#that and I had so many ideas for how each loop played out
So you know those dating sims where you do every route imaginable and when you do the “true” route last the character breaks the fourth wall and calls you out and is aware that their whole life was just an endless loop?
That’s the entire vibe of the Reset Loop AU
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Trial and Error
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Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: Based on the request: "Azriel with single mom reader? I feel like being a single mom in ACOTAR would be tricky as hell… reader comes from autumn court and flees to night court because she got pregnant out of marriage? 😯 the shame"
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: A little angst
a/n: Okay this has taken over my brain. I hope you enjoy it!! You can read the previous little part here and part three here
Main Masterlist ♡
“And what would happen then?” 
“I suppose then we would have to turn into giants, wouldn’t we?” 
“Giants. Really?” Melanie deadpanned as if she hadn’t just unraveled the most incoherent line of questioning you’d ever heard. Her new favorite game was “what if,” and you were apparently awful at it. 
“Well—” you began, pretending to think as you leaned against the counter and tapped your chin. “I guess we could just learn how to fly instead. That way we could go collect the, um… bunnies from the tops of the clouds.” 
“It’s cats, mommy, not bunnies. Why would a bunny be on a cloud?” 
“You are so right.” 
You pushed off the counter and continued restocking the shelves of the small apothecary that had employed you for the past few years. You had started out in Velaris working at a few small bars, but that hadn’t lasted long when they discovered you were pregnant. You had earned enough money to get a small apartment at that point, and you just so happened to find one above an apothecary owned by a rather wicked old woman. 
Lucky for you, she was a wicked old woman who no longer wanted to run her apothecary or deal with the space above it. So, you got a job and a place to live without many questions asked—a two-for-one miracle. 
“Maybe we could ask Nyx to take us up to the clouds,” Melanie pondered as she fiddled with a bundle of cloves by the register. 
“Who’s Nyx, sweetie?” you mindlessly asked. 
“A boy in my class. He has wings. He told me he can’t fly very high yet, but soon he’ll be able to.” 
You inhaled sharply through your nose. 
There were probably several boys in her class who had wings and were unrelated to the Illyrian man occupying your thoughts, right? 
You hummed in contemplation. “I don’t know, Melanie. Maybe Nyx could take you, but I might be too big for him to bring me up to the clouds.” 
“Oh, good idea, mommy! Nyx’s daddy can fly too and he can bring you. Or he has two uncles that could.” Your daughter stuck two fingers in the air with pride. “I wish I had wings. Mommy, did my daddy have wings?” 
You shook your head and abandoned the box at your feet to brush your daughter’s hair back instead. Going to school had opened doors to many questions you had been dreading, and Melanie’s questions about her dad had been coming in waves. 
“Your daddy didn’t have wings,” you began, looping a finger around her red curls. “But he did have hair just like yours.” 
Melanie tilted her head to the side. “Did you love my daddy? Nyx drew a picture at school of his mommy and daddy and said they love each other very much. Like as much as you love me.” 
You fought back a sigh. Nyx was causing you a plethora of issues and you hadn’t even met the kid. “Sometimes families look different,” you explained, running your hands down to brush off the dust on Melanie’s clothes that she’d surely obtained from playing in the apothecary. “I didn’t love your daddy, but that’s just because I had so much love saved up for you.” 
“Hmm…I hope you can have someone to love like how Nyx’s mommy has his daddy,” Melanie said after a small pause. And then she swung off the counter and started trekking up the stairs to the apartment as if she hadn’t just aged ten years with her statement. 
You blinked at the space she left, baffled by your five-year-old’s abruptness. She had only been at school for a week and was making revelations about your life that even you struggled to come to terms with. You let out a small sound of disbelief and made to follow your daughter up the stairs when the bell above the front door chimed. 
“Sorry, we’re closed for the—”
A boot heel clicking silenced your call.
His shadows came in before him, dark swirls instantly sweeping along the walls and wrapping up around the front counter. They didn’t touch you, but there was a hesitance about them that suggested they wanted to. You tore your gaze from their behavior to meet the eyes of the Illyrian from the school—the one you hadn’t seen since and definitely not because you were avoiding all situations where he could spot you. 
“Hello,” Azriel greeted with a calmness that was not reciprocated. “Are you closed? I can come back another time.” 
Every thought tumbled out of your brain. You had forgotten—almost—how intimidating he was. Not just in sheer size, but in the way he held himself, in the sharp planes of his face that smoothed into softness in the exact places they should. 
His wings pressed in towards his back as he took another step forward. The floor groaned beneath his weight. 
“Oh, um—” you uttered along with the straining floor. “We are—technically. But I can help you find something. Or place an order for you. No big deal.” 
“I wouldn’t want to keep you if you’re closed,” Azriel stressed. 
“No, no, it’s okay,” you nervously laughed. Act more normal. Act like there’s nothing… abnormal about you. “Anything for someone from Melanie’s school. What are you looking for?” 
Azriel hummed, his eyes lightning. “Ah, so you do remember me. I was wondering.” 
Was he looking at you strangely? Azriel kept trailing his gaze around the room and letting it land on your face, evaluating you… profiling you? 
You were being ridiculous. 
“Of course I do. You gave me great intel on the teacher. I don’t come until the bell rings now.” You rocked back on your heels and shifted your fidgeting hands behind your back. “Was there something specific I could help you with?” 
Azriel ignored your question for the second time. “Is that why I haven’t seen you? You come later?” 
Was he looking for you? 
A strange combination of excitement and trepidation made your stomach drop. 
Another nervous laugh. Your palms were sweating. “I guess so. There’s a lot to be done here so I usually wait until the last minute to close up shop and pick her up. That’s why your tip was so helpful.” 
Azriel narrowed his eyes in a way that echoed concern, but you refused to read into it. You balanced up onto your toes and fell back onto the soles of your feet. 
You could tell he wanted to say more about something—to ask more questions unrelated to the apothecary. But he stopped himself and the restraint was clear in the tenseness of his shoulders. 
“I get headaches,” Azriel shared. “Awful ones. I’ve tried healing magic and a few medicinal remedies, but I was hoping to find something herbal. Could you help me with that?” 
You breathed a sigh of relief and began rifling through a cabinet to your left. “I may have just the thing. I had terrible migraines when I was pregnant and it took me six tries to get this recipe perfect, but I think it would do the trick for you. I almost hate to share it because I was the one that had to suffer through all the bad batches, but I guess that’s kind of my job.” 
You pulled back from the cabinet with a small bottle in hand, a tiny rendition of your handwriting scrawled along the side. You rolled it in your hands for a moment until you saw the shimmering nature of the liquid inside, and then you held it out over the counter and offered Azriel a smile. He replicated it, but it was smaller and looked forced. 
“You didn’t have anyone else to try it out on?” he asked. 
The question twisted something deep within your chest, but you only grinned and ignored the tightness of your jaw. “Who better than the one with the migraines herself?” 
Azriel breathed a laugh through his nose, his eyes not leaving yours. “I suppose that’s true.” 
The flecks in his eyes had you paralyzed, unable to move as his gaze held yours. You were breathless, fist tightening around the small tonic still held out in front of you as Azriel reached forward and grabbed it. His skin brushed yours. You shivered. 
Azriel’s lips parted to speak. “Where are you—”
A loud thump from upstairs cut him off. 
Azriel started, his chin clipping up and his body tensing. He quickly looked back down to you with a panicked question in his eyes. 
You fought for the words to say. If you revealed it was only Melanie, he would know where you lived—another piece of information you liked to keep close. But if you didn’t tell him, that could lead to something worse. He looked about ready to bolt up the stairs and battle your five-year-old. 
The decision was made for you when Melanie came bounding down the steps with a bowl in one hand and a large wooden spoon in the other. 
“Mommy,” she began with a lax posture that did not match the room. “Can I—Oh, hi, Mr. Azriel. What’re you doing at my house?” 
Melanie’s interpretation of his name included an extra syllable, and she was still working on pronouncing Zs, but the Illyrian ignored that. “Your house?” he asked. His attention was fully on Melanie, but he sent you a raised brow. 
“Um, yes. We live above the apothecary. Melanie sometimes forgets that it’s a business downstairs and not just a private playground,” you explained, rubbing your forearm in discomfort. Azriel tracked the movement. 
“Ah, well, it does seem rather fun down here. I can see the confusion.” 
Melanie perked up, waving the spoon in front of your face. “See, mommy? There’s lots to play with.” 
One of the tightly bound coils in your chest loosened as you shot Azriel a look. “Great. You’re encouraging her.” 
“I’ve been an uncle for a few years,” Azriel smiled, rolling the headache tonic between his hands. “I’ve gotten quite good at encouraging terrible things.” 
You laughed with a huff and placed a hand on Melanie’s head, bending down to meet her gaze. “Were you going to ask me for dinner? I’ll be up in just a few minutes. I was just putting a few things away.” 
“I know, mommy,” she nodded. Then, after a quick look at Azriel from the corner of her eye, she whispered, “Is Mr. Azriel having dinner with us? Nyx has been asking about when we have dinner and said to keep the question a secret, but maybe that’s why he’s here.” 
A few feelings barraged you at once. Confusion over your daughter's words; fear that the night court’s inner circle seemed to be asking questions about you; regret that you had given into Melanie’s pleas to go to school so readily. 
But Nyx was just a child—perhaps he asked everyone when they had dinner and Melanie was just connecting dots that weren’t there. 
But maybe that wasn’t the case. 
Maybe Azriel came to the apothecary specifically because you worked there and he was trying to gather intel for the Autumn Court. It had to be common knowledge that the daughter of one of Beron’s men had run away. But Night and Autumn weren’t on the best terms. That’s why you chose Velaris to—
You couldn’t do this right now. 
Not in front of Melanie and certainly not in front of Azriel. 
You pressed your lips into a firm line and whispered back, “No, he came to buy something from mommy’s shop. It’s just us for dinner, like always.” 
A sliver of disappointment fractured Melanie’s gaze. She hooked her chin over her shoulder and sent Azriel a small smile before disappearing into the apartment once more. You wiped your palms on the front of your pants as you stood, taking a breath to calm your raging anxiety. 
“Sorry, she…” 
“It’s alright,” Azriel dismissed. You looked at him for the first time in a few moments, his expression pinched and difficult to read. “I’m around Nyx a lot. You don’t have to apologize.” 
A beat of silence. 
The room was cloaked in unrealized tension. You weren’t sure if it was fueled by suspicion or something else. For you, it was, but the wistful way Azriel continued to linger on your figure was read as something else. Something older, more entrenched.
“It’s just two coppers.” You broke the silence, gesturing to the tonic still held between Azriel’s fingers—his scarred fingers, you then realized. You looked back up to his face.
“Only two? After all it took for you to make it?” 
You felt your mouth twist at the corner despite yourself. “I don’t know if you’ve seen this place, but it’s not exactly up to par with the rest of the apothecaries. I’m surprised you found it, to be honest. My customers are typically ancient fae with boils and warts.” 
“Sorry to disappoint,” Azriel teased. He searched through his pocket and placed a small sum of money on the counter between you. “Five coppers—for interrupting dinner.” 
“I hadn’t even—” 
“Goodbye, y/n.” 
You watched him go, not noticing the shadow that lingered in the corner. 
part three
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blkkizzat · 11 months
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ღ 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞!𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 ღ
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 𝐨𝐟 𝟐 (part 1)
kizzatober series: Smooth Criminals
Kinktober Prompts: Clothed Male/Naked Female, Thigh Riding, Knife Play Synopsis: The university campus is being terrorized by a copycat Ghostface killer. As a popular sorority girl with a dumb jock bf, you are a prime choice to be his next victim especially given how he can't stop thinking about you. But you're no ordinary Sorority Girl bimbo, now are you? CW: AU college fic. blood obsession/hematolagnia, bimbo reader, murder, slight DV/SA mentions (from your npc jerk ass bf), unprotected sex, masturbation, LOTS of teasing/foreplay, slight age gap (roughly 21 vs 28) and dark content. NOTE: If death/killer romanticization related shit triggers you this is probably a fic to avoid because that is happening all through this bitch. I literally wrote a murder fluff smut fic lmfao. WC: 9.9 of 15.4k Lightly black fem coded (reader is an AKA lmfao) but no descriptors.
A/N: I had no idea so many people would be this hyped for Part 2. No really, I'm shocked! But It gets real here peoples! Lots of smut and dark shit below so please read the content warnings! I don't want no crying in the mentions and DMs cause y'all should know how out of pocket I am by now and I took it there lmfao.
If you riding with me still Thank You for putting up with my OCD bullshit and for all the support, comments and reblogs on Part 1! y'all real asf & ilysm
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“Whatever, let’s fucking go Y/N. We have an important party to throw later.” 
Dean grabs your wrist and jerks you away with you barely being able to grab your bag. 
Your stomach twists and you are at a complete loss for words but manage to flash an apologetic look at Choso while you are dragged off. 
However when your eyes meet he looks right through you.
The expression on his face is stone cold and it sends a chill up your spine.
For the first time ever in your life you are miserable at a party. 
To say you had been excited leading up to today would have been an understatement. The initiation party after rush was one of the biggest events in the greek system and you had led the charge this year in planning the party.
Nevertheless, any cheerful enthusiasm you held had been trampled on by the disaster that had taken place earlier in the day with Choso. 
If getting out of going wouldn’t be more trouble than it was worth you would have faked being sick. It’s not like you hadn’t already stressed yourself into a headache.
Yet here you were suffering through, completely sober. Not even being able to bring yourself to drink away your problems.
How could you even pretend to enjoy yourself when your forced smile cracked as soon as the mental image of Choso’s icy expression looped through your mind?
Your chest got a little tighter each time you remembered and it frazzled your nerves.
Just about everyone and everything annoyed you right now.
Even the party: Hunter vs Hunted, one of your favorites, was soured. 
Typically the theme entailed girls dressed up as various exotic animals or woodland creatures and the boys dressed as safari game hunters or woodsmen. But this time around, no thanks to singular frat boy hivemind, they all got the bright idea to collectively cosplay as Ghostface.
Taking a new meaning on Hunter. 
They couldn’t carry knives on campus of course so they all carried around metal bats which they probably stole from the baseball team.
Sure, let’s all dress up as the masked serial killer while he is still on the loose. 
You rolled your eyes. 
The pilfered bats were a hazard waiting to happen too. You could only be thankful that the party was at Dean’s frat and not your own sorority so him and the rest of those idiots could fuck their own shit up once they inevitably got way too hammered and started swinging them around. 
You mostly just wished they hadn’t changed the plan without telling you. 
Then at least you could have dressed up in line with the horror theme and wouldn’t have had to wear this sexy Bambi costume which although skimpy, the fur parts made it way too hot to be wearing in a crowded party indoors. 
On edge and not being able to leave, you did the next best thing and sequestered yourself in the kitchen pantry. 
It was spacious and a lot cooler than the rest of the house.
You made yourself look busy in there by restocking snacks and making sure there was an ample supply of red cups ready to go around for the keg. 
When someone did notice you tucked away, you gave the best fake smile you could muster and made-up an excuse not to join in on whatever drinking game they were playing promising you would ‘catch up in a minute.’ 
Fortunately for you, most of your friends and sorority sisters were a bit too faded by this point to notice you missing and never joining in. 
Maybe a bit longer and you could slip out unnoticed? 
That was your plan at least until you felt Dean throw an arm over you from behind.
“There you are babe!”
The overwhelming ick and nausea you felt from him touching you rivaled your worst hangover. 
You immediately shrug him off.
“Come on babe don’t be like that. Get a freshman to take over.  We're gonna play rage cage.”
You threw Dean a wary look.
You try to tell him you aren’t in the mood but of course your selfish dickhead of a boyfriend ignores you.
Dean then proceeds to pull your arm and lead you out of the pantry through the kitchen. 
On a different day you probably would have just given in, easier to go along with the flow than cause an issue. Today however was different and the last thing in the world you wanted to do was play fucking rage cage with a bunch of horny frat boys who were just trying to get girls drunk enough to fuck.
“Goddamnit, Dean I said no!”
Your tolerance had boiled past its limits.
You forcibly snatch your hand back, knocking some empty bottles over on the counter in the process which come crashing down to the floor shattering into pieces. 
Your words and movements dripped with so much aggression you surprised yourself, Dean and the people around you who had turned to see what the commotion was. 
”No? No? You’re really telling me no Y/N? After you’ve been acting like a fuckin’ bitch all day since I crashed your make out session with that freak.”
Immediately self-conscious, your eyes darted around the crowd of people that had now turned their full attention toward you.
You hated confrontation and never wanted to be that couple fighting at a party.
Ducking down quickly, you begin to pick up the shattered pieces of bottled glass on the floor. 
The pounding of your headache against your temples grew feverishly and the harsh fluorescent kitchen lights started to make you feel faint, you hoped Dean would just let this go if you backed down. 
“Look, we’ll talk about that later, ok? Just please don’t be an asshole Dean, I really don’t feel good right now.” 
You pleaded with him, quietly trying to quell the situation. 
But true to his infamous asshole nature, Dean wasn’t going to let you off so easily. He wanted to humiliate you as he felt you humiliated him in front of his friends earlier with that nobody loser.
”Now, I’m the asshole?” Dean questioned to his frat brothers smugly.
“Hey, maybe I am for having a girlfriend like Y/N, who would slut herself out for a grade in front of the entire quad!” 
Dean had all but yelled that last part out. Your drunken clown of a boyfriend didn’t care if he caused a scene at your expense.  
Now you had the full attention of everyone in the kitchen. 
You took a shaky breath as you stood up and felt the crunch of broken glass beneath your heels.
An unfamiliar sensation of rage rises within you.
It really wasn’t in your nature to be angry even when you were upset, you mostly just cried but now you were pissed to say the least. 
He has some fucking nerve. 
Especially when you knew no one starting on the football team studied at all and were all automatically passed through whatever easy bullshit major they signed up for.
You start yet pause for a moment, trying to keep your cool.
“–you know how hard I study.”
Twisting the proverbial knife in your back to wind you up further Dean continued.
“Yeah, Y/N That's what’s so pathetic about it. You get Bs. That pussy ain’t even good enough for an A. I would know.”
Collective gasps, snickers and whispers arose from around the kitchen. Word had spread of your fighting as more people gathered in the doorway.
Typically this is where you would have run off crying. However, you were exhausted mentally and emotionally. You had already cried for a good hour today while getting ready. 
The only emotions you had readily available to tap into was the hidden well of resentment and ire you held for Dean.
“And how would you even know what good pussy is Dean? You can’t last longer than two pumps, is it not all the same for you?”
You snapped back. 
Your fists had formed into a tight ball.
You are so enraged you can’t even feel the prick from the broken glass bottle still in your hand puncturing your skin.
How long has it been since you stood up for yourself? 
You can’t remember the last time you even fought with anyone like this but it felt good seeing the smug look on his face fall as his friends around him jeered and laughed.
“I know how to settle this Y/N.”
Dean mused as he yanked one of your sorority sisters nearby toward you.
“How ‘bout we ask Aaliyah then, eh? She got more than 2 pumps last weekend after you left the party to go chase after Ghostface–”
Your head snaps to your AKA sister in question, Aaliyah, who looked like she saw a cursed spirit as all the color drained from her face. Her eyes shamefully hit the floor before they met your gaze. 
She couldn’t even look at you which only further solidified Dean’s accusations. 
So Dean himself confirmed he’d been cheating on you? Cool. 
With your own Sorority sister, who you considered one of your besties since you both rushed together? 
Even better. 
