#that game that rex keeps developing
dykedvonte · 6 months
Fallout New Crashes
#this is a post of rage hurt and betrayal that is not quantifiable#Bethany Estha Oobleck are developers that love toying with my emotions like I’m a wind up Easter toy#twisting my key until it’s a struggle even for them but they don’t stop#not until they can’t turn anymore but they do not set me down when they let go#they hold me just above it so close my little plastic feet just barely scrap the floor#incessant the sound is scrapping as all the wound up energy is exerted#as I run in the water swim in the air all meaning I go no where#and just then I dropped and I teeter but I do not fall I run as far as I can with whatever is left#but there isn’t much progress there never is#an inch or so is made as my key stops and my legs do as well not tired but unable to move until wound again#and they do and the cycle repeats and by the time I run#a plastic wobble all the way there I can only ask if it was worth it#if letting them play with me like I was the game was worth seeing the screen of my pip boy again#helping Boone settle his loathing and Arcade come to terms#Cass look to the future and Veronica to make her own#Raul find new purpose and Lily to make up her mind or keep it#to save Rex and Ede to improve the Mojave#and I say yes it is#and then I am picked up and carried back for it will begin again#if you can’t tell my game keeps crashing for some reason today and I can’t figure out why with every mod and guide known to man#and it’s making me deranged cause it’s all I wanted to do toady and night#fallout#fallout new vegas
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captainkirkk · 7 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Enthrallment by smilebackwards
It does look a little bad, Parmela thinks, looking at it from outside. As more specialists had been called in for consultation, they’d decamped to one of the larger conference rooms—eschewing attendance at A, B, AB, & O: The Impact of Blood Type on Non Subject Specific Blood Magic, because this was vastly more interesting and potentially important—and there are a round dozen high-level warlocks clustered around Alec, poking at him with magic.
Or: Alec attends the Magical Inventions and Advances convention in hopes of recruiting warlocks for another Downworld Cabinet. The warlocks, however, are more interested—and concerned—by the blue magical aura following Alec around.
temporal fraternity by envysparkler
Damian clears his throat. “I require your assistance.”
The words come out easier with the benefit of practice and the knowledge that no one will remember them tomorrow. Today. Tomorrow-today.
The Umbrella Academy
cut me open and i still bleed red by aletterinthenameofsanity
Part 1 of the odds were never in our favor
Ben knows his fellow mentors pretty well, for how long he's spent here, behind the screens of the Games, watching as his tributes die.
Allison, from District One, has a way with the sponsors. Just a word placed here or there, stealthily dropped into conversation, and she can get her tributes the shit they need.
In his time as a Mentor, Klaus has developed a habit of drinking to get through the Games, and through the rest of his life, really- anything to avoid the truth of what's happening, the ghosts of the children he and Ben have sent to their deaths.
Very few people remember what Five’s name was before the Games. Caesar Flickerman and the Gamemakers nicknamed him that when he took out the entire Career Pack on his second day in the Arena.
Vanya’s the newest Mentor, the victor of the Seventy-Third Hunger Games.
Diego’s one of Ben’s oldest not-quite friends. A Victor from District Ten, he’d gone into the Games knowing how to kill an animal.
All the other Mentors Ben knows try never to get attached. Luther, on the other hand, doesn't forget a single name.
(A story of seven victors of the Hunger Games and the lives they live as Mentors.)
Danny Phantom
The Promised Land by redrobin1989
Danny Fenton has been running for years, from his abusive parents, from Vlad's experiments, from his freakish powers. He expected to be running his whole life until he found his way to a small town that felt like the home he'd never had.
Study Dates Are Not Real Dates by StormySteady
A very important exam is coming up, and Asmodeus is trying his hardest to get Iruma and Clara to study for it. But his soulmates have other ideas.
Star Wars
Starlight, In All Its Forms by Soap_And_Lye
When Luke was eight, he was taken from his home on Tatooine and delivered into the hands of the emperor and his right hand.
When Luke was sixteen, he overheard the emperor's plans to steal a tiny Force sensitive child and saves him first, before being caught and dragged back to his masters' keeping.
When Luke was eighteen, he finds that same child on Gideon's cruiser, and spares both him and his family, including a silver clad Mandalorian.
And when Luke was twenty-four, he is captured by the Rebellion (captured or did he just let it happen? Really up for debate) and secretly sent as a prisoner to Mandalore, where Mand'alor Din Djarin rebuilds his planet and raises his son.
And the rest was history. Or the beginning.
Clone Wars
will you be an anarchist with me? by a_alene
Once the Kenobi floodgates are opened, they cannot be closed. Cody has apparently been keeping an itemized list of disagreements, and he is determined to tell Rex each and every one of them.
Kenobi refuses to listen to Cody’s input. Kenobi throws himself into battle with no regard for previously established battle plans. Kenobi uses the Force so recklessly and obviously that every undercover assignment is blown within the first few minutes. Kenobi is a hypocrite who berates Cody for sidestepping protocol, but flouts it himself at every opportunity.
CT-7567: bet you wish you had skywalker now
CC-2224: I wish for nothing but the cold embrace of space
Right. And he says Kenobi’s dramatic.
(Marshal Commander Cody and High General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the 212th cannot stand each other. Rex doesn't know why this is his problem.)
poetry is what you find (in the dirt in the corner) by fivecenturiesverse
(In which Cody becomes an anonymous poet after the war and his brothers find out.)
Rex launches forwards immediately and so does Bly, because he can admit to himself that he likes gifts. He likes gifts a whole lot more than Cody and Wolffe, anyway, who both act like martyrs who don’t need any material love. “Poetry, vod?” Bly asks, incredulous. “Cody’s right, you are going soft.”
“It’s by a clone,” Fox says, defensively, “it’s quite good, actually. For poetry. It made Sergeant Hound cry at the service.
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kaythefloppa · 2 months
Now that the psychic damage over Paisley's redemption has worn off, here are some hopes/episode ideas I have in regards to the future of her character arc on the show. Assuming that she isn't written off the series (which would be nothing short of a giant middle finger to her voice actress and the fans who waited 3 years for the character to return).
An episode that gives us closure for Rex. Whether or not he'll redeem himself alongside Paisley. I frankly do hope he does because like Paisley, he has had so few appearances in the show. Paisley getting redeemed after only 6 episodes of being a villain is one thing, but it'd be VERY hard to accept Rex becoming a main antagonist after serving as an underling [maybe they could make it work but that feels like a stretch] Plus they have the healthiest relationship among all of the villains on the show, so I don't like the idea that these two would wind up fighting each other in the future.
An episode akin to "Adapto the Coyote" where Paisley has her own subplot learning about the animals around her through misadventures. Maybe she's trying to build an eco-friendly environment but the animals keep getting in her way, so she tries to find an ethical loophole only to find out that the animals are the key.
On that note, I think Pave Nature Incorporated being kept in business but having their goals change would be an easy loophole. Construction, but in ways that leave animals and their habitats out of harm's way, or better yet, put them under protection. It would be a natural change for the character without doing a complete 180 of everything established with them [which can ruin a good redemption/development story]
Post-redemption Paisley meeting and facing off against the other villains. Again, this is something that the special kinda left on a thread that I think would be interesting to follow up on. Despite having minimal appearances in the show, Paisley and Rex have established themselves to be allies to Zach, Donita, and Gourmand. So this would be a game-changer to hear that she's with the Wild Kratts. Would the villains attempt to go after her? Would they try to use her to get to the Kratts? Zach's a specialized hacker, maybe he could intercept Paisley's tech to use it against her and make her look bad in front of the crew. Really interesting shit there!
And while we're still on that, a 1v1 interaction between Paisley and Donita. Paisley's been on the show for 8 years and a member of the villain team for 6 years and the 2 female villains on said team [as far as I recall] rarely exchange that much dialogue. It's already enough that we didn't have them team-up, but them being on opposing sides opens other opportunities. They could face off or be mirrors to each other, one could try and convince the other to join their side with no avail.
Her interacting with the other Wild Kratts Kids. As far as I'm aware, she's the only villain not to, which, whilst a testament to how badly unterutilized she is, could be interesting. Do the WK kids know about her if they've never reported her? Are they as easily willing to buy her overhaul as the rest of the crew is? Are the kids and Paisley willing to learn from each other voer their stance about nature? Interesting stuff!
I'm probably aiming too high when it comes to expectations but they backed themselves into a corner here with no way out, I'd really love to see how they handle this.
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pluckyredhead · 7 months
I've been meaning to ask for a while, since you've read so much more Supers books than me, but what are your thoughts on Kon being retconned as Clark and Lex's lab grown love child? Asides from that one mind-controlled-into-shaving-his-head incident, did that ever factor into anything again? Is it even still canon? If it were up to you would you keep it and try to do something interesting with it or just sweep it under the rug and pretend it was never true?
I think it would be a great retcon if they ever did anything with it aside from one (1) incredibly stupid story.
Because the thing is, originally Kon's human donor was Paul Westfield, and genuinely, who the fuck cares about Paul Westfield? He was only relevant for, like, a year. He's a footnote at best.
But Lex? There's so much potential there:
How does Clark feel about it? Does he trust Kon less? Does he feel guilty about that? Does he defend him to people (Batman) who would question him?
What are Lex's plans? You can't tell me he would sic Kon on other heroes once and give up. Lex always plays the long game. He has to have other Machiavellian schemes. What if Kon gets the clone plague again and Lex has the cure? What if he built in a vulnerability other than kryptonite? Most interestingly, what if Lex cares?
And of course, most importantly, how does Kon feel about it? We've seen him ignoring it and then moping about it. And I think it was his Adventure Comics run where we saw him tracking his own behavior to see if he was more like Superman or Lex. But what if a story really interrogated the fact that Kon is a very different person than Clark? (Especially in light of Jon, Clark's mini-me.) Kon likes money; Lex is a billionaire. Kon loves attention; Lex is functionally a supervillain because he's jealous that people like Superman more. Kon is a sweet boy but he's not a shining paragon of virtue. Is that because of Lex's genes? Is everything good about Kon simply Superman's genes? Is Kon is own person with free will that exists beyond picking a donor to emulate? Is a clone a person at all? Let's get into it, DC!
If it was up to me, I would write two stories about it:
First is the story where Kon and Lex actually develop a relationship. Kon and Clark has never been close, and Kon has rarely had a stable home or consistent parental figures (Rex was untrustworthy, Dubbilex got written out a lot, Guardian died and came back as a child, Pa died, Ma lived but Kon died and then got retconned into another dimension...). Kon is primed to fall for lovebombing, especially if Lex is doing one of his regular "no, really, I'm Redemption Arc-ing for real this time!" routines. Especially right now with a trillion Supers Clark likes better hanging around Metropolis, and Lex swearing he's going to be Good...what if he stopped trying to convince Clark, and started trying to convince Kon? What if he spent time with him, and listened to him, and took his side against Clark, and let's be real, probably spent money like water on him? And what if Lex, despite himself, discovered that...he actually cared about his clone son?
Of course, Lex's self-interest would eventually win out. We see this over and over again, where he sacrifices his relationships on the altar of his ambition, where he just can't quite love anyone else as much as he loves being evil. And yes, Kon ends the story hurt, but also with another reminder that validation needs to come from within and not from a billionaire who wants something from you, even if he is your other dad.
(And maybe Clark is reminded that he has failed Kon. Again. Ahem.)
The second story I would write is the one where Lex goes to jail and Kon somehow inherits Lexcorp and many billions of dollars and is cartoonishly irresponsible with all of it. Lex gets out of jail and there's a giraffe in his office and all of his doomsday devices are full of Zesti Cola.
But yeah, instead DC does nothing with it. Literally a few months ago they had Clark and Kon and Lex all having a conversation about a villain Lex created and gave TTK to - so like, talking explicitly about how Lex created Kon, too - and aside from Kon being mildly snide, that was it. That was it! DC WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS. WHAT IS THE POINT OF SETTING UP SOMETHING SO JUICY AND THEN LEAVING THAT JUICE UNSQUOZE.
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illuminatedquill · 7 months
All Mine
A Sabine Wren & Ezra Bridger Story
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Story Summary: A mission for the Ghost crew takes an unexpected turn when Ezra Bridger reunites with a childhood crush, Shana Tavorri. Sabine Wren, his close friend and partner, must deal with newfound feelings of jealousy - and possibly more - over their relationship.
For Sabezra Day 2024, @sabezraweek
Prompt: Confessing
Bright Jewel System, Mid-Rim Territories
"Look lively," called Hera from the Ghost's cockpit. "Just picked up the Phantom II signal."
Sabine was sitting with Ezra in the Ghost's communal area, playing a game of dejarik. At Hera's call, Ezra sighed and turned the game off. "Well," he said regretfully, "looks like duty calls, Sabine."
She smirked at him and replied, "Lucky for you that it's calling. I was about to bulldoze all over your pathetic defense there at the end." Sabine knew that she had him on the ropes at the game's end. Much as she respected her friend's prowess in battle, Ezra never was much of a tactician.
But, then again, his powers as Jedi certainly did give him options that weren't available to an average combatant. His strategies tended to fall outside the usual box of combat thinking, as Captain Rex - a veteran of the Clone Wars and no stranger to Jedi tactics - put it mildly one time.
It's probably why we work so well together as a team, Sabine reflected. She was one of the only people who could keep up with whatever crazy plan Ezra developed on the fly.
Ezra scowled at her. "My defense was solid, thank you. I was actually about to achieve victory. You're the one who is lucky."
That elicited a laugh from her. "Whatever makes you feel better, goober."
He opened his mouth to further argue the point but was interrupted as Hera emerged from the cockpit followed closely by Chopper. Sighing at the sight of them bickering, she planted both hands on her hips, her expression exasperated.
"Come on, you two," she said. "Let's be good hosts and greet the guest."
Ezra threw Sabine a 'we'll settle this later' look and followed Hera towards the Ghost's stern where the Phantom II had docked. Sabine replied by cheerfully sticking her tongue out at him, as she fell in step behind.
This 'guest', as Hera put it, was a Rebel spy part of the Fulcrum agent network. Three days ago, the Ghost crew had received a transmission from an unexpected source: Princess Leia Organa, the daughter to Senator Bail Organa. She had asked them to rendezvous in the Bright Jewel System where this spy had requested backup to make a trade with an Imperial informant for a data disk containing crucial information to the Rebellion on the nearby planet of Ord Mantell.
Being familiar with the Ghost crew and their capabilities, Princess Leia had requested them specifically for this mission. Once they arrived in system, Kanan and Zeb had then piloted the Phantom II to secret coordinates in deep space to transport the Rebel spy onto the Ghost from an undisclosed location.
As they approached the Phantom II docking bay, Zeb was the first one to disembark, the hatch hissing open to make way for the Ghost crew member. The big Lasat stretched as he emerged, wincing at the crackling noise his joints made. He greeted everyone and, upon seeing Sabine and Ezra, asked with a big grin, "Who won the dejarik game?"
"Me," said Sabine at the same time as Ezra. They turned to each other with bemused looks as Zeb guffawed at their expressions.
"I'll take that to mean that Sabine was about to win it then," Zeb chuckled.
