#thanks for bein' patient.
eggwishing · 10 months
hi can you uhh. draw 4 from bfb. i know this is a weird request considering you mainly draw other things but i just really love your artstyle. thank you and have a nice day!!!
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what a silly guy!!!!!
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saelique · 2 months
MATCHUP 4 @seimpathyopera
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first off, I think he would love sh*t talkin abt random rude clients in da agency with u lol :0 he adores your cats sm :( like u could literally see him cuddled up with em in ur bed asleep <3 dazai despises wakin up in da mornin 2 so u guys just end up being late 2 work :< n dazai is def da one 2 say no 4 u !!!! like u know dat one meme sayin : ‘they asked 4 no pickles !’ dats him !! > < gets sooo worried 4 u cause u always get urself hurt so da two of u would patch each other up <33
 love grows - Edison Lighthouse
tbh I was just listenin 2 dis song n went : oh !!! :0 wait- dis kinda suits nikii n dazai !! :D anyways !! dazai always thinks dat he’s too lucky, too fortunate 2 have met u !! > < also he says ily 24/7 !! n he would drop it so suddenly 2 ?? like- u could just be takin a small walk n he’ll just go : “I love u sm” with a rlly genuine expression :<
WHAT HE GETS U . . . matching cat keychains !!
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coughs -_- cause u have cats, he def gets matching cat keychains 2 !! :D ur da white one btw !! ‘cause ur da sun of his life- ahem !! was super tempted 2 get another cat but found out it was 2 expensive T^T after dat nearly picked up a random cat from da street but kunikida n atsushi scolded da heck outta him !! D: so he ended up gettin these two cute cat keychains <3
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pictures do not determine how u look or anything !! it’s just a place holder !! 
thank u 4 requesting & have a nice day !! srry if u didn’t get who u wanted :( 
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grislyintentions · 6 months
||Spare Parts||
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Closed starter for @abyssmalice
Being entrusted with such an important task is akin to a beginner swimmer being thrown into the deep end of the ocean. Of all others that could have been chosen to act as a guide to the would-be Harbinger, Freminet considers himself to be the least qualified.
Yet there is very little he could do to convince "Father" otherwise and the others were indisposed...Loneliness Syndrome is hard to cope with as is.
As apprehensive as he was, the diver could not deny that a little part of him was curious. Whomever she was must be extremely strong to be in the runnings for such a position at a young age. So when the sound of approaching footsteps are heard, Freminet takes a deep shaky breath and bows.
"W-welcome to the House of the Hearth. I'm Freminet and..." He held up the mechanical penguin in his arms. "t-this is Pers. We will be your guide for the day. Is there um...any place you'd like to go first?"
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cybernetic-asset · 5 months
Update- Landed safely + immediately went back out. Schedules full for tomorrow, too, up until Sunday at least. Will be on when I can 💜💜
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crushofdoves · 10 months
hello friends, i am getting caught up on comments and setting up a queue today, and maybe i’ll even get around to answering asks & messages xx
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derelictheretic · 1 year
🥺 👉👈i'd love to hear your thoughts on a daemon for micah, or lilith if you'd rather. but only if it's not too much on your plate <3
Okay so for Micah I am vibing with either a Wolfdog, a Hawk or a Doberman.
I think Doberman fits her really well because the breed is incredibly loyal and fantastic guard dogs as well as being incredibly intimidating which Micah can be! Her Daemon being a Doberman fits in with her whole theme I think and definitely would work with her dynamic with John too!! They can also be incredibly sweet and affectionate when trained properly and from what I gather with John she's very sweet and loving so I'd say that works! They'd also ace all of Jacob's training with her and they'd just be a power team!
It'd also kinda add onto keeping her distance with people I think, especially if her Daemon is as stand offiah as she is! And her want to not be touched will definitely be helped by having a spooky Daemon who growls whenever anyone even tries it.
And I went with wolfdog instead of a full wolf bc Micah gives me the vibes of someone who is incredibly dangerous but also craves normalcy in a way? Or whatever normal was for her and John before the cult! I also think it works because wolfdogs are more unpredictable than both wolf's and dogs and it feels like Micah could be a bit of a wild card, like even inadvertently I think. Because she also feels like a character someone could underestimate despite her demeanor which works well.
