#that he goes straight up like his under a spell and hugs the bard
frostedwitch · 2 years
When Jaskier is left alone to his own devices in Kaer Morhen he plays with the fantastic acoustics of the old keep. He wanders the cold empty corridors and rooms with high stone ceilings, singing and listening to his notes echoing back at him. On long sleepless nights he can be found alone in the great hall, his melodies surrounding him like a ethereal sirens song.
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whitewolfandthefox · 4 years
A Silent Love
Summary: Geraskier fic; Jaskier has been cursed to fade unless he speaks his most precious secret. That’s an easy fix, except for the fact that he’s sworn not to come in between Geralt and Yennefer.
A/N. This is for the darling @riviawitch3r. Happy Birthday Lu!! Hope you have an amazing day, love! You sent me your lil prompt thing and I sat down and wrote the story in like 3 hours cause I loved it so much, hope you enjoy it! I hope I’ve done it justice. Also a huge thanks to @hina-chans-stuff for being my amazing beta for this!
Warnings: angst, so much angst, we’ve got some pining here. Fluffy at the end. Some soft found family
Words: 3.9k
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A Silent Love
It had been so easy at first, to ignore his feelings. When they were on the road and it was just the two of them, Jaskier could pretend that Geralt’s gruff manner towards him was the way he treated everyone. That changed when Ciri joined them. The Witcher’s manner softened whenever he was around his Child Surprise, Jaskier could see it in his eyes. His face would go gentle and his shoulders drop, Geralt didn’t hold himself as rigid around the child.
It got worse when Yennefer started travelling with them as well. Geralt seemed so happy. Jaskier didn’t think he’d ever seen the man laugh. Chuckle sure, but an outright belly laugh? He had been shocked the first time Yennefer had caught him off guard. His face had split into a wide grin, eyes crinkling as he clutched at his chest, other arm pulling Ciri in closer, throwing his head back as a loud laugh burst from his lips. Yennefer had looked delighted, eyes lighting up as she grinned at the two other members of her family, Ciri giggling as she nuzzled into her papa.
Jaskier felt his heart sink as he watched the small family of three interact, never having felt so much like an outsider as he did now. He managed a small smile as Geralt glanced his way, trying not to show how much he was hurting as his heart split in two. He would never say anything, no, Geralt was happy and that was enough for Jaskier. He would continue travelling with them, telling Geralt’s stories, but he would stay in the shadows of the family. He would never dare to impose on them, to force his way into somewhere he obviously wasn’t wanted.
It had been months since Yennefer and Ciri had joined the pair, and every day it got a little bit harder to get up. He thought Yennefer had noticed, he had spotted the sad looks she sent his way, but she never said anything. She wasn’t unkind to him, no, he never felt unwelcome but he still felt like he was imposing on the group. Ciri seemed to like him well enough, always asking him questions and requesting songs, but at night it was Yenenfer she curled up with, if Geralt wasn’t there, it was Yennefer who she went to for comfort.
Some days he thought about leaving. He was well enough known that he could make an easy living for himself amongst the courts, playing for royalty. He had been asked to be a court bard enough times, the gods knew he would have been fine. But he didn’t want to leave Geralt. Every time he thought about not seeing the man’s face when he awoke, his heart would clench and he would immediately reject the idea.
For the most part, Jaskier was happy. He had accepted he would never have his love returned, he was happy to travel with the family and to be able to see the world. He would never have been able to see the things he had, had he stayed as a viscount or as a professor at Oxenfurt. And he would never have met the people he did. Ciri was a wonderful child, an absolute delight to be around. He was slowly getting under Yennefer’s skin, she had started joining him for his cup of tea in the mornings. And Geralt. He loved that man with every fiber of his being and wouldn’t change a thing about their relationship. He was able to spend his days romping through the wilderness with the big gruff Witcher in tow. He knew Geralt cared, just not in the way that Jaskier wanted him to. 
But he was content with that.
The days passed, Jaskier spending his time composing as Geralt taught Ciri swordplay and Yennefer wandered in and out. The days were peaceful. Their little group was happy.
Until he gets cursed, and starts fading.
They laugh it off at first, thinking the old woman was mad, just chanting off little rhymes.
