#thanx :3
rainba · 21 days
Listen… I adore kairos and Luka but…. Why does ace honestly seem perfect? He’s a little shy but can also be dominant, he’s hot, he loves me and he’s in a band????? I would give anything for him tbh
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Ace pretty much is the perfect package!! Kind, sweet, empathetic, dominant and good looking...
But also: a little dense sometimes. (・・;)ゞ
If you want to be with him, I hope you're ready to be unintentionally guilt tripped all the time!!
With Ace, he's a little unconventional as a yandere. Instead of kidnapping you, forcing you into a relationship, or doing anything he considers to be morally incorrect, he winds up (accidentally) doing other things that keep you tied to him.
Example: announcing to all of his fans that he's in love with you. Posting countless pictures of you on his social media pages. Writing tons of songs about you with your name on them. Always giving you nice gifts. He's not actually forcing you to be with him or anything- just unintentionally putting lots and lots of pressure on you!! ☆⌒(>。<)
If you say you two aren't dating, you'll disappoint his fans... If you reject him, he'll look incredibly sad and pathetic, becoming deeply depressed for days on end. Why would you want to hurt somebody as sweet as him??? Are you cruel...?
If you point any of these things out to him though, he'll be completely shocked. Like- he didn't mean to put you in such a tough spot!! He only did all of these things because he loves you! He never meant to hurt you in any way... Now he's extremely sensitive and ashamed.
If you don't apologize to him (despite you not being in the wrong,) he'll avoid you at all costs, profusely apologizing every time he sees you. He'd look like a disaster.
The singular most frustrating thing about Ace is that he never seems to learn.
He'll keep doing the same things over and over again.
An example is when he announces to all of his fans that he loves you. If you ask him to retract his statement, he (reluctantly) will... But during his next concert, he'll bring you up on stage and wrap his arm around you, smiling from ear-to-ear as he gets all affectionate with you. (ᓀ ᓀ)
The only darling that's immune to Ace is a darling who's immune to peer pressure. 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。
Other than all of that, Ace is amazing!
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go-learn-esperanto · 1 year
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shockvalue · 8 months
38. 17. and 9. for whoever because idk either and would like to get to know them :)
HI PAUL im gnna answer for both then ^_^ autonomy is my main dnd character, shes a tiefling paladin/rogue and shes a very strange middle aged woman. june is my fnv pc he is normal.
9. when they're sick, what do they do to feel better?
i think auto either a) lay on hands or b) pretend it is not happening and just tries to will it out of her body to some degree of success (until she passes out and sleeps for 18 hours)
june hunkers DOWN. he is making tea and lying the fuck down for a day or two, but i think he bounces back pretty fast. cant afford to sit on his ass for too long the mail stops for no one... 17. how easily would they be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
hm ok now this one is hard for autonomy because i think she plays pretty fast and loose with the whole morality thing. however shes not...easily convinced to do much of anything unless she thinks that it was her idea. so i would say pretty difficult, not out of any real moral backbone but out of stubbornness lol
june on the other hand is Extremely driven by wanting to do the right thing, whatever that means to him. he is also kind of impulsive though, and i think if it was like a trolley problem situation where he had to think fast, he could end up doing something that he would later really regret. generally tho he does his best to be a good person and is pretty uncompromising on what he views as right and wrong.
38. what are their dreams like? do they have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
well i think autonomy often gets (or at least what she interprets as) visons from her god/of the future while she sleeps, as vague as they might be. i think she also has little flashes of memory and deja vu that she cant quite place but knows are familiar. very floaty and greenish gold dreams...nightmares of drowning
i think early-game june has Benny-related nightmares pretty frequently. getting shot in the head will do that to u. otherwise i dont think he dreams very often, and when he does theyre pretty run of the mill.
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princehoneytea · 2 months
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(oc) funny guy drop. 9ft robot race track guy
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bnuuys · 1 year
requesting a little mayoi chibi if possible 👉🏻👈🏻
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shes just a pretty girl :(
still taking reqs !
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thatone-pancake · 1 month
HII I LOVE ANSWERING QUESTIONS TY FOR ASKING !! i love yapping about my au's
1, image was made by a friend and it's what i've been using as a ref ever since lol
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2, this is mostly just a faction swap au. other than that, the biggest lore changes i've done so far is change some jobs certain characters have and vinestaff's curse. no personality changes though !!