And I went with Hawk for the other option because I think it speaks on her need to keep distant from people, being able to get away and stay above danger kind of thing. I also think it works for her style of fighting, wanting to stay at a distance and take people out stealthily, a hawk Daemon would work pretty well for that I think! It also adds to the intimidation factor like the other two I feel like almost more so because people get spooked easily by predator birds.
For Lillith I think an Ocelot or a Fox would work well!! Both animals are deceptively beautiful and incredibly dangerous and efficient predators!
I think an ocelot would work well because they're talented little creachers and while they're small they've been known to go after bigger prey and can be pretty vicious. Lillith gives me the vibes of a lady that just wreaks havoc unapologetically and I think having an Ocelot Daemon would work because it'd keep up with her really well and thrive in the chaos. I can see them walking through the door home coated in blood skipping like they were at an amusement park lol
The fox also works well for that with a bit more of that silly goofy flair that I think woukd work off of Lillith well!! The chaotic energy would double and make her vibes even more unpredictable and unsettling. Foxes laughing is adorable but could also potentially be terrifying under the right circumstances as well and considering Daemons can talk it means twice the taunting! Foxes are also incredibly vicious as well and not to be messed with so I could see that working well with her too.
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mrcspectr · 2 years
Didn’t have much time to be unhinged on the internet today, however I did have a few moments to frantically type up some really great Steven and Jake interactions into my phone. A blessing and a curse.
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zrllosyn-art · 2 years
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A commission of Collus, for @basicallylibby! This was a blast to draw!!
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hasgutz-archived · 2 years
good [insert time zone] besties i am feeling so much better and ily all sm
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Hi! I hope the new year is treating you well. Can I ask if you have any snippets of WIPs you’d be willing to share? Looking forward to whatever you might have in the works (Nut 3?).
Ahhhh thank you friend! I hope it’s treating you well too!! It’s been a little hectic but I’ve been able to do some writing here and there!
I am, however, working on some stuff for a diff fandom currently, but my spideychelle stuff is still in the rotation! So sorry for the wait on everything 😫
Here are some HEFTY snippets just for y’all being so patient with me ❤️
The first, from the next chapter of Hardly Working!
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The second, from the no nut november whatever month I finish it💀
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And the third from the single dad/daycare au
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yanban-san · 1 year
For the fanfic writer thing, pain, too many thots, help me and horny. You are really nice like uwu, just dark, and have godly characterization plus a clear love for the twins, but you don't seem the crying type?
amalgamation of the Uwu face, but it's eyes are watering and blown out like the too many thots lmao But honestly thank for the compliment- I try my best to characterize them, they get rotated in my brain too much for me to not at least give it a good try to convey how they bounce around in this empty noggin lol
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scamoosh · 2 years
nah i genuinely dont give a fuck if the youth only know mother mother from tiktok and i promise u bitching abt it is far more annoying ☠️
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thevisjex · 2 years
pudding/ulala i guess. most popular ship in the sch5 fandom
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i scrolled thru the tag a little and it looks cute!!! i havent thought too much abt it though, shipping tends to come secondary to absorbing individual characters into my me
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stardusted-hearts · 8 months
wanna let y'all know that I AM making progress on my drafts I swear! I'm trying to get as many of them done as I can before queueing them up.
Taking it little bits at a time
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a-hazbin-spider · 9 months
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Helo! I’m hoping that you have fun, because I’m very excited for you to explore these worlds with Alice. You put a lot of time into her background and carefully sprinkle that into every move she makes! You’re a pretty chill person, and make your passion into your work very evident!
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36rai · 11 months
WADING INTO THE DARK, Reko dissuades the irrational thoughts that pop into her head. In a place like this, is it possible that ghosts inhabit the underground? Stupid. Of course they don't exist, as long as she lives and... breathes.
A sigh escapes her. Her spiramonster, Samurai Wan-wan, looks up.
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"We just need t'find ten of 'em, right?" she asks her companion. Truthfully, she doesn't really trust him, but no one else was willing to indulge her in her curiosity. If things go badly, she's not sure how long that curiosity will hold. "That'll be easy enough.
'And keep it down, will ya'? I don't know how much this shithole'll hold," says Reko. Loudly.
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