Blood slowly trickled out of your hand to drip on the floor from how rigidly you held onto the glass but the small red puddle went unnoticed as your whole vision was already saturated with the color red when you looked at Dean who hadn’t even finished his disrespectful tirade. 
“–Although on second thought, it was probably an excuse for you to go suck off that loser freak TA of yours right?”
More heckles erupted from the crowd around you and you don’t think you have ever hated someone so much in your life as you hated Dean right at this moment. 
Sure you were upset with Aaliyah but your fury was purely focused on Dean. 
He had some nerve to start so much shit earlier over an almost-kiss when he was fucking your good friend behind your back. 
“And how fucking out of her mind was she then, huh Dean? Would she even remember? You pathetic piece of shit...”
You get directly in his face. 
“...that limp dick of yours fumbles orgasms like you fumble passes. That’s why we lost the big game last week. And guess what? That's also why we’re now OVER!”
Dean’s bulky build towers over you but he might as well have been 3 feet tall to you as the razor edge of your words eviscerate him.
“So who’s the fucking loser now Dean?”
Everyone in the room was stunned into silence by the venom dripping from someone they had never even heard raise their voice before.
You don't notice anyone else's reactions though as suddenly you became hyperaware of the large fractured piece of bottled glass cutting into you. 
Your eyes flickered back to Dean as your hand twitches.
For a fleeting moment you felt an inkling urge to drive the glass in your hand directly into Dean’s smug ass face.
Yet whatever dark fury burned in you was instantly snuffed out as you felt a flood of cold bitter beer splash down on you from Dean’s red solo cup. 
”Why don’t you cool off for a bit dear,” Dean cooed at you, mocking you and your now ruined Bambi costume as he and the frat boys around you started to roar with laughter.
That was it. 
You were done. 
Dean had succeeded in humiliating you. 
Any contention or further will to fight within you had dissipated the moment you were doused in beer. 
The glass in your hand drops onto the ground as a dull ache radiates from your wound that continues to seep blood onto the floor.
“I hope you realize this is the last time an AKA will grace this sorry ass frat for a party. I’ll see to that. Enjoy the rest of your night fellas!”
The icy air of your words contrasted with the perfect pageant smile you gave them and it unsettled those around you especially as they all notice the blood gushing from your hand. 
The crowd immediately parts as you leave. No one dares utter a word to you as you exit the party through the side kitchen door. 
You can feel your phone go off as you get a flurry of group texts and missed facetimes. Most of your sisters weren’t even in the kitchen to witness the scene.
You respond to the group chat to tell them just to stay and enjoy the party and turn your phone on ‘do not disturb.’
You just wanted to be alone. 
You’d deal with the fallout tomorrow.
Choso wore a twisted grin hidden under his Ghostface mask.
The hunter vs hunted party meant a perfect time for him to hunt. 
Leaning against a building Choso was shrouded in the dark cover of shadows far removed from campus lights.
Old habits, he mused. There was really no need for him to hide at all tonight. 
He could actually walk around openly as Ghostface now without causing alarm seeing as how most of those fraternity morons were dressed up like him tonight. 
This made things even easier. 
Choso scanned the area for his next prey. 
Someone, anyone alone would do. 
Choso had been itching to spill blood since he had the enticing inclination to slash your boyfriend’s throat earlier.
Currently he wanted nothing more than to see a violent geyser of blood spurt from his next victim. Having it be a shithead frat guy would only sweeten the kill so he had stalked close to frat row for his latest victim.
Seeing movement in the distance, a lone figure, Choso cautiously advances trailing in the shadows towards them until they come into focus under the street lights.  
He nearly does a double take when he recognizes it's you.
Shouldn’t Miss-Perfect-Social-Butterfly be having the time of her life right now with her cretins being crowned queen of the frats or something?
Choso thought bitterly. 
That is, until he got a good look at you. 
You were wet and shivering as you failed to sniff back the tears pouring down your face.
Despite his desire to stay angry with you, his jaw involuntarily clenches as he had never seen you this upset before. 
Something had happened.  
Choso confused look turns deadly as vision travels down to see you nursing the hand you cradled to your chest. He recognizes blood running down your forearm to stain your already soiled costume.
A territorial urge swelled within him, not knowing you had inflicted your own injury. 
You were his prey. 
It was unforgivable for someone else to spill what was his to enjoy.
Choso immediately concluded the cause of it was Dean.
Boyfriend or not he would gladly gut that motherfucker at the drop of a dime. 
He hadn’t forgotten how roughly he had dragged you off earlier. 
And more importantly how you had let that asswipe drag you off. That honestly had fired his temper more than anything. 
A storm of conflicting feelings, Choso yearns to see more of your blood splattered on the ground as much as he secretly covets to have you writhing underneath him.
Should he approach you? 
No. Not yet.
Although, he would never have a more perfect chance than now to kill you if he was ever actually going to go through with it.
Securing his knife on the inside of his robe, Choso silently propels himself after you. 
Never falling too far behind, he vigilantly watches you from a distance as both your protector and predator.
A warm shower was just what you needed but you were pissed you had to wash your hair 3 times to get the smell of Milwaukee's out, which proved insanely hard to do with one functioning hand. 
You could have killed Dean. 
No actually though, as you remembered the dark seething compulsion you felt. 
You weren’t sure what had gotten into you earlier.
Pushing those thoughts to the side though you focused on the gash in your hand, it was pretty gnarly. 
You were just thankful the first aid kid in your sorority house had enough gauze and tape until you could get to the campus nurse tomorrow. 
You probably needed stitches as any sudden movements had the fragile skin of your palm bleeding again.
Returning to your room in a comfy pink cotton bra and thong you throw your towel over a chair.
You start to reach for your fluffy robe when you see Choso’s black track jacket on your desk. It still had the small coffee stains on it from earlier but you opted to slip into it anyway.
Truthfully, you lied to him.
You hadn’t just been carrying it around waiting to give it back to him.
You had worn it more times this past week than you would willingly admit to anyone. 
You even took it on purpose instead of your actual jacket this morning not actually thinking you would run into Choso but when you had seen him, you knew you wanted him to see you in it.
With a sigh of frustration, you dove face first into the pillows of your bed as you curled into his jacket. 
It was your only comfort at the moment. 
Your mind wanders and you can’t help but think of how better a boyfriend Choso would have been to you.
Dean would never let you wear his jackets, no matter how cold you were. He said you were too air-headed and would ruin or lose it. 
Not that he wasn’t right, you definitely were accident prone.
But that's why it had meant so much to you when Choso, not even your boyfriend, had given you his own without a second thought.
You only hoped he didn’t hate you now. 
Not that you could blame him if he did.
Even you hated you a bit for even being with a jerk like Dean in the first place no matter how convenient you thought it had been for you. 
How could you even face Choso in class next week? 
Despite your heart crumpling when you thought of Choso’s cold intimidating gaze being cast upon you again, you admittedly had never seen a look that intense before from anyone. 
It was also impossible to forget the ravenous look in his eyes when he was so close to kissing you. 
He looked as if he would devour you whole. 
God, everything about him was so sexy.
His strong jaw set firm, his eyes dark pools that sucked you in even from memory, his lean muscular body.
You wish you had realized how bad you had been crushing on him sooner. Before everything got so fucked up. 
You fidgeted as an ache developed between your legs.
Turning your head to the side you used your bandaged hand to gently push his jacket collar into your face. 
It still smelled like him despite how many times you’ve worn it this week and despite the faint smell of old coffee from earlier.
Squirming on your bed, you tried in vain to keep your legs from sliding against each other creating more friction as your body became increasingly hotter. 
A shameless whine escaped your lips as you huffed his woody masculine scent in and out. 
Your legs rubbed together more eagerly. 
Shit, you were so horny. 
Still laid flat on your belly you lifted your hips up for access as a manicured finger pressed into your clit toying with yourself from the outside of your pink cotton thong.
Choso was so meticulous, so knowledgeable in everything he did you were sure he knew how to make you cum. 
You were desperate for him as you remembered what it felt like when he caught you from falling last week. 
How good would his sculpted chest feel pressed into you now?
Would he look at you with the same want that flared across his features when he had gotten a glimpse of your panties you had intentionally put on display for him? 
You didn’t miss how it matched the look he gave you when he nearly kissed.
You moaned out loud. 
You could feel the wet spot your teasing was earning you spread over your thong as your cunt continued to drool over your fantasies of him.
Craving more you lifted your ass up higher while your fingers fumbled to slide under the flimsy fabric.
“A-ahhh s-shit Cho– F-fuck!”
You panted as you sunk two fingers into your cunt. You worked to diligently pump them in and out of you as you pressing your palm down firmly over your swollen clit. 
Your face buried itself deeper in his jacket as you gasped and your warm breath pushed back against you as you imagined it was his own tickling your neck.
All your senses screamed with want to be consumed by him and you pined for the feeling of his cock stretching your wet cunt instead of your slim fingers that weren’t cut out for the job.
“F-fuck C-Choso.. Mmm, let me cum.” 
You practically sobbed when you glided a third finger into your pussy, two wasn’t enough to quell the craze that had overtaken you.
Ironically and unbeknownst to you, Choso (who had hidden himself in your closet during your shower), was mere moments away from losing his own goddamn mind.
Wholly entranced, he listened to you wantonly call for him like a sweet siren song and watched utterly fixated on the way you fiercely finger fucked your pussy like it was his own cock.
All the while in his jacket sniffing the sweaty soiled material like some filthy fucking pervert.
When he had followed you back to the sorority house he had finally resolved to kill you, but now he was at a standstill as there was no plausible way this was actually happening in front of him.
The obscene ASMR of your cunt sloshing rang in his ears and your legs quivered obscenely with you approaching your orgasm. 
Your desperate thrusts caused his oversized jacket to ride up to your hips revealing the way your ass bare ass jiggled when you drove your hips down and pushed your digits up deeper into your core that waited greedily to suck them in.  
You chanted out Choso’s name with urgency straining your voice as you climaxed. The bed creaked from you now humping the mattress while riding out your high.
Shit you were fucking sexy. 
Thought you'd just been toying with him for fun all this time...
Until now.
Choso’s grip on his knife tightened as adrenaline surged through his body. 
He could feel the blood pumping through his dick. 
He wanted to fuck you. 
Give you what you’ve both been needing all this time. 
Choso fully bricked, suppressed a hiss through clenched teeth as he palmed the bulge in his pants but remained otherwise still.
He can’t imagine a positive reaction if he burst out of your closet as Ghostface nor could he just take off his mask and pop out of your closet as your TA like he was some fucking creeper.
This was pure agony. 
You never failed to find some way to unravel him.
Choso was so tense, his body coiled so tightly, he couldn't control his thigh involuntarily twitching and his knee recoiled against your closet door.
He cursed himself for the millionth time at the lack of control he had around you, he had never had to restrain himself so much around anyone else.
Ecstasy was etched on your features as you looked around puzzled from where the noise came from.
However, the even louder boom of the front door slamming shocked you out of your blissful daze and stole your attention away.
You sat up quickly and wondered if your sorority sisters were back already.
You glanced at the clock.
10:32 pm.
It was still much too early for them to leave.  
But who else could it be? 
You groaned and reluctantly hopped off the bed, zipping up Choso’s jacket fully to hide the slick between your legs and went out to greet them so you could avoid them coming into your room and return to your solitude as quickly as possible. 
You were tired, frustrated and still horny as hell. 
You only wanted make yourself cum hard enough you could fall asleep and end this miserable ass day.    
“Girls~! You really didn’t have to leave so early~!” 
You call out to your sisters.
It was a little late for a show of solidarity if that's what they thought they were doing.
You rolled your eyes. 
But it was eerily quiet as you received no response. 
That’s odd.
Walking down the hall you froze once the view from the top floor opens into the foyer below and you see the front door wide open. 
Not a single soul in sight or to be heard. 
Fight or flight senses kick into gear altering you to the possible dangers below. 
You might be a bit of a ditz but you studied enough forensics and had seen enough scary movies to know how this shit usually ended.
You turn back to run to your room to call someone but stopped as you noticed your phone on the entryway table by the door. 
Steeling yourself you slowly inched your way towards the staircase, stopping at times to lean over the banister for any signs of someone.
“This isn’t funny girls! You know I’ve already had a really shitty night!”
But only the hollow sound of wind whipping through the door answered you as it swayed on its hinges. 
This was an older house.
Maybe you didn’t close the door all the way in the beginning? 
No one in your sorority house ever locked the doors, which now you considered probably wasn’t the greatest tradition to keep up while you were at home all alone and a serial killer was on the loose.
You crept down the stairs trying to silence any creaks as best you could.
“I swear on a stack of Vogues if this is a prank you all of you whores will all be on campus clean-up community service duty for the rest of the semester!”
Still nothing but silence as you reached the bottom of the staircase.
The lights were on in the entire house. From what you could tell the den and living room areas surrounding the foyer were empty. 
You sighed. Maybe it was just the wind.
You close the door and this time make sure to lock it as you clutch your phone and turn to scamper back upstairs when you feel something grab at you from behind.
“Want to die Y/N?” 
You let out a screech as you whip your around to see a figure you recognize as Ghostface reach for you as you stumble backwards into the den. 
Tripping over your own feet, you fall back landing on your injured hand and knocking your head against the edge of a coffee table.
A roar of laughter erupts as you groan dazed from the floor.
“You really are a clumsy ditz, babe.” 
Puzzled and near concussed, you blink through blurry vision to see Dean pull off the Ghostface mask as he crouches down to your level and leans on his metal bat tauntingly.
Pain blossoms sharply in the back of your head and you can feel the puncture wound on your hand open and saturate your bandage.
“The fuck are you doing here Dean?” 
You glared up at him through your one good hand that covered your face as you struggle to get your bearings back. 
You couldn’t catch a fucking break tonight.
“Still being a huge bitch even though I came all the way over here to say sorry, eh?”
Dean hummed, brow raised as he chuckled.
“I thought a little fright would put you in a good mood, Y/N.”
“Nice way of apologizing Dean. Insult me, scare me half to death and give me a concussion.” 
You knew this man was not sorry at all.
Someone sober enough had probably informed Dean that you did have the power to essentially kill their fraternity’s social life, cucking his entire house for the foreseeable future. They likely sent him to make things right with you ASAP. 
But even with all that on the line your tool of an ex was such a huge dick he couldn’t even do the bare minimum to give you a decent apology like an actual human being (not that you would have accepted it).
“I see I was right about one thing though.” 
Dean got your attention as he pointed down at the moisture running down your legs.
You immediately pull Choso’s jacket down further to cover yourself. 
You couldn’t give a fuck what he thought at this point. You’d confess to fucking the entire Forensics department if got him out of your face.
“Sure Dean, think what you want okay? Just fucking GET. OUT.” 
You felt dizzy from the pressure thrumming in the back of your skull.
“Yeah and if I say no whore? Then what?” 
Dean slid a clammy hand over your knee which sent another wave of nausea through you, your head spinning.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you tried to stop his hand traveling lower before you suddenly noticed Dean’s body being ripped away from you entirely.
The scene that followed occurred in a whirlwind as your head felt like it would explode trying to focus on anything.
Your eyes strain to keep up with the action only registering fractions of it through your blurred vision. 
You see…blood?
Is it yours?
No. It’s flowing from Dean’s shoulder.
Another person?
Your double vision struggled to pinpoint exactly what was happening as Dean and the masked Ghostface fought for dominance, somehow ending up back in the foyer. 
Dean was barely able to keep the large hunting knife from sinking into his chest.
Was this even real?
Were you really about to witness a Ghostface crime scene in action?
Were you next?
You felt like you were witnessing it all play out through someone else’s body as your mind floated off and you felt more disconnected. 
Your awareness faded in and out.
There was no doubt, you definitely had a small concussion. 
Your head snaps up as you finally hear Dean shouting your name although it sounded like you were in a fishbowl.
He had somehow gotten leverage and evened the odds with the killer as they both now had a hold of the blade’s handle.
“Y/N! Pay attention you ditzy ass bimbo! Don’t just sit there looking stupid, get the fucking bat.”
You scanned the floor around you. 
Sure enough, there was the scuffed metal bat shining back at you resting by your knees.
Your injured hand grazes it and you see a red trail of blood smearing across it as the cool smooth metal soothes your ruptured skin.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you daydreaming about?! Get your ass over here!”
You grip the bat’s handle, ignoring the pain to use it and the coffee table as leverage to push you up off the floor.
You sway on your feet as your blood pressure drastically drops from standing too quickly. 
Your head feels light. 
Your body feels light. 
Surprisingly too, even the large heavy metal bat now feels light in your injured palm. 
“Fucking finally, Y/N!”
Dean yelled as he saw you on your feet.
“It’s not like I’m trying to fight off a killer here or anything dumb bitch.” 
Dumb bitch?
Oh yeah, he means you.
God, Dean was fucking annoying you just wished he would shut up sometimes. 
You couldn’t even think straight. 
What were you doing again? 
Right, the bat. He told you to bring it to him.
You wanted to sit down again. You were so tired.
You couldn't rest though as Dean’s voice was ringing in your ears. 
You just wanted him to shut up more than anything so you willed yourself forward. 
“Give Dean the bat, Give Dean the bat.”
You lowly repeated in a mantra like state.
Your vision was spotted with black dots swirling like the pain in your head.
You gripped the handle in both hands.
You were going to give Dean the bat.
“Y/N! Goddamn bitch move your lazy fuckin–”
The slick sound ricochets throughout the entryway and reverberates in your ears.
You feel warm droplets of moisture spray on you.
The bat and Dean’s motionless body both simultaneously hit the floor with a thud. 
You closed your eyes.
You felt… relief? 
Like you could breathe again as the hazy veil that had shrouded your thoughts lifted and the throbbing in your head slowly receded. 
You weren’t sure how to describe what you were feeling but it was some mix between euphoria, exhilaration and… freedom?
Well, you were finally free of Dean for good now.
You couldn’t help but be amused by that thought as you wiggle your toes in the warm red liquid that pooled around them. 
A child-like giggle resounds from you. 
Was this post nut kill clarity?
Catching a glimpse of yourself in the hallway mirror you noticed blood and chunks of brain matter strewn all over Choso’s jacket. 
You wouldn’t be able to go without washing it now.
You frowned at the thought of his scent being washed away as well as you unzipped it, checking to see if the stains seeped through the lining too.
You had made such a mess. 
Quick movements out of the corner of your eyes reminded you of the fact you were not alone.
The actual Ghostface killer stood mere feet away from you, his intentions clear as he visibly heaved and extended his knife out to the side approaching you.
You sighed exhausted. 
“I’m not going to be able to blame this one on you, am I?”
Ghostface shook his head, confirming what you already knew.
Choso felt his own adrenaline reach a frenzied peak.
He approached you with the animalistic stature of a predator who was sizing up another. 
You were a killer now, no longer simply his prey.
Proving as much as eyes showed no remorse for the life you had taken.
Yet given what he had walked in on just minutes ago and how distraught you were leaving the party, there was nothing for to mourn anyway.
The only emotion your shown was concern for the on coming threat of him as you backed up to keep from his advances. 
Heh, that could just as easily be him right now bleeding out on the floor.
He mused as he side stepped Dean’s body to stalk closer towards you.
Choso smirked, he was only disappointed he wasn’t the one to kill him.
Although he couldn’t deny how beautiful you looked creating your own work of art.
A bit abstract and not as precise as his own methods. 
Nevertheless, Choso continues to be amazed by how his cute and clumsy little undergrad just showed him a darkness he had only previously recognized in himself. 
