#thanks leta
someonewhogotanaccount · 11 months
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REMEMBER THEM??? WELL TODAY I SAW THEM NOT HIDING FOR THE FIRST TIME (i think cause the ground's wet cause it rained)
Awwww I just wanna take and cuddle them! And mess with their fur because I love it to annoy cats hehehe.
Thank you for these wonderful cat pictures, now I‘ll probably heal faster. Though I can tell you that cats don‘t help you to rest, every time you want to sleep they‘ll go into the MEOW-I‘M-DYING-GIMME-FOOD-mode (you can tell, I‘m tired).
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c-rberus · 4 months
Idk if I'm going to get a tattoo yet, but hypothetically, could I donate money to your ko-fi to fairly compensate you for your art and get it as a tattoo, and if so, how much would that be?
Full respect if that is not something you want though.
hi there! presumably you're asking about a formline work, in which case i think i'll say no at this time; just haven't given it much thought and don't feel confident in pricing or protocol surrounding that. i have and will do custom formline to be tattooed (based on juneau-based tattoo artist david lang's philosophy, which is that pteex/clan animals like ravens & eagles are a no for outsiders but others are okay), so i could design (maybe in a simpler or smaller way for the sake of cost) something inspired by something i've already done, for you or anyone else interested
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dreaming-in-daylight · 3 months
Idk when you’ll see this, if you see it at all that is, but, happy birthday Leta <33
this made me cry :D
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a-wayfairing-stranger · 4 months
𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗶 Leta
Does your oc's name/design mean anything?
Uhhh....her name? No, I just liked it.
Her design? Yes definitely, her shaved head represents her loss of identity after she's arrested and forced to become a soldier, the Aquila on her throat represents that the imperium will kill her, just not in a clean way like a noose, but in a way of being another faceless body on some forgotten planet.
Her clothes never fit her, to show that she's out of place among the Tanith.
As she gets more comfortable with herself, her situation and her relationships her hair grows out a little bit more, only for her to realise she actually prefers it shaved, something something growing.
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yourtwistedlies · 10 months
hey valll
leta said that she doesn't have access to her pinterest account so you can't message her :)
oh okay!! thanks for asking for me !! tell her i said hi 💗💗
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druidgroves · 2 years
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tagged by @lavampira to make some ocs in this ugly winter sweater maker & i decided to make my dragon age girlies :)
kattrin amell (dao) / allison hawke (da2) / leta mahariel (dao)
tagging: @anoras @girlbosselrond @jennystahl @narshadda @malefiicarum & you !
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sith-as-heck · 11 months
⌨️ for a fic of your choice
Since I haven't written for Star Wars in ages, have a sentence from Pawns of war which is the latest in my Leta Middenlocke Series which is warhammer so reader discretion advised, its a dark universe (also smut, so much smut for my girl lmao)
(also time to promote my warhammer sideblog @a-wayfairing-stranger)
(its also got Sharpe and LOTR and GOT okay here's the sentence now.)
She watched Gaunt, still unmoving, as if made of stone, she wondered what he was dreaming about in his drug induced state.
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xoteajays · 2 years
what are all your mcu rw ocs powers? how’d they get them? they all got hero names?
aaaaaaaaaa yessssss power discussions
starting with ava because she’s my dearest. her hero alias is sundrian (the root origin of ‘sunder’, as in ‘torn asunder’. take that as you will). she’s an advanced telekinetic and a potential omega-level mutant. she was briefly studied by xavier to explore the extent of her powers, but they never reached a conclusion because ava left the school. additionally and bouncing off her telekinesis, she has radar detection and temporary telekinetic enhancements. she can ‘fly’, but it’s more like just telekinetically lifting herself as opposed to actual flight.
next up, mar. she’s s.h.i.e.l.d’s only successful supersoldier, but that’s only because peggy shut down the experiment and mar managed to convince her to let mar continue with it. mar had an untreatable tumour which pushed her towards the experiment. she’s got all the classic supersoldier enhancements in strength, agility, etc. she was given the alias ‘liberty’ by s.h.i.e.l.d since she was supposed to fill a captain-america-shaped hole, but she later goes by maverick.
third from the intro post, ilena! she’s the daughter of hecate and has always been deeply entrenched in the mystic world. imagine her surprise when she has very little classically witchcraftian power. her abilities instead lean to hecate’s other factors: fear illusion, canine transformation, moonlight empowerment, ghost-speaking, levitation, minor umbrakinesis, teleportation via summoning. she doesn’t have a classic hero name since she doesn’t consider herself a hero, instead she has a few aliases due to her infamy, including but not limited to: the moonstone, the queen of the crossroads, hecatechild.
first of the new babes, sasha esau. her alias is arcane. she’s a sorceress a la wong/doctor strange/etc and has been studying at kamar taj for a while since her heart transplant surgery. as such, she’s got all their mystic powers: eldritch magic; tao mandalas, astral projection, telekinesis, enchantment, conjuration. also her sling ring is a big part of her plot.
finally, leta, miss letty baby. leta shivers aka doctor shivers, who constantly cringes over the ‘villiany’-ness of her title. she’s a s.h.i.e.l.d doctor who also works closely with helen cho. most are unsuspecting of her and assume she’s simply human; but that may not be the case. i haven’t decided if she’s a low-ranking mutant or psychic or a little bit mystic herself, but she is clairaudient. she can hear things from the past and future and sometimes has difficulty knowing which she’s hearing. you can imagine how bad of a time she has in wakanda while the thanos battle is going on, that up-coming snap ringing in her ears.
