#that show already exists in my head btw. i wish i could watch it tho
gojobait · 1 year
they should make a black sails type show but for mediterranean pirates
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leresq · 11 months
Rewatching the Sequels; some notes
The sequels do a good job of showing how brutal the First Order is in a way the original trilogy never showed. These are supposed to be space not-sees and the sequels were the first to display their cruelty
Watch the Stormtrooper Paradox on YouTube, it explains my shared gripe of the idea that First Order stormtroopers are child soldiers being brushed off.
Kylo Ren is cool idgaf what anyone says. Phasma is cool. Hux is cool. Pryce is cool. The Praetorian Guard are cool. If you disregard everything else about Snoke he's cool. Btw they wasted Smoke, it would have taken one writers' meeting to come up with something better.
I didn't like how the Mandalorian just took Baby Yoda out of the plot line I thought wrapped everything up nicely but now I realise if Baby Yoda stayed with Luke then the implication is Ren killed him so nvm :)
Dave Filoni's work is really helping bridge the gap between the original and sequel trilogies
The battle of Crait although just a rehash of Empire Strikes Back is too cool to discount
The fact that Poe, Finn, and Rose's plan was the reason nearly half of the transports heading to Crait were destroyed was really interesting. If they hadn't separated they wouldn't have met DJ, and DJ wouldn't have told the First Order the plan. I wish they'd have given some guilt to the characters tho.
Holdo's sacrifice is super cool but I'm not sure about the scientifics of it all.
Being in the way of that battering ram should have given Finn some nasty burns at the very least, it was melting through metal.
Are Force projections mental or visual?? Because Ben and Rey could see each other but I don't think Luke saw Ben in the hut, which means it would have to be mental. Also C3PO saw the projection..? Palpatine had to be connecting Rey and Ben, not Snoke. If someone as powerful as Luke died by projecting himself, then there's no way Snoke would have had the power to connect two entirely different people.
Kylo Ren should have seen that the projection was fake because Luke has his lightsaber, which he snapped in half just thirty minutes ago. It could be miswritten, but I see it as Ren being so enraged that he didn't notice.
I wish they wouldn't have killed Luke, but I thought they did it right. I cried rewatching it, and I've seen the movie three times before this.
"Snoke trained you well." "I killed Snoke. I'll kill you." "You killed Snoke? Damn that's a shame, well good thing I got a jar of them right here!"
I don't mind force healing and blaster freezing, I just wish they'd tuck it into the story more neatly.
They did Rose dirty in ROS
I know Jakku already existed in legends, but Pasaana could have easily been Jakku or Tattooine.
Was the C3PO disrespect supposed to be funny? It wasn't.
Zorii should have died, her surviving literally served no purpose to the story, in fact he death would have served it better.
Domhnall Gleeson's acting is some of the best I've seen in Star Wars.
Rey Palpatine is stupid. It would have been nicer if Rey was just a nobody who became special because of her actions and determination, not bloodline.
Kylo Ren being stabbed by Rey and surviving actually makes sense because I can imagine the wound would be cauterised long enough for Rey to heal it
I think it would have been a satisfactory end if Rey and Ben Solo died
Some people are Finn x Rey, some people are Finn x Rose, we all know the truth is Finn x Poe
It's a shame Daisy Ridley's career hasn't had much luck, she's a good actor.
Rey should have said "Just Rey" in response to the old woman. She's taking agency of her own identity and not letting it be based off what other people tell her. She's not a Solo, she's not a Skywalker, she's not a Palpatine, she's her own person now.
The sequels just seem like they would have been better written by someone on AO3. They're not abysmally terrible, it's just hard to look past their shortcomings. The music, acting, and animation are the best parts.
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rattyarts · 4 years
Huge-ask post (I am VERY funny)
Because I have so many questions that can be answered with just text, and I have mentioned my dislike of filling my art blog up with Words Words Words... let’s get them all done in one go!
(You guys can blacklist #rattytalks if you’re just here for the draws, btw)
A shit ton of asks under the cut!
Anonymous said: So for the center of the world, what with it being forcefully PG and all Bad Thoughts TM being prevented, how does having kids happen? Do parents just black out and wake up holding a child in their arms and vague memories of the last 9 months?
Ever seen a movie where they do that “and one day... a baby was born!” thing and a kid just appears offscreen with no explanation?
(This is how it works everywhere, Edgelands included; no one does the do or gets pregnant in this setting.)
