#thank you wilnur!
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justfriendsbestthings · 3 months
If I had to unfollow everyone on Instagram except one account I would definitely chose Wilnur to keep. The excitement this woman has for Life is just absolutely contagious and I want to soak it up 24/7 omg
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lowkeyryding · 2 years
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anonfromtheflight · 9 months
¡Feliz 2024! 🥳💜
2023 was a really hard year for me personally. I spent most of it wondering if it was all worth it. (It's all under control now, don't worry lol)
But then in November, by chance in a flight I was ready to hate, I found Young Royals and then @young-royals-confessions and everything changed for the better even if I wasn't aware of it.
Finding Young Royals, Omar Rudberg's existence and the wonderful Young Royals tumblr fandom was, honestly, the highlight of the year for me 💜 I know it's been only a couple of months but everyone has been so lovely to me that even in my hardest period of the year (getting punched after being robbed!) the Young Royals tumblr fandom provided a comfort place for me.
I meant to answer you individually but I decided I'm going to save your messages for darker days. BUT thank you @books-books-smolderinglooks, @purplewilmon, @sillylittleflower, @skibasyndrome @bigalockwood, @themarsbar, @darktwistedgenderplural, @gulliblelemon @kruemel8, @purplehoodiesandclementines, @simonsapelsin, @sillyunicorn, @iwouldnevergetintofanfic , @the-princess-fangirl and @impossibleknots for your cute, lovely messages!!!! They mean the world to me. Knowing that you appreciate and even look forward to my overexcited self??? It's LOVELY and make me so fucking happy. And thank you to the Young Royals Tumblr fandom as a whole for giving me such a welcoming and friendly space for me to just share my unhingedness 💜💜💜
I'm sad I only got the season 3 and last period to share with you all, but I'm looking forward to reading and sharing all your reactions.
Thank you for being lovely, sweet and overall ADORABLE as a whole.
I love you all, even if we've only barely talked. And I love you more, and for real, all of you who have talked to me privately. And have tasted my weird personality directly. (A special shout out to @darktwistedgenderplural because they're so lovely they got the most direct and unfiltered taste of my personality and they not only welcomed me, but understood me in a molecular level)
Thank you Lisa Ambjörn for creating Young Royals, thank you Omar Rudberg and Edvin Ryding for having the most perfect chemistry in history, thank you Omar, overall, for existing and thank you Wilnur Rudberg/González for creating Omar lmao
And thank YOU all for accepting me and welcoming me and my weird energy 💜💜💜
I look forward to sharing 2024 with you all, and what the hell, many years to come too 💜💜💜
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(this is me hugging all of You)
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moccawithsugar · 7 months
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Everyone say «thank you, Wilnur!» For always letting us know when Edmar is in the same room 🫶🏼
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omar-bb · 5 months
If you were body-swapped with Omar for 24 hours, what would you do? Also, what do you think he would do as you?
Hi anon, thanks for the random ask! I think I'd just want to hang out with Wilnur and Joel all day... they seem fun and maybe they'd tell me first hand all the reasons they love Omar and that just sounds lovely.
If he were me I have no clue....hopefully go to a spa and get a massage or something 😂
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levok · 1 year
Me: Thank you Wilnur for giving us Omar crumbs 🥰
🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️ 🍃🌿🍃🌾
Because sargust will be the mains of s3
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Alright, internship season is done so I have proper time for analysis again. Sadly I have no energy, so I’m just going to reread chapter 10 and write down a bunch of things/details I notice and see if any deeper thoughts come out.
Observation number 1 is that Wilnur thinks of his current situation as purgatory. It has always been purgatory to him because he has no agency. Or at least he acts like he doesn’t. He can only wait for the Deathlings to decide what to do with him. And now that he knows they won’t kill him, but they still don’t have a plan, he can only wait until they come up with one. At the same time, he’s constantly waiting for a vision from Clara. And he’ll wait some more.
Observation 2: Wilbur taking a hard turn into measuring/convincing himself that Clara won’t abandon him and he just has to wait for her guidance. This is directly connected to his fear that he’s not good enough. His fear that he’s failing Her. It’s also connected to his mentality that She couldn’t have chosen him. We see it in the flashbacks. Wilbur felt like something was wrong when he was chosen, it was a mistake, because he never felt a connection to Clara, and I have a feeling he still struggles with that. Which is fair cuz he did get kidnapped and forced into the role. This also ties on to how Tommy does have a connection with Kristin, but I’ll get to that.
Observation 3: [Glass could only take so much pressure before it cracked.] This line. Just this line. I both hate and love this line. It’s a cool line, but it feels like it’s foreshadowing for something and that scares me.
Observation 4: There’s this very fun contrast between what Wilbur sees as negative development and straying from his Goddess and what we know to be progress towards the healing process. For example: Wilbur isn’t sure he would be able to take his own life if Clara told him to do it via a vision. In his mind that’s bad because his faith is wavering. He should be blindly loyal. Yet he’s too scared of dying to know for certain he could do it.
