#thankyou so much andersons
nityarawal · 1 year
Mom & Dad- 
I made it to Chula Vista with my gf Melody Gray.
We had to rescue her from her violent boy toy on Thursday.
My Camp bro agreed to move her! He picked her up from Daniel's where she was renting a home in Anza to Scott Clarke's! ):
Scott I'd a 40+ year ex-con I'm militia. He went through our things and attempted to steal many valuables. He's a partner of Dennis Sketchly (Nelson-Campbells!)
Melody is trying to file a RO against her mom Darlene from Idyllwild Health Center.
Darlene slandered her and I to hide sexual assaults and child abuse on my case and from her boytoy. He bullied Darlene to attempt a RO! ):
Melody says he raped her before she was of age.
I'm worried of his motivations with mulatto 15yo granddaughter! She's sending her mom coded messages on tiktok.
Dr. Cash wanted me to use a naturopath asap for my detox!
Grateful for Melody! 
Melody also called to tell me about her nurse mother's hippa violations on my case & will provide screenshots for court.
Her mom, nurse Darlene not only slandered her- she smeared me to her daughter- in writing- and lied on behalf of Queresheri office at Idyllwild Health; Dr. Natalya; receptionist Nikki; it is iehp insurance fraud with Riverside county like so much foul play on my case! It's not enough that Dr. Keane was fired for being a gay discrimination bigot to mothers in Palm Springs! Elephant in room is Dr. Singh & Dr. Anderson trying to kill me for x's attys & more pranks that are stipulated to be attempted murders in false name of probate law!
We have a doubt about Dr. Sunil Rawal under circumstances and need to prosecute before militia take matters into own hands- as they've threatened, shown, and promised to do!
Prudent kind thing would be to deport him back to UK for ww3 Defamation Trial and return all with apologies & damages at once! Reunite me with my rightful children and parents in all our homes! 
My Encinitas Desert Naturopath Dr. Heather is unavailable until November celebrating her 9/15 50th Birthday!(:
It worked out well that Melody was available!
We've been juicing, drinking lime water all day- from our tree- and she put me on tinctures from Huckleberry & Cleavers!
She has me do body masks with clay & honeyed apple vinegar! It's calming inflammation & encouraging nano Particles to purge!
I've been buying herbs, cooking & cleansing! Rambotans help & fresh fruits/veg from Asian markets!
We are starting home prep with ghee soon!
Doing laundry- happy to sleep stretched out again warm & safe!
I'm grateful for a "safe home" with a bath for treatment.
Her friend has been helping us get our things and we share a "women's" bath! The water and daily routine with fresh hot food is helping my routine! 
This is an adult only home though & I still need my kids/assets asap.
Can you help?
I never agreed to sale of 1067 Neptune Ave & was targeted for my monogamous faith & belief systems for United States Autonomy!
Courts said they had a doubt about me every time I asked for my home & assets; or disclosed truth! They doubted I was a realtor and a mom- I had to repeatedly prove truth with evidence like Encinitasbeachhome.com reality etc until x hacked all down like a gay terminator.):
It was insane in-house domestic & UK terrorism.
Thanks for stopping this organised crime in divorce courts by taking a stand, using your word and voice, vows; honoring our family "faith" in testimony & energy; support in consciousness minutely- like only a parent can.
Thankyou for generous birthday support!
I love you! Xo
Eternally grateful,
All love,
PS I'm close to Mexico border and will get pharmaceuticals clinically proven to be effective for treating lymes & covid 3. Do you need anything? 
Miss you!!!!!
PSS Do you have Oscar Orvidsson & Susan Nowak's numbers? Haydn stole my phones in data rape. I need all contacts, possessions and assets restored + damages & refunds today. Thankyou! Xo
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firespirited · 5 years
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Eye mech repair part 1: Eye Wells and spring
I received this Make It Own Pullip eye mechanism in a trade from the lovely @andersonsdollpurpose and am repairing it and modding it to fit a type 2 pullip (three part head).
Upon arrival, from the tell tale frosting, it was clear that I wasn’t going to be able to cut out the eyechips without damaging the eyewell and decided to keep the eyewells in shape and sacrifice the eyechips instead (this will be part 2 or 3, they are surprisingly mostly intact!). So I popped out the eyechips from behind with a plastic paint brush end.
I have experience working with super glue mess on hard plastic from years of doll + gadget fixing and from my Pullip Assa who was bought covered in superglue and pretty much welded together.
Clearing the eyewells of superglue took 3 hours and is a delicate process of applying acetone by dabbing it for a few seconds then attempting to dislodge or scrape off superglue residue in sections of about 5-7mm at a time. I’ve since found out that using ice can help break the bonds between the superglue and the original plastic. You want to apply acetone to the super glue without it touching the plastic because that would cause melting and other deformation. Sanding and dremelling without a magnifier is just a recipe for damaging the original plastic.
The photos are posed 1 handed and for illustration only, you need both hands and to get a good feel for what is and isn’t the original plastic by how your tools “feel” in your hands against it and running your fingers against the area itself, fingertips are very sensitive down to the micromilimetre. Especially working with clear or white plastic, visual cues aren’t much help though I do recommend taking high res photos and zooming in to see if there are any areas you missed.
Work against a towel or foam so that you can apply force when needed without worrying about breaking stuff.
For the damaged spring, my first idea was to try and replace it but pen springs are slightly too wide for MIO eyemechs. Then I tried to reshape it on needle nose pliers and that didn’t work but in my box of doll parts I found a metal cylindrical dowel and used that with normal pliers to reshape the spring by twisting and pressing. I then cut part off with wire cutters as it was still too long.
end result, held in place with elastics to keep everything in place while working on the fit inside the head. Glue residue on the eye whites was scraped off with the back of a craft knife then polished with the buffering sandpaper on a nail block.
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The next step was about going through my goblin hoard of tiny screws (collected from broken gadgets) to find three long ones to fit the mech and one 2mm thin screw with a lip to fit the eye movement lever.
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Hi! I was looking for a fic in which both Kurt and Blaine are single dads? Kurt is a famous fashion designer and he owns a label called "Blackbird Fashions" with Rachel and Santana, but he's not the face of the label. Blaine I think was an aspiring musician? The two of them met because their sons went to the same school and they're bestfriends. Also, Blaine loved the scarf/bowtie collection from Kurt's label. Any help would be appreciated, thankyou so so much!!!!
I think this is the one you are looking for. The label is called Blackbird Beauty. - HKVoyage
Daddy-Dating by JustCallMeObsessed
Blaine Anderson was a single Dad who loved his son Matthew 5, more than anything. The Kurt Hummel also loved his son Noah, 5 more than anything. The two always putting their sons first, but what would happen when one day they meet and they find themselves wanting to be selfish for the first time in a long time. Klaine. Daddy!Klaine
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Paul Thomas Anderson’s THE MASTER and what it may teach us about  mind-control vs freedom Post-Covid
So last night I watched The Master. It was a most pleasing way to spend a Saturday evening; alone, with two cats draped on the sofa and windowsill respectively, and it rounded off a pretty pedestrian Saturday mostly spent mowing and raking the lawn and scattering grass seed whilst *Boo finished reading Jacqueline Wilson’s Rose Rivers whilst occasionally appearing at the back door to yell; ‘mama, you’re driving me nuts with your gardening!’ Somehow I’d been looking forward to scattering my grass seed all week - the promise of moist new green growth on our dusty brown patches. Thing is - and there is a lesson in here somewhere - the grass seed box said it covered 10m square - I guess I got a bit carried away and basically I ran out after one corner. So one corner of my lawn will look like Eden, and the rest will continue to look like some deserted Sicilian scrubland... That’s life, baby, I guess. 
So anyway, The Master....dear God. There are many ways I could go with this...Firstly undiluted, scope, wonder, singular sensitivity, impossible mastery, extreme importance and sheer exalting, agonising beauty of Paul Thomas Anderson’s films is the subject of another post. (I’m still on a high from the explosive visceral experience of watching Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood and that was, what, 5 years ago? 10 years ago?) Then The Master came out in 2012 and P.T.A. raised his game even more. 
I could, and will another time, talk about the astonishing gift Joaquin Phoenix afforded the world with his embodiment of his character, Freddie Quell. (I say ‘embodiment’; ‘performance’ always strikes me as an incorrect way of describing an actors full immersion in an imagined character’s inner life.) To my mind, Freddie is one of the most affecting, heart-breaking, occasionally funny and downright truthful portrayals of a ‘broken’ man; an exiled, psychologically damaged, wild and lonely spirit who roams the world, desperate for love and acceptance, clearly one of the great ‘un-belonging’ of the post-war world in America. In one the open scenes he simulates fucking an over-sized figure of woman carved in sand on a hot beach, for the amusement of his army pals. In the final scene of the film, after his long long incredible journey , we see him caressing this sand woman again, resting his next to a large sandy breast. Oh poor dear Freddy Quell; my tears ran with him last night; knowing myself in this second viewing of the film, to be so like him. Perhaps one day I will be able to shake Joaquin Phoenix’s hand and say ‘thankyou so much for Freddie.....’ I often feel like that with actors work that resonates through the bones. 
I could also talk about how Philip Seymour Hoffman was possibly the greatest screen actor of his time, and how crazy it was that the world didn’t seem to mourn his tragic early death. Was it perhaps because he died of an accidental heroine overdose? - and this, well, didn’t sit very well with Hollywood. His embodiment here of Lancaster Dodd, charismatic leader of philosophical cult movement The Cause, is breath-taking. But then all his performances were breath-taking. I had a dream about him once (whole other post entitled CELEBRITY DREAMS coming your way); we were kind of friends even though I knew he was dead and his face kept appearing on billboards all over London. If, when; I meet him in the spirit world, I’d like to shake his hand and thank him for Lancaster Dodd and Brandt in The Big Lebowski, and Truman Capote, and also for providing me with one of the most pivotal theatre experiences of my life. August 2001, Edinburgh Festival, I witnessed his production of Jesus Hopped The A Train at The Gilded Balloon; this was running gold theatre. Within half a second of the play ending the entire full house erupted to it’s feet like we’d all been tasered from the floor. Thank you Philip...you gave me faith then that theatre is important; that art comes from dark places and revives...
I could talk about the astonishing crashing score composed by Radiohead’s guitarist Jonny Greenwood.
I could also talk about Amy Adam’s terrifying portrayal of Lancaster’s icy wife Peggy and her utterly brilliant final put-down to Freddie: “you either do this for a billion years, or not at all...” (she’s referencing Freddie’s abandonment of the cult she’s set up with her husband, but this line, I feel, could apply to motherhood...….)
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 It usually takes me two viewings for a films deeper meaning to seep in, and last night I was struck by what I see as the heart of the film. The core of the film is relationship between Freddie Quell and Lancaster Dodd; it’s an uncompromising study of male vulnerability and the cosmic search for ‘a father figure’...  On a bigger scale, its about how those in positions of assumed power and influence ( Dodd) rely on the adoration and worship of those whom society deem ‘worthless’ (Quell). It’s about the fragility and corruption of a society whereby a man promises freedom and empowerment to his followers (Dodd devises a system of ‘processing’ whereby he takes initiates back to past traumas through a curious mixture of interrogation and hypnosis and ‘cures’ them; he posits that his vision can cure leukaemia and will bring about world peace) and how those ‘disadvantaged’, the great ‘unloved’ can be absorbed into such an attractive lifestyle. In one painful scene, Freddie is taken to a party at a mansion, filled with monied people and luxurious things. Freddie is dressed smartly for the occasion; but is sweating with nerves and orders a scotch at the earliest opportunity, before hiding away in a side room and stealing an ornament. It took me back to my own exile, when, at the age of 17 I landed at Brentwood Boys School in Essex, and cut off from my parents, shattered from my sister’s suicide and a lifetime of confusion, I nonetheless attended many a glorious party; a perfect size 10 and top of the class, I knew how to say all the right things. But, like Freddie, I knew I didn’t and wouldn’t ever fit it. Like him, I would often sneak off to the side rooms, get off my head drunk to hide my shame and hopeless, and cause some fight..
In the end, despite himself, Freddie starts to see through Lancaster’s bullshit and returns to his life on the road. Though The Cause had given him a home, suits and ties, friendship, respect and a certain ‘standing’ that he could only have dreamed of, as he confesses to Peggy at the end, before returning to his own brand of personal lonely freedom; ‘it’s just not how I look’.  
                                                        * * * * * * * 
“Don’t you know, They’re talking about a revolution it sounds like a whisper Don’t you know you’d better run run run run run run run run.....” Tracey Chapman 
Talkin’ About A Revolution
What I find heartening and deeply exciting about these early post-Covid times, as the first chinks of sunlight pour in through windows that have separated us from friends, lovers, fellow man for so long, is that people are choosing freedom. In small ways, perhaps, but I get the overall sense that for many people, fear has had its day. As my dear friend said over tea the other day; ‘people are thinking fuck this, fuck it, we wanna fuck’....well, exactly. 
It was this dear friend I met up with in her wood a few weeks ago; we hugged each other day, and it was such a joyous relief to see her I told her that if I got the virus and killed me, oh fuck it, it would be worth it, just to sit next to her by a river on a sunny day...
I’ve had two other conversations lately to support my little theory; a particularly cheerful friend of mine turned up with her daughter unannounced on my doorstep couple of weeks back  - they had a bag of clothes; would Boo like them? Initially we did the ‘2 m’ thing, paying homage to THE RULES as dictated by the blessed government of this land; I hovered on the threshold of my kitchen - she stood outside by the flower-pots. Then I broke the rules; ‘look, do you wanna come in?’ - That was it. The ice was broken - and she stood, blond, beaming and glorious with her big sunglasses on, in my little kitchen - along with her daughter and mine, and I could literally have feasted forever on the sheer joyous fleshiness of having three other living homo sapiens near me. That sunny day in early June, two women in a small village in Sussex chose freedom. ‘I’ve just had enough of all this virus stuff’ she said ‘I’m even dreaming about it! I’ve just had enough’. 
Then last week a friend came over with her three glorious girl children and told me how her youngest, a endlessly sweet six yr old, had ‘hidden behind a tree with her friend so that they could have a hug’. Lets think about that for a moment; six years olds hiding behind trees to have a hug. Its pretty damn sad. And weird. This friend had been on full on paranoid lockdown due to one of the children’s potential serious health issues - but she’d reached breaking point. ‘I’ve had enough’ she said. And that day her girls and my daughter raced up and down the stairs and around the garden in glorious flagrance of any state prescribed social distancing rules. 
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In the end, Freddie breaks free from his master’s and The Cause’s control and continues - we assume -  his lonely drift around the world. In their final agonising meeting, Lancaster reveals the smashed ungenerous ego of a despot thwarted by his adoring lover: ‘if I meet you in a future life I will show you no mercy, you will be my sworn enemy’. Freddie, emaciated, tearful and ever desperate to belong, asks Lancaster to reveal to him how and where they’d met in a previous life... He knows it’s bullshit, in the way I knew my father was incapable of loving me, but when you’ve got a Krakatoa sized hole in your heart, you just can’t stop hoping somehow...pledging allegiance to a resplendent asshole is somehow better than our greatest fear; the abyss of loneliness and isolation. Lets face it; freedom is pretty terrifying after such a long stretch of captivity. 
That’s the thing in these Covid times; we always have a choice. We have a choice now, whether to be continue to be afraid or whether to choose freedom. Whether to cut loose and go racing into the desert on a motorbike back to his first love, like Freddie does, following his own destiny, not succumbing to control forces that on the surface entice him into a richer more glamorous life. 
And I’m not talking about being an complete idiot and denying there’s a serious virus still on the loose, or hugging scared people in the street to prove a point, and I’m not denying  that many people are extremely vulnerable - I’m talking about something entirely different; that deep inner decision that calls in all of us - whether to choose the uncharted waters of freedom, or rest in an all-too familiar fear zone. 
To conclude, my dear friend Matilda sent me this book ‘Big Magic - Creative Living By Fear’ by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat Pray Love (I’ve just watched the film its rather good I think...) Anyway, there’s this great chapter called Fear Is Boring which rang through me, growing up as I did drenched in the anxiety of a Munchausen Syndrome-by-proxy mother (WHOLE other post...) - but here’s what she says about the time, age fifteen, she ‘wised up’ to fear and chose another way: 
“I noticed that my fear never changed, never delighted, never offered a surprise twist or an unexpected ending. My fear was a song with only one note - only one word, actually - and that word was “STOP!” 
Dear reader, I’m shitting myself with the best of them, but I’ve had enough of fear. I’m not stopping. I’m going. What do you say?..... xxxx 
Big love from Christine 
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Best Baby Shower Games On The Internet - High Conversion Rate
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/best-baby-shower-games-on-the-internet-high-conversion-rate/
Best Baby Shower Games On The Internet - High Conversion Rate
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    For the Busy Hostess!
(and EVERYONE’S going to be asking for your “Secret” to having such fun and successful showers!)
Choose from 75 UNIQUE, EXCITING and BEAUTIFULLY-DESIGNED baby shower games for your next shower — some you won’t find ANYWHERE else on the web! All games are available for Immediate Download — no “expertise” required. And your Satisfaction is Guaranteed.
I’m convinced that these games are the best on the internet, and if you could just see them, print them, and use them, I know you’d feel the same way.
From: Dana Brigola Thursday, 8:45 a.m.
Dear Fellow Baby Shower Hostess,
You’ve got a baby shower coming up. There’s a pressing question on your mind – “What games will you choose?”
You want baby shower games that will
keep the guests happy
involve everyone
not take hours to create
not cost a bundle
Let’s face it. You’re busy with kids, work, or school – and now you have a baby shower to host. You have too many things to plan and not enough time to get it all done.
These games are a big hit for the hostess who values her time and wants it all! Time is too precious to get caught up for hours on the internet searching for the best games. Your internet research has paid off – you’ve found the best games right here.
This all started when I created a couple of baby shower games for a friend’s baby shower. They were a huge hit with the guests and I was asked by more than one person where I had gotten them. That’s when a light bulb went off – I decided to create these 75 memorable and fun-filled baby shower games for the busy hostess.
I spent over 500 hours personally researching the internet, probing friends for the fun ideas, and creating the best games on the internet.
I even drove my husband nuts: “Honey, can you tell me which font looks best?” His reply: “How am I supposed to know – just pick one.”
Thank You for creating such a useful tool at a low cost. I’ve spent so much money already on everything else and I just wanted to tell you, good job and I’m sure I’ll enjoy everything! 🙂
Michelle Cisneros
My baby shower went great..We played Bingo, baby food tasting , word search and the right/left story. Everyone had a great time and loved the games. Thank you for all the great ideas. This was well worth the investment.
Brenda Nolind
Shower was for my step-sister Kasey. It was on Sunday Aug. 27. We played Baby Work Unscramble, Celebrity Baby Names, Unique Celebrity Baby Names. There were soooooooo many games to choose from! Everyone there really enjoyed the games so of course I told them about your web page & how you can purchase the games & down load them right then & there. Thanks so much! Very cool!
Tiffany Brown, Waynesboro, PA
The baby shower turned out fine and the games was a big hit especially the rice and safety pin game. Thank you for all your help the package was a life saver.
Jo Anne Anderson
Quality, Not Quantity
Have you noticed that some websites offer over 200 games for baby showers? Goodness, that’s a LOT. I checked out some of them and found that the quality of their games was not quite what it should be.
If you’re just interested in purchasing the package with the most games, then this one is not for you. I can’t compete with quantity alone — and I don’t want to.
And think about it, do you really want to preview 200 games? How would you have enough time to do anything else?
I guarantee that you’ll have enough on your plate selecting from the wide range of great games I’m offering. And these are quality games, with quality fonts, and quality images.
I’ve personally selected the best ones for you and created them with lots of TLC (tender loving care). These games are the ones that you’ll go to over and over again.
Games for Multiples Are Here
Is the Mommy-to-Be expecting twins or triplets? If so, you’ll get to pick from several games designed especially for her.
Games like Twins Trivia, Famous Pairs, Famous Trios, and Triple the Fun are sure to make your baby shower a huge hit.
African American Images Are Here
One thing I noticed from other baby shower games websites was the lack of African American graphics on the games. That’s why I created a second version of some of the games, featuring African American images.
There are ten games exclusively with African American images on them. Plus there are several more with images of African American babies appearing with babies of other races.
The rest of the games have generic baby symbols, such as rattles or pacifiers.
Games with African American graphics give you an option to choose the game and image that’s right for your baby shower.
Couples Games Are Here
Throwing a couples shower? No problem. There are several games that specifically have a “Daddy” vibe. Not to mention, men can play just about any of the other games too.
Some couples games are Animal Families, Mothers and Fathers in Genesis, Mommy and Daddy Animals, Celebrity Parents and Kids, Baby Shower Outburst, Baby Shower Scattegories, and Whose Genes Should Baby Get.
Great Mix Between Traditional and One-of-a-Kind Games
When I first started creating these games, I focused on unique, one-of-a-kind games. One girlfriend said, “I love these games, but where is BINGO and Word Unscramble?”
I then realized that a lot of women want these “classics“, so I included the best ones. So if you’re one of the traditionalists, you’ve got your games here.
Examples of some classic games included are Baby Shower Bingo, Baby Word Find, Baby Word Unscramble, What is Mom Wearing, Mystery Baby Food Tasting, Nursery Rhyme Titles, Memory Game, and Draw the Mommy.
For you hostesses that are more intested in one-of-a-kind games, I promise that you’ll find what you’re looking for here. That’s because I created a lot of them myself – from scratch. They’re guaranteed to be original. You won’t find them anywhere else on the web or in a store.
