to buy a car, what kind of cars will raise my insurance?""
Ok, so I'm getting ready to buy a different car and I'm wondering what kind of things will make my insurance go up. I'm 20 years old and right now I'm paying $100 a month, and that is cheap. Any advice?""
I have a few questions about car repairs and auto insurance?
first off, i was in a small accident a couple weeks ago, and was wonder how much it would cost to have the following repaired: 1. the hood is very minorly damaged, there is just a small gap where the hood closes, plus a little scratched paint on one side (very minor) how much would it cost to have that straitened out? 2. when the front end got hit, it shifted it over a little, so there is a small gap inbetween the inside corner of the headlight and the grill area, how much to straighten that out? 3. also, in regards to insurance, is it allowed to have two different people insured on one car through different insurance companies?""
Can I buy motorcycle inssurance and not have parents know about it?
I'm 22 I live in my own apartment but my parents pay car insurance can I get a seperate insurance for a motorcycle and not have my parents know about it, also my friend who rides said bike insurance can be very cheap I just want minimum coverage how much would it be, thx!""
What does total excess mean with car insurance ?
hi on my car insurance it says 450 total excess what does that mean ? thanks
""Health insurance, deductible or no deductible?""
I'm looking at the Blue Shield of California Active Start 35 plan for me and my 2 year old son. It's going to cost around $200/month through ehealthinsurance Here's a link: http://askoleg.com/Blue_Shield_Active_Start_Plan_35_ppo.htm The plan features: No individual deductible Annual Copayment Maximum $7,500 Annual Physical Exam, Well-Baby Care $35 (Not subject to deductible) Laboratory, X-Ray, Major Diagnostic Services 40% (Not subject to deductible) Physician Office Visits $35 (Not subject to deductible) I do not have insurance at the moment and my son has a PPO with Anthem and a $1,500 deductible with almost the same listed here. The only difference is there is no deductible with the plan above. I'm really in need of some help, if anyone can give me good advice, I would appreciate it very much!""
Will speeding tickets raise your insurance?
I just got a 2 point violation the other day, will this raise the cost of my insurance being that I am only 20?""
Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit?? everything is so catch 22?
Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres insurance for me while i have my learners permit?""
Practice Test for Life Insurance License????
Does anyone know that website that has practice exams for the Life Insurance test? We used to go to it but now forgot it.
What would the insurance be on a 2010 Camaro SS?
I know there are a lot of things that factor into the cost of insurance but if anyone could give me a ballpark estimate that would be great.
Teen car insurance help help?
I am 18 years old and on my fathers state farm policy my mother has her own house and policy if I have car insurance under him can I be covered to drive her cars. she has geico
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend?
Is their insurance for pregnant women?
Hi, I am about 30 weeks pregnant and very scared. I do not have ins at this time. I had a ppo a few months ago that did not cover anything! My bf (ridiculous we were not married) of 11 years just walked out on me and the kids for his selfish reasons. So he is no help besides paying the mortgage. Im not trying to get free insurance, I just need some help on what affordable insurance there are if any that will pick me up. I pay for my visits but im running low on cash. I am on bed rest for incompetent cervix and I am losing it trying to figure ways. I return to work 6 weeks after I have the little one but for now I have no job! Im at lost. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I can pay monthly's but I know that delivery bill is gonna kick me in the butt. I just want to have a little security...""
Are there any good Websites about Insurance ?
For someone who is newbie in Insurance , Also if it contains cases and Q&A it would be best Does anyone know any ???""
I have impacted wisdom teeth but no insurance or way to pay in cash what can I do?
My credit is too bad to get a loan
""Hit a mailbox, will cost $2,500 to fix, how much will my insurance go up?""
The other night i crashed into a mailbox. It was completely my fault and it will cost $2,500 to fix it. I was wondering how much my insurance premium will go up per year about? I am 20 years old and have gotten 1 ticket before.""
What is the best type of renter's insurance?
Whats is the best rental insurance for an apartment? What does it usually cover? The apartment rent will be $280 in Birmingham, AL. Is the best insurance to get the type that would cover most belongings and people incase of an accident wether it was by a person on purpose, accident, or a weather related incident? If you have renters insurance do you pay monthly or a one time thing up front if you are on a year lease?""