Ezra pouted. Sabine grinned but gave her partner an affectionate pat on the back.
Hera sighed again. "Kids, please behave," she said.
Kanan's voice drifted out from the open hatch, speaking softly to someone. "Watch your step here," he advised, his hand outstretched to the guest.
The Rebel spy stepped through. She was young, around Sabine's age. Lustrous black hair that fell slightly past her shoulders and a beautiful, statuesque face that belonged in holo-dramas. Her eyes were a light gray that shone with a cool intelligence, taking in the Ghost crew with a swift look. The white combat suit she wore was Rebellion standard uniform but, somehow, looked perfectly tailored to her slender body. The holster on her belt had a mean looking blaster tucked inside and judging from the marks on the weapon, it had seen use plenty of times.
Beside her, Sabine heard Ezra take a deep breath in surprise. Frowning, she looked to him - and noted the look of dumbstruck recognition flashing in his piercing blue eyes.
Before she could ask him what was up, Kanan introduced the spy to the crew. "Everyone, this is the Fulcrum agent we've been assigned to escort. Her name is Shana Tavorri."
She nodded in greeting. "Hello, everyone. Pleased to meet you all. I'm grateful for the assistance in this mission. Princess Leia has given you the highest of recommendations."
Shana smiled as her gaze fell upon Ezra. "Especially you, Ezra Bridger."
Sabine narrowed her eyes at Shana. There was an intimate familiarity with how she said Ezra's name . . . and, for some reason, it bothered her.
Ezra took a cautious step forward. "It really is you," he said in amazement. "I can't believe it."
Sabine crossed her arms and leaned against the bulkhead. There was an odd, pinched feeling emanating somewhere inside her chest. Grimacing, she watched her friend practically float towards the new arrival.
Shana's smile widened into an easy-going grin. "Been a while, Ezra. You've certainly grown up from the little street thief I remember back on Lothal."
"You know Ezra?" asked Kanan in surprise.
Shana nodded. "We go way back. Our families were close, and we were childhood friends . . ." Her expression turned sad. "That was before the Empire took over. Ezra - did you ever find out about your parents?"
Ezra went still, a pained expression briefly passing over his face before smoothing into a neutral look. "They died some time ago," he said.
Shana's face fell; she reached out and gripped his hand in sympathy. "Oh, Ezra. I'm so sorry. I was always hoping that they met a better fate than my own family."
Ezra looked down at his feet. "No such luck, I'm afraid," he said. "It's okay. They died helping people."
"It's not okay, Ezra. It'll never be okay. Look - come here," she said and suddenly pulled him into a deep hug. Ezra's face went red in surprise, and he glanced at Sabine with an odd look - like he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to.
She just frowned at him and felt another uncomfortable twinge in her chest. Sabine rubbed at the spot, wondering why she felt this way looking at Ezra and his old friend embracing - and became aware of Hera, looking directly at her, with an amused look on her face.
I don't like this, Sabine thought. I've got a bad feeling about this.
She coughed loudly, interrupting the tender moment between Ezra and Shana. Stepping forward, she stuck out a hand at the Rebel spy. "I'm Sabine, by the way," she said. "Sabine Wren. Ezra's partner."
Shana released a flustered Ezra from the hug and turned towards Sabine. The Fulcrum agent's gray eyes glinted with amusement as she took in Sabine's blunt manner and colorful appearance.
Shana replied coolly, "I've heard all about you, Sabine Wren. You have quite the reputation." The spy took Sabine's hand and gave it a tight, yet amiable squeeze in acknowledgement. Her grip was firm and steady, Sabine noted; her hands, while looking delicate, were calloused. It meant that Shana was not unaccustomed to hard work, despite her model appearance and elegant demeanor.
Normally, that would have impressed Sabine. But, for some unknown reason, it made her dislike the spy even more.
"Good or bad?" asked Sabine as they shook hands.
Shana gave a polite smile as she responded. "Depends on who you ask."
Hera clapped her hands together. "Right. Well, seems like our guest and Ezra have some catching up to do. Ezra, you'll have the honor of giving Shana the tour. Kanan and Zeb, you can go rest. I'll punch in the coordinates to Ord Mantell and get us on the way. And Sabine . . ."
"Yes, Hera?" She was staring at Shana who had already sidled away to speak with Ezra.
"Go freshen up your room. Shana will bunk with you for the night."
Sabine felt her stomach drop out from her abdomen. "Seriously?" she asked. "She's in my room?"
Hera arched an eyebrow. "Is there a problem?"
Sabine gritted her teeth. "No," she replied. Shana had slipped her arm through Ezra's and was walking with him towards the Ghost's communal area. Ezra said something to her, and the young woman let out a peal of laughter that rang through the corridor.
Sabine felt her heart twist viciously as she watched Ezra give a shy smile at Shana.
"No problem at all," she said and went to clean her room, doing her best to ignore the turbulent feelings buzzing inside that were saying something else entirely.
Hyperspace, Mid-Rim Territories
It had been a long day, despite the relative lack of activities, and Sabine was ready for bed. Ezra had given Shana an in-depth tour of the Ghost at her insistence; at the end of it, Sabine had the amusing thought that their guest now possibly knew the Ghost's interior better than any of them. Once finished, Ezra and Shana had lounged in the Ghost's communal area, chatting about various things that had happened in their lives while they had been apart.
Sabine had spent that time lurking nearby, working at a nearby computer station - or, at least, pretending to be working. She was trying to get a better read on this mysterious Shana Tavorri; a Fulcrum agent, after all, was a notable position within the Rebellion, especially for someone so young. There were many of them, she knew, scattered throughout the galaxy performing various missions of critical importance to the Rebellion. The only other one she knew personally was a Jedi Knight, much like Kanan and Ezra, named Ahsoka Tano.
Shana was clearly no Jedi, but she definitely had exhibited skills that the Rebellion deemed worthy enough to put her in the same position that a Jedi had previously held. That made her dangerous.
But Shana's conversation with Ezra failed to disclose any of those potential skills, despite Sabine's best efforts to listen in. She was, however, embarrassed by her response whenever she did hear her name mentioned by Ezra, which came up more than a handful of times in their discussion; a warm, fuzzy feeling that left her feeling pleased.
After a while, both Ezra and Shana wrapped up their chat with a hug (Sabine felt her jaw clench so hard that she could hear something creaking) and retired to their respective bedrooms for the night. Sabine finished her work at the computer station half an hour later and followed suit.
Checking a nearby chronometer, she registered the lateness of the hour and stepped inside her room, deciding to spend some time maintaining her weapons before sleeping -
Only to find Shana laying in the top bunk, reading something on a data pad. Sabine winced, having forgotten that she wouldn't be alone for the night.
"Don't mind me," said Shana amiably, almost as if reading Sabine's thoughts. "Just pretend I'm not here."
Gladly, Sabine thought. But she said, "Hope I didn't disturb your reading."
Shana chuckled. "You didn't. I was just finishing up, actually." She rolled over in the bed to get a better look at Sabine. Her gray eyes took in Sabine's casual appearance, glittering with an almost feline interest.
Sabine, uncomfortable with her gaze, settled down at her desk and reached for her blasters and maintenance tools. "Anything interesting?"
"Oh, plenty," replied Shana. "I was reading about this superweapon developed by the Empire called 'The Duchess'."
Sabine froze, her hands twitching on the grip of her blaster. Her heart began to hammer away, a thousand beats per second. Slowly, she turned towards Shana, finding her sitting at the bed's edge, her feet dangling. There was a slight, polite smile on her face, but her gray eyes flashed again with that cool intelligence.
"You have led quite the life, Sabine Wren," remarked Shana. "Tragedy after tragedy. Does anyone in this crew know about any of that?" She cocked her head at Sabine. "Does Ezra? What would the gallant Jedi think of his friend if he really knew her?"
It was a thought that had kept Sabine up through the night on several occasions.
She crossed her arms and stared at Shana. "You've been reading up on me."
Shana shrugged. "On everyone, really. Princess Leia recommended you all so highly, so I couldn't help but take a peek at your files and histories. Quite the achievements you've pulled off for a crew so small."
"I've been reading up on you, too," replied Sabine coolly. Shana arched an eyebrow in surprise, eliciting a rush of satisfaction - clearly the spy had not been expecting that. "You ran with Saw Gerrera's crew for five years before working directly under Princess Leia. Did he kick you out, I wonder? What does it mean if you're too extreme even for someone like him?"
Shana dropped down from the top bunk and leaned against the bulkhead; her arms crossed in a similar fashion to Sabine. She wondered briefly if it was intentional, to mimic her. "Those files are available only to the top brass of Rebel Command," she murmured. "You hacked into the Rebellion's encrypted database at that old computer station? I assumed you were just skulking about, trying to listen to mine and Ezra's conversation."
Sabine shrugged, hiding her humiliation at having been clocked so easily by the other girl. And here I was thinking that was discreet, she thought. "I'm clever like that," Sabine retorted.
Shana grinned. "Your reputation precedes you, Sabine. Gifted prowess in combat, especially for a Mandalorian, and notable demolitions expert - but everyone seems to overlook that you are a child prodigy. I suspect your rough, blunt demeanor disguises that fact well. But you are, without a doubt, an enormous threat against anyone that chooses to go against you."
Sabine rocked back mentally at Shana's high praise of her talents. But all she said was, "Thanks, I guess."
Shana nodded in acknowledgment. "I can't say the same for Ezra, however." Shaking her head, she added, "I'm surprised he's survived this long."
"What do you mean?" asked Sabine.
"He's hopeless," said Shana in an exasperated tone. "I mean, yes, he's a Jedi now - or so he claims. I understand they're in short supply of capable students but to recruit him into the fabled Jedi Order? Desperate times, I suppose. He could barely tie his shoelaces together when I left him last."
"Ezra Bridger," said Sabine hotly, "is more than capable in any situation. Not because of his Jedi training, but because of who he is. He's saved all our lives - and many others - countless times over."
Shana eyed her skeptically. "You don't have to pretend to me, Sabine. I was just like you before. He's a loyal pup to be sure and good for a distraction I admit, but it's a stretch to say that he's capable on his own." She sighed. "I understand that this crew needed a mascot, perhaps, to cheer them up during these dark times but I think it's irresponsible to take someone like him - "
Sabine struck her with an open hand so hard that the other girl's head bounced off the bulkhead. Before Shana could recover, she shoved her against the wall, pinning her with a well-placed forearm. Sabine, through the red haze that obscured her vision, dimly noted the cut lip on the girl's face but found that she didn't care.
"Do not insult Ezra Bridger in front of me ever again," she said in a voice that was barely recognizable. It was a harsh rasp that Sabine didn't know she was capable of. "Do you understand?"
Shana tapped on Sabine's arm, gasping for air. It took a few moments for her to realize that the other girl couldn't reply due to the lack of air. Sabine relented, feeling her heartbeat pulsing rhythmically inside her skull; she looked down at her hands and found them shaking from the rush of adrenaline, now subsiding.
Yet on the inside she felt calm, as though a stream of ice water were flowing through her veins. Many things from Shana had unnerved her tonight, but it was her insults toward Ezra that had pushed Sabine past the edge.
Doubled over, wheezing, Shana gave her an amused look to Sabine's surprise. "So, you do care," she said.
"You didn't answer my question," Sabine said quietly.
Shana nodded. "I understand. You've got this emotional wall up, you know that? Hard to see through - except when it comes to Ezra Bridger." She wiped at her lip, noting the blood. "Nice hit," she observed.
Sabine reached into her desk and took out a first-aid kit. "Patch yourself up," she said, offering it to her.
Shana accepted it with a nod of gratitude. "I hope you don't take what I said about Ezra seriously. I just needed to know where you stand with him."
Sabine sat back down at her desk. "You don't actually think that way about him?"
Shana shook her head and leaned back against the wall, opening the kit. "Not at all. I know Ezra. We used to scavenge together back in the old days on Lothal. Hit up Imperial patrols for food and water. He stuck his neck out for me plenty of times, at risk to his life. I know what he can do. And that was before he became a Jedi."
Sabine watched her apply medicinal gel to her lip, thinking over what she said. "You care about him."
Shana blew out a breath. "Deeply. He was the only bright spot in my life during that time. I think I loved him."
Sabine felt her heart stop at Shana's words, hearing the depth and sincerity of emotion within them. Feeling her stare, Shana looked over at her with a knowing gaze. "You know what I mean, don't you?"
Deflecting the question, Sabine asked, "So why did you leave him? How did you two get separated?"
Shana sighed. "One of our little scavenging operations went sideways. An uppity Imperial lieutenant wanted to make an example of us for humiliating him in front of his troops. The chase was exhausting; Ezra led most of them away but the lieutenant caught up to me. I thought I was dead."
She closed her eyes, reliving the memory. "Saw Gerrera was there. Don't ask me why or how; he never explained. He killed the lieutenant and offered me a choice. He was impressed with my skills, you see. So he said that I could come with him and pay back the Empire for what they had done to me."
"And if you didn't?"
The girl smiled grimly at Sabine. "He would kill me. No witnesses. Apparently, he didn't want the Empire knowing about his whereabouts, should they find and interrogate me afterwards."
Sabine snorted. "Not much of a choice."
"Indeed," Shana agreed. "So, I went with him."
"And left Ezra? You never went back for him?" Sabine didn't mean to, but there was an accusatory tone to her questions.
Shana eyes glazed over with sadness. "I couldn't. He was just a kid. I didn't want to pull him into danger. I could tell Saw was dangerous, even if he was fighting for the Rebellion. The moment I had an opportunity to do so, I jumped ship. Princess Leia found me and offered a new path. I took it."
Sabine was silent for a moment, thinking about Shana's story. Finally, she said quietly, "Ezra would have followed, if you had asked. He would have gone with you anywhere."
"I know. He's silly like that."
"Loyal," she corrected. Shana cocked her head and smiled a little sadly at Sabine.
"Just like you are to him. Is it typical Mandalorian stubbornness? Or something more?"
Sabine did not want to have that conversation with Shana. Or with anyone else, for that matter. She stood up abruptly and said, "Good night, Shana."
Shana's smile became, somehow, even more sad. "A word of advice, Sabine?"
Sabine was already standing at the door, about to step out. But something in Shana's tone made her pause.
"Don't wait to tell him how you feel. You won't get a second chance. Especially in this galaxy."
She considered Shana's words for a long moment before replying, "Whatever you think our relationship is . . . it's none of your business. That stays between us."
Sabine left before the other girl could respond. Her mind still buzzing with what happened, she wandered aimlessly through the corridors of the Ghost before running smack dab into someone.
"Sabine? What are you doing?" Sabine blinked at the person speaking - and almost groaned out loud.
It was Ezra. Dressed in his sleep wear, holding a mug of his favorite beverage, hot chocolate. His eyebrows were raised in an expression of concern. "Are you okay?" he asked.
Sabine very desperately wanted to be anywhere else right now. Her face was flushed in embarrassment; her heart was thudding a steady tattoo into her ribs at Ezra's proximity. She felt exposed, like a raw nerve, her inner turmoil and feelings threatening to spill out the longer she stayed in front of him.