Forgotten you will be
Doomed to fade
Should you not confess
That which you hold dear
Jaskier doesn’t feel any different and they promptly forget about it. One day, Ciri comes racing for him and he opens his arms to catch her. As she rams into him, he loses his balance, going straight over backwards as her weight takes them both to the ground. He lays there stunned, Ciri has never been able to knock him over before. As he regains his feet and slings his arm over her shoulders, he chalks it up to the fact that she’s been growing. 
He starts to get suspicious when Geralt hauls him to his feet and he is launched past the man. Geralt stares at him in surprise, Jaskier laughing nervously. Geralt frowned at him, muttering “You’re lighter,” before moving past him.
They stop at an inn one night, Jaskier and Ciri sharing a room while Yennefer and Geralt share another. While washing his face, the bard catches sight of himself in the mirror. He pauses, as he stares at his face. He looks paler. Raising a hand, he freezes in horror as he realizes he can see through his fingertips. He stays in front of the mirror, staring at his hands as he thinks about the times that he was knocked over or when someone pulled too hard. He thinks back to the rhyme curse, You are doomed to fade. Was this happening?
Someone knocks on the door. “Jaskier?” Geralt’s voice calls. “Are you coming down for dinner?”
When he doesn’t respond, Geralt knocks again before the door opens. “Jaskier?”
He sees the bard staring at his hands, immediately striding over to grip his smaller hands between his own. He stares at them, running his fingertips over the pale skin before looking up at Jaskier, face expressionless. But Jaskier knew, he could see the worry in Geralt’s eyes. He gently pulled his hands out the man’s grip. “It’s okay, Geralt. It’ll be ok,” he whispered.
“The curse,” Geralt manages to get out, frozen in place. Suddenly he turns and leaves the room, leaving Jaskier to sag against the wall behind him. The bard drew a hand over his face, sighing as he looked back down to his fingers. He knew what he had to do to break the curse, but he can’t, he won’t. He won’t do that to Geralt.
As he moves to the bedroom, he grabs his notebook before sitting on the bed, opening it to scribble down notes.
That which you love / forever hold dear / keep it a secret / so no one can hear
He looks up again as Geralt comes back into the room, Yennefer in tow. He nudges her towards Jaskier, gesturing at his hands. Jaskier gently closes his book and puts it to the side, placing his hands in his lap as Yennefer rolls her eyes at the Witcher before coming to sit next to the bard. She sounds annoyed when she speaks. “Geralt says you’re turning invisible, what happened? Did you spill something on yourself?”
He wordlessly offers her his hands, ignoring the sharp look that she sends him. “No words? It's not often I find you speechless, bard.”
She goes to take his hands, recoiling when she touches his skin. “What the fuck?”
Gingerly, she reaches out again, flinching slightly when she comes into contact with his fingers. She closes her eyes as she bends her head over him, mouthing silent incantations. Lifting her head, Jaskier sees the guilt in her eyes and knows that what he thought was true. Her mouth twists as if she bit into something sour as she whispers, “I’m sorry.”
Jaskier looks at her, a gentle smile on his face. “It’s okay, Yen. That’s what I thought.”
She refuses to look him in the eye as she recites the words spoken against him. “Forgotten you will be, doomed to fade, should you not confess, that which you hold dear. Your most precious secret, Jaskier. You must speak it aloud to reverse the spell.”
Jaskier merely nods but says nothing. Yennefer glances up at him and sees the resolve in his eyes. Surprising both of them, she pulls him in for a fierce hug, Jaskier pausing for a long moment before he wraps his arms around her sides, returning the embrace. She pulls back and searches his face, looking for something. Seeming to find it, she offers him a wan smile before standing, pausing to murmur something to Geralt as she passes him, closing the door behind her as she leaves the room.
Geralt stands in silence, staring at Jaskier as he refuses to look up at the Witcher. The larger man slowly moves toward the bed, sitting next to the bard. The silence stretches between them, seemingly endless before Geralt finally speaks. “Do you… know what it is?”
Jaskier barks out a humourless laugh. “Of course I do, dear Witcher. I have been carrying it with me for years.”
“So then just say it.”
“Just say it. Get it over with, and break the curse.”
