#bottom line is that these are safety features for space
maideninorange · 1 year
Something I occasionally think about is why the spacesuits throughout the Pikmin series are Designed like that (in-universe I mean). Like, what features do a whistle and a glowing antenna like that have as something apparently part of the standard design? So here's my silly headcanon: mainly, they are intended to be safety features.
The antenna? It's meant to be a bright beacon that alerts potential rescuers right to someone in distress, especially when it's somewhere dark like a cave or the dark vacuum of space. It's this latter, probably very common, scenario that would inspire such a design feature. Especially considering how common place space travel is.
And as for the whistle? If the antenna is a distress beacon for the eyes, than the whistle is that for the ears. It's a built-in way to, assuming you are still conscious, let people know where you are. After all, what good will screaming do when you are drifting through space? No one can hear you scream in space...but they can hear a loud, sharp whistle! Also, assuming you are with a group of people, a great way to let them know where you are if you were to get separated during a worst case scenario. Especially since those helmets probably muffle your voice if you're far enough away. It's an easy way to play the hot-cold game of finding a sound's source going in places where such is usually perilous.
It just so happens that these safety features come quite in handy when you get stranded on a planet full of carrot creatures with tall, similarly built stems and respond well to the aforementioned whistle.
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blues-valentine · 1 year
HSMTMTS: Ricky’s story arc as told by his songs. From I Think I Kinda You Know to Love You Forever (Part 2).
I’ve been thinking about how every song Ricky has performed on the show (my focus will be mostly on the original songs) tell us what his journey has been in the course of the show.
Ricky’s journey has been about changes and the future, leaving his childhood behind, how his parents relationship affects his own as well as the ability to be emotionally open. How he viewed love at the start of the show vs how he views love now. About new starts. About how happiness is a process and something he also needs to create for himself. And his songs reflect this journey very well. For this post. I'll focus on Season 1 and Season 2 for Part 1.
Read Part 1
As a continuation to my analysis on Ricky and the songs narrating his journey on the series. I mentioned how Season 2 closes part of Ricky’s arc with Second Chance. A song that in Ricky’s side talks about moving on after a relationship ends (Nini) and finding new beginnings. He also finishes the season saying he isn’t sure of who he is yet but it’s getting towards happiness. He had understood to an extent a lot of things and how he reacted to them wasn’t healthy for himself and those people in his life. Season 3 opens a new chapter for Ricky to start again but as an improved version of himself. It is his “second chance” in all capacities, which is why I said (x) Season 3 feels like a new start and by putting Ricky in similar situations but having him deal with it differently will show how much he has grown from his past mistakes and fears.
And before we start we have to mention the Lily story line. I think it was clearly a plot device to get to some realization. Ricky thought Lily was a good person that just needed some friends. And he saw an opportunity for something new. But the storyline simply fell flat and it made it seem like an useless rebound instead of giving Ricky (and the audience) a satisfactory arc. She was a copy of Gina 1.0 and I believe Ricky was trying to see Gina in her, and a lot of their parallels (x) feel intentional. And we know by now nothing about Rina is done carelessly. I remember Tim Federle’s interview for the finale saying Ricky is sometimes too naive for his own good. And I am sure the story line was going to make sense but as confirmed by Tim himself a lot of the things in Season 2 were rushed and the finale was rewritten (it was originally going to feature a lot of flashbacks) but the safety precautions due to covid changed those plans. Regardless, I am glad that arc got removed. Lily wasn’t an interesting character and I didn’t want her to take space from other characters. Now, with that out of the way, let’s move on.
Ricky opens this season as well as being given the first song of the season: Finally Free. This song really expands on Second Chance and tell us where Ricky’s mindset is before going to camp: embracing new starts, not going back to the old ways he used to handle all his feelings.
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Some important parts: “Give me empty pages, just give me something new” Season 1 Ricky would’ve never wished for something like this. “Breakin' away from the broken hearts (Nini). No more mistakes, no more empty starts (Lily). I'm finally, finally free, finally, finally”. He follows with “Buildin' out from the bottom. Now there's no way to go but up” meaning he has to rebuild himself again. And another one that is important is: “And I'm going down a road that I don’t know. Yeah, I let it take me anywhere but home”. This takes us back to him calling Nini home (at his childhood home) on Season 2 in a matter that felt like attachment to his childhood (and old times) so this references him not going back to that unhealthy mindset.
In a way, all the events that happened lead for Ricky to have this realization. This is the Ricky that could’ve been ready to be with Gina. But Season 1 and Season 2 Ricky wasn’t ready for that and was denying it, when he allows himself to not be afraid of changes, his feelings take a whole new perspective. This is why he is able to understand his feelings for Gina were always deeper than he allowed himself to admit before. And very fitting with the theme, Ricky and Gina vow to just “start over” with their relationship. This season is not just about Ricky rebuilding himself but his relationship with Gina as well.
This season doesn’t have as many solo songs due to the limited episodes, but did a good job in paralleling the overall arc with the roles they were playing for the musical, especially with the “love triangle” (x). Gina represents Anna’s naive perspective on love due to EJ being her first relationship so a lot of her interactions with him felt very rose colored and passive (x). I did said before EJ isn’t exactly Hans but they drew a lot of intentional parallels between them, such as Gina not knowing EJ’s real name (and that line being in the WDYKAL duet about Hans). Ricky representing Kristoff in a way that he is also learning a new way to love someone. Plus, them having Gina and EJ dress like the actual characters in a dream like sequence was very much in the nose about those references.
In this season, Ricky is starting to discover the intensity of his feelings for Gina but he handles it very differently from Season 1. He isn’t trying to cross lines but remaining respectful of her relationship with EJ. I already spoke about how this is an intentional contrast to showcase Ricky’s growth (x). From trying to help both of them, from apologizing to Gina when he feels like his feelings might’ve been too obvious. To selflessly be there for Gina, because he is now discovering love isn’t selfish or has some gain. Love is about sacrifice, sometimes putting the person you love first despite what might come.
Now, here it comes Ricky and Gina’s first duet: What Do You Know About Love. It seems fitting for them because in a way, it reflects how they perceive love at that moment. In the song Anna has a very rose colored perception of love. She thinks it’s worth it even when they clearly aren’t on the same page and she’s idealizing it, and for Kristoff, love isn’t easy, and it requieres a lot of commitment. Ricky and Gina’s version is a lot more flirtier than the Broadway version, but the question “what do you know about love?” is what they ultimately learn from each other.
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In the following episodes, Ricky helps Gina plan her promposal to EJ, despite his own feelings. I saw someone saying that a lot of Gina’s season 2 heartbreak was about thinking it was never going to be between her and Ricky. And a lot of Ricky’s heartbreak on Season 3 comes from regret, from letting Gina walk away, from letting something great slip through his fingers. At this point, he can’t turn back time but it’s willing to be there for her in any capacity Gina allows him to be. In the 60’s prom episode, Ricky could’ve told her what he feels for her but realized that it would be selfish to do this to Gina when she’s harboring her own heartbreak. His own growth has been great to watch throughout Season 3.
I also love how Ricky’s sub-plot involving the bucket list he wrote when he was a child of things to do before turning 18 is a metaphor to leaving his childhood and entering adulthood. I already spoke (x) how Nini being the person to help him complete his very last item represents how Nini was his childhood and him only ever getting with Gina when that transition has been done is very important for him as a character.
And this isn’t a Ricky solo, but I just love how this moment and this lyrics are used exactly for this scene because this is the moment Gina realizes it’s always going to be Ricky and what also makes her realize that she isn’t getting the love she deserves or wants for herself with EJ.
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As all of us theorized, with WDYKAL, Ricky was going to sing “Kristoff’s Lullaby” because is a direct response to the duet. And he did. This is probably his most important solo song from the season because it puts into words what he feels for Gina and how much she has changed what he thinks about love. I’ve explained this before. (x) Gina has represented change from the very moment she came in (and she was described as such multiple times). She was new, different, and represented the changes Ricky was afraid of. But what they didn’t know is that they are able to give each other what the other needs. Gina made him put into perceptive the idea that he can move forward, that he can deal with his life falling into different directions. Gina has made him understand that he can and will be ready for when changes knock at his door because loving her isn’t about holding back.
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Important parts from the song are: “You light the world for me. You live life fearlessly, braver than the bravest of us do. You trust, you hope, you dare. You choose to feel and care. I thought that I was strong 'til I bumped into you” I think this is the perfect way to describe Gina’s effect on Ricky’s life and how brave Gina has been about her feelings for Ricky despite her fear about forming attachments. And I’ve always said “Everything I thought I did. You've gone and changed it, kid. You're what I know about love.” is really the climax of the song and by Ricky singing this directly to Gina (while Nini is also on the audience) is makes a full circle. (x)
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This season, Ricky learned to love theater and commit to it, not just because he enjoys it but because he wanted Gina to shine. He created a good friendship with the group, as opposed to Season 2, where he was disconnected to the drama club he now has his own space within. He called himself “a theater guy” and was able to guide Jet towards it. He knew Jet had to find a place to help him cope with his home life and Ricky’s arc comes to a sweet full circle for this.
Ricky ends the season in such a good place. He has grown a lot and allowed things to just be. I like the fact he remained respectful of Gina, even when his feelings were quiet obvious. And I spoke about how important it is that their relationship started by Gina setting her own boundaries. She needed to set the lines and be like “I have feelings for you but I am also okay if it doesn’t happen between us” because a lot of Gina’s journey on Season 3 was about coming into herself and discovering her expectations in a relationship. Her telling him what she feels for him but not allowing it to weight her down and it being a parallel to 206 was also intentional. It was also important for Ricky. He needed that reassurance and initiative to finally give it his all. As he proves on Season 4, he knows and now learned his lesson. He is committed to not mess things up with her. He is committed to improve.
Season 3 ends with Ricky and Gina’s right time. Both on the same page. It was important for them to experience all of that individual journey to get together in a romantic relationship that can be fulfilling and healthy for them both.
Season 4 starts the season with Ricky and Gina in a very happy relationship. You can see that Ricky is motivated to share things with her and do things for them as a couple. A lot of Ricky and Gina’s relationship works because they embrace each other’s personalities and love languages. Gina encourages and reciprocates Ricky’s dorky behavior. As I said, she doesn’t feel suffocated by it like Nini (x) but she wants that level of commitemment and gestures.
At the start of the season, Ricky and Gina are keeping their relationship a secret because Gina is worried about the negative comments from people (mostly her mom) and she doesn’t want the bubble they’ve built together to crash. It’s understandable that we know how controlling her mom is. Ricky agrees despite his own fears. In the first episodes, we can see that a lot is changing for Gina in a way that might take her away from Ricky. This is an opportunity for him to be tested by old insecurities but make it right and not going back to his old tendencies. So, instead of trying to hold Gina back and wishing for the opportunities to disappear, he is happy, encouraging and supportive despite the odds. This thing is reflected in their very first original duet and song of the season: Maybe This Time.
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It’s a song about hoping this is the right time for them to get it right after all of the missed opportunities between them and their old relationships. They’re finally in a place where they can be together but as foreshadowing for the season a lot of things are going to change and threaten the stable place they’ve created. But not matter what the future holds they promise to be together and enjoy the ride instead of trying to control the uncertain future.
Part of the lyrics: “Maybe this time is all that we get but we've still got lots to figure out. I’d love to control what happens next I'll give you my all right now. Don't look back, just pull me closer. Hands up on this rollercoaster”. I explained (x) but having Ricky and Gina deal with similar experiences in their past relationships is to not just show how much they’ve grown and learned but also to show how committed they are to be together and be with each other as a team.
