#that must be why i feel so grumpy and tired
insert-game · 1 year
it’s the autistic masking isn’t it
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not-neverland06 · 1 month
n a s t y d o g I logan howlett x fem!mutant!reader
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One-shot A/N: I've never felt this way about a fictional character before. Every gif I see of him has me gnawing and biting at the bars of my enclosure. I want to bite him. If Hugh Jackman ever discovered what thoughts lurk inside my rotted brain about him he'd get a restraining order. This isn't OKAY Anyways... Summary: You'd thought you'd had a good thing going with Logan. You weren't officially anything to each other, but you were getting close. You truly saw a future with him, but he made it incredibly clear he did not feel the same 18+ HATE FUCKING (MDNI)
(one chance please, just one chance with him)
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“Are you sure this isn’t totally clingy girlfriend of me?”
Ororo gives you an irritated look and Jean laughs. “Not at all, Scott loves it when I surprise him like this.” You’re all huddled in your room, each of you in varying stages of getting ready. Jean is finishing off her eyeliner at your vanity, Ororo is putting on her boots, and you’re trying to decide between a skirt and a dress. 
You’re not entirely sure how, or why, Logan and Scott decided to go to the bar together tonight. You suspect it has something to do with Jean. She wants them to start getting along so there’s less friction when you’re all around each other. 
At Jean’s idea, Logan had muttered, “When hell freezes over,” in your ear before he had left for the night. You’d gotten a little antsy without him to entertain you and had mistakenly blurted out the idea of going to visit them. Ororo had been dying to get out of the house and Jean was a little worried about her boyfriend as well. They’d agreed to go along with you and you’ve felt a weight in your stomach ever since. 
Your relationship with Logan was relatively new. Hell, a month ago you’d thought he’d hated you the same he did Scott. You’d, of course, been proven wrong when you’d had a few drinks with him and things had taken a very physical turn. 
You weren’t sure if he’d just wanted a one-night stand or something serious. But when you’d tried to sneak out the next morning and he’d muttered a grumpy, “Where’re you going?” You’d gotten your answer. 
You hadn’t been on any real dates, there didn’t ever seem to be time for them. But you spent most of your days together. Sometimes just silently enjoying each other’s company, other times you would be holed up in one of your rooms cuddling. The thought always brings a stupid lovesick grin to your face. 
It’s one of your first real relationships and you’re worried that things are moving a little too fast. At least on your end. You can already tell that you’re falling for him. Headfirst into the deep end of love. And it’s terrifying because you truly cannot tell what he thinks about you. Clearly, he likes you. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t let you follow him around like a lost puppy. 
But he’s never truly said anything to you. There’s no official label as to what you two are. You say girlfriend off-handly and you usually don’t mean it when you reference yourself. You’ve never outright said he’s your boyfriend and he’s never really claimed you. He’s made it explicitly clear he doesn’t want you sleeping with other men, and you’ve said the same to him about women. You both agreed on that, but…
You kind of drive yourself crazy trying to figure this out. He’s not vocal about his feelings and everything’s still new so you don’t like pressuring him. You also worry that if you push him too far he’ll just get tired of you and move on. It’s not fair to assume that of him, and you know everything would be better if you just talked to him. But you’re scared. You’re scared the conversation will take the wrong direction and everything will blow up in your face. 
Jean calls your name and your head shoots up to see both Ororo and Jean looking at you expectantly. You flush when you realize they must have been talking to you and you’d just completely zoned out thinking about Logan. 
“Huh?” You blurt out, cringing at how dumb you sound. 
Jean gives you a concerned look, “I can practically taste your anxiety.” The telepath frowns and offers you a comforting smile. “Don’t worry about it, I promise, Logan won’t mind at all.”
“You’re fine,” Ororo adds, because clearly the look on your face screams, I need constant validation. They’re not wrong, but still, you hate feeling like an exposed bundle of nerves. “Think of it as girl’s night, the boys just happen to be there.” 
You force a smile on your face and give your most enthusiastic nod. You change into the dress and finish up with your hair. You finally start chatting with them again, engaging so it might disguise just how nervous you feel. 
There’s this clenching feeling, traveling from your stomach up to your chest. It makes you sick, makes you hurt. And it’s not because you think Logan will be upset with you for crashing. He’d be relieved, if anything. There’s something else. Premonition isn’t one of your abilities, but you’re seriously starting to doubt that now. 
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The bar is loud when you walk in. The soles of your shoes immediately start to stick to the floor and your nose screws up in disgust at the loud laughter coming from around the pool tables. You glance around, trying to see if you can spot Logan. 
You’d say you could spot him in any crowd. But has a propensity to hunker down and try to attract as little attention as possible so people don’t bother him. “There he is,” Jean taps your shoulders and points to the two men at the end of the bar. 
Like you’d thought, Logan is hunched over his whiskey, glowering down at the wood under him like it had insulted him. You almost want to laugh at the sight. Some of the earlier anxiety eases its grip on you and you feel your shoulders begin to untense. 
Before you can walk over Ororo grabs Jean’s wrist. “Gotta go to the bathroom,” she tugs Jean behind her. 
Jean looks over her shoulder at you and smiles encouragingly, “Go to them, we’ll catch up in a second.” You give her a tentative nod and slip through the crowd. There are more people here than you thought there would be. 
You’re happy not to spot any kids in the crowd. You’ve had a few too many nights out crashed by kids who thought they were good at sneaking out. 
It’s easy enough not to spot you or the other women in the crowd. Mutants have gotten good at blending in with the people around them. Makes it easier to get around. It’s probably why neither Logan nor Scott stop their conversation as you approach. “So,” Scott draws the word out, fingers tapping against the glass of his beer. 
“Don’t,” Logan warns. You want to laugh at his grumpy demeanor, but someone’s accidentally elbowed you and you find yourself stumbling a few steps back. It’s taking entirely too long to get to them, the bar isn’t even that big. There’s just that many people here. 
Scott ignores him and rolls his eyes. “Look, we’re stuck here for a while. Try and pull that stick out of your ass.”
“How about I put one in yours?” Logan’s claws come out slightly. But then they both share an odd look and Scott smirks. “Shut the fuck up,” Logan grouses, “not like that.”
“Right,” Scott huffs out a laugh and shakes his head. He picks up his bottle and takes a long drink. You’ve nearly reached them now. You stop, though, when you hear Scott say your name. You shouldn’t, you really shouldn’t. Eavesdropping now is just asking to get hurt. 
You drop back into the crowd, hoping the smells of others will stop Logan from discovering you lurking behind them both. Scott continues, “How’s that going?”
You crane your neck forward, trying to hear them better over the karaoke happening behind you. Someone is butchering Britney Spears but you couldn’t care less right now. Logan shouldn’t answer. Since when has he ever shared anything with Scott?
So, imagine your surprise when his answer isn’t immediately telling him to fuck off. “Eh,” he shrugs, downing the rest of his whiskey. Your face drops in irritation. Seriously, all this skulking around for an Eh? That’s bullshit. 
You keep yourself from stepping forward, forcing your feet still, and ignoring the little voice in the back of your head telling you this is a bad idea. You’ve committed this much, you’re seeing it through. Scott whistles lowly, “That bad, huh?” Oh, fuck off, Summers. 
Logan shakes his head and for a moment you have a brief feeling of hope lifting you up. “Nah, not bad. It’s just, I don’t know.” Logan sits up and signals the bartender for a refill. Your snooping senses go off and you briefly see Ororo and Jean exiting the bathroom. Desperate for something to keep them at bay, you flick your wrist. The man in front of them tips his drink down Jean’s shirt, slurring out apologies. Jean huffs and Ororo brings her back into the bathroom. 
Scott and Logan somehow missed the whole interaction and you promise yourself that you’ll pay for Jean’s dry cleaning. You’re definitely not going to. “Think she wants something I don’t,” Logan tells Scott, and your heart plummets to your feet. You can practically see it deflate, all the lovesickness draining out of it and onto the floor of this grimy bar. 
“Like, she just wants to fuck around?”
Logan shakes his head and downs another glass of whiskey. He’s just swallowing it down like it’s water. At a certain point, the bartender gets sick of it and just leaves him with the bottle. “No, she wants something real. Like a real relationship.” Scott’s brows furrow and Logan shrugs. “Not interested.” 
It’s the way he says it that really bothers you. There’s nothing wrong with wanting something different in a relationship. It happens all the time. But he says it so dismissively. He knows that you want something real with him, something secure and loving. He knows that, continues to fuck you and lead you on, and then speaks as though you’re an idiot for ever being interested in that. 
Hurt hasn’t set in yet. You’re staring wide-eyed, jaw agape with shock as you stare at Logan’s back. You’d thought a conversation needed to be had. But you didn’t think that he thought of you like this. You’d thought you meant something to him. 
Scott seems to share the sentiment, his lips tugged down into a frown. He leans against the bar, surveying Logan with a disbelieving look. “What?” Logan snaps.
Scott raises his hands in surrender, shaking his head and backing off. “Nothing, man, I just thought you two were serious about each other.” You miss whatever Logan says as an arm slings itself around your shoulder. 
“What’re you doing?” A husky, seductive voice whispers against the shell of your ear. You jump in shock, glaring at Ororo as she grins at you. She lets her arm slide off your shoulders and glances over at Jean. “I think she was spying.”
Jean nods, nudging you forward. “Definitely spying. Hear anything good?”
You fortify your mind against her probing fingers before she can find out. “Nope,” you blurt out. You hope the racing of your heart is dismissed by your constantly frazzled nature. You hope the look on your face is explained by your earlier boredom and anxiety. You pray that none of them notice the way you lean away from Logan when the men finally turn around and notice you all. 
Scott breathes out a dramatic sigh of relief and slumps onto Jean. “Thank god, I thought I was going to die trying to talk to this brick wall.” his eyes flick towards you in a blink-and-you-miss-it moment. There’s a brief pitying look before he grins. “Come to get your boyfriend?” There’s a heavy emphasis on the word that you never would have noticed had you not heard their conversations. 
It’s clearly a petty dig at Logan. And you would appreciate it if you didn’t feel the sudden urge to vomit up your dinner. “Thought you might need saving from Logan.” You tell him, a chuckle hiding the slight tremor in your voice. 
You’re not sure if he does, but you hope Logan notices how you avoided the word boyfriend. You hope that he hurts the same way you do. But you know, deep down, that he doesn’t care. He’s probably relieved that you didn’t use the title. 
Logan gets off his stool, he wraps his arm around your shoulder, and pulls you into a brief hug. His lips press against your temple before he dips down to whisper, “Thank you,” in your ear.
Asshole, he’s not allowed to smile at you the way he is. If you weren’t in such a crowded place and already overstimulated, you’d shove him away. If your friends weren’t watching you’d take his arm and slam it down onto the bar until you hear his fucking adamantium bones break. 
That might have been too far. Maybe you’re not that angry, but you’re hurt.
You place your hands against his chest, a thin smile on your lips while you hum a simple, “Mhm.” He doesn’t seem to notice the way you push away from him. It’s easily dismissed by you cheekily stealing his seat at the bar. 
He comes up behind you, hands bracketing you and keeping you stuck against the bar while you order your drink. One of his hands drifts down, laying against your thigh. You know this isn’t sexual, this is him comforting you. 
He shouldn’t know how horrible you feel in such busy places. He shouldn’t know that and know that his touch is grounding and then help you. Not if he doesn’t want something serious. If he didn’t want to be your boyfriend, didn’t want to be anything but a fuck, then why do this to you? Did he not think this was leading you on? Is this just him caring for you?
You’ll drown in a sea of unanswered questions before the night is over if you linger too long. You tip your head back, let your shot burn its way down your throat, and turn towards the others with a smile. You feel your worries fade and your focus loosen as you simply drift further into your mind. 
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You must have disassociated or something. By the time you realize you’re no longer hearing bad karaoke and your elbows aren’t sticking to the bar, you’re already home. You stare in the mirror, hand pausing as you brush your teeth before you quickly finish. 
You didn’t drink much, you never do. It fucks with your abilities and causes migraines. You rinse your mouth out and glance into your bedroom. Logan groans and stretches. His back bows, muscles flexing and you rip your eyes away. You can’t let yourself be distracted by the chest you want to drape yourself across. 
You need to talk to him. It’s never been more clear. You wipe your mouth and toss the towel onto the rim of the sink. You take in a deep breath, trying to get rid of the nerves plaguing you. It’s never worked before, it’s not going to suddenly cure you now. 
You give up on the thought and instead, shove down the anxiety until you have enough confidence to speak. It takes a little while, Logan peaks an eye open, eyebrows quirked when he sees you just staring at him. “Something up, bub?” he flexes, on purpose, and you roll your eyes. You grab his shirt out of your hamper and toss it at him. 
“Put this on. Can’t think when you look like that.”
He chuckles, “That’s the point.” at your pointed glare his smile drops and he tugs the beater on. It barely does anything to deter you. If anything you’re having more trouble paying attention. Especially now that his full attention is on you. The humor is gone from the room, a thick tension replaces it. Logan seems to feel it, sitting up straighter and glaring at you like he’s trying to read your mind. “What’s wrong?” It’s a demand more than a question. 
It’s hard to look at him. But you refuse to let yourself cower now. You take in a fortifying breath and let your gaze bore into his. You put all the hurt and anger you feel into it, willing yourself to be firm. “We need to talk.”
“‘Bout what?” He’s brusque, but there’s a slight concern to his tone. 
There’s no point hiding this. And maybe you had misheard, maybe there was a conversation prefacing the one you’d heard. And you’ll talk it out and everything will be okay. “I heard you and Scott talking at the bar.”
The hope you had, as minimal as it was, is dashed at your feet. He sucks in a deep breath and the look on his face has you crestfallen. You can feel your chest cave in. You feel so stupid all of a sudden. Constantly following after him, even before you started dating him. Looking at him with stars in your eyes and latching onto his every move and word. 
You’d worshiped him, put him up on a pedestal he didn’t deserve. Superhuman or not, at the end of the day he was still a man. And they’ve done nothing but disappoint you. You suck your teeth, gaze dropping to your feet as you fight back the tears in your eyes. “Right,” you whisper, stepping back from him. 
“Look,” he starts. You force your eyes up and watch as he rubs uncomfortably at the back of his neck. He takes a step towards you and you shake your head, stepping away from him. His arms fall to his sides and he sighs. “Sorry,” he mutters.
“That’s it?” You demand, tone incredulous. You weren’t some great love or anything. But that’s seriously all he has to say.
He opens his mouth, eyes softening as he stares at you. Then he snaps it shut, something covers his face and his expression is borderline cruel as he sneers at you. “Not my fault you got in over your head, kid. Never said I wanted anything more with you.” He points at you, and you suddenly feel like a little girl getting scolded. You’ve never had a partner make you feel this small, especially not Logan. “You were just convenient.”
You rear back like he slapped you. You think it might have hurt less than that. To know you wasted so much time on such a fucking dick makes you want to throw up. Or scream, or cry. You can’t decide on one. But your powers can, the walls are shaking, knick-knacks falling off your shelves as energy pulses from you. 
You’ll face the hurt, the sadness, the horrible ache of rejection later. Right now, you need him out of your face before you bring the whole mansion crumbling down around you. “Out.” You grind the word out, turning away from him and clutching your hands to your chest. You take in quick, rapid breaths, trying to think of anything other than how horrible you feel. 
You haven’t lost control like this in a long time. You’re not going to give him the satisfaction of being the reason you get put on probation again. He whispers your name, coming up behind you like he’s going to touch you. 
You want to lash out, want to hurt him like he’s hurt you. But you’ll only cause more damage than necessary. He’s not worth hurting the kids in the rooms around you. You shove past him, ignoring the way he shouts your name. 
You dart out into the hall, grateful there are so few people milling around. Nearly everyone’s asleep, just a few stragglers finishing up their homework for tomorrow. A few of them give you odd looks that turn concerned when they see Logan chasing after you. Your bones are practically vibrating by the time you make it outside. 
You rush towards the grove of trees at the back of the mansion. Your knees give out under you before you can make it very far. Energy pulses out of you in an explosive circle. You hear bark crack and turn into nothing but dust as the air around you trembles. 
It’s a relief, like going to the bathroom after holding it all day. You feel it drain away from you, a plug pulled out as the energy rushes from you. It slows after a minute, feeling more like a leak than a steady stream. 
Your hands shake by your sides as you lay trembling on the grass. Your eyelids flutter shut and you try and keep them open but it’s hard. All of your energy had been spent keeping yourself in check until you made it out of the mansion. 
“I’ve got you,” a voice mutters near your ear. Familiar strong arms dip under your knees, lifting you up and pulling you into a sturdy chest. You recognize the body, recognize the uncomfortable warmth coming from him. But your tongue won’t work and you're passing out before you can try and push him away. 
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You’re in your own bed when you wake up again. You’re briefly comforted by the warm feeling of the sheets around you before you realize how cold the other side of the bed is. You’re so used to the feeling of someone being beside you that it’s jarring for no one to be there. You sit up, a spark of anxiety lighting up inside you before it’s being quelled by an outside force. 
“I think it’s best if we keep that under control.” You’re not surprised to hear Charles’s voice. You can’t be, not when he’s actively keeping you calm and placid. You lean back against your headboard. You tilt your head lazily, looking at him while he looks out the window. 
“That tree was a hundred years old.”
You wince, face screwing up when you remember the large oak tree you obliterated last night. “I can remake it,” you promise. 
“You could,” he corrects, “but whatever happened last night between you and Logan is causing your powers to be volatile.” He finally turns towards you, the motor of his wheelchair a dull buzz as he smiles at you. There’s no resentment in his gaze at least. You’d known he wouldn’t be mad at you. He was used to accidents like this. Had you hurt another person, however, this would be an entirely different conversation. 
There’s a dull ache in your chest at the mention of Logan, but it’s quickly covered by another wave of calm from Charles. He smiles and holds out two metal bracelets. They’re thick, something red inlaid into the black metal. They look like handcuffs more than anything. His lips quirk up at your thought and you frown. 
“That’s what they are, right? Cuffs.”
“You’re not a criminal,” he assuages, his tone gentle as you take them from him. There’s a small silver button inside that you click and the metal springs open. You place your left wrist inside and it snaps shut, it’s a snug fit. It won’t be moving around anytime soon. You put the right one on and feel Charles’ hold on your mind ease the second it's closed. Every horrible feeling from last night crashes down on you and you nearly choke on it. 
You wonder how Charles managed to keep you asleep for so long without the roof crumbling. He chuckles, the noise tired. “Jean helped me. It took a while for the cuffs to be ready.”
The way he says that causes alarms to go off in your head. “How long?” He takes in a sharp breath and shakes his head, attempting to dismiss the question. “Charles,” you snap, voice bordering on a shout. 
“Two days,” he says. You gasp and slump back against your sheets. He says your name but you get to your feet and pace. You don't know what to do with yourself. There’s energy buzzing under your skin, but the cuffs are keeping it at bay. It feels wrong like your pores are being clogged with acid. 
“Two days.” You look over at him, horror painting your face and you can see why he was so apprehensive to tell you. “It’s never been that bad before.”
“No,” he starts cautiously, “It hasn’t. Which makes me wonder, what transpired between you and Logan that destroyed my grandfather’s tree?” 
You cringe at the mention of the tree. He’s never going to let go of that. Even when you recreate it, he’s still going to hold it over your head. His teasing eases you out of the spiral you were heading down and you glance over at him. “You’ve been in my head for two days. I’m sure both you and Jean already know.”
He smacks his lips together and shrugs, clasping his hands in front of himself. “Simply seeing if you wanted to discuss it, my dear.”
You vehemently shake your head and sit back down on your bed. “No, I don’t want to talk about him. I don't want to see him.” Charles gives you a look like he doesn’t believe you and you hate it. You truly don’t want to see Logan again. Just thinking about him makes you want to explode. He was a pig and you regret ever wasting your time on him. 
There’s a shriveled part of your heart weeping somewhere, but you crush in your fist until it shuts the fuck up. “Right,” Charles nods. “I do believe it’s best for your recovery that we keep you two separated for a while.” He rolls past you and places a comforting hand on yours. “Rest, you’ll feel more like yourself soon.”
You nod and watch him leave. Exhaustion suddenly seems to drop its heavy weight on your shoulders. Two days being restrained by telepaths probably wasn’t very restful. You lay across your comforter, rolling over and hoping when you wake up your heart will be healed. 
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Two weeks. Two pathetic, snot-filled, and disgusting weeks of sobbing over Logan. You felt like a sixteen-year-old again, crying over the boy that didn’t like you back. It was awful, especially knowing that the entirety of the mansion knew what was wrong with you. 
Your students would leave your class and you would lock your doors, hiding under your desk as you wept. Those with superhearing or telepathy would bake you cookies and leave gifts at your door. It was sweet, but honestly made you feel ten times worse. You felt like your sadness was a burden you were forcing everyone to carry. 
Your mother would be so disappointed in you. She’d always told you that you mourn a relationship half the amount of time you were in it. Of course, hers never lasted more than a few weeks. And she’d had more boyfriends than you could count on three hands. 
Besides, you were allowed to wallow for a while. This was someone you were starting to fall for. To be so blind going into and leaving the relationship was awful. Having the rug ripped out from under you had been cruel and needless. You’re resentful and grateful he’d been so horrifically honest with you. On one hand, if the relationship had just ended, you’d be pining after him. Wondering what you’d done to lose such an amazing guy. 
But being faced with the brutal truth, knowing he was a piece of shit, it makes you hate yourself. You should have seen it. Should have known that he didn’t want you like you wanted him. But there were never any signs. You’d run it through your head a million times. Every interaction you’ve ever had with him. None of it shows you where he’d been lying to you or using you. You can’t even trust yourself anymore. 
There’s a loud knock on your door and you sniffle, tossing another tissue in the trash as you go to answer it. “Hello?” You croak. You can barely see, eyes puffy and so swollen your vision is blurry. 
“Holy hell,” Ororo scoffs and shakes her head. She pushes into your room and slams the door shut before anyone can see how awful you look. To be fair, you keep yourself relatively put together during the day. But it’s after hours now, you’re allowed to be a mess. 
“You look like shit.” 
Neither of you are prepared as you begin to blubber. Your lips tremble and your voice shakes as you begin to sob. “I know,” you wail. “I hate it.” Ororo’s eyes widen in horror and she quickly pushes you into your desk chair, grabbing a box of tissues and shoving it in your hands. 
“I feel,” you stutter, having to take in a few shuddering breaths before you can get the words out. “He tore out my heart and ripped it up with his stupid fucking claws.”
“Okay, okay,” Ororo runs her hands over your arms, trying to soothe you. “I know, sh, it’s okay.” She groans, “Stop crying,” she pleads under her breath. 
“I’m trying!” You snap at her, running hands over your wet cheeks and trying to swallow down the rest of your tears. 
“Look,” she steps back and shakes her head. She glances down at you, disgust poorly hidden on her face. She’s really fucking bad at comforting someone. “This is awful, I can’t take it anymore. You two keep dancing around each other and you’re putting everyone on edge. You won’t stop crying and he keeps going off,” she holds her hands up and shakes her head. “I just can’t do it anymore.”
You frown, brows turning down in confusion. “What?” You didn’t think Logan would be mad. You pictured him skipping through a field of daisies, happy to finally be rid of you. It only made you hate yourself more that you were still crying over it all. 
“He’s kind of losing it,” she seems reluctant to relent the information. “Look,” she kneels in front of you and snatches the tissue box from your hand. She tosses it to the side and forces you to meet her eyes. “He’s in love with you. We all know it, Jean’s confirmed it. He loves you, he needs you, he’s just terrified to admit it. He’s afraid of what's going to happen if you two become real.”
Your eyes widen with the realization. She nods enthusiastically as you connect the pieces. You can’t deny what’s so plainly laid in front of you when she assures you that even Jean knows. Jean knowing means she just did a nosy dive into his head. 
You can picture what could happen. With rom-com levels of nauseating romance, you run to find him. You tell him you don’t care that he’s afraid. You don’t care he pushed you away and you do love him. He’s not going to lose you. Nothing can rip you apart. You ride off into the sunset on Scott’s bike blah blah blah. 