Anonymous said: Hello! Quick question, and sorry if you’ve answered this before, but can other elves see the “intangible” bits of one another? Big fan of your work btw!
Nope! And thank you!
Anonymous said: Leopold was in my dream last night but I sadly cannot remember any of it.
I am SO sorry. I will try to keep my stinky murder men out of your head in the future.
Anonymous said: are the floaty bits stuck in one spot, or could the one they are attached to learn to move them around their body as long as its still within a certain distance? like, someone with the Floaty limbs, lets call him Ray, can move his limbs all over his body, allowing him to do all sorts of neat things that others with their attached limbs probably couldn't?
Whatever you want, honestly. As a general rule of thumb I don’t like putting down TOO many hard rules that prevent people from having fun with this setting. (Please ignore and scrap anything you think is stupid, I do this all the time and enjoy keeping this setting inconsistent and contradictory)
Anonymous said: Do elf names work off of Death Note rules, or is it like, if you know one elf’s name, all elves with that name are now unable to harm you? So if all the elf brothers are named Martin, for example, does it only work with blue?
I think it’s prolly just the one! Probably? Idk, might change if I think of something funnier.
Anonymous said: Can elves do magic on themselves or does thst go against the knowing name rule
Most people tend to know their own names, lol. So in my opinion, no, but don’t let me stop you if you got a fun idea.
Anonymous said: Could an Elf stitch on parts from another elf and have them work? i.e an Elf's finds the arm of another Elf. "Hey, free arm, might as well put it to good use", so they attach the arm and now they can give three high fives at once!
Same deal as previous questions, I personally would say no, but I also encourage people to do whatever the hell they want. It’s more fun that way!
Anonymous said: I bet elves are greasy to the touch.
They’re very powdery! Like if you rolled them in flour. And by flour I mean nasty glowing elf dandruff.
Anonymous said: Can elves fly or are their wings just for show?
No flying!!! (Unless you’re a mousefly)
Anonymous said: Something tells me that the elves would LOVE Obatzda.
Had to look that up, but definitely!
no1fan15: Not sure if someone asked already- Does Edgeworld have any equivalent to demons and angels? Like the old rubberhose cartoon kind?
Demons, yes! That’s what imps are: basically any demon, devil, or generic monster, but tiny! Even a couple of pop culture critters in there, there’s probably a very small gillman or robot monster running around there somewhere.
Angels, not so far. 
Anonymous said: How come Margaret hasn't yeeted George's jar into the Edge yet
I’d say being locked in a closet is good enough! (and also I need him for plot reasons, don’t tell anyone)
Anonymous said: If elves have knees bulges in the front then do they have butt bulges in the back?
i do not want to think about elf bulges
Anonymous said: So if you find a baby Therewoof and you say "aw you're so cute", their true name is So Cute?
Anonymous said: Since a Therewoof's true name can be something like "cutie pie" or "dingus", does their name have to be spoken with "intent" for it to doggo-fy them? Or do they just have to live with the reality that any casual conversation/flirting can make them lose up to a month to Doggy Mode? My mom has little terrier dog named "Sweetie" so that got me thinking 'bout Therewoof names. & Anonymous said: here's a good question: If someone says a therewoof's true name, but not reffering to them, does it still affect them?
Just saying it will do! It’s based on those old werewolf stories where calling out the person’s name will change them back into a human/cure them, and a lot of the time it was by accident.
(My favorite is the one where they slam the door on the wolf’s tail and then say his name, and the dude ends up with a wolf tail for the rest of his life.)
Anonymous said: Would Seeing eye Therewoofs be a thing?
I... guess? Probably? Since regular dogs can turn into woofs, yeah. You might have to start paying em once they turn into a person tho. 
Anonymous said: Was ChalkZone ever an inspiration for you? Because I just love the silly world of ChalkZone and I noticed getting that same warm feeling when thinking about Edgeworld.
Maaaan, I wish. I’ve only seen about three episodes or so, but it seems really fun!
Anonymous said: So I saw your mimic post, and even though I don't think I've seen any other of your art before I was absolutely HAMMERED with an indescribable sense of slightly unsettling strangeness and comfortable familiarity. Your art feels like something from like, an old point and click computer game I would have had formative memories of before accidentally losing or scratching the disc therefore making me unsure if it ever REALLY existed. Sorry for being weird but I love the wacky nostalgia feel here
Aaaaaah, THANK YOU! That is SUCH a cool comparison and I appreciate!!!
