#because this basically confirms that these features are universal
maideninorange · 1 year
Something I occasionally think about is why the spacesuits throughout the Pikmin series are Designed like that (in-universe I mean). Like, what features do a whistle and a glowing antenna like that have as something apparently part of the standard design? So here's my silly headcanon: mainly, they are intended to be safety features.
The antenna? It's meant to be a bright beacon that alerts potential rescuers right to someone in distress, especially when it's somewhere dark like a cave or the dark vacuum of space. It's this latter, probably very common, scenario that would inspire such a design feature. Especially considering how common place space travel is.
And as for the whistle? If the antenna is a distress beacon for the eyes, than the whistle is that for the ears. It's a built-in way to, assuming you are still conscious, let people know where you are. After all, what good will screaming do when you are drifting through space? No one can hear you scream in space...but they can hear a loud, sharp whistle! Also, assuming you are with a group of people, a great way to let them know where you are if you were to get separated during a worst case scenario. Especially since those helmets probably muffle your voice if you're far enough away. It's an easy way to play the hot-cold game of finding a sound's source going in places where such is usually perilous.
It just so happens that these safety features come quite in handy when you get stranded on a planet full of carrot creatures with tall, similarly built stems and respond well to the aforementioned whistle.
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hugheses · 6 months
ellen weinberg
a lot of people online like to praise her because they love her kids, but before she was mama hughes, ellen weinberg was an even more accomplished athlete than her wikipedia page can tell you. well i have way too much time on my hands and an affinity for googling things, so here is a not-so-little primer on the matriarch of hockey who has contributed far more than just her superstar children.
(basically anything not sourced is from the cammi & aj podcast i have a transcript of)
born in st. louis, she was told she couldn't play hockey because girls couldn't play on boys teams in the state of missouri, and there were no girls teams. went to bob johnson's hockey camp in aspen at age 7. moved to dallas at age 8, where she was allowed to play on the boys team. at age 12, is featured in a news clip "girl hockey player" where she says she wants to one day play professional hockey.
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at 15, wins nationals with her U-19 soccer team, the dallas sting, and they are sent to represent the US in the first ever FIFA-sanctioned world women’s tournament in china and proceeded to win gold against all expectations becoming the first US team to win any international soccer competition, male or female. also on this team was her best friend, future woso legend carla werden (overbeck). 1, 2
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other noteworthy teammates: she played with mia hamm on her state team and was roommates with brandi chastain at her first youth national team camp for soccer.
she was recruited to lots of top schools for soccer, but chose the university of new hampshire because it was also offering hockey. she describes this as "the lack of landscape really drove my next move" because there was only 31 D1 women's soccer programs in the country at the time, and none in the state of texas.
she reached out to the women's hockey coach at unh, russ mccurdy, and told him she was being recruited for soccer but was really coming to unh because she wanted to play hockey, and he told her that it was unlikely she would make the team. so bob johnson called and asked him to give her a shot, and he said ok. he allowed her to have a one week tryout once soccer season was over, and after the first day, he asked, "what size skates do you wear?" and that was it, she was on the team.
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the women's soccer coach, marge anderson, was also a lacrosse player, and encouraged ellen to join the lacrosse team that needed more players. so she did. in her own words:
"I wasn't very good. I could run, but my stick skills- and I learned and I did everything, and it was great, and we went to the Final Four, but I was out at that point. So everybody always says I played three sports like, I was on the team. I was, you know, three sports at that level. I was done at that point and I stuck with soccer and hockey after my first year. But it was a really cool experience."
she may have not been very good but she did go on to coach her own kids teams in lacrosse (and potentially owen power, who is confirmed to have played lacrosse with them but it is not confirmed that it was when she coached them)
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(she was #21)
she was an elite skater and creative player, and "would often find herself in trouble in Durham for rushing the puck from her defensive post or trying things like a spin-o-rama".
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she helped UNH win 3 hockey championships in 4 years, made the all-new england team (soccer) as a freshman, was named an unh athlete of the year finalist after an injury that kept her out for an entire school year, was named to the ECAC all star team, was an ISAA senior recognition award winner, was soccer co-captain in 1990, and then captain of both the soccer and hockey teams as a senior X
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in april 1991, she participated in the Eastern Regional Tryouts of the US National Women's Hockey Team
"We've got it pretty good, playing defense," says senior Ellen Weinberg to fellow defenseman Weston. "There aren't as many of us to choose from. But then, when you look at who's there, they're all good!"
she then went on to pursue a graduate degree at UNH where she was an assistant coach for both soccer and hockey for two years, all the while contributing to historical hockey research to the point that she is named in the acknowledgements of Hockey: A Global History by Hardy & Holman
“It was my way of staying involved because I had nowhere to play. Then I participated in the 1992 World Championship, finished my master's degree. Then I really had nowhere to play." (google translated)
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The New Hampshire Vol. 83 No. 18 (Nov. 6 1992)
then in 1992, she played for the women's national team in both soccer and hockey.
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the soccer team didn't play in any big tournaments that year, but for hockey she went to women's worlds in tampere, finland, where she was an alternate captain. the US won silver, with ellen scoring 3 or 4 assists in 5 games (depending on which source you believe) and ellen was named to the all-star team by the media as the top player in her position.
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also in 1992, she was a power skating coach at the summerland female hockey academy, teaching future star hayley wickenheiser.
there was hope that women's hockey would be a part of the 1994 olympics, but when that didn't happen, ellen went to norway anyways to grow the game.
“They were hoping women’s hockey was going to be sanctioned in the ‘94 Olympics and it wasn’t, so the Norwegian ice hockey federation had all this extra funding so they asked USA Hockey for an ambassador to go over and help grow the women’s game,” she said. “We had played in the ’92 World Championships and I was one of the older people and they offered me that opportunity to go over and work with the Norwegian ice hockey federation and what I did was I lived in Oslo. “And I went around to all the little towns and taught the girls how to play. It was awesome. Since Norway was such a small country with four million people at the time, they needed all the buses during the Olympics so everyone went on holiday, so my job stopped for three weeks.” X
ELLEN WEINBERG of Boston and the University of New Hampshire was interested in Coach TIM TAYLOR's tactics at practice. The 25-year-old Weinberg, one of America's best female players, is advising Norway's women's teams. Women's hockey becomes an Olympic sport in 1998. "They complain in Norway that I coach too long on the ice," she said. "They should see this guy, always instructing." X
she was invited to camp in lake placid for the 1994 women’s worlds (which took place every two years then), but suffered a serious knee injury that she believes is because they didn’t have proper support/training facilities
“We didn’t have a gym at the time. It was so different. We just played relying on our athletic instincts. If I got injured, it’s probably because I didn’t have the ideal support,” (google translated) X 
by 1996 she was playing for the itech blaiders roller hockey team in NJ (and her then-boyfriend, jim, was coaching the new jersey rockin’ rollers) while also working in broadcasting
she had been considered a lock for the nagano olympics, despite being “old” but that “blown-out knee effectively ended her competitive career” :( 
she ended up in nagano anyways as a reporter for cbs, one of her first big gigs in her media career, which i can do a part 2 on if there's interest.
and currently she’s on the USA hockey foundation board and is a player development consultant for the women’s national team
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rainbowsillz · 11 months
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Warnings: Yandere behaviors, manipulation, possessiveness.