Racking her brain to find some last second excuse to get out of there, something caught her attention: Ezra's fingers were bandaged. Her fears momentarily vanished as she asked, "What happened to your hands?"
Ezra fumbled his mug, trying to hide the evidence but it was too late. Sighing, he said, "I was working on something."
Sabine arched an inquisitive eyebrow at him. "Working on what?"
Blushing, Ezra said, "Promise not to laugh?"
A small smile curled on her lips. "Nope."
Ezra groaned but led her to the communal table where his "project" laid. She noted immediately the disarray of colored paper strewn about on the table, half folded in various attempts into a familiar shape -
It clicked. "You're trying to make a flower out of these?" she asked. Ezra sat down and nodded glumly.
"Ezra Bridger," she said, placing a hand on her hip. "You've been holding out on me in terms of artistic abilities? That come with your Jedi training?"
He gave her a despairing glance. "I wish. Been up most of the night trying to figure this out."
Stifling a laugh out of pity, she surveyed his work. "It's not half-bad. What kind of flower are you trying to make?"
Ezra rubbed the back of his head, not looking at her. "It's supposed to be a - well, a Lenora flower."
Sabine's eyes widened in surprise. "A Lenora flower? From the fairytale?" Princess Lenora and the Starboy was an old fairytale that she was familiar with - in fact, it was one of her most treasured stories. Memories of her father reading it to her when she was younger, were still vivid in her mind. The flowers from that fairytale held deep symbolic meaning that marked them as her favorite.
"I see." Sabine studied Ezra's work some more, looking to see where he went wrong - and then felt her stomach sink, as a horrid thought came to her.
"It's for Shana, isn't it." The words tasted rancid in her mouth.
Ezra looked at her, surprised. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, then - oddly enough - a small, relieved smile appeared on his face. He answered in an innocent tone, "Sure. It's for Shana."
There was a part of Sabine, operating from a recent frame of memory, that wanted to sweep the contents of the table onto the floor and stomp on them. She struggled to control her wayward feelings, however, and took a deep breath.
"You want some help?"
Ezra's expression turned amused. "You sure?"
Sabine sighed. "Yeah. I'm sure." He needed her help. Like always.
And she could never turn him down.
He patted the seat next to him. "Thanks, Sabine."
Despite the situation, Sabine managed a smile at her friend. "Anytime, goober."
Ord Mantell City, Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell City was a bustling acropolis, teeming with all manner of people far flung from the distant corners of the galaxy. Tall spires loomed over the city center; a sprawling mass of mis-matched architecture that spread far as the eye could see. Rumor had it that the infamous criminal organization, the Black Sun, operated out of here - a rumor that the Empire was desperate to quash, as it clashed with their image of retaining control over the entire known galaxy. Despite being a haven for ill-gotten gains and profit, it was certainly a far cry from the pits of villainy and scum that other planets were, and the citizens enjoyed a relatively peaceful life despite the tense cold war between the Empire and the criminal organizations that inhabited their city.
The Ghost had arrived mid-morning with time to spare before Shana had to make contact with her Imperial informant. After taking the time to do a quick survey of the locals to ensure that they weren't being watched, Shana revealed her plan to the crew: a simple trade made in the market square and then she would be shuttled off in a separate transport nearby with another Fulcrum agent who was waiting on stand-by. The Ghost crew would act as her escort, in case things got hairy.
It was a reasonable enough plan - except for one, glaring flaw that Sabine immediately noticed.
"Why is Ezra the only one going with you for back-up?" she asked, trying to keep the heat out of her voice. "I thought we were all going with you."
Shana shook her head. "My informant would scamper at the sight of a group approaching. Two is more than sufficient to handle him, I assure you. The rest of you will wait back here, in the Ghost, ready to assist should we need it. The market square isn't far from the landing pad."
Sabine looked to Kanan and Hera. "Please tell me you disagree with this," she said.
Kanan stroked his beard, thinking. "Hera?" he asked. "What's your opinion?"
Hera answered, "She knows the area better than we do. And I know Shana and Ezra can handle themselves in a fight." She glanced at Sabine. "It's her plan, Sabine. And we'll be nearby in case something goes wrong."
"Which it won't," Shana said reassuringly. "I know this informant. He won't be a problem."
Sabine glared at her, then turned towards Kanan. "Kanan?"
Kanan let out a deep breath. "I'm with Hera on this one. We'll leave it to those two. This information is important. We don't want to risk spooking her informant."
Zeb grunted in assent. Chopper whomped his agreement, as well.
Sabine gritted her teeth, preparing to launch an argument -
Ezra interjected before she could open her mouth. "Sabine."
She looked at him. He gave her a serious look and said, "It'll be fine. Trust me."
Sabine blew out a frustrated breath. "Fine. Leave your com-links on, though. I want to hear everything being said. The moment something goes wrong, we'll know."
Shana nodded. "Agreed." Turning to Ezra, she said, "Let's be off, Master Jedi."
Ezra bowed gallantly at her and said, "Lead the way, my lady." They began to make their way down the boarding ramp.
Sabine rolled her eyes. Shana paused at the entrance and turned around to face Sabine.
"What?" asked Sabine.
"He'll be safe with me," said Shana. "I promise."
And she left without another word. Sabine watched her catch up to Ezra, turn a corner on the street ahead, and then vanish into the crowd.
An hour later, they returned triumphant with the data disc in hand. Sabine bounded down the ramp, almost colliding into Ezra. She had been pacing inside the Ghost, listening to the tense conversation exchanged between Shana and her Imperial informant, expecting it to go sideways at any given moment - but it never did.
Shana did her job as expected. Ezra checked in a few minutes later to let them know they were on the way back, and that he hadn't spotted - or sensed - anyone following them.
"Huh," said Kanan. "That's a first for us. A job that didn't have any complications."
Hera glanced at Sabine knowingly. "Well, for most of us, anyway," she remarked.
She bit her lip and double-checked her friend for trackers, despite knowing there were none.
Shana said, "I'm fine, too, in case you were wondering."
Sabine threw her a glare and finished her inspection. "No trackers on you, far as I can tell. All clear."
Ezra raised an eyebrow at her. "That was a very . . . thorough inspection on your part, Sabine."
She punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Shut up, goober."
He grinned briefly at her and then turned to Shana. "I guess this is farewell," he said quietly.
The other girl shook her head. "Don't say it like that, Ezra. I'm sure we'll meet again - "
Ezra interrupted her. "Just say it this once. Please. For me."
Shana looked taken aback for a moment and then smiled sadly. "Good-bye, Ezra Bridger."
And then she leaned forward, giving a soft kiss on his cheek. Sabine looked away.
"Good-bye, Shana," he said softly. He turned back towards the Ghost and walked up the ramp without another word. Which left Sabine alone with Shana.
Sabine gazed at her, not sure what to say. Shana, however, merely smiled and offered her hand. Incredulous, Sabine gripped it and gave a firm shake.
"This has been an . . . experience," she said. "I'm still not sure what to make of it."
"Can I tell you something, Sabine? I'm rather jealous of you. Ezra clearly cares for you deeply."
"And what makes you think that?"
"He didn't say good-bye to you when he left with me. He just asked you to trust him; trust that he would come back." Her smile turned melancholy. "I don't think he'll ever say good-bye to you, Sabine Wren."
Shana's com-link sent out a chirping noise. She checked it and said, "That's my ride. I should be going shortly."
"Well, safe travels. And good hunting," replied Sabine. The Fulcrum agent nodded and turned to go - but paused for a split second and turned back towards her.
"Yes?" asked Sabine, cautiously.
"Remember what I said. About not waiting." She looked thoughtful for a moment and then added with a sincere smile, "And take care of him, will you? He's all yours now."
And then she took a few hurried steps and disappeared into the crowded streets of Ord Mantell City.
Hyperspace, The Way Home
Later that night, getting ready for bed, Sabine came across Ezra sitting alone in the Ghost's communal area. He was studying something gripped in his hand, his expression lost in thought.
Sabine took a step closer and felt her eyes widen in recognition: it was the paper Lenora flower that he had made the night prior.
"You still have that?" she asked.
Ezra jolted slightly in his seat. "Oh, hey. Didn't see you there."
"Shana didn't want it?" Sabine asked. She couldn't imagine the girl refusing Ezra's present. Just the thought of it alone made Sabine wish she had hit Shana harder when she had the chance.
Ezra smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "Well, it wasn't for Shana in the first place."
He abruptly offered it to her. Sabine felt her jaw drop in surprise.
"It's for me?"
He nodded. "Hera told me that you were feeling a little neglected since I was focused on spending time with Shana, so I decided to make this as thanks. I appreciate you giving us the time and space to catch up."
Sabine took the flower gently from Ezra's hand. "How did you know to make this one? It's my favorite."
Ezra smiled at her. "You might have mentioned it a time or two during a conversation. It's from your favorite fairytale."
She arched an eyebrow at him. "Try that again."
He winced. "Okay, I snuck into your room one time and saw the book laying on your bed. It wasn't for weird reasons, I promise! Zeb ate all my snacks, and I knew you had some stashed away, so I went looking while you were out."
Sabine snorted. "I believe you now." She rolled the flower between her fingertips, admiring the work Ezra had put into it.
All for her.
"You know what this flower symbolizes, Ezra?" she asked suddenly.
He thought about it. "Unwavering loyalty and dedication, right? I can't quite remember the whole story."
And love, she thought.
"Anyway," Ezra said quietly, "I just wanted you to know that . . . well, you're the only one for me, Sabine. No one will ever replace you."
Sabine's eyes snapped to Ezra; she could hear her heartbeat, pulsing loudly in her ears.
"As a partner," he added hastily. "I mean - well, you know - "
She smiled. "I know what you mean, goober."
Don't wait to tell him how you feel. You won't get a second chance. Especially in this galaxy.
He's all mine now, she thought. All mine.
"We should probably head to bed now. Separately. But you knew that." Ezra's expression became increasingly mortified at what was coming out of his mouth. He looked like he wanted to very badly disappear in that second.
Sabine just laughed. "True. It's been a long day."
He shook his head, his expression flustered. "Good night, Sabine. See you in the morning." He began to walk down the hallway towards his room.
Don't wait.
"Hey, Ezra," she called. He turned around.
"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum," she said softly.
Ezra cocked his head in an inquisitive manner. "Is that a Mandalorian saying?"
Sabine nodded.
"What does it mean?"
"A literal translation is 'I will know you forever.'"
Ezra mulled over the significance of what she said. "Nothing's certain in this galaxy, Sabine," he said. "But I hope that's true for us."
"Me, too," Sabine replied. She followed him down the hallway to their rooms.
"Does that phrase have another meaning?" asked Ezra. "I get the feeling it translates to something else."
I love you.
Sabine smiled at him. "It does have another, more famous meaning. I'll tell you about it someday. When this war is over."
"Ah," said Ezra dryly. "Well, that won't be too much of a wait, then. Between you and me, we've got the Empire on the ropes already."
Sabine laughed.
"Promise me you'll really tell me what the other meaning is?" asked Ezra. "You won't leave me hanging, right?"
Sabine looked at him, gazing deeply into his eyes. How blue they looked, she thought. How they shined like sapphire gems under the right lighting.
"I promise, Ezra Bridger," she said. "No matter what. If the galaxy tries to separate us, I'll find you and tell you."
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squintyeyedjoel · 1 year
Through Your Eyes | Part 1 - Hit the Ground Running (Joel x Reader)
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A/N: Ahhhh! This is here!!! So. This is just an idea that I had, and I literally texted my friends screaming about it, and it’s been nonstop for the last few days, it just kept developing. It’ll be multi-part, unsure yet how long, it keeps growing. I’ve always loved Jackson Joel, his relationship with Ellie, and I’ve wanted more of their dynamic since day one. So here is a weird hybrid of both the game and show universe, but mostly game. I haven’t decided where exactly this will or will not deviate from canon yet, so bear with me. Here we go!
I do not own The Last of Us or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, and Joel is a warning in and of himself in this one. Canon typical swearing. No specific age specified for reader, aside from her remembering life before the outbreak, so I leave that up to you. No use of Y/N. Mention of loss. (Spoilers if you haven’t watched the show/played the game.) Ellie is a menace and having a Hard Time™️. Arguing? Banter. Some of Joel’s Texan accent. (You’ve been warned.) I guess kinda sorta spoilers for TLoU 2? Like if you squint? And not really???
Word count: 8,885
Thank you to @fordo-kixed-rex and @grippingbeskar for your endless hours helping me over goodness knows how long since I started this, for reading this over for me and letting me know I’m not crazy, and screaming with me about this man that captured our hearts first in the form of pixels.
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The door slamming below made some trinkets on your shelf rattle. That’s the third time today. A soft groan drifted up to you through the floorboards, coated in frustration and anger.
When you’d arrived in Jackson, the only new, private space available had been a spot above somebody else’s house. Technically in somebody else’s house. And technically it wasn’t even a place. When you arrived, you realized someone had literally volunteered their attic, spacious as it was, with several windows and a private doorway leading down through the home.
A mattress had been tossed in the middle of the floor, and it’d been so long since you’d seen a real, honest to goodness mattress, you didn’t care about the rest of the place. It suddenly felt like a castle.
That first night you’d flopped down on the fluffy padding on the floor, smiling as your body bounced a few times from the impact, the springs inside whining in protest, before you promptly fell asleep.
Sunlight streaming in through one of the windows early the next morning woke you up, making you blink bleary eyes open when it danced across your peaceful features.
With a stretch and heavy sigh, you didn’t move a muscle, but simply darted your eyes around your new small space, fully taking in the barren walls and the pile of junk leftover from whoever owned this house before the world went to hell. Curiosity got the better of you, pulling you to the pile like a magnet, on a search for something, you weren’t quite sure what yet.
Several hours later, you were lost deep in thought, the tip of your tongue sticking between your teeth in concentration when someone clearing their throat just off to your side made you jump. “Fuck!” You hissed, tossing the little metal toy you had in one hand in surprise, the screwdriver from your other hand being clutched in your grip like a vice, reared back and ready to be thrown at the intruder.
“Just me,” the man from downstairs mumbled. What was his name again? “Sorry.”
Sighing, you deflated, letting your hands fall to the mattress below you with a thump, your face scrunched in pain. “Shit, I bit my tongue.” Reaching up to rub your jaw, you glared at the man. “Maybe knock next time?”
He stared at you for a long minute, his eyes watching as you cradled your face, mumbling forlornly about your tongue. “I did,” he finally said lowly. “Twice.”
“Oh.” You heaved another sigh, this one heavier than the last, before plopping back on the mattress behind you, wincing and reaching under your back to pull out the plastic action figure that had poked you in the back. Looking at it, you grinned softly. “Was that your gun, or were you just happy to see me?”
Something between a scoff and a snort left the man still standing awkwardly by your door, pulling your attention back to him.
Everything had been so rushed when you’d moved in, something about a patrol spotting clickers nearby and the lack of space giving everyone a headache, you’d barely caught a glimpse of your housemates as someone ushered you past them, up into the attic late last night. You’d also made a point to stare at the floor as you walked past, not wanting to see the ire of the people who’d been woken up to open their home to you.
