#that goal definitely should’ve counted honey
itsfootballbih · 7 months
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Map of the Soul, Chapter One
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For the @btswritingcafe​‘s Map of the Soul: 7 Workshop
Author’s Note: This story pulled me into long range territory, so I had to split it into 7 chapters to make it more manageable on Tumblr. Here is the first installment of this journey through the soul. I hope you like it!  
Pairings: OT7 x reader (kinda); Jungkook x reader
Series Summary: If you give a piece of yourself to everyone you love, at some point, there will be nothing left for yourself. While feeling lost and alone in your adult life, a strange box falls onto your head in your own closet, and you take an unexpected walk down memory lane wondering where everything went wrong.  Was it the romances that fizzled out, the friends & loved ones you left behind, the “what could’ve been” moments, the brush with Fate that never quite connected? Could the strange map you find have the answers you are looking for?  Determined to feel complete once again, you embark on a journey to reclaim the missing pieces of your soul.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut
Word Count: 8K+
Warnings: NSFW 18+ cursing/profanity, alcohol consumption, sexual tension,  one night stand, sexual content, protected sex, oral sex (female receiving)
Chapter One: There’s Always Time for Euphoria
March 15th - 5:45pm
That was the singular thought pulsating in your brain as you parked the car. The day was only halfway over and you were way past the breaking point of your own sanity.
From the moment you’d stepped out of bed and into your urine soaked house slippers, you should’ve known that the day was going to be beyond disastrous. Even as you washed them in the tub and left them hanging to dry, you just knew the rest of the day would be a downhill slide.
You didn’t know why your dog Oberyn was upset, but apparently, it was enough to prompt his indiscretion on your only pair of house slippers. He’d even had the audacity to sit in his bed and glare at you while you hurled your anger and frustration at him as you got dressed for your day.
I don’t know what crawled up his butt this morning, but I hope he’s in a better mood. I’m in no condition to deal with his bullshit right now.
After almost tripping up the stairs to your apartment entrance and dropping your keys into the bushes on the way up, you finally made it across the threshold. You quickly changed out your work shoes for sneakers and got Oberyn ready for his walk. Fifteen minutes later, you were cleaning the bottom of your shoe after a happy little accident found your foot at the dog park. Oberyn seemed to smirk at your misfortune, but you couldn’t even muster the energy to care.
Once you both returned to the apartment, you put his harness and leash away and reached over to grab his after-walk treats. You noticed one was already out on top of the container and the morning’s havoc immediately made sense. Oberyn wagged his tail and waited patiently for his treats and a well deserved apology.
“I’m sorry, buddy,” you sighed, handing him both treats. “I didn’t realize I’d forgotten to give this to you.”
He accepted your apology and head pats, then happily grabbed both snacks and ran to eat them on his bed. You shook your head and smiled at the easily appeased creature.
If only everything worked like that. You get something you were missing and it suddenly solves all your problems. The Universe finally makes sense again. What a life!
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You quickly changed into comfy clothes and collapsed unceremoniously onto the couch. The random assortment of unfortunate events of the day replayed like a blooper reel in your mind and you groaned at the stacks of embarrassment and humiliation you’d endured.
You’d locked yourself out of your office and the university maintenance guy took forever to unlock it for you, which made you late to your first class. You had to dismiss the class and reschedule the quiz since all the copies were sitting on your desk in your locked office.
You’d torn your favorite black slacks and had to patch them with bright green thread from your emergency sewing kit.
You’d sustained several injuries including three paper cuts, a stubbed toe, your knee knocking the underside of a table, and a staple stabbing underneath your fingernail.
You’d spilled coffee down the front of your blouse when a fly unexpectedly dove into your face.
You’d even lost one of your favorite earrings while taking off your scarf outside the Humanities building. It was now lost among the clumps of mud by the front door.
Why does the Universe hate me so much today?
You swiveled your head over to your cell phone screeching at you from the side table. The comical picture of your mother flashing on the screen drew a groan of exasperation from your throat.
I can’t deal with her right now.
The phone ceased its machinations and you turned into the couch seeking an escape from the tragedies of the day.
“Argh!” You wailed. “What could she possibly need from me right now?!”
After taking a deep breath, you picked up the offending device and swiped the screen to answer the call.
“Hello, mother,” you grumbled. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Oh, sweetheart,” she sighed. “Don’t talk to your mother like that. It’s undignified.”
“I apologize,” you corrected with fake cheerfulness. “Hi, Mommy! I missed the sound of your voice. How was your day?”
“We really need to work on your phone etiquette, honey,” your mother groaned. “You’ll never meet anyone with that attitude.”
“Yes, mother,” you replied snarkily. “My goal in life is to trap someone in my love nest with only my wit and wisdom as weapons.”
“Anyway,” she drawled. “The reason I’m calling is because I’m looking for something. Do you remember that stole you wore for your college graduation? The one your grandmother made?”
“Yeah, I remember,” you responded. “It has all the graduate names from our family embroidered on it. It’s in my memory box in the closet. Why?”
“Your cousin Sana is graduating from college in about a week,” she announced happily. “I need that stole so we can get it embroidered before the graduation ceremony. Can you overnight it to me, darling?”
You leaned back on the couch and released a sigh of defeat.
Of course other people are doing great things in their life. I’m the only dumbass stuck in a rut right now.
“I’ll dig it out of the closet and send it to you tomorrow,” you replied. “Let me know when and where the graduation will be so I can make plans to head down.”
“Splendid,” your mom chirped. “I’m sure everyone will be happy to see you. Get some rest, honey. You sound tired. Love you!”
Without giving you a chance to respond, your mom ended the call. You looked at the screen and rolled your eyes.
She gets what she needs and then she’s gone. Typical.
Knowing you would probably forget to do it later, you wandered over to your spare closet, grabbing the stepladder along the way.
Might as well get this over with.
You climbed up on the ladder and pulled on the chain for the light above your head. You couldn’t stifle the groan from escaping when you spied the piles of plastic containers and boxes on the upper shelf.
Why is my life such a hot mess?
You started pulling down boxes one by one to avoid an accidental avalanche. The collection of dust and crumpled cardboard left you sneezing and gagging on stuffy air and a faint smell of mothballs.
After clearing your throat and taking a sip of water, you looked up and spotted the box you’d been looking for.
Just one more box to move.
The box in question had shifted slightly and was wedged against the ceiling at an odd angle. Try as you might, you couldn’t get it to budge. With a huff of annoyance, you balanced yourself on the top of the stepladder and pushed up to get closer to the box. You heaved your palms against the side of the box and it gave away before you could regain your balance. You crashed into an uncomfortable heap on the floor and whined loudly as you felt the painful throb on your ankle.
After a quick assessment, you discover no other injuries except for a slightly swollen ankle and a sizable knot on the top of your head.
What the hell hit my head?
You glanced around and saw three different boxes scattered around you. One was the memory box you’d been trying to get, one was the previously wedged prisoner box, and the other was completely foreign. You stood up and walked over to lift it from among the clatter on the floor.
This isn’t mine. Is it?
You brushed off the subtle cobwebs and dust and revealed a collection of stickers and decals that were strikingly familiar. Most depicted the many fandoms you followed, but others appeared to be nothing more than artfully scribbled words in elegant script.
Time. Destiny. Passion. Happiness. Faith. Friendship. Love.
You turned the box over in your hands and furrowed your brows quizzically. You didn’t remember ever seeing the box before and it certainly wasn’t there when you originally packed the closet full of your crap.
A loud text message tone pulled you out of your reverie and you abandoned the box on the counter in search of your phone.
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Ah yes, we have to keep the tradition going.
Your grandmother and her sentimentality were time consuming, but also adorable. She wanted to stress the importance of education in the family, but also find a way to keep everyone connected from generation to generation. It was her insistence that solidified this current graduation tradition.
You opened the memory box and lifted the neatly folded stole in its plastic bag and the small scrapbook decorated with graduation memorabilia. You took a moment to reminisce about your prior accomplishments and then placed the items on the counter. After cleaning up the mess on the floor and carefully returning everything to the closet, you limped over to the kitchen and poured yourself another glass of water.
On your third gulp, your eyes landed on the mysterious box again. It was no bigger than a shoe box, but was definitely sturdier. Curiosity got the better of you and you inspected it a little more closely.
There was a tarnished metal knob that needed to be turned in order to lift the lid. The glossy surface appeared to be varnished or glazed so that the stickers and words would remain fixed. There was no lock, so you decided to open it.
You didn’t know what to expect when you opened the lid, but it certainly wasn’t what you found.
Laying on top of a folded piece of paper were seven items: a rubber banana keychain, a cute little hamburger toy, a metallic purple kazoo, a gold sequined bow tie on an elastic band, a red beanie dragon plush, a spoon with a floral design, and a thin metal disc with an assortment of holes. You tentatively inspected each item and placed it on the counter.
What the hell is all this?
You lifted the folded paper out of the box and looked underneath. All that was left at the bottom of the box was a quote etched into the surface.
My life and yours are an equal sign, So my remedy is your remedy.
You read the phrase over a few times and couldn’t make sense of it. It seemed familiar, but you couldn’t place it. You turned the folded paper over in your hands a few times and then unfolded it. It’s a fairly large sheet and it resembled parchment. At first glance, the image on the paper looked like an intricate abstract drawing. There were large lines of ink brushed across in elaborate swirls resembling a disjointed heart.
The swirling lines were connected by smudges of charcoal across from blocks of text in colorful ink. There were seven smudges with lines of text to the left of each smudge. You couldn’t make sense of it, but there did seem to be some type of pattern implied. The lines flowed from left to right increasing in width and each successive line grew wider as it progressed to the other side of the page.
You studied the lightest portion of the drawing and read the lines of text next to this first smudge.
Were you wandering around Looking for an erased dream too? It’s different from the typical definition of destiny. Your pained eyes are looking at the same place as me. Won't you please stay in dreams?
The words were certainly poetic, but you didn’t understand their significance. You glanced at the other phrases and they seemed just as cryptic.
What the hell am I looking at? Why would something like this be in my closet?
You were too exhausted to think too much on it, so you shrugged your shoulders and folded the paper and placed it back in the box. You left everything else on the counter and decided that it was time for a shower and then bedtime. As you lay in bed, you exhaled heavily and focused on the hope that tomorrow would be better than today.
March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day - 4:27pm
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Oh no...please don’t let her find me in here.
“Ok, no arguments,” Gina chirped in excitement as she pranced through your office door. “It’s time for green beer and dancing!”
Damn, she’s quick!
You lowered your head to your desk and groaned out slightly and silently scolded yourself for not leaving the office earlier to avoid her completely. It was much easier to avoid Gina if you were already out of the office, but once she had you cornered, it was almost impossible to tell her no. She was your favorite faculty member and the only person at work that you would consider hanging out with outside of the university.
Gina had been trying to get you to go out for months, and after a long week of midterm exams, you couldn’t find the energy to counter her offer. Besides, you were now, technically, on Spring Break.
“Come on, girl,” she pleaded. “You know I’m leaving for Acapulco the day after tomorrow with my sisters. If I can get you out of your stuffy apartment and into an Irish bar for a little St. Patty’s Day fun, then I can truly enjoy my vacation. You know how I worry about my work-bestie when I’m not around.”
She pouted at you and batted her long eyelashes, and you almost cackled at her adorable puppy dog look. You half expected her to start whining at you like Oberyn would when he wanted something. Maybe that image in your head that weakened your resolve against her proposal for a St. Patrick’s Day outing.
“Fine,” you acquiesced. “Where are we going, Gina?”
She squealed in excitement and twirled around with glee. You tried to resist the growing enthusiasm, but you quickly gave in with a sigh and a smile.
“Fine. Let me finish up here and we can go to my apartment,” you suggested. “I guess I’ll need you to help me pick out an outfit for tonight.”
Gina nodded happily and ran upstairs to collect her things. Once you finished packing everything away, she was hopping around in anticipation at your office door. Her bunny antics made you giggle.
Such funny friends I have.
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March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day - 10:37pm
After a quick dinner of sushi, you were pushing your way through the crowded Irish bar back to the booth where Gina was entertaining her latest acquisition. The guy was certainly handsome, but he only had eyes for Gina. You had another set of drinks for the two of you, but upon discovering the entwined couple making out in the booth, you decided to retreat to give them some privacy.
Typical. She invites me out and then she ditches me for a pretty face.
You wandered back toward the bar and gazed at the writhing mass of bodies under the flashing lights on the dance floor. Desperate to lose yourself in the moment, you downed the two drinks and relished the flavor of Guiness and Bailey’s on your tongue.  If Gina was going to have fun, then so were you. You motioned the bartender over and ordered a Jameson & Ginger Ale.
“A whiskey girl, huh?” exclaimed a sultry voice behind you. “Much better than those Appletini chicks.”
Ah, yes, the pick up line. At least his voice is sexy. Let’s hope the rest of him matches.
You couldn’t decide whether to be amused or annoyed, so you decided to let his face make the decision for you. You turned around prepared to give him your best smirk, but lost your nerve once you saw who it was.
“Jungkook?” you replied in squeak. “What are you doing here?!”
Pure amusement filled his doe eyes and he huffed out a laugh. You were floored that your secret hopes of your mystery man being handsome were completely dashed. In fact, he didn’t just have a sexy voice, he was also drop dead gorgeous. You hadn’t seen Jeon Jungkook in almost 7 years, and he hadn’t aged a day. Back when you were both still working on your undergraduate degrees, you’d been his writing tutor on campus, spending countless hours pouring over research papers and essays that needed serious revision and editing.
So many late nights spent at each other’s apartments, so many long hours in the private study rooms, so many casual touches, missed opportunities, awkward moments, and those long nights alone in your bed where you wished his strong arms were holding you. There was no denying the sexual tension you’d felt back then, and there was certainly no denying it now.
Now, here he was leaning on the bar in his billowy shirt and dark ripped jeans looking like some kind of Greek god holding a glass of bourbon.  You quickly cleared the inebriation out of your brain and tried to appear sober and sane while you smoothed out your ruffled hair.
“So,” Jungkook smirked while pulling you closer. “I’m guessing you weren’t expecting to see me here, huh?”
“Ummm, no,” you admitted sheepishly. “I didn’t even know you were back in town. I haven’t seen you in years. What are you doing here?”
“I just took a job here,” Jungkook stated simply. “Just hanging out with my new coworkers for the night. I saw you and thought I’d say hi, but I wasn’t expecting you to look so enticing though. You’re not here with your boyfriend or husband, are you?”
“Is that your subtle way of asking if I’m still single?” you popped your eyebrow at him. “And enticing, really? Still trying to pick me up, Kookie?”
He smiled a bright bunny grin at his old nickname. You were the only one who would ever call him that and he would never admit just how much he loved it.
“Oh, did you want me to try?,” he continued while reaching up to run his hands up and down your arms. “Hmmmm, where should I begin, babygirl?”
He pulled his lip between his lips and shot you a smoldering look while flipping his hair slightly. You tried to look disinterested, but you lost your composure when he reached up to push a lock up hair behind your ear. Your breath caught in your throat as he moved in between your legs.  
“I mean it, you know?” Jungkook insisted while locking eyes with you. “You still look incredible.”
The bartender returned with your drink at that moment. Thankful for a little distraction, you lifted the glass of liquid courage to your lips. You swallowed a large gulp of swirling heady sweetness and smiled at Jungkook. He was watching you with stars in his eyes and you were enjoying every minute of it.
“So what are you doing these days, Kookie?” you asked, trying to shift his gaze elsewhere. “Are you still playing with your camera and crayons?”
Jungkook laughed and rolled his eyes at your insinuation. As an art major, Jungkook dabbled in several mediums including painting, sculpture, photography, graphic design, and drawing. The boy was insanely talented, so you were actually curious about where he’d ended up career-wise.
“I just took a job at an advertising agency,” he replied with a cocked eyebrow. “And no, I’m not playing with crayons, smartass. I’m their new Assistant Art Director, so I’m mostly working on graphic designs and managing their photography department.”
“Look at you,” you grinned. “Little Kookie all grown up and making big bucks as an actual adult.”
“I was always an adult,” he corrected. “Someone just always chose to treat me like a little kid.”
“Not always,” you shot back. “It’s not my fault you had a tendency to act like an idiot teenager sometimes.”
“Fair point,” he conceded. “But we all have to grow up sometimes, right? Except you, I guess. Looking at you, I could never guess that so much time has passed since I last saw you. You honestly look amazing.”
He leaned in and ran his nose along your neck up to your ear, inhaling deeply as he grazed your skin. He hummed happily as the intoxicating scent of your perfume hit his nostrils.
“You smell amazing too,” he sighed against your ear. “I bet you haven’t thought about me once since I last saw you.”
“Well, that’s a lie,” you smirked. “I’ve thought about you quite a lot actually. You, sir, are one of my big regrets from college.”
“Oh yeah?” Jungkook chuckled lightly while nipping at your earlobe. “Why is that, babygirl?”
You nearly purred at his touch and you hissed lightly when you felt Jungkook’s lips attached themselves to your neck.
“Oh, you’re such a fucking tease, Kookie.” you whined. “How am I supposed to think clearly when you’re doing that?”
“What?” he mused. “I’m not doing anything you don’t want me to, am I?”
You pushed on his chest slightly and he pulled away just enough to rub his nose along your own. You felt his breath ghost across your face and you allowed the smell of bourbon to mix in with his fresh scent.
“Kookie,” you sighed. “How much have you had to drink?”
He wrinkled his brow in confusion and stepped back to look at your face, searching for some explanation for your implied accusation. You weren’t trying to sound like you were chastising him for drinking, but you couldn’t shake the insecurity itching under your skin. It was entirely possible that Jungkook was just feeling a little tipsy from the evening and his familiarity with you was the cause of his brazen behavior. It wouldn’t be the first time, but you weren’t about to let a longtime crush be ruined because of a questionable drunken daze. Jungkook picked up on your train of thought and placed his drink on the bar.  
“I hope you’re not insinuating that I’m only hitting on you because I’ve been drinking,” he scowled. “You should know better than that. I’ve been hitting on you since before I was able to buy my own alcohol, remember?”
“Yeah,” you giggled. “I remember having to sneak you into a few clubs back in the day.”
“Exactly,” he bragged. “So don’t try to make it sound like I’m just some random drunken idiot trying to get into your pants. I’m the same Jungkook who would look down your shirt or pull you into his lap in the hopes of making out with you. I mean, I’m still trying to get into your pants, but at least it’s not something new.”