What car insurance is cheap for young people?
What car insurance is cheap for young people?
Auto insurance raised cause of credit!?
I bought another used car 2005 and my insurance rates when up $500.00 a year. They told me because of my credit rating........what! I have a perfect driving record and have been driving for 36 years so tell me what does my credit have to do with my car insurance or driving record?!!!!! I am only behind on a couple credit cards so please someone tell me why this is?
Cost of ticket for driving without insurance?
im 16 and i need to get to work tomorow...my stepmom has to work so the only way to get to work is taking my dad's 2007 toyota tundra. if i get pulled over about how much will the ticket cost? i have my liscense just not insurance. i also live in texas
Will my insurance cost more this year?
hello people ... so i was wondering if anyone thinks my insurance will cost more this year. i have a motorbike honda cbr125. last year it cost me 450 to insure. looking at the insurance this year it says around 550-650 will mine be this much?
Cost of Insurance for Nissan 350Z?
I am 18 years old (about to turn 19) and gonna buy a 350Z (well my parents are). I have always wanted one and I am getting it for looks and commuting only. But to be safe, I will buy a police radar and install a kill switch as soon as I get it. My question is how much would insurance be for a 2004-2005 Nissan 350Z? Would it be better to buy the Z in my parents' name under my parents' insurance? Also, I am curious of how much do any of you pay for a car like a 350Z.""
How to become an insurance underwriter?
Im looking to move on in my career and I am really interested in becoming an Insurance Underwriter. I am currently studying for the CII FIT exam and was wondering what else I would require. Any help appreciated thanks.
What is the average insurance quote for a 2007 jeep wrangler?
I'm turning 16 in a year and my dad and I really want to get a Jeep. Not just for me, but for him too. I'm really interested in the 2007 jeep wrangler soft top. I plan on taking the defensive driving course because I heard that it helps lower insurance on the vehicle. Is that true? Also I have to pay for part of the monthly payments. How much is the average monthly payments for the type of car that I want?""
How much will my driving insurance be for 16 yrs old?
Drivers Age: 16 type of car: Toyota liability limits: uh... none, i think, once i crash the car goes.. comp & collision?: idk driving record: just got it today lol credit score: perfect =P zip code where car is kept: 43221 its a rav4 crappy car, i just need a ball park geuss... my parents r trying to make me think its a lot more than i no it is, just so i dont drive... and stuff, yea... thanks justin""
Where can I find Affordable Health Insurance in Florida?
Where can I find Affordable Health Insurance in Florida?
Can we get cheap car insurance in the UK as Australians?
My partner and I are moving to the UK in March and had intended to buy a car. Just an Astra or something for under 1000. However, when I put our details into insurance websites it tells us we will have to pay upwards of 2000 for 3rd party insurance. I realise this is because we have not been residents or have held UK licences but is there any way to get something cheaper? This seriously hinders our plans, we can't afford that amount of money but were really hoping to have a car. Can any one give us any advice? I have put in that we have a UK licence (as we would be prepared to get upon arrival and would have to any way after 12 months) but this does little to change the quotes.""
I need money for car insurance?? help?
i am almost 17 and car insurance is sky high at the moment ranging from about 3,000-9,000 i really want a car when i pass my lisense in a couple of months and can afford a car but not the insurance. any ideas on how i can raise some money, or get some funds together?? thanks in advance :)""
""Car insurance costs, is this right?""
Im currently 19 years old and have been with Esurance for a year now. I have a 1998 honda civic and my payments are at $65 a month, im currently looking in to buying a new car and called them up tonight to get a quote for it and they said my monthly payments would increase to $360 a month (car i called about was a 2012 chevy sonic hatchback). Does this large of an increas seem correct? I have never gotten in to an accident nor needed to call upon my insurance for anything, so why does the price jump so much higher?""
