#that one was about the shuffle feature on. honestly most music platforms. by the way. if you were wondering.
jestiamy · 10 months
why does life hate me. I'll think something smart and then I'm like. no it's okay I'll pen it down in a few seconds. and then I forget so now I just have to sit here and live the rest of my life forgetting that thought
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writer-k-pop · 3 years
Train Rides
낮잠은 어땠어? How was your nap?
Description: What is hoped to be a quiet train ride down to your grandparents’ is interrupted by a loud business trip with an intriguing conversation with a business man who’s apart of the group that’s creating chaos in the train car. Warnings: Swearing Genre: Fluff, Non-idol!Minghao x Fem!Reader ft. Non-idol!Seventeen Word Count: 3k
Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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My duffle bag bounced against my hip as I did a weird jog shuffle down the train platform in search of the train car where my seat was. Almost missing my train was what I got for spending a few extra minutes in the shower. My aunt would've killed me if I missed this train because I was bringing the most important stuff for my grandparents' anniversary.
"Finally." I exhaled as I finally found my assigned train car: number 8.
Pulling myself into the train car, I focused on calming my rapidly beating heart. I opened the door separating the seats from the space between train cars and my ears were immediately bombarded with lively chatter.
I looked up to find a large cluster of seats were taken up by a group of males. They were the ones creating the chatter. And it didn't help that they were all clustered around the middle of the train.
Internally, I groaned because I honestly hoped to get some more sleep on this train ride before I had to deal with my very loud, very obnoxious family. But that plan jumped out the window. But then, my heart dropped even further.
My seat was somehow in the smack dab middle of their cluster.
I cursed my need for a little extra leg room and a window seat as I trudged down the aisle with my duffle bag gripped in my hands. The conversations didn't quiet down as I approached, nor did they stop when I reached the middle of the train car where the backwards facing seats met the forward facing cars with a table in the center.
Sitting across from my seat were two males, one with blonde hair and the other with black hair. Both had rounder faces but they were in no way pudgy. In the seat right next to mine was another black haired male but he had a slimmer face and honestly, a slimmer physique in general. He had sharp facial features, a pair of round glasses sat on his nose and his entire focus was on the notebook supported by one hand while the other flew across the page with a pencil in its grasp.
The two from across noticed me stop and stared for a couple seconds as I struggled to get my ridiculously heavy duffle bag up into the overhead storage.
"Here. Let me help you with that." A light voice offered from behind me and a pair of hands helped me push the duffle into place.
"Thank you." I turned around to properly thank him and I was met with an almost angelic face that matched the voice almost perfectly. He had red hair and angled features but he somehow made it all work well together.
They were all seriously good looking and I was suddenly very thankful I spent those few extra minutes in the shower.
"No problem." The red head smiled and my involuntarily fluttered, "Do you have the seat next to Minghao?" He asked, nodding towards the male who was still engrossed in his little notebook.
"I guess." I told him with a small smile and then I heard the faint ringing throughout the platform telling everyone we were about to depart.
As the train car doors closed shut, one of the males across from my seat must've kicked the male sitting next to me because his eyes shot up with a glare that would've made even the toughest guys back down. But after a quick nod in my direction, the one in the seat next to mine directed his attention to me and I swore I saw his eyes widen ever so slightly. As quickly as he shot his head up, he scrambled out of his seat to let me into my seat.
"Thank you." I said quietly as slid into my seat just as the train began to move.
"No problem." The male next to me said and slid back into his seat. I could feel his gaze on me for a few more seconds before he reburied his head into his notebook.
I pulled out my book and headphones from my backpack before setting it down next to my legs. The conversations around me began to pick up again and I decided I could try to ignore them with some music.
But... just as the train left the station behind...
"So where are you headed?" The blonde male directly across from me asked just as I plugged in my headphones.
I blinked, for some reason unsure why he would be talking to me. "Uh, I'm headed down to Jinju." I answer him slowly.
"Oh, no way." The blonde smiled widely, "We are too."
"Oh, that's cool." I commented, unsure of how to actually respond.
"Yeah, we have a few important business things to do there." He explained though I didn't exactly ask for one. The slight awkwardness that creeped into the atmosphere almost made me want to laugh.
"Important." The black haired male next to the blonde repeated with air quotes and a large eye roll.
"Ignore him." The blonde informed me while pushing the black haired one in the shoulder. "I'm Seungkwan, by the way."
"(y/n)." I introduced me since it was the only thing I could do.
"Soonyoung." The black haired one raised a hand, all traces of his annoyance from earlier completely gone.
"Hi." I smiled, playing with an earbud wondering if they were going to talk to me the entire trip.
"So, are you just visiting Jinju?" Seungkwan continued his round of questions.
"Yeah," I answered, realizing that they were indeed probably going to talk to me the entire way there, "My grandparents live there and I'm visiting them."
"Oh, that's so sweet." Seungkwan cooed.
"I wish I was visiting my grandparents." Soonyoung grumbled, his annoyance returning.
"Soonyoung, I swear to god, if I hear another grievance from you, I'm going to make you participate in the panel next week." Another black haired male from across the aisle narrowed his eyes at Soonyoung.
"Oh god, not the financial panel." Soonyoung's face dropped so fast that I barely had time to hold back a laugh.
Seungkwan caught me and leaned in closer, "Don't worry, we all think he's nuts."
"Not as nuts as Jun." A voice piped up from behind me. The male looked by far the youngest and he was pointing diagonally across the aisle at a bucket hat wearing male with sharp catlike features.
As the others started to banter about who was more nuts, I glanced over at the notebook of my glasses wearing seat mate. On the page was a crude drawing of a character of some sorts and I couldn't help but be captivated by it. It wasn't anything super fantastical or extraordinary but every part held a story and I wanted to decipher all the parts. The way the body was positioned gave the impression of a welcoming and comforting personality but the face had the emotions of hidden stresses and thoughts.
The owner of the notebook cleared his throat slightly and I was caught red handed.
"Sorry." I apologized and felt a blush creep into my cheeks.
"It's okay." He accepted my apology but the embarrassment was still drowning me.
"It's a really interesting drawing." I complimented him and then mentally face palmed at the genericness of it.
The male glanced down at the drawing and then back up at me, "You think?" He asked.
I nodded, "Yeah, that's why I was staring. I was trying to figure out the pieces of the story it holds." I explained, trying not to look away from his intense curious gaze.
"Huh." He commented, slightly impressed for some reason, "These idiots never looked at one of my drawings for more than ten seconds." He gestured to the still bantering males around us.
I chuckled, "Well, they can't be complete idiots considering you're all attending business meetings together." I told him and he tilted his head to the side, considering my point.
"Fair." He said and then paused, thinking, before adding, "Then they're idiots of the art world."
"That sounds a little better." I said with another laugh bubbling in my chest, "So, do you draw often?"
He shrugged, "Kind of. I do it whenever I feel like I need to let off steam or if I'm bored."
"Which one was it today?" I asked then wondered if that was borderline too personal.
"Boredom." He answered, nonchalantly, and added a few more pencil strokes to the shadows of his character.
"Train rides not your favorite?" I guessed with a questioning eyebrow.
"Not really." He responded, "I'm more of a car ride kind of guy. But the train was the fastest option for us, so here we are."
"You like driving through Seoul?" I questioned with slight shock because Seoul was a city where every hour was rush hour and every car was trying to make it to their destination in record time.
He chuckled in disgust, "Oh god no. I hate driving in the city. Makes me want to pull out all of my hair." He joked and a smile grew on my face. "But give me a long drive through the country, an AUX cord, and a few snacks and I'm all set to go for hours."
"You would go alone?" I asked.
He leaned in close so the others wouldn't hear him but my heart skipped a few beats. "These guys are idiots of the art world, remember?" He reminded me with a small playful smile.
"Right. I guess music counts as an art form." I stated, hoping he couldn't see my nervousness. He straightened back up and a tiny part of me was extremely disappointed.
"Exactly." He agreed, "Though Mingyu's not a bad companion, if I want one." He pointed across the aisle and a row back at a green haired giant.
My eyes widened at his hair color and I had to ask, "Why is his hair green?"
"He lost a bet." He informed me, a smile touched his face with the memory and he looked even cuter when he smiled.
"Poor dude." I exhaled glancing back at the green haired male as he laughed at something the guy next to him said.
"Eh, he actually suggested the punishment himself so..." The male next to me trailed off with a shrug.
"So, what's your name?" I asked suddenly, realizing I knew a few of the others' names but not once did I get to ask him his.
"Minghao." He stuck out a hand and I grabbed with a surprised smile.
"(y/n)." I reciprocated the greeting and pray he can't feel my racing pulse through my skin.
""And you're visiting family in Jinju." Minghao repeated what I told Seungkwan earlier and my lips pucker in surprise. He chuckled and pulled his hand away. "My ears still pay attention even if my eyes aren't."