With no desire to dwell on your time before Jackson, you focused on the man in front of you, taking in his curious eyes and weathered features. The tilt of his brow told you people tended to run from him, his jaw set in a stern angle as his eyes darted around the room.
“Sorry, I know it’s a mess, I’ll clean it up.” Pushing up onto your elbows, you tossed the action figure to the side. “I assumed that pile was from before the outbreak, I hope I didn’t-”
“It was. All that was here b’fore Ellie and I moved in. Seemed a shame to waste it, and didn’t bother me none to sit in a corner, so….” Taking a few steps, he picked up the little metal car you’d been scraping at when he walked in, smiling fondly. “I had one’f these.” His expression darkened. “‘till my brother broke it.” After staring at it a moment, he looked up at you, handing it back to you gently. “What were you doin’ with it?”
“Oh.” Flustering a bit, being caught out for something you usually kept relegated to your home wherever that happened to be, you took a minute to think, staring at the chipped blue paint on the little car. “I…. I like to restore things. Bring little pieces of what we lost back. Especially toys. I remember as a kid…. As a kid the joy of just one new toy was….”
“Nothin’ like it,” he agreed softly.
You nodded, meeting his eyes, the kindness you saw hidden there catching you off guard. You’d expected judgment. In this world nowadays frivolous things weren’t usually accepted so readily.
“That yours?” He pointed to the little fanny pack overflowing with various tools, the contents spilling over the mattress.
Eyes darting over to the bag, you nodded again before looking at him with a soft smile. “Yes it is, kind stranger.”
This time his scoff was decidedly amused, and he rolled his eyes, making you grin.
“That’s right!” Setting the car down, you got to your feet, dusting the back of your pants off, then your hands, before you extended one for him to shake. “Nice to finally meet you more than a passing face in the ‘welcome to Jackson’ shuffle.” He nodded as he shook your hand, his grip firm and warm. “Thank you. Again. For your attic, I mean.” Dropping his hand after holding it longer than you should have, you turned to look around at the space.
“Tommy said you needed your privacy. Didn’t say why, but I can respect the need.”
You turned back to him, hands on your hips where they had settled as you’d looked around. “That’s not by choice.”
His features darkened. “What’d’ya mean?”
“Oh! Nothing like that.” You waved your hands in front of you. “Nothing weird, I swear!” Chuckling nervously, you shifted your weight to one side. “Because I tinker, I often…. People don’t like the noises…. The smells….”
He just stared at you, silently waiting.
You looked down to your feet. “I’ll just pack up. I’m sorry, I’ll be out of your-”
“No,” he cut you off, reaching for your elbow gently but firmly. “No,” he said again, a bit softer. “Just explain a little less…. Vaguely, please.”
“It’s very hands-on. Lots of tools like hammers and whatnot, sanding…. And then if I can find it, paint thinner for some, or just paint for others…. And it doesn’t always help, despite all the windows being open, but I try to keep the place ventilated…..”
“People complain about a day job?” He sounded upset for you. 
“They get upset when I do it when I can’t sleep.”
He hesitated. “How often is that?”
“Whenever the nightmares come.”
Understanding flickered in his eyes. “Well people are stupid.”
You blinked before a laugh burst out of your mouth.
“I used to be a contractor, and I’ve been doing some odds and ends here since moving into town. I don’t mind some smelly noise.” The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled at you. “Let’s just try to come up with a schedule of some sort, maybe nothing too loud after nine at night or somethin’. Not for me, I don’t mind, but the neighbors might, and I dunno about Ellie. Girl sleeps like the dead, so probably….”
His smile grew brighter. “Come downstairs for breakfast.” He gestured behind him with a tilt of his head toward the stairs, his body beginning that way. “Maybe she’ll say hello between bites.”
Walking down the stairs, you looked around in the daylight, trying to discern what was your host’s and what was left behind twenty odd years ago. 
Outlines where pictures once sat on the wall, faded by years in the sun now decorated the outdated wallpaper, a layer of dust along a line of decorative trim halfway up. A fancy carpet was tacked to the stairs, worn in the middle most of the way up, zagging to the sides near the top, and you watched as Joel carefully stepped in the threadbare bits without thought, one of the steps squeaking under your weight when you didn’t follow suit. 
Once you were at the bottom, an open door down the hall showed a small little workshop, tools strewn everywhere. You smiled, glancing up at Joel to see him follow your gaze, realization dawning on him as a hand came up to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment. 
“Stay here,” he mumbled softly, holding up one finger before he jogged toward the door, pulling it shut. “Sorry about that. Had a, uh…. Last minute request.”
“My ears are burning. Are you talking about me again?” A young female voice yelled amusedly from around the corner behind you, a girl in her early teens stepping out with a plate full of food in one hand, a fork loaded in the other, and a mouthful as she continued. “Yeah, you were. It’s me. He’s talking about me. I asked him to fix the hole in the ceiling,” she looked at him pointedly, before turning back to you, “like fifty thousand times-”
“Since yesterday,” Joel murmured, making you chuckle.
“It only showed up yesterday,” the girl said unamused.
“I’m just sayin’,” Joel held up his hands in surrender before walking around the girl and into what you assumed was the kitchen. “Point was, I got right on it.”
Rolling her eyes, the girl set her plate down before wiping her hands on the front of her jeans, coming over and introducing herself. “Hi, I’m Ellie,” she spoke pointedly over her shoulder, “since grumpy in there didn’t feel the need to introduce us.”
Some dishes clattered and quiet grumbles were heard  as you smiled at the girl, introducing yourself. “If you ever need any help around here, just ask. I’m pretty handy, if I do say so myself.”
“Finally,” Ellie groaned, “Someone besides that lug who can help me out!”
You leaned in closer to her. “Why, you got bodies to hide, or somethin’?”
She leaned in as well. “You have no idea.”
“Time for food!” Joel called loudly, placing a steaming pile of scrambled eggs and bacon on the table. “Ellie made ‘em so I’m not makin’ any promises-”
“Hey!” You smiled at her protest.
“-but it’s nourishment, so…. Good as any.”
“I’ll have you know,” Ellie began, looking down her nose at Joel as you all sat at the table. “Tommy’s been teaching me how to cook.”
“Then we’re all doomed,” Joel deadpanned.
“Tommy, I met him last night. He’s….”
Joel and Ellie spoke at the same time.
“Oh no, what’d he do now?”
“His baby brother.”
Silence hung between you as you looked back and forth between the two of them, Joel’s eyes shut as he let out a sigh.
“He’s my brother,” he amended, adding quietly, “so you can tell me what idiotic thing he’s done now.”
“Joel,” Ellie warned.
“I’ve heard it all, just lay it on me.”
You shook your head. “Nothin’. Was just asking how he knew you two.” You gestured between them with your fork. 
Joel tucked into his food after a moment of silence, staring down at his plate.
“I tried to tell you,” Ellie muttered, shaking her head as she cleaned the crumbs off her dish. 
“That accent I keep hearing pop through, is that…. Texas?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Joel kept his eyes down, slowing his eating just a bit.
“I thought it sounded like home,” you smiled, the corners of your mouth pulling higher when his head shot up to look at you.
“You’re from….” 
You nodded. “Born and raised. Ain’t nothin’ quite like the Lone Star State, is there?”
“No, ma’am,” Joel grinned.
“What do you miss the most?” It was an honest enough question, you expected something like barbecue, late night drives down country roads, or the smell of bluebonnets each Spring….
But the joy on Joel’s face fell ever so slightly, just enough that you could see, the light in his eyes dimming, as his shoulders rounded forward just a bit. He stared at the table top for only a moment, lost in thought. You could have sworn his eyes flitted to the watch on his wrist briefly before he shook his head, lifting it back up, his gaze meeting yours and smiled again, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes this time. “Too many things to mention. What about you?”
Holding his gaze for a moment longer than you should, you smiled softly before turning back to look at your plate. “Gotta say I feel the same.” Stabbing a bite of egg, you brought it to your mouth, chewing thoughtfully as you pondered what had just happened. “I’ll have to get back to you on that.”
“Please do,” he said softly. 
More silence filled the space, Ellie heaving a sigh after a few minutes. “Well this has been fucking amazing-”
“Ellie,” Joel chastised.
“But I’m gonna go-”
“Sit,” Joel said in the most authoritative voice you’d heard yet. Gesturing with his fork, you caught the smallest smirk crawl up his face when Ellie groaned before plopping back into her chair in a graceless heap.
She stared at him in some sort of bored challenge before grumbling, “What?”
“I need your help before you go and skedaddle-”
“‘Skedaddle’? Is that even a fucking word?”
“Yes,” you answered before biting into a piece of bacon, smiling sweetly at her when her eyes flew up to meet yours.
“Just checking,” she grumbled, slumping further back into her chair as she heaved a world weary sigh. 
“As I was sayin’,” Joel pushed back from the table with both hands, leaning back in his chair so that the front legs left the floor slightly, balancing on the back two. “I need your help gettin’ a bed frame upstairs for her, and a few other pieces. Tommy’s droppin’ them by in a few here.” He checked a clock hanging on the wall, making you knit your brows in confusion as you glanced to the watch on his wrist. Closer inspection showed it was shattered with what looked like a bullet hole, making your eyes widen slightly. Suddenly his reservations about missing something in Texas made a bit more sense.
“Joel,” Ellie whined, going practically boneless in her seat, limbs draping behind her like a broken starfish.
“We should be able to handle that without her, don’t you think?” You mused, pushing your empty plate away and settling into your seat with a satisfied sigh, arms crossed over your chest. 
“Yes, totally, bye!” Ellie sat up so fast you got whiplash. But she didn’t make it completely out of the seat before Joel was saying her name again, and motioning her back down with just his eyes. 
“Sorry. I tried,” you shrugged, giving her a sad smile. “You should just listen to your dad and-”
The two of them interrupted you in tandem.
“I’m not her father.”
“He’s not my dad.”
Joel cleared his throat. “Now, I’ve asked you to stay and help- nicely, I might add- and unlike you, I don’t ask twice, let alone fifty thousand times,” he looked at her pointedly.
“Ugh, fine!” She threw her hands up, letting them slap back down on her thighs before pushing her chair back all the way, the scrape of the feet against the floor making you cringe. She finally got to her feet before she froze, looking at Joel with an exaggerated look you couldn’t quite place.
“What?” He asked after a long silence in a tone that said ‘why did I ask’.
She pointed to the other room. “Can I go this time? I mean….” Joel sighed heavily, rolling his eyes. “Every other time I’ve tried to execute my rights as a human being and leave this fucking dining room, you’ve stopped me. So, before I get too far and have to backtrack again, I wanted to-”
“Just go,” he waved a hand.
“Thank you,” she called, climbing the stairs, expertly missing the squeaks, a door slamming shut a few seconds later.  
“But be ready to help in-”
“Yeah, yeah,” her muffled voice came through the door before some 80’s song began playing softly. 
You chuckled, Joel picking his head up from where he’d cradled it in his palm to look at you with a raised brow. “I got food and a show.” His head fell back into his hand. “I’m teasing.” He grumbled something unintelligible into his palm. After the chorus of the song played, you stood up, taking the empty dishes over to the sink.
“You don’t have to-” Joel protested from his seat.
“I’ll never get used to hearin’ music again,” you changed the subject as you turned on the water, running it over the plates as you wiped them clean. “Don’t get me wrong, I love it. I’ve always loved music. It’s just…. After so long in the silence, coming here and having a teenager drown you out with a synthesizer, it’s so….”
Looking over your shoulder, you smiled at him. “Yeah. And after everything, that’s just….”
“Not normal?”
You snorted. “Exactly.” After you turned the water off, you flung the stray droplets from the tips of your fingers before drying your hands on a dish towel. “I appreciate all the help, I really do. But, you don’t have to go outta your way for me.”
“It’s not outta the way. It’s just upstairs.” He looked proud of himself, the pleased grin pulling higher when you made a face of disbelief at him.
“None of that allowed up there.” You pointed toward the ceiling where the attic extended to. “That is a bad pun free zone.”
Joel shook his head ruefully, leaning his chair back even further on the rear legs, propping his boots up on the corner of the table, one ankle crossed over the other as his hands slowly came behind his head. “Darlin’, this whole house is one giant pun.”
You arched a brow, leaning back against the counter, your hands braced on its top at your sides.
“Ellie tries, she loves her joke books…. But me….”
“Bad dad jokes without being a dad?”
His whole demeanor deflated, just slightly, but enough for you to see. The light behind his eyes dimmed, his smile faded, and his arms dropped almost imperceptibly. “Something like that,” he mumbled, before the smile renewed, just a bit too tightly. After a brief moment, he dropped his feet back to the floor with a clatter, the chair coming back onto all fours with surprising delicacy. “Well, let’s get up there and take some measurements before the furniture gets here.”
Joel had followed you up the steps, mumbling a “Lady’s first,” as he stepped out of the way, gesturing forward with one hand.
You arched a brow. “Oh, fancy.” He pulled a face, making you laugh softly. “Nice to know chivalry didn’t also die on outbreak day.” Starting up the stairs, he sighed as he fell in behind you.
“Oh, it did. I’m bringing it back.” Glancing over your shoulder you saw a smug look on his face, making you roll your eyes as you turned back to the task at hand, making sure to avoid the squeaky parts of the steps, sticking to the worn tread of the carpet. An amused hum buzzed out of Joel’s chest when he noticed, making you smirk. “Fast learner.”
Pushing open the door to the attic, it let out a mighty squeak. 
You grimaced. “Not quite fast ‘nough, it seems.”
Joel knit his eyebrows at the door as he reached out, swinging it back and forth, the hinges protesting loudly each time. “It just needs to be tightened up.” Stepping closer, he examined the brackets with a more studious eye. “This takes a….” He turned to you, before glancing at your pile of tools still on the bed where you’d left them. “It’s a specialized screw head. Used to use them all the time before the world went to shit. Surprised they already started complainin’. Normally they last twice as long-”
“Everything complains around you, Joel,” Ellie grumbled as she walked past him, going straight for one of the windows, her forehead falling against it with a dramatic thump before she just stared at the city below.
Joel scoffed, staring at the teenager for a moment before rolling his eyes. “I have one down in my shop in the garage. I’ll go grab it.”
“You got a screwdriver that can turn that musty old shop of yours into a kick ass room for me?” Ellie called after him as he took the steps two at a time. As his heavy footfalls disappeared below, she turned back to look out the window.
“What do you mean?” You asked against your better judgment. “Don’t like your room?”
She sighed. “I just want my own space. Why does he need a room for just his tools? They don’t need privacy! They don’t go through at least one crisis a week, or have to deal with him, or have music they want to play super loud. They’re fucking tools.”
“Well, hey, we could trade? I could take your room, share the garage and tools with Joel, and you could be up he-”
“No,” Joel’s tone was final. You hadn’t even heard him come in. 
“I think it’s a great idea,” Ellie started. “I mean, she’s offering, and-”
“I said no, Ellie.”
“No!” His grip on the door handle tightened. “We aren’t having this conversation again. Drop it.”
The two of them stared at each other with loaded looks, an unspoken conversation being exchanged between them. 
“We’ll compromise.” Joel’s attention snapped to you, Ellie’s following soon after. “You ever need a place to ‘get away’? You can come up here and keep me company.” Ellie smiled. “That goes for you, too, Joel.”