How much will insurance co pay us?
i was 35 wks preg and had a car accident that was other drivers fault. had to stay overnight at hospital for pre term contractions and plancental tear from seatbelt injury. out of work for about a week befor being released from scrict bed rest. had to have someone else keep kids and all. im 37wks now and just got the ok to get chiropratic care. we both have geico and they have been really nice about everything. husband doesnt want to get a laywer yet wants to see what they offer first. just wanted to know a ballpark number to look or ask for if anyone knows.also suffered chest injury which cause me to loose my voice due to sudden onset of Gerds from seatbelt injury.still in pain and not back at work had plans on working till i had the baby but cant now.already suffer pregnancy now have pain from accident just feel terrible. help.
Im going to buy a car and insure it under my parents name..is a camaro a cheap car to insure?
what are some cars that are cheap on insurance
Best life insurance for baby? Cost?
Trying to figure out the best life insurance plan or place to use for new baby to come. How much does it cost upfront? Do you pay it overtime?
I need affordable and reliable health insurance. 23 yrs old.?
hi I am a 23 year old foreign student currently studying in the US in a student visa..I am thinking about getting an affordable health insurance that covers emergencies and any sudden diseases that might occur in future.. also may be a yearly doctor visit etc.. i do not need dental.. i just want to make sure i am covered in case of emergency.. i am just a student and do not have a stable job so i cant afford a lot.. i have heard about medicare and medicaid but they are not for foreign nationals.. i have also heard about blue cross blue shield i was thinking about going with them but what do you guys think?? and what should be the monthly price?? thank you in advance .. no advertisements or spam please!!
Wrong name on Insurance?
I have a court summons to appear in court for driving with no insurance. Now I do have insurance, just had last years paperwork with my accidentally. I noticed that the insurance company never changed my name on my insurance (I am married and my license has my married name on it) so my license and insurance don't match. I have called my insurance company and they are changing my name on my insurance paperwork but I haven't received it yet. Do you think if I brought my insurance papers (which include my car's vin #) and my marriage certificate to show the name change that would be enough? I do have insurance. (I live in Ontario Canada)""
What is the normal procedure for a car accident without insurance?
On Febuary 2012, I had a car accident and I hit the FWD Nissan, The car that I hit is still drivable condition, the only damage that I caused was a dense on the door. But My car was damaged badly, but it was fixed for $4000. Six months later, I receieved a bill from other car insurer asked me to pay $12k for the repair of the damage. HOwever, I did not recieve any phone call from the victims or the victim's insurance company at all. So is that a proper procedure for the insurer to call me and ask me about the accident? Because I did not know what I did to pay $12k, as in you could buy a new car for that....""
Insurance for a 17 year old male?
we are a fairly poor family, but have been waiting for my 17th birthday for absolutely decades, now that i am i want to drive, but EVERY car i look at seems to be asking for big numbers. a 1986 1.1l fiesta would cost 11k!!!!!!! a 2002 Hyundai Accent 1.3 over 16k my cheapest quote is for a 1988 360 VW Polo for 7k there seems to be absolutely nothing out there! are there any tips to getting lower costs? im putting it in as me insuring the car as the owner, fire and theft""
In California I Pay $16 for my two kids' health insurance as low income family?
can I do the same in New Jersey? I am afraid to move to a new state whereI don't know the roads and malls but may have to for a better life
Child support and health insurance???
If someone is going to provide health insurance (and dental,vision) for a child does that lower child support even a little??""
Why do you think insurance is important?
I am writing and essay on why insurance is important and the consequences of not having it. I just wanted to know some of your thoughts of why you think insurance is important to help me get a better understanding ! thanks in advance !
Insurance payout after lien paid?
My insurance recently sent my lien-holder, Chase Bank, the agreed amount for my totaled car. I owed about 3k less than what they paid out so am now left wondering when I will receive the difference. Chase received the payment a week ago.""
I have impacted wisdom teeth but no insurance or way to pay in cash what can I do?
My credit is too bad to get a loan
0 notes
comicteaparty · 6 years
June 7th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on June 7th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on The Pale by Jay Fabares & Sanders Fabares.