“Still, huh?” you prompted after downing the rest of your drink. “Well, it’s going to take more than a little flirting to get into my pants, Kookie. You want to dance? I want to see if you still got those sexy moves, Kookie.”
He giggled and then finished his own drink with haste. He grabbed your hand to help you off the barstool and you pulled him toward the chaotic dance floor.
You shook off your previous nerves and worked your way into the pulsating mass of dancers. The music was thumping out a steady bass line and you swayed your hips back and forth to the beat. You weren’t sure if Jungkook noticed your attempt at seduction, but within moments, a pair of strong hands attached themselves to your gyrating hips. Given your vaguely inebriated state, you had no problem relinquishing a little control to your sexy suitor.
You encouraged Jungkook’s boldness by pushing your ass back into his crotch, grinding onto his growing erection. He leaned into your body and pulled you closer.  His lips ghosted a kiss on your exposed shoulder and then nipped at your neck playfully. The pleased sigh that left your lips prompted a dark chuckle from him.
“So naughty,” he murmured into your ear. “If you keep on grinding onto my dick like that, I’ll have to take action, babygirl.”
You leaned your head back onto his shoulder and reached up to grip his wavy hair. He groaned softly as you tugged on the roots and his hips thrusted against your ass. You quickly calculated how long it had been since you’d had sex and decided that it was time to update your calendar.
“Oh yeah?” you taunted. “I’ll accept that challenge.”
You turned in his grasp and locked onto his lips with your own. He hesitated for a moment, but pushed back with his own lips in seconds. They were unbelievably soft and his fervent kisses ignited an inferno in your center. You decided to take it a bit further and you swiped your tongue across the seam of his lips. He moaned slightly in response and dove into your mouth with his own tongue. Once you bit down on his bottom lip, you both decided it was time to move to a more secure location.
He turned away from the crowd and pulled you behind him toward the bar. You both quickly closed out your tabs and made your way to the exit. Once you were both outside, you pounced on him and pushed him into the brick exterior, unable to contain your lust any longer. Jungkook appeared flustered by your eagerness and took a moment to gather his bearings.
“As much I would love to lose myself in this moment,” Jungkook huffed while pulling away from your hungry lips. “Maybe we should decide on a place with softer surfaces.”
You glanced at the vacant alleyway next to you and the brightly lit city street and frowned.
“Sorry,” you apologized. “Kinda forgot where I was for a second there.”
“Really?” Jungkook grinned and kissed your forehead. “You could’ve fooled me.”
“Let me call an Uber,” you volunteered. “My place isn’t too far from here.”
Once you were both in the Uber, you couldn’t stop touching and smiling at each other. The driver commented on the “happy couple,” and you didn’t have to heart to correct the old man.
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Once you were both inside your apartment, Jungkook pushed you against your front door and started nipping lazily along your jaw.
Jungkook stroked his thumbs along your sides and leaned in to kiss your flushed cheeks. You sighed happily in response and ran your hands up his firm chest and rested them on his shoulders.
“Jungkook,” you began. “I didn’t think I’d ever run into you again. I haven’t seen you since my undergraduate graduation party.”
“I tried to see more of you that night,” Jungkook admitted while stroking your hair. “But someone disappeared in the middle of the party with their friend, Jimin.”
You flushed further at his words, remembering that night a little more clearly now that he’d brought it up. You and your former friend with benefits had indeed disappeared that night to have a little undergraduate graduation celebration of your own. By the time the two of you rejoined the party, Jungkook was long gone.
“Sorry about that,” you muttered. “I honestly didn’t think you’d be interested. You always had so many girls pining for you, I never thought you’d give me a second glance.”
“Are you kidding?” Jungkook scoffed. “I’ve wanted you since our first tutoring session. I could barely concentrate with you wearing that tank top and those little shorts. What kind of tutor shows up wearing something like that?”
“It was summer,” you countered. “It was over 100 degrees. What was I supposed to wear? A parka?”
You both giggled at that, and it broke the tension that was building since you recognized him. Feeling encouraged, you started lightly scratching his shoulders and chest, noting the stiff pebbles you grazed down the front of his shirt.
“So what now?” you asked. “Do we just keep reminiscing about old times until the sun comes up?”
You gently popped the top button from his shirt to reveal more of his deliciously tanned skin. Jungkook bit his lip and lifted an eyebrow suggestively.
“I think we’ve talked enough,” he grinned wickedly. “There are better ways to spend our time.”
Your eyes locked and you could almost feel the searing arousal growing between you. You gently pushed him away from you and then started walking toward your bedroom, tossing your shoes aside along the way. At the edge of the living room, you lifted your dress over your head and tossed it on the couch. Jungkook smirked and continued to unbutton his shirt while walking toward you. His taut muscles caused your thighs to clench in anticipation.
“Are you enjoying the view, baby?” Jungkook purred while looking you up and down. “I know I am.”
He unbuckled his belt and tugged at the buttons on his jeans. You stepped forward to help him, but got too caught up in touching his bare skin to be of any use. You pulled Jungkook’s lips to your own just as he leaned forward to pull his pants down. He was caught off balance, but quickly recovered after using his feet to pull the troublesome fabric from his legs.
After flinging his shirt behind him, you were both left in your underwear and no inch of exposed skin was left unexplored. Your dominant personalities were at war as you made your way down the hallway, and the aggression became tangible, especially after you practically slammed his back into the wall by your bedroom door. Jungkook squealed happily when you started climbing onto his chest and he reached down and pulled your legs up and around his waist.
Even though his hands were already busy holding you up, he still managed to slip a few fingers in between your legs from behind. The soaked fabric of your underwear pulled a sultry groan from his kiss bitten lips.
“Holy shit, baby,” he said in a breathy tone. “You’re so fucking wet already.”
You moaned softly into his ear as he trailed your arousal back and forth across your slit. He walked across the threshold of your bedroom door and sat down on the bed. You quickly pushed him on his back, but he sat back up and tried to still your frantic hands.
“Baby, baby,” he implored. “You can slow down a bit. I’m not going anywhere.”
“But,” you pouted. “You have no idea how many times I fantasized about this. I’m just excited that it’s actually happening.”
He reached up with one hand and unsnapped your bra with unbelievable precision. He smirked at your awed expression, tossed your bra to the floor, and then leaned up to kiss you sweetly.
“I feel the same way,” he confessed. “I just want to take my time with this. There’s no rush.”
Jungkook continued kissing along your jawline and proceeded to your neck. He pulled on your nipples slightly and then slipped his fingers around your waist to toy with the band of your underwear. You took a deep breath and smiled. Maybe you were a little eager, but it wasn’t often that a legit snack was delivered unto you by the Universe. The restraint was a real struggle.
Jungkook nipped at a sweet spot just below your ear and you hissed and clutched desperately at his back in response.
“Kookie,” you whined. “Don’t tease me.”
“Oh yeah?” he chuckled darkly. “I’d say you deserve a little payback for all the times you teased me, don’t you think?”
“What?” you scoffed. “When?”
Jungkook turned and tossed you onto the bed. He reached up and pulled your hands above your head and held them in place with one hand.
“Every time I saw you,” he reiterated while kissing down your chest. “Your flirty smiles, your sexy winks, your playful jokes, you sat in my lap on more than one occasion when we cuddled on the couch.”
“You never reacted to any of that,” you breathed out in a gasp. “I just assumed you wanted to be friends.”
“I didn’t want to assume anything either,” he admitted. “But I definitely wanted to be more than just friends.”
He leaned in and pulled you into another intoxicating kiss, and you leaned forward to slip your tongue into his mouth, needing to satiate your overwhelming lust. He pushed his own tongue against yours and then pulled away from your lips completely.
He smirked at your needy whine and trailed his free hand across your cheeks then down onto your breast. He leaned in to capture one nipple with his lips and stimulate the other with his fingers. You writhed in desperation, but he only hummed in response.
“Something wrong, babygirl?” He mused. “You seem a little agitated.”
“Gee,” you huffed. “I wonder why.”
Pure amusement played across Jungkook’s beautiful face as he released one nipple from his mouth with a loud popping sound. He licked the valley between your breasts and shifted his body between your legs. You could feel his thick clothed erection brushing across the top of your thighs. He leaned up to kiss your lips and lingered for a moment before releasing your hands.
“Keep your hands where they are, babygirl,” he instructed. “Don’t move them until I tell you to, ok?”
“What happens if I move them?” you challenged. “Will I get in trouble, Kookie?”
“Oh yeah,” he glared. “Big trouble.”
To send his comment further into your mind, Jungkook rubbed his girthy length gently across your clit and grinned wickedly as you moaned wantonly in response. He placed another kiss on your lips and began crawling down your torso. You released a flustered exhale and wiggled your hips beneath him in anticipation.
His hands continued to explore as he kissed a trail down your body. Jungkook paused and adjusted his position when he reached your dripping center. He nuzzled his nose into the thin fabric of your panties and gave the wet spot he found a lick.
Your hips tried to snap forward with the sensation, but Jungkook held you firmly in place. He slid your underwear down your legs and flung them on the floor with the other discarded articles of clothing. He then situated himself firmly between your legs and slid his strong arms under your thighs.
Intent on prolonging his sensual torture, Jungkook ran his tongue delicately along your juicy folds and the blew a cool stream of air onto your exposed nub. The sensation triggered a shiver to erupt across your skin, and you latched onto the pillow above you to anchor your hands in place. Before you could unleash another whine of displeasure, Jungkook dipped the tip of his tongue into your dripping center and swirled it to collect your juices. He released a satisfied hum when he swallowed and got his first real taste of you
“Oh, fuck me,” Jungkook groaned into your upper thigh. “Your pussy is delicious, baby. I may be down here for a while. You don’t mind, do you?”
“Ah,” you squeaked as he licked another stripe through your folds. “Go right ahead, Kookie. I won’t stop you.”
Jungkook nearly growled as he dove into your sopping wet slit, slurping up every drop of slick he could find. You moaned and twitched uncontrollably and he sent you into a tempest of pure pleasure. Every flick of his tongue, every bit of suction against your clit, and every grasp of Jungkook’s hands on your skin jolted your nerve endings into a full blown orgasm careening from your center and spreading all the way across your extremities. He was certainly taking his sweet time and enjoying every minute of it.
Once the climax shifted into overstimulation, you reached down and pulled on Jungkook’s hair and begged him to stop. The little bunny grin he flashed you was completely at odds with the sinful actions of his fingers in between your legs. He planted one last lingering kiss on your throbbing bundle of nerves and crawled off the bed.
You were about to protest his absence from the bed, but then he left you slack jawed when he pulled his boxer briefs off and kicked them aside. The sight of his quivering length made your mouth water, even more so when he gave it a few purposeful strokes. The swollen pink tip was already weeping with precum and you licked your lips, wondering about the taste.
“Ah, you can’t do that to me,” Jungkook blushed. “You’re looking at me like you want to eat me up.”
“Maybe I do,” you teased. “Can you blame me when you’re looking so damn tasty?”
Jungkook chuckled wickedly as he mounted the bed again and hovered over your tantalizing naked figure. He licked his lips, still tasting your essence on his tongue, and raked his eyes up and down your body.
“Are you ready for me, babygirl?” he mused. “Do you think you can take all of me?”
Glancing down at his sizable girth, you popped an eyebrow and tilted your head pensively. You reached over to your side table and opened a drawer to pull out a condom, handing it to Jungkook with a smile.
That’s a damn good question. Can I?
“I guess it’s time to find out,” you teased. “How long are you going to keep me waiting, Kookie?”
That was all the encouragement Jungkook needed to act upon his voracious hunger. He quickly rolled the condom onto his dick and leaned forward to give you a passionate kiss. He released your swollen lips and you gasped as you felt him rubbing his tip along your damp slit.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” Jungkook murmured. “Just know that you’re in for a long night, baby. I’m not going to stop until we’ve made up for all that time we lost.”
With that being said, Jungkook plunged his throbbing cock into you and released a ravenous groan above you. You both remained still for a few moments and you squirmed in his hold hoping to increase the friction you craved. After the tension in Jungkook’s shoulders subsided, his hips burrowed deeper and deeper into your soaking heat. He relished the deluge of your juices dampening his thighs, the melodic moans of his name you uttered over and over again, and most of all, the profound elation of finally reaching the state of euphoria he’d been dreaming about since you were both in college.
The night raged on with your ardent love-making, and after hours of unbridled bliss, you were sprawled across Jungkook’s chest, buzzing with contentment. Both of your glistening chests heaved from exertion, but the fucked out looks on your faces didn’t reveal any hints of exhaustion.
“That was unbelievable, Kookie,” you panted. “Why didn’t we do that sooner?”
“Because we were both idiots?” Jungkook suggested. “Whatever it was, I’m glad we finally found the time to do it.”
He kissed the top of your head and smacked your ass playfully. You hissed at the contact and pursed your lips at him in a pout. He giggled at your cuteness and wrapped his arms around you.
“What was that for?” you whined. “You’re so mean, Kookie.”
“Hey,” he protested hotly. “I told you to keep your hands in place earlier, but you just had to pull on my hair. I owed you at least one good spank.”
“I think you spanked me enough tonight,” you replied cheekily. “Among other things.”
You both smiled at each other as you replayed the events of the evening in your minds. You leaned over to pull him into another lingering kiss. He chuckled and stopped you from deepening the kiss.
“We should probably clean up,” he argued. “We are a hot steaming mess right now.”
“Speak for yourself,” you shot back. “I’m not a mess.”
He lifted his eyebrows and then reached between your legs to drag his fingers across the stickiness clinging to your legs. You mewled in protest and shot him a dirty look for calling you out.
“Ok, fine,” you agreed. “I’m a mess, but so are you. How about a shower before I change the sheets?”
He nodded in agreement and helped you off the bed and into the bathroom. Your legs were still a little wobbly after so much physical activity.
It’s been a while since I put my thighs to good use.
The intimacy carried on in the shower, but neither of you had enough energy to initiate another round of passion. The most you were able to do was kiss each other lazily after helping each other clean up. After the shower, Jungkook was an absolute gentleman and helped you change your sheets.
“You don’t have to leave, you know,” you suggested. “You could just stay. It’s after 5am anyway.”
“I know,” he replied coolly while buttoning his shirt. “But I’m not really in the habit of staying the night.”
“Oh, really?” you teased while popping an eyebrow. “Then can I get you a drink before you leave?”
Jungkook smiled at your hospitality and nodded in response. You were quick to get him a glass of cold water and set it on the counter. A now fully dressed Jungkook walked over and pulled you into another kiss before grabbing the glass and taking a drink. You nuzzled against his chest and sighed. Jungkook set the glass aside, wrapped his arms around you, and kissed the top of your head sweetly.
“Hey,” he exclaimed suddenly. “Where did you find that?”
He reached over and picked up the banana keychain still sitting on your counter. You totally forgot about the small collection of random objects you found in the closet, but now that Jungkook was examining the keychain, your thoughts revisited the mysterious items once again.
“It was in a box I found in my closet,” you confirmed. “Why? Do you recognize that keychain?”
“Of course I do,” Jungkook murmured. “It’s mine, and it isn’t just a keychain, it’s a USB drive.”
He pulled the banana apart at the center and it revealed a USB connector bearing the lettering 512GB. Your jaw dropped at the sudden revelation.
“What the-” you queried. “Why would I have it?”
“Maybe I left it at your place or something?” Jungkook said. “But the point is, I looked everywhere for this thing. I have so many layouts and artwork on here, and this will be incredibly useful at my new job. You are literally saving me weeks of work with this thing.”
“You’re asking me to just give you this flash drive that I found in my apartment mixed in with my stuff?” you reasoned. “How do I know this is actually yours?”
“Because I recognized it,” Jungkook argued. “And I also knew what it was. You obviously didn’t.”
“Hmmmm,” you mused. “I don’t know. What’ll you give me in return?”
Jungkook patted himself down and reached into his pants pocket to pull out a green shamrock on a beaded necklace with the word “Lucky” emblazoned across the front. The look on his face gave off the impression that he was confused, but then it transformed into amusement. He grinned and flipped a switch on the button, causing it to erupt into a barrage of green LED lights.
“I will give you this limited edition, LED powered four leaf clover necklace,” Jungkook proposed. “It’s the perfect good luck charm, and so much better than a horseshoe or a rabbit’s foot. What do you say?”
You eyed the glowing button and burst into a giggle fit. Jungkook was presenting it to you as though it were some kind of grand prize on a game show.
“Where did you even get that?” you asked. “Do you just hide random holiday necklaces in your pants?”
“No,” Jungkook chuckled. “They gave it to me at the bar. I almost left it on the table, but I couldn’t put it down. When I saw you by the bartender, I guess I just put it in my pocket. It’s weird, I usually don’t keep stuff like this. But it’s yours, if you want it.”
“Well,” you grinned. “With a sales pitch like that, how can I resist?”
He joyfully handed you the flashy plastic bauble and pressed another delightful kiss on your lips. You set the shamrock necklace aside on the counter and wrapped your arms around Jungkook’s neck to continue pressing sweet kisses on his soft pink lips. Before things got too heated again, Jungkook pulled away and kissed your forehead. He exhaled a deep breath as you buried your face into his firm chest.
The night had been phenomenal and this thing between you and Jungkook was heating up so well. Maybe there was a possibility for more than just a one night stand? It was a risky proposal to bring up, but your history with Jungkook gave you a sliver of hope.
“So when do I get to see you again, Kookie?” you breathed out while looking up at him. “Now that you’re in town again, maybe we can see each other more often?”
“Uh, well,” Jungkook sighed nervously. “I’m not sure. I just started the job and I’m going to be pretty busy, so I’ll have to let you know.”
“Oh,” you replied while gently releasing your hold on him. “That’s fine, whatever.”
“Hey,” he began while pulling you back into his embrace. “It’s not what you’re thinking. I had an amazing time with you tonight, but I’m not sure I can give anything more than something casual. I wish I could give you more than that, but I’m not really in a good place for anything serious right now.”
You pouted slightly and nodded your head in understanding. Having been in that exact same head space before, you could understand his apprehension. There were easily five years between you and Jungkook, so it was natural that you would be at different places in your life. It would be unfair to expect more of him if he wasn’t ready for it yet.
“I understand,” you murmured knowingly. “I don’t want you to feel obligated or anything like that.”
