#thanks for sending  !!
chosetherose · 6 months
Whoa! This is a great connection. Assuming that is a safety pin.
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Crescent moon coast is clear implications + this is 👀
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gaydennisreynolds · 1 year
Out of curiosity, which order would you rank The Gang in in terms of, like, morality? Like how awful of a person they are. For me, it’s Frank (worst) -> Dennis/Dee (tie) -> Mac -> Charlie (least worst)
hmmm. I think this is really hard because morality is subjective. Who decides what is "good" and "bad" behavior? Obviously everyone in the gang is self-centered to a fault and they all do objectively harmful things to others, but I find it hard to "rank" them in terms of overall harm caused. How do I know what their actions cost others? Who can weigh human suffering? Who can line up transgressions by how hard they hurt? That's above my pay grade.
I would be interested to hear more of your rationale for Charlie being the least "bad", especially given the 15+ years he spent stalking, harassing, poisoning, and psychologically tormenting The Waitress. If I *had* to rank them, I would probably put Mac as the least "Bad", since he tends to harm people impulsively/as part of a group effort rather than targeted, premeditated harm like Dennis, Dee, and Charlie all frequently perpetuate.
I also want to state clearly that criminal activity does not equal being "bad". I'm doing Be Hot Do Crime because I find it interesting, not to prove who is the "worst" among the gang. There are many crimes that are not morally wrong, and there are morally repugnant actions that are not illegal. (I'm not saying you were implying badness = criminality, just wanted to throw it out there).
Thoughts from others?
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kamuisevenseals · 10 days
✨️ - child's dream in penacony (sending this anon so I can have plausible deniability on which muse I'm using :') ))
Kamui looked around in confusion as he looked around the area he had somehow ended up in. Did Hinoto send him to another dream world again? He noted the fish swimming upwards.
"Are those fish? What kind of dream is this, and how does this relate to my destiny?" Maybe this wasn't a dream world he was sent to by Hinoto after all.
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
Where the Neanderthals the first sailors?
from Stefan Milo
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drknowledge · 7 days
You’re a very popular figure in and out of the academic community, of course people want to know what sort of person it takes to capture your interests. Do you like fellow scholars? Adventurists and explorers? Perhaps the wild and chaotic type? Redheads? Blondes? Brunettes?
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a sigh. " my work is all that I'm forced on. I wish I could settle down with a partner -- though, I know it won't ever happen. But if it was into anyone--- Blondes are my type... Urg. wild I guess. Someone to balance out myself. A sense of adventure really, as much as I dislike the sound of that simultaneously. But I really don't know, relationships work with chemistry. Never really been good at putting one and two, together when it came to that. I'm more of a thrill;l seeker of knowledge."
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tsunael · 5 months
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a headcanon about something in my muses private area (room, lodgings, etc.) that they keep under lock and key, and why?
Oh, this one is gonna be hard and less thought-out than the others so bear with me. I have difficulty thinking of her possessions (abundance, or lack thereof). There are a few contenders for this, most of which were things that once belonged to her mother... One idea, was that when she fled from Kugane, she took her mother's surviving kimono with her. She was forced to sell them for coin upon arriving in Eorzea, but kept one-- or at least just the obi. An Ul'dahn merchant would spend a fortune on true, vintage, Doman silk, but the fact that it was made by her late mother's hands makes it priceless. Another was an old idea of her mother's persimmon sewing box being the one thing that survived the razing of Doma. Something that hasn't much use for her, but is precious all the same. I suppose the other would be the horn... chains? Deco? They're made of fine gold and inset with ruby cabochons, and commissioned from the Ananta. A certain man (ahem) gave them to her under the guise of a nameday present, though it was more of an apology (circa Stormblood). After her horns are broken, she can no longer wear them, so she keeps them safe in a trinket box.
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helluva-hazbins · 15 days
@velvetwarfare asked:
Lute waltzed on up to Adam with a SMUG GRIN on her face, turning up the volume on her phone before placing the device down.
She then backed up and CRACKED the belt in her hands, performing a rather suggestive dance with it before the dance ended with her essentially HANDCUFFING HER OWN HANDS WITH THE BELT, pressing her body against the wall behind her.
“ You sing, I dance. ~ “
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The sounds from the phone draw his line of vision. He watches with some amount of surprise and curiousity intermixed. Jesus fuckin' Christ she was hot AF when she was feeling playful!
The belt cracks; he gulps and his jaw subconciously is left hanging open afterwards.
She need not say more. The smile that was instantly on his face only grew as he summoned his righteous, golden axe and began playing along and singing.
"~She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water
Such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good
Make a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie, oh yeah
He walked closer to where she was as he did so, casting a gaze down once he was standing over her.
She's my cherry pie
Put a smile on your face
Ten miles wide
Looks so good
Bring a tear to your eye
Sweet cherry pie~"
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lavenderknivess · 1 month
62: What makes you happy? 63: Would you change your name?
62: A lot of things make me happy, honestly. irl im definitely one of those people who’s been described as outwardly extremely happy seeming. I think it’s because there’s a lot of stuff I genuinely enjoy, like the sun, caffeine, stevie nicks, anything purple, my family + friends. the list goes on!
63: It’s pretty complex. I’m not a fan of how my name doesn’t really have a meaning behind it. My mom just saw the name in a baby names book and liked that it was the same as an old hollywood actress. I did go through a period where I wanted a change, because I didn’t really like my name but it’s grown on me! I do think that for any future children I have, I want them to be named after something and have a story behind the name.
