#that gave her a big crazy ponytail for some reason
coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
Had a dream last night that Arknights rolled out a pretty minor update that mainly added a bunch more two-stars to the permanent roster, and nearly everyone rejoiced aside from like, shitty youtubers who were of course saying this was a sign the game was declining
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Took You Long Enough
Karina (Aespa) x M Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff (cause I'm a sucker for it)
WC: 4021
AN: This is my first non-Twice member smut so please be kind to it. Karina is a babe so why not.
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It's almost midnight when you finally decided to call it a day, you've put extra hours in your work. It is safe to say you're setting yourself up to make an impact, it's your first job after college and you want to be promoted as fast as possible. Besides, that extra overtime pay wouldn't hurt but ultimately that pay raise is your goal. You have fixed your stuffs and ready to go when your phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, it is impossible not to sigh. However, it's impossible to disregard the call either so you answered.
"Babe! Can you pick me up?" A girl who obviously had her fill of alcohol is on the other side of the video call. Voice loud, people busy in the background.
From the looks of it, she and her three girl friends are already outside the club and looking for means to go home. All of them are more than tipsy, their giggles gave it away.
"Do you know what time is it, Jimin?" You didn't try to mask the annoyance in your voice.
"I know it's late so please, can you pick me up?" She acts all cute and fluffy in response to your annoyed answer. She just knows what buttons to press to get what she wants.
Of course, you will fetch her. It's already been decided from the start. It's just always this way with her.
"Thanks babe!" She is beaming widely.
She is now in your car, and you're driving her home.
"Stop calling me that Jimin." You said in a soft but firm manner. You have your reasons why you don't want to be called that pet name.
See, you and Jimin are just friends; very close friends. Even though most of the times you act more than that label, no one dared to talk about feelings. She is your muse, that is clear to see. Yet, you've kept your emotions in check. You two are polar opposites, that is the very big reason why you are afraid. She is this carefree spirit, who enjoys going out and spending time with friends. Most of the time she just indulges in life's pleasure, a complete turn off for you if it's not her.
On the other side of the spectrum, you and your over enthusiasm to accomplish your dreams in life. Evident in how you hustle every day, taking life seriously. You've come from slightly humble beginnings hence the mindset. As you have said earlier, exact opposites but that didn't stop you from being good friends.
"You should start calling me Karina, you know." She chose to disregard what you said.
Karina. There's a nice ring to it. It fits her so well, especially how she looks tonight. Her long neck, collarbone exposed in that black top. Her sharp features and the ponytail that framed her face. She is crazy beautiful and you even doubt beautiful is an enough of a word. You already know guys tried to hit on her in the club, you're thankful you are the one to take her home and not some random guy she met.
"Yeah, okay." It is your safe answer. Deep inside you prefer calling her Jimin rather than her new name. One, it feels more intimate. Two, you don't even understand the reason why she legally changed it.
"Can you please stop acting all mad? I don't like it.'"
"I'm not mad." You replied, trying to explain.
"Oh come on (YN), do you expect me to believe that? I know you."
In all honesty, you're not mad per se. You're frustrated that you could not tell her how you feel. How you're not able to take care for her, and worry for her without spilling all your feelings. You know to yourself you're tired of playing all pretend, but it's Jimin and you could not stand to be away from her so you're scared to take the risk.
"I'm sorry Ji- Karina, I just had a very long day at work." It's the best excuse you can give to rectify the situation without making things awkward.
"We need to talk (YN)." She is serious and almost business like.
You can feel her eyes looking intently towards you. It is a complete lie if you say you're not nervous when you hear her words. You did your best to avoid her gaze, thankfully you have the road to focus into. It is not the first time she invited you to "talk", you've done that way too many times as college classmates. The difference is you always have an idea of what it was about back then. Right now however, you do not or maybe you do; maybe you're just not ready enough to talk about it.
She dragged you inside her apartment. She's living alone, perks of having a wealthy family. Maybe it is also the reason why she treats life less seriously than you. You have been here before but there is a different feeling to it this time, you could not help but to fidget around looking anxious.
"You need to relax." She hands you a glass of water which you immediately drink. It seems she noticed, it's just so obvious not to.
Karina takes her seat next to you. She is a total babe, a living doll. She is breathtaking, you are desperate for more water that you tip the glass towards your mouth only to feel nothing. It is already empty. You looked like a fool with it. She laughs at your expense but you could not blame her, it is a complete blooper from you. Although it warms your heart to see her like that, you always want to see her happy. In the first time since you were confined in the walls of her apartment, you relaxed your defenses. A bad choice, or a good one you don't know as you are beyond shocked to what is currently happening.
Karina's lips are on yours as she takes her chance to straddle. Dumbfounded, you do not know what to do. You're just frozen, all that is registering in your amazingly still processing brain is the feeling of her weight on your lap and the softness of her lips.
"It's high time we settle this." Her voice cuts your trance.
"What are you doing Karina?"
She places a finger on your lips as as she satisfactorily smiles.
"Let's do this first, then we'll talk okay?" There is that sultriness in her voice.
"But, but. I think you're just drunk."
"Maybe I am, but no buts." Her lip biting adds more tension to an already thick air.
She goes back to kissing you, the way her lips make contact with yours feels like a dream. For sure, you have always wanted to kiss her but there is that reluctant feeling inside you hindering you from fully responding. There is a puzzling sense lurking in the background, why does her kiss conveys so much emotions? Is this all true? Are you just imagining things? Questions, your mind is full of them.
"Stop overthinking." Her deep beautiful eyes look at you, sincere but quite reassuring.
"If this doesn't mean anything to you, then just think of it as fulfillment of lusts. I would like to assume you find me hot, am I not?" 
"Yes, but-" She interrupted your sentence again the same way she did earlier.
"I said no buts, remember?" She smiled coyly before going back to your lips. She is always alluring, confident in her own skin and why not. She has all the right to.
You resigned to go with it, this is your dream turned reality after all. There is no use overthinking and spoil all the fun. Besides, it's not like you forced yourself into her. It's Jimin or Karina, the name doesn't matter as of now. Obviously there are things to straighten after, it's just her kiss is slowly getting overwhelming by the minute. There is no wrong or right at the moment, only pleasure; a thing a man always choose. Of course it applies to you.
You somehow can feel her smirk in between the kiss; she is surely delighted you finally responds to her advances. Without you noticing, your hands travel down her back pulling her closer. It is not the first time that you're wrapped around each other's bodies, she has no qualms on casually hugging you before. It's the first however that your lips are locked, intentions clear.
Karina is in a state of high, her eyes heavy with the haze of lust and wanting. She picks up your hands and place them on top her chest. It is a green light for you to touch her and do what you want. She is smiling, she is proud of herself for doing it.
Your hands are shaking, there is nervousness still. The feel of her tits albeit still clothed sitting perfectly on your hands is more than enough for you to lose your mind. Of course, you have fantasized this moment; and who wouldn't for she is hot as hell. It is just surreal for it to finally happen. It's crazy enough just like this, what more to touch it bare. She was clearly enjoying the attention.
"Nothing's going to happen if you don't move your hands." She purposefully leans more towards you, squishing her mounds in the process. You take one big gulp of saliva.
"Karina." You racked your brains in search of a reply and that is all that you can manage.
"Stop talking and touch me." She put her hands on top of yours and urges you to caress her tits. "Let's get you out of this shall we?"
She starts to unbutton your shirt and peel it off successfully. Karina trace your skin with her finger from your lips, to your neck down to your chest, and finally landing on your nipple making circles around it. Masterful seduction for sure. The bulge under your pants could not be hidden anymore. Your dick wants to be free and be given attention. She knows it too of course so she slowly jerks her waist above your crotch.
"Fuck, it turns me on so much just looking at your reactions babe. You really want me, don't you?"
"Yes! I want you so much, Karina." Of course there's more to it than just lust.
"Really? Then why don't you pull down your pants for me."
Her words are rule of law that you do not dare to disobey, your pants are completely off almost instantly in one stroke; like your body was just waiting for the command to do it. Your dick fully erect and freed from clothes stands proudly, aching for more attention, and leaking precum at its head. Karina's jaw dropped at sight.
"I know you have a big dick but I did not know it was this big." Her hands already wrapped around your shaft, stroking its length. She is rubbing your tip as it continuously to pump out precum at the process, slathering it around making your dick slippery. 
All you could do was to grunt and moan at her amazing handjob. The strokes of her hand is an absolute masterpiece. She controls the pace perfectly on point, speeding it up for maximum pleasure then slowing it down to prolong the session. Her eyes completely fixed on you, watching every twist of your face. She clearly loves the idea of control, and she is using it to full advantage.
"Do you want me to suck your cock babe?" She whispers in your ear.
Once again you are completely malfunctioning. You didn't expect to hear these words coming from Karina's mouth, not to you at the very least. Here is this girl that you like and adore, a girl who you are afraid to fall into if you haven't yet already, asking you if you want her to suck your dick. You want to say no out of respect and adoration but it's your chance to fulfill a fantasy. You're in quite a dilemma.
"I promise it will be so good."
Karina stands up, it hurts to feel that separation. She once again bites her lips, then proceeds to take off her top. Her boobs make your mouth water, barely held by her strapless bra. She takes off her skirt next, lets it fall to the floor. You have seen her on a bikini once for a quick summer vacation, and that picture on your mind is still clear as day. But nothing compares to the view you have now. In her underwear, you can't help but fully lust for her. You cannot take your eyes off and she know she got your attention. Karina turn around for good measure, seductive in her twirl. The attention is feeding her ego, driving her libido more and more.
"Enjoying what you see?" She acts shy by biting her fingers and looking away. You know it's all just for show but it just makes you want her even more. You nod without thinking twice.
On her way down, she leaves a trail of kisses on your chest, then on your navel and on your thighs. The close proximity of her head to your member is making you anticipate even more. Thankfully she did not keep you waiting. Karina takes hold or your hard dick and smile on the idea of you throbbing to her touch. She uses her tongue to start her feast, slathering your tip with her saliva. You gasp at the sensation; it is too good to be true. From the base of your cock, she starts to lick towards your head before fully putting it whole to her warm and wet mouth. 
"Fuck Karina, where did you learn to do that?" You hold her head to anchor yourself from the overwhelming pleasure.
She responded in all muffled words for she did not let up with her sucking. Her mouth is quite occupied at the moment. You are quite thankful that is the case, you don't want to know to be honest. Watching her devour your cock is such an erotic sight, you know it will trigger your orgasm sooner than you want it so you decide against doing it. However even looking away, you can still hear the sloppiness of her wet mouth having her fill of your dick and her mumbled moans.
"I'm going to cum soon if you don't stop Karina." You are already struggling to hold it all.
Fortunately, she stops with her blowjob allowing your dick to rest for a bit. Karina is licking the corners of her lips, still continuing to seduce you. She is so good at it.
"I know you will like this." She raised her bra a bit enough to reveal a crease in her underboob. Taking your slick hard dick and putting it in between her pushed up tits. You already what's coming but you could not prepare enough for the sensation of her big boobs choking your cock. You moan loud as a result.
Having that confidence that you love the act, Karina moves her boobs up and down. A full blown titfuck just like you imagine, maybe even better. She is acting like a complete slut, and you're so into it as well. Your orgasm is catching up with you fast and you don't know if you can last any longer.
"I'm going to cum, Karina. Fuck!"
"Cum between my tits, please babe."
That you did, bursting between her mounds painting it white. Her tits are now dripping with all your slick liquids.
"Look at the mess you've made. Enjoyed it much?" Karina is playing with your cum with her fingers and take a quick lick of it. "You taste so good, babe."
You just lay in the couch catching your breath, still shocked to what just happened. Karina moves to kiss your lips.
"We're not done yet. I'll just grab some tissue to clean up your mess." She winks at you as she goes to fetch the tissues. When she came back, she's rubbed clean of all your mess. Karina looks at your still hard dick and licks her lips again. "Hard again for me huh?"
"I want to fuck you Karina!" You are surprised by the words that you blurted out. You notice Karina felt the same. She laughs, amused at your choice of words.
"You will! But not yet." She pushes you again to lay back on the couch. She straddles on your lap again resuming to make out.
This time it is more lustful as you return her kisses with fervor, gone is the holding back and reservations. You are more than determined to fuck her, to be inside her pussy, to fulfill your fantasy. Your hands now freely travel throughout her whole body, but you linger in her breasts. You have always been a big fan of her boobs. The touch stokes her fire as Karina responds with even more intense kissing.
"Fuck babe, I'm getting so horny by your touch." She reaches out to her back to unclasp her bra, letting her perfect breasts to fall into your hands. You have been aching for the chance to touch it bare, caress it and your wish is granted finally. Her boobs are so soft and smooth to the touch, you just want to bury your head and drown yourself happily.
"They're so big and soft Karina. I want them every day." You're not holding your words now.
"You can touch these tits whenever you want babe." She arches her back to give you better access to her boobs and you happily obliged by sucking her nipples while your free hand grabs the other. Meanwhile Karina starts to rub her clit against your cock. Her wetness already leaking in her panty. It is a big tease of what's to come but you're contented for now. You'll let your muse tease herself until she could not take it anymore.
It was not long until she grows tired of the fabric of her underwear getting in the way, so she drags her panty to the side to expose her wet pussy. Karina did not waste any time to continue what she was doing. She resumes jerking her hips, finally rubbing genitals flesh into flesh. The underside of your dick is now covered in her juices as her clit traces your length. Her moans steadily increasing in each of her hips' movement.
You rip her underwear like its paper. You too think it’s getting in the way. "Oops! I hope this is not expensive." You take a sniff of her torn underwear bringing it to your nose. It smells heavenly of course.
"Says the one who's grinding on top of a dick, moaning loudly as well."
"Fair enough, ahhh!" She is smiling while she moans. She is so damn sexy and you want her right now. You stand up making sure that she'll not fall, then turn around and place Karina under you. With her back on the couch, you spread her legs to take position in between. Her fat pussy on display waiting to be fucked, ready to be used.
You didn't wait for anything as you take a plunge. There is that sense of completeness when you finally speared her to your hilt. You've been dreaming for this day to come, and the sensation is way better than your expectation.
"Your dick is so big babe, it feels so good inside me."
Karina gorgeous body rocks every time you thrust. You start slow, enjoying the process of sliding in and out her wet clit.
"Feel so good to finally fuck your pussy Karina."
"I guess you waited-ugh for so long-ahh to fuck me. How does it hmmm-feel to finally be inside me?"
"I love it, I love you Karina."
Your eyes tell her what you wanted to say. It's more than just sex. It's beyond that. She smiles in acknowledgment. You're both too horny to think of something else.
"Then please-ahhh, make love to me harder."
That is all you need to hear from her. You are now on top of Karina with your bodies pressed against each other. You are feeding off each other's heat. You increase your pace, for actions speak louder than words. Curses and wordless moans should be heard but muffled grunts are the ones that accompanied the horny scene. You silence each other by kissing with your tongues intertwined.
"Ahh fuck me from behind, oh my-ahh please babe."
You didn't need to be told twice, both taking your positions in a flash. You take your time to appreciate just how sexy Karina is. She is criminally unfair. Although you did not linger long, her pussy is so precious to be kept waiting. Besides, your dick is aching to be sheathed again
Slipping inside her once more, you feel at home in her walls. Karina is perfectly positioned, on her knees and pussy spread for your access. The slapping sounds of sex and profanities highlights each short and fast jerks. The sight of her jiggling booty adds to the overwhelming visuals. You grab her ponytail ever so gently to lift her head up while you take her from behind.
"Ugh-ahhh just like that babe. Ahhh-fuck me ahh-just like that. Don't you fuck-ahhh dare stop."
You obey her, you will not let up not until you fucked her brains out. Reaching out to her bouncing tits to grab a hold of them, you continue to use her until you feel her walls closing upon you.
"Shit babe! I'm cumming-ahhh. I am- ahhhhh!" Her hips bucks as Karina's pussy squirts her orgasm. You feel that your dick is going to be pushed out of how intense the flow is. But as all liquid is designed, it will leak in the tiniest of spaces; her juices drips on her legs, some to the sofa while others on the floor. You wait for her to relax and let her enjoy her release.
"I can't leave you hanging, can I?" She grinds her hips to stimulate your still buried cock.
"Hell no." You hold her hips to pull her closer to your thrusts. Almost immediately, you found the pace that works for you, ready to chase again your pinnacle.
"Cum inside me, babe! You've been such a good fuck." Her back against you, head tips upward to you locked into a kiss. Hands now playing with her tits. It's the perfect position to let it all go. In what seems like the end of time, you sink your dick deep and orgasmed. Ropes of your seed shoots out inside her, mixing with her own. You sink to the couch with her. Her used pussy leaks out of the mixed juices when you pulled out.
"You're mine Karina." You move to kiss her shoulders. She seems to glow, beautiful than ever. Basking in the afterglow of sex.
"Took you long enough." You can clearly hear her smile. She turns around to face you.
"I wished I let you know sooner. We could have been together for years now. I'd love to track down every guy that laid a finger on you." There is a tiny hint of hurting in your voice.
"It's your fault you know, I thought you weren't even interested on me."
"I thought I was really obvious. And besides I'm afraid we will not work out. We're polar opposites remember?" You guess it's the right time to lay it all out.
"Well it doesn't matter now. You better play catch up then. Make up for lost time." You know her too much that you know her statement has a double meaning.
"I guess I have to do that."
"I love you (YN)!" Your heart melted. You've been craving for those words.
"I love you too Karina. You're the number one reason why I want to succeed in life."
After a long and passionate kiss, you see that naughty smile of hers.
"Round 2?" She's even more seductive.
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leviismybby · 2 years
There's a crowd
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x female reader (Modern AU)
Warning: NSFW 18+, minors dni. Age gap! Both Levi and reader are adults.
Concept: A girl with big dreams, big goals and her professor, who is letting her reach those goals with all the wrong lessons.
He watches as you nibble on your pen looking at the exam in front of you. Dumb little thing, after all of those private lessons he gave you, you still don't know anything.
Or you don't want to know on porpose. You want to fail this one as well so you can have his cock inside you again.
And you do. It was wrong, he is almost a decade older than you, yet he does it better than all the boys your age.
First time you landed your eyes on him, you were twenty-one, a girl who wanted to impress her parents with a diploma, a girl who wanted a stable job and successful future.
Now at twenty-three, all that that same girl wants is for her professor to fuck her again against his table or his shower.
Levi has his priorities straight, he wants to be a good professor, help his students reach their goals and dreams. Be a good man with all the right morals.
But how can he be that when those pretty eyes of yours follow his every movement? When that little skirt of yours reveals parts only he is allowed to see?
Yes, he is aware of the danger that lurks around the corner. The two of you could and will get caught by someone in the future but for now, he has you and he wants to keep it that way.
"Ten more minutes." Professor Ackerman says looking at his watch, it was supposed to be twenty more minutes however his body is craving you now more than ever.
There is something about you today that drives him crazy, your hair tied up in a ponytail giving him a clear image of what you would look like on your knees in front of him.
That skirt, that short little skirt that keeps him wondering if you are wearing anything underneath it at all.
There is one way he can find out and he will. Once those ten minutes are over, everyone is out and the hallway is full of people, he will test to see how quiet you can be.
"Alright everyone, exams on the table." Here and there he hears some huffing of annoyance, others seem to be almost in tears however that didn't bother him, not now when you are the only thing that's on his mind.
"Name, please stay. I would like to discuss your current performance in my class." Nodding you wait as the classroom empties, leaving you and Levi alone.
"Is my performance in your class that bad, professor?" You try your best to sound as innocent as possible, that's something that really gets to him. Sitting on his desk in front of him, you cross your legs together, finger teasingly wondering the surface.
"It's worse than bad, your shitty brain can't seem to think these days." Despite his harsh words, he has his hands on your legs, dragging them up and down your skin.
"Oh trust me professor, I'm a very creative girl." Removing his hands from your knees, you zip down the zipper of your skirt. Levi was right, you aren't wearing anything underneath.
"Prove it." He spreads his legs and you get the message immediately, getting on your knees in front of him. The door is unlocked, anyone can come in. For some reason that only makes you more exited as you undo Levi's belt slowly.
Grey eyes watch your every move, it makes you wet just by looking at his thick cock. You pump him in your hand a few times before taking him in your mouth.
"Fuck.." He grabs your hair, throwing his head back into his chair. You suck on his tip, swirling your tongue around it before moving on and taking him fully. You're so turned on, that you couldn't help but reach your hand down to your pussy.
Suddenly you are pulled away from Levi's cock. "Put those hands behind your back doll, when did I allow you to touch yourself?" You obey, putting your hands behind your back and opening your mouth to let Levi use it as he pleases.
With your mouth open wide, Levi seeks the opportunity spitting in it before roughly grabbing you by your hair again. "You've been a bad girl, now gag on this cock."
He puts his cock in your mouth and you moan when he starts thrusting up into your throat . "Fuck. You were made for taking my cock weren't you?"Levi pulls you all the way up until your nose is almost touching his pubic hair, he is so big that you can't do anything other than gag around him.
He pulls you away again, admiring the droll that comes out of your mouth. "You can use your hands but if I see you touching yourself, you won't get anything." Nodding your hand cups his balls, tongue running on that one thick vein. His length twitches and you smirk, sucking him again.
Your professor is looking at you with half-linded eyes, low gasps leaving his mouth. He loves the view of your head bobbing up and down, loves the way your mouth feels around him.
Feeling him twitch in your mouth again, you know that he is close. However before he can finish he grabs your hair harshly, pulling you away from his dick.
He takes his pants and underwear off completely, before standing and picking you up in his arms, you feel his cock rubbing against your entrance. All of it happened to quickly. "L-levi I want you to take your top off."
"I know you do doll. We don't have much time, I want to fuck that tight cunt of yours." And he does just that, without warning he enters you, taking you against the wall beside the door. Your arms are wrapped around his neck, legs hugging his hips.
A moan surpasses your lips but it's quickly shut down when Levi puts his thumb in your mouth. You suck on it, trying your best to keep quiet.
You're hearing people in the hallway, walking, talking, laughing all while your professor is fucking you in the classroom.
"A whole crowd outside and you are in here taking my cock." You moan again against his thumb. "Such a pretty doll." His other hand is resting besides your head, eyes filled with lust as he takes in your fucked out expression.
"Kind of sad that I can't hear you sing now doll but I'll give you so much later." Feeling your walls clench around him, he grunts moving faster in response, removing his thumb from your mouth.
You throw your head back on the cold wall behind you, letting a whine past your lips. Levi doesn't appreciate that at all, a rather loud slap is placed on your ass.
"What was that?" You hear your fellow classmate Nifa ask outside of the door. "Professor Ackerman is everything alright?"
Eyes widen but Levi doesn't stop, only speeds up his thrusts, hitting your every spot. "Let me see how quiet you can be hmm?" He whispers in your ear, leaving a kiss on the side of your neck.
"Everything is just fine Nifa, just a book that fell from the shelf." At this point, you're sure that your lower lip will bleed from how hard you are biting it.
"Do you require help professor?"
"No thank you Nifa, I've got it. You can go to your next class." His cock hits that one special spot and you cover your mouth with your hand, muffling a moan of his name.
"Alright, bye professor see you Monday." Her footsteps fade but not the noise outside of the classroom. Even so, Levi keeps thrusting up into your pussy, fucking you dumb.
"Naughty you are, fucking your professor while your classmates are just outside." Levi slows when he feels that you are close, wanting for this moment to last for a bit longer.
Removing your hand, Levi kisses you on the lips. It's sloppy, tongue against tongue. He picks up his speed again, groaning against your mouth.
"Gonna breed this pretty cunt full." One hand wraps around your neck, the other holding the flesh of your thigh, thrusts so deep you see stars. "Yes! Please professor!" You try your best to whipser but it comes out as more of a whine.