A few of my exclusive games include Baby Shower Sudoku, Lessons of Schoolhouse Rock, Baby on the Big Screen, Baby Names in Geography, Grown in the Wild, Whose Gene’s Should Baby Get, Comic Strip Trivia, and What’s in Common.
Believe me, there’s no shortage of great games for you to choose from.
MY ONLY CONCERN is that you’re going to be overwhelmed and spend too much time trying to decide which of the 75 games you want to play.
Your games made the baby shower more fun and organized. Everone enjoyed the baby bingo and the word scramble. The actual games are printed up in such a colorful way and everyone admired them. We have another baby shower coming up soon, so we plan to use some of the other games. Thankyou for making this part of our shower planning easy and fun.
Peggy Gallery, Wisconsin
Dana: Thank you so much for offering this great product. I was so worried about this shower – you know, same old same old games. What a great time we had! We played probably six different games, but the two that stood out the most were the “Whose Genes” and the “Mr and Mrs Wright” passing game. I had so many compliments and everyone asked where I had gotten the ideas for the games. I gave them your website and I’ll bet they will contact you too! Thanks again.
sLori Boes, Fremont, MI
The baby shower games were great.I used disney songs and a raffle and the best was baby bingo. your site is great thank you so much.
Michelle Sheffler
The games were very easy to look at and print. We really enjoyed the games and the ice breaker ideas. Thanks so much!
Kelly Jett, Scott City, KS
Fun Extras That Make This Package Complete
There are times when you want to create your own games, but need paper to do so. I’ve included several blank, do-it-yourself pages for that purpose.
You’ll find blank pages, lined pages, and half pages with different graphics and designs for you to choose from — including pages for twins, boys, girls, Caucasians and African Americans.
So go ahead, make up your own games with these gorgeous pages!
Also, since many baby showers have children present, you’ll also find several coloring pages to keep the kids busy. They can have a coloring contest or just present the finished picture to the mother-to-be as a memorable gift.
Here’s a Complete List of the 75 Games You’ll Receive:
Animal Families
Animal Mommies
Baby Animal Names
Baby Gift Bingo (2 versions)
Baby Jesus
Baby Letter Race (2 versions)
Baby Moses
Baby Names A to Z
Baby Names in Geography
Baby on the Big Screen
Baby Safety Trivia (2 versions)
Baby Shower Draw
Baby Shower Outburst
Baby Shower Scattegories (2 versions)
Baby Shower Sudoku
Baby Shower Sodoku – Shower Fun
Baby Shower Word Mix
Baby Word Fill in the Blanks (2 versions)
Baby Word Find
Baby Word Unscramble
Baby’s Birthday Predictions (3 versions)
Best Baby Advice
Birth Records
Blank Game Cards (13 versions)
Boy’s Name Word Find
Celebrity Baby Names
Celebrity Parents and Kids
Charlotte’s Web
Children’s Characters
Children’s Stories Crossword Puzzle
Coloring Pages (20 versions)
Comic Strip Trivia
Complete the Nursery Rhyme
Disney Movie Crossword Puzzle
Disney Songs
Disney Who Am I?
Dr. Seuss Trivia
Draw the Baby
Draw the Mommy
Famous Pairs
Famous Trios
Girl’s Name Word Find
Grown in the Wild
Lessons of Schoolhouse Rock
Looney Tunes
Memory Game
Mommy and Daddy Animals
Mothers and Fathers in Genesis
Mystery Baby Food Tasting (2 versions)
Name Meanings
Name Origins
Name That Price
Name the State
Name the TV Kids
New Baby Crossword Puzzle
Newborn Trivia (2 versions)
Numerical Trivia
Nursery Rhyme Titles
Old Testament Brothers
Peanuts Trivia
Right and Left Story
Sesame Street Characters
Signature Scramble
Silly Old Bear
Super Hero Trivia
The Muppet Characters
Toddler TV
Triple the Fun
Twins Trivia
Unique Celebrity Baby Names
What is Mom Wearing?
What’s In a Name?
What’s In Common?
What’s In Your Purse?
Whose Genes Should Baby Get? (2 versions)
Most of these games come with instructions written on a separate page for you to print out (the others are self-explanatory and don’t need instructions). Also, the answers to the games are also available on a separate page, if applicable.
Fast & Easy Electronic Download
There is No Shipping — these games are electronic and are available for immediate download onto your computer. I’ll show you how with step-by-step instructions — it’s fast (less than 1 minute for users with high-speed internet access) and VERY easy.
There is No Expiration on these games — BUYER BEWARE: some websites give you a password to access the games you buy, and after a certain time period, BAM! You can’t access your games anymore! Now, if I paid good money for some games, I would want to have them permanently, wouldn’t you?
Once you buy these baby shower games, the entire set will be downloaded onto your own computer. That way, you can access and print them whenever you want, as many times as you want. There’s no expiration date, so if you need them for another baby shower 5 years from now, they are right at your fingertips!
The shower was great. We played celebrity baby names, bingo, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Animal baby goups, and identify the baby food. Eveyone wanted to continue to play bingo so we played twice. The big hit was the Mr. and Mrs. Wright game. The games really made the party flow.
Angela Sherick, Los Angeles, CA
Dana- The shower was great and everyone had a fun time! The baby bingo was a hit…my only suggestion is to modify it for a smaller number of people say up to 25 and/or 25 to 50. There were about 15 in attendance and there were many that I called that no one had due to the number of cards handed out vs. number of words in word bank…but it was still fun:) Contact me anytime for feedback or help:) Thanks-
Kristy, Indianapolis, Indiana
The baby shower was great- we did Baby Shower Bingo and the word scramble thanks for the great website!
Lisa Barbosa
HI DANA! I love all your games, I’m giving a baby shower for my daughterinlaw.She already have a little girl ,So this time around she will be haveing a son. But I did not give her a shower and had no idea about games and other ideas so you are a big help. Again great purchase for me thank you. Aloha Jackie!!!!!
Jackie Cadiirao
Super Bonuses, Valued at $59 – Yours FREE – Just for Trying These Baby Shower Games
I’m going to “Sweeten the Deal” for you. Everybody loves FREE things – I know I sure do. I want to entice you to try out these Baby Shower Games because I know you’ll be 100% Satisfied – and so will your guests.
Free Bonus #1 — $17
Baby Shower Raffle Tickets
Raffle tickets are very popular at baby showers these days for door prizes. They can be passed out to each guest, or used to raise money for the Mom-to-Be and the new baby (simply ask guests to purchase the raffle tickets, usually for $1 to $5 each.)
Each ticket has its own unique raffle number. You decide whether you want to call out a number or a name for the prize.
There are 5 sets of raffle tickets that I’ve created — that way, you can pick the design and color that fits your baby shower:
Baby Items with Colored Backgrounds
48 tickets with 24 different designs
Baby Items with White Backgrounds (saves printer ink – you can also print these on colored paper for variety)
48 tickets with 24 different designs
Baby Animals with White Background
64 tickets with 8 different designs
Baby Animals with Blue Background
48 tickets with 8 different designs
Baby Animals with Pink Background
48 tickets with 8 different designs
All 5 designs are yours FREE!
Free Bonus #2 — $12
Baby Shower Ice Breakers
Ice Breakers are games or activities used to loosen up the guests or to get them to meet each other.
Nobody likes a boring baby shower. If your guests don’t know each other, you should definitely have at least one ice breaker to get the party rolling.
I’ve included 11 exciting ice breakers in this free download, some classic ones and some completely unique. All of them are sure to make everyone LAUGH and get your Baby Shower off to a great start.
Everybody’s a Star for 10 Seconds
Sing to Me
Fun Baby Shower?
Whose Line Is It? Baby Shower Style
Around the Room Introductions
Circle of Love
Problems and Solutions
Lullabys and Nursery Rhymes
Let’s Hum
Magic Trick Mom
Free Bonus #3 – $17
50 Baby Shower BINGO Cards
Baby Shower BINGO continues to be a favorite baby shower game. And these lovely cards are sure to be a winner at your shower!
You’ll receive 50 unique game cards with baby-related words, such as “booties,” “Mickey Mouse” and “Mommy” randomly filled in the boxes. Simply cut out the word cards and put them in a hat, print out the number of Bingo cards you need, and enjoy!
Click here to see a larger picture of Baby Shower Bingo
For a limited time, you’ll receive it FREE as a Bonus. But Hurry and Buy Today to take advantage of this offer!
Free Bonus #4 — $13
Baby Shower Ultimate Planner’s Lists
Every baby shower hostess has a lot on her plate when it comes to planning. Lists make her job a lot easier.
That’s why I created the Ultimate Planner’s Lists for the busy hostess. Now you can be organized and relaxed when planning your next baby shower.
Six lists and worksheets that are a MUST-HAVE for easy shower planning are:
Baby Shower Planning Calendar – Starting with 6 Weeks Before the shower and counting down to 15 Minutes Before, this ultimate checklist is vital for staying organized and making sure everything is completed in a timely manner.
Responsibility List for Co-Hosts – Keeping up with the To-Do List for your Co-Hosts will be a snap with this list where you’ll assign responsiblity for the decorations, guest list, games, inviations, etc.
The Budget – It’s important to budget so you don’t spend more than you intend to. With this form, you will estimate your costs and be able to compare them with what you actually spent.
Hostess Must-Have List – This is a checklist of “extras” that you may not think about, but should have at the shower (aspirin, scotch tape, trash bags, etc.)
Guest and RSVP List – Having an organized guest list makes your job of sending invitations and keeping track of RSVPs a whole lot easier.
Shower Gifts – The Mother-to-Be will appreciate this list that keeps track of who brought each shower gift.
What Do These Games Cost? What Should They Cost?
To determine the price for the Baby Shower Games, I looked at several factors. If you were to hire a professional to create your baby shower games, it would cost you at least $40 for just two games. That’s at $10 per hour (a very reasonable price) times 4 hours. And that’s being conservative. Here you have 75 games.
I also looked at the price for purchasing games at a party store. The prices ranged from $5.95 to $24.99 — just for one game!
Based on this information, I arrived at a reasonable and afforadable price of $29.99. I want you to have the “best deal on the web”, so I’ve lowered it to an incredible $24.99!
IMPORTANT UPDATE: The price has been lowered yet again! I’m in the process of performing market testing on the price of my games, so for a limited time, the price is $19 – an unbelievable bargin.
However, please be warned…
I cannot keep the price this low for too long. I want you to know that I WILL raise it after a couple of months of testing.
AND THINK ABOUT THIS: $19 is the price of a pizza and drinks. We’re not talking about a lot of money here. Plus, the best part is you can share the cost of these games with the other hostesses and you get to keep them all for yourself to use at all of your other baby showers! Spread across just five showers, you’re paying under $4 per shower. That’s a BARGAIN!
My Guarantee to You
I insist that you try these baby shower games. Print and use them as many times as you’d like. Because once you’ve tried them, I’m convinced that you’ll NEVER want to send them back!
But, if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you have eight full weeks to let us know. You will receive a full refund – we want you to be happy with your purchase.
Like I said earlier, I’m convinced that these games are the best on the internet, and if you could just see them, print them, and use them, I know you’d feel the same way.
Finally, because you’re entrusting me with your time and confidence, I want you to keep the FOUR BONUSES – Free of Charge – even if you decide to return the Baby Shower Games. That’s a guaranteed gain no matter what you decide!
Common Questions
“I’m at work, how will I be able to download the games onto my computer at home?” You have two options: 1) After payment is made, you will be directed to a web page where you can download the games. Write down the URL of that page (http://www.best-baby….), and go back to it once you get home. 2) Download the games to your work computer, copy them to a CD, then delete the games off your work computer.
“What if I don’t have a color printer or no printer at all?” You’ll need to print them at a friend’s house, your office, or at a printer. You have two options: 1) You can copy the games from your computer onto a CD and bring the CD to a friend’s house. 2) View and print the games online (there is a link where you can do this).
“I don’t know anything about computers. Will downloading the games be easy?” I wrote all of the instructions for the download with you in mind. They are detailed and have pictures of each pop-up involved during the download. If you have problems, you can visit my FAQ page, or contact me by email or telephone for assistance.
“My baby shower is in a few hours. Will I have my games in time?” Yes. As soon as payment is made, you will be directed to a download page – you don’t even have to wait for an email. For high-speed internet users, downloading will take less than a minute. For dial-up internet users, it will take longer, depending on your computer, connection, etc. You can also view and print the games from online, instead of downloading them. This is an especially nice feature if you have dial-up access and need the games immediately. Of course you can still download the games onto your computer in addition to viewing them online.
Again, Here’s What You’ll Receive
75 beautifully-designed Baby Shower Games (189 pages)
FREE – 5 sets of Baby Shower Raffle Tickets (32 pages)
FREE – 11 Baby Shower Ice Breakers (22 pages)
FREE – 50 Unique Baby Shower BINGO Cards (58 pages)
FREE – 6 Baby Shower Ultimate Planner’s Lists (23 pages)
Money-Back Guarantee
The Choice is Simple
Imagine how you’ll feel when your guests rave at how much fun they had. Imagine being the “hit” of all of your baby showers.
Remember — for a limited time, the price is an incredibly low $19 — it will go up soon, so you must act quickly.
To start downloading your baby shower games and bonuses in the next five minutes, click the Blue Order Button Now. IT’S SECURE!
As a reminder, The Best Baby Shower Games package is only available as an electronic download. It’s an executable file (.exe.) that will download and unzip the PDFs to your computer. Available for both Windows and Mac users (Mac users will download pdf files.) The games are from a U.S. perspective, so the games reflect that (for example, U.S. television shows and $ currency.)
Happy Hosting!
Dana Brigola
P.S. Remember that this Low Price of $19 WILL NOT LAST LONG. I’m in the process of figuring the best price for my product, which means that I will continue to raise my price periodically while performing market evaluations. What this means to you is that you need to hurry and click the blue order button to take advantage of the lower price before it rises again.
P.S.S. Also remember that along with these 75 super-fun baby shower games, you’ll get 4 Awesome Bonuses, valued at $59, ABSOLUTELY FREE, even if you decide to return the games! Some of these bonuses will only be available for a short time — then I’ll start charging for them.
P.P.P.S. Remember that my Guarantee to you is that if you’re not ABSOLUTELY THRILLED with these Baby Shower Games, you have 8 Full Weeks to let me know and I’ll gladly refund your money. I want you to be happy!
0 notes
stimuliandthelike · 4 years
words i liked from “Letters of Note”
In which I spent 2 hours compiling my favorite quotes from the books “Letters of Note” - a collection of letters sent from famous, regular, and famous-but-only-in-select-groups people. This is mostly just so I have a place where they’re saved but also because this blog is basically “stuff i like” so. yes. anyway. if you like old things and are interested in people you’ll probably like this.
As long as there is one upright man, as long as there is one compassionate woman, the contagion may spread and the scene is not desolate - E.B. White in response to Mr Nadeau’s letter about the future seaming bleak and hopeless to him (1973). pretty standard stuff really but in context it is better
I must write a special letter and thankyou for the dream in the bottle [...]. Tonight I shall go down to the village and blow it through the bedroom window of some sleeping child and see if it works - Roald Dahl to Amy Corcoran in response to her letter about her love for the book, 'The BFG', and a bottle she sent inside which she put a painting of one of her dreams (1989)  
Say howdy to George Carter, and thank him for taking the pistol from you when you were shooting at me - from Jourdan Anderson to Patrick Henry Anderson when the latter asked him to return and become his slave again, trying to tempt him by offering him ‘more freedom’, despite the fact that after Jourdan fled from him he had a much better life and a happier family (1865). Jourdan refused to go back unless a list of his demands were met - they were not.
*The entire letter Hunter S. Thompson sent to Hume Logan in response to the latter's request for some life advice which is too big to put here*
Dear sirs, I see that you are going to make all sorts of excuses to keep my child out of public schools. Dear sirs, will you please to tell me! Is it a disgrace to be born a chinese? Didn't God make us all!! - a rightfully enraged Mary Tape to the San Francisco board of education when they would not let her daughter attend school because of her Chinese descent (1885)
It is only adults who ever feel threatened - Ursula Nordstrom to a school librarian after hearing that the latter banned and later burned Maurice Sendrak's (her client) children's book, “In the Night Kitchen”. (1972)
A motion picture projector is a non humanoid robot which repeats truths we inject into it. Is it inhuman? Yes. Does it project human truths to humanize us more often that not? Yes. The excuse could be made that we should burn all books because some books are dreadful. We should mash all cars because some cars get in accidents because of the people driving them. We should burn down all theaters in the world because some films are trash.. drivel. So it is finally with the robots you say you fear. Why fear something? Why not create with it? - Ray Bradbury to Brian Sibley in response to the latter's letter about his fear of robots (1974) 
Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies! - from the editor of the Sun to 8 year old Virginia O'Hanlon, in response to her question about Santa Claus being real. It's a nice letter (1897)
Sir, I have just written you a long letter. On reading it over, I have thrown it into the waste paper basket. Hoping this will meet with your approval - a Big Mood presented in a short letter from Alfred d. Wintle to the editor of The Times (1946)
Dear president Eisenhower, my girlfriends and I are writing all the way from Montana. We think it's bad enough to send Elvis Presley in the army, but if you cut his side burns off we will just about die! - in which the President of the US is enrolling Elvis in the army, and three fans are distressed (1958)
*God you should also really read Stewart Sterns letter to the Winslows about James deans death. It’s also a nice letter that’s too big to put here*
Now farewell Susie, and Vinnie sends her love, and mother hers, and I add a kiss, slyly, lest there is somebody there! Don't let them see, will you Susie? - in which Emily Dickinson is yearning for Susan Gilbert, lesbianly. You know that one Sonic meme? Good for them. (1852)
I respectfully remind you sir, that we have been the most patient of all people. When you said we must have self respect, I wondered how we could have self respect and remain patient considering the treatment accorded to us throughout the years. 17 million Negroes cannot do as you suggest and wait for the hearts of men to change - Jackie Robinson to. President Eisenhower in response to his call for patience from the African Americans fighting for civil rights (1958). 
NEED SMALL BOAT - a distress call carved into a coconut shell by John F. Kennedy to the allied forces when stranded on the Solomon islands during ww2 (1943)
There are lots of one liners in the book, but when the German army are throwing bloody great lumps of hot iron at you, one only has time for one liners, in fact, the book should really consist of the following:  ‘oh fuck’ ‘look out’ ‘christ here's another’ ‘where did that fall?’ ‘my lorrys on fire’ and ‘oh christ the cook is dead' - an amusingly but I suppose rightfully annoyed Spike Mulligan to Stephen Gard in response to the latter's unending questions about his comedy material (1977) 
For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come will know that there is some corner of another world that is forever mankind - the presidential speechwriter’s 'just in case' speech in case the moon landing failed (1969)
After I have said all this, I am sure you are still ready to respond, in effect, ''yes, yes... But it still remains our right and our responsibility to decide what books our children are going to be made to read in our community.''  That is surely so. But it is also true that if you exercise that right and responsibility in an ignorant, harsh, un-American manner, then people are entitled to call you bad citizens and fools. Even your own children are entitled to call you that - Kurt Vonnegut’s (relevant-to-this-day) letter to principal Charles McCarthy’s decision to burn the banned books of the area in his school (1973)
Thankyou for your gorgeous and charming letter. You brighten up my dim life. [...] ‘perforation problems’ by the way, means to me also that the holes that will always exist in any story we try to make of our lives. So hang on my love, and grow big and strong and take your hits and keep going - Iggy Pop’s response to Laurence’s 20 fucking page long (her words not mine) fan letter. Also, she got this the day she was being evicted so like. Cool. (1995)
my love for you is deathless - Sullivan Ballou to Sarah Ballou - his wife - during the Civil War as he explained how he might not return home (1861). It's just. it’s nice
Dear ''Dr'' Fields, my response to your letter of February 19, 1976, is: kiss my ass - Bill Baxley to Edward R. Fields - a member of the klu Klux Klan - when the latter told him not to reopen the case of the 16 Street Church Bombing - which was a 'racially motivated act of terrorism that resulted in the deaths of four African American girls' (1976) 
How happy shall I be if I can still be helpful to you in my grave. And Also My misfortune is doubly painful to me because I am bound to be misunderstood; for me there can be no relaxation with my fellow men, no refined conversations, no mutual exchange of ideas. I must live almost alone, like one who has been banished. I can mix with specify only as much as true necessity demands. If I approach to people, a hot terror seizes upon me and I fear of being exposed to the danger my condition might be noticed - beethoven to his brothers, on death and his hearing disability (1802). this one just made me incredibly sad really.
