#that other guy had some good whump too with the tracker in his neck
fart-gate · 3 years
Season 5 episode 9
Notes by me
- t shirt Rodney within the first minute?? Dont mind if I do
- hes volunteering so he can hang out with keller awwww
- is this jealous!john I see...
- "a kinder,gentler McKay..." Youre already kind!!!! In your own way
- ronons going too!!
- is this supposed to make me question whos she gonna pick or something. Pls dont pit Rodney and ronon against each other...come on writers.....this trope is way over done.
- if they werent cowards they would make it poly
- but this is great bc I get rodney/keller content AND ronon/keller content. Which I am digging both (ronon/Rodney is a given)
- this is also pleasing my need for Body Guard Ronon content 👍
- lunch date!
- kidnapped! I love hearing them call her jennifer ❤
- panic!Rodney
- they skipped the theme 😡
- shes aliveeeee
- theres a strange man....his arm band looks familiar? Like goauldish?🤔
- tracker!ronon
- "footprints appeared out of nowhere...like they dropped out of the sky" beaming tech maybe?
- I love determined ronon
- oh shit rodney hide
- WRAITH!!!!!
- when he yells for ronon while running 👌👌👌
- this is so intense
- scared!Rodney
- Body Guard Ronon is making my day
- a hunter? That means that the guy that has keller is a runner
- hope you didnt need that head buddy #decapitated
- why did she think running would work. The guy can literally teleport
- Rodney and ronon content is literally all I needed. I can die happy now
- he IS a runner
- I'm having such a good time folks. I love episodes when its just two characters but when its Rodney and ronon together ......im ascending
- tracker!ronon is hot
- Rodney trying to figure it out lol
- ya know this guy is actually kinda nice? Like hes not a huge asshole or anything
- Rodney hopping on one foot while shooting a gun
- good idea Rodney use the wraith tracker thingy. I didnt even think of that
- ungrateful!ronon
- hes got someone that needs a doctor!!! So he IS nice
- Rodney and ronon *constant bickering*
- the tracker is fused to his brain stem. This is fucked up :(
- I guess ronon got lucky with his tracker
- the shot of Rodney and ronon laying underneath the swinging Spiked Log 👌
- a little girl? Maybe his daughter?
- ok I guess not
- he took care of her after her whole village was killed......
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- take her to atlantis! Theres probably some tech that could disable his tracker too
- omg he made her a doll. He was MEANT to be her dad 😭😭😭
- "hes not mean. He just pretends to be"
"I know someone like that"
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- ok but she could literally be talking about either of Rodney or ronon. Like which one.....blease....blease tell me I need to know....
- I gotta admit. This guys kinda hot
- oh nice keller! Get knifed bitch!
- "take her to atlantis" I just said that
- "fry the circuits" you mean the circuits connected to his brain?Those circuits???
- when he takes his shirt off and theres a shit ton of scars
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- just like what ronon had :(
- omg it worked
- ah shit is he dead
- HE LIVES!!!!
- "successfully fried the sucker" FUCK YEAAAHHHH
- oohhh we get to keep the teleporter!
- how smug ronon is when he noticed that keller dragged the guy all the way from the cave
- Ronon YEETS himself at this Poor Man
- when she says please stop and thats all it took for ronon to put his gun down 💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💕💗 LOYALTY
- my 2 runners knowing they need each other 😭😭😭😍😍😍
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- "shoot him!" "I will!" Battle couple
- I N T E N S E
- runner bonding😭😭😭❤❤ this is dredging up a bunch of old emotional scars and memories for ronon
- he just sacrificed himself! 😩 And he took the teleporter thing :(
- ronon just lost his new friend
- soft!ronon gives her the doll 😊
- ronon still has feelings for keller???? Where have they been hiding huh??? Its been like a whole season since weve seen those two have a conversation
- "may the best man win" ITS NOT A GAME GUYS JEEZ
- I hope we see that man again. I kinda love him now.