"I can't do that." I said, resting my hands in my lap, "Multitasking like that is not my forte."
"Gotta focus on one or the other?" He asked and I nodded my head.
"If my eyes are focused on like my book," I rested my hand on the cover, "Or something, my ears tune out everything so I don't miss a single word."
"Is that what the headphones are for?" Minghao asked nodding towards my phone with the still plugged in headphones.
"Yeah, kind of." I answered and twirled the wire around my finger, "It's easier to tune out familiar sounds than new ones."
"Any particular sounds?" He inquired and set down his closed notebook on the table.
"Music, particularly." I told him and tried to ignore the giddy thoughts that screamed that he enjoyed talking to me. I also peeked at his hands and noticed he wasn't wearing any rings. Which could've have been a big indicator that he wasn't in a relationship with anyone considering every couple seemed to have couple rings here.
He gave me a wide smile and the action softened his facial features so much. "Any particular artists?" He reiterated his question using the same word we had been repeating.
"Jason Miraz is one of my favorites." I informed him.
"Oh, I love Jason Miraz." He said with bright eyes, "His style is just so cool and he makes great songs."
"His style is really, really cool." I agreed. "Have you heard his new album?"
"Did that come out already?" Minghao asked with widened eyes.
I nodded, "This morning."
"Oh dang, I didn't even know it was coming out this soon." He said and scratched the back of his neck.
I reached for my headphones and handed one to him, "You want to listen with me? I haven't made it through the whole thing yet either. Just the first couple."
Minghao cautiously grabbed the earbud out of my hand, "You're sure?" He questioned me.
"About sharing headphones?" I answered with another question, "It's fine." I gave him a reassuring smile and it seemed to relax him a bit.
I popped my earbud in my ear and then scrolled through my phone to find the playlist. Adjusting the volume so it wouldn't blow out our eardrums, I started the album from the top.
"How's the volume?" I glanced over at Minghao after settling the volume at a level I thought was comfortable.
"Good, good." He responded, still a little stiff.
Turning my head towards the window, I let the calm melodies and voice of Jason Miraz accompany the green country scenery that quickly passed by. Pretty soon, my eye lids began to grow heavy and my morning rush started to catch up with me. Before I knew it, I was nodding off with my head leaned back against the weird velvety seat. Jason Miraz's soft voice carried me further into sleep land.
Just before the haze of exhaustion turned into a dark abyss, I felt a hand lower my head until it met the hard curve of a shoulder.
I woke up to someone calling my name and it wasn't Jason Miraz's voice. Blinking my eyes open, I was still on the train and the country side was still passing by very quickly. My head was still pressed against a shoulder and then it hit me just who's shoulder I was leaning on. [Though you know Soonyoung was not going to let Minghao live down how sweet the action was.]
"We're like 5 minutes from Jinju station." Minghao's voice informed me and I sat up, trying not to be too sudden about it.
Running a hand through my hair, I checked my phone and the time coincides with the information given to me.
"I can't believe I slept through the entire ride." I chuckled at myself, still in shock.
"I'm surprised you slept through Seokmin and Soonyoung's screaming." Minghao laughed lightly and handed me the other half of my headphones.
I gathered the wire and picked up my backpack to shove them and my book back into it.
"Ugh, we didn't even get to talk about the album." I pouted, annoyed at myself for sleeping.
He giggled and it added itself to list of things I found cute.
"How about this?" He suggested, "We exchange numbers and we can discuss the album once you actually listened to it."
I puckered my lips in thought because dude just called me out for falling asleep in the middle of tiny listening party for a new album. But, the little jab did nothing against the desire to keep in touch with him. So, I unlocked my phone and handed it over with the contacts app opened.
"Deal." I agreed to his suggestion and he took my phone before quickly typing in his information.
"How was your nap?" Seungkwan asked, resting his arms on the table and leaning forward.
"It was unexpected and long." I answered him, zipping up my backpack.
"But was it at least good?" He questioned further and Minghao handed back my phone.
"I'd say it was pretty good." I told him and he smiled, content with my answer.
The train pulled into the station, which was the last on its route, and we all shuffled out of our seats. I reached up to the overhead storage for my still ridiculously heavy duffle bag but Minghao grabbed it before I could even touch it. Pulling it down, he held it out for me to take.
"Thank you." I thanked him with a smile that I hoped would cover up the toll that the bag's weight took on my body, specifically my arms.
"No problem." He nodded with a small smile.
The other guys let me walk off the train first and I didn't get a chance to look back or wait for them because my aunt was waiting on the platform for me.
"(y/n)!" She yelled and ran towards me. "Glad you made it! Oh! We have so many dishes to prepare. Come on, your mom's busy chopping up vegetables and claims she needs her sous chef ASAP." My aunt took the bag from me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders before leading me away.
I tried to look back for one last glance at the male who let me sleep on his shoulder but my aunt demanded all of my attention.
"Did you remember to bring all the stuff we asked?" She questioned me.
"Yes, auntie." I replied, "I even remembered the Christmas ornament, though it took me forever to find."
"Oh, you're amazing!" She squeezed my shoulder and we walked out of the station and towards her car.
As we made our way down the stairs, my phone rang with a text.
I pulled it out and a laugh bubbled inside my chest as I read the message from Minghao.
"I don't think Jason Miraz can save you from that conversation."
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cuttoothed · 4 years
Written for @aspecmartinweek, for the prompt “First”, for which I am overwhelmingly late. Featuring sex neutral ace Martin, sex averse ace Jon, brief discussion of sexual boundaries. and every first date cliché I could think to cram in. 
Jon brings him flowers, on their first official date. They meet at a little park not far from the Institute, and Martin’s been waiting there almost ten minutes when Jon appears, walking hurriedly towards him with one arm tucked oddly behind his back. 
“About time,” Martin is about to say, when Jon’s hand sweeps forward, and the words are lost in his throat. 
The flowers are bold white daisies, their heads nodding gracefully, with sprays of small yellow blossoms peeking out in between. Jon presents it to him with near schoolboy awkwardness, his cheeks red and scarcely able to meet Martin’s eyes. 
“They reminded me of you,” he says, obstinately, as if daring Martin to deny it. 
Martin doesn’t know what to say. Nobody’s ever brought him flowers before. In fact, he’s not sure he’s ever had flowers. There are a few succulents in his flat, and an aspidistra that he bought ironically during his Orwell phase and has been stubbornly keeping alive since, but he’s never had the knack for blooming plants. And he’s always been too embarrassed to buy cut flowers, as if the salesperson might know he was buying them for himself and judge him accordingly.  
There’s something charming and old fashioned and utterly Jon about the gesture, and Martin scolds himself as he feels tears start to sting his eyes. 
“What are they?” he asks as a distraction, lifting them to his nose. The blooms smell sweet, like honey, with an earthy hint.   
“Oxeye daisies,” says Jon, “And goldenrod. I—you don’t mind, do you? I know it’s a bit of a cliché. We can get rid of them—”
“No!” Martin is surprised by his own vehemence. “No, they’re lovely. Thank you. At least now I know why you didn’t want to leave work together—I thought you were trying to keep it off the Institute gossip vine.”
“Why would I want to do that?” Jon frowns, genuinely confused, and a tender warmth swells in Martin’s chest.  
Jon’s made reservations at an Italian restaurant. Once they’re seated, Martin places the flowers carefully down by his feet, and looks around. The place is cozy and intimate, the tables set with candles, warm lamplight and low music. 
“This place is nice,” he says, picking up a menu. “Have you been here before?”
“Oh, no,” says Jon. “But I’ve walked past it plenty of times, and I always thought it seemed like a date sort of place?”   
It is, Martin supposes. Most of the tables are two-person, and most of the other patrons appear to be couples, leaning close to each other in the candlelight, laughing and drinking wine. It’s all very traditionally romantic, and Martin is suddenly extremely aware that he and Jon are on a date. He feels a bit foolish, because of course he knew, but until now it’s been easy to think of it as just...him and Jon. Walking somewhere to eat, like they do for lunch a couple of times a week, talking about unimportant things. 
This isn’t that, though. This is flowers and a candlelit dinner, and all of this with Jon, and Martin has no idea what to do. He’s never been any good at dating. Relationships, sure—for a certain value of good—but the bit at the start, where you talk about interests and share details of your lives and gauge if this is a person you want to actually know better? Not his strong suit. Martin never knows how much to share, and when, and whether the first date is the right time to have the “so...about the whole ‘sex’ thing” talk or if he should wait for the third, and— 
“Everything all right?” Jon asks. 
“Yes, fine! Why?”
“You just looked a bit...wild eyed there. Like you’d seen a ghost.” 
“I thought you didn’t believe in ghosts?”