"Mmm my dumb doll, so beautiful." With one last hard move of his hips, you feel his cum fill you up, your own orgasm following shortly after. "Fuck, Levi."
Levi's head drops onto your shoulder, breathing hard into it. Both of you are catching your breath, your eyes fall on the clock, you have only two minutes before your next class starts.
"I better get a hundred score on my exam professor. I'm going to be late for my next class." Levi puts you down gently. "It'll be a zero if you don't shut the fuck up." He grins, slapping your ass playfully.
Picking up your skirt from the floor, you make your way to your bag, taking out a pair of underwear you brought with you. Levi scoffs, dressing himself and fixing his now wrinkled blouse.
"You little slut." Chuckling at his comment, you fix your hair just in time before Armin is entering the classroom.
"(name), did you fail again?" Armin asks, putting his things on his desk. Of course a nerd like him would be sitting in front row.
"No, I just needed to discuss her performance in class. Here are the papers, you can go, do-(name)." Levi hands you some sort of papers that have nothing to do with you.
"Right, see you Monday, professor." He grins at you slightly and you return the smile exiting the classroom. You take a look at the papers Levi handed you, a nicely written massage in black ink is on the second page.
"My place at six for your extra lesson. We have a lot of work to do. Don't be late, doll." -Professor L.Ackerman
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snelbz · 3 years
Tempting the Fates {Chapter 1}
Summary: It’s the final semester of Aelin Galathynius’ collegiate career and she is so beyond ready to be done. Her schedule is packed full of nursing classes and labs designed to test her knowledge and hone her skills for the real world and her “big girl” job. However, she needs one last elective to graduate, so she decides to study a subject she’s always been fascinated by: Mythology. Who would have thought that a class about gods and goddesses living complicated lives would end up complicating her own in such an unexpected way?
A/N: Fun fact about this one, y’all. I wrote the first chapter over 3 years ago and it was for a completely different story. This one has evolved on it's own and Tara and I are so excited to finally share it with you.
Word Count: 3493
Chapters will be posted every Wednesday.
Tempting the Fates Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist 
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– King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus; god of the sky, lightning, thunder and law.
The waves lapped against the sand as Aelin sighed. Strong hands rubbed the muscles in her back and worked out the kinks in her neck as the warm sun heated her body. The smell of the salt water filled her senses and she settled into the cushioned chaise. Another set of hands set a fruity looking drink with a little pink umbrella on the table next to her head. She smiled at it.
“Can we get you anything else, miss?”
Aelin opened her mouth to tell them exactly what they could do to her.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Aelin’s eyes snapped open and she glared at her phone, chiming at her to get up.
She groaned, reaching for the offending device and silenced it, pulling her pillow over her head. She began to doze back off when her bedroom door flew open, smacking into the dresser on the wall behind it. She sat bolt upright and found her roommate leaning against the doorframe, a bowl of cereal in her hands and a gleam of mischief in her emerald eyes.
“Rise and shine, princess,” Lysandra drawled. Aelin just continued to scowl at her roommate. The bright warmth of the sun in her dream faded away as she looked out the window. Ice coated it and she could see a fresh layer of snow coated everything. “Aedion is about to be up, too. If you’d like any chance of taking a warm shower before class today, I’d suggest-.”
She was up and in the hallway before Lysandra could even finish her sentence.
Thirty minutes later, she sat on the kitchen counter, hair wrapped up in a towel, eating an apple and going over her schedule for the thousandth time. Her four classes were split into two days each, mercifully giving her Friday off.
Her cousin, long golden hair tied into a ponytail at the nape of his neck, came into the kitchen, pulling the jug of milk out of the fridge. He leaned on the counter across from her and drank straight from the plastic bottle, glaring daggers at her.
“Can I help you with something,” she asked him sweetly.
“You used the last of the hot water,” Aedion sulked, taking another swig.
She looked over, blowing him a quick kiss. “Maybe you should have gotten up earlier.”
He rolled his eyes, identical to her own, and came over to look at her computer screen. “What classes do you have this semester?”
She scrolled down the list, reading them off. “Pathophysiology, Caring for the Childbearing Family, Health and Gerontology, a few labs, and Mythology.”
Aedion’s eyebrows pulled together as she read the last one. “That doesn’t seem like it will be very helpful to a nurse.”
She shrugged, closing the laptop and sliding off the counter. “I needed one last elective. I’ve always been interested in Greek and Roman mythology and it’s a freshman level class. I figured why not study something for fun for once?”
He couldn’t fault her logic and began pulling ingredients out of the fridge to cook breakfast as Aelin headed back towards her bedroom. “Whatever you’re cooking, make two,” she called over her shoulder. She didn’t even need to look back to know the obscene gesture being flicked in her direction.
Aelin was regretting studying something fun for once as she looked at the map of her classes.
All of her classes, save for one, were in the nursing building. Of course, that one other class was all the way across campus, in one of the general education buildings. At least walking there would take her right past her favorite coffee shop on campus and with an eight am every Tuesday and Thursday morning, she knew she’d take full advantage of that.
Thankfully today was a Monday, so she’d be spending the entirety of her day in the nursing building. But first, she had to have coffee. The first day of the semester required coffee.
Aelin parked in one of the student lots close to the nursing building. Throwing her leather bag over her shoulder, she slammed her car door. It was absolutely freezing and she suppressed a growl as she saw soft white flakes drifting toward the ground.
What a great way to start off the semester, she thought.
She made her way across campus, hands deep in her pockets and face buried in her scarf. As she crossed the quad, she pulled her phone out to check the time. She still had about twenty minutes to get coffee and get to class. Snow crunched under her boots as she picked up the pace, wanting to be sure she made it on time. Aelin was big on first impressions.
As she approached the door of the café, she reached for the handle, but the door swung open suddenly, slamming into her and knocking her off her feet.
The young girl, eyes wide, apologized profusely but said that she had to get to class and ran off. Aelin was mumbling something about where the freshman could go, when she heard a deep chuckle and a tan, tattooed hand appeared in front of her face. She glanced up and the air was pulled from her lungs.
The owner of the hand was a handsome man in his mid-twenties, with hair the color of the snow swirling around his head and green eyes. Not emerald like Lysandra’s, but deep and rich like a pine tree. A tattoo, similar to the one on his hand, snaked up his neck and onto his face. She’d be willing to bet it ran down the whole length of his arm. She’d love to find out for herself. He smiled at her, a wicked, beautiful smile. She could only stare at the gorgeous stranger as she gripped her hand in his. He lifted her to her feet.
“You okay?” He asked. Aelin nodded, pulling her hand out of his. He opened the door and motioned for her to go ahead of him. She stepped into the delicious warmth and immediately got her wits back.
“I’m Aelin,” she said, giving him a man eater’s smile.
“Rowan,” he said, a slight incline of his head in acknowledgment.
“Thank you, Rowan,” she said, letting his name slip out of her lips like a purr, as she’d heard Lysandra do it to her cousin many times. She knew it drove Aedion crazy and for some reason, that’s exactly what she wanted to do to this man. She walked to the line. He got in line behind her and she pulled out her phone, figuring that would be that. A bit of shameless flirting with a stranger was never a bad thing. She ordered her coffee and was surprised when the barista handed her the paper cup, a phone number written on the side. She quirked an eyebrow at the girl, who gave Aelin a knowing glance and looked over her shoulder. Aelin turned around, meeting a pine green gaze, and smiled at him. She headed back out into the frost and snow, pulling her phone out to snap a picture of the cup to send to Lysandra, knowing her best friend would love this.
Finding the classroom in the nursing building where she’d spent the bulk of the past two years was a breeze and she made it into the classroom with seven minutes to spare. She enjoyed her time with Professor Hafiza in the fall and anticipated she’d like her this semester again, too. Nonetheless, she settled in about three-quarters of the way up and looked at the coffee cup again.
Feeling bold, she entered the number into her phone and sent a quick text.
Any chance you want to sweep me off of my feet again and grab drinks later? I’m free anytime after 5:00. – Aelin.
Her phone buzzed almost immediately.
My last class lets out at 6:00 and I have to go to the gym afterward. How does 8:00 sound?
She typed a quick reply and placed her phone back on her desk.
Sounds like a date. The Beer Cellar, on Church Street.
She smirked to herself and glanced down at her watch. 9:58. Not even 10:00 am and the semester was off to a great start.
She unlocked her phone, shooting a quick text to Lysandra, letting her know about her new plans for the evening when she heard the door open and students started to hush.
It wasn’t the most exciting class, Aelin had to admit, but she supposed the information was necessary. Hopefully it wasn’t an indication of how the rest of her semester would go. She needed a little excitement in her schedule, that was for sure.
Aelin liked to be kept on her toes.
After two classes and a crappy salad for lunch from the school cafeteria, Aelin was hurrying across campus and down the street, toward her apartment. Lysandra was nowhere to be found, which meant she was either snuggled up with Aedion somewhere or still in class. Aelin’s bet was on the former.
After organizing her deskspace, Aelin went to her closet, and attempted to pick out what she should wear for the night. It was her first date of the semester, which either meant that it could be a complete win or a complete fail.
She ultimately decided that the sluttier the better.
Laying the gold dress out on her bed, she let herself into the Lysandra’s room, borrowing a pair of strappy black heels she knew her roommate would absolutely approve of and was back out the door, ready to suffer through her first lab of the semester. Three hours was going to drag by, but thankfully, it was only once a week.
And drag by it did, but Aelin wasn’t sure if it was thanks to the monotonous recap of her previous semester’s information or thinking about seeing Rowan again. She usually wasn’t so forward, even though Rowan had clearly been the one to start it all, giving her his number. But still, she typically would have at least waited a day or two before texting him.
But there was just something about him that she couldn’t get out of her head.
She grabbed her gym bag out of the car, thankful she had a bit of time to get a work out in before she went out. Thanks to tonight, Aelin was a pent up ball of energy and needed to get it out someway. After a solid forty-five minutes on the treadmill and nearly thirty on the free weights, Aelin was heading for the locker room when she noticed a silver head of hair across the gym.
She watched him as he pulled himself up on the bar, his chin going over the piece of metal each time. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, sweat poured down his chest as his arms swelled. Aelin had been right.
That tattoo went across his chest, and all the way down his arm. He did the pull-ups so effortlessly, and Aelin’s mind began to wander to unholy places.
It wasn’t until his feet hit the mat beneath him that she was brought back to reality and hurried into the locker room. If he was here, that meant their date was approaching, and she had to get ready. She checked her phone. It was nearly seven.
Aelin hurried back home and showered. She had once vowed, during her freshman year, that she would avoid the gym showers at all costs and only used them under emergency circumstances. Luckily, her and Lysandra’s apartment was only five minutes from the gym.
After a shower and a full-body shaving session, Aelin was brushing out her long, golden hair and blow drying it until it was flowing freely down her back. She kept her makeup decently simple - at least, that’s how she made it look, and straightened the slight waves out of her hair before putting on her little, golden dress.
Once she had slipped on Lysandra’s heels, she was looking at herself in the mirror and even she had to admit that she was looking hot.
After grabbing her clutch, she hurried down the hallway and into the living room, where she found Lysandra and Aedion snuggled together on the couch, watching a movie.
“Going out with a stranger?” Lysandra asked, brow raised. “I'm so proud of you.”
“Yeah, just keep it in your pants,” Aedion mumbled.
“I thought I’d bring him back here,” she said, winking at Lysandra. “You don’t want to have breakfast together tomorrow?”
“Absolutely not,” Aedion mumbled and Lysandra chuckled, leaning into his embrace.
“Have fun, call me if you need me,” Lysandra called as Aelin blew them a kiss and headed for the door.
Her Uber was waiting when she walked out front and before she knew it, she was walking down the stairs into her favorite bar. Glancing around, she didn’t see Rowan sitting at the bar or any of the booths around the room.
So she bought herself a drink and claimed one of the pool tables, setting her coat and clutch on a bar stool nearby. Over halfway through the game, she felt eyes on her and glanced up to find Rowan standing at the other end of the table. Giving him a smirk, she knocked the cue ball into the yellow-striped 9 ball. It sank into the pocket.
“Playing with yourself?” Rowan asked, and Aelin caught a slight accent that she had missed earlier.
Aelin’s grin widened. “Well, if I’m left hanging, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.”
Rowan breathed a laugh. “Fair enough. And if I asked to join?”
“You sure you don’t just want to watch?” she asked, leaning on the table, making sure her cleavage was perfectly visible.
Rowan’s tongue shot out and subtly licked his bottom lip. “Tempting.”
Aelin pushed herself back and grabbed the rack, starting to collect the balls. “Buy me a drink and then we’ll talk.”
Rowan bit his lip to hide his spreading grin. “Fair enough. I’ll be back.”
Aelin watched as he left, watched as he went to the bar and bought her another drink, alongside one for himself. He came back with two glasses. One was the color of the sunrise, the other a caramelly brown.
“Sex on the Beach?” Aelin asked, brow raised.
He shrugged and handed her the glass. “Sounded promising.”
“So… Rowan,” she said, letting his name drag out as she said it. He was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and the black Henley he wore made his hair seem even brighter in the dim light of the bar.
“Aelin,” he purred right back, pulling a pool stick from the wall behind her, nearly boxing her in. She realized then how much larger than her he was.
She loved it.
“I hope your coffee helped you get through the rest of your day,” she said, resetting the game and racking the balls. She glanced at him over her shoulder as she reached into the middle of the table, and he was watching her, staring at her ass.
Slutty was definitely the right option tonight.
“It certainly did, especially considering how boring it was,” he replied, reaching around her for the chalk that rested on the edge of the table. “But when I got your text, it gave me something to look forward to. Even if it made the day last twice as long.”
“Happy I could help.” She picked her drink up and stirred it, before taking a long sip through the straw.
“Would you like to break, or should I?” He asked, nodding to the pool table.
“Let’s see what you can do.”
He grunted as he stepped forward, lined up his stick, and knocked the cue ball into the others. They broke apart, but none of them fell into the pockets. Rowan stood there for a moment, his lips pursed. Meanwhile, Aelin tossed her head back and burst into laughter.
“Alright, alright,” Rowan said, straightening up and turning to face her. “So pool isn’t my thing.”
Aelin stepped up next to him and aimed her stick, leaning over the table, her ass nearly rubbed up against Rowan’s front. “Hopefully you’re better at other things.”
Rowan’s hand brushed along Aelin’s hip, just as she got ready to shoot, causing her shot to go haywire. She spun around, eyes narrowed. “That’s foul play.”
“No one said we were playing fair,” he countered.
“What about playing for drinks?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
He lifted his own eyebrows and he said, “I’ve got an eight am…”
Shrugging, she said, “So do I.” Then she leaned in close, thankful for the three-inch heels she’d pilfered from Lysandra’s closet and breathed into his ear, “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re up in time.”
“So sure of how this night is going to go,” he said quietly, just loud enough for her to hear him, and she felt his hand skimming over the curve of her ass. “Fine. We’ll play for drinks.”
It turned out Rowan hadn’t been lying about pool not being his thing. They played three games back to back, and he lost them all, but every time he returned with a drink for Aelin, he had one for himself as well. By the time she dragged him towards the small dance floor in the center of the bar, they were both stumbling and his lips found her neck before his hands even gripped her hips.
His lips were soft, gentle, nothing like she had expected. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe he was just getting tired, perhaps he was usually rough.
But, when his hands found Aelin’s hips and he brought her back into him, she felt that roughness. It seemed Rowan was the best of both worlds. Gentle when prompted, rough beneath the surface.
Aelin turned to him and slung her arms around his neck, bringing his lips to hers. Their mouths crashed into one another, and their bodies slowed until it felt like they were the only two on the dancefloor.
Rowan pulled away, just a little bit, and breathed, his eyes wild, “Aelin-.”
“Take me to your place,” she said, her mouth finding his, once again.
Before she knew what was happening, they were in the backseat of an Uber, unable to keep their hands off of one another. Thanks to it being a college town, the driver didn’t say a word, just dropped them in front of an upscale building, just off the east side of campus.
She noticed how nice it was on the short elevator ride up, but was much more preoccupied by the way his hips pressed into hers. He dragged her along the hall, his lips never leaving hers, until her back was pressed against a cool door and he was fumbling to get it unlocked. It swung wide and she gripped his collar, pulling him inside.
Throwing her clutch and coat by the door, Aelin let her hands dive into his cropped silver hair and he responded by cupping her ass and lifting her up. Her legs were around his waist and he carried her through the apartment and into his bedroom. Neither of them had any delusions about how and where this would end and Aelin felt like she was going to combust as he dropped her on the bed and gazed down at her.
His eyes were full of lust, full of hunger, a wild animal with his eye on his prey. He wasted no time stripping Aelin down and admiring her body with his hands, his tongue, his lips. Rowan may not have been good at pool, but he was right when he said he was far better at other things.
He worshipped her, and Aelin knew it wasn’t the alcohol when she was sent into utter bliss.
When he rolled off of her, breath still uneven, Aelin watched as he dealt with the condom and fell back into the bed beside her.
She cleared her throat. “I can go…if you want me to.”
Rowan turned to look at her, and she could tell he was still just as drunk as she was. “What? No, of course not. You said you’ve got an eight am, too, right?” She nodded and he tugged on her hand, pulling her closer to him. They were both still gloriously naked and she could feel the heat radiating off of his body. “Then we can both make sure the other is up so we aren’t late. Or too hungover.”
Aelin snorted softly, resting her head on his chest. “I think that particular ship has sailed.”
“You’re probably right,” he mumbled and she could tell he was already starting to doze. She was on the brink of sleep herself.
Aelin decided then, as her eyes closed, that she didn’t care if she was hungover in the morning, or if she was late to her eight am. A night being praised by Rowan had been perfectly worth it.
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filterjeons · 4 years
private show | jjk
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✦ pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
✦ summary: throughout your relationship, you never thought jungkook would ask a certain type of action from you. however, you take it into consideration...without the intention of him nearly catching you
✦ rating: M, not suitable for minors
✦ genre: smut
✦ word count: 7.4k
✦ warnings: dom!jungkook, sub!reader, tsundere!reader, rough & unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it!!), dirty talk, degradation bc im a whore for that, masterbation, voyeurism, oral (f receiving), fingering, orgasm denial
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Honestly, you didn’t know what you did in your past life to earn a man like Jungkook but you weren’t complaining one bit anyways. By just one look at you, people assumed you weren’t the type to have a boyfriend and you would spend the rest of your life alone. Luckily, you managed to prove them all wrong by being with someone who loved you for the way you were instead of your money. 
It was a blessing and a curse to be born into a rich family of doctors who expected you to be the heir of the family hospital. Despite having your future already planned for you, you fell in love with playing the violin after being introduced to it when you were young. The feeling of holding the violin against your jaw as the bow ran across the strings to produce a classical melody that you’ve familiarized yourself with throughout the years. 
You would much rather be at a violin recital in a beautiful dress playing one of Bach’s sonatas than being cooped up in your room studying biology. However, your parents didn’t feel the same way. 
When you were about 6, you ranked second at a competition against tons of kids who were in their later-preteens but that wasn’t enough to prove to your parents how much you loved music. They took it as a sign of failure because “it’s not being first” and always used that argument against you to emphasize on how you have to be at the top of your class. 
“Mommy! Guess what, I got second place! Second out of a bunch of bigger kids! I didn’t expect-” you squealed, kicking the back of the limo’s glass partition. Instead of candy, you were buzzing with excitement due to how well you placed in your county’s music recital. But what you didn’t know was that even a place close to first was never enough. “Why didn’t you get first?” 
As those words ran through your ears, you felt your blood run cold and the eyes that were dancing of excitement and joy started to dull. You clutched your certificate tightly, tears starting to swell up. 
“That’s because there was a sixth grader who was better than me and she was really good, she can play the piano-” “You see, if you can’t get first then you shouldn’t pursue a career in music. It’s too hard and competitive for you anyways. How about you focus on your studies, especially since you’re going to take over the hospital when you’re older.” 
Up until last year which was your freshman year of college, you obeyed them by devoting your time to studying and only treating music as just a hobby while you hide your feelings along the way. Now that you think about it, you barely had friends during high school since every break period, you were always alone in the music room and you were too stubborn to go up to people. The only reason why you would talk to someone is to work on a group project but it ended up being that you would do all of the work while they slack off. 
Everyday felt dull and uninteresting, especially since you’re being put in a fate that you don’t even want. But like some stupid cliche, it all changed ever since you met him. 
You didn’t even intend to meet him, hell you barely knew he existed. But the night of your chemistry midterm, the apartment next to you decided to have a party which most of the school is invited to and blast loud music that could be heard from the next town over. 
It couldn’t get any worse as you were already stressed from college and your parent’s crazy expectations and you were definitely not failing otherwise you’re dead meat. Normally, you would just try to sleep it out with earplugs but since you barely ate anything but coffee and granola bars and you were tired from the 24 hour studying, that was your last straw. So you did the thing a person would do in your situation: marching over to the party in your purple star-printed nightgown to give them a piece of your mind. 
Already at the door, you could feel people’s stares burn into you, due to why you came to the party when you didn’t bother interacting with people and why you were in your pajamas. Maybe people were going to talk about you on Instagram but you didn’t care, you just wanted to ensure that you have enough sleep so you could at least pass. 
Unfortunately for you, you must’ve looked extremely stupid because you were wandering around the same area like a drunk man. Random people did offer to get you a drink but you declined; after all it was a school night. Eventually you gave up trying to even bother talking after seeing the host, local frat boy Jackson Wang, surrounded by the rest of the partygoers in a beer pong game. 
Frustrated and exhausted, you hauled yourself up to a seemingly empty room and collapsed onto the bed. Not only did you enter a college party in your pajamas but you wasted precious time studying over something idiotic like this. With all of these negative emotions inside of you, screaming inside a pillow was the first thing that came into your mind. And unfortunately, someone had to be the witness of your near mental breakdown. 
“Woah, is everything okay?” a velvety voice chuckled, patting your back slightly. Well, another reason why your night is absolute shit. You turned your face up to chew off the mysterious person but for some reason, your voice was all caught up in your throat. 
He was different, different from all of the boys that ever interacted with you. Despite you being a complete loner, the guys in your high school tried to hook up with you but you were never interested. They stunk of axe and the only reason why they’re “popular” is because they were on a sports team. Besides, you were too busy in your academics to even think about dating. 
You couldn’t really see him but the guy who’s in the room with you looks better than every single guy in your high school combined: his long dark hair in a mini-ponytail contrasting with his cute bunny-like face. 
“Wh-who are you?” “Jeon Jungkook. I’m a member of the boxing team and my family owns a records shop downtown. What about you?” 
“I-i-” “Aren’t you Y/N, the smart girl who doesn’t talk to anybody and spends her time either studying or in the music room with her violin?” Thank god the room is dark because your face was burning up badly. Barely anyone knew you and if they did, they had bad things to say about you because you were so quiet and boring. However, what he said was a fact and you shouldn’t blame him for having an impression on you due to what other people said. It hurted nonetheless though, especially since he was a part of a sports team. 
“Yeah, that’s me. What do you want? If it’s homework answers, then fine!” you snapped, immediately standing up and walking away. You were absolutely done with this night, all you wanted to do is sleep so you have some sanity tomorrow. 
“You sure are feisty. It’s cute,” he said with a cocky grin stuck on his face. Oh, how you wanted to slap it off. 
“If you’re asking me out, I’m not interested!” you fought back. Although you were one step out of the door, something about him made you want to stay. Like you wanted to talk to him. 
“I didn’t say anything about that but if you want it that way-”
“No! I-I’m sorry for acting all rude, I’m just having a really bad night and I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone,” you mumbled, turning on the light. Oh how it was a bad idea..
Now that you could really see his face clearly, your heart felt like it was about to explode. He was dressed in a simple all-black T-shirt and jeans with combat boots to match. What really captivated you were the tattoos on his hand and up to his elbow, each symbol and design etched out beautifully which must’ve taken hours. 