Jaskier shakes his head, playing with his fingers. Have they gotten more see through as we’ve been sitting here? How fast is this going to go? “It’s not something I care to share with you, Geralt.”
“Then Yen or Ciri. Someone will listen to you.” Geralt is insistent, Jaskier can tell he won’t drop it. He can’t tell him though, he won’t ruin the family that Geralt has found for himself. And he won’t ruin their friendship. Better to fade with dignity than to be turned out in shame. 
“I won’t speak it, Geralt, not to anyone.” At his words, Geralt bursts from the bed, pacing in front of Jaskier as the bard continues staring at the floor. And what a nice floor it is, such a nice whorl pattern in the wood. He glances up as Geralt stills to see the man staring at him with those golden eyes he has come to love, defiance and worry mixed in them. The years travelling with the man has taught Jaskier how to read his emotions, as hidden as he thinks he keeps them.
“I won’t think any less of you, whatever it is.” Geralt is staring at him with the intensity of the sun, Jaskier fears he will burn away under it, like the fog chased away at sunrise.
“I can’t… I can’t be so selfish and take away what happiness you’ve found for yourself.” Jaskier says this with a bitterness, hoping Geralt won’t hear it. He does though, a wounded look appearing on his face.
“Damn it, Jaskier, is this secret so damning that you’d give your life for it?” Geralt’s voice breaks at the end, and by the gods Jaskier wishes this wasn’t happening. Would he give his life if it meant Geralt could have his happiness in peace? He’s pretty sure he would, he’d like to think that he’s built a relationship with the man that would let him be happy with that outcome. As the thoughts come into his head, he realizes that yes, he would die for Geralt’s happiness. He offers the man a sad smile as one of his shoulders lifts in a shrug before dropping, demonstrating his answer to Geralt’s question. The Witcher growls low in his throat before spinning on his heel and stalking out of the room. 
Jaskier’s face drops as Geralt leaves, flinching when the door slams behind him. The sorrow that he’s kept at bay overwhelms him, tears running down his cheeks as he turns his face into the pillow and breaks down into sobs.
Time passes, and as each day goes by, Jaskier fades a little bit. At first Ciri doesn’t notice, but when she realizes she can see through Jaskier’s hands as he plays his lute for her, she starts demanding answers. Yennefer just offers him a sad smile as the young girl breaks down in tears as Jaskier tries to explain what’s happening. The next few days are spent with her pestering Jaskier to tell her his secret, trying to guess what it was so he didn’t have to say it. She finally gives up after Geralt takes her to the side for a while, coming back with red, puffy eyes. She latches onto Jaskier and buries her face into his chest, sobbing into his clothes as he rocks her in his arms. He almost breaks that day, wanting to stay with the young girl, but then thinks of how he might rip this family apart, and it stays in his heart.
The curse is really driven home when Jaskier goes to pick up a pot and it slips out of his fingers. He frowns down at the metal before leaning forwards to pick it up, hand passing through it as he goes to grab it. He freezes at this, voice catching in his throat at the motion. Slowly, he raises his head to see Geralt staring at him, fear evident on his face. The Witcher looks at him a moment longer, Jaskier pinned beneath his golden gaze until Geralt looks away as he strides over, picking up the pot himself before depositing it on the fire. The bard can feel the man’s gaze on him for the rest of the night, having retreated to the edge of the camp so he wouldn’t be in the way and wouldn’t be asked to help. Geralt stops giving Jaskier tasks to do after that. 
Ciri breaks down the day she can no longer hug Jaskier, arms passing through him as she goes to lean into his side. Yennefer takes her to the side to comfort her as Geralt argues with Jaskier again, not quite begging for him to voice his secret, storming off when the bard refuses to, yet again. The argument lingers in the air, but Jaskier can’t do that to the man he loves. He won’t get in the way of his happiness. 
As he fades, so does his voice. Close to the end, Jaskier is so faded you can barely see his outline and he’s barely louder than the wind whistling through blades of grass. He still trails after them, but doesn’t often interact with the trio. He’s more like a guardian angel at this point, or maybe a wandering spirit. Geralt still knows where he is though, his eyes often lingering on the spot where Jaskier has settled once they are done travelling for the day. He’s stopped asking Jaskier for his secret, seeming to have resigned himself to the fact that he will lose his friend. 