“It depends what you mean by a ghost,” says Jon, his brow furrowing seriously, and then he’s off explaining theories of psychic trauma manifestations in specific locations, which is entirely different from the concept of an actual human soul lingering in the world, his hands cutting the air to illustrate his point, and it’s just them again, and honestly Martin could listen to Jon talk like this all day. 
It’s lovely, after that. The food is tasty, and the glass of wine Martin drinks softens away any lingering nervousness, and Jon looks extraordinarily good by candlelight, the shadows sketching his cheekbones and jaw, the light sparking in the depths of his brown eyes. The only thing that Martin takes exception to is when Jon tries to pay for the entire meal. 
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Martin tells him, “We’ll split it.”
“I invited you, so I pay,” Jon persists. “You can pay next time.” 
In the end he gets his way, because Jonathan Sims is possibly the most stubborn human being Martin has ever met, but Martin wins the concession that he will buy ice cream afterwards. He takes them to the little ice cream shop a few streets from the Institute, and Jon looks flustered and pleased when Martin, feeling bold, places the order for both of them. 
“I can’t believe you remembered,” he says softly. His hand touches Martin’s as he takes his cup of rum and raisin, lingering for just an instant, and Martin feels his face go hot. 
“Of course I did.”
They walk along the Embankment as they eat their ice cream. The sun is beginning to set, the street lights flickering on, casting bright shards across the surface of the river, and Martin realizes it’s been over three hours since they met in the park. It feels it’s been no time at all, talking easily, sharing little pieces of themselves back and forth. It feels like Martin could stay like this forever.
He stops to toss his empty ice cream cup in the bin, the flowers tucked into the crook of his arm, and when he turns back, Jon is looking at him oddly. The way he looks at a document that he can’t quite figure out, intent and curious. 
“What?” he says.
“Could I kiss you?”
“Oh,” says Martin intelligently. “Yes, please?” 
Jon huffs a surprised laugh, and then he takes a step closer, his hand pressing to Martin’s cheek. His eyes are dark and depthless in the twilight. His lips brush against Martin’s, dry and soft and still tasting of sweet rum flavor. When he pulls back, Martin tries to remember how to breathe, Jon’s palm still warm against his skin.
“Was that—”
“Yeah,” Martin says before Jon can even finish. “That was good.” 
They get on the Tube together, since they’re in the same direction for a while. It’s busy, so they stand gripping the handrails, close together in the press of people. Martin holds his flowers against his chest, doing his best to protect them from jostling bodies. There are a lot of things Martin wants to say, things he wants to whisper in Jon’s ear or tell him while looking deep into his eyes, but this isn’t the right place, so he holds them against his chest as well.
The intercom scratchily announces the next station, and Jon clears his throat.
“Well, this is me,” he says. “I’ll...see you tomorrow?”
His voice is quiet and hopeful, as he starts to shuffle towards the door, and that warm feeling is filling up all the space behind Martin’s rib cage. He doesn’t want this to end yet.
“Hang on,” he says, as the train slows to a halt. He moves towards the exit as well, ignoring Jon’s startled glance, and when the doors slide open, he steps off onto the platform. “Coming?”
The doors shut behind them and the train glides away. They stand there for a few moments, while the other disembarking passengers disperse, and then Jon says:
“What are you doing?” 
“I’d like to walk you home,” says Martin. “You’re not far from here, right?” 
“But this isn’t your stop.”
Martin shrugs. “It’s not that much out of the way. And I want to. After you bought dinner, and brought me these,” he lifts his slightly battered flowers. “Maybe I get to do the cliché thing for this part of the date? If it’s okay with you?” 
Jon huffs a breath, and the look he gives Martin is halfway between defensive and apologetic. Martin knows that look, the “this was nice, but…” look, and god, he can’t have been so wrong about all this, can he? 
“I...this has been a—a lovely evening, Martin,” says Jon. “Truly. But I—I don’t want to give you the wrong impression, so I have to tell you now that I...don’t do the, ahh, the sexual aspects of a relationship. I’m sorry, I should have been upfront about this sooner—” 
“I know that,” Martin says. 
“I know, Jon. Or, well, not know, but there was some...office gossip?”
“Sorry, I should have probably said something earlier. I, umm, I don’t either? Not much, at least. I mean I can, if it’s important to the person I’m with? I don’t mind sex. But I’d just as soon not. So, yeah.”
“Oh,” says Jon again. He looks stunned. Martin gives him what he hopes is an encouraging smile.
“I really do just want to walk you home, I promise.”
“R-right. I see.” Jon still looks a little stupefied, but relieved along with it, the tension in his jaw relaxing. “In that case...thank you, Martin. I’d like that.”
They walk the quiet suburban streets towards Jon’s flat, meeting no one but a startled looking fox that bolts into the bushes. They don’t talk for a while, but it’s a comfortable silence. At some point, Martin feels Jon’s hand brush against his, and Jon’s fingers tangle with his own. He looks across, and Jon is smiling shyly at him. That warm feeling inside his chest surges, fizzing up and over and spilling out as a laugh of pure joy. 
“I can’t believe you thought I was planning to seduce you,” he says. “As if I’m anywhere near suave enough for that!”
“I happen to think you’re very charming,” says Jon with mock affront, frowning, while a smile twitches at the corners of his mouth. “I’m sure you could seduce someone if you put your mind to it.”
“I’ll keep that one in my back pocket, then, just in case I ever have to become an international man of mystery.”
“Good idea,” Jon says solemnly, twining his fingers further with Martin’s. 
At last they reach a three storey house with a little patch of garden in the front, and buzzers at the door for the different flats. 
“This is actually me,” says Jon. “Unless...you’d like to come in for a cup of tea?”
“Isn’t coffee the proper convention here?” Martin asks, and Jon laughs.
“Traditionally I don’t think the beverage is the point,” he says, “But if you fancy an actual cup of tea…?” 
“That sounds lovely,” says Martin. It sounds more than lovely, if it lets him spend more time with Jon; it sounds like the best idea in the world. 
Their hands are still clasped together as they walk to the front door, and Martin pauses, tugs on Jon’s hand to stop him too. 
“All right?” Jon asks with a tiny frown. 
“Just one more first date cliché I think we should respect,” he replies seriously. “The kiss on the doorstep.” 
He leans in, and Jon moves to meet him, and it’s just as soft and heart pounding as their first kiss on the riverbank. Jon gives him a little smile when they part.
“You know, the kiss on the doorstep usually signifies the end of the date,” he says, unlocking the door. “But in this case, I think we can break the tradition.”
“Sounds good to me,” Martin laughs, and follows him inside for tea.
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stygiantarot · 4 years
Modern Divination Methods
(originally taught in The Alexandria Archives on 4/9/2020) 
Divination is most certainly one of the oldest practices of witchcraft. Reading omens, trancing for prophecy/scrying, and using tools to read symbols or patterns have all been used in some form for practically as long as society has existed. Many people are familiar with the mainstream ones: Tarot, runes, tea leaves, scrying, etc. Last time I went over some more unusual methods. Today, in light of the current global situation having many person’s stuck in limited spaces with limited supplies, I thought we could touch on some modern methods. Most require nothing more than what you already have at your fingertips!
We will explore in some detail:
Shufflemancy: divination using randomized songs
Stichomancy: divination using passages in a volume of writing
Traffic omens: Modernizing weather style omen reading using things like cars, stoplights, types of buildings passed, etc.
We’ll also touch on a couple other ideas you might try expanding on:
Online Randomizer: Think like the old web extension Stumble upon or even those websites that give you random quotes, images, names, etc.
Social Media Image Scrying: using a collection of images online to select a particular one for interpretation.
Many of you have probably heard of this method, likely even tried it! Shufflemancy is the method of divination that uses a platform or application to randomize a selection/playlist of songs for interpretation. You can either just hit the shuffle button once and go with that initial song or you can incorporate a more personalized experience by having the querent choose a number of skips to hit. It can also be tailored by using specific playlists you’ve compiled or certain genre options on applications like Spotify or Pandora.
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You can expand on this with applications like Youtube to include videos. It’s my fantasy that platforms like Netflix or Hulu will come up with a “randomizer” or shuffle type option someday. It would be such a blast to play a random video and then use that for divination!
It’s important to take into account both the lyrics and the melody/mood of the music when your selection is being interpreted. If you aren’t sure if you’d be comfortable with that initially, I recommend building a “beginner’s” sort of playlist that is filled with songs you know very well and have personal feelings about. It makes the interpretation that much easier. Much like using a Tarot or Oracle deck that has art styles or characters you’re familiar with. You may also incorporate the visuals of a music video if there is one for the song. Shufflemancy usually works better for more expansive readings rather than just yes/no questions. Although you can sometimes get that sort of immediately “positive” or “negative” impression from many songs, assuming it doesn’t have both! 