Choso watches you back away until your ankles hit the bottom of the staircase.
Your feet and hands were slick with blood and you couldn’t find your footing on the steps nor support yourself on the railing so you were forced to scooch up the stairs. 
Yet given your injury even that proved difficult for you.
What would he do with you now?
“W-We’re even right? You saved me, I saved you.” 
You tried to bargain as you saw him crawl up the staircase after you.
Ghostface cocked his head to the side considering your words as he reached you and stopped your escape with a strong gloved hand digging into the flesh of your hip. 
Ghostface suspended himself over you covering your frame entirely and his metallic blade glared in the light as if it would pierce into you at the slightest whim. 
Were you going to die like this? 
Despite the danger you couldn’t help but be a bit turned on.
Especially as Ghostface’s touch reminded you so much of–
“Did you get off on killing your boyfriend Y/N?” 
Ghosface taunted, speaking for the first time.
“...or were you already this fucking wet from fantasizing about someone else, hm?”
Your eyes widened.
Your mind raced too fast to reach a succinct conclusion. But you were disappointed to hear a voice box distortion instead of the actual person's voice beneath the mask.
Your flurry of jumbled thoughts are paused when you feel the cool caresses of the flat metal side of his blade drag across the skin of your stomach leaving goosebumps in its wake. 
Your chest heaved slowly with steady intensity as your breath shuddered. 
“Are you turned on now Y/N?”
You look away from Ghostface as he taunts as you. You feel more self-conscious considering who you think is under the mask.
Just how fucked up was it you were turned on from murdering your boyfriend in cold blood to save a serial killer who might have been the guy you had just been masturbating to who was also the serial killer Ghostface and very likely about to kill you now? 
Very fucked up was the answer.
You would have been ashamed if you could bring yourself to care.
Choso’s jerks your face back to him as the hand with the blade parts your legs. 
The lust in your eyes and your drenched cunt were all the answers he needed.
You cry out as you feel the smooth metal come down to slap your clothed pussy hard and slide against your lips. 
You fight the urge to close your legs. You can’t or the sharpened edges of the knife would stab your thighs.
You bite your bottom lip to the point of drawing blood. 
This does not go unnoticed by Choso as he brings his gloved hand to your lips to soothe the bite. 
His soft leather covered thumb hooks past your lips to guide your mouth open, exploring your mouth as you openly moan. 
“Tsk, Tsk, we can't have you breaking skin and wasting more of that pretty blood that belongs to me.”
You shiver at his words dripping in possessiveness and your mouth encloses around his thumb, sucking as your tongue still squirms under its pressure.
A strained hiss comes from Choso and his eyes roam down to admire the slime trail of sticky fluid your clothed cunt dripped his blade.
Before Choso can get a peak at your pussy your hands fly down to cover yourself. 
Amused, Choso gently removes his hand from your mouth to palm your inner thigh as his thumb slick from your spit rubs circles into your flesh.
His coaxing has you spreading your legs wider as he brushes up against the hands covering your cunt.
“Show me Y/N.”
He breathed out.
You pouted and shook your head.
“Is my little slut a liar then? I recall you telling me you didn’t mind if I saw your panties.”
Your suspicions confirmed you gasped in realization but Choso could no longer control himself as his hunting knife returned to your body to trail up your stomach this time the pointy edge hovering over your soft skin.
Your stomach sucks in to create distance between the blade and your skin causing your chest to push up through your arms but it's exactly what Choso had wanted.
With a swift slash through the air his blade slices your bra in two and its straps fall back down your shoulders laying bare your breast and hardened nipples to the cool air.
Exposed, your hands instinctively move from you core to cover your tits.
You see Choso pull back from you to sit up fully.
No longer touching you as he opted to imprint into his memory the imagery of your wet puffed pussy glistening through the soaked and now nearly transparent thong which clung to your lower lips like second skin.
He shifted his mask as the voice box moved from over this mouth.
“Y/N” he sighed.  
Hearing his actual voice had you whining with need again.
Choso couldn’t keep his hands off you for long as he grasped hold of your thong and slipped his fingers between the fabric covering your cunt.
Choso rubbed the sticky moisture on the thin fabric between his thumb and forefingers while his knuckles bullied into your clit, causing your toes to curl.
“Mmm C-Choso.”  
Your hands went from simply covering your tits to messaging them, pulling on your nipples, as you couldn’t hold back the sounds from the pleasure you felt from him touching you.
Shit. He wanted to ruin you.
Choso’s knife returns to your throat applying soft pressure dangerously close to breaking skin.
“So tell me what you want then, Y/N?” 
Choso knew you wanted him but he wanted you to say it. 
He needed you to admit it to him outright before he could really believe it.
His knuckles had stopped teasing your clit and your body trembled as you bucked your hips into his hand and pouted.
“I want you to hurry up and decide if you’re going to fuck me or kill me before my sorority sisters get back Choso!” 
Choso smirked under the mask. 
Becoming a killer turned you into a bit of a brat.
But he knew how to handle you.
Heh, fair enough.
Driving the knife into the staircase behind your head he pulls you up, swapping positions and seating you on his thigh.
He pulls his soiled track jacket off of you and you shiver as the cold air hits your back. 
“Mm, Fuck me Choso”
You sighed longingly, arms encircling his neck.
“Mm, Should I though?”
Choso questions out loud as you melt deeper into him from his hands roaming your body.
One settles on your hip under the band of your thong and the other peels you back by your hair so Choso can see your eyes blown out fully with lust.
“Or should I make you wait like I’ve been waiting ever since you first stumbled into class in that slutty green skirt?”
You cried out and our tongue lolled out of your mouth when he yanked your panties roughly by the front, pulling the material between your pussy lips.  
Your clit was cradled in the steamy fabric and you clutched the front of his robes for stability as your eyes rolled back.
“Do you know how much you made me suffer thinking about that pretty pussy of yours? How many times I fisted my cock? How much blood I spilled to forget the way you looked in those slutty outfits?”
Choso's own desire was apparent in his raspy voice.
You shake your head and tears spill as he pulls the fabric tighter over your clit. 
“I-I w-wanted you too” you sniffled out.
“Then prove it.” Choso breathed out huskily.
“I want that needy cunt of yours to beg me by fucking herself real nice on my thigh like she did on your mattress earlier.”
You could have combusted as he admitted he had in fact been watching you from your closet but you couldn’t help but obey his orders.
The frantic way your heart pounded in your chest couldn’t trump the unbearable arousal between your legs.
You braced yourself on his shoulders as you began to rock your hips on him.
“That’s it baby.”
Choso encouraged you as you heard a loud rip and realized he had cut away your thong when you felt him snatch the material right off of you.
Your plump pussy lips parted when pressed onto his thigh and you felt the rough material of his heavy robes directly chafing against your clit. 
Surrendering to pleasure you circled your hips to grind down on him as Choso started bouncing you on his leg.
The impact of your weight forcing your clit down while his thigh pushed up into you shaking.
“S-shiiiit D-daddy!”
You cried out arching back. 
Choso could have busted in his pants completely untouched when he heard you call him daddy. 
You didn’t know how much you had him wrapped around your perfectly manicured fingers. 
He would kill every single one of those bastard frat fucks on campus on a whim if you asked him to.
He would do anything for you.
Choso's muscular thigh flexing underneath your cunt felt amazing but your hole was screaming to be filled as it gaped around the phantom thought of his cock penetrating you.
“N-Need more. S’not enough Daddy”
You beg, whining into the mouth opening of his mask.
Your breath enters through the material as your hot tongue presses against the cloth barrier hungrily. 
His own tongue responds in kind, entangling with yours through his mask and you moan deeper into the opening.
You feel so good yet are still frustrated that you were naked while you couldn’t even see a sliver of skin from him still in his full Ghostface attire.
You move to lift up his mask when he stops you, breaking the makeshift kiss.
“Now, now Y/N.”
Choso playfully chides. 
“Can you think of nothing but my dick? You’ve forgotten so quickly this is still a crime scene?”
You panted as you looked over your shoulder and spot the gruesome remains of Dean’s lifeless body and half bashed in face. Blood stained the foyer rug and pieces of tissue splattered on curtains, walls and even the fake plants.  
You still had no idea what you were going to do about that situation but Dean was already dead. He wasn’t going anywhere.
Honestly you felt as if you might die as well if you couldn’t get Choso’s dick inside of you soon.
Your hips never stopped grinding down on his thigh as you returned your attention to him.
You knew if Choso couldn’t even kiss you, he couldn’t fuck you either as those same rules applied to both potential sources of DNA. 
“S’fine.” You pout.
“I-I had your jacket, y-your DNA could c-come from that.”
Your injured hand came to cup the slide of his masked face and your other rubbed the outline of cock over his jeans, feeling the precum soil through them despite the thickness of the fabric. 
Blood from your hand smeared onto the pristine white Ghostface mask as you pulled your foreheads to touch.
“I’ll admit Dean was right, w-we w-were sleeping together...”
Choso chuckled.
“..and get me expelled for sleeping with a student on top of a motive to connect me to your victim?” 
He gave your ass harsh smack. 
Your cheeks clenched and your panting grew more ragged as you chased your high against him. 
“Y/N you gotta think with that sexy little head of yours not that needy little cunt if you really want me to fuck you. I know you’re smart. This should be easy for you.”
You groaned. 
Thinking was virtually impossible right now. 
You wanted to give up and resort to begging again but Choso calling you smart (something your recently deceased ex never did) and now rubbing your thighs encouragingly, had made you so happy you wanted to make him more proud of you. 
You reluctantly stopped your hips, ignoring the fiery ache shooting through in your cunt but you wanted to cum from his cock not his thigh.
You closed your eyes and exhaled a shaky breath.
Focus Y/N, you willed yourself.
Focusing became harder to do though when Choso became impatient and had nuzzled his masked face into your chest.
His mouth latched to your nipple through the black cloth, swirling his tongue and grazing his teeth against your bud causing it to swell.
“Oh!” you smiled sweetly down at him and his abs tightened as he held you closer to him.
“We get rid of the body! Clean up and make sure there's no crime scene to be found!”
“That’s correct,” Choso praised you as if you answered a question in class correctly.
 “Now, most importantly, how exactly will we get rid of the body, Y/N?”
Your fingertips grazed your lips and you bit a nail as you pensively considered your options. 
You looked like you were thinking so hard on this.
So fucking cute.
“Come on baby, tell me.”
Choso was the one begging you now while he lifted your hips just enough to pull up his robes and position you to straddle his dick straining against his jeans. 
You were so close to the answer. He knew it would come to you and he wanted to be inside of you as soon as you got it.
You clasped your hands together and gave him one of your pageant winning smiles he grew to love. 
“We make a kill room!”
“Smart girl” Choso said as he lifted his mask and his lips came crashing down on yours.
You cried as you lower yourself onto Choso’s cock. 
You had begged and pleaded him for this but Choso was so much bigger and longer than you expected. 
You never had a problem taking dick before but not only was Choso huge he had 3 rows of top and frenum ladder ball piercings on his long veiny cock that dragged against your gspot when you tried to force him inside you.
You still had about an inch to go and his fat cockhead was already pressing against your cervix.
“Fuck baby you really been keeping all this good pussy from me?”
Choso spread your cheeks to assist you down on his enlarged length but your walls vice gripped his cock preventing him from guiding you down further.
Choso grunted, he was going to cum fast if you didn’t ease up.
Pulling you back, he captured your lips again devouring them as he violently pushed his tongue into your mouth in a sloppy kiss, dominating you completely. 
A tremor shot through your cunt as your hips jerked and your legs quivered.
“My slutty girl is so sensitive she came from just kissing?”
Choso teased knowingly pulling back to allow you air and lapping at the drool from the corners of your mouth.
It wasn’t just a kiss. 
Without the hindrance of a mask Choso’s kisses felt like he was eating you alive and set your body ablaze.
Your orgasm came with enough intensity to loosen your walls allowing you to finally sink down to the base. However your legs were still vibrating and unable to support you riding him.
You fell forward into the crook of his neck. 
“C-can’t D-daddy” you babbled into his neck drooling.
Choso wanted to tease you more. He wanted to goad and praise you enough so you would ride him in earnest until your perfect pretty face sobbed for him to fuck you but time was of the essence now.
You both probably had a good hour and a half left before the cops broke up the party and members of your sorority started heading back. 
He needed to finish you quickly and he silently promised to take his time with you later.
Rising up, Choso positioned his arms under your thighs to keep you seated on his cock as he walked up the few steps to reach the landing in the middle of the staircase. 
Placing your back carefully against the wall he glides his hands over your sweat and blood laden skin to lift your legs onto his shoulders. His grip settles onto the fat of your ass and he marvels at how his fingers sink into them.
Choso allows you time to get adjusted to the new position as he now held you in a standing mating press.
You nod and Choso takes that as his greenlight to rigorously fuck you into the wall with such vigor you felt it quaking behind you.
There was no possible way you could have ever been ready for that though and your hands dive into his hair tugging at the roots under his man buns as if you intended to scalp him. 
Your reactions fuel his cruel thrusts as Choso greedily drinks your guttural screams into his mouth. 
They sound more heavenly than any he had heard before even from his own victims.
Slamming you down on his cock, Choso manhandled you like you weighed nothing to him.  
His piercings and engorged veins continue to scrape the walls of your core with every stroke as you gush around him soaking his robes.
Choso wanted more of you.
He didn’t think he would ever get enough.
You felt so fucking good he could fuck you like this for hours and he cursed the dwindling time he had before he needed to remove himself from the warm comfort of your mushy cunt.
The hallway echoed with sounds of his hips sadistically ramming your body further into the wall as well as the sloshy vulgar noises his cock tore from your tight creamy cunt.
“S-so c-lose Cho–” 
Were the only words you could croak out as your cries become lodged in your throat.
The pleasure you received being folded between Choso and the wall had you salivating like crazy. Drool was pooling in your mouth faster than it could dribble out down the sides. 
You locked eyes with him. 
The wild glint in them was so primordially feral you can’t believe you ever mistook the restraint he tried to maintain around you for shyness. 
Frankly, there was nothing timid about him. 
The cold confidence of a true killer radiated off of him and into your core as each of his thrusts felt like they were stabbing into your womb.
Your whines turned into horse croaks as you desperately gasped for air.
Like a killer he showed you no mercy as his long cock shifted your guts up and into your lungs.
Choso was quite literally murdering your cunt.
“Yeah Y/N? Is my girl gonna cum all pretty like on this dick?” 
Too cockdrunk to reply, your pussy readily spoke up for you as your walls clenched and spasmed. White stars flood your vision as your body vibrates against him as you cum hard, gurgling his name.
Choso’s hips stuttered and his moans increased as he fucked you through your orgasm and chased his own. 
He knew better than to cum inside you, he wasn’t wearing a condom and didn’t even know if you were on birth control. 
But your cunt was like a drug to him so Choso resigned himself to cleaning you up after as he gave one last thrust, injecting you with his hot seed that scorched your insides and sent you spasming all over again.
It took a few minutes for Choso to catch his breath but he gently released your legs down to touch the floor as he pulled out of you.
You groaned immediately at the loss after being so full as you still tried to regain your own steady breaths.
Not missing a beat, Choso moved with reverence as if he was worshiping your form from the kisses he peppered down your chest and belly.
“Eyes on me baby,”
Choso ordered, glancing up at you. 
You nodded your breath hitching once he reached below your belly button and he threw one of your legs over his shoulder again.
He shamelessly breathed in the scent of sex wafting off your pussy.
The musky mixture of his cum and your juices combined with sweat and blood entered his nostrils and sent his eyes rolling back into his skull.
You shuddered. 
You wanted to feel his mouth on you more than anything but you knew you couldn’t both remain like this in the open hallway for much longer.
Seemingly forgetting all concerns of time, Choso’s thumbs lightly ghost over your battered pussy lips as he slowly peeled back the slippery folds.
His chest swoll with pride seeing how much of his cum you had taken inside of you. 
Choso's tongue salaciously darted out to catch the drippings that seeped out of your messy little cunt.
Despite your concerns, you can’t resist bucking up towards his face as he brought your hips off the wall towards him. 
“Be patient princess, let me enjoy this.”
Choso open handedly spanks your pussy, landing a direct hit on your clit which has you shaking as your squirt spritz onto his face.
His thick tongue rolls out of his mouth like a man starved licking his lips at the feast before him
“Goddamn, I already love her so much”
He cooed into your cunt while looking up at you with puppy dog eyes.
“Go out with me, yeah Y/N? I’ll treat her right. Just let me have a taste of her everyday.”
You almost came on his face again from the utter display of depravity he was showing you, not missing the fact he was so pussy drunk he was technically asking your cunt to be his girlfriend instead of you. 
To be fair you were both way past the point where he needed to ask you out anyway as he was an accomplice to your homicide and soon-to-be cover up.
“Okay Choso, I’ll be your girlfriend,”
You grinned at him.
Choso thanked you by gently placing a kiss on your clit before nose-diving into your folds like a mad man between your legs.
Seeing how sensitive you are it wasn't long before he had you thrashing on his lips from the nasty way he heartily ate your cunt out.
The suckling, bubbling and squeaking sounds of him inhaling your pussy nearly had you at your peak again.
Yet you were snapped out of your pleasure when you heard the grandfather clock in the hall ring signaling it was midnight. 
Fuck what if the party got broken up earlier than expected?
“W-we don’t have time for this Choso.” You plead anxiously as you pry his head out of from between your legs.
The sounds of the clock chiming and the sight of Dean’s body still laying in the entryway made you more nervous with every passing minute it remained there.
His eyes narrowed dangerously on you as he nuzzled his nose back into your cunt hooking it under your clitoral hood.
“Oh? My sweet girl gets one kill and thinks she knows better than me what we have time for?”
His expression dares you to pull him away again as he drags the flat of his tongue lazily over your clit.
“Please Choso…”
Choso relents as he feels you tense up more, he wouldn't be able to enjoy himself unless you were.
“You trust me right Y/N?” 
You breathe out as his fingers play with your puffed pussy lips.
“Do you have the key to the basement?”  
You nod.
“And you know exactly where the supply closet is, baby?” 
You nod again.
“Perfect. This won't take long at all then.”
Choso assures you as his confident words calm your worries.
“So now just relax princess and let me take care of you. This isn’t my first clean up job babe…”
You weren’t sure if Choso was talking about your cunt or the dead body, but you didn’t doubt he was experienced in both.
“Give me 15 minutes to see how many times I can make you squirt on my tongue. Then we can finally make that dexter kill room you like so much, yeah?” 
You nodded once more and Choso wasted no time drowning his face back into your cunt.
You sighed contently.
He was already the best boyfriend you ever had. 
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© ʙʟᴋᴋɪᴢᴢᴀᴛ 2023. ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛꜱ ʀᴇꜱᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ. ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ, ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇꜱ ꜰɪᴄꜱ, ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ, & ɢʀᴀᴘʜɪᴄꜱ. ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʙʏ ᴍᴇ ᴜɴʟᴇꜱꜱ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴡɪꜱᴇ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴇᴅ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ
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A/N: How was that? Did I do our emo kang justice? Lmk! (y'all better lmk cause y'all busted my balls for days over this lmfaoooo)
Also ding dong Dean is DEAD thank fuck. Whew I made that man as horrible as possible so you could kill him. Tbh, I would kill a nigga just for pouring Milwakees in my hair alone, that shit smells and tastes like cat piss lol.
Also here if y'all wanna see a cute lil pixivi I made of me bimbo!reader x Ghostface!Choso.
