#the little spawn of hell
someonewhogotanaccount · 11 months
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REMEMBER THEM??? WELL TODAY I SAW THEM NOT HIDING FOR THE FIRST TIME (i think cause the ground's wet cause it rained)
Awwww I just wanna take and cuddle them! And mess with their fur because I love it to annoy cats hehehe.
Thank you for these wonderful cat pictures, now I‘ll probably heal faster. Though I can tell you that cats don‘t help you to rest, every time you want to sleep they‘ll go into the MEOW-I‘M-DYING-GIMME-FOOD-mode (you can tell, I‘m tired).
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gilded-gheists · 1 year
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My feelings towards ao3 this morning.
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atrueneutral · 4 months
So, I think many might be wondering about this. Will Tav keep the baby? If so, what would family life look like? And would the lil one call Haarlep "uncle"?
Per [this prompt]!
I’ll leave it open ended and up for the readers to decide, but I’m more than happy to write out a follow-up of what I envision for each decision!
If Tav keeps the baby: I think this Tav would want to leave Baldur’s Gate to raise their child in a much smaller, nearby town. Raphael would set her up in a quaint home and ensure that she has all that she needs, and he would visit whenever able up until the birth. He’d be a bit distant when she does give birth and the months after (as the squalling and seeing Tav overwhelmed overwhelms him), but he comes around to be that pillar of support she needs (because he loves her). Tav understands that he’s… adjusting. Over time he grows fond (‘in his own way’) and would become very protective of their child, however I don’t envision him being Father of the Year.
I personally don’t see Tav ever wanting their child to visit the House of Hope with the souls, and the skeletons, and the tortured screaming, etc. She’d need to save and have that difficult conversation about Raphael’s nature when their child is older. She doesn’t hide what he is from the kid, but she doesn’t go out of her way to bring it up.
Haarlep likes to call themself ‘Uncle Haarlep’ all the time when Raphael is Home!
If Tav doesn’t keep the baby: they continue their arrangement, keep the potions out of reach of incubi, and naturally and inevitably fall in love with each other.
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simm-mouse · 1 year
runs to request u to draw the beaker twins
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Ah yes, the spawns of hell. I'm sorry I made these during my break at work yesterday. I was going to post it but I passed out right after I came home from work. Also here's a bonus doodle of the Clokis and the sims 4 Nervous, which I labeled him as a clone of the original Nervous in my past posts
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Hey. This big run sucks…………..
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cupcak3bak3r · 1 year
been reading a few fics and it kinda irks me when people conclude “a killer is always a killer” when discussing damian’s character. so i’ll present my own take on this:
1. it seems that damian often chooses to do the things he considers to be right based on his own world views. in some ways, he’s pretty self-righteous and has a difficult time trusting other people’s decisions. this is due to his league’s training which taught him to lead as an individual with authority. when he underwent bat’s trainings, he had to be a team player to receive recognition which was very important to a child who felt like he needed to earn a place in the new family. after being exposed to more ideals and values, damian internalized both the league’s and bat’s trainings, and CHOOSE not to kill. HE CHOOSES TO BE GOOD. killing was a habit, and damian unlearns it. it’s different from suppressing the natural/instinctual urges that people often compare damian’s killing habit to.
2. damian killed not because he wanted to but because he needed to. it went hand-in-hand with his loyalty. for example, in batman & robin 2011, damian chose to kill Nobody because he’s afraid that the man would keep coming after his father.
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demcnsinmymind · 7 months
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@little-miss-buffy liked for a starter! | SC still open
One would think he'd ever get sick of abandoned buildings. Always the same smells. Always the same sights. Creepy and dangerous, really. And certainly with a history of...questionable things happening. But still. There's still that certain something about it. The allure of not knowing what's around the next corner. What he'll see. What he'll find. Another shithole or....paradise. Well, this time, it's blonde. A person. Coming around the same corner he'd been trying to round just now. Pretty much a whirl wind of motion and something there. Making him curse and put his defenses straight up. Because even though it isn't unexpected per se, it's still startling as shit.