During the next few days I shall either put a bullet through my head or commit something more shattering to myself than death. At any rate I shall be quite a different person. I refuse to be cheated out of my deathbed scene - Rebecca west to HG Wells, her ex lover (1913). the last line though
*The entire letter that Jermain Loguen wrote to Sarah Logue (1860). It is also very good but to giant to put here*
I have not a thing to say. Nothing is of more importance than the other. I am flatter than a denial or a pancake; emptier than Judge Parke’s wig when the head is in it; duller than a country stage when the actors are off it; a cipher, an o! I acknowledge life at all, but only by an occasional convulsional cough, and a permanent phlegmatic pain in the chest. I am weary of the world and life is weary of me. My day is gone into twilight and I don't think it worth the expense of candles. My wick hath a thief in it but I can't muster the courage to snuff it. I inhale suffocation - poet Charles lamb to his friend Bernard Barton on the subject of having the flu. Melodramatic goals. (1824)
0 notes
Model and Director @rhodesia60 with @get_repost ・・・ Since July 2018, the fashion journey has proven to be a blessing. Three editorial shoots published by El Anderson, in Beyond Your Frame magazine, the cover of I-Fashion, forming partnerships with Hank Pegeron, President of HP Marckit Enterprises and Mcdonald Layne, President of M.Adonis Layne Productions; and now in the August 2019 edition of Fashion Avenue News Magazine. Much love and respect to my fashion mentor, the CEO of Fashion Avenue News Magazine, Sofia Davis. Thank you so much for the publication. Much respect to the Lead Photographer of my team [D.I.V.A.A Casting Network & Production], Hank Pegeron. Thank you, the pictures are amazing. Thank you to Don Pittman, for hosting the 2019 NYC SHOOT A THON. Photographer: Hank Pegeron Red Dress Designer: Adrian Alicea Black Lace Designer: Unique Ravine of Flavors of Fullness. Thank you again to Sofia Davis, and the Fashion Avenue News Magazine team. August 2019 edition of Fashion Avenue News Magazine is on sale now, on the shelf now at The MagCafe..17 West 37th Street NYC, NY #hankpegeron #marckitimagery #fashionavenuenews #editorial #fashion #thankyou (at Magazine Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1PV9Zsl5uI/?igshid=o922cdeabgsn
0 notes
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"get car insurance quotes online ireland
get car insurance quotes online ireland
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much did you pay for car insurance as a new driver?
Companies that provide comprehensive health insurance packages?
Which are good, and why (maybe)?""
50cc Scooter Insurance Help?
I'm 16 in 9 days, and I'm going to celebrate with a Peugeot V Clic Silver Sport. However, I'm going to need insurance. I live in a quiet area, and my scooter will be kept in a locked, secure garage with four other scooters. I'm also very responsible and won't be thrashing it and doing wheelies. Does anyone think this will reduce the cost of insurance?""
Insurance would cost for 21 male?
how much would it cost me if i get liability not full coverage ... i havnt bought a car as yet but im thinking of buying 95 accord 4 dr or 96 maxima ... just curious to know what my insurance would be...
Is buying a sports car going to completely destroy my insurance rates?
Quick run down - I am 22, I work full time, go to school part time, I've had multiple tickets on my record but they were all 2-3 years ago and I will refinance my insurance to deal with that later. Currently I drive a '98 Toyota Corolla and my insurance is $3000 a year (tickets). I am planning on buying a Mazda RX-8 coupe this summer. Will this completely murder my insurance costs? I have Allstate. How much would this really affect my insurance, given my situation. Roughly?""
Do insurance rates really increase depending on if you drive a coupe or a sedan?
I heard insurance companies charged more to cover a teen who drives a coupe than a 4 door sedan.
""What kind of qualities should I look for when purchasing a car? ie insurance, modern elements...?""
For experienced buyers: As an entry level analyst looking to purchase a car, I was hoping to get some ideas about my first big purchase. My norm has usually been purchasing something and regretting it some time down the road ie Bought a Dell laptop, turns out it heats up a lot. Or a new smartphone (android), turns out it freezes plenty. So I want to purchase a car, and was hoping if someone who is experienced could possibly take some time off to tell me what I should look out for. I understand insurance is a *****, and even though cars are affordable on lease, the insurance will get you. My objective: Car : Lease a pre-owned or 2nd hand car, possibly 2012 or 2013 model, 4 door, sedan. Insurance : Max coverage, low payment (ideal but, shoot for the stars and....) Questions: I understand there are qualities or modern elements like lane stabilizer and effective cruise control that can reduce insurance coverage. How effective can they be? What kind of sedans have low insurance and are modernistic, such as built in navigation and those cool looking monitors? (kind of childish) Which insurance coverages are the most important, there is basic, comprehensive.... If you need additional information, I will be checking this question hourly and will be glad to provide additional information. Thanks!""
Car insurance qoute.....?
Anyone know of a website that will give me an average qoute on types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website perfered.""
Is there a time limit for a auto insurance claim to be completed?
I was in a fender bender with another car in a parking lot a month ago. I filed a claim with the other guy's insurance agency the same day as the accident and have yet to be told if the claim was approved or denied. I spoke to my adjuster last week (as well as the week before) and they were still waiting on photos of the other vehicle. Is a month normal? The auto insurance company is Wawanesa. So my questions is...is there some kind of legal time limit for an insurance agency to approve/deny a claim in the state of California? Or might I end up waiting months to hear anything? Thanks.
Cost of car insurance?
I am a 17 year old female. No crashes, good driver. I just got enough money to buy a car, and need to pay for the insurance. I Dont know how much money that would cost. I hear its diffrent everywhere, but what is the adverage for minnesota would you say? I'd appreciate it! thanks :)""
Approximately how much does malpractice insurance cost for a Psychiatrist?
Just wondering about the average annual, or monthly, cost for the insurance. If anyone has a specific number for the state of Florida, that would be much appreciated as well.""
How much is 21 century auto insurance?
How much is 21 century auto insurance?
""I want to hire a car for a few days in the USA, I know how much it is daily - how much would insurance cost?""
I want to hire a car for a few days in the USA, I know how much it is daily - how much would insurance cost?""
Lowest priced liability insurance in Texas?
I need only the bare minimum required by law. Have had only one ticked in the last 5 years. Live in Anderson County. Geico is a joke.
How much would my insurance premium rise be? Car accident.?
On the interstate going home from work, it started raining just as I entered, really hard. Then I saw this white car in front of me, who stepped on his brakes, and as soon as I saw that, I stepped on mines. I couldn't swerve to the right where the gravel and grass were cause the white car was already headed that way , since it was raining my brakes didn't help and instead my car slid and his the back left corner of the white cars, and then I hitted a gray car from behind. My car is messed up really bad and cannot be repaired. When I gained enough sense to realized what just happened, there was 5 cars that had stopped, but mines was the only one badly damaged, unrepairable. Nobody was injured, and everyone's car was still drivable. The officer basically said it was my fault, cause I couldn't stop MY car from hitting the other two. Now I have to pay a ticket of $165 and my insurance will be paying for the other car's problems.""
""If you're car is stolen, will your insurance rates increase if you are reimbursed by your insurance?""
If you're car is stolen, will your insurance rates increase if you are reimbursed by your insurance?""
Insurance help plzzz???!!!!?
could someone please describe both perfessional indemnity and public liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou very much
Speeding ticket//No insurance!!!???
My friend was driving my car and got pulled over for speeding I didnt have insurance at the time she was pulled over, But I do have insurance now.(a couple days later.) The ticket is being paid tomorrow with my proof of insurance, what will happen b/c the date of purchase is after the day she was pulled over. I live in ohio. PLs help""
Car Insurance Problem Please Help!!!?
Hi everyone, somebody hit my car and drove off about 3 weeks ago. I phoned my insurance up and made a claim, the problem lies now on my son, who is the addtional driver and who hasnt been driving my car because he doesnt need to. The problem is that he has had drink driving conviction and no insurance conviction for about 3.5 years. Prudential my insurance company want to see my licence and his licence counterparts, BUT we completely forgot about the convictions etc. So now I have a problem where i think my insurance will be void but he doesnt drive the car nor was he involved in the accident. What happens now as they have requested both photocopies of our licences, is there a way out of this, thank you""
How much will insurance be for the smart car that will be released in 2008 in the usa?
will there be a big from the other cars?
Insurances for starting a small business?
What are all the difference insurances for starting up a business? Please include a source or proof of your numbers
Health insurance help..family of 6?
we got denied Medicaid in our state, said we make to much money. we cant afforded it our works don't have it. where can i go to get at least a RX card or something?? or a place that has affordable insurance?""
Insurance company not willing to pay full value for car?
A couple of weeks ago a lady ran a red light and hit my car. Her insurance company took a week to get me a rental and two weeks later finally go look at my car and determined a total loss. The adjustor was pretty rude about the whole situation (yes I know that's their job) and started in on how my car has extensive hail damage which is not true. There were some dents from hail on the hood and trunk lid but every used car in Oklahoma has hail damage since we have had several storms over the past few years. He said that they would have paid $5900 for the car but because of the hail damage they will only pay $1250 which is ridiculous. I've done my research and the average cost of my car within 200 miles is $6000 and I have received one estimate on repairing all of the damage was $2000 yet he claims it will cost $7000. The dealership I bought the car from just sold a vehicle just like mine with hail damage for $5000. The engine and everything else on the car was perfect. When I told him all of my info he laughed at me and said oh by the way we are only paying for your rental till the 9th so you need to settle quickly, take it or leave it so I said I was calling a lawyer. I'm waiting on the lawyer to call me back but I just want to know, what should I look for to help me. I've already looked at the market in my area and have record of the prices for the same make and model. I can't take it to a body shop because the car is crushed. Any info appreciated.""
Arizona Law on insurance pulling your driver record ?
does anyone how long (in term of years) can an insurance company pull your driver record? i know here in Arizona i can pull my record from servicearizona.com for 39month. but some people tell me they can pull up to 5 years from your record.
Can someone convince me Car insurance isn't a complete waste of money.?
I'm only just turning 18 so I've never bought insurance myself my whole life. My stance on insurance is this: You might not have full coverage, they'll try to weasel out of paying you AND you might go for years without getting into an accident. In that time, if you pool up the money you'd have spent on car insurance you'd be able to pay for a car accident anyways. Now I'm just pulling this out of my butt, I don't have much of a basis on saying these things other than its just how i feel about it all, which is why I'm here. What creases me the most out of all this is that i hear car insurance for people my age is high, they treat us all the same and were not given a chance. Apparently no one sees age discrimination if it were slapped on to their face. They force you to have car insurance in Ontario which to me sounds a little ridiculous because i thought insurance was a service, an offer provided by companies, not an obligatory contract the government makes you pay for even if you don't want it. You can see my clear disposition against it at all, quite frankly i about don't wanna drive at all at this point. Though I want to be convinced because Canada's winters are cold, and modern life today kind of requires you to have your own mode of transportation.""
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Pay out of pocket for my car or go through my insurance company?
I live on a hill. Last week, in a quirky weather situation, the street I live on got super-slick just long enough for my 2000 Toyota Camry to go into a 300' free-slide down the hill and crash into a curb and a tree. It was a one-car accident, no one was injured. The repairman can only give me a rough estimate at this time but he thinks it'd cost about $1500 to repair using old body parts, although he says it could cost more if he finds more damage as he goes along--in that case he thinks it might cost up to $2,000 to patch it up out of pocket. I asked him about the pros and cons of paying out of pocket vs. going through insurance in my particular case. He said that if I chose to go through insurance--which would mean getting a USAA adjuster out and all--that he was thinking it would probably cost $2500 to repair, maybe more if it turned out there was more damage that he could see at this time. But he pointed out that I'd have to pay the deductible (which I think is $500 for my car, not sure) and that my insurance rates would go up. But then you'd end up with a new-looking car. [as opposed to a patched-up looking car]. My husband absolutely wants to pay out of pocket--he does not want to involve our auto insurance company, saying, The insurance company is only for the big accidents. But I'd like to keep this car for several more years if I can because there's no car out there that I like better, so I'm wondering if maybe it might be worth going through the insurance company. Here's a little more information: My 2000 Toyota Camry has 115,000 miles on it and has been very reliable over the years. The motor wasn't damaged and, in fact the car is already driving well again except that one headlight and blinker are broken. There is, of course, body damage to the front and hood, plus a 6 crack over the left back tire (not very deep), which occurred when I backed out of the tree, slid again, and hit the curb on the opposite side of the street. Re: Our insurance situation? We (me and my 3 driving age children) had a string of costly minivan accidents in the 1990s: 1. one in 1997 when my daughter totaled my van, and got sued for injuries by 2 people in the other car (the lawsuit was settled many years ago but it dragged out for years). 2. one by me, a one-car accident, no injuries, our insurance company paid for the damage minus the deductible 3. 2 accidents caused by other drivers, so my insurance company didn't have to pay any damages--I don't know if USAA takes accidents caused by other people into consideration or not. 4. My son totaled my van in 2000 [which is why my current car is a year 2000]. So we have not called upon our insurance company for any expenses for almost 11 years now. Regarding traffic tickets? I got one 3-4 years ago for speeding--35 or 40 mph in a 25 mph zone-. If my points from this ticket have expired by now (not sure), then there are no other points on our record. Our children are now out of the nest and only one of them borrows our car when she comes to visit once every month or two. I put less than 10,000 miles/year on my car for work and vacations. We live in PA. So my question is this: Given the age of the car, amount of damage, etc., is it worth going through our insurance company to get the car fixed rather than pay OOP--or would going through insurance raise our insurance premiums so much that it wouldn't be worth it?""
Car insurance address different on license?
My drivers license and car registration address is at my mothers house which is my permanent address and my car insurance address is where Im living now which is a rental house. Do I need to change the address on my license and car registration? I'm always at my mothers house if it makes any difference. Is this illegal? How would i go about making changes if they need to be done and does it cost money? Thank You!!!!!!
Will getting a speeding ticket increase my insurance rates?
I am 17 with my G2 on my parents State Farm Insurance Policy, but will be taken off in 5 months when I move out to university. I got a speeding ticket (65 in a 50) and no points with it...will they find out if I just mail the check myself?""
Car insurance ( diabetes )?
after i get a quote online when i proceed to pay will the insurers phone me or will i after phone them as i have a 3 year medical licence and i need to let them know off my medical condition ( diabetes insulin dependant ) first time getting insurance so any info would be great
How do you find affordable health insurance?
I have a friend of mine who lives in Florida. He had open heart surgery a few years ago. After the surgery was done, the Dr walked in the room and told my friend he really never needed the surgery to begin with. He is trying to find health insurance and he is having trouble finding it because of his heart condition even though now he doesn't have one. Most of the health insurance companies want more then $1500 a month to insure him. How does he find affordable insurance in the US?""
I just got into a car accident and whats going to happen if i dont have insurance for that car?
Okay so on Monday, I was parked on one side of the street and because of street cleaning I uturned across the street into two other cars that were parked and some lady backed up trying to park in thee space that i was in. she did not look back i guess. It's clearly her fault but the thing is that that car does not have insurance. My other 3 cars are insured just that one is not because my brother gave it to me to sell. I am wondering what is going to happen because she reported to insurance. Wiill i get in trouble? ( I'm under 18) Do i get money from her insurance company? Will I have to pay for her damages even though it was 100% her fault? and what do i do now? Her insurance agent called me but i called back and cannot get a hold of her. Thanks for the help""
Individual Dental Insurance for NJ?
I've been staring at dental insurance plans all day and finally it makes no sense anymore. I've enrolled in a discount plan but my dentist says I should get insurance for the procedures I'll be needing. I've only found one plan that seems to cover my area. Cost is not that big of an issue as more WHERE TO FIND IT. My job doesn't offer it. I'm an unmarried adult and I just need to purchase insurance (pref PPO) that will be effective as soon as possible.
What should i do about car insurance?
Basically in 2009 i got caught speeding without insurance. Biggest Mistake of my life. Lost my licence and had to start from provisional again. Now i have passed my test and it is a few years on i dont know what to do about getting insurance. I refuse to drive without it now. The thing i need to know is do i tell my insurance company about the claims that were less than 5 years ago or don't i? the reason is because my licence was taken away without a ban put back to provisional and now re-started fresh so do i still have to put them or not? Also if i do what would happen if i don't? Just out of curiosity as it would be a lot cheaper but if i have to i will obviously. Thanks
What is the lowest car insurance for a Kia?
I need insurance for just 1 vehicle a 2002 Kia Rio valued at $2500 How can i get an insurance policy that would pay for repairs and the other persons medical bills for under $300 a year Is there any plan that offers car insurance at this rate or less
What is the most affordable health insurance in NYC?
My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
Why is the insurance on my 1982-83 2.5L landie cheeper than my 0.9L corsa W reg?
i just dont see how the insurance on any landie could be cheaper than a corsa, especially as it is my first year driving, does anyone know why this could be?????""
What kind of fine do you get for driving without car insurance in California?
My older brother recently bought a brand new car, and just two days ago the insurance he purchased from the dealership's insurance company expired. He has liability insurance underneath a separate insurance company, but that has not expired. We were stopped for something minor the other day, and the police officer noticed my brother's insurance was expired. What kind of fine will he face?""
Car insurance question?
I just got a 94 Buick Park avenue a few weeks ago. I'm 17 and getting my license (hopefully) on the 25th of this month. I have a question about the insurance. Our company is Amica. I've gotten a quote recently from my dad talking to them. He told me today that after two cars are insured the third one is automatically listing me as the primary driver. I'd like to be able to be the 'secondary driver' to save money...anyone know if this is possible with this company?
Who is the best auto insurance agency?
Currently have USAA, but it seems that they just charge for the general population rather than going into more personal charges. Since they are not locally based in NV, they charge for all the other boneheads out here rather than my own driving record.""
Do you pay taxes on a Life Insurance payout?
my father died and my mother will be seeing her tax person. Will she be paying taxes on the money she collected from my dads life insurance?
16 Year Old Auto Insurance on Own Car?
hey, i am currently 16 and have had my license for about 5 months now, i am considering buying my own car, can anyone tell me an estimate of how much my insurance would be? i would be buying an older model car (1997-2002), i completed a young drivers course. Thanks""
Which car insurance should i go with?
i've been with mercury insurance for many years now. but since i've never had to file a claim, i don't know how good they are. i got two lower quotes from esurance and response insurance. i don't know if i should switch. any experience feedback with your car insurance companies would be great.""
Can I buy salvage cars from insurance auctions and then resell them as-is using a seller permit in California?
I want to know if is legal to use my sellers permit to buy totaled cars or salvaged cars at auction to the resell them (as is) in ebay. would i need a dealer license if I selling more than 5 a year?
On average what is my auto insurance going to cost if I go with geico or progressive in los angeles?
I need to know seriously
Will my insurance be notified for a texting ticket?
I have been driving for 3 years, and got my first citation yesterday for textng and driving. It's only $70, so I'll pay it off myself & not tell my parents (I'm 19, they pay for my car insurance since I'm in college and can't make enough money to pay for it myself). The officer said that the ticket will not give me any points or make my insurance rate go up. I was wondering if my insurance (Progressive) will be notified at all & the information be visible to my parents. This is in Maryland by the way. PS. I know texting & driving is dumb... I try not to do it, but since I'm fairly good at it, I have done it a lot. But after yesterday, I'm done.""
How much workers compensation insurance costs in california?
workers compensation insurance cost
Insurance for first car?
Im thinking about buying a 00-04 S2000 or and 99-04 Mustang GT. I live in georgia..17 almost 18 with a flawless driving record. My parents and i use geico insurance. I am a car enthusiast and i love performance.
How much will my motorcycle insurance be??
I'm 19 years old in Arkansas. I'm planning to buy a 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R soon. I'm currently under my parents coverage policy with Shelter Insurance. I have good driving records so far...and I just want basic coverage. Oh, and Im also planning to make payments on the bike, so does that mean I have to get full coverage? Any help would be greatly appreciated!""
Got an insurance check for hail damage on my car do i have to repair my car?
I have had the check for the insurance company sitting for two months due to the fact I havent had the money to pay the deductible. Well I am 35 weeks pregnant and this week my phone, water, car insurance, will all be shut off or canceled this week and my car payment was due three weeks ago. So This is my last and final option but my car is not paid of I still owe on it and the check is for 2,000 due to hail damage and it is made out to me and the bank so it says pay to the order of (name) AND (bank) only! Can I put the check into my bank account wait for it to clear and then pay my bills? I know this sounds very wrong but sometimes you have to do what you can with you've got.""
""If you are a 22 year old male, please reply telling me how much your full coverage car insurance is. Details!?""
If you are a 22 year old male, please reply telling me how much your full coverage car insurance is. Details!?""
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Cheapest car insurance companies for boston area?
i am looking for a cheap insurance company my husband is buying a plymoth grand voyager tomorrow, a family pleasure driving only vehicle. what comapnies in the boston,cambridge chelsea, area is the best and cheapest?""
Why did the health insurance for my employees just go up 32% for next year?
Thanks Obama, Pelosi and Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. BS""
How much would the insurance on my car be?
I'm 18. I just got my car. and I just got my license. and I have a 2001 Hyndai. I live if Fort Myers FL... How much would it be on my own? and How much could it be under my brother in laws name that has had his license for 5 years?
Car insurance coverage?
Will the insurance of a driver pay off for a non family member's vehicle that was totaled if he has total coverage for his vehicles? The vehicle that was crashes has a lien against it & only has liability insurance. However, the driver that wrecked has total coverage for both of his vehicles. He has USAA insurance which looks like good insurance? There is GAP insurance on the wrecked vehicle. My question, how do I get the ball rolling on this? I live in Oklahoma, the truck is sitting at a savage yard in Killeen, TX , the primary driver (a soldier) is in a military camp in Virginia, the soldier that wrecked the vehicle is living in Killeen, TX. I signed for the loan, my name is on the title. I haven't ever driven this vehicle. The salvage yard said they sent registered letters to the Oklahoma motor vehicle department. This sounds like it could take months and months to settle. Meanwhile, I need the primary driver to continue make the payments. They are not agreeing on who shuld""
Would financing your first car make your insurance go up?
would financing your first car make your insurance go up? As in, a payment plan for a used car.""
Had a accident no insurance Also no my car?
Ok well as my question states. I was in a car accident and i have no way to pay for insurance. the other driver is fine we are just waiting for the report. The police did not ask me anything about my insurance. The other part of this is that this car s my ex car he was letting me use. So im wondering is he going to get in to trouble and what am i looking at? Hopefully someone expirenced can help thanks.