In 403, Ricky experiences a bit of insecurities over Mack but despite that he prepares a date with Gina and also apologizes for the comment he made where he sort of dismissed the impact Mack’s show had on Gina’s childhood. It might have been silly but I think it shows Ricky’s self awareness and that he takes seriously all of the things that make Gina happy. In the following episodes, Ricky tries to be supportive of Gina’s life changing opportunities and trying to find a way to make it easier for her to handle both the musical and the movie, but it starts getting a bit too overwhelming and when he finds out Gina hasn’t told her mom about them, it awakens his insecurities. This is where Speak Out comes. Although it is supposed to be for EJ to also speak about his fears, it’s about how Ricky hasn’t said some things out loud, how his mom abandonment issues have created a lot of fears into his life and has made him feel like he isn’t enough of a reason for someone to stay.
Part of the lyrics are: “I'm so sick of my past breakin' me like glass shackled by my emotion.” (…) “Don't wanna walk away from this. Don't wanna be a sinkin' ship. The anchor on my tongue won't let me swim. Don't wanna waste a moment more. Don't know what I've been waitin' for. I'll never get a chance like this again.”
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I think this moment was an outlet for Ricky to speak about things that are the root of his insecurities. How his mom decided she wanted a new life in a new city and left Ricky. How Nini didn’t think Ricky was enough for her and even how emotionally difficult it must’ve been for him to hear The Rose song and how Ricky’s entire attempts makes her feel trapped. The reason Ricky was running away is because he thought Gina was also going to leave him for bigger and better things and didn’t want to anticipate it. He never thought he is enough of a reason to stay because frankly, no one had really taken Ricky seriously or believed in his potential, except for Miss Jenn and Gina.
After that much needed conversation with EJ, Ricky goes to see Gina only to see her with Mack. I feel like in Ricky’s mind, he feels like she decided and he’s nothing compared to him. Luckily, Gina sees him and runs after him and tells him she has told his mom about them. I feel like people don’t understand that since a lot of Ricky’s fears have to do with him feeling like he isn’t good enough to be a secure option he doesn’t except people to actually chose him. In his relationship with Gina, he puts efforts but so does Gina for him. She wants him in her life and in her dreams. He isn’t an obstacle or stops her from achieving those dreams, he’s always been a motivation for Gina to pursue them.
In the last episodes, there’s still so many things Ricky has to address, not just about Gina but his college plans and their future. At this point, he has convinced himself that Gina most likely will go to chase her dreams and that it doesn’t involve him. He learned his lesson before, he told Nini he wanted her to stay only for that to be reasonably met with distaste. But the thing is, all of Ricky’s gestures where always meant to be received by Gina, who wants to be asked to stay. I explained this before. Had Ricky asked Gina to stay, she would have done it. But I love how she didn’t have to chose between her need for stability and her wants to be successful.
407 is great at paralleling Troy and Gabriela’s dilemma with Ricky and Gina’s very own issues. “Scream” comes at the moment Ricky is torn between letting Gina go and his unclear future. He feels time is running out. Later, we have them singing Right Here Right Now, a song about how the future is coming soon and they should make every second last. In a way, it also parallels Maybe This Time but less hopeful.
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And as an expectacular full circle moment, Ricky says in his speech how thankful he is about the drama club changing his life and getting him through a hard situation. As of Season 1, Ricky came in being a cynical skate rat that didn’t seem to have many friends and was pessimist about love. It didn’t seem like he had hobbies or prospects outside of skating. He had a very troubling home life and dealing with a lot of anxiety. His relationship with Nini was in the verge of ending like his parents relationship and so were his last remainders of childhood. He had to let go of things that were holding him back and accepting of changes and by the end of Season 4 we have seen Ricky become a man in so many ways. He basically let his childhood go by the end of Season 3. And this final season was about him asking questions about his own future and how that would look like for him.
And we are finally here with “Love You, Forever”. The last song Ricky Bowen ever sings on the show and how perfect of a full circle moment it is for his growth. It starts and it ends in the same place: the auditorium. Just in very different situations and a whole new Ricky.
He starts Season 1 singing “I Think I Kinda You Know” to Nini but being unable to say I love you to her face or in front of people. Mostly because his own insecurities involving his parents and how he wasn’t secure enough. I also said that when he finally did say I love you, it was still swimming in his fears of attachment and his parents divorce. It was a confession that felt like desperation to hold onto something steady and safe. And he does say this with “not net, not fear, right here in this moment”. But now, Ricky sings Love You Forever to Gina, and this time very clearly saying the words “I am in love” and “I love you” to her face and in front of his friends (and the world). He say it because he not longer associates love with something scary and that’s also thanks to Gina. He isn’t saying it to Gina to make her stay either. He is saying it because he feels it. He doesn’t know what the future holds (at that point he didn’t even know Gina changed the movie location to SLC) but he loves her and he isn’t afraid of saying it despite the unknown circumstances.
The lyrics says it all: “I been wishin' on a fallin' star for too long. I been runnin', I don't know what from but you and I've become a sacred kinda home. I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love and I know it. No net, no fear right here in this moment. I've never been more sure of what I got, yeah. Cause this is so much more than puppy love, so. I'll say it first, no matter what the cost. Here I am, full heart, full stop. I love you” and one important lyric that didn’t make it to the show but is in the full version: “I never knew that I could feel so sure and so strong how can three old words feel so brand new? Ooh, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love and I know it. Mm, so rare, so real right here in this moment. I've never been more sure of what I got. And I'm starin' at the only thing I want, so” because as I said, it’s not just about him saying I love you to Gina and being sure about it but to tell his parents and his friends. Gina’s love has made Ricky so much more emotionally open.
I would describe Ricky’s journey like this:
Season 1: Attachement, fear of changes and sticking to the status quo. Season 2: Denial, isolation, reconning and letting go. Season 3: embracing new beginnings, self improvement and passage to adulthood. Season 4: Growing, learning and embracing the future.
Ricky’s arc has always been incredible because it’s something that took time and effort. Ricky’s arc wasn’t a 180 of one season, it came with ups and downs until he finally managed to do it right not just for himself but for those he loves.
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partofmycharm · 2 years
The Neon Project - Part One (Male Yautja x GN Reader)
Hi everyone! I had this idea in my head and thought it’d be pretty cool to write.  Let me know if you want to see a part two because I’d definitely be interested in continuing!
Summary: You probably shouldn’t have taken that job. Because, now, a Yautja demands your help... but, hey, at least you’re getting paid well. 
Content Warnings: none really, just lots of swearing, SFW
Wordcount: 3063
Hadt’yk’e = (had-ti-yik-ee)
Strips of green neon lights lined the metal pathways and across the width of storefronts and apartment complexes, brightly reflecting off the tinted glass skyscrapers. Various sized ships drifted high overhead, following the holographic lines of designated pathways between the buildings, directing them to and from the docks or landing pads that jutted from the sides of the skyscrapers.
 At this time of night, the streets were quiet. The stores that closed late were dwindling in customers, the workers of which tidying their spaces in preparation. Red holograms flickered back and forth across the surfaces of the glass buildings, bearing the words ‘Human Only Territory’ in bolded letters.
 They suddenly began to flicker and change; the image morphed into the unsettling face of an old female android model, whose features still toed the line of the uncanny valley. It flashed a sweet grin, the shutters in its camera-like eyes adjusting. “Welcome to the Neon Light District. Here, the safety of our citizens is integral. Please make sure you are abiding by the laws and regulations as detailed on Section 3A of your Citizens First guidebook. As the time is now one hour past sun-down, routine shakedowns will now begin. Any and all persons found to be harbouring individuals of extra-terrestrial origin can and will be prosecuted. Thank you for your cooperation. And remember, if you hear the sirens, please evacuate to your nearest underground bunker immediately.”
 The hologram pixelated back into the ‘Human Only Territory’ sign. No one had turned to watch — it was the same announcement that they played day by day, once in the morning, and once at night, without failure.
 You were pulled from your ruminations as a robot council cleaner pulled straight in front of you. Its mechanical, pincer-like arms were held to its boxy middle as it rolled from the alley, its wheels whirring loudly. A few papers of propaganda flew from the over-filling built-in bin, drifting aimlessly through the air before landing by your feet.
 The silhouette of a cobra’s head was bracketed by two lines: ‘The Cobras: Venomous Intent’ and ‘Hey President Eustace: We Bite Back!’, and right at the bottom was: ‘Got a Code? Join Us Today!’.
 “Excuse me,” the robot beeped as it reversed towards you. Its mechanical arms reached out to suction the papers before dropping them back into the rubbish hole.
 You stepped around the knee-high thing and kept walking. Most of the others in the street had disappeared for the raids, most likely stowing away in those community safehouses that some people secretly ran. One had been busted the other day — you didn’t hear much, but you had heard that some folks were taken in. Community safehouses were meant to protect the homeless or the afraid, but since they were illegal, owning one or taking refuge in one was considered conspiracy against the government, thus sending those who didn’t escape into custody.
 The rules were ridiculous — bordering tyrannical, even. But it was the way of life on many planets now, such as the one you walked on now, Elysium. It was supposed to represent the future of human civilisation after years of such perseverance, but its way of life hadn’t been granted safety from the chains of war. It, too, had fallen to its knees during the government’s desperation to regain control in the long war against one of the Universal Powers — a few species that had existed and controlled the expanse of space since before than the birth of Homo sapiens.
 You turned down an alley just as a United Nations Space Military truck pulled onto the near-abandoned street. Taking this as your cue to hurry the fuck up, you quickened your pace towards the flashing neon sign at the end of the dark, narrow pathway. The closer you got to the green tree sign, the more the distant, thumping music became audible. You felt it deep in your bones and chest as you opened the side door.
 Hot air, alcohol, and sweat washed over you all at once. You almost keeled over at the disgusting stench that dared to burn your nostrils, but you kept your balance as the door slammed shut behind you. The music, now on the verge of bursting your eardrums, thumped around you like the world’s biggest speaker. Tight clusters of dancing people congregated on the dance floor, grinding their sweaty bodies against each other in drunken hazes. The tables were packed with bodies, most of which covered in a permanent haze of clouds from artificial drugs.
Strobing lights temporarily blinked the joint into darkness every few seconds. You curled your hands into tight fists as you glared through the mass of alternating colours, each flash making your gut clench with nausea. There was a bar backed with red neon lights, highlighting the silhouettes of shirtless bartenders pouring drinks for waiting customers.
 You tried not to take many deep breaths as you immediately turned to your right and zipped past a few tables of idling customers. A few eyed you up and down, their crooked and musty faces lightening with smugness as they watched you storm away. There was an archway amongst the right wall, where a layer of orange and red beads blocked the way through. You pushed them to the side and stepped into the hallway that stretched to your left.
 About halfway down stood a burly security guard with muscles larger than your head, the size of them almost bulging through the material of his fine suit. He stood patiently, with his thick hands clasped together in front of him.
 You paid him no mind as you walked past him towards the staff-only bathroom. Just as your fingers reached for the handle, a large hand quickly snatched the front of your shirt and pushed you back. The security guard had stepped forward, his scarred face sneering down at you.
 No words were exchanged, but you stared up at him with raised eyebrows. After a few seconds, the security guard grunted, and he relented his hold on your shirt. He stepped back.
 As if nothing had happened, you opened the door and stepped into the brightly lit bathroom, the lights buzzing above you. As soon as the door closed, the music outside ceased. You sucked in a deep breath before you approached the last stall, which was closed.
 After stepping inside, you pressed the flush button with your knuckle, and there was a low whirr from behind the toilet before the wall shifted. It rotated to the side, revealing a just as bright staircase leading down. The wall rotated shut behind you as you stepped in, and your shoes slapped noisily on the smooth concrete as you descended the steps.
 Right at the bottom sat a wooden door, the surface of it painted with the silhouetted head of a king cobra. You pushed it open to enter the small, boxy entrance, where another security guard stood, this time armed to the bone with enough weaponry to hold off a small army. He paid you no mind as the door slammed shut behind you, but the two whispering women in the corner did.
 There was another woman though. She was tanned, with swishing hair that reached her buttocks. Her defined muscles were covered in tattooed patchwork, and she bore two rings in her right eyebrow.