“I’m sorry I can’t offer you more than that,” he admitted. “Believe me. If ever I’m ready for something long-term, I’m going to be looking for you.”
“If I’m still available,” you mocked him playfully. “You never know. Some other gorgeous man might snap me up before then.”
“Well,” he growled while sinking his hand into your hair. “If that’s the case, then he better be ten times better than me and willing to give you the world on a silver platter. You shouldn’t settle for anything less, babygirl. You deserve to be treated like the goddess you are.”
You rolled your eyes at him and pursed your lips. He shot you an adorable bunny smile and eagerly kissed your lips once again. He took a moment to brush his thumbs across the apples of your cheeks and then shook his head with a goofy smile.
“Ah, I better go,” he announced in a huff. “If I spend any more time here, I’ll never leave.”
“That isn’t necessarily a bad thing,” you shot back teasingly. “I’d definitely make it worth your while.”
“I know you would,” he snickered. “But I really do have a lot of work to do. I’m going to need the rest of the day to recover from tonight before I have to be at work on Monday. Someone gave me a hell of a workout.”
You winked at him and leaned up to kiss him once more before he pulled away toward the front door. You shared one last hug and kiss at the open door after exchanging phone numbers.
“Thank you again for giving this USB back to me.” he expressed with gratitude. “You have no idea how much time you’re going to save me. I’ll try to call you later this week. Maybe we can meet up and do something, if you’re not busy?”
“We’ll see,” you smirked. “I’ll let you know.”
Jungkook flicked your chin and shot you an impish grin. You watched him disappear behind the elevator doors before closing the door to your apartment. Once you were back in your kitchen, you sipped at the water you’d poured for Jungkook and looked at the scattered items on the counter. The absence of the banana keychain was noted, but the glowing shamrock was a welcome replacement. You decided to send Gina a little update before you went to bed.
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You put your phone on the counter and let out a loud yawn, the evening and all of its activities finally catching up with you. The mess on the counter annoyed you, so you placed everything back in the box on top of the paper map and switched off the lights.
“I’ll take another look at this tomorrow,” you yawned. “Time for sleep.”
As you walked back to your room, you turned off all the lights and got settled into your comfy bed with fresh sheets. There was still a faint scent of Jungkook floating in the air and it calmed your senses. You started drifting off to Dreamland with visions of Jungkook prancing across your brain.
At least I can stop wondering about Jungkook and what might have been. I’d been obsessing over that for so long. Now, I can move on if I need to.
Reassuring visions danced across your brain and all of them resembled Jungkook. He kept tossing four leaf clovers at your feet, and you giggled in your sleep as he continued showering you in lucky charms.
Jungkook made a good point. Four leaf clovers were much better than other good luck charms. Your bunny boy bestowed a bounty of luck upon you, all while blessing you with a rabbit’s foot of his own.
Well maybe a few inches less than a foot, but size isn’t everything.
With a smile on your face and your heart full of possibilities, you coasted on fumes to the final mile into a deep sleep, knowing that tomorrow would be brighter without the added weight of your past insecurities pulling at your nerves.
It’s funny. I almost feel like I’ve regained something I didn’t know was missing. Maybe Oberyn is on to something after all. The Universe definitely makes more sense than it did yesterday.
That couldn’t just be a coincidence.
Could it?
Your mind continued its existential ramblings throughout the wonders of Dreamland, and in your kitchen, something inexplicable was happening. Only Oberyn was awake to witness the subtle purple glow and sparkle emanating from the counter top. It was over in a flash, but Oberyn still sniffed at the air in the kitchen trying to locate the origin of the unexplained phenomenon.
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Chapter Two: Soulmates are a Forever Kind of Thing
@caught-in-a-seesaw-stigma​‘s MASTERLIST
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disasterdeacy · 5 years
Forbidden Fruit Part Two
A/N: Here we go my dudes! I set myself a goal to get this out and posted by the 4th of July, so 2 days later isn’t too bad! Australia is amazing and I’m having a blast, but I’m still sorry this took a little long to get out to y’all! I might make a few more in this series, but as of right now this is the end of Forbidden Fruit! Thanks so much for reading and loving it, remember to reblog and comment, they genuinely make my whole day when I read them! Disclaimer: I do not own Lady Chatterly’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence Word Count: 7.2k  Pairing: 1998!Brian May x Younger Reader Summary: The 4th of July has come to Windlesham, and Y/N is ready and fed up with Brian’s teasing. Willing to risk it all, the two mismatched lovers spend the day making their own fireworks while trying to avoid being caught. Warnings: Infidelity, Age Gap, 18+, Unsafe Use of Kitchen Furniture, Don’t Fuck Beside Food Plz, Definite FDA Violations
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Brian had never seen as sight more beautiful that the one in front of him when he walked out of the patio door the next morning. Y/N was sat in the porch swing, a red sundress covering the body he’d spent the whole night dreaming of. Her hair was still a little damp from the shower he’d heard her take a few hours earlier.   She was like him in that respect, last one to bed and first one to wake.   The older man didn’t know if it was a normal occurrence, Y/N staying up until  4am, only to wake at 6:30, but he hoped that it wasn’t. Not because he was concerned for her health, which he was, but for much more selfish and indulgent reason.   He hoped, desperately; almost pathetically, that Y/N had been kept awake with thoughts of him, just like he had been kept awake by thoughts of her.   But not even in his wildest, most realistic dreams from the night before did the young woman look this beautiful.   The sun hadn’t bene up for very long, only an hour tops, but the orange light was directly behind Y/N, casting her in an ethereal, seemingly heavenly light.   Her arm was bent at the elbow, clenched fist supporting her head which was buried in a book. Her legs were also bent up beside her in the swing, tucked nicely under the fabric of her sundress.   She just looked comfortable, relaxed.
Brian stood in the doorway, simply watching, no, admiring, the young woman in front of him. She looked so innocent, so much her age, no evidence of the actions from the night before present on her. If anyone outside of Brian had seen Y/N that morning, they’d just think that she was a beautiful, relaxed young woman...not the sexual temptress and goddess that Brian knew her to be.   Y/N could feel Brian’s eyes on her, had been able to feel them since he had come out of the damn house and onto the patio. She didn’t want him to know that she knew he was watching her, she wanted to see how long it was going to take him to make a move. Brushing a damp strand of hair from her shoulder, Y/N sighs a little, adjusting herself so her legs are flat out in the swing, her dress riding up until it’s barely covering her thighs.   She smiles a little into her hand when she hears Brian’s little intake of breath followed by the patio creaking a little under his feet as he makes his way to her. Only when he is standing directly in front of her does she tear her eyes away from her book, wide smile in her face as she takes in his appearance.   He was dressed very similarly to how he’d looked the night before, black athletic shorts paired with a tank top of the same color.
“Good morning Mr. May, how did you sleep?” She knew exactly how he’d slept, she could hear him tossing and turning all night, much like she had. God, she just couldn’t get the image of him jerking off, his face buried in her panties, out of her head. Even if she couldn’t see it happening, she knew exactly what had happened when he’d come back down to the pool 20 minutes after she had left him, hair wet, dressed in pajama pants and a Bart Simpson t-shirt that looked vaguely familiar. The two hadn’t said another word to one another the rest of the night, Y/N electing to spend some time with Louisa and Emily, Brian locking himself in his studio, neither one wanting to risk a fumble in front of Anita or the kids. Brian laughs, moving her legs onto his lap as he takes the seat beside her, hazel eyes warm and gentle. “Morning love, would’ve slept better if you were beside me.” He leans over, pressing a kiss to her neck, his dark curls tickling the delicate skin.
Y/N almost drops her book at his actions, shock coursing through her body, mingling with excitement and arousal, creating a cocktail of moisture in between her legs.   Sucking in a deep shuddering breath, just trying to steady herself, Y/N laughs gently, moving her head backwards to lay against the back of the swing, giving Brian permission to continue his ministrations. “Then why didn’t you come crawl into bed with me?” She knows its cheeky, a little bratty, and its just what Brian needed to hear based on the sigh he releases against her neck, arm moving to rest behind her, pulling her closer to him.
Picking up his head just a little, he brushes a bit of hair from her shoulder, smiling at the book in her hands.
“Read to me, if you don’t mind”
Brian’s words are as soft and gentle as his eyes, making Y/N blush harder than she had the night before. There was just something so intimate about the way he was sitting with her, arm loose around her shoulder, head nearly leaning against her’s. She couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at his eagerness, her heart fluttering like the hummingbird that had been keeping her company all morning.
“Are you sure? You might find this kind of book a little boring.” She’s teasing, knowing that the paragraph she was about to start reading was anything but boring.
His laugh mingles perfectly with the calls of a morning bird, making Y/N’s blush deepen as he places a delicate kiss to her shoulder blade, voice warm and teasing when he speaks. “If I’m not mistaken, this little book was banned for obscenity and indecency for 30 years darling…” His lips are suddenly less sweet, harder, needier… “So I sincerely doubt that this is going to be a boring read..”
He smirks into her neck, his own heart beating like a bat in a birdcage “Besides… if it means I get to hear your voice, I could listen to you read a phone book Y/N.” The way he says her name, barely a whisper, more of a plea to hear her voice than anything else. She blushes hard under his gaze and the feel of his lips on her skin, stammering a bit as she begins to read.
“His body was urgent against her, and she didn’t have the heart anymore to fight…” Her voice hitches in her throat, Brian’s teeth had decided to make an appearance as she started to read. “She saw his eyes, tense and brilliant, fierce, not loving. But her will had left her. A strange weight was on her limbs. She was giving way. She was giving up…” Brian’s hand inched its way from her knee upwards, grazing the delicate skin of her inner thigh.
“B-Brian, what are you…” Y/N trails off, voice breathless, eyes glassy with arousal. It’s not like she didn’t want this, god did she want it, but they were on his back porch, and his wife and kids, including her goddamn best friend, could just waltz out at any fucking moment… and she was pretty positive that seeing his father with his hands up his best friend’s skirt wouldn’t have the most positive impact on Jimmy. Brian chuckles into her neck, his calloused fingers dangerously close to her naked core… fuck, she really should’ve worn panties.
“I’m going to make you regret what you did last night baby girl… making me cum twice in less than 10 minutes.. giving me your soiled panties to sniff like a dirty fucking slut…” His voice is so calm, steady, and had it not been for the context of his words, Y/N would’ve thought that he was just asking what she wanted for breakfast.
“If you stop reading one more time, I’m not going to let you cum honey.. got it?” For a threat, it was whispered awfully soft and kind, but Y/N understood perfectly and just nodded her head, chest heaving, legs spreading involuntarily.
Her voice is shaky as she continues to read. “She had to lie down there under the boughs of the tree, like an animal, while he waited, standing there in his shirt and breeches, watching her with haunted eyes…” Brian’s fingers are extremely close to her dripping core now, gently running along the crease of her inner thigh. It takes everything in her body, every single ounce of self-control and restraint in her body to keep her from ceasing her reading.
“He too had bared the front part of his body and she felt his naked flesh against her as he came into her. For a moment he was still inside her, turgid there and quivering. Then as he began to move, in the sudden helpless orgasm, there awoke in her new strange thrills rippling inside her.” Brian moans at the words that Y/N was reading, how soft and weak her voice was. Fuck, she was the epitome of an angel, a creature sent to earth to bring good will to man, and based on the way his cock was training against his shorts, begging to be touched by the soft skin of Y/N’s hands.
“Rippling, rippling, rippling, like a flapping overlapping of soft flames, soft as feathers, running to points of brilliance, exquisite and melting her all molten inside. It was like bells rippling up and up to a culmination. She lay unconscious of the wild little cries she uttered at the last. But it was over too soon, too soon, and she could no longer force her own conclusion with her own activity.” Y/N squeezes her eyes shut right when Brian’s fingers finally slip inside of her sopping wet cunt, the noise obscene and completely out of place against the soft morning glow that was cast against the two. She keeps reading though, the threat of Brian not letting her cum prevalent and weighing heavily in the back of her mind.
“This was different, different. She could do nothing. She could no longer harden and grip for her own satisfaction upon him. She could only wait, wait and moan in spirit and she felt him withdrawing, withdrawing and contracting, coming to the terrible moment when he would slip out of her and be gone.” Brian can’t help but let out a hard moan against Y/N’s neck, sucking the area behind her ear as hard as he possibly could, almost as hard as her cunt was clenching down on his fingers. She felt like heaven on a Saturday morning, tight, wet, insanely hot, and unlike anything he’d ever experienced in his 51 years of living. Her legs were completely spread wide, cunt on display for the whole world to see if they so pleased. Brian had to resist the insatiable urge to drop to his knees in front of the swing and suck the juices that were running down his hand straight from the source… but he knew he couldn’t do that, he couldn’t risk Anita or any of the kids running downstairs and seeing him eating Y/N’s young right pussy.. no, he had to be smart, disciplined..
“Whilst all her womb was open and soft, and softly clamouring, like a sea anenome under the tide, clamouring for him to come in again and make fulfillment for her.” Much like Lady Chatterly herself, Y/N was close, so desperately close to cumming around Brian’s fingers, her walls clenching him like a vice, desperate to be pushed over the precipice. Yet, she never stopped reading, even when Brian’s fingers sped up, free hand moving to grope her breast through her dress, and his teeth began to nip at her jugular, she persisted.
“She clung to him unconscious in passion, and he never quite slipped from her, and she felt the soft bud of him within her stirring, and strange rhythms flushing up into her with a strange rhythmic growing motion, swelling and swelling til it filled all her cleaving consciousness, and then began again the unspeakable motion that was not really motion, but pure deepening whirlpools of sensation swirling deeper and deeper through all her tissue and consciousness, til she was one perfect concentric fluid of feeling, and she lay there crying in unconscious inarticulate cri-” She clenched tight around his fingers, book falling to the ground as her arms reached over involuntarily, wrapping themselves tight around Brian’s shoulders, mouth wide no noise escaping her throat despite the obvious throws of pleasure she was experiencing. She knew it was cliche, to say that she saw stars, that she felt her entire body constrict into itself… but she did, his fingers were still inside of her, pressing hard into her g-spot, prolonging her pleasure. Brian’s lips halted their harsh assault on the young woman’s neck, instead opting to place gentle kisses to the area, not wanting to overstimulate her too much. He couldn’t remove his fingers from inside of her if he wanted to, her muscles still clenching him tight as her upper body went limp, her head dropping to his chest, mouth open and heaving heavy sighs against his exposed armpit.
“B-Brian.. I..” Before she could even get a word in, the sound of pots and pans clanging together in the kitchen caused the two lovers to spring apart, Brian’s fingers slipping from Y/N’s cunt so fast it made her head spin. By the grace of whatever deity was looking down on them, Y/N somehow managed to fix her skirt, grab the book, and look semi presentable by the time the door opened and Emily darted out, wide smile on her face.
“Dad! Y/N! Anita wants to know what you want for breakfast.” They both breathed a sigh of relief that it was only Emily, because had it been any other member of the May family, the flushed faces, heaving chests, and general disheveled appearance of Y/N and Brian would’ve given them away. Brian just smiles, hiding his glistening hand behind Y/N’s shoulders.
“Whatever she’s making would be lovely honey, just go tell her to make sure to cut Y/N up some of that cantaloupe we bought yesterday!” Emily giggles and nods, running back inside to yell her father’s words at his girlfriend. Y/N lets out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding in as soon as the door closes, dropping her book back against the patio as Brian lets out a loud rumbling laugh. She jolts at the sound before joining him, completely dumbfounded that what had just happened actually happened..
“Mr. May, I swear to god, we’re going to get caught if you’re not careful…” Her eyes are wide, full of mischief and excitement.. she loved this, the whole forbidden nature of their relationship, or whatever they could call it. The risk that they were taking was a big one, and the fear of getting caught was only making her want it more. Brian just laughs, leaning over to place a chaste kiss on her lips, hands moving to cup her cheeks. He winces a little when he realizes that his fingers are still wet with her cum, frantically pulling them away from her to try and wipe them on his shorts. “Shit, I’m sorry love, you probably don’t want that o-”
His words are cut short when Y/N reaches forward with lightning quick reflexes and grabs his wrist, pulling his soiled fingers into her mouth where she licks every single drop of herself from him, eyes never leaving his. Brian almost cums right there, watching this beautiful young woman do something that he hadn’t seen done in 30 years. He lets out a little whimper, making the young woman smile when she grazes her teeth over the long digits as she moves to stand, her free hand reaching into Brian’s shorts, squeezing his cock before turning her back and walking towards the patio door, pausing for a second to send him a teasing wink.
