#that joke isn’t funny anymore
pinkragdolly · 1 year
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lavendersflesh · 9 months
…I’ve seen this happen in other peoples lives…
…But now it’s happening in mines…
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bambinabina · 1 year
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Unhinged but i see no lies
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dollopopaint · 11 months
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midnightlamia · 1 month
just finished the umbrella academy. rant & spoilers incoming:
let me get this shit straight: the hargreeves siblings didn’t ask for their powers or to be born. said birth and powers were forced on them when reginald hargreeves couldn’t just shut up and die with the rest of his planet/wife. then he flies down to earth, adopts them all, and some 30 years later, we find them running around, constantly trying to save the world from an apocalypse, only to eventually find out that the apocalypses are happening not because this random fucking alien unleashed sparkle dust on the galaxy and abused children that weren’t his in the name of his wife….but because the hargreeves were just born.
that’s it. the reason the cleanse happened is a) their punishment for being born and b) abigail felt bad for an experiment gone wrong and decided to make it the entire timeline’s problem. and the only way to stop it isn’t to figure out a way to stop reginald from unleashing the marigold/coming down to earth & allow all of the og 43 children to be born naturally, when they’re supposed to be, but to….erase the children that never asked to be born from existence while leaving a million loose ends, unanswered questions, and shitty character choices that don’t get developed or explained in any way.
this season was just…….it was definitely a season of a show, i’ll give it that. the pacing was all over the place, so much so to the point where, if anything, we needed four MORE episodes, not four less. i have so SO SOOO many questions. where tf is sloane? what about the other 35 kids with marigold in them? why didn’t we see five create the commission? does durango give superpowers the same way marigold does? why couldn’t ben just drink the marigold himself if he wanted his powers back??? WHY THE FUCK WOULDNT YOU JUST GO AFTER THE MAN WHO UNLEASHED THE OG MARIGOLD INSTEAD OF THE INNOCENT HUMANS WHO GOT STUCK WITH IT WHO THE FUCK CAME UP WITH THAT?? YOU COULDVE DONE A WHOLE THING WHERE THE COMMISSION WAS ORIGINALLY DEDICATED TO FIXING REGINALD’S AFFECT ON THE TIMELINE OR LITERALLY ANYTHING—
literally just kill this last season with fire. burn it at the stake. i’m so pissed and so done. i’ve been watching this show since i was in fucking eighth grade, and i was so excited. i thought they were gonna do a whole thing where it could’ve been like “ben was always meant to die and now the universe is out of whack” or just SOMETHING other than what we got. steve blackman, i genuinely hope you have the worst fucking time for the rest of your life, you raggedy, smelly, conniving, ass-backwards bitch.
thank you and good night.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie, posting to Tiktok: What did you get Steve for Mother’s Day?
Dustin: Uh, nothing considering that he’s my brother, not my mom.
Eddie: Hm.
Dustin: That joke got old.
Eddie: Yeah. It’s just…Erica send him flowers
Eddie: Where are you going?
Dustin: I got to buy a balloon. Erica is not one-upping me again.
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rosesbleachblondehair · 4 months
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I mean this affectionately
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yugiohz · 11 months
my bakugo shirt arrived
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the fact that shawn canonically listens to the smiths is important to me actually because i don’t have to ‘headcanon’ it because he DOES!!!! they talked about it MULTIPLE times!!!!!! SHAWN LISTENS TO THE SMITHS !!!!!!!!!!
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vvrennie · 2 years
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ein-shtink · 10 months
Yeah I mean. I was genuinely surprised that seemingly almost every gentile I look up to is a secret antisemite but also, for several decades now the media portrays people who hate Jews as the kind of racist that is likable? Like. If a character is a liiiittle problematic but we’re supposed to eventually root for them, they can have a line thrown about how much they hate the Jews, and no one will squirm in their chairs, no one will feel uncomfortable about it. Antisemitism is the quirkiest form of racism and has been for years, so no one fears any kind of backlash for coming across as an antisemite
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valoale · 3 months
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Over 100,000 people came together in protest to march for human rights and peace in Helsinki today and that number is still making my head spin
Today was an emotional one and I feel ever so proud and overjoyed and I’m thankful I was able to attend once again
Wonderful and safe pride to everyone ❤️
Thank you @sarxzu for marching with me and thank you @emsuemsu for stopping by!!!!! 🥹 ily 2
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cerayanay · 2 years
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Just realized reading the piggyback script that the Jonathan and Nancy scene at the cabin, with them covering the window with the wood, parallels to the Steve and Nancy scene at the end of s2 where they’re hanging up the blanket to make the shed look indiscernible for possessed Will… both conversations involve her saying she was impressed with them caring for the kids… and both give the vibe that they’re not exactly not not together with it sort of being up in the air 👀
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waugh-bao · 11 months
I swear people like Bobby can say the same things but the sentiments are so different. Like he’ll say “Bill liked everything just so and was a unique guy. I didn’t really like him.” And then the next paragraph “Charlie liked everything just so and was a unique guy. I love him deeply.”
it’s like Bill is the bizarro Charlie where everything people love about Charlie is what they hate about Bill. This is a good thing because Bill is the worst type of man and Charlie the absolute best.
Oh yeah. It’s this:
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Versus this:
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I think Bobby does a really excellent job of showing and not telling. We get all the details from him on Bill and Charlie respectively, from his perspective and with his unique voice, and on the most basic level with both of them he focuses on their quirks, but way he frames it really lets you know what you’re meant to take away.
Like how he slips in at the end of the story about Bill that no-one really ever wanted to play with him/spend time outside the band with him and indulge him in this very obvious hobby, which comes on the road with him. Whereas Bobby knows not only about Charlie’s quirks on the road, but this whole litany of unique interests and habits he has at home. It becomes very obvious who he (and most everyone else) wanted to avoid, and who he treasured spending time with.
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loganspuppyboy · 8 months
not my mom saying “terrence likes dick” and “well since you’re [my sister] being a dick we’re gonna go watch dick”
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