This method is a therapeutic way to delve into some modern divination. The emotional and cathartic aspect can be soothing for both the reader and the querent. Not to mention the connection it builds as you share music between you. A feel good way to practice some divination with no physical tools beyond some technology access.
This method of divination, sometimes called bibliomancy, uses a book or similar volume of writing to select passages from to interpret. Most people use the page number as the way to select, telling the querent to select a number between the first and last page (and what the highest number possible is). But there are intuitive methods as well. Using the physical shuffling of pages until it feels right to stop rather than a selected number. I find the latter method more useful when reading for myself and the former method more cooperative when I’m reading for others.
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Like with shufflemancy, stichomancy is much affected by your personalizing of the tool. Use books you love! Use books that have specific genres for specific queries (a romance book for a relationship reading?). Use anthologies (short story or poetry collections) to get a variety of styles and language to work with. 

You can also use books that are more visual, like my headstone symbolism book pictured above. It makes the reading more akin to Tarot, but you can use captions to help expand on the interpretation. Practice trial and error with multiple books until you feel comfortable and confident that the results are accurate enough. The books I have in the photo I shared are the five I’m comfortable using in regular readings. I play with others for myself or specific queries for friends or family but often I’m not comfortable adding them to my regular repertoire. I have a series of dimestore style paperback mysteries that love to give readings for a dear friend but are useless in accuracy for anyone else. Books have personalities- if you didn’t already know that this method will teach you that fact quickly. You can also create your own specific stichomancy book using a notebook with numbered short passages and poems of that have significance to you. It can be an enriching process to collect all the passages to add to your own book and you can give them more specific and more easily remembered associations when compiling them yourself. Do remember to give proper credit/sourcing to all your collected passages though!

You don’t need the largest book possible to be effective with this method of divination. “Desperation” and “Chilling Ghost Short Stories” are my thickest books, but honestly I’ve gotten more insightful readings from my two slim fairy tale volumes. It’s truly a method you make your own. I have friends who prefer to exclusively use books of poetry rather than fictional prose. That is good too!
A note: don’t feel like you need to have a physical book- I’ve had some success with ebooks! It can be trickier to do the flip-through for sure, but not impossible.

Traffic Omens
I was probably about 8 years old when I first played the “If, Then” game. “If this next light turns green before we reach it, then I’ll get McDonalds for lunch.” A simple and almost childish game of course. But essentially, traffic omens. I expanded on it as I got older to include seeing certain makes and colors of cars during my commute. Or a certain number of common buildings like churches or banks. A type of architecture or statues featuring certain things. It can be as common or uncommon as your needs require.
This is a method that’s a little trickier to lay out for others in step-by-step ways because it is omen based and therefore requires you to select what works for your specific area/region, what type of commute based omens you feel comfortable noticing, what meanings they have for you, etc. And since this is omen-based, it isn’t exactly ideal for actively standard divination reading. It’s more ideal for a passive style, or personal predictions in your own life.
You can build a system that works for you and could predict luck in a career, prosperity in the home, or a new friend. I recommend starting a journal of the sort of “omens” you notice on your commute. Follow up with a short blurb about how your day went and how you felt. Then you can refer back to it and create the personal system from there. You can vary the more common with uncommon omens- just remember to ascribe the appropriate association. Seeing a certain number of bank buildings can be good for meaning an increase in general finances but you’d likely want something more uncommon like an usual make and model of a single car for snagging a dream job. You can also create variations for when you’re walking during your day instead of commuting!

A bit more involved but something interesting to experiment with in our modern society. And keep a bit of that childlike wonder!
Online Randomizer
Did you ever play with the web extension “Stumble Upon” back when it existed? The idea was that you installed it in whatever web browser you happened to be using and then clicked it to get directed to an entirely random website. Though it’s intention was obviously to curb boredom, it is definitely something interesting to try as a divination tool. Stumble Upon no longer exists (as far as I know), however there are similar extensions or webpages that let you do the same thing (this one comes to mind: https://theuselessweb.com). There is also options like Wikipedia’s “random article” ability that works along the same lines. This method is similar to stichomancy in that you’ll likely be working with text a lot of the time. But be aware of the medium you’re working with- a webpage is more than just a page in a book. What is its purpose? How well is it designed? What sort of visuals does it use? What emotional impressions do you get from it? It can start simple, but you can see the options are there for expanding an interpretation pretty elaborately. And again, a number of clicks can be incorporated if you like.
Multi-Image Scrying (Social Media Image Scrying)

It’s hard for me to come up with a concise name for this. But it’s possible you’ve come across persons doing this on various platforms like Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc. There is a selection of images in a format similar to a moldboard to view. The reader has a querent select an image that stands out to them and builds a reading based on the selection. Similar to a random draw from a Tarot or Oracle card with symbolism and art imagery lending itself to the interpretation. This can be great to try if you are into color symbolism or can easily see how certain artwork evokes certain emotions. Similar to what websites like Buzzfeed or the astro.com color chart quiz is! Almost like an alternative horoscope based on visual selections you are drawn to.
Be sure to ethically collect images for something like this if you plan on offering it to others. There are many websites that have royalty free images you can use for projects like this. Or you can even use ones you have yourself! These don’t have to be high art photographs, simple ones on your phone can absolutely work. The biggest goal is to make sure they are varied so a large amount of interpretation is possible.
There is a version of this using face down Tarot (or oracle) cards as well. You take a photo (or have video) of them face down and then have your querent select one at random without either of you knowing what it is. Then once you flip it over you can giving a reading based on that. It’s not especially different from a standard long distance Tarot reading except it can be used on a mass scale. For example, I’ve done this for my business Facebook or Instagram where I have a grid of numbered face down cards. Then I put the meanings of each card in the comments so someone can select the card before reading the comments and get a low-tech daily reading without an app.
Even though many of these methods evoke playful games of childhood, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have potential as a valid form of divination. Many forms of divination in the past started as games or ways to pass time before they were built into the forms of divination we know today. A modern technique may seem “sillier” to traditionalists but just like younger generations are proving the further reaching use of modern technology to previous generations; it is time to prove the modern forms of divination as valid to the traditionalists!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
E3: 20 Best and Worst Moments, Reveals, and Announcements
E3 may have started as an industry show designed to give developers and publishers the kind of public platform that they were previously denied, but over the years, it’s become clear that the show is really all about memorable moments.
It’s sometimes easy to confuse one E3 event for another or forget which games were revealed in which year, but the thing you never forget are those moments that nearly stopped the show. While said moments certainly include shocking reveals and incredible trailers, anyone who has watched E3 over the years knows that this event is also often defined by moments so bad that they bury themselves in your brain and refuse to leave.
From wonderful presenters who remind us why we love video games to the horrors of giving Jamie Kennedy a microphone, these are the best and worst E3 moments ever:
20. Konami’s Unbelievably Bad Press Conference (E3 2010)
Konami hasn’t exactly been at the top of their game lately, but with the possible exception of the Hideo Kojima fiasco, the company’s lowest public moment has to be this truly terrible E3 2010 press conference. 
It’s like Konami gave all of their presenters different drugs, a live microphone, and only the vaguest hint of what they were actually supposed to be talking about. Between the luchadors that start slapping each other for a few minutes and Thomas Nagano pretending that he had been decapitated, this conference is nearly impossible to watch if you’re at all opposed to acts of public speaking awkwardness.
19. Ikumi Nakamura Delights the World (E3 2019)
While it’s understandable that so many companies heavily script their E3 press conferences, that strategy sometimes results in the entire event coming across as frustratingly disingenuous. Nothing kills the buzz around a big new game quite like having to hear another executive dryly talk about quarterly reports and insider tech jargon.
That’s what makes Ikumi Nakamura’s speech during Bethesda’s E3 2019 conference so special. Nakamura may have described herself as “nervous,” but the energy that she brought to the stage that night can only be described as genuine. I don’t know why more speakers can’t have this much fun with their E3 presentations, but then again, most speakers aren’t Ikumi Nakamura.
18. Keanu Reeves Takes Our Breath Away (E3 2019)
The history of celebrity presenters at E3 is…not great. While most E3 celebrities try their best (with some notable exceptions we’ll discuss in a bit), it’s hard for them to shake the vibe that they are there for a paycheck and that we all just need to get through this together. 
Then there’s Keanu Reeves. Moments after the world learned that Reeves would play Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077, the star walked out onto the E3 2019 stage and received the kind of applause pop typically not heard outside of pro wrestling arenas. This was just the perfect combination of timing, star power, and delivery that most E3 celebrities couldn’t hope to match.
17. “Mr. Caffeine” Takes Awkward Presentations to a New Level (E3 2011)
Look, Aaron “Mr. Caffeine” Priceman might just be the worst E3 presenter ever. His strangely offensive humor and forced energy have inspired some to compare him to The Office’s Michael Scott, but that honestly gives this guy too much credit. There is not a moment of genuine entertainment to be found in his entire speech. 
