#thanks to that post for waking me up
chocochococoffee · 3 months
svsss cumplane roommates au where shen yuan believes he has better daily routines than airplane who, in sy point of view, started as a slob and slowly learnt to live "decently". its not enough for him, tho, and he starts to do plans. plans to cook with less oil, to save water, to eat healthier together. it just happens that every time he starts with a "hey, you hack, ive got a plan about..." airplane always knows how to push his buttons with a "awh arent you dying to make plans with me?" or alike while flirting and touching him slightly and doing faces which leave sy stunned and all red, losing his words alltogether mean
so, of course, he explodes. instead of talking like normal people, you know.
"airplane, ive got a plan for when you go bath"
"oh so you are finally ready to go bath together??
shen yuans first neurons just take airplane into the bath and close the door with both of them together, undress them both as fast as light and opens the hot water , all of that before having an actual thought
"what the fuck was i"
and thats where airplane starts kissing him senseless, before his own neurons catch his own reflexes too and leave them both all red and unable to act anymore but oh so crammed and touching together
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the mkulia alliance IS in character
ive heard a lot of people, some of them mkulia shippers, saying that while the evil lesbian alliance is great to watch, it isn't in character for mk and julia. however, i believe it is, and i believe it's still consistent from last season, and this is why:
mk and julia were both hiding under facades in the beginning of sesaon one. mk was downplaying her skills to fly under the radar, and julia was posing as a chill influencer both to maintain her online image and not make herself a threat. these two facades had their advantages, but also their downsides. mk's contributions, specifically in the skull challenge, went unnoticed by her team, while julia had to completely hide her true personality. mk expresses frustration at everyone thinking she hadn't done anything when she got her team the win, and julia later goes on to say that it's exhausting to pretend to like yoga and whatnot. for most of the time they interact in season one, mk and julia are not behaving like their true selves.
did mk and julia have a rivalry once julia's true self was revealed? yes. did it result in mk's elimination? also yes. was mk the one to instigate that rivalry by posting the video of julia's true self? absolutely. and while they definitely had beef while this was going down, in the end, it was better for both of them. julia says that it's freeing to get to be her true self, and she even gains followers from it. the consequences of being her full nasty self don't catch up with her for a while after mk's elimination, and the worst thing that happens is julia too gets eliminated. as for mk, julia revealing that she watched everyone's confessionals means that while mk can't fly under the radar as much as she previously had, she gets to be recognized for her brains and sneakiness. because of their initial rivalry, mk and julia don't have to keep hiding their true selves.
julia and mk are both smart enough to know that in order to survive on their team, they NEED an alliance to counter the bowie-raj-wayne voting power. and seeing as scary girl was the first boot, and chase and ripper are chase and ripper, it makes sense that they would gravitate toward one another. especially with their underhanded playing styles, and especially being the only girls on the team. julia and bowie did not like each other in season one, and they still teamed up to counter the priya-millie alliance. julia has already proven to be willing to team up with people she doesn't like in order to stay in the game.
they became enemies in the first season, but after the passage of time, a necessary alliance, and most importantly, the shedding of their facades, it's reasonable that they could become friends. mk only got to interact with the real julia for an episode's worth of time, and julia never really got to see the real mk. now, she's watching mk steal an intern's uniform, sneak into production meetings, stash cheating supplies, and get the challenge answers from computers. julia is seeing a whole new side of mk, and as someone who appreciates vicious, strategic competitors like herself, i can absolutely see julia growing to like the real mk. and mk doesn't have to hide her true self from her team anymore, as she can be very upfront about cheating.
despite her rivalry with bowie, julia also had moments when she enjoyed being in an alliance with him (talking in the confessional about how they both thought they would be in the final after priya and millie were supposedly dead via avalanche) and trusted that he had her back (not thinking that he would double cross her and vote for her instead of millie even though it was the smarter move for him). i think it would make sense for julia to enjoy an alliance with mk and admire her clever thinking.