Ciri is sad, she spends her nights playing the simple tunes Jaskier taught her while he still could. He wanted Ciri to keep it, to have something to remember him by. He had given Yennefer his book of completed songs, she pretended not to care but he had found her looking through it one evening when she thought he was on the other side of camp. He gave nothing to Geralt, only because he had nothing significant to give.
One day Jaskier wakes up and feels like he could float into the sky. This is the day, he thinks, this is the day I die. He’s sad, but that’s okay. Ciri and Yennefer haven’t been able to see him the last few days, relying on Geralt to translate the few snippets that he’s been able to catch. He lays in the grass for a while, hearing the sounds of camp being packed up around them. That was the nice thing about fading, he no longer got hungry or dirty, there wasn’t much left of him to be able to. As the group gets ready to leave, Geralt pauses and looks around for him. Jaskier can tell he can’t see him when his eyes sweep over the small hill he is sitting on. 
“Jaskier?” Geralt’s voice is tentative, almost as if he was asking the bard if he was playing a joke on him. When he sees no movement, his shoulders droop. Yennefer passes him, laying a hand on his shoulder before she directs Ciri to help saddle Roach. The two of them pause to look at him once they are ready, Geralt glancing up at the silence that has fallen over the small clearing. He manages a tight smile.
“Go on ahead, I’ll catch up.” Yennefer gives him a small nod as Ciri’s face falls, the older woman ushering her out ahead of him. Jaskier slowly stands, trailing down the hill as he follows Geralt to the logs they had used as seats the night before. 
I’m sorry, Jaskier tries to say, though no sound comes out. He wants to say goodbye, to say that he doesn’t regret doing this, all he ever wanted was for Geralt to be happy. He pretends not to see the defeated look on the Witcher’s face, choosing to press a soft kiss against the man’s lips, allowing himself that one guilty pleasure before he goes. Geralt’s hand comes up to touch his lips, feeling as though a cold breeze had swept across his face. 
He sits up straighter, a question coming into his voice. “Jaskier? I think you’re here, I can sense… something. Please… don’t go. I can’t,” his voice breaks, “I can’t lose another friend.”
Jaskier’s heart breaks at this, hearing the misery in his voice. He slides to his knees in front of Geralt, wrapping his arms around the bigger man’s middle. 
I don’t want to go, but it’s for the best, Geralt. I can’t come between you and Yennefer, you love each other and I can’t wreck that. Ciri is happy as well, she doesn’t need me. I’m so glad to have been able to call you my friend, even if I wanted more. You will be okay without me. I just want you to know that I love you. I always have and I always will, but I won’t regret doing this for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world, even if you think you don’t. I fought to my last breath to give you that, and I’m proud to know that’s what my last action will be. 
He closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against Geralt’s chest. He could almost imagine the man returning the embrace, his strong arms wrapping around him as he pressed the smaller man against his chest. He felt a nose brush through his hair, a breath against his ear as a soft voice murmured, “Jaskier.”
With a start, he realized that he wasn’t imagining the embrace, he could actually feel Geralt’s arms pulling him against his chest, pressing him into his body. A kiss was dropped against his forehead before Geralt buried his face into Jaskier’s hair, murmuring his name all the while. The bard clung desperately to the man, elated that he was whole again but terrified now that he had revealed his secret. He refused to look up, not wanting to see the rejection that is surely on the Witcher’s face. He feels Geralt pull back, feels the gentle hand under his chin lifting his face to see the man’s gentle, golden eyes. 
“Why didn’t you tell me, Jask?” The man’s voice was soft, insistent on pulling answers from the bard in his arms.
“I didn’t think- you wouldn’t- you had Ciri and, and Yen, I didn’t want to-” Geralt shushed him with a gentle finger against his lips. Jaskier couldn’t tear his gaze away from him, seeing the mirth in his eyes. Geralt hadn’t run yet, he didn’t understand. There was no revulsion in his gaze, Jaskier didn’t understand what was happening. He took a deep breath.