This is also part of the reason why he kept agonising the Deathlings at the start and now agrees that killing him is the obvious answer. Wilbur’s not used to having agency. He’s not used to making choices and having his actions matter. So he does not want to get face with the choice of having to take his own life. Because he’s not sure he can make it. And if he has to die, if that’s what Clara wants of him, then he wants the Deathlings to do it. He wants someone else to make the decision for him.
hi spruce anon I hope you get your energy back soon!! hope your internship went well :D
wilbur's been stuck in a kind of purgatory ever since he got chosen as the pythia. he's not an active participant in any aspect of his life. he's just waiting for the people around him to make decisions about his fate
oh yeah he definitely still struggles with that. it's his own insecurities combined with the way he was forced into the role and also just his uncertainty about everything with his future right now
aaa thank you I was proud of that line
yupppp he sees it as a negative thing to not be willing to die for clara, but it's actually a sign that all hope isn't lost for him. he can still be pulled back from this mentality. it's just gonna take a lot of effort.
he wants someone else to make the decision for him exactly :)))
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usertiff · 2 years
Both bio parents are Venezuelan, his bio dad left the picture early on. Wilnur who is omar’s mum met Thomas who is Swedish and her now husband online and that’s why they moved to Sweden. He talks about it more in this podcast https://youtu.be/NcunReqITCM
thank you for the helpful info!! i will update the post, but since i cannot personally watch the whole podcast, i'm going to remind viewers of the pack that his ethnicity is likely full venezuelan, but that i personally am not 100% certain.
thank you again!! and thank you for being kind and letting me know
update: the post is updated :) 
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saynomorefic · 4 months
🚂💛🧡❤🧡💛 it's a love train! send this to all the blogs you love! don’t forget to spread the love! 💛
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Thank you W!! Always love interacting with you <3 here's post-show Wilnur and Omar for you 💜
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kruemel8 · 5 months
The buzz about Elle gala was because Wilnur hinted on attending it and because Evelina and Omar were ambiguous and giggly in each other's IG comments.
Ah, ok. Thank you. That doesn’t make it better about this year. Everyone is very quiet. 🙈
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eyeofthedrgn · 2 years
I kind of hate social media.
No, just listen, please.
I grew up through the 90s when the internet was hardly a thing. We got our gossip from teen magazines and TMZ. If you were into that sort of thing. I wasn't. I played outside and watched the same Disney movie everyday after school. Maybe it was because we were part of lower-middle class America so we didn't have the money for stupid magazines with too bright colors and terrible graphic design; we didn't even have cable.
I still had my obsessions then. Like watching the same movie until the VHS started warping and looking at the magazines in the grocery store line. We're all curious as to what makes celebrities celebrities. It's fascinating. We latch onto one or several and just want to know everything because to a normal human, they're cool, you want them to be your friend, you want to know them or even be them.
But there's a point when it's too much. Honestly, I'm annoyed at myself for following Nurbo and Wilnur. (Don't get me wrong, I love their content and the relationships they have with Omar.) Yes, their accounts are public and they are allowing anyone with a screen to see it, but should they? It's like privacy has died. Especially for famous people.
Take Edvin for example. Young Royals made him step away from social media because it was too much. He didn't want to share that much of himself and good for him!
I wish we all could start living in the moment again instead of putting a tiny screen between ourselves and what we're experiencing. Not everything needs to be shared. I'm not off the hook. I take photos at concerts or when I'm out. But I usually don't post anything, it's more of a memory for myself because my memory is shit.
What I'm trying to say is that I wish us as fans didn't crave so much content. That the people we idolize didn't feel the need to post everything to give their fans something. They should be allowed to have their privacy. They're just people. It doesn't matter who Omar is dating or if Edvin is seeing anyone. It's not our business.
Am I curious? Yes. But I just want them to be happy in the end and it's really not my business.
TL;DR You can be curious, but stop fucking looking for something that isn't there, that isn't public knowledge. Famous people deserve privacy just as much as you or I do. If Omar and Nurbo are dating, good for them, but in the end, it's none of your fucking business.
Oh, and if you see a famous person "in the wild," if they look like they don't want attention, leave them alone. And don't stalk people. Famous people have anxiety too.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk
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anonfromtheflight · 9 months
Omar and Wilnur are such a team! Do you watch the swedish program 'So much better' with Omar where he sings covers? Omar's 3 episodes are available with English, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles on google drive here (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qLKEE2Reca86WVvyGC51cJb9P5JuIXHj)
In episode 7 they speak about his relationship with mom, so touchy - everyone cried!
I watched the first episode! I got the feeling they were close after watching some videos of his birthday (them dancing TQG by Karol G and Shakira? YES, please) and I guess it's a Latinamerican thing, I also love my mom above anything else in the world lol (and I have siblings!)