as for mk, yes, julia got her booted last season, but mk instigated that by exposing the real julia, and i think she's aware of that. i also think that even though she was the first person to see the real julia, mk still didn't understand that she wasn't just a mean girl with an influencer persona, she's a force to be reckoned with. julia loses it for her team in the episode mk is eliminated in, so mk doesn't get to see julia doing great in other challenges before her own screentime is over. i believe mk underestimated julia when she exposed her.
seeing as emma was able to watch the episode where she thought chase was performing an act of love for her when it was really just for pizza, it's completely reasonable for mk and julia to watch or at least know of each other's actions in the last season that they didn't get to witness in person. their first direct interaction is complimenting each other's moves/style, meaning that they have a greater understanding of how the other girl operates than they did last season.
because of how they play/interact with others, mk and julia don't have many friends. the closest thing julia has is bowie, who's more like her rival, while everyone else knows she's mean and doesn't like her. meanwhile nobody on mk's team would like her after she stole their stuff, and nobody else would like her for secretly watching their "private" confessionals. it makes sense to me that not only would they latch onto the other girl out of necessity, but because they're someone who can actually appreciate their play style and not turn against them because of it. not to mention mk can finally hang out with someone who likes her sarcasm for a change.
and while mk and julia definitely act like they have a romance plot in the future (and god i hope they do), i don't think their interactions together are very out of character even though they're praising one another and enjoying each other's company. julia is still mean and enjoys people getting hurt, mk is still devious and has no qualms about cheating, they just get to scheme and sabotage with someone by their side now. and while this development was unexpected even for a lot of us mkulia shippers, it is hardly unwelcome, and to me, hardly illogical. thank you for coming to my td talk.
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ledzeppelinmixtape · 9 months
wish house was a real doctor so i could be his mystery insomniac patient and after giving me horse tranquilizers and still not falling asleep he just hits me in the head with his cane and im out like a light
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akai-anna · 11 months
The Case Of The Appearing-Disappearing Fur
To start with:interesting bit for anime-only watchers, that Shinichi’s Tropical Land Outfit (AKA The Outfit TM) originally had a different colour scheme.
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(For one, I tend to associate him with blue, and the red-blue-white-beige palette has such a different, yet pleasant vibe to it for me. Still, I adore the colourful mix of the anime outfit as well, it’s very whimsy and eye-catching! Both are good.)
But the point I’m getting to is the Case Of The Mysteriously Appearing and Disappearing Fur Line on his jacket. It didn’t even make it into the anime! And even in manga panels you need to pay careful attention to spot it, BECAUSE IT APPEARS SCARCELY.
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This has been the true mystery in DetCo all along.
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Y’ALL 🥹🫶
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I couldn’t have done this w/o my wonderful mutuals
@dreamicloudz @bamthefox @bl33d1ngt00th @bingo-dingo @bigboybird @arrowfox1 @clowngoober @casinodogg @comfy-pink-666 @chaotichyperfixations @dizzy-soda101 @ender-draws-things776 @eggsforbrunch @eyeoflemon @fluffygiraffe @fuzzywormmedic @hamsterrodent @high-ass-zombie-angel-statue @junos-the-confused @jamfleecy @keylimepizzapie @luigigirl12 @mrfellsans @m3lon-c @mattplatonic @oreshkintv @oddpizza @p3ppin0oncr4ck @pizzatowet13 @rachlaw7 @squ1dd @rfxn-emulator @thebigjinx @thatsparadise @thenoiseagreste @w00den-h3ad @walterthejoseph @yo-kai123 ♥️♥️♥️
(To my mutuals seeing this, please let me know if I forgot you!! There’s so many of you /pos ♥️)
Thank you, EVERYONE for getting me to this amazing milestone in such a short period of time (a little longer than a month)! I love you all (/p) and thank you for liking my au, and making it known ^^!!! I appreciate all the love and support from every one of you, it makes me so happy that I can share my art and make friends bc of it! Thank you all, have an amazing day/night :]
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bitegore · 4 months
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warpedpuppeteer · 1 month
Something about Evan and Eddie both starting with E. And then we have Christopher Diaz, CD, between Buck and Eddie so basically:
Also: Buckley, Chris, Diaz, Evan/Eddie: BCDE
Nah because like wtf is this?? The universe is screaming at you ahh shit.