 “Took you long enough,” her voice was deep. You knew her only by the name Temperance. It wasn’t her real name, of course, it was after one of the major arcana of tarot. Other than that, you didn’t know much about her; you’d only worked together once before.
 “It’s not easy getting through the District,” you said. “Soldiers were everywhere in the west zone.”
 “Yeah. I heard talk of a safehouse bust,” Temperance said. She turned on her heel and began to lead you through past another set of beads and into the recreational room.
 “Another one?” You asked. That was two within a week. “Seems like they’re cracking down.”
 “Fletch is worried there are insiders.” Temperance pushed open a door, and they moved past an armoury and an indoor shooting range.
 “Wouldn’t surprise me,” you said. “So, what was the rush to get me here? I was about to go off planet, you know.”
 Temperance laughed. “Wait until you get a load of this,” she said. “Remember that job you took a few weeks ago?”
 “There were a few.”
 “The big one,” Temperance said pointedly.
 You shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah. Why? They get busted, too?”
 “No.” Temperance clicked her tongue. “Better. Or worse. Depending on your perception.” They stopped at a locked door, and she turned to you, raising a finger. “Now, whatever you do, don’t panic. And be respectful, for fucks sake.”
 “Yes, captain,” you whispered as Temperance turned back around. The cut-out in her loose singlet revealed the twisting tattoo of a ferocious fire-breathing dragon, rippling and twisting with the flexing definition of her back muscles.
 The door opened, and, at a table, stood only two figures. One being Fletch, one of the men responsible for leading the Cobras. He’d spent years in prison for a crime in which he was falsely accused of; his time there having crafted a shell of who he used to be. Faded tattoos covered the expanse of his skin, most of which accumulated during his time behind bars. He was rough and tough, but he cared about his people — he wasn’t like the military or the government. He always said if he went to prison again, at least this time, it would be for something worthwhile.
 The other… individual standing by the table was of certain interest to you. He was massive, standing at around 7’5, his limbs and torso plated with shining armour and leather. Underneath those pieces, his hide was an unusual deep purple, with even darker stripes that were barely distinguishable up and down his frame. In the centre of his abdomen was a white diamond, which easily caught your attention amongst the monotonous palettes. He had a singular feline skull that rested above his codpiece, and a blank mask with words of an unfamiliar language etched across the surface.
 This was a Yautja, you knew that. It wasn’t your first time meeting one, but it would be the first time you’d meet one in a… favourable setting.
 “(Y/N),” Fletch said. “Nice to see you again.” He held his hand out towards the male Yautja, who’d stiffened and folded his arms across his bulky chest as you entered. “This is Hadt’yk’e. He’s an Arbitrator.”
 You could sense the hostility from the very moment you stepped inside. You only managed a nod toward Hadt’yk’e, who hardly acknowledged the gesture. Temperance rose her brows as she moved off to the side, sneaking you a knowing glance.
 “Why am I here?” You asked. You didn’t like the way you suddenly felt vulnerable under Hadt’yk’e’s scrutiny. In response, you, too, folded your arms across your chest.
 “I heard that you were allocated a job a few weeks ago. Right?” Fletch asked carefully, to which you nodded. Fletch turned to Hadt’yk’e, who jutted his chin at you.
 “Your temporary employers were Weyland-Yutani. Were they or were they not?” The Yautja asked in perfect, fluent English. His voice was deep and gravelly, accentuated with clicks on every harsh sound.
 “I can’t disclose that,” you said casually, which earned an unpleasant snarl. Fletch held up a placating hand.
 “In other circumstances, that would be correct,” he said. “But there are bigger things at stake. And as a Commander, I say it’s fine.”
 You almost rolled your eyes. You didn’t care who Hadt’yk’e was or what his title was or why he was here. You respected only the code of the Cobras; in doing so, you’d seen a lot of shit in your lifetime. This guy? Pfft. He wouldn’t kill you, therefore he didn’t scare you. But, alas, Fletch was an authority figure, and he was someone you respected.
 “Yes, they were,” you said plainly.
 “And what is your formal title for this… rebel group?” Hadt’yk’e asked. Oh. So, he was one of those Yautjas, then. It was clear to you that he’d never done dealings with the Cobras before — it wasn’t common for them to do business with a Yautja, but it did occur.
 “I’m a smuggler,” you said. You knew where this was going, and you had the perfect response crafted.
 “And what was it you were smuggling?”
 You just shrugged. “Dunno.”
 The response didn’t sit well with Hadt’yk’e. His muscles tensed, but he didn’t say anything else. After a second or two, he spoke again. “I will not ask again.”
 “Good. Because I don’t have an answer,” you said.
 “(Y/N),” Fletch said with an undertone of warning.
 You sighed. “I don’t know. I was just told it was special cargo, and that I had to be careful and quick.” You weren’t lying. Weyland-Yutani performed a lot of shady shit, and the only ways for them to discreetly transport precious cargo from one facility to the next was through Cobra smugglers, i.e., you. It was the only job you’d ever been allocated from that company. The payout had been decent.
 “Where did you deliver this cargo?” Hadt’yk’e asked immediately after.
 “Some designated meetup point in this District,” you said.
 Hadt’yk’e rumbled. “Where?” He reiterated.
 “I can’t remember. But it was on one of the landing pads in the east zone,” you said. “That’s all I know. Can I leave now?”
 “No,” Fletch said. “We have reason to believe that precious cargo of yours was actually a Yautja. And Hadt’yk’e needs him back.”
 You blinked. “Right,” you said slowly. So, what? They wanted you to smuggle yourself into a Weyland-Yutani facility, find an entire fucking Yautja, and somehow smuggle him out without anyone noticing? What a fantastic idea. “And how is this my problem?”
 “Because you are the one responsible for handing him over.” Hadt’yk’e’s voice was stern. He still hadn’t moved, eerily enough. “Now, you will be responsible for getting him out.”
 “You’re an Arbitrator. Isn’t that your job?” You asked incredulously. God, you’d been right! These guys are fucking lunatics!
 “There’s a problem,” Fletch said. “No one here knows of any Weyland-Yutani facility anywhere on this planet. But, from your information, it must be around this District somewhere. These facilities are basically impenetrable.”
 “Great. Good thing you’re trained for that, right, Hadt’yk’e?” You asked, turning towards the Yautja, who just stared at you.
 “You aren’t funny,” he said.
 “I didn’t say I was,” you quipped. “I don’t understand why you think I can be of any help.”
 “You’re probably the only person on this planet that Weyland-Yutani will trust,” Fletch said. He rested his palms against the side of the table. “So, you’re probably the only person who’ll be able to find them.”
 You wanted to argue. The last thing you wanted was to closely work with a Yautja — one who blamed you for this situation, no less. You couldn’t see how it was your problem; your job was literally to smuggle shit, mostly confidential, from one place to another. It was just a source of income, with a nice added slice of protection from the Cobras.
 Hadt’yk’e didn’t like the idea any more. If he could do this on his own, he would. But Weyland-Yutani had learnt from previous encounters, making his job harder. Although he wasn’t opposed to working with humans, he didn’t particularly like the feeling of asking for help.
 “Do you still have their contact information?” Fletch asked.
 “It was a proxy,” you said, shrugging. “And the channel was disabled after the deal was done.”
 “Send me their information,” Hadt’yk’e said. “And the channel. I can decrypt the data.”
 You stared between the two of them before briefly looking at Temperance, who was bobbing her head to the music that played through her old-age, blocky headphones. You turned back. “So, what? What do I do with this?”
 “Well, once we establish contact—” Fletch started.
 “If we establish contact,” you interrupted.
 Fletch glared. “Whatever. If we establish contact, you can be the one that gets in. You’ll be Hadt’yk’e’s eyes.”
 “They don’t trust me,” you said. “And besides, you need a facial profile to get clearance into any government facility. And last time I checked, I don’t have one.”
 If Weyland-Yutani didn’t front as some giant engineering corporation, there wouldn’t be any problems infiltrating their place as a human. But facial recognition data patrolled their facilities like a pack of wolves to its prey. The questionable stuff happened under the surface, but you had never really cared to know. They’d never been on your radar, and the ship that you’d bought was independently crafted.
 “That’s what Temperance is for.” Fletch gestured towards the woman in the corner, who threw up a lazy gesture when she clocked the attention was on her.
 You turned to Hadt’yk’e, who was already staring at you. “Alright.” You nodded. “I smuggle you in, and I expect some sort of payment. What have you got?”
 Hadt’yk’e had been expecting this. He jutted his chin at her, the curves of his mask catching the low lighting. “Are universal credits sufficient?”
 “Are they traceable?”
 You nonchalantly half-shrugged. “Ten thousand.”
 “I’m not going any lower,” you said. “I’m already risking my ass for shit that’s not even my problem.”
 “It is your problem,” Hadt’yk’e said.
 “Ten thousand, and if you think that’s negotiable, I want an extra grand for every time you inconvenience me,” you said with an unimpressed tone.
 Hadt’yk’e bristled for a brief moment. He untensed his muscles — he wouldn’t let this get to him. “Fine. It is a deal.” He had plenty more where that came from, anyway.
 You smiled at him; it wasn’t mocking but it wasn’t nice, either. It was just another job, you told yourself. I’m only going to break into a government facility. It’s no big deal.
 And as Fletch started talking, you couldn’t help but think about how your employer was a fucking Yautja! You didn’t like the idea of working for one. They weren’t exactly on the top of your Favourite Alien list — not like you were keeping tabs… but, still. The more experienced Cobras dealt with them on the few occasions one had approached them.
 You sighed internally. I should have never taken that fucking job.
Part Two —>
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voiceoffenrisulfr · 3 months
Hail Hydra Chapter Fifteen - "Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself."
As Bucky's second year of captivity comes to a close, he undergoes a life-changing alteration. Prompts fulfilled; - ‘Directions’ – @fandom-free-bingo (Frosty), - ‘Hidden Scars’ and ‘Restrained’ – Fandom-Free Bingo (Flight), - ‘Lifted By the Neck’ and ‘No Anaesthetic’ – @badthingshappenbingo, ‘Friends With the Devil’ – @fnafbingo. CW: Non-con body modification, torture in the guise of medical procedure, mentions of sexual assault and rape, mentions of violence.
Boards at the bottom. Check it out below, or on AO3 here!
Divider by our own Tem! <3
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The days blurred together as winter began to slowly fade back into spring, marking the culmination of my second year of captivity – a fact that should have been more depressing than it was, were it not for the overwhelming numbness I felt.
My obedience had been all but assured since Lebedev’s punishment, and I went through my days with my head bowed, wordlessly accepting any and all orders issued. As I continued to behave myself, my privileges increased – no longer was I locked in my room instead given the freedom to wander as I saw fit.
I never left that small space, the only place I felt any modicum of safety, if I had any choice.
My work began to shift away from pure physical labour; instead, I was permitted to train with the HYDRA soldiers, under strict instructions not to cause lasting injury. After a few weeks of careful observation, guns trained on me to ensure that I would pull my punches, the men slowly began to relax, trusting that I wasn’t playing the long game.
Part of me wished I were - but I was just too tired. I belonged to them now.
There was nothing left to fight for.
Every evening, I reported to Lebedev as ordered. Nine out of ten occasions, I was ‘rewarded’ instead of punished – the other ten percent of the time I was isolated on the grounds of some imagined slight, an infraction forgotten by the time he had finished with me.
To my shame, I began to long for his praise – for the complex combination of guilt, shame, humiliation and pleasure that it entailed; at least if I was rewarded, I didn’t spend the night awake, curled up in agony as my damaged body knitted itself back together, ready to be dismantled all over again.
I did exactly what I was told exactly when I was told to, never hesitating or objecting. Three more bodies were buried beside the first and his fallen companion, and my eyes never once strayed to that haze on the horizon.
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I’d barely seen Zola since he arrived, and that was how I preferred it. Only twice more had he strapped me to that table, poking and prodding at the stump of my shoulder, taking measurement after measurement, fixing me with electrodes and humming under his breath as he drew dotted lines on the warped flesh.