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing The Pale by Jay Fabares & Sanders Fabares~! (https://tapas.io/series/The-Pale) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
I won’t be able to be around much this week, but I’ll just say that I loved the speed dating scene. Really set up Fink’s personality, skill, and face blindness well.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah the speed dating scene was pretty interesting. i really like in general how the face blindness is portrayed with the comical same faces. like something about that makes face blindness both understandable but subtly horrifying
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'll echo that. I liked when the different art style on the faces was revealed to be character related.
Also, Fink was all "this is not how I expected her to react... smokebomb!" vanishes
And he's had bad luck ever since.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hi there!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tbh i did not expect his speed date partner to react that way either XD
hey super
Agent Jay (The Pale)
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hey there Jay!
Great to see ya~(edited)
Agent Jay (The Pale)
haha likewise
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Gotta expect the unexpected.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Hi artist/author/writer (one or all of the preceding...)!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
glad you could make it jay~!
Agent Jay (The Pale)
I'm the artist and Co writer
totally! glad to see y'all like the speed dating part
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Very clever way to set up characters, don't think I've seen it before.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
when I read my husbands first draft of that scene-- I was all smiles
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That's nice~
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I also kind of liked the knife throwing scene. I knew pretty much what was going to happen when I saw Fink out front, but it was still entertaining and set the tone of their interactions going forwards.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
You two make for a good team, I enjoy how realistic (for the most part) and lifelike the comic is.(edited)
Agent Jay (The Pale)
yeah, the knife scene was fun. The ending went through a lot of changes.
and thanks Super!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
You're welcome.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Aiming for a different balloon? I noticed some of those slogans... speaking as someone over 40...
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i really liked how the knife scene kind of characterized the town. only in a small town would it not be considered a safety hazard to just throw knives at the wall
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Impressive background detail, actually. I caught myself trying to read the chalkboard in the sherriff's office right off the start.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
And yeah the backgrounds have lots and I do mean lots of details(edited)
the comic is awesome - I still love the wolf with the hand as a great intro and tone setter
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Anything to help make it pop.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
haha, I'm 36. the ending was hard bc we didnt know who was going to say the last line for the longest time it was Fink.... but then suddenly we had the idea for Joseph Yazzie (Logan's friend) say something. and it worked out well we think.
little title drop-- sorta there--
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Right, yeah, well played there. Other ideas paled in comparison.
Am i allowed to ask questions?
Agent Jay (The Pale)
ah coyote scene you mean!
(yeah coyote!)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Right, the wolf and the hand bit. Effectively creepy.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I think @MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑 will always think it's a wolf
Agent Jay (The Pale)
... so funny.
And um, I guess you can ask Q's
Can you tell us about your process
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Call the wolf Virginia. To go with Dawn Knotts.
script and thumbnails, etc - the collaboration between you and this mysterious writer you work with
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
(That was a clever name, by the way. I didn't catch on.)
Agent Jay (The Pale)
really? SHAME
Agent Jay (The Pale)
1. We start with a general outline of what we want to see happen 2. eventually that goes down to what is really needed and my husband Sanders writes a 1st draft 3. I then read the draft and make changes-- rewrite scenes, take away, change dialog 4. we argue 5. and repeat till we are happy with it! 6. I start rough layouts/lettering/edit some more 7. (see step 4) 8. eventually everything falls into place and then we have a final edit pass 9. BOOM done.(edited)
oh very cool
sounds like a mini pixar
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That's nice.
Cool seeing what goes on behind the scenes
Agent Jay (The Pale)
and @MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑 Dawn Knotts was the only character that didnt go a name changes.
even Fink was Franklin INKS
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Oh? Were they all puns originally?
Agent Jay (The Pale)
sorta... Logan originally was Sam Addams
then it went to Scott Logan (xmen joke)(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yeah, it's an interesting name juxtaposition there. F. Ink. Whereas some people might call FBI types using slang.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
now it's Terrence Logan. I took the Terrence from a discarded character-- I loved the name too much to waste it.(edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
ah yes always a good use of discarded characters. when in doubt steal their stuff O_O
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Agent Jay (The Pale)
haha-- right?!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I gather that the story takes place in... New Mexico? Texas? Nevada? That area...