You know the original idea for this was actually based on a fic I was writing where Choso, Yuji and Sukuna (all brothers) all transfer to your university and bimbo!reader (no bf this time) clearly likes Choso but his oblivious emo ass has no idea and keeps being a dick to you cause he thinks you are just making fun of him. LOL! I may in the future still end up writing a version for that since this ended up going in a completely different direction with Ghostface thrown into the mix.
Y'all this fic was way too fuckin long. I know theres likely errors/redundancies still so I will comb through it later and I may edit/reword somethings too but general content will stay the same. Tbh, what took so long is the last scene cause I decided I cannot write a smut fic with Choso where that man isn't acting completely deranged and unhinged over the taste of pussy. He's munch, he can't help it.
Reblog for Ghostface!Choso to be your personal munch, but likes and comments are appreciated all the same!
Next up on Kizzatober, Werewolf!Toji from Thrilling Ghouls! (PWP)
ღTaglistღ: @callm3senpaii @arxliana @jujutsualy @luxiethefairy @akaza-simp01 @fredswh0re @missphanosaur18 @moon-esque @samicamy-13 @strvqtt @wisteriaflowersss @spookyy-gracee @jujutsualy @anakalana @crying-person @missphanosaur18 @jazzmynerule @megatqistina @trobed1312 @mimiemie @insomninaz @bloodysweetcat @cyyberm00n @nikkitc0703 @briefrebelfanalmond (so sorry if I missed anyone but I'm delirious rn forgive me ily)
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solarmorrigan · 2 years
See, just because Steve lets Eddie and the kids play D&D at his house now doesn't mean he's really interested in the game, just the same as even though El and Max sometimes tag along, they're really there to hang out, not play. They each bring their own things to do, and one night El brings a ball of yarn and a shiny little metal hook and a vaguely rectangular yarn-thing that she focuses very hard on while the boys shout in the background.
Steve has no idea what she's doing; he'd say she's knitting, except he's almost certain that involves some kind of sticks, not a hook. But since he's not really doing anything himself, he sits down next to her and asks what she's up to.
"Joyce has been teaching me how to crochet. She says it will help with my hand-eye coordination." El holds up her project with a proud smile. "I am starting with a scarf."
It's not the world's most attractive scarf, but it's not like Steve could do better. He's still not entirely sure what crocheting is, to be perfectly honest. "Is that different from knitting?" he asks.
El nods gravely. "It is," she says, and takes to showing him how she loops the yarn over the hook and pulls it through the stitches in her scarf and adds a few more inches to the row she's working on.
When Steve's attention doesn't completely wane during her demonstration, she pulls a second ball of yarn out of her bag and presents it to Steve.
"Oh, I don't–" Steve tries to demur, but El is determined, and Steve has seen entire dimensions pale in the face of her determination.
This is how he finds himself crocheting a little chain of stitches with just his fingers, the same way Joyce had apparently started El off. El beams at him and returns to her own project, occasionally checking on his progress. The chain is a few feet long by the time everyone needs to be driven home, and Steve decides it actually hadn't been a bad way to pass the time. Kind of relaxing.
The next time everyone is over, El sits down with her scarf, and after a short while, Steve sits down next to her. He compliments how much longer the scarf has gotten (and it does seem like the shape has evened out a bit as she's been going along). She smiles and pulls another ball of yarn out of her bag. This time, she has an extra hook and seems intent on showing Steve what to do with it.
Almost involuntarily, Steve's attention flashes to the group clustered around the table, hesitating to take the yarn from El, and she frowns.
"Joyce says these types of skills are important for everyone to have," El says firmly, and, well– Steve's not really going to argue.
He learns how to crochet a chain with the hook. It feels odd in his hands at first—the shape too small, the metal a little too slick, the yarn not wrapping naturally around his fingers the way it does El's—but he gets the hang of it. When El is pleased with his progress, she shows him the stitch she's been using: a simple single crochet. It's tougher than it looks, and Steve understands immediately why El's scarf is so uneven; neither of them have ever done anything like this before.
Still, he doesn't hate it.
In fact, he really kind of enjoys it.
He enjoys it enough that he asks El to show him more the next time she's over. She's still new herself and is really only working with pretty much the same couple of stitches, but she proudly teaches him what she knows, and Steve picks it up as fast as she's able to lay it down.
Steve goes out and buys his own supplies, no longer content with mooching off of El's. He hadn't realized there were so many different kinds of yarn, and resigns himself to awkwardly asking one of the craft store employees what type might be best for beginners.
The employee—a woman about his mother’s age with a much warmer smile and far less judgement in her eyes—explains with great enthusiasm what all those different types of yarn might be used for, and how the size of the hook affects the outcome of the project, and shows him so many different pattern books his head spins. He realizes that she probably upsells him on a lot of shit, but he leaves with a few different sizes of hooks, some new yarn, and more excitement for a hobby than he's felt probably since high school.
El and Robin are the only ones who know about his new hobby, of course. It's not really that he's ashamed to tell the others, he just knows how teenage boys work and he's not keen on giving a bunch of fifteen-year-olds another reason to bully him. Maybe in a few months. In the meantime, he crochets at home while he's listening to the radio or watching TV, and he crochets at work during down times. Robin finds his newfound hobby morbidly fascinating, but vehemently denies any and all offers to teach her.
("I will find a way to damage myself with that hook and I think we both know that," she says. "It's just kind of wild to see you with a grandma hobby."
Steve threatens to tell El she called it that, and Robin shortly finds a new label for it.)
Fall rolls around and the air acquires a chill sometime in mid-October. Steve's been making practice scarves for a little while now (largely because he really only knows how to make rectangles at this point, but he doesn’t have the attention span for a whole blanket just yet), and he even considers wearing his least heinous attempt despite the fact he's never really wanted for good winter clothes. Then he notices Eddie.
Most of their little group has begun dressing appropriately for the weather, but Eddie doesn't do much more than add a pair of fingerless black gloves and maybe a heavier leather jacket to his ensemble. Steve's not even sure it's because he can't afford it – he's pretty sure it's because Eddie is committed to his aesthetic. Nancy had tried to force an extra scarf on him one day after a little cold snap, when they'd woken to frost on the ground (the scarf is blue, patterned with white snowflakes; it's actually Mike’s, but Mike is also refusing to wear it and Steve suspects Nancy doesn’t want to hold it, but also doesn’t want to get in trouble for letting Mike lose it), but Eddie had declined, insisting it doesn't match his vibe.
Steve can respect this. He himself has a certain aesthetic going on. However, he can also see that Eddie is definitely cold, and that just won't do.
He picks through the scarves and other various wooly things he's accumulated so far, but decides none of them would suit Eddie and, besides that, none of them are really warm enough. If he's going to make Eddie a scarf, it ought to be a good one.
So Steve sucks it up and heads into Melvald's one day when he knows Joyce will be on shift, hoping she won't be too busy for a quick chat.
When he catches her, Steve explains that El had shown him the basics of crocheting but that his ambitions have outgrown his skills and maybe if she isn't too busy sometime, Joyce would be willing to show him a little more?
Joyce, because she’s a saint, says she would be delighted, and invites Steve to come over on their next shared day off.
When he gets there, she tries to ask him who he's making the scarf for, and the best he manages is, "...someone."
Joyce bites down on a smile. "Someone?"
"It's a surprise," Steve finally declares.
"For everyone?"
Joyce bravely manages to not laugh at Steve and instead asks him what kind of scarf he thinks Someone would like.
Steve decides that it needs to be thick, but it should also be soft. It should also be textured, because Ed– because Someone really likes fiddling with things. He can't get too ambitious with colors or patterns, but he decides that black and grey stripes will be perfectly suitable.
(He doesn't kid himself into thinking that by the time their brainstorming session is over, Joyce hasn't figured out exactly who he's talking about, but she's kind enough not to say it out loud.)
Steve's always been good with repetition and patterns—it's probably one of the reasons he’d found crocheting so relaxing in the first place—and he picks up the new stitches with ease under Joyce's deft instruction. She sends him home with the practice piece he'd made with some of her scrap yarn, and after a quick stopover at the craft store on his way home (he briefly gets stuck between shades of grey, but eventually decides on the silvery one over the steely one), he's ready to begin.
He expects making the scarf to be tougher, but once he gets into the rhythm of it, he sails right through. It takes him less than a week (albeit devoting a few solid hours to it every day, possibly more on his days off) to end up with what is, if he may say so himself, a pretty fine scarf.
The challenge comes in actually giving it to Eddie.
Christmas would be an excellent excuse for presenting it to him, except that's a little over a month away, and Steve doesn't want Eddie to go cold until then. Instead, he takes to keeping the scarf in his glove compartment just in case the perfect occasion for giving Eddie a scarf arises.
And much to Steve's surprise, one actually does.
It's right after the first real snow, and Steve has insisted on driving to pick Eddie up so they can hang out (Steve has nightmares about Eddie's driving when road conditions are optimal, never mind when the roads may be icy). He can see Eddie shivering under his jacket, blowing warm air into his cupped hands (Steve wonders if he could learn how to crochet gloves at some point, too. Ones with full fingers), so he ever-so-casually gestures to the glove box and tells Eddie, "Hey, if you're cold, I've got an extra scarf in there."
He's possibly not as casual as he hopes he is (or maybe Eddie just sees through him, like he always seems to), because Eddie gives him a look. "You do, huh?"
Steve concentrates very hard on the road in order to avoid Eddie's eyes. It doesn't stop him from hearing the little laugh Eddie lets out before popping open the glove compartment.
"Oh," Eddie says quietly as he pulls the scarf out, likely having been expecting another castoff piece of outerwear. "This is... actually really nice."
For a moment, Steve can't help but glance over to see the way Eddie is fingering the crocheted ridges of the scarf, running a thumb over the bright silver stripes picked out of the black, and he immediately looks back up at the road.
"Yeah. You should– you can, uh. Keep it. If you want," he says, and wonders what happened to the days when he was smooth.
"No, man, this is, like, for real nice. I couldn't take this," Eddie says, though he's still holding the scarf in his lap.
Steve draws a breath in. "I mean, I was kind of hoping you would, since it's for you."
They have unfortunately arrived at Steve's house at this point, and there will be no avoiding the conversation now.
"Yeah," Steve says. "I, uh. Made it for you. So you should take it. Don't let my hard work go to waste, yeah?"
"You're shitting me," Eddie unfolds the scarf and holds it up in delighted scrutiny. "You made this?"
(Distantly, Steve appreciates that the emphasis isn't on "you made this?" Like Eddie doesn't immediately doubt he's capable, only that he's holding a handmade item at all.)
"Yeah. No big deal." Steve shrugs.
"You made this for me." Eddie looks at Steve, and it sounds like that had been meant as a question, though it comes out in flat uncertainty.
"Yeah. Just noticed you were cold, but you won't wear anything that doesn't match your aesthetic," Steve tries to tease, wiggling his fingers at Eddie's outfit, but Eddie doesn't say anything in return.
He doesn't say anything for just long enough that Steve gets insecure all over again, reaching hesitantly for the scarf.
"But, I mean, if that's weird, or whatever, you don't have to-"
"Nope. Fuck off, I'm wearing this forever." Eddie loops the scarf quickly around his neck and squeezes the ends in his hands. "Jesus, this is soft."
Steve grins. "I'm not sure it'll last forever, but I can make you another after than one wears out."
"You'd better," Eddie says, and he's grinning too. "So, what, you knit?"
Steve points a very serious finger into Eddie's face. "Crochet. There's a difference," he says sternly.
Then, because he can't help it, he bops the end of Eddie's nose before getting out of the car, leaving Eddie to scramble out behind him, laughing and calling him a dork as he goes.
(The kids, incidentally, don't tease Steve nearly as much as he'd thought they would when they find out.
This is possibly because they're more mature than he gave them credit for, but more likely it’s because El is standing beside him and daring them to say anything unfavorable about their shared hobby.
Mostly they just let it slide, though Dustin demands to know why Eddie got a scarf and he didn't. Then Lucas wants one, too, because Mike and Max have already received various bits of outerwear from El, and he's not about to be left out. And then Robin, of course, will want to know why Steve hasn’t made her anything, once she finds out that he’s making things for the kids.
Steve resigns himself to a busy winter spent under a pile of yarn.
It's not really a hardship.)
[Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Epilogue | Ao3]
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chillian-murphy · 28 days
Let Your Big Brother Take Care of You
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SUMMARY: While visiting your stepbrother at college, you have a hard time falling asleep after some drunken mishaps. He helps you out.
WARNINGS/ADDITIONAL INFO: Smut 🔞, dubcon, stepcest, intoxication, fingering, comfort sex kinda??, gratuitous mention of Taco Bell
Beta read by @sasybanana
Actually visiting with your step-brother had been the last thing on your mind when you told your parents that you would be visiting him this weekend. Sure, you got along fine, but you barely knew each other and it felt like he was moving out for college as soon as your families joined. Instead, you were hellbent on finding the best partying and hooking up opportunities his film school had to offer. Framing it as a sisterly visit and a chance to learn about campus life was purely an excuse to convince your parents to let you travel on your own, which they seemed to buy as you were headed off to school yourself next year. Besides, Neil had an off campus apartment you could crash at, which would be cheaper than a hotel.
He greeted you with a hug as you entered and set your stuff down, instantly being assaulted by the scent of unwashed laundry and old weed smoke. Still, it was comfortable enough, and was a nice taste of freedom from your mom’s house.
“So, my baby sister wants to visit me for the weekend, for reasons not at all related to my school’s reputation as a party campus?” He smirked as you situated yourself.
“Of course! Just like how my big brother spends all the money he gets from our parents on textbooks and tuition.” you shot back.
“Touché. Well, whatever trouble you’re determined to get into, fuck, I dunno, be smart about it. Use condoms, don’t get drugged. Don’t drink so much that you puke, or at least, try to puke somewhere other than carpet.”
“Wow… so caring.” you rolled your eyes as you headed to the bathroom to get ready for the evening. You snatched a flyer off of a phone pole for a house party, and the directions you got off google said it was only a few blocks away. As soon as you had your heels and your lashes on, you were off.
Stumbling back to Neil’s apartment with your heels in your hand, the night had been a bust. You finished too many mystery drinks too fast and ended up puking in the lap of the one guy who was interested in you, locked yourself in the bathroom to cry for the better part of an hour, and bolted for the door as soon as you pulled yourself together. Thank fuck Neil had the first apartment on the first floor, otherwise you might not have been able to find it in your impaired state.
The door was unlocked, and Neil hadn’t moved from his place on the couch in the hours that you had been gone, presumably wrapped up in whatever it is that he does in his spare time (Watch movies? Play video games? Jerk off? You really didn’t know). This was fine, you really didn’t need him noticing you at the moment. You tried to enter quietly, but tripped over yourself as you moved.
“Holy shit, are you okay?”
Neil rushed over to you to make sure you weren’t hurt. Unable to form words, you started crying again when you met his gaze, big fat mascara tears rolling down your cheeks. Even as he helped you to stand, you wobbled on your way up and had to lean on him for support.
“How much did you have to drink?”
“Dunno… a lot.” It was true, you had chugged whatever you were handed and helped yourself to a variety of half-finished cups that were abandoned by their owners. You had never drank this much before, and had no idea how much was too much until it was too late.
“Shit, um, let’s get you to the bed. The room is yours tonight, don’t worry about it. Do you think you can walk that far?” There was genuine concern in his tone, even if he was a bit panicked and clueless. He looped an arm around your waist and guided you as best he could to the tiny room. Your flop onto the twin bed wasn’t exactly graceful, but landing on a mattress was about a thousand times more comfortable than landing on the floor.
As soon as Neil turned to leave, you began fighting your way out of your tight, itchy dress. Unfortunately, the zipper was stuck (damn cheap clothing) and the garment was too fitted to pull over your head. Refusing to spend any more time stuck in scratchy fabric hell (Seriously, Forever 21, who sells unlined sequined dresses?), you continued wrestling with the zipper and wiggling to find a better angle until you rolled off the bed and landed with a thud. Not knowing what else to do, you shouted for your stepbrother.
The worried look on his face quickly turned into an eye roll as he entered the room and saw you on the floor again.
“So are you like… determined to spend the whole night down there? Undeniably attracted to shitty carpeting? Horny for the floor?” Having a laugh at your drunken expense might not have been the nicest thing for Neil to do, but you were being such a handful tonight.
“I can’t get my dress off,” you sheepishly mumbled as you avoided his gaze. “The zipper’s stuck and I need your help.”
“Hey, hey, it’s fine.” Neil soothed as he knelt down to meet you on the floor. “If anything, I’m flattered… Usually I have to buy a girl dinner before she even thinks of asking me to undress her.”
You shot him an unamused glare, but nonetheless turned and leaned towards him so he could reach the zipper. His touch was warm and gentle as he fiddled with the impossibly tiny hook-and-eye clasp atop the zipper, one hand gently pressed against your upper back to steady you while the other went to work. Before you knew it, the dress slackened and you were able to free yourself from its confines, modesty be damned.
“A tiny little dress and no bra? You really were planning to have fun tonight.” You were still turned away from Neil and couldn’t see his face, but you could hear the grin in his voice.
“It has built-in cups, pervert!” you huffed as you rushed to cover yourself. You groped around for a t-shirt or something before remembering that you were in an unfamiliar room and not at home. “Get out, I just wanna sleep.”
“That doesn’t explain the little lacy panties, though.” Neil let his eyes trail over you before tossing you one of his own shirts. It was true, you had gone out partying with the hope of hooking up as quickly and anonymously as possible, but you weren’t going to admit that. All you wanted was to gain a little sexual experience of your own before heading out to college, but now the only boy to see you naked was your weird stepbrother. “And I’m not leaving you alone tonight. You can’t even stand and I’ve had to help you up twice. You’re too much of a mess to be alone.”
He helped you onto the bed again, only this time he climbed in behind you after hitting the light. The bed was small enough that there was almost no choice but to snuggle up to him, using his shoulder as a pillow. As weird as the whole situation was, it felt nice having him there, like a grounding tether against the spinning sensation in your head.
“For what it’s worth, I thought you looked really cute tonight. Before all the puking and crying and falling, I mean.” He chuckled softly and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. As sweet as the gesture was, you couldn’t ignore the growing gurgle in your stomach.
“Neil… I want Taco Bell.”
“I’ll buy you all the Taco Bell in the world tomorrow if you settle down and go to sleep.”
“Okay…” you buried your face into the crook between Neil’s neck and shoulder as he pulled you closer and idly rubbed your back. You couldn’t help but moan softly at the sensation, which Neil tried his hardest to ignore.
Had you been a little more awake or a little more sober, you might’ve noticed the hitch in Neil’s breath as his hand trailed up and down your back, or the way his hand soon opened into a flat palm and started exploring lower, dangerously close to the waistband of your panties. Instead, you continued to lay silently, dozing off as his hand inched lower.
Eventually, his hand made its way to your ass and cupped the supple flesh. Feeling emboldened by your lack of response, Neil began to squeeze and knead. This made you squirm away, but in doing so, you were met with the perfect amount of friction as your clothed pussy rubbed against Neil’s thigh. Neither of you had realized just how closely you were snuggled together until now, when it dawned on you both what was happening.
Part of you panicked, part of you realizing that this was wrong through your drunken haze, but another part of you only cared that you were being touched, and it felt pleasurable. That was the whole reason you made this trip, right? you rationalized to yourself as you attempted to grind against your stepbrother’s thigh a second time. 