He asked questions as he worked, delving into my history, my life – callously unpicking my every secret and hidden thought, the Lieutenant’s hand on my ankle reminding me that silence or lies were not options with a desirable outcome. I simply followed directions, hoping for the best.
But four weeks after Zola’s return, it was the man himself who sought me out in the morning, accompanied by two men at each shoulder.
He’s expecting a fight…
I swung my feet out of bed silently, hand resting lightly on my thigh, head and gaze lowered as I awaited my orders.
“Come, Asset. It’s ready.”
Memories of the last time I had my shoulder worked on flashed to the forefront of my mind, and my muscles seized involuntarily in a profound, bone-deep fear. Zola simply raised an eyebrow, glancing at one of the men behind him
My stomach dropped as one of the soldiers stepped into the room, light illuminating his familiar features, the fear inside me skyrocketing until every inhalation made my chest burn.
Ivan smirked as he stared down at me, arms crossed over his torso. “Hello, Американский.”
My gaze met his own cold, calculating one, distantly noting the scar that now ran from the corner of his eyebrow to the quirked edge of his lip. Mouth moving wordlessly for a moment, I fought to find words to force out, but before I could make a sound his hand lashed out, lifting me clear into the air by my throat as I kicked and struggled instinctively. My fingernails scrabbled frantically at his skin, gouging into the flesh as I fought to breathe, but he simply turned away from the bed to slam me back into the wall. The air was forced from my body, and I could feel my lungs straining and burning desperately, pleading to inflate, cheeks burning from the asphyxiation.
He finally released me, and my body crumbled to ground as I sucked in one desperate, rattling breath. “How nice to see you again,” he murmured, squatting before as I coughed and gagged. “I’ve missed watching you suffer…”
I snarled around my wheezing, and his hand wrapped in my hair to hoist me to my feet, eliciting a yelp of a pain and surprise. “Try not to damage him further, Ivan,” Zola sighed, sounding bored at the events unfolding before him.
With a reluctant huff, Ivan released me, and I stepped back automatically. “No, Американский. Stay. Hand out.”
My arm shook as I offered it reluctantly – terrified to obey, but too fearful to ignore him. A coarse rope was passed around my wrist and yanked tight, his eyes locked on mine as he grinned maliciously.
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I spend too much time strapped to these tables.
The cuffs around my wrist and ankles held me fast, but I didn’t have the strength to fight. Somewhere deep inside me, I hoped that whatever he was going to do would make this endless pain less intense – but I wasn’t holding my breath as he probed gently at the stump of my shoulder. A shudder rippled through my body as he pressed on a particularly tender point, and I growled automatically, recoiling as Ivan warningly stepped closer. Zola simply shushed us both, pale eyes cutting to mine. “The good doctor butchered you, hm?”
I nodded softly, unable to look away from his sympathetic smile. “No anaesthetic,” I offered quietly, and his lip curled.
“Violence for violence sake. How barbaric,” he replied softly, shaking his head. “Worry not; I’m going to put you under before I get to work.”
That, at least, came as a relief – the promise of a sweet oblivion was captivating, and I found myself almost excited at the prospect.
Without warning, I found myself sinking, my body growing heavier by the second. Zola’s light eyes and grinning face were the last thing I saw as unconsciousness wrapped around me, dragging me under.
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I woke slowly, forcing my mind through a treacle-thick fog.
The second sensation began to trickle back through my limbs, I jerked violently, crying out at the searing agony radiating through my body. The pain was more intense than I’d ever felt, even with the drugs still thrumming through my veins, and was no longer limited to my shoulder; now, the agony radiated along my collarbone and down my ribcage, sharp and tearing and burning, feeling for all the world as though my body was being ripped apart and rebuilt with every heartbeat. It was… Unfathomable, and all I could do was scream and thrash, my arms straining against their restraints.
The realisation made me freeze, panic briefly overridden as I flexed my fingers experimentally. The movement felt foreign and distant. I had perfect control over the unseen appendage, despite the sensation of disconnect, and as I tugged lightly on the cuff around my wrist, the mental groaned.
My head snapped around as I released a vicious snarl, feral as a wounded wildcat as Ivan stepped away from the wall. He simply raised an eyebrow, placing a palm on the agonising seam where the feeling of my own flesh ended, offering me an uncharacteristically soft smile as I thrashed, before he applied a light pressure.
The scream that parted my lips tore from my throat violently, ears ringing at the unholy shriek. My fingers dug into the platform beneath me, agony coursing through me blindly at the surprisingly gentle touch. I could only pant for breath when he released me, tears streaming freely down my cheeks while I retched at the pain, and he grinned sadistically down at me through the water in my gaze. “I’m sorry; does that hurt?” he crooned, and I spat out a whimper hatefully, incapable of little more than trembling and crying.
“Ivan, that is enough,” a soft voice interrupted, and I turned my blurry vision toward a shape in the doorway – short and stout, and instantly recognisable not only by his outline and his accent, but also by the atmosphere he brought with him into the space.
“What did you do to me?” I whispered brokenly, still moving restlessly, unable to let myself be still in a frantic, futile attempt to avoid the pain. He came closer, eyes roaming over my shoulder hungrily, and smiled.
“I have made you better,” he breathed, his tone full of reverence at his own work. “I have made you stronger.”
“It hurts…”
“It’s very advanced technology. You should be grateful,” he purred, leaning closer as his eyes flashed. “The pain will make you stronger. Flesh and metal combined, each supporting the other in a beautiful matrix… Would you like to see?”
He ignored the desperate shaking of my head, a hand mirror in his grasp, and he squatted close to my head as he angled it carefully, his pale eyes flashing briefly in the reflection before I saw what he’d done to me.
The scars that once made up the stump marking my missing arm were no longer visible, obscured by shining silver dotted infrequently with smudges and flecks of blood, earning a tut and a rub of his thumb, accompanied by an absent comment about cleaning me up. The site where metal and flesh met was an ugly line of ragged gore, an uneven seam where the foreign appendage had been roughly bonded to my body. I moved my shoulder uncertainly, distantly amazed despite myself as the metal shifted obligingly.
“Each nerve, each muscle, bonded so carefully…” He tipped down the mirror, showing a mass of stitches over my collarbone and ribs, extending over my chest. “Of course, with great power comes sacrifice. Those mere mortal tissues, impressive as the serum has made you, could not support the strength. We had to make a few… Modifications.” He smiled again as he drew back, eyes dancing with delight. “I can’t wait to see what you’re capable of, Asset.”
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soleilnomoon · 1 year
hi i would like to order a honey lemon drop with frozen yogurt for nanami. and ftm he/him pronouns if possible
so sorry for the long, long, long wait omg 😭 so ty for being patient💛, but i finished and i really like how it turned out (i hope u do too 😊) anyway i think this is my first nanami fic, so naturally i love that you wanted angst
1.9k words, ftm reader (he/him), sfw (surprise surprise), 18+ mdni, angst city all dayyy, no real warnings except that reader is a little bit of a coward (but i, too, would be unable to confess to nanami ok i understand), feat. one bed trope, forced proximity, nanami being capt. of the delulu squad (as usual), i think that's it! maybe.
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“how can i not love you violently when / all i have ever known is / violence in the name of love?” — fatima aamer bilal
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on a rainy thursday night, you find yourself in a second-rate motel room with one nanami kento. the situation you’ve found yourself in is less than ideal, but it’s too late to travel back home now — the distance alone puts both of you at risk, especially since you sustained an injury on your mission.
you wince as you canvas the room — a habit you’ve yet to break since childhood — and when you find that it’s safe enough, you relax a bit. but even with a soft exhale, you find yourself holding onto your side with your hand, a strained expression etched carelessly onto your soft features. you tell yourself that it’s not a big deal, that you can take whatever pain comes your way. it works to distract you quite a bit, until you remember that you’re not occupying this space alone.
nanami kento thinks you’re an idiot — possibly a bigger one than gojo satoru, although that’s debatable depending on the time of day. his reasoning is simple. only an idiot would leave themselves wide open during a fight; only an idiot would push their superior out of harm’s way without any regard for their own life; and only an idiot would wave off an injury like that and pretend that they’re fine when they’re clearly not.
but, most importantly, only an idiot with a heart much too pure for this line of work, would consider the life of someone like him worth saving.
nanami clenches his jaw for what feels like the hundredth time that day, his nerves frayed despite the nonchalance he insists on presenting to you. the room is tinier than he expected, but he doesn’t have the option of being picky right now. he shrugs off his jacket and neatly drapes it on the back of a nearby chair before running a hand down his face.
you groan a little louder than you mean to as you try to find a comfortable position while sitting on the bed, which only furthers his frustration with you.
when nanami caught you just as you fell over, he thought he’d lost another partner — although, is partner the right word in his instance? he’s not so sure now. the thought of you losing your life when you have so much more to live for, forces a different kind of fear to settle heavily in his stomach.
humans — both sorcerers and non-sorcerers — are fragile, much more prone to crumbling under the strength of supernatural entities. nanami’s wondered for a while if this line of work is suitable for someone like you. someone who, despite him telling you to save yourself first, has a blatant disregard for their own well-being, even in the face of danger.
it's absolutely infuriating to him. he was being careless, which is wholly unlike him. maybe it’s because his focus shifted slightly, where he watched you a little more closely than he should have — to ensure your safety, of course — and by the time he realized, you’d already taken the hit for him.
foolish. very, very foolish.
you watch nanami carefully, biting down on your bottom lip, wondering if he’s going to lecture you to death over your actions. he was silent during the car ride and hasn’t said much since you arrived at the motel — so you’re nervous, and why wouldn’t you be? you’re sure he doesn’t hate you, but sometimes you wonder; you always mess up in front of him, and no matter what you do you can’t seem to keep it together.
if only you could channel some courage to tell him that it’s alright, that you didn’t mind getting hurt, that you just wanted to make sure he was okay. you know that he’s much more adept at fighting, his own physical prowess out ranks yours significantly, but he’s always given you credit for your determination and insistence on trying over and over again. you assume that his silence is his attempt at keeping his anger at bay — and you’re partially right, it is.
but not for the reasons you think.
nanami hasn’t gotten the hang of properly expressing himself, because you also make him nervous — and it annoys him greatly. he recognizes it as some sort of affection for you on his part, but since he’s so good at denying himself — of the things he really wants, of anything that might bring him a sliver of happiness — it took months for him to piece together his feelings.
maybe it’s because your own feelings for him overwhelm you constantly; they make it difficult for you to keep eye contact for longer than a few seconds, makes it damn near impossible for you to be near him without feeling like you’re out of your element. you don’t entertain those outlandish daydreams anymore — the intimate ones, where he sees you as something more than a colleague — but from time to time, the compulsion hits you.
you happen to glance down at your shirt and realize you’re bleeding through it, so you unbutton it without thinking, careful to not agitate your wound. nanami’s frown deepens; he reminds himself to never be that careless again. and although he sighs that signature sigh of his, he grabs the first aid kit and walks over to the bed.