What's more expensive in America? Healthcare or Health Insurance?
I keep hearing Americans spend more on health care than other industrialized countries. and I also hear they spend more on health insurance. So my question is: On average, do we spend more on Healthcare or Health Insurance than other countries? Or de we spend more on both?""
""For a 17 year old, How much about is car insurance (relatively) and which places are cheaper?
We were thinking State Farm or Country
How many people lack health insurance?
If you lack health insurance, why? If you cannot afford it, what could people around you do to help you out?""
Which car would have a higher insurance - Audi or Lexus?
I have a reckless driving back in August 2008 Speeding ticket - 50 on 35 May 2008 ever since then I have not been pulled over Thank you
Insurance Help for a Teen?
I'm about to get a used 2004 Lexus Sc430 hardtop convertible. It's a V8 with 288 horsepower. My friend has a 400 Horsepower Trans Am but he put his name under his dad's truck as the primary driver so they wouldn't get killed with insurance rates. If I put my name under my dad's tahoe as the primary driver and under the lexus just listed under the car as not the primary driver. Can I get in trouble for this?
What is the average rate of car insurance for 16 year old driver?
I am going to be 16 and i am just wondering how much will the insurance charge is i get added on right when i get my license?
Car Insurance for a 17 year old ? Rough price needed.?
Hi, My son is 17 in a couple of months, need a rough guess on how much insurance will be on a low groupage car (peugeot 106 1.0 etc). He'll be provisional but will have his mother on the insurance also. We're in Teesside so not out in the sticks but not a city postcode. Any rough ideas will be great. Thanks.""
Auto insurance?
which auto insurance should i get for my 2005 chrysler sebring? i have farmers but its so freaking expensive! i pay 200 dollras every month and i know theres people who pay less i wanna know which insurance would be cheaper? but i want full coverage and everything.
What would be considered as a franchise of Allstate ? ?
Would it be the actual insurance agent ?
First speeding ticket how much will my insurance increase and for how long?
I recieved my first moving violation (speeding ticket) and would like to know the cost/percentage/etc of a potential increase (if any) to my insurance. I am reluctant to call my State Farm agent for fear that they'll pull the record now and re-do my rates instead of towards the end of 6 months when I am up for renewal. Any takers?
Who is the insurance/workers compensation carrier for Petco?
For a research project I'm doing on the pet industry, I need the name of the carrier who provides insurance and worker's compensation for Petco, PetSmart and the like.""
Companies that provide cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male?
I have recently passed my driving test and whenever I get a quote from a car insurance company it it always over 3000. I have tried putting myself under my mother's name as an additional driver but I still get the same outcome. I know people who are the same age with same car and have been able to get their insurance for a little over 1000. Are there any companies that will help me to get a lower quote (don't suggest compare websites because they are more expensive). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
""I accidently backed into a car, but the owner doesnt want me to turn it in to my insurance?""
She doesnt have car insurance and is scared she'll get into trouble. Its at least 500 worth of damage. Do i have to pay her out of pocket? I pay insurance for a reason!!! My deductible is only 100, and i dont feel i should pay anymore than that.""
Do I need full insurance coverage to finance a USED car?
I am planning on buying a car after putting like 4000$ down, I want to finance for like 2-3 years BUT I heard I had to buy full coverage which is like 300-400$ for me..(currently I pay 150$ one way) This will be a huge problem. I went to some dealer and a guy working there said it's upto me if it's a USED car, and you only have to buy full coverage for brand new cars. Is this true? I am from Edmonton Alberta, Canada.""
What if insurance wants to change my sons counselor?
He has been seen by an out of network provider for over 6 years and approved...now at the age of 13 they want to force me to get a in network provider. My son has flourished with this counselor and trusts him...why should he have to change? Haven't the insurance company set a presidence? Any good web sights I can look this up on? Any help would be appreciated...I plan on fighting this.
How much will my car insurance cost monthly?
I'm 20 years old, female, college student, never been in an accident, 0 tickets, i've had my license since i was 18, my occupation: customer service. i'm self supporting, my insurance will not be under parents. it will be under my name. i'm looking to just get basic liability coverage. the car i'm considering to get is a white 2003 toyota celica gt coupe. with about 95kmiles. what insurance do you recommend and how much do you think it will cost for me monthly?""
Services offered by insurance companies?
general services offed by insurance companies
""What is... THE, CHEAPEST, CAR INSURANCE... IN... THE... UK?""
i mean what is legaly the cheapest you can possably pay... im looking for real cheap scraping by scum insurers that wont cover F all... the cheapest... THE... CHEAPEST... i dont wanna hear you mention popular names!!... i wanna hear hidden hated piece of S**t insurers... understand... REALLY cheap... none of this.... 4000 stuff... robbin sc*m... im looking for, eh-hem... CHEAP...""
Car insurance on a pergeout 307 new driver? UK ONLY.?
i turned 17 in march.i have yet to pass my test but wish to look at quotes for insurance. its a 5 door 1.6 and 5 doors. who knows a cheap car insurance site for me and with prefernce to someone you know having it from there? before you say i have tried comparison sites and they are no use.
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Do you need insurance to drive?
Is it a legal obligation to have car insurance?
Where can a Construction company get a cheap insurance and bond?
Hello, I just started a small family construction company ( tile ) and would like to know where you can get a cheap bond from. Our company is in Seattle Washington. Can someone please help me with this. It would be great if it can be as cheap as it gets. we are on a budget. Thanks in advance""
Do insurance companies had out new phones?
This is the deal. I bought a new phone. HTC Desire S. I then accidentally dropped down the toilet. This caused it to get water damaged which equals broken phone. It's with the insurance company, and I know my claim has been accepted and now they are deciding whether they can repair the phone or send me a replacement. Now.. What does a replacement mean: Does that mean a new phone (fresh out of box) Does that mean a refurbished phone (second hand) Does that mean a different model phone (not a HTC Desire S) I've never used a insurance company before for this kind of thing because I'm always very careful when it comes to my technology and gadgets, so I don't know. I'm hoping I'll at least get the same model phone I had. I only had this phone for 2 weeks (Upgraded from Vodafone)""
What is the best supplemental medical insurance for veterans?
My husband will turn 65 on March the 18th and is scrambling to find a supplemental medical insurance because of the many veterans administration cutbacks on care. He suffers from diabetes type and hepatitis-c. He isn't service connected and needs an extra medical insurance to cover what the veterans administration doesn't cover. We need an affordable insurance that wont turn him down because of his medical condition.
Renters insurance?????
My landlord is asking me to get insurance for my dog but its not for like health and stuff its for something else. She told me about renters insurance. And i don't know what to do. Plz help
""If you work for an insurance company, would you get discounted car insurance?""
I have a 2nd interview for some insurance companies, one is at progressive and the other is at all-state. My car insurance is expensive because I'm in my early twenties even though my record is spotless. It occurred to me today that if I work at an insurance company I might get discounts. Does anyone have an idea of how much of a discount these companies offer on insurance for their employees? That is, if they even offer discounts at all. I know you obviously can't give me an exact number, I'm just interested in the benefits I could potentially have as an employee.""
Are there any affordable insurance companies that cover preexisting conditions?
Is regular insurance better than repricing when you ned to have surgery and the condition is considered preexisting?
Car insurance question?
My daughter has just passed her driving test here in the UK and her insurance costs have gone through the roof on the smallest car around. Is it possible (and legal) to insure her in Europe somewhere for her to drive in the uk for less money? Thanks
How much is car insurance and medical insurance monthly?
im doing a project for my math class and i dont know what either of these would cost!
How much would insurance be?
In the next couple months I'll be in the market for a 2006-2008 7series BMW. I'm 17 and this would be my second car. Approximately how much would I be paying a month for the insurance? Thanks in advance.
I need cheap auto insurance below $150?
I'm 18 just got my drivers license got a honda civic lx 2010 and i need auto insurance i have a suckish job and i'm currently not in college but i will be attending after this next semester. i'm just looking for auto insurance, why is it so complicated?""
Is the American health insurance is like Car insurance?
Life insurance and all the other insurances? And you pay it every month and how much? Or what it's like?
Roughly how much will my car insurance be?
I'm a female and 18 in July, my parents have bought me a 2010 Toyota Yaris for my birthday.. But I have to pay for the insurance (fair enough deal!) Roughly how much would it cost? Would it be much cheaper if I went under my parents insurance?""
Whats a cheap insurance?
I'm 18 and live near garland just liability
What is the best dental insurance company to get for a low income individual?
I'm getting by on a min wage, part time job....However, we really need dental care. Does anybody know of a good company to look into?""
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a new UK rider?
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a new UK rider?
Can I insure my car in California if it is registered in Oklahoma?
I currently have insurance in Oklahoma. My permanent address is in Oklahoma but I am stationed in California and California doesn't require military personnel to register their vehicles there.
Expat insurance - what kind of insurance is appropriate?
I traveled abroad for a year and got worldwide travel insurance. Then I decided to make the move permanent. I am living outside the EU and I'm wondering, surely travel insurance is inappropriate for a permanent move - what to other expats get to make sure they are covered against issues abroad? Thanks
Do you think its good to have insurance?
Car insurance cell phone insurance life insurance health insurance renters insurance homeowners insurance School supply insurance Title insurance Troll insurance No matter what the product its good to have insurance AM I RIGHT?
How to get car insurance for less than 1000 for a 17 year old male?
Living in England, the most expensive country in the world, and being the most expensive group of driver to insure, yet earning only 50 a week is too hard! I can get no help from family or anything I have to pay for it all myself. Realistically I need to find insurance for under a grand in order to be driving in less than a year's time. I would really appreciate any ways anybody knows of getting the cost this low. I have heard classic car insurance is a good way, but you have to be lucky to find a classic car which is cheap enough itself to make it worthwhile. Also pass plus seems ok but it seems not all insurance companies care about if you've done it - I mean if its only the more expensive ones that end up giving discounts anyway then its not worth it.. Thanks""
Can i get a no insurance ticket if the car was insured but my name isn't under the insurance?
i got pulled over and i was driving my brothers car so the cop gave me a ticket for no insurance cause he said that my name wasnt under the insurance. If i go to court and show the insurance that i had in the car will they still fine me?
Which will cost more to insure? 00-04 mustang base or 00-04 mustang gt?
I'm 17 and live in New York. Been driving with a clean record for one year and I currently pay $100/month on my mom's '10 camry. I want to get my own car and I have narrowed everything down to a mustang, but I can't decide between a base model or a gt. I have discounts on my current policy such as good student and drivers ed. I will also take a defensive driving course for an added discount and the new car will also bring about a multi-car policy discount which will be helpful. My mom will be contributing the same $100 towards the car as she is now and the rest I have to pay for by myself. I have heard that the base and gt will cost about the same to insure, but that doesn't seem right considering that the gt has 100+hp more than the base, but people have supported that by saying the base models are involved in more crashes among young drivers. So can anybody set the record straight for me? Please don't give me responses saying that only my insurance agent can tell me that or too high for you to afford. Also would it be a wise decision to drop collision coverage for a huge insurance discount? I don't plan on racing this car.""
So how long and how much will this type of insurance cost ?
So how long and how much will this type of insurance cost ?
Need insurance quote for 73 Mustang Mach 1?
I would just like to get an idea from a person who knows a lot about insurance at what I would be looking to pay. It's the long weekend here in Canada and no insurance companies are open, and I cannot get a quote online because of the year of the vehicle. What I am looking to buy is a 73 Mustang Mach 1. I am 21 years old. The car value is 15,000 It will be driven less then 1000KM a year No substantial modifications. I haven't had any speeding (or otherwise) tickets I will be the primary driver. Vehicle is in good shape Um any other details I am missing? let me know.""
""Which is better having, single-payer or mandate health insurance & why?""
Which is better having, single-payer or mandate health insurance & why?""
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0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
"How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much is insurance on a motorcycle for a 16 year old caucasion male in Texas??
i have never had a car or anythin. i am wanting to buy a kawasaki 599cc. i havnt had any accidents or anything. i just need an estimant on how much it would be monthly. now plz dont say call your insurance company or give me a site to go to just plz gestimate what you think it would be.
What am I required to report when I apply for new car insurance?
I scratched the paint on someone's bumper. A claim was made and the damages paid were approximately $1300. My question is: if I will be applying for a new insurance policy, am I required by law to report that I was in a fender bender? Are they able to access these records? I am trying to determine whether or not this will affect my new insurance policy rates.""
im 19 and i was never insured. I live in ontario, canada. I want to be principal for 2007 chrysler sebring, I need the cheapest quote possible. thanks""
How much would full coverage auto insurance in California cost if i've had my license for 9 1/2 years?
Plus a good driving record & I am 29 years old.
Cheap florida health insurance?
my wife and i want to have a child but cannot afford to pay for the complete doctors visit and all.. we do not qualify for medicaid what insurance that is affordable can we use?
Alloys and insurance?
If i wanted to put alloys on my car, will my insurance go up? Thanks""
The best car insurance for a beginning teen?
I want to start driving, however one responsibility is paying for my own car insurance. I am 16 years old and am interested in a 2005 Volkswagen beetle. I was wondering what is the best car insurance company for a teen beginning driver, something affordable for a teenager's income please lol. Thank you.""
Where can i find cheap auto insurance in buffalo ny?
looking for insurance for my dodge caravan
Is Nissan 240sx expensive to insure?
Is 89-93 240sx (S13) expensive to insure? I am 16. I would put this car under my mom's insurance. She never had an accident, ticket, etc. Also I never took drugs or any stuff like that, never been pulled over or something if it matters insuring a car.""
2006 cadillac cts insurance rate for teens?
i want my dad to give me his car but i wanted to know how much the insurance would be its the base 2006 2.8L cts and its salvaged , so yeah state farm rates would be a +, State of California""
Do you have to have car insurance to drive a motorbike or a car?
hi there i was wondering do i have to have car insurance to drive a motorbike or a car ? oh and how much do you think they would charch a 19 year old guy oh and do i pay weekly or monthly or yearly ?
How much is goin to cost me per month if i own a peugeot 206?
im 19 and a student at uni, i want to buy a but im nt really sure how much it will cost me can someone help me. i will be travellin about 5miles per day with the car road tax servicing insurance petrol etc""
Am i insured if driving without a licence?
my friend was in a car accident although she is insured her driving licence had expired
""Turning 17 in a few years time - group 20 car insurance, how much would that cost??""
as above, please answer, i know im being a tad bit ambitious lol (1995 aston martin db7 fh 2dr coupe) WOOP WOOP!""
Lowest priced liability insurance in Texas?
I need only the bare minimum required by law. Have had only one ticked in the last 5 years. Live in Anderson County. Geico is a joke.
Health insurance question?
ok i'm a international student and i just found out that i got a cervical cancer or abnormal cell growth, and i don't have a health insurance and i don't know how to pay for it? if i get a health insurance would it cover it?""
""My car is fully paid for, and I wonder what auto insurance coverage would be the less expensive and good?""
My car is fully paid for, and I wonder what auto insurance coverage would be the less expensive and good enough to get in state of California? 1- Liability only? 2- Liability plus collision? 3- Full coverage? 4- Any other type? Regards, Mo.""
HELP with car insurance for 17 year old?
I am trying to find cheap car insurance for a 17 year old :/ its proving hard and cheapest quote so far is 3500 with my mother as named driver. does anyone know any companys that specialise in young drivers insurance or ways to reduce it?
What is some good cheap car insurance for young adults between the ages of 18-24?
And I mean car insurance that you don't have to pay over 100 dollars for.
How would I buy a sportbike with no credit? How much would the payments/insurance be?
I want to get an 08 or newer yamaha r6. I am going to strip a few nights a month and that will cover the payments possibly. I am almost 19 and would like my parents not to know about the job, but if they find out, whatever. So pretty much I am trying to figure out how I can manage this on my own. I have no credit, but I am responsible. Also I have a clean driving record and am on good student discount for insurance on my car. Am I dreaming or could I maybe actually get the bike of my dreams?!!""
""I cheated my husband he knows but still wants to keep me and the marriage,but dont love him anymore,what i do?""
i'm still staying with him he change to make me happy i gave him a chance i have 2 kids for their sake i stayed but still i'n not happy i rather have to divorce him i know i will have a peace of mine i want to do something that makes me happy he's a boring guy i just did'nt ralized that b4 coz i'm bc taking care of my 2 kids but now they're teenagers i suddenly realized how boring my life is,i'm 44 yrs old and i knoe i still can find better life ahead of me with the right person with me so i need help outthere if i really have to sacrifice ny happiness for the sake of my marriage and for the my kids? my husband is not really a good provider we both have financial problem he had his money i have my own,i dont have a name on his bank account either his on mine he paid all the bills,i paid the daycare and the clothes for me and the kids,the sch. lunch for 1 kid him the other kid,i paid the car insurance which it's not my name but since i'm the one using it.so pls. help what shall i do?""
Car insurance for 17year olds? ?
Please answer this question for my cousin: I'm 17 in november and I'm planning on taking my theory on my birthday and the practical 3/4 weeks later because I can already drive well but before my practical I just want to have 3weeks worth of lessons on the road with the public instead of friends cars and stuff. My mum has said she will help me buy a car but when I look at insurance quotes they are very very expensive. I wanted to put my long term boyfriend who I live with during term time on my insurance policy so he can drive it as well. He has his own car but he is thinking of getting rid of it soon. He has been driving for 3 years and is 22. Is it cheaper just to have myself on the policy or with him on it too? What cars are nice (no old fashioned ugly cars) are cheap to insure for a 17year old girl?
16 year old car insurance?
im about to buy a 1997 honda civic ex and i was wondering what my car insurance might be if it helps im a guy in florida and im 16 thanks
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Auto insurance broker fee in CA?
Hi I live in CA i just bought a new 2012 hyundai and went to get insurance through Freeway Insurance and I signed up for a 12 month premium with Farmers they did not tell me anything about a broker fee until after i signed all the paperwork. I am 20yrs old and paying $220 a month for full coverage. They charged me a $275 Broker fee I just want to no if this is even legal or if they ripped me off! I walked out spending $560.00 Are they allowed to charge such high fees I will call my credit card and have them refund it immediately if they ripped me off. Please help. Open to all answers thankyou!
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
Cheap insurance for 17 year olds?
ok doing my driving test on tuesday and got a 02 reg 1.1 citroen saxo at most insurance companies im getting told around 10 grand however i have been able to get it down to 6 grand, btw im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 does anyone know a company where it is cheap for 17 year olds? Thanks""
""How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.""
How much would cost a BMW325 coupe car insurance in london? car is worth 15.000, 3 years old, held in garage.""
Will we be covered by insurance when driving to get a new car?
I have bought a new (second hand!) car and will be going to get it today. Not having changed my car before, I have a question. Just before we go to pick up the new car, we will be changing our insurance in town from our old car to the new car. If I change my insurance to the new car, how can I then drive my old car as it will be uninsured? We will need the old car to drive a few miles outside town to get the new car! Is there a special way that this has to be done so that the the old car is still temporarily covered? We will be going to get the new car immediately after sorting the insurance. Please give as much details as possible of what I have to do.""
What is the best/cheapest car insurance for high risk drivers?
What is the best/cheapest car insurance for high risk drivers?
Ok.. who has the cheapest health insurance?
im doin a report in school and i need to know guestimations on health insurance? who has the cheapest and on what company?
Why is car insurance expensive?
So I'm looking at these insurance rates and im thinking all of this car insurance is a huge scam! Why do we need it?? And why is it sooo expensive for experienced drivers?
How much does insurance on a 2012 corvette for a 16 year old cost?
i know what you're probably thinking. who would buy a 16 year old a brand new corvette? but i have enough to buy one for myself, i am 16 at the moment, so can you tell me how much insurance would cost? please no comments about there being no way i could get one.""
How much does horse insurance cost?
How much would it cost to insure a 14 year old gelding quarter horse? He is 1,200 pounds and does jumping and dressage. I need to know this ASAP!!!""
2008 Nissan GTR Insurance/Maintenance?
I'v been saving up some money now and want to get a used car when i turn 21. had my license since 16 I'm debating heavily whether to get 2008 bmw 335i coupe or 2008 nissan gtr. i'm sure nissan gtr insurance and maintenance would cost a lot but about how much should I be expecting? iv been searching around and this is the number i got to guess but iono 4000 a year for insurance and 2000 a year for maintence...is that a good estimate? if it's more than that, i don't think i should really get one. should i just keep saving and buy a 335i and treat myself with a nicer one after college? or should i just go all out right now?""
What License would you need to sell Dental Insurance in IL?
I have both my Health and Life Insurance Licenses. Can I sell dental insurance?
Should I get mortgage life and disability insurance?
I just bought a house on my own and the bank is asking me if I want to get mortgage life and disability insurance. I've got life insurance through work (plus separate life insurance on my own) and disability insurance through work which is at 75% of my pay after 4 months. The mortgage and disability insurance is $47/ month. Do most people get additional insurance on the mortgage? I don't have any kids, husband, parents or siblings living in the same country (they're in Europe).""
Where do I find florida health insurance ?
I am looking for a health insurance quote for florida health insurance. I am looking for cheap florida health insurance.
Where to get auto insurance after license suspension?
when license is reinstated where do I get auto insurance. Lost license due to breathalyzer refusal.
Whats minimum car insurance cover allowed for producing at police station in UK?
Got stopped by the police today for having no car insurance due to my insurance company cancelling my cover without even notifying me. I've got to produce a cover note to the police station stating my car is now insured. As the car has been impounded and I will be not paying for it to be released, what is the minimum cover period that the police will accept to I can pay my fine as I have to produce my Drivers Licence, Tax and Insurance Cover notes. For example, 1 day, 7 day or 28 days insurance etc.""