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itscherrylipsforme · 7 months
When were you planning to tell us?: Theseus Scamander x fem!reader
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Summary: During their wedding your recently married friends can't stop asking questions about your "mysterious" husband. Little they know he is the same man who has been flirting with you during all the ceremony
Warnings: Drinking a little, I guess? But nothing else except that Jacob and Queenie being unaware of the world around them; Leta and Theseus ot being able to hide their chuckles; and Dumbledore being a funny smartass. Takes place after Dumbledore's secrets and in Au where Leta doesn't die and she wasn't enganged with Thesesus
Requested: yes
Words: Around 1130
Author rambles: This is kind of inspired in a wedding I attended a couple of years ago and the situation fitted quite well with the request
Masterlist Characters I write for
Likes and reblogs are appreciated ღ
I do not authorize any of my works to be copied, translated or plagiarized ✗
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Bright smiles, sparky eyes and some tears of pure happiness, that was a quick and accurate way to describe most weddings. Jacob’s and Queenie’s was not an exception to this. A small and intimate ceremony on the bakery, only family and friends attending, perfect for the couple union. While the bride and the groom, now wife and husband, were looking at each other with love-dove eyes, you and the rest of the guests were enjoying the sight.
“She looks beautiful today, even more that normally” You whispered to Theseus who was by your side leaning in the desserts table.
“I still believe you were prettier in your wedding” He replied a small grin playing on his lips.
“You are a charmer with words, Theseus Scamander” Your hands slowly moved to take two glasses of champagne, handing one of them to your companion.
“Only because you deserve it, darling” He took a quick sip of the pinkish beverage, which had been Queenie’s idea.
You would have scolded him for his smarmy antics if it wasn’t for your nosy friends who had been half-listening to your talk. Yeah, a small bakery was definitely not the best place to hold a private conversation. It wasn’t long until Mr and Mrs Kowalski came to your way with a mixture of curiosity and surprise.
“y/n you never told us you had been married, honey” Queenie sweet voice echoed in your ears. The realization hit you, you had been caught.
“Actually, I still am” Thesus couldn’t help but chuckle at your words.
“And who is the lucky man?” Jacob managed to speak while taking a bite from the nuptial cake “Do we know him?”
Theseus cheeks were starting to tint in a similar tone to his hair. You wondered how an auror like him, who has supposed to be calm and stern in every situation, couldn’t stop that grin from spreading on his face right now. Luckily for the two of you, Leta Lestrange, your best friend since your Hogwarts years (your guardian angel as you should call her from now on), appeared on the scene.
“What is the fuss for?” she joined the group and thanks to her endearing smile and her ability to put the focus on herself in every situation, you could enjoy a few seconds to think what would you say next. You were so relived thanks to her entry that you didn’t even get annoyed when she playfully stole your glass of champagne.
“y/n has just told us that she is married” The bride explained enthusiastically.
“Ohh…” Great, the last thing you needed right now was another person who couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. Surprisingly, she decided to play along. After all a little fun never hurt anyone “Of course she is, I was the bridesmaid”
“Leta…” You tried to interrupt her in order to finally reveal the truth.
“Wonderful!” Queenie clapped “So you can tell us more about that mysterious husband of hers”
“Yeah y/n, you never told us anything about him” Theseus took a sip of his drink and still he couldn’t hide his smirk.
Oh, he made a big mistake… Never play games with a girl who can play them better, Scamander. You should remind him that later.
“Well, he is the perfect gentleman. Sweet, chivalrous, caring…” You dreamingly looked at the celling “But also a little bossy, stubborn, touchy too. And he always overworks himself with his job to the point its annoying” Your audience was expectant to hear more about it. Theseus tried his best not to look slightly offended while Leta patted his back.
“But you love him, don’t you?” The older Scamander brother asked, his eyes shinning hopefully. One of the many things that made you fall for him since the first day.
“With every piece of my heart” Your gaze was locked in his.
That intimate moment which had somehow grown in a room full of people faded a wide the instance the door’s bell rang, announcing Tina’s and Newt’s arrival in the bakery. God knew what they had been talking about while the rest of you were enjoying the desserts.
“Guys, you will never guess what happened” Jacob said as soon as they came to his sight.
“Y/n is married!” Queenie announced as the sweet gossiper she was.
The young magizoologist’s eyes travelled back and forwards from yours and his brother’s face, clearly confused. The elder Goldstein sister just looked unaware, waiting for an explanation.
“Of course, she is” Newt finally broke the silence “I was the best man”
“You too?” Jacob said surprised “Are we the last ones to discover this?”
“I didn’t know until today either, Mr Kowalski. Although I have been having my suspicions since you two were students. You have never been good at hiding your feelings, Miss l/n”
Dumbledore laughed from the other side of the room where he was leaning on the wall absent-mindedly eating his piece of cake. A privileged position which he took advantage of to listen to the whole discussion.
“Or should I say Mrs Scamander now? Congrats anyway, thanks to your marriage Professor McGonagall owes me ten galleons now” Gasps of shock echoed between the bakery’s walls.
Your husband made himself comfortable, his hands now proudly around your waist in a gentle grip.
“Thanks Professor” he replied.
“When did you make it official if I can ask?”
“Just after he returned from the war. We wanted to keep it simple, Newt and Leta were the only guests” You softly squeezed your husbands hand.
“And when were you planning to tell us?”
“Jacob, sweetie, focus on what is important” His wife corrected him “Why didn’t you tell us?”
You two shrugged the question off. Being honest, you had never truly hidden your union, not intentionally at least. Theseus did not wear his ring on his finger, but in a necklace around his neck. Too afraid that he would lose it in a mission due to his work as an auror; so you decided to do the same. He didn’t keep the gesture of love low-key either. Always calling you pet names or protectively staying by your side. But it was true he did the same for Leta and his brother, and that kisses were always reserved for closed doors for unknown reasons. With those reasons, it was understandable that your friends hadn’t realized sooner you were in fact married. They just took you for an old friend duo. How wrong they were, but as no correction had been said before by either of you they were still ignorant of the fact.