Agent Jay (The Pale)
It's a made up town south of the Navajo Reservation, so it is Arizona (I hope I'm not derailing your chat)(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Gotcha. My US geography is poor. (Well, my geography in general is poor.)
Agent Jay (The Pale)
between Flagstaff and north of Winslow...
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The bit of Navajo on the radio was clever.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
how much research did you put into the location out of curiosity?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Eh, we just chat about whatever anyway. Rebel will have a random question again in about 5 minutes.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i mean generalized location since its a made up town
Agent Jay (The Pale)
We spent a lot of time considering where the location would be in real terms
The inspiration of the town is a mix of our experiences of small towns in Arizona and on the Navajo Rez. But also-- bc we like small towns
I based the town layout off of Holbrook Arizona more or less.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Holy cats. That's impressive.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I think the small town atmosphere is well captured. The deputy who hangs around the game instead of being on radio and all.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
Dewey! haha yes... I love him.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Actually they've got a pretty large police force.
Relatively speaking.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
there's 4 with badges and luca at the station, Logan, Dewey, Russ and Dawn
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tbf to dewey it seemed like the whole town was at the game so like...who is actually gonna call
QUESTION 2. Not long after the mysterious body is found in the story, Agent Fink enters the scene and gets involved “off the books.” However, his motivations remain elusive. Why do you think Agent Fink is so intent on everything staying off the record? Is it personal or is this a professional risk? What do you think is the significance of the rock found with the body, and why does Agent Fink seemingly have more rocks? Do you think this mystery has something to do with Isaac? If so, how does Isaac factor in to both the mystery and Fink’s motivations? Lastly, what do you make of the dreams Fink has been having?
Agent Jay (The Pale)
haha, I guess this is when I don't talk... heh
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'd lay dollars to donuts that it relates somehow to those dreams. And presumably to the dreams that the woman in the tapestry place had been having too.
(It being his involvement.)
The rocks, of course, is all a red herring. Fink just likes collecting rocks along with bird watching.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
he should pick better rocks to collect then
invest in geodes
and he can expand his horizons. go get some petrified wood since hes in az
He just showed up to get his hands on that rock
AHHH, good evening, guys!! I've been looking forward to this chat for a while, I'm glad I could make it (albeit late)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Or just scare a bunch of normal wood...
Fink has plans to become a rock musician.
I don’t think that’s how they get petrified wood math
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
can I ask about character design and how you do the settings and prep work
for settings?
It’s his DREAM to become a rock musician
That’s what the dreams mean!
Catching up: I love so very many of the scenes, but the one that really hooked me was the coyote scene-- such a classic, beautifully executed mystery setup. And I loooved all that wildlife
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
as someone who lives in az, no i confirm. thats how we get our petrified wood.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
That was Fink's drummer showing up at the end of Part 3.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
sure Dylan! which character do you wanna know about?
(and HI CHLOE)(edited)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
More seriously, birds are definitely going to factor in too, methinks.
Still catching up: One thing I think really works with the comic is the balance between quiet, slow images and faster moving dialogue: I love when the comic slows down to linger on images. One part that I kinda liked for that reason was with Yazzie visiting Nathaniel's house and looking at the rug on the wall, the lingering look at the rug really slowed the scene in the best way. Also when Fink is wandering through empty Rocket Ridge. Such a good way to build tension, improve pacing, and draw attention to the art. So good
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hey there Wish
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Related, I liked the bit in the plane where the pilot was all "I have binoculars somewhere" and Fink's like "I'm good". There's lots of little fun things in the comic too.
(and HI JAY!!! :D)
Agent Jay (The Pale)
y'all might get a kick outta this-- some early sketches of Fink and Logan
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
OMG those look nice
(And hi to SuperJustin, too!!)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Neat! Hm, Fink was shorter.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
haha the thing was very cartoony and different in tone at first.