What’s really fascinating about Priceman’s presentation all these years later, though, is the popular belief that Ubisoft or Priceman may have actively been trying to troll the audience for reasons that remain unknown. Maybe Priceman went rogue on the live mic, or maybe someone at Ubisoft just wanted to get fired. There just has to be an explanation for…whatever this was. 
16. Davide Soliani Reminds us Why We Love E3 (E3 2017)
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle may not have been the biggest reveal at E3 2017, but watching creative director Davide Soliani cry when Shigeru Miyamoto took the stage to praise him and the game he worked on will rightfully remain the most memorable moment from that event. 
While most of us would cry if Miyamoto addressed us during the biggest show of the year, the genuineness and suddenness of Soliani’s reaction really helped sell Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle in a way that no trailer or speech ever could have. It certainly didn’t hurt that the actual game eventually captured the joy of this pure moment. 
15. Microsoft’s Painfully Long Kinect Reveal (E3 2010)
You can’t talk about defining E3 moments without including at least one botched peripheral reveal, but which botched peripheral reveal to choose? Joe McHale awkwardly suffering through a game of Ubisoft’s Battle Tag? Sony almost sinking their brand with the infamous Wonderbook? Wii Music…Wii Music?
In the end, this honor goes to the Kinect reveal for the simple fact that Microsoft chose to devote so much of their 2010 E3 stage time to show off a device that clearly wasn’t ready for primetime. It’s one thing that the Kinect often didn’t work properly during the presentation – that’s fairly standard for E3 failures – but the moment that a parade of unenthusiastic participants bombarded the stage to participate in awkward white water rafting, fake popcorn eating, and extended yoga sessions, Microsoft ensured that everyone in attendance was not going to buy a Kinect out of sheer spite.
14. Gabe Newell Appears During Sony’s E3 Conference (E3 2010)
The word “surreal” has joined the likes of “epic” in the category of “Words that the people of the internet have collectively watered down.” Whereas surreal used to be used to describe a situation so out of the ordinary that it’s almost dreamlike, now surreal can be used to describe seeing someone eating a Whopper at McDonald’s.
So far as truly surreal E3 moments go, however, Gabe Newell’s 2010 appearance has to be near the top of the list. At a time when Valve was considered to be one of the most clandestine game studios in the world, the god of the PC master race himself took the stage at a Sony press conference of all things to announce that Portal 2 was coming to the PlayStation 3. While the sight of Gabe at E3 on a competitor’s stage was odd enough, this moment has only become even more surreal as time wears on and Valve slowly shuffles away from the whole game development thing.
13. Bethesda Hosts the Perfect Press Conference (E3 2015)
While non-console manufacturers getting their own E3 conference wasn’t entirely unheard of by the time that Bethesda took the stage at E3 2015, it was a bit unusual for all but the industry’s most powerful manufacturers to get their own stage time at the biggest event of the year. Sure, Bethesda was a fairly beloved game developer, but an entire E3 press conference devoted to the studio? How was that going to work?
Bethesda showed everyone exactly how it was going to work by pulling off what could arguably be described as the perfect E3 press conference. It began with shockingly good footage of Doom, continued with the much-anticipated debut of Dishonored 2, and concluded with a Fallout 4 reveal that was made all the more shocking by the announcement that the game would be released in a few months. Bethesda’s 2015 presentation set a new gold standard for game-focused conferences and proved that the right studio could steal the show from anyone.
12. Reggie Fils-Aime Introduces Himself to the Gaming World (E3 2004)
It’s not that there hadn’t been memorable Nintendo E3 moments before 2004, but rather that many of the studio’s most memorable E3 moments earned that distinction for all the wrong reasons. Nintendo had long struggled to properly present themselves within the constraints of the E3 format while Sony and Microsoft were well on their way to mastering the subtle art of the E3 press conference.
That all changed the very moment that Reggie Fils-Aime kicked off Nintendo’s E3 2004 press conference by saying, “My name is Reggie. I’m about kicking ass, I’m about taking names, and we’re about making games.” Fils-Aime gave Nintendo an undeniably charismatic on-stage presence that none of their previous E3 conferences had benefited from. While many of Reggie’s quips would go on to become internet memes (most notably, “My body is ready”) there is no denying that he became the centerpiece for one of the greatest E3 presentations any major studio has ever given.
11. Kevin Butler Delivers the Only Funny Presentation in E3 History (E3 2010)
For a brief period of time, the world got to enjoy the genius that was the Kevin Butler marketing campaign. For those who don’t remember, Kevin Butler was a fictional PlayStation executive who starred in a series of commercials that featured him answering various questions from PlayStation fans. They were genuinely funny and clever adverts that broke the mold of awkward video game commercials in a big way.
While actor Jerry Lambert’s appearance at E3 2010 as the one and only Kevin Butler could have been an utter disaster, it instead turned out to be one of the few attempts at a funny E3 presentation that was actually funny. Actually, it might be the only comedic E3 presentation to not completely bomb. Butler quip that “Gaming is having a ridiculously huge TV in a tiny one-bedroom apartment” and still lives in infamy.
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10. Jamie Kennedy Secures His Status As the Worst E3 Celebrity Presenter Ever (E3 2007)
On the complete opposite end of the Kevin Butler presentation, we have Mr. Jamie Kennedy. Now, some of you fortunate souls may have never heard of Kennedy. If that is the case, just know that Kennedy was a self-stylized comedian who specialized in mocking other people. For instance, if he noticed you were a larger individual, he may make a remark about your excess fat and proceed to make a 50-year-old observation about how it could affect your daily life. He presumably made millions of dollars doing this.
Kennedy’s career low point may be the moment that he drunkenly took the stage at Activision’s E3 2007 conference and proceeded to put on a miniature comedy spectacle that only those with an abnormal tolerance for awkward comedy will ever be able to watch in full. It was bad enough that Kennedy wasn’t funny (“Neversoft…wasn’t that the first name for Viagra?”), but when he resorted to insulting the audience and industry, he ensured that he would become the gold standard for awkward E3 celebrity presenters.
9. The Final Fantasy VII Remake Genuinely Surprises Millions (E3 2015)
At a certain point, video game wishes turn into inside jokes. The most obvious example of this phenomenon is certainly Half-Life 3, but there are many games which fans dream of and talk about for so long that they eventually become memes. For years, Final Fantasy VII‘s remake was such a game. Square Enix had used footage of such a title as part of a tech demo, but fans long stopped believing the studio would actually make it.
That is until E3 2015 when Final Fantasy fans across the world were suddenly looking at a very real remake of Final Fantasy VII. This is a deceivingly simple moment in the history of E3 that is amplified by just how rare it is for a game like Final Fantasy VII to actually appear at E3. While the remake still isn’t out yet – which is rarely a great sign – the moment of the reveal itself really summarizes why E3 is sometimes a very special event
8. Half-Life 2 Exceeds Impossible Expectations (E3 2003)
In 2003, Half-Life 2 was about as mythical to the average gamer as Half-Life 3 is now. Most people knew that Valve was going to release a new Half-Life, but few felt that there was any chance of the sequel surpassing the standard the original had set. Half-Life was one of the most revolutionary games ever made. To convince everyone that Half-Life 2 was going to be just as special, Valve would have needed to put together quite the presentation.
So, that’s what they did. The first Half-Life 2 footage showcased things that gamers simply had never seen before. True physics-based combat, the innovative gravity gun, A.I. that felt dynamic, and seamless cinematic storytelling all highlighted a roughly 20-minute video that left gamers feeling like they’d just seen the exciting future of the industry play out before their eyes. It’s everything you hope a major game reveal will be.
7. A Single Battle Nearly Determines the Xbox One/PlayStation 4 Console War (E3 2013)
At E3 2013, Microsoft and Sony were scheduled to reveal their respective next-gen consoles. Microsoft, who was coming off the wildly successful Xbox 360, kicked off the festivities with an Xbox One presentation that many have since described as the company’s biggest failure. The initial Xbox One design was not only expensive and reliant on the controversial Kinect but required users to always be online, wasn’t backward compatible, and may or may not have allowed people to play used games. It was a spectacular PR disaster.
Sony followed that up with a PS4 reveal that was simply sublime. Not only was the PlayStation 4 cheaper than the Xbox One, but Sony even modified its planned conference in ways that allowed them to take plenty of shots at Microsoft’s failed Xbox One reveal. It was a presentation designed to please the masses and it succeeded in every way possible. While many E3s feature console war battles, few battles have ever ended up dictating the success of individual consoles quite the way that this one did.
6. For Better and Worse, the Halo 2 Reveal Sets a New Standard (E3 2003)
You had to be around for Halo to truly appreciate what Halo meant. Halo not only gave millions a reason to buy the Xbox; it showed those same gamers that consoles could offer up a first-person shooter experience largely free from compromise. It was a unique title that became a true phenomenon in a matter of weeks. Needless to say, the hype surrounding an eventual sequel was at a fevered pitch by the time E3 2003 rolled around.