“let me clean that,” he says quietly, placing the supplies on the bed next to you before rolling up his sleeves.
the sight of his forearms is enough to send you into cardiac arrest. thankfully, you somehow manage to survive the ordeal — although your heart feels like it’s beating faster than it should, you’re surprised nanami doesn’t hear it.
swallowing hard, you try and stop him. “n-no, that’s fine. i don’t need your help.” you continue rambling and stumbling over your words, face burning from embarrassment. he grabs a chair and sits in front of you, barely paying attention to your protests. your voice is comforting — dulcet tones, soft and unsure, but very much you; it helps to take the tension away from him, and he suddenly starts to feel himself relax a bit.
when you impulsively grab his wrist to stop him, he fixes you with a stern look, effectively snuffing out any rebelliousness on your end.
it’s not that he thinks you’re incapable of cleaning it yourself, it’s that he knows you’re still in pain, and it will be more efficient if he does it himself. his excuse is that he’s gotten quite good at patching himself up over the years, and he somehow rationalizes that it makes the most sense for him to be the one to help you with this.
you let go of his wrist and try not to move, instead finding yourself watching nanami up close. heat beat slowing, yet somehow still a thunderous sound in your ears, you try to remain calm despite his close proximity. a heat radiates off your body — one he certainly feels but ignores for the sake of his own sanity. acting on emotions, on physical impulses, on outlandish dreams — those are things nanami simply cannot do.
or, rather, that he shouldn’t do.
nanami is classically handsome, with sharp features, an elegant nose, and long, fair lashes. you think you’re being inconspicuous as you watch him, committing his face to memory, so that you can think back on this exact moment later and anguish over unsaid words and actions you were too cowardly to take. you’re not exactly as subtle as you think you are, so nanami catches you fairly quickly. not that you realize any of that, you’re still trying to piece together your courage as nanami’s fingers graze your skin softly.
he moves with precision, albeit much slower than he normally does; he’s not sure if it’s an inherent selfishness on his part, but this is the only form of intimacy he’ll allow himself to have with you — as he knows the likelihood of you both living a full, enriching life is slim. still, he cleans your wound much faster than you’d like, the tips of his lithe fingers lingering dangerously close as he runs them along the bandage.
that touch alone causes you to sit up straight, breathe in sharply through your nose and grit your teeth together; it’s an attempt at grounding yourself, despite the goosebumps that crop up along your arms. still, you feel… full, somehow — and hopeful. your heart also feels too big for your chest now, almost as if there’s some sort of possibility of this being something more than a daydream.
nanami goes to wash his hands, although he looks over his shoulder at you to tell you, in that low, gravelly voice of his, that you can take the bed while he takes the armchair.
“that’s ridiculous,” you blurt out without warning, “we can share the bed, it’s not that small.”
there are so many reasons why he should not get in that bed with you, but none of them come to mind now; he wants to protest, though, very badly — but there you are, looking so fragile and seemingly angelic, that he acquiesces right away. you try not to let nerves get the best of you, as you didn’t think nanami would really agree to the demand. and by the time you both settle on the bed, nanami does his best to keep a respectful distance from you.
on a whim, because the lights are off, the rain soothes you in a way that easily invites fatigue to claim you right away, you shift closer to him. nanami stiffens immediately, not understanding why you keep insisting on trying his patience like that but relaxes eventually. he won’t admit it, but he likes that you’re completely vulnerable with him.
your eyelids grow heavy, making it impossible to stay awake, and you start mumbling as you drift off to sleep. holding his breath and keeping still, nanami strains his ears to hear you — almost like he knows that if he doesn’t, he’ll miss out on something very important.
the courage you’ve been desperately seeking comes unexpectedly, and of course it would happen while you’re delirious with exhaustion. you talk sometimes in your sleep; normally, no one is around to hear it, but tonight, nanami will be subjected to the one confession you thought you’d never be brave enough to say out loud.
you say, “i’m a little bit in love with you,” so quietly that nanami thinks he imagined it. he closes his eyes briefly and takes a deep breath, telling his mind to settle, before looking at you again. your words will haunt him for eternity, mostly because you didn’t mean to say them to him — not now, anyway — and he understands that.
what is he supposed to do now that he knows? it complicates things even more for him, and as someone who hates unnecessary complications, he now has to reconsider his approach with you. still, he doesn’t get off the bed, doesn’t move away from you; instead, nanami traces the shape of your lips with his finger — slowly and with purpose. he doesn’t know what compels him to do that, except that he just wanted to. when your lips part, he pulls his hand back, nerves barely keeping together. he closes his eyes again and prays that sleep finds him soon; at this rate, he’ll end up telling you how he feels too, and he can’t possibly have that happen. not now, not ever.
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vmsplusblog · 3 days
Advantages of Sliding Glass Windows | VMS Plus
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Our living environments are changing because architectural innovations always push the limits of functionality and design. Sliding glass windows are a sophisticated way to combine living outside and within. Sliding glass windows let in more natural light and fresh air into your home, thanks to its sleek, contemporary design. These modern marvels come with several benefits, as their clean, minimalistic lines and harmonic design blend functionality, style, and practicality to create a harmonious atmosphere in any setting.
Let us examine the many advantages of sliding glass windows.
Sliding glass windows provide an abundance of natural light.
Sliding glass windows improve the visual appeal and modify the atmosphere of a space. The sleek frames and giant glass panels make maximum light penetration and visual hindrance possible. This gives the rooms the appearance of being more extensive and more airy while also giving them an inviting appearance.
Airflow & Ventilation with Sliding Glass Windows
Sliding glass windows provide excellent ventilation and airflow. They save costly space and keep the home temperature comfortable by opening fully for optimal ventilation or just an inch for a little breeze. Select dual-slider windows with two movable sashes for improved ventilation and a healthier interior.
Glass sliding windows and unhindered views
Sliding windows, a movable substitute for fixed windows or glass walls, are a unique architectural option that provides wide, unobstructed views. Thanks to the sliding windows’ clear, toughened glass panes, there’s an air of open space and contemporary elegance. These contemporary glass windows offer uninterrupted views, making larger proportions possible.
Slide Glass Windows’ Eye-Windows’ Appearance
Homes with streamlined sliding glass windows can achieve timeless elegance. The large glass panes and simple frames enhance a contemporary appearance and opulent feel. Furthermore, the expansive glass panels optimize natural light and foster a pleasing sense of open space by harmoniously fusing the interior and exterior surroundings.
Sliding glass windows’ space-saving feature
Sliding windows are best suited for smaller areas and dwellings since they travel down a horizontal track, unlike traditional ones, and need additional clearance to swing inward or outward. They provide ease, efficiency, and a cosy appearance in small spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms, and balconies where natural light and ventilation are sought.
Sliding glass windows and increased security
Modern glass windows have sophisticated security features that increase room safety. These features include reinforced frames, multi-point locking systems, and toughened laminated glass. These locking systems provide a break-in-proof solution and inhibit operation from the outside.
Sliding Glass Windows Integrated Seamlessly With Mosquito Mesh
Using a mosquito mesh efficiently keeps insects out of your home while allowing for airflow. With the easy integration of these mosquito mesh panels with sliding windows, homeowners can effectively prevent mosquitoes and create a bug-free, comfortable living environment.
Simple to Use Operation
Sliding windows also tremendously improve the house’s functionality because they are designed for uncomplicated and smooth operation. People of all ages find them attractive because of their effortless functioning, which requires no effort.
With a sliding sash that glides back and forth, they offer a hassle-free window experience. Furthermore, they can be positioned in confined areas where you might not have the advantage needed for a hanging window to optimize natural light and airflow.
Resilience and Elongation
Sliding windows are a low-maintenance, strong, and cosy option for houses because they move within a defined channel, which protects them from impact and edge wear. Because a frame firmly holds each slider at the top and bottom, it also functions well when subjected to wind pressure.
Easy upkeep
Another advantage of sliding windows is the little maintenance and care required. Since sliding windows have no hinges, pulleys, or springs in their design, maintenance is a breeze. To ensure smooth functioning and prolong its longevity, clear any dirt or debris that may accumulate in the window tracks and lubricate them occasionally.
Sliding glass windows can add beauty to your home.
Sliding glass windows provide several advantages while maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your house without compromising functionality. These windows are a popular option for window types since they are highly adaptable and valuable additions to any home, regardless of whether you are constructing a new space or renovating an old one.
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southernliftal · 7 days
Hyundai Forklifts - Engineered for Efficiency and Safety
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In the world of material handling, efficiency and safety are paramount. For businesses looking to optimize their operations while ensuring a safe working environment, Hyundai forklifts are the ideal solution. Renowned for their innovative design and advanced technology, Hyundai forklifts are engineered to meet the demands of various industries, providing the reliability and performance you need hyundai forklift dealer.
The Importance of Efficiency
Efficiency in material handling can significantly impact your bottom line. Hyundai forklifts are designed to enhance productivity through features that streamline operations:
Powerful Performance: Equipped with advanced engines and hydraulic systems, Hyundai forklifts deliver strong lifting capabilities and quick maneuverability, allowing you to move goods swiftly and effectively.
Intelligent Technology: Many Hyundai models incorporate smart technology that provides real-time diagnostics and performance monitoring. This feature not only optimizes operations but also helps identify potential issues before they become costly problems.
User-Friendly Design: Ergonomically designed controls and comfortable operator cabins make it easy for your team to operate Hyundai forklifts efficiently. Reduced operator fatigue translates to higher productivity levels throughout your work shifts.
Safety Features That Matter
Safety is a non-negotiable aspect of any material handling operation. Hyundai prioritizes safety in the design of their forklifts, ensuring that both operators and bystanders are protected:
Advanced Stability Systems: Hyundai forklifts come equipped with advanced stability systems that help prevent tipping and ensure smooth operation on uneven surfaces. This feature is crucial for maintaining safety during heavy lifting and transporting tasks.
Enhanced Visibility: The design of Hyundai forklifts prioritizes visibility, providing operators with clear sightlines to their surroundings. This reduces blind spots and enhances situational awareness, minimizing the risk of accidents.
Safety Alerts and Sensors: Many Hyundai models include safety alerts and sensors that notify operators of potential hazards. Features like seatbelt reminders and overhead guard systems contribute to a safer working environment.
A Versatile Range of Options
Hyundai offers a diverse lineup of forklifts tailored to meet the specific needs of your business:
Electric Forklifts: Ideal for indoor operations, these models produce zero emissions and operate quietly, making them a sustainable choice for warehouses and distribution centers.
Internal Combustion Forklifts: These robust forklifts are designed for heavy-duty tasks, capable of handling substantial loads in outdoor environments. Their power and durability make them suitable for a variety of applications.
Narrow Aisle and Reach Trucks: Perfect for maximizing storage efficiency, these models excel in tight spaces, allowing for optimized warehouse layouts.
Each Hyundai forklift is designed not only for efficiency but also to meet rigorous safety standards, ensuring peace of mind for operators and management alike.
Comprehensive Support and Service
As a trusted dealer of Hyundai forklifts, we are dedicated to providing exceptional customer support. Our knowledgeable team is here to assist you in selecting the right forklift for your specific operational needs. We understand that every business is unique, and we take pride in delivering personalized solutions.
Beyond sales, we offer comprehensive after-sales support, including maintenance and repair services. Our experienced technicians are trained to keep your forklifts in peak condition, minimizing downtime and ensuring continuous operation.
Financing Solutions Made Easy
Understanding that investing in forklifts is a significant commitment, we provide flexible financing options to fit your budget. Whether you’re looking to lease or purchase, we’ll work with you to create a plan that aligns with your financial goals while equipping you with the best Hyundai forklifts on the market.
When it comes to material handling, Hyundai forklifts are engineered for both efficiency and safety. With their advanced technology, robust performance, and a strong focus on operator well-being, Hyundai forklifts are the perfect solution for businesses looking to enhance productivity while ensuring a safe working environment. As your trusted dealer, we are here to support you in every aspect of your forklift needs. Explore our range of Hyundai forklifts today and discover how they can transform your operations for the better!
Contact US
871 S. Washington Ave. Mobile, AL 36603
966 E. I-65 Service Rd N. Mobile, AL 36607
1328 US-80 W, Jackson, MS 39204
(251) 690-7776
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cfcguns · 25 days
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The Kel-Tec KSG Shotgun: A Comprehensive Overview
The Kel-Tec KSG shotgun has gained significant attention in the firearms community since its introduction in 2011. As a unique and innovative weapon, it challenges traditional shotgun designs, offering features that appeal to both tactical users and enthusiasts. This blog will delve into the complete description of the KSG, its specifications, and an overview of the KSG line.
#### **Description of the Kel-Tec KSG**
The Kel-Tec KSG (Kel-Tec Shotgun) is a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun known for its bullpup configuration. This design places the action and magazine behind the trigger, significantly reducing the overall length of the weapon while maintaining a standard barrel length. The result is a compact and maneuverable shotgun that is ideal for home defense, law enforcement, and tactical applications.