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actress4him · 3 years
Querencia 7 - Breakfast
I originally thought this would be fluff with a sprinkling of angst, but it’s more like vice versa. It’s me, what do you expect.
Taglist: @darthsutrich , @inky-whump , @lave-whump
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Warnings: lady whumpee (no whumper), referenced homelessness, referenced panic attack, referenced noncon microchipping, mild self harm (hair pulling), referenced starvation, emeto mention, self-deprecating thoughts, brief sensory overload
Liliana wakes from a restless night of sleep on the floor of the unfamiliar bedroom. She’d be startled and confused about where she was if it weren’t for the fact that she’d already gotten that over with, more than once in the middle of the night. Now she only rolls over and looks at the digital clock by the bed, twisting a few kinks out of her neck and back along the way. Six am. She vaguely remembers someone saying they were usually up by seven before they left her here for the night.
She’s not going to be sleeping anymore, though, so she gathers herself up off the floor, picking up the blanket and laying it neatly across the bed so that the superheroes wouldn’t be able to tell what she had done with it. It’s not that she didn’t appreciate being given a bed. It was just...too soft. She’d been sleeping on the ground for a year, and her bed at the facility had been like sleeping on a board. Maybe, eventually, if she stayed long enough, she’d be able to get used to a real bed again. But last night the only bits of sleep that happened were on the floor.
She’s not planning on being here long enough for that, anyway. The whole situation is completely surreal, and there’s no way that it can last. Yesterday wasn’t her first time seeing the team fight, they’re a pretty standard sight around the city, and people are always talking about them. Electric Eagle, Fantasia...the other two can only be Phantom and Xtra. They were always far off, though. Unreal. Celebrities and heroes that she’d never thought she’d end up meeting, much less that she’d find out they’re so...human? and nice? And the fact that they’d actually invited her to join their team is still blowing her mind.
Of course, then she’d had to go and make a terrific first impression by having a panic attack in front of them all. It was just...for a moment, she had been back there, back in that building of white walls and white tile floors and long hallways and cold shoulders and threats to suppress her powers.
The last year of living on the streets has been terrible. But at least she’s been free.
Glancing down at her arm, she rubs her fingers across the tiny white dot of a scar inside her elbow. Relatively free. As free as she can be while being watched, both by those who put the tracker inside of her and by the wary eyes of those she encounters from day to day. 
What if they’re the same? What if they tracked me down using the microchip and they work for them and they’ve locked me up again and all the nice things about being on their team and coming and going as I please were lies and they’re going to keep me here and
Liliana folds over herself, grabbing double handfuls of her hair and pulling, hard. Stop it. Cállate. The sharp pain on her scalp halts her racing thoughts, and she pulls in deep breaths to calm herself. When did I become such a paranoid person? She knows the answer to that, but gives another tug on her hair to stop those thoughts in their tracks, too.
The superheroes seem perfectly nice, much nicer than anyone she’s encountered since leaving home. There’s no real reason not to trust them for now, or at least to proceed cautiously, playing along and seeing if she can gain their trust so that they really will let her come and go if she wants. She can do that. She’s good at blending in, at being invisible, at playing whatever role she needs to play in order to not get hurt.
Needing to get her mind off of everything, Liliana unzips her backpack and pulls out one of her worn, falling apart books. She’s read it dozens of times already, but new reading material has been a bit scarce for a while now.
At seven-fifteen, someone knocks softly on her door. “Um...Liliana? It’s Jamil. Hope I’m not waking you. I thought I heard you moving around in there earlier.”
Silence falls, and she suddenly realizes she’s expected to give an answer. “Oh. Um. Yes? You...you didn’t wake me.”
“Good.” He sounds like he’s smiling. She’d almost forgotten what that sounds like. “I just wanted to let you know that I made some breakfast, so you’re welcome to join me if you want.”
Breakfast. Her stomach suddenly feels more hollow than usual at the thought. She hasn’t eaten since...yesterday morning? Maybe? Yeah, she’s pretty sure she had half a bagel yesterday morning. It didn’t last very long. 