Although you were at least wearing clothes, you felt exposed due to the stupid pajamas you have on. He somehow sensed your embarrassment and gave you a small smirk which made it ten times worse. 
“Well, do you want to explain why you were screaming in a pillow earlier?” Normal you definitely wouldn’t spill her feelings to a hot guy she just met five minutes ago but with him, you felt safe. Like for one night, all your worries and feelings are immediately gone and it’s just you and him. 
Was this the stupid shit they call “love at first sight”? 
“My midterm is tomorrow and I can’t sleep from all of the noise so I came here to yell at the host of the party. Jackson Wang, fuck you and your decision to host a party today,” you sighed, settling yourself next to him. You would expect him to immediately laugh and make fun of you since it was something a lot of people did to you whenever you cared about your grades. Instead, he looked at you with understandment and listened to what you had to say. 
“Honestly, I don’t even know why I went to this stupid party in the first place,” he replied, making you snort out a laugh. As you were trying to collect yourself from his statement, Jungkook’s mouth turned up into a small smile. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t expect that. Anyways, I guess I should get going since I have a big day ahead of me,” you smiled, feeling a small weight being lifted off of your shoulders. As you trudge out the door, Jungkook’s arm stops yours for a second. 
“Do you think I can have your phone number? Not for dating but you sound like a really cool person to be around and no offense but you seem lonely.” “Thanks for the compliment. But here you go,” you said sarcastically, scribbling down your phone number on a random piece of stationary in the drawer next to the bed. Maybe this is all a fever dream, maybe you’re hallucinating due to how little sleep you’ve gotten during midterm week. 
“I’ll see you soon…” he waved you goodbye as you gave a final look at the door. He was interesting but now isn’t the time to be distracted! You’re pretty sure that if you pinch yourself, you’ll be back in your dorm since this is just a dream? “Also, d-don’t take it the wrong way! It’s not like I like you or anything! I just wrote down my number because you asked nicely! We’re never going to date!” Not only did you pass your midterm but your last line to Jungkook in the stuffy college party would become your famous last words. 
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It’s been years since you and Jungkook met at that party and a lot has changed then. You started to grow feelings and date him a few weeks after your midterm, eventually making the relationship official in a month. After a few months into dating, he introduced his parents to you first. They were a sweet family with amazing home cooked meals which you were dying to recreate and luckily, they accepted you with open arms. 
However, him meeting your parents wasn’t that smooth. Now that you look back on that day, not only were you permanently deciding to be with the one that you love but it also felt like you were breaking free out of the shell that your parents trapped you in because you didn’t want to go down the path they set for you. 
You shook your head to yourself, not wanting to be reminded of the painful past. Now, you were a violinist playing in recitals and companies and Jungkook was running his parent’s record shop. You were happy and you didn’t care about what your stupid parents think. They can simply ask someone else to run the hospital and it’ll still be fine. 
As soon as the practice track ended, you turned off the metronome and packed your violin away. The apartment that you and Jungkook shared was average-sized, a notable difference from the mansion you used to live in but it was better. You were with the person you love and that’s all you could ever need. It may sound corny but a simple life with him was all you ever wanted. 
After you pack away your violin, you impatiently wait alongside the door for Jungkook to get home. Right now, he has boxing practice for a match next week and he wanted to stay with his teammate Taehyung to be the best that he can but he’s stopping by for a day. You’re not into boxing but like the good girlfriend you were, you attend most of his matches (some conflicted with your performances) and cheer him on. 
Although you miss having him by your side, you’re also aware of how much boxing means to him as it was a break from the hectic life of owning a music store. Another positive in your new life was the amount of music there was, a good break from the science and math that filled your childhood. 
You heard some jiggling among the door locks and surely enough, Jungkook’s handsome face was in your view. He was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and some blue jeans, a very simple outfit after spending most of his time at the boxing gym. 
“Hey baby,” he cooed, giving you a hug and a kiss on the forehead. 
“Hi. I’m so happy you’re back, I was starting to worry that you forgot about me,” you joked, carrying his boxing bag to your shared bedroom with him tagging behind. 
“You know I would never forget about you,” he muttered, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing the back of your neck. Instead of wriggling away like you normally do, you allow yourself to relish in his affection since he wasn’t a person who did it often. 
“I missed you..” you mumbled, turning around and kissing him. He returned the kiss more passionately, slipping his tongue inside your mouth. The sudden action made you forget about everything, focusing only on him. Unfortunately, with your senses locked on him, it caused you to fall onto the bed, your head nearly hanging off of the edge. Jungkook used your weakness to have more control over the kiss and you, carefully grabbing the back of your head to deepen the kiss. Even though he always controls kissing you, his lips are also full of love and longing due to him being gone for too long. 
“God I missed this,” he mumbled, breaking away to remove the buttons of your blouse and kissing the side of your neck. You whined from his touch, feeling a bit embarrassed due to how much time it’s been since the two of you were together. 
“What is it baby girl, are you nervous? Come on, we’ve known each other for years and I know you can take anything I give you.” It was true of course but for some reason, it felt like the first time you had sex with him. 
After your shirt has been taken off, you unconsciously cover your chest with your arms. You didn’t know why you’re acting so self-conscious, especially since you’ve been a challenger to him in bed. 
“Hey, are you okay? We can stop if you don’t want to-” Jungkook asked softly, reaching over to take your hand. 
What’s there to be nervous about? It’s just Jungkook and like he said, you’ve known him for too long. Besides, don’t you have too much pride to act this way? You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked back at him with a seductive smile. 
“You were taking too long to take off my shirt. How boring,” you said coyly, tapping his nose playfully. He returned your gaze, his eyes darkened with lust and desire. 
“Well then baby girl, how about you take off the rest of your clothes since you seem like you want to do it,” he muttered, sitting up with his attention completely on your chest. One thing you were infamous in your relationship for is being a brat, a mix of you being submissive but not backing down completely. Even though you liked being a good girl sometimes, the rest is just you on the receiving end. After all, you won’t back down to a challenge, nonetheless if your challenger’s your significant other. 
If a person only based off of what they saw, they would think that you were the one taking absolute control due to the aura you give off and your harsh personality. However, at least between you and him since you were one to keep your private life a secret, he is the one with the reins and you were completely fine with it. 
You unclipped your bra, throwing it at some random place in the room and revealed your exposed breasts. He ogled at your body up and down, his familiar lustful gaze running through his eyes. 
“Hey, what are you staring at?” you barked, slowly starting to feel awkward. Unlike you, Jungkook had no shame when it came to your bedroom activities and there were times when he would just stare at you while you’re completely bare. How embarrassing...but it’s no big deal. 
“Watch your mouth you little brat. Do I have to punish you on my day back?” he said darkly, his tone immediately making the back of your hairs stand up. Your face softened, heat forming in your cheeks as you twirled a random piece of your hair, a random habit that you’ve done since elementary school.
“I-I’m sorry.” “Sorry what, baby girl? You’re smarter than that.” “Sorry..sir.” After that word was uttered in your soft and obedient tone, Jungkook could feel his dick growing harder by the second. Hearing you give up all of your confidence and letting him control you never failed to turn him on. 
“Now take off the rest of your clothes, sweetie. Or are you going to continue being a dumb little girl and keep playing with me,” he growled softly, leaning back on the bed frame. You felt like acting up some more but he truly was scary when he’s upset and you didn’t want to make his visit back bad because of your behavior so you simply did what he said. Even though you wouldn’t admit it to the world, you also love obeying Jungkook. 
You quickly unzippered your jeans, pulling them off along with your panties and kicking them out of the bed. The warmth from the clothes were immediately replaced by the chilly air from the air conditioner, your nipples standing up and goosebumps filling your body. It was humiliating, especially since Jungkook can see you so clearly. 
“My precious sweetheart,” he cooed, leaning over you and you could feel his hardened member alongside the roughness of his jeans as he slowly grinded into you. 
“Ahh…” You didn’t know what to say, except you knew you wanted more. Jungkook’s mouth was latched onto your nipples, sucking them harshly while his other hand was massaging and flicking on them repeatedly. You felt your eyes roll back to your head and your pussy dampening, even though he wasn’t doing anything yet. 
“You like this baby?” he asked gruffly, tugging on your nipple teasingly as it sends sparks of pleasure inside you. You only let out a whine in response as he broke apart from your chest and slowly made his way down your body. 
All of a sudden, he inserted one of his long fingers inside of your core, sending vibrations throughout your body. You squealed from the intrusion as your body tried to familiarize itself with his finger, your walls clenching around his digit. 
“Damn, have you gotten tighter since last time?” He started to thrust his finger in and out of you at a moderate pace, trying to get you used to the feeling. As if one isn’t enough for you, he suddenly inserted a second one to stretch you out. 
Your mind was a haze, not paying attention to anything that was happening around you and focusing on the pleasure that Jungkook was giving you. His fingers attempted to reach the spongy section of your g-spot, the place that absolutely had you in hysterics. Surely enough, his fingertips grazed over it and you could nearly come undone at any second. 
While he added an additional finger and completely filled you up, you could feel his smooth tongue on your clit, flicking and sucking on it feverishly. High-pitched moans and mewls were coming out of your mouth embarrassingly as you tugged on Jungkook’s long locks in order to steady yourself of the pleasure. 
You could feel him curl his fingers and touch your g-spot, sending sparks within you. At this point, you were barely in a stable mindset due to how good he was making you feel. You felt a knot building up in your stomach, your orgasm coming close to you. 
“Are you gonna cum now baby girl? Do you want to cum for Sir? Yeah, I know you do, I could feel it coming,” he said tauntingly, his fingers and tongue abusing your cunt and the vibrations among it made the sensation feel even better. 
“Y-yeah, I’m gonna-” you whimpered pathetically but to your dismay, he completely stopped by sliding his fingers out and removing his face. With your release dismissed like it was nothing, you felt annoyance build up on you as your body shook from the denial. 
“What the hell? Why did you stop?” you groaned, your eyes shooting sharp daggers at Jungkook. If looks could kill, he would surely be dead within two seconds. But all that’s on his face were your liquids and a cocky smirk that you want to wipe off instantly. 
“Because I want you to cum on my dick first. It’s been so long since I’ve been inside you, y’know?” he said casually, pulling off his shirt like it was nothing and revealing his impressive 6-pack. One thing that you were always in awe of was his figure. Jungkook was a really athletic person, always finding time out of his day to work out and maintain his muscular body. You didn’t mind if he didn’t have abs but it neutralized his cute face that could easily kill anyone. 
“It’s been a while, yeah? You ready kitten?” Jungkook kicked off his jeans and his boxer that covers his massive bulge was immediately in your vision. You could feel your thighs rubbing together as you were craving him inside you. 
“You’re calling me kitten now?” you mumbled shyly as he sat on the edge of the bed, palming his hardened member. 
“Yeah because you’re my cute kitty, aren’t you? Do you want to take off my boxers for me?” he smirked, knowing how excited you are to see him like this again. Like there was no tomorrow, you yanked it off impatiently and his dick sprang out, hitting his abs before standing up instantly. 
“You’re excited, aren’t you? Don’t deny it,” Jungkook teased, stroking his member teasingly before setting you down on your back and hovering above you. 
“I want it,” you mumbled impatiently, getting excited with the thought of him fucking you until you can’t walk again. He chuckled at your reaction, slowly slipping himself inside you. You shrieked from the sudden movement and tried to make yourself comfortable even though this wasn’t new to you. 
“Alright baby, let’s go,” he said gruffly, slowly pulling out and slamming it back inside within the next five seconds. You let out a scream as he picked up the pace into the all-too familiar rough and fast one. 
“Damn, you’ve gotten way tighter since the last time I’ve fucked your brains out. Feels so good for Sir,” he groaned, his dick completely filling you warm and deep to the point where it could nearly reach your guts. “Does my baby like that? Like getting dicked down where I can feel her in your stomach?” “Ahh, oh my god!” You could only moan and whine in response, pathetic noises coming out of your mouth as Jungkook’s dick hit every surface of your pussy. His veins already made it even more pleasurable and you could feel the tip grazing upon your g-spot, making you even more sensitive. 
It hasn’t been long but embarrassingly, you could feel your orgasm arrive once again due to how good his dick was thrusting into you. As he continued to drill your abused cunt, you could feel your legs tremble at the sensitive feeling and the impending sensation of your orgasm starting to grow in your core. 
“S-sir, oh my god-” you mewled as Jungkook used his force to flip you on your stomach, your face covered in the pillows. You couldn’t feel him inside you for a second but suddenly, he slammed inside you with no remorse and continued fucking you at that fast pace. 
Your cunt throbs as you prepare yourself to cum all over his dick. Jungkook could sense it too by the way your walls started to tighten around him, making it even more pleasurable than the last time you two had sex due to how tight you were. You were praying that he doesn’t deny your orgasm again but there were times where he was that cruel. But you’ve behaved enough to not warrant that type of treatment. 
“Is my baby gonna cum now? Go on, come for me, I want to see you come undone on my dick,” he chanted lowly, his pace fastening due to his orgasm coming in soon. Like his words set off a reaction inside you, you screamed out his name and squirted on his dick and stomach. Using that as fuel to keep going, Jungkook thrusts even faster than before to catch his own high as you try to calm yourself down from your own orgasm. 
“Ahh, Jungkook-” you whined from the sensitivity but you kept holding on so he could cum too. The way his sweat dripped off of his forehead and complimenting with his dark locks nearly made you want to cum again. 
“Fuck, I’m cumming, oh shit,” he moaned out, his thrusts slowing down and surely enough, you could feel his dick spurt out his seed inside you. He started to pull out and stroke himself, spurts of his cum filling up your pussy to not waste a drop. 
You and him started to breathe heavily from the intense fuck as you gingerly pulled up the sheets to cover your body. It’s not like you were embarrassed of him seeing your body, it was a habit you did after you have sex with him.
“Did you miss me?” he smiled, lying down next to you and covering an arm around your waist. You nodded, snuggling up next to him on the neck of his crook. There weren't any words spoken from the both of you for a while, instead you were just enjoying the presence of him next to you because after today, he’ll be gone again. 
If you had it your way, you didn’t want him to go but he really wanted to participate in his boxing match and what kind of girlfriend were you if you didn’t support him? Still, you loved every moment with him and he was the one thing you absolutely loved in your life. 
After a moment of silence, Jungkook broke the silence by facing towards you with seriousness in his eyes. You were worried that something may have happened, so you braced yourself with the worst that could happen. But surprisingly, his words were a bigger shock than any other disaster you could think of. 
“Y/N, do you mind if I ask something of you? I hope you don’t find it uncomfortable or invasive.” “Sure, what is it?” You should’ve known from the cheeky smirk he gave you that he was going to request this type of stuff. 
“I want to see you touch yourself. I think you’ll look so hot fucking yourself with your fingers while all I’m doing is just watching you.” “What the hell?!” 
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You were lying if you said you didn’t think about it a lot, especially since Jungkook left the house today this afternoon. Now that he wasn’t there, the apartment felt lonely again and you automatically missed him. 
However, the thought of him also brings you back to the conversation you had after you two had sex after a while. 
“You’ve never touched yourself? I figured that something like that would come easy to you!” “Well- you know I have dignity right! It’s already embarrassing enough that I’m your submissive!” 
“You’re right, it’s already hot seeing you act all whiny and needy for my touch.” “Shut up! Stop making fun of me!”
You shook your head, trying to get rid of Jungkook’s words. With the intent to clean your room to take some stuff out of your mind, you walked to the shared bedroom and started to rearrange random knick-knacks that were placed in peculiar locations. 
While you were wandering around, your eye caught sight of a black duffel bag that was in a hidden corner of your bed. With curiosity, you approached it to check to see what was inside. It was heavy and filled with boxing gloves and other equipment, meaning that it was Jungkook’s. 
He must’ve forgotten it when he left today, you mused, holding the glove to your chest. A normal person would immediately contact him and give it back but it was like a living piece of him, having its name and scent. You can’t believe you already miss him that much to hold onto his boxing gloves for some comfort. How pathetic. 
The smell of him already reminded you of yesterday, when he touched you and made you feel so good. You groaned to yourself as you feel your panties dampening just from the thought of Jungkook giving you pleasure. 
“Y’know what, it wouldn’t hurt to try, right? Alright Jungkook, I’ll do it,” you muttered to yourself as you slowly grazed your fingers to your lower region. You could already feel the slick coming out of your panties, signalling how wet you were. 
You were a smart person but frankly, you were confused on how to touch yourself especially since this was your first time. Memories of the way Jungkook inserted and thrusted his fingers inside you flashed through your mind, giving you an idea on how to start. 
You slide your panties off to your ankles and slowly insert your index finger inside of your core, letting yourself get familiar to your own fingers inside of you. It sure felt different than when Jungkook did it, it wasn’t enough to completely make you feel undone. You pumped another finger inside, giving you something inside at least but it was no better than Jungkook’s touch.
“Ahh, Jungkook,” you moaned softly, flicking your own clit with your fingers which makes the pleasure at least a bit better. You would rather have him with you but it was enough to fill up a small part of his absence. Remembering every time he fucked you harshly was enough to quicken your pace with your fingers, your walls clenching around them and your orgasm closely approaching. 
Your other hand groped your breasts, flicking your nipple and massaging them while the other was thrusting in and out of your needy cunt. You were completely in your own euphoria, the world completely fading away from you. Unfortunately for you, that euphoria is only short-lived. 
An annoying sound ran throughout your room, the culprit being your cell phone. You groaned with disappointment as you attempted to pry your fingers out of your pussy and your orgasm fading away with every time the ringtone chimed. 
With your slick-covered hands, you read the text and your blood started to run cold from the words that were displayed on the screen. 
[Jungkook ♡]
- Hi babe, I’m coming home bc I forgot my boxing bag.
- Sorry that this was sudden
- Actually, I’m outside the apartment rn
You’re fucked. Absolutely fucked. But lucky, you still had a minute to spare to make it seem like you weren’t doing anything. You put his boxing glove back in the bag and wobbled downstairs to the front door. The door locks started to jingle and you immediately opened them just for him to take his bag and go. You love him with all of your heart but now’s not the time to chat with him. 
“Hey Y/N, do you have my bag?” he asked across from you, looking as good as ever. You forced a smile and shoved his bag in front of your face.
“Yeah, it’s this one right? So, here it is so you can get going now! Goodbye!” you grinned, sweat dripping down your face. 
Jungkook looked puzzled on why you were acting that way but decided to go along with it. “O-okay, thanks.” 
“Of course! Now, you should get going now! Your boxing rehearsal isn’t going to wait forever, is it?” you chuckled, trying to push him out of the door but he didn’t budge. After taking a quick glance at you (more specifically your legs and the amount of slick dripping down), he decided to stay. 
“Woah, woah, there’s something going on. Let me in,” he said stubbornly, pushing against you to get inside the apartment.  
“What are you talking about? There’s literally nothing going on! You should go back to the boxing place!” you argued but he wouldn’t listen. Jungkook grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs into the bedroom and set you down, looking straight into your eyes. You immediately blushed as his eyes held such confusion and hunger inside. 
“Don’t lie to me, only bad girls lie. So tell me baby, what exactly is going on?”
Surely he didn’t know right? You still have some time to lie because there’s no way he knows. 
“I was taking a nap before you texted me.” 
“Without your panties on and a shit ton of slick dripping down your thighs?” he asked with confusion, pulling up your skirt and revealing your soaking pussy, throbbing due to the atmosphere. At this point, you were absolutely stuck in a corner as Jungkook stared at the way you’re completely aroused. 
“Ahh, um..” “Are you cheating on me, Y/N?” His eyes were now full of sadness and hurt and you could immediately feel your heart start to break. 
“N-no! Of course not! I would never cheat on you, you’re the one who I love! It’s just because..” you tried to get the idea out of his head, holding his hands tightly. Jungkook’s face brightened up a bit before being replaced with suspicion.
“So, what’s up? What were you doing while I left?” There was absolutely no talking yourself out of this because Jungkook would find out either way at this point. But at least it’s better than making up a stupid lie, right? “I..um..remember how you said you wanted to see me touch myself yesterday?” “Of course.” “Well...I was doing that..” you mumbled with embarrassment, avoiding his eye contact. Jungkook’s ears picked up what you said and his face lit up with excitement and desire. 
“Say that again for me?” he smirked, loving how soft and shy you were now.   
“I..was touching myself while I was thinking of you,” you said a bit loudly but it was still so embarrassing. You had no idea why he was all so happy right now but it made you happy nonetheless.
“Do you think you can show me?” he grinned, staring up into your eyes. 
“What?! N-no! It’s private right? You see, it’s private for a reason! Now you got your bag and figured out why I was acting weird so you can go now!” you snapped, heat automatically filling up your body. 
“It’s okay, I can skip practice today. This is important, why didn’t you tell me?” “It’s not something I should tell you.” “Anyways, you’ve been a bad girl today. Touching yourself while thinking of me, you’re so naughty. So your punishment is to reenact what you did before I came back and I’m not leaving until I see you touch yourself. But don’t worry, if you need help then I’m always here,” Jungkook purred, his dominant persona on. You gulped down a lump down your throat but you weren’t ready to back down to him yet. 
“No I’m not! I’m not giving up my dignity just yet!” “Come on, little girl. I know you were fucking yourself like a little whore while you were gone. Did your tiny little fingers fill you up completely, better than my cock? I know you didn’t because even though you’re a whore, you’re still such a slut for my dick.” His dirty words made you even more turned on than normal with even more slick running down your thighs. You knew it was better to obey, especially since he’s talking like this. With that being said, you scooted yourself with the back of your head hitting the bed frame. After a minute of hesitation, you lifted up your skirt which revealed your whole pussy to him. Jungkook stared intently, noticing every little twitch that it made as it’s longing for something to be inside it and how wet it has become. His lips were curled into a smirk as your fingers started to graze over your folds. 
Taking a deep breath, you inserted two of your fingers to aid the throbbing in your core. It felt  different than when you did it before, maybe due to Jungkook staring at every little movement you made.
Despite your initial refusal, having him watch over you turned you on even more and the throbbing only continued to get worse after you slowly started to move your fingers. You didn’t know how much it turned you and him on, judging from his erection in his pants. 
“Ahh, oh my god,” you moaned, adding an additional finger and groping your boobs with your other hand.
Jungkook’s mouth was in shock, shocked at how you can look so sexy touching yourself even though it was your first time. His dick was begging to be released in his now tight sweatpants but just watching you like this was more than enough.
He’s never admitted it directly to you but surprisingly, he’s such a voyeur and seeing you wrecked with only your fingers or even a toy could make him cum as hard as him actually fucking you.
“J-Jungkook, please…” you mewled, rocking your hips against your small hands in an attempt to hit your g-spot, where only your boyfriend knows. 
By now, you’ve inserted your whole hand inside of your core and it still wasn’t as satisfying as Jungkook’s long fingers inside you. You should’ve been embarrassed that his vision was at you masterbating but frankly, you didn’t care anymore.
“Shit baby girl, just like that, fucking ruin yourself,” he grunted, slightly stroking his hardened member through his sweatpants. 
“I want your mouth on me,” you cried, slowly starting to feel the same ecstatic feeling of your release. The way his eyes were set on you alone brings you closer to your high as you’re practically grinding on your hand. 
Luckily, Jungkook heard your wish and immediately brought his face down to your core, taking your fingers out and licking your clit like there was no tomorrow. His face was completely buried with the goal of eating you out and getting your cum out of you. It wasn’t a thought that ever crossed your mind but you never realized how much better Jungkook made you feel and how the throbbing seemed to go away after he was with you. His face was absolutely covered in your juices and adding to his warm mouth were his long fingers. 