What is the insurance cost for a 40 year old male driving anew ferrari?
dont worry im not 40 nor can i afford a ferrari. im just wondering how much it costs to maintain one?
How much insurance would i most likely pay? help please!?
I'm 17 years old and this is going to be my first car, my mom has a car under state farm insurance my grades are pretty top notch (3.7) I also took the defensive driving course car that i'm getting is a -------2001 mitsubishi eclipse sypder -------- what's the minimum amount i would have to pay you think?""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Car insurance claim Question?
Okay, so here is the story. i was in a private McDonald's car park when the was car meet event, nothing official boy racers if your wish, the car parks were full to the brim with cars parked all over the place, with hardly any lighting at 10 o clock as night, visibility wasn't at its best. i was stuck in a Que of traffic trying to get out of the car park, when the car in front started reversing for what ever reason, so i put my car into reverse, had a glance in the rear view mirror which really was no help because of the poor lighting. I let my foot of the brake as the car in front stated reversing an with in milliseconds i herd people shouting, so i stopped and got out, there was a car right behind me must have on been cm away, with a massive dent in the drivers door. although i didn't even feel a thing i quickly apologised and began to sort the problem. i have no clue whether the driver had his lights on or not. i suspected that i couldn't have done it because i had barely moved and there was no damage to my car what so ever. Although this being my first accident i was nerves so took responsibility. We both decided to sort it out between our selves, i didn't want my insurance to go up as it is high enough already as a young driver, he said he would need a new door and i agreed due to the size of the dent, so he found one on eBay for 150 and would take nothing but that as i only had 100 in the bank at the time we drove to the cash machine he took the 100 and we agreed that i would pay him the other 50 in two weeks when i got paid, i writ a receipt to say that i had paid him this money and there was a following 50 to come, with his signature and address phone number ext... two weeks later herd nothing although i kept the money aside for a couple more weeks just in case, but still herd nothing after over a month he texts me asking for the 50 which i no longer have, i explain to him that he has left if for over month and now expects it instantly. Now he says he is going to put in an insurance claim, which i cant no see happening due to 2 reasons 1. he has already tried to sort it him self and failed to because of a fault of his own 2. because he was on a private car park at an illegal car meet Am i right? or is there anything i should do or know about this situation. Thank you.""
Does anyone know what the average insurance cost for a 2004 Dodge Ram is?
I just bought a beautiful 2004 dodge ram quad cab 4x2 4.7 V8 and i have quotes that range from $165- $303 per month. If you have a similiar truck to mine, how much is the average insurance payment, and what company do you use? I head AAA and 21st Century were pretty good?""
Why are insurance companies restricted from selling health insurance to anyone?
Why would any state decide not to let an insurance company compete?
Around how much would car insurance cost a year for an 18 year old female to drive ocassionally?
I just want to drive my moms car for a bit until I buy my own!
""Getting my new car, Challenger 2009, any insurance rates?""
How much would the APPROXIMATE insurance rate be on a 2009 Dodge Challenge R/T? I know it won't be low, but it won't be that high since it's an American car....correct? Her is the bad part...My record. 2 Accidents and a stop sign...But i will turn 18 soon if that matters. Car Info (another bad thing) 5.7 Liter V8 Hemi, 375 horses. How much is the Approximate insurance guys, just throw me an estimate.""
""How much would the insurance be, for a 17 year old female - new driver, for a Range Rover Vogue?""
It would be about 11/12 years old. 4.0L or 4.6L. And, probably is Petrol. How much on average would this be? UK!""
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
GED and Health Insurance?
Hello I a question that needs to be answered. Im guessing I came to the right place? :D Alright so highschool is not working out for me and I plan to go to community college after anyhow. I have been contemplating dropping out and going to college for a while now... My parents agree with my choice but do not want me to step off there life insurance policy. I stay on it as long as I am going to school. So if I were to drop out how long do I have until I am off there policy. I am turning 17 in a few months and dont have a job...making life insurance quite the task on someone with no paycheck. My insurance is Aetna thanks in advance!
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
Which auto insurance companies only go back three months for accidents and violations?
Which auto insurance companies only go back three months for accidents and violations?
""Closing on a house, need the title insurance?""
So far this home buying process has been hell, and I am ready to close this month rather than next month... But our broker said, to close by the end of July, it depends on when they recieve the title insurance... Everything is done on our end, basically we are just waiting on the sellers to do their part... Could it really take longer than a month to get the title insurance? And, what is title insurance? Thanks in advance""
What is the cheapest liability car insurance in the US?
What is the cheapest liability car insurance in the US?
Motorcycle insurance question?
I will be 18 in two months and i want a bike. I am planning to go to the classes which i assume lowers insurance. I also thought by having a smaller bike would cut insurance costs. I only plan to ride around town and not on the highway. If i bought a 250cc bike like a GZ250 or a Honda Rebel, how much would seasonal insurance be roughly? I only want the types of insurance that are mandatory in order of me being on a budget.""
I need help for cheaper auto insurance... any suggestions in my situation?
I was really stupid as a kid. When I first got my New York State drivers license within half a year I had gotten 2 speeding tickets, a DWI under the age of 21 (I blew a .16 and was reduced to a dwai luckily), seatbelt violation, talking on the phone while driving, and not fully stopping at a stopping at a stop sign. I got my license suspended for a year and I've been able to drive for over a year now. Ive matured a lot sense I was in high school and regret all of it but because of all the stupid, irresponsible, things I did when I was a teenager my insurance just to drive is putting me in debt its so high. Does anyone have any advice to get cheaper insurance in the same situation as me? And please no your a bad person you could have killed someone responses. I've learned my lesson and would like to go on with my life without paying thousands of dollars for insurance. Thank you!""
Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance?
Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance?
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
I have been looking around for car insurance for a while now and other than getting a pretty good quote from a company that fit a box inside my car, the other quotes are no lower than 4,500! It's a 1.4 Astra, nothing fancy about it. It's a bigger car than usual learner drivers drive but i'm sure the quotes i am getting ar way to high..1000 deposit and 492 a month? Help needed!""
Teen Driving Insurance?
I am wondering how much the type of car will affect the price of car insurance for a 16 year old. Which if the following cars will the insurance cost the most? and the least? 00 BMW 323ci, 04 Mazda 3s, 2001 audi a4 1.8t, 04 acura rsx base, 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs""
Hiring an employee / health insurance?
If I hire an employee in California do I have to pay for their health insurance? Is there some threshold like 40hrs/week where I have to start paying or what?
Price of car insurance 18 years old?
The cheapest quote for car insurance I have had is 5000 for a 1.0L Toyota Yaris, TPFT, kept in a garage overnight, the car is only worth 1000. Am I doing something wrong?? 5000 is just rediculous, Im not even going to bother with lessons yet. What is/was your insurance cost for this age?""
How much would it cost for car insurance for a 16 yr old with a 1997 honda civic?
How much would it cost for car insurance for a 16 yr old with a 1997 honda civic?
Buying a motorcycle and insurance?
Might be a weird question. I plan on getting a bike. To get insurance on a bike do you need the title and everytbing under your name first? And if I buy from a dealer, how do I get it home without insurance? You need a bike to get insurance but you need insurance to drive it home from the dealer. How does it work if I make sense.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company in the uk?
Hi what is a good cheap car insurance company in the uk for drivers under 25?
""Question about vsp eye insurance? around how much would glasses, contacts, exam cost?""
hey im new to the job world and i got guardian dental insurance and i think its comes with free vsp too. and the guardian insurance worker told me i'd tell them my social security number and tell them i have vsp to qualify or something. im going to go to a private office that accepts vsp. i want to get an eye exam, get 1 pair of prescription glasses and contact lens fitting and contacts. i dont have a credit card yet so i plan to pay with cash but i dont know how much to withdraw out of the bank to bring with me. i live in georgia, near atlanta by the way. or should i just go to lenscrafters or visonworks or something like that? could you give me an estimate of how much each would be when using vsp, if you have it? and if i used the insurance would i have to pay all the amount there and the insurance company would evaluate my claim and send me money back..? i dont know so how would that work too. thanks for your time in advance.""
Why is it important to carry car insurance if the odds of a major accident are quite low?
Its a stats question
Do I need to have insurance before registrating a car in California?
Do I need to have insurance before registrating a car in California?
Question about cheap health insurance??/?
i am looking to buy some health insurance that is affordable that will cover a tubal reversal surgery %100. I had my tubes ties or burned 5 years ago and now we would like to have another child but i just have medicaid and that wont cover it... Any ideas on some insurance plans that would cover a tubal reversal and pregnancy and where i can find a doctor that will do a tubal reversal with health insurance????/
What Car has Cheapest Car Insurance For 17 Year Old?
Looking for cheapest car insurance for a new 17 year old driver. What car is best? Any ideas?
How much would insurance be?
In the next couple months I'll be in the market for a 2006-2008 7series BMW. I'm 17 and this would be my second car. Approximately how much would I be paying a month for the insurance? Thanks in advance.
How much will it cost to get the affordable health care ?
people dont like it when they are forced to get this health care,but how much does it cost to get it in the first place?""
Is car insurance cheaper if your a dad?
i'm soon to be a father of two and was wondering if it makes insurance any cheaper, does anybody know?""
What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?
im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.""
Can daughter get Health Insurance if she has pre-existing such as asthma?
My 18 year old daughter who graduated in May, has moved to a nearby town and is working at Applebees. She wants to get certified as personal fitness trainer, and so she will be dropped off of my insurance, since this is not a full time student program. She was 18 in June, and lives in Texas. She is going to soon have to be dropped of of my health insurance. I do not think that Applebees provides any insurance for hourly employees. She also has asthma, although not real bad, but this is a pre-existing conditions. Will she be able to get any kind of affordable health insurance, or is she just going to have to be one of the millions who can't have health insurance?""
Insurance on car group 3?
I'm 17 and only just started driving, i'm looking into buying cars and I can't afford a high insurance price i'd say my top price would be 1800 pounds, i'm looking for buying a car with insurance group 3. Is this to high? will the insurance be through the roof? i'm not very experienced with this so all help would be welcome.""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in MA?
How much should I expect to pay for motorcycle insurance on a cheap bike in MA? (I'm in cambridge.) I know it depends on a variety of factors, and I could call an agent and get a quote, but I'm just looking for a rough estimate.""
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
Getting health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
I just quit my job and no longer have health insurance. I also have a very mild case of Chrons disease....I take pills daily for it, but other than that I'm in great health. I would like to get on a health insurance plan. What are my options? Do you think I will get turned down because of my Chrons? If I can get on health insurance, what range will I be paying per month for coverage?""
""For teens, how much do you pay for your insurance car?""
Without your parents, if you live in New York, Westchester, how much would you pay for your car insurance? Let's say that the car is a Honda Civic 2001 THanks!""
Auto Insurance Question?
I am a new driver and I just received my G2 a couple of moths ago. I am trying to get auto insurance at a cheep rate. I tried to add my name to my dads insurance (Johnson insurance) and their quote was 120 per month which seems a but excessive as I am only a casual driver. I was just looking for some advice and wondering if I should pay 120 per month or try elsewhere or try to barging with them Thanks a lot for any help
Can young drivers get insurance for classic cars?
I've been looking around, and none of the insurance websites i have been on are very clear... I am a 17 y/o girl, and would like to drive a classic beetle. Is it possible to get insurance on classic beetles as a young driver? If so, where? Is classic car insurance cheaper than normal car insurance? :)""
18 want car insurance?
right looked online all compare sites give sh*t results, i got quoted 14k for a suzuki alto 23k for a fiat cinciquento (whatever its called) ive rang i kube and got quoted 9k for the suzuki alto thats with the curfew, passed my test on the 22nd of march 2011, wheres good for cheap insurance, ill have curfew if needs be so please shed some light""
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
Im 17 an a guy so I understand that insurance would be expensive. I got an Acura integra all stock. It's $190 a month, ******* ridiculous. It's liability only too, and I have a 3.2 gpa which usually brings it down. I also have NO speeding tickets or anything along those lines. Can you suggest another company that doesn't cost me a ****** fortune? I got to pay it all myself""
I need help on choosing Health insurance..... Anyone?
Okay, I've been looking online for hours now and i can't find any health insurance that covers Medical, Vision, and Dental.. I recently chipped my tooth and i need it fixed pronto... its very Painful..""
What is the type of insurance that protects against the cost of injuries of others that's our fault?
What is the type of insurance that protects against the cost of injuries of others that's our fault?
Will my insurance go up more?
So a months ago my car insurance went up because of a driving ticket and i just go another...will my insurance go up even more or what will happen????
How bad would a 2006 nissan altima be on insurance for an 18 year old?
I'm on my moms policy right now as the primary driver of a 20 year old sports car and it costs 900 a month. I used to be the primary driver of a small 2002 kia rio sedan and it cost about 700 a month. How much will it be if i am now the primary driver of a 2006 nissan altima? Also how much would the insurance for the actual car be? My mom drives an 06 taurus and she pays 800 so i'm guessing around that price?
What should I do about my 19 year old sons car insurance?
I have a son who is nearly 19 years old. He may be putting in for his test soon. The problem is I am worried about the cost of car insurance. He is nagging me to go on my insurance but I don't really like that idea because I am worried if he has an accident I will lose my no claims and my insurance will go up considerably. The other option is that I buy him a really cheap car with a small engion, but only cover third party. That way he can build up his own no claims. I was wondering if anyone knows how much he would be expected to pay if he decided to do this?""
Small business insurance ? what is the average cost?
I am looking a leasing a building that is currently a bed and breakfast cottage. I will do the same thing except not offering breakfast. Wanting to make a business decision but have been waiting for 2 days to be able to obtain a cost for small business insurance. Anyone have some idea on the cost?
How much is insurance for a 16 years old camry 1997 yahoo?
i live in california, and we have 4 drivers in my family and we pay 700, 1 way, how much will i pay im 16 and i will be getting a camry 1997""
My insurance policy quote went up?
I have 2 cars registered under my name. Because I use to have one and I gave it to my younger sister and bought a new one so I now have both under my name. She got a speeding ticket this year and also did not have her DL on her. So what happen was that they wrote the ticket under my name and put my DL number and now that shows up on my driving record and when I looked at my insurance renewal notice the quote increased. How can I get this off my record since it was not my fault?
Whats the cheapest place to get insurance?
I got a 01 kia optima im 23 years old, male, and paying about 100 dollars a month for full coverage. Company: American Family. Any better deals""
""Will my insurance go up, if I jumped lights?""
Will my insurance go up, if I jumped lights?""
How much is the insurance for a 16 year old with a camaro?
I really want a camaro LS for my birthday but my parents said the insurace would be too much, so i was wondering how much the insurance would be, for a 16 year old girl with good ...show more""
I need to start saving on my healthcare insurance coverage. It is way too expensive. Since our congresmen?
and women are not working so that I can buy insurance outside the State of Colorado, could I possibly buy it from China? anyone know of any Chinese companies operating in the U.S. that are offering affordable health insurance?""
People who say u cant enter a auto insurance policy contract if you under 18?
true but you just need ur parants to sign it over you i have spoken with a auto insurance agent so thats how i know.area i reside in is california
Can you have car insurance in a different name than the title?
I have never had car insurance in my name before and I am 20 so I am getting quoted from every company for at least 300 a month. The car i'm planning on buying is a 2007-2010 mazdaspeed3. Would I be able to have the car insurance in my fathers name while the title of the car is under my name?
Will the color of an automobile effect the cost of insurance?
Will the color of an automobile effect the cost of insurance?
Young Driver Insurance?
I am 18 and have recently passed my driving test. I have bought a car, a 55 regVauxhall Corsa 1.2 SXI 3 door, and before I bought it all of the insurance quotes were cheap - none above 2500 a year. I looked today and all of them are over 4000, even if I put both of my parents as named drivers. Does anyone know any good, cheap young driver car insurance companies or have any advice on how I could lower my premium? I have checked the majority of comparison sites.""
Which life insurance companies pay for death by suicide?
I'm 27 and live in New York.
Cobra or individual health insurance?
If I loss of group health insurance due to end of employment, but the company offers Cobra plan which is too expensive for me, can I get the individual health insurance or I have to stick with the Cobra plan? I live in NJ.""
Do all car insurance rates drop when you turn 25?
When I turned 25 everyone told me congrats that my car insurance rate would drop. I never heard of this. I asked around and some people said that that is not ALWAYS true. Is it? I use Esurance Auto Insurance. Do i need to call to get the discount. Is there even a discount. Do insurance companys automatically do it? Hmm.
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
How much of a monthly take home pay should you pay for a car & insurance?
0 notes
suzannebyrne · 7 years
The best celeb reactions to the Golden Globes nominations: Liev Schreiber, Jessica Chastain, and more
They are happy just to be nominated — as we know — but these stars stand out for having especially cute reactions to the news that they were nominated for Golden Globes on Monday.
Liev Schreiber has taken his sons to awards shows, but he joked that his Hurricane Harvey rescue dog Woody will be his date this year.
Time to get my last lucky charm fitted for a tux! #thankyou #goldenglobes #woodysfirstglobes @goldenglobes @raydonovan @lievschreiber
A post shared by Liev Schreiber (@lievschreiber) on Dec 11, 2017 at 6:17am PST
Nicole Kidman is nominated for Big Little Lies and Top of the Lake: China Girl also received a nod. The  double good news made her husband, Keith Urban, especially proud.
Hey baby- CONGRATULATIONS on all the GLOBES love this morn!!!!!! Incredibly proud of you, the work, and all the BLL and TOTL team. THE STARS ALIGNED!!! xxxxxx – KU #GoldenGlobes
— Keith Urban (@KeithUrban) December 11, 2017
Kyra Sedgwick was also proud of her man — Kevin Bacon, whose acting in I Love Dick was recognized — and he appreciated it.
Thanks my love https://t.co/lMwUz8Tvgq
— Kevin Bacon (@kevinbacon) December 11, 2017
Molly’s Game’s Jessica Chastain and Aaron Sorkin, who were both nominated celebrated together with big hugs.
We just heard the incredible news!!! Thank you #HFPA for your support of @mollysgamemovie We couldnt be happier. Who ever thought #AaronSorkin could jump up and down? @goldenglobes
A post shared by Jessica Chastain (@jessicachastain) on Dec 11, 2017 at 6:18am PST
Black-ish‘s Anthony Anderson screamed on Good Morning America.
NEVER a dull moment in Times Square when @blackishabc star @anthonyanderson's here! ❤️ pic.twitter.com/JZRe3ZLI8d
— Good Morning America (@GMA) December 11, 2017
And Sterling K. Brown celebrated with his sons — but just for a moment. He had to then drive them to school.
Good news today from the #HFPA Thank you so much for this #goldenglobes nomination! Couldn't be more honored! Now I gotta get these kids to school. ✌
A post shared by Sterling Brown (@sterlingkbrown) on Dec 11, 2017 at 7:55am PST
Read more from Yahoo Entertainment:
2018 Golden Globes Snubs and Surprises: From ‘Beauty and the Beast’ to ‘Veep’ to ‘Shape’ Sweep
2018 Golden Globes Snubs and Surprises: From ‘Beauty and the Beast’ to ‘Veep’ to ‘Shape’ Sweep
‘The Walking Dead’ recap: ‘You don’t just hope. It takes more than that’
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luxlisbonblog · 7 years
Who does all of your videos?
THIS GUY.  Mr Christopher James Tongue.
What a special guy!!!. Well yes actually, don't take that tone! (despite the photographic evidence clearly to the contrary) Christopher James Tongue is a bona fide legend. 
 Chris has been there as the brain (and brawns) behind any video that we've ever done. ALL OF THESE VIDEOS. Just click to watch any of them...
Chris and I lived together in Earlsfield in London many moons ago and he is, simpy put, one of lifes good guys....maybe you will see him at a Lux Lisbon show in the future! Say hello!
Here is Chrissy T at the day job - the Video Production Company he set up and runs - Dead Read Productions. He's not above getting the coffees in (for himself). 
This boi has done like, HEAVYWEIGHT STUFF, such as the backdrop visuals for the Nutcracker On Ice and Swan Lake at the Royal Albert Hall before - so cranking out a few ace music videos for our silly songs is smally fry BOI!
Ok, so?
WHAT EXACTLY HAS CHRIS TONGUE EVER DONE FOR ME!!? I hear you cry. Not literally. Or even metaphorically. But still. Let me answer that question for you. Ignore the fact that I both posed and answered it if you can. I am kind of drawing attention to it a bit, so the heat is on you to be honest. 
So, Chris ainmated all of 1. 'Keep Me Wild'.....
.......and seemingly couldn't resist a little dig about my (alleged) and (occassional) (total and utter) failure to (ever) keep milk in the fridge in our Earlsfield flat. How petty. Shame really. I wish to put it on record that I forgive you for this, as I am a big man. Much like our diary produce bill circa 2011. 
The 'Keep Me Wild' video is absoutely beautiful by the way if you haven't seen it (it's here if you missed it first time around). 
Chris was there doing all the animation for our (2.) 'Memento Mori' video....
N.B - A side note - The Memento Mori video 'stars' my friend George Johnson (Cabinet Maker)- who you may have seen on one of his many viral facebook videos recently - all about his amazing expanding tables. They are up to 30m hits or something now! You may recognise his workshop ;)
Anyway - back to Chrissy T!
Chris was there as we trampled round London looking for shots for our Wes Anderson 'homage' that is the (3.) 'Get Some Scars' shoot...
Although we were careful to make sure he was wearing a paper bag at all times in that particular video because as you can see for yourself in this mugshot he is unfortunately hideously ugly....