“Be a good boy today Mr. May…”
Breakfast passes relatively without incident, save for Y/N purposefully dropping a grape down her sundress, her eyes never leaving Brian’s as she pulled it from her bra, popping it into her mouth, allowing her fingers to run over her bottom lip as she pulled them from her mouth.   Brian shifted uncomfortably in his seat, cock standing straight up in his shorts, the mesh fabric not exactly helping to keep his issue inconspicuous.   It isn’t long after she takes the final bite of her cantalope that Y/N stands from her seat, smile on her face as she darts her eyes between every member of the family before landing firmly on Brian’s, mischief playing in them as she spots his crossed legs, a feeling of pride blossoming in her chest. “I’m going to go ahead and get the grill started if that’s okay Mr. May, wanna make sure that its nice and hot by the time we decide to lay everything down.” Her tone is light and polite, and to everyone else at the table might’ve seen like the innocent declaration of a young woman who just wanted to help out.   However, Brian knew exactly what she wanted, could see the unspoken request in her eyes as she played with the delicate rings on her fingers. He was about to offer to come and help her, to make the excuse that he just didn’t want her to get burnt, until Emily shot out of her seat, latching herself to the older girl’s side, begging her to show her how to light the grill properly. Y//N tried to hide the disappointment on her face at the interruption, but she just slaps on a smile and wraps her arm around the younger girl’s shoulders. “Just promise you won’t stand too close to the fire okay? We don’t need you losing any eyebrows before school starts back.” Emily laughs and nods enthusiastically, pulling Y/N towards the door, not even giving her an opportunity to look back at Brian.   The sight is one that makes him smile and laugh a little, Y/N was as kind and giving as she was h gorgeous, always giving his youngest daughter as much attention as she did his oldest. Jimmy laughed at the two, popping a strawberry in his mouth as he turned to his dad, eyebrows furrowing at the fond look on his face. He had noticed the way his best friend and dad interacted the afternoon before, the way his dad’s hands just couldn’t seem to leave Y’N’s waist after he pulled her from the pool, how they lingered on her back during dinner, how her eyes never left his during breakfast... hell, he would’ve been a complete dumbass if he hadn’t noticed the bright red flushed cheeks that adorned their faces when they returned from the patio that morning. The oldest May child knew that something wasn’t right, that something was going on between Brian and Y/N, but he trusted his best friend and his father, trusted them not to do something TOO scandalous.   He wasn’t a naive idiot, he knew how his dad was, he knew about his proclivities, about his lifestyle. However, he also knew that Y/N wasn’t some lovestruck groupie. His best friend was smart, had a good head on her shoulders, and wouldn’t do anything that would potentially hurt herself or her friends and family. So, Jimmy keeps his mouth shut, munching on his breakfast as his dad clears his throat and pushes himself from the table.   “I’m gonna go write up some emails before we start cooking.” Meanwhile, outside, Y/N and Emily were having the time of their lives lighting the grill. Anita, Louisa and Jimmy had joined them a few minutes after they’d first exited the house.   Emily was currently brandishing the starter fluid, soaking the charcoal while Y/N laughed and held the matches tight to her chest. “Alright pyro, keep that up and we’re gonna blow the hot dogs into the stratosphere. The five of them stay outside for a bit longer, Y/N getting more and more restless with every second that passes. After a while, the young woman stands and announces that she’s going to head inside and start working on the ice cream, adamantly refusing any help, citing that it is a “secret family recipe”.   The three May kids and Anita laugh at her antics, and wave her off, causing her to breathe a sigh of relief as she heads into the house. Making a bee line for the freezer, Y/N removes the bag of ice, cream, and milk before lying it all on the counter, dragging the machine she’d brought with her from York onto the counter beside the ingredients. Plugging in the machine, she pours all of the necessary items into the mixing cylinder, emptying the ice bag into the bucket before furrowing her brows, trying to find the rock salt that Jimmy had brought with them. Upstairs, Brian was actually genuinely trying to type up emails, however, his brain just wouldn’t allow him a moments peace, constantly showing him images of Y/N’s lust wracked body, writhing underneath him as he pounds into her tight young pussy, the noises obscene... He pushes his glasses off of his face, rubbing his hands over his eyes as he sighs.   Just as he was about to say “fuck it” and pull out his already half hard cock, he hears a commotion in the kitchen and smiles.   If lady luck was on his side, it would be Y/N standing in there, red sundress straps teasingly falling off of her shoulders. Pushing himself from his chair, he heads out of his office, which was conveniently located a few doors down from the kitchen, and rests his shoulder against the doorframe, cock hardening at the sight in front of him. Y/N was bent over looking in the cabinet beside oven, a noise of triumph falling from her lips as she spots the rock salt container, reaching forward to take it. Brian seizes his opportunity, moving forward before he can stop himself, arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her up into a standing position, his cock rubbing into her ass.   The young woman lets out a small gasp of shock before it dissolves into one of pleasure when she realizes what was going on. “Mr. May, I-” She doesn’t even get to finish her sentence before his lips are on her neck, cock thrusting hard against her ass.   “No love, no talking, not after that little show at breakfast this morning.” His voice is low, dangerous, and teasing.   “Dropping grapes in your top, licking your spoon...made me get a fucking hard on right there at the table.” She lets out a breathy chuckle, proud of herself for having such an impact on him, but Brian didn’t find it funny at all. Moving his hand upwards, he grasps her throat tight, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to get her attention. “You think that’s funny do you love? Think its funny that you almost made me cum in my pants in front of Anita and the kids? God, you’re such a dirty little slut Y/N, and I’m gonna fuck you so  hard today...gonna make you regret your little cheekiness..” Giving his hips one last thrust against her ass, Brian places a gentle kiss to her neck and unravels himself from her, just in time for Jimmy to come barreling through the door asking for the shrimp and veggie burgers. The grilling of the food took no time at all, with Anita, Louisa, Emily and Y/N staying inside the whole time fixing greek salad, potato salad, baked beans, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, and so much more. Before long, everyone is sat at the table, bellies full, plates empty, wide smiles on their faces. Y/N and Jimmy were joking around about one of the archaeology professors and trying to convince Louisa to go to York so they can get a better flat.   This goes on for a good hour and a half before Brian gets tired of waiting and decides to move things along a little bit. Smirking, he slides off his flip flop and moves his foot under the table to rub against Y/N’s calf, causing her to choke a little on her Rekorderlig. Jimmy claps her on the back a few times, laughing out something about her having one too many.   Y/N just laughs lightly, eyes meeting Brian’s in a kind of challenge which only causes his smirk to deepen and hands to grip the sides of his chair a little hard.   Darting his eyes from Y/N’s to the kitchen window, he smiles widely when she nods and stands.  “Ice cream should be done by now.” Her voice was light, not at all betraying the anxiety inside her as she stood up, hands brushing off the crumbs from her sundress. “Oh, I’ll give you a hand l-“ Anita didn’t even get the words out of her mouth before Brian had risen from his chair, a small smile on his face as he made his way over to Anita, pressing his hands into her shoulders gently, keeping her in her seat.  “You’ve helped make every single thing on this table today, let me give Y/N a hand.” The younger woman had to physically stop herself from moaning out loud, bringing her thumb to her mouth and biting down just enough to cause her enough pain to keep her body from reacting outwardly to the way her internal organs were physically dissolving into a mushy mess.   Instead, she smiles, an innocent wide eyed look overtaking her face as she gazed over at Brian, her hands clasped in front of her. “Oh, Mr. May, you don’t have to...”   Brian just smiles at her, walking around the table, standing beside her before wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “You’re our guest, and you’ve lugged a 30 pound contraption from York to Surrey, just to make us ice cream Y/N. The least I can do is help you scoop it out into bowls.” He hopes it’s not obvious to the others, the way his eyes are burning with lust, the way his adam’s apple is bobbing up and down as he attempts to swallow back the moan threatening to escape at the bead of sweat running down the valley of her breasts. And while it might not be obvious to the rest of the May family, Y/N was all too familiar with the look that Brian was giving her. It was a look which caused heat to pool between her legs and wetness to coat her inner thighs, one that made her let out a shaky chuckle before heading towards the door, wanting to get away from Anita and the kids before she pushed him to the ground and rode him in front of them. Brian caught on to her not so subtle signal, and immediately followed after, holding the door open for the young woman, hand lingering on the lock for a split second before he decides not to go for it... he would just have to be careful.   Y/N immediately goes over to the ice cream machine, her bottom lip pulled tightly into her mouth, teeth digging into the plump skin. She was trying desperately to not smile or moan out in anticipation, only wanting Brian to come over and fuck her like her life depended on it. She was trying to distract herself, not wanting to seem too overly eager, like he had been. Y/N wanted Brian to come to HER to show HER how badly he wanted her, and she didn’t have to wait long. As soon as she pulled out a bowl from the cabinet, Brian’s hands were on her hips, pulling her hard against his chest, his cock digging into her backside. It was so much like what had happened a few hours earlier, but now... now the two were going to fuck and be fucked, come hell or high water. Neither one of them had enough self restraint and care to even think about what would happen if someone walked in on them, the scandal that would ensue. They only cared about one thing, and one thing alone. Brian’s cock, sliding hard and fast into Y/N’s hot cunt.   “M-Mr. May! P-please, I need your cock.. Please..” She didn’t usually beg, didn’t class herself as someone who would EVER beg, however, in this moment, the man she’d been lusting over for years standing behind her, cock hard and throbbing against her backside while his entire family sat a mere 10 feet away behind a door...she was willing to get on her goddamn hands and knees and kiss his feet if that’s what it took. Brian lets out a whimper in response to Y/N’s begging, and the way her ass was grinding into him. He’d wanted this since he’d pulled her out of the pool the day before, wanted to have her in his arms like this, completely at his mercy. Bending his head just slightly, Brian latches his lips to her neck, biting, kissing, sucking, doing absolutely anything he can to leave marks and claim her as his. Because that’s what he wanted, he wanted this young, gorgeous, intelligent, incredible young woman to be his and his alone.   Consequences be damned, he’d never felt so much unbridled desire to be with someone before in his life, and he was going to do whatever it takes to make sure Y/N stayed with him.   “We don’t have a lot of time, certainly not enough time for me to do all the things I want to you..” He trails off, his heart leaping a little when she leans back and rests her head on his shoulder, her own lips moving to the delicate skin of his neck.   “B-but I need to fuck you Y/N. I need to feel your right cunt pulsing around my cock. Fuck honey, I need this like I need fucking air, and I want to make you f-feel so good.” His words go straight to Y/N’s cunt, causing her to let out a little moan against his neck. “Then fuck me Brian, fill me up with your cum baby, wanna feel it filling me up.” She had never allowed a man to cum inside of her before, but at this point she didn’t fucking care.   “Fuck honey, you can’t tell me things like that...” Bringing his shaky hands to the hem of her dress, Brian pushes it up around her waist, groaning loudly when he sees her bare ass. “No panties? Did you plan this honey? Did you fantasize about me bending you over against this counter,” To drive in his words, he presses her against the countertop, pushing her face into the cool marble. “Pushing my cock inside your tight young cunt while my children and partner sit outside and eat the food that we made especially for you..” While talking, he’s pushing down his pants, just far enough so that he can get his cock out and fuck her properly. Y/N’s hands are tightly gripping the corner of the counter, her eyes trained on the window in front of her. She could see the entire patio, the way Anita was silently eating her salad while Jimmy and Louisa threw pieces of hot dog bun at Emily.   “B-Brian, they’re gonna s-see us.” Her voice wasn’t scared or timid, but breathy and full of anticipation.   She wanted them to see, or at least she wanted to be able to see THEM while Brian pounded into her relentlessly. The older man just chuckles, leaning over to place a kiss on her exposed shoulder blades. “Let them see love... let them see how fucking hard I am for you Y/N.” He grips the base of his cock, slapping it hard on her exposed entrance causing both of them to groan at the feeling. “I haven’t been able to get this hard, this many times, in 5 years darling... and it’s all because of you.” He pulls her ass hard against him, groaning almost pathetically when she grinds into him eagerly, a gentle moan falling from her red bitten lips. “Please Mr. May... need t-to feel you inside of me now..” She isn’t embarrassed at how needy and wanton she sounds, loving the way her words and moans cause his cock to twitch against her. “You’re so fucking needy for me honey, so desperate for my cock.” Through gritted teeth he speaks and slowly guides himself into her hot and wet center, causing her to gasp as she feels the delicious stretch of his cock inside of her for the first, and certainly not last, time.   His calloused fingertips are hard as they dig into her hips, giving him the leverage he needs so that he can thrust into her as hard and fast as they both needed She grasps hold of the windowsill, having decided that the countertop just wasn’t giving her the necessary grounding that she needed to keep up with his hips.   “M-Mr. M-May, you feel so fucking good inside of me! Goddamnit, stretching me so good..” His arms come up, wrapping around her waist as he pulls her upwards until her back is firmly pressed against his chest.   He can barely think straight, his cock sliding in and out of her so fast that he’s glad the ice cream maker is still going, because the sounds from their skin slapping against one another hard and fast... it would draw attention. “God, you’re bloody perfect angel... s-such a tight, b-beautiful pussy!” He moans, his pace beginning to hasten, his breath hot on her ear, his teeth nibbling gently on the lobe. Loosening one of his hand’s hold on Y/N’s waist, he lets it fall toward her pussy, his fingertips finding her clit immediately.   He doesn’t waste a single second of time, his orgasm is already approaching, and he refuses to cum first.   Y/N whimpers as he plays with her with one hand, the other coming up to hold her by the throat, just keeping her pressed to his chest, not wanting her to fall against the counter. His hold is gentle but firm against her throat, and she tilts her chin enough for her to place her head into the crook of his neck, but it isn’t there for long.   Brian moves his hand up a bit more, grasping her chin gently, forcing her to look out of the window at his family. “You like knowing that I’m fucking you in my kitchen while my family sits outside? Look at them Y/N.. look at how happy and excited they are out there, waiting for their ice cream...” She whimpers, head trying desperately to fall back against his shoulder, but Brian won’t let that happen. “But here we are, my cock buried deep in your weeping little cunt, completely ignoring them.. god Y/N I would leave my partner if 12 years for you, to have this cunt in my life for the rest of time..” His words shock him a little, but he means them. He and Anita had been having some issues for quite some time, and this, whatever it was with his son’s best friend, just solidified the fact that his romantic relationship with her was over. Y/N is also a little shocked at his words, but the pleasure building inside her belly knocks the words she was going to say right out of her head.   Instead, she rather pathetically whimpers out, “I’m almost there! B-Brian.. Please!” Her hips are moving hard, rolling to meet his own impatient thrusts.   His fingers moving faster against her clit as she jerks her head from his grasp, turning around quickly and wrapping a leg around his waist, propping the other on the counter top. She knows she’s going to be sore as all fuck in the morning, but the way the angle changes sends her into an earth shattering orgasm.   Brian’s eyes widen at her movements, and the way her hips never leave his, how his cock unsheathes from inside her cunt. Whimpering himself, he tightens his grasp on her waist, pulling her as close as he can against him as he pounds into her.   “Cum for me Y/N, p-please honey, I wanna feel you l-let go against me..” His teeth are gently nipping at her ear as she breathlessly moans out his name, mouth falling open when he latches his lips against hers, tongue slipping in uninvited but not unwelcome. “Go on love, let go... please!”   His voice is desperate against her lips, weak and pathetic. He’s so close, so painfully close to painting her walls with his cum, his fingers moving against her clit at the same breakneck speed as his hips slamming into her. She doesn’t need any other encouragement, her breath hitching in her throat as she sobs out a moan that sounds vaguely like Brian’s name, shuttering against him as he whimpers into her mouth. Feeling her clenching down like a vice on his cock, feeling the tears of pleasure run down her face, it sends Brian over the edge into the most intense and blinding orgasm he’s had in decades. His cock throbs and spurts wave after wave of white hot cum into her waiting cunt. His thrusts start to slow just slightly as the both of them ride out the high that washes over them like a goddamn cold bucket of water, his hand moving from her clit to join his other one grasping her hips. He groans and she moans into his hair as she tries catch her breath, but with his cock still moving in and out of her sensitive cunt it’s almost impossible. “B-Bri.. c-can you s-“ Before she can even get the words out, he’s slid out of her quivering cunt, causing her to let out a gasp of shock at the sudden emptiness she feels, and the abruptness at which he’s just left her. “Wh-“ She furrows her brows, but upon hearing the patio door open, her eyes widen and she hastily throws her sundress over her lap, moving to stand beside the ice cream maker, bowl in her hand as she looks over into the mixer, back turned to whoever has just entered. “Now what’s taking the two of you so long? You’ve got three very sugar deprived children outside waiting!” Anita’s voice is light and full of amusement, and Y/N sucks in a shaky breath before letting out a little laugh, not daring to turn around as she speaks. “Oh! It just needed a few more minutes to get nice and thick. Should be ready any second now!” Brian has propped himself up on the counter beside Y/N and the ice cream maker, elbows propped up against his knees in an attempt to disguise the still half hard cock he had just managed to get  back into his shorts when Anita had opened the door. God, he was eternally grateful for looking out the window when he did. “You go on back out and we’ll take care of the sweets doll.” His tone is light and not at all betraying the actions he’d just been involved in not even 30 seconds earlier. Anita smiles at them and nods her head, heading back out the door, telling Emily, Jimmy and Louisa that it would just be a couple more minutes. The sound of the door closing causes Y/N and Brian to both let out loud sighs of relief, the two lover’s eyes meeting for a second before they dissolve into a fit of laughter. Brian hops off the counter, wrapping his arms around the younger woman, his head resting against her shoulder as she threads her hands through his hair. Y/N couldn’t believe that she’d just done that... that she had fucked Brian May, her best friend’s father, against the counter in his goddamn kitchen while his partner and children ate basically in the next room. “Jesus fuck Brian, that was too close for comfort.” Her words are a bit shaky, the gravity of the situation crashing down on her. She didn’t want to ruin a family, and she certainly didn’t want to lose Jimmy, but... whatever she was feeling for Brian was more than just lust, and she knew that. Plus, what he had said to her about leaving Anita.. that was probably just heat of the moment words, but she couldn’t help but think otherwise.. Brian laughs lightly, sitting up just enough to look into her eyes.   “We’ll just have to be more careful next time then won’t we..” He brushes his hand through her hair, eyes gentle, a small smile on his face when he sees the shock on her face. “N-next time?” Her brows furrow, butterflies erupting in her stomach at the possibility that he wanted the same thing she did... to keep this going for as long as possible. Leaning down, Brian places a deep and finalizing kiss to Y/N’s lips, his hands cupping her cheeks, her’s moving up to hold his gently.   The kiss said more than he ever could, that he wanted this, wanted her, it confirmed to Y/N that she was getting into something bigger than herself, and that she was about to enter into a world of insanity and secrecy. She couldn’t wait.   Brian pulls away from her just a little, smiling as he rakes his eyes over her figure, taking in a shuttering breath when he sees the white liquid that he’d squirted into her a few moments earlier, running down her leg. Dropping to his knees without a second thought while Y/N begins to scoop the ice cream into bowls, Brian licks a stripe from her calf up to her cunt, sucking up every single drop of his cum that had managed to escape her pussy. Y/N is completely unprepared for the sudden feeling of his mouth against her sensitive cunt, moaning lightly as he cleans her.   Placing a delicate kiss to her clit, he pulls  away after he was certain that she was as clean as she could possibly be, aka clean enough that she wouldn’t drip in front of the kids or Anita.   Brian drops a kiss to her nose before turning to the ice cream bowls on the counter, taking a bite of the creamy frozen vanilla treat, moaning at the taste, his eyes never leaving Y/N’s lust blown ones.   Smirking, he takes 4 of the bowls from the counter, leaning in to drop a kiss to her lips before moving to whisper in her ear.
 “You’re sweeter.”    