3, sword has a crystal because i felt like it was a better alternative to his mohawk. when i was only just making a few concepts on paper for this au, i did research a lot about each faction's attires and other things too that relate the each faction respectively. only 2 characters have crystals in the canon universe, and both of those are from blackrock so i assumed that it'd be fun to give sword one :3
i have thought of abilities the crystal could go him and so far my only two ideas have to do with speed. 1st idea is just a speed boost to himself and the 2nd is that he slows down others, lets say when he hits someone with his m2
3, i have drawn betagraft!! i posted the design on my pinterest. i will do zetagraft too sometime.
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^^ this was old concept art. zetagrafts will no longer be based off oak trees, but aspen trees instead. if you've seen my subspace design, you'd know that he makes biografts out of wood :)
banhammer as well as other factionless characters won't be getting a design since they don't have a faction. disappointing maybe, yeah, but it's what makes the most sense
4, atm i'm only thinking of drawing a design for playable phighters. if i feel like dresigning npcs after that, then i will certainly let you guys know :3
actually, i have drawn designs for grav and warp at some point but that's pretty much it (they'd be in thieves' den)
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these are like... HUGE touhou references lmao. i remember sending grav in bogcom and then like half an hour after sending it i realised that i called her warp instead of grav you don't know the PANIC i felt at that moment
warp's horns are so hard to draw :(
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tabooiart · 9 months
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lesbians and gays best friends forever peace and love on planet earth
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hools · 2 years
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bg3screenshotdump · 30 days
Don't know if you have done it on your blog but can you introduce us to your Tavs? Like a Character Profil Template. :)
This has been in my inbox for ages, and if i wait until I have everything perfectly set up like i wanted before answering i believe i'll never answer :'D
so perfection and fear of being cringe and seen be damned i'm doing it it now !
so far the only things i have for my tavs on this blog is their respectives tags you can find in the sidebar of my blog :')
so i'll just list them here and i'll make them more detailed pages later, when i have time and feel confident enough to share more of the backstories i imagined :')
( warning, piss poor writing in coming i suck at writing in my native language and it's even worse in english )
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Delsys - My 1rst Full release Tav, half wood elf orphan, beastmaster ranger who ended up serving as a guardian of the druidic order that found and raised her. she's a big introvert and has piss poor social skills, litteraly her only friends are her owl companion, Verbena and Trilli ( even if she feels disconected from her two very extroverted and playful friends ) she's been following the orders and lead of the druids for most of her life so she's really not confident in her new role as the leader of the bg3 party, ( she's not confident about a lot of things actually, tbh the only thing she's not insecure about is her archery skills ) and unfortunately for everyone she tends to hide those insecurities behind a tough and apathetic mask
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Trilli Bumbleroot - archfey warlock/bard forest gnome - lover of music, dancing, nature and village festivals, she's just a little gal who loves traveling, i'm still not entierly sure of who i want her archfey patron to be, but she took a contract when she left her village in order to have enough power to protect herself on the road. During her travels she eventually came across Delsys ( who wasn't born yet ) and Verbena's druidic order and she's been bestie with Verbena ever since and unfortunately for the other druids when the both of them put their mind together tomfoolery ensues
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Verbena Ferngrass - Wood elf druid - high bimbo of the same druidic order that raised Delsys ( and she kind of sees her as a little sister ) she's a big extrovert, a big flirt, she values her personal freedom and fun above all else, she thinks with her vag and is always pulling Delsys into all kind of situations™ She considers Trilli to be her best friend ( and they kiss sometimes )
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Vetra - Githyanki war cleric of Vlaakith - soft and curious soul who's been battered and hardened by her training as both a warrior and a priestess, now that she's in faerun she starting to feel a bit more free to be explore and connect back to the parts of her personality she had to hide behind her now no-nonsense tough persona
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Kastyn Firebeard - warrior/maybe paladin ( haven't decided yet) - mercenary coming from a blacksmith family, don't have much of a backstory for her yet :') just that she was disatisfied about her life in the mercenary group she was a part of, mostly because she had no control over the missions they took, and those missions sometimes went agaisnt her moral code
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Healstra Ssiwin - lolth drow Sorceress - Bit on the fence about her story and personality :'x i'm not sure why exactly she chose to go to the surface,i initially made the Astromancer robes mod for her, so i had in mind that she wanted to see and study the stars but idk, i'll think i'll need to document myself on drow a bit more to get better ideas :'D
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Cyn Clarilieu - my EA tav, basic noble human turned paladin ( is now tall and buff thanks to the full release Bodytype 3 ❤️) good aligned, annoyingly too self-righteous at times
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Shani Cotton - Halfling rogue - Street urchin turned criminal in Baldur's gate lower city, magpie brainded if-it-shiny-i-want-it ,quite loose morals so she doesn't care if she has to kill or maim to obtain what she wants
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Oriann Aleviir - my co-op tav, half drow - cringefail 8 dex blew-her-own-face-off-with-fire-spell wild magic sorcerer, terrified for her life 24/7 and will make every bad choices out of fear and gullibleness ( highly manipulable, will probably end up a squid as a result )
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jizzlords · 3 months
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the fact that fizz simps so bad for ozzie that he 1. tells blitz how big ozzie's d1ck is and 2. has ozzie's d1ck living rent free in his head to the point he'd say this on his casual stroll asdfgbh
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aaaahhh I’d LOVE to see you draw Giana!!!! <33
[The actual reference page is lost, :Sigh:]
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There you go! This ended up being a bit of a quick draw, but I hope I did Giana justice ^^
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lightningfilledsaber · 7 months
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Copper (he/him) in fun somewhat y2k inspired clothes!