Standing on trembling legs, Liliana crosses to the door, flips the lock, and eases it open, peering out. The guy from the hall yesterday is standing there, the one who had stayed back next to Electric Eagle - Quinn. He smiles at her, dark brown eyes crinkling behind his glasses. 
“Hi. Kitchen’s this way, if you want to follow me.” He gestures with his head. “Or, you know, if you wanna shower or something first, that’s fine. The others aren’t up yet, so you won’t be late or anything. Alex never gets up and eats until like, nine.”
A shower sounds amazing, but not as amazing as food. The words to tell him that don’t seem to be forthcoming, though, so she simply steps out the door and shuts it behind her. Jamil’s eyes flick over her, and she’s suddenly far too aware of the fact that she’s wearing the same clothes as they found her in. She’s so used to living and sleeping in them by now that it hadn’t even occurred to her that it wasn’t normal.
Her cheeks flush and she’s about to open her mouth to try to explain when his smile widens again and he turns to leave. “This way!”
The smell of bacon assaults her nose while they’re still in the hallway. It makes her stomach grumble, and she presses a hand against it in an effort to keep it quiet. She hasn’t had bacon in...years. Since the time that she doesn’t like to think about, the life that she pretends never existed. It’s too painful to remember what she had and lost. 
The kitchen is open and sunny, a big window over the dining table that looks out onto the river, and a sky light illuminating the main part of the room. Two cobalt blue plates are already on the table, filled with not only bacon, but fried eggs and buttered toast. Liliana’s stomach gives another growl. 
Jamil gestures to one chair as he takes a seat in the other. “I guess I could have asked you how you liked your eggs and stuff, but, uh...hope you like over medium. Oh!” He jumps back up and Liliana, just having sat down, jolts. “I meant to get out jam and stuff. For the toast.”
She takes a deep breath as he rushes back to the refrigerator, trying to settle herself. Her fingers itch to pick up the bacon. Soon he’s back with an armload of jars and squeeze bottles, unloading them all onto the center of the table.
“We always have way too much of this stuff. Everybody likes their own kind, and then Nari is always changing what kind she likes before she finishes the first bottle.” Finishing the task, he sits again. “Anyway, feel free to help yourself. And you can eat, you don’t have to wait on me.”
She still waits until he’s picked up his fork before snatching up the first piece of bacon and biting into it. Flavor bursts across her tongue, and she shuts her eyes, almost moaning in delight. It’s so good. Despite her best efforts to savor it, she’s so hungry, and it’s gone before she knows it. Liliana eyes the second piece, but forces herself to pick up her fork, instead.
“So, Quinn told me your name is Liliana, right?”
She looks up with surprise, still not used to this whole ‘conversation’ thing, but nods.
Jamil nods, too, waving his fork as he speaks. “You’re what...twenty? Twenty-one?”
She has to muster up her voice again. It’s not used to being summoned so often. “What’s the date?”
A flicker of confusion crosses Jamil’s face. “Uh...October nineteenth.”
So she was right, it’s been just over a year since the facility had kicked her out. She nods again. “I just turned nineteen, then.”
His expression then is something she can’t read, but whatever it is quickly gets covered over with a smile. She can’t remember the last time she’s seen so many smiles in such a short period of time. “Guess I’m not the baby anymore! I’m twenty-four, and I’m - I was - the youngest. I mean, only by a couple of years, but they never let me forget it.” He waves his fork some more. “Not like, in a bad way, of course. They just like to tease.”
Liliana just nods again. She’s only taken one bite of egg, but her stomach is starting to feel less hungry and more queasy. Jamil is still eating, and there’s still so much food on her plate, and if she wastes it she might get in trouble. But she’s not sure that she can make herself eat anymore right now, no matter how much she may want to. So she focuses on cutting her egg into pieces and swirling the white through the yolk, hoping Jamil doesn’t notice. Maybe in a few minutes she’ll be able to keep eating.
