#thanks for the tag meg!
renee-walker · 5 years
Get to know me or something maybe
I was tagged by @emeejee 🥰
Name: Shana
Star Sign: Aries
Gender: Damn, I feel like a woman
Height: 5’2”. On a good day :/
Sexuality: Well, not straight?
What image do you have as a wallpaper: On my computer it’s just. A cool mountain.
Lock screen: On my ipad both my home and lock screen are different pics of @carol-on’s balcony. On my phone rn it’s this very generic thing S found me because it matches my phone case lol.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: I mean, I’m not a planner? But hopefully with a job that leaves me less stressed for money than I am now and living in an a-frame cabin with @carol-on, two cats, and a tortoise named Genevieve.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be: well, the instant answer is someplace where the heater works. The more heartfelt answer is somewhere where I could see Amelia more than four times a year and also have my kids around a whole lot. Bonus points if it’s not humid.
What was your coolest Halloween costume: Well, in fourth grade my friend Julianne and I dressed up as a two headed monster. We each got into one leg of my grandfather’s overalls and we put stockings over our heads. We legit did the entire trick or treat route having to jump in tandem in order to move. Amazing.
What’s your favorite ‘90s show: I mean, how can I choose between XF and Buffy?
Last kiss: Romantic kiss? Leaving Amelia at the airport :/
Have you ever been stood up: I don’t think so?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas: I have not, and I’m not sure I’m upset about that.
Favorite pair of shoes: HARD QUESTION. Because I love shoes to an unnatural degree. Tie between my black/multicolored Vans and my super gay almost knee high brown Doc Martens that I bought because MMB had them. I am embarrassing.
Favorite fruit: Nectarine, omg
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: Marrying a boy? NO JK I WOULD NEVER TRADE MY KIDS FOR ANYTHING IN CREATION. So, allowing my self worth to be tied to my physical appearance.
Favorite .gif: This answer would change every ten seconds, but rn the one of Scully rolling her eyes in Bad Blood. Possibly tied with the Kermit flail, an absolute classic.
Tagging: @faith5by5-1013 @sophiascarol @imorca @silver-89 @rhiannonfrater @captain-coffeebean @lookforastar. But only if you want to play!
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tolerateit · 2 years
the internet becomes insufferable every time a new marvel movie trailer drops
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cockworkangels · 2 years
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look it's meg <3
(please tap for quality)
thank you @pitsniffercastiel for the idea to draw meg :)
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In case you wanna get discoursey today, I was wondering about your thoughts on the “female orgasm” deal and how H might possibly have been being a lil sneaky subversive by saying that……. bc…… i…………. i have my theories about this whole thing and really it’s mainly just that i think (as always) there’s prob a kajillion layers to peel back here. And you have good onion layer peely word fingies. Pls help.
jdfghdjrhfkjrhk FINGIES MEG FINGIES
first of all love that harry gave some love for the female orgasm, she really deserves it
and honestly this entire thing is so funny to me why are ppl freaking out this kid says all sorts of crap when he says he's rachel mcadams he isn't actually rachel mcadams right we all know that right
this is now gonna turn into an ode to ws ig sorry meg
i have loved genuinely loved ws for a while now, ever since writing the lyric analysis actually, and reading this wonderful post, bc it made me realise how wonderfully joyous happy sexy queer transcendent and about love and (the absence of) self the song is. infatuation/love to the point where you don't exist anymore, just the experience you share.
and the mv,,,, i love her i love the mv???
first of all, it's an ode to wmyb.
okay and then: i - and others - have said this time and again: in the watermelon sugar music video harry is one of the girls. look at it ??? look at how she dances?? how she lounges?? he's eating the watermelons just like they are ?! they're all just cuddling laughing skipping like a cute lil friend group on a beach day like ?!!!!!!!!!! get it get it PLEASE
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marketing for Harry Styles has always been on the other side of what his art is about bc....------- they want to redirect the gp's attention from what it's all actually about. yk keeping the audience wide keeping the closet intact etc etc so the general messaging around ws should never tell you what the song is actually about
and the whole "harry is one of the girls" in that mv point is: harry identifies with them, harry is them, harry feels comfortable around them, they are the same. SO WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY IS: harry saying it's about the female orgasm is bc he honors and adores female bodies but also the female experience in general doesn't matter what body is attached to that. he's honoring those who he identifies with he is honoring himself
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the harry-as-one-of-the-girls gifs are mine <3
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mariaashby64 · 2 years
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Since my last Written in Red meme post got unexpectedly popular, I decided to make some Murder of Crows memes too.
