#that extension of the self. the power robbed from her from birth bc of her gender
ilynpilled · 2 years
i think the thing with me and how i see jc is that i think it is a brilliant dynamic for not what it “is”, or what a lot of people think it is bc of the show’s version, but what it “isn’t.” like it is a deconstruction of the tragic forbidden lovers destined to be together for eternity, from birth to death, with love and devotion that cannot be ended despite society’s taboos. nothing else matters, only them. they were born entangled!!! jaime was born holding her foot!!(rip to that hand 🫡)but then like. u see the actual relationship. and it is so… cringe. it is so not this. so many other things matter to them both. so many personal desires that are incompatible with the desires of the other. in some ways they are the same, in others they are polar opposites. and they both end up choosing those other desires in the end. it is all based on lies and illusions and a desperate need for self affirmation from a broken and distorted mirror. it is a need to be able to love yourself in some form despite how broken you are. but it is false as fool’s gold. and that is so rich
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butterflywitchart · 6 years
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Today I had some of my rights stripped away, just right in front of me, Mitch McConnell, the conservanazis on the Supreme Court & by extension the Republican Party, & hypocritical Evangelicals who buried the family values they’ve been shoving in our progressive values faces, so they cld elect a twice divorced , adulterous, foul-mouthed, irreligious (accept for obvious show), over indulgent, extravagant, serial child molester, sexual assaulter & rapist. They’re all happy & celebrating now. & this is exactly why hypocritical evangelicals betrayed their dearly held values & ANY right they had to continue to falsely claim they are the moral backbone of America - to gain power, & to further their agenda. In the Bible it says a rich man has as much chance of getting into heaven than a camel has of fitting thru the head of a pin. But many hypocritical (i use that qualifier bc #notallevangelicals) evangelicals believe ppl who are wealthy are blessed by Yahweh - now, isn’t that ironic, considering they use the Bible to Hate on LGBT ppl. Ask them about that the next time one of them throws the Bible at you. I was born with a lot of privilege, something of which I’ve always been aware of. I gave up a lot of privilege when I transitioned, & recognize that, bc I’m into boys, & white; & bc I wasn’t born in one of the world’s lgbt hating theocracies or dictatorships where ppl like me get beat up, arrested & tortured by the police, regularly; i retain privilege many of my trans family doesn’t have. But wow, it really hurts to have our country just walk up & strip my rights away. I can now be humiliated & banished with the words “we don’t serve your kind here, it’s against our religion,” any time I walk into a place of business. Even in a hospital, or a Drs ofc. I feel vulnerable & sad - but still recognize I benefit So much from white, 1st world privilege. When i think abt the refugees running from the terrible gangs the Reagan admin created in Central America, where they use rape to extort poor ppl - these are gangs WE created, & now bc of these greedy, selfish, xenophobic, racist, hypocritical xstian, nationalistic, fascists, we’re turning them away, ripping their children from their arms & arresting the parents - & as HORRIBLE as that is, the refugees prefer that to rape & murder. We have SO MUCH WEALTH in this country, how can so called xstians be SO f**king selfish!!! Every true Xstian I ever met has been super generous esp to the poor & needy. One of my young trans brothers was thrown into the street by his “religious” family - but found a xstian church that accepts lgbt ppl, & when the community found out what had happened they found someone with an extra room to take him in. That’s what we shld be doing for these poor refugees - US policy in Central America has been disastrous, we’ve treated Latin America like a Horn of Plenty, & it’s ppl like ants getting in the way, or slave labor aiding us in stripping their natural resources. So, yes, I lost my rights, but I’m not running from gangs ready to rob, rape & kill me, taking a hundreds miles long, dangerous trek, bedeviled by road thieves & more gangs - only to be arrested & have my daughter ripped from my arms. My daughter has her Master’s Degree. I just heard an interview with a Palestinian father, talking abt how his children have no future. Today I know just a little better how those ppl feel tho, ppl who, bc of an accident of birth, can have their rights stripped away by capricious govts. I can’t deny I still have more rights & privilege than most ppl in the world, & I don’t hafta worry abt being shot by PD at a simple traffic stop, or some baby calling 911 bc I make them uncomfy. But I can be humiliated & refused service bc of who I am for “religious” reasons. I guess there’s a huge diff betw being religious & being spiritual It’s funny, mean ppl will say we have a choice - but we’re born this way, & ironically ppl will hate on us for hiding it. Think of all the trans ppl who got married, & then started closet cross dressing, do you really think that’s new? That’s happened thru the ages. Lgbt ppl & strong women have been whitewashed out of history, just like POC, but we’ve always been here - & if we remained closeted we wld end up cheating on our spouses with our neighbor, or hiring sex workers. Or we’d simply suffer thru sexless, unhappy marriages, maybe even being raped by spouses who accused us of being “frigid.” Think abt that, how many “frigid” women were really lesbian? Or maybe our family wld find out & force us into the clergy (great idea, put yr gay child into a place where he/she is locked in with the very ppl they wanna have sex with but u don’t want them to have sex with, in an environment where they hafta eat, dress, bathe, sleep, etc together. Society doesn’t want us to hide - they don’t want us to come out - they don’t want us in their stores - they want us to shove everything down & keep it all shoved down, like they think ppl did before - except that’s a fantasy world that’s never existed. Right now, in hypocritical evangelical churches across the nation, self-hating, closeted lgbt ppl are doing it behind their neighbors back, with sex workers or like minded neighbors, while their strait brethren maintain a willful ignorance about such things - just as it’s always been. We have always been here, & we will always be here, laws cannot stop us from being born bc, like it or not hypocritical evangelicals, we are part of the Great Mother’s plan. No law, no Supreme Court decision can stop that - & while Goddess weeps tears over human intolerance, hatred & violence everyday, today a few of those tears are for us.
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