As they say: “Actions speak louder than words” and that was exactly what your husband did. Arms tangled around your hip and lips that were leaning for a kiss which ended up in a resounding applause. In the next years you would receive endless teasing for it, but enjoying the moment you couldn’t care any less about it.
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fanaticsnail · 9 months
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Chapter 2
Masterlist here, Moodboard here.
Sapsorrow Masterlist
Word count: 6,229
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A massive "thank you" to @since-im-already-here for beta-reading for me (considering we're in the same bloody house). Couldn't have done it without you or your tunes.
Song accompaniment: Leta's Theme
Themes: enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, forced proximity, lord and subordinate, one bed trope, apprehension, mutual pining, obligation, slow burn, eventual love, protective, "where is my wife" trope.
Slow-slow-slow burn.
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“Is this necessary?” the moss-haired sword trainee growled through clenched teeth at you. Clicking your tongue in your reprimand, you tapped the top of his left knuckles with a corrective stroke; your small conducting baton meeting with a gentle rap to kiss the back of his knuckles.
“Not only is it completely necessary, trainee,” you chastised him, dragging the baton over the back of his wrist and down his forearm as you circled behind him, “it is essential to your mastery of the art of gentlemanly correspondences.” Perona giggled, continuing to have her left hand firmly affixed to Zoro’s right shoulder, her right clasped within Zoro’s now correctively postured left hand.
“I’m no gentleman,” Zoro grunted in a harsh tone, his shoulders slouching away from the posture you just placed him in.
“A statement to which I agree with to its complete absolution,” you quipped, your tongue finding residence on the roof of your mouth. Pursing your lips, you tapped the baton in a sensitive spot beneath his armpits, prompting him again to rise to a perfect waltz position. Your pink-haired debutant was a natural when it came to attuning to your instruction, relishing in the fact she had another woman in Castle Kuraigana to converse with. However, her teasing of the green-haired trainee was becoming quite the issue to befall to you.
After the events that transpired within the ornate halls of the treasury, not a word was spoken by the three of you regarding the happenstances of your unwilling betrothal to the World’s Greatest Swordsman; nor was any utterance mentioned by the members of staff within the household. It had been two weeks from the day you entered the gloomy castle, finding awe within each of the rooms you ventured to. Perona had finished your tour of the many array of fine rooms, concluding your tour with a wing lord Dracule Mihawk had kindly provided to you.
Your wing of Castle Kuraigana was, for lack of a better word, beautiful. There was no other word you could find to describe such lavish and decorative elements throughout the room. From the curtains handing from the tall archways leading outwards to the pillars of an open balcony, the perimeter decorated with vines of green thorns and clusters of blooming white roses; to the variety of sitting areas and lounging spaces for you to move furniture to better suit your liking.
The one element you had appreciated the most was the change of the fresh floral centrepiece atop your personal dining table. In the fourteen days you had been under the lordship of Dracule Mihawk, each day had a rotation of bouquets so magnificent in ornamentation and fragrant you were rendered speechless under each presentation.
At first, you deduced the rotation of flowers was customary in each of the rooms with guests occupying their space. As you continued to meet with Perona in her wing to adjust fabrics atop her bodice or train her in language and music, you noticed the absence of magnificent bouquets showcased atop her table. In their stead, you found smaller clusters of pink roses rotating to maintain their freshness.
“Perona,” you sharply broke through the room with your reprimand, prompting her to stifle another giggle within her throat as Zoro again let out an agitated breath through his teeth, “Refrain from taunting Zoro further.” Perona nodded furiously, prompting you to roll your eyes and rotate your shoulders back to relieve yourself from a small amount of frustration.
“What did we talk about?” you drew out in a low and sharp tone, Perona rising in her posture as she continued to remain held in Zoro’s rigid arms.
“Yes, my lady,” she squeaked from behind her lips, her back arching up to bring her shoulders square with Zoro’s.
“Well done, debutant. And trainee?” you turned to Zoro, halting your stalking around their clutched perimeter. He rolled his head to lull at his side, glaring at you through his lowered eyelashes.
“Yes, my lady?” he spat in a sarcastic tone at you. Rather than to chastise him for his lack of manner, you instead reached your right hand up and offered him a gentle squeeze of his left shoulder.
“Your stance is perfect. Well done,” you complimented him with a wide smile, relinquishing your hold on his shoulder and turning towards the gramophone. Zoro’s face held a moment of perplexed silence, his eyes widening as he snapped his head back up from it’s lulled position and following your trail with his eyes.
“Th-Thank you, my lady,” he stuttered, Perona halting another giggle from exiting her lips and instead choosing to beam in pride up at her fellow pupil. Allowing your fingertips to graze along the small spindle to place the needle atop a record, you wound the box and the gramophone sprung to life; painting the room with music.
“Now, the counts,” you spoke, turning to face your two pupils once more, “hear the music. Feel the rhythm. One-two-three, one-two-three.” You waved the baton within the air, gesturing along to the beat of the music. Perona immediately began stepping in time to the melody, dragging Zoro within her arms. He stumbled in his stance, brows lowered in confusion and a gasp relinquishing in a hiss through his lips.
“No, no, Perona,” you shut your eyes, folding your arms back over your chest and clicked your tongue at her, “you let him lead you.”
“But he doesn’t know how-,” she began, halting as her eyes met with your stern gaze.
“-That’s precisely why we’re practicing, Perona,” you slowly spoke your command to her, chastising her as if she were one of your younger debutants; your tone almost singing with its melodical augmentation.
She huffed a frustrated sigh, again reaching her arms up and gesturing to Zoro to, again, reclaim her body with his waltzing stance. He lets out a small huff of his own, drawing up his arms to assume the positions he held her in prior. You smiled at him, noticing he managed to replicate his stance perfectly. Stepping closer to him, you placed your left hand over the back of his left knuckles as he clutched Perona’s right hand within his broad palm. Placing your right hand against his waist, you felt the young swordsman tense beneath your hands.