This isn’t a fucking romance. And you’re not going to cry over a man who's too much of a pussy to admit he has feelings. You like men who have emotional depth deeper than a teaspoon. “Are you fucking kidding me?"
Ororo’s face blanches and she slowly backs away from you as you stand. “No,” she answers slowly, like she’s not sure of herself now. 
“That’s what I’ve been crying over?” You feel upset for an entirely different reason. You never misread the signs. You never missed a hint that he didn’t feel what you did. He did! He was just happier letting you doubt yourself and the love you held for him than admitting he felt something. You tear off the depression hoodie you’ve been living in for the past two weeks. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”
You don’t know where you’re going. Normally, you’d run into a forest to let out a blast of energy. It drained you enough that you wouldn’t have to feel anything. But with these cuffs on, you can’t do anything. 
You storm out of your room and stomp down the stairs, uncaring who you wake up. You’ve wasted so much time on Logan, you refuse to stay in your room and cry for another fucking night. 
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“I want to see her,” Logan growls. He tries to move around Charles, but he stops him with his mind, holding him in place while Jean disappears inside your room. Logan watches her go and glares at her retreating back as the door closes behind her. 
It’s been a day already, you’ve never needed to be out for more than a few hours. He doesn’t want to think that there’s anything wrong with you, that he might have permanently broken something inside you. 
That talk at the bar with Scott had been stupid. He would have said anything to get him to shut the fuck up and leave him alone. He didn’t really mean what he said, he just wanted him to back off. And saying that your relationship wasn’t anything was quicker than pouring out every thought he’s had of you. 
It was easier lying than it was to admit just how much he wanted you. Just how far he would go for you. But then you’d overheard, and you brought it up. And there’d been faith on your face. Like even you couldn’t believe what he had said because you could see through the bullshit. 
But all Logan had seen was a way out. This was an opportunity to finally get out of the suffocating clutches of something he didn’t want to admit was love. He took the chance before he could think. It’s what he was used to. Taking the easy way out, especially when it came to shit like emotions. 
He hadn’t thought you were going to explode, though. Because that’s exactly what you’d done. By the time he’d caught up to you, you’d burned a crater into the ground and had destroyed Charles’ stupid fucking tree. 
Seeing you like that, laying there lifeless, it terrified him. He didn’t want to live in a world that you weren’t in. There was no fucking point. It was sobering, realizing that, and then realizing that he was the reason you were like that in the first place. 
He didn’t want to live without you and he certainly would never be able to come to terms with being the reason you were dead. But it didn’t matter, whatever realizations he was coming to. Charles and Jean were completely blocking him from your room. They weren’t even giving him a chance to look at you. And he was about five seconds away from ripping the old bastard’s head off and just barrelling inside. 
He didn’t care what they said, he needed to see that you were okay. “I’m afraid you’re not going to be able to see her for a very long time.”
“Stay out of my head,” Logan growls, glaring down at the man. “What are you talking about?” He presses, finally processing the rest of his sentence.
Charles sighs and rolls away from him. Logan glares at his back but ultimately follows. “You were the cause of this, yes?” Reluctantly, Logan nods, there’s no point in hiding it. He’s sure Charles already knows. “For her own safety, the two of you will need to remain separated.”
That had been it. There was no arguing about it. No fighting Charles. It was for your safety that he stayed away from you. No matter how much he wanted to explain himself, he wouldn’t risk another meltdown like that. 
You didn’t deserve to get hurt because of someone like him. He wouldn’t be able to stand hurting you again. 
But two weeks seemed like a lot. At a certain point, he’s sure you’re just avoiding him. He knows he can’t blame you. He’d been a fucking idiot. But that didn’t make him any happier. If anything, he was getting more and more pissed off every day. 
He had less patience for mistakes. Was lashing out at the kids more often and don’t even get started on the petty fucking fights he was picking with Scott. How long did you fucking need before you talked to him again?
He knows you’re upset, your crying keeps everyone up at night. Something he’s sure you’d be mortified to learn about. Why won’t you let him comfort you? Why do you have to be so petulant, running around the corner every time you see him? Pointedly ignoring him when you’re in the same room together. 
He could fix this, make this all better. But you’re just not letting him. He knows this is why he loves you. It’s why he was so drawn to you. You seem like a bundle of nerves, constantly flitting around and keeping yourself small. It had been off-putting at first. And then he’d seen you training with Scott, kicking his ass more like. A switch had been flicked in his head. 
He could finally see you for what you were. He finally realized that it was your abilities you were keeping small. You were a fucking spitfire and you didn’t hesitate to tell him off, he loved it. Loved arguing with you just so he could see you get all pissed off. 
But that stubborn attitude he loved was really biting him in the ass right now. 
There’s a knock on his bedroom door and he doesn’t even get to pretend it’s going to be you. He smells Jean’s perfume and rolls his eyes. He puffs on his cigar and contemplates ignoring her.
“Don’t be a jackass, open the damn door.” 
Fuckin’ telepaths. “What?” He snaps at her the second the door is open. Her face screws up when she smells the smoke from his cigar. He knows she wants to put it out, and can see it in the twitch of her fingers. He raises a brow, a silent challenge to try him. He’s itching for another fight and she can feel it. 
She lets out a sharp breath, choosing her battles wisely and backing off. He’s almost disappointed. “We need to talk. This whole thing between the two of you is ridiculous. You’re a mess, she’s a mess…”
Her voice trails off into nothing more than the annoying pitch of a fly. Logan can’t be bothered to listen to her scold him. He’s not a fucking kid, and maybe if you were acting like an adult, they wouldn’t be having this problem. 
A few doors down he can hear you shouting, then the door to your room slams open. He darts off his bed, opening his own door to see what you’re doing. He only sees the back of your head as you angrily stomp down the stairs. 
Enough is fucking enough, he was finishing this now. He was sick of your side of the bed being empty and the stupid fucking glare on your face every time you saw him. He doesn’t even bother saying anything to Jean as he leaves, just chases after you. 
Jean watches him go with a perturbed look. She steps out of the room and glances down the hall. Ororo steps out of your room and walks towards her. “Well?” Jean probes. 
Ororor shrugs, “She’s over it.” Jean smiles but it’s quickly wiped off her face by Ororo’s expression. “Not in the way we wanted.
Jean clenches her eyes shut and takes in a deep breath. She needs you two to figure your shit out or she’s never going to be able to get a good night’s sleep again.
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You find yourself in the gym. It’s not your favorite place in the world, you don’t usually get to train with the others. You’re stuck with telepaths, mainly the ones who can shut your powers down if you get too out of control. That hasn’t been a problem since you got the cuffs, but you’ve been too sad to test them out. 
Now you find yourself obliterating a punching bag. You wrap the energy around your fists and let it protect the thin skin as you pummel into the bag. You don’t know what else to do. You can’t have energy meltdowns anymore. You have to try and funnel it all out physically, but it’s not working. Nothing is. 
“Imagining it’s me?” You pause midswing. You glance over to the door just in time to see Logan stalking towards you. He unzips his jacket slowly. So slowly it almost seems provocative. He tugs it off and tosses it onto a nearby bench. 
You scoff as you watch him. “Do you ever have a shirt on?”
He shrugs and moves towards the ring in the middle of the gym. His movements are lithe and fluid as he hops onto the ring, every bit a wild animal. You watch as the muscles in his torso ripple and force your eyes off of him. You try and focus your attention back on the bag, but all your earlier energy is gone. Your mind is completely wrapped around Logan. 
Which you’re sure is exactly what he wants, or he wouldn’t be staring at you so smugly as he leans against the ropes and waits for you to acknowledge him. You suck on your teeth, irritation blooming in sporadic bursts throughout your body that has you nearly shaking. Finally, you give in. 
He smirks the second your eyes meet, “I can take it, sweetheart. A lot better than that little toy of yours can.” He nods towards the punching bag but the insinuation isn’t lost on you. You and Logan had been very active in your relationship. You could barely go a day without tasting each other. 
You’ve been pent up since the breakup. You’d given in a few days ago, pulled out your old vibrator, and tried to bring even a semblance of joy back into your life. But nothing could compare to Logan. 
His tongue darts out, wetting his lips as he waits for you to react. He’s standing there, staring down at you with all the surety in the world that you’re going to fuck him. It makes you want to dig your nails in and rip him apart, bit by bit. 
You can already picture it in your mind, using your abilities to pick him apart until he’s nothing but molecules dispersed through the air. He’s lucky you have the cuffs on, without them you’re sure he’d already be dead. 
You smirk and move towards the edge of the ring, your voice drops as you purr up at him, “You wanna play, Logan?”
He grins and moves off the ropes, starting towards you as you make your way onto the ring. You’re slightly less graceful than he was, but you’re too focused on wiping the smug look off his face to pay attention. “Come on kid,” he taunts, voice as low as it usually is when he’s fucking into you. “Let’s see what you got.”
You’re not stupid enough to just outright swing at him. You feint to the right and bring your knee up into his ribs. He only needs one hand to wrap around your thigh and drag you forward. His other hand goes to your hip, tugging you closer until you’re practically grinding against each other. You grit your teeth and glare up at him. 
“Come on, sweetheart, that can’t be all you got for me.” Energy wraps around your head, blurring the air around you. You slam your temple against his, it provides enough of a distraction for you to yank your leg out of his grip. You throw your right fist into his ear, bouncing back with a grin as he shakes his head. 
He practically growls as he reorients himself. You shrug and smirk, “What, don’t tell me that’s all you got, wolvie.”
“Don’t fuckin’ call me that,” he grumbles. You open your mouth, prepared to taunt him again. But he’s lunging towards you and you just barely have enough time to dart out of his way. You know he’s going easy on you. He could have had you just then if he really wanted this. 
But he’s dragging this out. Forcing you to spend as much time with him as you can. It only pisses you off further. You plant your foot on his back and kick him forward. He barely even stumbles and it only further confirms your suspicions. “Stop fucking holding back,” you yell at him. 
He turns around slowly. You almost expect there to be a sneer on his face, something angry. Instead, he looks fucking thrilled, like this is all just foreplay for him. He laughs, so low you can barely hear it, and his chest flexes as his claws come out. 
“You sure?” It’s a taunt, a dare, he knows you aren’t going to take the bait. You’d be stupid to, you don’t heal like he does. Once those things get in you, you’re screwed. But right now, you’re too pissed off to try and care. 
You don’t say anything, you just duck under his fist as he swings at you. You know he made it easy for you, giving you an opening to fall into. He’s treating you like you’re something fragile. And maybe you are. One wrong move in this fight and you might not make it through the night. But anger is making you blind to logic. 
Him playing fair just makes you want to play dirty. You use the opening he gives you, letting energy form around your fist and pulling back just enough to slam into his ribs. He coughs, doubling over as you hear bones crack under your hit. He’ll heal in seconds, you can’t bring yourself to feel too bad for him. 
Maybe if he ever took you seriously you might not be such a bitch. But he didn’t think you were good enough to be honest with and he still was treating you like a plaything. In your opinion, he deserves whatever you give him and more. He doubles over and you swing your leg around, bringing it down across his face. 
You hear a crack as your socked foot connects with his face, something crunches underneath you. And when your sole hits the mat again you see the blood leaking from his nose. You almost apologize. Almost, then you see the look on his face. His pupils are swallowing the hazel of his eyes, lips parted as he pants through his teeth. He looks fucking animalistic. 
You have no warning as he pounces on you. His lips smother your own, moving over you with little to no grace. There’s nothing romantic or gentle about this. His fingers are digging so hard into your shirt, you’re sure you hear the seams rip. But you can’t bring yourself to care. 
One of your hands goes to his hair, tugging at the roots until he’s groaning into your mouth. You rake your nails up his back roughly. He cusses against your lips, hand traveling up to your chin so he can roughly jerk you back. 
He stares down at you, a silent question on his face. You’ve barely nodded before he’s descending upon you again. Lips and teeth clash borderline painfully as he lowers you onto the mat. You’re missing all the usual love and tenderness he treats you with, but you don’t care. 
You want to be rough. You want to hurt him like he hurt you, make him ache for you the way you do him. You wrap your legs around his, lifting your pelvis until you have enough leverage to flip him. Your thighs straddle his waist and you grind down against the prominent bulge in his sweatpants. 
He groans into your open mouth, large palms grabbing at your ass and spreading you so he can thrust between your clothed thighs. You can’t help but moan at the friction. It’s just enough to keep you on edge, he pulls back every time you think you might be close to something real building. 
You rip your mouth off his. He glares up at you as you grab his hair and yank his head back. You slam his head hard enough into the mat for it to echo through the room and he growls against your grip. You grin down at him as you slowly get off him. You make a show of stripping, enjoying the way his eyes track your movements. He looks like a dog, panting and waiting for his treat. 
You’re tempted to get yourself off, making him watch, and then leave him straining against his sweatpants. But you need this bad, need him to scratch the itch you can’t reach so you can finally get him out of your head. Neither of you are patient as he jerks his sweatpants down just enough for his cock to pop out. 
It’s already leaking from the tip like a faucet. You kneel, straddling his waist again. You don’t have to do much to slick him up. You pump him a few times before he’s gripping your wrist and jerking your hand away. “Get up here,” he commands, voice rough as he grips your hips. You don’t even get a chance to protest before he’s flipping you over. 
He grabs your thighs and wraps them around his waist. Your ass is off the ground, hovering above his lap as he lines up with your slit. You moan when the tip rubs against your clit. “Whose teasing now?” You grit out, glaring at him. 
His lips curl up, that insufferable smirk on his face before he slams into you. The attitude is practically fucked out of you as he starts pumping in and out. You groan, raking your hands down his chest. He fucking moans at the pain, blood blooming under your nails and immediately closing the further down you go. 
Neither of you are giving up this fight, you don’t want to lose, not even while you’re fucking. He pulls out of you and flips you over so fast you don’t even have time to whine. He’s back in you before you can blink, hips slapping into you in a way that you know is going to leave bruises tomorrow. You’re not going to be able to sit for a week and he knows it. His hands are groping at the skin of your ass, pulling you apart and watching the skin ripple as he fucks into you. 
You’re not going to last long. You’ve been too desperate, too pent up while you’ve been pissed off at him. He leans over you, draping himself across you lazily. You groan at the added weight, it only adds to the sensation, only makes you want him deeper inside you. “Thought you didn’t want me anymore, sweetheart.” He whispers in your ear and you flutter around him as his hand snakes around your waist, rubbing tight circles on your clit. 
You open your mouth but all that comes out is disjointed moans. You know there’s something sarcastic in there, and he must know too because he laughs at your pathetic mumbled sentence. “I don’t know,” he leans back and watches as he makes room for himself inside you. “Seem to need me real bad now.”
Your nails dig into the mat, energy leaking through your fingertips and warming up the canvas beneath you. You can feel it fluctuating, fighting against the cuffs the closer he brings you to the edge. “Fuck you,” the words escape you at a particularly deep thrust and you struggle to keep your eyes open. 
He pauses and you nearly cry at the loss of movement. “Sorry, couldn’t hear you. What’d you say? Stop?”
You glare over your shoulder at him  “Don’t you fucking dare, Logan.” You let your power push up against his back, forcing his hips to move again. He chuckles at the move, fingers creating figure eights on your nub. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart,” he protests, voice innocent. “Ah, fuck,” his voice is nothing more than low grunts and groans in your ear the closer the both of you get to your release. You can’t speak anymore, can’t think. You can feel it cresting higher and higher inside you. 
Your abilities are rising with your release. They’re pushing against the cuffs, fighting desperately against the control the foreign metal has on your powers. You can feel it, heat building up under your skin, like a tingling on the tip of your tongue that you just can’t reach. It’s Logan’s release that finally tips you over the edge. 
The way his breath catches and his hips stutter in their perfect rhythm as warmth floods you from the inside out. You can feel it, him, dribbling down your thighs and staining the mat beneath you. It has you clenching around him, pushing your hips back weakly while you let the feeling overwhelm you. You nearly black out. Two weeks without him hadn’t felt long until you remembered what you were missing. 
You lose your sense of time, dropping to the mat like your bones have gone liquid, dripping out of you. You can feel Logan draped over you still, his weight a comforting blanket that nearly has you drifting to sleep. Naked, in the middle of the boxing ring. He pulls out of you and you whimper at the loss. 
He shushes you, rubbing a hand up your spine and pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your temple. He wraps his arms around you, laying down and pulling you back into his chest. It takes a few minutes of quiet cuddling for you to remember what exactly led you down to the gym in the first place. 
You feel disgusted with yourself for giving in to him so easily. It’s clear what his plan had been. And you’d fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. You’d barely even fought against him. Of course, you could reason that you needed to get the tension out. This was the perfect way to funnel out your built-up energy. 
But you’re disgusted with yourself for giving in to him so easily. You just disregarded dignity and self-respect for a chance to get him between your legs. You were such a fucking idiot. No wonder this is all he wanted you for. 
“Shit,” you mutter, trying to pull yourself out of his grip. Your eyes widen as his arms tighten around your waist. He tugs you back down until he’s got you in what essentially feels like a headlock. He could easily pass it off as spooning, but it feels a little more demanding than that. “Logan,” you warn, the silent peace of the moment officially shattered. 
“Don’t,” he gripes. You can fight against him for as long as you want, but you’ll only tire yourself out. His arms are literally metal bands around you. “Let me talk and then you can run off.” You huff and wait, but he never speaks. Finally, you look over your shoulder and glare at him. “Well?”
You roll your eyes, “Fuck’s sake,” you mutter. “Alright, speak.”
You can feel his grin against the back of your head. If he didn’t have you in such a tight grip, you’d elbow him in the gut just to be petty. “I made a mistake,” you scoff and he keeps going. Stopping you from interrupting him with something bitchy. “You weren’t just something convenient to me, sweetheart.” he pauses and chuckles, “You’re a huge fucking pain in my ass.”
“Is this your idea of an apology?” You snap, “Because this is pathetic.” 
He doesn’t say anything and you’re tempted to snark at him again. But then the world is flipped on its side as he jerks you around and forces you to face him. Your chests rub together, the sweaty skin sticking together and bordering on uncomfortable. “You ever shut up?” He asks, but there’s no heat to the words. If anything he looks fond of you, and it makes you shift around, trying not to look him in the eye. But there’s nowhere for you to hide, you’re both naked and bare before each other. 
You’re as physically vulnerable as he must feel emotionally. And as much as this is a horrible way to display how he’s feeling, you’re starting to understand him a little better. You know why this conversation is so hard for him, why he can’t accept that someone truly loves him and he loves her back. 
But that’s not going to get him out of it. He’s still yet to say the words. Maybe if he manned up and said something real you’d consider forgiving him. You give him an expectant look and he sighs, forehead pressed against yours as he slumps over you. You want to pretend you’re annoyed at the contact, but you’ve been craving it since you ran away two weeks ago.
You’ve been desperate for this warmth that only he can provide you. Without realizing it, you nuzzle further into his chest, hands drifting up to wrap around his bare waist. Logan feels the tightness in him ease slightly at the way you curl into him. He’s got a shot, even if you try and tell him he doesn’t.  
It’s silent for a while, while you linger in the emotions of what just happened and he tries to find the right words. He leans down, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and smiling against the shell of your ear. “I love you,” he whispers. 
You’d told yourself you’d only consider forgiving him if he said those words. But that’s only because you’d never thought he would actually say it. You didn’t think he was capable of admitting that to himself. It seems so out of character for him. But, maybe, you don’t know him as well as you thought you did. 
He pulls back, hand landing on your jaw and gently guiding your head out of his neck. He gives you an expectant look but you’re finding it hard to meet his eyes. You’ve been waiting for him to say that, but now it feels like you can’t. You’re still struggling to forgive him. He put you through so much unnecessary hurt just because he couldn’t face his own feelings. 
And now you’re struggling to do the same. “I want to say it back,” you tell him. “But how am I supposed to trust that the next time things get hard, you won’t lash out again?”
He frowns, an irritated huff of breath shooting out his nose. But you know it’s frustration towards himself. For letting you both get to this point because he couldn’t just say three words. “I’ll wait,” he promises. “For as long as it takes, I’ll wait.” 
You smile and nod, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face in his neck. You’re sure you’ll be saying it sooner rather than later. But what’s the harm in making him squirm a little? He deserves it. 
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A/N: I don’t write smut, it’s literally in my rules. I think I stared at a gif of him for too long and some horny ass demon possessed me and made me write this. Forgive me, universe, I’m no better than a man.
end. — I do not own the characters or the comics/movies Wolverine/X-Men, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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evie-sturns · 1 month
open up - Matt Sturniolo
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summary: after a long day of matt basically ignoring you, and being too grumpy to even get out of bed, you finally get him to open up to you.
contains: crying, anggstt?.., boyfriend!matt, comforting, fluff.
"matt we have to go baby, chris nick and i are all going to the cafe." i say softly, ruffling matts messy hair.
hes refused to get out of bed this whole morning, hes woken up in a horrible, grumbly mood.
i stand beside matt's bed, his body intertwined in the tangled duvet.
he shakes his head with a groan, i let out a soft sigh. "matt, they're waiting for us."
"bro- just tell 'm that i dont wanna come." matt croaks out, i furrow my eyebrows at the new nickname he has for me.
i fold my arms, letting out a small huff. "alright, ill be back in a couple hours." i mumble.
matt nods, tugging the blanket back up over his body.
i walk out of the room, closing the door behind me.
what is going on with him?
(3 hours later)
its now 1pm, i decide to go check on matt again.
i sit up off the couch and walk down the hallway towards matt and i's room.
i approach the closed white door, knocking twice before slowly pushing it open.
all i see is a large lump under the covers, which must be matt.
i walk over to the side of the bed before peeling back the sheets. matt’s on his phone, lazily scrolling.
“hey, you okay?” i ask, running my hands through his hair.
he nods his head with a small hum,
“matt i’m a bit worried about you sweetie, you’re never like this.” i sigh,
“don’t be worried.” he mutters, still endlessly scrolling through his phone.
“you’ve not left our house in a solid week, that’s not like you.” i state,
matt tenses, putting his phone down next to him.
“i’m just tired okay!?” matt attempts to raise his voice, but it comes out as croaked and weak.
“shh- sh.” i attempt to shush him, which he doesn’t react well to.
“don’t shush me! can you just leave i’m so done with this-“
matt sounds like a whiny teenager, i feel like his mom, trying to get him to open the curtains for the first time in years.
“get up.” i mutter, tugging the sheets off him.
he pushes my hand away, “i don’t want to.”
i scoff, “matt stop, stop acting like an actual child!” i raise my voice slightly, trying to get my point across.
“can you please just leave me alone?!” matt groans,
i sigh, no longer trying to wrestle him to get the sheets off him.
i sit down on the bed beside him, i’m sat up against the headboard.
we sit in silence for a few minutes.
matt’s breathing is laboured, he’s getting so irritated by everything i do.
“what’s going on matt.” i whisper, reaching out and running my fingers up his temple.
“it’s just- i’m trying to sleep and you keep coming in here and fucking annoying me-“
matt’s sentence is cut off by his voice cracking,
“i’m- i’m sorry- i don’t mean that.”
tears start to roll down his flushed cheeks,
i’ve never seen matt cry.
i sit him up against the headboard next to me, i grab his shoulder and tug him to my chest.
“it’s okay, i’m not mad at you.” i coo, pressing kisses to the top of his head
he nods, his small sniffles turn into full sobs.
“do you wanna open up and talk to me about it?” i ask softly, running my nails up his back.
matt nods through his strangled sobs,
“i’m so- confused.” matt manages to squeeze out.
i nod, lifting the back of his shirt up and dragging my nails up his bare back.
“i don’t understand why- why you put up with me“ he sobs,
“and i know i sound like an absolute pick me saying that, but you’re just an- an infinitely better person than me.” matt speaks, rubbing his eyes with his fists,
“i feel like i’m not a fun person to be around- and you’re the total opposite like, everybody likes you-?”
i nod, letting him spill his words out.
