#thanks for the ask bby 💕💕
ollieflopkins ¡ 6 months
3 18 38 for the ask game!! 💘
hi love 💕💕
3. Three films I could watch for the rest of my life and never get bored:
Questions about movies are tough! Because I don’t have a small number of favorites, but like 20-30 mainstays in my life hehe. Just off the top of my head - Dead Poets Society, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and The Social Network. Missing here is classic romcoms bc I cannot live without them. Been thinking about When Harry Met Sally for days so I’m going to watch that today
18. Do you believe in ghosts/aliens?
Yes! I love aliens and engage with a lot of alien media lol Arrival is one of my favorite films/short stories and interaction with extraterrestrial beings (especially through the lens of communicating with them) is one of my favorite sci-fi genres. Lowkey my dad also used to work at Area 51 so he knows things. I def think there are spiritual remnants of the dead in earth and I really just like to ascribe any random movement of things to ghosts living in my house.
38. Fave song at the moment?
I’ll do you one better and give you screenshots of my “on repeat” playlist under the cut 😄 everything on there plus I’ve been listening to Chet Baker Sings front to back daily for weeks.
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ran-orimoto ¡ 1 year
If you were to give crests to Zoey and J.P from the og which would you pick and why
Thank Heavens you haven’t asked me about the whole Frontier group because I wouldn’t have been able to write a single word. Maybe I would have said both Takuya and Tomoki would share the Courage Crest, and ,honestly, I won’t hide I’m kinda in the same situation now, because Junpei and Izumi seem so perfect for the same crests as well.
I’d give them a mix of Friendship and Sincerity, because their arcs are two sides of the same coin and also deal with them starting to be more sincere to themselves, more genuine. They have got opposite yet complementary issues about friendship, so that crest spontaneously came up in my mind. However, let’s also talk about the fact their problems were lingering because they derived from a stagnant state in which they stubbornly refused to change or, as far as concerns Junpei, refused to accept they needed to change, pretend there was no need to.
In my opinion, Junpei could also be perfect for Love. No guys, not Knowledge. Junpei is a bad student. He might be kinda wise sometimes and have an academic knowledge, but the very first drama states he becomes a maths genius when he fuses with Bolgmon. Returning to the Love Crest…Yeah. I’m not saying it only because of his crush and devotion for Izumi, but also because this kid really didn’t know what bonding with people truly meant. He couldn’t really open his eyes in front of the fact friendship is one of the many shapes of love. Friendship led by shallow intentions and pursued with, again, shallow methods is nothing without love, which is what Junpei lacked at the beginning of his journey. I’d say Junpei’s path to discovering friendship is something that’s much deeper than what it is for Izumi. Izumi mostly discovers herself and her flaws through her development in DW; Junpei discovers what creating bonds with people, bonds of any nature, is like.
Still, I guess a Love Crest would be interesting for an older Junpei embracing unconditional love tbh. I can personally see him as that kind of person when he’s grown up but don’t mind me🤣💕.
I’l stand with them being a mix of Sincerity and Friendship, yes, -which is hilarious when it comes to the Sincerity side, since both Izumi and Junpei have got a lot of Mimi in their personality-.
Thank you for the ask and sorry for being late💕!
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traumadumpling ¡ 1 year
Top slumber party snacks?
Fave slumber party fit/PJs?
Best comfort movie?
Okay for slumber party snacks it all depends on the vibes. Like we could be making ice cream sundaes, or we could be devouring the biggest pan of nachos anyone has ever seen.
For slumber party fit it's mega boring but giant hoodie/sweater and leggings. Comfort is everything because I'm prob watching movies all night 😂
Best comfort movie is prob Clueless! 💕
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dxckgrxsonx ¡ 2 years
Screaming, puking, wailing, weeping and sliding down walls over the last installment in the dick pic saga. Thanks.
im bringing you soup and a blanket my love. im also giving you a smooch on the forehead.
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acapelladitty ¡ 2 years
Sionis is such a POS but I do love little interactions between her and other Rouges. Sionis has gone and fucked it up cause it's not like Crane's gonna make THAT mistake again and let Witty Girl's paths cross another rouge if he can help it. It's too bad Crane couldn't have gotten away with just killing him lol, but one can dream. You made him such a believable rape-y misogynist wow A+
As an outsider looking in, the sheer callousness of the rogues is shocking to WG as it would be to anyone. Also, Crane doesn't INTEND for any of the rogues to cross WGs path but its happened twice now and his reactions are too unpredictable for her to feel any kind of security.
Crane couldn't kill Sionis because the ripple effects of that would be too great and he knows it. Killing Sionis would ignite a war in Gotham as other powerful players fight to fill the vacuum he's left and Crane is not going to create that level of carnage on a whim. Also, thank you 💞💞💞 xx
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no-mercy-bby ¡ 2 years
i don’t really ship eddie and chrissy but i was listening to some country music and this song reminded me of them
I love this so much Naylo, thank you <333
I can just imagine Chrissy singing this quietly while she's washing dishes or something in Munson trailer. Eddie of course hears her and her song, but instead of teasing her singing immediately, he hides around the corner listening to her pretty voice with the biggest lovesick grin.
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roublardise ¡ 2 years
1, 19 and 22 for the end of the year ask 😚
1. Song of the year?
it's so hard...... the song of MY year, as in that hit me very personally and followed me all through the months, is it's time to go by Taylor Swift
when it comes to the song that came out in 2022......... there's been quite a few bangers but also no definite song where i was like "that's thee best one" 🤔 i think one of the song i listened to on repeat the most was Impala by Adèle Castillon that's suuuch a vibe of.. moving on and dancing under the rain idk that feels like being in your 20s
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
i'm very excited about my own recovery and reconnecting with my friends as i go. and also to finish my (destiel romcom) fic bc that's it that's the year i finish it for real!! 💪✌
22. Favorite place you visited this year?
i think my fav was truly Chueca 💕😭😭 that's my emotional support gentrified gay neighborhood with five sex shops......
but also specifically Berkana like this bookstore is everything to me. if my spanish level wasn't so beginner-y i would simply sit on the floor and stay hours. there are!! so many!!!! lesbian stuff!!!!!! this is so cozy and pretty and it was the FIRST lgbt+ bookstore at Madrid i'm crying on the floor this is the legacy we're blessed with..... thank you lesbians
i'm not gonna start picking two choices bc then i won't be able to stop myself BUT i wanna mention not truly a place, but a state of mind really, that is the bubble tea place at Madrid that does pineapple granitĂŠ with arĂ ndanos
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howthesleeplesswander ¡ 1 year
[[Happy Birthday, Xiao! ✨]]
"Don't ask me how I know; it's as much a surprise to me"—Leo held up a palm in surrender, like he was expecting this to be taken as an offense—"but I did hear, somewhere, that today might just be a tad bit special. And, no, before you argue..."
That same hand raised a single finger: as much a shh, don't interrupt me as a but wait, there's more!
"I know this probably just sounds like a bunch of dumb 'mortal nonsense' or whatever, and yeah, sure, it's a bit silly, but... Y'know, one day," he said as he tapped that finger to his temple, "you might find that 'silly' isn't actually that bad." He was grinning now, wide enough to flash the whites of his teeth.
Then, finally, that other hand stretched out, a fist unfurling as if to expose something... only for there to be nothing but an empty palm. Temporarily. Because then Leo swallowed his "I'm going to die" nerves and settled that hand right there in the bend of Xiao's elbow.
"Happy Birthday, oh mighty Conqueror of Demons. Your gift is the one and only me." He shuffled closer, mischief flickering like fires in his gaze. "I'm going to force you to not slay a single enemy today, and if that means sitting on you... so be it. You've been warned."
No matter how much exposure Xiao had to humans, there would always be absurdities about them that he would never understand. The mortal concept of "birthdays" was a prime example.
Mortal lifetimes were pathetically short, and yet every year they celebrated that fact. In their limitless lifespans, adepti did not celebrate something so inane as surviving for another year. And now, the fact that there was a mortal before him who desired to celebrate Xiao's birthday in spite of the irony was truly incomprehensible.
Surely there were better things Leo could be doing with his precious time. Why was he so determined about this? What could there possibly be to celebrate about a creature so tainted?
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But none of those questions were given voice. Instead, Xiao simply listened as Leo said his piece. Golden eyes studied the giddiness on his face as if he might miraculously understand why through careful enough scrutiny. A flinch traveled through the adeptus' frame when Leo's hand rested on his arm, and his sharp stare flicked down to that brave yet undeniably stupid appendage.
"...What would sitting on me accomplish?" Xiao finally questioned after a stretch of silence. To suggest such a thing...of all the humans he'd met, Leo was one of the most absurd by far. "Even if you managed it, adepti are ten times stronger than humans. Moving you would take no effort at all."
And yet, contrary to how such a blithe comment might sound, both Xiao's expression and posture softened as he glanced at the mortal sidelong.
Leo had once called them friends. Xiao hardly remembered what it meant to have such close companions, but...This strange sense of comfort exuding from Leo's presence, this inexplicable happiness at the knowledge that he wanted to spend time together despite the corruption tainting Xiao's soul...
Distant though they were, those feelings were familiar. Thanks to people like Leo, perhaps he was starting to remember the meaning of that fleeting and treasured word, bit by bit.
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"There is nothing special about today," Xiao insisted. His arms remained stiffly crossed, but he didn't withdraw from the human's touch. Yet another odd sensation bubbled beneath the familiarity, and when his brows pinched in annoyance, it was directed not at Leo, but at the tangle of words perched on his tongue.
"With that being so...I will spend it with you, if that's what you wish. I can't promise that my duty won't call me away, but I'm aware that humans value sharing days such as this. I...I suppose I would not mind that."
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ran-orimoto ¡ 2 years
Good idea for a triangle with Junpei but my favourite one would be with someone making Izumi realize Junpei is precious for her and was the one only caring about her when she was powerless. And who is this girl? Ranamon of course! Nobody ever comes with this but I do. Water vs thunders= weak. Ranamon has got a secret crush on Junpei in my headcanon but she doesn’t know because she’s a Digimon. She chooses Junpei for Jelousy Rain because she is jelous of Izumi and him. She is hurt by his insults.