“Everything okay?” Jamil asks, and boy, isn’t that a question. Everything hasn’t been ‘okay’ in a very long time. But Jamil is looking at her and her uneaten food, and her cheeks heat up at being caught. 
“Yeah. It’s...it’s really good.” She stabs a piece of egg and quickly stuffs it into her mouth. It settles in her stomach like a rock.
“Liliana, you...you really don’t have to eat it if you don’t like it. You’re not gonna hurt my feelings.”
She shakes her head. “No, no I do. It’s good.” She wants to force another piece down to prove it, but she’s afraid she’ll throw up. 
“Good morning!” 
Nari’s cheerful voice grabs both their attention, but while Liliana quickly looks back to her plate, she and Jamil seem to have some kind of conversation with only facial expressions. A second later Nari has crossed the room and is dropping into a chair across from Liliana. “Everything okay?”
Liliana wants to laugh aloud, but she presses her lips together and gives a quiet, “Mm-hm.”
“You look like you don’t feel well,” Jamil points out. “If the food -”
“There’s nothing wrong with the food.” Immediately she winces. She’s not supposed to interrupt people, that’s rude and it makes people angry -
Nari breaks into her train of thought with a soft question. “Jagiya...how much food have you been getting lately?”
Oh. She’s so stupid. Of course she can’t just eat whatever she wants after practically starving for a year. She’s not going to tell them that, obviously, but a glance up at their faces tells her that they’ve already started to figure it out.
Jamil shoves his chair back and stands. “Right. Okay. See, I knew I should have asked you what you wanted. Okay, so the toast might still be alright. No, scratch that, I’ll make you a new piece with no butter, and you can put some jam on it instead. And...maybe scrambled eggs? Or do you just want to start with the toast and see how you feel?”
Suddenly it’s all just too much. Too much noise, too much conversation, too much kindness. Liliana pushes her plate back with a hand that shakes and stands quickly, eyes anywhere but on the two pitying faces watching her. 
“No, it’s...I’m just not very hungry, I’m sorry. Th-thank you. It was...it was good, I’m just...not hungry. I’m gonna...can I go back to my room now?”
“Of course, Lili.” Nari’s voice is still so soft, and it makes something twist inside her gut. “You don’t need permission for that.”
“Lo siento,” she whispers. “Thanks.” She exits as quickly as she can, back to the safe haven of the unfamiliar bedroom where there’s dark and quiet and a lock on the door.
Cállate - shut up
Jagiya - sweetie
Lo siento - I’m sorry
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broken-clover · 5 years
12 Days of Whump- Hypothermia
Old habits die hard, eh? This is mostly my fault, I got roped into a surprise visit for my grandfather and didn’t get home until about 7pm, pretty much blazed through this and now I can’t feel my fingertips. That’s how life be sometimes! I’ll try and get tomorrow’s on time, especially because this one’s gonna be extra-special! I’m really sorry for being late.
Day 8 of the 12 days of Whump- Hypothermia, featuring Sol/Axl! A bit of a guilty pleasure for me
Translation note-  In the Japanese version, Axl refers to Sol as 'danna,' which has multiple meanings including as a title of authority and as a term for one's husband. I've seen it be translated as 'chief' but I thought 'partner' better fit the ambiguity.
Some days, Sol was well convinced that the world was always trying to complicate his life. No matter how hard he tried to make things simple and straightforward, something inevitably tossed a spanner in the works and fucked up his plans. And it seemed like more often than not, that spanner was named Axl.
Sol Badguy could put up with quite a bit, despite his gruff exterior. He’d watched the world go to shit, dealt with the stick up Ky’s ass for far too long, and killed so many Gears he could make a drinking game out of it. Still, somehow, the little time-traveling imp managed to drive him up the wall.
So of course as soon as he decided to take some alone time to hunt Gears up in Finland, he gets a magic-com call not one day after getting there.
“He-hey, partner! Guess who finally got the com working?”