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Note: I'd perish on my own accord if they send me here I swear. An experiment for a first post in kny fandom (・x・)/.
Featuring: Douma X Gender Neutral Reader.
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i. gracious founder.
Summary: Many would be more than willing to have a chance of a life you were living. Not you, it was a nightmare..
The moon was overcast by darkness overhead.
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[ DOUMA - 童磨 ]
“Truly a poor thing you are... why don't you come back with me? It's dangerous wandering out there at night.”
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Obviously, you have to accept whatever he voiced at you (he was inquiring if you'd like to go with him).
And so you were at his abode...
You kept saying "Hello." Or "Goodbye." Which came off as quite baffling for him. Like you can't speak normally.
The demon was a bit too stunned to comment at first.
"Can you understand me?" He prompted you.
Then it made sense for him! You were a foreigner, weren't you? This had him watching you with a broad grin.
Now, now.. He can't have you being like that here. As someone once said. Education matters, does it not?
So — he'll be instructing you on learning the basics of the fundamentals. You looked sharp, this should be a cakewalk.
(Your ADHD self would throw hands at him if you could.)
Hmmm, he doesn't really can tell about how you got isekai'd into the universe of Kimetsu No Yaiba however. Luckily.
You'll take this secret to the grave with you.
Although he was drawn to you because of 'something.'
"Maybe it's fate!" He chirped like a puppy with you.
He enjoyed feeding you treats like you were his pet. Oh, it'd be a waste, right? So you better keep eating that.
You only were able to do easy phrases but he seemed delighted enough. You dreaded the day you'd end up in his belly because.. you weren't even a slayer to begin with.
He could break your neck if he wanted to.
His favoritism didn't help in the slightest. Other people weren't on friendly terms with you. You were miserable.
As the time flew by, the season changed.
Your Japanese was average to comprehend his message now. You hated to admit this... he wasn't an awful mentor....
You missed your home.
A firm arm draped around your shoulders, the humming gave away whose it was. It was Douma, no doubt about it.
You suspected it was a setup. He did it on 'purpose.'
It intrigued him when your breathing hitched at his arrival.
You backed yourself away and you asked a question.
"Why would I isolate you? Is my little fox mad?" He pouted.
His rows of teeth were unlike human's ones.
Was he supposed to be a cult leader? How repulsive.
"I loathe you." You spat in your second language.
His smile was faltering at your words, there was a shift in his expression as he snapped his hand fan close after that.
"I wonder what you stated about me." His tone was a jab.
He patted your head like you were nothing in his eyes. There was venom underneath and in his sentence. A disapproval.
This confirmed it, he was a sick bastard ಠ_ಠ.
Earning an ire from everyone was the last thing you needed.
Despite that he had no clue on your mother tongue.
It was also unbeknownst to you—
...Since The Upper Rank Two was fluent in English.
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li-an-nie · 1 month
Blue Lock Headcanoas!!
mainly complementary for my ao3 Bastard Truth, but also just thought of them on the way
in no particular order
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he’s a lot harsher and more honest/crude with his roommates Isagi, Kurona and Yukimura than with others
usually very nice and sweet to strangers and new friends, as we can see with his first meeting with Isagi and Nanase, obviously on the soccer field he’s more aggressive, but now that he has found his true purpose and he has gotten comfortable with his friend group, he lets himself much more loose
we’ve already seen that in the manga but he loves talking in gaming terms because our boy is a certified  g a m e r
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falls asleep like a statue with his face to the ceiling, but after falling asleep he will move around a LOT, even accidentally waking himself up sometimes lmao (already mentioned that)
there was one time where he woke everyone up by pushing a lamp down the table, that’s how everyone ended up knowing
no confirmed family, but I like to imagine he has sisters that used to play with his hair (and he also likes to play with his hair since he was small). So they would always end up making braids into it, and he picked up that habit as well
he’s a simple soul but cares a great deal about his friends, and can pick up on small social cues, not as well as Hiori who does it with his analytical mind, but Kurona does it by intuition and it works really well sometimes (sometimes not so)
every joke that comes from his mouth is also a genuine question
in another universe, he would be my cute little pet shark, accompanying me on my daily morning seafish massacres
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mentally unstable, sometimes has suicidal thoughts, but strongly suppresses them
takes different medication to function, from mood stabilizers to sleeping pills
if he doesn’t take sleeping pills, he can’t fall asleep as he will just keep repeating his ptsd flashbacks in his head
he doesn’t really like sleeping on the soft mattress that he gets in hotels or initially in the Blue Lock facility, will sometimes end up sleeping on the floor, but he complained about it to Ego and he made him a custom mattress
very tech-inept (usually that’s a fun character quirk, in this case not so much…)
can use basic features of a phone, knows what social media is but barely uses it outside of interviews
likes to read after he learned reading (confirmed canon)
he sometimes thinks about his mom… once in a year maybe. But when he does, he’ll think about her a lot. Every possible scenario. Every what-if. Until he represses all his thoughts for another year
his eyeliner is not just for show. it partly is, but it’s also yet another thing to set himself apart from his dad
he has terrible handwriting, but he has perfected his autograph to a T and it looks so elegant and beautiful you wouldn’t even fathom that his usual writing looks like doctors’ notes
his parents met at the Berlinale
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he really wasn’t trying to hide his injuries very much because when it comes to things outside his expertise, which is soccer and keeping his schedule, he tends to be a bit klutzy
yes, he has metavision and it helps him outside of the soccer field as well, but that’s more for short-term unexpected scenarios
Also I was recently looking at Isagi’s profile again and his strengths/weaknesses are very relatable lmao
Strengths: Finding the good in others.
Weakness: Looking too much at other’s expressions.
Tell me that's not a good boy who truly cares about others??? (and then on the soccer field he won't give a f* lmao)
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he’s French, but his personality is so stereotypically German omg, according to his wiki he’s been like that since small but I like to imagine that he picked up some habits from his German colleagues
this is fun because now I can imagine all the German stereotypes on him lmao
he doesn’t like being late and he hates it when others are late
he has no sense of humour
he wears socks under sandals
at the beach he reserves seats by putting a towel on them (it’s not part of the rules, but at the beach there are no rules)
he doesn’t necessarily like Japanese polite nature, but he acknowledges its strengths (which is why he was even more surprised when he met Ego with his very untypical crude nature)
more on the way!