“I thought I would just be tearing you and Yen apart, getting in the way of your relationship with Ciri. I didn’t think you would even want me-”
Jaskier was silenced as Geralt leaned down, pressing his lips gently against Jaskier’s, effectively silencing the babbling that was streaming out of the bard’s mouth. He drew back to find Jaskier utterly speechless, mouth open as he stared at the man in front of him. 
“I didn’t think you had returned my feelings, little one, otherwise I would have said something.”
Jaskier was flabbergasted. “But… Yennefer…?”
“Has a part of me, but not all of me, just the same as you. She and I spoke, she suspected something but we were both too stubborn to see it.” Geralt’s eyes were wary but hopeful as he watched Jaskier’s face. “Think you can learn to share?
The bard’s face split into a smile as he realized what Geralt was asking. “If it means I get to have you? Absolutely.”
Geralt answered with a hesitant smile, pulling Jaskier into his lap as he leaned down, again capturing the smaller man’s lips in a kiss as he wound his arms around the Witcher’s neck. The bard tried to put everything he was feeling into the kiss, the relief at being alive, the delight at the new development in their relationship. He drew back as he gasped for breath, leaning their foreheads together as Geralt pulled him against his chest, the two basking in their love for each other. 
“We should go tell the others what has happened,” Jaskier murmured even as his hands tightened around Geralt’s neck.
“In a moment,” Geralt offered the bard a sheepish smile. “I want just a little longer alone with you. Once Ciri sees you, she’ll be stuck to your side for days.”
“So long as I have you on my other one, I think I can manage.” Jaskier grinned up at his lover, content with his lot in life. “I think I can even manage to get along with Yen now, she’s not so bad.”
Geralt barked out a laugh, before a look of horror crossed his face. “Now there’s two- oh man, and I thought just Yen was bad. The two of you will be the death of me.”
“Don’t worry, dear heart. I’ll protect you from the big bad sorceress when she comes after you.” Jaskier squeaked as Geralt pulled him closer, forcing his breath out as he was squished against his chest. 
The man buried his nose in the bard’s hair again, his body shaking as he chuckled, “It’s not that I’m worried about, I’m thinking of all the trouble the two, no three, of you will get in once you have a plan in mind.”
Jaskier laughed with him, before standing and offering his hand. “We really should go tell the others, I want to see Yen’s face when she realizes what’s happened.”
“It will be gloating for sure, little bard, she told me there was something there.” Jaskier pouted at this, before grinning as Geralt took his hand.
“Well, let’s go- oomphf,” his sentence was cut off as the Witcher again pulled him into an embrace, pressing the bard tight against his chest. Jaskier reached up, entwining his hands in his hair to pull Geralt down for a kiss. He pulled back, grinning up at his love with a gentle look in his eyes. Geralt smiled gently back at him, brushing a hand against his cheek before releasing him as he reached down to grasp his hand. He hummed low in his throat as Jaskier squeezed his fingers, the Witcher tugging him along behind as the two of them went to rejoin their small party, happiness lifting their hearts.
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dothemacarena · 5 years
a new wild dnd session to scream about online
This session started with us dealing with a t-rex which we left off on as a cliff hanger. This was the least interesting part of the session. 
the characters in this story are: Jomu my kenku fighter, Jond @pippenpaddlopsicopolisthethird a tabaxi rogue, Lwdd @spontaneousmusicalnumber our elf bard, and Veritas @chimpoot a wizard rogue who turns into a dragon born on nights near a full moon like 7 nights a month. 
Many sessions ago and weeks ago in game the Jond admitted under zone of truth that he had a crush on someone before promptly running away as fast has he could, which is very fast.
The party decided not to press him on it and wait for him to be ready to talk about it, but did not necessarily give up trying to figure it out/set him up in some way. 
After fighting the T rex which ended up being a rather quick fight we travel montaged for two days and then sent Jond to sneak into a town for supplies while we waited. While waiting a Remorhaz attacked. This thing did dealt fire damage whenever it got hit with a melee weapon and tended to focus attacks on one creature. The fight starts Lwdd sends Jond a message and he manages to get back fast enough to get the first attack in. My character can usually tank their way through most fights with 21 ac and 98 hp going into this fight wasn’t too worried even with the damage taken every time I hit.