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azzifudd · 11 days
Tbh the most frustrating thing for me out of all this is a lot of the paige and jada edits i've seen so far where people have commented about shipping them, which is whatever people are ofc free to ship whoever they want, but like people seem to be pretty ok with them being shipped tg and yet the amount of times i see pazzi edits where the caption specifies "oh btw this isn't a ship edit" which then invites others to comment and be like "yeah like it's so weird that people ship them, they're just best friends"... like idk it just annoys me that it somehow seems to be a problem if it's azzi but suddenly it's ok if it's anyone else?
Anyway, sorry for the rant!
the comments that are like “oh stop shipping them it makes them uncomfortable” or even stranger, ones that insinuate that they’re not as close anymore because of people thinking they’re dating. meanwhile they went on a cruise together, just the two of them lol
i felt mostly neutral about all the “not a ship edit!” captions until the cruise & now i feel like theyre lowkey disrespectful knowing what we know lmao
people make all sorts of comments about paige with literally everyone but azzi and no one fights them as hard as when you suggest that paige might have feelings for the person she is most likely dating lol
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six-of-cringe · 1 year
I think that one of the reasons why people misinterpret Wylan's character and arc, among others, is because they misinterpret the relationship between him and Kaz. This post has kind of mitosised off from the BFWP (Big Fucking Wylan Post) I'm writing because it's a bit of a different focus and constitutes its own post.
A lot of people talk about Wylan's character and development as though it's meant to match Kaz's - starting out as a nice kid who the city forces to become amoral, indifferent to violence, and well-versed in crime. These qualities are usually talked about with a weird reverence as an irrefutable symbol of "badassery", as though it's always a positive development for any character regardless of the story's narrative, which annoys me but is not the topic of this post. That's part of the BFWP's job.
Following Kaz's exact development is not the point of Wylan's character. The point is that Kaz and Wylan narrative foils - very similar in many ways, but with a fundamental difference that creates the "broken mirror" effect/shows how they could have turned out if they'd chosen differently. I think that difference is how they respond when they climb out of the harbor after their respective betrayals. Narratively, Ketterdam represents a very harsh system that presents the people struggling there with very few options. You can either choose to ditch decency, play by the Barrel's rules, and live, or you can hold on to decency and die.
When Kaz returns to the streets after Jordie's death, he chooses the first option. He copes with what happened through ideas of revenge, and to survive long enough to see it he quickly turns to thievery and violence. He thinks to himself after he robs a kid for money and food that it was much easier to survive when you've left decency behind. He survived through violence, creating the Dirtyhands persona around himself for protection.
When Wylan has to fend for himself, he choses the second option. He finds "honest work" at the tannery, where they exploit workers and expose them to toxins. He wonders if he'll live long enough to use his savings to leave the city, or if the chemicals would kill him first. He was smart enough to steal and survive, but he chose decency, and with it, he chose death. There are a number of reasons why he chose differently than Kaz despite their similarities - his older age and thus more developed moral code, having no one to avenge but himself when he believed himself worthless, his more privileged upbringing, and his relatively low drive to live. Alone, he would have died.