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amerricanartwork · 4 months
What's up with 12th Council Pillar, the House of Braids?
Just wanted to share something interesting I noticed in Metropolis while looking at the room names on the interactive map! I doubt I'm not the first person to discover or take interest in this, but nonetheless now that I'm into the worldbuilding for this game, both canon and headcanon, I hope to at least encourage a discussion about what the rooms I found could possibly be for!
*Oh and by the way, spoilers for Artificer campaign, just in case.
Alright, so I was originally looking for how to get to a specific room for an Artificer expedition, but decided to browse around on the map just to refresh my memory on the region overall. Right off the bat I think it's interesting how this region's rooms are denoted mostly with lexical names rather than the more common "Capital letter + 2-digit number" formula. But scrolling to the right is where my interest really got piqued when I saw this name for the room right before that long corridor on the way to the 12th Council Pillar, the House of Braids, labeled "LC_templegate":
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And the next room after that, "LC_templeentrance" confirmed my realization that this was a temple of sorts:
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Now don't get me wrong, Rain World has always had a fair amount of religious associations, and even just the name "12th Council Pillar, the House of Braids" gave me the impression from the first time traversing it that it was once some high-esteemed, holy location of sorts. But I guess that never really sank in and captured my greater interest until now.
Part of that's because earlier I was focused more on just completing the campaigns from a basic playthrough perspective, not yet as big on uncovering every little lore detail, and another reason I didn't really take it in was that, at the time of my first Artificer playthrough, I wasn't as big on headcanon worldbuilding and trying to uncover/imagine Ancient culture and society outside of very general ideas. But now I think about it, another major part of this lack of realization was because of how the main rooms of this subregion that stuck out in my mind were the low-gravity iterator-esque zones. Many of which are explicitly labeled with "LAB", like this one, and they even have the same neurons, inspectors, and/or those gravity-distorting spheres:
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I mean, that cube at the bottom even very strongly resembles an iterator puppet chamber!
But then the questions become: what are these rooms for, why are they so similar to the interior of the iterator they sit atop, and why put them in what seems like it was supposed to be a temple? And by extent, is this something unique to Five Pebbles, or do other iterators have similar temple-labs somewhere in their cities?
I guess the reason these parts stuck out to me more than the actual temple association was because 1.) we don't see this low-gravity mechanic and these features anywhere else in the game besides inside the iterators, so it already gets points for uniqueness, and 2.) they're such a great contrast to everything else within Metropolis; even the "temple" rooms still look very similar to the rest of the region in their general aesthetic.
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Seriously, what's up with all this "lab" stuff? It's not that I haven't seen these things before at this point, but why are they here, in a temple, of all places?
However, I do really like this idea so far, as I believe it speaks to a theme of Rain World I really enjoy: the seamless blend of science and spirituality. I enjoy seeing fictional worlds where "magical" things are not only objectively real, but have a scientific in-universe explanation, and/or are employed to create magical technology, yet in a way where these two ideas can exist in harmony rather than seeming like opposites. And the Ancients seem to have been very big on that, not only having a very strong cultural sense of spirituality but also being very technologically advanced, and incorporating those spiritual ideas and even elements of the world into their tech (ex: mass rarefaction tech derived from Void Fluid, an objectively real and "magical" substance with direct connections to their religious beliefs).
I have yet to come up with an explanation for what these iterator-esque lab rooms are (and on that note why they so strongly resemble iterator interiors, to the point they even contain their neurons and inspectors, which are supposed to directly aid in their functions). But as of now, just going mostly of basic gut instincts, my current theories are: A.) they exist in the temple so that whatever scientific endeavors carried out within were blessed with a sense of "holiness" in a similar manner to the holy ash Pebbles talks about, and B.) whatever tasks they were used for was one entrusted to the clergy class of this city, probably because the tasks were seen as something very important and connected to the Ancients' spiritual beliefs.
However, as I said I'm hoping to invite discussion with this post. Figuring out the Ancients' design philosophies and intentions for their creations has been a passion of mine when it comes to my headcanons, so I really do want to see if I can find a more concrete, or at least reasonable answer as to what the overall purpose of the 12th Council Pillar, the House of Braids was. Therefore if anyone has any extra details or theories as to what it was, I'd love to hear them!
And if you made it to the end, thanks for listening to my little spur-of-the-moment ramble!
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pipnchips202 · 8 months
while i eat up practically every valgrace fic i see, down bad jason grace for leo valdez is always one of my absolute favorites; so, here are 5 valgrace fics where jason is the pining one :)) (for the most part)
1. hopeless case by restinreeses
rating: teen and up
warnings: none
“Nico,” Jason wheezes as he slams the door to the Hades cabin open. “Nico, I think I’m in love with my best friend.”
“No, really?” Nico drawls, barely looking up from his book.
Or: in which nico is jason’s wingman this time around.
AHHHHH!!!!!! this is REALLY good; i love the characterization and the many implications of jason having helped nico get with will prior to the events of the fic. also, platonic jasico will ALWAYS get me.
2. EP: things leo does; by jason grace by jacksonpercy (robertmontauk)
rating: not rated
warnings: none
God, he loves Leo’s laugh. It’s more like a giggle than anything - all high-pitched and bubbly; his mouth stretches into the widest smile Jason’s ever seen, and his tongue sticks out of his tongue just a little bit, and holy fuck Jason’s in love with Leo.
[leo does things sometimes, and jason notices.]
i was very much obsessed with this fic at some point (still kind of am, actually). it’s basically a 5 + 1 of jason just pining for leo and i LOVE it. small warning though, there is a mention of kinks in the second chapter, if that’s weird for you. it’s really just an offhand comment and doesn’t get brought up again, so do with that what you will. they are teenagers after all, and as a teenager myself, i can confirm i’ve thought of similar stuff several times! but, anyway, this fic is really good.
3. staring at me (with your lips and tongue) by ethannku
rating: teen and up
warnings: none
“You really believe all that?” Leo asks, and if Jason were more aware of the world, he might’ve registered the hopeful breathiness in his voice. But as it is, he’s far too focused on the hand on his chest. He nods anyway, once he realizes Leo’s asked him a question.
Leo huffs and leans closer while simultaneously pulling Jason closer.
For a moment, they just look at each other, their noses inches apart. Leo’s breath comes in soft puffs on his face. There’s a hint of a smile on Leo’s face, but the corners waver as if he’s having second thoughts. Jason registers Leo’s eyelashes flickering, and his blood sings when he realizes he’s looking at Jason’s mouth.
Or; Jason is down bad, and Leo might be too.
this one’s really good, too. lot of kissing. a few suggestive references/jokes but no suggestive actions, just kissing. also has many piper moments mixed in :)
4. Crooked Glasses by thebigqueer
rating: teen and up
warnings: graphic depictions of violence
leo & jason confess their feelings for each other in an arcane-themed alternate universe.