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"Jesus, fuck! You scared the hell out of me!" he gasped, reaching for his chest on instinct, then taking a few steps back. Not just to get some safe distance between him and the stranger, but also to get a better view of them. Her. Looking completely out of place and yet...not. "Am I interrupting something here?" he asks, more of a reflex and immediately on the defense just so she can't get the first question in.
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Megatron will totally take his baby scraplet with him onto the battlefield. Obviously, this is an utterly awful idea.
Unless, of course, your sparkling is a Unicronian. Even at a young age, their plating is enough to withstand a few glancing shots from energy weapons.
Taking a sparkling onto the battlefield does have some very foreseen consequences (unless you're Megatron, apparently), like the enemy refusing to engage out of fear for hurting the sparkling clinging to Megatron. Or a very disapproving Amica, constantly opening groundbridges in front of you to trick you into returning to the Nemesis.
If only Galvatron was old enough to express his outrage at missing a battle other than angry beeping and biting everything and everyone in sight, including Megatron.
Megatron has quite a lot of bitemarks now. Mostly out of affection. Galvatron does that. He also bites out of boredom. Frustration. Excitement. Hunger. Pure need for chaos.
Galvie saved by yet again being literal hell spawn
Megatron saw nothing wrong with this, because of course he didn't. His little warrior is perfect, after all, Soundwave's just overreacting (he isn't.) It has to be so funny to see Sounders trying to herd Megatron into portals on the battlefield. So so funny.
Galvatron, being Galvatron, still loves the thrill of battle even though he's a damn child, and everyone will feel this displeasure as pitspawn!Galvatron is the bitiest motherfuck we have.
Someone get this kid some cybertronian teething rings: extra durable edition.
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bigquestionmark · 1 year
gojo is such a funny character because i simultaneously want to grind him to dust in a giant mortar and pestle and watch as he blows away in the wind and also snort the gojo dust so i can keep him safe in my nose and protect him from the horrors he will experience
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aetomicwasteland · 2 years
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Wanted to doodle the little guys, they’re so unbelievably silly. SILLY GUYS!!
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kai-atlantis · 2 years
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swordmaid · 1 year
shri’iia after processing her trauma from being in lolth’s cult releasing 7k vampire spawns in the underdark as petty revenge
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ghcstcd · 2 years
hold on, I just remembered how handsome Omega is.
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simm-mouse · 2 years
Do any of you remember me mentioning a little sibling I made for Tycho in my gameplay? No? Yeah I don't blame you, haven't really talked about that in a hot minute. Until now that is
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So if you don't remember this lil gal, this is Lilibet Curious. Pascal and Nerv's kid(Wanted to see what their biological child would look like with the help of mods), and Tycho's lil sister in my gameplay, who is full of sass. This kid will go feral if they don't like you that is not a family member, basically a feral puppy. Very active as well, will speed around the house. Almost the opposite of Tycho in my game.
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I know I don't draw her hair the way it is in the game, but I couldn't find one similar to the one in my drawings but I do like this one I picked for her. Also as you can clearly see, she's definitely looking like Pascal. Can't even tell that's Nerv's kid right there
Jokes aside, she's learned from both her fathers in my gameplay. Except for singing, Tycho taught her
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In the bathroom for some reason, I thought it was super cute though. He's a good big brother and loves his sister a lot.
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She just aged into a child before I saved and closed out. I accidentally made her look like Wednesday Adams. Gonna have Pascal and Nervous adopt soon cause they'd definitely adopt as well
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In my drawings though I wanted to give her odd hair. At first I couldn't decide if I wanted high or low pigtails, so I ended up with both. I ended up liking the result, and I feel like it fits with her
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Might make more stuff of her soon, just wanted to share stuff from my gameplay
Also happy holidays everyone
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tiddie-taylor · 9 months
why do you call Envy a crotch goblin? /curi /genq
Because she is one /j /lh
But fr I just like to jokingly call characters I like mean names XD
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kasiobite · 1 year
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Was hit by the realization that gegg looks like that bc hes a slime spawn egg. a Slimecicle spawn egg.
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