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kuroopaisen · 3 years
impulse | fushiguro megumi
➵ megumi can't hold it in anymore. gn!reader. 1.4k
Megumi’s tense. He always is, around you.
Although, he usually doesn’t feel like his heart is about to hammer its way out of his chest at any given moment. No, that’s reserved for when you’re touching him.
And you’re doing just that, sat together in the alarmingly muggy infirmary as you tend to his wounds.
He’d be the first to admit that he could’ve left his last fight in better shape, but that isn’t quite how things played out. It’s a rather diverse set of injuries – some cuts on his forehead, a small gash along his chin, scratches on his knuckles, his palms, and his fingers… Typical fare.
He’d managed to clean his face before you’d come bursting into the infirmary, eyes ablaze with worry and rebuke. But you’d spared him the lecture, far too worried about the general state of him than anything else.
It’s late afternoon, and Megumi knows you should be relaxing by now. You deserve it. Instead you’re here, with him, playing nurse. The sun sets outside the window, bathing you in unfairly flattering golden light. It makes you hard to look at.
But if you notice Megumi’s apprehension, you say nothing. You’re too focused on his hands.
“You need to stop being so reckless,” you murmur, fingers brushing against his as you finish bandaging his knuckles.
Megumi grimaces. He’s not sure how, but you always seem to know when he’s been injured. Even if he’s making an active effort to keep it a secret from you – in a misguided attempt on his part to spare you the anxiety – you always find him.
And every time he tries to play his injuries off, every time he tries to tell you that he’s fine, really, it’s worse than it looks, you just glare at him with those aggravatingly expressive eyes of yours, your anger thinly veiling your heavy worry.
Today, however, his injuries don’t look too bad compared to the usual. Regardless, you worry. It makes him feel so… so…
He sighs heavily, too exhausted to even begin untangling the thoughts burning in his brain.
Your eyes are bright as you smile at him with a hint of mischief. “About to start brooding, hm?”
“No,” he grumbles.
You chuckle, your entire face lighting up with a smile. Megumi swears his heart constricts.
He doesn’t want you to worry. Every time you look at him with those sad eyes, asking him ‘what happened’, he can’t help but feel like a piece of shit. You shouldn’t be spending your time worrying about him. He doesn’t even know why you do.
“There you go,” you sigh, holding his hand with both of yours as you inspect your handiwork. Your hands feel so soft against his fingertips, warm yet not overwhelming. The thought of them obscures anything more logical.
“Thank you,” Megumi swallows, drawing his hand out of yours a little too hastily. He turns his hand over to admire your work. As usual, you’ve done an excellent job at wrapping his wounds. Firm, but not so tight it’ll disrupt blood flow.
“You don’t have to do this,” he sighs, flexing his fingers. They’re still a bit stiff, but they’re better than they were a couple of hours ago.
“I know,” you hum nonchalantly, tilting your head at him. “You need to stop saying that.”
Megumi resists the urge to flare his nostrils like a bull in some matador show. He feels like you’re always doing this for him; he’s not as reckless as Itadori, but he knows he’s still too blasé for your liking.
But that’s just how you are.
Soft. Gentle. Too kind for your own good.
Certainly not cut out for this world of violence.
Megumi’s eyes darken at the thought. He can’t help but wonder if it weren’t for him, for Itadori, for Kugisaki, then maybe you’d walk away. Maybe you’d be free from this grim waking nightmare. Maybe you could live as a normal teenager, worried about average adolescent things and crying over inane little dramas.
No fighting. No suffering. No death. That’s the life you deserve.
“Hey,” you murmur, eyes downcast as you fiddle with the hem of your jacket. “I… I don’t want to make assumptions or anything, but… if you’re worried about being a burden, you’re not.”
Megumi’s breath catches in his throat and his eyes widen.
“I-I mean, burden might be the wrong word, but…” You bumble, gaze firmly affixed to your own lap. “I just mean that sometimes you… you seem to feel… guilty, and I don’t want you to.”
Megumi swallows roughly, unable to take his eyes off your face. You look so… reticent. Like you’re afraid of saying something you’ll regret. How can he say that he doesn’t want you to be careful?
“I…” You break the tension with a sound almost no louder than a whisper. “I care about you,” you mumble, twiddling your thumbs in your lap.
It’s not unusual for you to get Megumi’s heart racing. Sometimes a smile from you is enough to make his pulse quicken.
You’re cute, yes, but Megumi knows it runs a little deeper than that.
And sometimes – just sometimes – he lets himself hope. In moments like this, where you can’t quite seem to look at him, voice quiet and eyes sparkling, looking so innocent and earnest.
He doesn’t know what to say. What to do. He wants to say it back – he certainly cares about you, too. More than he’s comfortable admitting.