Ahhhh, that art is so good hahaha. Look at these good guys! XD
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Personally I think the final/current style fits the comic a lot more than something cartoony IMO
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
wishjacked: Agreed. One of those things that I didn't really notice, but to have it pointed out, yeah. And like the woman just turning at the bottom of the page during that rug scene. Vaguely ominous but you don't know why. Probably attribute some of that to pacing.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
funny bc they changed-- but also remained the same?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
And yeah wishjacked made a good point about the slow and fast moments.
omg that hairstyle
Agent Jay (The Pale)
oh totally Super... we changed the look really bc the tones are much darker. The story helped determine the style
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Seems liek younger/older comparisons
Agent Jay (The Pale)
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
You could include the early drawing of Fink as a picture on his desk. Or maybe as his ID badge.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
The art style can give you lots of insight on a comic's tone so you want to make sure it's just right
Agent Jay (The Pale)
We work hard on the pacing. glad that shows!
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That would be a cute little nod IMO
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
We never look our best on IDs/driver's licenses.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm also vaguely waiting for someone to call Fink "Mulder".
and regarding question #2, I always get a feeling from this comic that things aren't quite what they seem in this story, so I'm very hesitant to barf up ideas about Fink's motives. Whatever they are, I think they'll be unexpected. I wonder if he has some inklings of the supernatural (???) elements of the story he's in
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe they will someday. when theyre less busy putting him up in a hotel and more busy investigating things
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
but the hotels are super comfy
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well given the dreams i think hed have to have an inkling
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Fink being good with dialects probably means he'll know if anyone he runs into is from out of town. Or... out of this world?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
unless he just thinks hes the weirdest dreamer in all the land
He acts on rock mysteries though. You wouldn't do that if you thought your dreams were just dreams
and yes, Math!! Ohh, going off on another tangent about that scene, it was so well lighted too. The lighting in this comic also really helps the tone. That was a very ominous scene.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe he thinks everyone has those sorts of dreams. Could be normal for him.
"My face blindness thing is an unusual quirk, but at least I have nightmares like normal people!"
Agent Jay (The Pale)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
possible but i doubt it O_O
until proven otherwise im assuming that isaac was murdered while investigating something and fink is trying to solve the murder but no one can know cause supernatural stuff and everyone will think hes crazy
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Also I just wanna say the inn rooms look awesome for something out in the wilderness (from what vibe the comic is giving me)
How old is the inn anyways?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Actually, I wonder when Fink was diagnosed.
@Agent Jay (The Pale) hmmm which character? fink and logan -
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Crazy theory: Someone is killing people by dropping huge rocks on them, followed by shrinking the rocks down real small.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
dat crack theory(edited)
and the yazzie?
the native american?
Agent Jay (The Pale)
the inn... around the 1950's(edited)
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh wow
Agent Jay (The Pale)
I went through several sketches with Fink. I knew he was tall, slender, and had a dog... much like Tin Tin and that's sorta why he looks cartoony in the beginning I think... but as the story evolved, again, I just kept pushing he design to reflect that. He is supposed to resemble a bird with his hair a bit. Sort of like a crest.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Ahh, Tintin, that would explain the early hairstyle a bit. Though the bird connection is interesting too.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
when I drew the HAIR.. I knew I had something I think...
from 2013
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh christ
That's quite a prototype
Agent Jay (The Pale)
Logan was a typical big guy on campus type deal.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Clever not starting the story with Fink, in a sense. It makes it more about this particular mystery and the town itself rather than one FBI case among many.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
stoic, middle aged, seen stuff, understanding, father figure type(edited)
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I see what you're sayin
Agent Jay (The Pale)
thanks Math!
and fink is a young, fresh face
but when they get together
the shipping begins
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Did someone say
oh these early drawings are great
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. Despite Rocket Ridge being a small town, the discovery of a body jumpstarts a lot of strange things. Do you think someone in the town had something to do with the body that was found? If so, who do you suspect (or have we not met them yet)? If not, do you think it has to do with the town supposedly having run-ins with the supernatural? In the most recent page we do see the supernatural, so do you think it has something to do with the body? In the background there is also Sheriff Logan, the man who discovered the body. Do you think Sheriff Logan will help or hinder Fink’s investigation into the situation? At the very least, do you think Logan will discover the real reason Fink is there? Of a last note, how do you think the comic’s events will affect Logan in general?
can you talk about your inspirations - other media, comics, whatever?