Instead of being met with the delicious friction, you felt Neil shift beneath you. Did you fuck this up? Were you just imagining his hand on your ass? But before you could worry any further, he was rolling you onto your back with his thick, firm leg pressing between your thighs and spreading them, and the unmistakable poking of his erection against the spot where your hip met your belly. He pushed his thigh against you, inviting you to grind it.
“Is this what my horny little sister needs? Can’t fall asleep without coming?” His voice was low and husky, in equal parts from being half asleep and his obvious arousal. You were starting to transition from drunk to hungover, feeling more drowsy and dizzy than anything else, and the most you could answer with was a pathetic little whimper as he nudged you.
You rubbed yourself against him as best you could, unable to find just the right angle from the new position you were placed in. In a fit of frustration, you tried pushing Neil off of you so you could rub yourself with your hand, but he was deceptively strong and had you pinned.
“Neeeeeeeeeiiiillllll” you whined, once again wondering if this was all a mistake, maybe you should just try to fall asleep and forget this ever happened. Forget the whole night ever happened. Change your name, move across the country, and never talk to anyone who witnessed tonight ever again.
“Shhhh, it’s alright, just lie there and let your big brother take care of you.”
Just lying there was about all you could do as Neil snaked one of arms between your legs, stroking your folds through your panties a bit aimlessly before gathering the courage to reach beneath the cloth and explore further. After a bit of awkward poking around, he found your clit and began circling it gently with his fingertips, eliciting another whimper, this time of pleasure.
“See? I know exactly what you need. M’gonna play with your little pussy until you relax and fall asleep, like a good girl.” His fingers began teasing your slit, tracing up and down its length without daring to breach inside. It never would have occurred to you that Neil would know his way around pussy, he never brought any girls home when he lived with you. He must’ve gotten a lot of practice after moving out, because the way his fingers were just barely ghosting over you was driving you crazy in a way you couldn’t understand. You wanted him to stop, you wanted him to continue exactly what he was doing, you wanted him to start giving you more. All you knew was that you wanted him, and for him to keep touching you.
As if he could read your mind, he spread your innermost lips and plunged two of his fingers inside. The stretch was sudden, but not at all unwelcome. You were wet enough for him to thrust his fingers in and out of you easily, spreading your slick wherever he touched. As soon as he began alternating between fucking you on his fingers and roughly toying with your clit, you started seeing stars.
“You like that? You like me finger fucking your tight little pussy? I wish I could see it, I bet it's all pink and cute, like your nipples. I bet you’ve never even taken a cock before."
Too drunk, too horny, and too tired to form words, the most you could do was shyly squeak in affirmation.
“Next time I’ll have you bounce on my cock so I can watch your face as you come. Or maybe I’ll eat you out so I can really get to see how cute your pussy is. Or maybe you’ll just want to pay back the favor I’m doing you now and suck me off.”
Next time? You hadn’t considered something like this happening again, or even the fact that you’d have to see him again. In mixed company. With your parents around. Would he fuck you in your childhood bedroom while everyone else was downstairs cooking dinner? Or would he keep your liaisons a dirty little secret that only happened away from home?
You didn’t care. You were coming from your stepbrother’s touch, in your stepbrother’s bed, far away from anyone else you knew. You felt your stomach tighten and your toes involuntarily curl, much stronger than you ever felt sneakily rubbing yourself in the shower. Thank fuck you were in a dark room, because you swore you could feel your face going all stupid.
You must not have realized how much you were panting and clenching around his fingers, because Neil seemed to know exactly how close you were and began whispering in your ear, encouraging you to come. You could barely register what he was saying, you were so lost in the sensation of his breath on your neck and his hand on your cunt.
Your orgasm finally took hold, and you could hear yourself babbling in pleasure but had no idea what you were saying, if you were even forming coherent words, as the pleasure ripped through your body like an electric shock. After the initial burst, you felt your body relax in a way you didn’t know was possible, releasing tension you didn’t even know you were holding. You swore you could feel yourself melting through the mattress before realizing that no, that was just sweat.
Noticing that you were lying there like a limp noodle and no longer squirming and moaning, Neil rolled off of you, withdrawing his hand from your panties. His fingers were completely soaked with your wetness, and while his initial instinct was to wipe them off on his shirt, roll over, and go to sleep, he couldn’t ignore the fact that he was rock hard. In a stroke of genius that would soon lead to literal stroking, he realized he had the perfect lube on hand.
He shoved his drenched hand down his boxers and began tugging his desperate member, softly grunting in rhythm with his pumping fist. Part of you felt bad that you weren’t helping, you had kinda forgotten that Neil was a complete person with desires of his own and not just a machine to get you off, but you were cozy and half asleep and he seemed to be handling the situation well enough on his own. At least, well enough that he was coming all over the front of his shirt.
He carefully pulled his soiled shirt over his head and wiped off his hand and what was left of his mess before tossing it on the floor and reaching for the blanket that had been kicked to the bottom of the bed amidst all the excitement. You felt yourself being tucked in as you gently dozed off, snuggling into Neil’s side as soon as he laid down beside you.
Yeah, you were going to visit your step brother a lot more often now.
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krakenartificer · 7 months
Who wants a really sad Leverage headcanon?
Was re-watching the Gimme a K Street Job -- Season 5 Episode 5 -- and a couple of things stood out to me.
1) Nate says "Let's go steal some congresspeople", and then sends everyone on the team (except Parker, who's being a cheer coach) out to con one of their targets. But it feels like there's a profound mismatch in who gets which mark.
For the "not like other girls" feminist congresswoman who's inclined to dismiss cheer as worthless and demeaning, you need Eliot to come in looking like a man who very much knows what does and does not count as a sport, and be his tiny angry respect-women-juice self about how regardless of what you think of their choice of clothing they are working as hard as any other athlete and they deserve safety as much as anyone else. But instead they sent Hardison.
For the "Yes I am very busy and important; admire me" chairman, you need Sophie, who is better than anyone else on the planet at making you feel admirable when you're doing what she wants, and scummy and low when you're not doing what she wants. But instead they sent Eliot.
For the "Look I am trying, but I need corn subsidies or I won't be able to do anything else" newbie congressman, Hardison could happily have gone on an infinitely recurring series of fetch quests until he sees the place where they loop around and bottom out and every problem solves every other problem. But instead they sent Sophie.
2) Eliot struggles the most, so Nate works with him the most, but he doesn't help him out hardly at all; he just keeps saying, "So what's your next play?" and then revealing that he's already anticipated Eliot's next play and has all the materials in place to enact it. And of course, they do eventually get the dude on board, and it all works out, but afterwards, Eliot tells Nate, "I trust that some time soon you'll tell me why you had me slogging through all that when you already knew how to hook him."
And of course, knowing what we now know about how season 5 ends, it makes sense that Nate is trying to train the OT3 to work without him, looking for his replacement.
If the plan is to fuck off into the sunset with Sophie, then why did he throw Sophie into this uncomfortable not-my-wheelhouse scenario?
No, Nate's preparing the entire team to carry on without him. He's forcing them to learn how to plan, learn different ways of approaching problems, to think about bigger pictures and approach them strategically.
I think Nate just got the first diagnosis of the disease that's finally going to kill him. And again, we -- the audience -- now know that he's going to live for many years after that initial diagnosis. But he doesn't know that, at this point. He knows he's tested positive, and he knows it's eventually going to kill him, and he has no idea how long he has.
And in some sense, it doesn't matter how long he has. Three months or thirty years, that kind of revelation makes it stunningly clear that taking care of the people you love means making sure that they can take care of themselves.
So that's what he does: he throws them into new, uncomfortable situations where they'll have to grow and support each other without him, so that no matter what happens, they'll be able to keep going. Because he's not a nice person, Jimmy Ford's son, but by God does he know the importance of protecting your family.
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comfortscripts · 10 months
The Way I Love You ¬ Coriolanus Snow
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Plot - All you want is one night with Corio, the real him. Pairing - Young!Coriolanus Snow x Best Friend!Female!Reader Notes/Warnings - Corio is ooc in this, but the idea is that he is slightly hinged for her and he is aware of his redflags. Possessive? Mentions of deaths. Reader is lowkey just blind to Corio's darkness. First fic back so let's see how it goes! Word Count - 1,443
“You promised!”
“And when exactly did I promise this?”
He watched as her fists clenched the corners of her skirt, breath dripping with exasperation. Calmly watching from the comfort of his leather chair, nursing a glass of amber whilst his eyes followed the milky fabric adorning his best-friend’s figure. Almost 30 minutes of her attempting to convince him to leave his opaque penthouse.
“Last year, when you were too busy on my birthday, you promised me that I could choose whatever I wanted to do for one da-” Stilling her movements, frozen as realisation washed over her. “You sneaky fucker! Not once have you forgotten a promise between us.”
Corio wanted to laugh as her face scrunched with faux anger, but all he did was cock his eyebrow as a gentle smirk settled on his lips. “Of course, I didn’t forget. However, this little song and dance has been quite amusing.”
Resting his drink to the side, he rose to full height and reached his delicate hand out towards the girl. “I will agree, purely on the premise that nothing we do could harm either of our reputations.”
A smile brighter than freshly fallen snow crept onto her face.
“You have my word.”
Corio may have noticed the ache in his legs if he didn’t have such a captivating distraction hanging from his bicep. After aimlessly strolling through the Capitol, the myriad of hues illuminating their faces as they spoke of the most mundane aspects of their adult lives to giggling at memories of their youth. Having known one another since the tender age of 10, there is little left unsaid between the pair. Perhaps only one thing.
“I’ve missed you Corio”
Shifting his head to where her figure was pressed against his side, their tandem steps slowed. Only those who understood the inner works of Coriolanus Snow could see the cogs turning behind those azure eyes. Flickering across her face, attempting to decode her words.
“Don’t be silly. We see each other constantly; your office is barely 20 steps from mine.”
 The young woman bit back a sigh. In all the years she had known Snow, he excelled in many things but struggled with matters of the heart. “No, I see Coriolanus Snow constantly. Future President of Panem, prodigy Gamemaker. I can barely remember the last time I had a conversation with the real you, Corio, before tonight.”
Stilling completely, allowing her arm to slip from the loop of his. It was a rare occurrence for the young man to be devoid of words, only having ever been rendered speechless by the very same woman only a touch away. In all truthfulness, he yearned for her presence. He longed for the sound of her laughter, the way her eyes sparkled with delight when indulging in dessert, her uncanny ability to understand his thoughts, and most importantly, the way she allowed him to be himself.
He missed her too.
Perhaps it was his silence, or perhaps it was the cool air that unsettled her. Bubbles of anxiety began to rise in her stomach, fearing that she had overstepped or somehow offended the blond. “I only mean that you have sides to you. Whilst I like all of them, the one I care about most is the real you. I’m sorry, but I miss my best friend.”
“I barely know the real me anymore.”
It was truth. Being betrayed by Lucy Gray, the blood on his hands, the character he has had to play since; it was exhausting. The darkness swirling inside of him corrupting his daily thoughts, paranoia and greed clouding his mind. It was all too much to expose to her.
She embodied life, a breath of fresh air in a world torn apart by capitalism and violence. Coriolanus could never understand why she cared for him, why she befriended him. But he could never jeopardise losing her. The darker side of him wishes to lock her up in the Penthouse, so her sun only shines for him. Keep away the prying eyes of men who wish to glimpse the sweetness of her smile. But alas, he cannot. An innocent fragment of his soul forbids his darkness from tainting her, even if he must create distance to do so.
“After all that has happened, the Corio you know barely exists anymore.” Those stormy eyes refusing to meet her gaze by fixating on the gleaming silver ring adoring his finger. “If only you knew, you wouldn’t look at me the same.”
The warmth of her hand sliding into his captures his focus. “If only I knew about what happened during the games? If only I knew about Lucy Gray, and those people you killed? If only I knew how dark your soul feels? I know Corio.”
Snapping to meet her gaze, he feels as if she had knocked the air out of his lungs. How could she possibly know? Why would she be standing here with him? Was she going to hold this over him? A flurry of thoughts stormed behind his eyes, as she only tightened her hold on his large hand.
“Did you really think you could lie to me? I know you better than I know myself. When you came back from District 12, I could see behind those lies you were spewing. I saw the hurt she caused, the trauma you had witnessed, and how it broke the light inside of you.”
For the second time tonight, Coriolanus was speechless. Perhaps she didn’t know whose blood coats his hands, or the exact details of what happened those years ago, but she knew enough. And she was still standing there in front of him.
“And you still care about me?”
“I will always care about you Corio.  Now come on, I want to take you somewhere!”
And with that, she pulled him further into the night.
Neither of them had uttered a word since their conversation.
Laid side by side on the refreshing emerald blades of grass as they look towards the stars above, only their subtle breathing filling the air. Despite the silence, the interlocked fingers expressed a thousand words.
A hitched breath broke the still atmosphere of the hilltop.
“Do you love me?”
Her words stopped his heart mid-beat.
“What? Of course, I love you. You are my best friend.” His words flow smoothly, as his thoughts run erratically to concoct the perfect lie.
The grass shuffles as she turns her head to face him. “No, do you love me like I love you?”
Corio continues staring straight towards the constellations, knowing that her alluring eyes could weaken his resolve in mere seconds.
“Because the way I love you is more than someone who loves a best friend. Almost as if you are the only person who makes my heart dizzy with joy. If you don’t love me the same way, it’s okay. Just needed to finally tell you.”
The breeze acts as a ticking clock, emphasising the lack of response from the young man and amplifying the anxiety building in the woman as she faces the stars once more.
Its almost too quiet to be heard, a whisper in the wind, but she hears it clearly. “I do love you the way you love me.”
Turning in unison to face one another, his free hand reaching to caress the toasty skin of her cheek.  Gentle strokes of his chilled fingers, drawing without destination on her skin as the blond builds the courage to speak once more.
“The way I love you terrifies me. You are the only one who brings me happiness, the only one who knows my sorrows, the only one I would sacrifice for. I obsess over you. I want to hold you and protect you. I wish to possess you. All because I love you the way you love me.”
Searching his irises for any fragment of dishonesty, her smile grows as she finds none. Inching closer to the man who has held her heart for a decade, his minty breath invading her senses.
With lips mere millimetres apart, a light whisper leaves her mouth “I’ll be yours Corio, for as long as you are mine. We can possess one another.”
As if those were the only words he ever craved, he intertwined his lips with hers. Soaking in the feeling of ecstasy as his hold on her tightens. She embraced the overwhelming sensation of complete bliss, revelling in every single second as her fingers interlock with his porcelain-locks.
Her lips fit with his so perfectly, it was clear that they were made to possess each other. And now that Panem’s king had his Queen, nothing could break him.
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Kinktober Special Part 5
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Mo’s Kinktober Special 
The Crew’s Whore (Part 5) (+18)
Summary: You are the former owner of the Grand Line’s most popular brothel. Your powerful fighting abilities got the attention of the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He had asked you to join their crew but what would you bring to the team? Your battle skills were hardly comparable to many of the other Straw Hats… but you actually had a great skill. Your years working as a high end escort had prepared you to become the private plaything for this pirate crew. You joined the Straw Hats as their personal sex toy.
Pairing: Sanji x afab!reader x Zoro
WC: 3100 :)
TWs: Threesome, three way, anal sex, vaginal sex, blowjob, face fucking, sex toy usage, eating out, oral sex, crying, arguing during the deed, they simply can't agree. I love this one tbh. porn.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5: The Rivals
It was an average night aboard the Thousand Sunny, the crew was in good spirits and was getting ready to enjoy another lavish dinner. Zoro was napping on the upper deck, Usopp and Luffy were playing around and cackling at each other, Sanji was preparing the evening meal in the kitchen, and everyone else was off occupying their time elsewhere. 
You knew you had a special date scheduled with Sanji tonight, so you thought you might visit him in the galley to tease him a bit. He was always so fun to work up. 
You slinked into the galley from the deck and sidled up next to your sweet love cook who was at the sink washing his hands. The countertops were littered with small bowls of meticulously pre portioned ingredients and jars of spices. He senses your presence and turns to face you. 
“Oh mon amour! Do you need anything? I can fix something for you quickly if you want, perhaps a cocktail? Your wish is my command-“ You shut him up by cupping his face in both your hands a pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. You smile at him.
“I’m just excited for tonight, Sanji. Can’t wait to feel you.” You wink at him.
“… oh love, you have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to it… you’ve prepared yourself- right? It’ll be alright if we-?” Sanji slides his hand over your ass, pressing in the center. He felt something subtle but hard resting between your plump cheeks. He could feel the plug you were keeping in your ass, to open yourself up for him later. You nod up at him. A single drop of blood escaped his nose. 
“You are so perfect, y/n, you know that? I have to finish preparing dinner, but trust that I will be thinking of your tight little ass the entire time.” He grins down at you. 
“See you later then.” You flash your cook a smile as you waltz excitedly out of the kitchen. 
As per usual, dinner was excellent. You enjoyed plenty of delicious wine and treats as you shot the shit with the crew. After the meal was over, the crew began to filter out of the kitchen and head off to bed. Eventually it was just you, Zoro, and Sanji sitting in the galley. Sanji was finishing dishes and you and Zoro were finishing your drinks. You decide you want to finish the bottle so you lean off of your stool to grab it from the other end of the table. 
Zoro swiftly grabs you by the belt loops of your jeans and slams you down on his his lap aggressively. 
“Ooof- Zoro! Down, boy!” You giggle at him while still pulled into his lap. Zoro leans close to you and begins growling in your ear. The sake was clearly talking.
“Mmm…. Wanna take you on the deck tonight, where anyone could see us…” Zoro starts mouthing at your neck. “You’d love that shit, huh? My dirty little girl… so cute…” He reaches a hand up to grope at your breast. 
“NOT TONIGHT MOSS HEAD!” A damp dishtowel was balled up and chucked full speed at the swordsman’s head on your neck. 
“THE HELL DID YOU SAY?” Zoro picks you up off his lap and sets you down on your feet, getting ready to fight Sanji.
“We have a date, you barbarian. Something you’d know nothing about. She’s spending tonight with me, get in line.” Sanji explains. 
“It’s true, Zoro… I am occupied tonight, I’m sorry, handsome. Tomorrow?” You tried cupping Zoro’s cheek to calm him down. 
“No way, FUCK YOU shitcook! I’ll have what I want when I want it, especially before YOU do! She’d have a much better time with me anyway!” Zoro was heated, he was horny and wanted your body to relieve his stress. That’s what you were for, right? He wasn’t a fan of all the fine print this arrangement came with. 
“YOU THINK YOU FUCK HER BETTER THAN ME? Don’t make me laugh, moron. You don’t know anything about a woman’s pleasure. You can barely tell your left from right.” Sanji spat back at him. 
“I BET YOU’VE NEVER EVEN MADE HER SQUIRT!” Zoro was screaming cross the kitchen island. 
“SHUT THE FUCK UP! Both of you!” You raised your voice and walked to stand in the middle of them at the end of the counter. They both shut their mouths and look at you, not used to hearing you yell. 
“You guys are ridiculous. I care about both of you equally of course, there’s no need to act like toddlers fighting over a toy. You’re grown men. If you can’t figure out how to share, you’re BOTH getting NOTHING.”
“Mon amour but-“ Sanji began to speak.
“NO BUT’S. From EITHER of you. Figure it out.” Frustrated and annoyed, you storm out of the kitchen and return to your room. 