“You like that don’t you, you slutty little girl?” he hummed, the vibrations of his mouth making you even more closer to the edge. You gripped onto his arm tightly, your fingernails dragging along his muscles due to how much he was giving you. 
You felt his fingers curl against you, hitting your g-spot and bringing you closer to your climax. It felt too good and you were craving to be ruined by him. Jungkook stared at the way you were shoving his hand amongst your tight little cunt, grinding on it as you try to reach your high and the squelching sounds it made. 
Within seconds, you were close to your orgasm and you were trying to chase after it feverishly. His tongue and his fingers were too much for you, even though you received them last night. They made you feel so satisfied and full, always filling you up to the edge and the way he was hitting every spot nearly made you cream all over his fingers. 
Unfortunately for you, he immediately pulled his fingers and mouth away, completely denying you of releasing. The hot feeling and intensity disappeared instantly and was replaced by the familiar throbbing as you let out a groan of disappointment. This was the second time you’ve lost your orgasm and you just wanted to release on him once more. 
“Why did you stop? I was going to-” you growled, your face heating up due to the increased temperature inside. 
“You’re not going to cum when I’m away. Is that a rule you can follow?” he said sharply, licking every remain of your juices off his face and wiping the excess with a tissue. 
“W-why?” “Instead, I want you to send me a video touching yourself but not cumming until my match. Is that an order my little girl can do?” 
You absolutely hated the fact that you won’t be releasing for a while but you didn’t want to get him mad. All you can do is just accept your fate and nod. 
“There you go, don’t worry, I’m going to make you feel so good once I win,” he grinned, kissing you passionately. You could immediately taste yourself on his lips and felt his hardened member upon you. There were more things that the two of you would’ve done but he wouldn’t allow that to happen. 
“Well then, I’ll be off. You’ll behave, right?” he parted cheerily, grabbing his bag and leaving the apartment like he didn’t just completely ate you out and denied your orgasm for the second time. As you heard the door lock, you’re left with your skirt drenched from your juices and the aching feeling between your legs. 
Oh the things that Jungkook does to you. But what would happen if you gave him a little surprise during his boxing match. Surely, you weren’t that submissive and besides, it would be fun to tease him..
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“You did great man!” Taehyung cheered, high-fiving Jungkook as soon as his match ended. He shared the same with a bunny-like smile and went inside the locker room to clean up to see you. Not only did he win but he’s going to be staying with you for a while now. 
With a bright spirit, he unlocked his locker and opened his phone to a text message from you. There was an attachment with a seemingly innocent message but once he opened the video, it only fueled his desire. 
[Y/N ♡]
- I miss you so much 
Inside of the video was you fucking yourself with your fingers, high-pitched and incoherent whimpers coming out of you and from the looks of it, it was like you’re about to reach your climax. 
Within the last few seconds, it cuts to you creaming all over the bed and licking your juices off of your fingers seductively with a cute wink at the end. All of that just to rile and tease him. 
Shit, the things that this girl does to me, Jungkook sighs, feeling his member starting to grow inside of his pants again. They were simple instructions yet you can’t obey properly. Maybe it was due to you being a brat and wanting to be put in your place again. 
Well, if there’s one thing that you and Jungkook know, is that you’ll certainly not walk the next day.
a/n: honestly, i’m not too proud of this but i hope you liked it regardless! let me know what you think and have a great day <3
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
Lonely Together
Jihoon: Chapter 4 (Waves)
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Characters: Jihoon x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, fluff, suggestive content, mentions of marking, angst (kinda maybe sort of?). Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written. Please let me know if I missed anything!
Author’s Note: So I’m trying to not make every story super depressing. At least for now. So I took a shot at some average fluff for Jihoon’s chapter. Let me know what you think! It’s a bit short, but I’ll edit it some more to juice it up when I have the free time.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts
Lonely Together Masterlist
Chapter 4: Waves
You were still getting used to everything, which no one could blame you for. You weren’t used to being around humans let alone lovey happy couples all the time. It was all… disorienting to you. You understood why the rest of the pack acted the way they did with their mates, in a way you also felt some primal need to be the same with Jihoon. But it was just… quite a big adjustment for you.
It wasn’t bad by any means! You knew you’d get the hang of most of it eventually. But there were some things you weren’t sure you’d ever get used to. Like the constant PDA of the couples around you. You didn’t understand the need to be that close to someone all the time or need to be that handsy. You always wondered if maybe Jihoon wanted to be like that, but you never really had the courage to ask in case you wouldn’t like his answer.
You also knew you’d never really like the fact that the pack seemed to refer to you more as a mate than as a wolf. You grew up being a wolf above all else, you considered yourself a wolf first. Now, you were Jihoon’s mate. Just one of the girls. You ate with them, you hung out with them, and you were treated like them even though you were just as strong if not more so than most of the males. Soonyoung didn’t get treated that way even though he was technically Seungcheol’s mate. It seemed unfair. That thought seemed to leave a bitter metallic taste in your mouth, but you just dealt with it because that’s just how it was now.
And you knew you’d NEVER understand the need to give your partner sweet little gooey nicknames. I mean, who the hell decided it was an adorable idea to start calling the person they fuck baby? How the hell was that SUPPOSED to be cute? It was creepy to you. You could tell it visibly bothered Jihoon that you hadn’t called him anything other than his given name, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to call him by anything else. Every cutesy petname you could think of just felt… wrong to you. Sweetheart? Shit didn’t make sense. Hearts were NOT sweet. Sugar? He wasn’t composed of glucose or fructose so that wasn’t right. Prince? He wasn’t royalty, well, at least not that neither of you knew of. Daddy? Even creepier than baby. So you just opted to leave it at Jihoon.
As for you and Jihoon, you’d been doing alright. You were still rather shy around each other, but you were definitely more obvious in your affection with each other. For instance, at breakfast you always seemed to find yourself scooting your chair as close to his as you could manage. And he always made sure you were within his sight. You weren’t sure why. Where could you have possibly gone when you were stuck with a bunch of wolves? But it did make the chambers of your heart constrict extra whenever you noticed him trying to look for you. You had to admit, It was kinda cute.
There was still one problem. You two hadn’t… consummated your bond yet. You were still unmarked even though it had now been weeks of being in the same house together. He hadn’t even tried to sleep with you. It had you confused, shouldn’t he have wanted to have sex with you by now?
“Dude quit being a little bitch and just do it already!” Soonyoung groaned at his younger brother while he pinched the bridge of his nose.
You were currently outside learning how to play soccer with Somi, just far enough away to where you couldn’t hear what was going on inside. They were all watching you guys from the window. You felt someone staring at you so you looked up from the ball next to your feet towards the house. Your mate was eyeing you and had a fond smile flashing brightly at your from his spot. You gave him a sweet one back with a little wave added before you continued on with your fancy foot maneuvering past the younger girl and scored a goal, causing you to jet your hands in the air in celebration. God he loved you.
Jihoon looked away to sigh and he ran his shakey hand through his slick hair, “But how am I supposed to do that? You fuckers are here every second of everyday and she can hear everything that goes on the same as I can. You’re all way too distracting. If she’s anything like me-” He was cut off before he could finish his sentence.
“Which she is.” Mingyu stated with a giant grin on his face while crossing his arms over his chest.
“IF she’s anything like me, she doesn’t want you guys listening in or around when we’re going at it. She’s too private for that” Jihoon emphasized, trying his best to contain his annoyance at the taller boy for his smugness, “Plus, you’re all too lovey with each other, it makes us both awkward and uncomfortable.” He admitted.
Joshua laughed and slapped his hands on his knees where he was sitting down at the table, “So you’re telling me that WE make YOU GUYS uncomfortable? Have you ever even been in the same room with yourself? You’re both ridiculously intimidating to the girls because you’re so quiet. WE know it’s because you’re just shy. But THEY all think you’re some sort of psycho killer dude!”
“Yeah if looks could kill, we’d all have been long dead by now!” Snorted Wonwoo, who had his arm wrapped around his mate possessively.
Jihoon raised his chest out defiantly, slightly annoyed at his pack mates for making fun of his cold exterior, “Yeah? Well at least I can keep my hands off my mate for more than a split second!”
He never really understood the need to keep partners away from other people. That is, until the other day when Chan had accidentally brushed up against your front while trying to reach for a plate. He all but chewed him up and spit him out for it, though you didn’t know that as he did it once you had gone up to bed. He couldn’t help it. His inner wolf just snapped at the poor kid. Though looking back, he’d still do it again. No one should be touching you but him.
“Not for long. You’re getting soft. You’re laughing more at the things she says, you’re joining us on errands more because she goes with, you’re getting more and more protective over her because she’s not marked and you don’t want anyone taking her away from you” Mingyu proudly spoke up much to Jihoon’s shock. He happy that he had taken the smaller wolf off guard with his statement, “You’re getting just as whipped man. You want my advice?” He asked, seeming pretty genuine with his question.
Jihoon nodded at him. Mingyu was surprisingly one of the few who could actually keep a few feet’s distance from his mate. Out of everyone in the pack, he would’ve DEFINITELY expected him to be the one most likely to be attached to his lovers side. But he when he found his mate, he didn’t get possessive over her at all. He just let her do her own thing with relative freedom. He figured he must have had some sort of secret behind being able to control himself and, for your sake, Jihoon figured he should take any help he could get before he got bad.
“Mark her as soon as you can. It helps. You wont get as jealous, at least around us, because we’ll smell you on her.” He shrugged towards his elder, quickly going over and kissing the top of his mates head who was sitting on the ground braiding Josh’s mates hair.
The thought of marking you sent a weird feeling through Jihoon’s veins. He WANTED to. But the real question was, would you LET him? “I don’t know. It could help I guess. But again, you bitches are always here and if I EVER want to do anything with her, you assholes can’t be anywhere near or she’ll refuse.”
“Okay okay! What if we were to all go visit Taeyong’s pack later? Then would you get the stick out of your ass and just fucking get it over with?” Seungcheol interjected with a heavy chuckle.
He was just as glad that his younger brother found you as everyone else. He really needed you in his life, even if he didn’t want to admit it. So he knew he had to help him figure out how to finally make things ‘official’ with you.
Jihoon thought for a moment. There didn’t seem to be a reason why that couldn’t work. He’d just have to make sure you knew to stay behind which, considering how touchy feely the others were, you’d probably be more than happy with that, “That’s….. actually a good idea.”
“Yeah no shit Sherlock. That’s why he suggested it” sneered Jeonghan. Jihoon sent him a small warning growl before Hannie went and collected the other mates and boys to tell them the new plan for the day.
He couldn’t lie, he was super fucking nervous. Other than that day you found out you two were mates, he hadn’t been left alone with you. At least not completely. There was always someone how because of how many people that lived in the house. He didn’t have much experience with girls. He had more experience than you did, but he was still trying to grasp the whole ‘mating’ thing. He didn’t know where to even start. He couldn’t just go up to you and go “hey I need to mark you or I’m gonna go crazy so we need to fuck like rabbits.” I mean, what kind of loser did that? He had to start thinking of a more subtle approach.
And, as if on cue, in came you and Somi from outside after Jeonghan had called for you both from outside. Your cheeks were a bit flushed from being in the sun and your hair that was once put up in a neat ponytail was now falling out in locks towards the rest of your face. You had grass stains on your knees and you had a bit of dirt on your forehead. You looked like you had gotten into a fight with the ground when in all reality, it was just your first time playing a child’s game.
“So, we’re going somewhere?” Somi ran up and kissed Chan on the cheek before he cuddled her in his arms.
“Yeah. WE are. THEY’RE staying here.” He let a playful grin plaster on his face as he pointed at your and your mate.
You cocked your head to the side in confusion, “We are? Why’s that?”
Chan gulped down his dry throat and shifted his eyes towards Jihoon, who was now staring daggers into him, “Oh… um- well… because…”
“Because we’re gonna be doing coupley shit over at Taeyong’s today and Jihoon said you wouldn’t want to watch us make out.” His sentence was quickly interrupted by the oldest alpha, much to your mate’s relief as his answer seemed to satisfy you.
“Ew yeah no. I’ll stay here that sounds gross,” you shook your head and scrunched up your nose in disgust, “Though I think I’ll take a shower. I feel almost as gross as you all are together.” You chuckled as you mad your way up the stairs and to the bathroom.
A little while later after everyone had got themselves together and understood why they suddenly had to leave, they began to head towards the door to depart. You were now upstairs in your bedroom, a towel tightly wrapped around your body and hair as you read a book to work on your Korean. You were pretty good with the actual speaking portion of the language, minus your accent of course, but you were still having a bit of trouble with the spelling and reading. And since it was the native language of most of the people who lived in the house, you figured it was best you study up on it a bit more to become more fluent.
Before you knew it, the others had left. You began focusing on a page of plural ways of speech and were brought out of your gaze by a soft voice near the doorway of your bedroom, “How’s the studying coming along?”
“It’s going about as well as dealing with humans after centuries of avoiding them.” You figured, putting your book down on the bedside table and looking at your mate who was now moving to sit at the end of your bed.
“That bad huh?” He joked while bringing his hand to touch your naked thigh. It brought a light pink blush to your cheeks, but you did your best to avoid it as much as possible and continued the conversation.
You shrugged the heat one your face away, “It comes and goes in Waves. Besides, It could be worse”
“And how’s that?” Jihoon questioned, giving you a tilted head in response.
“I could have had to go watch all the other suck face all day with another pack.” You laughed in amusement at your own joke.
Jihoon hesitated for a moment before he responded, “Well… yeah… about that…” he trailed in an effort to avoid the situation.
“What about it?”
“Wellllll….” He took a deep breath in so he could finish his sentence, “They decided to leave for me- well for us- so we could… have some time alone together…” he brought his newly hot face down to look at his lap so he didn’t have to look you in the eyes as he spoke.
“Alone time?” You bit your lip to hold back a knowing grin. You knew exactly what he was trying to say. But you really wanted to HEAR him say the words. Half to confirm your suspicions, half so that he would squirm a bit.
“Uh yeah. Alone time…” he started to pick at his nails to distract himself. He had never really been this nervous before. Why was he even nervous? You were his mate. It’s not like you’d have an issue with it all… right?
Your pulse was starting to race. The thought of what could happen was heating your body up to the point of concern. You weren’t sure why you were reacting this way, maybe it was because he was your mate, maybe it was because now you could go into heat, you didn’t know. But you did know that if he was going where you thought he was going with his sentence, you’d definitely not be complaining.
You gave him a wondering look, “What do you mean by alone time?” You faked innocence in your question, playing with the edge of the towel wrapped around your body.
He groaned in frustration and threw himself to the bed, landing on his back with a light thud while his hands found their way to his face, “They all left so I could mark you okay?? I knew you wouldn’t want to do anything like that with them here. But I knew I needed to do it soon so that my jealousy wouldn’t get the best of me. So Cheol agreed to have everyone leave for the day so we could just-get it over with” He sighed out, hands still covering his eyes so he could ignore your no doubt astonished face.
But instead, you found yourself straddling him in your easily droppable attire. His hands automatically sent themselves down to hold your hips once his body realized what was happening.
“You know, you could’ve just said that to begin with you know” you seductively let out. His face was absolutely stunned at your sudden behavior change. What actual fucking alien world had he stepped in when he came into your shared room?
(Updated 9/16)
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
saint. || soobin💦
a/n: ya’ll forgive me someone requested soobin smut and I could not find the request on my page lolololol so whoever requested this i hope you enjoy!
saint m.list
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🖤┊𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔱 . ೄྀ࿐ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖓 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙/𝖆𝖚 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖆? 𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖆’𝖑𝖑 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙. (𝖑𝖊𝖙 𝖒𝖊 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜) 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙; 1893.
he was tall. sorry for stating the obvious but that was the most noticeable thing about him. I mean if you got really close maybe you could see his deep dimples that waded in both of his cheeks when he talked. Or if you were paying close attention to him you’d notice the way his eyes enveloped when he smiled or laughed. but enough of that though, choi soobin was nothing to admire. 
well, at least personality wise. he’d come to school in his snazzy maroon sweater vest and suit jacket and wore his hair in the side part that drove all of the girls crazy. you had to admit, it was reasonably so. he was a good looking guy. so why wouldn’t they? 
if they hadn’t been obsessing over him maybe they’d see him dump their textbooks in the trash when they weren’t looking or him cutting their ponytails or even worse, him lying to the priest about the sluts they were at the confessionals. poor father benjamin. 
luckily though you stayed low on the radar. I mean you weren’t completely invisible but at least your were the person who rather keep your head inside the book of Ecclesiasticus than choi soobin. you were one of the few at least. he even had the boys all over him, wanting to be him, wanting to act like him and dress like him. if this wasn’t a catholic school you’d think they’d rather be his girlfriend, too. but you couldn’t hold your school to a high standard I mean Melissa Mccarthy’s sex tape was floating around the school for months. And she was so called one of the most ‘attractive’ girls in school before she got expelled of course.
but back to choi soobin. he was a shit head. you knew in your heart of hearts he was. this is what mainly infuriated you when sister helena assigned him as your partner for a video watching. yeah a video watching. in which she’d pull out that big fat old tv and put on a black and white movie and expects you to write down the answers based on events that were happening in the film. she always assigned partners though because she thought two brains could capture better details than one. 
anyway he slides in the seat next to yours in the back of the room with a snarky grin on his face. he always had that dumb snarky grin. you pull down your plaid pleated skirt a little more over your knees. sister helena smiles at the both of you while passing out the question sheet and a couple of pencils. Soobin grabs it before you. not that you were racing to get it anyway. You saw him concentrating to write, must’ve been hard for him since he does little to no work. Then you realized he was writing his name and you wondered if how he even made it to senior year. 
it was your turn to write your name on the paper so you did so quickly before the movie started. you weren’t even 10 minutes into the movie before soobin began laughing and goofing off with his friends in the front of him. Sister helena shot you a severe look signaling the fact that she wanted you two to tone it down. but why did she address you and not soobin?
you nudge him on the arm. 
“hey quit it. sister helena is going to give us an F if you keep going”.
“and what does that have to do with me?”. soobin snarls you roll your eyes. 
“it has a lot to do with you because if i get a bad grade over you It’s going to be a serious problem”.
soobin laughs as if to say, ‘yeah right’. it only made you angrier. soobin tilts his head at you. you were kinda cute in a way. he never really looked at you before like he had now. he acted as if he were looking elsewhere and placed his hand on your knee. you flinch.
“soobin?-- what are you doing?”. 
you ask pushing his hand off. he does this sheepish grin that makes him the cutest but you didn’t want to admit it. 
“come on. we’re in the back of the room. don’t you want to have some fun?”.
“we have an assignment to do you idiot”. he places his hand on your knee again, only he raises it a bit more, dragging up your skirt a little. you had to admit, his hands felt nice. 
“you’re so worried about this assignment. trust me. I’ll make sure we have the answers even if we weren’t paying attention”.
your nerves ran endlessly as he dragged his fingers higher, now reaching the top of your thighs. you were grateful that you two were in the back of the room and that the table you two shared was enough to cover his movements. 
“s-s-soobin i don’t think we should”. you stuttered. it was weird how you forgot all the bad things about soobin as soon as he started touching you. He leans in your ear, 
“just relax. I’ll make you feel good i promise. have you ever been touched before?”.
no. and you would probably be the envy of the whole school if everyone knew who was waiting to touch you. 
“no i haven’t”. 
he ghosted his finger tips at the front of your panties, rubbing your slit lazily. you closed your eyes, feeling sorry for father benjamin and your confessions in advance. 
“you’re actually pretty cute”. soobin flirts with his lips still to your ear. you ignored his compliment letting him slip his fingers inside of your panties. he teases your clit with his fingertips before he touches it softly. 
you twitch and tap your foot so you wouldn’t be too suspicious to sister Helena. Not that she was paying you two any mind anyway. you don’t know what the hell gotten into you, but it was too late to stop it now. 
soobin scoots his seat closer to you and uses his other hand to grip his pencil in. He wanted to make he looked like he was doing as much work as possible. He pulled your panties back a bit more, using his finger to gently rub your clit in small circles. you shuddered. this was your first time experiencing something as mind blowing as this. 
with your priest of a father and religious mother you never had time to...explore. you finally saw what you were missing in life. soobin pauses his actions to spread your legs a little wider before he kept rubbing you. With each rub he’d do it more forcefully than the last. you bite your lips trying to detain any noises. it was hard though. 
“you’re so cute. you like getting your virgin pussy touched don’t you?”. soobin speaks in your ear with a low tone. he fastens the pace of his fingers feeling your puffy clit slick up in excitement. surges of electricity sprints through you. you pull your skirt over his hand. 
he casually pretends he’s watching tv and you’re suffering. If you don’t whimper, or wail, or anything you felt like you were going to explode in the next two seconds. He rubs you faster and you could feel your hips grinding against his fingers desparately. 
“don’t do that. fuck--you’re going to make me hard”. he warns in a casual whisper. you ignore him of course and clutch the table. you close your eyes and let his fingers slide through your pussy as you grinded. you opened your mouth hoping nothing came out. but you were in for a surprise when you created a small squeal by accident.
luckily though, no one but sister helena looked at you. With her pointer she pointed to the tv, meaning ‘pay attention or you will have detention’ . you’d sure liked to see her contain herself if she ever got fingered in the back of a classroom by a cute boy. but then again you wouldn’t like to see that, because  for a 50 year old woman that’d be fucking gross. 
soobin is chuckling lowly in your ear like the menace he was. “your pussy is so fucking wet holy shit”. 
you continue to bite your lips while he swiped your clit from side to side aggressively with three fingers. your heart pounded in your chest. you wanted to shriek, you wanted to scream but you couldn’t and it was killing you. 
you decided it was best that you left your small cries in the lowest volume as possible, only audible enough for soobin to hear. you were sopping through his fingers though. you panicked when you felt yourself pulse intensely. soobin grinned. he knew your were close. 
“that’s it, cum for me you little fucking saint”. he groaned in your ear. with your stuttering hips a wave of pressure came over you and you felt something leaking out of you. with your heavy breathing you had to come to terms with the fact that that was your first orgasm. 
holy shit.
the bell rung and classes ended and somehow someway you and soobin’s paper was full of answer by the time he turned it in. “Hey, you. come here I need to have a word with you”. sister helena grumbled looking directly at you. your heart raced. soobin gave you a small smirk before walking out the classroom. as almost if he was wishing you good luck. 
“I want to say that choi soobin is very misbehaved. But i am so glad I paired him with you. I’ve never saw him complete a whole paper his whole time here and this is his senior year here. hey, if you don’t mind i think i’d like to pair you two more often. Is that alright with you?”. she smiles. 
you blink. not believing what the hell you were hearing. 
“yes why not?”. you blurt out laughing playfully for good measure. 
“good good! I know what to do now. Have a nice day!”. you bow to her hoping she does as well. you walk out the classroom to see soobin standing on the wall next to the door smiling down at you like an idiot.
“what?”. you scoff. 
“have you ever had sex before?”. he asks casually as if he were asking you what your favorite cereal was. you shake your head no. 
“no. why?”. 
“do you want to?”. 
“what makes you think i’d want to do it with you? you’ve probably had sex with the whole school by now”. 
you scoff again walking away. he chases after you. 
“if that’s what you think then boy you’d be surprised by the truth”. 
“why are you even bothering? I’m a virgin it’s not like i’m some slut who can pleasure you and actually know what I’m doing”. 
“I can teach you”. he says confidently. 
“It’s your senior year. I’m sure you don’t want to be a virgin for long. I mean, you can agree to let me teach you or i’d just might have to tell poor father benjam--”.
“alright! soobin. no need to go that far”. you adjust your backpack strap. 
“I’ll let you teach me. but where?”.
“my parents are having a church meeting tomorrow night. Meet me at my house around 7″.
