#that appeals to meeeee
blueskittlesart · 1 month
bro u got posted on r/curatedtumblr congrats! it was the christian babies post
so that’s why there are so many people who can’t fucking read in my replies
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1shimaru · 20 days
reading a story and Im gonna need everyone to be extra niceys to this dog boy bc hes trying his fucking best to keep it together
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bloodsbane · 2 years
a reminder... gonna try streaming later today! aiming for ~6-7pm EST. ill be playing Lil Gator Game, which had an extremely fun demo, but i haven't tried the full version yet! so if you'd like to run around and explore an island with me, keep an eye out for when i go live later~ itsbloodsbane is my twitch channel so you can follow me there for notifs if you'd like
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ourlordapollo · 8 months
I have been posting on Instagram about committing acts of incredible violence toward Sigma ever since I first saw him
And yesterday, I guess some mod had finally had enough
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This was one of the more abstract ones too 💀
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latinokaeya-moving · 2 years
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nulltune · 2 years
five interesting facts about Hakuno & five things you consider uncanny. Go!
THANK YOU SUE FOR MY LIFE!!!! talking abt hakuno is my hobby fr so thank u 4 enabling me ehe <3 here we go!!
5 interesting facts about hakuno:
her name is an annagram of kimi no na hakushi which translates to "your name is blank". i think it's suuper neat because 1. it gives you the impression of it being an insert name here kind of thing that's common for self-inserts, but it's a nice way to start off hakuno's character journey of becoming her own character from a blank slate and 2. it's a pretty straightforward way of telling us that her name, much like herself, is blank. empty. there's nothing there ^_T
speaking of- you know how with mc characters, there's usually a silly haha kind of dialogue option? that's present for hakuno too but i like it because it's more like an illusion of choice than something more like a self-insert thing. the point hakuno makes in the end is essentially the same, she's just being a lil goofy about the delivery, y'know! i'm not even kididng btw sgfkshfj hakuno herself admits sometimes that she did do it to get a rise/see the other person's reaction to it. moon lady's got a lil michievous side ✨️
she knows the sa-shi-su-se-so which is an expression to memorize essential ingredients for japanese cuisine. so it's safe to say that she'd at least know the basics of cooking, though it's a lil headcanon of mine that although she knows it theoretically, she absolutely flops at the execution (and if you wanna make this more nuanced, you can think of this through the lens of food as a love language-)
she "doesn't particularly like octopus". we don't get a reason why, but it's kinda funny when considering the sea motif in fate/extra! maybe hakuno wouldn't like seafood in general? this isn't that interesting but agfkshf we barely get any information about hakuno herself ya kno!!! which makes sense considering she doesn't even know herself, but that's why i treasure these little crumbs !!
i've noticed this in my reread of fate/extra, but i feel like hakuno brings up the fact that she's "not alone" Quite A Lot post chapter 4 or so. it's her only solace after finding out the truth of her existence so it makes sense why that fact is important to her, but i also like to think that repeating it so much is her (likely unconscious) way of trying to cope with how truly lonely her existence is :,)
5 things i consider uncanny:
OH MAN THIS IS A PERFECT THING TO ASK BC there's always hints about something being "off" about hakuno. in hindsight, it's pretty sad when this disconnect with everyone and everything else seems almost inherent to her existence when all she wants is to be a normal human and find her place in the world </3 and spoiler alert: She Is Not and She Does Not. but it's neat!
there's this one hakuno dialogue response that was essentially her introducing herself in an almost automatic "pavlovian response" — it's a small hint about her true nature as an artificial intelligence but i wish we got more of this aspect explored tbh! how much of her is real? how much of her is her? it could really mess up hakuno's head but it'd be hella interesting to see !
her reaction to being felt up by someone as a first meeting was seriously underwhelming ! a lot of hakuno's reactions to things are pretty tame and iirc it's been noted that she's strangely calm for someone in such a high-stress situation (enough to cripple even the finest soldiers, according to rin). it's likely her being so numb to it all tbh ^_T but it's still pretty weird hakunochan!!!