Tags: @meddows-taylors @doubledeaky @toomuchlove-willkillyou @rogerina-deacon @leah-halliwell92 @goodoldfashioned-rogerboy @brianmayoucease @rogertaylors-lipgloss @mariekuuuuuh @unofficialbillnye @stephydearestxo @danamaleksworld @dereones98 @glasgowkisschelseasmile @awkwardangelshezza @bellamy1998 @psychosupernatural @warren-lauren @womanwithahotdogstand @oujiacallme @simonedk @ellywritesfics @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla @sam-mercurry-sixx @toomuchtellyneck @asgardianvamp21  @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @amore-libre @marvelstuck @softboydeacon @a-queen-on-her-throne @horrorsinwonderland @roger-bang-the-drum @frannyxc @mrsmazzellotaylor @reedusteinrambles @drowseoftaylor
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the118firefam · 4 years
thanks to @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover for tagging me. love you, hun ❤️. this was rlly rlly fun.
1. Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want.
> A mixture or Charles Boyle and Amy Santiago. She's nerdy and she's high strung which is completely me and Charles is a romantic who tends to go a lil overboard with his affections and tends to obsess over stuff
> Castiel. I think I see a lot of me in him? I mean, he doesn't feel like he fits in, but he's constantly trying to and he's trying to do good in the world – bad choices, good intentions, am i right? So, yeah, him.
> Uh, Chidi Anagonye
> Oh, Howard Wolowitz. Yes, 110%.
Basically, all different kinds of nerds oops.
2. Aesthetic:
I searched it up! I guess, it's the minimalist aesthetic. My goal is to be simple but bangable lol.
3. Favorite musical/play? If you've never seen a musical or play, one you'd be interested in seeing?
I watch plays which are generally in my native language so, there's this one I watched very recently "Chitkar" which was the story of a paranoid schizophrenic who has extremely violent urges and has killed 3 people because of which her entire family has given up on her but she is admitted to a mental clinic where this one doctor really spends time with her, establishes a friendship and her entire journey with that. It's very intense but it's amazingly done.
4. What's the best compliment you've ever received?
Ooh, that's a tough one. A couple of days ago, this friend of mine and I were talking about Gilmore Girls and how it went to shit after a couple of seasons and I pointed some of my observations out and she's like "oh, wow, that's really good. you should've been the creative head. i'd watch the show, then." and it made me feel really good about myself.
5. How many times have you been in love?
Do fictional characters count?
Nah, I've never really been in love. Thought I was twice but come to think of it, I really wasn't.
6. Embarrassing story or fact about yourself which now makes you laugh?
Hm, there was this once when I was in school and we had this school assembly thing and since I was one of the class heads, I had to keep order and blah blah. Now, there I was, standing, trying to be tough when I see this guy I had a crush on and I... trip. To save myself from a really bad fall, I catch hold onto the next thing and it was a broom which was a really bad idea because even though it stopped me from falling, the broom fell out of the bucket along with all the water and created so much noise that everyone's eyes were on me while I stood there, dipping a broom. Lol.
7. Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
8. Favourite plant/tree?
Uh, most definitely jasmine. Yup.
9. What's your favorite holiday?
Holi. Yeah. I tried to think of any other but goddamn, the amount of fun I have during Holi. Wow.
10. Name three things that made you smile/laugh this past week.
> I've been watching a lot of the Big Bang Theory so, that.
> My dad. He's a funny guy.
> R!verdale crack videos. Oh God, they're hilarious.
11. What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
Heat of the Moment (by Asia)? Cos all of my decisions are very spontaneous. Does that make sense? Eh.
12. Name something that truly makes you peaceful even at your most stressful moments.
Praying. I pray a lot. Which is kinda unseen for a 17 year old, gen Z. But, yeah. And listening to some very calm tunes.
13. What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
I start college this year and I'm planning on getting my Bachelor's in Psychology.
14. This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
My plain white t-shirt, black denim jacket, blue jeans and converses. I feel very "me".
15. What is a quote you live by?
It's this quote from the show One Day at a Time which goes : Don't quit before the miracle happens.
And the quote of how everyone you meet is going through something you don't know about.
16. Name the funniest playlist name you have.
I, don't make playlists? Oops, sorry guys.
17. Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
I can't remember any. WHat the fuck?
18. What is a message you'd give your younger self if given a chance?
Don't try and fit in. It's okay the way you are. I know you were inadvertently dragged into the "cool" group but, speak up if you find something to be wrong. There's no harm in that. Honey, be yourself. Try to find peace with who you are before you go out to find love.
19. Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
My nephew. He's two. He's by far, the cutest lil bean and he hits me a lot but I've never known happiness better than when I'm with him.
20. What's a secret dream of yours?
To open a bookstore. It's something I really, really wanna do. A vintage bookstore with pillows on the ground and bean bags and soft music playing and maybe a dog who just goes and cuddles with anyone who looks like they're upset.
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pantherlover · 5 years
Rosemary and Rue Re-Read: Part 9
Here’s part 9!  As always: possible spoilers up to Night and Silence!
Chapter 17
Danny!  I was so happy to see him!!  Danny’s definitely one of Toby’s more ride-or-die people and I love him.  And him mentioning that she did something for his sister made me even more curious about what Toby did before the pond.  Hopefully we’ll get to see it someday!
I can’t remember if Devin’s lying about Julie calling to tell him about the attack, but considering the state Julie was in when Toby left her, I’m inclined to say yes.  But if he is lying, how did he know?
Devin’s a creep and an asshole, but his potions are really cool.  Considering how often Toby gets busted up in the process of doing her job, you’d think she’d have learnt more first aid.
I can’t figure out what Devin’s main motivation in trying to convince Toby to drop Evening’s case is.  I think, in his own way, that he does care for Toby and doesn’t want to see her get hurt - buuuuut I think ultimately he wants her gone for pragmatic reasons.  It’s almost impressive, in a super fucked up way, how he plays Toby from both sides?  If an assassin gets to her first, and - ahem - convinces her to give up the hope chest, then he’s achieved his goal with minimal risk to himself.  But if Toby manages to beat the assassins, then he can slide in and act as her ‘old friend’, and convince her to give it to him.  Either way, he wins.  Too bad for him that Toby’s a) waaaaaaaaaay too stubborn to die, and b) not super inclined to forgive a betrayal like that.
Uggggggggggggggh.  I had managed to successfully repress the fact that Devin slept with Toby (immediately after sending an assassin after her, fuck you Devin), so this was not the most enjoyable ending to a chapter.
Chapter 18
I can’t figure out what would’ve happened if Toby had told Devin about the binding.  I don’t think it would’ve been anything good, but I’m still a little curious about how Devin would’ve handled it.
And Toby gets fired, because her week needed to get worse! (Although as someone who’s currently working in a grocery store, I’m a little skeptical about the fact that they fired her after she didn’t show up for two days.  I’ve worked with someone who didn’t show up for a week, and she still ended up quitting instead of getting fired)
Was there a Suspicious Reason that Cagney and Lacey were locked out?  I can’t remember if they just escaped when Devin came in, or if there was a reason they were locked out.
Oh man, she still hasn’t called Sylvester.  How long has it been at this point since she visited him?  Two days?  He must be Freaking Out at this point.  And it’s going to be AT LEAST another day before she can call him, if I remember correctly.
Gillian was standing on the doorstep.  Fuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Devin.  This was absolutely the lowest thing you could’ve pulled on Toby, you slimy dickwad.
However, this is making me think of an AU where Gillian actually does come visit Toby on her own.  Maybe she was never able to get rid of her fantasies that her Mom would come back, and she wants to find out for herself why she left?  Maybe Gillian’s angry and tracks Toby down to confront her, but Toby just... does not react the way that she was expecting?  It’s an interesting scenario to think about.
(Okay, taking pictures of Gillian with a telephoto lens is a little on the stalkerish side there, Toby)
The Doppelganger making Toby run and then slowly stalking her when she knows Toby’s trapped is goddamn creepy.
I have to ask, Toby.  When the Doppelganger was distracted by Dare and Manuel at the door, why didn’t you go for the gun?!?!?  It couldn’t have been that far from the door that it was that much more of a risk to try to grab it, and it would have been much more effective at taking down the Doppelganger than a wooden bat!
Daaaaaaaaare, oh honey, you are so tough and brave, and I wish we’d been able to see you grow up.
There’s something very sweet about Dare and Manuel calling Toby ‘Ms. Daye’.  I don’t think we’ve ever heard anyone else call her that.
And there’s Toby down for the count again!  How many times has she lost consciousness from blood loss; three times in two days?  She probably should’ve guessed that she wasn’t really Daoine Sidhe just from that.
Chapter 19
Why did Devin send Dare and Manuel to Toby if he’d already sent the Doppelganger to kill her?  Did he want them to get caught in the crossfire?
Every time that Toby describes how Devin operates, it skeeves me out even more.  It makes me sad that Toby doesn’t seem to see how fucked up it is.
The gauzy purple nightgown is certainly... a choice.  Why did Devin even have that?  I’m assuming it wasn’t one of the kids’.
Eventually [the binding] would be strong enough that I wouldn’t be able to fight it, and it would force me to ride the memories of Evening’s dying moments until my heart gave out.  She probably didn’t mean for it to be that way...
Haha.  Well...  If you think about it, it actually would’ve been pretty cruel to kill Toby in a way that she would’ve been able to handle, if she’d been given any training in how to do it.  
“I met him a long time ago, when I ran away from... never mind what I was running away from.  I was trying to avoid places where people might know me, and I managed to get myself pretty messed up.  One day I just turned around and he was there.  Said a friend told him where to find me.  He asked if I might want to try something new.”
I don’t know if this’ll somehow be important eventually, but: who was Devin’s friend??  My theory is that it was actually the Luidaeg, who wanted to make sure that Toby wasn’t fending for herself alone on the streets, and that’s one of the reasons why the Luidaeg owed Devin.
Oh, there are so many gross implications in Toby and Dare’s conversation.
I blinked at her.  “He’s not holding you captive.”  “If you think that, you got stupid.”
Thank you, Dare!  Demanding people do things they very much do not want to do, or they risk losing your shelter/community, is at best coercion, and at worse it’s a whole other list of things and they’re all AWFUL.
Oh nooooo, Dare asking how Toby got out, and Toby promising that she’d help the kids leeeeaaave.  Toby doesn’t want to be looked at as a hero, because all she does is disappoint people!  sasdfljasdfj I’m not equipped to handle thiiiiiiiiis
That’s it for this recap!  As always, come talk to me about things!
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frvnchies · 5 years
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     lovable alpha bitch / the speechless / so beautiful, it’s a curse
FULL NAME: francesca eloise waverly. PREFERRED NAME/NICKNAMES: frenchie. GENERALLY REFERRED TO AS: francesca by her parents (which she does not like!), frenchie by essentially everyone else.
FACECLAIM: halston sage. SEX: cisfemale. HEIGHT: short — she’s about 5′3″. WEIGHT: about 115 lbs normally, more like 110 during pageant season. BUILD: slim with some tone from working out. HAIR: soft natural dirty blonde with some subtle highlights from the salon, often styled in loose waves. HANDS: small, delicate, perfectly manicured hands. she has a regimen for taking care of herself, hands included (she’s got a mani-pedi appointment every tuesday afternoon). SCARS: faded scar on her knee from a fall as a child. CLOTHES: she dresses like a sorority girl, tbh. a lot of lilly pulitzer, some madewell and free people, kate spade bags, pearls, lululemon leggings & vineyard vines or simply southern shirts when she’s feeling lazy. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES: wide smile.
VOICECLAIM: as far as her normal speaking voice, halston works. as for singing, i’m gonna go big and say she’s got a touch of sara bareilles. ACCENT: soft carolinian accent, kind of like this. VERBAL TICS: tendency to use pet names (sugar, honey, darlin’, etc).  LANGUAGE: she’s fluent in english & ASL, currently studying spanish. ARTICULATION: she’s very articulate and sure of herself when explaining things. as with most things in her life, this is a result of excessive pageant practice. EDUCATION: the thing about the way frenchie talks is that it’s long & tiresome, but more from the fact that she drawls her words like a good southern girl and less from the fact that she uses big words. she’s not dumb, but it’s not her style. LAUGHTER: she doesn’t laugh loudly because her mother says it’s not ladylike. she tends to giggle instead. BREATHING: she makes a lot of noise during club meetings, partly because it’s easier to convey her meaning through sighs and humphs than writing something out. 
FACE: a lot of times, she doesn’t mind people knowing what she thinks, so it’ll be written all over her face (i.e. when she sees the murder club being weird, it’s not hard to tell that she thinks it’s weird). that being said, she can put on a pretty good poker face when she wants to. HANDS: being too expressive / talking with her hands / making herself too big or loud in general has been drilled into her as unladylike, so her hands usually stay folded in her lap.  LEGS/FEET: absolutely not. see above. EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: if anything, frenchie tends to maintain the hell out of a poker face when she’s upset and then burst into tears the second she’s alone. she doesn’t like losing face in front of others; it feels too vulnerable. HABITS: most fidgety sort of habits have been discouraged by her mother. the one thing she can’t get frenchie to stop doing is twirling her hair. POSTURE: her posture is absolutely perfect. that’s a pageant queen for you! PERSONAL SPACE: depends on who we’re talking about. with friends, she’s much more likely to be comfortable with them – ex. brushing shoulders, casual touches, etc. with strangers or people she doesn’t know, she’ll back off a little, and is more averse to them getting up in her space. she’s pretty tolerant of anything, though. OTHER: she can usually be found chewing a stick of gum.
DIET: frenchie’s on a pretty strict diet as far as keeping in shape for pageant stuff. this usually means a lot of salads, lean meat, veggies, that sort of thing — if she even bothers to eat at all, which is less likely to occur during pageant season. she has an undeniable sweet tooth, though, so she’ll always cave for a shake at marie’s. SLEEP: these days, she doesn’t sleep as much. she usually tries to get a solid eight hours, but her sleep is so restless now that she’s lucky if she can grab a few hours at best. EXERCISE: it probably borders on a little bit too much of the treadmill / stairclimber. right now she’s more busy with the murder club, which takes away from her usual regimen. ACTIVITY: she’ll damn near kill herself practicing pageant stuff if she thinks it’ll make her mom happy. CLEANLINESS: frenchie takes a lot of pride in her appearance, so she’s always been the type to shower regularly and keep herself clean & tidy. she has a whole regimen of soaps, scrubs, lotions, etc. that she follows religiously.  ODOR: her signature perfume is armani’s sí. if she’s not wearing that, she’ll still smell pleasant and vaguely girly, mostly like her shampoo. MEDICINAL DRUGS: she got a prescription for xanax last year, but she never filled it. NARCOTICS: she’s not averse to smoking some weed at a party, but nothing more than that (she tends to worry about her singing voice). PARASITES: does jamie count as a parasite?
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: definitely an extrovert — she always likes being around people, and usually feels better / more energized when she’s out and about.  OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: optimist. she has an unwavering belief that things will work out. this is probably a result of the fact that she’s white, pretty, and well off, so things do tend to work out for her. SEXUALITY: frenchie’s still kind of figuring this out, but she’s bisexual. as far as people she’s dated in the past, they’ve usually been the type of person people expect her to be with — hot, popular, etc. as for what she actually wants for herself, she really just needs someone who’ll make her smile. ROMANTIC: biromantic. again, has yet to realize that anyone other than cis dudes are really an option for her, but she’s got a big heart underneath all that hairspray, and she’s secretly a hopeless romantic.   MEMORY: she has a better memory than a lot of people give her credit for. she’s especially good with names/faces/dates/times, that sort of thing. PLANNING: she has a planner. does she use it? no. she just wanted the lilly pulitzer print to tote around. this bitch just wanders into whatever she wants to do next — her whims are wild and often. INTUITION: she generally trusts herself and her gut. whether or not this is a good thing is still up for debate. GOALS: as of right now, her only clear goal is to win the miss teen normal 2019 pageant. other than that, she has a vague idea of the kind of life she wants to have, but pageantry has really shaped a lot of who she is. INSECURITIES: she’s insecure about the fact that she kind of feels like a one trick pony. if she can’t do pageants, what can she do? ACHIEVEMENTS: little miss normal 2012, young miss normal 2014, junior miss teen normal 2017... you get the gist.   ANXIETY: pageants lol. her mother. the idea of failing her mother. anything along those lines, honestly. SELF-HELP: frenchie is very much of the ‘ignore the problem until it goes away’ mindset. this is not working for her at all right now, which distresses her greatly. BAD HABITS: she smacks her gum, which drives her mother absolutely insane. otherwise, she tends to drill out her bad habits before they can form. PHILOSOPHY: she was raised catholic, but frenchie has struggled with the whole believing part of religion for years. she still goes to services every sunday with her family, but her heart’s not in it. she wants to believe in something, but she has a hard time taking the church’s word for it. she’d probably fall best under agnostic for now.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: her relationship with her dad is amiable but distant; he’s always at work, so they never really bonded the way they should’ve. she’s tied up tight with her mom, but that relationship is absolutely riddled with anxiety and angst. she wants so desperately to have her mom’s approval that she has very few positive interactions with her. WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: the day she lost her voice. not only was it incredibly embarrassing to stand on stage and watch everyone whisper about her, but she’s genuinely distressed by the idea that it has yet to come back. there’s no explanation, no reason — she can’t be stuck like this the rest of her life. BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: when she won little miss normal, her mother took the whole family out for a huge dinner and let frenchie get whatever she wanted. it was one of the few times she can remember having everyone together without a single sharp word or argument.
FAMILY: the only family member she truly trusts to have her back is her twin brother, theo. she absolutely idolizes her mother, but frenchie knows that she would leave her kids in the dust if she thought they needed to learn a lesson. FRIENDSHIPS: truthfully, she has almost no true friends. her best friend is, without a doubt, theo. frenchie’s the kind of person who’s surrounded by people, but feels absolutely alone — none of them really know her, or even care to try. though she might try to resist, the rest of the murder club is on their way to being her friend, too.  NEEDING A FRIEND: she generally deals with problems on her own (read: she does not deal with them and waits until it fizzles out), or she consults theo (read: she has him take care of it).   ANNOYANCES: cold shoulder, 100%. she’s a petty bitch and it’s very easy to do now that she legitimately cannot talk. ROMANCE: frenchie is actually very unsure when it comes to any sort of romance. she wants it, but has no idea how to invite it in. ADVERSARIES: people who say ‘lol’ out loud, the entire state of florida, people who chew really loudly, dentists, people who want to be dentists. ENEMIES: people who are mean to animals, probably. FUN STUFF: getting shakes at marie’s, going shopping, taking long drives. BEST FRIEND: theo.