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bright-molina · 3 years
Cross My Heart: A History
Intermission: In which you can’t help but recall your history with Bobby and everything you went through. Always side by side.
aka “We interrupt this program”
word count: 2144
warnings: brief and kinda vague implications of parents dying/leaving
a/n: So here’s today’s episode of Cross My Heart. Really this a look into the relationship with Bobby and why it means as much as it does. It’s a little different but I thought it would be nice insight. Enjoy!
*flashbacks are in italics
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The silence in the car was deafening.
It never was.
Especially not with Bobby, Carrie, and Kayla. Especially after a show. This was different though.
It was a small car but Bobby had made sure to put as much distance between the two of you as possible. Your thoughts drifted as you stared out the window, driving the very familiar routes with ease.
It was dark and your head was buried in your knees but you knew who it was immediately. You could feel the opposite end of the couch sink a little and peeked up for just a moment.  
The last few months in that big, old home had been difficult but nearly every night without fail Bobby found you sitting in the living room in the spot closest to the window. He knew of the nightmares you had well enough.
“I can’t -” Your voice shook and he shifted to look at you. “I can’t remember what he sounded like.”
The two of you had been kids at the time. Six year old kids who had gone through way too much. More than anyone should have to.
The silence was loud and tense and finally Bobby sighed and admitted something to you. “I-I don’t remember what mine sounded like either.”
Months had passed and the two of you had developed your own little routine. Bobby hated talking about his reasons for being there but you needed to talk about yours. He let you talk as much or as little as you wanted to and listened every single time without fail.
This time, though, he moved closer and the shaky exhale he let out was much like your own. “That’s okay though. You have me. And I promise I will talk so much that you’ll forget what everybody else sounds like.”
It had worked. You laughed through the tears streaming down your cheeks and for the first time in months you actually felt okay.
“Hey,” Kayla’s voice broke you out of your thoughts as you pulled into her driveway. She’d noticed you going through the motions and had tried her hardest to avoid saying anything until now. “It’ll be okay, I promise.”
“Will it?” Your voice was quiet, barely audible to her over the music playing through the radio. One glance in the rearview mirror revealed Carrie and Bobby having their own hushed conversation.
“Of course it will,” Kayla sounded positive and you were tempted to believe her. “You’ve gotten through harder things.”
She gave your hand a reassuring squeeze before getting out of the car, making you promise to text her later. You only nodded, her words ringing loud in your head.
“I heard you.”
“Heard me what?”
Even at just over seven years old you knew what was happening well enough. It was only a matter of time. For both of you.
“You sounded good.”
Bobby knew what you meant then. You watched the grin on his face fall and you quickly shook your head, sitting up a little taller in your usual place by the window.
“I’m serious,” You moved over a bit, a silent invitation for him to join you. “I didn’t know you could sing. And - and the guy said you could have one of those guitars he always brings with him.”
“I didn’t know either,” Bobby sat down in the spot beside you and stared at the empty space in front of him. “He said it's red. Said it’s waiting at -” You watched the smile grow on his face again. “At home.”
The two of you talked until the sun went down. Like you always did. It wasn’t until you were walking to the kitchen side by side that it really hit you. Bobby was leaving.
“I’ll come see you,” He promised after asking you what was wrong. Of course he noticed. He always did.
“No,” You shook your head and gave a sigh then. “My da -” The word caught in your throat but you powered through. “My dad's sister, my aunt, came to see me the other day when you were gone. She said nobody ever told her but she’s moving here now and next week I’m moving in with her.”
Bobby frowned, dropping the fork on his plate and leaning forward against the table. “You didn’t tell me.”
“I didn’t know how,” You shrugged easily. Too easily.
“You can always tell me anything.”
And though the chatter all around you was loud, all you could hear was him and the single thought swimming in your head.
You copied his movements and leaned forward just as he had. “Can I tell you a secret then?”
“I won’t tell anyone.”
“I’m gonna miss you,” For a second you debated stopping there. But then his serious look turned into a gentle smile and you sighed before admitting, “You’re my best friend and I’m gonna miss you.”
Bobby nodded and finally picked up his fork, continuing with his dinner as you did the same. Just moments later when you were distracted enough he returned the gesture. “I’m gonna miss you too.”
“Move over.”
You jumped at the sound of Carrie’s voice in your ear and turned to look at where she was leaning forward on the center console. “What?”
“Move over, I’m driving.” She repeated, staring at you until you opened the drivers side door. While you walked around the front of the car, Carrie climbed across the center console until she was settled in the seat.
The moment you closed the passenger door she started driving. For a little while she said nothing, simply glancing back and forth between you and Bobby, both of you staring out opposite windows.
“I’m positive it’s gonna be okay, you know,” Carrie looked at you as she stopped at a red light, putting the music up to hide the conversation you were having.
“Kayla said the same thing,” You shook your head, cracking a smile for just a second before it faded. “How do you know?”
“Because you’re Y/N and Bobby,” Carrie said it so easily that you couldn’t help but look at her and believe her. “Things have always worked out in your favor.”
You stood on the sidewalk in front of a house that was apparently brand new. At least it was to you. Your Aunt Sofie talked loudly on a phone held to her ear as she lifted your few bags out of the trunk of her car.
She spoke big, angry words you didn’t understand the meaning of and constantly adjusted the tight ponytail her hair was in. But when she looked at you it was with a kind smile. One that made you believe you’d be okay there.
“Don’t worry about that,” She told you when you asked her about the phone call. “Just some work stuff. Now come on, let’s go get you settled.”
She had offered you her hand but before you could take another step somebody called your name. You looked at her and she looked at you and it took a moment to realize your name hadn’t come from either of you.
Your eyes narrowed in the direction of the voice and you really couldn’t believe your eyes.
“What are you doing here?” You and Bobby shouted at the same time, you confused and him excited. There were three people with him: the man from the other day, a woman frowning at her phone as she typed away angrily, and a girl around your age.
They all stopped on the sidewalk while he ran and practically tackled you onto the floor.
“I live that way,” He waved behind him down the street and you were sure the shock on your face was obvious.
You pointed at the house behind you just as he had, “I live here.”
The two of you laughed together and barely paid any attention as your Aunt Sofie walked over and introduced herself to Bobby’s family.
“Oh!” He left you for only a few seconds before coming back, dragging the girl along with him. “This is Carrie.”
“I can introduce myself,” She huffed at Bobby, who only smiled and rolled his eyes, before turning to you with a grin. “I’m Carrie.”
“Y/N.” You returned the smile and you were positive then. Everything had worked out okay. It was perfect and despite everything else, it would all be okay. 
It would always be as long as Bobby was there beside you.
Bobby couldn’t get out of the car fast enough.
Carrie had only just shut it off before he was all but sprinting inside without so much as a look back. Your phone vibrated in your pocket again but you paid it no mind. You knew exactly who it was and you had no intention of answering him now. There were other problems to think of at the moment.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” You sighed, letting your head fall back against the seat as your thoughts finally went quiet.
“No tomorrow. You’re crazy if you think I’m leaving you alone right now,” Before you could ask her what she meant she got out of the car and ran for your side, opening your door and dragging you out.
“Care no, I can’t be here right now,” You insisted, not budging from where you stood.
“Of course you can,” Carrie held your hands in hers, forcing you to look at her. There was a serious look on her face as she stared at you. “This is home. We’re home and I’m not letting you leave.”
“I’m not letting you leave.”
“You can’t make me stay.”
“Maybe,” Your admission made Bobby turn around to look at you. The anger on his face was obvious but it didn’t stop you from moving towards him. It never did.
Carrie watched the interaction closely as you left her side, wondering briefly if you would be able to get through to him where she couldn’t.
“But I’m not gonna let you be alone right now, either of you. So if you leave, we leave.”
“Why do you care?” He didn’t mean the words but he couldn’t stop them. “You don’t have to care. Nobody does. No one ever has to care.”
Knowing why he felt that way didn’t make it easier to hear.
Their mom - Lori - had left when they least expected it. And their dad, as hard as he tried, was still unable to leave tour to come back to them. There they were, two thirteen year old's suddenly on their own one morning. It was enough to make them feel as terrible as they had years ago.
“This is your home, Bobby,” You motioned all around your own living room, the space the three of you had been staying in for the past few days.
Pictures of you, him, Carrie, and Kayla were scattered around in mismatched picture frames. A jar filled with spare guitar picks sat on the counter. Recordings of old home performances were collected on dvd’s under the tv.
But you weren’t talking about any of those things.
“We are your home,” You caught him when he practically collapsed into you upon hearing your words and how serious you were. His body shook and soft cries escaped him for the first time since the week before. “We’re your home and I’m not letting you leave.”
“I should’ve never answered those stupid messages,” Your head dropped and you shut your eyes tightly, trying your hardest to keep your composure. It wasn’t working. “It was a mistake.”
“It wasn’t,” Carrie thought of the moment they’d interrupted back at the venue. Of how intimate it seemed. Of how completely and utterly happy you looked. That was a look she’d never seen before. “Mistakes were made but messaging him wasn’t one of them.”
Carrie could tell you didn’t believe her and she didn’t blame you. It was hard right now and she could understand the doubt you felt. She knew those feelings well enough.
“Come on,” She locked her arm with yours and pulled you close as she led you inside the house. “You guys will be okay. It might take a while but you’ll get there.”
You weren’t sure who she was referring to but you didn’t ask.
The walk you made to her room was silent and familiar and comfortable. It wasn’t until you passed Bobby’s room that your thoughts started running wild again and the twisting nerves returned.
“Hey,” Carrie noticed you tense right away and she was quick to shut the door behind her. Your phone started vibrating again and this time she took it. You watched as she frowned at the screen, silenced the ringer, and stuffed it under a pillow. “I’m right here for you. Okay?”
“Yeah,” You nodded and took a deep breath, giving her the best smile you could manage at the moment. “Okay.”
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Everything: @meangirlsx​ @theolivekiddo​ @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ @s-h-a-d-o-w-s​ @fangirlangioma​ @jaskiers-sweetkiss​ @babychickanon​ @goddess-of-night​​ @n0wornever​ @calamitykaty​ @hellophantoms​ @funsizearsonist​ @crybabyddl​​ @txrii​ @sunsetcurvej​ @willex-owns-my-heart​ @angryknightstatesmantrash​ @all-in-fangirl​
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donutloverxo · 4 years
So sorry
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Summary- You max out Steve's credit card. Will you be able to make upto him?
Warnings- smut, daddy kink, deep throating, spanking
Pairing- Steve Rogers x brat!reader
Word count- 2k
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You took a deep breathe, sipping from your champagne flute, scrunching your nose at the bitter taste of it. Why people liked alcohol you’ll never understand. In your opinion if something isn’t sweet then it doesn’t taste good.
You smiled stealing glances at the huge diamond chandelier above you. You tried your best to conceal your amazement, you didn’t want to seem as if you didn’t belong there. Until now you had only seen other people own designer bags and brands. You were from a simple middle class family and still a student who never really had any money of her own.
You figured you’ll never own a chanel bag or a cartier love bracelet, they were ridiculously overpriced anyway and totally not worth it, but you still felt drawn to them. They were always out of reach. Until Steve that is.
When you started dating him you never expected to have him buy you such amazing presents. He seemed like a simple minimalistic guy. But judging from your big fat tiffanys engagement ring, and many other things he has bought for you, being an avenger apparently paid well.
He gave you his credit card for your expenses and ‘some fun' like three months into your relationship. You never really used it. You didn’t want to take advantage of him, he already did so much for you and took such good care of you. But now that you were practically married, his money was your money. So maybe you can buy that Hermes bag which costs more than your rent? He asked you to ‘don’t go too crazy with it’ Would four thousand dollars really be that crazy?
“Look at the material on this. It’s made of lamb skin” Stacey gushed feeling the baby pink bag on her fingers.
She was the root cause of your crazy shopping spree. She practically forced you to spend so much money, you’re not even sure how much damage you’ve done in total but you know it’s pretty bad. She was a victorias secret model who had legs that went on for days and brown skin as clear as crystal. She was also Tony's new flame, unlike you she didn’t really have to worry about the bill.
“It goes so well with your hair!” she raved clapping her hands and looking at you as if you’re the most adorable thing she’s ever seen.
“I can’t” You whined resisting the urge to pout, that only works on Steve. “I’ve already spent so much. Maybe next month” You tried to reason more with yourself than her.
“Oh girl” She tsked you moving closer to you to whisper “I’m sure you can find some way to make up to Steve. He’s too whipped for you to care anyway”
You grinned at that. He was a lovestruck fool. It was so warming to know that you inspired that kind of passion in him. “how would I take care of him?” You frowned. You don’t really make any money. You will after you get a job but it still wouldn’t be nearly as much as Steve. You looked at her deadpanned face and then it dawned on you “oh” you breathed.
“Yeah” She nodded “now put your money where your mouth is. Men are easy to control, you’ll learn soon enough” She winked as you handed over Steve’s credit card to the cashier. You were happy to have such a beautiful bag, but you couldn’t ignore that nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach. Were you nervous or excited? You couldn’t decide.
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You hurriedly punched in the code for yours and Steve’s suite in the Avengers tower, your birth year, opening and closing the door with your foot, your hands were too occupied carrying the loads of bags. You planned to hide your clothes and bags but you were too late.
There he was, the love of your life, the apple of your eye, your future husband, sitting on the couch, his left leg crossed over the right one. He looked at you as you gave him a nervous smile, pathetically trying to hide the bags under the dining table.
You slipped over to him kneeling to his side on the couch, it was time to butter him up “I missed you so much Stevie” You squealed hugging his bicep and nuzzling your nose into his cheek. He opened his mouth to say something, but you captured his lips in a bruising kiss. You slipped your tongue into his mouth, massaging his tongue with yours. You moaned into his mouth, knowing how much he liked it when you made those sinful amazing noises. You straddled his lap pressing your titts onto his chest chest as you trailed kisses down his jaw and neck. He pulled you closer to him, if that was even possible, by your waist.
“Wait” He said but didn’t stop you from sucking on his earlobe. He sternly said your name which made you freeze. You could be cute with Steve all you like but when the captain comes out, you know you’re in trouble.
You pulled away looking into his bright blue eyes and fluttering your new eyelash extensions. “Looks like you had fun” He said looking at your bags which were somewhat visible from the couch.
You grabbed his chin to make him look at you, oh how much you wanted to kiss that frown away but you can’t be too obvious. “I did daddy” you rolled your hips against his, pleased with the way his breathe hitched.
He held onto your hips to stop your ministrations “I got a call from the bank. You maxed out my credit card princess”
You whined wanting to stomp your foot but you can’t, not from this angle “But you said I could buy whatever I want”
“I also told you to be responsible with it. Just because we have money doesn’t mean we should be so careless with it” He reasoned.
You had to really fight the urge to roll your eyes. He was probably right but you weren’t going to admit that, not right away anyway. Instead you rolled your hips one more time, ignoring the way he called your name again.
You smirked when you felt his erection poking your thigh. You remembered the first time you felt it, after a heavy make out session, you hadn’t seen it but were so ridiculously afraid to fit him inside you.
You knelt before him as he stared at you, stalking your every move. You spread his knees making room for yourself between them and went to work on unzipping him.
“You can’t just get on your knees whenever you want to get your way” He sighed putting his hand over yours.
“Do you want to see my new bra?” You wondered. You unzipped your dress pushing the straps down to reveal your pale blue satin push up bra with a little bow in the middle, as if you were a present to be unwrapped. You could see him swallow, his fists clenching so hard, his knuckles turned white
You smirked at the small victory taking him out of his briefs and kissing the tip “Hello there little soilder. Did you miss me?” you pressed an open mouth kiss to his tip.
He bucked his hips up hissing at you “You played with him just last night” He said and cringed at his own words. You laughed covering your mouth with your hand. You had successfully infected him with your ridiculousness.
“Ooh” You cooed lapping up his precome before swallowing him whole, fitting whatever you could in your mouth. Over your relationship you had gotten better at taking him in your mouth but you still couldn’t fit all of him. He never really let you spend too much time on your knees anyway.
He bunched your hair up into a ponytail, probably to get a better look at your face. “No” You said pulling him out of your mouth, pushing his hand away from your hair “I just got it blow dried” you complained, his cum and your lipgloss smeared all over your lips and his cock.
“You’re such a brat” He grumbled “off with this” he bent over to unhook your bra slipping it off and exposing your titts to him. You should’ve known, modern lingerie didn’t really interest Steve, he liked seeing you in simple comfortable nightgowns. He sucked one into his mouth as you tried to hold in a moan. You gasped as he bit it, releasing it with a pop as he sat back against the couch, watching you with glossy lust-filled eyes.
You sucked his ball pulling it with your lip as he massaged your titt. You pumped him with your hand as more of his come came out of his tip. You couldn’t resist, you had to get a taste so you placed him back in your mouth.
You could feel how close he was by the way his cock twitched in your mouth. Usually, you’d swallow him whole or make him come on your face or titts. It depends on his or your mood. But today you had a purpose. You pulled him out of your mouth, looking at him with your best puppy dog eyes “My jaw hurts, I need a break” You made of show of massaging your jaw. It did somewhat hurt but not enough to stop.
He made a sound that was somewhere between a moan and a cry. You looked at his angry red tip, looking as if it was about to burst. “It must be painful?” You asked stroking his length with your hand. He groaned desperately nodding his head “It is doll. Please”
“Well I can’t keep my daddy waiting” With that he was back in your mouth so deep that your nose almost touched his blonde curls. You swallowed around him as your tongue licked stripes up his slit. “Jesus Christ” He sweared holding onto your neck. Even if he was upset with you he wouldn’t mess with your hair. Not when it looked so pretty.
Abruptly he pushed your mouth off him. You looked at his red flushed face and neck as he rigorously stroked himself, spurts of his come landing on your titts. He groaned and moaned and cursed, holding onto your shoulder.
Finally he sat back against the cushions looking into your eyes as you gathered some of his cummies on your fingers before sucking on them. “So yummy” You moaned.
“What am I gonna do with you” He shook his head.
You smirked feeling as if you had won. You pulled a few tissue papers out of the box from the coffee table cleaning him up and pressing a kiss to his cock before tucking it back in his pants. “Just love me and spoil me. You wanna see what I bought? I could put on a show for your” You perked up at the opportunity of trying on your dresses for him. You knew you couldn’t get past the second dress, with the type of clothing you had bought, you were bound to get your pussy fucked raw at the end of it.
He hummed “Sure – but before that” Before you knew it he hauled you up, manhandling you and placing you over his knees. “you have to be punished” He stroked your ass over your panties warming you up “How much do you think you deserve? How about fifteen for every grand you spent” He delivered a slap over your panties before pulling them down.
It would be a long night and you would love every second of it.
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Tags- @patzammit @onetwo3000 @peaceinourtime82 @stargazingfangirl18 @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @navybrat817 @what-just-happened-bro @thehumanistsdiary @cheeseburgersstuff
Super cute pink divided by @whimsicalrogers
Please don't steal or repost my works. Reblogs are welcome.
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leviiattacks · 3 years
Two Faced | Chapter Three
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↳ levi ackerman, the very person who was about to kindly behead you by a surprising turn of events manages to become your loving husband? you would be elated if this was true love, but it's all thanks to a mysterious magic spell that your life is spared. for now at least.
pairing :: duke!levi x duchess!reader genre :: royal au, angst, fluff, slice of life etc word count :: 2.5k → click here for the next part !
The wind beats down on the bustling market and the scarf tied to your head which masks just how messy your hair is today flies away, neither you or Sasha realise as the street is scattered with stalls which bloom like flowers peeping out of rocky cement and the babbles of the citizens of the Asmye District are all you can hear. The Sun has begun to set ever so slightly, and the night is a convincing ruse to avoid anyone from noticing who exactly you are. Nobility such as yourself venturing down here is looked down upon.
Twisting and turning through the streets you both do your best to locate a specific man, balding and in his late thirties you have some unfinished business with him.
After a solid thirty minutes your goal is met in the form of his book store. Rubbing your eyes in disbelief you and Sasha sigh with relief and clap eachother's hands in triumph.
Now to get that refund.
Researching magic is a new past time of yours and you find it to be intriguing but you've been scammed into paying for a few useless storybooks. You admit it's your fault for hurriedly purchasing "A boy and his broom" and "The tales of seven witches" without checking the contents inside but you thought you could trust the review the owner gave you. The way he smiled reminded you of Mother and that was more than enough for you to make an immediate purchase.
"Four silver coins." You try to be assertive and when that doesn't work you bite your lip, thinking deeply before alternating to your puppy dog eyes.
The merchant looks away, a faint blush is spotted, swiftly you take it as your opportunity and plead "Please. Please. Please." Looking up at him through your lashes you rub your hands together expectantly. Eventually, he yields and hands over what he owes you begrudgingly.
"Sashaaa. I got the money." You joyfully exclaim. She looks a little disappointed that you've been begging for money but she's promised to not tell the Duke about what you do down here.
You're actually gathering emergency funds if you need to run away which is why any money being wasted is a big deal to you even if it's just four coins. Sasha doesn't know of the magic or the reason why you're collecting money and you want to keep it that way.
"Mmhm Next stop is the Emerald Silk merchants I'd like to invest in some of the silk and reserve it."
Sasha gives you another weird look. You know it's because the Duke owns the Emerald merchants and you may run the risk of being recognised, it would be far easier for you to simply ask Levi for the rolls of silk but you never know if he'll revert to his past self. The last thing you want is for him to behead you as soon as he returns purely because you've leeched off of him.
"Sometimes I find it hard to believe you're Duke Ackerman's wife and do not find the urge to spend money in the way you should." Sasha confesses.
As you both walk you respond "Well, what way should I be spending money?" you inquire.
"As if you've got a never ending supply. You're a duchess." She whisper shouts at you.
Patting at your head you feel around for your scarf and realise it's been blown away by the wind.
"Ah. Your scarf oh no." Sasha frantically looks around panicked and you wonder who on Earth she had to have been serving before you for her to be so on edge by this minor occurrence. It's a scarf, nothing of much value or importance to you.
"It's alright I never liked it. I'd much rather let my hair flow free." Releasing your hair from the cramped confines of the ponytail it's in you skip ahead of her letting your hair fall naturally.
"M-My lady PLEASE. You can't walk around with your hair out like that."
"No one will know who I am so long as you don't call me Duchess." you call over your shoulder.
Little do you know a certain someone already has your scarf in their hands eyeing you from the distance.
It takes a while for you and Sasha to navigate through the crowded streets but you end up finding your way and requesting to reserve the twenty two rolls of silk.
On your way out you eye the sign and wonder why you find the name Emerald to be so endearing. You wonder if he chose the name himself, you assume he did because he had consulted you on other variations too. Pearl, Diamond, Amber, but Emerald sounds sincere and sweet.
Your attention being placed so intently on the sign leads you into the hard body of a stallion. Thankfully, the horse is docile and doesn't mind.
"Miss with the pretty hair!"
The height difference means you have to shield your eyes with the palm of your hand as you look upwards towards the mystery man. A shining face is what you are met with and a cheeky grin is plastered across it. Choppy chestnut locks frames his face, he shines brighter than anyone you've met - Apart from Levi of course. No one outshines him in your books.
Is he a noble? You look to his stallion then to his high end, sophisticated garments. He must be.
Your scarf is in between his fingers and he dangles it in front of you.
"Is this yours my lady?"
"Oh, why it is thank you." he gently places it into you hands and you take a look at Sasha. You don't really feel like being found out by a noble today. The Duke's reputation would be in tatters if others of nobility were to catch you mingling with "common folk", that term makes your face twist. You despise it.
Nonetheless, It would be miserable if they saw you arguing passionately for your rightful refund of four silver coins when you resided within the walls of the Ackerman estate, you're sure four silver coins is petty change to Levi. It would be even worse if they eyed what exactly you were refunding.
Sasha senses your nerves and chimes in just in time. "Well, we must get going good Sir. We're running late for an event until next time!"