“literally just being around you and knowing how you are in comparison to me makes me feel so shit.” he mumbles,
“the feeling i get in my stomach, it’s so bad.” he sniffs,
“i’m sorry- i genuinely sound like such a attention seeker.” matt half laughs.
i continue to stroke his back, he frantically tries to wipe his eyes everytime a new tear falls.
“you’re allowed to cry, i’m right here.” i whisper,
he nods, soft crys falling from his lips as he buries his face further into the soft fabric of my shirt.
“you know i love you so much, honestly i think i’m the one who doesn’t deserve you.” i sigh,
he shakes his head, “that’s not true.”
“it is, you make me feel so safe, you’re honestly my bestfriend ever.” i tell him, my voice full of sincerity.
matt’s crying gets worse as he hears me talk, his hands clutching my shirt, his brown floppy locks spread across my shirt.
i let him express everything he’s been feeling, letting him cry.
i think matt bottles a lot of shit up, and every couple months it all comes out in sudden bursts like these.
“i love you, i don’t want you to ever feel like this.” i sigh,
“you can tell me anything, anytime.”
matt nods again, slowly peeling himself away from my chest.
his eyes are red and puffy, his lips are swollen and his hair is sticking up in 8 different directions.
i laugh slightly, “sorry-“
a grin grows on matt’s face as he attempts to fix his hair.
“oh- oh, your making it worse.” i giggle,
i reach a hand up and try to flatten his hair,
“you’re gonna flatten it!! i’m gonna look like a pancake.” matt laughs hysterically,
“i’m a trained hairstylist, if anything i’ll make it 10x better!!” i protest.
@starsturns234 @chrissturnsss s @joemamaaa42069 9 9 @sturnthepot t t @zayyluvz z z @realuvrrr r r r @livialifesblog @sturnioloblogs s @riowritesitall l l l @raysmayhem-72 @sturnsdoll l @obvisturns @stupid4sturniolo @meerkatzthings @witchofthehour r @rosalierenee43 @gabrielle-brun1 @ilovemymannnnnnn n @sturnioloxlver r @buckys-goodgirl @sturniol0s @ilovemymannnnnnnn @chr1sgirl4life @luanetaluenta @sturnsssbow @mattfangirl @luvr4miya a @luvtay111 @lolasturniolo @freshloveforthefit @ruedowney y y @lovingchrissposts @333michelle e @h3arts4harry y @jamiesturniolo o @chrisstopherfilmed @itzdarling @ @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @ev3rgreenxtrees enxtrees @certifiednatelover r r @solarsturniolo @mattsenthusiast t t t t @yomamaslays4lyfe e @peachmelbaesunpostre @alinaa131 @pepsiluvr0209 9 @creamoncreamoncream2 @szobofc c c c @mattscoquette @blahbell668 @sturniolo04 @bitchydragonparadise se e @sturni0l0tripletzz z 0 @ratatioulle @sturnsforlife v @mattsonly @justalittle47 7 @sunsetsturniolos s @downbad4reid @strniololoverr @obvisturns
@ellizzyy @colorthecosmos444 @mattspolitank @sturnblog @gabssturniolo @mattstromboli @sierrraaaasturn @milliegvrl @sturniolo-wife @ilovecats0402 @zayyluvz @urfavmattgal @eyelovedher89 @ireadstoriss @princesseva @edgemaster696 @itztimeeee @savvyratatouille @yourmama1 @kaisturni @angel4matt @arianatheway @mattsfavbigtitties @livelovelaughlanadelray @iheartblueyesxoxo @gloomy-ghoulz @megamorgan44 @stasiesturn @sturnzyolo @enemiestolovershoe @yomamaslays4lyfe @sturniolostrawberry @lizzysmith110 @jetaimevous @sturniolotripletsfandom @m4rriii @mayax2o07 @stellasturnzz @venusxsturnio @ana-sofia00 @flouqiis @lovekaiya @stayingstromboli @sturniolo-luv @theyluvme-2315 @annedebeijer @ashleysturn @flouqiis @bellaloves-drpepper @tpvmz @mattsbrowser @sturnrn @starchrisnam @rafecameronsbitch @zosturns @ashlishes @skysturniolo @littlemisswhore @olivialovessturniolo @1c3b4th @jmendez04 @melschapstick @starsturniolos
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ponderingmoonlight · 5 months
Gojo falls ill and reader does finishes his missions and her own missions as well do Gojo doesn't have a pile of work waiting for him once he gets better. Gojo gets better. And finds out. Hehehehe Lobe u babes
omg I love this, let's do it hehe
Reader finishing Gojo's missions when he falls sick and he finds out
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Pairing: Gojo x wife!reader
Word Count: 2,3k
Synopsis: When your husband falls sick, you don't think twice about completing all of his tasks in order for him to not be stressed - even if it means multiple sleepless nights for youself. Little did you know that your husband will find out about it and thank you in his own way...
Warnings: pure fluff over fluff so enjoy, Gojo basically being THE husband for y'all, not proofread because it's already darn late here and I'm way too tired
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„Oh come on, don’t tell me the honoured one caught a cold”, you playfully tease your beloved husband.
He’s definitely ill, there’s no doubt in that. The way his forehead is covered in sweat, his unusual pale face paired with his heavy breathing. Let alone the sight of his red and runny nose.
You never thought this is possible. After all, Satoru is one of the few people who are able to use revered technique. Isn’t he able to heal himself, to prevent his body from falling sick?
“Looks like I overdid it those last weeks. My body is catching up on my apparently”, he replies weakly along with a nasty sounding cough.
You know all too well these last weeks were like a trip to hell and back for him. This is actually the first time you saw your husband after one whole week of him running from mission to mission and coming home into bad past after midnight. Being two special grade sorcerers, it is your responsibility to prevent the worst things from happening. Especially during summer, the number of curses triples. And that paired with the stinging fact that jujutsu sorcerers die like flies each and every day…
It’s no wonder his body took a toll on him.
“You’ll stay here for the rest of the week, babe”, you instruct him gently while pulling a blanket up his chest.
“Nah, no chance. I’ll have a pile of work when I get back and-AH.”
It’s frightening, the way he almost chokes while coughing so roughly that it vibrates through your whole body. This doesn’t sound good at all. To be exact, you’ve never seen your husband like this despite the fact that you’ve been together for multiple years by now. If he’s feeling this miserable, it’s definitely time for a break.
“Don’t worry about that. I hold the position while you’re gone.”
Little did he know you meant that.
-a week later-
“It’s far past midnight. Why are you still up, (y/n)?”
His hoarse voice rips you out of your microsleep immediately, lids so heavy they feel like closing by themselves if you don’t pay close attention.
“Oh, just work.”
No, it’s not just work. Apart from the daily drama you have to endure, you made it your mission to complete each and every task your husband would face as soon as he comes back. You know all too well he’ll throw himself fully into work again, not thinking about his own health a single second. And to prevent that, you decided to finish his missions as well, to teach his students, to do anything in your power to prevent Satoru from a pile of work.
Including swollen eyelids, constant grumpy mood, no effort to eat and your shoulders hanging down onto the ground.
You hate to admit it, but you are exhausted. You never realized how much work your husband does during the day. Must be easier for him, though. Teleportation sure sounds nice at the moment…
“I’m worried about you, babe. Are the elders bombarding you with work again? Maybe I need to have a serious talk again-“
“No, don’t think too much about it. I’m just hanging on a bit, that’s it”, you lie.
Oh, Satoru knows it is. After all, you’re talking about yourself. You, so disciplined that you’d never leave work unattended. No, it’s absolutely impossible that you’re “hanging on a bit”. But what else is it? The dark circles underneath your eyes look like valleys in the soft light of a lamp, tired eyes failing to focus on the paperwork in front of you. Usually, this is what you’re doing straight in the morning when he’s still asleep. What keeps you so busy these last days? He has to find out, he-
He almost chokes on himself again, earning a concerned side eye from you. It’s been a week and he’s still sick to the brim. Worry lines decorate your face, palm gently resting against his scorching hot forehead.
“Off to bed with you.”
“Don’t stay up too long, okay? All you seem to do is work these last days”, your husband replies worried himself.
You sigh to yourself. That’s because you do. But leaving your husband to a pile of work after he returns to Jujutsu High only to get sick again? You grab the pen in your hand tighter, force your eyes to fully open. Only a few more days and you’ll be done. After all, you’re doing this for him, right?
Satoru is definitely worth the sleepless nights.
-a few days after-
“Turns out I’m fully back at normal again, babe!”, your husband announces proudly.
You blink against the harsh light of the merciless sun, eyes dry like sand. Only a few hours ago, you returned from a village Satoru was supposed to inspect. Well, minutes turned into hours when a special grade curse appeared out of no where and made your life living hell. The sun already began to rise when you carried yourself back into bed.
But still, you can’t help but smile at him. These last days were rough for him. Him, the strongest, passed out because of a cold. He wasn’t himself all this time, weak body bound into bed with his limbs aching.
“So glad to here that”, you mumble while pressing a gentle kiss onto his lips.
“Sleep in for a while, you look exhausted (y/n). I know you just came back a few hours ago and don’t you dare to lie at me.”
Your eyes widen in an instant, cheeks blushing ever so slightly. You were so careful about leaving and returning, his even and long breaths not giving a single hint that he might be awake.
“I’m heading to Jujutsu High, bet work piled up pretty bad. Wish me good luck and have a good rest princess, I’ll kick their asses if they try to call you!”
With one last loving glance at you, he’s gone. And you can’t help but pass out immediately.
“Guess who’s back to save the day!”, Satoru announces proudly into the room filled with his students and Yaga Masamichi who looks at him with the same disinterest as usual.
“You? Didn’t even know you even exist anymore”, Nobara mumbles while filing down her nails.
“How are you? (y/n) told us you were sick”, Yuji interjects.
“I’m completely back to normal!”
“What a shame”, Megumi mumbles under his breath.
“Sooo, what side of earth do I have to save today? I’m sure a lot of work piled up while I was gone. After all, I’m the strongest.”
Satoru stretches himself playfully, waiting for the director to tell him about all different kinds of missions, curses and teachings he has to deal with these next few days. But instead, he just shrugs his shoulders.
“What? Got nothing to say? Okay, let me guess, what about that special grade curse in the village-“
“Done”, Yaga Masamichi replies dryly.
“The combat training with the first year-“
“Any curses that appeared in Tokyo?”
“Taking care of-“
This can’t be true, the man in front of him has to joke. Apart from you, Satoru is the only special grade sorcerer here at Jujutsu High. No one would ever be able to fulfil some of those missions, let alone teach his students just like that. Not even the director himself is capable of dealing with that special grade curse he was talking about just before Satoru got sick. But who…?
“Didn’t your wife tell you she already managed all those things?”
Oh, he was so stupid that it hurts. All these nights he caught you almost falling asleep on your desk, the multiple times you sneaked out of bed far past midnight, the dark circles under your eyes. All this time, you weren’t only busy with your own missions. No, you actually fulfilled all of his work for him as well.
“Just the amount of work I have to do when I come back. Urgh, being sick sucks.”
“Don’t worry, love. I’m sure you’ll be fine.
Yeah, he sure as hell is. But only because you decided to make your own life living hell for two weeks straight.
“Please don’t tell me (y/n) did all of my stuff while I was gone.”
“I’ll never understand how a kind-hearted woman like her ended up with you. She didn’t even stop when I told her to and somehow managed to get information about the missions I prepared for your sick ass”, the director replies dryly.
“Call her in right now.”
Words aren’t enough to thank you for this. No, you deserve way more than that, way more than his mouth could ever give you.
“And let her leave again in about an hour.”
-an hour later-
“Again, sorry for calling you in, (y/n). Now get back home, you’re free tomorrow.”
“Thank you”, is all you’re able to reply, wobbly feet carrying you back into your car and onto the road.
You sigh to yourself. Well, you definitely didn’t expect the director to call you this early when you just returned from an exhausting mission. But who are you to say no to him? After all, it’s your job to do this, it’s your job to protect the innocent.
But…Is it also your job to answer strange questions from your students in the morning?
“Come on, use your brain! You know what the director said!”, Nobara hisses through gritted teeth, the trio sticking their heads together after you were forced to drop your haircare routine to Nobara.
“If you don’t have any further questions, I’ll go-“
“Yes! I have a question!”, Yuji screams so loudly that his voice echoes through your tired brain.
“What is it, Yuji?”, you mutter with your eyes closed.
“How exactly are babies made, (y/n)-san?”
“You’re an idiot…”, Megumi grumbles.
“Really? This is all you have left in your pea-sized brain?”
“What? You just told me to ask her something and that’s what I came up with!”, Yuji defends himself.
“Yeah, but that ‘something’ definitely didn’t include THAT!”
It’s almost as if they were forced to ask you dumb questions. You’ll definitely have a talk with your husband about their strange behaviour when you caught up on sleep. But before that…
You open the door with a swift motion.
Your heart skips a beat, eyes widen.
The usual so modern and clean living-room is now covered in rose pedals and filled with the fresh scent of sakura leaves, your couch unfolded and covered in the most fluffy blankets, pillows and stuffed animals you’re ever seen. And there he sits.
He, your beloved husband, holding up your bathrobe oh so inviting.
“What’s going on here?”, you breathe out.
Suddenly, all the exhaustion you felt earlier disappeared into thin air. Did he really do all of this for you? The candles flickering, the blankets, the strawberries covered in chocolate waiting on the table, him wearing that black t-shirt you love so much.
“Guess what, I found out what you did. Did you really think you’ll get away with stealing my work in silence?”, he teases, love dripping from each and every word he says.
“It was nothing”, you try to brush him off.
But instead, he gets up and grabs your hand in order to guide you into the dim bathroom that is only lightened by a few candles. Again, the lovely smell of sakura leaves radiates from the bathtub filled with bubbles and hot steam. Just the thought of letting yourself sink into that warm water, to finally release the tension in your sore muscles-
Before you’re even able to comprehend what’s happening, Satoru took off your clothes and lifts you off the ground with ease. Your body doesn’t dare to fight back, too weak from all the missions you completed these last days. Just the tip of your toe, relaxing in the water for a few minutes before returning to Jujutsu High…
“Nothing, huh? So you mean doing the stuff I need a month for in two weeks besides your own missions is nothing? Words can’t express how thankful I am to have such a sweet, caring and steaming hot wife”, he whispers against your ear, his fingers starting to massage your back oh so skilled.
You allow yourself to sink into his touch, to rest your eyes for a few minutes. Well, there is no denying in the fact that this was a little too much for you. All the fighting, the paper work, the heart and soul you poured in each and every work.
And then there’s him. Satoru, your beloved husband, who massages your back with his skilled fingers. How lucky you are to call him your husband, that he decided to spend the rest of his life with you. Even though he scolded you ever so slightly for managing his pile of work, you know he’d do the same for you in a heartbeat. What a treasure, how glad you are to know him, how wonderful he is…
“(y/n)?”, Satoru purrs against your ear.
You don’t response, chest rising and falling slow and steady. He can’t help but smile to himself, admiring he beauty of your finally resting face. Carefully, he lifts you out of the bathtub and covers your body in the fluffy bathrobe you love so much. You definitely deserve some rest for all the work you did these last days.
He can’t help but gently caress your cheek, making sure you’re completely tucked you underneath your favourite blanket.
“What a lucky man I am”, he mutters to himself while outlining your parted lips.
“To call someone so wonderful my wife…”
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 @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @hellkaiserinphoenix 
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@froufrousnowman @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi
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(this took me forever so if I tagged u be so kind and leave a like/comment/reblog lol)
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rachalixie · 7 months
my love, mine all mine
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a/n: happy valentine's my angel @astraystayyh and my star @forlix <333 (this is not my best work but be kind to me i wrote it in a rush because i wanted it to be READY FOR YOU TODAY)
hyunjin setting up the perfect valentine's day for you
warnings: fem!reader, 2.3k
genre: fluff, est. relationship
you wake up on valentine’s day the same as you do any other day - a little grumpy, a lot tired, and above all wanting to close your eyes for just a few more minutes. 
it takes you longer to admit to drag yourself into the shower and get dressed, but you give yourself credit for doing it before noon; you weren’t a morning person by nature. 
you didn’t feel any particular way about valentine’s day - you’ve never had a valentine, never been in a serious enough relationship to where you felt it needed to be celebrated. you had whispered this to hyunjin a few days ago, cuddled into his chest at night, but beyond that you hadn’t really thought about it much. 
it seems that hyunjin had, though, seeing as your living room floor was covered in red rose petals. a single, small. pink gift bag sat on the coffee table and you couldn’t help the jaw-aching smile that you were wearing. there was no sign that he was still there, his shoes were absent at the door and the absent-minded humming he habited wasn’t reaching your ears. he must have used the spare key to come in and set this up before work, and the idea of him coming over to do this and letting you sleep in on your day off was so sweet you thought you might get a toothache from it. 
you walk to the center of the room to open the gift, on your tiptoes to avoid stepping on the sweet smelling petals scattered on the carpet. your mouth drops into an O shape when a single piece of paper is revealed at the bottom of the bag. 
put these coordinates into your maps, it reads, and you frown in confusion. you do it, and an address pops up that you’ve never seen before. you assume he wants you to go there, but why? he was at work, wasn’t he?
your short walk there leads you to a coffee shop just a few blocks away from your apartment, a small family-owned one that you had been meaning to try for weeks. it’s cozy, with paper hearts and flowers decorating the place and chalkboard menus advertising sweet sounding valentine’s lattes. 
“this is for you,” the server at the counter tells you as you approach to order, holding out a paper cup and a neatly folded paper bag. you take the items from her, inspecting them carefully. the cup has earl gray tea latte scrawled onto its side, and the bag contains a mouth-watering pastry dotted with bits of almond and chocolate. what is this?
“how much do i owe…?” you look back up at the server as she turns to return to stocking the pastry case, and her ponytail swishes as she faces you. 
“it’s taken care of,” she winks at you, smiling. “someone really loves you, huh?”
“yeah,” your heart swells as you take a seat in the corner of the shop to enjoy your breakfast. “he does.”
you sip on your tea slowly, people watching as the thought of hyunjin rushing here after stopping at your place to give them your order warming you from the inside out. an elderly couple comes in next, hand in hand as they place an order. a young man stops by, holding a bouquet of flowers and blushing as he asks for two strawberry-chocolate mochas. 
several people later, you stand up to recycle the cup and empty paper bag, walking out the door as you take your phone out to send hyunjin an aggressive thank-you text.
“wait!” the server calls after you, and you stop in your steps as she jogs to catch up with you. “i forgot to give you this.”
she stretches her hand out towards you, a small gift bag identical to the one you’d found in your apartment dangling off of her fingers. 
“oh, thank you,” you say, blinking at the bag as she disappears almost as quickly as she came. 
get in the car, it reads. you glance up just as a sleek black sedan pulls up next to you, the tinted passenger side window rolling down to reveal seungmin. 
“what is this?” you pop your head into the window, sending a glare at him as if that would make him talk. if there is anyone who will keep a secret to the death, it’s kim seungmin. 
“the note says to get in the car,” he rolls his eyes, unlocking the door so you could slide in next to him. “we don’t want to be late.”
“late to what?” you ask, but he ignores you in favor of turning the music up. it’s playing a song from your favorite artist, one that you know seungmin doesn’t listen to. 
he rolls the car to a stop on a familiar street downtown and he finally smiles at you as he unlocks the doors again. 
“we’re here,” he says, then exits the car to hop around to your side to open the door for you. “enjoy the rest of your day, madam.”
“what a gentleman,” you tease him, taking his hand as he helps you out of the car. 
“for the woman of honor? it’s my pleasure,” before you could ask him what he meant by honor, he’s hopping back into his car and driving off. 
this is weird. right?
he had dropped you off right in front of your regular nail salon. as you’re waiting by the door, conflicted over whether you should go in or not, one of the technicians opens the door, waving at you to come in. 
“hi,” you greet her, “i was, well. driven here? but i don’t have an appointment.”
“of course you have an appointment,” she grins, white teeth flashing at you. “for right now. come right this way!”
she leads you to a chair, and your favorite tech exits out the staff room in the back and sits across the table from you. 
“hi beautiful,” she says, and the familiarity of her tampers down the overwhelming feeling that had been creeping up on you. “full set, right? what color?”
“oh, i wasn’t really prepared…” you think of your dwindling bank account and grimace. “maybe just polish? dark red, though.”
“oh don’t worry,” she winks at you before getting her materials set up at the station. “it’s been paid in advance.”
as she gets to work on your nails, you can’t help the all-consuming rush of affection that surges through you. when had hyunjin had time to plan all of this? 
you thank everyone profusely once she’s done, marveling at your new set of nails. you’re not as surprised this time when the girl who had waved you in earlier hands you a small, now familiar gift bag. 
the next stop leads you to a hair salon, one that you’ve never been to if only because it was so expensive. designer products lined the walls for purchase, plush leather seats were placed in front of lit up floor to ceiling mirrors - it was like a palace. 
you’re the only customer there, which surprised you. it was valentine’s day, didn’t others want to get their hair done too? 
you couldn’t complain though, especially when the hair stylist asks you what you wanted done and listened to you with rapt attention. the lack of anyone else there was a welcome surprise. 
the stylist washes your hair, the water she uses somehow the perfect temperature for you. her fingers move in expert motions, relaxing you and making you melt into the chair. 
she walks you over to her station and gets started on blow-drying your wet hair, and man approaches with a basket full of makeup. he wordlessly brushes it on, making gentle swiping motions across your eyelids and cheeks that almost feel like hyunjin’s eyelashes fluttering against your skin. 
they work in amazing synchronization, so in tune with one another that you’re a little overwhelmed by the time they finish. 
“you look divine,” the man compliments, high-fiving the hair stylist over your head. 
“like a princess,” the woman nods, turning you towards the mirror and - oh. you do look amazing, soft waves framing your face and neutral tones accenting your eyes. 
“thank you so much,” you gush, marveling at how the blush and highlight adorning your cheeks turn brighter when you smile. 
“it’s our pleasure,” the makeup artist replies, patting your shoulder. “you were wonderful to work on. come back anytime.”
“let me guess,” you can’t help the smile from leaving your face. “it’s taken care of?”
the man nods as the hair stylist hands you the gift bag you were already expecting. 
this time it tells you to cross the street, and a quick glance shows a small row of shops. there’s a tiny number scribbled on the corner of the slip of paper, and it matches up with the number on top of one of the shops. it was a small boutique, less flashy than any of the places you've been directed to all day. 
this stop is more of a quick affair, a young girl greeting you like she knew you and ushering you into a changing room where a shoe box is waiting on a stool and a garment bag hangs on a hook. you unzip it to reveal a beautiful red dress, flowy fabric falling like waterfalls off of the hanger. 
you put it on and it fits you like a well-worn ring, complimenting your figure like it was tailored specifically for you. the heels are a perfect fit too, and you almost feel like cinderella waiting to meet your prince. the girl is waiting outside when you step out, and you feel the urge to hide from her when she fixes you with a scrutinizing look.
“how do i look?” you ask her, and her face breaks out into a beam towards you. 
“you look phenomenal,” she gushes, twirling you around so she could see every angle. “he chose so well, the dress compliments you perfectly.”
“my clothes?” you turn back to get them, but she stops you with a hand on your elbow. 
“don’t worry about them, they’ll get back to you,” she walks you towards the door. “he’s right next door - don’t be late!”
you take a deep breath as you exit the shop, your fingers wringing together with unexpected nerves. why are you nervous? hyunjin had created the perfect day for you - finally seeing him would be the icing on the perfect cake. you push through the nerves as you push open the door, and you cant help but gasp in wonder when you take in the interior. 
it looks like an abandoned storefront, remodeled to make a whimsical scene. there’s strings of fairy lights lining the brick walls, creeping around green vines that make the space look like something out of a storybook. rose petals, the same ones from this morning, line a trail towards a small table in the center of the room. candles shone on top of it, two glasses of freshly poured wine glinting in the firelight, and next to the table is a man who’s been waiting eagerly. 
it’s hyunjin, standing tall with a deliciously fitted suit framing his body and a single rose held in his hand. you walk towards him, your heels clicking on the floor as you try not to trip in your rush to fall into his arms. 