this one's kinda graphic but there's a scene where hakuno tries to reach her servant-- even as her body is literally being broken down and deleted in the process :,) i say it's uncanny because damn it's a great scene but hakuno's thought process behind it all is a widdle fucked up!! look at what she has to say when she goes numb from the pain + her stomach collapsed: "I just feel gross, like I’ve turned into a skeleton-monster. Though with my body being lighter, I’ll be able to walk faster, which is nice." HELLO??!? (bassbooted)
this one comes a ccc anthology chapter but basically hakuno was asked to pose for a photoshoot and she has no problems wearing a suggestive nightgown, a bikini, and a wedding dress but Draws The Line at a maid outfit (girl?) (she ended up wearing it — and absolutely slaying the look, if i do say so myself — but was Very embarrassed)
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elijahmiles · 5 days
watching the rings of power and. elendil and miriel are making me crazy
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kotonni · 4 months
Let me romance Gortash 😭😭😭😭
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toothy-head · 2 years
I want a daddy/mommy so bad 🥺
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silverflqmes · 7 days
your writing is my everything omg...you say you're quite new to the ff7 fandom, but you're so insane at writing the characters, its amazing. AHEM ANYWAYS <3 I was wondering if you could write some sephiroth x reader (who's love language is physical touch, and is quite energetic, and loud. However, more soft-spoken and gentle with him.) Knocking on his door at 3am only to find him awake, and it turns in to a cuddling session 💗
notes. anskwjsdj anon, that’s so sweet to hear🥺 i swear i’m new, really!😭 i got into it back in february so it hasn’t been very long.. but i appreciate your words, they’re very reassuring since i doubt my portrayals a lot :’) i hope this post is to your liking!<3
genre. fluff + comfort
sephiroth x gn!reader.
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shinra was ever quiet into the late evening as you tiptoed down the corridor of suites, careful not to stumble or make a ruckus. after all, normal people were asleep around this hour, even if you weren’t one of them.
but.. neither was your boyfriend, apparently, and you were about to make that his problem.
reaching the end of the hall, a soft breath spilled from your lips as you raised your fist to gently knock, grinning brightly. “sephirothhh.. it’s meeeee, your beloved y/n!” you sang as quiet as can be, suppressing a giggle before adding in a whispered yell, “open up before i freeze my ass off!”
it was a known fact that he, like his other peers, was graced with enhanced senses. which included hearing — among many other qualities to detect your presence, of course.
that being said, sephiroth had to be aware of your arrival, and by the pattern of footfalls echoing behind the door, it seemed he was!
liquid mercury framing a pale, ethereal face emerged through the crack of the doorframe, lips pulled into the tiniest of smiles. “apologies, i wasn’t aware i would be receiving company at this hour.” he finally spoke, sidestepping as an unvoiced invitation. “to what do i owe the pleasure of your lovely presence?”
with a quick kiss to his cheek, you threw your arms around him after twisting the lock, humming softly. “well, i must confess that i was suffering of boredom, lingering caffeine and a horrid lack of sephitonin.. so i decided to do something about that!”
a soft peck was placed on the flat of your temple in return, a noise of amusement following. “sephitonin, you say? and a lack of it? my, that sounds terrible, it simply won’t do.” sephiroth murmured back, cradling your body close to his by the hips. “what is your solution, if i might inquire?” there were several things that came to mind, but somehow you always had a way of going beyond his assumptions.
this was no exception. “a kiss for every minute that we have been apart sounds promising.. or a cuddle session until dawn, that sounds very appealing too.. then again, a goodnight’s rest on your thighs sounds lovely as well.. is ‘all the above’ an option here?”
a chuckle tumbled from his rosewood appendages, eyes crinkling at the corners. “hm.. just for you,” he paused, bringing a hand to cup your cheek. “i’d be willing to allow all of your suggestions. however, dawn is not far off.” the general warned, tracing his thumb over your warm skin. “we’d better get started.”
leaning into his cold, yet soothing hand, you allowed yourself to enjoy his touch for only a moment before letting out a tiny gasp. “you are so right. i should have infiltrated your apartment much sooner.” you concluded, pulling away to slip your fingers through the crevices of his pale ones. “it seems we have four hours at best and many, many kisses in dire need of compensation.. think you can handle this job, SOLDIER?”
though he knew the answer already, sephiroth fed into the silly act and made a contemplative sound, tapping a finger on his chin. “it will be a great feat, but i would not be a SOLDIER first if i could not accomplish this for my beloved.” he answered finally, smiling at the way you beamed up at him. did you always have to be so adorable?
“great! then it’s settled,” you giggled, tugging him forward. “to the bedroom we go!”
and to the bedroom you both went, laughter echoing all the way to the threshold where you fell back onto the collection of pillows with a bright grin.
the feline eyed male was quick to fill the spot beside you, pulling your body into the shape of his own as his nose buried into the crook of your neck.
kisses were peppered in his wake, snickers eliciting from your lips at the moonlight colored strands brushing over the curve of your cheek. it was utter bliss, being in his arms as you were, the signature rose and vanilla clinging to the air surrounding you both. somehow it was more prominent than normal; perhaps he had washed his hair after arriving home. either way, the scent put you at complete ease, as always.