Leo has always been flirty. When he casually smirks at Jason and tells him how handsome he looks; when he bites his lip suggestively and tells Jason that no, he doesn’t mind if he changes his shirt in front of him; when Jason asks what’s for dinner and Leo responds, “Not sure, but I know you’re the desert,” Jason doesn’t make much of it. Sure, an occasional blush and an attempt at jokingly flirting back, but Jason knows he doesn’t mean it. Besides, he isn’t special. If Jason had to count the amount of people Leo had made out with just in the past year, it might take both his hands.
But lately it’s been different. There’s a softness in Leo’s eyes when he catches sight of Jason, a more soulful smirk when he offers that they sleep in the same bed, a hopefulness when he asks Jason if he wants to come with him on his next haul.
i’m gonna be honest: although i plan to someday, i’ve never seen arcane. and this is an arcane au. however, even though i know absolutely nothing about arcane, i did understand this, i think. i’m putting it here because a) it’s well written, b) it does in fact feature pining jason grace, and c) i have very limited options when it comes to valgrace fics anyway, so i don’t have much of a choice. yes, there is action and a mild fight with sherman yang and connor stoll, but it’s not that graphic in my opinion, but that’s just me; what’s more graphic is actually the gratuitous descriptions of leo’s gorgeousness from jason’s pov (understandably so). anyway, this is a good fic; if you’re not familiar with arcane, you can probably still read it, because i enjoyed it quite a lot!
5. hold me, thrill me, kiss me by restinreeses
rating: teen and up
warnings: none
“You love me,” Leo declares, his smirk widening with every passing second. “You, the great Jason Grace, love me.”
He fumbles for his words, but they melt in his mouth as Leo's hands snaked up the small of his back – those delicate fingers tracing patterns into his skin that burnt worse than his SPQR tattoo.
“I wouldn’t call myself great,” he mutters at last. Leo leans in, raising one thick eyebrow.
“I dunno,” he says, “I’d say you’re pretty great.” His lips brush over Jason's, once, twice. “You know. For loving me.”
In which Jason falls and Leo catches him.
okay, so i was debating whether or not to put this one because jason is still dating piper during this fic. she doesn’t make an appearance, she’s only mentioned, but jason and leo kissing is referred to by the both of them as an affair, which might make some uncomfortable. however, this has absolutely gorgeous writing. is jason still in love with piper during this fic, though? no. a bit complicated. however, it is, once again, pining jason as promised. they kiss a lot in this one, too.
— piper <33
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wangmiao · 6 months
Three-Body: Anniversary Edition (三体周年纪念版) will be released on March 20th, 2024!
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This is just announced on multiple offical weibo accounts. What we know so far is that there will be new BTS scenes, and this edition has 26 episodes. Fans highly suspect that it is the director's cut because Yang Lei has been updating the fans casually about it. In late February, he said that the director's cut would probably be released in mid March.
Also as I said in a previous post (screencap below), fans have been hoping for this to happen, and it is freaking happening! I'm so used to being disappointed by cdramas and c-ent stuff, so this kind of things feel extremely unreal.
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Oh yes, this is definitely a smart strategic release to go head to head with Netflix.You are very welcome to try out tencent's Three-Body if you don't like the other one. Let's also appreciate these beautiful posters featuring the Three-Body games in Chinese art style.
We'll see exactly what this edition is after it's released. I guess it's time to rewatch (and gif more) Three-Body!
UPDATE on Mar 21st: It's now confirmed that this is a director's cut. No new scenes are added (since new scenes will probably require censorship check). According to a fan who fastforwarded through the new edition along with the original version right after the release, the new edition is the result of the director listening to feedback from the audience:
Certain scenes are deleted to make it more fast paced (eg. a lot of Mu Xing's scenes, Sha Ruishan trying to repeat the universe flicker, and moving scientists to the safe house etc.)
Order of certain scenes are changed
Episodes now stop at better places to give more suspenseful feels
Visually, some scenes are lightened and the blue filter is toned down. Some fans also feel that the visual/movement of the Three-Body game seems to be clearer and smoother. Basically this is an improved version of the show without restrictions due to things like ads or TV run time.
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snowyborzoi · 7 months
What species are the airys (im a professional)
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ok it's important to note that no matter what species an object is it doesn't mean they follow the exact behavior of said animal. Objects in one still live in a society like humans and can function as one
Ex : Objects can have a different diet then their species and live in another habit
The original Airy is commonly believed to be a seal although there's no exact type of seal for him it's still a common theory
First off there's many physical similarities
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as well as characteristics
seal have been seen getting knocked over by crashing waves and are shown to be clumsy which is pretty fitting
both sunbathe confirmed by Q (airy- mod)
similar walk / run
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same stupid FUCKING expression
similar build
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Speculated for Airy to have a diet of fish
both squishy (confirmed by me)
Sounds similar
Ok now to address the cat comparisons
A second theory on what species airy could be Is a cat more specifically a Manul / pallas
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Physical appearances is obvious as well as traits
spends time in caves, rock crevices, marmot Burrows
Can survive in cold & dry winters, moderate/low rainfall, warm summers
Overall the Pallas cat is a responsible species for airy considering they both live in similar habits
However it's argued that the using the universe airy was at is unfair for this theory considering it wasn't exactly by choice
A counter-argument is that the Pallas cat would obviously survive better than a seal would in that world and since airy was able to live there for about a decade a Pallas would be a better fit
But it was address earlier that objects live differently than their animal and can survive in their own ways as well as airy being a lantern commonly used for camping/outdoors so it possible regardless of what species he is he can survive on his own
Something about seals and cats
Something interesting about the two is how often their seen together, compared, or just associated with one another
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it pretty common for objects to be compared to cats since most animals share similar traits but cats are most known so it often thought of cat traits
However seals and cats have shown to have more in common than any other animal
similar body types
Similar pupils
These are only a bit of the similarities because of this it commonly theorized that seals and cats could be possibly related or somewhat part of the same family but it's yet to be confirmed or denied
Airy has had things in common with cats such as getting scruffed
Nothing is right or wrong it basically what theory you personally believe in
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Evil airy
its possible for him and original airy to be the same species since they have the same appearance with a tail being the only serious difference (the bow and leaves are not apart of him)
This time I do have a specific type of seal he could be
Leopards seal
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Similarities on appearance
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Both also have similar behavior
Aggressive (a BITCH)
Similar teeth
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eyes dilate
leopard seals are the only ones who hunt warm blooded animals and it's known for evil airy to be a serial killer
Evil airy has also mentioned possibly of liking drinking blood
Fanon Airy
Fanon airy is more complicated since it was said how he currently looks isn't what he used to look like so using his appearance may not be as accurate
And he already seems to have animal features like claws and hooves
But IDGAF!!!!