Frankly ,Anon, FRANKLY, after many asks of this kind, I’ve come to love this🤣. I’m not for Digimon x humans AT ALL, indeed, the route GG takes sometimes disturbs me a bit.
Yet, I like this because I just dig the idea of Ranamon, the one who has got a shallow philosophy about beauty and appearance -just like Izumi, honestly-, getting a crush on the one who’s considered the least attractive in Frontier🤣. CONSIDERED, I’ve said, because my adorable baby is the cutest imo✨💕.
I don’t know, Anon. It makes me so endeared🤣, even if Ranamon would get the shortest stick again because Junpei has only got eyes for Izumi, so she stands no chance, but that could be such an experience for her.
An experience making her more human and helping her change…I don’t hide my love for Ranamon, and my renewed hatred for Frontier writers whenever I think about her treatment… But, oh well, is that a surprise? As far as concerns myself, I would have gladly traded a purified Ranamon for Kouichi. I desperatedly needed a second girl in Frontier also to come up with these funny triangles never tiring me.
PSA Another reason to get mad at the lack of infos about the Spirits’ former life. Who freaking knows? The triangle Fairymon> Lobemon/Blitzmon> Fairymon/ Ranamon> Blitzmon could have been real🤣💕!
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traumadumpling ¡ 2 years
🌷💞✨ answer with 3 random facts about yourself, then send this to 10 other people 🌷💞✨
I have baby teeth that never came down
My favourite colour is pink
I love buying gifts for people ☺️
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nshmuras ¡ 2 months
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where he didnt believe you, but thanks to your friends. hes here now.
pair : riki x fem!reader
request : from my bby @dioll >< she gave this beautiful idea to me
warnings : injuries , kissing
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you have been at home all day. laying on your bed and wallowing in sheer pain.
your mind was spiraling and you needed someone, no.. you needed him. just him. here with you. so you decided you would text him.
you : riks ... im hurt :( can you come over?
you say there for a moment as you stared at your phone with anticipation burning inside of you. and then.. ding!
riks 💕 : your funny 😂 im on the game rn yn im not coming cause of your silly prank to cuddle me.
huh? a prank? thats what he thinks this is?
you huffed and threw your phone in frustration. here you were, your knee bruised and you can barely move and need your boyfriend here with you. but guess what? he thinks this is a joke.
hours had passed and you were sleeping soundly , a protective pillow under your knee to keep it from hurting even more.
unbeknownst to you, a certain someone had walked inside your house. his footsteps soft as he opened your door quietly.
he took in your laid out body and sighed. he was guilty for not believing you at first and thinking it was a prank. but thank god your friends had texted him about it.
he walked to the bed and placed a bag next to your side that was full of snacks.
he climbed in the bed beside you , careful to not hit your bruised knee and not to wake you. he admired your sleeping face and had a urge to touch you.
rikis touch was gentle and caring. he swiped a loose hair from your face and smiled softly. until, he saw you stir and your eyes starting to open as you whimpered.
"shh.. it's okay. its just me." he said in his deep and soothing voice. your eyes fell on him and before you could speak he did before you.
"im sorry baby.. i thought you were joking. but your not.." he said as he pressed a kiss on your forehead. "but im here now.. so go back to sleep and ill stay with you.. i also got you snacks so you can eat those when your up yeah? sweet dreams.."
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written by @sjyunnsworld DO NOT COPY OR TRANSLATE.
taglist: @k1ttylvr @cupidscourt @jakesangel @won4kiss (send ask to be added)
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violetnpurple ¡ 2 years
✨️ 💌 ✨️
✨️ ✨️ ✨️
💖Happy Birfday Biiiitch!!!💕🗣
✨️ ✨️ ✨️
✨️ ✨️
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littlexdeaths ¡ 6 months
whiplash - e.m.
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eddie munson x fem reader
warnings: teeny tiny violence, reader has a panic attack, eddie is the sweetest, eddie and reader are in college
a/n: this is absolutely inspired by my first experience being shoved into a mosh pit at an avenged sevenfold concert when i was a wee teen. i hope you enjoy xx.
also shout out to my love @xxbimbobunnyxx for helping me with the title and some of the dialogue, and my bby @undead-supernova for beta reading for me. ILY BOTH SO MUCH 💕
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hot, sweaty bodies were pressed against you at all angles, nearly suffocating you. at this point you couldn’t even see the band playing on the stage, a sea of taller bodies now blocking your view.
when your best friend asked you to attend a metallica concert with her you didn’t exactly know what to expect.
but this definitely wasn’t it.
the small venue was packed, the air filled with the smell of sweat, marijuana and cigarettes. your choice of a leather jacket felt incredibly stupid as it was now tied around your waist due to the growing heat surrounding you.
your palms felt clammy as they clutched onto the hem of your friend’s shirt. the constant moving of the crowd seems to pull her farther and farther away from you. until the swirling pit of metalheads swallowed you both whole, losing sight of her head of blonde hair instantly.
your panicked shouts of her name were drowned out by the screech of an electric guitar— your body now being shoved around to the chants of ‘pounding out aggression.’ the song eerily fitting as you see a ringed fist connecting with another man’s jaw.
your heart is beating in your ears, that familiar feeling of panic washing over you as you continue to be shoved around like a rag doll amongst the group of men. until you somehow landed on top of someone… who had been knocked to the ground only moments before you.
before you have time to react a large hand quickly wraps around your forearm, yanking you up and out of the dizzying circle of death. you all but let the stranger carry you through the crowd. the male shoving past throngs of people until you’ve safely reached the back of the bar.
you barely register his voice as you lean against the brick wall, chest rising and falling at an embarrassingly fast rate. your eyes squeeze shut as you attempt to get your breathing under control. those same hands that pulled you out now rest carefully on your shoulders, helping to ground you.
“hey sweetheart, you alright?”
his face finally comes into focus as you blink your eyes open, your heart now beating against your ribs for a completely different reason.
he was painstakingly gorgeous, full lips lifting up into a soft, dimpled smile. “there she is— hey man can i get some water?”
he slaps his hand on the bar top, the clear liquid sloshing out as a glass is slid over to him. his chunky rings clink against the side when he grips it, now holding it up to your lips.
“it’ll help, trust me.” you gladly take the glass from him, gulping down the lukewarm tap water.
“thank you…” you mumble, setting the now empty glass back on the bar and wiping the corners of your mouth. you mentally forceyourself to stay put, despite the bigger part of you wanting to run out of the bar from sheer embarrassment.
“are you here by yourself?” he asks and you shake your head in reply before resting it against the brick wall behind you.
the brunette seems to be studying you while you take in some slow but shaky deep breaths. letting yourself do the same as your heart begins to return to a normal rhythm.
even in the muted light you can see his dark curls were damp with perspiration, bangs sticking to his forehead. no doubt from being in the middle of that pit for quite a while. his cut off band tee showed off an extensive collection of tattoos. that soft smile morphs into a small smirk, as you realize you’ve been gawking at him.
calming breaths long forgotten.
“you can g-go back out there… w-wouldn’t want to keep you from the show.” you fumble over your words, now finding the sticky floor and your beat up sneakers far more interesting than the gorgeous metalhead before you.
the male chuckles, casually resting his shoulder against the wall next to you. his hot breath fans over your cheek when he leans in closer, “not a chance, sweetheart. until we find your friends, you’re stuck with me.”
you glance back up at him, surprise crossing your features. you knew most people would gladly leave you behind in the shadows, especially considering the band that’s owning the stage. that sentiment alone makes the butterflies raging your insides flutter even faster. the chaos of the crowd is now forgotten as he grins sweetly down at you.
“i’m eddie, by the way.”
the music has seemingly gotten louder since the two of you left the crowd, now having to shout your name back in reply despite the lack of space between you. his smile only widens as you turn to face him fully, crossing your arms over your chest.
“and what is a fair maiden like yourself, doing in a place like this?”
you can’t stop the giggle from leaving your lips as he gestures dramatically around the dingy bar before his dark eyes are back on you.
“oh no reason at all… just needed a study break.” he can tell from the ride the lightning t-shirt adorning your frame that you’re teasing him, but he plays along anyway.
“so you stumble into a random metal concert, only to get caught in a circle of death? that’s quite the break, sweetheart.” he nudges your foot with his own, earning another giggle from you.
“something like that, yeah.”
he hums in response, running a hand through his unruly curls, “duly noted— i’ll have to take study breaks like that more often.”
the two of you quickly fall into easy conversation, no longer paying attention to the concert goers surrounding you.
despite having only met him less than half an hour ago, you both seem quite comfortable with each other. any embarrassment from your small panic attack now a fleeting memory as he tosses his head back with laughter. the sound warming you from the inside, out.
“gotta say i’m a little shocked, first show and you’re already hitting the pits like a pro.” he jokes, leaning in a little closer to you. the scent of his spicy cologne washes over you, making your head spin, “practically took that guy out by sitting on him.”
you groan in embarrassment, playfully shoving his shoulder as he laughs again.
“i’ll have you know i’m quite fond of the music… just not the…” you gesture towards the sea of bodies that are jumping, shoving and headbanging to for whom the bell tolls.
“moshing?” he finishes for you, as you nod sheepishly.
before he has a chance to say anything else, a loud squeal fills your ears as a body slams into you at full force. nearly knocking you over in the process.
“there you are, babes! i’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
earlier you would’ve been relieved to hear your best friend’s voice, but now you can’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment. hoping your emotions aren’t written across your face, but she doesn’t seem to notice. she’s a little too preoccupied with staring at the male leaning next to you.
“now who is this?” her tone is overly playful, wiggling her eyebrows at you suggestively.
before she can embarrass you further, you elbow her in the ribs. effectively stopping anything else from leaving her mouth besides a little huff.
“eddie munson, certified mosh pit rescuer at your service ladies.”
he does a little half bow, causing both of you to break into a fit of giggles.