Anonymous said: If the Edgeworld is based on cartoons then is there a Reverse Edge-world that’s based on anime?
Lol, I mean I DID have an anime phase for a while there, so...
caydebug: Man I’d love to see this as a cartoon some day
Honestly, same. Best you’re gonna get is the occasional animatic or gif, tho.
Anonymous said: Does anyone..."go" in Edgeworld? or is it like Pleasantville where bathrooms exist but there are no toilets in them because acknowledging it is yucky?
Oh god I keep getting asked this and have been avoiding it like the damn plague. But... Uh. No. No they do not. I am begging you all not to send any followup questions.
Anonymous said: Have you considered putting computer viruses or illnesses in with the buggymen? Since those are typically called ‘bugs’
Anonymous said: are there any limits to what an Animimic could posess? i.e if they were in a costume of a Buggieman with multiple arms, could they control all of them? what about a small Mousefly costume? can multiple fit into one costume like a clown car? and what about in pitch black darkness, where you can only see the lights of their eyes and not their bodies? could one fit inside the pocket of a jacket you are wearing and help you steal things/wield a gun like a living turret?
Since clothing fills into the body type of the intended wearer, they would indeed be able to control all arms/legs in buggieman clothes.
Size restrictions is one of these things I wanna try to be vague about: I personally have been imagining them sticking to hiding in things no smaller than, um. Maybe imp sized, but really, whatever. It’s a cartoon eyeball critter!
You can put multiple animimics in one outfit!
They can move around just fine in darkness without being off screen, yeah!
And sure why not. lol
Anonymous said: I know you have been asked this once before, and you said nah you don't, but with a few more months of worldbuilding, do you have an idea for what could be down the edge now? 🤔
Not really! It’s not super important, honestly. I’d say any fan theory is about as valid as anything else I can come up with.
ps2polpo: I doubt you’ll ever elaborate on The Edge but I like to imagine there’s just one dude there like the Nowhere Man from the Yellow Submarine movie. Mostly cause the thought of someone accidentally winding up there being like “where am I?” And there’s just a guy casually waving at him like a friendly neighbor is funny to me & Anonymous said: The implication that the Edge is the physical manifestation of edginess so there’s probably like, Trevor Henderson monsters hanging out down there.
See above question! Valid! I also accept falling forever, getting erased from existence, ending up in another universe, getting stuck in limbo with thousands of other people, whatever you want, really!
Anonymous said: " he has very few bones and weighs basically nothing, " "Fastball special" trope, but with Leo?
Anonymous said: did you ever watch dragon tales as a kid? because george and margaret make me think of murderous zak and wheezie from that show, and i love it to bits
I did not, but I would have loved it. Definitely up my alley!
(watched Quest for Camelot a loooot, though!)
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Imma go ahead and stop here! There’s more but I’ve been writing for well over an hour and I have things to do. If your question is missing I’m either saving it for later, wasn’t entirely sure how to answer, or it’s spoilery.
Will probably do another one of these at some point!
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btswishes · 5 years
Are you for real?
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Kihyun  (Vampire Au)
Part1 / Next
A/N:  Thank you for reading my stuff, I appreciate it extremely. I tried to put a twist on this a bit, hope you enjoy it Anony and sorry for any mistakes made.
Requested by: Anonymous 
Request: “ Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Kihyun vampire au? It can honestly be about anything! I love your work btw!  “
Word count:   2,304
Warnings: Swear words, blood, organs mention of death.
  The moon slowly rose from it’s place of slumber and illuminated the world underneath in a silver light. The night birds stepped into their spotlight and began singing the songs of their kind, accompanied by the gentle rustling of the leaves and the howling winter winds.
  You mumbled something under your nose, before slamming the books shut and stretching your back a bit. After a few small cracks ,you took off your reading glasses and looked outside the window.Night had fallen and you hadn’t even noticed where all those hours went.
  Studying for today was finished and you were swirling on the chair, thinking what to do now with your free time. You could watch\read something or just lay on the bed at stare at the ceiling for sometime. Not many good ideas where popping into your head ,when a pretty silent knock stopped your movement.
“Yes?” you said loud ,as the door opened with permission  
“You done with studying?” your mom asked noticing all the closed books and your kinda empty stare at the wall. 
“Pretty much yeah.” you could see a small piece of paper in her hand fluttering from the outside wind coming in through the open window “You want me to get something?”