One of the most distinctive features of the KSG is its dual-tube magazine system. Unlike traditional shotguns that typically have a single tubular magazine under the barrel, the KSG's dual tubes run parallel to each other beneath the barrel. This design allows the KSG to hold up to 14+1 rounds of 2.75-inch shells or 12+1 rounds of 3-inch shells, effectively doubling the capacity of most conventional shotguns.
The KSG's construction is primarily polymer, contributing to its relatively lightweight design despite its high capacity. The shotgun is equipped with a top Picatinny rail for mounting optics, as well as a bottom rail for accessories like grips or lights. The pump handle is textured and features an integrated hand stop to prevent the shooter's hand from slipping in front of the muzzle.
Kel-Tec's KSG also includes ambidextrous controls, including the safety, pump release, and magazine selector switch, making it a versatile option for both right- and left-handed users. The shotgun is equipped with a cross-bolt safety and a simple, reliable action that makes it easy to operate even under stress.
#### **Specifications of the Kel-Tec KSG**
- **Caliber**: 12 gauge
- **Chamber**: 3 inches
- **Overall Length**: 26.1 inches
- **Barrel Length**: 18.5 inches
- **Weight**: 6.9 pounds unloaded
- **Magazine Capacity**: 7+7+1 rounds (2.75-inch shells) or 6+6+1 rounds (3-inch shells)
- **Sights**: None (optics-ready Picatinny rail)
- **Action**: Pump-action
- **Finish**: Matte black
- **Stock**: Fixed polymer
- **Choke**: Fixed cylinder bore
- **MSRP**: Varies, generally around $900 - $1,100 USD
#### **Overview of the KSG Line**
The KSG has become a platform for a variety of models, each tailored to different uses while maintaining the core features of the original design.
1. **KSG Tactical**: A shorter version of the original KSG, designed for even greater maneuverability. It features a shortened barrel and overall length, making it ideal for close-quarters situations. Despite the smaller size, it still retains the dual-tube magazine system.
2. **KSG-25**: This variant is the ultimate in capacity, offering a staggering 20+1 or 24+1 rounds, depending on shell size. The KSG-25 achieves this through extended magazine tubes and a longer barrel. This model is particularly popular among those who value high capacity and long-range shooting capabilities.
3. **KSG Compact**: Designed for those who need a highly portable option, the KSG Compact is a trimmed-down version of the original. It sacrifices some capacity for an even smaller footprint, making it ideal for concealed carry in vehicles or other tight spaces.
4. **KSG-NR**: The "Non-Restricted" variant is designed for markets with specific legal requirements. It typically features a longer barrel and overall length to comply with local regulations while maintaining the KSG’s signature features.
5. **KSG Tactical SB**: This model is equipped with a shortened barrel and a brace for added stability, appealing to users looking for a compact shotgun with enhanced control.
6. **KSG-12**: A standard version that aligns closely with the original KSG but often features enhancements like upgraded sights, sling attachments, and custom finishes.
Each variant in the KSG line offers specific advantages depending on the intended use. However, all share the core attributes that make the KSG a revolutionary shotgun: compact design, high capacity, and tactical versatility.
#### **Conclusion**
The Kel-Tec KSG shotgun stands out in the crowded field of tactical shotguns due to its innovative design, high capacity, and versatility. Whether used for home defense, law enforcement, or recreational shooting, the KSG offers a level of performance and practicality that is hard to match. With various models available in the KSG line, there is likely a version that fits the specific needs of nearly any shooter.
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btmproduct1 · 1 month
Top-Rated Paver Block Making Machine – Reliable & Efficient
In the ever-evolving construction industry, efficiency and quality are paramount. BTM Product understands these needs and proudly presents our top-rated paver block making machine, designed to meet the demands of modern construction projects. Our machine combines reliability, efficiency, and superior craftsmanship to deliver exceptional results for businesses of all sizes.
Why Choose Our Paver Block Making Machine?
1. Unmatched Efficiency
Our state-of-the-art paver block making machine is engineered to maximize productivity without compromising on quality. With its advanced hydraulic system and precision controls, it can produce a wide range of paver blocks at an impressive rate. This increased output allows you to meet tight deadlines and take on more projects, ultimately boosting your bottom line.
2. Versatility in Design
BTM Product's machine offers unparalleled versatility in paver block designs. Whether you're creating traditional rectangular blocks, interlocking patterns, or custom shapes, our equipment can handle it all. This flexibility allows you to cater to diverse client preferences and stay ahead of market trends.
3. Durability and Longevity
We understand that investing in quality equipment is crucial for long-term success. That's why our paver block making machine is built to last. Constructed with high-grade materials and featuring robust components, it can withstand the rigors of daily operation in demanding environments. This durability translates to reduced maintenance costs and increased uptime for your business.
4. User-Friendly Operation
Despite its advanced capabilities, our machine is designed with user-friendliness in mind. The intuitive control panel and ergonomic layout make it easy for operators to master its functions quickly. This ease of use reduces training time and minimizes the risk of errors, ensuring consistent quality in your paver block production.
5. Energy Efficiency
In today's eco-conscious world, energy efficiency is a key consideration. BTM Product's paver block making machine incorporates the latest energy-saving technologies, helping you reduce power consumption and lower operating costs. This not only benefits your bottom line but also contributes to a more sustainable construction industry.
Our Other Machines
interlocking tiles making machine paver block making machine
Key Features of Our Paver Block Making Machine
The heart of our machine is its advanced hydraulic system, which delivers precise and consistent pressure throughout the block-forming process. This ensures uniform density and strength in every paver block produced, meeting or exceeding industry standards.
Customizable Molds
Our machine comes with a range of interchangeable molds, allowing you to produce various paver block designs with ease. The quick-change system enables rapid transitions between different block styles, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.
Automated Pallet Feeding
The automated pallet feeding system streamlines the production process, reducing manual labor and increasing overall efficiency. This feature not only boosts output but also enhances workplace safety by minimizing the need for manual handling of heavy materials.
Vibration Technology
Our paver block making machine incorporates cutting-edge vibration technology to ensure optimal compaction of the concrete mix. This results in denser, stronger blocks with improved durability and weather resistance.
Quality Control Measures
Built-in quality control features, such as pressure sensors and automatic shut-off mechanisms, help maintain consistent product quality. These safeguards prevent the production of substandard blocks, reducing waste and ensuring customer satisfaction.
Applications of Paver Blocks
Paver blocks created by our machine are ideal for enhancing the aesthetic appeal and functionality of residential outdoor spaces. Their durability and variety of designs make them perfect for driveways, walkways, and patios.
Commercial Plazas and Parking Areas
For commercial applications, our paver blocks offer both style and substance. They can withstand heavy foot and vehicle traffic while providing an attractive surface for plazas, shopping centers, and parking lots.
Municipal Projects
Local governments and city planners often choose paver blocks for sidewalks, town squares, and other public spaces. The blocks produced by our machine meet the rigorous standards required for these high-traffic areas.
Industrial Flooring
In industrial settings, our paver blocks provide a cost-effective and durable flooring solution. They can withstand heavy machinery and offer excellent load-bearing capacity, making them suitable for warehouses and manufacturing facilities.
Landscaping and Garden Design
Landscape architects and garden designers appreciate the versatility of our paver blocks for creating unique outdoor environments. From garden paths to decorative borders, the possibilities are endless.
The BTM Product Advantage
When you choose a paver block making machine from BTM Product, you're not just investing in equipment – you're partnering with a leader in the industry. Our commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction sets us apart from the competition.
Expert Technical Support
Our team of experienced technicians is always ready to assist you with any questions or issues. From initial setup to ongoing maintenance, we provide comprehensive support to ensure your machine operates at peak performance.
Training and Education
We offer thorough training programs to help your staff maximize the potential of our paver block making machine. Our experts will guide you through the operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting processes, empowering your team to achieve optimal results.
Customization Options
We understand that every business has unique needs. That's why we offer customization options for our paver block making machine. Whether you require specific mold designs or tailored production capacities, we can adapt our equipment to meet your requirements.
Continuous Innovation
At BTM Product, we're committed to staying at the forefront of technology. We continuously invest in research and development to improve our paver block making machine, ensuring that our customers always have access to the latest advancements in the industry.
Some Blogs
Automatic Fly Ash Brick Making Machine at the Best Price Get the Best Fly Ash Brick Making Machine in India
In the competitive world of construction and landscaping, having the right equipment can make all the difference. BTM Product's top-rated paver block making machine offers the perfect blend of reliability, efficiency, and versatility to give your business a competitive edge. With its advanced features, user-friendly design, and our unwavering commitment to customer support, this machine is more than just a piece of equipment – it's a partner in your success.
Investing in our paver block making machine means investing in quality, productivity, and innovation. Whether you're a small business looking to expand your capabilities or a large corporation seeking to streamline your operations, our machine is designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
Take the next step towards revolutionizing your paver block production. Contact BTM Product today to learn more about our top-rated paver block making machine and how it can transform your business. Experience the perfect combination of reliability and efficiency – choose BTM Product for your paver block manufacturing needs.
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Roll Off Dumpster Rental Alpharetta GA
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A roll off dumpster rental in Alpharetta, GA, provides a convenient solution for handling waste during various projects, such as home remodeling, garage cleaning, or construction work. However, several key factors must be considered to maximize your roll off dumpster rental.
Before the dumpster arrives, it's crucial to plan its placement carefully. Choose a location near where the waste will be generated, easily accessible to the delivery truck. A flat, sturdy surface like a driveway or a paved area is ideal for positioning. Also, ensure that the chosen spot is clear of obstructions such as overhanging trees or power lines to prevent delivery issues and potential property damage.
Loading the dumpster is crucial to maximize its capacity and ensure safe transport. When loading the dumpster, place larger and heavier items at the bottom to create a stable base and distribute the weight evenly. Breaking down large items such as furniture or boxes will help save space, and it's essential to stack items carefully to minimize gaps. Keep the waste below the fill line to ensure safe transportation without any items falling out during transit.
Understanding which items are acceptable for disposal in the roll off dumpster is essential. While household junk, construction debris, and yard waste are generally allowed, hazardous materials such as chemicals, batteries, and certain electronics are often prohibited. It's essential to familiarize yourself with local disposal regulations in Alpharetta, GA, to avoid fines or additional charges. When unsure, it is recommended to consult local guidelines or use specialized disposal services.
Avoid overloading the dumpster to prevent safety hazards and additional costs. Ensure the waste remains within the dumpster’s height limit and avoid letting debris exceed the top. An overfilled dumpster may not be transportable, leading to delays and possible fines. Additionally, an overloaded dumpster can pose safety risks during pickup and transport. Monitoring the fill level as you load the dumpster can help avoid these issues.
Once the project or dumpster is finished, scheduling a pickup in advance is advisable to ensure timely removal. This helps to keep your worksite clean and allows you to proceed to the next phase of your project without unnecessary delays. It's also essential to ensure the area around the dumpster is evident on the pickup day to facilitate a smooth removal process.
In Alpharetta, GA, it's crucial to be aware of local waste disposal regulations when using a roll off dumpster. These regulations may specify the materials that can be disposed of, the placement of the dumpster, and the duration it can remain on your property. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in fines or delays. Researching and adhering to local rules will help ensure a hassle-free rental experience.
Embracing sustainable waste management practices can enhance your project and benefit the environment. Consider recycling materials like metal, wood, and cardboard rather than sending everything to the landfill. Separating recyclable items from non-recyclables reduces environmental impact and can lower disposal costs. Many communities in Alpharetta, GA, have recycling facilities that make it easy to practice eco-friendly waste disposal.
By following these guidelines when using a roll off dumpster rental in Alpharetta, GA, you can effectively manage waste for your project. Planning the placement, loading efficiently, understanding disposal regulations, and scheduling timely pickups are critical to a successful experience, whether a small home cleanout or a large-scale renovation. These practices will help keep your project on track while simplifying waste management.