“Okay, Zoro,” you uttered into his pierced ear, shooting another tingle up his spine with your proximity to him. Opting to ignore his tense, you uttered further instruction onto him, “step forward with your right foot.”
As he stepped forward, you stepped your own foot to where his right foot was formerly placed; his action prompting Perona to step backwards onto her left foot.
“Wonderful, trainee,” you praised him, an action that almost rose a blush to his cheeks. You shook your head, mentally noting to yourself that praise and words of affirmation seem to have a hold over the green-haired swordsman. You squeezed his wrist, urging him to move with another verbal command.
“Small step to the side with your left foot,” he followed your command immediately, you placing your own left foot behind his. Perona managed to follow the small step completely. Although you were dancing a lot slower than the music was directing you, you took the small victory as you gave a final command to the tall trainee.
“Now meet your left foot by drawing your right beside it,” you squeezed the side of his waist, Zoro’s breath hitching in his throat at the small corrective gesture. He followed your command, prompting both you and Perona to glide with him.
“Perfect, Zoro. You’re doing splendidly,” you praised him again, this time Zoro unable to halt the steady red-tint from littering his cheeks with its hue. Perona looked up at Zoro’s cheeks and immediately smirked at his expression, Zoro clenching his teeth shut with a tight, clamped position.
“Now,” you addressed your pupils with a low, firm command, “let’s do it again, this time a little faster.” Zoro immediately began gliding the room with his steps, counting out to the music in his head while bowing his head. Focussing on his feet, stepping large strides with his right foot and joining his left to meet it while tapping the right foot against it on the third beat; he began slowly learning how to balance leading Perona throughout the wide room.
The three of you remained ignorant to the pair of yellow-hued eyes following your interaction as he lay hidden within the cascading shadow against the wall. As much as you were all unaware of his form’s current location, you were even more so ignorant of a small smile threatening to break through onto his cheeks as he watched you all dance together.
You smiled, still holding yourself firmly clasped against Zoro’s waist and wrist, gliding with him as he lead both you and Perona in a waltz.
“Look up,” you corrected him, relinquishing your hold on Zoro’s waist and finding Perona’s left hand. You corrected her hold on his shoulder, moving her position from a clawed shape to relax against his shoulder instead, “keep your hand like this. You’re not clinging onto him for dear life, you are dancing with him.”
“Yes, my lady,” they both affirmed your instruction. Relinquishing your hold all together on them, you stepped away and watched Zoro lead Perona throughout the beautiful, yet gloomy, room. The melody began to swell, the young swordsman continuing to swirl Perona throughout the room with his three-counted rhythm.
“As much as I would desire to instruct you to twirl,” you spoke up, your voice elevating over the music as their bodied moved further from you, “I only get to have the both of you for a short amount of time together per week.” They continued stepping throughout the perimeter, Zoro becoming more confident by the second while Perona relaxed into his guidance.
“We may make a gentleman out of you yet, Zoro,” you smiled in your tone, the music slowly crescendoing downwards in its tempo, indicating the piece was drawing to a close. Zoro grunted in response, both falling stagnant in their movements as the piece ended while still remaining held within the arms of one another.
As the wheel of the record began to scratch against the needle of the gramophone, the tap of calculated footsteps echoed throughout the room to indicate the stalking approach of the former warlord of the seas. You fell your own steps away from the approaching footsteps to remove the spindle from its scratching contact with the record, clicking the small button to halt the rotation in the process.
“Perona,” the smooth voice you assumed the footsteps would carry addressed his ward, followed by another call, “Zoro.”
“Yes, lord Mihawk?” Perona’s small voice squeaked up, prompting you to slightly look over your shoulder at them while holding firm to your back turned to the instructions they were receiving from their lord.
“Both attend to your personal tasks for the day. You’re excused,” he ordered, a sigh of relief falling from Zoro’s lips as he relinquished his rigid hold against Perona’s body.
“They are not done with their joint instruction,” you sharply called over your shoulder at the lord you served under. Continuing to pack up the disc of melody within its container, you heard the halted steps of the two young wards as they attempted to flee from your command.
“They have done enough for today,” Mihawk firmly stood his ground, his voice unwavering in his intimidation. Breathing a low and steady breath through your nose, you nodded your head in response before turning around to view the three high members of Castle Kuraigana.
“Apologies, my lord,” you bowed in a low curtsey at Mihawk, nodding your head down in submission to him, “you know what is best for your wards.” You rose from your deep curtsey, watching Perona shoot you a winced expression with her teeth clamped in a straight smile before turning and skipping out of the ballroom with haste. Zoro halted his dismissal from the ornate ballroom, turning to face both you and Mihawk again while folding his arms across his chest.
“Off you pop, Eyas,” Mihawk commanded the tall, green-haired swordsman beside him. He grunted at the nickname bestowed onto him, lips curling in a small snarl.
“And leave the two betrothed unchaperoned?” Zoro taunted in return, stepping closer to Mihawk with his unchallenging posture, “that would not be very gentlemanly, would it, Governess?” Sensing a small rise of tension between the two men beginning to become tangibly thick within the air, you turned to Zoro first and held out your palm to halt his challenge further.
“Thank you for taking your traineeship so seriously, young gentleman Zoro,” you complimented him, prompting him again to find himself off-guard by your compliments, “but this is not a courtship visit. This is simply a subordinate meeting with their lord for an exchange of relatively boring information.” You turned to lord Mihawk and removed your palm from its halting position and gestured over to him with a small, dance-like flourish.
“Unfortunately, governess,” Mihawk clicked his neck under the tension, relieving a small amount of pressure with its rotation, “this is a courtship call.”