MINGLING: when she actually tries, she’s got a certain charm about her that makes it fairly easy for her to make people like her. COMFORT LEVELS: as a rule, she doesn’t really have any issues talking to anyone, from strangers on up to close friends or family, so she’s pretty hard to faze in that sense.  GROUPS: she’s comfortable with both big and small groups. she likes having both in equal measure — big groups for a fun time, small groups for that good 1-on-1 dish. OPENNESS: since she doesn’t really have any true, close friends, she has a harder time opening up about real stuff. if she’s having issues, theo’s the one who will hear about it, and she’s never seen need to tell anyone else whatever’s closest to her heart. GENEROSITY: if the murder club was a sorority, frenchie would be everyone’s big. she’s still warming up to them a bit, but she’s very generous with milkshake orders, ghost hunting supplies — whatever. she doesn’t care. she has daddy’s amex on deck at all times. JEALOUSY: she’s jealous of people who seem breezily confident in themselves. though she seems very content with herself, she wishes she actually had that kind of easy comfort in her own skin. TEMPER: depends on the situation. certain people can get on her nerves more easily than others, but she’s not usually the type to have an outburst. EMPATHY: these days, she’s working on being a little more empathetic, especially since the murder club has a few people that she used to be pretty vicious towards. she’ll still lash out sometimes, but she’s trying. AFFECTION: little stuff — private smiles just for them, attempts to fill their needs before they even know they need it, generally trying to make sure that person is perfectly content. DISTASTE: just look for that characteristic derisive sneer. she’s not likely to hide it if she doesn’t like you. ETIQUETTE: etiquette is frenchie’s middle name. emily post who? RESPONSIBILITY: she does not like to admit that she’s wrong. it leaves a very bitter taste in her mouth. SELF ESTEEM: she’s not about to let anyone she sees as ‘lesser’ than her push her around. if you’re below her on the popularity food chain, she’s not gonna act like a little delicate flower. CONFIDENCE: depends on the day, her mood, etc. sometimes she’s all ‘i’m the hottest bitch ever to walk this earth’, and sometimes she feels like shrek. high school is magical. LEADER OR FOLLOWER: she tends to go with the flow more than anything.  PRAISE: she loves a good compliment! boost that ego. CRITICISM: she takes genuine criticism VERY poorly. when confronted with her own flaws, she tends to lash out and try to dig twice as deep into her critic. the notable exception to this is her mother — she’ll take that criticism with little more than an apology and promise to do better. INSULTS: insults are much easier to laugh off, for whatever reason. they feel more surface-level to her. EMBARRASSMENT: not too easily embarrassed, but if she is, she’ll just turn red and not really know what to say. FLIRTING: not usually unless she’s drunk or specifically interested in someone, but she does sometimes think it’s fun to bat her eyes and smile prettily at football players just to watch them trip over themselves. ATTENTION SPAN: frenchie is a magpie. show her a pair of earrings and she’ll forget what she was saying entirely.
DUTY: no real responsibilities to speak of beyond being on time for practice. TECH: she’s been through three phones in the past year. that should speak for itself. COMBAT SKILLS: frenchie might not have bulk on her side, but she’s vicious enough to hold an attacker off for a minute or two. those perfectly manicured nails will go right for your eyes if you try to mess with her. HOME: she’s very organized. her room is nice and neat and very pleasant to be in. INDEPENDENCE: frenchie is absolutely dependent on her parents. she likes to pretend that she can do anything she wants on her own, but she’d be lost without them.  COOKING: she’s actually a pretty good cook. growing up, her nana made sure she knew all the good southern recipes passed down through their family so she ‘could take care of her husband properly someday’.  BUILDING: the idea of frenchie building anything is hysterical. SHOPPING: she shops constantly. i’m sure she’s bought things online literally during murder club meetings, and has come home with bags on bags of stuff before. DRIVING: she’s got a cute little baby blue VW bug, courtesy of daddy’s big bonus and presented to her on her sixteenth birthday. FINANCES: virtually all her money comes from her parents, who are very comfortable financially. her dad is a very successful lawyer, so frenchie will usually end up getting some sort of ‘allowance’ from him each month. this is often flexible — if she really wants something, she’s pretty much guaranteed to get it. PETS: she has a golden retriever named ollie.  LAW: no ma’am, no sir. unless you count underage drinking. MEDICAL: she currently has doctor’s appointments out the wazoo to try and figure out what’s up with her voice. before that, she was pretty vigilant about going to the doctor/dentist. she takes care of herself! WORRIES: these days, it’s her voice. day and night, she wonders — will she get it back? is she stuck like this? what will she do if it never comes back? it’s an endless cycle, and the answer is always the same: she doesn’t know. PARTYING: frenchie actually loves to party. her mother supports it if she has ‘a nice young man to escort her’, AKA she’ll probably call up kaz and ask him to take her so she can go. HOBBIES: y’all, we all know this bitch does pageants and nothing else.
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thecrotchhand · 6 years
health class >:(
-did somebody say rick of suicide
-”ooh, there’s a laser!” -student teacher
-good ways to manage stress- “punching a hole through the wall”
-”do you have a long-term goal?” “dying”
-”we should deport justin bieber back to canada”
-”if you say you're gonna do something, then do it" "i'm gonna kill myself ;))"
-"i'm busy singing Africa by Toto" *off-key singing continues*
-"when you lose weight, where does it go?" "it goes to weight heaven"
-the guy next to me started playing Africa quietly from his phone
-"i'm talking to bowl cut. just kidding chris. i love you." "...i'm getting a haircut."
-"you don't lift to get swole" -st
-"that sounds not good for you" "i'm gonna try it"
-"during pregnancy, the women in here are gonna need more folate, iron, and calcium" "no, i'm gonna need a coathanger"
-"liar liar pants for hire"
-"is eustress good stress or bad stress?" (long silence) "it's good stress! yay!" -st
-good ways to relax- "11 hours straight of anime"
-"everything's gonna be ok" lmao good joke
-"precipitation... wait i mean perspiration. it still counts, it's raining from your body."
-ways to manage depression- "kill yourself :D"
-help the teacher (flynn) has been yelling at us for the past five minutes
-uh oh she said damn it's gettin' wild
-she went back into her office after and all of a sudden we hear a quiet "oh, happy Wednesday"
-"is it possible to have an abortion 700 weeks late?"
-"what's the r-word we talked about?" "rawr XD"
-"what does autonomy mean?" "it's like grey's anatomy but for cars"
-alcoholism is a good sims trait
-guy: sneezes
guy's friend: "god bless... america"
-”what do you say to your sibling during an argument?” "you should've been aborted" “no”
- "your personality might be kind of boring" "like a potato!" "yeah"
-"what does down to earth mean?" "it means you're like the lorax, you speak for the trees"
-"he was happy?" "yeah! put him working with me and larson for ten years and... we fixed him!"
-the student teacher generally has a habit of sarcastic yaying and it entertains me
-"jason (chris) move your head" "just throw a rock at it, it'll move"
-someone was trying to come up with weird phobias and someone suggested genital herpes
-"sir you've been diagnose with hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia " "aahHH"
-"if someone comes up to you and says a mean word, you're gonna be upset" "hey sam" "what" "fuck"
-"i found a big circle"
-"*cough* flynn"
flynn, out of nowhere: "i heard that"
-"have you guys seen cabin in the woods?" "wait, the one with the cabin in the woods?"
-"let's say you don't have a gun" "pft, not in america"
-we were talking about miscarriage and cody goes "fetus... deletus"
-examples of anger- "when mcdonald's doesn't have ice cream"
-video from the 80's: "depression isn't talked about"
-a seal saved this guy's life and he just: 'ah yes it was all because of god' ¿¿¿???
-80's commercials are the weirdest shit
-"...gonna get addicted to xanax"
-"you guys all did a really good job on your tests" "i got a C" "i got a D+" "yeah there wasn't a single person i was not happy with"
-"you say you see really good scores, but what i'm seeing is a D"
-examples of compromise- "i got a D+, but i feel i deserved an A, so let's meet in the middle with a C" "but what do i get out of it?" "if he passes the class, you don't have to see him anymore"
-"oh no my one feeling"
-"what are some ways to resolve conflict?" "killing yourself"
-"put away the candy this is health class"
-(talking about conflict) "...then the fire nation attacked"
-(softly) "yo what the heck dawg"
-"if they started a rumor-" "kill them"
-"when i was-" "a young boy"
-"you got two more weeks with the student teacher, then you get me back" *high pitched screaming*
-"they never broke out, and then one of them broke out"
-"wrestling uniforms are skimpy"
-(across the room) "hey man, can i touch your butt?" "i don't mind, dude"
-"let's say my wife is going to leave me and i'm... celebrating! oh wait"
-"they're fat and skinny, they're white, black, pink, purple, and orange-" "trump"
-"listen, idiotface"
-"do you think... the government is hiding the cure for cancer...?"
-i love government conspiracy theories during health
-"i... declare... bAnkrUptCY"
-"are we watching a movie?" "maybe if we're lucky it's the ring and it'll kill us"
-lmao i don't need drugs to feel numb
-"aww, flynn, we know you're drinkin' a bottle in the back room" "yeah, just look at ya, why wouldn't i?"
-The Weed™
-"weed stops your sperm from being produced correctly" "perfect, it's birth control too"
-"weed might shrink your... parts" "i think i'll just stick to meth"
-"weed might give you a special needs child" "it's wilson 2.0!"
-"i'm gonna be a drug dealer but not a mean one like a nice, happy 'eyy, wanna buy some drugs? :3'"
-oh no, grandma's growing weed in the basement
-"ahh, the weed's on fire"
-"guess that's how they caught the drug dealers. the deer were high"
-teacher: "ooh, i just sounded like yoda: don't smoke The Weed™"
-"hey, where can you buy a still? asking for a cousin"
-"raise your hand if you want to watch hentai"
-this guy keeps responding to people with "yes, my child?"
-"they put aborted fetuses in vaccines" "oh honey no"
-"how do you keep yourself from getting sick?" "stop breathing"
-examples of painkillers- "cocaine"
-"i know elvis presley is still alive because the king never dies"
-biggest drinker in our grade: "am i gonna be an alcoholic?" class: "you already are"
-c o m p r o m i s i n g  p o s i t i o n
-"trick question, i am hentai"
-"what would you do... if i said i could put you in your own hentai"
-"you're gettin' a hole in your nose oh my goodness"
-"depression" "nope" "wait... depression"
-"I can't remember the happiness i felt before drugs" "i can't remember feeling happiness at all"
-"oh you're back! just in time for meth"
-"oh my garage"
-"lotta meth in that town" "nah just incest"
-"it kills your brain cells. which some of you can't afford (staring directly at the class alcoholic)"
-"why do dentists have the highest suicide rate?? probably because everyone hates the dentist, i dunno"
-"that's accusations" "uuuuuhh no" "oh"
-"oh my gads. you got some meth?"
-"in the puss!" "terms" "sorry. vag!"
-"there's a pretty good chance that drug came out of someone's anal cavity" "that's why i don't do heroin"
-"hey, whose buttocks did this come out of?"
"i'm gonna go shoot myself with some dog food, brb"
-"oh my chicken pie"
-"i've been told we're gonna draw a penis"
-help they're genuinely discussing giving babies steroids
-"most of the female reproductive cells are useless" "just like my brain cells"
-the teacher keeps referring to developing babies as "little rat" and "alien creature"
-"if you eat my period snacks, i will eat you"
-*chiming* "is that santa??"
-"what's the only fluid that doesn't go to the baby?" "water" "no" "air" "no" "earth" "..." "fire"
-"you're supposed to snort those calcium pills" "don't snort the calcium pills"
-"mr. o'reilly, when'd you miss your period?"
-"is it true you puke the day after you get pregnant?" "no, if you puke the day after, it's from the alcohol the night before"
-fetus = jumbo shrimp
- i too, am a very sad lookin' heart
-"no, you cannot throw up your baby"
-"now that we've taken the baby home, we need to figure out what to do with it" "flush it down the toilet"
-"if you wear a hat all the time, all your hair is gonna fall out and die" "ha ha kevin, you're gonna die"
-"since i was 14. and i'm 112"
-"big dumb"
-"what do you want to be when you grow up?" "dead"
-"my parents say: 'hey... whatcha doin' with that 24-pack?'"
-"did jeffery dahmer's mom love him?" "hope not"
-"ohh i love the smell of babies *sniff sniff*"
-"they can be found in places that are... places"
-"why are there rotting apples under here?" "no you gotta let those ferment"
-"what's something you lose by age 3?" "hope"
-the guy in front of me had marvel porn on his phone????????????? hentai hulk's bright red ass is permanently ingrained in my mind
-"what am i supposed to do to live 2 more years? wrap myself in bubble wrap and eat brussel sprouts?"
-"for every 10 pounds overweight you are, subtract 1." "-50"
-"you're wearing a flamingo shirt, you're no one's favorite"
-"you don't snort viagra"
-"how do you feel about having guns in our home?" "how do you feel about how quickly i'd use it to kill myself?"
-"hey, 2 seniors walking down the hallway! wanna give her your papers?" "outta my way. hey! get back here and gimme your papers, ya bums."
-"it's not just the genitals that transfer STDs" "left calf"
-"what if they got an STD some other way?" "drinking sprite"
-"...serial monogamy-" "cereal is for mornings"
-"...trading sex for-" "chicken nugget"
-"you wanna try sex wearing a hazmat suit, go ahead" "don't kinkshame me"
-"STI: spaghetti time infection. it's an epidemic"
-"g- ross"
-"AIDS didn't come from sex with a monkey" "it's definitely about sex with monkeys"
-"what kinds of drugs do i need if i have AIDS?" "nothing, you wanna die"
-"do you know what they do to get rid of genital warts?" "chop your dick off" "mix wart cream with water and drink it"
-oh no they found out what they do get rid of genital warts
-"they shove a q-tip in your penis" "iiiiii'd rather die"
-"is that what tinder is? swipe right if you want crabs?"
-"i would suggest not setting your genitals on fire"
- "your penis doesn't do tricks"
-"do you have a driver's license? *nod* "do you have a car?" *nod* "are you a big boy?" *unsure nod*
-"i know it's only the last day but i will make you suffer for every last minute" "then i'll just do what i always do *sleeps*"
-our resident alcoholic was washing the board and people were jokingly flirting with him so he tied his shirt into a bikini and continued washing so the teacher docked him points for it. don't worry he was already failing
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emperor-lover · 7 years
Hello could you please write a minhyun fanfic about him and Y/N being on we got married (and later on starts dating irl?) thank you (ps, i love your minhyun scenarios so much)
omg WGM :o hahaha ngl i was never a big fan of WGM even though two members of one of my favourite groups have been on it, but i tried my best! i’ll write anything fluffy for minhyun lmao Sorry about the wait!
A continuation of this will be up next which is from another anon’s request!! 
Hwang Minhyun WGM!AU 
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ok so lets give you a bit of background to set the scene 
you’re an idol, but originally you were going to be an actress except you really liked dancing and singing so your company was like ‘why not both?’ (think female version of Ong)
You became a fixed MC on a music show last year so you’ve been able to meet a lot of people
Popularity-wise, you’re pretty well liked, you’ve never had any scandals or issues
Plus because you’re bi/multilingual so you’ve been able to further expand Hallyu internationally, and yknow everyone loves a bit of patriotism 
So this is why you were extremely uncertain about being on WGM
It’s a show that puts you in the spotlight
and kinda tries to brand you with this false image, and if you don’t fit that image the public tend to be like wtf is wrong with you
WGM could be a make or break for the virtual couples who participated on the show
You had heard from other celebrities who had been on WGM about how strange it was, like just the whole concept of a “virtual” relationship wasn’t something you’d ever been too keen on
So you were skeptical and it didnt help that your company hadn’t given you much warning about being on it
They just said to be prepared for the invitation over the next week or so
So when the red mailbox appeared outside your dorm along with a bunch of MBC camera staff you realised they hadn’t been kidding
You had read the letter outloud for the cameras;
“To my soon-to-be virtual wife, our first meeting place will be at the xxxxxx Building tomorrow. Before we meet, I’ll give you a big clue as to who I am, I wonder if you’ll be able to guess! I’m in an idol group, and I’ve debuted twice…I look forward to meeting you~
You read the letter again, absorbing all the information….
“EH? Tomorrow??” 
no wonder your manager had been awfully quiet when you had asked her about your schedule
Oh well, guess you gotta prepare for this virtual blind date
Tbh…now that you had accepted the fact that you had to go on this show, you were kinda excited
It’s literally so rare for you to ever get the chance to go on a proper date, even if this counted as a fake/virtual one
——next day—–
You hadn’t slept well the night before, in both fear and anticipation
Hopefully the person you were going to ‘marry’ would be nice
Because your partner was fully in charge of organising this first date, you had decided to prepare a gift for him
Which you found to be super difficult, seeing as you weren’t sure who they were but tbh you had narrowed it down to a couple of possibilities
Like in the pre-meet interview that morning they had asked you if you had any idea who the person could be and you had listed a few names of idols you knew had debuted twice, like mino, or sungwoon or minhyunnnn
but seeing as you knew he’s an idol you decided on little things you knew you found helpful being an idol yourself
You packed a neck pillow, a heat pack, and this really big woollen scarf you had knitted yourself (imagine it’s winter time pls)
Your manager drops you off outside the building and you hop out of the car in this big fluffy sweater and black jeans, completed bundled up and warm
The staff ushered you over to the elevator and you’re left awkwardly and nervously rambling to yourself as they press the buttons to every 2nd floor
The doors open to the second floor and a hotel staff pops their head in and gives you a bouquet of flowers with a note
“You’re here! Today’s the day we finally meet~”
You smiled to yourself, seems like this guy is a bit of a hopeless romantic
The doors to the fourth floor open and sitting on the ground is a little fox plushie doll
You pick it up and attached is another note that says,
“I’ve heard that I resemble a desert fox~”
You froze, no freaking way could it be….
On the sixth floor it was a jar of honey - “My voice is sweet like honey wahhh this is embarrassing >
Your eyes widened. There was no denying who it was now.