Chris has been thrown down onto the road (whilst holding a massive Camera...natch) by Stu dressed as some sort of MEGABUTLERBOUNCER in our Lynchian Looped Nightmare of a video for (4.) 'Demons You Show'....
Chris was there AGAIN as we trapsed round London (AGAIN) shooting Tom as a 'keen imbiber' is our recent (5.) 'Change To Stay The Same' video....
Did all of those Spectrum ZX/Super Nintendo/Street Fighter 2 graphics in our 'visit to an abandoned shopping centre in Reading to play Zombie LARPING-fest' that was (6.) 'Your Heart Is A Weapon The Size Of Your Fist'....
And isn't too proud to blow his own head off in the name of a great vid....
Chris shot the (7.) Bullingdon Club video - so it was HE his made us all dissapear and morph into Boris and his pal Dave. We forgive him for this. Just about.....
And of course anyone that has come to any of our shows knows exactly how important Chris's visuals are to our live gigs......like this one at Bush Hall....
....where OF COURSE you will find Chris in the thick of it anyway.....
So that adds up to our (8.) 'Show Me The Money' video - which used footage from our show at Bush Hall and also our actual live performance video of (9.) Bullingdon Club (Live) that same night. 
And don't forget all of our 'Lux Lisbon Loves' Covers too. Chris did those. 
And it doesn't stop there. He is working on something new for us right now. We thankyou all for your patience.... 
So hear this - a big THANKYOU for Chris. THANKS MAN. You da best. 
I'll leave you with a couple more pictures of Chris. This year is his mainly into climbing stuff. Alot of stuff. And running miles along roads in foreign cities. Plus he has a Freddie Mercury circa 1980 T-Shirt that I am very, very jealous of. He wears it much better than I would and so it's ruined. THANKS MATE. 
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thenoticeblog · 4 years
02.17.21 THANK YOU 🖤
THANK YOU to everyone who made it to our “Sweetwater” premiere + panel discussion on Black Communal Living. I’m really looking to make these sorts of events more common, because of the impact and insight I’m seeing so far. I also want to take the time to thank everyone who supported me over the years. People volunteered their time, donated their money, their space, equipment, time, AND business to this company - and I am forever grateful for that.
It’s wild to look back at how far The Notice Blog’s come since I first launched the website back in October 2010 during my grad school days. Back then, it was just a space for writing poetry, OP/Eds and articles. Now, it’s home to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit production company (The Notice Foundation), and its LLC sister company (TNB Studios). There are literally over 290 videos on our YouTube channel - WHEN did that happen?? These are the things I think about when I’m knee-deep in tax work.
Special shoutout to our Panelists, who brought the house down: Onye Ozuzu, Aaliyah Christina & Dr. Heru Khuti Also, much love and gratitude to Team Willow: Suswana Chowdhury, Katrina Reid, Pierre Jean Gonzales And The Notice Blog crew: Elliot Guilbe, Glenn Quentin, Katrina Reid
HUGE thanks to our 2020 roster of clients: Affective Music & Mykal Kilgore
DominiRican Productions w/ Pierre Jean Gonzales & Cedric Leiba Jr. David Whitwell Kendra Foster James Edward Betcon Why Accountability The Policing & Social Justice Project w/ Alex Vitale & Josmar Trujillo Pildora Dance in Bushwick Shandon Anderson Mecca McDonald CAMBA Queens Museum Eugenia Shea BIG Thank you to our TNB & “Willow” Donors:
Marie Casimir Erica Saucedo Megan & Liv Jeannette Colyvas Ian Harkins Jim Costanzo Melissa Noelle Holly Heckart Sarah Flemming Edward Rice Ataefiok Etukeren James Gantt Shiloh Hodges Benedict Nguyen Liz Vernon Lily Bo Saleem Kashif Kendra Foster Anika Chowdhury Lia Bonfilio Katrina Reid Gabby Sherba Robin Holmes Zell Davis
Stay tuned for more panels, screenings, docs, music/dance videos, and so much more, ya’ll.

See you soon!
Always Question. Always Explore.
Paul A. Notice II
Music “Rangerover (Vegyn Remix)” by Porches
#dance #thankful #thenoticeblog #Thankyou #dancersofinstagram #dancevideos #sweetwater #thewillowproject #trending #viral #how #dancechallenge #breakdance #poppin #tutting #representationmatters #blackhistorymonth #ceo #producers #behindthescenes #fundraisers #feelgood #goodstories #happy #sweet #goodtimes #longpost #nonprofits #donations #clients #Editorsnote #direktorskut #stans #fans #trans #melanin #proud #Blackexcellence #blackfilmmakers #indiefilm #support #love #paulnotice #thenoticefoundation #porches #rangerover
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hellobakergirl-blog · 7 years
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Hello- can you hear me??
It’s a bit strange writing a first post because your basically talking to yourself and actually; this post could probably go completely unseen forever! Just a tiny little rambling dot in the tumblr ocean. But just incase someone does see it I figure I should say hello to you! 
So Hello, I’m Bea; Bebe to my closest, squidgiest friends and Hello Baker Girl to people on Instagram who like my cakes and whitterings.
I’m a baker and I sell fancy pants cakes and most probably the best ever chocolate brownies you’ve ever eaten. 
I’m called Hello Baker Girl because an old customer of mine; who’s name I never got, used to shout “Hello Baker Girl” at me across the market where I sold my brownies; the name just stuck. I’m painfully rubbish at thinking up things like that and I’d probably end up being called Fatty Ginger Brownie Maker if it was left to me. To be fair, it’s not the worst, definitely a fall back option…. but Hello Baker Girl stuck and that’s me and I’m happy with it. 
So this is my blog. I understand I’m a little late to the party, like I’m just joining MySpace or something but never the less; this shall be my blog and if you’d like to hear the whitterings of the aforementioned Fatty Ginger Brownie Maker then please do pop by. It’s going to be a lovely place I promise. I shall furnish it with recipes and pictures of cakes and bakes. There will be musings on how I’m desperately trying not to smush my daughter Norah’s head with my boob, on why Wes Anderson makes the best films ever, ever, ever thankyou kindly very much end of and random posts on why loafers are such a good shoe. If you follow me on Instagram you'll know that for ages I've wanted to start a blog. I waffle on way to much for the confides of Instagram and lots of you ask for recipes and tricks and tips from my posts so I'm building a home for all of that here. As I said I know that it's entirely possible that no one will ever find this blog and it will float about like a feather in the breeze with no one ever catching it, I think I'm okay with that. It would be as smashing as a smashing blouse if people did see it and liked it, but if not I can use it as therapy so that my baby daddy doesn't have to withstand repeated batterings of why Margot Tennanbaum is the chicest woman I've ever seen or why I think that the inverted drip is going to be the next big cake trend. I'm right though aren't I??? Margot is a fucking babe!!!
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Best Baby Shower Games On The Internet - High Conversion Rate
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/best-baby-shower-games-on-the-internet-high-conversion-rate/
Best Baby Shower Games On The Internet - High Conversion Rate
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    For the Busy Hostess!
(and EVERYONE’S going to be asking for your “Secret” to having such fun and successful showers!)
Choose from 75 UNIQUE, EXCITING and BEAUTIFULLY-DESIGNED baby shower games for your next shower — some you won’t find ANYWHERE else on the web! All games are available for Immediate Download — no “expertise” required. And your Satisfaction is Guaranteed.
I’m convinced that these games are the best on the internet, and if you could just see them, print them, and use them, I know you’d feel the same way.
From: Dana Brigola Thursday, 8:45 a.m.
Dear Fellow Baby Shower Hostess,
You’ve got a baby shower coming up. There’s a pressing question on your mind – “What games will you choose?”
You want baby shower games that will
keep the guests happy
involve everyone
not take hours to create
not cost a bundle
Let’s face it. You’re busy with kids, work, or school – and now you have a baby shower to host. You have too many things to plan and not enough time to get it all done.
These games are a big hit for the hostess who values her time and wants it all! Time is too precious to get caught up for hours on the internet searching for the best games. Your internet research has paid off – you’ve found the best games right here.
This all started when I created a couple of baby shower games for a friend’s baby shower. They were a huge hit with the guests and I was asked by more than one person where I had gotten them. That’s when a light bulb went off – I decided to create these 75 memorable and fun-filled baby shower games for the busy hostess.
I spent over 500 hours personally researching the internet, probing friends for the fun ideas, and creating the best games on the internet.
I even drove my husband nuts: “Honey, can you tell me which font looks best?” His reply: “How am I supposed to know – just pick one.”
Thank You for creating such a useful tool at a low cost. I’ve spent so much money already on everything else and I just wanted to tell you, good job and I’m sure I’ll enjoy everything! 🙂
Michelle Cisneros
My baby shower went great..We played Bingo, baby food tasting , word search and the right/left story. Everyone had a great time and loved the games. Thank you for all the great ideas. This was well worth the investment.
Brenda Nolind
Shower was for my step-sister Kasey. It was on Sunday Aug. 27. We played Baby Work Unscramble, Celebrity Baby Names, Unique Celebrity Baby Names. There were soooooooo many games to choose from! Everyone there really enjoyed the games so of course I told them about your web page & how you can purchase the games & down load them right then & there. Thanks so much! Very cool!
Tiffany Brown, Waynesboro, PA
The baby shower turned out fine and the games was a big hit especially the rice and safety pin game. Thank you for all your help the package was a life saver.
Jo Anne Anderson
Quality, Not Quantity
Have you noticed that some websites offer over 200 games for baby showers? Goodness, that’s a LOT. I checked out some of them and found that the quality of their games was not quite what it should be.
If you’re just interested in purchasing the package with the most games, then this one is not for you. I can’t compete with quantity alone — and I don’t want to.
And think about it, do you really want to preview 200 games? How would you have enough time to do anything else?
I guarantee that you’ll have enough on your plate selecting from the wide range of great games I’m offering. And these are quality games, with quality fonts, and quality images.
I’ve personally selected the best ones for you and created them with lots of TLC (tender loving care). These games are the ones that you’ll go to over and over again.
Games for Multiples Are Here
Is the Mommy-to-Be expecting twins or triplets? If so, you’ll get to pick from several games designed especially for her.
Games like Twins Trivia, Famous Pairs, Famous Trios, and Triple the Fun are sure to make your baby shower a huge hit.
African American Images Are Here
One thing I noticed from other baby shower games websites was the lack of African American graphics on the games. That’s why I created a second version of some of the games, featuring African American images.
There are ten games exclusively with African American images on them. Plus there are several more with images of African American babies appearing with babies of other races.
The rest of the games have generic baby symbols, such as rattles or pacifiers.
Games with African American graphics give you an option to choose the game and image that’s right for your baby shower.
Couples Games Are Here
Throwing a couples shower? No problem. There are several games that specifically have a “Daddy” vibe. Not to mention, men can play just about any of the other games too.
Some couples games are Animal Families, Mothers and Fathers in Genesis, Mommy and Daddy Animals, Celebrity Parents and Kids, Baby Shower Outburst, Baby Shower Scattegories, and Whose Genes Should Baby Get.
Great Mix Between Traditional and One-of-a-Kind Games
When I first started creating these games, I focused on unique, one-of-a-kind games. One girlfriend said, “I love these games, but where is BINGO and Word Unscramble?”
I then realized that a lot of women want these “classics“, so I included the best ones. So if you’re one of the traditionalists, you’ve got your games here.
Examples of some classic games included are Baby Shower Bingo, Baby Word Find, Baby Word Unscramble, What is Mom Wearing, Mystery Baby Food Tasting, Nursery Rhyme Titles, Memory Game, and Draw the Mommy.
For you hostesses that are more intested in one-of-a-kind games, I promise that you’ll find what you’re looking for here. That’s because I created a lot of them myself – from scratch. They’re guaranteed to be original. You won’t find them anywhere else on the web or in a store.
A few of my exclusive games include Baby Shower Sudoku, Lessons of Schoolhouse Rock, Baby on the Big Screen, Baby Names in Geography, Grown in the Wild, Whose Gene’s Should Baby Get, Comic Strip Trivia, and What’s in Common.
Believe me, there’s no shortage of great games for you to choose from.
MY ONLY CONCERN is that you’re going to be overwhelmed and spend too much time trying to decide which of the 75 games you want to play.
Your games made the baby shower more fun and organized. Everone enjoyed the baby bingo and the word scramble. The actual games are printed up in such a colorful way and everyone admired them. We have another baby shower coming up soon, so we plan to use some of the other games. Thankyou for making this part of our shower planning easy and fun.
Peggy Gallery, Wisconsin
Dana: Thank you so much for offering this great product. I was so worried about this shower – you know, same old same old games. What a great time we had! We played probably six different games, but the two that stood out the most were the “Whose Genes” and the “Mr and Mrs Wright” passing game. I had so many compliments and everyone asked where I had gotten the ideas for the games. I gave them your website and I’ll bet they will contact you too! Thanks again.
sLori Boes, Fremont, MI
The baby shower games were great.I used disney songs and a raffle and the best was baby bingo. your site is great thank you so much.
Michelle Sheffler
The games were very easy to look at and print. We really enjoyed the games and the ice breaker ideas. Thanks so much!
Kelly Jett, Scott City, KS
Fun Extras That Make This Package Complete
There are times when you want to create your own games, but need paper to do so. I’ve included several blank, do-it-yourself pages for that purpose.
You’ll find blank pages, lined pages, and half pages with different graphics and designs for you to choose from — including pages for twins, boys, girls, Caucasians and African Americans.
So go ahead, make up your own games with these gorgeous pages!
Also, since many baby showers have children present, you’ll also find several coloring pages to keep the kids busy. They can have a coloring contest or just present the finished picture to the mother-to-be as a memorable gift.
Here’s a Complete List of the 75 Games You’ll Receive:
Animal Families
Animal Mommies
Baby Animal Names
Baby Gift Bingo (2 versions)
Baby Jesus
Baby Letter Race (2 versions)
Baby Moses
Baby Names A to Z
Baby Names in Geography
Baby on the Big Screen
Baby Safety Trivia (2 versions)
Baby Shower Draw
Baby Shower Outburst
Baby Shower Scattegories (2 versions)
Baby Shower Sudoku
Baby Shower Sodoku – Shower Fun
Baby Shower Word Mix
Baby Word Fill in the Blanks (2 versions)
Baby Word Find
Baby Word Unscramble
Baby’s Birthday Predictions (3 versions)
Best Baby Advice
Birth Records
Blank Game Cards (13 versions)
Boy’s Name Word Find
Celebrity Baby Names
Celebrity Parents and Kids
Charlotte’s Web
Children’s Characters
Children’s Stories Crossword Puzzle
Coloring Pages (20 versions)
Comic Strip Trivia
Complete the Nursery Rhyme
Disney Movie Crossword Puzzle
Disney Songs
Disney Who Am I?
Dr. Seuss Trivia
Draw the Baby
Draw the Mommy
Famous Pairs
Famous Trios
Girl’s Name Word Find
Grown in the Wild
Lessons of Schoolhouse Rock
Looney Tunes
Memory Game
Mommy and Daddy Animals
Mothers and Fathers in Genesis
Mystery Baby Food Tasting (2 versions)
Name Meanings
Name Origins
Name That Price
Name the State
Name the TV Kids
New Baby Crossword Puzzle
Newborn Trivia (2 versions)
Numerical Trivia
Nursery Rhyme Titles
Old Testament Brothers
Peanuts Trivia
Right and Left Story
Sesame Street Characters
Signature Scramble
Silly Old Bear
Super Hero Trivia
The Muppet Characters
Toddler TV
Triple the Fun
Twins Trivia
Unique Celebrity Baby Names
What is Mom Wearing?
What’s In a Name?
What’s In Common?
What’s In Your Purse?
Whose Genes Should Baby Get? (2 versions)
Most of these games come with instructions written on a separate page for you to print out (the others are self-explanatory and don’t need instructions). Also, the answers to the games are also available on a separate page, if applicable.
Fast & Easy Electronic Download
There is No Shipping — these games are electronic and are available for immediate download onto your computer. I’ll show you how with step-by-step instructions — it’s fast (less than 1 minute for users with high-speed internet access) and VERY easy.
There is No Expiration on these games — BUYER BEWARE: some websites give you a password to access the games you buy, and after a certain time period, BAM! You can’t access your games anymore! Now, if I paid good money for some games, I would want to have them permanently, wouldn’t you?
Once you buy these baby shower games, the entire set will be downloaded onto your own computer. That way, you can access and print them whenever you want, as many times as you want. There’s no expiration date, so if you need them for another baby shower 5 years from now, they are right at your fingertips!
The shower was great. We played celebrity baby names, bingo, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Animal baby goups, and identify the baby food. Eveyone wanted to continue to play bingo so we played twice. The big hit was the Mr. and Mrs. Wright game. The games really made the party flow.
Angela Sherick, Los Angeles, CA
Dana- The shower was great and everyone had a fun time! The baby bingo was a hit…my only suggestion is to modify it for a smaller number of people say up to 25 and/or 25 to 50. There were about 15 in attendance and there were many that I called that no one had due to the number of cards handed out vs. number of words in word bank…but it was still fun:) Contact me anytime for feedback or help:) Thanks-
Kristy, Indianapolis, Indiana
The baby shower was great- we did Baby Shower Bingo and the word scramble thanks for the great website!
Lisa Barbosa
HI DANA! I love all your games, I’m giving a baby shower for my daughterinlaw.She already have a little girl ,So this time around she will be haveing a son. But I did not give her a shower and had no idea about games and other ideas so you are a big help. Again great purchase for me thank you. Aloha Jackie!!!!!
Jackie Cadiirao
Super Bonuses, Valued at $59 – Yours FREE – Just for Trying These Baby Shower Games
I’m going to “Sweeten the Deal” for you. Everybody loves FREE things – I know I sure do. I want to entice you to try out these Baby Shower Games because I know you’ll be 100% Satisfied – and so will your guests.
Free Bonus #1 — $17
Baby Shower Raffle Tickets
Raffle tickets are very popular at baby showers these days for door prizes. They can be passed out to each guest, or used to raise money for the Mom-to-Be and the new baby (simply ask guests to purchase the raffle tickets, usually for $1 to $5 each.)
Each ticket has its own unique raffle number. You decide whether you want to call out a number or a name for the prize.
There are 5 sets of raffle tickets that I’ve created — that way, you can pick the design and color that fits your baby shower:
Baby Items with Colored Backgrounds
48 tickets with 24 different designs
Baby Items with White Backgrounds (saves printer ink – you can also print these on colored paper for variety)
48 tickets with 24 different designs
Baby Animals with White Background
64 tickets with 8 different designs
Baby Animals with Blue Background
48 tickets with 8 different designs
Baby Animals with Pink Background
48 tickets with 8 different designs
All 5 designs are yours FREE!
Free Bonus #2 — $12
Baby Shower Ice Breakers
Ice Breakers are games or activities used to loosen up the guests or to get them to meet each other.
Nobody likes a boring baby shower. If your guests don’t know each other, you should definitely have at least one ice breaker to get the party rolling.
I’ve included 11 exciting ice breakers in this free download, some classic ones and some completely unique. All of them are sure to make everyone LAUGH and get your Baby Shower off to a great start.
Everybody’s a Star for 10 Seconds
Sing to Me
Fun Baby Shower?
Whose Line Is It? Baby Shower Style
Around the Room Introductions
Circle of Love
Problems and Solutions
Lullabys and Nursery Rhymes
Let’s Hum
Magic Trick Mom
Free Bonus #3 – $17
50 Baby Shower BINGO Cards
Baby Shower BINGO continues to be a favorite baby shower game. And these lovely cards are sure to be a winner at your shower!
You’ll receive 50 unique game cards with baby-related words, such as “booties,” “Mickey Mouse” and “Mommy” randomly filled in the boxes. Simply cut out the word cards and put them in a hat, print out the number of Bingo cards you need, and enjoy!
Click here to see a larger picture of Baby Shower Bingo
For a limited time, you’ll receive it FREE as a Bonus. But Hurry and Buy Today to take advantage of this offer!
Free Bonus #4 — $13
Baby Shower Ultimate Planner’s Lists
Every baby shower hostess has a lot on her plate when it comes to planning. Lists make her job a lot easier.
That’s why I created the Ultimate Planner’s Lists for the busy hostess. Now you can be organized and relaxed when planning your next baby shower.
Six lists and worksheets that are a MUST-HAVE for easy shower planning are:
Baby Shower Planning Calendar – Starting with 6 Weeks Before the shower and counting down to 15 Minutes Before, this ultimate checklist is vital for staying organized and making sure everything is completed in a timely manner.
Responsibility List for Co-Hosts – Keeping up with the To-Do List for your Co-Hosts will be a snap with this list where you’ll assign responsiblity for the decorations, guest list, games, inviations, etc.
The Budget – It’s important to budget so you don’t spend more than you intend to. With this form, you will estimate your costs and be able to compare them with what you actually spent.
Hostess Must-Have List – This is a checklist of “extras” that you may not think about, but should have at the shower (aspirin, scotch tape, trash bags, etc.)
Guest and RSVP List – Having an organized guest list makes your job of sending invitations and keeping track of RSVPs a whole lot easier.
Shower Gifts – The Mother-to-Be will appreciate this list that keeps track of who brought each shower gift.
What Do These Games Cost? What Should They Cost?
To determine the price for the Baby Shower Games, I looked at several factors. If you were to hire a professional to create your baby shower games, it would cost you at least $40 for just two games. That’s at $10 per hour (a very reasonable price) times 4 hours. And that’s being conservative. Here you have 75 games.