I imagine fanon airy to be a sea lion
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Sea lion's are bigger than seals
Ear flaps can translate to horns
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Friendly (compared to the others)
Social (compared to others)
Another species that fanon airy can be (for the airy cat believers)
A lynx
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ears translate to horns
Sharper shapes
teeth again
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More golden color
Lynx are associated with eyesight and we've seen fanon airy eyes
There's a lynx god
ok that all I was able to put together if anymore information that comes out that can change or debunk anything I'll do my best to update this :b
@airy-mod @thefanonairy @evil-airy @ask-hfjone-airy @moldydominos109
It is important you now join this discussion @askalampanything
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bubblin-trouble · 1 month
Twisted Wonderland theory time: Did Dire Crowley Summon Yuu on purpose? Does Yuu have powers? What is his true intention?
Spoilers for the game below the cut!!! You’ve been warned~
In the very beginning of the game, you, the player, play a short snippet through the eyes of our favorite headmage, Crowley. Here, he speaks in a way more serious tone than his usual manner, and no one else is present but himself.
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As you can see, he’s speaking towards the Dark Mirror, but he is not referring to it. He speaks of a benefactor. A flower of evil. Interesting choice of words, wouldn’t you think?
It’s like he knows the person he’s seeking after is just on the other side.
For those of you who don’t know, a benefactor is (literal definition) a person who gives money or other to help a person or cause. Basically someone who helps someone else out. And who could that person in need of help be?
Dire Crowley. Is it because he’s in dire circumstances? In need of someone’s help? Here’s a quote I found:
“For you, for me, for them, time is running out.”
Seems urgent or dire, doesn’t it? Also, the terminology he uses here caught my attention as well. He refers to the unknown party as “my proud flower of evil”. What does a flower need? Nurturing. Crowley’s known to use interesting nomenclature for his students, after all.
But now, who does Crowley need to dump all of his problems on, expose them to immense Overblot incidents in the meanwhile? Yuu.
Another piece of evidence I’d like to bring up.
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This confirms that he wasn’t directly referring to the Dark Mirror before, but he was seeking someone out.
The word “visage” can mean the manifestation, image, or aspect of something. From this, my guess is that Crowley is seeking out some unknown party to conform to him, like the flower language used earlier.
I highly doubt the Mirror would bring anyone to NRC who had no magic inside them. Yuu was sent because (I think) Crowley specifically asked.
Grim, a creature (cat-weasel) with immense layers of 1000 year old curse magic, however, was also sent to NRC. But, why?
By this point, we all know about the time loop theory. My personal interpretation is that after each calamity that falls, the cycle repeats again. And again. And again. It’s basically pushed into our faces that Grim will overblot at some point, but his will be even stronger than all of the others’.
Crowley says this to Yuu before he realizes they’re not the typical student.
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Alongside with the coffin/raven imagery, it doesn’t give too good of an idea. That’s why the school is called Night Raven College. Each student represents a bird, a raven. Ravens symbolize the path between the living and spirit realm. Not saying that everyone in TWST is dead, per se…but it’s an interesting concept.
Let’s shy away from this for a moment. Consider this next piece of evidence as well.
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For a student with no magic, it’s a little ironic that Yuu has prophetic dreams of the past, isn’t it? Every time, roughly 3 days before an overblot occurs, they have a dream based off of the overblotee’s member of the Great 7.
Now, anyone who’s watched the Disney movies featuring the villains in TWST know their true story. Obviously. Those in TWST idolize the Great 7, believing them to be good historical figures. Yet, we see the truth. Through Yuu’s eyes.
Let’s take a look at something else.
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Considering the connection between Mickey and Yuu (In Thru the Mirror and Ramshackle Dorm), their interactions are just a bit more than interesting. Yuu sees him in their dreams, and vice versa. I have a small guess that the world of TWST was created by the Mouse himself, tbh.
The name “Mickey” actually means “Who is like God”. My personal best guess is it’s some sort of deviation from Micheal or Mikhail. After all, Mickey IS the mascot of literally everything Disney…
This might sound stupid/outlandish, but that mouse has power. I’m so serious. The Mirrorverse is canon in the Disney universe, after all. My guess is that TWST is one of those worlds, but where the villains were victorious instead of our beloved heroes.
Yuu is the only one to have such prophetic dreams, that we know of thus far. They so happen to embody the ravens perfectly, as they symbolize prophecy and insight. Though Yuu has no magic, it does make me wonder…
Were they blessed by a higher being, to have such powers to reveal the truth?
With all of the context here, it’s clear that the history of Twisted Wonderland is inaccurate. Warped. The villains aren’t actually the heroes, like everyone else thinks. In reality, they’re the complete opposite.
This might be because of propaganda pushed forward by the Seven’s loyal followers, as a way to blot over their muddy images.
Let’s talk about overblots for a moment. With Yuu always being exposed to so many overblots, you’d think they’d eventually go through it themselves. But, they don’t have magic, do they? Or so everyone else thinks.
I have a hunch that Yuu in fact does have some kind of magic, buried deep inside them. It’s dormant, asleep. Needing to be awakened. Needing to be nurtured to show its true colors.
Also, when Yuu first arrived, one of the first individuals we meet is Crowley. He literally says, “There you are!”.
Like he’d been expecting Yuu. Planning for them to come to NRC.
Another thing, Crowley doesn’t seem like the type of person to care all too much if a student misses a ceremony. But, he escorted Yuu there himself. And, when he found out that Yuu had “no magic”, he let them stay instead of sending them home.
You’d think he’d be more eager to send them back to where they came from, right? But, no. He doesn’t seem all too bothered by letting Yuu stay. Like he knows they have some sort of purpose to serve.
But, he has to have a reason for all of this, doesn’t he? Well, it’s not made clear at this moment. Maybe we’ll find out in future books.
Before we wrap it up here, here’s some food for thought, and some of my own personal thoughts.
Dire Crowley knows something everything else doesn’t. And it’s bad. Catastrophic, even. He knew it was bad enough that it could potentially put his world in danger. Desperate times call for desperate measures, don’t they? And he needed to call for something. And what would be the thing to save his world?
His beautiful flower of evil.
But, that’s just a theory. :)
@nrc-asteryn-crew @night-raven-miscellany @nrc-ramshackle-prefect @glitchtricks94 @knightcoree come get your food >:)
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thelightfluxtastic · 9 months
The Crawler's Language
So I'm not a linguist by academic specialty but I am bilingual and fascinated by languages and every time I reread the Underland Chronicles I think about language and especially the Crawler's style of repetitive speech.