“you did all this? the whole thing?” you ask, willing the tears to stay in your lids as to not mess up your freshly done makeup. out of all the things you’ve done today, getting to stand in the circle of his arms is by far the best part. 
“of course i did,” he rubs a hand up and down your spine, letting the tips of his fingers trace across the zipper there. “i wanted to make this day perfect.”
“i loved it,” you pull away to look him in the eyes. “i love you. i would have loved it if you showed in sweatpants up with takeout too.”
“i know,” he looks at you with an overwhelming amount of fondness brimming in his eyes. “but you’re special. i wanted to do something that showed you how special you are.”
“you’re a real life prince, did you know that?” you lay a light smack on his chest, so overfilled with happiness that you didn’t know what to do with yourself.
“well, if i’m a prince,” he leans in to press a kiss to your cheek, then to your forehead. “then you’re my princess.”
he pulls something out of his pocket and fastens it behind your neck, and you look down as a light weight settles between your collarbones. it’s a necklace, a dainty H hanging off of a chain, a single stone nestled in the middle of the pendant. 
“this is too much,” you pout, much too pleased to actually throw a fuss. you know he loves you, and you know how he loves.
“nothing is too much when it comes to you,” his voice is fragile and honest, and you can’t help but kiss him, giggling when you pull away and he chases after you.
he holds out the chair closest to you and pushes it in for you, dashing to the other side to sit down himself. he drops his hand to the table, upturned with his fingers splayed, and you take the message to intertwine your fingers with his as you take a sip of the sweetest wine that has ever touched your lips. 
he doesn’t let go of your hand for the entire night. 
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kentopedia · 7 months
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ IN ALL THE LINES I'VE READ — nanami kento
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summary . . . coffee shop meet cute with literature professor nanami <3
contents . . . sfw, written w f!reader in mind, lit prof nanami tehe, fluff, grumpy nanami, reader is a barista, age gap (nanami early 30s, reader early 20s) — 1.4k
notes . . . selfship coded :,,) this is such a random idea from rylie's brain (and drafts) bc i must post something for my most beloved for valentine’s day <33 i have some other ideas for this so let me know if you like it !!!
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The first time you meet Nanami Kento, it’s in a dimly lit cafe in your hometown. 
The evening is just dawning upon you, the grey of the dreary sky turning into a muted black. It’s just after 5pm; the sun already fading into the horizon, drizzly rain coating the windows like crystals. 
You’ve been busy all day — it’s always busy on rainy days, when people seem to recall that the ambience of rain pelting outside mixes well with a cup of warm coffee between your palms. The tables are all full, now that people have gotten off work, and it’s a favorite study spot of many students. 
It’s tiring work sometimes, and there are days where you get weary of the same routine. When saving up money seems like a fruitless effort, and you feel like your life should’ve begun already.
But it’s also good to be around people like this… Seeing them laugh and smile, while you only wonder what they’re talking about. The job pays less, but it’s better than being cooped up in a office all day. 
“Hey,” one of the other baristas sets a latte down, a pattern of milk sitting just on top. “Can you run this to the man over there,” she points to a blonde in the corner of the cafe. 
Wordlessly, you take the mug, wiping the drops of coffee that have spilled over the sides of it. The customer had ordered a pastry as well, one of your favorites. There is a small puff of steam wafting off of it, the bottom of the plate still hot.
The man’s back is towards you, facing the window, and he’s bent over a pile of papers. You can’t see his face — but his hair is done up nicely, and his white button-down sleeves are rolled up to his elbow. There’s a nice watch on his wrist, silver and black; one that’s probably more expensive than anything you own.
It’s a balancing act, weaving through the tables with the pastry and mug in hand, and when you get to his, there’s no room to set his order down. Papers are scattered across the table, and there is a stack of well-loved books beside him. A few are titles you recognize, ones you’ve read, ones you own but haven’t gotten to. Some you know only vaguely. 
“Here’s the latte,” you say, distracted, scanning the spines of the books. The man mutters an apology, and moves his papers so that you can set the coffee and plate down. 
He doesn’t look up at you, offering only a dismissive thank you. But the sound goes unnoticed by you; you’re too preoccupied by your excitement. So few people walk in here with with books you’re actually interested in discussing. 
“I’ve been meaning to read that one,” you say, pointing to a title that is on your long list of books to be read. 
He hums — it’s obvious he doesn’t care, and the sound is just one of acknowledgement.
Embarrassment heats your cheeks as you realize this is probably something he gets often. Upon second glance, he’s attractive… breathtakingly so. He probably fends of hoards of woman, ones who use books to gain the key to his heart, even if they’re only pretending to be interested.
“I enjoyed his other books,” you continue, highlighting the ones that you’ve read and love. At least, then, he’ll know you’re not an idiot, even if he stays silent, eyes glued to the paper. 
His pen stops scratching marks into the sheet, but only for a second. Then, he carries on, unimpressed by whatever slim knowledge you’re able to supply. 
“Are you a teacher?” The words leave your lips, once before you can stop yourself.
He doesn’t care. You aren’t sure why you’re even still bothering. 
“Nope,” he replies, finishing up his summarized commentary, scribbled in a penmanship that is something in between messy and elegant. “A professor.” 
“Oh.” You’d thought he was too young to be a professor, but when you look at home closer, there are faint lines around his eyes, ones even more obvious on his forehead. Around thirty, you’d guess. Maybe even older than that. “That’s interesting.”
You should probably leave him alone. He’s busy, and you’re supposed to be working, and he probably thinks you’re a child, the way you’re talking to him like a brick wall. Yet, there is something about him that keeps you glued to your spot, so intrigued by the stack of novels and the way his hand flexes around the pen. 
“Is it?” There is a hint of irritation in his voice when he finally glances up at you from under the round, wire-rimmed glasses, perched on the bridge of his nose. The pen drops onto the table with a soft click. “Because, I find that—”
His lips part. Whatever he was going to say next seems to die, abruptly cut off, and he blinks at you. Two dark eyes scan your face with a hint of surprise. 
You’re cheeks warm, and you suddenly feel uncomfortable. It’s not typical of you to make conversation with strangers, and you’re certain he notices how awkwardly you’re standing. 
“I’m sorry,” you say, clearing your throat, and pointedly ignoring the lump in it. His silhouette had been striking enough, but it’s nothing compared to the entirety of his face. He’s beautiful — like he’s stepped right out of the pages of a novel himself. He feels like everything you’ve ever wanted, with his stack of books and piercing irises. “I’ll let you get back to grading.” 
“No need to apologize.” The tone shifts a bit, his voice not as rough. Maybe you’re just delusional, but his eyes appear to soften. “I’m almost done, anyway.” 
You nod, and a little smile pulls onto your face. It’s not quite true; the stack of ungraded papers is twice as large as the ones he’s finished. “Well, I should … Get back to work. Enjoy the coffee.” 
He smiles, amused; your heart flips, then sinks all the way down to your stomach, pounding. “Alright. Thank you.”
“Have a good night!” you say, far too quickly, before turning on your heels. Your hands are sweating, and you hope he never comes in again, because you’re not sure that you can stand the embarrassment you feel. 
The blonde professor, name unknown, lets you go, and you slink off to hide in the kitchen, cursing yourself for acting like a fool. With hot cheeks, you down a glass of water, big gulps from your shaking hands, and glare at your co-worker when she grins to herself. 
Thirty minutes later, your shift ends, and the professor has made his way out the door, walking down the sidewalk. As you leave the cafe, your bag over your shoulder and hair undone, you notice that he left one of his novels, the one you’d pointed out to him in the beginning of your conversation. 
You rush out to stop him, carrying the book with you. “Hey,” you shout, waving it to the stranger. “You left this.” 
He glances over his shoulders, bundled up in a coat to combat the brisk air. There’s a redness on his cheeks from the cold, a hint of a smile on his lips. “I know,” he says, hands firmly tucked in his pockets. “You can keep it.” 
“But—” you start, swallowing as the pages rustle with the wind, the cover snapping open. 
“You wanted to read it, didn’t you?” he shrugs. “I’ve got lots of copies. You can give it back to me when you finish.” 
You start to question him, but he’s already turned around, heading away. 
Which means he’ll be back, won’t it? You haven’t scared him away completely. 
You shout something at him, and turns, just halfway, making a face that tells you he didn’t hear you.
“That’s my name,” you say again, repeating it, licking your lips. Your only hope is that he’ll offer his. 
But he doesn’t — he keeps walking down the sidewalk, before he answers a phone call, and crosses the street.
You sigh, gaze dropping down to the book. The pages are filled and filled with his handwriting, notes in the margins, highlights and lines across the words. So much thought had been put into it, that you wonder how many times he’s read this book, if maybe, it’s a favorite. 
The wind flicks the cover back to the front title page, the publisher underneath. In the top right hand corner, Nanami Kento is smoothly written. As if he’d wanted you to discover it yourself, instead of hearing it from his lips.
You trace it, and smile. 
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 2 months
Safety First
Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: you get kidnapped, and the boys have to find a way to find you
Warnings: hurt feelings, reader gets drugged, kidnapped, and injured (slightly). Panic attack, angst with a happy ending
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“Dean.” Your voice was thick with sleep as the Impala approached a bar late at night. “Why aren’t we going to the motel?”
“I want to stop in here first,” Dean grumbled. The day of driving had worn him down, and he’d been a bit grumpy for the past few hours. “Maybe we’ll find someone who saw something.”
“It’s late,” you complained. “Can’t we do that tomorrow? I mean, we already know that it’s probably vampires.”
“I’m not gonna take a chance on that just so you can go to sleep,” Dean snapped. “We can’t ever afford to be stupid with this job, you know that. Stay in the car if you want.”
And Dean was out of the car before Sam could tell him off for being a jerk.
“He’s just tired,” Sam offered lamely. “Why don’t you come in and get a soda or something, this shouldn’t take long,” he added, but he didn’t wait for a response as he followed Dean into the bar.
You swallowed a few times to try to lessen the lump in your throat as you climbed out of the car. You wrapped your arms around yourself as the cold air bit into your skin, cursing yourself for even opening your mouth. How could you be selfish like that when people were dying? Hadn’t dad and Dean always told you the hunt came first, especially when innocent people were in danger?
“We can’t ever afford to be stupid with this job.”
Dean was right—you were stupid, and now Dean thought you cared more about sleep than about being safe for the hunt.
You shuffled your way into the bar, trying to keep yourself from crying while also trying to convince yourself that Dean was just grumpy, and he would forget about your complaining before the night was even out. You didn’t want him to think that you were selfish or stupid.
You almost didn’t noticed when you entered the bar, except for the fact that you smacked face-first into someone’s chest.
“S-sorry,” you muttered, feeling worse than ever as you tried to squeeze around the poor person that you had just barreled into.
“No problem,” a honey-sweet voice tickled your ears as a kind face came into your view. A dark-haired man with a smile just as sweet as his voice was looking down at you. “I like your shirt,” he added.
“Oh…thanks,” you said, the corners of your mouth twitching into a smile, your gloomy mood lifting just a little. It was your favorite shirt, and any compliment right now helped your low spirits.
“You look like you’re having a rough night. Can I buy you a drink?”
“Oh, um…” your senses were suddenly raised. Who was this guy, and what did he want? You were obviously underage, so why…
“A soda,” he added quickly, sensing your unease. “I’m sorry, I must seem like kind of a creeper, it’s just…it’s not very common to see a kid in here—in fact, I’m surprised you got let in—and I want to make sure you’re ok. Are you…ok?”
You felt yourself relaxing just a bit—this was just a nice stranger concerned about a kid in a bar. Maybe your hunter’s sense wasn’t as good as you thought, and you’d just been nervous for nothing.
“I’m ok. My brothers are…around here somewhere. But I’d love a soda.”
“Great!” The man led you through the crowd of drunk adults and to a barstool. “A soda and a beer, please,” he said to the bartender, who glanced at you for a long moment before turning to get the drinks.
The dark haired man passed you your drink when the bartender placed it in front of him, and once you had it you found suddenly that you didn’t know what to do or say. You didn’t know anything about this guy, and you couldn’t really tell him anything about you, so what were you supposed to say? You took a long sip of your drink, trying to make the silence seem comfortable.
“Do your brothers take you to bars often?” The man asked, a hint of humor in his voice trying to mask obvious concern.
“Only when we go somewhere new,” you said, trying not to lie but also trying not to alarm the man. “I guess they think it’s a good way to meet new people.” You took another long sip, hoping that the man wouldn’t start to ask any hard questions. You didn’t want to lie to this kind stranger.
But he didn’t ask any more questions—which was good, because your exhaustion seemed to be catching up to you again. You found yourself struggling to lift your eyelids, and after a few unintentionally long blinks you began to look around for your brothers. You spotted Dean in a corner, and you were about to slide off your seat and go to him when you remembered what he’d said.
“I’m not gonna take a chance on that just so you can go to sleep.”
You would just have to force yourself to stay awake…
But for some reason, you couldn’t, and the harder you tried the more you felt your whole body starting to sag, drooping down like a melting ice cream cone.
Hands suddenly caught you under your arms as you slipped off your chair, and you vaguely registered that it was the dark haired stranger. You tried to speak, but your mouth was just too numb—it felt like it was stuffed with cotton balls, and even though you got your jaw to open, you couldn’t force any sound out.
Between sleepy blinks, your eyes found those of the dark haired man. You couldn’t quite tell because of the fog in your mind, but as you finally lost your grip on consciousness you could swear that the eyes that met yours were pitch black…
“Sam.” Sam turned to see his older brother behind him, glancing around the bar. “It’s time to go. Where’s Y/N?”
“She came in right behind me, I thought she went to find you,” Sam offered as he joined Dean in the glancing search.
“What? No I thought she was with you,” Dean replied, looking suddenly more panicked.
“Alright, I’ll check this half, you look over there,” Sam said, trying to ebb his rising fear.
Twenty minutes later, they still couldn’t find you. Sam had even sent some woman into the women’s bathroom to look for you, with no results. Dean got the same lack of you when he went to search the Impala.
“Do you think she ran off?” Dean voiced the concern that had been nagging his mind since the moment he couldn’t find you. “I…I didn’t mean to snap at her like that, really.”
“She wouldn’t have left because of that,” Sam assured him, having thought of the same thing. “You hurt her, I do know that, but she wouldn’t have run.”
Dean cringed at Sam’s words.
“I really screwed up, didn’t I?”
“Kind of,” Sam sighed. “You can apologize if we find her.”
“When we find her,” Dean corrected harshly, hoping that he was right.
Pain pounded behind your eyes before you even opened them. Once you did lift your eyelids, it took you several long, panicky seconds before you could even tell the difference between opened and closed.
It was nearly pitch black around you, with only vague shapes making themselves known in the darkness. The floor was rough and scratchy beneath you, and it was cold to the touch when you put your hands down to push yourself up. You only made it halfway to your feet before an unexpected force biting into your wrist held you down, and the shock of it dropped you back to your knees. The rattle of chains accompanied your fall.
“Hello?” Your voice echoed off stone walls, tinny and weak. No reply came.
You tugged at the chain on your wrist, and found that it only allowed about a couple feet of clearance, which was why you could barely stand with it attached to the floor.
The weight of your situation hit you at the same time as your memory…
The man—the demon!—from the bar. He must’ve slipped something into your drink, and now who knew where you were?
“Help!” You cried out between your sudden panicked gasps of breath. You rubbed at your chest as it began to tighten in fear. “Somebody help me, please!”
Your voice bounced uselessly off the walls, your own desperation mocking you as it reverberated back to your ears.
A harsh scraping preceded a sudden burst of light as a door you hadn’t been able to see against the far wall started to open.
“She’s awake!” The kind voice didn’t sound so kind anymore, and the gentle features were twisted into a sickening smirk. “And how is our little visitor?” The dark haired demon stepped into your cell, and the light pouring in through the open door allowed you to see his raven black eyes.
“Where am I?” You demanded. “What do you want?”
“Both of those questions are on a need to know basis, and you don’t,” the man responded, chuckling cruelly.
“It’s not gonna work,” you insisted. “It-it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, because my brothers—“
The stinging pain of a strong hand against your face stopped your threats. The man moved so quickly that you had barely even seen him step towards you before he’d swung, slapping you backwards so that the back of your head slammed against the stone wall and your wrist was stopped painfully by the chain around in. You staggered forwards, tasting blood and trying to get the rusted chain to settle at a different part of your wrist—one not cut from the abuse it had suffered.
“You talk too much,” the man growled. “Try to threaten me again, and you’ll get a lot worse.”
You didn’t speak as the man pulled a cell phone from his back pocket and dialed. After a moment, he spoke.
“Hello, Winchesters. Now now, there’s no need for threats, I just want to chat. I found your little sister, you see, and I’d like to give her back. However, I’ve hit a problem; you boys have been sniffing around where you shouldn’t. You’re in the wrong town, and I want you to leave. As soon as we know you’re gone, we’ll take this little brat of yours and put her on a bus, and she’ll be back to you safe and sound. If not…well, we’ll be shipping her in a tiny little box instead.”
You found yourself sinking to your knees as the demon talked to one of your brothers, exhausted from the pounding in your head and weak from fear.
“Oh?” The man’s tone suddenly changed, and you found yourself trying to melt into the shadows as you shrunk away from him. “You want proof, huh?” He pulled the phone away from his face, and suddenly his black eyes were on you. “Your big brothers don’t believe that you’re here. How about we fix that?” Almost before you could blink, your arm was twisted behind your back and the demon was yanking you to your feet. He twisted you around and shoved you face-first against the stone wall. The wall was just barely too far away from the chain around your wrist, but the force of the demon’s blow had your wrist twisting at an odd angle against the chain, and it was enough for your nose to crash against the rough stone.
The cry of pain left you before you could even think to stifle it. You could barely hear the muffled protests of your brothers on the phone before the demon put the phone back to his ear and spoke again.
“Now, was that enough or do I need to get some real screams from her?…Thats what I thought. Be out of town by tonight, or…well, you already know.”
The demon threw the phone against the wall, and it shattered. He was out the door by the time the last broken piece hit the floor, and a moment later the door swung shut and you were once again plunged into darkness.
“Did you track it?” Dean asked, waiting with bated breath for his little brother’s response.
“Yes.” Sam took a deep breath. “Dean, are you sure about this? Maybe if we leave, she’ll be safer.”
Dean shook his head.
“It’s a demon, Sam. He’s not going to let her go, he’s gonna kill her. We have to do this, we have to save her.”
“Alright,” Sam sighed. “Alright, let’s go.” He watched Dean for a moment before speaking again. “Are you ok?”
Dean ran a hand over his face.
“The last thing I said to her—“
“Don’t,” Sam snapped. “Don’t do that to yourself. We’re going to find her, and you’re going to apologize to her. That’s not gonna be the last thing you said to her, because we’re going to get her back.”
“She just wanted to go to sleep,” Dean muttered, not listening to Sam. “If we hadn’t gone into that bar—if I had just listened to her—“
“Dean, stop. We’re going to save her. I know we will.”
You hadn’t realized how dark it was, or how much you’d appreciated the light from the open door, until you lost it. Your breaths came up shallow and unsatisfying as you cradled your dislocated wrist to your chest. You curled your knees under you, folding in on yourself as you hyperventilated. You closed your eyes tightly and tried to imagine that your big brothers were here—like they were the last time you’d had a panic attack.
You were on a hunt, and a vampire had knocked you to the floor before jumping on top of you and biting into your neck. You shrieked and struggled as the pain flooded your system.
Dean arrived almost immediately, but he couldn’t get a clear shot to lob the vamp’s head off without risking slicing your throat. He dropped his machete and tried to wrench the vampire away from you, but it was no use until Sam was able to join him and together the two of them tore the vampire away. Once he was off, it took a simple swing from Dean to take care of him.
You were lying on the floor, lifting your head away from the pool of blood that now covered the floor.
“Dean,” you whimpered as your breathing shallowed. You gingerly touched your neck, panicking even more when you noticed that the bleeding wouldn’t stop. “Dean!” You cried out again, terrified as your throat constricted from your panic and your head spun from the blood loss.
“Hey, hey.” Dean’s hands were on your face, cradling it gently as his green eyes danced in front of you. “You’ve gotta breathe baby, just breathe.”
“I’ve got you.” You felt Sam’s arms around your shoulder as he helped you into a more comfortable sitting position and supported you up. “Breathe with me, ok? In…out…in…”
With Sam counting off your breaths and Dean repeating. “You’re ok sweetheart, you’re safe, you’re safe,” you were slowly able to breathe through your panic attack.
But you didn’t have Sam or Dean now, and you couldn’t seem to grab hold of a single comforting thought as you sobbed and choked over each breath, unable to get air in, and unable to stop panicking about the lack of air.
The sound of the door opening and the blinding light that came with it barely registered as you rocked back and forth on your knees. That is, until you were suddenly yanked to your feet and a pair of black eyes were staring into yours.
“Guess who just didn’t leave town,” he taunted, and it was then that you saw the gleaming knife gripped in his hand. “And guess who’s gonna pay for it.”
“You are.” Your brain had barely registered the sound of your big brother’s voice before the black-eyed man’s eyes glowed yellow, then dimmed as he slumped to the floor, dead. “Hey sweetheart.” Dean stood behind where the demon had just been, blood dripping off the demon blade in his hand.
“Dean.” Your breathing had evened a little, but you were still crying as you reached out for your big brother. Your arm was stopped by the chain as Dean stepped over the demon’s body and grabbed hold of your shoulders.
“Are you hurt? You’re bleeding! Are you—“ Dean’s eyes landed on the cuffs, and he quickly pulled out a lock pick and got to work on it. As soon as you were free, you tried to wrap your arms around Dean, but he kept his hands on your shoulders as he surveyed your injuries.
“Dean,” you whimpered. “I’m-I’m so sorry, I didn’t know he was a demon, I didn’t—“
“Hey, hey…” Dean soothed. “None of this was your fault, not one bit. You’re safe now, I’m gonna get you home.”
“Hey kiddo,” Sam’s voice in the doorway turned your attention. “Ohh you’re safe,” Sam breathed in relief as he pulled you into his arms.
“Sammy,” you sobbed as you gripped onto his arm with one hand, holding your injured wrist close to your chest to protect it.
“Are you hurt?” Dean was still tugging at your shoulder, trying to assess your injuries. He stopped his tugging when he heard your whimpers and saw you trying to burrow closer to Sam. “Hey, you ok?”
“I-I thought he…I thought he was gonna…he…” you couldn’t seem to voice the fears that flooded your mind and stopped your breath.
“I’ve got you.” Sam’s arms tightened around you. “Nobody’s gonna hurt you, you’re ok…you’re ok.”
“Commere.” Dean wrapped you in his arms when Sam pulled away to make sure no demons were coming. “I’m gonna get you home—you’re ok now, I swear.”
Sam and Dean led you out of your cell and out towards the Impala, Dean’s arm wrapped around you the whole way. As soon as you were in the Impala, Dean had your arm in his hand as he inspected your wrist.
“Dislocated,” he decided. “I’m gonna have to…”
“Just do it,” you sniffled, shutting your eyes tightly.
“I’ll do it,” Sam volunteered, glancing at Dean. The two of them had a psychic moment before Sam took your small wrist delicately in his big hands and Dean crouched in front of you.
“Are you gonna start making stupid jokes?” You asked, already smiling as Dean grinned.
“C’mon now, you love my jokes,” Dean said. “Now, a priest and a demon walk into a bar—“
Dean’s goofy grin and cocky attitude already had you giggling when Sam’s fingers suddenly stiffened on your wrist and he twisted it into place.
You hissed in pain, cringing.
“I know, I know,” Sam soothed, pulling you into his arms. “I know, you’re ok now.”
“Let me get the rest of you cleaned up,” Dean said, gesturing at the scratches on your face and the blood across your lips and chin from your nose.
Sam pulled away as Dean took a first aid kit out of the trunk. Dean glanced sideways at Sam, who took the cue and slipped into the passengers seat to give you at least the semblance of privacy.