Featured Business:
North Point Dumpsters is your go-to choice for high-quality roll off dumpster rental in Alpharetta, GA. Whether you're doing a home renovation, a large construction project, or just clearing out clutter, our efficient and reliable dumpster options are designed to fit your needs. We understand that every project is different, so we offer different dumpster sizes to handle various types and amounts of waste. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring your rental experience goes smoothly, from delivering the dumpster on time and offering flexible rental periods to promptly picking it up when your project is done.
Contact: North Point Dumpsters 433 Canton Hwy Suite 206, Cumming, GA 30040, United States 6V82+XH Cumming, Georgia, USA (470) 983–1028 https://www.northpointdumpsters.com/dumpster-rental-alpharetta-ga/
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Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/north-point-dumpsters/roll-off-dumpster-rental-alpharetta-ga
Soundcloud Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/north-point-dumpsters/sets/roll-off-dumpster-rental-alpharetta-ga
Medium Post: https://medium.com/@northpointdumpsters90/roll-off-dumpster-rental-alpharetta-ga-e18495344747
Weebly: https://roll-off-dumpster-rental-alpharetta-ga.weebly.com/
Tumblr Post: https://northpoint-dumpsters.tumblr.com/post/759249010062180352/roll-off-dumpster-rental-alpharetta-ga
Strikingly: https://rolloffdumpsterrentalalpharettaga.mystrikingly.com/
Google Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1z4SSkpbn7JvfRgCB8pppk569wee7OMc
Google Map CID: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1181044408107051406
Google Site: https://sites.google.com/view/roll-off-dumpster-rental-ga-3/
Wakelet: https://wakelet.com/wake/QGC3_sAWLjNEWVwYiyzx4
Twitter List: https://x.com/i/lists/1825533049863610546
Twitter Tweets: https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826149561603338295 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826150488582271326 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826150671172956334 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826150877964775904 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826150981845004445 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826151100166361323 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826151209042063691 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826151314851770473 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826151414768480650 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826151552241066267 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826151702682284424 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826152062645842325 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826152178597372055 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826152276609872330 https://x.com/NorthPointDumps/status/1826152394943512578
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nqdefenseusa · 2 months
Strengthening Airspace Security with Advanced Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Let’s take a moment and count the number of establishments that are reaping the adverse effects of drones on their security measures. If you pull out the numbers you will see drones aren’t just another beneficial gadget anymore; they have become a major security threat. Previously the device that was used to enhance delivery services, aid in emergency responses and support recreational hobbies is now being used by perpetrators to conduct unauthorized surveillance, smuggle contraband, and more. However, with the rapid increase in drone usage, effective counter drone measures have also become indispensable to detect, track and neutralize unauthorized drones.
Drone Detection Radar
Typically, C-UAS system has a drone detection radar that can detect and track drones within a specified range. These components can provide real-time data to security personnel, and the price of drone detection radars generally varies on several factors like range, detection, accuracy and additional features. Besides, the prices of these radars are greatly worth it because they can prevent potentially catastrophic incidents by detecting unauthorized drones early and allowing for timely countermeasures.
Once a drone is detected, countermeasures become imperative. Some common drone countermeasures are listed as follows:
RF Jamming: Radio frequency or RF drone jammers are a popular choice for neutralizing drones. They can disrupt the communication link between a drone and its operator, and this can in turn lead the drone to lose control and either return to its base or land. Due to their precision and jamming capabilities, RF jammers are effective against most consumer and commercial drones.
GPS Spoofing: This technique involves sending fake GPS signals to the drone, causing it to deviate from its intended path. While effective, GPS spoofing requires precise equipment and expertise.
Benefits of RF Drone Jammers
Enhanced Security: RF drone jammers protect sensitive areas like bases and airports by neutralizing unauthorized drones.
Privacy Protection: They prevent drones from invading private properties and conducting espionage.
Public Safety: At public events and large gatherings, drone jammers ensure crowd safety by preventing drone-related accidents or attacks.
Law Enforcement Support: Security agencies use drone jammers to manage airspace security effectively.
Counter Smuggling: By emitting jamming signals, drone jammers prevent drones from being used for smuggling contraband.
Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure: Critical infrastructures like power plants and government buildings are protected from potential drone threats.
Versatility: Drone jammers are effective in various environments, including urban areas and open spaces.
Proactive Defense: They provide a reliable defence mechanism against evolving drone technologies.
Peace of Mind: Ensures safety and order, giving peace of mind to individuals and organizations.
The Bottom Line
There’s no denying that counter-unmanned aircraft systems play a critical role in securing the airspace of critical zones like defence bases, stadiums, airports, power plants, ports, and more. However, security personnel need to opt for advanced anti-drone systems and conduct training sessions to adapt the drone defence technology and integrate them into their existing security protocols effortlessly. Searching for industry-leading anti-drone systems? Check out the inventory of drone defence solutions offered by NovoQuad Group today!
Source: https://nqdefenseus.blogspot.com/2024/07/strengthening-airspace-security-with.html
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The Benefits of Adjustable Shelving Systems for Commercial Vans
For businesses that rely on commercial vans, such as delivery services, tradespeople, and mobile technicians, the organization and flexibility of storage space are crucial. Adjustable shelving systems offer a versatile solution that can adapt to the changing needs of a business. These systems provide numerous benefits, from enhancing efficiency to improving safety and maximizing space utilization. Here’s a detailed look at the advantages of adjustable shelving systems for commercial vans.
Maximizing Space Utilization
Adjustable shelving systems are designed to make the most of the available space within a commercial van. By allowing shelves to be repositioned and reconfigured, these systems enable businesses to optimize the storage layout based on the specific size and shape of their tools, equipment, and supplies. This flexibility ensures that every inch of the van is utilized effectively, preventing wasted space and enabling the storage of more items without cluttering the workspace.
Enhancing Organization and Accessibility
One of the primary benefits of adjustable shelving is the improved organization it offers. With the ability to customize the layout, businesses can create designated areas for different types of tools and materials. This organized approach makes it easier for workers to locate items quickly, reducing the time spent searching for equipment. Enhanced accessibility leads to a more efficient workflow, as employees can retrieve and return items with minimal effort.
Adapting to Changing Needs
Businesses often evolve, and their storage needs can change over time. Adjustable shelving systems provide the flexibility to adapt to these changes. Whether a company needs to accommodate new equipment, adjust for seasonal inventory, or reorganize for better efficiency, these systems can be easily reconfigured. This adaptability ensures that the storage solution remains relevant and effective as the business grows and changes.
Improving Safety
Safety is a critical concern in commercial van operations. Loose tools and equipment can become hazardous projectiles during transit, posing a risk to drivers and passengers. Adjustable shelving systems secure items in place, reducing the likelihood of movement and potential accidents. Additionally, by keeping the van organized and free of clutter, these systems help prevent tripping hazards and other safety issues related to disorganized storage.
Streamlining Workflow and Efficiency
A well-organized van contributes to a streamlined workflow. Adjustable shelving systems allow for the efficient arrangement of tools and supplies, ensuring that workers have quick and easy access to everything they need. This organization minimizes downtime and enhances productivity, as employees spend less time searching for items and more time performing their tasks. Efficient workflows are particularly beneficial in service-based industries where time is critical.
Reducing Operational Costs
Efficiency and organization directly impact a business’s bottom line. Adjustable shelving systems help maintain an accurate inventory, reducing the risk of overstocking or running out of essential supplies. This inventory control can prevent unnecessary purchases and ensure that all necessary items are on hand when needed. Additionally, the time saved through improved workflow and reduced search times can lower labor costs, as employees can complete tasks more quickly and efficiently.
Adjustable shelving systems offer a multitude of benefits for commercial vans, including maximizing space utilization, enhancing organization, improving safety, streamlining workflow, reducing operational costs, and boosting professionalism. Their adaptability to changing needs and customizable features make them an invaluable investment for any business relying on mobile operations. By transforming a standard van into a well-organized and efficient workspace, adjustable shelves for van play a crucial role in enhancing overall business productivity and success.
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nmsc-market-pulse · 2 months
7 Catalysts Igniting Culinary Revolution: Propel the Commercial Cooking Equipment Market
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The global Commercial Cooking Equipment Market is on the verge of remarkable expansion, with numerous driving forces propelling its growth trajectory. Here are seven key factors shaping the future landscape of the industry:
Download FREE Sample: https://www.nextmsc.com/commercial-cooking-equipment-market/request-sample
Rapid Expansion of the Food Service Industry:
The burgeoning food service sector, encompassing restaurants, hotels, cafes, and catering services, is a primary driver fueling the demand for commercial cooking equipment. As the global population continues to grow, along with urbanization and changing consumer lifestyles, the demand for dining out and food delivery services is on the rise.
Consequently, establishments in the food service industry are increasingly investing in state-of-the-art cooking equipment to meet the growing demand for diverse cuisines and culinary experiences.
Growing Consumption of Fast Food:
The ubiquitous presence of fast-food chains and the growing popularity of quick-service restaurants (QSRs) are driving significant demand for commercial cooking equipment. Fast food establishments rely heavily on efficient cooking equipment to maintain rapid service times and meet customer expectations for quick, convenient meals.
With the rise of busy lifestyles and on-the-go dining preferences, the demand for fast food is expected to continue its upward trajectory, further fueling the adoption of commercial cooking equipment.
Advancements in Cooking Technology:
Technological advancements in cooking equipment, including innovations in heating elements, cooking surfaces, and control systems, are revolutionizing the culinary landscape. Manufacturers are continually introducing new features and functionalities to enhance the performance, efficiency, and safety of commercial cooking equipment.
From precision temperature control and energy-efficient designs to automated cooking processes and smart connectivity features, these advancements are driving the adoption of next-generation cooking equipment in commercial kitchens worldwide.
Inquire before buying:  https://www.nextmsc.com/commercial-cooking-equipment-market/inquire-before-buying
Demand for Multi-Functional Equipment:
In today's fast-paced culinary environment, versatility and efficiency are paramount. Commercial kitchens require cooking equipment that can handle a wide range of cooking techniques and food preparations.
Multi-functional cooking equipment, such as combi ovens, griddles with interchangeable plates, and versatile ranges with modular components, are in high demand. These multi-functional solutions not only save space and streamline operations but also enable chefs to explore creative culinary concepts and diversify their menu offerings.
Focus on Efficiency and Sustainability:
As sustainability concerns and energy efficiency regulations become increasingly prevalent, there is a growing demand for commercial cooking equipment that prioritizes resource efficiency and environmental sustainability.
Manufacturers are developing energy-efficient cooking appliances, utilizing eco-friendly materials, and implementing sustainable manufacturing practices to reduce the environmental footprint of commercial kitchens. Additionally, the adoption of energy-efficient cooking equipment helps businesses minimize operating costs and improve their bottom line.
Expansion of Emerging Markets:
The commercial cooking equipment market is witnessing significant growth in emerging economies, driven by rapid urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and changing consumer preferences.
As urban populations grow and lifestyles evolve, there is an increasing demand for dining out and culinary experiences in emerging markets. This trend is creating lucrative opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers of commercial cooking equipment to expand their presence and capitalize on the burgeoning food service industry in these regions.
Demand for Space and Time-Saving Solutions:
With space constraints and labor shortages becoming common challenges in commercial kitchens, there is a growing demand for compact, efficient, and time-saving cooking equipment. Space-saving solutions such as countertop appliances, stackable cooking units, and modular cooking stations are gaining popularity among food service establishments looking to maximize their kitchen space and optimize workflow efficiency.
Additionally, equipment with quick heat-up times, rapid cooking cycles, and easy cleaning features are highly sought after by busy chefs and kitchen staff seeking to streamline operations and increase productivity.
Integration of IoT and Smart Technologies:
Commercial cooking equipment manufacturers are increasingly incorporating Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities and smart technologies into their products to enhance functionality and performance.