“wow… a modern day knight in shining armor huh?” she teases but seems impressed nonetheless, “wish i had a hot guy to pull me out of there, i basically had to army crawl my way out.”
even in the shitty bar lighting you can see his cheeks are tinted pink from her compliment, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“it was nothing really, just happy to help.” he shrugs before pushing himself off the wall, sliding his hands in the pockets of his ripped jeans.
“modest too? where did you find him?” she gushes, gently bumping her hip into yours. “and does he have a brother?” she whispers that part to you, ignoring the way you roll your eyes at her.
“well i see you’re in good hands now, sweetheart, i hope you enjoy the rest of the show.”
as he turns to leave you feel your friend shove you forward, giving you a look that screams, ‘are you insane? don’t let him get away!’
“eddie, wait!” you shout, gently tugging on the male’s wrist before he gets too far. that dimple making another appearance as he turns back to you.
“miss me already?” eddie teases, fully enjoying the flustered look that crosses your features.
“i uh, i-i’d really like to thank my knight in shining armor properly… maybe over coffee?” you nervously chew on your lower lip, praying that you didn’t read this entire interaction wrong.
but seeing his face light up squashes any doubt, watching as he grabs a pen off the bar. holding the cap between his teeth as he takes your hand, scribbling his phone number onto your palm with a satisfied grin.
“looking forward to it, sweetheart.”
he mumbles, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand before disappearing into the rowdy crowd.
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tagging some moots who seemed interested 💛
@babygorewhore @hellfirenacht @thepurplelovewitch @impmunson @voyeurmunson @madelynraemunson @take-everything-you-can @corrodedcorpses @serasvictoria @munsonhoneybaby @splendiferous-bitch @eddiesxangel @taintedcigs
all dividers made by yours truly 💕
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sugurizz ¡ 5 months
𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓/𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 +𝟏𝟖 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐍𝐈!!
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ── Bby Boo Joo is a M E N A C E but I know a lot of us noticed him being all soft and tender (like 1% of the time) but oh well, I can work with that 💪🏼. So here’s some of the ways Jaekyung expresses his…feelings? Ig. kinda his love language.. in a way 💕…
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐀𝐒𝐊.
Also thanks for the inspo and sorry ik this ask was sent long ago 🤧. U can call me Hana but I’ve been thinking about Yuna as a new alias…idk.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: established relationship, Physiotherapist F! Reader, shared house, implied power dynamics, hints at sex/ SEXUAL content.
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Living in Jaekyung’s penthouse sure made life easier for both of you. It slowly aquainted you to each other, bodies and minds. You slowly got used to his mannerisms, little habits and his little pet-peeves. The sense of pride it gave you to feel like you knew him more than anybody else sure gave you a tiny ego boost. especially him desiring you whenever his body needs it…
♥︎──♥︎ He checks on you randomly. Casually pretending to walk by your room and just making sure you’re there. He does it almost whenever he’s home with you. Sometimes getting a bit sly with it so you don’t really notice him. But you slowly learned it was his way of checking up on you, making sure you’re around him -you know- just in case…
♥︎──♥︎ He hates you not being home, especially when he’s back from overtime training. Whenever he’s feeling stressed, uneasy or just in a sour mood, he’d rather you be around him or at least somewhere he knows.
He made it obvious the one day you were away til a late hour at night. He came home from his evening workout, didn’t find you there and instantly texted you.
‘I’m home. need you to check on my shoulder.’
♥︎──♥︎ He always complains about his feather-light sleep, but snoozes like a baby whenever you’re in his bed. The nights before his matches are surprisingly best for him. He gets the best sleeping quality after he pounds the juices out your poor pussy. He wakes up before you for sure, but his cute disheveled morning hairs are sure proof of a healthy healthy nap.
♥︎──♥︎ He likes it better when you make the food. His cocky ass always claims he’s fine making it himself but eats twice the amount whenever it’s you cooking his meals. He’d pretend he’s tired and not in the mood whenever he craves your cooking cause…his ass can’t simply ask for something lol. Yet he gets all giddy and blushy when his fav smoked eel dish is ready.
♥︎──♥︎ He hates to see you in any pain. Always saying it’s just for himself though…You know, just because he wants you always safe and ready to keep him in peak condition. and NOT because he actually cares or anything.
Yet why does he still gets annoyed at you getting the slightest scratch? He frowns when he notices you wearing band-aids, having a bruise or even some random shallow cuts on your hands and he’d instantly grab your arm, staring into your eyes and asking you how’d you get the injury.
♥︎──♥︎ He likes randomly noticing you…*ahem* underclothed. booty shorts definitely trigger his inner perv. He stares at your ass when you’re standing in the bathroom, doing your skincare freshly out of a quick nighty shower. So damn shameless when he stares. Almost undressing you with the raven eyes and thick lashes. So annoying…
You usually end up taking another shower that same night, only with his thick cum flowing down your thigh the second time :3
♥︎──♥︎ He can sense whenever you’re feeling down…IRONICALLY? Sounds like a joke with Jaekyung being the dick he is LOL but trust me on this one.
He almost has a sixth sense whenever you’re sad, scared, stressed out or just if something inconvenient happens to you in general. He’d never admit it -obviously- but it bugs him if he ever caught you teary-eyed. It gets him uneasy and you can tell when his mood sometimes matches yours..
Uhhh smells like love in here *insert Jaekyung stuffing his nose with toilet paper scraps*
♥︎──♥︎ He hates when you struggle to do something by yourself instead of asking him for help. (paying bills, dealing with packages, paperwork etc…) Says they’re just ‘bs problems’ and he can solve them for you much quicker and better than you could. He’d do it himself or even pays someone to do it instead.
Besides, he’s not kidding when he says he wants all your focus on him so he’d rather everything around you gets taken care of just so you can be there for him at all times.
♥︎──♥︎ He doesn’t mind your outside life but would definitely notice when you’re all cute and dolled-up for some reason.
It’s not only about the dolly looks to be fair. He’d bend you over the kitchen counter in your stained apron and fuck you dumb or suck your tits in your goofy pattern pjs on one of his long sleepless nights…
But the time he notices you spraying your cherry fragance in the bathroom, your perky breasts sticking shyly through your dress and a shiny jewel dangling from your ankle bracelet always gets him tight in his boxers.
He walks in with his glossy eyes, same naugthy grin you see when he’s in that mood..
‘Tomorrow’s my back check-up. Better not be late.’ He steps behind you, arms lazily crossed above his chest.
You nodded and made your way through the entrance, catching a honeyed voice behind you.
‘Hey Doc. I’ll drop you by'...
…His white McLaren got you there way ahead of time. so ahead that you ended up clawing at the door close to you, the little ankle bracelet jiggling over Jaekyung’s back and your shaky arms wrapped shut around his shoulders. Begging him to let you cum in fear of missing on your little night out...
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cheonstapes ¡ 1 year
😝 omg I absolutely loved the way u wrote spider barbie!!! Thanks again so much!! 💕✨
If it’s not too much of a bother, I would like to send in another request lol. 😅 (unless there’s a limit on how many requests can be sent, I completely understand 😊)
I would like to request Miguel O’Haraxfem!Jessica rabbit inspired reader. She’s the most beautiful & generous spider woman across the multiverse, which makes sense since she’s also the most desired among the spiders. Maybe one day she’s hanging out w/ her friends (Miles, Gwen, Hobie, Pavitr, & Peter) at the spider society cafeteria when everyone in the group could be discussing their Valentine’s Day plans. Until they decide to ask her if she has a date or any upcoming plans (The spider gang not knowing she’s already married to Miguel 😂) When asked she just zones out and has flashbacks about all the multiple dates her and miguel went on throughout the multiverse, including the spicy times they shared together~ 😉
When asked again, she lets them know tht she’s already in an established relationship w/ Miguel; which makes the spider gang’s jaws drop bcuz even though miguel is a good looking guy they can’t understand how a ray of sunshine like her ended up with someone as serious and angry like Miguel 😂
The spider gang could ask: “What do u see in tht guy?!?!” 😱 Spider-reader: “He makes me laugh..😏”
Thanks again! 😊🙏🏻
miguel o'hara stars in... 'WAIT...YOU'RE ROGER RABBIT?' (°ロ°) !
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a/n ~ i absolutely love jessica rabbit, girlboss, she's so hot. TYSM for this request my love!!!! there's never a limit ( ` ω ´ ) send as many as you want bby 💗 i went a little overboard but this was so fun to write!! ALSO ITS MIGUELS BIRTHDAY!!
summary; it's valentine's day at hq, and everyone can't help but wonder why you're still single.
pairing; miguel o'hara x reader
wc; 2.3k+
cw; FLUFF!! SMUT!!, secret relationship, pining, no one can believe you n miguel are together, loss of virginity, m!masturbation, pillow fuckin, fleshlights, miguel fucks an ai you, first time, established relationship, reader is very popular, day dreaming abt miguel (real), they're just in love, nawt proofread - crying over this
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valentine’s day at hq was always fun - for you least.
every year since you joined the spider society it seemed like the gifts would multiply - what stared out as some cute cards and a couple boxes of chocolate eventually turned into bouquets of roses, teddies, gifts, and even declaration’s of love. it was all flattering, honestly. to know that so many people admired you was a great feeling, even if you can’t reciprocate - it’s the sentiment that counts. but unfortunately you were already spoken for - by none other than your own boss, your fiancé, miguel. 
having started with such a beloved reputation was one of the main reasons your husband-to-be actually avoided you at first. it was like you had your own personal fan club - spiders’ following you around where you go, people offering to by you lunch, begging miguel to put you on a mission with them, showering you with compliments. you were really irritating to him, another distraction he didn’t have the time to deal with - not that he wanted to anyway. well, that was until he did. 