“comfortable?” velvet cut through the silence, a gentle murmur against your ear.
you couldn’t help your giddiness at his affections, smiling like a teenager in love as you nuzzled against him. “incredibly, i’m about to have the best sleep ever.”
bemused, sephiroth shifted to tuck your head underneath his chin, allowing his eyes to flutter shut. “truly? well, i’m happy that i can provide you with such. i’ll certainly be sleeping nicely tonight as well.” a slumber devoid of the usual nightmares? with his beloved? he’d take it any day, no matter the timeframe in which you ask.
“good,” you muttered back, pressing your lips to his collarbone as your legs tangled with his own. “i want you to rest well too, i know it’s been harder as of late.. so i, y’know, wanna accommodate as best as i can.”
for a moment he fell quiet, though his arms- they spoke volumes of gratitude when they tightened just slightly around your form.
eventually, he found his voice again. “thank you, my love.”
notes. kinda short but i offer you a dose of sephitonin🤲 i’ve been adjusting to uni life so i haven’t been able to get to requests but i will do my best to gradually put out! just bear with me until then pls!🥺🫶
↳ return to main masterlist . request rules . send an ask
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onmyyan · 2 months
It’s been forever since I’ve taken a look at this blog but Im back for now 👀
I love the idea of a medieval fantasy!au sm. I was thinking of putting a lil spin on it with the delmonts being a big noble family that are all fixated on their darling who is like, a forgotten princess to the royal family. Cue them backing their princess up and trying to crown her whether she wants it or not bc she deserves nothing less than the empire at her feet.
Maybe the royal family just ignores her, mistreats her, or heaven forbid- tries to marry her off strategically. That just sends them over the edge.
I also like the idea of Cas leaving the line of succession and joining the royal guard. They’re an amazing knight, well suited to guard the emperor himself or the crown prince but nope, he rejects all offers of servitude to dedicate himself to his princess 😩 and even if it starts attracting unwanted attention to their darling from her own family members, Cas will be there to stop anyone from hurting her.
Ricky is prob heir to the family, taking care of the house and building influence between their family and others. This also means that they have to visit the palace often for ‘official’ business, letting them give gifts of flowers and dresses to their princess under the guise of being polite and loyal to the imperial family.
Gabe is probably out of the line of succession too, serving as the general of the imperial armies. They scare the enemies of the kingdom with their blood stained black platemail and ferocity in battle. Yet somehow each time they return from the front lines, there isn’t a spec of dirt on them. Their attempts to appeal to the princess aside, seeing the imperial family pick over the spoils of war like vultures and leaving scraps behind for their darling has Gabe seeing red and digging the metal talons of their gauntlet into their palms because that was all supposed to be for you!
The twins, being so far down the line of succession can lead free lives as bachelors. Enjoying what freedoms they have with their title and money. The imperial family probably is trying to set them up with a few of their darling’s older siblings to try and cement an alliance. They aren’t interested in the slightest, but they’ll play along just so they can get a chance to bump into their real princess in the gardens or sneak into the imperial library to get the jump on her and spend some time spying on her daily routine.
This is everything to meeeee thank you for sending this in I'm sorry it took so long for me to see it!!
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cor-ardens-archive · 1 year
Hi! I have recently taken an interest in media depicting incestuos relationships between brothers and since it’s very hard to find any media with that theme (being a major one) compared to sister/brother incest for example, I wonder if you may know of any suggestions?
I used to keep and have since lost an ever-growing list of everything I read and watched that had incest as an important and/or overt theme. Which I would need because my memory is bad, but I'll try do my best here.
I can't think of many books -- the ones you probably already know: Querelle by Jean Genet, The Carnivorous Lamb by Augustín Gómez-Arcos, Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson (not a huge part of the plot but very important to the main character), Tell Me How Long The Train's Been Gone by James Baldwin (also not a huge part of the plot, but it's overt), Twins by Bari Wood, L'armee du Salut by Abdellah Taïa (kind of really touched me how open he talks about it). And it's been a while, but I distinctly remember some implications in A Song of Ice and Fire that Euron had sexually abused Aeron.
As you see, there really aren't many books that I know of. I think I had a few others in my original list that I hadn't gotten around to reading yet or that I might have forgotten. But there really isn't that much out there, as it's a much more taboo topic than brother/sister incest. I do think there's a number of published erotica, but nothing that's ever appealed to me (I do accept recs, however, if you think something is good).