I also looked at the price for purchasing games at a party store. The prices ranged from $5.95 to $24.99 — just for one game!
Based on this information, I arrived at a reasonable and afforadable price of $29.99. I want you to have the “best deal on the web”, so I’ve lowered it to an incredible $24.99!
IMPORTANT UPDATE: The price has been lowered yet again! I’m in the process of performing market testing on the price of my games, so for a limited time, the price is $19 – an unbelievable bargin.
However, please be warned…
I cannot keep the price this low for too long. I want you to know that I WILL raise it after a couple of months of testing.
AND THINK ABOUT THIS: $19 is the price of a pizza and drinks. We’re not talking about a lot of money here. Plus, the best part is you can share the cost of these games with the other hostesses and you get to keep them all for yourself to use at all of your other baby showers! Spread across just five showers, you’re paying under $4 per shower. That’s a BARGAIN!
My Guarantee to You
I insist that you try these baby shower games. Print and use them as many times as you’d like. Because once you’ve tried them, I’m convinced that you’ll NEVER want to send them back!
But, if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you have eight full weeks to let us know. You will receive a full refund – we want you to be happy with your purchase.
Like I said earlier, I’m convinced that these games are the best on the internet, and if you could just see them, print them, and use them, I know you’d feel the same way.
Finally, because you’re entrusting me with your time and confidence, I want you to keep the FOUR BONUSES – Free of Charge – even if you decide to return the Baby Shower Games. That’s a guaranteed gain no matter what you decide!
Common Questions
“I’m at work, how will I be able to download the games onto my computer at home?” You have two options: 1) After payment is made, you will be directed to a web page where you can download the games. Write down the URL of that page (http://www.best-baby….), and go back to it once you get home. 2) Download the games to your work computer, copy them to a CD, then delete the games off your work computer.
“What if I don’t have a color printer or no printer at all?” You’ll need to print them at a friend’s house, your office, or at a printer. You have two options: 1) You can copy the games from your computer onto a CD and bring the CD to a friend’s house. 2) View and print the games online (there is a link where you can do this).
“I don’t know anything about computers. Will downloading the games be easy?” I wrote all of the instructions for the download with you in mind. They are detailed and have pictures of each pop-up involved during the download. If you have problems, you can visit my FAQ page, or contact me by email or telephone for assistance.
“My baby shower is in a few hours. Will I have my games in time?” Yes. As soon as payment is made, you will be directed to a download page – you don’t even have to wait for an email. For high-speed internet users, downloading will take less than a minute. For dial-up internet users, it will take longer, depending on your computer, connection, etc. You can also view and print the games from online, instead of downloading them. This is an especially nice feature if you have dial-up access and need the games immediately. Of course you can still download the games onto your computer in addition to viewing them online.
Again, Here’s What You’ll Receive
75 beautifully-designed Baby Shower Games (189 pages)
FREE – 5 sets of Baby Shower Raffle Tickets (32 pages)
FREE – 11 Baby Shower Ice Breakers (22 pages)
FREE – 50 Unique Baby Shower BINGO Cards (58 pages)
FREE – 6 Baby Shower Ultimate Planner’s Lists (23 pages)
Money-Back Guarantee
The Choice is Simple
Imagine how you’ll feel when your guests rave at how much fun they had. Imagine being the “hit” of all of your baby showers.
Remember — for a limited time, the price is an incredibly low $19 — it will go up soon, so you must act quickly.
To start downloading your baby shower games and bonuses in the next five minutes, click the Blue Order Button Now. IT’S SECURE!
As a reminder, The Best Baby Shower Games package is only available as an electronic download. It’s an executable file (.exe.) that will download and unzip the PDFs to your computer. Available for both Windows and Mac users (Mac users will download pdf files.) The games are from a U.S. perspective, so the games reflect that (for example, U.S. television shows and $ currency.)
Happy Hosting!
Dana Brigola
P.S. Remember that this Low Price of $19 WILL NOT LAST LONG. I’m in the process of figuring the best price for my product, which means that I will continue to raise my price periodically while performing market evaluations. What this means to you is that you need to hurry and click the blue order button to take advantage of the lower price before it rises again.
P.S.S. Also remember that along with these 75 super-fun baby shower games, you’ll get 4 Awesome Bonuses, valued at $59, ABSOLUTELY FREE, even if you decide to return the games! Some of these bonuses will only be available for a short time — then I’ll start charging for them.
P.P.P.S. Remember that my Guarantee to you is that if you’re not ABSOLUTELY THRILLED with these Baby Shower Games, you have 8 Full Weeks to let me know and I’ll gladly refund your money. I want you to be happy!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Best Baby Shower Games On The Internet - High Conversion Rate
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/best-baby-shower-games-on-the-internet-high-conversion-rate/
Best Baby Shower Games On The Internet - High Conversion Rate
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    For the Busy Hostess!
(and EVERYONE’S going to be asking for your “Secret” to having such fun and successful showers!)
Choose from 75 UNIQUE, EXCITING and BEAUTIFULLY-DESIGNED baby shower games for your next shower — some you won’t find ANYWHERE else on the web! All games are available for Immediate Download — no “expertise” required. And your Satisfaction is Guaranteed.
I’m convinced that these games are the best on the internet, and if you could just see them, print them, and use them, I know you’d feel the same way.
From: Dana Brigola Thursday, 8:45 a.m.
Dear Fellow Baby Shower Hostess,
You’ve got a baby shower coming up. There’s a pressing question on your mind – “What games will you choose?”
You want baby shower games that will
keep the guests happy
involve everyone
not take hours to create
not cost a bundle
Let’s face it. You’re busy with kids, work, or school – and now you have a baby shower to host. You have too many things to plan and not enough time to get it all done.
These games are a big hit for the hostess who values her time and wants it all! Time is too precious to get caught up for hours on the internet searching for the best games. Your internet research has paid off – you’ve found the best games right here.
This all started when I created a couple of baby shower games for a friend’s baby shower. They were a huge hit with the guests and I was asked by more than one person where I had gotten them. That’s when a light bulb went off – I decided to create these 75 memorable and fun-filled baby shower games for the busy hostess.
I spent over 500 hours personally researching the internet, probing friends for the fun ideas, and creating the best games on the internet.
I even drove my husband nuts: “Honey, can you tell me which font looks best?” His reply: “How am I supposed to know – just pick one.”
Thank You for creating such a useful tool at a low cost. I’ve spent so much money already on everything else and I just wanted to tell you, good job and I’m sure I’ll enjoy everything! 🙂
Michelle Cisneros
My baby shower went great..We played Bingo, baby food tasting , word search and the right/left story. Everyone had a great time and loved the games. Thank you for all the great ideas. This was well worth the investment.
Brenda Nolind
Shower was for my step-sister Kasey. It was on Sunday Aug. 27. We played Baby Work Unscramble, Celebrity Baby Names, Unique Celebrity Baby Names. There were soooooooo many games to choose from! Everyone there really enjoyed the games so of course I told them about your web page & how you can purchase the games & down load them right then & there. Thanks so much! Very cool!
Tiffany Brown, Waynesboro, PA
The baby shower turned out fine and the games was a big hit especially the rice and safety pin game. Thank you for all your help the package was a life saver.
Jo Anne Anderson
Quality, Not Quantity
Have you noticed that some websites offer over 200 games for baby showers? Goodness, that’s a LOT. I checked out some of them and found that the quality of their games was not quite what it should be.
If you’re just interested in purchasing the package with the most games, then this one is not for you. I can’t compete with quantity alone — and I don’t want to.
And think about it, do you really want to preview 200 games? How would you have enough time to do anything else?
I guarantee that you’ll have enough on your plate selecting from the wide range of great games I’m offering. And these are quality games, with quality fonts, and quality images.
I’ve personally selected the best ones for you and created them with lots of TLC (tender loving care). These games are the ones that you’ll go to over and over again.
Games for Multiples Are Here
Is the Mommy-to-Be expecting twins or triplets? If so, you’ll get to pick from several games designed especially for her.
Games like Twins Trivia, Famous Pairs, Famous Trios, and Triple the Fun are sure to make your baby shower a huge hit.
African American Images Are Here
One thing I noticed from other baby shower games websites was the lack of African American graphics on the games. That’s why I created a second version of some of the games, featuring African American images.
There are ten games exclusively with African American images on them. Plus there are several more with images of African American babies appearing with babies of other races.
The rest of the games have generic baby symbols, such as rattles or pacifiers.
Games with African American graphics give you an option to choose the game and image that’s right for your baby shower.
Couples Games Are Here
Throwing a couples shower? No problem. There are several games that specifically have a “Daddy” vibe. Not to mention, men can play just about any of the other games too.
Some couples games are Animal Families, Mothers and Fathers in Genesis, Mommy and Daddy Animals, Celebrity Parents and Kids, Baby Shower Outburst, Baby Shower Scattegories, and Whose Genes Should Baby Get.
Great Mix Between Traditional and One-of-a-Kind Games
When I first started creating these games, I focused on unique, one-of-a-kind games. One girlfriend said, “I love these games, but where is BINGO and Word Unscramble?”
I then realized that a lot of women want these “classics“, so I included the best ones. So if you’re one of the traditionalists, you’ve got your games here.
Examples of some classic games included are Baby Shower Bingo, Baby Word Find, Baby Word Unscramble, What is Mom Wearing, Mystery Baby Food Tasting, Nursery Rhyme Titles, Memory Game, and Draw the Mommy.
For you hostesses that are more intested in one-of-a-kind games, I promise that you’ll find what you’re looking for here. That’s because I created a lot of them myself – from scratch. They’re guaranteed to be original. You won’t find them anywhere else on the web or in a store.
A few of my exclusive games include Baby Shower Sudoku, Lessons of Schoolhouse Rock, Baby on the Big Screen, Baby Names in Geography, Grown in the Wild, Whose Gene’s Should Baby Get, Comic Strip Trivia, and What’s in Common.
Believe me, there’s no shortage of great games for you to choose from.
MY ONLY CONCERN is that you’re going to be overwhelmed and spend too much time trying to decide which of the 75 games you want to play.
Your games made the baby shower more fun and organized. Everone enjoyed the baby bingo and the word scramble. The actual games are printed up in such a colorful way and everyone admired them. We have another baby shower coming up soon, so we plan to use some of the other games. Thankyou for making this part of our shower planning easy and fun.
Peggy Gallery, Wisconsin
Dana: Thank you so much for offering this great product. I was so worried about this shower – you know, same old same old games. What a great time we had! We played probably six different games, but the two that stood out the most were the “Whose Genes” and the “Mr and Mrs Wright” passing game. I had so many compliments and everyone asked where I had gotten the ideas for the games. I gave them your website and I’ll bet they will contact you too! Thanks again.
sLori Boes, Fremont, MI
The baby shower games were great.I used disney songs and a raffle and the best was baby bingo. your site is great thank you so much.
Michelle Sheffler
The games were very easy to look at and print. We really enjoyed the games and the ice breaker ideas. Thanks so much!
Kelly Jett, Scott City, KS
Fun Extras That Make This Package Complete
There are times when you want to create your own games, but need paper to do so. I’ve included several blank, do-it-yourself pages for that purpose.
You’ll find blank pages, lined pages, and half pages with different graphics and designs for you to choose from — including pages for twins, boys, girls, Caucasians and African Americans.
So go ahead, make up your own games with these gorgeous pages!
Also, since many baby showers have children present, you’ll also find several coloring pages to keep the kids busy. They can have a coloring contest or just present the finished picture to the mother-to-be as a memorable gift.
Here’s a Complete List of the 75 Games You’ll Receive:
Animal Families
Animal Mommies
Baby Animal Names
Baby Gift Bingo (2 versions)
Baby Jesus
Baby Letter Race (2 versions)
Baby Moses
Baby Names A to Z
Baby Names in Geography
Baby on the Big Screen
Baby Safety Trivia (2 versions)
Baby Shower Draw
Baby Shower Outburst
Baby Shower Scattegories (2 versions)
Baby Shower Sudoku
Baby Shower Sodoku – Shower Fun
Baby Shower Word Mix
Baby Word Fill in the Blanks (2 versions)
Baby Word Find
Baby Word Unscramble
Baby’s Birthday Predictions (3 versions)
Best Baby Advice
Birth Records
Blank Game Cards (13 versions)
Boy’s Name Word Find
Celebrity Baby Names
Celebrity Parents and Kids
Charlotte’s Web
Children’s Characters
Children’s Stories Crossword Puzzle
Coloring Pages (20 versions)
Comic Strip Trivia
Complete the Nursery Rhyme
Disney Movie Crossword Puzzle
Disney Songs
Disney Who Am I?
Dr. Seuss Trivia
Draw the Baby
Draw the Mommy
Famous Pairs
Famous Trios
Girl’s Name Word Find
Grown in the Wild
Lessons of Schoolhouse Rock
Looney Tunes
Memory Game
Mommy and Daddy Animals
Mothers and Fathers in Genesis
Mystery Baby Food Tasting (2 versions)
Name Meanings
Name Origins
Name That Price
Name the State
Name the TV Kids
New Baby Crossword Puzzle
Newborn Trivia (2 versions)
Numerical Trivia
Nursery Rhyme Titles
Old Testament Brothers
Peanuts Trivia
Right and Left Story
Sesame Street Characters
Signature Scramble
Silly Old Bear
Super Hero Trivia
The Muppet Characters
Toddler TV
Triple the Fun
Twins Trivia
Unique Celebrity Baby Names
What is Mom Wearing?
What’s In a Name?
What’s In Common?
What’s In Your Purse?
Whose Genes Should Baby Get? (2 versions)
Most of these games come with instructions written on a separate page for you to print out (the others are self-explanatory and don’t need instructions). Also, the answers to the games are also available on a separate page, if applicable.
Fast & Easy Electronic Download
There is No Shipping — these games are electronic and are available for immediate download onto your computer. I’ll show you how with step-by-step instructions — it’s fast (less than 1 minute for users with high-speed internet access) and VERY easy.
There is No Expiration on these games — BUYER BEWARE: some websites give you a password to access the games you buy, and after a certain time period, BAM! You can’t access your games anymore! Now, if I paid good money for some games, I would want to have them permanently, wouldn’t you?
Once you buy these baby shower games, the entire set will be downloaded onto your own computer. That way, you can access and print them whenever you want, as many times as you want. There’s no expiration date, so if you need them for another baby shower 5 years from now, they are right at your fingertips!
The shower was great. We played celebrity baby names, bingo, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Animal baby goups, and identify the baby food. Eveyone wanted to continue to play bingo so we played twice. The big hit was the Mr. and Mrs. Wright game. The games really made the party flow.
Angela Sherick, Los Angeles, CA
Dana- The shower was great and everyone had a fun time! The baby bingo was a hit…my only suggestion is to modify it for a smaller number of people say up to 25 and/or 25 to 50. There were about 15 in attendance and there were many that I called that no one had due to the number of cards handed out vs. number of words in word bank…but it was still fun:) Contact me anytime for feedback or help:) Thanks-
Kristy, Indianapolis, Indiana
The baby shower was great- we did Baby Shower Bingo and the word scramble thanks for the great website!
Lisa Barbosa
HI DANA! I love all your games, I’m giving a baby shower for my daughterinlaw.She already have a little girl ,So this time around she will be haveing a son. But I did not give her a shower and had no idea about games and other ideas so you are a big help. Again great purchase for me thank you. Aloha Jackie!!!!!
Jackie Cadiirao
Super Bonuses, Valued at $59 – Yours FREE – Just for Trying These Baby Shower Games
I’m going to “Sweeten the Deal” for you. Everybody loves FREE things – I know I sure do. I want to entice you to try out these Baby Shower Games because I know you’ll be 100% Satisfied – and so will your guests.
Free Bonus #1 — $17
Baby Shower Raffle Tickets
Raffle tickets are very popular at baby showers these days for door prizes. They can be passed out to each guest, or used to raise money for the Mom-to-Be and the new baby (simply ask guests to purchase the raffle tickets, usually for $1 to $5 each.)
Each ticket has its own unique raffle number. You decide whether you want to call out a number or a name for the prize.
There are 5 sets of raffle tickets that I’ve created — that way, you can pick the design and color that fits your baby shower:
Baby Items with Colored Backgrounds
48 tickets with 24 different designs
Baby Items with White Backgrounds (saves printer ink – you can also print these on colored paper for variety)
48 tickets with 24 different designs
Baby Animals with White Background
64 tickets with 8 different designs
Baby Animals with Blue Background
48 tickets with 8 different designs
Baby Animals with Pink Background
48 tickets with 8 different designs
All 5 designs are yours FREE!
Free Bonus #2 — $12
Baby Shower Ice Breakers
Ice Breakers are games or activities used to loosen up the guests or to get them to meet each other.
Nobody likes a boring baby shower. If your guests don’t know each other, you should definitely have at least one ice breaker to get the party rolling.
I’ve included 11 exciting ice breakers in this free download, some classic ones and some completely unique. All of them are sure to make everyone LAUGH and get your Baby Shower off to a great start.
Everybody’s a Star for 10 Seconds
Sing to Me
Fun Baby Shower?
Whose Line Is It? Baby Shower Style
Around the Room Introductions
Circle of Love
Problems and Solutions
Lullabys and Nursery Rhymes
Let’s Hum
Magic Trick Mom
Free Bonus #3 – $17
50 Baby Shower BINGO Cards
Baby Shower BINGO continues to be a favorite baby shower game. And these lovely cards are sure to be a winner at your shower!
You’ll receive 50 unique game cards with baby-related words, such as “booties,” “Mickey Mouse” and “Mommy” randomly filled in the boxes. Simply cut out the word cards and put them in a hat, print out the number of Bingo cards you need, and enjoy!
Click here to see a larger picture of Baby Shower Bingo
For a limited time, you’ll receive it FREE as a Bonus. But Hurry and Buy Today to take advantage of this offer!
Free Bonus #4 — $13
Baby Shower Ultimate Planner’s Lists
Every baby shower hostess has a lot on her plate when it comes to planning. Lists make her job a lot easier.
That’s why I created the Ultimate Planner’s Lists for the busy hostess. Now you can be organized and relaxed when planning your next baby shower.
Six lists and worksheets that are a MUST-HAVE for easy shower planning are:
Baby Shower Planning Calendar – Starting with 6 Weeks Before the shower and counting down to 15 Minutes Before, this ultimate checklist is vital for staying organized and making sure everything is completed in a timely manner.
Responsibility List for Co-Hosts – Keeping up with the To-Do List for your Co-Hosts will be a snap with this list where you’ll assign responsiblity for the decorations, guest list, games, inviations, etc.
The Budget – It’s important to budget so you don’t spend more than you intend to. With this form, you will estimate your costs and be able to compare them with what you actually spent.
Hostess Must-Have List – This is a checklist of “extras” that you may not think about, but should have at the shower (aspirin, scotch tape, trash bags, etc.)
Guest and RSVP List – Having an organized guest list makes your job of sending invitations and keeping track of RSVPs a whole lot easier.
Shower Gifts – The Mother-to-Be will appreciate this list that keeps track of who brought each shower gift.
What Do These Games Cost? What Should They Cost?
To determine the price for the Baby Shower Games, I looked at several factors. If you were to hire a professional to create your baby shower games, it would cost you at least $40 for just two games. That’s at $10 per hour (a very reasonable price) times 4 hours. And that’s being conservative. Here you have 75 games.
I also looked at the price for purchasing games at a party store. The prices ranged from $5.95 to $24.99 — just for one game!
Based on this information, I arrived at a reasonable and afforadable price of $29.99. I want you to have the “best deal on the web”, so I’ve lowered it to an incredible $24.99!
IMPORTANT UPDATE: The price has been lowered yet again! I’m in the process of performing market testing on the price of my games, so for a limited time, the price is $19 – an unbelievable bargin.
However, please be warned…
I cannot keep the price this low for too long. I want you to know that I WILL raise it after a couple of months of testing.
AND THINK ABOUT THIS: $19 is the price of a pizza and drinks. We’re not talking about a lot of money here. Plus, the best part is you can share the cost of these games with the other hostesses and you get to keep them all for yourself to use at all of your other baby showers! Spread across just five showers, you’re paying under $4 per shower. That’s a BARGAIN!
My Guarantee to You
I insist that you try these baby shower games. Print and use them as many times as you’d like. Because once you’ve tried them, I’m convinced that you’ll NEVER want to send them back!
But, if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you have eight full weeks to let us know. You will receive a full refund – we want you to be happy with your purchase.
Like I said earlier, I’m convinced that these games are the best on the internet, and if you could just see them, print them, and use them, I know you’d feel the same way.
Finally, because you’re entrusting me with your time and confidence, I want you to keep the FOUR BONUSES – Free of Charge – even if you decide to return the Baby Shower Games. That’s a guaranteed gain no matter what you decide!
Common Questions
“I’m at work, how will I be able to download the games onto my computer at home?” You have two options: 1) After payment is made, you will be directed to a web page where you can download the games. Write down the URL of that page (http://www.best-baby….), and go back to it once you get home. 2) Download the games to your work computer, copy them to a CD, then delete the games off your work computer.
“What if I don’t have a color printer or no printer at all?” You’ll need to print them at a friend’s house, your office, or at a printer. You have two options: 1) You can copy the games from your computer onto a CD and bring the CD to a friend’s house. 2) View and print the games online (there is a link where you can do this).
“I don’t know anything about computers. Will downloading the games be easy?” I wrote all of the instructions for the download with you in mind. They are detailed and have pictures of each pop-up involved during the download. If you have problems, you can visit my FAQ page, or contact me by email or telephone for assistance.