gradually, he started to notice how your eyes would light up when you’d see something you like, how you’d wear that one perfume thats scent would linger a bit too long in the air, ages after you’ve already sped off down the hallway. he warmed up to you eventually, leading to you two spending a lot more time together. little dates in the different universes, him picking up a little souvenir for you on missions and you doing the same - eventually leading to you two moving in together, and then him proposing. keeping you two’s relationship a secret was a decision that you both had to make, considering how popular you were and that miguel’s your boss. so every valentine’s day, you both celebrate together privately in miguel’s nueva york condo - exchanging gifts and kisses, drinking till you fall asleep in each other’s arms. this year, however, was a little different. 
hiding a relationship isn’t the easiest thing in the word, especially at a time like this - when all you want to do is pounce on your fiancé every time you see him ’n kiss him till you’re both breathless. it was getting tiring. it’s the day of love and you can’t do the one thing the day is about, love someone. you’d both send lingering glances at each other throughout the day, sneaky touches when no one’s looking, maybe even a few quick make out sesh’s in miguel’s office. you both knew you wouldn’t make it through the rest of the day, eventually separating as you sat in the canteen with some of your spider-friends - ones miguel wasn’t very keen on eating lunch with, leading to him retreating back to his office alone. 
the table was buzzing as everyone mentioned their plans for the day - miles taking gwen to his universe on a little day out that he swears isn’t a date, pav and gayatri going to her new movie, peter and mj having someone babysit mayday so they can go on a long-overdue date, and hobie - well, he doesn’t believe in valentine’s, i guess. you so badly wanted to join in, silently chewing on your ’spider-man 2099’ themed burger. your fiancé was basically everywhere, how can you not miss him - even if he’s just a couple minutes walk from you. it was bittersweet, to say the least, to listen to your friends so passionately- 
“hey, y/n, any plans this year? please tell me you’re finally dating someone.” the sudden voice made you jump, eyes widening as you look at the culprit, a sly smile on her face. “uhhh, n-no not really.” that was a lie. the whole table groaned their complaints, all still in disbelief that you’re still not seeing anyone. “you serious? love, look at you - and look at them.” hobie gestures to the crowd forming behind the table, all of them holding some sort of gift for you - some more…extravagant than the rest. “there’s no way that you can’t find someone, babe.” i mean, technically, he was right - you could practically get anyone you wanted. but, you already got what you want, and that’s miguel. 
he’s your everything. despite the turbulent start you both had, it was all worth it in the end. miguel loves like you’re his last - which you are, and his first too - in all aspects. hearing your boss was a virgin was even more shocking then him admitting his feelings for you - cause, like, how? you tried so hard not to laugh, he couldn’t be serious. it turns out he was very, very, very serious. you felt so bad, running up to him and holding him tightly - reassuring him that is was ok, that there was nothing wrong with being a virgin no matter his age. you took it slow for the first few months, nothing more than heated kisses and a bit of groping but it never went further than that. to be honest, you were scared. miguel was nothing short of impatient to feel you, to finally sink his cock into you after centuries of you denying him of that. you knew, of course, how desperate he was - but it was a big deal to you. the thing was, you were a virgin too. it was too sudden to mention so you went with keeping it a secret, but damn was it getting harder to not give in. the thought of him leaving after fucking you was at the forefront of your mind, you obviously knew he wouldn’t - but men are still men, right?
when he did find out, it went a hell of a lot better than you expected it to. both of you deciding to take your time learning each other’s bodies, exploring new likes and dislikes, discovering new kinks, and overall - strengthening the love you both hold for each other. your first time was magical. it was exactly three years ago now, on valentines day, sprawled out on miguel’s plush, king sized bed.
“f-fhhuck, feels so good, baby. are…are you doing ok, sweetheart?”
he was so attentive, making sure you felt as comfortable as possible, constantly asking if you’re feeling alright. it couldn’t have been more perfect. miguel’s large frame engulfed you as you sat in his. lap, his body pressed against the headboard. holding you close, he guided your hips slowly against his slick cock, the stretch momentarily caused a sharp pain to run through your body - miguel soothing you with sweet, wet kisses down the side of your sweaty neck. his large hands roamed your body, gripping your hips, waist, gently kneading your ass. the room felt hot, sweat mixing together as your hips move in tandem with his own - it was a prime example of love making. breathless kisses were shared, lips slotting together sloppily as you rode him eagerly - you were such a sight on top of him, a goddess sent just for him. “mig- baby, you’re so- shit, you’re so perfect.” no, you were perfect. soft skin pressing against his solid body, tits rubbing on his - slick running down his length. your moans were like a chorus of angels singing down to him, his heart almost pounding out of his chest from the love he feels for you. 
sharing a moment like this together was a turning point in your relationship. giving each other your virginities, connecting in a way you will never experience with anyone else - you were made for each other. his hips sped up, slamming into your sore cunt as he wrapped his arms around your waist. digging his feet into the soft sheets and pulling your hot body into his, lips latching onto your jaw. you still couldn’t believe he was a virgin before he met you. the way he moved, the way his tip would hit that one spot deep by your cervix, the way his thick fingers would caress your aching nipples - he had to have had some sort of experience. but the truth was, miguel had little to no sex drive. not feeling compelled at all to even rub one off, he was too busy after all - trying to keep the multiverse in tact. that all changed when he met you. suddenly, in his 30 years of living, did he have his first wet dream - and it was about you. 
he felt like a teenager again, learning things for the first time. watching porn for the first time was something, spending hours looking for a woman who looks somewhat like you - much to the interest and concern of LYLA. this was very serious to him, knowing that he would eventually fuck you - he would spend all his free time learning how to please you properly. tutorials, articles, and just plain amateur porn were his best friends. he would practice with his pillow, even buying a fleshlight to stick between it to just make it a little bit more realistic. at one point, he felt like he completely lost it. spending months learning how to fuck you wasn’t making him feel any better, he didn’t feel like he really knew how to please you. so what did he do? he made a holographic version of you, of course!
programming it to be exactly like you, using your measurements from when he made your suit to get your body as accurate as possible. it wasn’t really you, but it was good enough. he still had to work out the kinks but he was getting there. he ditched the porn completely, using ai you to progress instead. fucking an ai isn’t as easy as you think, but it was enough to help him figure out what positions he wants you in, even what ones you’d like statistically. miguel never did end up telling you about it, keeping ai you locked away in a secret folder. he was no stranger in letting you know how obsessed he was with you, but this was just embarrassing to him - and knowing you, he would never live this down. but don’t worry, LYLA’s always here to remind him time and time again. 
miguel was never the same after he lost his virginity to you - he became insatiable. it was like a switch flipped in his brain and suddenly he was always horny for you, quickies in his office becoming daily occurrences. speaking of quickies, you could feel his cum from earlier pooling in your panties right now- 
“yn? YN! is she- is she ok?” oh…you were at lunch still. everyone at the table was staring at. you with raised brows, silently intimidating you into spilling what you were so engrossed in to the point where you missed the whole conversation. you obviously weren’t about to tell them you were just thinking of their boss fucking you into next week, like come on - think about the kids, guys. “i…i, uh- it was nothing really. sorry about that, just zoned out for a sec.” it was something, someone as a matter of fact. you might as well tell them, what’s the harm in it? you’re only gonna get absolutely bombarded by everyone and anyone in hq but that’s the least of your worries. the table had seemingly moved on, chatting about their plans again before you jumped in - “actually, i do have plans.” that certainly got their attention. all eyes were on you, even the crowd still lingering behind perked up at your comment, leaning closer to hear what you had to say. 
“me ’n miguel were just gonna stay ho-“ 
gasps. that’s all you could hear. everyones jaws were dropped, blinking their eyes at you like a bunch of frogs. “what? am i not allowed to spend time with my fiancé-“
it’s like every time you spoke it got worse, the table erupting in shouts of disbelief - it was getting difficult to speak over them, the constant questions being thrown at you were overwhelming to say the least. you weren’t obligated to explain yourself, love is love - even if it’s between someone as lovely and sweet as you, and someone as moody and feral as miguel. you guys made it work and that’s all that matters! someone else had something to say on the matter though, the commotion prompting miguel to emerge out of his cave and head straight to you.
“as i was saying, he’s my fiancé, we always spend valentines together. miguel is a great guy. yeah, he’s an asshole - but you just gotta get to know him.” you’re not wrong, miguel certainly seems to agree. the table went silent, staring up at his figure looming over you. “i don’t appreciate you guys harassing my wife. now, if you have no further questions - we have plans tonight, that don’t involve people prying into our privacy.” you spun around in your seat, looking up at him sheepishly. his eyes seemed to warm up at bit, a large hand reaching out to you - one that you immediately take. he held you close to him, interlocking your fingers tightly as he addressed the table. “and…our wedding is next year. you’re all only invited ‘cause she wanted you guys there. do not disappoint her.” with that, he turns on his heels, dragging you along with him - he didn’t want to deal with them anymore, not when he had the rest of the day to spend loving you instead. 
“baby, y’sure you’re ok with everyone knowing about…us?” that was a stupid question. of course he was, you’re his - and he’s yours. “you’re about to be my wife cariño, todo el mundo necesita saber que estás fuera de los límites - ‘specially that fuckin’ fan club of yours.” he was such a big baby, pouting like that. “oh my god! you’re jealous of a bunch of kids who have a little crush on me, babe. ‘sides, i think it’s quite cute - i got so much chocolate this year-“
“throw them away, i’m getting you all that and more.”
-cariĂąo, todo el mundo necesita saber que estĂĄs fuera de los lĂ­mites - sweetheart, everyone needs to know you're off limits
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-the miguel figure on my dresser says hi!