First round starts Jond attacks, Lwdd attacks, and Veritas uses his breath weapon which for him does a random wand of wonder thing. In this case that random thing is that his mind leaves his body and goes into someone else’s his body works on autopilot and can do physical attacks and his mind can cast spells. He rolls a d4 and the dice says it is Jond’s body. Que loud distressed “can he read my mind?” after a dice roll it was decided that the answer is no. Lwdd and Jomu don’t know this has happened his body is still moving around. The remorhaz fails to bite Jomu and Jomu attacks taking about 12 points of damage each turn.
Second round Jond attacks, Lwdd attacks, and Veritas uses mirror image to make there be 3 more Jonds. This thing gets manages to successfully bite me dealing fifty something damage. I am in its mouth restrained and grappled. I struggle and manage to stab it once forgetting that that does more damage to me so I second wind to heal a bit. 
Third round more attacks happen, Lwdd heals me a bit and it is not enough as this thing manages to do exactly enough damage to knock Jomu unconscious and swallows him so he can’t be healed. My turn one failed death save
another round goes by the remorhaz thankfully misses a bite attack on Lwdd which might have been able to down our healer in one attack and his stomach acid does damage to Jomu leading to an automatic failed death save, and I roll and fail my third death save and the race is on. It is now that I will mention my character dying is also not even close to the most interesting thing to happen this session.
Over the next round the party manages to kill the monster and then they manage to cut it open and revivify Jomu before I am gone for good Jomu talks to the one god he is friends with. We go to the town to rest but don’t go to sleep right away because we haven’t been awake that long but we aren’t going to keep adventuring with the tank on deaths door so we have some down time.
Veritas tries to read a book but because of plot reasons all of the words have been turned into the word become. So Lwdd pulls out her book that has the most pictures I can’t remember its title rn but it is along the lines of Dwarfs getting down and dirty, and is basically a dwarf Kama Sutra. Lwdd starts trying to make memes out of the pictures with the word become under them.
Jond goes outside to practice and Veritas follows after a while to try and fish for information on the crush or on any other secrets there might be, “so anything you want to talk about”. Because he knows he couldn’t read Jond’s mind but Jond doesn’t. Jond however shuts him down without him getting any info and he returns to the tent.
Then Lwdd goes to talk to Jond and asks how he knew he was in love. He explains how he knew and goes and after asking her to promise not to tell reveals to her that his crush is on Veritas. Lwdd listens to the reasoning rolling a high deception roll to keep a straight face and then after Jond had finished talking said “I need to go have a problem now” promptly dimension doors away.
While that conversation was happening Veritas was asking Jomu if now (while in the relative safety of the city) is a good time to give Jond some catnip and lock him in a room with Jomu (because the three of us had decided out of game of course Jond’s crush is on Jomu he always talks about how strong Jomu is and that one time a guy came to our table and said hey beautiful to Lwdd Jond responded with “yes Jomu is quite beautiful” and when they were trying out for some positions he encouraged Jomu to go for one of the highest ranks instead of a lower easier one because “of course you can do it Jomu your amazing”)
Jond comes back to where we’re staying to find out why Lwdd teleported away so quickly only to find she is not there like he assumed. We ask about the conversation and Jond says I don’t think I said anything mean to her or that would have gotten her angry. Jond tells us that she said I need to go have a problem before she teleported away. In the parties mind this means one of two things if Jond really said nothing to upset her either she is having some digestional issues and had to go poop or she is going to go get in a fight with someone. The only person we know in this town is the mayor so that must be who she is going to fisticuffs with so we start walking to his house which takes 20 min
Meanwhile Lwdd teleported south of town an cast silence on herself before screaming. when the silence ran out after 10 minutes she did it again,
We get to the mayors house ask the guards if they have seen or heard her (no) so we decide to head back and if she isn’t there and doesn’t show up after 15 min we will start looking for her, she can message us if she needs help.
We get back and there is a tiny hut dome colored black filling half of the tent we are staying in. It won’t let us through we knock and say “hey Lwdd is that you? It’s ok if you want some time alone but it could be any magical person in there and we need to make sure it’s you” she responds with it’s me an won’t say anything else prompting us to go outside to try and figure out what is wrong with her out of her hearing range.