All of the species in the Underland have different speech patterns. The bats speak rarely, quietly, and in short sentences because it is physically difficult for them. The spinners speak through vibrations. The rats as a species are associated with humor, they're most likely to use sarcasm and constantly make jokes. But when all of these species do speak, they use the grammar and syntax common to human Underland English.
The exception is the crawlers, who have a distinct verbal quirk, saying things like: "Smells what, so good, smells what?" In this essay I am making basically two arguments:
The crawlers word order is completely normal for Underland English.
Often, when discussing the crawlers, the book narration will make a point of Gregor or others having to mentally re-order sentences to understand the bugs. But if you take out the repetition, Crawler sentences become things like:
"Smells what so good?" "Be she the princess?" "Hates us, the Overlander?" "Unless this be not the Cradle"
And this order that goes Verb-Object or Verb-Pronoun is not unusual for standard Underland English. Human and other characters throughout the books say things like: "Stop you. Stay you. Slow your hearts." (Ripred, Book 1) "Meet you Mareth and Perdita" (Dulcet, Book 1) "Gather us here for we must discuss" (Vikus, Book 1)
It's even baked in to the standard Underlander farewell, "Fly you high".
So the crawlers are speaking correct sentences in Underland English, just repeating the first phrase at the end. Which brings me to my second argument.
The repetition serves a grammatical function
In paying attention to the crawler's speech, I found a pattern. The repetition is not present in every sentence. Crawlers often make simple declarative statements without repetition:
"You look much like but smell not like" "Temp will share her food with me" "Rats give many fish"
The repetition specifically happens with questions:
"Ride you, ride you? Run you, run you?" "Give you five baskets, give you?" "You so say, you?"
Even Vikus takes on this particular grammatical feature. When speaking to the Crawlers, he says "We will give four baskets, and one for thanks" but later asks "Take us to your king, take us?" when asking a question.
There are exceptions to this, but to me they seem to be in cases of emphasis or explicit confirmation:
"Only the Princess, Temp serves, only the Princess" "Hate warmbloods, cutters do, hate warmbloods"
I have no idea if this was Suzanne Collins intention, but for me personally, it reminds me of how questions are structured in American Sign Language. In ASL, a question is indicated by raising or lowering the eyebrows. Signs for question words like who/what/where/why exist, but aren't always necessary. One of the structures common with ASL is to put or repeat the question word at the end, so you can sign a longer phrase or sentence normally, and only have to worry about the question facial expression for the last word. Bill Vicars at Lifeprint/ASL University has a more in-depth explanation, comparing it to English questions structured as "You go to [X university], don't you?" or "You like engineering, do you?" But basically, in ASL, a perfectly grammatically correct way to ask if someone is Deaf is to sign: YOU DEAF YOU?
It is also worth exploring why, in my opinion, the crawlers are the only species who have this visible difference to the audience, even though all species are speaking English as a second language. And at a meta-level, it contributes to the basic assumption that the crawlers are dumber than the other species. Gregor has the most to adjust to, but even long after he's accepted that the Underlanders aren't primitive, and bats/rats are intelligent, he still has a kind but condescending outlook on the crawlers. And even other insect species (like the fireflies) look down on them. Having the crawlers speak differently from anyone else emphasizes their alienation from all other species in the Underland. And it reminds me of how some accents or dialects, like AAVE, are associated with stupidity or assumed to be "incorrect" English when they have perfectly valid and functional structures and meaning.
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faffreux · 2 months
How'd you come up with Jolligig's design? Cus when I first saw him I thought he was an actual M&L character and not an oc
One of my main goals while designing him was to make sure this was the case so it makes me so happy every time somebody says this bc it confirms I succeeded dskgjsldfsdf thank you so much
To be perfectly honest though I basically pulled up various enemies and NPCs from both the RPGs and other Mario games to get a good feel for what was 'allowed' in universe design wise before deciding which features to give to him. I then combined that observation with my personal aesthetic and tastes (Halloween / witchy / goth aspects) and Jolligig resulted from that.
So like... there are designs in the Mario universe with copters on their heads. There are also some characters with pointy hats, and others with overbites/teeth sticking out... and we already know glasses like his are a thing given Kamek, Iggy Koopa, and Fawful! I tinted them orange because my own glasses irl are tinted that way and Jolli is meant to represent me in this universe as well. TLDR I combined a ton of things that 1. appealed to me and 2. I knew were already possible for a Mario character
IDK THERE WAS A LOT THAT WENT INTO IT LOL I don't do anything half-heartedly. Even his name was the result of very careful consideration (some Beanish names being laughter or emotion related, and I really loved the way Jolly Giggles sounded next to Awful Guffaw!)
Thanks for asking!
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swoodthis · 5 months
😤 For the Zelda ask game!
Bruh you’re really gonna get me started on this—
The teasing that there might be something more than “light good dark bad no thinking allowed” and then basically taking almost every single shred of it back
Like any fandom, the OBSESSION with shipping. There are so many opportunities for lore exploration, friendship and found family and outside of the fandom for the Linked Universe comic SPECIFICALLY, people just… DON’T.
GHIRAHIM IS A SWORD. WE SEE HIM NAKED AND HE HAS NO GENITALIA. At the very least take these things into account, people! Let him be a cool android!
In basically any fanworks he is featured in, the Happy Mask Salesman is practically REQUIRED to be a Bad Guy.
Tingle. Fucking TINGLE gets the devs’ love. And the little mask wizard doesn’t. They put Tingle in the Hyrule Warriors Majora’s Mask DLC. OVER HIM. ANY MENTION OF HIM.
Honestly the whole fanbase thinking Majora’s Mask is “the Depressing One”. This game is THEMED around overcoming adversity, healing from trauma, and making the world a better place, and THEY STILL FUCKING—
Good!Ganondorf fanworks being stereotyped as having to be thirst-based. Like Skyward Sword dropped the bombshell that Ganondorf being The Villain is something that was set up before he was even born and WW Ganondorf might have even been RIGHT and we’re just supposed to forget about it because the devs seemed to?? We’re just not gonna talk about how absolutely fucked up those implications are??
This series exists in the context of the rest of fantasy media, where Lord of the Rings and its blatant Christianity are still seen as The Best Thing Ever.
Wind Waker’s fucked up ending themes.
Sidon is just a sex object when HE IS SO WHOLESOME
Lack of access to many older games (a problem with gaming in general tbh)
Twilight Princess’s final boss should have been Zant.
The noobs only caring about shipping BotW Link with either Zelda or Sidon
THE MAJORA’S MASK MANGA’S ENDING. The foreshadowing that the MASK ITSELF was the true villain were there from the beginning, AND they did my lil wizard SO DIRTY
Speaking of which, Ben Drowned being dragged into shit…
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spamtoon · 2 months
DCRC Week 8. In week 10.
