#that assumes their are intergalactic laws and peace treaties and all that stuff
maideninorange · 1 year
Something I occasionally think about is why the spacesuits throughout the Pikmin series are Designed like that (in-universe I mean). Like, what features do a whistle and a glowing antenna like that have as something apparently part of the standard design? So here's my silly headcanon: mainly, they are intended to be safety features.
The antenna? It's meant to be a bright beacon that alerts potential rescuers right to someone in distress, especially when it's somewhere dark like a cave or the dark vacuum of space. It's this latter, probably very common, scenario that would inspire such a design feature. Especially considering how common place space travel is.
And as for the whistle? If the antenna is a distress beacon for the eyes, than the whistle is that for the ears. It's a built-in way to, assuming you are still conscious, let people know where you are. After all, what good will screaming do when you are drifting through space? No one can hear you scream in space...but they can hear a loud, sharp whistle! Also, assuming you are with a group of people, a great way to let them know where you are if you were to get separated during a worst case scenario. Especially since those helmets probably muffle your voice if you're far enough away. It's an easy way to play the hot-cold game of finding a sound's source going in places where such is usually perilous.
It just so happens that these safety features come quite in handy when you get stranded on a planet full of carrot creatures with tall, similarly built stems and respond well to the aforementioned whistle.
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