After needling Jond a about what they discussed to try and find out what is wrong Jond tells us that he talked to her about who is crush is, but he still won’t tell us who it is. We come up with three possibilities of why she is upset.
1) She has a crush on Jond and is upset it isn’t her.
2) She has a crush on the same person as Jond.
3) While we were away she looked at more Dwarf’s Getting Down and Dirty and needed some private time.
We resolve to let her know we are here for her and she can talk to us about anything if she needs to but not push her on why she is upset in the morning. We also all leveled up during the night because we beat the remorhaz yay.
Come morning we get ready to head out. While Jond is off filling canteens Jomu asks once again if she is ok and with one bad deception roll gives her a big hug.
Two days of tense traveling pass before one night Lwdd asks Jomu to take watch with her. Jomu seeing this as her wanting to talk like was offered is glad to accept and after the others are definitely asleep she talks. At first it is very hard to give advice as she is talking very quickly and vaguely in a jumbled mess. Eventually Jomu calms her down a bit and explains that Jond already told us what you talked about and what is upsetting you has to be one of three things. Replacing private time because that wouldn’t cause all of this tension in the air with Jond confessed to you and you had to turn him down.
Lwdd tries to avoid saying who Jond’s crush was on because she promised she wouldn’t.  “hypothetically if you had a crush on the same person as a friend what would you do? Confess to the person, or tell the friend you have the same crush, or just do nothing and hope the feeling go away or tell the crush that we both have a crush on them and let them choose.” Jomu;s advice is that ultimately it is up to the person you have a crush on to decide who they like more or if everyone is open to an triad or an open relationship, but I definitely don’t think not doing anything is the right answer because you have been not doing anything for two days and it has been really tense.
After some dramatic high school drama along the lines of what if I am lonely and miserable for the next 1000 years, Jomu mentioned that “none of us are going to live as long as Lwdd. Unless you do some weird necromancy I’m sure if it doesn’t work out with this crush you will move on. You will have other friends and loved ones in your life and that is ok.” “is this a bad time to say that I learned some weird necromancy spells recently” “a little and please don’t necromance me for the full 1000 years of your life you can go for 100 years right after I die if you need comfort or help in a fight but please learn to move on”Jomu thinking she would necromance all of her friends and just wanting to be clear that she can necromancy my body for a little but not forever and she then slips by saying “I don’t have a crush on you!” proving that her and Jond both have a crush on Veritas.
Jomu thinks for a bit getting used to knowing both party members have a crush on Veritas who is a certified dumbass and eventually gives the advice to talk to Jond about it. Maybe you both eventually confess to Veritas or one of you decides to root for the other but confessing to Veritas with out letting Jond know in advance would be betraying Jond and letting Veritas know you both have a crush would be breaking your promise to Jond to not tell anyone, and we already know that bottling it up and not doing anything doesn’t work for you since the past two days have shown us that. So you need to talk to Jond. It probably won’t go as poorly as you are thinking you guys are too good of friends for having a crush on the same guy to ruin it. maybe it will make your bond stronger you can take watches at night together and talk about how cute his butt is or whatever it is you guys see in him that I don’t. Lwdd says she will and makes Jomu promise that he wont tell anyone about this conversation. Jomu promises and has no plans to break her trust. Lwdd then says “Jomu do you trust me” “of course we have been through so much together and just two days ago you brought me back to life”
Lwdd pats Jomu on the head and casts modify memory.
Jomu successfully wisdom saves.
A quick scramble of Jomu instinctively resisted not because I don’t trust Lwdd and do I know what spell that was no I have never seen it before but it doesn’t feel like zone of truth which would make sense if she just wanted to be sure I was truthful in my promise. Lwdd awkwardly says “good talk” to having the spell not work. Jomu says “Hey I do trust you and I promise I am not going to tell anyone”
end of session
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gayme-master · 7 years
"Get fucked" -your friendly neighborhood cleric
Okay so. D&D story time. I joined a group on their campaign (2 sessions in). They did not have a cleric, so I decided to be one. Except. She just fucking wrecked a party the group encountered. To get some background, she's a hermit wood elf. She's very gay. She wears a flannel under her leather vest. And her first interaction with people for 250 years was getting kid napped and tortured. Like real brutal, nasty shit. And then this group found me, and I joined them bc fuck it I'm getting out of here. My alignment is chaotic good btw.