WGM had never done something like this before, usually people who went on the show had never previously met or had many interactions, but in your case it would be different
You had met Minhyun before, multiple times in fact
You had been good friends with Aron from NU’EST as well as other English speaking idols and had naturally gotten to know the other boys from NU’EST as well
And although you wouldn’t consider yourself best friends with Minhyun or anything, you had always been able to joke round with him
plus he’s a super cute and super nice guy that was always easy to talk to
Now that you think about it, it’s kinda even more terrifying now that you know who’s waiting for you and the fact you already know him as well??? and he doesnt have a clue who you are???? what if he’s disappointed??? like how awkward would that be, you’d actually die from embarrassment
Finally the doors to the 10th floor open and lo and behold Minhyun is standing there, with his back facing you
When he heard the door open he had immediately tensed up
He was nervous as hell too, poor thing
Like kinda kicking himself for being so cheesy with the whole elevator thing, but y’know, gotta make a strong first impression
He can hear your footsteps approach him and he fights the urge to turn round 
The staff signal to you to say something and you become a big stuttering mess, like what are you meant to say???
“uHHhhHH Minhyun, IT’S ME, Y/N”
And he whizzes round so fking fast with his eyes popping out of his head literally everyone is laughing so hard
And he’s bright red because in the pre-interview they had asked him who he’d choose if any idol was able to go on wgm as his partner, and he had said Y/N, and he just assumed that you wouldn’t be on this show and didnt have his hopes up
so the fact you’re actually standing in front of him about to become his virtual wife is so strange but surreal to both of you
so of course, the two of you hit it off right away, seeing as you already know each other
After migrating to a cafe, you thanked him for the gifts and the elevator surprises and gave him the present you prepared
and he loves it so much, and he puts on the scarf you made straight away and is super proud of it
and you kinda just catch up on life with him, and find out how he’s doing in Wanna One
and that night after the filming was over, he sent you a text telling you how he was happy that you were his partner
and you spent the whole night just messaging cute little shy texts back and forth
After a few more days of filming, the first episode was finally broadcasted
And you were anxiously sitting by the tv with your group members trying to gage their reactions
it was embarrassing to see yourself become such a blushing mess in front of Minhyun
It was embarrassing for your friends too though, because no one is used to seeing you all shy like this
Funnily enough, Minhyun was the same in his dorm, and all the W1 boys were teasing him relentlessly
like collectively cringing at the notes he had left for you, and commenting on everything he did
And after the episode finishes, you’re a bit anxious of what the viewers think of it all
but luckily it turns out lots of people tuned in and love it
It seems to be a realistic fantasy(?) of people’s to go from friends to lovers
so with each following episode, the public laps up all the cuteness the two of you just naturally exude
Like they love how both of you were supposedly motae solo (single since birth), and that for both of you this would be the first ‘proper’ relationship
And minhyun has always had Boyfriend goals vibe attached to him
and you were top notch wife material too
You guys become known as the “Royal” couple
every one is like “충성충성” (choongseongchoongseong) I pledge my loyalty to you
So the first time you guys had proper skinship was super natural but cheesy as well
It was a filming by the Han River and you hadn’t worn gloves and it was getting pretty chilly
You had been rubbing your hands together to warm them up and it hadn’t been particularly obvious but Minhyun just reaches over and gently clasps your hand in his and puts it in his pocket
literally at that part though, everyone watching it had squealed
even you had been like omg bf goals
And bit later on when you had moved into the honeymoon house, the two of you would often rest your heads on the other’s shoulder and read books together
One of the most heart pounding days had been the wedding day, because although you knew it wasn’t a legit thing, something about Minhyun wearing a tuxedo and standing there waiting for you to walk towards him had made you feel things
And clearly you had the same effect on him, because he was absolutely speechless when he saw you
That night before heading back to the dorm, it seemed that the something had changed between the two of you
The hug Minhyun had given you had been longer, and gentler, if that was even possible
and he’d brushed the hair away from your face and whispered a string of sweet nothings into your ear before giving you a cute little wave and scampering over to get into his manager’s van
and you weren’t too sure what to think of it, because it’s not like the two of you are properly dating or anything
although it definitely feels like it
You go on lots more dates every week and each one was full of memories
Like you’d gone to movies, but you’d actually fallen asleep and Minhyun had just giggled
“Minhyun, you should’ve woken me up!”
“But you looked cute! i think you drooled tho” 
And you’d gone tandem biking, and wandered round different museums, and you went to karaoke together, and Minhyun ended up serenading you with cute af songs
and there was a day that the two of you went shopping to look for gifts for each other, and you ended up getting matching phone charms
There was also the time where there was a special guest episode, where both of you had invited friends round and cooked dinner for them
And everything goes smoothly for the following couple of months, with your relationship only getting closer each day
Until one day a letter arrives, and it’s different from the others so both of you immediately know what it is 
A week before the final episode, you started to distance yourself from Minhyun
mainly because both of you have been so shy about your true feelings, despite talking lots and becoming closer, you still have no clue if minhyun actually considers you to be more than a friend
and because you knew it was coming to an end, you’d have to say goodbye anyways so you were trying to let go without having to have your feelings hurt more than they would be
it didn’t feel right though, and Minhyun could tell something was wrong 
so he had come up to you and put a hand on your arm just before the crew started filming the final episode to talk to you
“Y/N…are we…okay?”
You glanced up at him and you could see his eyes trying to decipher the expression on your face and as much as it pained for you to say it, you decided it would be the best to break ties now
“Yeah, why wouldn’t we be, we’re friends aren’t we?”
And after you had said that, Minhyun’s face had fallen
Like he was upset that you appeared so nonchalant that the ‘marriage’ would be over and you’d revert back to being just friends
He dropped his hand that was on your arm and nodded, his face hardening and he turned to walk away
A few steps though, and he stopped turning back, eyes meeting yours
“I know this was a virtual marriage, but I was always sincere every moment I spent with you. I just thought I’d tell you that before we started filiming.”
And he walked off towards his waiting room, and left you standing there not too sure what to do anymore
During the filming, you struggled not to cry as Minhyun’s hand held yours
The movie theatre dimmed and started playing all the memories you’d made together
it was making you so emotional, and the sad piano BGM playing did not help at all
so you couldn’t stop the tears from falling when the video cut to a solo shot of Minhyun sending you a video message
“…This marriage may be coming to an end, but I will always treasure all the times and memories we made together…”
Covering a hand over your mouth, you tried not to sob out loud but it ended up sounding like you were having a coughing fit 
Minhyun had been quite cold to you after the encounter earlier that day, and hadn’t been particularly affectionate at all, but when he looked over at you, his face went from expressionless to one of alarm when he noticed that your cheeks were stained with tears
he immediately reached over and gently dabbed the tears away with his sleeve and pulled you into his chest
“hey, hey, don’t cry Y/N, it’s alright, babe don’t cry, I’m here for you.”
and this only made you sniffle more
Minhyun’s hand was soothingly patting the back of your head and for a minute you both forgot about the cameras as he pulled back and gently pressed his lips to your forehead
and it was such a touching and emotional moment
until you hiccupped
and Minhyun broke out into laughter his own eyes shining back at you
and you couldn’t help but join in with him in the laughter
you left the set holding hands, still sad but not as emotional as before
and you realised that this would be the last chance for you to say something
He glanced down at you his gaze softening at the sight of your puffy eyes
“This isn’t goodbye right? Just because we’re not on the show anymore doesn’t mean we can’t see each other right?”
Minhyun just kinda looks at you like you’re crazy
“Did you really think that I’d just go on this show with you, the girl that i actually truly like, just to never talk to you again now the show’s over?”
and you were like ?? blinking in confusion…because minhyun actually does like like you, and it’s not one sided like you assumed girl it was so obv tho
He kept talking, “I looked forward to the days when i’d get to see you to film, because spending time with you is like the most natural thing in the world to me. Look I even keep this photo we took in my wallet.”
He shows you a cute little photo of the two of you at the cafe you’d been to on the first date.
“So Y/N? Don’t worry, this won’t be goodbye, you can’t get rid of your virtual husband that easily,” he says shooting finger hearts and winks at you
So, legitimately dating Minhyun is obviously not as open and conspicuous as WGM, but it’s still super cute
and on your first anniversary the two of you go on a late night outing to the cafe where you had your first date
and you buy the same drinks you had on that day and just enjoy each others company, forever grateful that you have Minhyun in your life
I hit 100 followers the other day and I’m so so grateful, thank you to everyone who reads my random little writings, even though I’m definitely still lacking lots! I’m working on the current requests that were sent in, so please hold tight if you’re still waiting~ ❤️❤️
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leio13 · 7 years
I was Tagged!!! Thrice!!! (Holy Cow...)
I’m back with 33 more questions to answer! I was gonna make a joke last time about it being the ultimate get-to-know-me post, but I guess not. Good thing I held off on that joke, huh.
1. Post the rules
2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. And tag 11 people
First, I was tagged by the lovely @missmizpah! Thanks, Emily!
1. Opinion on nuts?
Nuts are alright. Honey nut roasted peanuts though are more than alright. They are some good stuff.
2. Favorite book genre?
Hmm... I don’t really have a favorite genre. I’m really picky about books and a lot of other things honestly but my pickiness applies to all genres. I just like books with complex characters really.
3. Worst injury/illness?
I don’t actually get seriously injured that often; however, there was this one time I dropped my metal water bottle on my thumb. It hurt like hell and there was some blood under the nail. No big deal, right? That’s what I thought too. And I don’t really remember the transition that well, but in a few days, the area under my thumb nail was a navy blue and swelling out under the nail. a lot. It was probably one of the grossest things I’ve seen. good thing my mom took before and after pictures before they drained it. Don’t worry though. I won’t be posting those here.
4. What attracts you to someone platonically?
Er... kindness, loyalty, respect, AKA the really cliche stuff, and uh, chivalry, I guess. Treat me like a princess (for some reason) and you’re halfway there!
5. What was the last dream you had?
I had an interesting dream about Ouma from NDRv3. I went to his house which was more of a shack since his single parent family was super poor. His dad said that Ouma was actually a good boy (I have doubts). Ouma owned a crap ton of rainbow shark plushies (he really liked sharks apparently), and some bad dudes who were pissed at Ouma chased us back to the school (which was apparently a safe place that we wanted to be at). I skipped some details, but that was basically it. Also, keep in mind that I’ve only seen up to the death of chapter 2 (haven’t even started the investigation yet), so I kind of just made these details up in my dream and don’t spoil me. Orz.
6. Are you someone who eats cough drops like candy?
I haven’t had cough drops since I was in eighth grade and thought was I was having an asthma attack and my inhaler wasn’t working. In hindsight, it was a panic attack, but I recall the cough drop working a bit strangely enough. Anyway, I don’t really eat cough drops, no.
7. Native language?
8. What size shoes do you wear?
Size 8 apparently. I think some of my shoes are a 7 1/2 though.
9. What is your current hair length?
Around my shoulders.
10. One habit you’re sure is specific to you?
I don’t know if I have any habits that are specific to me. um... I don’t really like the part of the utensil which you stick in your mouth touching anything besides me, my plate, or a napkin, so I tend to hold utensils in my mouth (knives excluded, duh because they don’t go in your mouth). It’s kind of a habit now, I guess. Does that count?
11. How far would you swim out into the ocean?
Negative feet. I’m not going in the ocean. There are things in there that I want nothing to do with such as seaweed, angry crabs that I could accidentally step on, sharp rocks or shells, sharks, jellyfish, etc.
Next, @excitable-nugget‘s questions! Thanks a bunch, Gnugs!
1. If you could have one sense enhanced, what would it be?
Definitely not taste. Tastes are wonderful (or some of them at least), but I’m already picky as it is, so I don’t really want more tastes to discriminate against. Touch probably wouldn’t be such a good idea either since I get startled easily and tongue (one picky dude, I tell you) is actually pretty sensitive to food textures too. Smell wouldn’t be bad except sometimes when I’m sick, everything smells like vomit, so I don’t really want to risk that being enhanced. Overall, I’m gonna go with sight (yes, I did skip hearing. I didn’t have much to say about it). Better vision in the dark could be pretty lit. Might also help ease some of my night paranoia. 2. Can you link your hands behind your back with one over the shoulder and one under? (like this)
One way. I can do it with my right hand reaching over. Kind of freaked me out though. I wasn’t ready for my hands to meet like that even if it was the goal. 3. Favourite colour to wear, or your favourite colour in general?
Favorite color to wear? Black. I just own a lot of black. Favorite color in general? Orange. 4. What was your internet pseudonym when you were 12-14?
It was Leio13. I’ve been Leio13 for as long as I’ve been on the internet. 5. What’s your favourite meat-based dish? If you don’t eat meat, what’s your favourite dish in general?
My favorite meat dish is steak. It’s just sooooo good. 6. Would you rather be known as wise or strong?
Probably wise. I used to think I was super smart as a kid, but now I feel pretty average and/or stupid/incompetent, so it would be nice for that feeling to come back. 7. What’s your favourite physical feature about yourself?
Probably my hair even if it knots excessively when no one wants it to. 8. Would you rather explore the ocean depths or space?
The ocean is such a vibrant, beautiful place! I love underwater images and would love to see it in person, but it would have to be in a submarine or something because I’m not going out there with only a wet suit protecting my flesh. 9. What’s your favourite snack food?
This is hard... I eat so many snacks. Hmm... I’m feeling ritz bitz. 10. If you could make one thing from fiction (e.g. a character, a place, a food, a machine) real, what would it be?
I don’t really have any deep answers here, but I think Odasaku (as he is in Bungou Stray Dogs) and his orphans being real would be really sweet. They’d be such a cute family. #familygoals 11. Is Australia real or just a conspiracy?
Australia? don’t know her.
Finally, I was tagged by the wonderful @chom-raaa! Thanks, Chomra!
1. Heroes gone bad or villains becoming good?
How could I choose???? They’re both so fantastic!! Wonderful character development opportunities abound with both!! ...that being said, while I appreciate the psychology of both of them, I tend to side with the good guys, so if all you wonderful villains could join the side I support, I guess that would be better.
2. Did you ever get in trouble in school? When was the last time and what was it about?
er... I don’t think so. No wait. One time, we were playing a game in class but my friend and I got out, so we were chatting on the sidelines even though we were supposed to be paying attention to those still playing (this was an ice breaker game). Anyway, the teacher said something about being quiet, and my dense self took it as “you can continue talking but quietly,” so I did. The teacher had to yell again for it to click with me. This was in like 5th grade, but I’m still disappointed in that me. I wasn’t that dense normally in fifth grade.
3. Hot drinks or cold drinks?
cold drinks. 
4. Any siblings? Older/younger? Would you have it any other way?
I’ve got two amazing siblings, both older than me! I don’t really think I would want it any other way. I’m content with what I have now.
5. You most prized possession?
My technology and anime merch maybe? 
6. What’s a fandom trope that makes you uncomfortable?
hoo boy. Where to begin??? I hate slave AUs (can’t really understand why you would like them). As you probably already know, I dislike smut, so the appeal of A/B/O universes is beyond me entirely. er... sexualizing characters? calling out the soukoku fandom: Chuuya always seems to be the more sexy one who other dudes and Dazai are always eyeing and lusting after. Like, can we appreciate the guy for more than his looks and impeccable fashion taste?? uh... also, Fyodor being depicted as some dude who is dead set on destroying soukoku (usually by the means of torturing Chuuya in some way to hurt Dazai which by the way is just... no.). I’m pretty sure Fyodor has better things to do??? Like kill all ability users?? Er, sorry. Not sure if you wanted specific fandom tropes or not, but uh, yeah.
7. What do find attractive in a fictional character?
If you meant personality wise, I like passionate, kind characters, and also the mysterious, probably misunderstood type.
8. If could bring a character back to life but sacrifice another character in return (major-ish characters for those fandoms with a big cast), who would you choose?
Bringing back Odasaku, sending Fyodor to hell where he belongs. Of course, I wouldn’t actually because as much as I cry over the events of the dark era, I know that these things needed to happen for Dazai to end up where he is currently.
You know what? Better idea: still bringing back Odasaku but killing Lovecraft. The dude should’ve died after Chuuya destroyed him. I’m still bitter about his survival even if his parting scene was hilarious.
9. Long fics or short fics? In terms of both reading and writing?
I’m typically hesitant to read long fics because I have difficulty keeping up or finishing things. I bet there are a plethora of interesting long fics out there that I haven’t clicked on because I fear my motivation might die before I finish them. Likewise, it takes me centuries to write long fics, but I do really admire the art! Creating a complex story that spans over chapters is an epic feat that should not be underestimated. That being said, I do love short fics too! Short fics that still fill me with intense emotions are an equally epic thing. Like, how do you get so many feels in so little words???
10. Are you content with who you are?
haha nah. There are a lot of things about me that I wish were better. For one, i wish my motivation actually existed. I’m so unmotivated to do anything, even the littlest of things. Even things that I know would be fun. I just can’t convince myself to do them... Orz. Er... There are more things, but I don’t want to make this super sad. You came here for memes, not angst! Maybe not, but anyway...
11. What is holding you back from getting what you want?
I don’t know what this thing I want is referring to, but I’d bet 5000 imaginary monies that its my motivation or anxiety that’s interfering. 
Thanks for the wonderful questions, y’all! <3
Now, it’s my turn!
er... actually, I’m not feeling any creative question vibes, so if I tag you, please refer to the questions of the last time did this meme (psst! over here!). Without further ado, I’m tagging @haruki-00, @dusttodawnn, @melrw22, @bandaged-chessmaster, @ai-san-arts, @4nimenut, @96percentdone, @monokumamastermind, @sadtiredbaby, @wymoup-nox, and @yesterdayohhowimissit! As usual, only do it if you want, and do it if you want but you weren’t tagged.
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callunavulgari · 7 years
Scrapbook for the second half of 2017, because tumblr doesn’t like it when you have a million links on one post.
Italicized titles = enjoyed muchly, bold titles = love, titles with an asterisk* = OBSESSION and titles in (brackets) are re-watches/re-reads. And lastly, strikethough = DISLIKE.
Goals are: read thirty-five new books this year (yikes, way behind), finish four video games (definitely on track here), finish writing and publish the Sabriel AU (eh heh), and write something original (does coming up with the idea count?). 