IoT-enabled cooking equipment can provide real-time monitoring, remote control, and predictive maintenance capabilities, allowing kitchen operators to optimize equipment usage, prevent breakdowns, and minimize downtime.
With the ability to remotely monitor cooking processes and receive alerts for maintenance or operational issues, IoT-enabled equipment offers greater convenience, efficiency, and reliability in commercial kitchens.
Customization and Personalization:
As consumer preferences become more diverse and discerning, there is a growing demand for customized and personalized culinary experiences in commercial settings. Commercial cooking equipment manufacturers are responding to this trend by offering customizable solutions tailored to the specific needs and preferences of individual businesses.
From customizable cooking programs and temperature settings to modular equipment configurations and personalized branding options, businesses have the flexibility to tailor their cooking equipment to align with their unique brand identity, menu offerings, and operational requirements.
Focus on Hygiene and Food Safety:
In light of heightened concerns over food safety and hygiene, there is an increased emphasis on ensuring that commercial cooking equipment meets stringent sanitation standards and regulatory requirements.
Manufacturers are incorporating innovative features such as antimicrobial coatings, self-cleaning mechanisms, and food-grade materials to enhance hygiene and minimize the risk of cross-contamination in commercial kitchens.
Additionally, equipment with easy-to-clean surfaces, removable parts, and dishwasher-safe components simplifies the cleaning and sanitation process, ensuring compliance with food safety guidelines and regulations.
Adoption of Energy-Efficient Technologies:
With sustainability becoming a top priority for businesses across various industries, there is a growing focus on energy-efficient solutions in commercial cooking equipment.
Manufacturers are leveraging advanced technologies such as induction heating, infrared cooking, and energy recovery systems to minimize energy consumption and reduce environmental impact.
Energy-efficient cooking equipment not only helps businesses lower their utility bills and carbon footprint but also aligns with corporate sustainability goals and enhances brand reputation as environmentally responsible operators.
Expansion into Online Sales Channels:
As digital transformation accelerates, commercial cooking equipment manufacturers are increasingly leveraging online sales channels to reach a broader customer base and drive sales growth.
By establishing robust e-commerce platforms, partnering with online marketplaces, and implementing digital marketing strategies, manufacturers can engage with customers directly, provide product information and specifications, and facilitate seamless transactions.
Additionally, online sales channels offer convenience and flexibility for customers to research, compare, and purchase commercial cooking equipment from the comfort of their homes or offices, driving greater accessibility and market penetration for manufacturers.
The commercial cooking equipment market is experiencing robust growth driven by factors such as the expansion of the food service industry, advancements in cooking technology, and the growing demand for versatile, efficient, and sustainable cooking solutions.
As culinary trends evolve and consumer preferences continue to change, manufacturers and suppliers of commercial cooking equipment must stay agile and innovative to meet the evolving needs of the global food service sector.
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Cantilever Rack Warehouse Equipment
Cantilever Rack Warehouse Equipment: Enhancing Storage Efficiency
Cantilever Rack Warehouse Equipment are a pivotal solution in warehouse storage, designed to handle bulky, long, and oddly shaped items that traditional shelving cannot accommodate efficiently. This type of rack is characterized by its unique structure, which includes a series of arms extending from a central column, allowing for easy loading and unloading of materials.
Advantages of Cantilever Racks
One of the primary benefits of cantilever racks is their versatility. These racks are ideal for storing items such as lumber, pipes, tubes, and even furniture, which typically pose challenges for standard pallet racks. The open design of cantilever racks ensures that there are no vertical obstructions, making it easier to store and retrieve items of varying lengths.
Additionally, cantilever racks offer excellent flexibility. They can be customized to fit the specific needs of a warehouse, with adjustable arms that can be repositioned to accommodate different load sizes and weights. This adaptability is crucial in dynamic warehouse environments where storage requirements can frequently change.
Space Optimization
Cantilever racks play a significant role in optimizing warehouse space. By utilizing vertical space effectively, these racks can help warehouse operators maximize storage capacity without expanding the footprint of the facility. This is particularly beneficial in warehouses with limited floor space but ample vertical clearance.
The ability to store items horizontally on the arms of the cantilever racks also contributes to better space utilization. Items that would otherwise take up considerable floor space can be stored neatly and securely, freeing up valuable ground area for other operations.
Durability and Load Capacity
Durability is another key feature of cantilever racks. Constructed from robust materials such as steel, these racks are designed to support heavy loads. The arms and columns are engineered to withstand significant weight, ensuring that even the heaviest items can be stored safely.
The load capacity of cantilever racks can be tailored to meet specific requirements. Whether the need is for light-duty racks for smaller items or heavy-duty racks for large, heavy materials, cantilever racks can be customized accordingly. This ensures that warehouses can handle a diverse range of products without compromising safety or efficiency.
Ease of Installation and Maintenance
Cantilever racks are relatively easy to install and maintain. The straightforward design allows for quick assembly, which minimizes downtime during installation. Additionally, the open structure of the racks makes it easier to inspect and maintain them, ensuring that any potential issues are identified and addressed promptly.
Cantilever Rack Warehouse Equipment is an indispensable asset for warehouses that handle long, bulky, and irregularly shaped items. Their versatility, space optimization capabilities, durability, and ease of installation make them a preferred choice for many warehouse operators. By investing in cantilever racks, warehouses can significantly enhance their storage efficiency, streamline operations, and ultimately improve their bottom line.
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qocsuing · 7 days
Maximizing Efficiency with the Right Forklift: A Comprehensive Guide
Maximizing Efficiency with the Right Forklift: A Comprehensive Guide
In the fast-paced world of logistics and warehousing, efficiency is key. One of the most critical components in achieving this efficiency is the forklift truck. Choosing the right forklift can significantly impact your operations, productivity, and bottom line. This guide will help you understand how to maximize efficiency with the right forklift.
Types of Forklifts There are several types of forklifts, each designed for specific tasks and environments. Here are some of the most common types: ForkLift | China Manufacturer Trade price on Materials Handling Fork-lifts Truck, Stackers, Industrial vehicles, Scrubbers, Transporters Sale Buy Online Industrial Equipment in USA/UK/India/Australia/canada | ForkLift/canada | ForkLift Counterbalance Forklifts: These are the most common type of forklift, ideal for a variety of tasks. They are designed with a weight at the back to counterbalance the load at the front. Reach Trucks: Perfect for narrow aisles and high shelving, reach trucks are designed to extend their forks to reach deep into racks. Pallet Jacks: These are smaller, more maneuverable forklifts used for moving pallets over short distances. Telehandlers: These forklifts have a telescopic boom, making them ideal for construction sites where materials need to be lifted to various heights. Order Pickers: Designed for picking individual items from high shelves, these forklifts are commonly used in warehouses. Key Features to Consider When selecting a forklift, consider the following features to ensure it meets your needs:
Load Capacity: Ensure the forklift can handle the maximum weight of your materials. Lift Height: Consider the height you need to lift materials to, especially if you have high shelving. Power Source: Forklifts can be powered by electricity, diesel, or propane. Electric forklifts are ideal for indoor use, while diesel and propane forklifts are better suited for outdoor use. Maneuverability: If you have narrow aisles or tight spaces, choose a forklift with a small turning radius. Ergonomics: Operator comfort is crucial for productivity. Look for forklifts with adjustable seats, easy-to-use controls, and good visibility. Maintenance and Safety Regular maintenance is essential to keep your forklift in top condition and ensure safety. Implement a routine maintenance schedule that includes checking fluid levels, inspecting tires, and testing brakes. Additionally, ensure that all operators are properly trained and certified to use the equipment.
Cost Considerations While it’s tempting to go for the cheapest option, consider the long-term costs of ownership. A more expensive, high-quality forklift may have lower maintenance costs and a longer lifespan, ultimately saving you money in the long run. Additionally, explore financing options and consider leasing if purchasing outright is not feasible.
Conclusion Choosing the right forklift is a critical decision that can significantly impact your operational efficiency. By understanding your needs, considering the various types of forklifts, and evaluating key features, you can make an informed decision that will benefit your business. Remember, investing in the right equipment is an investment in your company’s future success.
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furnishing44 · 3 months
Elevate Your Bedroom with Stylish and Functional Beds from Furnishings Direct
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The Elegance and Practicality of a Cream Ottoman Bed
The Cream Ottoman Bed is a timeless piece that combines elegance with practicality, making it an ideal choice for any bedroom. Here’s why the cream ottoman bed from Furnishings Direct should be on your wishlist:
1. Stylish Design: The soft, neutral cream color adds a touch of sophistication and blends seamlessly with any bedroom decor. The upholstered headboard and sleek lines create a luxurious feel.
2. Storage Solution: One of the standout features of an ottoman bed is its ample storage space. The bed frame lifts to reveal a spacious compartment, perfect for storing bedding, clothes, or other items you want to keep out of sight but easily accessible. This is particularly useful for smaller bedrooms where storage space is limited.
3. Comfort: The cream ottoman bed is not just about looks and storage; it also provides superior comfort. The sturdy frame supports a range of mattress types, ensuring a good night’s sleep.
4. Durability: Crafted from high-quality materials, these beds are built to last. The robust lifting mechanism can handle frequent use, providing reliable storage and easy access for years to come.
5. Versatility: The neutral cream color and elegant design make it easy to update your bedroom decor without needing to replace the bed. Whether you want to change your bedding or add new furniture, the cream ottoman bed will always look stylish.
Transform Your Kids’ Room with Bunk Beds
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Bunk beds are a fantastic solution for maximizing space and adding a fun element to your children’s room. Furnishings Direct offers a range of Bunk Beds UK that cater to different needs and preferences.
1. Space-Saving: Bunk beds are an excellent way to save space, especially in smaller rooms. By stacking beds vertically, you free up floor space for play, study, or storage.
2. Variety of Designs: At Furnishings Direct, you can find bunk beds in various styles and configurations. From traditional twin-over-twin models to innovative designs with a desk or storage space underneath, there’s something for every room and budget.
3. Durability and Safety: Safety is paramount when it comes to kids’ furniture. Our bunk beds are made from sturdy materials and come with safety features such as guardrails and secure ladders to ensure your children sleep safely and comfortably.
4. Flexibility: Bunk beds are not just for kids. They can also be a practical solution for guest rooms or vacation homes. Many models can be separated into two individual beds, offering flexibility as your needs change.
5. Fun Factor: Let’s not forget the excitement that bunk beds bring to a child’s room. Climbing up to the top bunk and creating a cozy nook on the bottom is something kids love. Bunk beds can make bedtime more fun and encourage imaginative play during the day.
Why Choose Furnishings Direct?
Furnishings Direct is dedicated to providing high-quality, stylish, and functional furniture at affordable prices. Here’s why you should consider us for your next bed purchase:
1. Extensive Selection: Our wide range of products ensures that you can find the perfect bed to suit your style, needs, and budget. From elegant cream ottoman beds to versatile bunk beds, we have something for everyone.
2. Quality Assurance: We source our furniture from reputable manufacturers who use high-quality materials and craftsmanship. This ensures that our products are durable and reliable.
3. Competitive Prices: We believe that everyone deserves to have a beautiful and comfortable bedroom. That’s why we offer competitive prices without compromising on quality.
4. Customer Service: Our knowledgeable and friendly team is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns. We strive to provide an exceptional shopping experience from start to finish.
5. Convenient Delivery: We offer fast and reliable delivery services across the UK, so you can enjoy your new furniture as soon as possible.
Whether you’re looking to add elegance and storage with a cream ottoman bed or maximize space and fun with bunk beds, Furnishings Direct has the perfect solution for you. Our commitment to quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction makes us the go-to destination for all your bedroom furniture needs. Visit our website or showroom today to explore our extensive collection and transform your bedroom into a stylish and comfortable sanctuary.
Elevate your sleep experience with Furnishings Direct, where comfort meets style.
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