This is normal at this point, but this time I have an excuse for being late! Vacation! But everybody else is taking naps so like come on now's the perfect time to read Dangerous Disguise by Carl Barks, obviously. Oh wait hold on let me get on Club Pengui.n
First thought I like how they phrased it that the only reason he'd send them on a vacation is if he NEEDED them out of duckburg at the moment. alright donald your bad luck is only going to make things worse here lets get you and the boys out on holiday. Here, go ruin the mediteranian
im so mad i just like. looked down a textbox and thats literally what donald confirms help
Okay there we go I'm in now we can REALLY read this story, which I've heard is generally bonkers but I'm unaware of the extent
Lord the humans are uncanny. by now i've gotten used to some of the basically humans with dog noses but these are just. kinda humans. 50s comic style humans yes but they're sitll humans
i love how the triplets' gut reactions to remembering that spies exist is accusing every single person around them of being a spy. shoutout to that guy with a long beard though he's just here to have a good time
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needed to include the picture actually. he deserves to stand on the shore and gaze wistfully into the ocean
no don't worry guys donald flirting with real human woman is par for the course right now. for context i just came back from gran fiesta tour featuring the three cabs, a ride where like the movie donald goes after real human women
it might be cliche but madame triple x might just slap as a spy name. i thought about a certain friend's certain duck oc for a split second. you know the one
i like how the spy and the counter spy are complimentary colors. donald just sees a man shaking at the thought of a lady and he's like ok. i get it you don't even wanna deal with this right now
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i know this joke has been done to death but the fact they all have the same gun got a good chuckle out of me
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what if i started using this as a reaction image. maybe not because of the me but oo la la and that pose is speaking to me right now
chiliburgeria. chiliburgers probably are a thing but i've never exactly thought about one actively before
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tied with beard guy this is the best background character
THEY JUST KILLED A GUY OKAY we're not even that many pages in and the triplets have already killed a guy that they don't even know--that guy could have been working for the US government and they would have absolutely no idea because you literally cannot tell
donald just got a power rush after killing the guy he's like HELL YEAH . im a REAL SPY NOW no you're not
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this guy's fit slaps. i like to think the nevermind in his declaration speech means that he un-countered at some point. a rogue counterspy that decided to counterspy for a different spy organization.
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donald's fucking luck i'm giggling so much in public i'm so. this comic is great i think i needed a dumb fun read today
IM SO MAD great excuse to save him. labor unions saved donald duck everybody
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the way the stakes are escalating in these old cartoons i just. taking a concept and running with it
IM SO MAD the way donald is like "my bad luck! when are you gonna kick in!" and the universe was just like "lmao time to spend your vacation fighting a bull"
THE VERY SMALL PANEL everyone is utilizing the very small panel but its. the single best part of the comic they're so little. they're so teeny. carl barks knew it. the secret secret service. i'm so. this comic got my grandparent to ask me what i was laughing at so that's a really big compliemnt. im excited to read more of these random little duck stories in the future
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glitch-pep · 2 months
This is fan content unaffiliated with partycoffins work. Welcome Home belongs to partycoffin!
Sunny Sunrise Intro
Template credit.
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[Character info is under the cut. Everything here is written as if it was written by the people running the website.]
Sunny Sunrise is an unused Welcome Home character concept, whose development was cut short before it was ever finalized.
But, luckily, there's plenty of restored concept artwork and notes from which we can deduce what she would've been like.
Apparently, there once existed the idea of a segment in the show which would have been aired exclusively during the morning.
The segment in question was going to be called "Way To Start The Day!" and it was where Sunny's character would come into play.
During the segment, she would teach children about the importance of eating a healthy breakfast each day, having proper morning hygiene and not sleeping in too often.
More often than not she would've also invited the other characters to accompany her on the way, and that's where it would get fun.
You see, Sunny was supposed to be an antagonistic character. A comedic one, but an antagonist nevertheless.
Her main enemy being Sally Starlet, someone who, as a gag, says that she doesn't know who Sunny is, despite the fact that they've known each other since childhood.
Sally was always seen as the brightest star in the sky, meanwhile Sunny was seen as the second brightest. (The sun is a star as well, but almost nobody in this universe believes Sunny when she argues this, as a gag.)
So, due to this Sunny swore that she'll get her revenge on Sally one day. In every segment of hers she'd try to ruin Sally's life throughout some elaborate plan, either with Sally directly or through one of the other neighbors.
One of the notes states that "She doesn't live in the main neighborhood, but instead her house is located in the one next to it." which confirms that she wasn't supposed to be part of the neighborhood, but instead a minor character that would appear occasionally.
The plans would always be rather silly and not 'life ruinningly' evil, they would rather just cause minor inconveniences. The plan would basically be a fail each time even if it goes according to plan because they don't cause that much damage anyways. Despite this, Sunny would keep trying.
Personality wise, Sunny is a loud, energetic, confident and a mischievous person who is, besides her 'evil shenanigans' a kind girl at heart. She's quite sporty and would show some easy morning exercises during her segment. She'd be very expressive with her gestures and poses, anything to get her words across as dramatically and fantastically as possible.
Even concept artwork for her puppet had been made and it was going to be a live-hand puppet that requires an additional hand to move the head, since it would have been quite large. One unique feature that this puppet was supposed to have, is that her shoes could turn into actual mini roller skates with the press of a button, which would've also been a thing during her segment, as she would kick the heels of her feet and the wheels would show up. This was most likely done as to emphasize that she's quick on her feet, according to a note. But, unfortunately, the puppet was never made.
Even though Sunny's s character is nowhere near present in the universe of Welcome Home, we can still find reused remains of her character in the characters we do have.
The main example of course being Sally Starlet, whom Sunny is most likely a beta version of. While the design and personality attributes are obvious, Sunny also shares Sally's talents and love for singing and dancing, which Sally is supposedly better at than Sunny.
Also, Sunny's loves and interests for knitting, sewing, cooking and baking were given to Poppy instead. Sunny's name was most likely taken from a bird concept character who was also named Sunny.
The direct reason for the erasure of Sunny Sunrise as a character is currently unknown, and even though we do have some theories about it, we'll wait until we gain more information about the overall production of the show until we try to piece it together any further.
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8bitsupervillain · 8 days
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 7 Minagoroshi pt. 31
My favorite arc/chapter/whatever term your prefer of Umineko is Chapter Seven. It featured a great amount of revelations in regards to the overall plot, and it featured some of the best, gut-wrenching writing I had seen in the Chapter 7 Tea Party. The main chapter itself ended on a wonderful note, a great blend of sadness, but optimism, only for the Tea Party to come along and just absolutely wreck the previously optimistic tone. It was, without exaggeration, so well written that I felt it absolutely made the entirety of that series worth reading just for that section alone. Which is remarkable to me, as with some of the earlier sections of Higurashi, I came perilously close to abandoning Umineko as well due to an intense dislike of portions of the narrative. I wish the tumblr search function was a more reliable device because there was a quote I saw regarding visual novels that summed up my experiences very well.