“Why you gotta be like that?” Ellie mumbled, smiling when you arched a brow at her.
“There’s a catch.”
“Fuck,” the teenager moaned, turning back to look out the window, her head thumping against the frame.
“You have to help me with my projects while you’re up here.” Your eyes flicked between them. “Deal?” When neither of them agreed, but neither of them protested, you moved on. “Good. Now,” stooping down to pick up the various toys and tools that had taken over the floor the night before, you turned to Ellie. “I noticed during breakfast that you like to draw.”
“Sketchbook on the counter by the oven. Next time wait until after the bacon is done. You got grease stains all over the pages.”
“I had an idea, I couldn’t wait….”
“How are you with paint?”
She shrugged. “Never…. Never really had the opportunity to use it. I’m sorry. What the fuck is that?” She pointed to the bag around your waist.
Looking down at the fanny pack you’d zipped your tools back into before putting it on, you lifted your gaze back up to her. “My fanny pack?”
“Ellie….” Joel warned, seeing the girl’s face begin to morph in a way he knew all too well.
“It’s called a….” She started snickering before she cleared her throat. “I’ve never seen one before.” Ellie’s eyes shot over to Joel, her features schooled into something almost professional, but it quickly melted into something more sarcastic.
“Very handy,” you said slowly, watching her through narrowed eyes. “Anyway, as I was saying, I’ll get my hands on some paints, and you can help me finish some pieces.” You turned to Joel, brows raised expectantly.
“I’ll ask Tommy when he brings the stuff,” he mumbled, leaning on the door and causing it to squeak again, pulling his attention back to the traitorous hinges.
“For now,” you focused back on the teenager, hands on your hips, “help me clean this place up a little before they get here? Maybe go grab the towel off the kitchen counter to dust off the windowsills?”
Ellie nodded with a small, sweet smile, but you didn’t miss how it twisted into a smirk as she walked past you toward the door. “On it, Miss Fanny.”
You stared after her with wide eyes, noting she had waited until she was a few steps down the stairs before saying it so you were less likely to retaliate. Smart.
Flicking your eyes over to Joel, an amused expression pulled at his features as he pointed toward the bag on your hip with his screwdriver. “It’s because of the….”
“Yeah, I got that,” you snarked. “What I don’t get is why she called you grumpy.”
“It’s kinda obvious,” he drawled, turning the screws on the top hinge.
“You don’t seem grumpy to me.”
“Give it time.”
After the door no longer moaned, the hinges good as new, Joel took some measurements around the space while he talked about how he’d been meaning to build some shelves and stuff for storage up here anyway. It’d take a day or two, but he’d have them up and be out of your hair in no time. He also stepped out of one of the windows onto the roof, making you and Ellie exchange a confused glance.
“Joel? Last I checked, the attic was strictly inside the house,” Ellie asked cautiously.
His head appeared around the open window frame, scowling at the both of you. “I’m looking to see if I could put a doorway in here for a private entrance.”
“That’s not-” but he doesn’t let you finish.
Disappearing back around the window frame, his voice drifted back somewhat muffled as he turned away. “It’ll just make things easier. Once you get tired of the two of us, you can come in without having to look at our ugly mugs.” Ellie shot a sideways look at you, making you stifle a small laugh, tucking it into your hand as you looked away. “Could even make a little deck up here at the top of the stairs, good sun, you could plant somethin’ for eatin’. Plus it’s a good spot to,” his feet shuffled on the roof before stopping again. “It’s a good vantage point if things go sideways…. Again.”
Stepping up to the window, you went to poke your head out but had to step back as he hopped back in. “Joel, you don’t have to do all that. It’s-”
“It’s my house, and I want that vantage point,” he huffed, dusting off his hands before turning to close the window.
“The Contractor,” Ellie hissed in an eerie voice with a smirk, drawing out the words in a ridiculous way.
“Knock knock,” a voice said behind you, making you jump slightly, turning to find Tommy. “Sorry,” he said quietly, having the decency to look sheepish. As he pushed the door open a bit wider, it squeaked softly, pulling his focus to the hinges. “You need to fix that, Joel-”
“I-” The older brother looked at the younger, dumbfounded. It quickly melted into annoyce as he whispered an exasperated, “What did you do?” Stepping quickly toward the door.
Tommy stepped back slightly. “Nothin’! I just got here, big brother! So just hold your horses and don’t jump-”
“He just fixed those a few minutes ago,” you offered softly, understanding dawning on Tommy’s face.
His eyes shifted to his brother, wide and somewhat worried. “Now, Joel, I didn’t do nothin’. They’re old, like you, and-” he turned his eyes down to the floor when Joel’s head snapped up to level him with a menacing gaze. “-and,” he repeated pointedly, “before you jump up my ass about somethin’ I didn’t do….” He lifted his head just enough to look at his brother again. “Can we please talk about this like the grown men we sometimes are now?”
Joel simply stared at his brother for a loaded moment before turning back to the door, wiggling it back and forth, making a sour face as it squeaked again softly. “You had to’ve done somethin’….”
“I guess not then,” Tommy sighed, hands that had been held up in surrender falling down to his sides in defeat as he sent an unimpressed glare toward his brother. “You’ve gotten meaner as your hair’s gotten greyer.”
Joel rolled his eyes, turning to inspect the hinges more closely, but reached up a hand to run through his hair after a moment, bringing it down to rub at the back of his neck in what looked like embarrassment as he kept his back to the room.
Ellie strolled over easily toward the two men. “You’re an old man, Joel. That’s how it’s supposed to happen…. I think. I mean, look at Santa Claus….”
Joel slowly looked at her over his shoulder before he let out a strangled grunt of frustration, cleaning his throat to try and cover it up as he shook his head, turning back to his task in an attempt to hide.
Ellie went on as if nothing had happened. “I mean I think that’s how it works.”
Tommy snickered, tucking the lower half of his face into his hand, pointedly ignoring Joel looking at him through the crack of the door by the hinges.
The teen turned to Tommy. “You’re an old man, you tell me. Am I right?”
The hand fell from his face, and Tommy immediately stopped laughing, glowering at Ellie while Joel lost it, a series of growing snickers falling from his mouth as he turned his face into the wall to try and subdue the sound.
You looked on, watching the whole exchange with a smile. Joel may not be her father, but these three were every bit a family unit. They teased and called each other names, but it was all in fun. All from love. You had no doubt that when push came to shove, they’d be there for one another in a heartbeat, and probably be willing to sacrifice close to anything in the name of that bond, that thing they shared but they didn’t dare put that name to. For family.
Joel was still chuckling into the wall, his forehead pressed against it as he rocked it side to side in disbelief. “I swear I didn’t tell her to say that.”
“Fuck you, Joel. I say what I want,” Ellie proclaimed.
“Ellie,” Joel groaned, finally turning to face the room with a sigh, as Tommy snapped a, “Language!”
“Oh, bite me,” she mumbled, turning and meandering slowly to the window to begin dusting again.
“So, Tommy,” you began, clasping your hands in front of yourself. “I hear you have furniture for me?”
His eyes widened in recognition. “Shit! Yeah.”
“Language!” Ellie mocked him from her spot across the room.
“It’s downstairs. Why don’t you come with me, take a look and see what all you wanna bring up while Joel finishes on this door.” He turned to his brother, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “Come down when you’re done, we should know by then.”
He nodded, fiddling with the screwdriver in his hand. “Give me five minutes.”
“I used to work with you, Joel,” Tommy called, starting down the stairs. “We both know it’ll take you ten.”
Joel laughed humorously. “Fuck you, Tommy!”
“Language!” Ellie yelled again. 
Following the younger Miller, you smiled. He stepped on every squeak in the steps, almost like it was on purpose.
Once the two of you were downstairs, Tommy stepped out onto the front porch, showing you a small array of furniture leaning up against the outside of the house. 
You were about to start pointing to some of the pieces when he began talking to you about something else altogether.
“So how’s it been today? They been treating you okay?”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you tilted your head back to look up at him, holding his serious gaze. His eyes were kind, and you realized he was asking just as much from a place of worry for them as for you.
“Yeah. It’s been great so far.” He looked relieved. “Ellie cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast.”
He smiled proudly. “You have me to thank for that.”
You couldn’t help the grimace tugging on your features. “So I hear.”
Tommy scoffed, hands going to his hips, making you chuckle.
“Ellie called him grumpy earlier, but I haven’t seen any particular reason why.” His eyebrows shot up near his hairline. “I asked him about it and he said to ‘give it time’.” 
He rolled his eyes with a muttered, “Sounds like him.”
You lowered your voice, taking a step closer. “Am I missing something? If he’s not always sunshine and rainbows, that’s fine, I get it. This world we live in now ain’t always deserving of it. But still, I’d like to know what I’m getting into.”
Tommy took a deep breath, but before he could speak, Joel stepped out the front door.
“What should I take up first?”
Turning and pointing at the bed frame you knew for sure needed to go up, you smiled. “Definitely that, please.”
Joel nodded, grabbing the headboard and footboard. “Tommy, will you grab the rest of the frame? The girls can be putting it together while we take up the rest.”
The man beside you nodded, staying silent until his brother disappeared back in the house.
“Joel’s not always the easiest to get to know.” You scoffed. “It’s true. I’ve known him my whole life, and I still have days where I wonder why he’s so prickly. He has his reasons,” Tommy looked up toward the attic windows before looking back down at you. “And I’m sure he’ll tell you them eventually, I can already tell he trusts you more than most others here in Jackson.”
With a shake of your head, you chuckled. “You’re crazy. He just met me. I’m sure he-”
“You saw a side of Joel right out the gate some wait a lifetime to miss.”
Staring up into his eyes, your own wide, you saw nothing but sincerity.
“Tommy! Come on, man!” Shaking his head, Joel picked up the rest of the pieces of the bed. “And you say I’m slow.”
The younger Miller held your gaze as he spoke. “That’s because you are slow, big brother.” Lifting his eyes to follow the older man, they narrowed playfully. “Come on, come on, lift those feet!”
“I’m gonna hit you,” Joel grumbled as he passed back over the threshold of the house, Tommy hot on his heels. As Joel continued to complain, Tommy stopped, looking back at you pointedly before turning and heading inside, shouting something you couldn’t make out up at his brother.
Once a few of the pieces were set up around the attic, you dug some things out of your backpack to put out, get settled in. Pulling a chair up to the small dining table, you got your screwdriver out of the pack on your hip and began scraping at the paint on the blue metal car from that morning.
“What’cha doin’?” Tommy asked, pulling another chair up and swinging his leg over it, sitting on it backwards. He rested his chin on his wrists on the back of the chair as he stared at the toy in your hands.
Not stopping, you answered him. “I restore things, especially toys.”
Your eyes flicked up to find his face twisted in confusion before darting back to what you were doing. 
After a moment he asked in a quieter voice, “Why?”
You shrugged. “Why not?” Pausing in your efforts, you looked up at him. “It makes me happy, and it makes others happy. And if there’s something people need more of these days, I’d say that’s it.” You turned back to your project.
You froze, your hands flopping onto the table as you lifted your gaze to look at him flatly.
“Happiness, dumbass,” Joel grumbled lowly from across the room, tightening the screws on one of the window sills.
“How would you know?” Tommy sat up straight in the chair, glaring over at his brother. “You wouldn’t know happiness if it bit you on the ass.”
“Oh, I think I’d be plenty happy if someone bit me on the ass-”
“That’s not-” Joel’s chuckle cut his brother off. “I like how Ellie said it earlier. Bite me.”
“Okay. But not on the ass.”
“You know what….” Tommy pushed away from the table, turning toward his brother.
“Even if I don't, I know you never do.” Joel turned to face his brother, screwdriver once again in his hand. “You’re not the brightest-”
“Boys!” They both turned to look at you, startled, Ellie jerking awake from her spot on your bed where she’d been napping for the last hour. “Enough!”
“Yeah, shut up,” Ellie grumbled, rubbing her eye with the palm of her hand. “I don’t even know what you were arguing about, but I know it was stupid.”
“How would you know?” Joel turned his head slowly to look at his brother, his eyebrows knit in disbelief that he was arguing with a teenager.
She stilled, her hand falling to her lap with a plop. “Because I know you.” She turned to you, speaking over a yawn. “What were they arguing about?”
“That toys and happiness aren’t necessarily important nowadays, and that devolved into name calling.”
Ellie nodded. “Sounds right.” She looked at the two men. “Grow up.” She arched a brow right back at them when they lifted theirs at her. “I babysit for the kids across the street, and if it’s one thing they are severely lacking, it’s toys. We watch the movies down at the town center or a video Joel brings back from a run, and they won’t shut up about all the toys and stuff. They don’t care about the animals or the songs, I mean they do, to an annoying degree, please, somebody, explain how giving children that age singalongs was a good idea, but I digress-” she took a big breath, the corner of her mouth twitching up when you failed to suppress a snort of laughter. “Anyway. Some toys around here wouldn’t be a bad thing.”
“I’d be more than happy to restore toys for the kids here in Jackson. But up here there isn’t really enough space for that type of output, plus the noise and smell would eventually bother you, despite what you say, Joel.”
Tommy looked at his brother who shrugged. “We talked about this earlier. Briefly.”
“I see,” Tommy mused quietly, turning back to you with a smirk.
“Would you mind sharin’ your garage?”
Joel grimaced.
“Come on, Joel,” Tommy teased. “Be a big boy, and-”
Joel rounded on his brother, getting close to his face. “You don’t stop talkin’, I’m going to-”
“Okay, so that’s a no,” you chuckled.
“The old book store,” Joel’s voice had calmed, and he turned to look at you. “It’s empty, is filled with shelves to display stuff, and has a wide showroom in the middle you could convert into a workshop.”
“Are you sayin’ she opens a toy shop?” Tommy asked, his voice tight with disbelief.
“Why not?” Joel looked at his brother before turning to Ellie for her input. “Like she said, it’s a need in the town, would boost morale-”
“How?” Tommy scoffed.
“Happy kids, happy parents.”
Joel made a gesture after Ellie spoke, like a ‘there you go’ as he turned his attention back on his brother, smiling as understanding softened the other man’s features.
“A need, morale,” Joel turned to look at you, a playful curl of his upper lip as he went on, “and I get to keep my garage.” The mock disdain melted into a smile and a wink before he turned back to his brother. 
“For now,” Ellie muttered under her breath, her face instantly schooling into something sweet and innocent when Joel whipped his head her way. 
With a sigh, you set one of the things on your shelf back upright, looking at the blue metal car that sat beside it, fully painted and restored. It was one you weren’t willing to get rid of, and it held pride of placement on one of the shelves Joel had built not long after that conversation about the shop.
You’d opted to stay out of these arguments, letting them sort their differences out on their own, but something felt different this time. The weight of Joel’s sigh hurt just a little bit more, felt a little bit heavier, and at breakfast this morning, his eyes seemed…. Sad.
Walking to the door that led downstairs through the house, you opened it, smiling when it swung without a sound. Making sure to step on the proper parts of the steps to stay silent, you walked almost all the way up to Joel before you finally cleared your throat to get his attention.