Then Kaz steps in. Kaz's role in all the crow's lives is that, intentionally or not, his ruthless rule of the Barrel creates a sort of haven that allows them to survive where they would have died had they stayed alone. Wylan is a really clear example of this, and though Kaz's intentions were at least partly self-serving, his involvement both kept Wylan from dying of exposure or street violence as well as prevented him from needing to do the more terrible things that it takes to survive in the Barrel. Throughout the books, we see Kaz kind of taking the brunt of enacting violence in Wylan's place - traumatizing Smeet's daughter, killing the clerk on the lighthouse. Wylan could get by making explosives in the workshop rather than having to shoot or stab or beat the life out of people. And at the end of the series, Kaz sees to it that he never will have to. Of course Wylan did bad stuff to survive when working with the Dregs, it's the Barrel. But the extent is greatly lessened because of Kaz's involvement.
Wylan's arc was never about becoming comfortable with violence, or becoming just like Kaz - the way people characterize him as some sort of ruthless murder mastermind is inaccurate and redundant with Kaz's character. He isn't nonchalant or celebratory about crime or death or violence by the end of the book. He doesn't HAVE to become like Kaz, because Kaz himself gave him the space to continue being decent, intentionally or otherwise. Understanding that dynamic is important to understanding what Wylan is like as a character and as a person. If you assume Wylan's trajectory is to become "Kaz 2.0", then you're going to mischaracterize him. I've seen posts about how Kaz was the Jordie that he didn't have to Wylan, and I think that makes a lot more sense. Because Kaz is willing to do the horrible things in his stead, Wylan has the third option otherwise impossible in the Barrel - maintaining his decency and surviving.
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muckyschmuck · 2 months
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Hi! So I was scrolling through your WH Lights Out tag (very fun au btw!) and I noticed that when you were listing the potential orders the rest of the gang is going to wake up in, you didn't include Sally. Is that because she's just automatically going to be the last to wake up, or do you have something else planned? (Also, I'm really curious just what happened between Wally and House! I get if you don't want to expand on it quite yet if you've got something planned, though.)
you hit the nail Right on the head! Sally is indeed the final one to regain consciousness, and she jumps right out of her years-long nightmare straight into a waking one. but i Will say that i do indeed have something planned beyond "oh she just gets up last" she needs to be Woken Up, and it's a... whole thing. i'm still cementing it in my mind but rest assured it is Dramatic and has Consequences (good & bad!)
as for Wally and Home... yeah i don't think i can put it into words yet! i'm trying to write down a concise explanation in my doc and its a little... involved. and messy. to say it plainly and without actually Saying It, basically Home tries to protect Wally in the only way it knows how, and that attempt fucks up a lot of stuff, including their relationship. Wally learns what grudges and resentment are. essentially, they get a divorce <3
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napstawantstosleep · 2 years
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Eret when he became a scientist to look at strange things idk haven't seen the show
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lavenoon · 10 months
Birthday time!
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whole 24 years on this godforsaken planet! been having so much fun though the past couple months in this community, hope to continue that trend into this next year of living 💜
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cinnamonest · 1 year
Hello all. Sorry for my radio silence until now, here's a half-vent-post, half-update-post for the mess I have going on.
So, my second doctor's appointment... I am very grateful to have a wonderful employer who let me take some time off, so since I've been not great, I've gone to stay with my parents for the week.
I am experiencing what I was told is something called "polydipsia," which I can only describe as something I would come up with if I were asked to devise a new method of psychological torture. It's the sensation of intense, constant thirst, but drinking water doesn't do anything. Like, you know how normally when you're super thirsty and drink water, you feel a sensation of relief when you drink water? That doesn't happen. When you swallow and put the glass down, the thirst is just as intense as it was before you drank, it just... does nothing. You just stay insanely, incredibly thirsty, nonstop, and there is nothing you can do, no amount of drinking makes the sensation go away, but you keep getting the urge to drink because that's what your brain compels you to do.
It was mild at first, now it's reached a point that I'm chugging bottles of water, just nonstop, can barely sleep due to thirst. I know it could be so much worse and a lot of people have much worse things and this is minor by comparison, and I'm very grateful this isn't painful, but it's driving me insane. Just the constant sensation that you're trying to fix but nothing alleviates it at all despite trying is frustrating in a way I cannot describe and it's slowly worn me down to the point of psychological exhaustion.