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This will have to do. Basically the quote I’m thinking of describes VNs as a 40/60 mix of enjoyment to torture. Or something along those lines.
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After the credits this comes up. Perhaps it says something about me, but I genuinely enjoy reading fictional documents like this in games and so on. Just little extra world-building minutiae of the day to day about people in the fictional universe. You won't see me passing up files in a survival horror on my first playthrough, oh no.
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While this doesn’t outright confirm that Irie is dead, I feel it’s reasonable to assume that Irie “committed suicide” shortly before the gaming club got taken out by Takano and the Mountain Dogs. I feel it’s safe to assume Irie was the Institute Director, and Takano is the chief officer. And given what’s about to occur I really don’t think Irie would sign off on it. Also, everything from Emergency Manual 34 is in red text when it’s going line by line. As with Tsumihoroboshi the log just keeps it white on gray.
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Could you imagine being part of this government kill squad, enacting your orders to kill the potential civilians in the telephone company building only to get killed by a different branch of the government kill squad? It’s like that scene at the beginning of the Dark Knight when the bank robbers are killing each other off as they do their job for the heist. Also, I could swear that they mention this quarry at some point earlier on in the series, but looking over my notes and screenshots I couldn’t actually find anything. So it may be I’m remembering something from a manga synopsis? Earlier than the post-game TIP at the end of Tsumihoroboshi I mean. Also, I might be jumping the gun here, but if your grand conspiracy is going to involve killing the entirety of Hinamizawa wouldn’t you burn the bodies afterward? They won’t find gunshot wounds in a pile of ash is all I’m saying.
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I just love this little piece of the document. It seems to imply there actually is a giant Resident Evil laboratory filled with H173 and various other deadly diseases related to Hinamizawa Syndrome. So it seems that even though she was going insane with paranoia Rena was actually on to something when she said the secret research facility is located in the Irie Clinic. Someone should make a mod for Resident Evil 4 (original or remake) that replaces Leon with a Rena model. It would give me an excuse to play Resident Evil 4 for the thousandth time.
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So, since Keiichi was taken in by the Secrecy Preservation Unit at the end of Tatarigoroshi why did they let him live for as long as he had? Was it because he was well and truly insane, thinking he had the powers of Oyashiro, so they let him live? Was it because this came out years after chapter three had been written, and therefore not really thought about back then? Or do you think he was found by the disaster recovery team instead?
Also this doesn’t have anything really to do with anything, but reading the emergency manual here reminded me of an old 1970s horror movie called The Crazies. It’s about an outbreak of a chemical that drives people insane and murderous in a small Pennsylvania town. And our protagonists have to escape from the military who was sent to contain the outbreak, and the titular crazies, who are sort of proto-zombies. There was a remake in 2010 or so, but I don’t remember that one being very good. Of course it’s been nearly twenty years since I saw the original, so maybe that doesn’t hold up either. It’s got a good poster if nothing else.
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It’s interesting how this note portrays Hinamizawa Syndrome as a parasite infection disease as well as being a lifelong ailment that shows physical signs of the disease within ten minutes of infection. Maybe that’s to do with the version of the syndrome that was observed during the war? Which especially doesn’t add up because there was all that prior information of the disease more or less being eradicated at the time.
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Now, when I read this last line something about this struck me as incorrect. The population of Hinamizawa had always been shown to be right around one thousand.
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Here are screenshots from Himatsubushi and Tatarigoroshi where they talk about the death toll of the Great Hinamizawa Disaster. It’s not exactly the end of the world that this inconsistency exists, but it was just something that rubbed me wrongly when I read it. I don’t know when the population of Hinamizawa doubled, but there it is. I wonder if it’s a situation similar to the Ohagi translation issue in Onikakushi where they just said the wrong thing initially, and this version of the translation is the correct one. Like I said, it’s not the biggest issue in the world, just something that bugged me. Basically what I’m saying is we should string up MangaGamer by the short and curlies to make them pay penance for such a grievous oversight. Made the series completely unreadable it did.
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You can tell this was translated within the last decade because of the use of “it’s current year!”
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Without getting too far ahead of it, I don’t entirely understand how the Great Hinamizawa Disaster/Operation Doomsday will ascend Takano to godhood. Either of them really.
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wildissylupus · 11 months
You seem to be well read on OW lore so I have to ask. Wtf are the dragons?? Are they real spirits?? Is it a hologram?? And by extension, how does Kiriko’s fox thing work?? Is there actually a spiritual realm in OW?? And if that’s the case, is the iris connected to that?? (Am losing my mind ever since Kiriko got revealed cause how can all the teleporting and talisman and her ult be explained with technology)
Srry if you’ve made a post about this already and I just didn’t find it btw 💀
Oh, I wish I could give you a solid answer for this question.
Because canonically, up until Kiriko, it was stated that there is no magic in the OW universe. Meaning, originally, the dragons were technology. Do we know what kind of technology? No, cause this was in yee olden days of Overwatch lore and we were lucky to get anything that related to lore.
But with the introduction of Kiriko, it's blurred the lines a bit, and what's blurring them even more is the fact that the writers are doing things and confirming things that were previously debunked. Such as God AI's featuring very heavily in the OW lore when Anubis was supposed to be a one off villian, and Emre Sarioglu being the same guy in Ana's photo. Meaning it's entirely possible that the writers have changed their views on magic being included in the OW universe.
So I can't give a solid answer until I myself have been given answers. However, I can try and explain how the dragons and the fox could be technology;
First off the dragons because they're the easiest to explain. There have been many theories of what technology the dragons could be but the most believable is that they are some form of hardlight technology. My personal theory is that the dragons are a combination of an early predecessor to hardlight technology combined with some biosocial aspect to make the dragons easier for a person to control (the biological aspect probably being something to do with the tattoos).
As for Kiriko's powers, that's a little harder to explain. Like the dragons I think the fox would be a mix of hardlight and some biological component, since we do see from Symmetra's old kit that hardlight does have support qualities. Her talisman could actually be explained with nanobiotics, we know that after the fall of Overwatch Mercy's tech was basically stolen so it isn't that far out of the question that Kiriko's talisman could be a smaller version of Mercy's staff, using the same homing and healing technology. As for her teleportation I don't really know how she would do that but we do know that self teleportation is possible because of Sombra, Kiriko could be using a more official and advanced version of Sombra's tech? Or maybe she's doing something like Sym's teleport turrets? We haven't really seen much teleportation in the OW universe, only three characters being able to do it, two of them obviously using some tech to do it. So Kiriko teleporting, though not entirely out of the question, is hard to justify with technology since the tech isn't obvious.
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