“O-Oh,” you stuttered out a little, prompting a cocky smirk to raise against the lips of the moss-haired trainee beside him. Before Zoro could get a word out in challenging the lord of Kuraigana, you immediately swept your way towards the former warlord.
“If we are to discuss courtship,” you uttered through your clenched teeth with a small air of annoyance, “perhaps we could promenade the grounds. I am yet to explore the garden, and I am sure your staff are tending to the flowers at this time of day.”
Zoro again parted his lips and began to attempt a hasty remark, halting as Mihawk spoke up to your challenge.
“I have had tea drawn and prepared on the east-wing balcony,” Mihawk quipped, turning to the young green-haired trainee, “and if you should desire to escort your governess to the balcony, do so in silence, Nestling.”
Another grunt fell from Zoro’s lips at the challenge, prompting you to immediately draw yourself closer to the three-sword wielder and apprehensively lace your right arm within the crook of his left elbow. Both gentleman’s eyes snapped to you at this action, Zoro’s eyes widening in shock while Mihawk’s narrowed with an unreadable emotion.
“Thank you for volunteering your services, Zoro,” you uttered, tugging in a firm but discrete manner against his toned forearm to prompt him to escort you from the ballroom, “I will meet with you in the east-wing, my lord.” You curtseyed low to him, tugging Zoro down to bow at his master in tow.
“Governess,” he nodded in acknowledgement at you before turning to the man laced within your arm, “hatchling.”
“My lord,” you again spoke in your rise, turning Zoro away from the intimidating form of your apprehensively procured fiancé. Zoro immediately fell in time to your hasted pace in exiting the ballroom.
“We need to work on your tact, trainee,” you hissed at him in reprimand, prompting his frown to plaster itself against his brow, “and here I thought you were making some progress in our fortnight together.”
“Me? Progress?” Zoro quirked back, stooping down to bring his smirking face closer to you, “never.”
You hummed in response, allowing a small laugh to fall from your lips at his words. Internally, you were absolutely praising Zoro’s ability to shepherd you away from the intimidating aura of your betrothed. This was the first time he had called on you in that manner, never breaking away from professionalism in addressing you. He had barely spoken a word to you in the fourteen days you had been under his instruction.
Zoro continued to silently lead you throughout the halls, the section of the castle remaining partially foreign to you. You had chosen not to venture too far into the mysterious rooms within the beautifully crafted building, learning from your prior mistake with placing the golden circlet of moss-agate ring against your wedding finger.
At the thought, you looked to your hand at its position atop your laced right arm within Zoro’s left. You allowed a small sigh to depart from your parted lips, your brows pinching triangularly above your eyes.
“Something the matter, my lady?” Zoro’s voice apprehensively addressed you, a foreign softness indicated in his tone. Breathing out a small withheld breath you didn’t know you were carrying, you allowed a dance of vulnerability to eclipse your face.
“I never wanted this for myself, Zoro,” you uttered softly. You took the corners of your bottom lip between your teeth to halt any further emotion from pouring from your lips as you spoke to him, “Marriage, courtship: it was never a desire I held. Especially not so to someone as elevated in social status as a former warlord with the current title of world’s greatest swordsman.”
He hummed softly as he listened to you speak. Both of your footsteps halted in front of the east-wing balcony, a few members of staff continued to prepare several plates of afternoon high-tea in towered platters atop the external tables with floral centrepieces littering the room with their majestic arrangements. You breathed slowly in through your nose and held the breath tightly within your chest as you made visual contact with the staff.
Zoro unlaced his left arm from your right and chose to elevate both of his hands to grasp yours within his palms, prompting you to turn your gaze to look into his hazelnut-coloured eyes.
“And what did you want, my lady?” he whispered, keeping his eyes fixed to yours as he searched for your answer before you spoke it. Withdrawing your breath from your chest slowly, you danced your gaze between his and allowed for one more moment of vulnerability to display itself upon your face.
“I wanted a life that was mine,” you uttered slowly, watching puzzlement to draw upwards against the brow of the young swordsman. You squeezed his hands gently, rephrasing your sentence to him, “I wanted freedom to come and go as I desired. Nothing binding me to one place nor another, besides a timeline of a contract to train the next generation. I wanted-…,” you halted your words as you watched the shadowy silhouette of your betrothed grace the room with his aura of superiority and intimidation.
“You wanted…?” Zoro asked you, still holding your hands clutched firmly in his own. Breathing out a final sigh and firming up your posture to its former professional stance, you gently pulled your hands away from Zoro’s and dragged your right foot behind your left and bent lowly in a short bow.
“Thank you for your chaperone, young swordsman,” you spoke, rising from your stoop to once again meet his eyes with your expressionless face, “I have exposed enough vulnerability to you for today. Off you go.” The smile you offered him was forced onto your mouth, shielding your nerves from presenting them plainly on your face.
“You don’t have to hide vulnerability from me, my lady,” he whispered, leaning in towards you, “I find your honesty heroic, in some ways. I would never exploit them.” You shook your head at him, leaning yourself away from his descent and raising your palm to halt him.
“Such fine words you’ve crafted, Zoro,” you praised him, “perhaps you are making more progress as a gentleman than both of us had anticipated.” He smiled in response, nodding his head in a small bow. His golden piercings jangled at his bobbed movement, the light reflecting off all three of the droplets of gold as he rose back upwards. Straightening his shoulders, he offered a half-smile and brushed his shoulders past you as he made his exit from the balcony entrance; leaving you partially alone with your reluctant betrothed in his stead.
“My lord,” you began to lower again in a curtsey, halting your movement as Mihawk shook his head to you with his right palm raised to stop you stooping low to him.
“No,” he uttered in a low voice, his registry both firm and apprehensive to command you, “not while we’re here.” You quirked your head to the side, confused at his words but rotated your shoulders to fix your posture.