“I’m sorry,” Dean said. “For what I said to you, how I acted…and for letting you get taken.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” you sniffled as Dean rubbed antiseptic against your cuts. “I should’ve known he was a demon, I should’ve—���
“No,” Dean interrupted. “No, don’t do that. I should’ve been watching out for you, I—“
“Ok, enough!” Sam interrupted, shattering the illusion that he wasn’t listening. “It doesn’t matter whose fault it was. You’re ok now, and that’s all I care about.”
“I thought you wanted me to apologize,” Dean argued as a smile slowly crept onto his lips. Sam shook his head, unable to fight the lightheartedness that was creeping into the conversation. He chuckled—
“I wanted you to apologize for being a jerk, you idiot, not to have a fight about whose fault this was.”
You started to laugh, brushing the tears off your cheeks as you smiled. Dean turned to look at you, the grin still etched on his face.
“Commere you,” he said, pulling you back into his arms. “Sam’s right, I’m just glad you’re ok.”
“Me too,” you mumbled into his shoulder as you relaxed in his arms. Sam reached back, ruffling your hair.
“Me three.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @casmustdiee
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obsessive-disfuntion · 5 months
How about Hazbin crew with a possessive reader, not like in a yandere or creepy type.
Reader just likes having them to themselves, character was just talking to someone and reader just goes to them and hug them from behind.
If the crew is too much then just Charlie, Vaggie and Alastor will be fine too.
Thanks and if you can't do it no problem at all.
Thank you, anon, for my first ask!! I love this idea and having just joined Tumblr the immediate support makes me very happy- I haven’t written in a while so I’m a little rusty, but I’d still love to write this out :) (also I loooove being able to write possessive reader, too, this prompt is great-)
Characters: Vaggie, Charlie, Sir Pentious, Angel Dust, Husk, Alastor, Lucifer
Warnings: None? Slight angst for Angel Dust but not too bad- sfw, not beta read, gn reader!
➛ Vaggie
You woke up alone in the bed you shared with Vaggie; a feeling you weren’t all that used to.
Vaggie always stayed in bed until you woke up, or she made you get up with her. She never left you alone. There must have been an emergency in the hotel, or something just as important? 
You slowly got out of bed, body aching from still being tired as you got changed. You had woken up about an hour earlier than you usually do, probably because you aren’t used to Vaggie not being there with you, which just put you in an even worse mood.
When you walk downstairs and into the lobby you saw Vaggie discussing something with one of Carmilla’s daughters. Clara, you think her name was? She’s laughing at something Vaggie said- probably something dry and witty, Vaggie was funny like that- and she put her hand on Vaggie’s shoulder. You didn't know why, but that made you purse your lips and immediately turn away, busying yourself with wiping down countertops with a clean rag. It might have been dirty, actually? You didn't know, you didn't care enough to pay attention at the moment.
“Hey babe, you’re up early,” Vaggie smiled at you as she joined you by the fire place (which you weren't doing a very good job of cleaning), and you almost felt bad for not smiling back. “What’s wrong? You grumpy because you woke up early?”
“Well maybe I would have been able to sleep a bit more if you didn’t just leave me alone in bed,” you huffed, turning away from her.
“What- baby, are you upset? I’m sorry, I had a meeting I had to-“
“With Clara? What is she even doing here? I thought you didn’t like having weapons at the hotel.”
“I don’t like them when the guests have them. I wanted to talk to Carmilla about having some weapons for the hotel’s self-defense after the last extermination we had. Y’know, just in case. But Carmilla couldn’t make it so she sent her daughter instead-“
“Who was very touchy,” you blurted out, dropping the rag you were using to “clean.” 
“Oh,” Vaggie chuckled, her slight frown turning to a visible smile. “I see what this is about.”
She grabbed the rag from the floor and put it to the side before wrapping an arm around your waist to start guiding you to bed. “Maybe we should take a small nap. While I think it’s very cute that you’re getting so possessive, it might help if you weren’t so tired. Would that be okay? If we took a nap together?”
You give a slow nod as she guides you upstairs, agreeing that it might help you calm down if you get a bit more sleep. But you’re glad that Vaggie realized that she is all yours, and appreciates your possessiveness instead of finding it as something to be upset about. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Let’s get you back to bed.”
✿ Charlie
“Oh! Hey- hi! Welcome to the hotel!” Your girlfriend’s cheery voice rang out through the lobby, and you immediately knew a new guest had arrived.
You got up, aware of the fact she would probably need your help to reel it in. She got a little excited at every new face that showed up. Which you adored, but sometimes it made the guests a little nervous.
But when you turned the corner you saw the new guest was a relatively attractive demon, which even you could admit it, so you immediately looked at Charlie. She, of course, was smiling so brightly and showing the mysterious demon to every single inch of the hotel. But as soon as you saw Charlie put her hand on the demon’s back, and they fucking grinned at her, your breathing started to quicken.
“Charlie, babe, what’s going on?” you asked, smiling- although it didn’t really reach your eyes- as a slight warning to the stranger when you step forward and wrap an arm around Charlie’s waist, pulling her away from them. 
“Oh- well, I was just showing our newest guest around…” Charlie answers, visibly concerned at your passive aggressive demeanour. “But… I can get Vaggie or Alastor to show them to their room…?”
“Maybe we should do that. I need you for a minute,” you said, shooting a side eye at the guest.
Charlie nodded and waved Alastor over, who immediately began to show the stranger around the rest of the hotel with his normal stylish and classy flare.
“Love… what’s going on?” Charlie asked, turning to you with a worried expression. 'Did something happen, or-“
“They just looked so… flirty. They looked at you like a piece of meat, I got angry-“
“Ah, I see…” Charlie giggled at your words. “It’s okay to get jealous every once in a while, but I’m a very loyal person. You know this.”
“But that doesn’t men your guests understand that…” you trail off, looking towards the direction that Alastor and the guest went.
Charlie gently grabs your face, your cheeks held between her palms so you would keep your eyes on her. “Hey… I can take care of myself- you don’t need to worry about me. I’m yours, and you’re mine,” she smiled at you, and you couldn’t stay mad.
Not when she looked at you like that.
“Sorry, Charlie…”
“It’s alright! Just remember this conversation next time you start to feel a little jealous,” she teased, leaning in to press her lips against yours.
➴ Sir Pentious
“Clean my quarters… immediately!!” Sir Pentious ordered his minions, which made you jump awake in bed.
“Pentious- babe, can we just go back to sleep? Please…” 
“What? Oh- s…sorry dear, but Charlie wanted us… to have a meeting right away this… morning.”
“Oh…” you trailed off, looking at the eggs that were running about, already starting to make the bed around you. “That’s okay.”
“If you’d like you can come to the meeting with me?”
You didn’t know why, but the fact that Pentious wasn’t spending as much time with you today as you would’ve liked was making you upset. “No- no I’ll probably sleep in. It’s okay,” you mumbled, laying back down under the plush covers.
“Well… alright. You can join me downs…tairs... when you’re ready,” you heard him smile, but you couldn’t get yourself to look at him.
You let out a groan when you hear the door close, hiding under the blankets to try and fall back asleep. 
After a bit you realized you definitely were not falling back asleep, so you rolled yourself out of the surprisingly comfortable bed. You got dressed for the day and left the room, heading downstairs only to find that the meeting was over. You frown, nearly getting teary eyed at the thought of having to look for your boyfriend.
“Ah, you’re awake!” he says from behind you excitedly, and you turn around with a frown still on your face, but you started to calm down as soon as you saw him.
“Hey, Pentious. How was the meeting?” You ask, trying to sound chipper but it didn’t go over very well.
“Oh never mind that- I would like to take you out for breakfas…t,” he states, linking your arm with his as he started to lead you out the door.
“Wait- what?” you ask in surprise, looking at him with a happy expression.
“Well, I could tell you wanted to s…spend more time with me today, and who am I to deny you? S…so today it’ll jus…t be the two of us…” he promised you, making your heart swell.
“Thank you Pentious.”
You didn’t want to admit it, but you treasure the days you get to have him all to yourself.
⊹₊ Angel Dust
You hated Valentino. 
Well obviously everyone at the hotel hated Valentino, but you desperately craved more quality time with Angel and his stupid boss was obsessively over-working him. That bastard would get your boyfriend sore and tired and would immediately fall asleep as soon as he got home. Which was fine, cuddling him was just as great. But you missed having late night chats and watching romcoms to make fun of them with him.
You were laying in his bed and petting Fat Nuggets, waiting for him to get back from work. The lights were off and his pink LED lights were on, making sure that his room had a calm environment all ready for him when he got back.
As soon as the door opened you sat up in the bed and gave him a smile, which fell slightly when you saw how worn-down he was. He was slightly slouched over eyes nearly shut from exhaustion. But he lit up when the saw you on his bed.
“Ugh, you wouldn’t believe the day I had,” he groaned, his accent thick and slurred as he collapsed face-down on his bed right next to you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you ask, moving to rub his back only for him to roll over to look at you.
“No… no, I don’t want to think about, just- wan’ some sleep,” he sighed, causing your face to fall a bit.
“But I have the day off tomorrow,” he opened his eyes for a second to smile at you.
Your breath caught in your throat as your heart skipped a beat in excitement, looking down at him. “Really? Just us tomorrow?”
“Well, aside from whatever activity Charlie wants to do, yeah. It’s just us tomorrow,” Angel responded with a grin, looking up at you. “Ya missed me, sweetheart?”
“Well- yeah. I did,” you admitted with a red face, moving to lay down next to him. “I hate what your work is doing to you. You know I don’t care what you do, you’re just… obviously hurting.”
“Well it’s not like I got a choice-“
“No, I know. I know,” you interrupted. “Just… let me hold you. I’m worried about you.”
You pulled him close, holding his head to your chest and closing your eyes. “I just… like having you here.”
“I know,” his muffled voice spoke up, smile evident in his voice. “I like being here with ya.”
You ran your fingers through his hair and smiled at the feeling of his body finally relaxing against yours, since you knew Angel definitely needed to unwind and relax. And you were happy to help and provide.
➳❥ Husk
It was a late night with plenty of different guests in the lobby. You wanted to turn in and go to bed, but you always went to your room with Husk so you could say goodnight to each other before going to bed. But Husk was busy tending the bar, who was being pestered by some guy that had one (well, three) too many drinks, and made it obvious in his mannerisms. 
You narrowed your eyes slightly when you saw him lean across the bar, talking to him in some sly, sing-song voice. You didn’t really want to know what he was saying, but you already knew it was something that you didn’t like.
You walked up to the bar and put your hand on the guest’s shoulder, giving him a “polite” smile. “I think you’ve had too much to drink. Maybe it’s about time you go to your room?”
“Oh, we were just having some fun- right Husk?” he grinned at the bartender, your boyfriend, and you tried not to full on sneer in disgust.
“Hey Vaggie!” you called her over with a fake smile before glancing over at Husk, who was obviously entertained. The tease.
She walked over with a slight scowl, not used to being up this late. “Yeah? What do you need?”
“Could you take this guest to his room? He had a little too much to drink.”
“Aw, c’mon. It’s not that bad,” he slurred, getting cut off by Vaggie lifting him off the bar seat and dragging him off.
‘Yeah, yeah. C’mon, dude. Let’s get you to bed,” Vaggie sighed, tired and no longer keeping up that “the customer is always right” mindset.
“There. Now he won’t bother you anymore,” you sighed with a smile, happy to get Husk to yourself.
“I don’t think it was me you were really worried about,” he smirked, his low and familiar voice causing your boiling anger to cease.
“Well, maybe I just like having you to myself,” you teased, watching him clean up the bar so he could finally head to bed.
“And you’re not seeing me complaining about it,” Husk responded over his shoulder before putting the last clean cup down, coming out from behind the bar to join you.
“Want me to walk you to your room?”
“Actually… could I come to yours? I thought maybe we could turn on a movie and I could spend the night…” you offer, hoping he won’t refuse.
“Of course, sounds like a good idea to me,” he smiled at you, taking your hand and leading the way to his room.
✧ Alastor
“Hey, Alastor, I was wondering if we could-“
“Not now, my dear,” Alastor cut you off with his signature smile, patting your head lightly. “My apologies, but unfortunately I promised Charlie to help around the hotel today. Maybe we can catch up later,” he dismissed, walking away from you and not even letting you finish asking to hang out with him.
You let out a sigh and go elsewhere, slightly hurt but telling yourself you would be able to hang out with him later.
But the next day you found him in the library, too busy reading his book to even notice that you walked in. “Alastor,” you tried not to sound too impatient as you attempted to gain his attention.
“Sorry, I’m trying to catch up on my literature,” he grinned, not even looking up from the pages. “Catch me later today, my dear. I’m sure I’ll be free then.”
You tried not to groan out of frustration, immediately exiting the library. You just wanted to spend time with him, but he always tended to busy himself with different things whenever he could.
But then an hour later you grew tired of the lack of company, marching back to the library only to discover that he was no longer there. “Alastor,” you groaned, marching out of the library only to find him helping Charlie with some small task.
You come up to him and hug him from behind, which you knew the sudden affection would upset him but a part of you didn’t care. “Alastor, will you please listen to me.”
He gently pulled away from your grasp, which surprised you. You thought he would be more mean about it. “What is it?”
He looked at you with a shocking amount of patience, and you glanced at Charlie who was distracted with her small task. “I want to spend time with you,” you stated, making eye contact as you informed him of what you wanted. “Just us.”
“Well that can be arranged,” he shrugged with a cheery voice.
He turned towards Charlie, glancing at you for a moment before looking back at her. “Charlie, I’m going to take the rest of the day off. I have an important matter that requires my attention.”
That statement made your heart flutter, and you looked up at him with a smile.
“Of course Alastor! You’ve been contributing a lot lately, you take the break that you need!” her high-pitched and happy voice responded, not even looking at him as she continued working. She was hanging up some sort of poster- probably welcoming a new guest again.
He turned back to you and placed a hand on the small of your back. “Well, you wanted to spend time with me, and I provide for those I care about. What would you like to do?”
“Maybe…” you flushed, happy that he wanted to spend time with you as well. “Go out to lunch?”
“Sounds marvelous,” he agreed with a smile just for you, which made you melt.
𖤐 Lucifer
You were exhausted. It was a long day after helping Charlie at the hotel, and you were heading back to yours and Lucifer’s room when you unexpectedly heard voices right as you turned the corner.
You sigh at the sight of a staff member pestering Lucifer, trying to ask him some question that could either wait until later or that Charlie could easily answer herself.
Lucifer turns his head to glance at you as you step behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your head on his shoulder. Normally you’d be a little self-conscious about showing this much PDA in front of another person, but at this point they were taking up YOUR time, so you didn’t really care at that point.
“Lucifer, is something wrong?” you asked, doing your best to not shoot a glare at the random worker. It was getting late, maybe they could just worry about it later…?
“No of course not,” he muttered, glancing between you and the staff member, then focusing on the latter. “They were just leaving. We’ll discuss this matter later? Tomorrow?”
They quickly nodded with slightly wide eyes, walking away and from you and Lucifer and heading off to find some other thing to worry about, or to hopefully head to bed.
“While I’m glad Charlie is getting more workers to help around the hotel, they are EVERYWHERE,” you groaned into his shoulder, causing him to laugh.
“They ARE just trying to do their jobs…”
“And I’m just trying to get some quality time with my boyfriend. Is that too much to ask?”
“I guess so,” Lucifer laughed at your antics, turning to face you before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. “But they’re gone now, so let’s just go to bed? Or at least to our room. I know you’ve worked really hard today, maybe it’s time for us to just relax for a bit.”
Your sour mood was immediately uplifted once Lucifer mentioned spending down time with just the two of you, so you nod quickly and pull him inside the room you shared. You liked spending time with just him- which definitely put a strain in your relationship every now and again, since he was literally the king of hell.
Before he could even sit down on your shared bed you pulled him into a tight hug, happy to just be able to hold each other behind closed doors. 
“I always look forward to it just being us every now and again, Lucifer. You know I love supporting Charlie, we’ve just been so busy…”
He kept one arm wrapped securely around your waist while his other hand rested on the back of your head, holding you tightly.
“Well you have me now. And you always will, even when I’m busy.”
“You promise?” you asked, pulling back slightly to look at him.
He smiled at you, leaning up a tad to press a gentle, barely-there kiss against your lips.
Thank you so much for reading <3
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agoodroughandtumble · 2 months
You Talk In Your Sleep - Zoro x Reader
Status: Complete but as always might be continued Summary: Reader wakes up in the Crow’s Nest without remembering why, fortunately Zoro is playing his cards to his chest Warning: 18+, Language, implied smut
The sound of heavy boots thudding against floorboards woke you up. That was...weird. Nami was, unsurprisingly, incredibly light-footed – so much so there that had been more than one occasion when you hadn’t realised she was behind you until her voice made you jump out of your skin. So. If it wasn’t her feet… You peeked one eye open, coming face to face with the offending feet and let out a small sigh of relief. Zoro. More confusion washed over you. Why was he in your room? Why were you on the floor? You sat up only to realise that this was not in fact your room. This was the crow’s nest. At least that explained being on the floor and why your hips were starting to ache at the less an ideal sleeping position.
The swordsman had his back to you so you managed a sneaking glance underneath the blanket currently covering you. You were fully dressed.
Zoro must have heard the sigh of relief as he let out a small chuckle, turning to look at you with an amused smile. “We didn’t fuck if that’s what you’re worried about.” A pause. “You don’t remember? Must have been drunker than I thought.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Just explain why I’m here. You didn’t kidnap me, did you?”
Zoro rolled his eyes whilst helping you to your feet. “As if I need that headache.”
Growing annoyed at his nonchalance, you sat down on the bench and pulled the blanket tighter against you. It wasn’t like you to forget anything after a night of a few beers – and the fact that Zoro seemed to be taking the situation in his stride was all the more of an attack on your pride. You remembered drinking on the deck with the others – nothing unusual about that. And you remembered deciding you were too tired and needed to go to bed, but, clearly that plan had failed. “Don’t be a smartarse.”
He cocked an eyebrow, “Are you always this grumpy in the morning?”
You glared at him, “That’s rich coming from you.”
A tense silence fell. Despite him being annoyingly right this time, you weretoo stubborn and determined not to be the one to break it. In truth, you did feel a little guilty about being quite so defensive but he was hardly helping the situation, so at least you could be a little justified. You let out a frustrated sigh, crossing your arms underneath the blanket and pointedly looking anywhere except at your green haired crew mate. Somehow, no one else could get on your nerves quite as much as Zoro could. It was as if someone had given him a diagram of your buttons and he was determined to push every single one of them. Repeatedly. Whilst smirking.
His next words did nothing but cement that thought. “You know you talk in your sleep?”
You froze. Oh, shit. You wracked your brain, trying to remember something, anything you could have been dreaming about. But… Nami had never commented on your sleep talking. And since the two of you shared a bunk she must have heard something...wait. You narrowed your eyes again, finally turning towards him with an accusing glare. “Is that so?” This was just another way of him trying to get under your skin again. You tried to relax your face, not giving him anything. In an attempt at remaining causal you leant back a tad, letting the blanket slip down to your waist and patted the seat next to you. Zoro took the hint and joined you on the bench, cross his ankles together, legs stretched out and looking far too smug for your liking. “Indulge me then,” you continued, “What was I saying?”
Zoro let out a theatrical sigh, as if trying to remember. “Something about Sanji being a shitty cook. And how his feeble attempts at flirting with you are pointless.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, right. If you’re going to lie at least be plausible.”
He flashed you a grin. Your hands gripped at the corner of the blanket. “You were very clear. Sanji is a pervert and,” his fingers found the bridge of his nose, as if wracked in thought, “Ah yeah, Zoro is the most attractive man you have ever laid eyes on.”
You snorted, even for him that was a stretch. “So I definitely drank too much then.”
This time, it was any easy silence which fell over you. And you were becoming increasingly aware of Zoro’s proximity to you – so close you could almost feel him. Obviously you hadn’t said that. Otherwise it wouldn’t have taken so much probing but… you chewed at your lip slightly, feeling heat rising in your cheeks. Infuriating as he was, there was definitely something to be said about him. Perhaps not the most attractive man but he wasn’t far off. You fidgeted with the blanket. “Well,” you paused, not entirely sure what your response was supposed to be, “It wasn’t entirely gentlemanly to listen.”
Wow. Smooth. Fuck’s sake.
Zoro laughed. You waited with bated breath, was he laughing at you or with you? And why the hell did it even matter? And, more importantly, why were you suddenly talking like a fucking imbecile – “entirely gentlemanly”? Fucking hell.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.”
Aaaand. Your brain stopped. You scrunched your face, as if resetting. Fuck. You felt his fingers brushing against your thigh. Fuck. He didn’t seem to register it. You stood up abruptly, blanket now completely disregarded. Embarrassment like a neon sign. “And you’re...tall.”
Zoro leant back against the seat, arms behind his head, shit eating grin across his face. “Got you this riled up, huh? Probably shouldn’t tell you everything you said then.”
You could have punched him. Or yourself. Or just...fuck. “Just. Urgh. Shut up. I’m going back to my bed. And you’re staying here and fuck. Shut up.”
It would have been a more dramatic exist if you hadn’t left your dignity.
* The Night Before *
Zoro had always enjoyed the night watch – usually because it gave him plenty of time to train without being bothered by anyone else. It was part of the reason he liked having his gym up in the Crow’s Nest. And whilst it was a bit annoying that everyone else had been in good spirits and having a few beers and he couldn’t drink quite as much saké as he would have liked, there was a peacefulness he welcomed. He should have been looking at the horizon, watching for any enemy ships but his crew laughing, dancing, enjoying a rare night of calm was far more entertaining. Seeing everyone having fun was his reward for his hours of training, his dedication to his craft, his vigilance to keep them safe. Every now and then his gaze would linger on you, indulging himself a little before reminding himself that just staring at you was getting a...bit weird. But when you were laughing and singing and… just being you, he was far too gone.
Fortunately, self-restraint was almost second nature to Zoro by now and so he had eventually managed to pull his eyes away and focus on the horizon – albeit in the complete opposite direction of where you were. The weights in his hands were controlling all of his nervous energy. So of course you had to wreck his solitude. But he would only complain a little.
He had assumed it was Luffy walking in to complain that Sanji was asleep and therefore not supplying the captain with endless meat. Only it was you. Loudly. And almost tripping. He dropped the weight with a loud thud to steady you. “(Y/N), you okay? What are you doing?”
You pushed him away slightly, although kept a hand on his bicep to keep yourself steady. His skin burnt at the touch. “I came to keep you company.” You grinned, seeming very pleased yourself, and Zoro felt his heart melt a little.
“You don’t need to. You should be in bed.”
“Pfft.” You made a beeline for the blankets and cushions adorning the bench. “It’s boring being up here by yourself. I’m much more entertaining.”
Zoro watched you, almost incredulously as you managed to form a make-shift nest and settled yourself in. Clearly you were not going to be keeping him company but you looked far too adorable for him to ask you to move. “You’re going to stay awake all night with me?”
“Mm-hm.” You were already curled up with your eyes closed. “I’m all yours.”
A small, accepting smile formed on his features as he tried to ignore the sting of your words – wondering whether you had any idea of the impact such a small, meaningless statement would have on him. Wondering whether you would ever actually mean it. He covered you fully with the blanket and went back to his post.
Zoro wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but he could start to see the sun breaking. You had shuffled a few times causing him to glance over, but now you had his full attention.
Hairs stood on the back of his neck. You still weren’t moving, still in your bundles of blankets and pillows but you were talking. Not just talking. Talking about him.
“Th-there’s good.”
He shouldn’t be watching this. Hearing this. He should leave you to it. But he shouldn’t leave his post. Fuck. Why did you have to do this here? His mind was racing – surely this was just because you were here and he was here. It didn’t mean anything. Didn’t mean anything at all. Unless. Did you think about it? Fuck, did he even want you to think about it? Wait, yes. Obviously that was a yes. Fucking hell.
“Ah-fuck. Zoro…”
He picked up his weights again.