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metagalacticx · 1 year
Scott/Mason (for the ship it or not game)
ship it!
what made you ship it?
my favourite character and my favourite character. mason ‘you’re a werewolf :D’ hewitt and scott ‘i’m still an alpha’ mccall literally written in the stars <3
what are your favourite things about the ship?
just them <3 also: tell me you can’t feel your heart swelling at the mere thought of them smiling at each other and staring into each other’s eyes……. yeah, didn’t think so. i love pretty people spending their lives together.
is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
this is a very rare pair so all our opinions are unpopular lmao. but just thoughts: scott would fall first! he would have a crush on mason and probably pretend it’s not a thing, probably try not to be around mason too much without liam there. mason would constantly want to hang out with him, though. because it’s scott. mason confesses first. and scott’s very happy! and mason’s very happy! and they hold hands and laugh and try not to make eye contact and then they fall silent and mason asks if it’s okay to kiss him and scott says yeah and then they kiss! the end!
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timandlucy · 1 year
Thank youuuu babe!
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Argh you just had to didn't you? Not me sitting here for fifteen minutes thinking about this. I guess I like that I try to keep my characters in character, and I really try to make them sound and talk like they actually do. Whether I accomplish that is another story so...
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I have a tendency to just write my ships really soft with each other, but this is especially true for Chenford, because they are the definition of soft love, I love them so much.
And I really like when one character comforts the other, so this can often be found even in fics that are not h/c per se.
🍷 Do you drink and write?
Hahaha I used to do that! Then I'd take a look at what I wrote and half of it wouldn't make sense... so yeah, drunk Suz - not the greatest writer, but can be a hilarious experience though hahaha.
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arachnidiots · 3 months
♬♬ one for each of the kiddos!
seven by rainbow kitten surprise •       doesn’t everybody try to do their best at what they do best and do less of the bad to begin with?
for peter, this one is about vibes. the sound of this song is just so him. cant explain it but i know i’m right. you can see spider-man walking and swinging to this song. there’s also some of that hope and moral compass and duty that’s instilled in him that this song touches on in a line. his responsibility, his belief in doing good. this song comes from the spider-man playlist for peter, a compilation of songs across verses and his whole story.
four by the wrecks •       one piece wrapped to go, one for me alone and two in case you come home, you come home
this hardly needs explaining but this is the liam and roxy story. as terrible as i am at constantly talking about roxy, liam’s whole story revolves around roxy and their main drive and determination is to go home to roxy. they are pushing through the multiverse however they have to get home to her. their whole life has been changed by the bite and roxy fields is quintessential to the existence of liam kaz in this story. anyways this can be liam waiting for roxy, roxy waiting for liam, but also about anyone in liam’s life left behind on earth 1530 waiting for them to come back home. this song comes from the synesilk playlist for liam, a compilation of songs across verses and their whole story.
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dcviated · 4 months
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munday meme :: open
@pastballads sent: 🍒🥔
🍒 - How many friends do you have on here?
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Bro, haven't you realized it's just you and me? Wake up. This is a simulation! ...serious answer is it's hard to say. I'm always sorta quiet and distant with people and have an unfortunate penchant for burning bridges. If I was honest with myself, and ignoring that nagging I've got a lot.
But even then. Not too many? It's not something I can put a number to. A few people in the rpc I've met in person and hung out with. And there's a good few more I still want to meet and hang out with. Alas. Time, distance, and money.
In my heart, we've already had an IRL dnd session together. ;)
🥔 - What’s the dumbest mistake you’ve made in rp?
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Sometimes it feels like the big egg on face moment is showing off too much enthusiasm when it isn't reciprocated. I did that a time or two in the past and the other person actually got annoyed with me. Oops. That, and sending an ooc/hc meme to someone that I'd sent in the past makes me feel pretty stupid.
All things considered I don't think I've done anything too stupid otherwise? Maybe I don't have enough self-awareness and a hater will emerge from the depths to send a reminding anon?
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kamuisevenseals · 8 days
(( I think akechi just feels like this all the time around kamui lol )) Do I need to baby you?
"I'm not a little kid, no you don't need to baby me." Kamui said with a huff, folding his arms. "Hardly anything is going to happen to me using a rice cooker." He added with a frown.
It surely couldn't be that hard to use a rice cooker right? He wondered if maybe he would regret those words in a minute.
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astralechoes · 5 months
( mayumi to yua, but just in an off handed way) you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?
Yua shook her head. "I think you'll find I'm rather well adjusted to weird situations. I've definitely experienced stranger things than this I promise." She said with a sigh.
"Can't say it's on my list of situations I'd want to be in though, but compared to some of the other stuff I've dealt with; this is nothing."
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drknowledge · 7 days
sooo those stone sculptures you summon as part of your combat… Are you the one creating them with clothes? if so, follow up question: can you summon them naked?
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"I would never summon my sculpture with my bareness. After all, only a select few can see me like that."
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airlocksandaviaries · 11 months
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity! 🥳🎉
I know it's been ages since you've sent this but I'm looking through my asks and THANK YOU FOUR
Action Movies
When u boop the head of a cat and it goes "mrrp"
When I find the EXACT footage I need while video editing
No clouds in the sky sunny days
80s music
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