The Halo 2 reveal represents the good and bad of E3 game reveals. The good is obviously the moment of the reveal itself. The first footage of Halo 2 received an audible “pop” of applause typically reserved for major moments during championship games. It was a wave of relief and anticipation just gushing out at full force. On the bad side of things is what happened after the incredible footage aired. Bungie later admitted that they could not replicate the footage that they showed at E3 and had to basically rebuild Halo 2 from scratch. The success of the Halo 2 reveal and the unreasonable hype it generated has come to be all too typical.
5. The Zelda: Twilight Princess Trailer Caps off Nintendo’s Greatest E3 Presentation (E3 2004)
It’s easy to make fun of Nintendo. Fun, too. For instance, one could say something like, “Why did Nintendo cross the road? Because it was the least efficient way possible of getting to where they were going.” For as many, many mistakes as Nintendo has made at E3 over the years, the company’s 2004 presentation stands as the company’s one perfect presentation. Not only did it feature the aforementioned Reggie Fils-Aime introduction, but it introduced gamers to the Nintendo DS (arguably the greatest handheld gaming device ever made) and even offered up the first public reference to the console that would become the Nintendo Wii.
However, the best was certainly saved for last. At a time when many Zelda fans were still upset that Nintendo had abandoned a more mature style of Zelda game in favor of Wind Waker’s Saturday morning cartoon visuals, Nintendo came along and debuted the decidedly mature and dark first trailer for Twilight Princess. The reveal was topped off by Shigeru Miyamoto gracing the stage with shield and sword gleefully in hand. It was the kind of moment that only Nintendo could deliver.
4. Killzone 2’s First Footage Kicks Off 12+ Years of Trailer Controversy (E3 2005)
In many ways, E3 is about hope. Those that watch it are certainly hoping they will see great games revealed for the first time, but they also hope that E3 will show them something entirely unexpected. Not a game or a console necessarily, but rather a brief glimpse into an unimaginable future. In 2005, Sony offered that window into the future when they revealed the first trailer for Killzone 2. To say that Killzone 2 looked better than any other game on the market at that time would be a drastic understatement. Killzone 2 looked like it was hand-delivered from 10 years into the future.
Actually, that’s not too far off. Right after the Killzone 2 footage stopped rolling, speculation concerning the authenticity of the footage began. The conversation that followed included phrases like “in-engine footage” that have now become all too commonplace in a world where doctored trailers are perfectly normal. For better or worse, the Killzone 2 footage was a true innovator.
3. Sony Almost Kills the PlayStation Brand with One Awful Presentation (E3 2006)
We’ve picked on Microsoft’s bad E3 presentations a couple of times throughout this list – with good reason, mind you – but in the interest of complete fairness, let’s talk about why no company’s E3 presentation will ever be quite as disastrous as Sony’s E3 2006 spectacular. Sony’s 2006 E3 conference revolved around the formal reveal of the PlayStation 3. Given that the PlayStation 2 was far and away the world’s most popular console, the reveal of the PlayStation 3 should have been a simple way for Sony to retain its market dominance.
Instead, they seemingly went out of their way to sink the PlayStation name. It began humbly enough with the reveal of the PlayStation 3’s gaudy $599 price point (for the top tier model) and continued when the Genji development team promised to show us a game based on authentic Japanese history before revealing footage of players attacking a giant enemy crab’s glowing weak point for massive damage. This is also the conference that gave us the “Riiiiiiddddgggee Racer!” meme, the world’s dullest tech footage, and the promise of a gimmick-free console that was immediately undone by the introduction of three or four major console gimmicks.
2. Metal Gear Solid 2 Makes Games the Star of E3 (E3 2000)
In its early days, E3 was much more of a traditional industry trade show. While early E3 conventions featured occasional surprises, big announcements, and all the usual spectacle, the first E3 shows didn’t really emphasize the excitement of individual game reveals. Generally speaking, technology and industry ruled the day.
In many ways, Metal Gear Solid 2 changed that dynamic. The Metal Gear Solid 2 trailer shown at E3 2000 was long (over 19 minutes), traditionally cinematic, and entirely devoid of developer voiceover. It wasn’t quite the kind of trailer you’d expect to precede the release of a major film, but it was certainly different from any game trailer released before it. Even people who didn’t care about Metal Gear Solid walked away from the event talking about this footage. From that point on, developers knew that a single game could dominate E3 headlines.
1. Sony Establishes Two Dynasties with a Single Number (E3 1995)
In some ways, it’s appropriate that the very first E3 featured the definitive E3 moment. Then again, given how much E3 has evolved over the years, it’s also somewhat surprising that no moment has ever topped this showstopping reveal.
It began with the Sega Saturn. Sega took to the humble E3 1995 stage and debuted a sizzle reel of all the great things the Sega Saturn could do and how it would change the world forever. It was your standard E3 presentation complete with awkward live-action segments. Shortly thereafter, a Sega exec informed those in attendance that they could purchase the Sega Saturn right now for the low price of $399. He then confidently exited the stage at which point the gentleman from Sony took to the platform, said “$299,” and exited. By undercutting the Sega Saturn by $100, Sony sealed the fate of the Sega Saturn in North America. In the process, they kicked off an entirely new era of gaming and established E3 as the one must-watch show every year.
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sayhello2-heaven · 4 years
Windows 10 evaluation : hands on with Windows 10 – the constructive return of the Start Menu and different Desktop UI options
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Windows 10 overview: what’s Windows 10?
Microsoft in late 2014 took the wraps off the Technical Preview of its subsequent Windows working system, and in doing so it took everybody abruptly. We anticipated the following era of Windows: we simply did not anticipate it to be referred to as Windows 10. None the much less right here is Windows 10: the following Windows OS for PCs and laptops, smartphones and tablets . And, certainly, an OS for servers and all factors inbetween.
Microsoft execs said that Windows 10 would be built from the ground up for a world in which mobile- and cloud computing are key. They also told us that Microsoft was committed to making Windows 10 friendly for the enterprise, ideal for keyboard and mouse users, but also optimised for touch. Oh, and Windows 10 will put the same interface on devices with displays ranging in size from 4in to 80in. ‘One product family, one platform, one store,’ says Microsoft.
Given the lukewarm reaction to compromised Windows 8, these seem like bold claims. They are probably necessary.
Also necessary is Microsoft’s decision to make Windows 10 the most beta-tested product it has ever released. Windows 10 Technical Preview will be available to everyone who wants to test it from today – October 1 2014. Given that we don’t expect it to launch until the middle of next year, that is a longer test period than we have previously seen. And the version of Windows that Microsoft is sharing is very far from the final code. Microsoft tells us to expect the Charms to change, for instance.
Critically the Start Menu contains standard Windows software and Windows Apps. Modern UI apps. So you can use those apps from within the Desktop area. Hopefully this removes some of the pointless division in Windows on X86 systems. It should also help Microsoft make good on its claim that Windows 10 will feel familiar to Windows 7 users. But we are a long way from that just now.
All of which means that this article is very far from a final Windows 10 review. More of a flavour of what to expect. As yet there is no music, IE or video to be found. We’re guessing that won’t be the case come launch in 2015. We brought you live coverage of the Windows 10 launch event, and our colleague Mark Hachman – he works for our sister title PCWorld.com – spent some time getting hands on with Windows 10 Technical Preview, and gave us detailed thoughts on some of the new features. We share some of them here with you in no particular order. You can get all the hard facts on Windows 10 in our article: Windows 10 release date, price, features. The next version of Windows will run on everything: smartphones, tablets, laptops and PCs.
Windows 10 review: search improvements
Personally I think that universal search in Windows 8 is a much-undervalued feature. Searching to load up apps and files is much more efficient than navigating via apps and file systems. And going by the Technical Preview Microsoft has made strides in this area.
Because, quite simply, Windows 10 sees a search button added to the taskbar. This in one important move one of the few important aspects of the Windows 8 Start page is pulled into the Desktop. Microsoft officials tell us that Search and File Explorer now displays your recent files and frequently visited folders. This should make finding files you’ve worked on faster and easier. It’s difficult to test this on a demo machine, but we look forward to trying it out on the Technical Preview just as soon as we can get it installed.
Windows 10 review: Snap Assist and windowed apps
With Snap Assist every app in Windows 10 can be dynamically resized in a window. And unlike in Windows 8 – where a snapped app takes up half the screen – with Windows 10 up to four apps can be snapped per screen. This has the potential to be a killer productivity app – true multitasking in a single window.
Even better, Snap a document to one side of the screen, and Snap Assist will suggest others that you may wish to open. Snap an app and Windows 10 suggests another, similar app that you might want to snap next to it. Mark was impressed with his brief test: “The feature is intended to save you the hassle of hunting about through menus to actually construct a virtual desktop. Time will tell whether these suggestions will prove useful, but it’s a good start.