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lririx · 3 months
hello! could i request gn reader taking care of norton? maybe he's tired and grumpy after a match so they help him relax and shower him with affection? like cuddles and stuff, maybe cooking for him too, as fluffy as possible
its fine if not! take care, i love your writing <3
Ahhh thank you so muchh😭😭I'm glad to see a fellow Norton simp. I hope you enjoy!
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You were in the library when you heard that the group had come back from the match.
You go to the hall to find Norton but don't see him anywhere. When you ask the butler he says that Norton went straight into his room.
You figured he must be exhausted. You go up to his room and knock on the door. “Can I come in?” You ask. A muffled “mhm.” Was all you could hear. You opened the door and saw Norton lying on his stomach, face pressed into a pillow.
“Are you OK?” You ask as you close the door.
“M tired.” He said.
“I can tell.” you say as you lay next to him. He pulls his face out of the pillow to see your face. “Hello gorgeous.” he cooes. “You still have the energy to flirt?” You say as he wraps his arms around you and snuggles his face in the crook of your neck. He giggles softly. It was obvious he didn't want to talk so you don’t say anything and cuddle with him for a bit.
“You haven't eaten anything.” you say. “Want me to make something?”
“I want to cuddle.” He says and tightens his grip around you.
“We can cuddle later. You need to eat something first.
He groans and kisses your neck, then lets you go.
You go to the kitchen to make him tacos. You warm up some towels in the meantime. You go back to his room with the food and towels.
“Come on get up.” you say.
He sits up and you give him the plate of food and he puts it on his lap. You put the warm towels on his shoulders and he sighs of pleasure as he relaxes. “You’re not eating?” He asks. “I ate already don’t worry.” You say and lay your head on his shoulder and start to gently massage his upper arm. Norton smiles and starts to eat his food. When he’s done eating you take the plate and put it on the bedside table. “Take off your shirt.” You said.
“Just take off your shirt and lay on your stomach.” You say and kiss his cheek.
He smirks. “If you want me to listen you have to work harder.” He says mockingly.
You laugh and shower him with kisses on his cheeks, lips and neck until he can't breath anymore and says “OK OK!” While he laughs.
He complies and does as you say. His scars are more prominent on his back. You love them but can't help but think about the pain he went through. You start to massage his back.
Your hands are soft. Your grip is firm yet gentle. Norton only feels this calm when he's with you. All the stress and exhaustion he feels just washes away as he feels your lips on his back and on his scars.
You feel the tension leave his body.
Norton starts to feel drowsy. He takes your hand and pulls you under himself. Then he lays his head on your chest.
You giggle and start to caress his hair.
“Hey sweetheart” He says.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Fear Not This Night
Find my CoD masterlist
Being part of the 141 pack meant you watched out for your boys, always. As their medic, it meant you sometimes flew into danger for them. When someone uses that knowledge against you to separate you from your pack, you pay the price.
Warnings: Blood, treating wounds, medical inaccuracies, shifter biology, shifter dynamics, psychological torture, physical torture, being blinded (hood over head), brief self-harm (pulling feathers). This one is a bit dark so if you would like more in depth warnings, come ask me.
Word count: 7.6k
Harpy eagle f!reader x 141 poly
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You soared over the trees, sharp eyes watching for your team. You’d gotten the call that they needed you a few hours prior, so you knew they’d likely moved some from their last coordinates. But you doubted they’d gone far. You weren’t even tired yet, broad wings carrying you and your pack. 
Finally, you spotted Soap, in a convenient space between trees. Good man, making your life easier. You didn’t cry out in recognition, because that was dangerous. But you did dive, tucking your wings close and waiting until the last possible moment to pull up, flapping down to land on your pack. It was specially designed to be sturdy enough for you to land on, fortunately. 
“There ye are,” Soap murmured, grinning at you and reaching out one hand to stroke the top of your head. You blinked at him, chirping. “C’mon. Someone got a lucky hit on Ghost.”
You hopped off your medic pack, hopping a few steps away before you shifted. “How bad?” you asked, opening up your pack and throwing on clothes. For the chill more than for modesty. 
You had no modesty around your boys anymore. 
“Price wants ye to check, because Ghost is bein’ an ass.” 
“I heard that,” came the grumpy growl from Ghost. 
You rolled your eyes and picked up your pack, which looked more like a picnic basket when you carried it this way. “If you’re alive enough to growl, you’re alive enough to behave,” you pointed out. He still had his mask on, but he wasn’t arguing lying down, either. Hmm. Must be feeling worse than you thought. 
You settled on your knees next to Ghost, giving him a quick once-over. Bandages had been packed down against his thigh, though you ignored them for the moment. Nothing else looked out of place. 
“Anywhere hurting besides the thigh?” 
“Took a round to the vest,” he admitted, a little reluctant and a lot grumpy. Probably mostly grumpy that he got hit. 
“Just bruised,” Gaz said as he crouched a little to the side of you and behind you, out of the way but ready to assist. “Didn’t even crack a rib.” 
“Lucky bastard,” you agreed, shifting your attention down to his thigh. “And this?” 
“A graze,” Gaz said. “But it bled a lot, more than normal.”
You hummed acknowledgement, leaning closer. Ghost shifted, and you cooed softly, almost reflexively. He huffed but settled. 
The wound wasn’t bad under the bandages, but it was in a tricky spot, just above his knee. You couldn’t see any real reason why it would have bled more than normal except use, which was kind of inevitable. But even so, just to be on the safe side, you smeared it with ointment and rewrapped it. 
“How far do you have to go?” You packed up the rest of your supplies after forcing Ghost to drink more water. 
“Little ways yet.” Price shrugged, planting his hands on his hips. 
“I’m fine to keep going,” Ghost said, because of course he did.
“You finish your water,” you said, poking his hip. “Then we’ll see.” 
He huffed, eyes narrowing at you. But he subsided. Mostly because you both knew Price would side with you. 
“If you left now?” You raised one eyebrow at Price.
“We’d make it by dawn.” 
You puffed out a breath. That was not too bad. Ghost was tough, you knew he could last that long, especially since he’d already been forced to rest (and probably to eat something, knowing the rest of the pack). “I’ll scout ahead,” you said, pushing up to your feet. “Circle back and follow behind, make sure you’re fine.” 
“I’ve got your pack,” Gaz offered before you could say anything more. You rolled your eyes at him but didn’t protest. You knew better. 
You also knew better than to shift again without eating something, so you ripped open a protein bar and ate it as fast as possible under Price’s approving eye. Tossing your clothes back at Gaz and grinning at his playful huff, you shifted back and took off again. 
The route forward to their exfil point was clear and quiet, even to your keen gaze. Turning to circle back, you made sure to check back in on your guys as you flew above them. 
No enemies behind, either. They’d done a good job of either killing everyone who’d tried to follow, or losing them. You expected nothing less from them. 
Pleased, you made a few big circles just to be sure. Still nothing. No sign of enemies. You took your time following your pack to the exfil point. 
True to Price’s prediction, just as the sun broke the horizon the pack made it to exfil. You dove down to join them, landing next to Ghost. Gaz tossed your clothes to you as soon as you shifted, and Ghost shoved water at you.
“You all are mother hens, y’know that?” you grumbled without any heat, grinning, even as you double-checked Gaz’s straps. 
“Says the biggest hen of us,” Soap pointed out with a wicked grin.
“Now now, just because my tits are the best–” you started playfully. 
“Enough,” Price interrupted, sitting on Gaz’s other side, between him and the opening. Smart man. 
You and Soap subsided, though you did both roll your eyes. “Everybody good?” You looked around at them, meeting each gaze squarely for a moment, to make sure none of them were lying. They all tolerated it, well used to you by now. Satisfied that none of your guys were about to keel over, you settled back for the trip back. 
Flying in a heli had never been your favorite thing to do. You much preferred to fly on your own. But you had to admit that the heli was faster - you’d tried once to keep up, and couldn’t. Which wasn’t actually surprising, just disappointing. 
This flight was not bad. Not too long. Which was good, because you were getting antsy. Ghost had caught a nap on the heli, but you still wanted to make sure he was fine in better conditions than you’d had before. 
As soon as the heli landed, you were out, watching Ghost carefully. He wouldn’t accept help, not in front of others, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t check in. 
“‘M fine,” he grumbled at you very quietly as you fell into step next to him. 
“I’m sure you are,” you agreed. “And I’ll be more sure after I get to look you over.”
Soap leaned closer, waggling his eyebrows. But he didn’t say anything, because he couldn’t. Not here. Not where people could overhear and get the wrong idea. 
Simon was fine, as it turned out when you finally got him to medical. Heightened metabolisms were good for some things, after all, and that included faster healing. 
But you still bullied all your guys into the nest to take a nap. 
“Stop fussing,” Price grumbled, lifting his head to pin you with a look. “And get in here.”
“It is literally my job to fuss,” you grumbled right back, although you did stop messing with the pillows and observed the nest. There was a good spot next to Simon. You carefully stepped over Gaz and Price before you settled down with a soft chirp, nestled between Simon and Price. There. That was better. 
Price’s soft huff made you grin to yourself. At least until Simon tucked you under his arm and started scratching your scalp. Then you relaxed into him.
Okay. Maybe you could take a nap too. 
One good thing about having pack-only spaces was that you could be with your guys without fear. 
Simon had been ordered to stay and rest and finish healing while the other three went on what was supposed to be a quick mission. A day or two all told, is how Price had phrased it. You didn't know the details, didn't need to know the details, but you did know that Simon hated this. 
"Relax," you murmured to him soothingly, scratching your fingers against his scalp. "They'll be back soon." 
He grumbled wordlessly, one hand curling against your thigh where he was also using it as a pillow. 
"Easy, Simon," you murmured, low and soothing. The little bit of grooming helped both of you, you knew. And it was almost all you could do for the moment. 
Until you got called to help with exfil. 
You hated leaving Simon, knew he'd be all but climbing the walls in his anxiety, but… needs must. He understood. 
This time you went without your med pack - supplies would be available after exfil. 
You weren't even sure Price had called for you. But the order came from higher up, so off you went to go help. 
From high in the air, the battlefield looked bad. You could see bodies still laying where they'd fallen, a visual indication of the path of retreat. It took a little time to find your guys, the three of them huddled together behind a half-burned building. There were no immediate threats, but you could see where enemies had set up to hinder them. 
It was not an easy situation, nor an easy fix. You flapped your wings a few times, changing your trajectory. 
You needed to give them a distraction, a chance to get out. Most people didn't look up - you could use that, get a good sneak attack or two in. Cause a little chaos in the line. 
It would do for now, until you came up with a better plan. 
You flew a little higher, using the angle of the sun to help disguise your descent. And then you dove, aiming for one soldier a little apart from the others. He never saw you coming. 
But he screamed as your talons ripped through the vulnerable skin of his scalp and neck. 
You flapped hard, leaving him to bleed out even as shouts started up around you. You managed to vanish into the sun, flying up high again. You'd be harder to hit that way. 
Of course, now they were on alert. Damn. That hadn't quite been enough of a distraction for your guys to get away. 
You needed something bigger. 
Scanning the ground, you looked for something out of the way to pick up and drop on the enemy line. 
It was a good plan, and it even worked. 
Until you were flying away. Someone must have been watching, because there was a sharp pain in your wing, enough to make you screech. Your wing faltered and you fell, just able to slow yourself enough that you didn't injure yourself further. 
You hit the ground in a flurry of blood and feathers and screeching. Your wing hurt, leaving you unable to fly. 
Behind enemy lines. 
The first man to lunge at you got your beak to his throat, blood hot as it splashed across your face and chest. Maybe you'd have time to get to safety, maybe you could shift and–
Something heavy fell over your head, completely blocking your vision. You screeched, loud and angry, but more heavy things landed on top of you. Something held your wings firmly down against your sides, the pain sharp enough to make you try to jerk away. But you couldn't, too many hands grabbing you and securing you. 
Blind and trapped, you could only feel as you were picked up and moved. 
But you weren't dead yet, which was terrifying. 
People handed you off between them, and you tried to flap your wings or flex your claws or anything. But movement of any kind resulted in you being squeezed to the point of pain. 
With no way to see where you were or how many of them there were, you gave up. Conserved your strength, so you'd have a better chance of escape once you could see again. 
An engine rumbled to life, and you got squished in against a body. 
"Try anything funny and I will break your wing," a man hissed to you in heavily-accented English. You didn't doubt that he, or someone, would. 
So you behaved, because you wouldn't be able to escape if you had a broken wing. You listened to the occasional chatter in Arabic. You tried very hard not to panic. 
Sooner than you expected, the car stopped and you were once again handed off. The thing never came off your head, never let you see anything. 
But you could hear more people, orders shouted in Arabic, more movement. 
Oh this was bad. 
Someone carried you somewhere cooler. More movement around you, and for a brief moment you could see as the heavy thing over your head was yanked off - you could see two men in front of you, one of them grinning to show off two empty spaces where teeth should be. 
Then darkness again as a hood was secured over your head. You'd never been put in a falconry hood, but you knew immediately that's what it was, just from the feel of the leather and ties around your head. You screeched, trying to flap your wings. 
"Enough of that," a sharp voice scolded. You nearly startled to realize it sounded like a woman. There was another flurry of Arabic, orders it sounded like, and then hands grasped your right wing, the one with the bullet hole. Big hands held you in place, wing extended, other wing pinned to your side. 
You had no idea what they were doing until you heard the snip, snip, snip. You screeched, enraged and despairing and agonized. But they didn't stop, and there was nothing you could do. 
"There." The woman sounded far too smug, too pleased. "Now you can be my bird." She laughed, low and throaty and sadistic. 
You shivered, tucking your wings in as tight as you could, shifting restlessly from foot to foot. Bells jingled as you moved and you froze in horror.
Hood and jesses. They were treating you like a falconry bird. 
If you could, you might have thrown up. As it was, you made a tiny distressed noise. 
A door shut somewhere nearby, leaving you with the terrible feeling that you were alone. 
You tried to pace off the room, but the fucking bells kept breaking your concentration. You could stretch your wings, at least, though the right one hurt. And the way the air moved around your wing was… wrong. 
That was all the confirmation you needed, even as you pulled your wings in tight again and huddled in place, shivering. They’d clipped your primaries. 
Even if the hood was gone, you wouldn’t be able to fly. 
You had no idea how long you stood there, alone in the forced darkness. Time was meaningless as you mentally went in circles. Simon knew you’d gone. There was a chance the other three had seen you or heard the commotion. People knew you were gone. 
Someone would come for you.
Or you’d be killed first. 
But you didn’t want to die, your pack needed you, you couldn’t leave them, they’d never forgive themselves if you died here–
The door opened hard enough that it slammed into the wall, and you jumped, wings flaring in agitation. 
“There’s my pretty bird,” the woman from before cooed, over-sweet and mocking. “Hungry yet?” Her steps were deliberately loud as she approached you. You stiffened, holding yourself tense, but didn’t move. “Now, are you going to cooperate? Be a good bird?” 
You didn’t reply, but you figured that lack of fighting would be a response. Because you had no idea where you were, and you held almost no power here. You knew that if you got too uppity, they’d make your life worse. Probably not kill you - they’d had plenty of opportunity to do that, and hadn’t yet. 
But you could think of plenty of things they could do to make things worse for you.
The hood was pulled off your head, and you blinked rapidly as you adjusted to the light. The room had no windows and only one door. The artificial light washed everything yellow. 
And, most importantly, left you no way to know how long it had been, how long you’d been gone. 
The woman in front of you wore khaki and brown, simple clothes that were more functional than fashionable. Brown eyes held yours, a smirk slowly stretching her lips when you refused to look away first. But she didn’t seem to care about a dominance game. She just stepped further into the room, setting down two bowls for you. 
Like you were a pet. 
Your stomach turned and you stayed very still, head tipped, watching her closely. 
“Well? Go on. Eat while you can.” Her grin had stretched into a cruel thing, showing too many teeth. 
You shuffle-hopped forward, the bells on the jesses setting off every nerve you had. You hated this. Hated her. But this wouldn’t be forever, you knew it wouldn’t. You needed to eat, needed the fuel to heal and save up for your escape (as soon as you had a decent plan). 
So, much as it grated on you, you ate from the bowl, keeping your gaze on her as much as you could. It felt demeaning, dehumanizing. 
You felt like some exotic pet. The feeling made your blood boil, made you seethe. But you were careful to do so very quietly, only to yourself. 
“Good bird,” she cooed mockingly. “We shall see how long it takes to train you.” 
Before you could do more than flare your wings in protest, the hood was shoved back on your head, plunging you into darkness once more. You flapped your wings twice, momentarily off-balance. 
The door shut. A lock clicked.
And you were alone again, in darkness and silence. 
It was impossible to track how much time had passed. You could hear only occasional muffled sounds beyond your room, had no way to mark the passage of time. 
The only breaks from the darkness were for food, always far enough apart that you were hungry, always the woman and one underling. Always demeaning. Always difficult. 
You suffered through five meals. Five meals. Each one worse than the last, with more taunting, more mocking. It was harder every time to not just leap at her and rip into her. 
But you remained patient, somehow. 
The muffled sound of gunfire drew your attention, and you moved back and forth restlessly. It was hard not to get your hopes up, after however many days of being stuck here. 
When the gunfire got louder and you heard the muffled shouts outside your door, satisfaction surged. That was probably your pack, coming for you.
And if it wasn’t, well… There was more than one way out of here. 
You waited for a lull in the fighting, in the shouting and gunshots and chaos. And then you screeched, as loud as you could. 
There. If that was your pack, they’d know it was you. If it was anybody else… You’d deal with that when you could. 
The fighting and gunfire got closer, and you backed up slowly, carefully. The jingling of the fucking jesses still grated, but it was easier to ignore with the fighting outside. 
There were two shots outside, two thuds. Your heart beat faster and you half-spread your wings, talons clicking against the floor. 
“Found her,” came Soap’s voice from the door, and the breath whooshed out of you all at once. “Fuck,” he ground out, as angry as you’d ever heard him. “Okay, ‘s just me, sweets. Ah’m gonna take this off, yeah?” Hands fumbled with the hood for a moment before it was gone, leaving you blinking and near-blinded by the sudden brightness. 
And there was Soap, clothes a little bloodied, expression torn between rage and sympathy. He spared a moment to smooth a hand over your head. 
“Can ye shift?” 
You clicked your beak and awkwardly held out one leg, jingling the jess still attached. 
His expression immediately darkened. “Ah’ll burn the whole place,” he swore, rapidly removing one jess, then the other. 
Relieved, you immediately shifted back. Your arm ached where the bullet hole had mostly healed, and you knew you probably looked a wreck. You felt a wreck, a little shaky and unsteady. But you were also determined to get the hell out. 
“Give me a gun,” you rasped, throat dry. 
“Ah donnae have supplies for ye,” Soap murmured apologetically, even as he unclipped his handgun and handed it to you. “Keep close.” 
You nodded silently, pushing down everything else. You’d deal with everything else later. 
Warm wetness on your feet made you look down as you followed Soap out of the room that had been your prison for however long. Two guards, both dead. Clean shots. Blood had pooled in the hallway. Your upper lip curled and you stepped carefully through the hall, not wanting to slip on anything. 
Soap motioned you to wait as you came up to a corner, and he peeked around first. A gunshot had him jerking back. 
“Counted eight,” he murmured to you. “Wait here.”
“But–” Your shoulders raised, and if you’d had feathers they would have been floofing out.
“Ye have no vest, no protection,” Soap pointed out, soft but firm. “Jus’ got ye back, sweets. Donnae ask me this.” 
And you deflated again. As much as you wanted to kill every bastard in the building yourself, he had a good point. “Okay,” you agreed quietly, grip tightening briefly on your gun. “I’ll wait.”
Soap pressed a quick, hard kiss to your temple before he was gone, picking off one before he even rounded the corner. You could do nothing but listen to the chaos and wait for the all clear to move up.
A scuff behind you had you whirling, gun up. The woman stood no more than ten paces away, teeth bared, a gun in her hand. 
“Well well, is this what pretty birdie looks like when she’s not a birdie?” She laughed, the sound unhinged, divorced from reality. “What a waste.” 
“Don’t move.” Your voice didn’t shake. Your hands didn’t shake. But your mind… your mind quailed. 
“What’s the matter, birdie? Missing your hood?” Her teeth were bloody, eyes fixed on you as she took a step closer. 
You swallowed hard, breath coming faster. If you never saw a hood again it would be too soon. 
“We can fix that.” She took another step forward, lifting the gun slowly, as if it was much heavier than it actually was. 
You didn’t hesitate. You didn’t blink. You shot her, center mass. 
She fell. 
“Sweets?” Soap sounded only a little panicky. 
“Clear!” You swallowed. Then again. You were a medic, yes, but this was far from the first time you’d killed. You’d hoped this would bring a little peace.
Instead you were simply numb.
“Move up!” Soap called after another minute. You obeyed wordlessly, turning your back on the corpse without another thought. 
“How far?” you asked softly, stopping behind him, letting him be your shield again. 
“Not much farther.” He glanced back at you, worried. “Ye alright?” 
“Fine.” Your answer was short, clipped. Because you couldn’t think about being anything other than fine. “Let’s go.” 
Soap hesitated a moment longer, gaze searching your face, before he nodded once, slowly. Then he moved, keeping you behind him. You kept close to him, moving as quietly as possible, ignoring the tackiness of blood drying on your skin. 
He had you wait as he cleared one more room, and then the two of you met up with Gaz. Gaz breathed in sharply when he saw you but was quick to tug you to him in a hard hug, the edges of his vest and gear blunt and uncomfortable against your skin. You didn’t care, returning the hug with an edge of desperation. 
“Here,” Gaz murmured, pulling spare clothes from one of his pouches. “Couldn’t bring extra gear for you, but this’ll do for now.” 
You nodded, pulling the clothes on silently. They didn’t actually help you feel any better, but being with two of your pack did. 
“Price and Ghost are almost done,” Gaz told Soap, tucking you between the two so you were protected. “Ready to meet up?”
“Ready.” Soap grinned, brief and vicious. “Ye’ll like this,” he promised you, taking the lead. You followed him, Gaz on your six. The building was quiet now, tension thrumming under your skin. But you kept up, swallowing back your nerves as best you could. 
“All set up?” Soap asked as he stepped into a room. You followed, a little more cautious. 
“All set,” Price agreed, eyes immediately finding you. A bit of tension leaked from his shoulders and he smiled, just a little. “Ready to get out of here?” 
You nodded silently, but didn’t say anything. Which didn’t matter, because Ghost was in front of you in a few long strides, one hand gently cupping your cheek to tip your head. 
“Injuries?” he asked softly, gaze sweeping over you.
“Just my arm.” And your feathers, but you couldn’t think about that for longer than a moment or you’d start screaming. 
Ghost nodded, pulling you into his side. 
“Let’s go,” Price ordered, taking point. The others kept you in the middle between them all the way out. 
At a safe distance, the group of you turned. Soap waggled his eyebrows at you, grinning, before he pushed down on a detonator. 
The entire building collapsed, shaking apart as explosions ripped through it. It was incredibly cathartic to see. Or, well. It probably was. You were… kind of numb. 
You blinked slowly to find Price holding out a water to you. Your hands trembled as you took it, drinking slowly under the watchful gaze of your pack. 
“It’s not far to exfil,” Gaz murmured, one hand resting on your shoulder. You leaned into the touch, breath momentarily hitching. 
“Okay.” You swallowed hard and took the protein bar Price handed over, eating mechanically. You could barely taste it. 
You knew this was bad, but. Not much to be done about it yet. 
“You alright to walk the rest of the way?” Price asked, glancing down at your feet. 
You blinked. You… couldn’t actually feel any discomfort from your feet, though you knew you should. You were standing barefoot on the ground, and it wasn’t even flat ground. “I’m fine.” 
Price eyed you for a moment before he nodded. “Let’s get out of here, then,” he murmured. Contrary to his own words, he leaned in until he could press his forehead to yours, taking a moment to just breathe. Then he pulled back, once again taking point. 
You followed, a little slow but moving under your own power. At least you weren’t in pain. 