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the-boy-meets-evil ¡ 9 months
right where you left me | ksy & jww
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(where you're in an open relationship with soonyoung, who doesn't want to come on your family christmas vacation. it's okay. you run into your ex at the resort anyway.)
pairing: soonyoung (hoshi) x f.reader, ex!wonwoo x f.reader genre: est. relationships, exes to lovers to ??, love triangles | smut, angst??, fluff word count: ~8.6k (yeah, idk either) warnings: open relationship (implied, not explicitly discussed), wonwoo and soonyoung both know about each other (but never actually interact), reader goes away with family for the holidays, mentions of christmas (including christmas dinner), mentions of drinking, soonyoung is soft for reader, wonwoo just wants a second chance, one (1) holy spirit joke, reader does make a choice at the end, smut warnings under the cut
a/n: this is for the amazing and wonderful @beomcoups from your secret santa, blitzen, for @kpopsecretsanta 💕 summer, i already knew you were actually the best. so, it's been really fun getting to send you asks and come up with something for you. i hope you like it (and i'm so sorry it got this long). this is honestly not where i meant for this to go. ily and merry (belated) christmas! thank you to @wooahaeproductions (once again) for giving me a title and to my bby @wongyuseokie for the beautiful banner so last minute.
a/n 2: i'm for real taking a writing break now because december has been busy 😂
tagging: @aaniag, @gyuminusone, @horanghater
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smut warnings: multiple smut scenes, lots of kissing, so many orgasms, so much cum (i'm sorry), dirty talk, spit as lube (just for handjobs), handjobs, blowjobs, implied edging, vaginal fingering, protected sex (yay!), implied/referenced phone sex, kind of dom!wonwoo, kind of switch!reader, wonwoo is bossy, oral sex (f. receiving), begging, slight hair pulling, slight nipple play, choking, unprotected sex (don't do this), fucking from behind, pulling out, cum on the back/ass, referenced marking, referenced restraints, pet names (doll, sweetheart, babydoll, baby), probably teasing somewhere, i think that's it (i swear there's plot in there too)
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“Are you all packed?” 
Soonyoung is stretched out on your bed, watching you search through your closet. You sigh when you can’t find the one sweater you’re looking for.
“Almost,” you say. 
“It’s on the drying rack in your spare bedroom,” he says. 
You spin around to look at him, eyebrow raised. “What?”
“That sweater you love? The one you pull out the second it’s cool enough?” Soonyoung prompts. 
You give him a look, but don’t say anything. Instead, you walk into the other room and find he’s right. The last thing you want to throw into your suitcase is actually exactly where he said. You check that it’s dry before retrieving it to fold and tuck away. 
“How?” you ask when you reenter the room. 
He just shrugs. “I don’t know, I guess I know you pretty well.”
That tugs at your heartstrings a little, especially this time of year. Because it’s true. Hardly anyone knows you as well as the beautiful man sprawled on your bed, scrolling through his phone. Yet, he’s also the one that seems to hurt you the most. Always exactly where you need him to be, but never quite within reach. This kind, wonderful human that surprises you with things that remind him of you, but can’t (or won’t) come with you for the holidays to a beautiful, snow-covered resort. It’s not worth bringing up again…
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” you ask.
…but you do anyway. Like the sucker for pain you are. Like somehow the answer is going to change from the last time you asked.
This does make him look up, at least. It���s hard to see the look he gives you. It’s a little comforting that he does look sorry. Not quite enough to ease the ache in your heart. That’s neither here nor there, though.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea,” he answers. 
“I know,” you sigh. 
And you do know. Your relationship with Soonyoung happened out of nowhere. When you were trying desperately to heal over the worst heartbreak you could imagine and he happened to be there. Maybe that’s why you feel this inexplicable draw to him, even now. Because he was the one to help you put the pieces back together, the one to let you know that you weren’t asking for something unreasonable from your ex, that it was okay to make whatever type of life you wanted for yourself. Over time, you felt yourself getting more attached and let it happen, even knowing it was the wrong choice. Not because Soonyoung is wrong or anything short of great. It’s just, well, he’s always been honest, sometimes painfully so, about exactly who he is and what he wants. He’s just not sure, at least right now, that a closed relationship where he meets the parents is what he wants. 
An open relationship hadn’t been something you considered. It still wasn’t a consideration when you first started sleeping with Soonyoung. It wasn’t until you realized you wanted more of him that you had to have the conversation. Which is how you’re here, now. Going to see your parents and the rest of your family for a beautiful vacation alone despite being in a relationship. Despite him having met some of your family, like your cousins, and the number of dates you go on. Sometimes it really is enough. Not because you’re telling yourself it is. It just is. He comes up with the most thoughtful dates. Surprises you with little things just because. He’s so insanely thoughtful. So, maybe it’s enough that he doesn’t want to come meet your parents.
“Come here,” he requests, opening his arms for you. 
You sigh before giving in and snuggling into him on the bed. He plants a soft kiss on the top of your head first, then your temple. You settle against his chest, timing your own breathing with the rise and fall of his chest. There’s something so comforting about lying like this. Something that makes it easier to be honest when you’re not looking into his incredibly soft eyes.
“I do get it, Soonie,” you repeat softly. “This makes sense for us and I don’t want that to change. I don’t need my parents getting involved.”
“Maybe next year,” he says and that pulls you up short. He’s never said that before. You can’t really help it, you pull away to look into his eyes. “I like being around you and neither of us has been seeing many other people lately. So maybe it’s something we can talk about in the new year.” 
“I don’t want it to be anything that you feel…” you start and he presses a kiss to your lips.
“I don’t,” he assures you. “And you’re still free to do whatever you want, obviously. I don’t even know what it might look like. Just, I don’t know, I figure maybe after the holidays we can figure out if anything changes here.” 
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you agree. 
“But for today…” he says, drifting off as his eyes roam over your body.
“You’re exhausting,” you complain.
“You tried on Christmas dresses in front of me! I’ve been here suffering thinking that I won’t get to slide that material off your soft skin,” he says and kisses your shoulder. “Sitting here neglected as I watched you pack away skirts and those pants that make your ass look amazing.” 
“You’re not neglected,” you tease as he presses a long kiss to your neck. 
“I’m wasting away from the lack of attention,” he whines.
“Hm, is that right?” you ask. 
“It is,” he concludes. 
“Well, we can’t have that,” you say low, running your hand down his stomach. 
“Don’t you have to leave soon?” he asks, stuttering when your hand runs over his cock through his pants. You rub him ever so gently, delighting in the way he reacts.
“I can stop if you want,” you suggest. 
“You know I don’t want you to, but…” he starts and trails off when you move your hand towards his waistband.
“I’m driving, Soon, I can be a little late. I’ll just blame traffic,” you say.
“Fuck it,” he curses. 
You drag his pants and briefs down in one motion, freeing his cock. You remember the first time you fucked him, when he was nervous that you were going to be somehow disappointed. He couldn’t have been more wrong. Not only is he the perfect size, but he has a way of moving his hips while fucking you that’s always drives you crazy.
There isn’t time for you to be walking down memory lane, though. You spit into your hand so that you can start stroking him, delight in how he’s already a little hard. Maybe he wasn’t lying about the torture of watching you try on clothes. After all, you did catch him adjusting on the bed a time or two. It’s not enough for you, just stroking him and listening to all the beautiful sounds that he makes. Before he even realizes what’s happening, you’re taking him into your mouth. Swirling your tongue around the tip and carefully massaging his balls with your free hand. You hollow your cheeks when you take as much of him into your mouth as you can. Carefully sucking while you bob your head on his cock, running a hand up and down the base as you continue to work on him. 
“Fuck, that mouth is so good,” he whines. “Oh my god! Ugh, yes!” 
One of the things you like about Soonyoung is times like this, where he doesn’t need to be in control. Where he just lets you take care of him. Lets you make him feel good. Just completely turns to putty in your hands. He’s muttering obscenities about how much he loves your mouth, how you know just what to do, how you’re cruel for bringing him to the edge and then backing off. You may not have enough time, but you also can’t really stop yourself. 
“You’re gonna make me come if you keep that up,” Soonyoung warns. 
You pull up off him just for a second to fix him with a look. “Kinda the point, isn’t it?” 
“Not if it means I don’t get to fuck you,” he answers and pulls off his shirt. 
Okay, you can take the hint. You quickly strip off all your clothes and move up to lie on your side facing him. He captures your lips in a kiss and quickly puts a hand between your legs. No time to waste. He runs his fingers along your entrance, collecting the wetness there and groaning, probably at how you’re wet just from blowing him. When he slides a finger inside your cunt, you want to pull away from the kiss. Instead, you just moan into his mouth, spurring him to pump his finger into you faster. Another moan and he presses a second finger in. 
When you first started fucking Soonyoung, you were a little embarrased about several things when it came to sex. One had been how wet you get. He had been so quick with the praise, so quick to assure you that it was a good thing, so quick to make you comfortable. Now, you barely even think about it. Everything with him is effortless, comfortable. It’s entirely too fast when you feel like you’re already starting to come undone. 
“God, I love watching that pussy suck my fingers in,” he says. “So good for me, so greedy.”
“Fuck, Soon, hang on,” you pant out.
“Feeling good?” he asks.
“Yeah but you’re gonna make me come,” you whine. 
“Isn’t that the point?” he parrots back.
“Thought you wanted to fuck me,” you remind him.
He removes his fingers from your cunt entirely too quickly so he can roll over to reach the drawer. With surprising speed, he pulls a condom out and has it on in a matter of seconds. You’re about to ask how he wants you when he rolls back over and hikes one of your legs up. This is a new position for the two of you, surprising with how many you’ve tried. There’s something a little intimate, facing each other like this with your leg up over his arm. His brows furrow a little as he lines himself up. 
“Oh god,” you moan out when he presses all the way in, right off the bat. Even with the prepping, it’s more of a stretch than you were expecting so fast.
“You okay?” he asks. Even though he wants it to be fast, he’s still so considerate.
“Yes, just fucking move, please,” you whine.
“So needy,” he says, but he still moves. 
It’s fast and a little desperate and the angle has him hitting you just where you want him. It doesn’t feel awkward in this position, either, which crossed your mind for a second. You’re clinging to any part of him that you can, moaning incoherently, about to come undone in a stupidly short time. But, he’s babbling too, uttering praises for how good he feels, reminding you how amazing you are. He’s so vocal and it’s what sends you over the edge. He follows right behind you.
You lay on your back and take a few moments to catch your breath. Watch him as he gets up to dispose of the condom. Smile when he comes back and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. He’s so pretty like this, glowing and smiley and perfectly content. So are you, apparently, as he tells you constantly.