So anyways. We were walking through an underground maze sort of, trying to get from one side of the mountain to the other. Along the way my character is straight up dissociating in a corner until I find my holy symbol again. Oh my deity is "bestia" the deity of beasts. That's relevant kinda. And anyways so I get better, we progress through the tunnels and come to a spot where it branches off and we hear gurgling voices. So we try to figure out the most effective way to deal with this. We can't pass that hallway without attracting attention so. Our tiefling thief goes to the corner to peek and try to see what they are, and relays back what she sees. She can only see half, but we see they are heavily armored big brutes. She retreats back to tell us and we set our trap.
I, the cleric who has been severely wronged by these creatures, set a trap. I use thorn Growth. Which is kinda a fuck you spell for the levels we are at tbh. We are only level 3. So anyways. It casts a spell that puts a 20 ft radius circle area that is difficult terrain and all thorny and shit. And they have to roll a perception check to see the trap. And it lasts 10 minutes, or whenever I dispel it. It's beautiful.
And then our half elf bard uses some spell (idr the name) that let him cast an illusion of me (these peoples prisoner) in the hallway the monsters were in. So they yelled "what's the prisoner doing here" to eachother. In really garbled common tongue. And started coming towards us. See thorn growth also does 2d6 damage per 20 ft travelled in it. This circle is 40 ft across. Do the math.
So the first one charges in and just fucking impales himself. He dies easy. Our elf wizard casts grease which makes the area right before the spike trap greasy. And then someone set it on fire, but tbh I'm not entirely sure who.
And then our dragon born fighter, who has fuck all intelligence but all of the health in the word, decides he's going to charge into the thorn trap bc he has no ranged attacks and fuck it right? It hurts him too, but he's got the health for it and it only hurts when you move. So he can stand in there as long as he wants and work as an effective lure. Our bard persuades one of the monsters to walk into the fire and thorns. It wasn't even difficult, he just went "hey dude you should come here" and the hobgoblin (since we have fully seen them now) just goes "uhh yeah sure ok".
And then I use thorn whip on one standing near the trap but not in it, and pull him forward far enough for the trap to wreck his shit.
But now at this point, we've got 3 bodies piling up in the hallway, most of us can't do much, so finally I dispel the trap. The bard confuses one of the hobgoblins into thinking our brute of a dragon born needs a hug. Mind you this dude is 5 ft across at the shoulders. Hugging him if you're an enemy? Not a good idea. But it works and the DM goes "ok so he climbs over his buddies flaming corpses to hug drake". So he's just hugging the shit outta this enemy for a couple peoples turns.
I use guiding bolt on the enemy that is farthest (it has a range of 120 ft) which still isn't that far. And I roll a nat 20. And then roll a 13, so I do 26 damage bc it's a critical. The DM just said "and he exploded. Now everyone is covered in his innards" so we got two left.
And our wizard happens to speak goblin. So. He tries to convince them to put down their weapons and make peace. Only problem is, he didn't consult any of his teammates. So none of us are aware of this peace treaty attempt, and our dragon born finishes ripping the dude he's hugging in half. So now this last guy is like "oh fuck no peace treaty I guess" and tries to back away.
Our lawful good paladin won't just let him get away, I mean these things reek of evil and they need to die. Most of us are in agreement that he should die bc it's more merciful (we're pretty much all chaotic good). Like at this point he has watched 5 of his buddies get fucked in the most brutal of ways, he's at least gonna have some pretty severe PTSD if he lived. My character briefly thought about letting him live once the team said it would be more cruel (she's chaotic good but her main flaw is bloodthirsty-ness and like keep in mind she was just tortured for a long ass time by these people ok. This is personal revenge and they're evil).
But then the bard pulls an evil move. Like evil enough that our DM had to take back his inspiration. He throws his voice to imitate something in goblin, making him think some buddies are coming to back him up. So he turns around.
And this gives our paladin the chance to do an opportunity attack, and he finally finishes murdering this poor hobgoblin, who honestly was just chilling with friends and did not even kind of expect the day to go like this but that's what happens when your day job is murdering and torturing.
And that's the story of how a cleric fucked. Shit. Up.
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