Agent Jay (The Pale)
i watch a lot of crime dramas(edited)
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Any crime dramas in particular?
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Things between Fink and Logan are definitely off to a "rocky" start. I think Logan will work out that this isn't an authorized case though, starting by looking into how Fink flew in in the first place.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
(This is a really interesting question to ask a creator IMO)
Agent Jay (The Pale)
Recent favs The Killing, MindHunter, DARK, Twin Peaks (haha), Longmire
i think fink having to walk into town will have piqued logan's interest, absolutely
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I get why Fink wouldn't want to come clean, suspecting supernatural elements (and wanting to avoid being labelled a Mulder) but Logan doesn't seem like the type who enjoys other people trying to barge in on his territory. I mean, he was stubborn about that coffee machine for how long?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Ooh nice
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well and nobody likes the fbi
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Pretty much
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
cause they throw their federal weight around
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
The dog does, apparently.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
the dog is a spirit guide clearly
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
And actually that counsellor seemed to get on well enough with him.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Yes. I'm abysmal with names.
Ask anyone.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
yeah her and Fink got off to a okay... start sorta
yknow.. hotdogs and stuff
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i do think its inevitable logan is gonna find out about fink tho. cause fink is gonna order him and logan is gonna be like "let me talk to your superior" and then fink is gonna be like "oh shit."
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
She musterded up the courage to speak to him.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
slow clap well done
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
It's beautiful
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I wonder what Fink would get out of hearing me speak.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I wonder that too
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Aside from an excuse to be elsewhere.
i wonder what fink's determined about the officers he's met from their voices
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe he can exposit to the dog.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hes probably determined that dang is he sure in a small town
although he probably learned that from the knife
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Or his tiny alien friend.
(It's actually Logan in a suit.)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i hope fink's linguist thing comes up with logan. cause i feel like hes just gonna reveal all these personal things about logan at some point. and logan will be frowny face
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That would be hilarious @MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
"You thought it was extra terrestrial, but it was I, Dewey!"
Agent Jay (The Pale)
or Russ...
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
So, back to crazy theories, do you think the Tapestry Woman is committing the crimes? Because she's possessed by her tapestry, it exited her dreams and into real life?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
if i had to pick someone who was magically involved with the body and mystery, itd be dewey. O_O his radio wasnt off cause lazy. it was off cause he was busy committing more murders.
nah i think she's forseeing them
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Ooooh, nice one Rebel.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yeah Rebel, good pick.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Also a nice take, snuffy. I wonder if she's trying to weave warnings into her work.
yeah that's what i think is going on. and at some point, fink will find out.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
By spying with his binoculars.
i was thinking by like... someone mentioning it
say someone who lives with her
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe tapestry lady was abducted by aliens and thats why she had nightmares. and she makes tapestries cause she knows one of them is still out there.
or maybe she's just psychic for unrelated reasons
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
She knows they'll want to buy a tapestry as a souvenir gift before returning to their home planet.
She's saving that dark one for them.
she's preparing to open a tourist trap for aliens?
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That would be a clever way of capturing the aliens
Or not, if they're armed
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Gotta trap 'em somehow.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
wait what if by weaving the tapestry she set the creature from her nightmares free. and the reason she keeps it is out of guilt and the belief that one day she has to destroy it to destroy the creature.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Actually, what if Fink is psychic? Maybe that dream he had in the plane was prophetic.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe. i tend to view his dreams as more symbolic. like im really interested in the fact he has faceblindness and isaac in his dreams had no face
maybe that's not isaac. how would fink know?
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that is also a good point
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
By the voice, possibly.