“You have to go because I have to shower and I don’t want to have to shower again after that,” you say when you get up.
“But, what if I want round two?” he asks, drawing you in against his body. 
You lean your head to press a kiss to his lips and carefully pull away. “Then, you’ll just have to wait til I’m back.”
“Thought you didn’t mind being late,” he presses.
“A little late,” you say and laugh at the pout. “You’re cute, Soonie, but I still have to go.”
“Fine,” he sighs. “You’ll be back before New Year’s?”
“Yeah, for the party,” you confirm. 
“I’ll miss you,” he whispers into your hair. The kiss he presses to the top of your head nearly has your knees weak. Instead, you just smile as he leaves and rush off to the shower before you get in the car. 
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The resort your parents picked this year for the holidays is beautiful. There’s a main resort and also a bunch of smaller buildings with rooms that are more like condos. Your parents are staying in a particularly roomy one, because they love to host, so you don’t feel too stuck by staying with them. It’s also nice because the resort is attached to a ski lodge. You can actually ski straight from the rooms onto one of the trails. It’s all beautiful and you feel incredibly at peace. 
(You also appreciate how there are plenty of things to do for people that don’t like to ski or snowboard. Not that you don’t, you’re just sometimes a little worried you’ll fall.)
The first night was just for relaxing after the ride up. The four hour drive ended up going a lot faster with your cousin in the passenger seat, thankful you hadn’t actually left yet because her car broke down. Even though you don’t live far apart, you feel like you don’t see her nearly often enough. So the car ride is a nice way to catch up. 
Now that it’s the first full day, you’re ready to explore a little bit. Your parents mentioned a little cafe in the lodge that sounds like the perfect place to get a cup of coffee. Of course, you could make it in the room, but it probably wouldn’t taste as good. Bundled up, you head down to the lodge and look out for the cafe. It ends up being pretty easy to find. And it’s not the only thing. 
It’s like a pull that you can’t explain, the way your eyes fall on someone sitting in an armchair just to the side of the cafe. His dark hair has that slightly tousled look, probably from being outside, and his glasses keep sliding down his nose. As you watch, he absently pushes them back up, eyes glued on the book in his lap. There is no world where it makes sense that he’s here and also no world where he could be anyone else. You’re debating whether or not to approach him when he looks up. The smile he sends your way has you feeling things that you know you shouldn’t. 
Your feet carry you towards him without permission and he rises to meet you part way. “Hey, what are you…” 
At the same time, he starts to say, “wow, small world.”
It’s a little awkward (read: a lot) and neither of you really know what to say. It’s been two years since you last saw each other, two years since you last spoke, two years since the break up that nearly tore you apart. Even though it’s been long enough that you feel better about it, it’s still awkward. He probably feels it too, the uncertainty of running into each other someplace so unexpected. The question of how to move forward. 
“So, um, this is…” Wonwoo starts.
“Awkward? Weird? Unexpected?” you offer through a forced laugh.
“What are you doing here?” he asks.
“My family is here for Christmas,” you answer. “Yours too?” 
“Yeah,” he says. 
“Right,” you say. “Well, I was just going to get…”
“Can we talk? Maybe over lunch or something?” he asks just as you’re ready to turn around. 
You’re rooted to the spot, unable to answer him right away. Can you? Yes, you definitely have that capability. Should you? That’s a bit harder to answer. Your brain is full of images of your past relationship - the good, the bad, the ugly - and your current situation. Maybe Wonwoo still does know you, at least well enough to read your face, because he speaks up again.
“Never mind, that was silly to ask,” he says.
“No, it wasn’t. I’m sorry. I’m just, I don’t know, a little overwhelmed, I guess,” you admit.
“Me too, if it helps,” he says. 
You look down at your watch. It’s a little earlier than you usually eat lunch, but maybe that’ll be a good thing. “Do you wanna get something now?”
“What about your coffee?” Wonwoo asks.
“I’m sure the restaurant has some,” you say before you lose the courage. 
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Lunch is actually surprisingly easy. Well, after you get some of the awkwardness out of the way. But, it gives you a chance to say a lot of things you both kept to yourselves. Back when you were dating Wonwoo, it got harder until it was too much. He was always soft spoken, always afraid to burden anyone else with his problems. Even when you reminded him that’s what partners were for, he just kept most of it to himself. Which wasn’t healthy for either of you. You wanted things out in the open so you could talk about them, he kept them to himself. Something tiny could fester into something much bigger and then become a real issue. Even when it came to issues at work or with other friends, he was hesitant to mention it. By not wanting to be a burden, he ended up driving a massive wedge between you. And he’s able to share things with you, too. Like how it wasn’t always easy to want to share when he felt pressured. He knows you only cared, but sometimes he wasn’t ready. Sometimes he couldn’t talk about it in the moment and just needed a day to process. Something he knows that he should have shared with you, as well. 
It turns into a much longer meal than either of you expect. After talking about your relationship, you fill in the last two years. He talks about work and friends and reluctantly admits that he hasn’t dated anyone seriously since you. When it’s your turn, you stumble over explaining Soonyoung, ending up opting for full transparency. If he’s surprised, he hides it well. Seems to understand that trying something a little different can be exactly what you need. When you finally check your phone to see you’re running late to meet your cousins, you say goodbye with a promise to hang out again. And an assurance that you haven’t changed your number and he isn’t blocked. 
You spend most of the afternoon playing games with your cousins and sharing what you’ve been up to. The cousin that rode with you, and knows Wonwoo the best, is nearly on the floor when you tell her that he’s here somehow. Especially because she also knows Soonyoung and likes him, but thinks he’s not the long term plan for you. She’s a little surprised, given how much you smiled about seeing Wonwoo, at how fiercely you defend Soonyoung. It’s just, well, he’s been a lot for you in so many ways. Yes, some of it has been painful and some of it has involved learning things you’re not sure you needed to. But, it’s also been safe and protected. It’s allowed you to grow in ways you never expected. 
An afternoon of gaming turns into a night of dinner in the suite, more games, and drinking. Your cousin takes your phone and texts Wonwoo from it. Invites him over to the room to pick you up. Of course, she doesn’t tell you any of that. But, when you answer the door and see your ex on the other side, he suggests you check your phone. You shoot your cousin a look and grab your coat. He’s here, so you might as well go with him. When he holds out his hand for you, you take it and follow him into the night. 
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The next days pass in a kind of haze. It’s so pretty to be at the resort, watching the way snow seems to fall more often than not, even if it’s just a light flurry for 20 minutes. There’s a beautiful, tucked away corner of the lodge where you can sit in rocking chairs by floor to ceiling windows. It gives you a perfect vantage point to watch the snow, or watch people coming down trails, watch anything. You’re with Wonwoo more than your own family, a fact that nobody seems to talk about. Maybe because everyone liked Wonwoo and nobody really understood why it ended. You hadn’t wanted to talk about it. And now it doesn’t seem to matter. The man before you isn’t the same boy that you walked away from two years ago. You’re not the same either. Both of you get a lot of time nestled away in the cocoon of the holiday vacation to talk about that. To talk about who you are now and where you want to be. About if things would turn out differently now.
It’s all kind of a practiced dance, though, because Wonwoo knows that Soonyoung exists. He knows that there’s someone you’re not really ready to let go that may be waiting for you to get back to have an important conversation. (He is waiting for you, but you don’t tell Wonwoo that. Because it may not be in the way you wish he was waiting for you. What you do know is that he’s been sending you a lot of messages. There are a lot of things that seem to remind him of you. So, he’s constantly on your mind.) And there are some things that haven’t changed about Wonwoo, too. One of those things is that he doesn’t really find the idea of sharing a partner appealing. Even though he’s one of the most secure people you know, you can also tell what he thinks about the complication of your current situation. There’s no judgment, only more hurdles. It’s like he wants you to consider giving him another shot, but he doesn’t really know where to start. 
Since Christmas Eve and Christmas morning are for family, you get a much needed break from having Wonwoo around constantly. Not that you mind, it’s just that your head needs a little space. You need to figure out what exactly you want. Which isn’t really any easier when you’re separated from your ex, sadly. Both he and Soonyoung are still fighting for space. Your thoughts are kind of a jumbled mess. 
(It doesn’t help that Soonyoung calls you on Christmas Eve. Or that the call turns into FaceTime and that turns into the two of you getting off. Phone sex wasn’t ever really something you were into before him. You didn’t really get the appeal of it. But, you’ve seen the positives of it with him. Still can’t really believe how easy it is for him to push you over the edge when he’s not even with you. And you kind of like knowing you do the same to him, seeing his cum paint his stomach after he finishes. He gets a little sappy after he comes, too. When you’re both cleaned up, he’s still there. Telling you that he misses you and that the city feels a little lonely without you there. It’s not like you haven’t left before, but this just feels different to him. He says it all without seeming to think much about it and you’re not really sure how to take it. Is it honest? Or is it the post orgasm haze?) 
But, after Christmas dinner, you’re on your own to do whatever you want. And you know what you don’t need to do. You know that you don’t need to make this whole mess inside your head more complicated than it already is. You do really miss Soonyoung and all his energy. There’s something infectious about him. But, you also know that he’s been very clear on his wants and needs, even if he says you need to talk when you’re back about what’s going on. Then, there’s all your returning feelings for Wonwoo after all the time you’ve spent with him the past several days. Soonyoung seemed to skate over you mentioning running into your ex like it didn’t matter. Or that he trusts you and that the relationship is open, which is the more likely answer. All of that leads to sitting on the couch of Wonwoo’s suite, sipping a glass of wine. 
“What’s going on here?” you ask, interrupting the formerly comfortable silence. 
“We’re drinking wine on Christmas?” Wonwoo suggests.
You turn your head to look at him and find he’s a little confused. “I don’t mean that. I mean,” you gesture between the two of you, “here.” 
“Ah,” Wonwoo says and takes a sip. 
“Yeah,” you say.