“Good for you.” Sol replied, with a sarcastic bite. “Thought I told you to stop calling me that.”
“Right, yeah, sorry. Um, anyway, I just got dumped out on some bloody freezing mountain smack-dab in the middle of nowhere, But the com tracker says you’re like a few kilometers away! The hell are you doing this far north?”
“Gear Hunting.” Sol was already getting a headache. He knew exactly what Axl was trying to get at. “Just get to the point already.”
“Eh? Oh. Mind if I swing by wherever you’re at? I’m really not dressed for this weather, figure you’ve probably got at least a cabin or somethin’, yeah?”
The Gear groaned, covering his face with his free hand. “Just get the hell over here, I’m already there. Just follow the com signal and try not to die.”
“Aye-aye, partner!” Axl’s voice was remarkably cheery, despite the circumstances. He paused to sneeze. “Gross...get some nice warm blankets or a fire or something before I make it down there, I’m already going numb here.”
Sol reclined back in the rickety chair that had come with the cabin. At least Ky was useful for helping him find places to crash on hunts. Saved him the effort of having to talk to people. Sure, he had no trouble sleeping in the woods- he generated enough heat to keep himself warm pretty much all the time, anyway- but admittedly, it was nice to have something other than dirt to sleep on.
At that, he glanced across the single room and realized, with more than a hint of dismay, that he was going to have to find a way to share a single lumpy bed, two worn pillows, and one thin blanket once Axl showed up. It was not likely that the man was going to leave anytime soon, unless he managed to timeslip once again, which would make him someone else’s problem for the time being. Otherwise, he was probably going to have to give up the blanket and at least one pillow, unless he wanted Axl sharing the bed. Which he very much did not.
He briefly considered going out and trying to find Axl, but it seemed like more trouble than it was worth. Axl was a grown-ass man, despite his behavior. He’d be fine all by his damn self.
Alright, maybe that was a little too mean. Sol couldn’t exactly fault the guy for ending up in the middle of nowhere, it wasn’t something he could control. He just couldn’t help but be at least a little pissed that his quiet trip was now going to be far noisier than he would have liked.
Instead of stewing over it forever, he decided to step out and start drawing some water up from the nearby half-frozen well. At least there was water to be had so far north. He presumed part of it must have come from the frozen lake that the cabin sat right by the edge of. Made for a nice view, even if he didn’t trust all 74 kilograms of his flame-spewing body to even step on it more than a few feet out. That was just asking for trouble.
Maybe if he could get some nice hot water, it’d be enough to get Axl to shut up and leave him be. He was pretty sure he’d seen some kind of tub in the closet. Axl could get warm, Sol could get some peace and quiet, and nobody had to get mauled.
“Oi, partner! Partner!”
“Speak of the fuckin’ devil…” The bucket was left by the well as Sol stood back up. “Should’ve figured-”
The Gear looked back up, only to find the other man waving furiously from the other side of the lake. Axl was a garish blue-and-red smear against the tranquil white landscape, making him easy to spot even if his always-too-loud voice didn’t do the job well enough.
After realizing that he’d been spotted, Axl offered another wave and began running over the ice towards the cabin. “Partner!”
Sol resisted the urge to shout at him. What the hell was he doing?! Did he even look before he ran? Was he that desperate to get out of the cold? Maybe it’d gotten to the point where it was messing with his brain.
“Partner!” Axl called again, bringing Sol back to attention. “Part-”
With his enhanced sense of hearing, Sol could make out a tiny little crackle a split second before Axl suddenly vanished from sight.
“What the-” The words fell out of his mouth before his brain decided to work. “Oh, son of a- !”
He hadn’t been wearing anything different than his usual clothing, and his shoes skid on the slick surface as he sprinted. Because the universe hated him, the ice held up perfectly all the way to the middle of the lake. The hole that had been punched into it was too small for him to fit. Sol didn’t think as he knelt down and slammed a fist into the ice, making a chunk splinter off and start sinking into the inky-blue depths. He could make out a vague shape further below, less from the sight and more from the quickly-dwindling heat signature that his fire affinity made him keen to.