But he can’t just leave you hanging like this, letting your quiet little confession melt into the wooden walls of the infirmary.
You swallow awkwardly, fumbling around with your equipment. “Let’s do your forehead.”
He’s struck breathless as you lean in, fingers brushing against his forehead lightly as you inspect the damage. You’re close – alarmingly close, so close he can feel your breath against his nose, so close he can smell the faint sweet scent of your shampoo – and Megumi can’t take it anymore.
Fuck it, he thinks.
A large, bandaged hand cups your cheek and the next thing you know is that his lips are on yours, warm and soft and insistent.
You let out a quiet gasp and Megumi worries he made the wrong move.
But you lean into him, placing a hand on his knee to stabilise yourself. Your lips are so soft. Somehow softer than he’d imagined. There’s the faintest taste of your vanilla lip balm; that, perhaps, is what makes Megumi realise this is real. This is happening.
He’s kissing you, and you’re kissing him back. Neither of you know what you’re doing, fumbling awkwardly through it, but Megumi doesn’t care. He’s so lightheaded that he’s dizzy, and he’s forgotten how to breathe (and he doesn’t even know if he wants to).
But if he doesn’t breathe he’ll pass out, and that’ll just make you fret.
He pulls back reluctantly, his breath ghosting your lips as his face lingers close to yours for a second longer.
“Was that… too much?” He swallows, eyes more intense than usual as he finds the courage to meet your startled gaze.
Your own eyes are wide, but they’re sparkling. It’s a look Megumi knows well – one he’s silently vowed to protect. You’re happy. No, that’s too plain of a word. You’re… joyful. Thrilled. Something of that ilk.
“No,” you smile, shaking your head ever so slightly, “I… I liked it.”
Such a simple sentence, yet such an avalanche of emotion within them. He may not be the best at reading people, but even Megumi can glean what you really mean.
Megumi considers, for a moment, that this might be a dream. That there’s no way he’d kiss you on impulse and that you’d kiss back, and that you’d like it. That you’d tell him you like it. That you’d smile like this.
But he feels alive. And it’s the first time in a while that he realises he doesn’t need to be in the thick of battle to feel this way.
“We…” He swallows once more, brows drawn together as he searches desperately for the courage to continue on. “We could… keep doing it. If you’d like.”
It’s such a stupid question, so teenage, and yet you respond with such earnest sincerity that Megumi’s heart aches.
Your entire face lights up, and perhaps it’s the most humbling thing that’s happened to him today.
Once again, your words are simple, but strong enough to move a tsunami. “I’d like that.”
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pastelpaperplanes · 3 years
I'm more curious how Crusade is going to interact with their aunt Road Rage. I'd doubt RR is going to have a good reaction when she gets to know that her twin screwed with the con leader and got a kid too boot from it.
well, I mean she already (as lovingly as possible) beat her bother’s ass after disappearing for 50 years w no updates—all the way up until he showed up Cybertron with all of Decepticon high command in tow. 
Now to learn that somewhere in between that time he managed to get lucky with their sworn enemy?? There’d be pride for a fleeting second. Her shy little bookworm of a bro has some NERVE. Optimus may be the Magnus now but that will not stop her for a second from yanking him by his finials to get a serious talking to about SAFTEY and his lack BRAINS and self control.
Yes,,Megs is a charmer in both voice, mind, and looks, that’s why he’s dangerous—now a kid between the two of them she could only imagine would either be able to single handedly save, or take over the universe, ofc she had to meet them.
Crusade proved to be the best qualities and more of their two fathers, that and even with their more than impressive skills on the field, deep down they’re just a real sweetheart my who much like their Sire—doesn’t know how to let lose or know much about what fun is.
Mandatory sparring matches and arm wrestles w Auntie, a severe humbling is non negotiable and for ONCE—Crusade has an Autobot they know they know they don’t have to hold back with
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Also bc I can’t get the blessed image out of my head:
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Galea and Maverick get to fulfill more Gam-Gam duties
Bottomless Grandma candies
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stellarwaffles · 2 years
Hiiii Stellar, If you still take drawing requests, can I request Lester and Meg? I love them in your style. 🥺 -Ukelele-boy
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I do still take drawing requests!