“How may I address you then, sir?” you cautiously spoke, stepping slowly towards the table. You felt the eyes of several members of staff holding their gaze upon your form as you approached the former warlord. Mihawk danced his body around and behind yours slowly, as if cautiously stalking a prey. He reached one of the chairs and slowly raked its frame away from the ornate table, gesturing for you to approach it.
“You may call me,” he took a moment to pause, watching your approach to the chair and effortlessly rotating your body to sit atop it, “my name, preferably. Unless you have another title you would bestow onto me, given the circumstances.” You nodded, allowing him to shepherd your body against the table with a gentle shove of the back of your chair.
“Very well,” you sighed out a frustrated breath you attempted to mask with your teeth. Rolling over several titles silently over your tongue, you settled on a term for you to give to him.
“’Mihawk’ seems awfully personal, don’t you think?” you asked him, turning your head with a smile to greet one of the members of staff as they poured the scorching marmalade-coloured liquid into the porcelain teacup in front of you.
“It is my name,” he confirmed with you, holding his hawk-like gaze fixed to your form. He watched intently as you whispered a gentle expression of gratitude to his staff as they completed their presentation of tea and accompaniments towards you. He almost allowed a small click of his tongue to exit his mouth in disgust at the way your perfect smile pulled at the corners of your lips, but refrained from doing so regardless.
From his rough presentation, all those present could view his intensity as a perpetual state of complete loathing. From his frown littering his brow, to his lips almost curling in its straightened position beneath his meticulously maintained moustache; he hated you. Hatred could be the only thoughts that littered his highly educated mind, loathing and malice pulling at every fibre of his being at being swindled against his will to marry someone of lesser status than him.
That is exactly what you pinned his intensity to, as you continued to balance both your examination and aloofness effortlessly in your orchestrated air of ‘blissful ignorance’ under his unwavering gaze.
But to Mihawk, it was quite the opposite. No, to Lord Dracule Mihawk: he was baring his piercing gaze against your form to draw out a small fault to your character. His laced fingers in front of his face, his elbows pressed firmly against the tablecloth and his back began to hunch over to bare a further intense examination of you. Although he was still seething in rage at the happenstances of his engagement, he could not have hoped for a more perfect match to be made for him.
He had been watching, waiting, studying. He had been accumulating information from his staff regarding your routine. He had even found himself discretely asking after you when he met with his ward for their usual instruction. He had even begun bringing you up in conversation after a sparring match with his young eyas – a chick in comparison to his mighty hawk. He had even found his thoughts floating to you while he worked hard and laborious within his vineyard; often finding himself plucking and arranging his vineyard guarding flowers to don the table on your wing daily.
Initially, he wanted you to find your welcome within his castle as an underling; a staff of hire of the highest regard; hence the first arrangement. The second arrangement came out of duty, him wanting to present a small arrangement of flowers to demonstrate his ability to grow. The third, he found himself thinking hard about your character: what he knew, what he wanted to express in gratitude at your abilities to balance Perona’s intensity in her mannerisms and needs, while managing Zoro’s abrasiveness and – for lack of a better word – “shit” and unrefined attitude.
As the four of you took the afternoon meal together, he would often catch you showering praises to the groundskeeper regarding the demonstration of the florals: informing him of your affection for the pairing of the Tokaji vine leaves amongst the pale guardian roses. The groundskeeper was silenced as he glanced over at his lord, opting to take the compliment for himself rather than to inform her it was not he that was arranging her daily gifts.
“If not my name,” he uttered, breaking himself away from his thoughts as he unlaced his fingertips and reclined slightly in his own chair, “what would you call me?” You parted your lips and breathed slowly to halt the tempo arising of your heartbeat within your chest, again opting to roll another title over your tongue.
“Would you be opposed to the title of simply: ‘betrothed’?” you recalled Zoro calling the two of you that title within the ballroom moments prior, “I would not be offended should you bestow the same title onto me, my lor-.”
“-Betrothed,” he interrupted your train of thought with his own utterance. He hissed out an angered breath, but after taking a moment to collect himself, offered a simple, “will suffice.”
Both allowing an uncomfortable pause to befall you, you both silently reached for the porcelain teacups set in front of you. You curled your right fingertips beneath the handle and drew up the liquid to your lips. Testing the temperature of the brew with your bottom lip collected at the rim, you deemed the liquid at an appropriate measure to sip at it. You closed your eyes, savouring the lemon-scented and aromatically imbued floral tea over your palate.
Although the habit was drilled out of you in your youth, if a beverage or liquid had harboured a particular fondness within your heart, you could not halt yourself from flicking your tongue in a small darted movement to collect any liquid you had spilt over the brim at your collection. Even if there was no spill to be found, this small quirk was carried with you regardless.
Mihawk’s eyes widened at this small exposure of your pink tongue exiting from your lips and darting to dampen the porcelain rim of the teacup with your eyes closed. He was transfixed by this small maneuver of your tongue; something so simple and innocent holding him hostage to the pounding of his heart.
“Well then, betrothed,” you sighed, feeling the sting of apprehension attached to your tongue as you uttered his new title to him, “why would you call on me for a courtship dalliance this day? You interrupted my lessons with your wards.” You placed the teacup back into its holding place within the saucer, lacing your fingertips within one another and placing the edge of your pinkie fingers against the tabletop.
“That I did, belove-,” he halted the title within his parted lips, wincing at his mistake before uttering his correction, “-betrothed.” You took a moment to hold your aloof and surly attitude upon your face, your gaze hyper-focussed on his face with an emotionless expression. Internally, however, you were caught completely off-guard by how easily his bestow of affectionate title fell from his lips; but chose not to tease nor address it at this moment.