“Yes.I am running low on a few things.” she explained, passing over the list
“Where is dad?” usually he was the errand boy for small stuff that didn’t need a lot of thinking or choice
“Your dad decided to show your brother a move and I think he broke his back. He will ok tho, just needs some time to get back on his feet....literally” your mother was obviously trying to suppress a laugh so strong it could shake the whole house.”Can you go?” You scanned everything from number 1 to number 10 fast and decided that it wasn’t something that will take a long time to get and you had nothing else to do anyways.
“Ok. The store is pretty close anyways, a few minute walk.” you jumped off the chair and walked over to your closet putting on some pants, a warm shirt and your hair in a high bun on top of your hair. 
  Going down the stairs you saw your dad on the couch, face down and ice on his back. You wanted to laugh too but kept your cool out of respect. Popping some shoes on you fixed your coat making sure you were nice and isolated.
“I can go get the stuff you know.” you were stopped by your brother, who as always was concerned about you.
“It’s ok Hae. “ unlocking the door ,you threw the shopping bag on your shoulder
“I can come with you! Muscle power.” he was trying to flex but you were already locking the door at this point. It wasn’t anything new to you, he has always been like this since day one. 
  The night was cold and you were nuzzling yourself into the coat, trying to stay as warm as you could. Both your hands were in your pockets trying not to fall off from the freezing temperatures. Everything around was pretty quiet and peaceful.Most people were already in their homes, trying to warm up and spend time with loved ones. It was Christmas and New Years week after all.
  From time to time someone would pass by you, but you weren’t fazed much by it. Humans lived on Earth after all. Of course some people walking were a bit sketchy and all, but you weren’t that worried. There have been sightings of some strange creature lately in your city, but this isn’t some kind of horror movie you were in, so you didn’t think much of the poster that pulled your attention for a split second.
  The supermarket was  illuminating the street in front of it so well ,you could almost see the snowflakes as they crackled under your boots. Stepping in the warm space, you grabbed a basket and went around searching for the items on the small list. It didn’t take long before you had almost everything in the basket, the only thing missing was the meat.
  You walked up to the section and began telling the worker what you needed. Your mom was very specific when it came to meat in your family. After some time the lady working behind the glass section passed over everything you had asked for. You wished her a happy week and went on your marry way. 
“Ok so, I have milk, eggs, the veggies and meat and.....oh liver, liver.I almost forgot the liver.” the paper went back in your pocket as you were once more running around in search of number 10. “Aha!” you gasped when the little packet caught your eye from the distance. You were so happy that you started running in its direction. There was a small moment where you hit something and fell back. Everything happened in a matter of seconds, but what you figured out was that the boy holding onto your hand, pulled you in time before you hit the hard floor.
  He had an intense stare that wasn’t moving away from your face. His grip was pretty strong and starting to hurt. The boy felt you flinch and let go.
“Are you ok?” he asked with a serious tone in his voice.
“Ah yes. I am sorry, I shouldn’t have been running in the first place.” you said sorry for the whole incident and reached out to grab a packet of liver. 
“You really seem to like...meat.” he was looking at the bags upon bags of it in your basket 
“It’s not only for me, my family eats it too.” the boy nodded, his eyes locked on your face “I am really sorry again for the mess I made.Have a goodnight.” you bowed a bit and snaked around the aisles. 
  It was pretty late, so not many people were at the cash registers. You placed everything in the bags and payed fast. Being around so much food made you pretty hungry. Stepping out of the supermarket ,you were hit by the cold air again. You had forgotten that it was winter for a second.Looking up at the moon you were able to clearly see your breath like small clouds disintegrating into the atmosphere.
“Going home?” you heard that familiar voice   
“Yes, have a good night.” the boy was standing close to you, with his hands in his pocked and surprisingly lightly dressed for the season you were in. You were giving him short answers. The boy was very handsome, his hair was dark and his eyes an interesting almost black tint mixed in with mystery. His skin was fairly pale and in a way there was something a bit unsettling.He didn’t seem bad, but at the same time not trust wordy in a way. Unknowingly to you, he had taken a liking to your existence. He was quite close when you felt his breath on your neck. You almost jumped when he grabbed you by the waist. 
“Wait, don’t move.” in his hand he had a small insect that had fallen onto you from a tree “I didn’t want to scare you, sorry.” he was painfully close and his eyes were fixed at certain points of your body, eyes and neck. In moment of shock you had dropped the bags, so he pulled them up, his head grassing onto your skin for a split second. Grabbing them tight you said a thank you and a goodbye almost at the same time, as you started walking in the direction of your house. The boy staid in the same spot and you could feel the intense stare he was giving you.