Taking your hand she leads you towards your carriage and you wave at the young man. With the same bright smile he waves back and calls out "Until next time ladies!" he seems menacing but in the manner of a mischievous younger sibling.
Once you and Sasha have escaped and are in the enclosed space of your carriage do you ask her questions.
"That man, Who was that?" you question.
Hushed Sasha whispers "I heard he's called the crazy bee." You chuckle at that witty nickname, his honey like expressions were sweet it did add up. "There's rumours he sticks it into anyone." Oh. My Lord. Your mouth gapes open. That nickname, it makes a whole lot more sense now given this perspective.
"Viscount Kirstein, A womaniser who's recently returned from studying abroad not too long ago. Best to stay away from him."
Makes sense, you have no recollection of who he is the only conclusion you can draw is that he has to be from abroad.
Your legs kiss your chest as you sit in the carriage curled up. From that point on the rest of the trip back is quiet as Sasha has unknowingly nodded off to sleep and you want her to rest. It irks you how the other staff members push her around despite her position as Head maid. The least you can do for your friend is let her sleep.
Smiling at her you cover her with your shawl and sit down content with how you've left her. You too are about to drift off to sleep.
That is until you see the Duke outside. You didn't tell him you were going to the market and he won't stop inquiring until you or Sasha let him know what's going on.
Quickly ducking out of view it's too late and your sudden movement has woken Sasha up too. Levi's seen you through the corner of his eyes for sure. Damn him and his senses. He hates back handed tricks and if you encounter his real personality you'll be in trouble.
He just had to decide to come out on tour today of all days??
The carriage halts to a stop and Sasha exits making sure the door is closed, you hear her giving one of the Duke's knights a lukewarm excuse as to why she's out supposedly alone in a noble's carriage. Guilt fills you, she's always covering on your behalf.
"You there, stop." The Duke's icy voice enters the scene, seconds of silence pass, you're holding your breathe. It feels like the first time he came hunting for you.
Out of nowhere he flings the carriage door open.
Oh no, there's too many people outside. You can't be seen on the floor of a carriage with your hair out like this. No Duchess can be caught dead this way.
Without a seconds thought you yank him inside shielding yourself from the view of any outsiders, the door echoes closed.
There's an exchange of heavy breathing and just as you're about to look up at him with a brazen smile you realise he's drawn his sword out on you at a furious speed, it's dangerously close to the nape of your neck. His body is tensed up and so is yours. Huh. This feels...different.
"I thought I was being attacked by a mutt." he spits out, his brows are furrowed, the veins in his neck throb, stance wide, his teeth are bared. A mutt? This feels hostile, lips pressed together in a fine line your heart stops beating for a second.
"My Lord...?" you meekly call out to him.
Then out of nowhere he seemingly snaps out of it.
"I'm sorry." He releases you from the compromising position "I didn't even notice it was you my love. Are you hurt by an chance?" He's back to his usual self and is panicking checking every part of you, ensuring he hasn't left a scratch.
Hugging you warmly his embrace soothes you automatically and you feel the relief course through your system, of course he's on guard he's the Duke and he's out on tour after all.
"I'm fine." You quickly explain your reasoning for hiding and he nods "So, could you give a random excuse to the knights? I just didn't wish to lose my dignity so soon. You know the Duchess on the floor of her carriage with her hair like this." You laugh airily pointing at the birds nest on your head.
"You look beautiful either way. But I'll do as you please." And he leaves after gently pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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Later that night you're getting ready for a good nights rest. The Duke has yet to return, he's always caught up in his duties and noble activities, You wish he'd take the time to relax. Hard work and dedication to his people is an ethic of his he'll never give up on.
He always gives you the option to excuse yourself from partaking in noble activities. The only real reason as to why you don't ever venture outside with him and are yet to make a public appearance together is fear. Fear that he'll wake up one day and throw you away.
You want to make it easy for him if he ever decides to do that. He won't have to erase your existence if you don't make yourself known.
Tossing and turning you shiver, something feels off. You've been feeling that way since he drew his sword against you earlier today. The way he looked at you, it's reminiscent of the first time you looked into those feline eyes. Once bright and full of life they had become charcoal and devoid of any distinct emotion, the duality between his two forms makes your breath falter.
Being reminded that the Levi you know and love isn't real only gets harder as time passes. It's all overthinking and being pointlessly anxious but it still gnaws at your mind at least once a day. He is all you have and he is all you will have until he too turns on you. Just like everyone else.
Suddenly, the acidity of the situation settles into every part of your being, you can't have anything can you? All the love you've ever received is short term - only available for intermittent periods of time.
You feel bitter tears pricks at the edges of your eyes. You want to control yourself, act with jurisdiction over your body, so you do. No tears are shed.
Later that night you awake. Rubbing at your eyes you stir in bed, and eventually one of your splayed arms feels Levi's solid form next to you. Half awake you shift to put an arm over his chest, drawing him in closer he squirms at your touch. That's when you feel a harsh iron grip on your wrist, it's bruising.
That alone is enough for you to become undone from your drowsy state. Opening your eyes you're met with an expansion of cold emptiness.
"Lev...? Whatever is the matter?" Innocent gaze staring at your husband you act oblivious purposefully. Your heart hammers in your chest, and you find that shocking. You're surprised that it hasn't failed yet. Hope is the only instrument fueling it.
Levi is no longer present, in his absence you are face to face with a rock hard glare, the fire in his eyes is also felt by you. The man who almost murdered you in cold blood months prior shows no signs of changing his previous choice, this whole situation is damp. If this were a movie this would be your last scene.
His fury is wordless but it vibrates and makes its presence known. There's a vortex of resentment brewing inside of his chest.
Everything is a blur, breaking down you hear nothing from Levi. You don't feel his warm palms at your cheeks, or his thumb swiping your tears away, this isn't one of your nightmares.
He's disgusted even touching the surface of your skin, it scalds him having to touch someone as morally impure as yourself. Releasing the hold he has on your wrist he tosses your arm away forcibly.
"Refer to me with that name once more and I'll see to it that your neck is snapped in two. Fucking Brat." His voice curls into a low hiss.
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write-orflight · 4 years
Trouble: Chapter 1
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*Gif not mine*
Pairings: HotchxReader
Rating: M
Words: 2K
Warnings: Basic witch stuff. Sex talk
Summary: After Haley’s passing, Aaron Hotchner has lost the light in his eyes. He seems to find it it the most unlikely of places, an occult themed coffee shop ran by a witch.
A.N: Tarot and Crystal information is very secondhand if you see any inaccuracies, no you don’t
Chapter one: Got so much to prove. 
Virginia wasn’t necessarily in your top five places to open your shop. 
In fact, you wouldn’t even say it was your top ten. 
But you knew better than to question the process, life never led you anywhere you didn’t need to go. Quantico wasn’t that bad either, at least it was in a good school district. 
You wake up to tiny fingers tapping on your forehead, you smile slightly opening your eyes to see your daughter's almond colored eyes staring back at you. 
“Artie…” You say, trying to be the scolding mother you were supposed to be. You were never like that though, your daughter was too cute to be mad at sometimes. “What’s the rule?” 
“Not to wake you unless it’s an emergency because you might be projecting.” She says, stumbling over the words the way six year olds seem to do “But it is an emergency, mama.” 
“And what emergency is it this time?” 
“I want pancakes before school.” She smiles, you can’t help but grin back at her. 
“That’s not an emergency, Bean.” You say, flicking her nose lightly, she giggles at the action. “However, pancakes do sound good right now. Chocolate chip?” You ask standing, she nods excitedly, arms stretched fully for you to pick her up which you happily obliged. You knew the days where she wouldn’t want to be picked up were fast approaching so you held on tight as long as you could. 
After a batch of messily made pancakes, you strap your daughter into her booster seat and make your way to her school. Most days, you were opening up at the shop so you didn’t get to take her to school which was why you were very appreciative of the times you could. You drive in silence for a second until your daughter pipes from the back.
“Hey, mama?” 
“What’s up, bean.” you ask.
“Why don’t you have any friends?” 
Wow, cutting deep this morning, Artie. You think. “What do you mean? I have friends, Auntie Silly, Auntie Lola. And I have you! My very best friend!” 
“But you don’t have a Boyfriend.” She says, emphasizing the boy in boyfriend.  
“First of all, who taught you what that means?” You say, looking in the rearview mirror at your daughter 
“I don’t know what it means.” She shrugs. “Auntie Silly just said it’s been a while since you’ve had a boyfriend and gotten any. What does that mean, mama?”   
“Means we need to have a conversation with Auntie Silly about what’s appropriate to say in front of you.” You say, rolling your eyes. Silena never did have a filter. You go to park in the drop off lane. Turning to your child.  “And while I appreciate your concern, I’ve got everything I need right here.” You say, reaching back pinching her cheek. “Now, left palm please.” She opens her hand automatically, knowing the drill at this point as you slip the Sodalite crystal into her hand. She closes her palm around it. “What do you say when accepting?” 
“My mind is open to new information!” She says, excitedly. She slips the stone into her pocket and hops out of the car. 
“Learn something, Artemis!” You yell after her. She turns briefly to wave as you drive off. 
You walk into Hallowed Grounds a little later stopping at your apartment to change. Your green hair in a sleek ponytail, wearing a simple black v-neck and olive green pants. As you walk in. you’re greeted by a mostly empty shop which you expected as the morning rush is typically gone by this time. Your best friend Silena, leaning against the counter bored, perks up when you walk in. Salem, the black cat who lives in the cafe, is surprisingly lively and rubs against your leg when you enter. You reward him with a pet as you walk behind the counter. 
“Hey, how was your morning off?” Silly asks. 
“Pretty good, until my daughter told me that Auntie Silly said I needed a boyfriend and I hadn’t gotten any in a while.” You turn to see Silena’s extremely guilty face. “Know anything about that?” 
“I may have been talking on the phone to Lo while I was babysitting last week. In my defense, I didn’t think she could hear me.” 
“We’ve talked about this, Sil. Artie’s smart, she soaks things up like a sponge. You’ve gotta watch what you say and secondly, Why are you and Lola discussing my love life in the first place?” 
“Uh, maybe because there’s nothing to discuss.” You roll your eyes, starting to clean out the pots, Silena helps alongside you, rinsing out the grinders. “Think about it, Y/N, when’s the last time you’ve been on a date?” 
“I don’t have time to date, I’ve got Artie and the shop…” You trail off. “I don’t know if a boyfriend’s in the cards right now.”   
Silena looks excitedly at you. “Let’s find out if he’s in the cards right now.” She says scurrying to the corner of your store, grabbing a tarot deck of one of the shelves before settling on one of the bar chairs you had set along the bar counter of the shop. “Tarot reading, right now.” She says, already shuffling. You push back. 
“Silena come on, not now.” 
“No, you come on.” She counters. “I haven’t done a good reading in a while, and if it’s truly not in the cards for you I’ll stop bothering you about it. Scout’s honor.” She says in mock salute. 
You roll your eyes. “You’ll really let it go?” You ask, she nods enthusiastically. “Fine.” You say as she shuffles the cards. She giggles, child-like. You guys were slow anyway, what’s a small tarot reading to you. 
“Now you have to be serious and ask like you actually care and want to know the answers. The cards don’t like mockery” she says, handing you the deck to cut it.
“I know, Sil.” You finish cutting the deck into 3 piles. “Is new love in my future?” You ask, seriously before letting go. Silena grabs the deck and starts pulling. 
The first card is Two of Cups. 
The second card is the Ace of Cups.
Silena practically squeals, you don’t know why. 
The third card she pulls is The Devil. Which only makes her squeal more. 
“Sil…” you say hesitantly. 
“Relax, big baby. The devil isn’t inherently a bad card. It depends on what the rest of your reading is. Plus, he’s balanced so that’s good.This is a really good pull, extremely good actually.” She smiles. “So I’m sure you know this is past, present, future. The Two of Cups means that you’ve actually already met someone you have a potential strong connection to. And the Ace of Cups means should you choose to pursue it, it can become a long lasting love, I’m talking Marriage long.” Silena says, before picking up the devil card. “And this bad boy right here means the sex is going to be wild.” She emphasizes. You can’t help the flush that spreads across your cheeks. “I mean, crazy, sensual, amazing sex. Don’t look at me like that, we were roommates in college. I know exactly what you’re into. Unfortunately” She adds, smiling wildly at you. “Claim it! Claim it now.” 
You clear your throat, still flushing. “I am grateful and claim this reading for me. Thank you.” You say to the cards, knowing that it’s best to thank your cards no matter the reading. Silena puts the card away before grabbing her bag. 
“I’ve got to go, Mike’s taking me to Donnatello’s tonight.” She says. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll get wild sex too tonight.” She says winking at you. You wave after her before resuming what you were doing before. 
You’ve been in the shop for hours now, you had a pretty decent rush but for the most part you were slow today. Around 7 PM you notice a familiar face come in. 
“Hey Doc!” You say as the lanky doctor saunters in. “I thought I told you I’m not selling you coffee this late anymore, you’ll never get to sleep.” 
“Right now that’s a good thing.” He says, sighing. “We’ve got a rough case right now and it’s looking like we’re all pulling an all-nighter so I offered to run for coffee.” He says handing you a list of coffee orders. 
“Aw, can I ask what’s got you working so late?” You ask, looking over the list, getting to work. A white mocha for Derek, Caramel macchiato for Emily, Earl Grey for JJ, Americano extra sugar for Spencer, Iced Caramel mocha for Penelope. Simple enough. 
“Missing kids, time’s winding down on us.” He says, you pout, you had a soft spot for kids after having your own.
“I’m sorry.” You say. “Can I offer you some chalcopyrite? Helps find lost items.” You add. 
Spencer shakes his head. “I don’t think a stone will be necessary.” 
You narrow your eyes at him. “I know you don’t believe but the extra help couldn’t hurt. I’ll bless it for you though, just in case.” 
You and Spencer make idle chat while you make the drinks. “I met your boss the other day.” 
“Hotch?” he asks, you nod.
“Is he…” You didn’t know how to ask this without seeming like a weirdo. “Is he...ok? I didn’t have much of an interaction with him but his Aura is very dark, like he’s suffered loss or something, I don’t know.” 
“That actually does make sense.” He says. “He lost his ex wife a couple months back and his son lost his mom. Killed in her house, incredibly sad. I think he still blames himself.” Spencer tells you. 
You look sadly, you knew there was a reason something was telling you to protect this man. You had only just met him and you gave him a powerful protective stone for internal battles. You had felt he was fighting grief but not grief that big. 
“Will you bring him a coffee, if I make it?” You say, Spencer nods letting you get back to work. 
Spencer walks back into the office, coffee in tow. Immediately, everyone greets him with grateful looks. 
“Thanks! Was y/n working?” Emily says, grabbing her cup. 
“Yea, so you know it’s good.” Spencer says. “She said to tell you to come visit.” 
“I know, I never have the time to get over there.” She adds. Spencer nods before grabbing the cup y/n had indicated was for Hotch. He steadily made the walk up the stairs to his office, rapping lightly on the open door. Hotch signaled for him to come in and wait while he finished up a phone call. Once done, he looked at Spencer and the cup. 
“I didn’t order coffee.” He says, bluntly. 
“I know, sir. Y/N insisted on making one for you.” He said sitting the cup down on his desk. Hotch examined it. On it was a drawing of the dwarf, Grumpy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Agent GG in her script. Hotch smelled the cup, he knew it wasn’t regular black coffee. It smelled too sweet and nutty for that. He took a sip, tentatively. Fuck that was good and he definitely needed to ask her what it was for next time. 
“Why?” He asked. “Did she tell you?” 
Spencer shook his head. “Honestly, I stopped asking why Y/N does anything a while ago. But she did tell me to tell you to come back and see her, she wants to see if the crystal is working for you.” Spencer’s eyes immediately zeroed in on the clear quartz that had now taken permanent residence on his desk. He didn’t know why he kept it. He didn’t believe in that stuff but for some reason it made the work less stressful and less energy draining but most importantly, it made him think of you. You’d never know it but you had taken permanent residence in his head as well. “You took a crystal from her?” 
Hotch cleared his throat, awkwardly. “Yea, why?” 
Spencer shrugged. “It just doesn’t seem like something you’d do.” He said before walking out. 
He was right. This wasn’t something Hotch would do. But It seemed like you were becoming his personal contradiction. 
Taglist: @megatrexus @roses-and-grasses​
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yutahoes · 3 years
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Yuta Nakamoto x Reader (Y/N) Smut
(Chapter Ten)
Summary: 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐰𝐚 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝.𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐚’𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬.
Warning:   Filthy Sex(?) , Teasing, Unprotected Sex
Word Count: 2.9k
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️
10. Buddy
(Y/N) was surprised to see a black car in front of their home. What is Yuta doing here this early? She knocked on the driver's seat and saw the guy waking up, he slept here? She knocked once again and he opened the window after getting breath mints from his compartment and even brushing his unruly hair. "What are you doing here?" she asked, eyebrow raised in question. Did he stay all night here? "I passed by this morning and decided to check on you," he claimed but she just eyed him curiously. It was the same clothes he wore last night and he had a faint stubble on his chin, he really did sleep here. "Are you wearing a guy's clothes?" he asked then opened the door to fully look at her.
She was wearing Jungwoo's hoodie and sweatpants that she borrowed when she stayed over. Luckily, Lucas was out because of his modeling gig and just got home in the morning when she decided to leave to give the two some privacy. "Do you want to come inside?" she asked and he just gave her an incredulous look. She's really inviting a man to her home after the last night's events? "I think my dad has a shaver and some clothes that you can use," she claimed then opened the door to their tiny home.
Yuta was surprised at the size of their house, it's almost just as big as his office. She showed him the comfort room after taking away some of her things and tidying it up a bit. "Strip," she ordered that made him look at her in question. Did he hear her correctly? She wanted him to take off his clothes? "I have to laundry your clothes." she reasoned out but he's still hesitant that made her chuckle. "It's not like I haven't seen it before." She claimed and he sighed. She is indeed right. With no choice, he started removing his shirt and pants revealing his boxers and a hard-on that made her gulp. Damn it, why is he so turned like this? After last night? Really? (Y/N) handed him a towel and he wrapped it on his waist before removing the boxers and putting it on the soiled clothes. She gestured to the comfort room which he followed.
Damn it, Yuta thought. Why is this girl ordering him around like this? He wanted to punish her for being dominant like this, make her beg while slapping her ass real hard. Make her kneel while begging for his cock to enter her mouth. And choke her while crying for mercy. But the visual is too much for him that he started cumming in the bathroom while holding on to the tiles for support. Damn it, his sexual frustration with this girl is getting out of hand. He wanted her so bad. To his amusement, the said girl knocked on the door. "The shaver and clothes are here, I'll just leave..." but he opened the door, revealing his naked body dripping wet. "Yah!" she shouted. "It's not like you haven't seen it before." he mocked in the same tone she used earlier and she rolled her eyes at that. Oh damn, the things he wanted to do to this brat. But he needed to stop himself, that's different from what he really wanted to do.
The clothes were way bigger than Yuta but it looks good on him. This is unfair, (Y/N) thought. How can she stop herself with the indecent thoughts when he's this damn fine? "Have you eaten breakfast?" he asked as he watched her tie her hair in a ponytail. She's already changed in jeans and a white shirt that made him lick his lip, why do those clothes hug her curves well? "Have you?" she asked while looking at him and he honestly gasped at how ethereal she looked. Why is she so pretty like this? The guy only shook his head as an answer and she smiled at him, "Let's have breakfast first. I'll treat you."
Although Yuta disliked the idea, spending time with her is his priority now even if it meant getting treated by this girl to breakfast. He was about to head to his car when she just glared at him, claiming that they can just walk to the restaurant. Again, he was surprised that she brought him to a small restaurant that sells stew in the morning. The older woman smiled when the girl entered then frowned at him that made him nervous. "Ahjumma, I'll have the haejang-guk." (Y/N) claimed that made the older woman shook her head while asking, "Were you drunk again? You're getting worse than your dad." And she just giggled which made the guy surprised at how carefree she's being. "How about you?" the older asked in a stern voice and he answered that he'll have the same as hers in a small voice.
When the older left, (Y/N) took something from her pocket then handed it to Yuta, his black card. "I'm sorry about everything but I promise to pay everything that my dad and I took from your card," she claimed but he shook his head, looking at the card. "It may be a small amount to you but I can't bear owing something to anyone..." she claimed and in a small voice continued, "And I don't want to take advantage of you."
"Use me. Spend my money. I don't really care." he claimed then held her hand that was above the table. The surprise was too much for (Y/N) to retract her hand, what is he even saying? "I'm having withdrawal symptoms." he started. "I can't sleep. I don't eat right. Even my secretary tells me that I'm doing a terrible job in the office. And it's all because of you." his thumb caressed the back of her hand while staring straight at her. "You're making me crazy, (Y/N)." That snapped her back to her thoughts and pulled away from her hand as if it is on fire.
"Do you do this to all the girls you met?" she asked that made him shook his head. "Yuta, there must be a catch. How can someone as successful as you be crazy because of a girl like me?" she asked in disbelief making him sigh.
Yuta sighed heavily and was thankful when their orders came and she was a little bit distracted. Maybe he's really hungry that he decided to take some of the soup first. He was honestly surprised at how rich the taste is, the meat is so tender and the soup is so rich. "This is really delicious." he suddenly muttered in Japanese that made her raise her eyebrow at him. Why does he sound so hot speaking in Japanese? Damn, why is she so sexually frustrated over this man? Maybe that's it. He's sexually frustrated and here she is, giving him what he wanted from the start. But why her?
"Yuta, do you want to have sex with me?" she asked straightforwardly that made him choke on the soup. How can she say that so easily? And here he is, trying to stop his arousal. The question was obviously heard by the couple next table that they started snickering to each other. "I have time to spare. We can have a quickie..."
"I don't do quickies," he claimed almost defensive while slamming the table that made the other customers look at him in surprise. "I..." he muttered while pushing his hair back, obviously frustrated at the girl. Well, (Y/N) thought, he is hot like this. It would be a real turn on to piss him off like this. "Please don't do this to me, (Y/N)." he pleaded.
(Y/N) smirked as an answer, "Anything you say, Mr. Nakamoto, sir." she emphasized the last word that made his eyes darken in lust. Fuck, Yuta thought, she's one hell of a frustrating girl. But that only made him want her more. And can he emphasize how he wanted to hear her say sir once again? While pleading with that pretty eyes, kneeling in front of him, begging him to take her. Fuck, he can't be thinking of that now.
After breakfast, they went back to her house since his car is there, and honestly, he can't really walk properly with the raging boner in his pants. (Y/N), on the other hand, felt really sticky to the core that her underwear was really soaked. She can't really go to work like this, right? And judging by the arousal in his pants, he can't really stay away from that as well.
It's been so long, she missed a cock inside her. The last time she had sex was with this same person in Paris so when she pushed him inside, (Y/N) knew that she isn't making the same mistakes she did anymore. Yuta moaned in the kiss, groaning when her hand touched his rock hard bulge. "Fuck, I miss you." he whispered against her lips and she smiled, "Then don't hold back."
His shirt was easily thrown to the ground as their lips didn't even let go of each other until her back was against the wall. He raised both her arms, his own hand traveling inside her shirt which he successfully discarded from her. His kisses went to her neck as he undid the hooks of her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Yuta's fingers tweaked her nipples that made her moan.
This isn't fair, (Y/N) thought, he's giving her so much pleasure yet he had only discarded his shirt. She started undoing his pants, letting them fall on the ground. Yuta moaned against her shoulder when her cold fingers came in contact with his twitching cock. He seemed bigger than the last time they had sex if that's possible. "Fuck, baby," he called and she just bit her lip. Why does it sound so good, so erotic even, coming from him? "I'll cum if you keep doing that." But (Y/N) didn't stop jerking his cock with her small hands and even scattering the precum on the tip of his cock.