“By all means, continue,” you quirked up the corner of your right lips to usher him to produce such an explanation to his interruption of your instruction of your mutual wards. You hooked your right knee over your left and fixed your shoulders upright to affirm your secured and confident posture.
“I have called you here for,” he hissed out a sigh through his nose, his shoulders almost slouching in his defeated posture, “measurements.”
“Measurements?” you quirked your brows upwards in question, watching as three women and a highly stung gentleman entered the east-wing foyer: their intensity and professionalism following them with their entrance. Mihawk nodded, raising his porcelain teacup to his lips and taking a small sip from the object.
Immediately without addressing you, two of the women bullied you into a standing position and began wrapping you with silks and satin ribbons to tighten around your waist and forearms; the other dropping to her knees to take the circumference of your knees, calves and thighs.
“Excuse me,” you hissed out in response, frowning as they continued to shove your body to suit their relative needs. You felt overwhelmed, overburdened by their instruction and having your body stumble against its will under their ministrations. As the gentleman began to hold his thumb and four-fingers perpendicular to your hips and most intimate areas, you slapped the top of his wrists with your hands in defence of your body.
“That’s quite enough, sir,” you uttered through clenched teeth at the man you just hit, watching as his eyes met yours. You had not met with such a widened intensity of the globes of two irises before, noticing the other three members circling your form had a similar air of urgency littering their faces. Your scowl deepened against your brow, watching as the women continued to tie your arms, ankles and shoulders with their bands. Your heartrate quickened, your apprehension growing in your uncertainty.
“That’s enough,” the lord of Kuraigana addressed the staff circling your body.
“My lord, we are yet to get a-,” the gentleman’s words lay stifled within his breath as Mihawk hastily strode over to collect the measuring ribbon from within his firm grasp.
Mihawk sought out your gaze with an iron-like intensity, darting his eyes between focus on each of yours to wordlessly seek your permission. Your breath again found itself caught in your throat as the read on his face was almost revealed to you. He was a man desperate, you thought to yourself. Finding yourself to have any reason or air of apprehension, you slowly elevated your arms out to the side, welcoming the former-warlord to circle the material over your waist to collect itself atop your pelvis.
“You required intricate garments, yes?” Mihawk uttered in a low tone, collecting the ribbon within a pinch of his index finger and thumb on his left hand while notating the read with his right hand collecting a quill from the gentleman below you. You were rendered speechless, not at all anticipating this be the first courtship call you experienced with the former warlord of the seas.
Opting to remain silent and holding a scowl permanently attached to your face, you almost had your air escape you as he slipped his hands upwards to your chest, relinquishing the pool of material to gather the appropriate measurement of your breasts.
“And lingerie,” he confirmed, a small smirk arising to his lips; hidden beneath his bearded chin and moustached upper lip. You relinquished your hitched breath, quirking your chin to the side and slowly clamping your eyelids shut.
“That I did, betrothed,” you spat at him, watching carefully as his amber-hued eyes once again met with your own. If your breath had not already held stifled within your chest moments prior, you felt at risk of choking entirely under the intensity of his gaze. His irises bore the intensity of a dehydrated man searching for the quench of iced water; the intensity of a man desperate for his first hot meal amongst weeks of miliary rations.
“What is wrong-,” you began your probing question towards the man tied by destiny to you.
“You have cursed my soul,” he growled in a snarled frown, “and I am now slave to your request.”
You sucked in a breath, unwilling to bare the brunt of his rage; you reached forward and claimed his wrists within your circled grasp.
“Oh, please,” you spat at him, challenging him with the angle of your chin; “I beg your pardon, my lor-.”
“Don’t,” he spat, his rage holding firm to his brow. Your eyes widened under his intense crystalline graze. Unaccustomed to receiving this form of formal reprimand, you refused to succumb beneath its foreignness.
“I meant no-,” you began again, your words this time halting as you felt the firm press of a forehead against your own. Mihawk’s eyes were closed in a harsh snap, the wrinkles of his crow’s feet laying prominent against the apples of his cheeks as he rose his right hand up to collect your jaw. All manner of professionalism left your body, your arms relinquishing their presence laying outstretched beside you and instinctively falling to the nape of the neck laid before you.
You felt his darkened locks graze against your fingertips, your eyes closing in response to this unrestrained caress. As you allowed a moment of silence to fall beneath you, the only aspect of the embrace falling between you were the elongated, shared inhale and exhale of air between your breath.
“I am trying my best, my lady,” you heard his voice utter in a tone only meant for your ears, a whimper caught within his mouth at the title, “but your demands are-,” he paused pressing further into your embrace, his body almost becoming flush with your own, “seemingly impossible.”
This was not at all what you were expecting on a Wednesday afternoon, your timetable mostly occupied with training Perona in the art of conversation and musicality scheduled for the remainder of the day. As you felt Mihawk almost give into the touch, you raked your right palm over his chest and held him away from falling further into your body. As you began to speak, you were once again hushed by his voice.
“The moon,” he winced, “the starlit sky,” his body almost seemed to cave in its stoop against your own, “the-,” you felt your own breath hitch again alongside his own, “-the sun.” His body, although holding you close and flush with his own, felt an arms-length away.
“You’re withholding something from me,” you whispered against him, noses brushing as you felt your lips unconsciously drawing towards his own.
“My business is my own, my lady-,” you chose this moment to interrupt his speech.
“-your betrothed,” you corrected him, your right arm holding firm its place against his chest. Allowing another moment of vulnerability to break through the surface of your iron-clad armament; you elaborated further.
“As your wife,” you almost winced through your expression, “I am to become privy to all that ails you.” Mihawk sucked in a shaken breath, grasping at your jaw with his firm grip, his fingertips raking at the skin of your neck.