He’d been cradling his head in his hand, but he snapped up to look at you.
“Sorry,” you mumbled.
He stared at you for a long moment before shaking his head, looking at the floor. “No, no, don’t worry. Am I in your way? I’ll move, just let me-” 
At the sound of his name, he relaxed, slumping back against the wall with a sigh, scrubbing his hand down his face as he looked up at the ceiling. “I know.” He shrugged slightly, tilting his head back into the wall with a soft thump, rocking it back and forth. “I don’t know what it is. I can’t….” He looked back down at the floor for a second before his face screwed up. “Goddamnit!” His hand moved up to thread through his hair, tugging at the ends in frustration. “I don’t know what I’m doing. It was so much easier with-” Joel stopped with a shuddering breath, his eyes wide and frantic as they flew to you.
He’d done this a few times, started down a train of thought about someone or something in his past, but always stopped just before actually naming them. You couldn’t tell if it was a decision made out of pain or a desire to maintain privacy. Either way, you didn’t push it.
“She’s just being a teenager, Joel. That’s what they do. They drive you crazy, it’s kind of their job.” The corner of his mouth twitched up just slightly, but just as quickly fell back into the frown that twisted his face so painfully. “Didn’t you have teenaged girls in your family? Nieces? Distant cousins?”
He let out a wet laugh, swallowing roughly before he answered in a raspy voice, “Somethin’ like that.”
You leaned on the wall across from him, sliding down to sit on the floor, knees pulled tightly to your chest.
“Did you need something?”
His question pulled your focus back up to his face from the pattern of the weave of your jeans you’d been staring at.
“Yeah. I mean no.” He tilted his head in question. “I needed to come down and check on you two.”
He swallowed again, nodding. “Thanks.”
“Want me to go after her? We’re still learning each other, but we get along well enough. She’d probably listen to me. Maybe.” You grimaced. “I mean I hope so.”
Joel laughed softly. “Don’t do it on my behalf, you don’t need to villainize yourself, too. She needs to trust ‘least one of us.”
“She doesn’t think you’re a villain, Joel,” you groaned, getting back to your feet, taking his outstretched hand he offered in help.
“She sure don’t think I’m a hero,” he said lowly, his hand holding yours longer than it should, his thumb tracing your knuckles as he held your gaze. 
As you studied his face, eyes tracing the laugh lines by his eyes, the scars here and there, the strong angle of his jaw and light smattering of facial hair, you found yourself wishing he never actually had to let go. “I think you’d be surprised what people see when they look at you, Joel.”
He let go of your hand, taking a step back. Somehow you’d both gotten nearly toe to toe as you talked.
“I just need to get my jacket from upstairs then I’ll go look for her.”
He nodded, leaning back against the wall as you went back up to the attic.
Once you were back inside, you spotted Ellie at your desk, painting a little model plane you’d been working on. Looking over at the private entrance Joel had installed, you saw the door was not quite shut all the way. Smiling softly, you set your jacket you’d taken off the hook on the back of a nearby chair, then you walked over, shutting the door softly, clicking the lock into place. Closing the last few feet left between you, you leaned your hip against the edge of the desk as you watched her detail the left wing. 
It was weird to see her so subdued. Normally she was such a spitfire, something sarcastic or sassy coming out of her mouth at all times. You laughed every time she opened her mouth.
Keeping your voice quiet, you finally asked, “Wanna talk about it?”
She didn’t answer at first, but when she did it was as quiet as you had been. “Not really.”
You studied the way she painted the lines meticulously. “That’s fine.”
Pulling up a chair, you sat beside her, arm braced on the desk, head cradled in your palm as you continued to watch her in silence. 
The sounds of the town below you slowly drifted up through the open window. A songbird flitted by. Crickets began to chirp as the sun went down, and a lone owl hooted across the valley as the stars began to shine. One by one they started their march across the sky, twinkling in their dance with the moon, a slow procession of light for those of you left down below.
After a few minutes, you handed her the cup of water to rinse the brush. “He’s trying, you know.”
She rinsed and dried the brush, switching to the next color. A few more minutes passed before she answered. “I know.” 
After the wing was done, she rinsed the brush again and spoke while she dried it on the towel. “We need more paint. We’re running low on these basic colors. I could mix some of the others to make more, but they wouldn’t be quite right.”
“Okay,” you agreed softly. “I’ll see what I can do. There’s not much here in town, but I know there’s a lot out there left over from before.”
She whipped her head toward you, eyes wide in excitement. “Maybe you and I could go together to find some?!”
“No, no,” you didn’t even let her finish before you began objecting. “It’s not safe out there for you. You’re too young.”
She looked back down at the plane, her features immediately turning sour. “You sound like Joel.”
“Well, he and I agree on this.” Picking up the paintbrushes and moving them to the side, you leaned forward on both forearms, trying to catch her eye. “Do you trust me?”
“Do I have a choice?”
Leaning back a little bit, you sighed. “You always have a choice, Ellie. You know that.”
“I know,” she grumbled. “I just…. Yes, okay? Yes, I trust you. Why?”
Pushing the chair back, you got to your feet, going to the door back downstairs. “Because I have a plan.”
“What is-”
Turning back to her, you raised one finger and wagged it at her. “Ah ah ah! You said you trusted me. Now do it.”
Opening the door, you stepped through, laughing when you heard Ellie’s muffled voice call through as you shut it, “This sucks!”
Making your way back downstairs, you found Joel at the dining room table, nursing a whiskey. 
“Do you trust me?”
“You know I do, why?”
Smiling, you sat in the chair beside him. “Ellie’s doing really well with her painting, isn’t she?”
His brows narrowed in question, but he answered. “Yeah….”
“Problem is, there isn’t a lot of paint here in Jackson, and she’s already running low on some of the basic colors.”
“I noticed. She was complainin’ about it last week. I was gonna look for some on my next run for her.”
Sitting forward in your chair like you had at the desk with Ellie, you leaned on your forearms as you started in on your idea. “Well, where I stayed before coming here is about a week out. I had a stockpile. All different colors, types, whatever she could want for a long, long time, it’s all there.” Joel’s eyes were wide, you could see his wheels turning. “If we could each take a horse, maybe even a small cart or something, we’d cut that time in half, be there in a few days, and we could go raid my old supply. I had some real specialty stuff, stuff she’d love. Craft brushes…. I just need someone to come with me to keep me safe. I know what I’m doing, but once everything is loaded, the horses will be slower and I need someone to watch my back. Whaddya say?”
He started to smile. “You had me at ‘stuff she’d love’.”
The day to leave had come. You’d be leaving tomorrow to get your old stash while Joel watched your back.
You were about to close up the shop for the night when someone came in. 
Smiling up at the woman, your features softened when you saw the tired expression on her face. “Can I help you?”
The woman sighed, the most exhausted sound you’d heard in a while. “Yes! My daughter is sick, and I want to give her something to cheer her up. I can trade you some bread for it. Fresh made this morning.” Flipping a towel back on the small bundle in her left hand, a golden loaf of bread came into view, making your mouth water, the shop filling with the yeasty aroma and making your stomach growl softly.
You would have done it for free, given the circumstances, but since you were leaving the next day, the bread would be handy. And damn did it smell good. “Sure! How about something soft for her to hold while she’s laid up in bed?”
She smiled gratefully. “Sounds perfect.”
Pulling a basket down from a shelf that was filled with a few teddy bears Tommy and Joel had found on supply runs and you’d cleaned up, you set it on a table in front of the woman.
“Beautiful day today,” you said offhandedly, looking out the front window and smiling, your grin growing when you saw Joel appear across the street and wave at you through the window. You waved back, making the woman in front of you look over her shoulder to see what was going on. 
She heaved another sigh, rolling her eyes before turning back to the basket. “Don’t bother. That one’s never gonna crack.”
Your smile faltered, hand falling down to rest beside the basket as you looked at the woman in confusion. “What do you mean?”
She scoffed. “He’s a tough ass. I don’t think he’s ever smiled in his life. Probably made his mom cry when he was born. Something is just off about him.”
Snorting a laugh, you shook your head. “That’s crazy. I live with him.” You paused, ignoring her raised brows as she looked at you through her lashes. “Well, above him. In his attic.” Turning your head just slightly, your face twisted at the way that sounded, too. “But not, like, in a creepy way. His brother set it up.” You tilted your head to the side, staring out the front window, before turning to look at the woman point blank. “I’m renting a room from him.”
The woman looked up at you in pity. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not so bad.” You shrugged, reaching out to straighten the ear of one of the bears.
Resting her hand on your forearm, she gave it a gentle pat. “That’s the right attitude.”
After she picked her bear and you had the bread, you locked up and walked across the street to meet Joel. “Got some extra food for the trip.” You held up the loaf with a grin.
“Good. We’re gonna need it,” he grumbled, his face a sour expression, hands in his pockets as you both turned toward the house.
“What bit your ass?”
“Tommy mentioned to Maria about our little trip. The council didn’t want to lend us the horses for ‘just paint’.”
“Okay. So now what? We walk?”
“No,” he ground out. Turning the corner by the stables, you found a group of people buzzing around, preparing bags and supplies for them and their horses. When you looked back up at Joel, he sighed, speaking lowly. “We have company.”
Tags: @dilf-din, @lupinpetersclearwaterodairparker, @what-the-heckin-heck, @telarnidaniela, @kalea-bane, @morgaussy, @enjoythelittlethings, @paleidiot, @telepathay Wanna be tagged if/when I write any future Joel stuff? Here’s how to sign up!
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archiveikemen · 1 year
'His Cherished Doll' Story Event: Premium END
William Rex
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
My body was forcefully held in the hand of a man who wasn’t Will.
Avoiding the eyes of the other people present, the man snuck into a room in the mansion.
Under the room’s light, the face of the man who captured me was revealed.
(This person talked to Will earlier…)
– Flashback Start –
Doctor Cedric: Allow me to introduce myself as well. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Earl Rex.
William: Ah… Doctor Cedric Hamilton, is it? I heard that you’re very passionate about your research on developing new drugs.
– Flashback End –
Back then, I quickly thought to act like a doll, but it seemed that he had already noticed me moving.
With me still in his hand, the doctor started rambling excitedly.
Doctor Cedric: You can breathe and blink… what a mysterious lifeform!
Doctor Cedric: How did this happen to you? Are you a living person? When did this happen?
(... I can’t keep up my act anymore. In that case…)
(Before that, I want to find out even just a little bit about his intentions.)
— Will will definitely come to my rescue.
As long as I have Will, I’ll be completely fine.
Kate: Before that, please answer my question first. Why are you in such a place?
Doctor Cedric: I have been pursuing Earl Rex, because I heard that he’s funding the Royal Hospital.
Doctor Cedric: I want to ask for him to fund my research as well.
Kate: … Is it research for a new drug?
Doctor Cedric: That’s only one part. I want to know everything.
Doctor Cedric: There are still many things about the human body that are unknown, it’s so mysterious… I can’t stand not knowing all about it!
Doctor Cedric: I want to know every single thing about the human body, and that’s why I’m here.
Doctor Cedric: It’s certainly God’s will for me to know everything…
Doctor Cedric: Now… reveal it all to me. I want to know every nook and cranny of your body…
Kate: … *gulp*
William: Thank you for that passionate proclamation of love to my lover, Cedric Hamilton.
Doctor Cedric: … Earl Rex…?
Kate: … W-Will!
William: You naughty girl, having another man court you while I’m away. Now, come back to me.
Doctor Cedric: This girl is Earl Rex’s… lover? No, that doesn't matter right now.
Doctor Cedric: This girl should be presented to the medical society. She will definitely be an extremely valuable research material…
Doctor Cedric: No, no. I must dissect her myself. Anyone who dares interfere, even if it’s Earl Rex—
The doctor pulled out a sharp scalpel from his breast pocket.
(He’s pointing it at Will…!)
(Take this!)
I bit down as hard as I could on a finger on his right hand, the hand holding the scalpel.
Doctor Cedric: Ouch!?
He let go of the scalpel and it tumbled onto the ground. The one who caught my body was—
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William: Welcome back, Thumbelina. Or should I call you my courageous knight instead?
Kate: It’s nice to be back, Will. Fufu, you can call me whatever you like.
Doctor Cedric: D… Damn it…
Doctor Cedric: Give her back to me… this girl is my precious research material…
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William: Cedric. I heard a rumour that you have been purchasing cadavers through illegal means for dissection.
Doctor Cedric: H-How did you know that…
William: You have a long history of other crimes, shall I list them all?
Doctor Cedric: … ugh
William: You haven't committed murder. However, it's undeniable that you've committed the sin of being indirectly involved in them.
William: Craving for more knowledge is a beautiful thing, but… it can get a little too extreme.
Doctor Cedric: … Ah, ahh…
William: — Shall we negotiate? Cedric Hamilton.
After negotiating with Cedric, Will and I returned to Crown’s castle.
This was the condition Will offered to Cedric—
In exchange for turning a blind eye to his crimes, Cedric was to never tell anyone about me.
Although it was called a “negotiation”, he became under Will’s control from now on.
— He would never dare to commit crimes again.
(Will silenced him and even condemned him for his sins… impressive.)
Will prepared some tea, he placed me in his palm and looked at me.
William: — So, my adorable Thumbelina, is there something you’ve been wanting to ask me from earlier?
Kate: … Yes. How did you know about that doctor’s crimes beforehand?
William: How?
Kate: It wouldn’t be surprising if you knew the sins of every person in England, but…
Kate: You wouldn't be able to remember them all, would you?
William: Right, my mind is too occupied with my memories of you.
Kate: Will… please don't dodge my question and answer me.
There was a playful flicker of joy in Will’s red eyes, his beautiful lips curled into a smile.
William: The reason for going to that mansion tonight was to see that man.
Kate: Huh…?
William: I remember hearing from Roger that there wasn’t enough of the drug needed to return you to your original form.
William: Cedric was expected to show himself there tonight.
William: He's notorious for being a drug enthusiast, that’s why I thought that he must have the medication we need.
Kate: So that means…
William: Yes, this was kept a secret from you — during the negotiation with Cedric, I had one more condition.
Will narrowed his eyes, like he was about to tell me a top secret—.
William: “A man named Roger will be coming later, you will show him to the place where you store your drugs.”
William: “And give him whatever he says he needs from you.”
William: Roger should have obtained the drug by now.
William: Since it’s Roger we’re speaking of, that man most likely took all the other drugs Cedric had in possession as well.
I was under the assumption that Will attended the social gathering tonight on a whim.
(... And yet, it was all… for the sake of helping me return to my original form.)
He once again provided me with the best solution to a problem.
My heart felt so full from Will’s love, I almost couldn't speak.
Kate: … T-Thank you so much, Will.
William: Anything for my sweetheart.
William: I only want you to remember one thing.
William: Kate.
He gently caressed my cheek with his fingers that I loved so much.
William: It doesn’t matter what form you take. As long as you’re still you, that’s alright.
William: I fell in love with the beauty of you as a human being.
Kate: Will…
Will’s voice and words soaked into my heart, spurring my desires.
(... I want to kiss you. I want to be even more deeply affectionate with you.)
He gave me a kiss, as though he had seen right through me and knew what I wanted.