“My baby shower is in a few hours. Will I have my games in time?” Yes. As soon as payment is made, you will be directed to a download page – you don’t even have to wait for an email. For high-speed internet users, downloading will take less than a minute. For dial-up internet users, it will take longer, depending on your computer, connection, etc. You can also view and print the games from online, instead of downloading them. This is an especially nice feature if you have dial-up access and need the games immediately. Of course you can still download the games onto your computer in addition to viewing them online.
Again, Here’s What You’ll Receive
75 beautifully-designed Baby Shower Games (189 pages)
FREE – 5 sets of Baby Shower Raffle Tickets (32 pages)
FREE – 11 Baby Shower Ice Breakers (22 pages)
FREE – 50 Unique Baby Shower BINGO Cards (58 pages)
FREE – 6 Baby Shower Ultimate Planner’s Lists (23 pages)
Money-Back Guarantee
The Choice is Simple
Imagine how you’ll feel when your guests rave at how much fun they had. Imagine being the “hit” of all of your baby showers.
Remember — for a limited time, the price is an incredibly low $19 — it will go up soon, so you must act quickly.
To start downloading your baby shower games and bonuses in the next five minutes, click the Blue Order Button Now. IT’S SECURE!
As a reminder, The Best Baby Shower Games package is only available as an electronic download. It’s an executable file (.exe.) that will download and unzip the PDFs to your computer. Available for both Windows and Mac users (Mac users will download pdf files.) The games are from a U.S. perspective, so the games reflect that (for example, U.S. television shows and $ currency.)
Happy Hosting!
Dana Brigola
P.S. Remember that this Low Price of $19 WILL NOT LAST LONG. I’m in the process of figuring the best price for my product, which means that I will continue to raise my price periodically while performing market evaluations. What this means to you is that you need to hurry and click the blue order button to take advantage of the lower price before it rises again.
P.S.S. Also remember that along with these 75 super-fun baby shower games, you’ll get 4 Awesome Bonuses, valued at $59, ABSOLUTELY FREE, even if you decide to return the games! Some of these bonuses will only be available for a short time — then I’ll start charging for them.
P.P.P.S. Remember that my Guarantee to you is that if you’re not ABSOLUTELY THRILLED with these Baby Shower Games, you have 8 Full Weeks to let me know and I’ll gladly refund your money. I want you to be happy!
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Best Baby Shower Games On The Internet - High Conversion Rate
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/best-baby-shower-games-on-the-internet-high-conversion-rate/
Best Baby Shower Games On The Internet - High Conversion Rate
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    For the Busy Hostess!
(and EVERYONE’S going to be asking for your “Secret” to having such fun and successful showers!)
Choose from 75 UNIQUE, EXCITING and BEAUTIFULLY-DESIGNED baby shower games for your next shower — some you won’t find ANYWHERE else on the web! All games are available for Immediate Download — no “expertise” required. And your Satisfaction is Guaranteed.
I’m convinced that these games are the best on the internet, and if you could just see them, print them, and use them, I know you’d feel the same way.
From: Dana Brigola Thursday, 8:45 a.m.
Dear Fellow Baby Shower Hostess,
You’ve got a baby shower coming up. There’s a pressing question on your mind – “What games will you choose?”
You want baby shower games that will
keep the guests happy
involve everyone
not take hours to create
not cost a bundle
Let’s face it. You’re busy with kids, work, or school – and now you have a baby shower to host. You have too many things to plan and not enough time to get it all done.
These games are a big hit for the hostess who values her time and wants it all! Time is too precious to get caught up for hours on the internet searching for the best games. Your internet research has paid off – you’ve found the best games right here.
This all started when I created a couple of baby shower games for a friend’s baby shower. They were a huge hit with the guests and I was asked by more than one person where I had gotten them. That’s when a light bulb went off – I decided to create these 75 memorable and fun-filled baby shower games for the busy hostess.
I spent over 500 hours personally researching the internet, probing friends for the fun ideas, and creating the best games on the internet.
I even drove my husband nuts: “Honey, can you tell me which font looks best?” His reply: “How am I supposed to know – just pick one.”
Thank You for creating such a useful tool at a low cost. I’ve spent so much money already on everything else and I just wanted to tell you, good job and I’m sure I’ll enjoy everything! 🙂
Michelle Cisneros
My baby shower went great..We played Bingo, baby food tasting , word search and the right/left story. Everyone had a great time and loved the games. Thank you for all the great ideas. This was well worth the investment.
Brenda Nolind
Shower was for my step-sister Kasey. It was on Sunday Aug. 27. We played Baby Work Unscramble, Celebrity Baby Names, Unique Celebrity Baby Names. There were soooooooo many games to choose from! Everyone there really enjoyed the games so of course I told them about your web page & how you can purchase the games & down load them right then & there. Thanks so much! Very cool!
Tiffany Brown, Waynesboro, PA
The baby shower turned out fine and the games was a big hit especially the rice and safety pin game. Thank you for all your help the package was a life saver.
Jo Anne Anderson
Quality, Not Quantity
Have you noticed that some websites offer over 200 games for baby showers? Goodness, that’s a LOT. I checked out some of them and found that the quality of their games was not quite what it should be.
If you’re just interested in purchasing the package with the most games, then this one is not for you. I can’t compete with quantity alone — and I don’t want to.
And think about it, do you really want to preview 200 games? How would you have enough time to do anything else?
I guarantee that you’ll have enough on your plate selecting from the wide range of great games I’m offering. And these are quality games, with quality fonts, and quality images.
I’ve personally selected the best ones for you and created them with lots of TLC (tender loving care). These games are the ones that you’ll go to over and over again.
Games for Multiples Are Here
Is the Mommy-to-Be expecting twins or triplets? If so, you’ll get to pick from several games designed especially for her.
Games like Twins Trivia, Famous Pairs, Famous Trios, and Triple the Fun are sure to make your baby shower a huge hit.
African American Images Are Here
One thing I noticed from other baby shower games websites was the lack of African American graphics on the games. That’s why I created a second version of some of the games, featuring African American images.
There are ten games exclusively with African American images on them. Plus there are several more with images of African American babies appearing with babies of other races.
The rest of the games have generic baby symbols, such as rattles or pacifiers.
Games with African American graphics give you an option to choose the game and image that’s right for your baby shower.
Couples Games Are Here
Throwing a couples shower? No problem. There are several games that specifically have a “Daddy” vibe. Not to mention, men can play just about any of the other games too.
Some couples games are Animal Families, Mothers and Fathers in Genesis, Mommy and Daddy Animals, Celebrity Parents and Kids, Baby Shower Outburst, Baby Shower Scattegories, and Whose Genes Should Baby Get.
Great Mix Between Traditional and One-of-a-Kind Games
When I first started creating these games, I focused on unique, one-of-a-kind games. One girlfriend said, “I love these games, but where is BINGO and Word Unscramble?”
I then realized that a lot of women want these “classics“, so I included the best ones. So if you’re one of the traditionalists, you’ve got your games here.
Examples of some classic games included are Baby Shower Bingo, Baby Word Find, Baby Word Unscramble, What is Mom Wearing, Mystery Baby Food Tasting, Nursery Rhyme Titles, Memory Game, and Draw the Mommy.
For you hostesses that are more intested in one-of-a-kind games, I promise that you’ll find what you’re looking for here. That’s because I created a lot of them myself – from scratch. They’re guaranteed to be original. You won’t find them anywhere else on the web or in a store.
A few of my exclusive games include Baby Shower Sudoku, Lessons of Schoolhouse Rock, Baby on the Big Screen, Baby Names in Geography, Grown in the Wild, Whose Gene’s Should Baby Get, Comic Strip Trivia, and What’s in Common.
Believe me, there’s no shortage of great games for you to choose from.
MY ONLY CONCERN is that you’re going to be overwhelmed and spend too much time trying to decide which of the 75 games you want to play.
Your games made the baby shower more fun and organized. Everone enjoyed the baby bingo and the word scramble. The actual games are printed up in such a colorful way and everyone admired them. We have another baby shower coming up soon, so we plan to use some of the other games. Thankyou for making this part of our shower planning easy and fun.
Peggy Gallery, Wisconsin
Dana: Thank you so much for offering this great product. I was so worried about this shower – you know, same old same old games. What a great time we had! We played probably six different games, but the two that stood out the most were the “Whose Genes” and the “Mr and Mrs Wright” passing game. I had so many compliments and everyone asked where I had gotten the ideas for the games. I gave them your website and I’ll bet they will contact you too! Thanks again.
sLori Boes, Fremont, MI
The baby shower games were great.I used disney songs and a raffle and the best was baby bingo. your site is great thank you so much.
Michelle Sheffler
The games were very easy to look at and print. We really enjoyed the games and the ice breaker ideas. Thanks so much!
Kelly Jett, Scott City, KS
Fun Extras That Make This Package Complete
There are times when you want to create your own games, but need paper to do so. I’ve included several blank, do-it-yourself pages for that purpose.
You’ll find blank pages, lined pages, and half pages with different graphics and designs for you to choose from — including pages for twins, boys, girls, Caucasians and African Americans.
So go ahead, make up your own games with these gorgeous pages!
Also, since many baby showers have children present, you’ll also find several coloring pages to keep the kids busy. They can have a coloring contest or just present the finished picture to the mother-to-be as a memorable gift.
Here’s a Complete List of the 75 Games You’ll Receive:
Animal Families
Animal Mommies
Baby Animal Names
Baby Gift Bingo (2 versions)
Baby Jesus
Baby Letter Race (2 versions)
Baby Moses
Baby Names A to Z
Baby Names in Geography
Baby on the Big Screen
Baby Safety Trivia (2 versions)
Baby Shower Draw
Baby Shower Outburst
Baby Shower Scattegories (2 versions)
Baby Shower Sudoku
Baby Shower Sodoku – Shower Fun
Baby Shower Word Mix
Baby Word Fill in the Blanks (2 versions)
Baby Word Find
Baby Word Unscramble
Baby’s Birthday Predictions (3 versions)
Best Baby Advice
Birth Records
Blank Game Cards (13 versions)
Boy’s Name Word Find
Celebrity Baby Names
Celebrity Parents and Kids
Charlotte’s Web
Children’s Characters
Children’s Stories Crossword Puzzle
Coloring Pages (20 versions)
Comic Strip Trivia
Complete the Nursery Rhyme
Disney Movie Crossword Puzzle
Disney Songs
Disney Who Am I?
Dr. Seuss Trivia
Draw the Baby
Draw the Mommy
Famous Pairs
Famous Trios
Girl’s Name Word Find
Grown in the Wild
Lessons of Schoolhouse Rock
Looney Tunes
Memory Game
Mommy and Daddy Animals
Mothers and Fathers in Genesis
Mystery Baby Food Tasting (2 versions)
Name Meanings
Name Origins
Name That Price
Name the State
Name the TV Kids
New Baby Crossword Puzzle
Newborn Trivia (2 versions)
Numerical Trivia
Nursery Rhyme Titles
Old Testament Brothers
Peanuts Trivia
Right and Left Story
Sesame Street Characters
Signature Scramble
Silly Old Bear
Super Hero Trivia
The Muppet Characters
Toddler TV
Triple the Fun
Twins Trivia
Unique Celebrity Baby Names
What is Mom Wearing?
What’s In a Name?
What’s In Common?
What’s In Your Purse?
Whose Genes Should Baby Get? (2 versions)
Most of these games come with instructions written on a separate page for you to print out (the others are self-explanatory and don’t need instructions). Also, the answers to the games are also available on a separate page, if applicable.
Fast & Easy Electronic Download
There is No Shipping — these games are electronic and are available for immediate download onto your computer. I’ll show you how with step-by-step instructions — it’s fast (less than 1 minute for users with high-speed internet access) and VERY easy.
There is No Expiration on these games — BUYER BEWARE: some websites give you a password to access the games you buy, and after a certain time period, BAM! You can’t access your games anymore! Now, if I paid good money for some games, I would want to have them permanently, wouldn’t you?
Once you buy these baby shower games, the entire set will be downloaded onto your own computer. That way, you can access and print them whenever you want, as many times as you want. There’s no expiration date, so if you need them for another baby shower 5 years from now, they are right at your fingertips!
The shower was great. We played celebrity baby names, bingo, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Animal baby goups, and identify the baby food. Eveyone wanted to continue to play bingo so we played twice. The big hit was the Mr. and Mrs. Wright game. The games really made the party flow.
Angela Sherick, Los Angeles, CA
Dana- The shower was great and everyone had a fun time! The baby bingo was a hit…my only suggestion is to modify it for a smaller number of people say up to 25 and/or 25 to 50. There were about 15 in attendance and there were many that I called that no one had due to the number of cards handed out vs. number of words in word bank…but it was still fun:) Contact me anytime for feedback or help:) Thanks-
Kristy, Indianapolis, Indiana
The baby shower was great- we did Baby Shower Bingo and the word scramble thanks for the great website!
Lisa Barbosa
HI DANA! I love all your games, I’m giving a baby shower for my daughterinlaw.She already have a little girl ,So this time around she will be haveing a son. But I did not give her a shower and had no idea about games and other ideas so you are a big help. Again great purchase for me thank you. Aloha Jackie!!!!!
Jackie Cadiirao
Super Bonuses, Valued at $59 – Yours FREE – Just for Trying These Baby Shower Games
I’m going to “Sweeten the Deal” for you. Everybody loves FREE things – I know I sure do. I want to entice you to try out these Baby Shower Games because I know you’ll be 100% Satisfied – and so will your guests.
Free Bonus #1 — $17
Baby Shower Raffle Tickets
Raffle tickets are very popular at baby showers these days for door prizes. They can be passed out to each guest, or used to raise money for the Mom-to-Be and the new baby (simply ask guests to purchase the raffle tickets, usually for $1 to $5 each.)
Each ticket has its own unique raffle number. You decide whether you want to call out a number or a name for the prize.
There are 5 sets of raffle tickets that I’ve created — that way, you can pick the design and color that fits your baby shower:
Baby Items with Colored Backgrounds
48 tickets with 24 different designs
Baby Items with White Backgrounds (saves printer ink – you can also print these on colored paper for variety)
48 tickets with 24 different designs
Baby Animals with White Background
64 tickets with 8 different designs
Baby Animals with Blue Background
48 tickets with 8 different designs
Baby Animals with Pink Background
48 tickets with 8 different designs
All 5 designs are yours FREE!
Free Bonus #2 — $12
Baby Shower Ice Breakers
Ice Breakers are games or activities used to loosen up the guests or to get them to meet each other.
Nobody likes a boring baby shower. If your guests don’t know each other, you should definitely have at least one ice breaker to get the party rolling.
I’ve included 11 exciting ice breakers in this free download, some classic ones and some completely unique. All of them are sure to make everyone LAUGH and get your Baby Shower off to a great start.
Everybody’s a Star for 10 Seconds
Sing to Me
Fun Baby Shower?
Whose Line Is It? Baby Shower Style
Around the Room Introductions
Circle of Love
Problems and Solutions
Lullabys and Nursery Rhymes
Let’s Hum
Magic Trick Mom
Free Bonus #3 – $17
50 Baby Shower BINGO Cards
Baby Shower BINGO continues to be a favorite baby shower game. And these lovely cards are sure to be a winner at your shower!
You’ll receive 50 unique game cards with baby-related words, such as “booties,” “Mickey Mouse” and “Mommy” randomly filled in the boxes. Simply cut out the word cards and put them in a hat, print out the number of Bingo cards you need, and enjoy!
Click here to see a larger picture of Baby Shower Bingo
For a limited time, you’ll receive it FREE as a Bonus. But Hurry and Buy Today to take advantage of this offer!
Free Bonus #4 — $13
Baby Shower Ultimate Planner’s Lists
Every baby shower hostess has a lot on her plate when it comes to planning. Lists make her job a lot easier.
That’s why I created the Ultimate Planner’s Lists for the busy hostess. Now you can be organized and relaxed when planning your next baby shower.
Six lists and worksheets that are a MUST-HAVE for easy shower planning are:
Baby Shower Planning Calendar – Starting with 6 Weeks Before the shower and counting down to 15 Minutes Before, this ultimate checklist is vital for staying organized and making sure everything is completed in a timely manner.
Responsibility List for Co-Hosts – Keeping up with the To-Do List for your Co-Hosts will be a snap with this list where you’ll assign responsiblity for the decorations, guest list, games, inviations, etc.
The Budget – It’s important to budget so you don’t spend more than you intend to. With this form, you will estimate your costs and be able to compare them with what you actually spent.
Hostess Must-Have List – This is a checklist of “extras” that you may not think about, but should have at the shower (aspirin, scotch tape, trash bags, etc.)
Guest and RSVP List – Having an organized guest list makes your job of sending invitations and keeping track of RSVPs a whole lot easier.
Shower Gifts – The Mother-to-Be will appreciate this list that keeps track of who brought each shower gift.
What Do These Games Cost? What Should They Cost?
To determine the price for the Baby Shower Games, I looked at several factors. If you were to hire a professional to create your baby shower games, it would cost you at least $40 for just two games. That’s at $10 per hour (a very reasonable price) times 4 hours. And that’s being conservative. Here you have 75 games.
I also looked at the price for purchasing games at a party store. The prices ranged from $5.95 to $24.99 — just for one game!
Based on this information, I arrived at a reasonable and afforadable price of $29.99. I want you to have the “best deal on the web”, so I’ve lowered it to an incredible $24.99!
IMPORTANT UPDATE: The price has been lowered yet again! I’m in the process of performing market testing on the price of my games, so for a limited time, the price is $19 – an unbelievable bargin.
However, please be warned…
I cannot keep the price this low for too long. I want you to know that I WILL raise it after a couple of months of testing.
AND THINK ABOUT THIS: $19 is the price of a pizza and drinks. We’re not talking about a lot of money here. Plus, the best part is you can share the cost of these games with the other hostesses and you get to keep them all for yourself to use at all of your other baby showers! Spread across just five showers, you’re paying under $4 per shower. That’s a BARGAIN!
My Guarantee to You
I insist that you try these baby shower games. Print and use them as many times as you’d like. Because once you’ve tried them, I’m convinced that you’ll NEVER want to send them back!
But, if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you have eight full weeks to let us know. You will receive a full refund – we want you to be happy with your purchase.
Like I said earlier, I’m convinced that these games are the best on the internet, and if you could just see them, print them, and use them, I know you’d feel the same way.
Finally, because you’re entrusting me with your time and confidence, I want you to keep the FOUR BONUSES – Free of Charge – even if you decide to return the Baby Shower Games. That’s a guaranteed gain no matter what you decide!
Common Questions
“I’m at work, how will I be able to download the games onto my computer at home?” You have two options: 1) After payment is made, you will be directed to a web page where you can download the games. Write down the URL of that page (http://www.best-baby….), and go back to it once you get home. 2) Download the games to your work computer, copy them to a CD, then delete the games off your work computer.
“What if I don’t have a color printer or no printer at all?” You’ll need to print them at a friend’s house, your office, or at a printer. You have two options: 1) You can copy the games from your computer onto a CD and bring the CD to a friend’s house. 2) View and print the games online (there is a link where you can do this).
“I don’t know anything about computers. Will downloading the games be easy?” I wrote all of the instructions for the download with you in mind. They are detailed and have pictures of each pop-up involved during the download. If you have problems, you can visit my FAQ page, or contact me by email or telephone for assistance.
“My baby shower is in a few hours. Will I have my games in time?” Yes. As soon as payment is made, you will be directed to a download page – you don’t even have to wait for an email. For high-speed internet users, downloading will take less than a minute. For dial-up internet users, it will take longer, depending on your computer, connection, etc. You can also view and print the games from online, instead of downloading them. This is an especially nice feature if you have dial-up access and need the games immediately. Of course you can still download the games onto your computer in addition to viewing them online.
Again, Here’s What You’ll Receive
75 beautifully-designed Baby Shower Games (189 pages)
FREE – 5 sets of Baby Shower Raffle Tickets (32 pages)
FREE – 11 Baby Shower Ice Breakers (22 pages)
FREE – 50 Unique Baby Shower BINGO Cards (58 pages)
FREE – 6 Baby Shower Ultimate Planner’s Lists (23 pages)
Money-Back Guarantee
The Choice is Simple
Imagine how you’ll feel when your guests rave at how much fun they had. Imagine being the “hit” of all of your baby showers.
Remember — for a limited time, the price is an incredibly low $19 — it will go up soon, so you must act quickly.
To start downloading your baby shower games and bonuses in the next five minutes, click the Blue Order Button Now. IT’S SECURE!
As a reminder, The Best Baby Shower Games package is only available as an electronic download. It’s an executable file (.exe.) that will download and unzip the PDFs to your computer. Available for both Windows and Mac users (Mac users will download pdf files.) The games are from a U.S. perspective, so the games reflect that (for example, U.S. television shows and $ currency.)
Happy Hosting!
Dana Brigola
P.S. Remember that this Low Price of $19 WILL NOT LAST LONG. I’m in the process of figuring the best price for my product, which means that I will continue to raise my price periodically while performing market evaluations. What this means to you is that you need to hurry and click the blue order button to take advantage of the lower price before it rises again.
P.S.S. Also remember that along with these 75 super-fun baby shower games, you’ll get 4 Awesome Bonuses, valued at $59, ABSOLUTELY FREE, even if you decide to return the games! Some of these bonuses will only be available for a short time — then I’ll start charging for them.
P.P.P.S. Remember that my Guarantee to you is that if you’re not ABSOLUTELY THRILLED with these Baby Shower Games, you have 8 Full Weeks to let me know and I’ll gladly refund your money. I want you to be happy!
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