The heli was waiting for you when you arrived. You shivered briefly against the wind and hurried in, buckling in with shaking hands. Soap dropped down on one side of you, Gaz on your other side. They both double checked your harness. 
The flight back didn’t seem to take any time. You sat upright, tired and numb and cold, but unable to show any of that. You would eventually, you knew. You should probably warn your guys, you knew.
But you couldn’t. 
The heli set down with a bump and you jolted. Two pairs of hands steadied you, Gaz and Soap both looking at you with concern. 
But nobody said anything as they escorted you to medical. 
You answered anything directly asked of you, quiet and stiff. The bullet hole in your arm was deemed mostly healed (it should have been more healed, really, but you hadn’t eaten enough), and otherwise you were dehydrated and bruised, but mostly unharmed. 
The problem arose when one of the medics asked you to shift. 
“No.” The word was only a whisper but you leaned away, hands curling into fists, muscles pulling taut. 
The medic paused, eyeing you carefully. You were known to be more easy-going and cooperative, so this? Was unusual. “If you need privacy–”
“No.” It came out a little stronger this time, even as your gaze darted to the door, heart racing. No. Absolutely not. 
The medic slowly leaned back, away from you. But their voice was calm as they called, “Captain?” 
Price was in front of you a moment later, taking in your posture in a quick glance. He put one heavy hand on your shoulder, ducking his head to look you in the eyes for a moment. “Easy,” he murmured, frowning a little. “You done here?” He glanced back over his shoulder at the medic. 
“She hasn’t shifted yet, so we’re not technically done,” the medic explained. 
Price glanced down at you, and you shook your head, jaw clenched so tight your teeth ached. “Another time,” Price grunted, gently tugging you off the exam table. 
The medic sighed, exasperated but unwilling to fight. “Fine. Make sure she sleeps,” they ordered, moving out of the way. “And eats.”
Price nodded, letting his hand fall from your shoulder. You tried not to focus on that, tried to focus on following him instead. But it was hard. The touch had been grounding, helpful. Helping to pull you back into yourself. 
“You should get cleaned up,” Price murmured, heading back towards your quarters. “It’ll help.”
“Yeah.” You couldn’t manage more than that, couldn’t force more out. The numbness was slowly fading, leaving you aching. And tired. So very tired. 
Price paused outside your door, studying you. “Do you want someone here?” 
You swallowed and forced yourself to nod. You didn’t want to be alone. But you didn’t want anyone looking at you just yet, either. 
Price nodded slowly, brow furrowing a little. “I’ll stay,” he rumbled, pushing your door open and ushering you through first. “Get cleaned up, dress down for the evening.” 
You nodded wordlessly, slipping past him and grabbing comfortable clothes. You had a bathroom to yourself, something you were extremely grateful for, and you shut the door between yourself and your alpha. And then immediately opened it a crack, because you felt too trapped otherwise. 
Hot water felt heavenly, after everything. Getting to scrub your head felt heavenly. Everything else… Well. You definitely overdid it washing yourself, scratching your skin nearly raw in places. You did make yourself bleed again, accidentally breaking open the wound in your arm. 
But you finally felt clean enough for the moment and emerged, drying off and wrapping your head in a towel. That would do. 
Price was still sitting on your bed when you emerged, phone in hand, though he turned his gaze to you as soon as the door opened. His gaze lingered on your skin, and you knew he was making note of everything. But he didn’t comment. 
“Figured we’d go to the pack room,” he said, carefully phrasing it as an option, rather than an order. “Got Gaz and Soap bringing food.”
You nodded. “Food sounds good,” you admitted, walking over to him. You didn’t ask, just plastered yourself to his front, cheek pressed to his chest, inhaling the comforting scent of your alpha. Price hummed softly, one hand cupping the back of your head, his other settling on your back. 
“Take as long as you need,” he murmured, low and soothing. “We’ll walk together, hm?” 
“Yeah.” You closed your eyes, relaxing into his warmth. Just a minute. You just needed a minute. Price only held you tighter. 
You finally pulled back with one last deep breath. “Okay,” you croaked. “Let’s go.” 
Price didn’t object, but he did keep you close as the two of you walked to the pack room. Almost nobody was around, which worked out well, because you were starting to use your captain for help staying upright. 
No sooner had you stepped into the pack room than you got swarmed. Somehow, you weren’t exactly sure how, they settled you on the couch pressed up against Simon, with Gaz and Soap chattering as they made up plates of food, and Price hovering behind you and Simon. 
“Don’t ask,” you murmured to Simon, fairly sure Price could hear too. “Not yet.”
Simon hummed softly, carefully bundling you even closer to his side. “Not yet,” he agreed, about as soft as he ever got. 
Gaz and Soap carried the conversation through dinner, both of them settling around you as well until you were entirely enclosed by pack. It should have made you feel better.
It didn’t. 
All you could think of were the past eight days. Eight, you discovered when Soap let it slip. Eight days you’d been stuck in that hood and silence but for the jesses, treated like an animal.
It was almost enough to make you sick. 
You swallowed down what you could, but ended up leaving food. It was odd - you would have thought you’d be ravenous, after the last days. But you weren’t. You were barely hungry, only ate to try to stave off their concern. 
Which didn’t entirely work, from the quick looks and little touches you endured through the evening. 
And then you just… settled. Let one of them take your plate when it was obvious you weren’t going to eat more, and relaxed. Simon stayed on one side of you, refusing to move. You leaned more and more into him as your eyes tried to shut, until he simply pulled you in to use his chest as a pillow. You murmured something, half complaint half thanks, and closed your eyes, the soothing sounds of your pack settling around you. 
You woke to total darkness.
For a moment you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. If you moved you’d hear those damn bells, and there was no point because you couldn’t get anywhere, you were trapped, and your wings– your wings–
“Hey, hey, s’alright love,” Simon murmured urgently, hands patting at you. Which was when you realized you were keening, breath hitching in your chest. You still couldn’t see but you could feel your pack moving around you.
“Get the lights,” Price ordered. “Simon?” 
“Not sure.” Simon put one hand over your chest. “You need to breathe.” It wasn’t until he put your hand against his chest, letting you feel the exaggerated inflation of his lungs that you realized he was talking to you.
The lights flipped on, bright and sudden, and you went limp. You were fine. You were in the pack room. You didn’t have a hood on. 
“Love?” Simon leaned closer to you, eyes dark and worried. 
“‘M okay,” you gasped, blinking a few times, finally settling back into reality. “Just. A minute.” 
Simon didn’t move, just breathing in again. You did your best to follow along, nerves still strung taut from waking the way you did. Soap pressed up close to your side, his head resting near your hip. Your fingers curled gently in his hair, scratching lightly at his scalp to help calm yourself. Based on his pleased hum, that’s what he’d wanted in the first place. 
“Better?” Price moved carefully closer, doing a quick visual check.
“Yeah.” You licked your lips, very aware of your dry throat now. “Just.” You clenched your jaw. Admitting weakness was never easy, and this was no different. “Couldn’t see.” 
Soap lifted his head to look at you. “Sweets,” he started, carefully, like he was feeling for land mines. “Did they keep the hood on ye?” 
You swallowed hard. “Except for when they brought me food.” 
“Hood?” Gaz asked, handing over a bottle of water to you, expression mostly blank. 
“And jesses,” you confirmed before taking a deep drink of water. 
“We’ll make sure there’s a light on for you,” Price said, before anyone else could say anything. Which was honestly for the best - you didn’t think you could talk any more about what had happened just yet. 
“You should go back to sleep,” you murmured, setting the water bottle down and scratching Soap’s scalp again. “Too early to be up.” 
“Hm.” Price tipped his head, looking at you. Then he huffed softly. “Stubborn.” 
You only had time to blink before he was settling back in with the rest of you, getting comfortable. The nest was big enough for all of you, because you’d made sure of that, but still. 
You didn’t think anyone would manage to get back to sleep, especially with the light on. But they surprised you - Gaz snored gently against Price’s ribs, while Soap used your hip as a pillow. (He always made the oddest choices.) Price didn’t sleep, but he did close his eyes and relax. 
Simon just kept you close, his steady breathing helping your own. 
Your pack didn’t quite hover the next few days. They did, however, take rotating shifts making sure someone stayed with you. Simon nudged you into the pack room every night. Gaz had pulled up a nightlight from somewhere, the soft yellow light always left on now. They didn’t let you feel ashamed of it, either, though shame still tried to wiggle into your brain. 
Things weren’t okay. Wouldn’t be okay for a while. But they were getting better. 
Except for your wings. 
You managed not to think about it most of the time, focused on staying human and getting through the worst of the aftereffects. Sure, it wasn’t conventional torture, but it was almost worse. 
Things finally came to a head when the rest of the pack shifted, Gaz and Soap racing outside immediately, growling playfully at each other. Ghost followed, more placid, looking at you once over his shoulder. 
Price stopped in front of you, the bear easily able to meet your gaze. You knew that if he stood up straight on his hind legs, he’d be much taller than you. 
“No.” Your smile was small and tight, pained. “You go. I’m not shifting.” 
His head tipped, fuzzy little ears flickering back towards the open door and back to you. He grunted softly and nosed your ribs gently. 
“Okay,” you agreed. “I’ll come out for a bit.” 
Satisfied, he huffed and went first, lumbering out the door. You followed him, briefly squinting against the light before you adjusted. 
Gaz and Soap raced across the open space, occasionally trying to trip each other or jump over each other. Soap even got bold enough to bite Ghost’s tail and run for it, angry cat hot on his tail and gaining fast. Price found a nice sunny spot to watch and make sure they didn’t actually go overboard. 
Pretty normal. Except for you. You stood stiff and still, watching them and making no effort to join. It was… too much. It wasn’t their fault, or yours. The only people responsible were dead. 
None of them looked when you slipped back inside, as quietly as you could. You had one more thing you needed to do, and you needed some privacy to do it. 
Your room was far enough from them that you didn’t worry about being found immediately. You carefully took off your clothes, folding them on your bed. One deep breath. Two. 
You could do this. Hell, you’d been doing this since you were a child. Nothing would stop you now.
You shifted between breaths, braced for… something. But nothing happened. You didn’t immediately panic.
Okay. So far so good. 
You spread your wings carefully, flapping them a few times. You could just see your reflection in the mirror. Your beak was just as sharp, your crest still upright. Bits of downy feathers stuck up from a lack of preening, but you ignored the vague feeling of wrongness. You had something more important to fix. 
Your primaries had all been cut on your right wing. Not just some of them. All of them. It would take months for them to molt on their own. Months of being grounded, being flightless, being useless. 
The soft, mournful sound ripped free from your throat, and you flapped again. You could hop, maybe get a bit of air. But you couldn’t fly, not like this.
No. No, that was a terrible idea.
Except that it wasn’t, really, a terrible idea. The longer you stood there, head tipped, staring at your clipped feathers in the mirror, the more sense it made. 
One last deep breath in and you dipped your head, tipping your wing to make it easier. It took a little shuffling and a little preening to get the right feather in your beak. 
The first one came out cleanly, a few drips of blood accompanying it. You dropped the shaft to the floor, not giving yourself time to really feel the pain. You just did it again. And again. And again. 
Until the floor was littered with blood and snipped feathers, the red stark on the black and white banded feathers. Your wing burned and ached, throbbing in time with your heart, and your chest heaved with your panting, beak open. You felt almost dizzy with it, mind gone blank. 
“Sweets?” The panicked yell made you blink and cheep softly, though you didn’t move yet. Your door was unlocked. “Sweets, I smell blood.” Gaz hit the door a moment later, nearly tumbling inside when the door opened easily. He froze when he spotted you, anguish twisting his features. “Oh, Sweets, what did you do?” 
You chirped at him, turning carefully, keeping your right wing flared. 
Gaz knelt in front of you, ducking down to examine where you’d pulled out your feathers. “Doesn’t look like you’re still bleeding,” he murmured, almost absently preening your feathers. “But why–?” 
You chirped at him and picked up one of the feathers by the shaft, showing him the cut end. 
“Cut?” He frowned, gaze darting between you and the small pile of feathers, before realization hit. He swallowed hard, rage like a dark thundercloud. “But why pull them?”
You chirped softly, dropping the feather and hopping closer to him. You were not designed for flat floors, dammit, you were designed for trees! 
“Do you wanna shift?” Gaz asked, frowning a little at you.
You shook yourself. Now that you’d shifted, you actually felt a little better. Still kind of awful, because you couldn’t fly, but you didn’t feel quite as raw. 
He huffed. “Course not,” he agreed with a wry smile. “Can I help you preen?” 
You chirped softly again, ducking your head under his hand. He took it as permission, which it was, and began combing through your feathers gently. 
“Gonna have to talk to one of us eventually,” he murmured, hands gentle over your injured wing. “Can’t put it off forever.”
You clicked your beak at him and stretched, gently preening his hair. He huffed but allowed it, muttering something about you being a menace. 
Gaz ended up letting you perch on his arm as he walked back to the pack room. Price huffed at your wing, gently pulling it to get a better look. 
“Did you do this or did they?” His voice was calm, but you knew your alpha. He was not calm. 
You chirped softly, looking to Gaz to answer for you.
“She pulled ‘em, but they were clipped.” 
“Ah.” Price blew out a breath, fingers gentle as he checked your secondaries. “Force ‘em to come in sooner?”
You chirped a soft affirmative. 
“Gonna need to eat more, then.” The look he gave you told you this was not an argument you would win. So you didn’t fight. 
You let them take care of you and fuss (not too much), and you just worked on being better. 
It took time, but the worst of the nightmares faded. Pitch black still bothered you but it was manageable, rather than panic attack inducing every time. 
Things got better. 
Your feathers still hadn’t come in yet, but you could be patient a little while longer. You could feel the itch where they were forming and growing. Good enough. 
Your first op was supposed to be an easy one. Well. As easy as anything the 141 took on. 
You, Price, and Gaz were clearing one building while Soap and Ghost cleared another. It was… not easy, but routine. 
Until you stumbled over one man Gaz missed. 
The man was in the back of the room, laying low. You probably wouldn’t have spotted him except a bit of light fell right on a very familiar feather. The black and white banding could, hypothetically, have been from any number of birds. 
But you knew. 
An angry snarl twisted your lips, and you stepped intentionally into the room, barely remembering to call to Price over your shoulder, gaze locked on your target. Your gun was steady on him. 
He watched you right back, one hand reaching for a weapon from a fallen comrade in a way he probably thought was stealthy. 
The bullet you planted between him and the weapon disabused him of that notion. 
“Where did you get that feather?” you asked, voice low and growly. If you weren’t so focused, it would have startled you to hear how furious you sounded. 
He looked up at you and grinned, front two teeth missing. You jerked back, body recalling more vividly than your mind the sudden darkness that had followed that grin. 
“Easy,” Price murmured from behind you, just to the side. Close enough to support you and take the shot if you needed, but giving you space to do it yourself. 
You breathed in deep. And shot him. For many reasons, including not leaving an enemy alive at your back. 
But bending down to pull your feather from his shirt was just for you. 
“You broken?” Price watched you, giving you space still. Letting you decide.
You tucked the feather in your vest and smiled. “Not today.” You nudged him, tipping your head to rest against his shoulder for just a moment, before you started walking again. “If we finish up before Soap, he promised he’d buy cookies.” 
Price’s chuckle followed you out of the room. Gaz called over comms that the building was clear, and Soap started swearing. He and Gaz went back and forth on the matter of the cookies, easy bickering in the middle of everything else. 
You just laughed, knowing your pack had you. Always. 
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bearw-me · 5 months
Hiiii!!! Would you mind doing headcannons / a fanfic where Husk has a crush on the reader and one day they ask him if they could cover being a bartender for a while to give him a small break (and to chat with Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb bc they are sitting at the bar too) and he agrees, not thinking that they would actually be able to make any drink or anything, but they actually end up being a phenomenal bartender (yet has never told or shown anyone until now), and it make him flustered as he has an even bigger crush on them now (which he thought was literally impossible). Thank youuuu!!!! 💖💖💖 (Also I love ur work 💖✨)
I cant describe in words how your request made me feel lmao! and thank you so much! ( i could talk about this dynamic all day ♡♡♡
𝐀 𝐅𝐞𝐰 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐔𝐩 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞
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𐐒 includes : husk x gender neutral! reader, cherri bomb, angel dust 𐐒 cw : drinking/mentions of drinking, swearing, fluff, mutual pining, reader and husk are flirting so hard smh 𐐒 summary : Husk could use a break from the bar, so you offer to take up the job for the rest of the night! 𐐒 word count : 1.7 k 𐐒 note : ah, husk + his drinks (guys! husk! with a bartender! is!) my heart is liquid now
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The night sure was lively now that Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb came (literally) crashing through the front door.
You smiled, resting your head in your hands as you watched the two from the end of the bar. "Those two must be a handful for you," you teased, letting your eyes flit over to the grumpy old cat you adored.
He managed a smile, glancing over at the two who were downing shots like tomorrow didn't exist. "Yes they are," he mumbled.
"So why'd you come over here Whiskers? You know I'm still working on my drink."
"You know I gotta keep my customer's satisfied," his voice teased back- just as smooth as the whiskey he poured- how charming, you thought. "Can't leave you here all by yourself."
You nodded, feeling a blush creep over the tips of your ears and nose.
Although, you couldn't help but notice. . .
Husk, the charming gambling cat who bartended for the hotel, a cat you could've sworn- or hoped- wanted your attention most nights. . . stared at the pair across the bars edge with a tired eye.
You quietly followed his gaze, humming as you pondered the next move.
"Why don't you pour yourself a drink? On me," you slid your card over the polished wood, only to be stopped as soon as it hit the edge of the bar. Husk's fingers pushing gently against yours.
"It's bad luck for a bartender to drink on the job."
"Is that so? Sounds like superstition," you teased, sadly tucking the card into your pocket.
Doesn't usually stop him from doing it, you moped.
"Hey baby! You can buy me a drink, no strings of course!" Angel called over to you, bringing shameless attention to his chest and biting his lip.
The bar laughed with him, spirits deliciously high tonight now that the couple had joined.
You were glad for the change of pace, "You know what?" You pulled the card out again, raising three fingers so that Husk knew how much to pour "I will buy you that drink Angel."
Cherri and Angel celebrated by downing a shot each, the young overlord herself yelling into the air with glee at the score.
Your gaze lingered over to the two, the sounds of vodka and juice being poured next to you. "Husk?" you asked, not really turning to look at him.
"What's on your mind?"
You waited until the sounds of pouring stopped, little freckles of juice sticking to your hand. . . then you turned to him, a little unsure in what you were asking "This drinks for you."
With a gentle hand, you tried to stop him from sliding it over to you, and responded just as fast as his denial "Let me run the bar for the rest of the night!"
His confusion morphed into the classic doubtful Husk you knew: always keeping his guard up.
"Oh really," he rasped, leaning over the bar to hover right next to your face.
Maybe he was trying to intimidate you, or try to see through you. . . but you tried not to flinch at the challenge, watching his dark eyes narrow "And what do you get out of this?"
You shrugged, a dumb smile popping onto your lips "Time to sober up? How hard could it be?" you purred, relishing in the fact that Husk had recoiled from you.
Sitting across the bar, head cradled in your hands, smirking at him.
He sighed, letting his eyes roll "Alright, fine but-"
Before his sentence even finished, you were right next to him at the back of the bar, staring with a pep in your step at all of the liquors, juices, and garnishes he actually had back here.
"Hey I didn't say you could-"
"Sorry Husk," you pushed him out of the area, feeling a little unwelcome or foreign on this side of the bar.
I mean, you both did, but it wasn't an entirely bad feeling-yet.
"Heyy, the old kitty came to play with us!" Cherri teased, watching as Husk awkwardly took a seat next to the two.
"Finally!" Angel groaned, throwing an arm over Husk and pulling him into the fun.
"On second thought, I don't think this was a good idea," Husk unfurled himself from Angel's grasp.
"Come on Husk, you deserve a break!" Angel insisted.
"Yes! Here are the shots!" You laid the three previously poured shots onto the countertop, eagerly watching as Cherri and Angel picked theirs up, waiting for Husk to join them.
The old cat eyed the shot, the red liquid glimmering quite nicely against the bars wood-top, and back the the pair of smiling faces that awaited him "Fuck it, I could use a drink."
When he smiled, you felt it like your own, proudly watching as the unlikely trio threw the drinks back with a hiss.
"So, what'll it be guys?"
Cherri sighed, slinking over the bar with a devilish grin "Hate 'ta hound ya on your first day, but what can you make?"
You shrugged, the confidence of being behind the bar (and the previous drink you had) voiding any concerns or anxieties you would've had. "What kind of drinks were you thinking?"
"More fucking shots bitch!"
You smiled "Dirty hookers, jagerbombs, lemon drop shots. . . maybe a kamikaze?"
"Oh~" Cherri put a hand on her chest, feigning flattery, "Fucking all of 'em! And throw in a few snake bites for me!"
"Just the dirty hookers for me, doll."
The pair of deviants giggled, marveling at the bars newest bartender and talking to each other whilst you familiarized yourself with Husks' bar.
He keeps it well stocked, you thought. Speaking of which. . .
As you rummaged around for the appropriate bottles, you could feel a familiar burning at the back of your neck.
Husk was staring at you.
You blushed, trying not to make eye contact by busying yourself with this new found task. "What's with the face, Whiskers?"
You heard him grunt, "What was that?"
"What was what?"
"You an alcoholic or something?" he clarified, the sound of him running his empty shot glass against the table lying underneath Cherri and Angel's conversation.
You hummed, not really answering until you had everything set on the bar. Five shot glasses on either side, you took the two bottles in hand flipping them upside down with a smile.
The three watched with amusement as you flipped one bottle high up, counting in your head the number of ounces you were pouring with the other while catching the bottle just in time.
Husks stomach was doing flips, watching on with a mix of anxiety that you'd break something (or god forbid hurt yourself) and the fact that you were actually. . . laughing.
The alcohol in your hands, whiskey, rum, vodka- anything- flying between your hands with the debonaire smile on your face.
Every movement, every flip, every spin. It all looked-
Husk caught himself, throwing his gaze to the side and moping. Trying hard not to think about anything.
"Here you go!" You slid the shots over to the pair, sure that it'd keep them busy for a while. . . or at least a few minutes.
"So what'll it be, boss?" You leaned over the counter, solely focused on him now, with that smug smile on your face. . . or maybe you were still a little tipsy.
"Sure," you shrugged "Your gonna pay me after right?" You laughed when his face dropped, assuring him it was a joke. "Come on Husk, its time for you to be served for once, what kind of drink do you want?"
He seemed to freeze, the little pieces of fur on the back of his neck standing up like he was full of static. "Anything, I just need a drink," he said honestly.
Back to the same tired Husk, you smiled, chest filled with warmth. He looked, or he seemed. . . well you didn't actually know. Did he like that you were behind the bar?
You grabbed him a bottle of beer, easily wrenching the bottle cap off with the metal opener.
Husk took it into his hands faster than you could set it on the bar, tipping the bottle back so far that the dark green glass shone in the hotels light.
"I guessed you really could've used that drink," you sighed, feeling a little guilty for not doing him this favor sooner.
"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Angel and Cherri caught on as Husk nursed his bottle to almost empty.
You smiled, albeit a little bittersweetly, and turned back to the bar in order to make him something you figured he'd like to try.
With new found 'confidence', Husk blearily eyed your back, a sinking, fluttery feeling growing in the pit of his stomach. Watching you clean the glasses, something he did all the time, it looked. . . magnificent when you did it.
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The night continued without a hitch.
You watched from behind the bar as the three laughed. Yes, Husk was laughing, bottle in hand and letting Angel Dust push him around playfully, daring the two of them to come gamble with him sometime.
It filled your heart completely, he looked really good with a smile on his face. . . And every now and then you'd catch him staring at you, almost as if he were proud.
To be fair, the thought almost made you fumble a cocktail you were making for Angel Dust.
"You know, your pretty good at this," he complimented you, in that glorious drunken heaven he was in. The quiet purrs coming from him was enough to convince you of that.
"Here," you offered, sliding a small silver tray with two shots and limes on it his way "on me."