Films (some only have strong subtext): Querelle, Dead Ringers, A Zed and Two Noughts (kinda?), A Intrusa dir. Carlos Hugo Christensen, From Beginning to End (bad), Saint-Narcisse, Salvation Army 2013, Brotherly 2008 (bad but sad). Have not seen: Brothers of the Head, Jay 2019, Godless 2015.
Also, anyone remember that one terrible short movie about the two brothers who fell in love and society just couldn't accept it and they cried so much about it? It was very bad, and starred an actor that's actually in a lot of TV I think. Also that one film about 2 brothers who are like pop stars? And they fall in love too. I don't know, it was also bad. I think one of them was named Max.
Edit: forgot to include The Winter Prince by Elizabeth Wein
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theygotlost · 10 months
ohhhhhh my god guys I gotta give you an update but i need to explain my entire job history for the past year first cause its a little confusing uh.
so feb-may I did this internship at this real estate digital marketing firm and I was just making social media graphics there. just instagram stories and shit. and it was boring as hell but I needed to find a job cause I was graduating, and I was hoping they would hire me but they didnt have the space for a new full time employee at the time so... that was a bust.
in june and july I was applying to jobs foreverrrrr and getting nowhere so I said fuck it i need SOMETHING to hold me over, so I started working in the print department at staples as you are all well aware. at least it would be relevant enough to put on my resume cause I do want to make print graphics right? so its something.
then like 6 weeks ago my manager from the internship reached out to me and said she wanted to take me back part time after all. so for the past month and a half I've been working 2 part time jobs, one at staples and one at this marketing office doing the exact same fuckass ig stories as before. i wont lie its been exhausting and unsustainable so I was still applying for other full time design jobs cause I had no idea how long I could keep this up.
about 3 weeks ago I got an interview for one of those jobs I applied for and they explained that they were actually looking for a senior designer which obviously im not qualified for, but they liked my portfolio enough that they wanted to consider CREATING a junior designer role for me which was CRAZYYY to hear... it's a hawaiian bbq restaurant chain and I'm definitely wayyy more interested in designing for food and beverage stuff than real estate, plus a few other aspects about the job sounded really appealing to me and the interview went great so I was really hoping to get that job. but then I didn't hear back and Im so desensitized to getting ghosted after interviews i stopped getting my hopes up a long time ago.
a week and a half ago management at my real estate job told me that they were finally ready to bring me on full time, and since it didnt seem like I had any other prospects I wasnt really in a position to turn it down, so I immediately accepted and put in my 2 weeks at staples. this saturday will hopefully be the last day i ever have to work retail forever. I didnt make any announcement here when I found out because its honestly been making me depressed thinking about doing nothing but making fuckass instagram stories for ugly real estate companies 40 hours a week and people congratulating me on it would just make me more depressed. I wasn't supposed to start full time there until the monday after thanksgiving so ive still been doing my double part time grind.
but then......
whats that....???
after weeks of no response the hr guy finally gave me a call just now to tell me I GOT THE JOB?!??! i genuinely honestly did not think they were gonna give me an offer and was just gonna move on with my life 😭 so now im gonna have to walk into my office tomorrow morning and say SIKE!!! and theyre all gonna be so mad at meeeee but this is genuinely such a better position for me I didnt think this was gonna happen for another year at least....
tldr I thought i was gonna be stuck with a job i dont like but I ended up getting the job I want!!!!!!!!
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sejanusxcoriyo · 8 months
Pretty Lil Thang
Pairings: Josh Andreś Rivera x Fem!Actress!Reader / Rachel Zigler x Tom Blyth
A/N: I know Rachel and Josh are together, and Tom also has a girlfriend, but my page is related to Sejanus. For this, she's gonna be dating Tom, cus chemistry. I wanted to try something new, so I tried a social media post! Please, criticism is appreciated 🫶🏾. I will probably be making this into a mini series.
Face Claim: Coco Jones (The pictures with Rachel and Josh just imagine they are Josh, and you)
Type: Social Media Au
Summary: You auditioned for Mai White, Sejanus' love interest in the Ballad of the Songbirds and Snakes. Rachel notices that you and Josh have taken a liking to each other. Mini series!