“You can see, however, that a number of different features – Snap Assist, windowed apps, virtual desktops – all flow somewhat organically into one another. I’m honestly interested to see what difference they make in my own daily workflow.”
Windows 10 review: the all-new Start Menu
Now we get on to the big stuff. The Start Menu is back, back, back baby. But this time it is improved, and it may even make Windows apps useful. Look to the left and you’ll see a list of frequently used apps and shortcuts to PC settings. Here you will also find documents and pictures folders. At the bottom we see an ‘All apps’ shortcut.
And Microsoft has retained the functionality of the Windows 8 Start screen over on the right, with resizeable Live Tiles so that you can immediately check unread mail or Calender appointments. The Start Menu is customisable – you can resize it, and rearrange the tabs, You can also revert to the Windows 8 Start page, should you wish to. Who will wish to?
Mark wasn’t impressed with the Windows 10 Start Menu’s looks, but he can see the beauty within: “Aesthetically, it looks like someone surgically conjoined the Windows 7 and Windows 8 experience. Move past that inelegance, however, and it’s darn useful.”
Windows 10 review: Task View, virtual desktops, ALT-TAB
Another useful and visual productivity enhancer is the way that Task View allows you to create a kind of multi-monitor setup within a single monitor. As with previous versions of Windows you can use ALT-TAB to quickly shuffle between windows. The killer difference here is the new Task View button. Third from the left in the Windows Taskbar is the Task View button. Press it – or hit Windows TAB – and you will see an array of ‘virtual desktops’, virtual displays into which you can snap multiple apps. So you could keep your email and web browser on one Desktop that you hide away when you are working on an Excel spreadsheet.
Potentially a very useful feature.
Buying Advice
It is clearly much too early to give a verdict on Windows 10. We applaud Microsoft’s commitment to user-driven testing of Windows 10, and are excited about the possibility of fixing some of the problems with Windows 8 – particularly on the Desktop. We are a long way from being able to praise Windows 10, but the start is good. And, yes, that is in part because the Start Menu is good. You ca get an amazing discount for windows 10 product key at DigitBrew.com.
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isthisthingeven0n · 6 years
the series - part three : d.d
this has been so much fun to write so far and explore the depths of a series that doesn’t exist... yet??  thank you for all the support on this so far, and for understanding that this is kinda my main focus currently in terms of writing. other things are coming- just a bit more of a delay thats all :)
one / two / three / four / ending
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Seven days ago everything I thought I knew is no longer true. 
I thought my boyfriend was someone completely different. I thought I was happy in my life with those around me. 
But now I’m wondering if everything I’ve been told is a lie. 
Tomorrow Shane is releasing part three for his series with David. At this point I feel like I’m chained to my TV, my phone is something I avoid glancing over at as I keep it face down on my kitchen counter. I don’t want to hear excuses, I don’t want to see his apologies or how he’s feeling from our friends. 
Right now all I want is to know the truth, and deal with the repercussions this will have on me. 
“How you managing?” I sip at my tea, trying to push back any emotions I’ve been drowning in over the course of a week. She raises her eyebrow as I avoid her gaze. “Y/n, I’ve known you for long enough to know you’re not okay.” 
I sigh loudly, defeated. “How did you know you weren’t in a good place with them?” I ask, now directly looking at her. 
She takes it in, and processes the question. I watch her fidget with her nails, and tuck her short hair behind her ear only for it to fall back in her face again. “I just didn’t feel connected anymore.” She states and I nod, knowing exactly what she means. “Shit happens, and I realised who was going to be there for me, and who wasn’t at the end of the day.” 
“Like with the whole Ricegum shit?” I ask, and she nods. 
“This sounds identical to my interview with Shane.” She laughs, and I remain quiet. I watch her hand reach out to mine, and I see it rest there but I can’t feel it. I’m numb. “Y/n, if there was anything I knew that I could tell you, you know I would.” She states and I nod. 
“I know you would. But Gabbie, do you know what Liza was on about with Shane?” She retracts her hand, and rests it around her other arm anxiously. 
“I wasn’t there, so I don’t know all the details. But I know there was an accident, and a few people got hurt.” 
I swallow hard. “Did, did someone, did someone die?” I force the words out of my mouth, and blink back the tears that form too easily at this point. 
She shakes her head, and I let the tears fall in relief. “No one died. But, people got hurt, bad.” 
I’ve waited until it’s dark out. I know he won’t bother me now. He’s left me alone this long, he can wait a bit longer until I’ve seen my best friends side of things, a side she’s never really told me. 
The video starts with fans, content creators, commentary and drama channels chiming in on what they think of the series so far. Some don’t shy away from the backlash from fans, and others comment on my input on this so far. 
I see my face appear, a picture from my Instagram of the two of us. It was our most candid moment in Rome, I was so happy, I was so naive. 
“Why is Y/n taking a break from social media? Maybe the truth about David and Liza’s relationship was just too much to take or account for after all.” One voice speaks over a series of clips, comparing Liza and David to us now. 
The comparisons make my skin crawl. We are two entirely different people. 
I watch as the camera cuts to Shane sat down, he looks exhausted. “Well, a lot has happened that I didn’t anticipate in the past three days since we released part two.” He half laughs, as tweets and articles slide across the screen with a mix of hate and confusion as to what this series even is. 
“What do you want to do?” Andrew asks and Shane shakes his head.
“I mean, I didn’t go into this with a clear direction. But, all I know is that I want to explore who he is according to those around him. His girlfriend, his ex girlfriend, his best friends and his old friends too.” We all come up on the screen, and then lastly, Gabbie. 
A video montage plays of her featured in vines with David, and then videos she filmed with Liza and David. I see myself appear from vlogs with her, some dating to the past few months. “So, despite her not being friends with the vlogsquad, she’s still friends with Y/n?” Andrew asks and Shane tries to process what he just said. I faintly laugh to myself, realising how dumb it all sounds aloud. 
“I mean, if Y/n and Gabbie are really friends, how do they not address the massive elephant that follows them everywhere- and I don’t mean me, cause I’m not usually invited.” 
I shuffle on the spot, itching to grab my phone and see if he’s said anything. But I resist the urge as I pick up my water and resume the video. 
“I’ve known Gabbie for years. We’ve got an interesting relationship?” Shane tells the camera slightly perplexed. 
Andrew chuckles from behind the camera. “That’s one way to put it.”
“True. But besides that, we’ve been through some tough times together and she is her element. I mean, she’s got her music, her book, her channel all of it. It’s all working for her.” He lists off her accomplishments as photos appear of her transformation over the past few years, one that still amazes me every time I see her. “Yet, she’s never been more broken.” He states, flashing to a video of her having a breakdown, one I knew about all too well.
I remember she phoned me that night. She was done, she had had enough of everyone and everything. She didn’t know what to do, she was having a panic attack and she spiralled. I drove straight there and we sat on her floor for hours.
Forcing the memory back I focus on the video.
“So, we’re heading over to Gabbie’s now.” Shane tells the camera and then pauses, leaning against his table. “Oh my god, this is like a cute reunion for you guys.” Shane gasps, and it clicks. Gabbie and Andrew were friends.
A nervous laugh sounds from behind the camera. “Wow, I kinda didn’t see it as that, but yeah, I guess it is.”
“If it all goes well could have a date in store for you.” Shane nudges Andrew and he makes an incoherent noise between laughs. The camera cuts off, and the title sequence plays.
I try to ignore the happy grin on David’s face, as now I wonder if it is actually real or a good act he kept up.
When the camera turns back on, Shane has settled down with Gabbie who wears a bright smile on her face. One I know is her nervous smile. “So, we’ve had a catch up and talked off camera, cause well,” Shane looks to Gabbie who just nods. 
“Yeah, we had a shit ton to talk about.” She laughs and Shane dead pans the camera. “But it’s all good. Well, not why you’re hear but yeah.” She’s rambling, she’s doing a signature nervous Gabbie. 
“Come on Gabs.” I whisper to myself, wanting to hear what she has to say. I need to know if there’s more to all of this after all. 
I tried to piece together what was in the last video and what Gabbie told me already. 
An accident, someone, or multiple people got hurt. No one died, but it was bad. David was involved, and so was Liza. Gabbie was not present. 
Whatever it is, it’s haunting all of them in some way shape or form. 
“So, you knew David and everyone else from your Vine days?” Shane asks and Gabbie nods. 
“Yeah, it’s weird thinking back to those days. I just feel like YouTube has been my platform for so long now, it’s weird.” She explains about Vine, and how diverse it was to YouTube. “I’ve changed a lot since then, but I feel like some of them haven’t. I’m not naming names, as there is no point making drama or dragging anyone because of this. I just didn’t feel comfortable with all of them like I once did.” She states, and I nod along with Shane through the screen. 