Kate: Mm… mm…
William: Kate.
Kate: … Yes?
William: Want to try and see how far we can take this while you’re in this form…?
Kate: How… far…?
William: Yeah, those shameful yet pleasurable things you love—.
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derpyfangirl · 2 years
Some thoughts and headcanons born from @k-chips amazing art of AI!Clavell and a more cohesive gathering of my little idea dump there. This gonna be a long one, so strap in.
To start, the meat of my idea from that post (bold is me just adding context now)
It was their (Sada/Turo) invention- the time machine- that got the original Clavell killed. Like they brought our Raidon forward, but during their time back on the surface they realize how much of Arven's life they're missing out on, and Clavell is like "You spend time with the kid, I'll keep researching, when Arven is around 16-17 we can swap spots" but shit went sideways when, while down there with Raidon, the second, feral Raidon is summoned and the game follows the tragedy we all discover.
So, in this timeline, Sada/Turo aren't as obsessed with their research. When they bring Koraidon/Miraidon (just for the sake of convenience, we will be using Pokemon Scarlet as a base as that's the version I play going forward, but remember this also applies to Violet) to the surface, Arven is around maybe 8 or 9 and Koraidon is around the same age based on journal entries mentioning how she "expected one gift of life, and now she has two" after mentioning bringing Kor foward in time, is when Sada realizes she's missing out on so much of her son's life, and that creating Paradise is worthless if it means destroying what remains of her little family.
Enter Clavell: he's still somewhat involved with her research in Area Zero and suggests she stay and raise Arven and he'll work on her research with the AI she began developing, and when Arven is old enough they can swap spots and she can return to Area Zero. She agrees, and after the event causing Kor to be sent back to the Crater, Sada and Clavell keep in constant contact with her and Arven occasionally making trips down to visit.
4 years before the game, the 2nd Koraidon (I'll refer to it either as feral Kor or Rex (in reference to its dex entry calling him the Winged King)) is brought to our time. Rex attacks Kor, and Clavell follows the battle to Research Station 4, the AI giving him updates on the battle. He arrives just in time to see Kor backed into a corner with Rex ready to give the killing blow. Clavell shields Kor, having practically raised it, and is killed by the feral Koraidon.
The AI panics, Kor is injured and flees, and suddenly Clavell stops calling and refuses any suggestions to come visit from Sada. He only communicates via email for a year, and when he finally video calls its to say that if he needs anything from her or if there are any developments in the project, he will reach out to her and to stop disturbing him.
Sada of course is upset by this. Angry that he basically told her to fuck off on what is technically both her and Clavell's research (bc she's probably been working on her research while still raising and spending time with her son), and worried as her friend and mentor has never been like this.
Not sure how Clavell would become Academy Director in this timeline unless Team Star's actions at the school take place a bit before Clavell dies, and just before he's killed Clavell had accepted becoming director, but requested time to finish his work and that Sada be his temp replacement (or something, still working the kinks out on this one)
Anyways, a year before the game Arven- who misses Clavell and is both mad at him for upsetting his mom and worried for his safety- enters the Crater and during this, Mabosstiff is attacked by something (in Scarlet, I personally think it was either a Slitherwing or a Roaring Moon, but the later means that they were lucky to even escape alive, as Roaring Moon doesn't seem to be one to leave its prey alive.).
Game occurs, Sada being acting Director while juggling investigating Team Star, her research, raising her son and trying to help Mabosstiff, and looking into what could have happened to Clavell, who suddenly hasn't been responding to anything despite how he should have returned to take over as Director. She's surprised to see Kor, but AIClavell calls and says that Kor must have missed Sada and Arven and gives ownership of Kor to the player. Sada figures it would be good for the lizard to get experience via your Treasure Hunt and requests you take care of it as it's like her second child.
Game proceeds as normal till Area Zero. Sada joins the gang in the Great Crater partially because she knows how dangerous it can be and she can't just allow 4 teens to stroll in there unsupervised (why Clavell would even request a child enter the Crater is something that bothers her), and partially to see what's going on down there. She's basically bouncing up and down seeing her paradise having been created, but recognizes that should the Paradox mons escape, it would destroy Paldea's ecosystems. When you go to talk with AIClavell at the lab, she stays outside at first with Arven to hold off the Paradox mons trying to get in.
When she finally sees AI Clavell and discovers the OG Clavell is dead, she is in a state of shock. It was her invention, her dream that resulted in her best friend and mentor's death, and that this entire time she hadn't even been communicating with him, but the AI she created to help Clavell.
AI Clavell needs someone to stop the machine as he knows his human self would want the same, but the Paradise Protection Protocol kicks in, much to Sada- who had it as a failsafe should the time machine detect that a Pokémon was attacking it, not if someone was simply powering it down- and AI Clavell- who didn't even know it existed- horror.
I might add more to this, but yeah. TLDR, Clavell stays in Area Zero so Sada can raise Arven, Clavell is killed protecting Kor, Sada is Director instead, AI Clavell battles you.
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asciidot · 3 months
For the ask game! (the character development: hard mode one) I don't know the names of all characters so I'll ask for the ones I know, but if you'd rather talk about someone else please do!
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been? - for Lazureus
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. - for Amael, Protham, Aurum
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method? - for Novus
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat? - for whoever you choose (maybe the gods who created the players?? here my knowledge of your AU fails me)
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? - for Laz again
11- answered!
Amael is most comfortable with xer own company, tinkering with technology and gizmos. Maybe with some background noise or music, a cozy place to sit and pace, and the freedom to work on whatever she wants.
Protham is most comfortable in the club scene! She usually frequents higher-end ones for public image reasons, as well as safety, but she adores being in a crowd with strangers, and just letting any responsibility go for a night!
Aurum is more homely; they would be the most comfortable either baking for others or just cozying up and watching documentaries with those they care about; and depending which part of their life we're talking about, with their partner, Birch
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38. Fun fact! Its done both! But I'd say it's more likely to remove itself, and then pull strings to remove the problem "coincidentally". Vie likes to think of itself as an outside observer rather than an active force. (It's not. But it likes to pretend it's above it all.)
Removing themselves from a problem caused them to make Novus Rex. Then trying to remove the new problem ( Novus ) while trying to be a non-active party caused it to create the Archangels to remove the problem for it.
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44. I don't believe he's said it even once in his two millennia in paradise. Partially because he's pretty romance repulsed and partially because he just doesn't get it as a concept even in the platonic or familial sense. The thought of "love" leaves a funny taste in his mouth and Laz might be many things, but he doesn't like being a liar
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gimmemore14 · 29 days
Alright, jurassic park/world au. i’m wondering who’s who in the world of dinosaurs, who’s making all the dumb decisions, please and thank you :)
Ooooh this one I had to think about!
1. The park is funded and developed by Ra’s Al Ghul, he is a well known environmental activist but people are torn about his methods for conservation and seemingly disregard for human life. He opens the park under the guise of a learning/research experience when in reality the island is just the breeding ground to then release the dinosaurs to turn the earth back to how it was(with help from poison ivy to help their reintegration into a familiar flora environment) and to ultimately knock humans off the top of the food chain.
2. Bruce is a famous paleontologist/dino behaviorist’s researcher and active speaker against Ra’s al Ghul’s park and his beliefs, but people don’t take him too seriously after seeing the very public fallout that happened between him and Talia. Dick was his assistant for a long time before following his own path as some sort of conservation specialist/officer/ranger.
3. Tim was his new assistant for awhile too before becoming enamored with the idea of working with real, breathing dinosaurs. He also, secretly, believes some of Ra’s more extreme tactics such as a militia guarding the last white rhino ect. After a public argument between the two at a conference, Tim is offered an invitation to work for Ra’s and see the park, he accepts.
4. Casualties and escapes keep happening, the dinosaurs’ behavior seems… off. They’re breaking out all the time and seem too clever. Ra’s would prefer to keep them contained until he’s sure their numbers no longer need to be supplemented from their labs(but there have already been natural births/eggs… so he’s not all too worried but appearances are important) Tim doesn’t know this, more concerned for their health and safety. They call in Bruce, who only agrees because he’s worried for Tim and hopes it will be a chance to pull him out of there. He, of course, drags Dick into it as well.
5. Slade is head of security/containment, he’s a bit of a double agent. Him and dick get separated from the group and bond by hiding from T-Rex’s and riding abandoned dirt bikes away from velociraptors. Every perimeter they check and reseal, Slade sabotages it again before they leave. Dick finally catches on and fights him, loses badly, but Slade has grown fond of the kid, he won’t just leave him for the scavengers to pick off. He packs Dick around the park in his jeep as he lets everything free (just like Ra’s is paying him to) and even loads him onto the ship taking the dinosaurs who are known breeders to the mainland
Bonus: Damian is there and that is his first introduction to Bruce, who absolutely did not know about him. Bonding happens, but not easily.
Bonus #2: Jason works for Ra’s/slade too but has been suspicious, he’s only told his concerns to Tim, trying to convince him to leave the island with him as they’re developing a bit of an office romance
Ask game
Thanks for your question!!! These have been fun 💜💜
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deusexlachina · 9 months
Cheeseaged Exocolonist Age 15: Use my transcendence of time to cheat at cards
In which I befriend a furry by financially ruining him, in order to reach my full potential and ascend as an autistic god.
Year 15 starts with your home in ruins. There's no special dialogues, and only two ways to pass the first three months: help rebuild or mourn. I choose to mourn, because this is Sol's first time experiencing death (in this lifetime), and because, having maxed out Organizing, rebuilding is highly suboptimal, whereas mourning lets me avoid stress and trim my deck of useless non-blue filth.
Because I chose the sportsball, I find it when sifting through the rubble of my room and get this rather sad dialogue.
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Mourning gives you many opportunities to level your Empathy. However, because I have the In Mourning status, all my stat increases are reduced by 1, rendering every single one of these +1 boosts completely worthless.
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This always happens, because Kom always dies. I'm not sure if this was an attempt to really underscore how hurt Sol is, an oversight, or a straight-up troll.
After three months of developing my Empathy in nonexistent amounts, the Heliopause arrives, and Sol's home is gradually taken over by fascists who enthusiastically spread disease, worship the military and hate transgender people. I enjoy visual novels because it's a fun escape from the problems of the real world.
Fortunately, there are exactly two nice Helio kids, Nomi and Rex. Nomi is an nonbinary AuDHD techie and Rex is a furry engineer. Rex often reminds you that he is part dog, in case you had missed the ears. His dog traits include a reduced lifespan. This is not, to be clear, a setting where people just have mutations. This was a deliberate genetic augmentation. Someone purposefully made their kid part-dog. Incidentally, Nomi likes anime, so here's a panel from one of my old favourites, Fullmetal Alchemist. They've never seen that one, so really this picture wasn't relevant. Sorry.
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I improve my friendship level with Rex by giving him sticks, his favourite item because he is part dog. Rex is easier than most to befriend because he enjoys physical affection, because he is part dog. I love Exocolonist, so rather than saying anything bad about the game here, I will reiterate that my favourite character is Tangent, because she's a complex person with a well-integrated character arc in dialogue with the central themes. The writers really took their time to make a fleshed-out character with deep relationships with the others and multiple character traits.
Once I have high enough friendship with Rex, he wants to play cards with me. I wait to play cards with him until after Vertumnalia, where I beat both Tangent and Nomi at the trivia game. The card you get from doing Trivia is worth 8, making it as powerful as the card you get for defeating a giant in a fight to the death. Better yet, it's blue. Why do I keep picking blue cards? You're about to see.
After Vertumnalia, I am Popular because of my detailed knowledge of pop culture trivia. I would fit right in on Vertumna, except it is currently ruled by fascists. We'll take care of that, but first we need to arm ourselves. Popularity doubles the amount of kudos you get for three months. From all sources. Now's the time to take Rex up on his offer to play cards. Rex is good at cards, but he has one critical weakness: he's playing against someone who has played this particular game countless times. I use my past-life knowledge to win the game, betting 100 kudos that I have a better card.
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Sorry, make that 200. Sucker.
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I now have a vast wealth of kudos, most of which I gained from cheating at cards by consulting my past lives. With this ill-gotten fortune, I buy the ultimate weapon in the game, which is surprisingly not the Drone Rifle, an actual gun. It is a "vintage focus device," a fidget spinner. Because Sol is very autistic indeed, a fidget spinner allows her to reach her full potential by letting her stim. Accessibility tools being a luxury you have to buy - in fact, the most expensive luxury in the game - paints a very bleak picture of the colony's ability to handle disability.
That would be just a joke, but Nougat's learning disability, Tangent's drug abuse and burnout, Dys' (potentially literal) alienation and Tammy's phobia of nearly everything all go pretty much neglected unless you step in. It's interesting how much Vertumna recreates the same oppressive structures that it is an attempt to flee from.
Fortunately, we can get rid of ableism through autistic world domination, to which we are one step closer.
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To Feel Guilt
Part 1 - Part 2
Summary: Pino takes your mask for a few days but doesn't realize just how important it is to you
Word Count: 867 (Don't kill meee)
Pairing: Pinocchio (pino) x G!N!Reader
Warning: A bit of angst?
Disclaimer: None
A/N: Sooo..It is longer but not by much ;; Imma quit making promises I can't keep lol. But hey! I've made it to chapter 10 in the game! But I am stuck on the rabbit brotherhood boss. Do wish me luck with that haha. But anyways, thank you for staying with me for this long! Welcome to everyone new to my blog and I hope you enjoy! :D
Pino had never really understood the word “smitten”. But, apparently, that’s how Gemini described his feeling when Pino had confided in his companion about seeing you without your mask. “Based on what you’re describing to me, smitten fits!” The cricket puppet declared. “Perhaps you’re developing what humans call a “crush.” Pino couldn’t help but raise a brow at that. Considering how you were, an oddball, he couldn’t really see himself liking you in that way. The puppet pushed back on the cricket’s notion and Gemini hummed. “Let’s see. What if we take their mask? I know how stalkers are with them but if we just have a little experiment and see how you are with just their appearance then we can see if I’m wrong or not.” 
And that is how Pino found himself in possession of your T-Rex mask. While you were taking a bath he snuck into your room and snatched up the item. Returning to his own room he couldn’t help but admire the craftsmanship of the mask. His fingers glided along the faux leathering, indentions of scales and small markings from previous fights littered the sides and front of the face. As he looked at it more he realized that this was done by hand. He wondered who made it. 
Suddenly, there was a knock at his door and he practically threw the mask in utter panic. But understanding just how important a mask can be to a stalker, he steadied his grip and quickly found a hiding spot for it amongst his things. He then walked to his door, opening it to reveal you but with a sort of air that was definitely different. “Hey, Pino. This is really odd to ask but…Have you seen my mask? I seem to have misplaced it even though that can’t be but obviously it is because it’s gone so…” You clasp your hands together and take a breath, steadying your nerves. “Have you seen it? By chance?” 