"I thought you're not into quickies," she claimed, challenge present in her voice. She raised her eyebrow as he squinted his eyes at her. If there is one thing Yuta hates, that would be losing and since this girl is challenging him, why not give her what she wants? He turned her around that made the girl scream, removing her pants and entering a finger in her wet core. "Is that a challenge baby girl?" he asked against her ear, licking her lobe. (Y/N) had to hold on to the wall at the sudden aggressiveness, her ass pushed forward and she could feel Yuta's cock rubbing on her ass. "Do you want me to ruin you?" he asked that made her moan. Yuta slapped her pussy that made her scream. Fuck, he's so sadistic and dominant. "Answer me."
"Yes Yuta, ruin me." And she hated how desperate she sounded against her ear. Another slap on her pussy and she screamed. "Yes sir. Ruin me." But it isn't enough for Yuta's ears. There's a word that he's been yearning to hear and after two slaps, he finally heard it desperately called by her "Daddy!". He entered her in such a force that she almost bumped her head on the wall. "Yes baby, let daddy ruin you," he claimed as he kept thrusting inside her.
(Y/N)'s breasts were squished against the wall as he kept on pounding into her from behind. "I'm close, fuck." But he kept his pace until the orgasm hit on her. Yuta is so good, damn it. He pulled out but he's still hard that made her glare at him, he's really going to ruin her today. Another round on the couch and (Y/N) knew that she's going to be a slave for this man's cock. He kept on hitting her deliciously, in that area that brings her too much pleasure. After two more orgasms, she was more than amazed to see how hard Yuta is still. "I have to say, that's quite a stamina," she claimed and he just smiled as an answer, helping her with her clothes. She's already late for work and the soreness of her vagina isn't helping at all. "Let me help you with that."
Her mouth is too hot for him. That or he's just really anticipating his orgasm. He had been holding off for too long just to show this girl how much he can fuck her and honestly, he did prove his point. But now, he's at his own breaking point. When she started deep throating him, he moaned and grabbed her hair to fuck her mouth. Damn, she's so good with her tongue that when he came, she just swallowed everything. Yuta wiped the drool from her mouth, looking at her as if he had done a wonderful job. "What an obedient slut." he mumbled and she moaned, rubbing herself against the couch. Why does she like it so much?
"Then let's do this, Yuta," she suggested that made him sit on the couch next to her. "Make me your whore, that way I can pay you the money that I took from you." Yuta was about to revolt, that's not what he wanted from her. "This will be a win-win for us. Use me if you need me and I'll call you if I need inspiration from my work." she reasoned out. "Please, this is the only way that will work for me to repay you."
The guy sighed as he watched her bite her lip in contemplation. Damn, even that small gesture is turning him on. "If I say no, will I ever see you again?" The girl shook her head, claiming that she'll highly doubt that. "Then I really should say yes," he claimed.
"Great!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she stood up from the couch. "I have to go to work and..." she suddenly winced in pain that made him look at her in worry. "Don't worry, you just ruined me that's all," she claimed casually and he raised an eyebrow. True enough, she kept on whimpering while walking that made him so amused. She's already this sore from that simple sex? She really needs to get dicked down often.
The guy quickly scooped her up, making her revolt. "I'll drive you to work," he suggested as he took her to his car. He put the seatbelt on her, licking his lips as the belt emphasized her breasts. (Y/N) had to giggle at that, now he's turned on again. Really though, he's such a sperm bank. How many times does he cum in a day? If they really continue with this set-up, she'll surely get sore each day. A whore for him. Is this a good decision or something that she might regret in the long run? "Do you want to eat first or something?" he asked as he swerved across the streets coolly.
The girl shook her head although he can't see her. "I'm really late. Johnny is going to kill me," she exclaimed and he just accelerated the car. Yuta hated the idea that he had to rush getting her to work when he literally wanted to spend time with her. When he stopped by their small publishing house, he held on to (Y/N)'s arm before she could get out of the car. "Can we have dinner later?" he asked and she gave him a curious look.
"Yuta, we agreed to be fuck buddies. Not someone in a relationship," she claimed that made his face fell that instant. Of course, but can't they have dinner? Do they really need to have sex just to meet or see each other? But Yuta knew that there's a way to everything, he's a businessman isn't he? "Then let's discuss some ground rules about this..." he trailed off then glanced at the two of them. "Set-up." The girl only arched her eyebrow and that looked really hot in Yuta's eyes. "So I'll pick you up after work, seven?"
(Y/N) had to smile at that, he's really amusing. "Six." she corrected and he nodded before she went out of his car. Well, Yuta is really charming and he gave her a really good fuck that both Jungwoo and Ten were eyeing her with a knowing smile when she went inside the door. "Wild night?" Ten asked but the girl gave a sly smile while answering, "Wild morning."
Jungwoo was quick to hug her that made her wince. Fuck it, even her body is aching right now. "I'm sorry." he quickly apologized but she smiled wryly. "You got dicked down after Paris, I'm so happy for you." he sincerely claimed but the girl just stared at him. Maybe they were friends for so long that he already understood what she meant by that look. "Paris guy? That Japanese guy?" he asked in surprise that made her nod. Ten only nodded, "Small world. Maybe you're really meant to be." (Y/N) shrugged, maybe they really are.
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I'm sorry for the lame sexual scene. 🤦 Kill me now. 
Chapter 9 / Chapter 11
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sillyroyalty · 3 years
Here I am ! Finally I have risen from my bottomless pit of procrastination. As expected I am here to grace you with a new Haru fic because I refuse to let this tag die
I’m begging you please I need more people to write more fics of him I can’t be pulling this entire tag by myself help (lol)
I hope you guys like this one, please let me know in the comments. Feedback would be great 💓
“HE DID WHAT ?!” your voice shrieked through to the other end of the phone line causing Suzae to hold out the phone a little away from her ear.
“It seems to be fine though” Suzae reasoned “ an ambulance has already came to his aid, the injury is not fatal-" she spoke trying to reassure you only to be met with more panicked sobs and incoherent crying on the other end of the call. You were well aware of Haru’s whereabouts and decided to trust Daisuke, Suzae and Haru with the case they were pursuing. Haru had filled you in earlier letting you know the overall jist of the situation. As dangerous as it sounded and left you in shock he pleaded you to understand and let him carry on with his work.
“I know it’s a lot to take in at once but trust me, it’s going to be fine you’ll see,” he assured you handing you his dirty jacket that was drenched from falling into the ocean.
“Please go home immediately after work, no driving around the city looking for me !” He ordered, brushing away the stray hairs that that fallen on your face from your ponytail, he kissed your forehead and hurried off to a car. “ Bye ! I’ll see you soon” he waved and gave a small smile. You watched as the car sped off with a flurry of emotions running through you, most of which was worry and fear accompanied by the stupid upbeat positivity Haru gave you before he left. You gripped the wet jacket in you hands and decided to cling onto that blind hope and positivity.
Cut back to where you were now, on the phone frantically running out of your office to your car.
Shot. He got shot ! Your mind went into a state of panic unable to comprehend Suzae’s rambling on the other end of the car.
“W-where is he ? Can I come see him ?” You choked out swallowing hard, navigating out of the car park into the road, “P-Please?”
“Of course you can see him” Suzae replied ,“I believe you are already aware of our location, he’s at the closest hospital right now”
Haru awoke feeling heavy and tired. Looking around once he regained his bearings, he was hooked to some medical equipment. He blinked as his eyes tried to adjust to the hospital’s bright lights, letting out a groan as he registered the pain from the gunshot on his leg. Laying there staring into space he thought back at everything that reached at its conclusion. Lost in his thoughts he didn’t notice someone being paged into his hospital room until a he was met with a short figure collapse into his chest crying.
Sitting up slightly in bewilderment he realized it was you. Your eyes glassy with tears pouring down your red cheeks. You looked absolutely shaken and were a total mess. He couldn’t help but feel a pang if sympathy for you in this situation. He braced himself to hear you yelling, fussing over and scolding him for getting injured but instead to his surprise none of that came. Instead you regained your posture and sat the edge of the hospital bed. After trying wipe the unending tears streaming down your face, your smaller hand trembled and held his own. Instead you brought it up and kissed it softly, muttering a constant stream of thanking the heavens for him being alive.
Patting your head to soothe your crying he took a look around the room. The hospital room assigned to him was pretty big and private probably booked by the Kambe family. You guys seemed to be alone in this white, sterile, slightly eerie place, no sign staff in sight excluding the small call button.
You caught Haru’s gaze as it drifted across the room, immediately starting to fuss over him.
“Oh my gosh Haru ! Are you okay ? What’s the matter ? Should I call the doctor “ you erupted in a questioning frenzy looking around for any potential problem you could make sense of.
Haru was quick to shake his head and smile grabbing your hands in his,
“No no...I’m fine don’t worry...,” he reassured you. He was relieved that a predicted rage rant from you about his recklessness was showing no signs of taking place for now.
Taking in a deep breath shakingly, you pulled a chair out to sit at the beside after convincing Haru to lie back down to get more rest. You sat there running your fingers through his hair as he tried to recount to you on all that had happened. You stayed fully engaged till the end of the story. After telling you about how he dealt with the butler and then staggered to get help before passing out, he cautiously turned his head to meet and study your gaze. You stared down at your feet processing the entire story before confessing to Haru.
“Wow....I mean... I never knew Daisuke’s family would be in such a complex situation...”
“Well maybe it’s expected of crazy rich families like that” Haru contemplated, “it probably turned out just fine though, I mean I’m here now so-“ Haru broke off mentally cursing himself for bringing up the event of him getting injured. He watched as your mind traced back and recalled the reason you both were sitting in the hospital now, your face turning pale as you thought of the worst case scenario that could have happened.
He watched helplessly as your hands flew up to your face to try to wipe away the tears that once again resurfaced. He sat up immediately again bringing you into his arms as you cried.
“Hey...no...don’t cry please...I’m sorry” he consoled, “ the gun was only shot at my leg, it wasn’t that bad of a wound. There’s a ton of worse-“ Haru once again cut himself off before he accidentally said something that would surely not help his case. Inhaling he spoke again, “ listen...it’s okay now... everything is fine, I’m not in any danger...I’m still here with you, not going anywhere where...” he mumbled. Moving his hands to cup your face to make you eyes meet his, he wiped away some of the tears with the edge of his thumbs, smiling as he observed your eyes blink and the look in them soften.
Guilt slowly seeping in him on observing your state. You looked spent and absolutely exhausted, the fear of Haru being seriously injured had drained all the energy out you.
He scooted further onto the bed patting on the space him to him gesturing you to join him. You hesitated but he was quick to say it was fine.
“Honestly I don’t know what kind of first class hospital dorm this is...” snuggling against you as you lied down next to him,
“ this bed and room is way bigger than any normal hospital ward I’ve ever seen, but guess I’ll have Daisuke to thank for that” he huffed earning a smile from you. Wrapping his arms around you he played with your hair until you had drifted into slumber with him joining you soon after.
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hey-there-love · 3 years
Summary: Being the new kid is tough right? Try moving across the world to attend the elite hero course at U.A. Unfortunately, following the path of the straight and narrow is difficult when you have a first ball of death throwing twists in it. Nobody said it was going to be easy. New experiences, new interests, new friends...what could go wrong...right? (It’s all cute at first until the smut shatters it...not right now though ;) )
Chapter 1: Welcome, Y/N
Content warning: adult language, cringy situations
Word Count: 1.6K
You let out a sigh as you stood infront of your new dorm, Heights Alliance. U.A high school was Japan’s best school for up and coming pro hero’s and you were chosen to attend. You never thought you’d see the day where you’d finally walk the halls of the prestigious school.
Being a native from the United States, it had always been your dream to attend U.A ever since you watched a sports festival two years ago, unfortunately you never peaked the interest of anyone with your admissions. That was until an earthquake caused by a villains powerful quirk had changed your life.
Long story short it was a normal day at your respective internship with America’s number 3 pro hero, Hopewing, on patrol. A devastating earthquake began and you single handly rescued civilians from a restaurant that caught on fire with no casualties. The villain was apprehended quickly, but an extensive search and rescue mission was done to recover victims of the earthquake. You didn’t think it was a big deal, you were just doing your job, but news outlets picked up on your heroic act and it spread like wild fire.
Countless offers began to stream in for different agencies and schools all across the country. With multiple letters of recommendation, a distinct offer from your dream school rolled in with a promise to be taught in the central . Even if you hadn’t fantasized about attending U.A, you would have been insane to not take the offer.
So, after finishing out your first year at Elite High School you uprooted, packed up your life, and traveled across the world . Classes started next week and nervous was an understatement. You had anxiety as soon as you touched down in Japan. Things here were different. On top of you being a new student in a foreign country you were living in dorms with your classmates.
You always lived at home with your mother and father , never sharing a space with someone else let alone 20 new people who all shared different quirks and attributes. It was nerve wracking, some were going better than you, who knows what level everyone is on. Your anxiety was making it hard for you to breathe. What if-
“Y/N. Did you hear me?” Mr. Aizawa interjected.
“Oh, I’m sorry sir, I kinda zoned out.” You squeaked. Never in a million years you would have thought that when you were told that your home room teacher was picking you up from the airport and taking you to your dorms that it would be the pro hero Eraser Head. You jaw had hit the floor.
“You know Y/N,” he began, “It’s okay to have anxiety about your situation, but I assure you this is the group of kids to share classes with. They are the best this school has to offer. They can teach you a lot.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded.
“Come on, let’s go. Iida and Yaoyorozu are waiting to help you settle in.” He said grasping, one of your suitcases. You took a deep breath and followed your home room teacher up the front stairs. As you walked into the doors, you were greeted by two people. One was a tall man with black hair, glasses, and crazy huge calves and the other was lean woman with a luscious black ponytail and the sweetest smile.
“Ah! There you two are! Welcome to U.A! My name is Tenya Iida, Class 2-A representative and this is Vice President Momo Yaoyorozu.” The man in the glasses announced, smiling widely. He spoke rigidly and bowed.
He threw you off at tad bit with the formality. He talked like he was a politician running for office. “Hey, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you both.” You extended your hand awkwardly since you were holding your carry on and a box. He gave you a firm handshake.
Yaoyorozu smiled and shook her head, “Iida, our classmate looks like her hands are full. Take her box big guy.”
“Oh, right! Sorry about that!” Iida took the box and your suitcase from Mr. Aizawa. You were grateful because it was getting a little heavy in your arms.
“Well Y/N, you’re in capable hands with these two. I’ll leave you to it.” Mr. Aizawa turned on his heel to leave. “Come to my office 30 minutes before class on Monday and we’ll go through your schedule and get you a map of campus.” He called over his shoulder.
Just like that Aizawa the security blanket was gone and you were left alone with the two. They seemed nice, so hopefully the rest were the same. “Alrighty let’s head on up.” Yaoyorozu suggested. Your trio approached the elevator. “So, this is Class 2-A’s dormitory. There are 5 floors in total. The first floor are where the common rooms are located. Including the kitchen, study area, and the gym. Floors 2, 3, 4, and 5 are dorms. Our bathrooms are communal pertaining to who lives on each floor.” She explained.
Holy crap, this place was huge to say the least. You were excited to explore everything, especially the gym but that would have to wait until the jet lag wore off.
“I’ll tell you ahead of time Y/N, everyone is excited to meet our new classmate. If you ever get overwhelmed then instruct them to give you some space. They all can be quite a lot sometimes.” Iida warned, pushing his glasses up on his face.
“I’m sure I will be okay! I’m just happy to finally be here.”
Yaoyorozu gave you an award winning grin. “I’m happy for you too. Someone as talented as you belongs at U.A.” You felt a blush creeping on to your neck.
“Please stop, you’re being too kind. I’ve actually researched the both of you. You guys are so amazing and your quirks are insane!” You replied.
“Well, we appreciate it. So, we’ll bring your things up to your room, give you some time to freshen up, and then head down stairs to meet the others in an hour?” Iida said as the elevator reached the 4th floor.
You agreed as you stepped out and had a look around. The floor was in the U shaped. Next to the elevators was the bathrooms and the entrance branched out into two hallways.
“For obvious reasons the boys are on the right hall and the girls are on the left hall. Your neighbors on this side are Uraraka and Ashido, while the boys are Shouji, Kirishima, and Bakugo.” Yaoyorozu said and lead you to the third door down. She unlocked your door and handed you the gold key.
Iida opened the door and allowed you two to walk in before him. You were sure the big grin on your face was visible miles away.
“Now, I know it’s not much right now, but I wouldn’t stress about unpacking just yet. I’m sure you’ll recruit some help after dinner.” Iida said and sat down your things.
“Thanks guys, I’m going to go wash off this traveling and I’ll see you then.” You smiled. Iida bowed and Yaoyorzo waved before exiting. You quickly made your way to the bed and plopped down, absolutely beat. You began to take in your new home. The white bed frame was against the right wall, matching colored desk was placed against the left wall. There was a giant window on the back wall facing your door and in the corner was a small closet with low dresser inside
You looked around at all the boxes wondering if all your things would fit in this room. Maybe a little unpacking wouldn’t hurt. You opened your two suit cases and began hanging up clothes, organizing sleep clothes, undergarments, and socks in the drawers. Once that was done you began to search for your travel sizes hygiene products, making a mental note to go out for the essentials tomorrow.
Once that was located, you decided to pick out an outfit to wear. Since you arrived in sweat pants and an old t-shirt of your moms; you wanted to look semi decent when you met the others. You went for a simple pair of black jeans and your previous alma mater’s sweat shirt.
You grabbed your phone planning to text your parents that you’ve settled in and made your way to the bathroom. You began to type out a message as you neared the threshold.
Not paying attention as you rounded the corner you crashed into something hard...someone hard.
“Oi, pay attention!” He yelled as everything you were carrying flew onto the floor around you.
“Oh shoot, I am so sorry!”
You both simultaneously began to reach down to pick up your things and bumped heads.
“Fuck. Are you a clutz or something?” He growled holding his forehead. The impact caused you to see two pairs of red eyes glaring at you.
“Look, that was definitely my mistake. I apologize.” Your vision began to come back together and you started to get your things. He reached for the jeans and handed them to you.
You both stood up and then you realized how handsome he was. Spiked ash hair covered his head like a crown, crimson eyes, full lips, and a strong jaw line.
Wow...they definitely make them different in this country.
“Tch, you got a staring problem or did you knock something loose, dumbass?”
“My name’s Y/N, not dumbass.” You shot back, annoyed. He stood silently, shaking his head, and began to chuckle. “What’s so funny?” You questioned.
“Um...you’ve got...” was all he said before pulling the black thong with a cherry print from your shoulder and holding it infront of you with one finger.
“Oh my god.” You squealed and ripped it from his hand. He continued to laugh and walked out of the bathroom. You ran straight to the shower and locked the door. You sank to the floor with your hands covering your face.
Great. I’ve been in Japan for an hour and I’ve already embarrassed myself.
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pumpkaaboo · 3 years
Here's chapter 1 of the Revolutionary Girl Utena/Neon Genesis Evangelion crossover I've been working on with @nerd-dot-jpeg! It's been really fun to work on so far! Full text under the cut.
“Attention, due to the special state of emergency declared for the Toukai region and the surrounding mid-Kanto area, an evacuation has been ordered. Please proceed to your designated shelter immediately.”
Utena stretched nervously, bouncing into a lunge with her left leg forward, then her right, before standing up straight and pulling her arms to the side one at a time, relishing in the weight of her thick black jacket. She grunted with exertion, then sighed, leaning back against a nearby telephone pole. “She’s late…”
For once, the city’s streets and monstrous buildings of concrete, glass, and steel were silent. No cars honked in tune with the screaming of their drivers caught in a traffic jam, no neighbors shouted at each other from their windows, and all the speaker systems that usually blared a cacophony of arguments for why Utena needed countless products she had never heard of only repeated that same toneless message in perfect sync. Not even the pigeons were around to make noise.
“Attention,” the message looped, “Due to the special state of emergency declared…”
Utena pulled her long pink hair into a ponytail. Then she took it out. She kicked an empty soda can into the air, bouncing it between her feet. She made a game out of not letting it hit the ground, before finally sending it soaring to a perfect landing in a nearby trash can. She gave herself a moment to celebrate her shot, but the excitement faded quickly, leaving only a gnawing anxiety behind. Then she put her hair back up.
“Maybe she got delayed by the Angel… I should be out there, doing something… I came all this way to help, but I’m useless now!”
With a growl of frustration, Utena sprang back to her feet and started doing lunges again.
Suddenly, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. She whipped around, and met the gaze of a girl with dark skin and long violet hair that cascaded down to her waist. Her green eyes seemed to almost glow in the afternoon light, and she stood perfectly still in the middle of the intersection, the heat distortion causing her form to waver like a mirage, a trick of the light. Something about her seemed familiar, somehow.
For some reason, she reminded Utena of a doll.
Perhaps it was the way her arms hung limply, languid, at her sides, perhaps it was her empty expression, perhaps it was the fact that Utena had been staring at her, frozen, for at least twenty seconds and she hadn’t blinked-
“Attention, due to the special state of emergency-”
Utena jumped, the announcement snapping her out of her trance. She glanced up at it, then back at the girl, who hadn’t moved. She took a step forward. “Hey-”
You need to get to an evacuation shelter, she wanted to say, it’s not safe here, but she was cut off by the sounds of a revving engine and the screeching of tires against pavement as a bright yellow car skidded to a stop in front of her, almost tipping over itself in the process.
The driver’s-side door opened, and a woman in sunglasses and a red military jacket leaned out. “Sorry to keep you waiting! Utena Tenjou, right?”
Utena blinked, then nodded. She stood on her toes, leaning to the side of the car to try and catch a glimpse of the girl again, but the intersection was empty save for the steaming tire tracks and smell of burnt rubber.
“Something wrong?”
“Nothing I just… I thought I saw someone.”
The woman followed Utena’s gaze, then shook her head. “Well, whoever it was, they must have left. I hope they get to a shelter in time… You should get in, by the way. I hate to rush you, but, well… unforeseen circumstances and all that.”
As if on cue, a thunderous boom rang out from somewhere in the distance, as a shockwave rippled across the city. Utena stumbled, catching herself on the car. “Yeah, you’re right. Sorry I had to make you come all this way at such a time… it’s rotten luck, really.”
The woman grinned. “Don’t worry about it. I’m Misato Akagi, by the way, and I’ll be your commanding officer from here on out.”
Utena nodded, climbing into the passenger’s seat and buckling her seat belt. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Akagi.”
Misato groaned. “Please, Ms. Akagi is my wife. You can call me Misato.” She took in Utena’s poorly-disguised shock and laughed as she pulled out of her “parking space”. “Let me guess: first time you’ve ever met a real live gay person, huh?”
“I- well I mean- I’d heard of- and of course there must have been some that I just didn’t know they were- but-”
“Don’t worry about it. Just treat us like you would any other couple and we’ll get along fine.”
Utena nodded. “Got it, Ms. Misato.”
“Hey, you’re getting it! By the way, I need to make a call now that I have you, but is there anything you need to say first?” Utena shook her head. “Great, this’ll just be a couple minutes.”
Utena took this as her cue to tune Misato out and stare out the window. Just over the mountains, she could see a couple of silver dots moving through the sky.
“Hey, Ritsuko, it’s me. I have the Sixth, and we’ll make it to the car shuttle train in about twenty minutes, assuming the Angel doesn’t fall right on top of us, of course. Make sure it’s ready.” Some muffled words came through the speaker, but Utena couldn’t make them out. “Of course I don’t doubt you, I just wanted to check to be safe… oh, and make sure Ohtori knows we’re on our way, too. He’s been quite vehement about making sure this one gets to HQ ASAP. Love you too, see you soon, bye!”
Misato hung up the phone with a loving sigh, her eyes taking on a relaxed softness as they returned to the road. Utena glanced at the phone, then back at Misato. “Your wife?” she asked.