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Only we don't know.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
to be fair it might not have been isaac for the fact "isaac" was wearing a shirt that says "This is you"
which lends credit to the dream being prophetic
cause theyre warning him
actually yeah even tho "isaac" is talking the text is written as intelligible. so we cant gurantee he recognized isaac by voice
so yeah i may be right then
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
So it was Fink himself!
the shirt did say as much
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 4. Besides the bigger mysteries, there is a lot of small town drama going on. At the game, we meet Emma Bloom who Dawn clearly doesn’t care for. What do you think the history is between them? Does it have something to do with Logan, or is it just between them? What significance might Emma have further along? Another noteworthy character when it comes to drama is Nathaniel. Why is Nathaniel trying to obtain a gun? Is it just for protection, due to his angst, or is something else going on? Do you think this will get him in trouble with Joseph who is keen on watching him? In respects to the larger plot, what does Nathaniel’s end of the story have to do with any of the other events going on? Are there any other dramas or characters you thought were intriguing?
i think emma v dawn is definitely something relationship related
not sure as to what though
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'll ship Emma and Dawn.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe emma was supposed to marry logan but then she noped out of there. and dawn knows and is like "how dare"
that's not entirely implausible, math. one dumped the other at some point, and there's been bad blood ever since
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I feel like it's more of a professional issue than a personal one. Based on their professions.
Snuffy: True 'nuff!
what could the professional issue be, then? because in a small town, dawn's probably had to yell at everybody at least once
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe its nothing relationships wise and the two are just rivals. like dawn always feels like emma is one-upping her
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I figure maybe the counsellor gave bad advice to a kid, who maybe then had a run-in with the law or something.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
but only dawn feels this and emma is like "wait what"
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Or maybe it was just a very bad "take your kid to work" day.
Dawn seems reasonably laid back though.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe dawn just doesnt like other women in general usually
like she's just always catty? i guess we haven't seen her around that many other woman.
she seems friendly enough with luca though
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
it could be more...defensive shyness? like make dawn was bullied in school by other girls and thus takes a while to open up
alternatively, emma was the bully
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe Emma was arrested once.
Also, yeah, I have no idea where that gun angle is going. Nowhere good, I presume.
Given the attitude of the guy with the bullets.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
im just curious how this is gonna tie into fink. unless they decide nathaniel will be their tapestry expert for some reason.
or maybe nathaniel is after that alien creature thing we see haunting fink
and thats why he wants a gun
i think he'll reveal the tapestries to fink, but i don't know how or why
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Maybe he has a bird interest too.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe its just a casual thing that gets brought up. like logan and fink will catch nathaniel getting the gun and have him in the car. and hell just offhandedly mention something about the tapestries
maybe he has a bird "interest" and that's what the gun is for
but yeah i think rebel's right
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
and then theyll get joseph yazzie involved and itll be ultimate cop trio
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Meanwhile the ladies solve everything back at the station.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
on a different note, i cant wait till fink is boiling in the az sun
ooh yeah, he hasn't seen the sun up yet
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
not to mention his suit is dark colored so its gonna absorb more heat.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yea looknig forward to all that sun
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
and then all the cops are gonna snicker at his unpreparedness
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
He never seems to get the breaks to go his way.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
pretty much.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
on another different note, i like that fink just accepted the dog into his life
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I'm a cat person sooooooo.... sure. ^.^
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
im also a cat person. but i can appreciate someone getting a pet after being followed, shrugging, and going i guess this my life now
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I get the feeling Fink has to do that a lot.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
One other thing I want to mention before we wrap, that "favourite panel" contest I saw partway through. I thought that was really clever, I don't think I've seen that anywhere before.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Before time's up, If you see this, Jay, keep it up, this comic is a really great read and I love every bit of it.
yeah the contest was cool
as was the rest of the comic. keep it up, agent!
Agent Jay (The Pale)
ty ty
glad you guys enjoyed it
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
My pleasure
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Ah, you're still here. Yes, very well done.
Agent Jay (The Pale)
i've been working on some touch ups to ch4 ... and reading in here.
very fun
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
In a final twist at the end... we learn that this was all about "The Pal, E".
maybe the real pale was all of us
Agent Jay (The Pale)
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Knife throwing can spark many emotions.
Superjustingo of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well i am really pale so it works O_O
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Jay Fabares & Sanders Fabares, as well, for making The Pale and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Jay Fabares & Sanders Fabares’ efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Obelisk by Ashley McCammon. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on June 14th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: http://www.obeliskcomic.com/
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