“I don’t know, honestly. I know I missed you and that I feel like things are different now. I think we could have actually worked through our issues if we were these people,” Wonwoo says.
“But?” you prompt. Because there’s so clearly a but coming to what he said.
“You’re in a relationship,” he finishes. 
“An open one,” you remind him.
“That you’re not really sure how to define,” he presses back.
“We aren’t even sure if we’d work together again and you’re already worried about what’s going on with Soonyoung,” you sigh. 
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“We’ve got history and it’s been so nice to be around you. But, if we were to try something out again, we’re not just going to jump back into it being serious right away,” you tell him.
“No, I wouldn’t expect it to,” Wonwoo agrees. 
“So does it really matter if I’m seeing someone else? Does anyone outside of us really matter while we’re figuring things out?” you ask.
This is a definite crossroads for Wonwoo. He’s always been very logical and impossibly smart. In all the time you knew him, he was one to weigh things out and go with what made the most sense. It wasn’t like him to be overly emotional about things. Except, apparently, when it came to you. So, this is a big ask. For him to just set aside personal feelings for you and consider the logic behind what you’re saying. It’s a crossroads for you, too. Because you do know it makes sense to consider exploring whatever’s been happening between the two of you. To not have any what-ifs or questions when you go back to the city. To actually explore another genuine connection so you can better understand what you do or don’t feel for Soonyoung.
Wonwoo sighs and nods. “Yeah, you’re right. Focusing on this and figuring it out doesn’t involve anyone else but us.”
“So that last little line of defense stops now?” you ask, hopeful.
“Last line of defense?” he asks. 
You gesture at the space between you. “Ever since I ran into you, there’s always space for the Holy Spirit between us.” 
Both of you laugh at that when Wonwoo’s face cracks into a smile. It erases the last little bit of tension left between the two of you. It’s clear that he means he’s going to give it a real shot to figure out what’s going on without worrying about anyone else. Wonwoo shifts closer to you, rests his arm on the back of the couch behind you, and presses his thigh into yours. 
“Do you still think there’s space for the Holy Spirit?” he asks. 
“No,” you say with a light laugh. 
“I’ve missed you, doll,” he admits and presses a kiss against your temple. 
“I’ve missed you, too,” you say. You turn your body so your back is against the arm of the couch and drape your legs over his lap. It’s a little more comfortable and it lets you look at him easier. 
“It’s so weird to me, running into you here,” he says and you laugh.
“I’d say it’s some kind of fate, but I know you don’t believe in that kinda shit,” you offer.
“I don’t know that I do, but having you around has given me a break from my family,” he shares. 
“Your family is great,” you disagree. 
“They are, but it’s a lot of people time,” he says with a sigh.
Which is why you suggest that you just sit back and watch a movie, something a little scary because you know that’s what he prefers. It doesn’t have to be some Christmas movie, you’ve gotten enough of that with your cousins in the lead up to the holiday. So, you let him pick something and settle back, appreciating the closeness. 
The movie is good, but you’re kind of a fidgeter. You make it through the first half easily, but in the second half, you start getting a little sick of sitting still. Just little things. Adjusting how you’re sitting. Moving your legs slightly. Reaching out for one of Wonwoo’s hands. Something to trick your body into thinking it’s moving. Until it’s a little more than just a movement. Without even thinking, you pull one of your legs towards you, let your knee bend for a second, because it’s a little stiff, and slide it back. It isn’t until Wonwoo sucks in a breath and clenches his jaw that you realize your foot slid right over his dick. 
“Wonwoo, I’m sorry, I didn’t - “ you start, but he’s moving your legs.
“Let’s go,” he says as he stands up.
“What?” you ask. “Go where?” 
“Come on, sweetheart, I’m not gonna play these fucking games,” he says and pulls you up off the couch. 
You’re really caught off guard, because it had been an accident, but your body remembers this. He’s guiding you in front of him to one of the bedrooms and pressing you inside. As soon as you’re both through, he closes and locks the door. Then, he presses you back into it and kisses you hard. Crowds your space so you can’t move an inch. You gasp when he nips at your lip. This has always been the thing about Wonwoo. He’s so quiet and soft spoken and unassuming around everyone else. Just the smart boy who likes to read and play video games. Until he gets you behind closed doors and a switch flips. 
“Fuck, Nu, I swear it was an accident,” you groan as he kisses down your neck.
“So, you don’t wanna get fucked into the mattress? Don’t want me to show you I still know exactly what you like?” he asks.
You’re not the same person you were two years ago, though. “Maybe I like different things now.” 
“We’ll see about that,” he says. 
Before you can respond, he’s kissing you again. Hard and needy and like there isn’t a tomorrow. Maybe there isn’t for the two of you. It’s not like you’ve managed to clear anything up. 
Wonwoo presses his hips into you. Places his hands on either side of your head against the door behind you. It’s so easy to fall into old patterns with him, where you give up your control. Your hands run along his back, underneath his shirt, and he shivers at the touch. It makes him thrust his hips into you again. It makes him grab your hands and pin them in one of his above your head. His lips are demanding when they return to yours, like he’s taking what you owe him. 
There’s no point in begging for more. It would only make him go slower. So, you accept his tongue into your mouth when he keeps kissing you. You let your hands stay pinned above your head. You even chase his lips when he pulls away. It’s hard to suppress the shudder when his lips brush against your ear. 
“I want to fuck you,” he whispers. “I want to press your pretty face into the mattress and get your ass in the air. Do you want that?”
“Yes,” you whimper out. 
Wonwoo pulls away from you and starts to undress. It’s hard to take your eyes off of him because he’s so beautiful. The broadness of his shoulder and his slender waist. The muscles that he hides behind all the layers flex as he pulls off his shirt and steps out of his pants. But, then he’s looking at you expectantly. Likely wondering why you’re fully dressed. You make quick work of getting out of your clothing before turning back to him. 
“Sit on the edge of the bed, babydoll,” he instructs. You hasten to listen to what he asks and he smiles. Not a soft smile. “Open your legs.” 
You do that as well. With your hands on the bed behind you, you lean backwards. Wonwoo kneels down between your legs and runs a hand up your calf. He nips softly at your thighs, sharp enough to make you gasp but not hard enough to leave a mark. As he moves to your other thigh, he spreads your legs further. Only places a light kiss on your other thigh before his hand returns to your pussy. His fingers spread you open and he blows gently. The sensation makes you shiver. It makes you want to beg for him. Instead, you just grip the sheets tighter. Wonwoo chuckles, probably at your attempt to hold back, and licks a stripe up your center. Flattens his tongue against you and runs it slowly through your folds. 
“Oh god,” you moan. You don’t need to look down to see that it makes Wonwoo smile, but you do anyway.
He continues to work you with his tongue, alternating the pace so that you never really know what to expect. His thumb rubs circles over your clit. Maybe he does still know how to get you going. Or maybe your body just remembers him. Either way, he feels so good. You’re entirely more pent up than you feel like you should be. It would be embarrassing if it was with someone you weren’t comfortable with. 
“Fuck, please, baby, I need your fingers,” you beg. 
“You getting close?” he asks.
“Yes, fuck, please,” you cry out.
“Do you think you deserve to come?” he asks. It’s only his thumb on your clit that keeps you going.
“Please,” you beg and hope it’s enough.
It must work because his tongue returns to your cunt and he slides one of his perfect fingers inside as well. The second is in before you realize it and your moans are more sounds than anything intelligible. It’s an unsurprisingly short time before you make a mess of his face and fingers. After he guides you through your orgasm, he stands up and leans over you. Pulls you in for a kiss so that you can taste yourself on his lips. It’s enough to make you a little dizzy. Entirely too soon, he’s breaking the kiss. He runs his hand over his dick and looks at you.
“Spit in your hand,” he directs and you do it without thinking. The post-orgasm haze still has hold of you. 
You don’t need him to tell you what to do next. Before he can say anything, you take over and run your hand down his shaft. Slide your thumb carefully over his tip. Wonwoo clenches his jaw like he’s trying not to let you know just how good it feels. Because you still know him too. You continue to stroke him and take his cock into your mouth. Just the tip, at first. When you look up at him under your lashes, you know that he’s going to lose the battle. 
“Fuck, babydoll, that mouth is better than I remember,” he groans out. His hands wind into your hair, but he doesn’t fuck into your face. You’re a little surprised he can hold back. Especially when you swirl your tongue around his tip. “Okay enough of this.”
Wonwoo, with surprising gentleness, pulls you off of his dick. You have just enough time to look at him triumphantly before he’s moving you back into the bed. He gets you on your hands and knees, presses your back down so that your ass is in the air and your face presses into the pillow in front of you. You arch your back deeper so that he has the best angle. The bed shifts under you and you assume that he’s lining up behind you. He presses a finger into your pussy again and you squirm for a second. When he removes it, you want to complain. But, he’s quick to line himself up and press his cock into you. The pillow muffles your moan as he presses all the way in. His hands find purchase on your hips as he sets a slow rhythm. 
It doesn’t seem like it’s enough, though. His hand finds it’s way into your hair and he pulls back, more gently than he used to. “Is this still okay?” 
His voice is hoarse in your ear. “Fuck, Nu, yes. Be rough with me.” 
It’s all the permission he needs. His hand slides up your body to take your nipple between too skilled fingers. The first twist has you screaming out for him, wanting him to continue. And he does, all while picking up the pace that he fucks into you. He keeps you pressed against his chest. The snap of his hips and the skin slapping together isn’t enough to cover your stream of profanities. Wonwoo places a hand lightly over your throat, using it to anchor you to him. Your loud moan and reassurance of permission makes him squeeze a little tighter. It’s that perfect sensory deprivation to make it all the more intense. Between that and your earlier orgasm, you’re a bit on overload. It’s a kind of mind blankness that you haven’t felt in awhile. Nothing else exists but the pursuit of pleasure. Your mind is totally empty.
Eventually, his movements start to stutter and he releases your throat. Directs you to rub your clit. You hardly need to touch yourself before you feel your second orgasm rip through you, coming all over his dick. He snaps a few more times before pulling out of you. His cum paints over your ass and your back. Wonwoo collapses next to you and you lower yourself down onto your stomach, trying not to make too much of a mess. 