Wonder Woman
(Doctor Strange)
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Tristan and Isolde
Power Rangers
Spiderman: Homecoming
Mona Lisa Smile
Baby Driver
Ouija: Origins of Evil
(Star Wars: Rogue One)
Atomic Blonde
King and I
The Sixth Sense
Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children
(The Princess Diaries)
(X-Men: Apocalypse)
(Silent Hill)
Authority | Jeff Vandermeer
Authority | Jeff Vandermeer 
The Secret History | Donna Tarte
A Wrinkle In Time | Madeline L’Engle [Fin]
The Archived | Victoria Schwab [Fin]
Scythe | Neal Shusterman  [Fin]
Shadow and Bone | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Siege and Storm | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Less | Andrew Sean Greer
Authority | Jeff Vandermeer
A Wind In The Door |  Madeline L’Engle [Fin]
The Bright Sessions Eps 31-32
Alice Isn’t Dead Eps 3-4
Welcome to Night Vale 1-3
Alice Isn’t Dead Eps 4-5
EOS 10 Eps 1-3
Grace and Frankie
American Gods
(Stranger Things)
How to Get Away With Murder s2
Black Sails s2
Black Sails s2
Grace and Frankie
Stargate SG-1 s2, s3
Doctor Who s8
The Strain
Boku no Hero Academia 
Voltron s3
Game of Thrones s7
The Strain
Jerry Springer  (Vacation w/ boyfriend’s family. Brother and friends are awful.)
LoZ: Breath of the Wild (Definitely more than 40 hrs; Fin)
Dishonored 2 (Corvo Playthrough, 7 hrs)
Witcher 3 (15 hrs?)
Witcher 3 (15 hrs?)
(Final Fantasy XV, 2 hrs)
(Final Fantasy XV, 2 hrs)
Running on Air by eleventy7 (HP; Drarry; 75k;  Draco Malfoy has been missing for three years. Harry is assigned the cold case and finds himself slowly falling in love with the memories he collects.)
Slithering by astolat (HP; Drarry; 27k;  Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.)
Bitter Honey, Green Night by Faith Wood (faithwood) (HP; Drarry; 14k;  An inn, an Auror, a criminal, a mystery.)
Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi (HP; Drarry; 93k;  'You're a wizard, Harry' is easier to hear from a half-giant when you're eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you're seventeen and late for work.)
Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi (HP; Drarry; 57k; Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.)
stranger things than polyamory by trepan (Stranger Things; Jonathon/Steve/Nancy; 3.5k;  Somebody spray-paints NANCY WHEELER HAS TWO BOYFRIENDS on a wall she walks by on her way back from school in May. There are a couple of other students watching her as she passes. Nancy gives the sign a long look, then smirks at them politely.)
the heart its own rough animal by trepan (Stranger Things; Jonathon/Nancy/Steve; 21k;  “Where’s her daemon,” says one of the boys urgently. “Guys, she doesn’t have one.”)
in the bone by patho (ghostsoldier) (Dishonored; Corvo/Outsider; 2.8k;  It all began when Corvo started kissing the Mark for luck.)
The Sea and Stars Are Yours, My Dear, But the Moon Would Not Cooperate by NeverwinterThistle (Dishonored; Corvo/Outsider; 25k; The Outsider explores the murky seas of human courtship while Corvo watches in bemusement, and in the background Emily draws, Callista takes charge, Piero sulks, and Cecelia accidentally becomes indispensable. There's also a plague, a vase of asparagus, and about a hundred singing whales who randomly showed up in the harbour one evening.The squid is still wriggling.)
apocrypha by aerynlallaboso (Dishonored; Corvo/Outsider; 95k+; WIP;  The Eighth year of the reign of Empress Emily Kaldwin, First of her Name, the second year without a whisper from the Outsider, is the year the Void chooses to mark the end of an era.)
a small soft death by patho (ghostsoldier) (Dishonored; Corvo/Outsider; 2.8k; “The finest steel,” the Outsider says, “is forged with true purpose in mind. Elements that enhance the strength of the weapon are carefully chosen, and those that make the metal brittle and weak are burned away. It is an exacting process. The most beautiful dagger will be of no use at all if the steel is not properly tempered. Do you understand?”)
in·car·nate by bygoneboy (Dishonored; Corvo/Outsider; 21k; The Void’s Chosen have loved him before.)
The Crown of the Summer Court by astolat (Merlin; Merlin/Arthur; 24k;  "The king sent me to get you," Merlin said, with a tone that implied strongly that he wasn't rolling his eyes where Arthur could see, but just wait until his back was turned. "He said you're to get changed into formal clothes and meet him in the Great Hall, there's a delegation coming from the Summer Court.")
the king of oak by saltpans (HP: FBAWTFT; Credance/Percival Graves; 38k; The first thing Percival Graves does after being released back into the world is buy a new wand.)
Hi, You Were My Husband in Another Life, Professor by littlebirdtold (Star Trek; Spirk; 48k; Um, hi. I'm Jim. Jim Kirk. You don't know me, but I know you. Well, sort of. It's a long story.)
  Bluebird by waldorph (Star Trek; Spirk; 7k; Jim whipped around so fast most of his drink ended up on Spock, who was reaching for the phaser that wasn’t there. The Enterprise crew was parting like the biblical seas before Moses, and Jim could feel the temperature dropping. “Mom,” Jim croaked.)
Misethere by astolat (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 46k; Emhyr was looking at him for once, with a strange expression. “I have misjudged you,” he said, sounding irritated actually: how dare Geralt surprise him.“I get that a lot,” Geralt said.)
Blooded Crown by astolat (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 24k; “You need not thank me,” Emhyr said. “I have an ulterior motive.”It annoyed Geralt to be surprised. He should’ve known from the start. “Yeah?” The words came out with a little bite. “Have another daughter you need me to track down?”“If I wished to hire you, I would hire you,” Emhyr said. “No: I want you to come to my bed.”)
Cursed by astolat (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 8k;  Geralt was reasonably sure this was the worst damn day of the worst damn month of his life, and it hadn’t hit bottom yet.)
The War of Silver and Ash by astolat (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 15k; He hadn’t come here with a contract. He’d come here to get the faces out of his head: the bloodless dead sprawled in heaps through the streets of Beauclair, the morning after the rampage Detlaff had unleashed; the blank eyes of the boy in the orphanage tilting his head to let Orianna drink from his throat, with the lullaby she’d been singing him still hanging in the air.Wasn’t working that well so far.)
A Year In Toussaint by astolat (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 30k; Geralt had no damn idea what to do with a vineyard when Anna Henrietta gave him Corvo Bianco, but he figured it couldn’t be that bad.)
circling by xpityx (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 5k; Emhyr sighed, as if Geralt’s lack of immediate understanding was a fundamental failure of his character.)
Running Behind by Asidian (FFXV; Prompto/Noctis; WIP;  There's a tag hanging on his storage pod, instead of the clipboard that documents his progress. On that tag, there's a single word stamped in red: defective.)
Toys by astolat (Lucifer; Lucifer/Chloe; 2k; “You want to fuck me!” he said gleefully.)
Emblazoning by astolat (Merlin; OT4; 19k; Morgana turned away from the high, barred window and rubbed her arms, chilled and bare. Arthur was sitting in the dirty straw at the very limit of his chains, which kept him a few inches too far away to touch Merlin's limp body. Outside they were putting up the stake.)
Redemption Merry Go-Round by astolat (Lucifer; Lucifer/Dan/Chloe; 8k;  Dan was deeply sorry for whatever he’d done in his life that had landed him in this mess, and also reasonably sure that despite all the shit he’d pulled in the last couple of years, he still didn’t deserve this.)
wild peaches by notbecauseofvictories (The Labyrinth; Sarah/Goblin King; 3k;  The morning after Sarah Williams defeats the Goblin King, she gets up and makes toast.)
where the weeds take root by beenghosting (Supernatural; Destiel; 30k+;  “Are you happy? Y’know. Just—being here,” Dean says, gesturing to the yard with his beer bottle. “Being with—I mean, you used to fight in celestial wars and—and save the world. Now you’re growing vegetables and talking about chickens.”)
damnatio memoriae by temporalDecay (Witcher 3; Geralt/Emhyr; 12k;  “May I walk the estate?” Emhyr repeated, and his nose crinkled in that familiar twitch of displeasure that Geralt had always secretly delighted in causing, despite how downright suicidal it was to invoke it on purpose. “I'm not going to run away,” he added, with a slight glare. “I'm merely bored.”)
Heart and Home by lc2l (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 97k; In an alternate Paris, werewolves occupy the majority of the ruling classes, making and adjusting policy to suit their interests. The punishments for a human attacking a werewolf can be brutal, unless they have the protection of a wolf pack.How this translates to 'claim Grantaire as your mate to get him out of prison' is something Enjolras is still trying to get his head around, but he's never been one to give up on a cause even when it's sleeping on his sofa.)
How the Future's Done by barricadeur (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 12k;  "Grantaire," he says slowly. "What do you have in that box?")
vocal ink by sarahyyy (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 3k; “Officially, we don’t have a leader, everyone here is equal,” Courfeyrac says, keeping his voice low as Enjolras starts his speech, “but if we did, and we don’t, it would be Enjolras.” He looks over to Marius. “Do not approach him. Let him come to you, let him be the first to initiate conversation, and for the love of God, do not mention soulmates.”)
Years Since It's Been Clear by lady_ragnell (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 10k;  Grantaire really doesn't expect Enjolras to force him to move in with him when he hears how shitty Grantaire's apartment is. And he definitely doesn't expect Enjolras to want him to stay, or how easy it turns out to be, or the way Enjolras has a habit of doing his studying in the sunshine on the living room floor ...)
Tolerable (Inuyasha; Sesshomaru&Miroku; 30k; “The scent is not entirely unpleasant.”)
Silence Is the Speech of Love by lady_ragnell (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 50k; Grantaire's life has a pattern: he pays his respects to Aphrodite, he goes to work, he loves Enjolras and provokes him because he can't bring himself to do otherwise.)
The Five Year Plan by Neery (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 16k;  Enjolras loses his memory. Thankfully, nothing unexpected seems to have happened to him in the five years he can't remember. Well, except for the boyfriend. The boyfriend's kind of a surprise.)
dance this silence down (the emergency room remix) by Fahye (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 54k;  He's sitting in a car with all of his belongings in the back seat and his hands wrapped around the steering wheel, admitting to himself that a stupid, dizzy firework of a one-night-stand with a man he'd barely known is one of the only bright memories he has right now.)
World Ain't Ready by idiopathicsmile (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 185k; Enjolras presses his lips together. He already looks pained, and Grantaire hasn't even opened his mouth yet. That's got to be a record, even for them."I need a favor," he says at last)**
  The Ghost of You by luchia (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 25k; Grantaire moves into an apartment inhabited by a poltergeist. Enjolras haunts him, and Grantaire should really win an award for most complicated relationship status ever.)
box of secrets by nightswatch (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 53k;  Grantaire leaves his doodles all over the place. Enjolras collects them without knowing who drew them.)
Yes, Sir by mikkimouse (Voltron; Sheith; 8k; "Are you all ready to get started?""Yes, sir!" twenty voices answered in unison.Shiro's stomach flipped at the words. Oh, no.The soulmark on his right wrist burned, confirmation that his soulmate was one of the twenty people who'd just uttered the phrase.)
despite what you've been told by caseyvalhalla (Yuri On Ice; Yuuri/Viktor; 14k; When Victor falls, he goes down hard.)
these things take time by sonhoedesrazao (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 63k;  He’s always wary of making assumptions; even more so when Grantaire is concerned. He knows he’s not the easiest person to deal with. People either like him or can’t stand him, and it’s easy to respond to those reactions, but Grantaire—Grantaire is hostile and mocking, Grantaire scorns his beliefs, and Grantaire stays.)
In the End We Have Each Other by samyazaz (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 50k; what startles Enjolras the most is that he manages approximately half a step through the door into the back room where they all meet before Grantaire rattles his glass down on the table in the back that he's taken for his own and drawls, "Is there something you forgot to tell us, Apollo?"That silences the room, predictably enough. Everyone breaks off their conversations and swivels to stare at him. At him, and at the baby carrier that he's got hooked over one arm.)
True Colors by lady_ragnell (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 4k;  The first thing that catches Enjolras's eye when he enters the Musain Cafe for the first time is the walls. They're a dull black that it takes him a moment to realize must be chalkboard paint, because near the tables there are words and doodles, and all over, even the erased sections are stained with faint colored marks like the walls have soulmarks.)
Hit Me With Your Best Shot by tellthemstories (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantaire; 10k; Fourteen times Grantaire tried to kill Enjolras.And one time he fell in love.)
RSVP (+1) by tellthemstories (Les Mis; Enjolras/Grantire; 21k;  When Enjolras is invited to Marius and Cosette’s wedding, he fully intends to ignore the ‘plus one’ on the invite. He’s busy at work and he has a lot on - he doesn’t have time for relationships. What he doesn’t expect is for Grantaire to invite himself along and then hit it off immediately with all of his friends.)
always there to remind you by estora, taywen (Dishonored; Corvo/Daud; 8k;  Later, after he had killed a number of people for coin, but before he killed so many that he lost count, Daud was glad he had no mark. No soulmate deserved to have his words marked on their skin.)
( Watercast by Fishwrites (Voltron; Lance/Keith; 96k; WIP;  Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit!))
Multifandom || Tessellate (TYS: round2)
Multifandom || Bleeding out (collab w/ KatrinDepp)
Multifandom || Is this Real?
Multifandom || Insane Like Me (TYS: round1)
Multifandom │ Warriors
the beast of america | percival graves
Get You Killed || Percival Graves
Percival Graves - Hit & Run
► Graves (+Credence) | Are You Insane Like Me?
Credence Barebone/Percival Graves || And I wanna fight, But I can't contend
[FIREFLY] - She always did love to dance
[Multifandom] - Dance with me
The Last of Us || Can't Pretend
The Walking Dead || Bottom of the River
Multifandom || Do Not Go Gentle Into That Goodnight
Doctor Who (Logan Style)
Spider-Man (Peter Parker) // Everybody Loves Me
Iron Man (Tony Stark) // Gold
In The Flesh | we're gonna die, die, die
In The Flesh || We're Alone Now
Fantastic Beasts || Step into the light
Stranger Things|| Knocking On Heaven's Door
Jonathan & Nancy|| Tighten Up
Multifandom|| Stuck.Broken.Dead.
[Multifandom] - One Word
Marvel | Human
percival graves | can't hold us
Hela // Castle
grantaire & enjolras - help me kill the president
Game of Thrones || Blood of My Blood (for 60k)
(GoT) House Stark | The North Remembers
(GoT) Jaime Lannister | Oathbreaker
Jonathan Byers || I'm not like everybody else
Uptown Funk || Marvel Universe
MARVEL || Can't hold us
GLITTER & GOLD || Multifandom [HNY●2017]
I'M SO SORRY | Marvel Cinematic Universe
David Haller [Legion] | Dysfunctional
(Legion) It's Better When it Feels Wrong
unless you make it real [Legion]
not today [yuri on ice]
Haikyuu!! || not today
Multifandom | Tame Your Demons (w/SnowLightxx)
Six Of Crows - Trouble
marvel || battle royale
(GoT) Jon Snow | The Targaryen Wolf
Arya Stark // See What I've Become
(GoT) Jon Snow || The Wolf With Dragon's Blood
MARVEL/DC || BORN ready 
Johnny Hollow - Boogeyman
Sia - To Be Human feat. Labrinth
Lorde - Green Light
The National - "Don't Swallow the Cap"
The Growlers - "I'll Be Around"
The xx - I Dare You
Phantogram - Fall In Love
alt J - In Cold Blood
And I Waited All Night For You To Come, But You Never Did
Sia - The Greatest
Hopeless Fountain Kingdom - Halsey (Album)
History - Monakr
Wildcat! Wildcat! - Relentless (feat. Wynne)
Ingrid Michaelson - In the Sea
Cities in Dust Lyrics- The Everlove
Prides - Messiah
ODESZA - It's Only (feat. Zyra)
Metric - Breathing Underwater
Purity Ring - Sea Castle
Hundreds - Fighter
Labyrinth Ear - Urchin
Rasputina - Dig Ophelia
Sóley - Fight Them Soft
Soap&Skin - Boat Turns Toward The Port
CocoRosie - R.I.P. Burn Face
AURORA - Nature Boy
Hamilton Soundtrack
Karen O - I Shall Rise
Miracle of Sound - Lady of Worlds 
Annie Lennox - I Put A Spell On You
Woodkid - IRON (Sara cover)
Peronal Yeezus By Chambaland (Atomic Blonde Trailer Music)
Kesha - Praying
twenty one pilots: Screen
Lemaitre - Higher
Regina Spektor-Blue Lips
Zaz - Les Passants
Katie Costello - Stranger
Arctic Monkeys - Knee Socks
Silversun Pickups - The Pit
If I Apologized - Mirrormask 
Les Mis - One Day More
Les Mis - Red and Black
Les Mis - Do You Hear the People Sing
Les Mis - Epilogue
Sleeping At Last - Mars
Hozier - Take Me To Church
Lynrd Skynrd - Freebird
You - Keaton Henson
Radical Face - All Is Well (It’s Only Blood)
Valerie Broussard - Trouble
Erutan - The Willow Maid
Imagine Dragons - Gold
Imagine Dragons - Thunder
Which Witch - Florence & the Machine
Paint It, Black - Ramin Djawadi
Honor For All - Dishonored
Daniel Licht - The Return
Patrick Wolf - Teignmouth 
Ballet Breakup - RvB
it's warm, this skin i'm living in (SGA; Rodney/John; 1,170 words; When he is thirty-seven years old, John Sheppard thinks about the universe.
it's good to be in love, it really does suit you (KH; Sora/Riku/Kairi; 1,694 words; “We’ve done dangerous before.” Sora shrugs. “Getting a mortgage was dangerous, but we did it anyway.”)
a hazy shade of winter (Stranger Things; Steve/Nancy/Jonathan; 1,863 words; In November, they build a tree house.)
can't deny your appetite (SGA; Rodney/John; 4,031 words; John finds out that there’s a vampire in Atlantis the day after they’ve stepped through the gate.He finds out that the vampire in question is Rodney McKay four weeks later, when they’re all hunkered down in the yawning shadow of some crumbling ruins and Rodney looks at him, his eyes eerily bright in the darkness, sees the blood on John’s face, and says, “Oh.”)
caught off guard by you (FFXV; Prompto/Noctis; 1,671 words;  “I just got you back,” Prompto says quietly, words muffled into the curve of Noctis’s neck.)
take me to church (Teen Wolf; Sterek; 3,129 words;  Derek scoffs. “You want to take me back to Quantico.”)
the salt water sting:  wor·ship | noun | the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.
The Flash | Fire Fire [Vid]
love has no heart: A mix for those with no hearts.
i believe in you: You love him. The story still ends.
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