About an hour later you were laying on your bed, your silk black robe opened and splayed around your body. You used your left hand to pull and twist your nipple, while your right hand was between your legs slowly teasing your clit with one finger. Regardless of how the night went, the plug in your ass had made you so horny all night that you couldn’t wait any longer to relieve the wet ache in your cunt. Knowing how much better your orgasms were when you had a plug in and also if you took your time to tease yourself, you decided to slowly pleasure your body. Deep sighs and airy whines left your mouth as your chest rise and fell, enjoying the feeling you were giving yourself. You felt your muscles tense around the plug in your ass and you moaned out. 
*knock knock*
“I’m busy…!” You breathe out heavily. The door opens anyway. Sanji gingerly steps in. His eyes widen at your exposed body before him. You didn’t bother to stop your movements, most everyone had seen you like this by now anyway. Sanji strides towards you after a few moments of a blank stare. 
“My love… moss head and I… we worked it out, I promise… may we… still have our date?” He pleads for you as he crawls onto the bed with you. 
“Aww, I knew you could do it, sweet boy. Thank you so much.” You bring your wet fingers up to his lips. He sucks on them greedily. You slide your body to lay back on the bed with your head hanging out off the edge barely. You spread your legs and beckon Sanji to lay between your thighs. He knows exactly what to do. Once situated, Sanji uses both of his large palms to lift up and spread your cheeks so he could see that cute little silver butt plug. He groans at the sight combined with the gorgeous scent of your dripping cunt. 
He dives in immediately. You gasp at the immediate feeling of his lips on your clit. Sanji was one of your lovers that was simply the best at eating pussy. He always did it with such fervor, such passion, that you were convinced he was doing it for him own pleasure. 
Sanji hmm’d and groaned against your slick sex as he became drunk on your flavor. Your breathy moans sped up as he worked your clit and your hole towards a climax. 
Your door swung open, you opened your eyes as your head hung off the bed facing towards the doorway. 
Zoro stood there looking you dead in the eye, upside down.
“Hmmm what a pretty sight. Can’t believe you’ve gotten her this close, curly.” Zoro coos at you before stepping inside your room and closing the door behind him. 
“Zoro.. I… Thought you guys worked this… out… What-“ You choke out as Sanji doesn’t even look up and notice the swordsman’s presence. He briefly pulls away from your cunt. 
“We did. I invited him.” He dives back in, sucking on your swollen clit. Sanji slips two fingers inside of you as you process this information. You cry out in pleasure but also confusion. 
“Since you’ve given that shit head the honor of fucking your ass tonight… I figure this would give us the perfect opportunity to learn to share.” Zoro smirked as he strode towards your bed, slowly shedding the sash around his waist and untying his trousers. 
Your pussy throbbed at the thought of having both men inside you at once. 
Zoro stepped out of his pants and came to stand by your sweaty face. He stroked his half hard cock in his hand and used it to firmly tap your lips. 
“Open up, Princess.” 
You oblige and open your mouth and loll your tongue out for him. He shoves his dick into your mouth and thrusts softly and slowly. All of this is happening while Sanji continues his assault on your pussy with his mouth. He needed you soft and open for what was going to happen tonight. 
“Make her cum, cook, I wanna feel her throat when she screams.” Zoro breaths out as he fucks your face. 
“MhmmMMM-HHHMNNN” You shriek out as best you can as Zoro’s now fully erect cock barrels into your throat. 
“Don’t tell me what to fucking do, asshole!” Sanji tried to protest but making you cum was exactly what he wanted, too. Sanji stood up and moved away from you briefly to remove his clothes. You whined around the dick in your mouth desperately, having your orgasm ripped away from you. 
“Awww my beautiful love, don’t worry I’ll give you what you want so badly.” Sanji cooed at you as he lined his cock up with your dripping hole. 
“Shut up and get inside her already!” Zoro barked at him. 
Already sliding inside of you, the feeling of your warm walls sucking him in, Sanji couldn’t come up with a response other than a loud moan. You groan around Zoro, pulling back for a second to catch some air. Sanji began thrusting inside of you.
“Oh fuck-! So good Sanji I-!” You moan out as drool dribbles down your chin. Before you can finish your praise, Zoro is stuffing himself back into your mouth. 
“Moss head, slow down! You’re gonna hurt her!” Sanji pants out as he pounds into your pussy. 
“She’s fine just look at her, she’s about to cum!” They both look down at your shaking form, eyes slammed tightly shut, tears streaming down your face. Your legs clamped so tightly around Sanji’s torso as they trembled. It was clear you were so close. 
“Gonna finish on those pretty tits, princess.” Zoro pulls out of your mouth to hover over your body and stroke his fat cock to completion. Just as the first hot rope hits your chest, your body tipped over the edge and you shrieked as you came, violently, on Sanji’s cock. Your torso jerked forward with the force of your orgasm. 
“So beautiful, my love, I’ll fill you up so good, ah-“ with a final declaration, Sanji spilled his load inside your pussy, grinding his hips into yours and whining. 
After a few moments of silence and heavy breathing, Sanji pulls out of you. 
“Ready for round 2, little slut?” You heard Zoro whisper in your ear. The low timbre of his voice sent fireworks straight to your sensitive cunt. 
“We worked out our issue. It took a lot of effort, so I think you owe us a bit more for dealing with our differences, my love.” Sanji moves out from between your legs to make room for Zoro. 
“Get me hard again.” Zoro barks down at you. You sit up and start to stroke his thick cock, soggy with your spit. 
“And me too, don’t forget about our date mon amour…” 
You were no longer thinking for yourself, your brain had stopped working long ago. You wanted to please both of them so badly, so happy that they had learned to share you so nicely. You lean forward and put Sanji’s sensitive dick into your mouth while you stroke Zoro with your hands. Zoro’s hand was on your throat as Sanji’s hand was tangled in your hair as your bobbed up and down on his oversensitive cock. After a few moments of “good fucking girl”s and “such a cute little slut”s, both of your men were hard again and ready to ruin you. Zoro pulled away first as he laid down on his back on your bed. 
“Sit on it.” Zoro commanded and you obliged. You pulled your wet mouth and tear stained face off of Sanji’s cock as you moved to sit on your swordsman’s thick length. You eagerly lined him up with your open, soaking hole.
“Stop.” Zoro stopped you. “Slow.” He grabbed your hips and guided your body onto him at a torturously slow pace. You let out a long moan as he slips you onto him inch by inch. 
“That’s my good girl, taking me so well. Look at your messy little pussy…” Zoro grabs your hair and makes you look down at the milky combination of your cum and Sanji’s cum leaking out all over his balls and pubes. “See what a filthy mess you’re making on me? Huh? And you still want more cock? What a little slut…” Zoro thrusts up into you and you gasp. 
“Be nice to her, moss head. She’s been such a nice play thing for us tonight. You can’t say one nice thing??” Sanji appears behind you, his chest pressed to your back as he begins to play with the plug in your ass. He slips it in and out of you, moving easily from the amount of lube you have shoved it in with earlier. You whine. 
“Nnnnnn Sanjiiii- Can I have it?” You wanted to feel both of them inside you at once. 
“Fine, curly, y/n has the most perfect holes I’ve ever had. So tight and warm, such a good toy.” Zoro smirked around you at his rival. Sanji ignored him. You feel the plug slip completely from your ass, you sigh at the emptiness. Briefly, Sanji spreads your cheeks as you lean forward onto Zoro’s chest. He could see where Zoro was buried deep inside your soaked cunt as well as your slightly gaping ass, lubed and open for him. 
Slowly Sanji presses his leaking tip into your puckered hole. 
“Sanji!” You yell out.
“Relax… I’m almost in… such a good job my love…”  Sanji whispers as he leans down to kiss your shoulder. “Hey idiot, rub her clit or her suck her nipples or something, She’s gonna loosen up more or else she’s gonna choke my dick in here.” 
“I don’t work for you…” Zoro grumbled as he took your left nipple between his teeth as he snaked his hand underneath you to rub at your engorged clit. 
“Ohhh, FUCK Zoro that’s so good-!” You moan out loudly, feeling your muscles spasm then relax. Then you felt Sanji plunge the rest of his length into your ass. 
“AAHh! FUCK!” You were so full, your head was spinning. Sanji’s thinner length buried deep in your asshole, Zoro’s thick cock bullying your g-spot inside your pussy, it was stimulation overload. Once both men were fully seated, there was some sort of unspoken communication between them and they started thrusting. 
You were screaming. The feeling was so intense, your body was going limp. Zoro held your body up with his strong arms while Sanji gripped your hips tightly with his smooth hands. 
“Holy.. Shit… Moss head, you.. you have to try this next time… It’s so fucking tight and hot…” Sanji desperately thrust his cock into your back hole as he chased his release, completely lost in pleasure. 
Zoro was too busy drilling up into your spent pussy, eyes locked on your face. Your eyes were rolled back and your mouth was completely open and slack. He couldn’t let curly brow cum inside you and not him too… He wanted you to cum again so you could milk him dry. He holds your body above him as you as were tossed back and forth on both of their cocks. 
You were being used as a fuck doll, essentially… and holy shit did it turn you on. Your body was so overstimulated but you felt the knot in your tummy begin to tighten again… 
“Sanji! Zoro! Shit, I’m-“ You squirted your release all over Zoro’s abdomen. Your body fell further forward as you began whimpering when your orgasm wore off. 
“Shit, it’s too tight… I’m going to-“ And with that, You felt the unique sensation of Sanji filling your ass with his hot seed. 
“Me too, fuck!” Zoro jams his hips up into yours and you cry out as he hits your cervix, feeling his throbbing tip deep inside as he fills you. 
You fully fell forwards towards Zoro, falling onto his face, nose pressed between your breasts. Sanji is still seated in your ass as he strokes your back and catches his breath. Eventually, your blonde pulls out, and your moss head picks you off his cock to lay you on your back in bed. 
Zoro spreads your legs. 
From how your hips were angled, the boys could see two loads of cum dripping our of your stretched pussy hole and one load dripping from your puckered asshole. Both men were mesmerized by the sight. 
“so… is someone going to clean me up… or?” You questioned while sitting up on your elbows. 
“I’LL DO IT” the two men shouted at once. They spent the next 5 minutes arguing over who was going to bath you and wash your body while you sat on the bed dripping. You flop back on the bed, realizing they’ll never get over their friendly competition. Oh well, you thought to yourself. If they fucked you like this every time they got jealous, you could get used to it. 
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mooooonnnzz · 1 year
How do I do this? // Miguel O’Hara x daughter!reader
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i come out of my hibernation to post a lil dad daughter fanfic of miguel trying to tie up your hair <33
۵ i kept seeing people wanting more miguel w a kid reader so I HAD TO WRITE ITTT
۵ fem reader w long/medium hair length!!
۵ short sweet n simple <33 i wrote it w a teen reader in mind but u can imagine younger too
۵ there is some spanish! although, my spanish is very rough so if i made a mistake please kindly correct me!
Miguel’s teeth clamped down on his lower lip as he thought. The gears slowly turned in his head as he stares at your untamed hair. “Okay, so what do I do again?” He looks at you through the mirror and smirks at your annoyed expression.
“Papi, I can do this myself. You know that right?” You said, eyes glancing at his hand that held the scrunchie. He was stretching it, playing with it as if it was a toy, if he’d stretch it anymore he’d snap it in half. “Don’t mess with the scrunchie like that.” Your hand reached out to snatch it away from him but he jerked his hand away. “Let me learn how to tie your hair.” Miguel frowned, using his other hand to collect your hair.
“I’m letting you, just don’t stretch it like that.” You tell him, feeling a little silly to be the one to reprimand him for his actions. How the tables have turned.
“So many instructions,” Miguel muttered, exaggeratedly rolling his eyes. “So dramatic.” You say through a chuckle.
“So I put your hair through the thing?” Miguel squints his eyes in confusion. A slight smile pulls on your lips at how clueless he looked.
“Yes, and if you need any help—“
“—I don’t need any help. I got this.”
Miguel’s eyes darted between the scrunchie that was looped around his fingers and to your hair that he had in an awkward hold. He was trying to imagine how he would put your hair through the hair band, and with each scenario, he’d go through in his head, he would come out more clueless. A small laugh slipped past your lips at his expression.
Miguel looked at you through the mirror, raising a brow. “¿Te estás riendo de mí?”
“No! No. Never.” The large smile that was threatening to shine through was getting harder and harder to conceal. The look of pure confusion on Miguel’s face was impossible to not laugh at.
“No te rias.” Miguel attempted to put on a stern voice, but it was futile. He couldn’t pretend to be mad at you, not when he’s hearing you laugh and seeing you smile. Those two things are one of the many things he loves about you.
“Do you want me to show you how to do it one more time?” Your voice was thick with amusement.
Miguel let out a defeated sigh and nodded his head. He let go of your hair and handed the band over to you. You thanked him and with quick and easy steps, you collected your hair and put it up into a ponytail. Undoing your hair, you looked at Miguel through the mirror. “Do you understand?”
Miguel’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Hacerlo otra vez.” He instructed.
“Papi? En serio?” You put your back up again for Miguel to understand, yet he couldn’t wrap his head around the magic of you tying up your hair. “It’s not that hard, Pa.”
“To me, yes, it is hard.” Miguel grabs the scrunchie from you and tries once more to tie your hair up.
“You’re not going to get it.”
The band splits into two with the sheer force of him stretching it out the moment he finally loops your hair into it.
There’s a small moment of silence where Miguel is grieving over his failure while you’re trying your hardest not to laugh.
“Me voy. Ya no quiero hacer esto.” He slumped forward in defeat as he walks out of the bathroom. You barrel over in laughter, tears pricking at the edge of your eyes. “Te lo dije!”
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if anybody has anymore ideas for dad miguel pls send bc i’m willing to write them we need more platonic miguel fanfics 😭
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could do buggy x reader, where we are apart of his crew and does aerial hoop? And act like we hate him but actually we have a crush on him so it’s like angst to fluff! Sorry if it’s to much
I gotcha! This seems really fun! I ended up taking this way too far BTW Sorry!
Chef Kiss Enjoy~
Buggy X FemReader
Solo Act
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"Two months- That asshole" you grumbled as you ate another bite of your breakfast. A few peers sighing at you and just shaking their head. "What did you even do? I never heard of Buggy benching someone for so long- Hell wont even let you do lights!" Suki one of the contortionist said with a humored voice, chuckling at your faux glare.
"No idea-" You lied, However knew exactly what brought on the change. Two months ago during a drunken party hosted by the Captian. The two of you having always been flirty to some degree but after some rum the flirting increased, ending up with you and Buggy laying in his bed. Giggling and kissing on each other, while it was foggy you remember Buggy and you stripping each other down to take that extra- Then he just stopped. Pulling away from your kisses and climbing out of the bed with you, Grabbing his clothes and just leaving the room and you behind. You laid there, half naked in his bed embarrassed by the having just been left like that-
The next day he acted like nothing happened, playing it off that he was so drunk he fell asleep in the hallway but you knew the truth. You felt both humilated and angry he had just ditched you- not even explaining himself... You truly did like him.. But also loathed him- Now feeling damn angry after being benched so long too!
"That's it! I'm gonna talk to him!" You proclaim, Standing up angrily and marching from the mess hall. Knowing he would be in his office most likely talking about the upcoming show. A few of the other pirates making 'Oooh' Noises and like jabs as you marched.
Walking to Buggy's office you see he had the door open, Drinking a pint (at 8 in the morning like a asshole) and talking to Cabaji. The plans got the show laid out on his desk.
You look at Buggy and swallow the lump in your throat. Stepping forward and clearing your throat, Buggy looking up from his work and raising a brow at you. His ocean eyes racking your form like he expected something in particular.
"Yes (Y/N)?- You can see that we are busy pre-"
"I want to do a show- A proper one Captain.. I have been practicing and I want to do the Aerial Loop again" You blurt out, Your nerves getting the best of you. Unsure why you felt so nervous about this.
Buggy set down his cup, his eyes staring practically through you, There was a few moments of silence before Buggy bursted into laughter, Slapping his hand on the table like this was some grand joke. You couldn't help but feel some genuine anger rising in your chest ready to risk it all in throwing your own little bitch fit at Buggy-
"Fine, Ill give you your very own Solo Act in tomorrows show" You cut you off. Cabaji jaw nearly in the floor at hearing this.. Buggy never gave ANYONE a solo act, daring to give anyone a chance at a lone light so this was beyond unusual. You felt both excited and a bit scared at the same time, especially with how his eyes seemed to gleam with mischief.
"I.. Thank you Captain" You manage to mumble out, Buggy standing to his full height and peering down at you. Heart blooming on your face as you could feel the warmth of his body with how close he was to you.
"Best not disappoint me (Y/N)" He said softly, patting your head like you were some pet and walked put of his office. Leaving Cabaji and you in his office, the green haired man looking at you.
"You must have a magic mouth or great in bed for him to let you get so many damn privileges-"
He said with a almost jealous glare. You shoot one right back, giving him am angry sneer.
"I've never slept with the Captian or done anything like that- He usually hates me" You protest. Cabaji an amused huff as he walled past you. "I've seen the Captian hate people- That's clearly not how he feels about you" He resorted and dismissed himself. You following suit shortly after.. Spending the rest of the day a bit confused and just trying to prep for your show.
That evening while setting out everything you'd need for the solo act you heard a knock and the door open. Whipping around to see Cabaji, a almost amused look on his face and holding a box.
"Ever heard of waiting till someone says 'Enter'?" You ask annoyed, crossing your arms as Cabaji holds the brightly colored box out to you.
"Doesnt matter- Captain sent me to bring you this. You have to wear this tomorrow for the show. No questions" You raise a brow and take the box from him gently opening it, pulling out what at first you thought must have been a scarf or something- till the realization git you this was a leotard- a sparkly leotard. Peering down at the costume you felt your cheeks warm. It was a pale blue color, with diamond and silver studs decorating the front while the back was completely white mesh. Lace decorated the neckline that dipped rather low on it as well- While it was pretty and far too flash for your taste, the revealing aspect is what caught your attention more.
"He also wants to add this-" Cabaji said as he held out a ankle bracelet. It was silver as well studded with diamonds and a silver bell attached to the side.
"Cabaji I can't wear something like this- It's too revealing!" You protested and blushed, holding the thin leodard tightly in your fist. "Listen you got to, If you don't then you don't perform" Cabaji said, Smirking at your delema and leaving your room. It taking everything in your body to keep from punching him in the nose-It seemed Buggy had you by the balls.
The next day everyone was on high alert- like everytime. The whole ship was buzzing in anticipation, both to raid the for the performance later on. You stood to the side and watched as the village that the crew had landed and the fires that stretched out- Truthfully you never liked the methods that Buggy used however you could never voice that.
In a few short hours the Audience was set and chained to their seats. Cabaji acting as a director or sorts began to call out different acts as Buggy walked through his group of freaks. Yelling at each of them in wanting to be punctual and ready to not mess up this show- However when he turned to you he froze. His eyes staying only on your face, which made you feel a bit worried.
"...You look good (Y/N)" He said almost awkwardly- not even giving a dirty joke or openly gawking at you. Instead he quickly walked past you- you could have sworn you saw the tips of his ears red.
"Alright everyone show time!" He yelled out
Standing there you watch as act after act went before you. The audience clapping on cue, the transitioning of acts. Anxiety building inside of you as you were prepared to be blown off and not get the spot you were promised- the humiliation starting to hit you as you felt the show start to come to an end.
"And for our final act! A aerial performance! By our very own (Y/N)~" Buggy announcer, Smiling at the audience.