After a moment, Wonwoo presses a kiss to your shoulder. “What do you, babydoll, do I still know you?” 
“It’s like nothing ever changes,” you admit. 
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The two days after Christmas seem to pass just as quickly as the days before Christmas. Something feels like it’s shifted with you and Wonwoo, but maybe not in the way you expect. You’re still spending a decent amount of time with him, still being pretty affectionate, but you don’t end up naked in his bed again. It could just be you, though it feels like a joint decision. It feels like it’s some unspoken agreement. 
Everything with Wonwoo has been amazing, like a little break from reality. It’s been so nice to get to see him again, to get to talk about your relationship and everything it meant. Even though you’ve both changed a lot, it’s nice to realize how well he still knows you. And he seems to accept all the ways you’ve changed in stride, which surprises you a little. Change had never been his favorite thing. There’s also just a general sense of nostalgia to your interactions with him. He’s safe in the way someone says that you can always go home. It feels like falling into old patterns. 
But, that’s not what life is supposed to be, is it? Life is about taking chances and risks and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Falling back into step with Wonwoo would be so easy. It’s obvious that he still loves you, or maybe loves you again. It’s so easy to picture what your life with him looks like because you remember. You remember all the plans the two of you made. It just feels kind of stagnant, though. You know the kind of love you’re getting back into. It’s not even about not trusting him or worrying it would end up in another break-up. Things are different enough with your communication that you trust it would be different on that front.
It’s just, if you’re being honest with yourself, you can’t get Soonyoung off your mind. Even when you’ve been with Wonwoo, there’s that small voice in the back of your mind whispering Soonyoung’s name. It’s also really hard to stop thinking about what he said before you left. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything changes. Maybe it only means that you define the relationship a little more clearly and it’s still open. But, if you move forward with Wonwoo, you know what that means for Soonyoung. You know it means you’re going to be saying goodbye to the person who’s challenged you, who’s pushed you, who’s forced you out of your comfort zone. You’re just not sure you can do that.
By the time the last night comes around, you know that you need to have an actual conversation with Wonwoo before leaving. Life doesn’t always give you the chance for closure, so you know to take it when it comes around.
“This is it for us, isn’t it?” Wonwoo asks. 
“Yeah, I think it is,” you say. 
“I hope he knows what he’s got,” Wonwoo says with a sigh. “By the time I figured it out, it was too late.” 
“I hope you know that everything I felt for you was so real, that it’s still real now. It’s just…” you start.
“Not enough?” he finishes and you frown. “It’s okay, I’m not upset. I knew from the start that this was a long shot.” 
“Why did you do it, then?” you ask.
“Because I would have regretted it if I left something unsaid or undone,” he says simply.
“I’m so sorry, Wonwoo,” you say.
“I’m not. I’m thankful we got this chance. Now, I have the closure I needed to actually move on,” he says. 
You’re not sure what else to do, so you just wrap your arms around him. His arms wrap around you without missing a beat and he places a kiss on the top of your head. The two of you stand like that for a few minutes, letting all the feelings wash over you. It’s the next part that’s going to be the scariest.
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You haven’t properly talked to Soonyoung since the two of you had phone sex on Christmas Eve. Which is actually on you, at least this time, because he’s been keeping up a relatively steady stream of texts. Asking how the vacation was, how it was to be around your family, even how it was to see your ex. And you haven’t done anything wrong, you know you haven’t, but it still feels like too much to text. It feels like the kind of thing you need to tell him when you’re back in your apartment. Thankfully, you don’t even have to ask if he wants to come by. He knows your schedule, knows how long the drive is, and even assumes you’re tired. Despite that, he asks if he’s okay to come over anyway. He even insists that he just wants to see you, sex can be off the table. (Unless you want to fuck on the kitchen table, because that might be hot, he says.)
He’s at your door in what feels like record time, puffy jacket and beanie covering most of his head and upper body. His arms wrap around you before he even gets through the door or takes off his layers. It feels like he smells your hair when he buries his face there, but you can’t be sure. It’s almost a project to get him to unlatch himself long enough to take off his outer layers and remove his shoes before joining you on the couch. Where he clings to you like the idea of personal space is foreign. It’s more comforting than you’d like to admit. You’re at ease, but your heart is also beating entirely too fast.
“I missed you,” he says softly.
“I missed you, too,” you say back. 
“No, I really missed you. My sister kept asking me the whole time I was there if I was okay,” he admits. He separates a little, but keeps hold of one of your hands. 
You’re not really used to this side of him, haven’t seen him this soft in all the time you’ve known him. “Were you not? You seemed okay in your messages.” 
“I -,” he starts, frowns, and then opens his mouth again. “I was okay, when we were texting. Mostly. But, I guess, I’m just used to you being around. I’m used to sending you something, like something that makes me think of you, and having you answer right away.” 
“You were sending a lot,” you tease lightly.
“I kept wondering,” he starts and shakes his head.
“Wondering what, Soon?” you ask. 
“Do you remember before you left that I said I wanted to talk after the holidays?” he asks and you nod. 
“Of course, I thought about it a lot,” you admit.
“You did?” The surprise is evident on his face and you’re not sure what it means.
“Yeah, there were a lot of times I couldn’t really get it off my mind, honestly,” you share. 
“I figured…well with your ex there and you spending so much time with him,” Soonyoung says.
Your stomach drops a little. “Listen, about that…”
“You don’t have to tell me,” he says, trying to cut you off. It’s your turn to grab his hands, though.
“I do, though. Which is selfish, probably, but I need to tell you for me,” you say.
“You’re getting back together with him,” Soonyoung guesses and his whole body seems to slump. You’re not sure what to make of him caring so much and don’t really want to get your own hopes up.
“No,” you assure him. “No, I think that chapter of my life is over. Seeing him just brought up a lot of unfinished shit. And then with the holidays and the resort. I did…well, we did have sex. Just once, on Christmas.”
Soonyoung nods, but doesn’t seem relieved. “I figured you would, I did basically push you to try other things out. Are you going to see him again now that you’re back here?”
“No,” you say again. “But, I think I want to hear what you were going to say.” 
“I’m not sure now is…” he starts and nearly melts at the look you give him.
“Please,” you say so softly it’s barely audible. 
“I should’ve gone with you when you asked,” he says and that brings you up short. You never dared to hope for that much. “I knew it as soon as you were gone. But, I figured it’d be fine. I’d be right where you left me when you got back. Then, you ran into your ex and you seemed happy for the chance. I thought I’d fucked up and that you’d fall for him again. I considered just showing up. I chickened out, though. I figured if it was supposed to work out, then it would. Part of me even hoped you might fuck him and that you’d realize what it took me just a little too long to realize.”
“And what’s that?” you prompt.
“That I’m ready to give actual commitment a try. That I don’t want to think about sharing you with anyone else,” he says and his voice drops to a whisper. “That I love you.” 
“What did you just say?” you ask. 
He takes a deep breath and meets your eyes. “That I love you. And I’m sorry.” 
You don’t even realize you’re crying until he wipes a tear from your cheek. “I love you, too, you giant idiot. It’s always been you for me. It wasn’t ever going to be my ex. I’m not sorry, though. Everything that we’ve experienced, it’s been exactly what I needed.” 
“You know what this means though, right?” he asks and you shake your head. “No more fucking anyone that’s not me.” 
“We don’t have to…” you start. You don’t want to change him, never have. He’s always been perfect exactly the way he is. 
“I know, but I want to. It’s only you. I think it always has been and you just knew it a lot before I did,” he says.
“Can you just kiss me now?” you ask through your tears. 
When your lips meet, it’s so slow and tender. So full of affection and joy and everything left unsaid. For now, at least. If there’s anything you know about Soonyoung, it’s that he doesn’t like to keep much to himself. It’s been so much, so overwhelming. Even though the kisses are languid, you feel the heat building between the two of you. Feel the desire getting stronger. That’s when he breaks the kiss. Your face must look confused or disappointed because he smiles, so full of genuine affection, and stands up. He holds a hand out to you.
“I don’t want the first time after telling you that I love you to be on your couch,” he says. 
Your smile matches his when you take his hand and interlace your fingers. He brings your hands up to his lips and places a kiss on your knuckles. Doesn’t let go of your hand even when you’re in your bedroom. He sits down on the edge of the bed and pulls you between his legs. It makes you lean down to kiss him, but it’s kind of nice. He finally lets go of your hand so that he can wrap his arms around you instead. When Soonyoung looks up at you, eyes full of affection, it’s just more than you can handle. 
“Please, Soonie,” you whisper.
“What?” he asks.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you request.
“Like what?” he asks.
“Like I’m the only person in the entire world,” you say.
He only smiles at first. “I had a lot of time to think when you were away. I’m just appreciating you now.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you assure him.
“I wouldn’t let you.” 
Finally, he pulls you into bed and it’s the most perfect night you’ve ever spent with him. And you’ve had a lot of great nights. He always takes his time with you, always makes sure you’re well taken care of. It’s different now. His lips are everywhere and his hands seem to need to find whatever part of you they can. You’ve never felt so loved and so safe, even with him. Even though he always makes it comfortable. You know that you made the right choice.
(You’re sure when he’s got you seeing stars from his mouth between your legs. You’re sure when he’s sucking marks into your skin where only he can see them. You’re sure when he asks you to tie his hands to the bed. You’re sure when he asks you to untie him so he can fuck you into the mattress. You’re especially sure when he wraps himself around you to fall asleep. It’s everything you’ve wanted, but only because it’s him. It wouldn’t be the same with anyone else.)
Morning comes and everything looks even better in the soft light of a winter’s morning. You’re not sure you’re ever going to get Soonyoung out of your bed (or your apartment) and you’re not really sure you want to. The new year is right around the corner and you can’t wait to see what it brings the both of you.
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thanks for coming on this ride with me 💕 please reblog or let me know your thoughts if you liked it!
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