The ice felt cold as fuck as he dove into it, and he couldn’t think of much of a better term to suit it. Sol could feel his body involuntarily reacting to the temperature drop, dialing up his internal thermostat to keep him from freezing to death. At least, it meant that he didn’t immediately lose all strength in his limbs as he began swimming, even if instinct was telling him to resurface and find a place that was easier to rewarm himself in.
It didn’t take long for him to catch sight of an outstretched arm and grab onto it. Axl was stiff and motionless in the water, presumably still in shock from the cold. Even with all the time he must have spent trekking in the snow, the frigid water was something else entirely. His core temperature was already dropping.
Sol breached the surface loudly, taking in a deep breath as he dragged himself and the limp body out of the lake. He wiggled across the surface for a few feet until he was sure the ice was thick enough to stand on, pulling Axl along the entire time.
“Shit, shit, shit-”
Axl couldn’t even manage to stand upright as he was basically dragged back to the shack. His body was still stiff and sluggish. He couldn’t grab onto Sol’s arm, so the Gear did it for him.
Sol hardly waited before the cabin door slammed shut to start peeling the soaked, half-frozen clothing off of his companion’s body, and then his own. He thought over the sentiment of stripping another man naked for all of one second before he went back to work, more concerned with the concept of someone dying from hypothermia than the idea of seeing someone else without their clothing on, even if he was also naked.
“Still with me, kid?”
All he got in reply was a slurred mumble of incoherency. That definitely was not a good sign.
Sol had to hold himself back, keep himself from impulsively slipping into his Dragon Install. If the sudden spike in body heat didn’t literally burn Axl’s body to a crisp, it would be too much a change too quickly, and could make his heart go out of rhythm.
Instead, he moved the both of them to the bed, settling the other man down in his lap while tossing the blanket over the both of them. Sol kept his hand warm as he pressed it against a damp, cold chest, letting the warm radiate against the skin. He could feel a heartbeat, slightly weaker than it should have been, pulsing under his touch.
Despite the slurring and confusion, Axl tried to pull away as a hand was very gently wrapped around his neck to funnel in more heat. Instead of trying to force it, Sol let go, instead pulling slightly and letting Axl rest his head against his own chest, in the secure little spot below his throat. Cold, damp strands of blonde hair plastered onto both of them.
“Shh. Stop wiggling.” Sol traced little circles of warmth on the other’s skin, trying not to rub too hard. “God, look at what you’ve done to yourself, you idiot.”
Because the universe absolutely wanted to spite him, Sol’s evening was exactly as he’d wanted it to be- incredibly quiet. He only left the room once, to retrieve the forgotten bucket of water from the well. Axl hadn’t been too happy about that, for all the weak grip and incoherent whines he could manage, but he seemed far more willing to forgive him when he had something hot to drink, and could immediately go back to snuggling for warmth.
There was definitely something weird about it, but not quite as weird as Sol would have anticipated. It definitely would have felt weird if he was doing this with Ky, or with Sin, but his relationship with Axl was a bit more complicated. Sol wasn’t good at emotions in general. Axl had always been rather unsubtle about his own feelings- he called him ‘partner,’ for crying out loud- though half the time Sol was convinced that he was just ‘like that’ and had no filter to speak of. It really was hard to tell. Axl could get on his nerves a lot more than the average person, but Sol also found that he could be himself a lot more around the guy than pretty much anyone else.
Emotions were complicated. Emotions were hard. It was why he didn’t like to think about them.
Axl made a little sleepy noise by his side, trying to take in more heat as he was getting too tired to sit up. Sol moved to lie down, to make himself easier to huddle up against. As much as he had despised the thought initially, it seemed that they were going to have to share a bed for the night, with both of their clothes drying in another corner.
And if he was being honest with himself, Sol didn’t mind all that much.
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prompt-master · 7 years
Princess Paladin
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