Stepping forward you glanced at Buggy, seeing him taking a seat in his throne, Leaned back with a amused look as you. The bastard seemed to be taking pleasure in this it seemed- That was evident by the costume he had placed you in.
Taking a breath you heard the slow music start, dancing out onto the main performing area you twirled gracefully grabbing the hoop with one hand and lifted yourself up. The breeze from the leotard reminding you of its thinness and smallness over your form, that and the eyes of Buggy who seemed to be watching every move of yours.
The audience having genuine interest in your performance as you twisted your body to the rhythm of the music. Feeling the music course through your body as you twirled through the hoop, picking your body up and spreading your legs in a upside-down split as your body began to spin quickly. Truthfully your mind lost in the feeling of your art, the interest of the audience. Thinking back to the night you should have shared with your Captian- The kisses that he placed up your neck, The feeling of his firm hands up your form and the taste of rum on his lips.
It wasn't until the music came to its dramatic end did you snap from your thoughts, Doing a incredibly fast turn and spinning tk the end of the song. Once coming to a stand still there was a brief silence, But it was Buggy's face you saw all to clearly. How his eyes stared at you like he could see past your leotard, like he wanted to rip it apart then and there. But the audience applauds snapped you from his gaze, Buggy standing up from his throne as he smiled at the Audience. You bowing to the group before practically running away- you could hear people congratulating you for the performance and the sound of Buggy talking to his imprisoned audience but you couldnt make out any words. Rushing to the dressing room quarters, Slamming the door behind you and sighing. Trying to throw out the image that had burned in your brain, but no matter what you did you saw his face- anger rising in you.
"God Damn it!" You yelled, kicking over a random basket and sulking to a chair infront of the vanity. Looking at yourself as you started the long process of removing your makeup, Ignoring the sound of your crew going about most likely to drink. Sighing as you took off your earrings and heard a knock on the door.
"I'm in here-" You called, hearing the door then open and someone step inside. In the reflection you Saw Buggy, Staring at you with a hint if a smirk.
"I know.. Just wanted to stop by and say you did good tonight" He said a bit forcibly, tapping his boot on the wood flooring.
"Thanks.." You say softly, Your tone colder then you ment. Still conflicted over what you saw out there, How he stared at you- How his gaze longingly followed you from up there. Pulling you from your thoughts you felt Buggy angrily pull your seat out so you faced him.
"What the hell is your problem? I gave you the spotlight like you fucking wanted- Having your little moment. Why are you daring to speak to me this way?" He hissed, inches from your face. That liquid courage from before or just the final straw but you snapped, Standing up and locking eyes with him.
"I didn't want the spotlight I- I just want to know why youre doing this? Are you trying to hurt me? Does it make you happy or something?"
"(Y/N) I am many things- I will harass you, Embarrass you, Hell ill Fuck with you- But id never Never hurt you" He emphasized. His eyes staring hard at you, you could see it.. A flash of hurt that you would assume that of him. Biting your lip you stare at him. "Then why did you never mention that night?" You hissed, still feeling a bit of anger from him not mentioning that evening you two shared together. Buggy pulled back and gave you a annoyed look.
"Why bring that up-"
"Because you just kissed and left me! didn't even acknowledge what had happened! Left me fucking naked in your bed like something was wrong with me!" You stomped your foot, ignoring the chime of the ankle bracelet still on you.
"What do you want me to say (Y/N)! Congratulations we kissed!? That we were drunk!" He threw his hands up dramatically, You scoffing in anger and disgust. "That you cared! Instead of just messing with my feelings you bastard!" Buggy eyes locked onto you, Hard.
"Watch it- I Let you get away with a lot of things.. But i am still your Capitan!" He said pointedly, his hand snatching your face rather harshly as that same anger he showed others finally fell onto you- For only a second did you feel fear- That those knives of his would come out. But it quickly evaporated from your body as you yanked his hand from your face.
"Oh- SO You where just messing with my feelings Captain? Just rewarding me for kissing you? That's it!?" You scream, feeling hot tears well in your eyes as you stare at him enraged.
"What did you expect me to think! That you wouldnt regret sleeping with me! That you wouldnt have woken up the next morning disgusted and embarrassed you slept the night with me!? That You'd actually like me!?" He yelled, his fist balled in anger.
"Yes! I do like you! And I would have loved to have sex with you!" You screamed back, Both of you froze at this. Buggy face turning red as did yours. The anger seemed to sap away from the room, Both of you just standing there in shock and out of breath from yelling. Buggy being the first to move as he took off his hat and ran a shaky hand over the bandana like he was fixing some invisible imperfections.
"...Truly?" His voice all but whispered, a sort of desperate tone to him as well. You felt yourself deflate at his tone, your eyes feeling hot wit tears before looking to him again.
"Of course Buggy... I always have-" Not even able to finish the thought Buggy rushed to you and crashed his lips against yours, desperate needy lips meeting meeting your own which you gladly returned. His hands cupping your face as your own rushed through his hair tangling the blue locks between your fingers, the force of the brutal kiss leaving you breathless and just as desperate. Having longed for his touch, his taste just everything about him. Pulling away briefly to catch your breath as your lungs felt like they were on fire.
Buggy eyes locked onto you as you blushed deeply, your hands pulling the bandana from his head and letting his blue locks fall and frame his face. He leaned forward and bit your bottom lip gently, tugging a noise of pleasure from you.
"B-Buggy what does this make us?-" You start but Buggy kisses your lips once more. Pulling away for only a moment to wrap his hands around your waist and pick you up, Forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist.
"Simple- The place we should have been months ago.. Where you always belonged. By my side" You couldn't help but give a goofy smile at his words. That's exactly what you needed to hear.
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gatorbites-imagines · 11 months
Kinktober day 26
Sanji Vinsmoke + dry humping or frottage
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October may be over, but I’ll still finish up all my kinktober prompts, even though I can feel writers block starting to appear at the edges of my subconscious.
Tongue piercing Sanji is real to me.
Kinktober 2023 masterlist.
The kitchen of the Sunny was a work of art, everyone had to admit that. Even you, who had no idea how kitchens even worked outside of always being able to find Sanji there, or being able to sneak a snack or two if the cook just so happened to be busy. Which wasn’t something that happened a lot, but you could be lucky to get away with it once in a blue moon,
That had been the plan that brought you to the kitchen so late at night, but of course Sanji was still up. If it were anyone else, you might have caught them jerking off or doing something they shouldn’t, but not Sanji, that guy respected his kitchen way too much to do something like that.
That didn’t keep you from sneaking up behind him and wrap your arms around his slim waist, hooking your chin on his shoulder as he jolted and almost twisted to kick you. But the familiar sound of your laugh in his ear had him settling down, the tips of his ears going red as you brushed your lips against his neck. “Did I scare you?” you teased, only gaining a flustered scoff from Sanji.
There wasn’t really a title for what you two were, you had never sat down and decided you were lovers, but neither of you went for anyone else in the romantic sense. Sure, Sanji still flushed around women and pampered them, and you play flirted with men you came across for the fun of it, but it never went beyond that.
Sanji huffed a breath out his nose as you grabbed his hips, using your hold to turn him around so you could kiss him on the lips. He always blushed so prettily, no matter how many times you kissed him, like he truly couldn’t believe someone would want to kiss him so casually. His hands slid up to the back of your neck, pulling you closer to deepen the kiss.
As your tongues brushed together, a soft noise leaving Sanji as the taste of your mouth filled his own. He gave a small noise as you flicked your tongue against the piercing through his own, rolling across it with the flat side of your tongue just to appreciate the feel of metal against it.
As you kissed, you found your hips rolling against Sanji, your crotches slotted together in a slow sensual wave. Your lips pulled into a smirk as you felt Sanji shiver as the growing bulge in his slacks pressed against your own, his grip growing tighter as he gripped onto your hair, lips separating so he could huff out a soft moan.
His eyes were shut as he dug his teeth into his bottom lip, his eyelashes resting against his cheekbones as his hips started rolling against your own. Your erections bumped together in delicious friction as the pace of your hips grew faster, lips once again finding each other in a kiss that quickly grew sloppy and desperate.
As the need grew stronger, Sanji ended up with one of his strong legs looped around your hips, his grip on you growing more insistent as he moaned against your lips, breathing strongly out through his nose. As the movements grew quicker and more uneven, your hands found themselves on his ass, gripping on and using the hold to have more control of the sways and grinds on your shared movement.
Sanji’s noises started rising in pitch as it started to become too much, the fabric of his slacks rubbing against his cock through his briefs, his hips stuttering. If it wasn’t for the grip you had on him, he might have forgotten completely about moving his hips as the bubbling feeling of orgasm brewed in his abdomen.
With one last hard grind, Sanji pulled his lips from yours with a wet noise, his head falling forwards into your shoulder as he gasped and let out a louder groan. The leg around you tightened, almost hard enough to hurt as you kept moving against him, until you pushed yourself over the edge.
It wasn’t the most comfortable feeling to spill inside your pants, and you could tell Sanji felt the same when he came out of the foggy cloud of orgasm from the shuffle and grumble he gave. With a chuckle, you scooped him up, hooking both his legs around your waist this time, ignoring his squawk and red face as you carried him towards the bath, you’d let him get back to his meal prep later, and Sanji seemed to agree to a certain degree, as he wasn’t struggling too much in your hold.
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traumaboyexo · 15 days
[[No idea what the exact story or plan is for Loop in the @circlesuponcircles AU, but I really liked the idea of Loop being trapped in the Orrery room and I wanted to do something for it. It's a little short but I hope you like it.]]
You push the smallest ball on the strange sculpture once again. The entire figure spins once again. You watch as it goes round and round once again.
Round and round and round.
You've been doing this for the past few hours. At least you think it's been a few hours. It could only have been a few minutes. You can barely tell anymore.
You watch as the figure of orbs slowly comes down to a stop, motionless, silent.
You flick the smallest ball once more.
For a moment, you consider kicking the entire thing over in rage. You consider throwing it against the wall and watching it shatter into a a small pile of debris, letting the orbs aimlessly roll around the floor.
It'd be far more entertaining that whatever has happened so far. It'd be new.
You want to scream.
Alone. You don't remember how long you've been alone but it's been very, very long. Not another voice than your own. Not another sound than the ones you make.
You almost heard their voices once, in the midst of your madness. You thought you were there, with you. That for a moment, you weren't alone.
It's sickening. It's disgusting. It's horrifying.
It just needed to be on the other side. The question that you could answer. To open this door. Why couldn't it have been inside? Why was this prison made?! Why are you even here?!
You so hopelessly wish to bash your head against the door until one of them breaks apart and crumbles. To know that no matter which outcome occurs, it'll all be over for you.
You need to get out. You need to get out. You need to get out. You need to get out. You need to get out. You need to get out.
...you take a deep breath.
It doesn't help anymore. But you can act like it does. For the sake of yourself.
You get off the floor and walk towards the stupid novel. You've practically memorised most of the story at this point. You could almost read it by heart by now.
The person creates another them. They finally have somebody to talk to. They get into a heated fight. They separate and betray each other. Then they cry become friends again.
Reading it nearly makes you wish to see them again. Your other half. They must be outside now. Having fun. Spending time with their family. Maybe he'll let you out if you knew you were here! Maybe he'll be able to read the words.
How many times have you told yourself hope wasn't healthy. That the more you continue to wish, the more they won't come true. Just the same pain and despair and agony and vile feelings.
You look towards the walls. Once, you had hoped the scrolls in this room would hold an answer to escape. Maps of the stars, every single one. And so you plastered them across like posters, aligning and arranging every single one. Praying, wishing, hoping.
Nothing. Not a clue. Not a sign. Not the answer. Almost like a cruel joke.
And so you tore into them, scratching them like a wild animal and throwing them off the walls.
And then, soon after that, you looked towards the books on shelf. Every single of them was worthless, books from every topic, from various studies on the stars and planets, the concepts of infinity, mathematics, a textbook on pure physics. Useless, useless, useless. Not a single sentence or word even explained your situation.
And so you brought the entire shelf down. Toppling over and breaking as soon as it hit the floor.
Would it have been worse if it had been fully frozen in time? Your efforts to break it, made futile and meaningless?
You don't even want to comprehend it.
You just want to cry.
You slowly drag yourself over to the door, and slump down with your back against it.
You begin to break down into tears. Why did this happen to you? Why would the Universe forsake you in this manner? Was this your part to play in this sick world? Was this your fate, your destiny determined?
What a shitty role to be cast into.
...footsteps. Voices. From behind the door.
...it couldn't be. And yet it was.
It was them. It had to be.
But they wouldn't be able to open the door. There was no point. It was hopeless, after all.
...but maybe there's something you could after all. The very thing you're meant to do, that you promised to do.
Perk up, little star.
It's showtime.
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il-miele-che-scrive · 9 months
Drunken Mistakes
charles leclerc x reader x george russell summary: in the aftermath of a breakup, y/n and charles try to reconnect, but y/n makes a mistake, leading to a heartbreaking confession words count: 3k warnings: mentions of alcohol
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The argument that led to Y/n and Charles' breakup started innocently enough. Charles had noticed his girlfriend was focusing on her job so much that they barely had time for each other. He couldn't remember the last time she attended his race.
"You never have time for me anymore." The man said. "I feel like we're growing apart."
"Me?" The girl scoffed. "Let me remind you, during the season you're in a different country every weekend."
"That's my job, Y/n, I am a formula one driver in case you forgot. But now the season is over and I want to spend time with my girlfriend."
"You knew what you were getting into when we started dating." Y/n argued, her tone defensive.
"You used to come to the most of my races!"
"Work has been tough, there's a lot to do." Her eyes avoided his gaze.
"Why do you care about it so much? It's not like you need money, I could buy you anthing you want."
"This isn't about money, Charles. It's about my career, my ambitions. I have goals too, you know?"
"But what about us? I miss you, Y/n. I miss us."
The room fell into a heavy silence. Y/n could see the pain in Charles' eyes, mirroring her own sadness.
Charles spoke after a moment of silence. "Maybe we're just not right for each other."
Y/n felt a lump in her throat as she searched for the right words. At one point she questioned if she heard that right. Charles was breaking up with her.
Charles regretted his own words, but his pride wouldn't let him take them back. He knew breaking up wasn't the only solution
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes, but she tried to hold them back. "I never thought it would come to this." She admitted, her voice cracking.
"Sometimes, people change. Maybe we're just not the same people we fell in love with." Charles' voice was tinted with with sorrow.
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In the following days, the space between Y/n and Charles grew wider, both emotionally and physically. They lived together, so the girl decided to pack her things and move out. It was hard, but not impossible to find a place in a matter of hours. And thanks to being hardworking, she didn't have to worry too much about the cost.
The problem was, she kept seeing Charles everywhere, in all social medias. Even after unfollowing each other, Y/n kept seeing news about him, pictures from events. The constant reminders made moving on way the more challenging.
In an attempt to break free from this loop, Y/n decided to put herself in a different kind of atmosphere. One night the idea of using alcohol as a temporary remedy for her heartache crossed her mind.
Dressed for the occasion, Y/n stepped into a bar. It was full of people, too many people for the possibility of being recognized by someone she could've known.
"What can I get you tonight?" The bartender asked as the girl sat down on a stool by the bar.
"Surprise me." She replied, a smile playing on her lips.
As the bartender began making a drink for her, Y/n allowed herself to look around the room. It was then that her eyes caught sight of someone familiar approaching her.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/n!"
George Russell. Not a close friend of Charles, but certainly an acquiantance of his. Y/n exchanged a word or two with him in the past, but didn't know him as well as she knew Carlos or Lando, who were closer with her ex-boyfriend.
"Nice to see you, George," Y/n sent the man a smile as he sat down on the stool next to her.
"What brings you here?" He asked, a curious glint in his eyes
"Needed to change my routine a little," she replied, accepting her drink from the bartender.
"How have you been holding up? Charles mentioned the breakup to me, but I didn't want to pry."
Not to mention it was all over the media, Y/n added in her thoughts.
Y/n sighed. "It's the reason why I'm here, what do you think?" She took a sip from her drink.
George leaned back, a sympathetic expression on his face. "Breakups are never easy. I can imagine it's been tough for you."
"It's the adjustment, you know?" Y/n continued, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass. "Getting used to the idea that the person you once shared everything with is now just a memory."
The man nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I've been through a few breakups myself. It's never easy."
Y/n found herself drawn to George's charm and the way he made her feel understood. His presence carried some kind of comfort that eased the ache in her heart.
George on the other hand, catching a glimpse of Y/n's eyes, found himself captivated by the vulnerability. The girl let herself be so open, talking about her breakup and the pain it brought.
"You know what, Y/n? Let me get you another drink." George said, a playful twinkle in his eyes.
Y/n smiled. "Sure, why not?"
George leaned against the counter, engaging in a brief exchange of words with the bartender, later turned his attention back to Y/n. "I've got this one," he declared with a charming grin.
The atmosphere between the two of them grew intimate as they continued the conversation with another drink. A subtle connection lingered between Y/n and George.
In a moment of unspoken tension, George's eyes met Y/n's with a hint of something more, longing for an intimacy that went beyond mere conversation.
Their faces drew closer, the anticipation building up. Y/n had come to the bar seeking a distraction and it seemed she was on the brink of finding it.
A moment of silence embraced them, a comfortable one. One in which drowned even the ambiance of the lively bar. The music, still loud, became a distant background.
Y/n closed her eyes, preparing to connect her lips with George's. But just as their breaths mingled, George hesitated, pulling back.
Instead of diving into a kiss, George surprised her by leaning back and asking, "How about we continue this conversation somewhere a bit more private?"
Y/n looked at him. "Like what?" She asked.
"My place is somewhat close."
Y/n's curiosity and the unspoken tension between them pushed her to agree. "Lead the way."
The city streets seemed to sway gently around Y/n and George as they made their way to his place. The night air carried a cold breeze, but the warmth of the alcohol kept them unaware of it.
Arriving at George's place, the quiet hum of the city outside was replaced by the comforting cosiness of his home. The dim lights embracing them in a romantic atmosphere.
George turned to Y/n after locking the door. Not moving from the hallway, they smiled at each other. George walked closed, causing Y/n to step back and eventually her back touched the wall.
Y/n's hands landed on George's shoulders, pulling the man even closer. Their eyes met and soon after that, their lips connected in a short kiss.
A quiet, tipsy giggle escaped from Y/n's mouth. George gently grabbed the girl by her wrist and led her into the living room. Sitting down on the sofa, he placed his hands on Y/n's hips, causing her to land in his lap.
As they embraced the tipsy intimacy, the living room became a sanctuary for yet another kiss. One that lasted way longer. One that had their clothes scattered around on the floor.
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Closed curtains successfully stopped the morning light from getting inside the room. Y/n opened her eyes. She slept wrapped up in George's arms, so she carefully detangled herself from his embrace to sit up. Of course she didn't drink enough to not remember what happened.
Although she wished she did. A mix of guilt and regret washed over Y/n as she looked around. The cosy atmosphere that felt so comforting the night before now seemed to emphasize the reality of the situation.
Her eyes landed on George who was still peacefully asleep. Y/n didn't know what to do, she's never been in such situation before.
Water. She needed water. Her throat felt like a desert.
The girl quietly walked to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of tap water. Somehow, her phone was on the countertop. She grabbed the device to check for any missed calls or messages left without a reply.
Her heart sunk when she saw missed calls and a few texts from Charles. What could he have wanted? Y/n hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to return the calls or respond to the texts. The weight of guilt intensified as she listened to Charles' voicemails.