He chuckled, a deep rumbling sound as fine as the drinks he served you. "No, I couldn't drink two-"
"This one's for me," you pointed, taking the slim glass between your fingers.
"Drinking on the job is bad luck," he slurred.
"Are you kidding me? This is the best luck I've ever had! Come on," you insisted.
Husk's face, while already burning from the alcohol, was flush with nerves, a little smile on his face from the feeling it gave him. "Thanks."
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Big grumpy bear (4)
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Summary: He’s grumpy. You are sweet. A match made in heaven.
Pairing: Alpha!Walter Marshall x OmegaReader
Warnings: a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, grumpy alpha, scenting, fluff, mentions of injuries, a lil angst, insecure reader, idiots in love (Walter)
Catch up here: Big grumpy bear (3)
Big grumpy bear masterlist
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“No, no. You will give me this and sit down omega. I’ve got this,” Walter almost rips the bags filled with groceries out of your hands. You barely made it inside his house before he took the bags out of your hands. “I’m healthy again. Next week, I can go back to work.”
“The doctor said you are allowed to do desk work, nothing else,” you point out. “Put the groceries down. You are still injured.”
You purse your lips and wait for Walter to follow your order. He smirks as you put your hands on your hips to glare up at him. Walter finds it cute that you are smaller than him but try to dominate the tall alpha sometimes.
“Fine, but you will sit down too. You look tired, Y/N,” he quirks a brow, waiting for you to give in. “Don’t make me use my alpha voice. I’ll put the groceries away, and then I’ll drive you home.”
“Home?” your eyes widen, and you gasp audibly. “You want me to leave? But… I need to take care of you. Why do you want me to go?”
You whimper, and your omega wants to curl into a ball. Walter wants you to leave. Maybe he doesn’t like you at all. What if you only imagined the vulnerable bond forming between you and the alpha?
Walter sighs when you choke out a sob. He places the paper bags on the kitchen counter to explain he didn’t mean to hurt you. He’s simply worried about your well-being. “Y/N, I…” 
The doorbell stops him from explaining things to you. He grunts and turns to open the door. “Just a minute. Let me answer the door.”
“It’s fine…”
You look at the bags filled with groceries, sighing deeply. Is this how rejection feels? You shake your head and choke out a sob.
Maybe it’s better this way. People at your workplace started to spread rumors about you and the alpha.
While you ponder if you should try harder to get his attention, he opens the door, barely greeting his visitor. “Rachel?” Walter furrows his brows when his colleague and former lover stands in front of his door. 
“Walter, I came by to bring you this,” she pushes a food container into Walter’s hands. So far, she didn’t care for the alpha, but she heard that you came to Walter every day to take care of him and tries to make the alpha see she's the better omega for him. “Someone must take care of you.”
“I get it now,” you sniffle. “You wanted me to leave so she can take care of you. I guess you want something else…not me. Never me.”
“Rachel, you shouldn’t be here,” Walter pushes the food container back into Rachel’s hands. “I told you years ago that we are never going to get together again.”
Walter slams the door shut. He exhales sharply before turning his attention to you. 
“I should go…you were right,” you are unsure if you want to fight for Walter or just give up. You cannot compare to Rachel, that much you know. She’s not quirky and bubbly like you. Rachel is all a man like Walter wants.
“Y/N, I…” you run toward the guest room to get your bag, sniffling as Walter follows you. “Wait…please. I didn’t know she would come around. Omega wait!”
You stop in your tracks. Walter just used his alpha voice, and your hindbrain must obey his order. “I-“ you sniffle.
“She’s not the one I want,” Walter steps around you. He gently puts his hands on your arms, running them up and down. “Look at me.”
You whip your head toward his to look up at him, eyes filled with unshed tears. “You’re annoyingly cute, and you don’t take no for an answer. Usually, I don’t like having women at my home for longer than needed…” He smirks when you wrinkle your nose. “But…I kinda like you.”
“You do?” You wonder aloud. Did he just say that he likes you? “You slammed the door in her face.”
“I didn’t invite her,” Walter casually says, but it makes your heart flutter. 
“You didn’t invite me either,” you batt your eyelashes and pout. “Will you kick me out too?” Holding his gaze, you try to play it cool, but your heart is beating out of your chest.
“You’re hard to get rid of, and I can’t let you drive at that time of the day. You look tired too,” he cups your face with one large hand. “I’ll keep you around for a little longer. Maybe it’s time that I take care of you, omega…”
Part 5
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yuyuonabeat · 4 months
Mothers Day Puppy Love
Happy Mothers Day to the Mothers reading this!
Here to deliver a bit of what goes inside my brain on a daily basis cuz Yunho has me going feral for him. Not only that but Husband Yunho is a must.
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So it’s Mother’s Day and y’all know what that means.
I have no idea why my brain functions so well when it has to do with sexy stuff.
But today I’ll keep it pg13. Or more like NOT SMUT.
Like imagine waking up on Mothers Day. You laying in your big bed that you share with your loving husband Yunho.
You wake up to the feeling of someone staring at you. You open your eyes slowly just to be greeted by a big smile and happy eyes.
Yunho sitting next to you with a tray of breakfast and it’s that Iced coffee?!? Oh he knows you so well. Nothing better than starting your morning next to a handsome man that has make you breakfast and coffee.
“Hello My Sweetheart.” He offers a smile. Grabbing your hand and bringing it up to his lips to kiss at it.
You giggle. It’s things like these that make you fall deeper in love with him every day. How welcoming and heartwarming he is. Always caring so much for you. After all, to him you are his will to live.
His sunshine even though you’re the grumpy one in the relationship. His loving partner whom he will love for the rest of his life.
The two of you have been married for a year now. But you’ve been dating for exactly 4 years. You always wanted a family. And he always wanted a partner he could care for, love and cherish for eternity.
He loves to spoil you with gifts and dates and lots and lots of love. Stealing kisses from you and kissing your cheeks in public, leaving you looking like a red Stop sign.
Pulling you in closer by your waist. Humming and whispering the most beautiful things into your ears.
Your fan favorite is when you sometimes try to cook for him, since he’s the one that always cooks for you. You just love it when he comes behind you and back hugs you. Kisses your cheeks and neck.
He sure loves it when you cook for him. Even if it’s not the best, he’ll never fail to make you feel secure and confident. Complimenting your cooking or giving you advice on how to improve it.
You love it when he teaches you how to cook.
Another one of your fan favorite things the two of you do is when he’s gaming in his room. Either playing LOL or Fortnite with his mates.
You always stand there so shyly. He always notices you as soon as you enter the room. Muting his mic and asking “need a hug, My Sweetheart?” Oh you can never get tired of that nickname. Makes you melt right then and there.
Lets you sit on his lap with your chest facing his. You love sitting on him, resting your head on his shoulder. Sometimes drifting into slumber.
He loves the way you always seem to need his touch near you. Caressing the back of your head while you drift to sleep on his shoulder.
🥹🥹🥹someone sedate me please
Going back to the current day.
“Thank you love.” You thank him for this amazing start to your morning. Kissing his lips.
Those plush soft lips that make you wanna risk it all.
He plays with your hand and fingers. Looking down at your lap.
You start eating your breakfast but can’t help to notice his sudden change in mood.
“What’s wrong darling? Want some?”
You offer some of your breakfast in hopes that maybe he’s just hungry. After all it is still early in the morning.
He looks at you and then at your hands.
You look at him trying to examine his expressions to try and decipher what’s wrong.
“I was just thinking…we’ve been married for a year now and I’m not sure if it’s still early to ask but…” he looks away, a bit flustered.
He gets flustered very easily quite often but it’s unlike him to be this… well shy. He usually says and does things as soon as they register in his brain. He’s never afraid to say anything and never second guesses his actions.
“Yuyu, you can tell me anything love. Whats wrong? Talk to me Pretty.”
Pretty. He loves it when you call him that.
“I was wondering if, you maybe were ready to um have a baby with me? I’ve been really thinking about it a lot. What it would be like to raise a baby with you.”
You sigh in relief. Having thought something was wrong or had happened to him.
He looks at you confused.
“Sorry I just pheww, could have sworn you were giving me bad news. Baby of course I’m ready. Had actually been waiting for you to ask me about it.”
You chuckle. Eating your pancakes.
He rushes to gently grab your face and kiss you.
“I love you so much, you know that right?”
You blush. Still having half of your face stuffed with pancakes.
“With how often you say it to me, yes darling I’m aware. So you’ve been really thinking about it , huh?”
You smile at him and grab his much larger hand in your small one. Playing with his fingers.
“Yes my love. It’s been eating me away. The thought of my beautiful wife carrying my child. Us growing older with them. Buying toys and cute clothes. Makes me so happy just picturing it.”
You’d give the world to this man. And you know that just like you, he would too.
“Aw baby~ you could have said something sooner. But I’m glad we’re both on the same page here. I can’t wait to raise a baby with you. Have a happy loving family with the most handsome wonderful man in the world.”
“Oh you~” he pinches your cheek lightly.
“I love you so much My Sweetheart. Do you want to um start now or?”
You give him a shock expression. Followed by a smirk.
“Well look at you, let me finish breakfast, lover boy, and then we can get started on that family we both so dearly want.”
You chuckle and continue eating your meal. He can’t help but to smile at you.
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Someone please kick me into reality 🤧. This man has me so weak.
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doki-doki-imagines · 7 months
Hello! I came up with an idea for bi-han and Tomas. What would your reaction be like waking up naked next to your secret crush? As if they had a dinner with more friends the night before and they overindulged in alcohol, which led them to this situation. You don't have to do it if you don't want to ;)
bonus at the end!
Bi-Han: -Waking up with a headache pounding in your head is already terrible. -But also turning around and having your crush face at one inch of distance, nose already brushing against each other, is a heart attack inducing experience. -You don't scream, soul already left your body long ago, but you stop breathing, worried you may wake up the grumpy grandmaster. -You don't remember anything about the previous night, but you still have clothes on. -But these aren't yours. -This is gonna be remembered as the day you grew more than one lock of white hair. -You spot your clothes on a chair, so you lift up slowly as you can, trying to regain your clothes and possibly disappear without leaving any trace. Forever. -"What do you think you are doing?" It's a voice you recognize way too well. The clearness of it not matching the owner face, tho. Eyes half closed and hair perfect as a nest. His very cold hand grabbed your ankle, stopping you in your place. "Home? Under the ground? Disappear?" -Now he looks better at you, onyx eyes piercing your body, mouth slightly open trying to elaborate your words, like you just said the dumbest thing on the planet. -"Nothing happened yesterday night, go back to sleep." "Can you elaborate a bit more?" You politely ask, still not feeling same. -"Yesterday you got drunk like a some dumb teenager and never stopped clinging to me. I just helped you." He groans, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. "Why am I wearing your clothes then?" "You poured your nth drink on yourself, and I didn't want your dirty and sticky clothes in my bed." "Oh." A few seconds of silence, his hand now pulling your ankle towards the bed, getting more forceful. -"So, you took care of me! You have a soft spot for me!" You shout in excitement, making Bi-Han groan again "Ohhh do you have a crush for me, Grandmaster?" His pillow hit you straight in the face. -There must still be alcohol running in your blood because you would never be so brave in daily life. -"Don't worry, it's the same for me!" And something clicks in Bi-Han's mind, you see it in his eyes, now awake, mouth slightly open; he almost looks awestruck. -"Go back. It's too early now." He grumbles back, eyes close again and head on his pillow, yours thrown somewhere in the room after hitting your face. -You plop next to him immediately. After all those trainings, you are sure he wouldn't mind if you use his biceps as a pillow.
Tomas Vrbada: -You wake up in his arms, trapped in his hold. Not because he is actually holding you, his arms are simply heavy, and you are too tired to move them. -You want to die, worm your way out of his bed, and pop away in a cloud of smoke. -Maybe your thoughts are too loud, and soon you hear a groan, greyish eyes now open, looking straight into yours. -"Oh! Eheh. Seems like we got closer again while sleeping." You gulp, your mouth still dry. "What happened yesterday?" -You sit up, and he follows you, trying to keep the same eye level. "It was an…intense night. Maybe it's better if we talk in the kitchen." You nod. "The? Coffee?" You tell him your choice, now you are standing up, noticing that you aren't wearing the clothes of yesterday night, but what it seems a layer of Tomas' usual suit. -"Yesterday you drank too much, and kept clinging on me." "…" "Then when I brang you to my house, you poured on your clothes the water I gave you." "Wow I was a fucking mess." "Well I can't say the opposite. That's why you are wearing a part of my suit." Tomas says, turning sideways. There a fat red hickey catches your attention. -"I must have ruined your fun." You say, chuckling with death in your heart. "What do you mean?" He replies, furrowing his eyebrows. You point at your neck, where his hickey should be. His eyes widened before looking down bashfully, making you feel even worse. -"This…you made this." -WHAT. It's the turn of your eyes to widen. "You were a bit touchy-feely yesterday." -You felt like barfing, and not for the alcohol. "This is terrible Tomas! I'm so sorry." You say, voice full of sorrow for your actions. "D-Don't worry. But you need to promise me this-" "I swear I'll never drink again, I'll never bother youo, I-" "No, please listen. I think we need a bit of distance between us." -Straight to your heart. Hit and sunk. -"Don't misunderstand. I-I have a crush on you." Tomas says holding your hand, but eyes still on the ground. "Yesterday hurt like nothing else. I wanted to kiss you back and love you. But I didn't want to take advantage of you. It just isn't right." Now his grey eyes look back into yours, expression serious. -"I don't want our friendship to be ruined because of my feelings-" "I like you back." Tomas' mouth hangs open. You don't give him the time to reply. "I have been for a long time. That must be why I kept clinging to you yesterday. Now, if you want distance because I did something wrong I agree with you. But if you want distance because your crush may not be reciprocated, I have to deny your request." Your head still hurts like crazy and you don't know with which strength you are able to talk with such determination in your voice. -Now both your hands holding. Heart beating in unison. -"N-No, I mean. It's the second case. Like…do you really have a crush on me?" Tomas's cheeks get more and more red each second going by. His voice a bit higher than usual. "I do." -He releases your hands, now covering his face. "I can't believe this. You really have a crush on me?" "If you ask again I may change my mind." "No! Okay, you have a crush on me." "I do. You too?" "Absolutely." -"So…don't I look cute?" You say twirling around, his suit fluttering when you twirl on your place. "Yes, you do." He finally looks at you, but looks at you for real. Your bedhair, makeup smudged and his suit makes you look absurdly cute. -"Don't you think cute things should be kissed?" He nods. "Tomas?" "Mh?" He replies, mind clearly elsewhere. "Kiss me." This time the message was delivered. -Thankfully you both forgot to have morning breath.
bonus under the read more!
I know that with "you" you meant the reader, not my opinion in waking up in such a scenario, so I'm gonna write down here what I would do LOL.
Bi-Han: I can't believe that I would sleep with him even if intoxicated. But if it happeend I'll just crawl away and hope to never see him again. If he notices me I'd say something along the "I thought you were Johnny Cage". At that point I'm sure that I would be able to exit his house, dead or alive. Probably dead.
Tomas: Oh-I forgot what happened, maybe we should remake what happened yesterday night *twirling hair*. Maybe once won't be enough? Let's go for twice. You know what? Three is the perfect number, are you ready. 1-2-3 go!
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population9973 · 6 months
colour me blue - luke danes
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luke danes x fem!reader
warnings: drinking, age gap maybe (no ages given but luke is around 35 in season 1)
summary: you help luke paint the diner after he gets stood up
word count: 1.9k
you were in a particularly good mood this evening as you walked through town, even with the chill in the air nipping at you through your jacket. you had the day off work since luke, your boss, had closed the diner to do some work inside. despite his gruff exterior, you and luke had been friends for almost as long as you’d lived in stars hollow. you moved to the small town a year ago after a bad breakup and it took some time, but you had become quite close with luke. when you needed a job, he offered to let you help out at the diner for a few hours a week, and after a while he just got used to having you around.
as you approached the diner on your way through town, you were surprised to see luke standing outside the door, looking just about as cold as you were; or worse.
“luke?” you asked as you walked up to him.
“hey,” he replied, his hands in the pockets of his faded jeans, and a vest overtop of one of his many flannel shirts.
“what are you doing out here? shouldn’t you be painting?” you asked, peering inside at the cans of paint he’d brought in earlier.
“uh, yeah just - getting some fresh air, you know…. the fumes and all,” he gestured to the air in front of his face, and you gave him a look.
“luke, you haven’t started - all the paint is exactly where it was this morning and all the walls are the same colour,” you pointed out, not sure why he was being dishonest.
“i started!” he argued. “i took everything off the walls.”
“you did that earlier,” you reminded him.
“i didn’t say when i started,” he shrugged, looking at his shoes.
“luke, what’s going on? i thought you said lorelai was coming to help you paint tonight.”
“she is. was. she’s uh… not feeling good.”
“luke, you don’t have to lie to me. i thought you guys had a date?,” you said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“she ditched me, there, happy?” he grumbled, rolling his eyes. “and it wasn’t a date,” he insisted.
“no, i wouldn’t say happy,” you replied. something big must have come up for lorelai to stand him up. they were best friends, and you were pretty convinced they might be into eachother. you could see why she’d like him; despite the grumpy personality. he was tall, handsome, and kind. you’d kill to have someone look at you they way he looked at her. “come on, let’s go inside, it’s cold.”
“nah, just go home. it’s okay,” he tried to brush it off, but i was obvious that he was hurt by her not showing up. you couldn’t imagine standing up a guy like him, whether it had been a date or not.
“luke come on. hey, i’ll help you paint,” you offered, pushing his tall frame towards the door.
“no, you don’t want to -“
“i do, now come on, before i lose my toes please?” you pleaded, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. he caved instantly; everytime.
“alright fine, let’s go,” he put his hand on your lower back, ushering you inside and away from the frigid air.
“okay, now i think the fumes are actually getting to me, let’s take a break,” luke suggested, pinching the bridge of his nose. it had been about two hours of painting, and you were indeed ready to rest for a minute or two.
“my arms are tired,” you sighed, and sat down on the floor, your back against the front of the bar counter; all the chairs had been stacked to make room for painting. luke took a seat on the floor next to you, and you bumped his shoulder with yours.
“what?” he asked, trying to sound annoyed but failing.
“it’s gonna look really nice when it’s done luke.”
“you think so?” he asked, and you nodded, turning your head to face him.
“if you want i can help you put all the stuff back on the walls after.”
“you’ve done enough to help me, you don’t have to-“
“luke, i know i don’t have to. i want to,” you assured him, and he smiled. “why are too looking at me like that?”
“you have-“ he reached his hand towards you, brushing his thumb across your cheekbone softly. “-paint on you face.”
“really? well-“ you reached over to the paint tray on the floor near you and swiped your finger through the green paint, before wiping it on luke’s nose. “now so do you,” you smiled.
luke shook his head, but a soft grin remained plastered on his face, his gaze soft as he looked at you.
forget the way he looked at lorelai, the way he looked at you sure was something special; not that you’d noticed.
“you’re in for it now,” he reached for his paintbrush on the table, giving you time to stand up to attempt and escape, but he was faster than you, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
“luke, wait i’m sorry!” you laughed, but it was too late. he swiped the paintbrush across the front of your t shirt; it was one of his his he’d given you to wear so you didn’t get paint on your clothes, coincidentally.
“okay, now we’re even,” he smiled. “told ya you shouldn’t wear that nice shirt of yours. it’s your favourite i would hate for something to happen to it.”
“how did you know it’s my favourite?” you asked, and he flushed slightly, a panicked look crossing his face.
“i don’t know, you wear it a lot and it looks nice on you, so i figured it must be your favourite.”
“it looks nice on me?” you teased, and his cheeks turned a darker shade of pink.
“yeah - nice.”
“thanks,” you said genuinely. it was your favourite shirt, you just hadn’t expected him to know that.
“you’re welcome,” he replied.
“here, hang on,” you giggled softly, and his eyes watched you as you weaved through the plastic sheets and furniture until you were behind the counter. you rummaged around until you found a paper towel and gestured for luke to lean over the countertop.
“what are you-“ he asked, as you grabbed his chin in her hand, before wiping the paint on his nose. “thanks,” he mumbled, missing your touch on his face as soon as it was gone.
“we better get back to work. we’ll be here forever at this rate,” you sighed.
“yeah,” he said softly. “hey careful,” he said in a worried tone as you stood on a chair to reach the top of the wall. his large hands landed on your hips, holding you steady, and you realized you liked his hands being there.
“thanks,” you breathed, the chair leg wobbling slightly under you.
“yeah well, if you fall and break your neck it’ll be an insurance nightmare-“
“thanks,” you repeated, and he stopped rambling. “help me down?” you asked, and he held you steady as you stepped down onto the floor. when both feet were firmly planted on solid ground, you expected him to let go, but his fingertips lingered on your waist.
“you can let go now,” you smiled, but he didn’t, he took a step closer to you instead, leaving only a few inches between your bodies. “luke..”
“thank you, for… helping me,” he said softly, like he found it difficult to say the words.
“you’re welcome,” you smiled. “besides, you never know, maybe it was all just an elaborate plan to get you to hang out with me,” you teased.
“you could’ve asked,” he replied.
“asked what?”
“asked me to hang out with you. if that’s what you wanted.”
“yeah?” you asked nervously, reaching up to fiddle with one of the buttons on his shirt.
“yeah,” he said, barely above a whisper as he stared down at you with that look in his eyes again. a look that said i’m crazy about you.
“what would you have said?” you asked, and he smiled.
“you know i can’t say no to you,” luke replied.
“are you sure? because i swear you’ve-“ he interrupted you with a soft kiss, his lips brushing against yours gently before he pulled back. there was a brief silence after, both of you just looking at eachother.
“you should do that again,” you whispered, and he did, deeper this time as he held you close, his arms around your back as you held the front of his shirt. you separated again, and luke rested his forehead on yours, a smile on both of your faces.
“we really should get back to painting…”
“you’re probably right,” he agreed, letting you go reluctantly. “you know when i’ve thought about asking you on a date, painting this place was not what i had in mind.”
“you’ve thought about asking me on a date?” you asked, your cheeks beginning to hurt from smiling so much.
“every damn day.”
the two of you painted for nearly three more hours before you realized the time, and luke insisted you call it a night.
“alright, i think i’ll actually go crazy if i smell paint for another minute. do you want a drink?” he asked, and you nodded, throwing in the metaphorical towel as well.
luke returned with two beers, popping the cap of one before handing it to you and then opening his.
“thanks,” you tapped the bottle against his with a clink, and he smiled. you walked outside to sit on the front step, and luke noticed you shivering almost immediately.
“come here,” he mumbled, putting his arm out for you to lean into his side. you rested your head on his shoulder, warmer already with his body against yours.
“thanks. i had a lot of fun tonight.”
“yeah? well we’ve probably got a few more days of painting left if you want to come back tomorrow…” he offered. “only if you want to though.”
“i’d like that,” you smiled. “what about lorelai? i thought she wanted to help?” you asked, still not sure exactly how the other woman felt about him.
“what about her?” he asked innocently. “it doesn’t seem like it was all that important to her considering she never showed up.”
“luke…” you could tell he was still a bit upset about her ditching their plans.
“i’m sure something important came up or she would’ve came,” he said genuinely.
“yeah you’re right. and you two are…”
“just friends,” he finished your sentence, a slight smile on his face.
“okay. i believe you,” you said, and you did. luke kissed the side of your head reassuringly, and you leaned closer to him.
“so i’ll see you here at seven am then? bright and early so we can get more work done?” he said, and for a second you thought he was serious. the smile on his face told you otherwise.
“can we push it to nine? my boss works me like a dog so i never get to sleep in-“ you teased him.
“hey,” he warned playfully. “it’s weird to think of me as your boss if we’re…. well,” he trailed off.
“you don’t have to be my boss - we could just work together but you’re in charge?” you suggested teasingly.
“so like a boss?”
“yeah,” you smiled, kissing his lips softly. “so nine am?” you asked, and he smiled, his eyes admiring your face again.
“it’s a date.”
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