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itswilliamleonard · 2 years
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i'm SURE i'm not the only one who was basically destined to love vtubers ever since i was an autistic kid convinced that the cartoon characters on my tv were "Real" and we were hanging out together..... but at last that weirdo's dream is fulfilled :)
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37gorditas · 10 months
Why was Spamton so much more unsettling than Jevil?!?!
(Deltarune Chapter 2 spoilers under the funny line!)
I thought about this stuff when i was in the shower, so it probably doesn't make much sense but here goes!!!
Alright, I might be having serious brainrot, but i think compared to Jevil, Spamton is unsettling as FUCK. I mean, one of them is a fella in a jail cell somewhere that really likes chaos (and is also probably based on a random LINE sticker pack)...
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Spamton, on the other hand, while also having similar thoughts of freedom and is also similarly Kind Of Unhinged, is a bit more disturbing, especially when you're working to fight his NEO form. One event that sticks out to me is when you transfer his data onto the Empty Disk. As the data starts transferring, line by line, the shop turns greyscale, the music lowers in speed, and Spamton disappears.
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When playing through the game myself, I immediately left because Crap! I Kinda Liked That Guy! Something about him just Disappearing just got to me. Another pretty unsettling thing that happens is at the end of the Spamton NEO fight, he just. Falls to the ground, motionless. His NEO form lies there on a black background for what seemed like Hours, and the gang appears on a path leading out of the basement (IIRC.)
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Now, I don't think everything literally turned Pitch Black for the gang when they were on the tracks there. Seems that the game intentionally has everything else black out to emphasise what happened to US, the player. The same goes for the shop, in a way. While maybe the colour DID get transferred from the room along with Spamton (and the telephone???) it's like the game litters these jarring, quiet moments with Spamton throughout the game. But why?
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Maybe it's to show the parallels of Spamton to Kris. Kris is also unsettled by Spamton, especially seen after the fight, when they yell that they're not OK (if that option is picked.) Spamton may have painted a picture to Kris that there's no way out of being puppeted forever. (He talks about not being [Big] enough and that makes new goofy theories spring up in my head which i'll spare you guys from.) Kris is pretty annoyed by us, the players, already, and they DO have times where they just sever our connection to them through the SOUL, but these periods of time are brief. Spamton crushed the hopes that Kris may have had of completely regaining control.
But why show the parallels to US? What do we do, rewrite the game to make things go better for Spamton and Kris? Honestly, there's no way of knowing until at least chapters 3-5 come out. I need more LORE...... more TINY CHUNKS OF PLOT....... more FUNEE CHARACTERS......... to think about and tie back to this.
That's pretty much all I had to say, to be honest. I had a lot more ideas about this in the shower, but they don't make much sense to me now. PLEASE tell me what you guys think because there are probably a lot of pieces i didn't connect that well, and things i would've got wrong. I don't know where I thought I was going with this. Just putting my thoughts here so I can look back when the rest of the chapters come out and laugh.
TL;DR: Spamton's presented as being unsettling because he has pretty similar toils to Kris, who is also probably unsettled by him.
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Thanks for reading!
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mary-games-and-arts · 2 months
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lacefuneral · 7 months
Tennis performing "In The Morning I'll Be Better" live and encouraging the audience to sing along
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