Apparently, this may be due to some kidney issue. If so that means basically all that water I'm drinking, is actually not being absorbed by my body, my kidneys do nothing, so basically it's as if I'm not drinking at all. So, effects of dehydration as well.
At first with the urgent care doctor I went to initially, I was told that I am not diabetic due to blood sugar normal levels and that I had a kidney problem I needed to see a specialist for. Then I finally got an appointment with the primary care doctor, who said that may be incorrect because diabetes would easily explain the polydipsia. However, the last blood sample they took for lab work they did a few days ago came back and it turns out, once again, I am in fact NOT diabetic.
They drew even more blood and did a series of extensive fluids tests, basically measuring the contents by electrolyte, so I would get updates of lab results sent to me reading like "potassium - normal" and "chloride - normal" etc etc as they test each component. Everything kept coming back as being at normal levels until it hit sodium, and then for some reason, sodium and only sodium got flagged as being imbalanced.
I may have "diabetes insipidus", I'll just have to wait for testing results.
Unfortunately, with comically impeccable timing, I needed wisdom teeth taken out as it's apparently already begun to undo my previous expensive orthodontic work, so I just got out of wisdom tooth surgery yesterday. However, since I have ADHD meds (which are amphetamines) flowing through my body, they put me under general anesthesia rather than laughing gas.
So it's done, my mouth is stuffed with gauze, I'm numb with opioids for the gaping holes in my gums, I feel like a pincushion with the number of needles that have been stuffed in me in the last 72 hours, but it's done and hopefully I won't need anything more.
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meownotgood · 4 months
bad news: I am very sick right now and these cough drops I have to take every few minutes taste like shit
good news: under the influence chapter two on saturday (probably) (unless I spontaneously get even sicker) (pray for me)
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rootsofdread · 3 months
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i will currently only be taking two slots. no it's not a lot, but this is my very first time taking commissions, and i'll be taking these on top of art commissions so i don't want to overwhelm myself. i hope you understand!! 🫶
read below if you're interested in buying from me! thank you in advance if you are. i really appreciate it.
so these will be writing commissions, of course, as this is my main writing blog. the price is $1.00 for every hundred words. so 100 words is $1.00, 200 is $2.00, so on and so forth...i will round the word count up or down depending on the tens place. so, for example, if the work is 583 words, i would round it up to 600, or if it was 729 words, i would round it down to 700. anything under 5 goes down, 5 and above goes up.
i currently only take c$shapp and v3nmo (i've heard that tumblr doesn't like those words, so they're censored), i apologize if that's an inconvenience.
it would not be possible to estimate word count prior to writing, so the price will be calculated after i write it, but i can try to make it on the shorter or longer side if you would prefer that.
if you would like more than one piece done, like say multiple parts or chapters, those will have to be made as separate commissions, as i am a slow writer and it would be easier for everyone involved if i did one thing for one person at a time.
i am willing to do pretty much everything i allow for requests, so please go over my request rules [found on my carrd!] before contacting me. there is also a little more info regarding these commissions there on a new tab i added, so i would recommend reading it (but it's not required if you read this whole post)! anything not found listed under will do/won't do is up for discussion.
you can also commission me for non-DBD things if you would like to! i am familiar with a variety of things, and even if i'm not familiar, i enjoy getting to know new characters. i will write for self inserts, OCs, canon characters, as well as ships involving all of those (even canon x canon or OC x OC!) from any type of media and genre as well.
examples of my imagines can be found on my masterlist, [found here], and i currently have one full fanfic posted to [my AO3].
contact me through DMs here, @rootsofdread, on my main, @jawsplitter, or on discord @jawsplitter if you are interested. even if you can't currently buy from me, i am happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have, even if you think it might be silly. thank you for taking the time to read this and i look forward to working with you!
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