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Dividers by: @cafekitsune
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Ynuser Welp, filming starts soon, and my co star is pretty cute😋
Tagged: joshandresrivera, Theballadofsongbirdsandanakes
Liked by: joshandresrivera, Rachel Zigler, tomblyth, and 30,000 others
View all comments
Joshandresrivera I mean, you're pretty cute 2😉
↪️ynfan1 My new mom and dad😫
↪️rachaelzigler New power couple alert???🤨🤨
↪️ynuser oh hush, just a little innocent flirting🫶🏾
↪️rachelzigler mhm👀
Tomblyth no love for coryo?
↪️ynuser I read the book, I don't like you😂
↪️tomblyth you mean coryo right??🤨
↪️ynuser I said what I said🤷🏾‍♀️
Ynhater1 How did she get the role of Mai? I could do much better🙄
↪️ynuser yet you didn't, try someone else, toodles😁
Ynfan2 Josh and Yn, my new ship😫
Joshlover @/joshandresrivera I've loved you since la la land🫶🏾
Ynfan3 she looks so sexy, I am feral😭
↪️ynfan4 right? I just want to take a bite🫦
↪️joshandresrivera back off, she's mine🤺
Ynfan5 look at him defending his girl🥹
↪️joshhutcherson she's single😉
↪️ynuser don't you have a gf? Get out my comments, peeta, I am not tryna come between you and Ms. Everdeen🙅🏾‍♀️
Text messages
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Ynuser Three of my favorite people ever, love you guys🫶🏾
Tagged: joshandresrivera, rachaelzigler, tomblyth
Liked by: joshandresrivera, rachelzigler, tomblyth, and 42,000 others
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Ynfan1 she's holding on kinda tight to him👀
↪️ ynfan2 most of her photos of her and Josh😫
Joshandresrivera ❤️
↪️joshyn WHATS THIS^^^^
↪️ynuser miss you sm🫶🏾
Rachelzigler I'm supposed to be your bestie, IS MY SPOT BEING REPLACED??
↪️ynuser no, stop being dramatic
↪️tomblyth baby, leave them alone, let them dream of each other
(comment deleted)
↪️joshyn HUH???^^^
↪️ynuser @/tomblyth delete that now
Comments have been limited
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Ynuser Maybe I can see your appeal for Coriolanus
Tagged: @/tomblyth @/rachelzigler
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Rachelzigler you stole those...🙄
↪️ynuser we are best friends what's yours is mine🤷🏾‍♀️
↪️rachelzigler be glad I love you
↪️ynuser love you more bestie
↪️ynfan2 mother is mothering😩
Tomblyth well I thought all the photos looked good except for the last one🥹
↪️rachelzigler you look as handsome as ever😘
↪️tomblyth thank you ml❤️
↪️ynuser ugh, if you look closely you will find me burning alive in their fire😩
↪️joshfan1 same Yn same
Joshandresrivera 🎶what about me🎶 🎶what about meeeee🎶
↪️ynuser you also look handsome as ever🫶🏾
↪️joshandresrivera thank you love❤️
↪️ynfan1 love???
↪️joshynfan it's giving power couple!!!
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birdifulhuman · 1 year
Ehehe *um* if it sounds remotely appealing to draw, how about Tim and Martin on a first date? :3 (been thinking about those two so much lately loool)
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Look at them ughhhh MarTim is everything to meeeee.
They went out for a drink, cause Martin took Tim saying his dance card was open as an invitation to ask him out. I headcanon that Tim is smooth yes, but also Martin knows he's hot af and asks Tim out LOL.
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totaleclipse573 · 4 months
If Shadow (when leaving for the day) tells Terios to keep Eclipse out of trouble and 30 minutes later, Eclipse is like look at this trouble I found, come help me, who would Terios listen to?
He knows that either way, he disappoints someone. NOT something he wants to do. I think it would be in character for him to be like okay how can I find some way, ANY way to appeal to both. Maybe he’ll be like this thing Eclipse is talking about can’t be too bad, right? He’ll go for a little and then hurry back home so that he can leave no traces of whatever happened! He has to lie about it which he’s terrible at doing but it’ll be EEEEAAASSSYYYYY
(Insert catastrophic event here)
Terios is SCRAMBLING meanwhile Eclipse is just like hey :( We weren’t done >:( Starts carrying his brother and running levels of “I’VE MADE A TERRIBLE TERRIBLE MISTAKE 😭😭😭” WE TELL SHADOW NOTHING. THIS WILL BE FINE AHAHAHAHHAHAAAA
It didn’t take Shadow too long to figure things out for himself. Eclipse is all smug bc he chose MEEEEE instead of YOUUUUU meanwhile Terios is just laying on the couch taking a break. Never make Terios choose between his two brothers XD
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