The look on your face was that of worry and a part of him wanted to hand it over. But…Once again, he was able to look at your face and he could already feel his artificial heart picking up its pace. Perhaps a few days wouldn’t hurt. He gave a small shake of his head and you gave a sigh of defeat. “Okay, well, if you do see it do let me know?” You ask with a small smile and he nods. Exchanging good nights, you turn on your heel to walk back to your room and Pino was left with an all knowing Gemini. “Yes, yes, this experiment will do quite nicely, I believe.” He teased and Pino wanted to flick at the cricket’s head. 
But with the next few days Pino was starting to wonder if he did indeed feel something for you. Guilt gnawed at him but to see your raw expressions to conversations and to hear your voice not muffled by a mask was enough to have him not noticing the small indifferences in your behavior. It wasn’t until he found you silently weeping in the garden that he realized that he had overstepped his boundaries. 
“Oh! Pino, hello!” You give a dry chuckle as you turn away and quickly wipe at your eyes. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for anyone to see me like this.” You sniffle and clasp at the edge of the stone bench that you sat on for grounding. “It’s silly, I know. Crying over a mask? But….It’s something that means a lot to me and being without it hurts more than I thought it would.” You confess with a smile that practically had Pino on his knees begging for forgiveness. Even in this situation you smiled at him and he was finding that they were treasures of his own. And to be born from something like this…
You hadn’t noticed him seat himself next to you, but then you felt a familiar material on the back of your hand. You looked down to see the very same mask that was giving you strife the past three days. “OHMYGOODNESS, YOU FOUND IT?!” Your sudden change in energy had Pino’s eyes spinning, but the feeling of your arms wrapping around him sent a new type of emotion through him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I wonder where it was, but I feel like if you tell me and it was somewhere I could have found it I would lose my mind.” You chuckle happily, making the move to place your mask back where it belonged. 
However, hands stopped you and you looked up in surprise. Pino looked like he was concentrating, eyebrows furrowed in deep thought as his eyes scanned your face. He placed a hand atop your cheek, a thumb wiping away the remnants of your tears. It was as if he was trying to memorize your face and before you could ask he let go with a soft sigh. He then rose from his spot and went to leave, the puppet giving one final look at you before departing. You clutched your chest when you were alone again, being left with a soft “huh?” Leaving your lips.
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raayllum · 1 year
Ok, I was thinking… Zym had less prominence these last two seasons (in s5 even Stella had more shine than him). Makes sense I guess, because this arc is called "the mystery of Aaraos", but the series is still called "the dragon prince". So… Do you think Zym is going to be a key piece for the development of the last arc? Like, do you think it's a piece of Aaravos's game or a piece to defeat him?
So while Zym is the 'central' figure in arc 1... he's effectively a macguffin, both in and outside of the egg. Like - Zym gets a small arc about fear and flying that is mostly tethered to Ezran in S2 (and carries over in 3x09) and a tiny, 2-ep arc of being scared to go see his mother (pretty much on her deathbed) in 3x08-3x09. Like, he has personality and importance, but he's mostly there to illuminate the other characters choices surrounding his existence. All of the dragons in arc 1 are, effectively, far more plot devices than characters with maybe the exception of Avizandum in 3x06 (and even then that's malleable) and possibly Sol Regem, but he exists more to be a bigoted obstacle than a character in 3x01 (save for the flashbacks).
S4 is the first season that changes this radically, featuring Zym, Zubiea, and Rex Igneous as fully realized characters. Zym has more emotional resonance as a character (his bond with Ibis, his love for his mother and Ez, his complex responses to Rex Igneous besmirching the father he'll never know, etc). While it's definitely on the back burner in S5, it's more so of a 'return to form' of the previous seasons than anything new or different in terms of prominence. After all, Zym only saves the kids once (1) in S2 as well, and he does the same thing in S5. However, Zubeia and Sol Regem keep us tethered to "having dragons as characters" element.
That said, I do think Zym's presence in the story will continue to be important - he'll likely have an arc of missing / reuniting / replacing (?) his mother next season, maybe having to look into the logistics of a draconic child king (if that's even a Thing) and some nice Ezran parallels. Aaravos also said that "the key is the dragon prince" in regards to Viren's plans for Xadia (and presumably Aaravos' initial plans for getting out) in 3x09, but it's not clear if that still holds. However, I do think that Zym plays some part in arc 2 - whether as an aspect of defeat or victory for Aaravos - simply because Zym is literally in the stars in the intro. (His existence being what Leola wished for, maybe?)
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Like arc 1 was about Zym, long thought dead/gone, being returned to the world. Now Aaravos is on that same path, with his own two Katolian humans + one elf team. So Zym's still gonna be important. He'll just never be as developed as our human/elf main cast of characters, and I don't think he needs to be.
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sonorousabyss · 2 years
Sup! I was wondering if I could request a Star Wars matchup :]
Alrighty so, I’m a 5’5 Biromantic (masc leaning) asexual guy. I have medium long black and purple hair with raccoon tails. I’m really into punk and metal culture, and I love picking up scrap and making it into clothes and accessories. I’m also autistic and I have adhd, so I differ a lot between how social and talkative I am. I play guitar, play board games, sew and draw in my spare time
Have a good day 🫶
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A/N: Sorry this took so long Anon, I just couldn't decide how I wanted to do the banner for this one! I hope that this is to your tastes!
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I am thoroughly convinced that you both would get along disturbingly well.
Your style and your unique hobbies are certainly what drew him to you. It isn't often that you encounter someone with long black and purple hair- let alone with that and raccoon tails. And turning scrap into accessories? Well, that was just icing on the cake.
Don't get me wrong- Anakin has been around the likes of Padme during her queen and senator days, so he's no stranger to unique and unorthodox hairdos, but the color and length certainly intrigued him, forgoing the style.
Given how frequently he's out in the field? Unless you went out on missions with him regularly, your initial interactions with him would have been once every blue moon or so. Of course, this meant that there were some occasions where he attempted to hang with you on your less social days- something I don't imagine going too well.
The differences in how social you were may have bewildered him at first, but it's more than likely if you didn't tell him about your social battery? Kenobi, Ahsoka, or Rex would have caught on to some degree and let him know that it probably wasn't because he'd done something wrong.
Even though it's known to be against regulations to nab keepsakes from the battlefield (or at the very least it is for clones), I get the feeling he's made a habit of grabbing you scrap metal from the battlefield on missions where he's had time.
More often than not this metal consists of severed droid parts that almost certainly have lightsaber cuts and blaster residue all over them, but hey- it's the thought that counts right?
He'd keep his eye out the following days, weeks, etc. after giving you one of his unique "gifts" to see if he could spot something you may have crafted it into.
He and the 501st make a game of guessing what you might turn his scrap into, and they absolutely keep score of who's gotten it right the most times.
As you got closer and your relationship developed further he 100% would step up his game in the scrap department. And by that I mean he somehow finds stranger and stranger shit to bring back for you.
A motivator, the head of a B1, droid fingers, paneling from destroyed droid carriers- hell, even random pieces of downed starships. His goal is to make sure you never know what he's gonna bring back next, if only so he can see the delighted (or perplexed) look you'll end up giving him as a result.
Of course, if you needed something specific and let him know about it, he'd see to it that he gets it if possible.
It's also a game between his padawan, himself, and the clones to see who can get the desired part first. Because what's a good battle without some friendly competition amirite?
On quiet days while you don't feel like talking so much, he'll hang out with you and listen to your favorite music with you. Furthermore, if you want to show him any drawings or clothes you've made, or even play him a song on your guitar he's absolutely game. Most of the time neither of you will even have to talk, just bask in each other's presence.
On days where you feel more like listening than talking, he'll tell elaborate tales of his self-proclaimed "best moments" on the battlefield and catch you up on what he's been doing while you've been separated. He's also got a stash of amusing tales at Obi-wan, Ahsoka, and the 501st's expense to cheer you up whenever you're feeling down.
Somehow he always finds a way to boost his own ego in the process, but something tells me that you're more than enough to keep Anakin balanced in that regard.
If you make him something you bet he's bragging to his padawan and his men that his significant other made a gift specifically for him and no one else.
Anakin is 100% guilty of messing up your hair or lifting things just out of reach to tease you as you are shorter than him, but he's made up for it in some regards by fetching things for you as well. Namely stuff way too high for you to get without putting yourself in a precarious position.
Talk to him about anything you're interested in and he's over the moon- even if he doesn't quite understand it. You trust him enough to share it with him and that makes it all the more precious.
Anything too out of pocket and you might catch him and Kenobi having a hushed conversation just out of earshot where he's checking with his master to see if he at least knows what you're talking about.
If you call him out on this he'll deny it, and if you catch him in the act he'll try to play it off... and fail spectacularly. Meanwhile, Obi-wan is watching him trip over himself in amusement as he tries to find a half-truth you'll buy to spare him the embarrassment.
He sticks to holovids after that. Can't trust his jedi master as far as he can throw him, apparently.
Ahsoka teases him relentlessly over this.
Anakin doesn't really seem the type to get bent out of shape over anyone being asexual, adhd, or autistic. He's a really chill guy, and to be honest he just takes it all in stride and embraces it as much as physically possible. You're his boyfriend after all, why wouldn't he?
Learns about any and/or all of the above to figure out how to better support you and makes sure your boundaries are laid out and respected.
If you want a funny sight to commit to memory? Have him help you with your hair maintenance. He'd somehow find a way to make dying, bleaching, trimming it, etc. absolutely hilarious. Just him in the bathroom with you on a chair in front of a mirror, desperately trying to figure out what toner is, why certain hair products can and cannot be used shortly after dying, etc. It's fucking brilliant.
He's absolutely tried to con you into dying at least a strand of your hair blue to match him and his squad at least once.
....Okay. More than once. But can you blame him? That'd be bloody adorable.
Just don't dye it orange in response to mess with him, he might cry.
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AN: Ah yes, the image of Anakin fumbling with hair dye will forever be ingrained in my brain. For those who got this far, I hope you enjoyed! May the force be with you, and may your day be as pleasant as the ocean's abyss is deep! For those who are new here, I take requests. You can find my rules here.
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ventresses · 11 months
Hiiii! For the WIP game, would you elaborate on the "SW - ER Nurse AU" for me? Either more explanation or some content from it is fine! :)
Ok so I got inspired when I was trying to keep my mind entertained while waiting for 6 hours in the Emergency Department with my phone battery dead, and there was a cute nurse, and well...
Once I started developing the broader story and building the world around that, I kept getting more ideas for how to incorporate stuff and well, it's starting to get a bit out of hand lol. But so far it's like a political/criminal conspiracy, feat. Rexoka, Anidala, (maybe Codywan &/or former Obitine?)
Rex, and I'm thinking also Cody and Wolffe, work in a major hospital in Coruscant City (and Rex in the Emergency Department as a nurse, "on the front lines," so to speak). I'm guessing it'd be a "family occupation" type of thing where many of his brothers followed in their dad's footsteps in various pathways of the medical field, maybe some of them being army medics, first? (Echo and Fives decided to take different job/life paths, but that'll come up within the story later.) I'm picturing them as like siblings close in age or quintuplets? Bc why not lol. And w/ Jango Fett as like super distant career-focused dad.
Anakin and Ahsoka do some kind of like dangerous and hush-hush work that will incorporate with the plot. Several years ago, at her entry into adulthood Ahsoka joined the military (for reasons to get explained), a few years after Anakin joined, too, (for him to get citizenship- Shmi immigrated when Anakin was young, Qui Gon (and his son Obi Wan) were their neighbors, and he adopted Anakin after Shmi got deported.) There was an incident a few years in, she was falsely accused, court martialed, etc. (also, her and Rex's paths crossed in a way that gets revealed later.) Anakin cleared her name, but both of them got out as soon as they could, remained besties trying to figure out careers and adulthood. Ahsoka is kinda like burnt out and directionless after the trauma of everything that happened. (Both of them are having kind of a mid-20s crisis tbh) Anakin has a major crush on Padme, youngest member of the City Council.
The story starts when Anakin (carrying Ahsoka) hobbles into the ER, and Rex is the nurse assigned to her, which is the initial meet-cute and they vibe. (Well, except Rex is too professional to *actually* flirt with a patient because professional boundaries.) Her name seems familiar to him, but he can't quite place it (yet)... But of course this won't be the first time everyone will cross paths…
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linashirou · 1 year
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Ok! So I will put here all Lina's lore and Data about her ♥
Real Name: Lina Shirou.
Work Alias/ Second identity: Miss Misa.
Height: 1,68 cm.
Weight: 70 kg.
Hair: Natural brown, dyed intense red.
Eyes: Brown.
Date of birth: 15/06/86.
Blood type: A
Zodiac sign: Gemini.
Favorite color: Blue.
Dislikes: Brown clothes, Math, lies, mean people. She isn't so good at drawings and sometimes she gets stressed easily, due her stressful job as a chef.
Lina is the daughter of Doctor Clark's assistant, who donated the mitochondrial material for Solid Snake in the "Les Enfants Terribles" project. She doesn't know her biological father, but she knows he was Latin American.
Her childhood was rather happy and normal. In her adolescence, her mother started dating a new boyfriend who works for the CIA, and she doesn't have a very good relationship with him. But the biggest problem for Lina during those years was the bullying she experienced at school. This led her to develop depression and some issues related to the bullying.
But that didn't stop her from pursuing her dream: to become a chef. At the age of 20, she studied culinary arts for two years and worked as a cook and chef in a high-production kitchen at a prestigious hotel for 5 years.
So at her 25, the high stress, long working hours, and demanding environment made her question and rethink her professional life. As a result, she decided to study to become an AI developer.
At 29, thanks to the connections of her mother's boyfriend, she was able to secure a job at DARPA.
As a newcomer, she wasn't initially assigned to any specific project to work on, which led her to improve some of the programs and implementations at the Mojave Desert facility. This drove her to become obsessed with the speed and efficiency of her programming.
Her effectiveness at work caught the attention of the facility's director, Daniel Carr, who had his eyes set on an ambitious project: creating a new Metal Gear operated entirely by AI, based on MG Rex.
Carr was particularly fixated on the work of the Emmerich Family, having access to all the documents and research conducted by the family at the CIA, ARPA, DARPA, and ARMSTECH, respectively. In this way, the work of Dr. Strangelove fell into Lina's hands, becoming her role model and greatest inspiration in her own work.
What she didn't know was that Daniel Carr is a tyrannical and dictatorial person who wants this MG for his own purposes.
He forcefully offers her to work on the development project of this new REX model, causing alarm Lina's mind about how dangerous this new attempt to recreate weapons manipulated by artificial intelligence with current technology could be.
In her attempt to refuse to be part of the project, it triggers Carr's dominant behavior, resulting in a sexual assault on her with the aim of keeping her with him.
However, it turned out to be the opposite: Lina reported the incident, almost exposing Carr's plans. In his desperation to cover it all up, Carr must expel her from DARPA and labels her as a "traitor" fleeing with too much confidential information.
This leads Lina to flee her home, change her name and appearance to carry out her plan: to warn Hal about the use of his research, blueprints, and development of Rex.
She moves to New York to start a new life and manages to contact Hal through the internet, and they begin chatting on February 9, 2017. They form an online friendship for about a month and connect through their shared interest in video games…
(Get interesting? please read the fic for more ♥) (As always, all the art for "The Emmerich's Curse" is made by @VenomWalter_art, you can find him on twitter)
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