Thank you for the link!! I actually lost the ine I had since I had it in my phone so you're being a true life-saver!! 💜💜💜
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anonfromtheflight · 9 months
Hey! We don't interact, but I do enjoy your messages through the confessions blog. Sorry that thing happened to you. Will it make you feel better if I say that something similar happened to Wilnur (Omar's mom) last spring? I mean, you are in a good company, and shit happens to everyone, even the best and sweetest people and that incident doesn't mean you can't have good things in life - you can and you will.
Here's her post about it. It's in Spanish, but google translates it pretty well. Maybe it'll help you to get over this traumatic experience.
You also have our love and support here on Tumblr, so cheer up 💜💜💜
Awww no, I had no idea she went through something like that too and reading her words was really good too! And it is good it was in Spanish since that's the language I speak! 🥰Thank you for bringing her post to my attention and for your words too 💜
I got home, to my mom's, in a rather down mood but being with my family and all the nice messages I've gotten from lovely people in the fandom have been so so good for me 💜💜
Thank you again! 💜💜
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
And then there’s the venturing out of the personal wing. Wilbur wants to do something cuz he’s bored, Jack does not comment on him leaving the personal wing, but he does try to talk him out of going to the library, because that’s close to his old room, this closer to running into Tommy, except Tommy has probably been training all day.
Then they run into Quackity and Wilbur gets the first step towards realising his this looks from the outside. Because he was trying not to think about that before, but interacting with other people forces him to see how they react and wonder why they do so. Poor Jack is sweating because for some reason Wilbur has not realised the implications yet and he does not want to trigger another crisis, he did not sign up for this.
I wonder if Jack was able to pick out Ranboo and Aimsey’s voices or if he just went “voice I don’t recognize, could be Tommy, hiding Wilbur” or if it was more a genuine “he does not need more interaction or to be seen”.
Anyway, if he did recognize them, he has fair reason to try and keep Wilbur away from Ranboo and Aimsey. Last time Wilbur saw them, he was already halfway through a panic attack and Aimsey yelled at him. Then there’s also the fact that Jack has seen most of Wilbur’s conversations with the two of them, even if he didn’t know what was being said, he saw the reaction, so he would not want Wilbur near either of them.
Of course, Wilbur them decides the eavesdrop and get himself upset over what they say anyway, and Jack is probably learning so much by seeing how he reacts to what information, but Wilnur trusts him so it’s fine. And he knows Wilnur ism’t okay, but he’s worry and probably doesn’t know how else he can express that or what else he can do because again he does not want to set Wilbur off.
And then they go back to the personal wing and run into Tommy. If we look at this from Jack’s eyes, he must have been so pissed. He spent the entire day, the entire time they were out, trying to avoid Tommy. They ran into other people which wasn’t exactly great either. Bt then they run into Tommy where it was supposed to be safe.
We don’t know how Tommy actually reacted because Wilbur was too busy being traumatised and reliving the moment before running off, but I’m sure Jack saw, maybe he can tell him later, maybe Wilbur does not want to know at all. I do wonder if Jack glared at him, not that Tommy would have seen, I think. But Jack only has one side of the story, and very little of that side because he isn’t told much, but me saw Wilbur right before and after the fight, maybe heard part through the wall too. And Wilbur is his friend. I’m just saying, I don’t think he likes Tommy right now.
that entire time they were outside the personal wing jack was listening to everything around them like a damn hawk because he did NOT want them to run into tommy. besides phil, he's the only person who saw the immediate aftermath of that fight. he knows that running into tommy wouldn't do wilbur any good right now.
lmao yeah the entire convo with quackity had jack literally just sweating bullets like 🧍
also, regarding aimsey and ranboo, jack was able to pick out both of their voices but he couldn't tell if tommy was with them or not. because there were multiple voices, and he knows tommy is with the two of them a lot, so it would stand to reason that the two very well could've been walking with tommy and he just wasn't speaking at that moment. basically, jack didn't know if tommy was with them or not, but he didn't want to take the chance hence why he just grabbed wilbur and yanked him into a hiding spot.
jack, watching wilbur go through the seven stages of grief while eavesdropping on aimsey and ranboo: shit
after overhearing that he definitely didn't know what the hell to say, so he just kept his mouth shut. probably a wise decision on his part. thanks jack manifold.
god literally the second tommy walked out of the training room jack internally was just like are you FUCKING kidding me
jack turned to follow wilbur pretty much as soon as he booked it down the hall away from tommy. he saw a glimpse of tommy's reaction, and he also definitely shot him a glare, but it was subtle because he's a guard and he knows he could get a lot of shit for being rude to a crown prince. as far as his opinion on tommy... the thing is, even if he saw the aftermath of the fight, he doesn't know exactly what happened. he heard some muffled things through the wall but nothing more. he also doesn't know about all the shit wilbur went through on eldingvegr. for as good of a friend as jack is to wilbur, he doesn't actually know a lot about who he was before he arrived on zephys iv. so he doesn't know what tommy said to destroy wilbur so badly, so he'll say he's trying not to make unfair judgements. but, uh, he's also jack manifold, so he's definitely made some unfair judgements of tommy. if he knew the details though he'd probably be a lot more pissed.
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lowkeyryding · 2 years
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