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alicespieszecki · 2 years
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20cm · 2 years
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♡ megbias highlight reel — heart boys, if you will . for meg @slowrabbitpd , happy birthday . ♡
#caleb.gif#i could tag all these guys but honestly this is For meg <3 :') its rly not fandom related its just going to be posted on tumblr dot com#( if anyones curious tho: changkyun + yeonjun + kang daniel / kihyun + junhyeok + taehyun / seungyeop + steve + romin )#meg!! happy birthday bestie 💕#really i hope you have an absolutely wonderful day ahead of you and are able to enjoy it w/ your People whoever they may be#and that you get to treat yourself to something fun <3 and have a wonderful meal 💖#spiritually i am making you egg on rice right now.. or go out for kbbq or w/e u kno..#truly its been an absolute pleasure to have met you and become friends outside just being mutuals on tumblr#youre such a fun and warm and funny person whos just . smart as a whip and have a killer sense of design and general eye#ur an absolute joy to talk to nd i cherish all the roller coasters we've been on together since last year .. theres no one else id rather -#be SO so normal with <3 u just Get it. and i appreciate that more than i could put into words. i love all our shared megrook bias boys +#biases in law? is that what we can call it. anyways. megbiases are treasured <3 so i wanted to include them in a little something#all for you <3 including some very special sky pics !! bc u sent them to me a while ago and i treasured them!! so. have some megbias boys#peeking into ur photos. thats the concept yup fkgjkjdgf idk i just had an idea of sort of .. flipping thru photos here.#anyways. love u bestie! very much. sending u big warm hugs#we are the [deep breath]#taejunist high school yearbook editor freshman orientation leader magic and hiyyih defense squadists kep1er detectives#the boyz gatekeepers woojinist dailytaehyun and soobinsource admin team •_• (witnesses of the horrors) + peer review service#^ that gets longer EVERY time. lmfao 💕#ill shut up now but <3 just thank u for being here and being u. i admire u and cherish our friendship + thank u for ur endless patience#bc ik the last few months i was sorta awol but u never once made me feel bad for it and its that sort of level of Comfortable that means -#the world to me<3 so im glad i have tht w/ u <3#MWAH ok [posts]
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the-royalscientists · 2 years
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dinaur · 2 years
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content creator before/ after tag!
thank you to the lovely and talented @slowrabbitpd and @husbandcheol for tagging me !! <3 i love your gifs so much mwah
as you all know i'm literally like .. a less than one month old cc so i'm definitely not the best when it comes to colouring yet !! i pretty much just have my default adjustment layers that i use every time to sharpen + make the gifs look more vibrant, but i don't mess around with drastic colouring changes too much yet. i'm still practicing !! i like making gifs that are crisp and bright and just reflect the natural colours in the videos while making them less washed out and pale
anyways i think most ccs i follow have done this already but i'm still gonna tag some of my lovely cc friends just in case: @97choi @racha @hueningkai @dokyeomblr @woosansang @applejongho - sorry if you've done it already <3
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lunetual · 2 years
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cc before & after tag game !!
hi everyone !! i am late to this party asldjf;alsk thank you to @dreamaze @dongkwan (WELCOME BACK FROM THE SHADOWBAN MARE!) @inhypen @wabisaba and @soppa for tagging me! i always like to see how my coloring continues to evolve!
i waited so long to do this that i feel like most of the mutuals have done theirs already! please consider yourself tagged if you’d like to do this (and @kwonsoon special tag for you bc i know you’re fresh in your cc era!!) and please tag me so i can see your coloring !! <3
so although i have never once in my life reused a psd across different videos (i find it a LOT easier to color from scratch), i do compulsively save psds for every set i make just on the off chance i might need them again. (i won’t.)
i am the world’s biggest camera raw filter advocate as some of you know, and i also make plenty of use of curves / levels / exposure / selective colour adjustment layers! my natural style is usually to bring my black point to a pretty dark black and eliminate any green overtones. as far as white balance goes, i like to stay as close as natural as i can. i usually tend more towards blues and teals than emphasizing purple and i actively try to neutralize magentas! (sometimes for changkyun i will lean into purple bc i love him.) i also add a grain texture of varying degrees to all of my gifs. everything i do is 100% in ps, i don’t use vs or topaz or anything!
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alazic02 · 4 years
in February @megatraven​ and I were talking about ML Team nonsense shenanigans so I drew this
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and @buggachat​ was kind enough to make it a reality
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he is making a fountain and Ladybug is holding the camera
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fcntasmas-archive · 2 years
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the-maidofmischief · 2 years
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tagged: by the lovely @lexihoward (💚)
tagging: @simuran @alecmagnuslwb @dasakuryo @probiepanikkar @arretoskore @ginnxtonic @poisonousquinzel @tudorgirl @knifelesbianjo @seik-o and whoever wants to do this! (no pressure if you don’t want to ^^) 
rules: to choose 4 characters that match my energy.
Misa Amane - Death Note
Harley Quinn - DC universe
Catra - She Ra and The Princesses of Power
Mazikeen Smith - Lucifer
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