“Did you feel as if you outgrew the squad?” He asks and then laughs to himself. “Sorry, still trying to take all of the ‘squad’ names seriously.” 
She chuckles before answering. “Yeah, kinda. I just didn’t feel the support was a two way street. I looked out for them, but I didn’t seem to get it back. It made me feel like I was just someone there in the background who wasn’t necessary.” She states and her joyful expression initially has died down, revealing how she really feels. 
Watching her talk about those I spend all my time with makes my heart ache. Clips play comparisons of her a few years back with everyone to her now, filming more on her own or with new friends where she is laughing. It’s not all a negative comparison, it’s more honest. 
“So there wasn’t any particular reason why you just drifted from them all?” Shane asks and Gabbie sighs. He knows more than she thinks. “Cause Liza told us about the incident.” 
Gabbie’s eyes widen. She looks to Shane who places his hand on hers and squeezes it lightly. “Can you, or are you able to talk about it a bit more?” He asks and she bites her lip, clearly hesitant to even mention it. 
“I honestly do not know.” She explains. “What happened was something I wasn’t involved in. Like, when it happened I wasn’t there, but I heard all about it. I was involved in the aftermath of it all and it was kinda like ‘keep quiet or you lose everything you’ve worked for.’“ 
Shane’s mouth drops. “Wait really?” He asks and she simply nods. 
“It was not good publicity whatsoever. Like, some people would not have the careers they have if it got out.” She says bluntly. 
“Okay, we’re going to talk a bit off camera, and then we’ll come back later.” Shane motions to Andrew who lowers his camera, Gabbie takes one last glance into the lens before it goes black. 
Standing up I listen to them talking in the background, he’s asking about her music, the meanings behind some of her songs and the influences they’ve had. 
I grab my phone, ignoring the typhoon of notifications and open my messages. I bypass everyone’s pleas and type a simple message to him. 
we need to talk. 
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medakakurokami · 7 years
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I see a lot of people complaining about the PSN eShop and that one post going around comparing it and Xbone’s online marketplace unfavorably to Nintendo’s eShop and while it’s true that the NA PSN store is a boring blue mess filled with clutterware and the worst designed search function on the planet, it should be said that the Japanese PSN store for every time I’ve gone on it to download a demo or even just to see what’s up the storefront is always colorful and fresh as shit with games coming out of every orifice. A quick move right on the D-pad and suddenly I’m looking at high resolution artwork with integrated links to multiple game’s store pages while either a trailer or tracks from the game’s soundtrack start playing depending on whatever’s being advertised. The menu is sprawled with games by their recognizeable characters and logos and aren’t shuffled around menial apps and video and streaming fluff. And despite everything that’s going on it never takes me more than a minute to find what I’m looking for (admittedly knowing Katakana helps out) and honestly some times just end up shopping while not even being able to read most the shit, all the while contemplating getting a Japanese PSN Yen card.
So yeah, the NA PSN store is boring and full of apps fit for a Roku that nobody cares about. Except they do, because a large majority western audience buys these new consoles strictly for big selling annual releases (FIFA/MADDEN/Battlefield/CoD) as well as a few key titles, but mostly to have an all-in-one streaming/blu ray/gaming music device in their living rooms that just offer that one extra feature that Roku’s can’t give:gaming(and generally better reliability than Roku devices with internet connection and app stability)
So what NA PSN is obviously concerned with it’s true they aren’t “games first”. They’re “money first”. And they sell an all-in-one home entertainment console rather than simply a gaming platform. But Sony of Japan and Nintendo also aren’t “games first” companies. They too are “money first” companies. They sell games. So they put games on their storefront.
Now in the sense that “yeah but Nintendo’s shop is incredibly simple and too the point, they don’t need flashy advertising, their games sell themselves”. Well not really. Nintendo advertises the shit out of their games there’s hundreds of TV and internet ads and crossover promotions happening all the time the games dont sell themselves there are people working very hard at Nintendo to remind their broader audience they have fresh Mario games coming out. The shops are so simple for that very reason, the broad demographic, Nintendo regularly bases its designs around massive usability so that anyone from 5 years old to 80 years old can pick it up and understand it.
If you want to praise Nintendo for THAT go ahead it’s what they’re good at, but I don’t like people assuming Nintendo has reached some higher understanding of “games first” enlightenment when they’re just doing what everyone’s doing. Everyone is putting out their most viable products in a very specifically marketted way, and they’re all really good at it and they all occasionally make huge mistakes. Sony and Nintendo can argue between whether or not No Man’s Sky or the Wii U was a bigger waste of resources.
Now for Xbone
I really dont know wtf goes on with Xbone does anybody?
Fuckin… cuphead
It was really good
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saraalexandrablr · 4 years
Why search engine optimization is important for manufacturing businesses
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Production presently money owed for over 10 percent of the u. S. Financial system—but this critical contributor to our gdp is going through a few modifications. Greater manufacturing businesses are attracting clients on line than ever earlier than, so an understanding of the way to effectively market your goods or offerings inside the virtual sphere is now of the essence. It have to come as no marvel that b2b advertising requires a exclusive method than b2c. Nevertheless, share some key ideas, one being seo (search engine optimization). B2b advertising techniques may also appear quite as intuitive as a b2c Digital Marketing Company in Minneapolis campaign might, but trust us—they’re simply as precious. Allow’s study the perks of investing in search engine optimization as a manufacturer. Long-term advantages of search engine optimization for manufacturers the net may additionally look like an exceptionally transitory region at the start look—there are about 1. 7 billion web sites today, with extra being created every minute—but sustained attempt poured into a smart search engine optimization approach will produce lasting outcomes ultimately. Right here’s what production groups working with search engine optimization can expect. Gaining access to lengthy-term client search facts
google is an analytics powerhouse; the business enterprise is constantly undertaking research and improvement exams at the who, what, when, in which, and why of what receives clicks. The google set of rules evolves with patron seek developments, specially in the event that they’re looking for a selected key-word. In brief, the more you refine your search engine optimization strategy and isolate the phrases that talk on your target market, the extra google’s algorithm will shuffle to your desire, with time and research. If there are specific products, services, or procedures you need your enterprise to rank for, seo can help your web site upward push through the search engines like google and yahoo (search engine results pages).
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Staying ahead of the opposition this one’s a given. In case you’re running with critical merchandise or materials, you don’t want to convince an audience that they need what you’re promoting—your activity is to convince them that they want your business enterprise mainly. That would involve the whole lot from keeping apart your particular cost proposition to growing your organic site visitors. Whatever the case, in case you need to hold a leg up at the competition, a strong seo strategy isn’t just essential; it’s essential. Fortuitously, there are multiple approaches to put in force search engine optimization tactics. Now not most effective can you execute a approach on your employer internet site; you could additionally pop the ones keywords into posts across your various social media systems. You can even consider pairing with a good news outlet to get the word out approximately all of your production group has to offer. You don’t should be a company behemoth to outperform your competition—you simply should be savvy to the ways your content material appears on those online platforms.
Becoming an expert in your enterprise  the higher your manufacturing enterprise ranks, the much more likely it's miles that you’ll be visible as an expert on your discipline, even by distinctive feature of actually acting greater regularly than others. Of route, you’ll want to ensure your offerings stay as much as the hype, so constantly refining that search engine optimization content material to mirror your message and offerings is a great way to stay credible and sincere. Some other component of remaining an expert to your enterprise is usually attractive along with your consumers—i. E., figuring out what they’re searching for, what they want from you, how you may excellent assist them, and so on. Seo lets in you to music and reply to all of these things and more. Committing to monitoring all of this data, and from there, becoming an authority for your discipline, takes time and effort. Even in case Digital Marketing Companies in Indianapolis crew is constantly churning out applicable content and uncovering new key phrases, there’s no guarantee you’ll hold your primary seek spot for all time. But often taking the time to review what phrases and terms talk on your customers will go an extended manner towards creating a name for yourself within the virtual sphere. Meeting—and exceeding—virtual expectations.
Many manufacturers don’t make an effort to invest in search engine optimization, actually due to the fact they don’t believe they've lots opposition. As a end result, b2b marketing remains something of a niche pursuit inside the industry. Many production web sites are pretty bland-searching and don’t have a whole lot of value behind them—meaning that it's going to just take the proper strategy to outrank them. Need to get different producers to no longer handiest read your content but additionally have interaction with it? Accompany those seo key phrases with an fascinating writing fashion and insights that could’t be determined anywhere else on-line, perhaps inside the shape of a weekly blog submit. Search engine optimization approaches help to direct your capability clients on your web page, and the written content material surrounding those key phrases is what receives them to live. While used efficaciously, those techniques will make your manufacturing commercial enterprise a virtual powerhouse that without a doubt, honestly exceeds customer expectations.
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