“That may be true,” he chose to utilise one more moment joining his forehead against your own before completely pulling away from your embrace, “but you are not. Not yet, anyway.” He turned his body away from yours, leaving you almost gasping for breath at the intensity of your absence. He effortlessly relayed your measurements to the tailors and waved them off to excuse them from their servitude.
“You could take as long as you desired,” you uttered quietly, in a voice above a whisper, ”why would you desire to pursue such an undertaking with haste? I gave-,” you halted your next words, prompting a pause to rise from the former warlord. You sucked in a small breath, “-I gave you an out. Why would you pursue it, my lo-,” you shook your head, “-my betrothed?”
“Because you challenged me,” he offered, his body turning to face you once more with a small smirk rising to his cheeks, “and I am not once to shy away from a challenge.” You stepped your body further toward him, your own aura of professionalism again rising to your body in reaction to his own.
“Is that all I be to you, Mihawk?” you hushed your tone, screaming at him with your intense gaze, “an object to simply be conquered?” Mihawk backed his step behind himself, his posture almost seeming to stumble; but recover quickly under its retreat.
After taking a moment to collect himself, he allowed a small smile to rise to his face as he recited a small poetic and melodic saying to you.
“The ten rings of the Sapsorrow queen, all riddled with charm,” he breathed out to you, his voice humming to the air, “none can break from its challenger’s gleam, or cause the commissioner harm.”
You furrowed your brows, shaking your head slightly at the poetry he uttered.
“I don’t understand,” you spoke in a completely clear utterance.
“You will,” Mihawk informed you with a similar lilt in his vocals.
“Perona,” the green-haired swordsman addressed in passing to the pink-haired ward.
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“Zoro,” she nodded her greeting back to him as they began their ascension and descension towards one another. As if in complete synchrony, their footsteps halted mere metres away from one another. Zoro sucked in a breath through his nose, while Perona hissed an inhale against her pearled teeth.
“Do you think he-,” Perona began, halting her words as Zoro spoke atop her.
Tag List:
“-He’s fucking infatuated,” Zoro completed their mutual thought.
@writingmysanity @gingernut131414 @since-im-already-here @feral-artistry @be-good-please @little-bunnybabe @sukilovesyou @buggyenjoyer @thesnailus @under-kitty @acehyacinth @andriannag
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bubble-leaves · 1 month
Hodari, please and thank you 🙏
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Hodari . . .
- is a coy yet completely authentic lover
- feels confused and like the world is ending when he realizes you’re in love with him; he did this to you? How? With what qualities?
- has similar feelings for when he realizes he’s also in love with you; there is absolutely no way this is going to work out
- it does in fact work out
- considers you an enigma, but in a completely pleasant way, because you somehow understand his antisocialness and mystery and decode him so effortlessly
- takes it upon himself to open up more to you and express his emotions and concerns more vividly than before
- appreciates the relationship you’ve built with Najuma; it’s incredibly important to him
- really values maternal traits and patience, as they show the maturity he’s looking for for both himself and his daughter
- appreciates if you can cook, but still prefers to cook for you so you can relax and just have the responsibility of complimenting meals
- adores if you can bake, however, since he’s not great at it
- is always terribly flustered if you make anything near a DILF or sugar daddy joke (of course, he does kinda love the correlation)
- can get incredibly flirty in response, though, if he’s feeling up to it
- actually loves flustering you; seeing you get red or squirm in place gives him a subtle thrill
- leaves you letters upon your side of the bed’s nightstand in the morning; they always say “I love you” and what mine he’s going to, just so you know where to find him
- drinks a bit, but is not irresponsible with alcohol on account of being an example for Najuma (he handles liquor well anyways)
- gets very flirtatious, extroverted, and talkative if he somehow does get drunk (of course, Najuma is still never allowed to see him intoxicated)
- can sketch really well, like REALLY well, but he hasn’t drawn since Leta passed; the only way you find out he can draw is through old drawings you find in Leta’s nightstand
- can also sing, but the same story goes for his sketches; he doesn’t really do it anymore, at least around other people
- secretly sings little working songs about love as he cooks; blushes and stops immediately if you catch him
- showers once in the morning and again in the evening; waste of water? Eh. If you’re far enough into the relationship and are concerned about water bills, just ask to hop in with him. What, you really think he’ll refuse?
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someonewhogotanaccount · 11 months
i am here to help you understand this
youre questions were "wth is happening, whos jeremy, whos dazai, whats a keychain, whos chuuya, whats sokukoukko"
soukoku is the ship between chuuya and dazai from bungo stray dogs. lemon dude got him and her matching keychains (kinda like a figurine accessory???) of them. and jeremy is loife's friend i think who just met lemon dude
Haha, thanks leta, loife already tried to explain it, though I think I understand it now a little better. I thought Dazai and Chuuya are some dancer before- uh, well, seems like I was wrong. Good you two explained it to me.
And thank youuuu, I feel much better right away. As I already said - at least I think I already said this today at some point - I feel better today. Not good in any form, but better. I was even able to keep my balance on the bus today without stumbling, as I did before the illness, so the dizziness is slowly subsiding. And it's not like I'm dying or anything, I'm healthy enough to go to school - yippie. Just some headache and the remaining dizziness.
So, leaving me aside, how was your day today? Did anything interesting happen?
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c-rberus · 9 months
your catlamp comic seems to be offline, is there another place i could read it?
seems like the problem was that i recently changed the URL from my custom one back to the free comicfury subdomain (catlamp.webcomic.ws), and i forgot to update the link in my pinned post here. should be pointing to the right place now!
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dreaming-in-daylight · 3 months
my mom is so pretty <3
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a-wayfairing-stranger · 9 months
🪡 + leta!
The Boring answer is that she just wears her guardsmen uniform, But I like to think when not "On duty" she wears things like this
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yourtwistedlies · 10 months
youre so cool
you’re cooler 🫶🕶
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