Hey, Y/n, it's Charles. I know we're broken up and you probably hate me, but something kept telling me to call you. Call me back when you can, I miss you.
If you're not up for talking, just send me a text to let me know you're okay. I care about you and I want to make sure you're safe.
Y/n, it's Charles again. I'm not sure what's going on, but I've been trying to reach you all night. I just want to make sure you're safe
Y/n, it's Charles. I've left several messages, and I'm starting to think the worst. Please, just give me a sign that you're alright. I care about you a lot and not knowing is really getting to me
"What have I done?" Y/n whispered to herself. The guilt consumed her, overshadowing the moments of happiness she successfully looked for the night before.
Anxiety started to build up in her chest and her eyes were starting to get a bit watery. She hesitated, but eventually decided to return the calls, hoping George won't wake up to witness this.
"Y/n, where were you? I've been trying to reach you all night." Charles questioned.
"I needed some alone time." Y/n began, stammering a bit. "I don't have to explain my choices and actions to you, especially now."
There was a heavy silence on the other end of the line and Y/n could almost sense Charles processing her words.
"Y/n, we need to talk. This isn't fair to either of us," he finally said.
I don't wanna see you ever again, Y/n wished she said. Her words came out a bit differently however.However, her words came out a bit differently. "Fine, let's talk." Because no matter what she did, she missed Charles.
"Could you come over today? It's so, I don't know, weird to talk about it on the phone."
"Sure. When could I come over?"
"As soon as you can, maybe? If that's alright for you."
"Give me an hour or so, I'll be there." And with that, she hung up.
Just as the conversation was finished, George walked into the kitchen. He looked at Y/n with a warm smile that gradually faded as he sensed the tension.
"Morning," he said with a rasp in his voice, "are you okay?"
Y/n sighed, running a hand through her hair. She decided to be honest with George, he deserved it after all. "We need to talk about what happened yesterday."
"Yeah, about that..." he scratched his neck, "I don't want to give you any kind of hope or-"
"Wait, what? Was it meaningless to you?"
"Ah, here it comes. Well, I'm not looking for anything... romantic. Not now. We can do what we did last night more often, but no strings attached."
These words gave Y/n a sense of relief. "You don't know how glad I am that this didn't mean anything to you."
Y/n's confession hung in the air, creating an awkward pause between her and George.
"Are you being sarcastic?" He asked. "I don't want to complicate things further or lead you on."
"No, no sarcasm at all. Actually, I've just talked to Charles on the phone."
"Oh, and? What did he want?"
"He was worried, tried contacting me last night too many times. And... well, I'm meeting him today. He wants to talk."
"Ah, that's never good. Do you think he'll want to get back together?"
Y/n took a deep breath. The answer was yes, she did expect Charles to get back together. However, she didn't know if she should tell that to George.
Considering the silence on Y/n's side, George continued. "Do you wanna get back together with him? It didn't seem like it last night," a sly smile appeared on his face.
"I... I'm not sure, George. Charles and I have a history and there are feelings involved, but things have been complicated lately." Y/n replied, choosing her words carefully.
"Relationships are messy and figuring out what you want is important. Just be honest with yourself."
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With George's words echoing in her mind, Y/n gathered her thoughts and headed to meet Charles. She stopped by her own place beforehand to make herself look decent.
"Hey," he greeted her, as he opened his door to let her in. There was an expression of concern on his face.
Charles didn't look better than Y/n that morning. His hair was disheveled, he looked as if he wasn't able to get good sleep in the past few days nor did he shave his face.
"I was worried sick," he admitted, "what happened? Why didn't you answer earlier?"
"Jesus, Charles, I was busy. Besides it's not very ex-boyfriend of you to call me a thousand times in a row."
The air inside the apartment felt heavy. In an awkward silence, Y/n and Charles settled on the couch.
"I care about you, Y/n. Damn it, I love you." The man broke the silence. "I don't think the breakup was a good idea."
"Well, it was your idea..."
"I make mistakes, we all do, but it's nothing that cannot be fixed, right?"
You're gonna hate what I'm about to tell you, Y/n thought. She could see the sincerity in his eyes and it made her feel so much guilt.
"Charles, I... I appreciate your honesty and I care about you too," she began, "so I need to tell you what happened yesterday."
Charles ran a hand through his unkempt hair. "I know we had issues, but I still believe we can work through them. I love you, Y/n, and I can't just let go."
Y/n took a deep breath. "Don't say that."
"Why not? That's the truth, I love you and I've never regretted anything as much as I regret breaking up with you."
"Charles, stop." Her voice raised slightly, but then she lowered it back to normal. "I did... something last night and... It was a mistake, but it happened, I cannot hide it from you."
Charles nodded. "Then tell me, but I swear nothing can change my mind."
"Okay..." Y/n hesitated, looking for the words that would hurt the least. "Last night I went out, drank probably more than I should've and I... ended up spending the night with someone."
Charles didn't reply for a long time, a mix of shock and hurt crossed his face. The room seemed to close in on Charles and Y/n as the silence stretched.
"You... you what?" Charles finally said, his voice a fragile whisper.
Y/n felt her chest tighten as she faced the consequences of her actions. "Charles, I know this is difficult to hear and I'm so sorry. It was a drunken mistake, I didn't realize what I was doing."
"Do I know him?"
"Do I know him?" His voice raised. "If you told me you did it, you can tell me who you did it with."
Y/n hesitated, realizing the added layer of pain she brought. "It was someone you know," she admitted, "George."
"George? George Russell? Really?" Charles's voice carried a tint of anger and hurt. "You could choose any guy, but you decided to go for him?"
"I didn't plan it, it was a mistake and I regret it."
"And you have the audacity to come here, probably straight from his place?"
"You wanted to see me."
"I had no idea you fucked Russell!"
"You said we can work through our issues. It's not a mistake that cannot be fixed, right?" Y/n pleaded, her eyes starting to tear up. She was surprised she managed to keep herself from crying for so long.
"I don't know anymore, Y/n," Charles sighed. "I love you, but I don't think you realize the weight of what you've done."
"I understand, Charles. I truly am sorry," Y/n cried, her voice shaky with emotion.
"No, Y/n, just stop. I can't believe this is happening, I need time to process it. I think it's better if you leave."
Y/n felt her relationship with Charles crumbling beneath the weight of her mistake.
Charles's gaze was distant, the pain in his eyes echoing the depth of his hurt. "Y/n, I need time to figure out if we can move past this. Right now it's too much."
Tears started to slowly run down Y/n's cheeks as the reality started to sink it. "I never meant to hurt you like this, Charles. I love you and-"
"I need space, Y/n," Charles said with a heavy sigh. "I need to process everything. Please, just go."
It felt like a dagger through Y/n's heart, but she nodded. Deep down she understood it. With a heavy heart, she stood up, casting one last look at the man she still loved. She left Charles to deal with the aftermath of their mutual pain.
Each step away from Charles felt like a step into an uncertain future, leaving behind the comfort of what was familiar. Y/n couldn't shake the guilt and regret that devoured her, questioning if there was any way to fix what she had broken.
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tsoican · 2 months
ISAT Spoilers Ahead! esp two hats spoilers
What would happen if Siffrin refound Loop on a hapchance, years after the loops had ended? What if Loop was in a much more fragile state than Siffrin? AND what if Loop was human (at least somewhat)?
Had this au bouncing around my head for about two weeks now. If I continue it, it'll lead into a lot of my isat worldbuilding!
Featuring a mix of crap writing and art!
So, I introduce you to...
Cue to Cue!
Your eyes bounce across the market, assessing the surroundings. No matter how many years into your settled life, you could never shake your hypervigilant ways.
A gentle squeeze on your hand has you turning to look up. “I’m fine, Isa,” You sooth your partner, returning the press.
He gives you a warm look with a little nod. Your insides flutter in response. You turn away, suddenly shy under his gaze. Isa chuckles in response.
You give his hand another squeeze before slipping away. 
After living in Jouvente for years, a market routine had formed. You would head into town once a week together to do some basic shopping before splitting. Whilst you finished off the shopping, Isabeau would go to collect the mail. Then you would head home, put everything away and read through the weekly letters your family had sent before spending the night both writing responses.
The letters were the best way to stay in contact, and a reminder that family doesn’t end with distance.
You waded through the busy streets, eyes bouncing across faces. It was nearing summer and with it came tourists. Not your favourite happening, but you could deal.
You pause when your eyes catch something. 
You squint, stepping forward whilst you try to place it.
There was someone, oddly recognisable, observing the oranges at a stall. 
Perhaps it was darkless hair, the same shade you see in the mirror every day. Or it could have been their familiar stance, echoed in the pictures in your home. 
Though, as you caught their eyes it suddenly clicked. The gleam in their eye as intimate as starlight, a sudden thrust back into years ago sat below a tree.
“Loop?” You called out in shock.
You can’t believe it. There’s no way they were here.
How had they even gotten here? Jouvente is at least two weeks' travel on foot from Dormont! At the sound of your voice, the persons (Loop’s, it had to be Loop) head snapped to look at you. Their eyebrows furrowed together for a mere second before a glint of recognition spread across their face, quickly morphing into horror.
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It was them.
Before you could call out again, Loop swiftly turned on their heel and took off.
You took off after them. “Loop!”
The call only seemed to encourage them to speed up, going from dodging between the crowd to straight up running without care.
You muttered apologies as you followed. 
Before long, you were out of the built-up city and in a pasture. Now out of the dense area, you snapped your fingers and picked up speed. The dull ache in your legs muted for at least the moment.
You found yourself catching up to Loop. You reached out to stop them, though clearly misjudged and quickly sent you both tumbling to the ground.
The pair of you scuffled for a moment, wriggling about on the ground as you both fought for dominance.
You quickly managed to pin their legs, dropping your hands besides their head. You give yourself a moment to breathe.
You both stared at each other in shock, neither really believing this moment was real.
A million thoughts rushed through your head.
How were they here? Why weren’t they a star? Had they been here all along, all these years? Why had they never sought you out? 
What had happened?
Before you could utter a word, Loop sighed and deflated on themself. Their head dropped to the side, averting their gaze before they muttered out, “Hello again, Stardust~.”
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This is mostly just something I've been playing around with!! I have so many ideas for this little au - including looking into the forgotten country and everything to do with it!!
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batmanfruitloops · 3 months
Happy 1st Anniversary to the Batmanfruitloops!!! 🎉
Whoo! This is such an achievement, but also it's such a crazy thought that it's been a WHOLE YEAR??? It means a lot that so many other people like our au as much as we do, and even more that we've been able to make friends; we want to thank all of you new and old for joining us here to have fun and enjoy the journey of our au!
With that said, I'd like to share some old art that's "behind the scenes" stuff from out time since we started our au.
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also if you've been here since these were the profile picture and banner, you're a real one;
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Fun fact, I (Sarsee) don't like fruit loops, but it was the first thing I thought of to name the blog, plus it was memorable. The au name being "Batman: A New Gotham" came later! Double plus, the abbreviation is BANG and I find that coincidence just delightful.
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One of favorite changes that happened out of nowhere was John's eyes changing from more round to almond. He used to look a lot more like the Telltale Joker, but I feel like his current eyes fit better with his personality in our au. This also isn't going to show up because it's file names, but I had originally wanted to call the Joker "Jbird" like Batman calls him in the Lego Batman movie. (for context, it's the scene where Joker is tied to a bunch of balloons - you know the one - and side note, I want to redraw a screenshot from that with our Joker eventually) I don't have any pictures with a "Jbird" design because I never got the idea to work, I just thought it could have been interesting considering Joker works with Batman in our au and that would put him on theme with the Batfam being flying mammals/avians.
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Most of the other original designs aren't too drastic either - or at least it doesn't feel like it to me. Scarecrow and Riddler have changed a lot though. And I think the changes that came about with Fluffy joining on board were much needed (Scarecrow's costume was always done by Fluffy, but I designed him out of costume originally -I was originally making the au myself, but that didn't last long when we started yapping about ideas to one another and never stopped) She also couldn't understand how I stylized his hair, so it became puffy and unruly instead of curly and gelled back. Ed can still gel his hair if he wanted to, just for special occasions.
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Some old sillies as well from Fluffy;
we find the contrast between Batman vs. Scarecrow and Joker vs. Riddler very funny because it's so drastically different. The Joker and Riddler never really try to hurt each other, they just like to play into the dramatics and vibe while still on their separate sides. Batman and Scarecrow want to tear one another's throats out and watch them suffer for it because they have no idea what's going on in their heads.
with the villain!joker timeline, there's an alternate version of the Goon squad (Dork Squad + Joker) where it's Harvey instead of the Joker. Or as well, there can be all five of them. Harvey is the only person who can scruff Jo like the gremlin he very much is and he'll just let it happen.
I don't know if this will show up in the comic anymore, but at one point the Joker was going to refer to Scarecrow and the Riddler as Samhain and a leprechaun because they're both partially Irish - couldn't really be that specific with voice claims, and they'd be offended
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and lastly, Ed gets cranky when he's tired
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Batman and Riddler are the only two to get digital references at the time and man, do I much prefer how streamlined the final ones look. I mean, what was the dingy brown I had behind Batman? For a split second, Ed's coat was almost purple, but thankfully, Fluffy convinced me otherwise and suggested his shoes be purple. This is also before his vest, and now there's an in story reason for why he doesn't have it in the beginning. Also look at how skinny and tall Ed looked!! (he was still short, he's not allowed to be tall in our au)
That's all I have for now, we'd love to hear any thoughts/memories/etc. in the comments!
Love, Sarsee and Fluffy, your batmanfruitloops creatures
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missgryffin · 8 months
lying in wait
Randomly listened to some Hamilton over the weekend, ended up with "Wait For It" stuck in my head, and wrote this in a couple hours today. I think it's angst, but with a nice dash of crack? Idk 😅 But I hope it makes you smile! 🫶 below + AO3
November 3, 1981
The cottage is silent, save for the ticking of the old grandfather clock in the hall, and it’s already pitch dark, with only the faint glow of street lamps and budding moonlight shining in through rain-slicked windows. 
Lily draws up her knees to her chest where she sits on the sofa, peering mindlessly into blurry windowpane. She doesn’t remember the last time she walked aimlessly down a road, or went into a shop. Sometimes, on stormy autumn nights like this, she wonders if she ever will again. 
Footsteps tumble down the stairs, then come to an abrupt halt. 
“Lil?” She can see his shadowed outline, one hand in his hair. “You just…sitting in the dark?”
She shrugs, though he probably can’t see, and asks, “Harry went down alright, then?” 
James chuckles to himself as he crosses the room, picking his way around the furniture until he drops onto the sofa next to her. “After reading every book twice and playing the Snitch game for thirty minutes…yes.” He leans closer, grinning. “Our son is asleep.” 
She rests a hand on his scruffy cheek. “It’s only supposed to be ten minutes of the Snitch game,” she teases him. 
“I know,” James sighs. “But he asked for ten more.” 
Lily snorts. “What, and then ten more after that?” 
He throws his hands weakly in his lap. “Wha—am I supposed to say no to the kid? He looks just like me!” 
She falls into him, a laughing heap, and for a moment, they simply giggle deliriously together. It’s nice. It’s normal. Or at least a sliver of it.
James cuddles her into him, and Lily breaths him in. They’ve lost so many over the few years since Hogwarts, but they still have each other. She clings on to that, to him.
“I love you,” she says into his chest. 
He kisses the top of her head. “I love you, too.”
A stretching silence; a heavy sigh. “It’s his birthday.” 
“I know,” James murmurs. “I can’t stop thinking about him.” 
Lily peels herself off his chest and swings a leg over his lap, sitting with her arms looped around his neck. How many conversations have they had over the years while sitting just like this? How many more will they get? 
“He said he’d be in touch by today.” Her mind won’t stop racing. “What if this was a bad id—” 
“It wasn’t,” James cuts her off. “Besides.” A heavy sigh. “It was…our only idea.”
“Do you think…” She pauses, plays with his hair. “Do you think we…did the right thing?” 
He sits up straighter, pulling her closer against him. “You’re the only two people in my life I know I can trust completely,” he says. “So yeah, I think we did.” 
There’s no use rehashing it again; they’ve done that enough. Yes, he now has a target on his back, but it’s not like he wasn’t already a target before. No, it couldn’t have been anyone else—not Albus, who knows more than he’s saying; not Remus, whom Albus and Sirius both suspect; and not Peter, who’s been looking exhausted and strung-out from the night-shift reconnaissance he’s been assigned. Yes, he had to leave. And no, it wasn’t cowardly to do so.
Granted, that last bit had taken a not insignificant amount of convincing (damned Gryffindor), but he eventually came around to their idea. Staying around in England with Voldemort sure to be onto him was certain death. But why not take advantage of being top of Voldemort’s mind? Why make it easy, when instead he could make it hard? Give the Order a leg up? Let them use him (or rather, the idea of him) as bait to lure and manipulate all the Death Eaters looking for him, and maybe even root out the spy in the process? And really, if anyone was going to lead Voldemort on a wild goose chase, setting traps and lying in wait, who better than Sirius Black?
Still, she worries. She can’t help it. And she knows James worries too, even if he does do a better job of hiding it. 
There’s only one thing left to do, really; only one way to pass the time sufficiently distracted from racing thoughts. James must read her mind, because he’s all eager hands and excited tongue when she kisses him. Maybe it’s unhealthy, how much they’ve used sex to cope the past year. But when his mouth feels like this and hair’s in her hands…she’s not sure she cares.
They jump, springing apart like they’re fifth years caught after curfew. James swears under his breath as they fumble to right the clothes they’d started shoving aside before he reaches for the small mirror sitting on the coffee table.
Lily frantically feels around the sofa for her wand. 
“Why’s it so dar—oh, don’t tell me you were just—”
“We were waiting for you,” James covers. 
“Mate. That’s worse. Just say you were shagging.” 
“Well, we weren’t yet.”
“Hi, Sirius.” She brandishes her now-glowing wand, recovered from the seam between the cushions. 
“Lily! Looking rumpled as ever!” 
She yanks her cardigan back up her shoulder as she scolds, “Shut it.”
“I miss you, too.” 
They can only see Sirius’s chin in frame, and it seems like he’s moving around. 
“Happy birthday, man,” James says.
“Where are you?” 
“Hang on—I have to show you—ready?” 
His face comes into view and Lily instantly gasps. 
Sirius grins. “Like it?” 
His once shoulder-length hair’s been chopped off stylishly short in a fresh cut that makes him look like old Hollywood charm in that loose button-down he has on. 
“Damn, Pads!” 
“I…barely recognize you,” Lily stammers. 
“Well.” He adjusts the mirror closer to his face. “That’s sorta the point.” 
A heavy pit settles in her stomach. 
“How you been?” James asks. “Travel go okay?” 
“Yeah, fine.” Sirius shrugs. “I’ve been doing things the Muggle way—that Muggle Studies N.E.W.T.’s finally paying off, who woulda thought.”
“Where are you now?”
The mirror turns around, panning over an ocean-side city lit up with lights through a set of patio doors. “Cannes,” he says, and Lily hears the grin in his voice. The mirror turns back to his face. “I have access to money here, dad’s side of the family, in the French bank. And I figure…” He flops back atop a hotel bed, one hand beneath his head. “If Voldemort wants to come get me, he’ll just have to bring his snakey arse down to the beach, won’t he?”
They all bust up into snorting, wheezing laughter. It’s not normal; none of it’s normal. But laughing with her husband and their best friend like this is the closest to normal she’s felt in a long time, and she thinks, if this is how life has to be for awhile, she can live with it.
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