“The one and only Ritsuko Akagi, the sharpest mind this side of the Andromeda galaxy. God, I love that woman.”
I can tell, thought Utena. Now that she’d had a bit of time to get accustomed to the idea of two women being… together, she could appreciate what the romance had clearly done for Misato. She fought back a pang of envy at the adoring expression on Misato’s face. Maybe someday, when I find my prince…
They drove in silence for a few minutes, barring the occasional shockwave from the battle with the Angel raging on in the distance. A blinding light cast the entire valley they were driving through into shadow, but it was gone as quickly as it came, leaving nothing but a plume of smoke behind.
Utena shifted in her seat. “I hope the pilot’s okay…”
Misato grimaced. “It’s Saionji-san this time, he’s tough, he’ll be fine,” she said, unconvincingly. The silence, which before had been uncomfortable, was growing unbearable. “So!” Misato said, clearly in a desperate attempt to break it. “From what I’ve read in your file, we actually have a lot in common!”
“Yep! Antarctica, Second Impact, right?”
Utena stared. “You too? I didn’t realize anyone else…”
“As far as anyone knows, the two of us are the only survivors, and we were both kids whose parents worked there. Kind of a weird coincidence, don’t you think?”
“Definitely. Um, if it’s not too forward of me to ask, how long were you…?”
“Oh, I wasn’t in cryostasis like you were, so I didn’t lose any time. Luckily, the protective capsule my dad put me in got found floating out at sea before I died of dehydration, but as a result of my experiences, I was unable to speak for several years.”
“Eh, don’t worry about it. It was a long time ago, and I’m totally fine now!” Misato flashed Utena a grin. “What about you? What’s your story? If you feel comfortable sharing it, that is.”
“Um, this is going to sound kinda silly.”
“Don’t worry about it! This is a bonding exercise, anything goes.”
“Well… it was a prince.”
“Wait, what? What was?”
Another shockwave tore through the car, stronger this time, or maybe they were just closer to the source. Utena cried out in alarm, and she could see that Misato’s hands had tightened on the steering wheel.
“After the wing my parents were in collapsed, but before the big explosion, there was a prince who came to me. Like, right out of a fairy tale. He was shining, and he smelled like roses. He told me to never lose my strength or nobility, even when I grew up, and then put me in the pod and sealed it. Um, but my memories of that day are pretty fuzzy, so I don’t really know where he came from or… anything else.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it, seven years in cryostasis will do that to you.” Misato flashed Utena a reassuring smile.
Utena returned the smile, and then, emboldened by Misato’s encouragement, continued. “Well, after that, I decided that I wanted to become a prince who saves people just like he did for me, so I started dressing like a boy, and I adopted a chivalrous lifestyle… and well, here I am now.”
Misato’s eyes shone. “That’s so cool! It really gives me hope, you know, that people still choose to be brave and kind to each other, even after everything… oh, and by the way, the school you’ll be attending has a mandatory dress code, but one of the perks of being an Eva pilot is that you get to wear whatever you want, so you won’t have to fight the teachers on the whole uniform thing.”
“Really? That’s a relief.” Utena rubbed her fingers absentmindedly, protectively, against her jacket’s thick sleeve, enjoying the texture. “My last school had this crazy guidance counselor… I swear, you put one toe over these invisible lines people made up about what boys and girls can and can’t do, and everyone loses their minds.”
Misato winced. “Tell me about it…”
“Oh! Oh right, of course you’d know all about that-” Utena flailed around verbally once more, suddenly remembering Misato’s… situation. “Sorry, I just forgot-”
“Hey, no worries. I guess you could say we’re birds of a feather in a lot of ways, huh?”
“...Yeah, I- I guess we are.”
“By the way, how would you feel about-”
Whatever Misato was about to say next was cut off by another shockwave, this one even stronger than the last. But this time, instead of dissipating harmlessly, it was followed by an avalanche of boulders thrown into the air from when a nearby mountain had- oh dear god, it had exploded.
Misato shouted with alarm and slammed on the brakes, just barely avoiding a crash with the boulder in front of them. Several more impacted with the road behind them, trapping the car right where it was. A roar shook the mountains, and the pair slowly turned their gazes toward the source.
There was an Evangelion standing there in a combat stance, prog knife in hand, its metallic chassis gleaming blood-red in the harsh afternoon light, with green and gold accents shimmering like stars through the heavy smoke rising from the ashes of what used to be a mountain. And standing across from it…
“That’s an Angel?” Utena asked, horror keeping her voice from rising above a whisper. Misato gave a terse nod.
The thing was titanic , almost half the size of the mountain that it and the Eva had just wiped off the face of the earth. It had six sinewy arms and no legs or head, and a red orb portruded from its back. It roared once more from its many gaping, salivating jaws, one at each shoulder and probably several more where Utena couldn’t see, before making another charge at the Eva. The massive robot sprang into action, dodging the Angel’s hands and slashing at it with its prog knife again and again, but was repelled each time by some sort of shimmering orange field.
“I… I’d seen the videos, but…”
Misato didn’t take her eyes off the fight. “Nothing can prepare you for the real thing. I’m sorry you had to find out like this. We need to get out of this car; it’ll be of no protection for us if either of them hurls something — or, god forbid, themselves — over here.”
Utena nodded with agreement, and together they exited the car and climbed on top of a nearby boulder, hoping for a better vantage point. Utena pulled her knees to her chest. “So that’s gonna be my duty next, huh?”
“If we survive this…” Misato’s voice was barely a whisper; she didn’t seem to have noticed that she had spoken aloud. “You’ll be added to the rotation of pilots for Unit R05, yes.”
They sat together in silence for a few more minutes, watching the fight. The combatants seemed to be at a sort of standstill, with the Angel unable to pin down the Eva for long enough to bite into it, and the Eva unable to pierce the Angel’s strange orange shield.
Misato’s eyes narrowed. “Saionji’s sync rate must be down, if he can’t get through that A.T. field. Argh, I knew we should’ve prepared Miki instead, but he insisted-”
The Angel got a hit on the Eva's face.
There was a moment of sudden, deafening silence.
And then the Eva screamed.
Giant steel-plated arms grasped at its head, metallic and organic screeches blending together. Blood-red spikes shot out of the chassis, fracturing it in several places. Misato cursed and whipped her phone out of her pocket, hastily pressing a few buttons. The face of an intense-looking blonde woman popped up on the screen, with a white hospital room in the background.  “He’s been the pilot for too long, psychological contamination is setting in! R05’s going berserk!” Misato shouted.
“We know that!” the other woman hissed.
“So what are our options?”
“We’ll have to shut down R05 and send D10.”
Misato sucked in a breath. “No… Anthy’s still injured! She can’t pilot in her state!”
“Do you have a better plan?” the woman shot back.
MIsato glared at her feet.
The blonde woman turned to her side. “That’s it then. Anthy, you’re being deployed.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Utena gasped in horror as a wheeled gurney came into view of the camera. There was a girl on it-the same girl she had seen in the intersection, but her purple hair was curled into a tight roll all the way around her head, and she wore a pair of round glasses, and almost every inch of her skin was covered in bandages, some of them already showing red with blood soaking through. The girl seemed to mentally steel herself, before sitting up with a soft cry of pain and slumping against the blonde woman’s side, panting.
All eyes turned toward Utena.
“I’ll pilot the Eva! That’s what I’m here for, right? You can’t make her do this!”
Misato met the blonde woman’s eyes. “...Could that work?”
She thought for a few seconds. “If we perform a full shutdown of R05, we could buy the Sixth about thirty seconds to get into the entry plug before it restarts itself and resumes its berserk rampage. Of course, that would be thirty seconds of total vulnerability…”
“We could distract it by sending military jets to bomb it,” Misato added.
“That could work… but there’s still the risk of the Angel realizing what we’re trying to do, or a stray bomb hitting the Sixth.”
“Then let’s leave it up to her. Utena, are you sure you want to do this?”
Utena hadn’t broken eye contact with the strange girl. Those green eyes, shining with pain and fear and despair...
“I’ll do it.”
The girl’s eyes widened with shock and, perhaps, a spark of hope.
Misato closed her eyes. “That settles it, then. Ritsuko, I hope you’re prepared to line everything up quickly, because we’re going to need that time. Utena, I’m going to need you to watch R05 closely. Try to predict where it’s going to fall, because you’re only going to have thirty seconds to get into the entry plug, where its spine meets its neck. Once you’re in there, you’re going to find Saionji unconscious in the cockpit. He’s wearing a pair of triangular metallic hair clips-those are the neural interface, you’ll need to clip them to your own hair, as close to your head as possible. Got all that?”
Utena nodded, her stance tense with determination. “Good. After that… Well, from what I’ve heard, piloting an Eva is sink-or-swim. There isn’t really any advice I can give you, since I’ve never done it myself… so try to swim. Good luck.”
Misato returned to her phone and started barking orders, and Utena slid off the rock towards where the battle was raging on. The spikes piercing out of R05’s chassis had started dripping a red liquid that steamed when it hit the ground. The metal at its shoulder blades bulged and cracked, and she could see an eerie purple light shining through the fissures.
One drop of liquid hit the Angel’s hand, and its howl of pain shook the entire valley. The hand melted away completely, leaving a stump at the wrist. The spots on the ground where the melted flesh had landed turned green, and if Utena looked closely, she could see thorny vines growing out of them.
Utena returned her attention to the Angel. Maybe, without its hand, we have a chance… her thoughts were cut off when the Angel flexed its arm, and two more hands grew from the stump. Oh. It can do that. Okay. The Angel screeched from all of its mouths, and as R05 lunged at it, caught the mech’s arms with two hands each, and began scrabbling at the Eva's chestpiece with its free arm.
With a keening cry, more spikes shot out of R05’s chest, catching the Angel’s shoulders and causing it to stumble back. The Eva took a few steps backward, panting. There was a sickening crack , and Utena could see that the fissures in its back had grown a bit larger, the purple light spilling out a little bit brighter.
Misato cursed. “Its wings are about to erupt! Ritsuko, we need those reinforcements now! ”
“They’re on their way!” And sure enough, Utena could hear jet engines approaching rapidly, Something streaked toward the Angel, and an explosion rang out. The Angel stumbled forward and whipped around to face the squadron of fighter jets that were flying towards it. It let out a roar, and sprinted away from R05.
“Utena, go! ” Misato shouted as the Eva, seemingly about to charge after the Angel shuddered to a halt, then collapsed onto its side. Utena sprang into action, sprinting towards R05 before it even hit the ground and vaulting onto its wrist, before climbing up the arm. She pulled herself up onto its back and began making her way towards the entry plug as quickly as she could, taking care to avoid the red spikes, which she could now see were black at the base.
Another explosion from the Angel’s battle with the jets rang out, and Utena cried out in alarm as she fell into a crouch, clinging to one of the fissures in R05’s armor to keep from falling off. It was emanating some sort of strange energy, and Utena’s hands were starting to go numb. She pushed herself back to her feet, wincing as she tried to massage the feeling back into her fingers, and kept going.
She had just barely reached the entry plug when a shudder ran through the Eva, and it began to move its arms into position to push itself back up. Utena gulped, then twisted the release on the emergency escape hatch on the entry plug and slipped inside, shutting it tightly behind her.
And not a moment too soon, for an instant after the hatch was sealed, she was suddenly vertical, flung forward into empty space. Then she hit some sort of uncomfortably warm liquid, and didn’t even have time to gasp for breath before she was submerged. She coughed and sputtered, but after a few seconds, realized that she could breathe in the liquid almost as easily as air. It was orange, and transparent, thicker than air or water but not gelatinous, and it smelled like salt, with a faint hint of something acrid and sickly sweet. Fighting down a wave of disgust, Utena swam deeper into the entry plug, towards where she could see a chair suspended in the liquid.
Sure enough, just as Misato had said, there was a boy floating there, unconscious, his dark hair swirling around him like a kelp forest, with the triangular neural interface clips attached close to his scalp. Utena gingerly undid the clasps, then with both clips clutched in her hand, shoved the boy (Saionji?) up away from the seat. She settled into it, and somehow, the chair seemed almost made to fit her narrow frame.
Alright, R05 , Utena thought, it’s just you and me now. Moment of truth. With a deep breath, she affixed the clips to her own head.
She was enveloped by the scent of roses.
A heartbeat later, she was nearly bowled over by a wave of sensation and pain. The walls of the entry plug around her flickered , and suddenly displayed the scene of the battle, as if she were seeing through R05’s eyes. She could feel the spikes protruding from the Eva's body just as though it was her own, along with waves of pressure pounding at her shoulder blades.
Utena couldn't suppress a cry of agony, and she curled up in her seat. She could see R05’s movements jerk to a halt as it adjusted to this new connection. Emotions tore through her, somehow more intense than they were normally. Pain, confusion, fear… familiarity? Something about this, about being so close to this monstrosity of steel and fluid felt… right , somehow. Forcing herself upright, Utena reached out and stroked the wall of the entry plug.
“Hey, it’ll be alright,” she said, in the most soothing voice she could muster, “I’m new here, and I don’t really know how to do this, so we’re going to have to work together, okay?”
The Evangelion had stopped moving. It stood at attention, and even though Utena knew on an intellectual level that it was just a robot, it almost seemed… hopeful? “I know it hurts, I’m so, so sorry. Please, just work with me here and it’ll be over soon, I promise.”
Utena felt a ripple of some emotion — was it acceptance? Relief? — and then, suddenly, the pressure at her shoulder blades receded, and the limbs of the Eva became her own. Utena smiled gratefully. “Thanks, bud. Now let’s go kill an Angel.”
Together, they turned their attention back to the fight. Two of the planes had crashed to the ground already, a third was missing with no sign of where it had gone, and the Angel stood on four of its arms, the other two flailing wildly into the air, occasionally extending far past where its bones should allow and requiring a plane to make a hasty dodge to avoid it. “We need to get it to leave those planes alone. Can you do that?”
As if in affirmation, Utena felt her attention directed towards R05’s wrist. A small gun was embedded there; not strong enough to do any real damage to the Angel, but enough to distract it enough to give the planes enough time to retreat. She lifted R05’s arm and fired.
The shot hit the Angel right at the edge of one of its mouths. The thing stiffened, and turned towards them. “Hey wait, how does it see us if it doesn’t have any eye- AH!” Utena’s sentence was cut off by a scream as the Angel charged them, slamming into R05’s chassis and knocking them both back. One of its shoulders collided with the Eva’s forearm, and she gasped in pain as its swordlike fangs dug in. It’s not real , she tried to convince herself desperately, as she felt the fibers of her muscles severed and teeth grinding against her bones. It’s just feedback, it’s not your pain…
But it was R05’s.
Machine or not, R05 felt pain.
A newfound determination welled in Utena’s chest. I can’t let this continue, she thought. I’m fighting for both of us, now.
She clutched the prog knife in her free hand and drove it upward. It crashed into the orange forcefield, sending splinters of pain up Utena’s arm, but she kept pushing. She felt a pulse of energy shoot out from R05’s core, and suddenly, the knife’s blade slipped through the field, right into the monster’s shoulder.
The Angel howled in agony and released her, but Utena didn’t retreat, instead springing back to (her? The Eva’s?) feet. She grasped the knife in both hands and brought the blade down on the orb in the Angel’s back again and again, until she felt something crack underneath the point. She dug the knife deeper, and the orb suddenly lit up, brighter than the sun—
She and R05 were thrown back by the explosion, they hit the side of a mountain, their heads impacting painfully against the rock, stars danced before their eyes—
It smells like roses, Utena thought.
Then there was nothing but darkness.
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ssatoritendou · 3 years
First Date
Pairing: kirishima/reader
eijirou kirishima 
Word count: 1.7k
+ summary: Your twin brother Tetsu sets you up with his hero bro Kirishima and you are both nervous for your first date 
Genre: Fluff 
Warning: none
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"Are you nervous?" Tetsutetsu asked you. "Why would I be nervous? You said he was a nice guy, Tetsu and that he liked me. It's not like I didn't like him. I think he's cute but now you are scaring me." "I'm sorry for scaring you, sis. He kind of has a crush on you. Now how are my hero costume improvements coming?" "Good. The steel is the same material as your quirk. So when you use it and are fighting villains it’s like double the power." "Thanks, ____." He pulled you into a hug and a kiss on the head. "Now, don't be nervous. I know Kirishima he will be a gentleman tonight. I'll see you later." He left the support course lab. There was an explosion in the neighboring lab, meaning that it must have been one of Hatsume’s inventions. 
"Hatsume are you ok?" "Tetsutetsu there's no problem just showing this one from 1A one of my inventions that would work well with his quirk." "Hatsume how many times do I have to tell you to call me ____ because then people confuse me with my brother." "Anyways kid what did you think of the invention?" She completely ignored my comment and turned her attention to the kid on the ground. I leaned over the table and saw Kirishima on the ground. "It was cool but I don't think it's for me, Hatsume." He said he was being kind to her. "Is it just me or are there 2 of you and 2 of ____!" He shouted your name at the end shocked that you were here in the lab. You giggled a little bit. "I'll take him to Recovery Girl. Can't have you get detention again for injuring the students. Come on Kiri." You helped him on his feet only for him to stumble a little back onto you. "Sorry." He said turning as red as his hair "It's ok. Just save it for tonight." You smiled at him. "Huh? Oh right." He rubbed his head. He looked like he might explode. "I'm sorry if I'm making you nervous. It's just cute to see you all flustered. Anyhow here we are at Recovery Girl's office. I'll tell her why and you just lay down." "Thank you." "Anytime." You walked over to Recovery Girl's desk. "Hi Recovery Girl Eijirou Kirishima got injured in the support course lab it was my fault. I accidentally bumped into him and he fell and hit his head on the table." "Are you sure it wasn't Hatsume with another of her inventions because I heard that explosion?" "Uh, sorry I lied. I just don't want Hatsume to get in trouble." "It's ok dear. Let me fix your friend and I'll tell him that you brought him here. Now go back to class." She rushed you out of the office.
"Kendo, Momo what are you guys doing here? Did something happen?" "No ____," Momo said reassuringly. "Tetsutetsu sent us over to help you get ready." "I'll help with your makeup and Momo will help you with your outfit." "Um ok. I was thinking about something simple and comfortable. Kirishima said it was going to be casual." "Hm. I think I got something. It will go with your complexion." Momo said while creating the outfit with her quirk. It was a pink corduroy skirt-all with a white sweater for underneath. "You should wear your hair up." "Um ok.” You pulled your hair up into a high ponytail. Kendou then started doing your makeup. When she was done you put on your brown leather knee-high boots. "If Kirishima doesn't end up drooling over you then he must be an idiot," Kendo said. "And I would blame Kaminari and Sero," Momo added. "Thank you, guys." You walked downstairs to see Kirishima waiting for you. Tetsu was there too. You gave him a look. 'What the hell are you doing here?' 'I wanted to make sure you were taken care of.' 'You aren't dad!' "Um, what are you guys doing?" Kirishima said. "It's a twin thing," Tetsu said. "You hurt her I will seriously kill you Kirishima." "Tetsu I suggest you take Kendou and Momo back to their dorms. After all, it's the manly thing to do." He rolled his eyes and went upstairs to retrieve the two girls. "I'm sorry for him. He thinks because we live in the dorms he has to be the father figure." "That is the manly thing to do." He said with a laugh. He looked at you for a minute. "You look...you look very nice. Beautiful, I mean. Damn, why can't I speak?" "Kirishima you look handsome." You kissed his cheek. "So where are you taking me?" "I was thinking about the arcade. But if you don't want to." "No that sounds perfect. Let's go." He held your hand as you walked to the train to go to the nearby mall that had this huge arcade. "We can eat before playing some games or we can play games and then eat?" "How about whoever ends up with the least amount of tickets has to buy the food?" "That doesn't seem fair. I mean I'm the man I should-" "No Kirishima. Just because you are a man isn't a good enough reason come on it will be fun." You whined like a child. "Ok. Ok." The two of you played a lot of games but when Kirishima heard your stomach growl he knew it was time to stop. Both of you counted the tickets. You had sadly lost but you paid for the meal. "So Tetsutetsu tells me that you can control metal with your mind." "Yeah pretty boring I guess compared to the hero course students." "Are you kidding my quirk! Your quirk seems so awesome. I really didn't like my quirk or ever think I have what it takes to be a hero." "Kirishima that's ridiculous. I mean Tetsu’s quirk is similar to yours but I think you are superior and you have natural people skills. You care about others and put them before yourself. That's the making of a great pro." "How is my quirk superior to Tetsutetsu’s?" "Easy. I can't control you with my mind and you won the arm wrestling match during the sports festival. I mean the things I got away with as a child because he did them. The number of cookies he has stolen for me." "What made you decide to be in the support course?" "I always liked making things with my quirk. Tetsu did convince me to take the hero course exam I passed it but I wasn't really interested in it. I rather make the pros better at their job than being involved in combat. Sorry about Hatsume earlier." "Don't worry I think all first years are used to it by now. She a crazy person." "Yep everyone knows that." "You were willing to take the fall for her?" "I didn't want her to get into trouble again. I mean if you had the chance to help Bakugou not get into a fight with someone wouldn't you try?" "I see your point. Damn Bakugou can be such a hot head sometimes but it is useful when it comes to combat." "Uh-huh sure but that's not all it takes to be a hero. You have to deal with civilians and you have to be kind to them. Bakugou isn't really good at reading people's emotions. But I barely know the guy he can be different with his friends." You shrugged. "I mean he can't be all that bad if you risked yourself for him." "He has a softer side when it comes to his friends. He's my best friend." "I'm guessing you are his." "I would like to think so." He said with a smile. "I have to use the bathroom I'll be right back." You left the table and went to the bathroom.
When you were done you saw a little girl crying looking around. "Hey, are you ok?" "I can't find my mommy." She sniffled. "Can you help me?" "Yeah sure. Maybe my friend can help too." You went back to the table to see Kirishima with a big teddy bear. "Huh, I came back with a teddy bear and you came back with a child. I guess you win?" "Um, my little friend here can't find her mommy. I figured that a hero in-training would be able to help me find her." He blushed a little. "Ok! Now little girl what is your name?" "______." "It's very nice to meet you ______. I'm Kirishima and this is ____. Now, do you remember the last place you saw your mommy?" "By the bowling alley." "We should go there first." He picked up ______. "Would you mind holding the teddy bear?" "No." You picked up the teddy bear and followed Kirishima. When you approached the bowling alley. "Do you see your mommy anywhere?" You asked leaning over to the girl in Kirishima’s arms. ______ looked around the alley. "There." She pointed at the women screaming at the manager. "Um, excused me?" The woman whipped her head towards you and took ______ out of Kirishima's arms. "Oh thank god you are alright. ______ never wander away from me again. Thank you so much. I hope she wasn't a pain." "It wasn't a problem ma'am," Kirishima said. "Thank you again." She said before leaving. "Bye ____! Bye Kirishima!" ______ yelled. "She was cute," Kirishima said. "We should probably start going back to school. I'll carry the bear." "You don't have to. Thank you for the bear." "It's the least I could do you did pay for dinner." "It was my pleasure," You said with a smile. "You know how early you said you thought it was cute when I got flustered?" "Yeah." "You are cute when you are smiling." You blushed a little. "Thank you." He walked you to the dorm room doors. "This is my stop. I had really fun tonight Kiri can we do it again next Friday?" "Yes of course. You can call me Eijirou." "Ok. See you later Eijirou." You kissed his cheek and walked back inside. Only to be met by Tetsutetsu. "Coming home late?" "We helped a little girl find her mom. It was the manly thing to do." "When you say that you make me feel bad for scolding you." "That's my point. Go back to your dorm before Vlad gives you detention." "You sound like Mom." "You sound like her too." "Ahh! I was trying to sound like Dad!" he yelled in defeat.
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