  It didn’t take you long to calm down and soon your walking pattern became slow. You fixed the shopping bags in your palm, moving them in a more comfortable position. The night had become darker and more cold than you remembered. The streets were empty and your only company at this point were the lights trying to keep the darkness away from the town. There weren’t people in sight and even the cats and dogs were hiding somewhere warm. 
  Yet you couldn’t shake this feel of being a sitting duck at this very moment. You felt a few chills run down your spine, but shook them away thinking it was the cold. They began from the back of your head, tingling to your ears and down your spine, coaxing a twitch in your neck. You sucked air in your might through your closed teeth ,as you rubbed the skin on the back of your neck, trying to calm the sudden jolt you had.You felt uneasy as if you were being watched and or followed, but there was no one around you or behind you. Then again it was pretty dark and you never know where one could be hiding. Your house wasn’t far from here and you had only 5 more minutes or so till you reached the front door. 
  In a way it felt calming knowing that you were almost home. Stopping on the step, you started fiddling in your pocket, trying to find the key to the front door. Even if you were relaxed that chill was still present in your body, like you were still being watched. For a second it felt like something cold was close, reaching towards your neck ,when the door opened wide and your brother grabbed the bags out of your hands.
“I was about to go and find you.Took you long enough.” he pulled you in and locked the door behind you. Your brother saw how much you were freezing and helped you take off your coat. “Where did you scratch yourself?” he pointed out the small red line of the back of your neck. You touched the spot and remembered the small insect that was apparently on you.
“There was a bug on me earlier, maybe the little thing bit me.” you shrugged your shoulders before your mom pulled out some ointment. 
  Dinner was normal, nothing special. You had a nice talk with your family.Afterwards your dad and mom sat on the couch to watch something on TV, while you and your brother get ready for bed. During your shower a stinging sensation took over the small scratch on your neck. You ran your fingers over it again, but payed it no attention as it was going to heal soon anyways. Wrapping a towel around you and stepping out of the bathroom, you called your brother to inform him that you were all done.
  Your room was nice and warm thanks to the heater, so you were able to comfortably take your towel off and get dressed without feeling like you are going to freeze to death. After brushing your hair and doing your night time routine, you were ready for bed. You had this habit where when you weren’t tired yet, you would turn on your nightlight and sit in bed, looking at your phone, reading something or just thinking about random things. It was nice to just listen to the sounds of nature. You could hear the wind moving the trees and bushes around, the flutters of small nighttime birds enjoying their life and also random sounds that are a bit similar to foot steps and also the smell of winter, wait....go back a bit!
  Your body stood up and froze with your back facing the wide open window. Sounds were mixing in with each other, making it a bit hard to identify which was what. You took a deep breath and pulled yourself off the soft bedding. It took a few seconds before you turned around standing face to face with the small square leading to the outside. Your room was in the back of the house that was opened to a very big field like garden. As much as you didn’t want to, you peeked a bit outside to see what could be making the sounds. Usually a lot of small creatures would pass by and deep down you thought that if maybe you saw one of them it would calm you down and let you sleep calmly. 
  There was nothing next to the house. You should have been happy, but then again something had to be making those sounds and it wasn’t something simple. You didn’t hesitate to close the window shut and pull the curtains as far as they could go.
  The warm bed welcomed you triumphantly, as it’s hands pulled you into a warm and long awaited hug.Almost instantaneously you drifted off into sleep. Your dreams were normal with the occasional appearance of that boy from the supermarket.He looked different this time around, his almost pitch black eyes and blood-red lips were contrasting his pale skin. He looked lifeless on more than one level, yet there was a prominent existence around him. You clearly saw a small talisman dangling on a chain around his neck, almost like a necklace. For a moment during your dream you could hear his deep voice. 
  Your eyes shot open and you found yourself welcomed by the morning rays. The sun warmed up your skin and the sound of birds calmed you down. You stretched your arms and took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air. Jumping out of bed ,you put on your slippers and grabbed the door handle, when your foot hit something small. Almost without a thought you looked down seeing a shining metal object.
“Hm?” your fingers quickly retrieved the material and let your eyes scan over it.It looked like a lock.As you were holding it, your mind went blank.Your body turned around slowly towards the room. 
 The curtains were pushed back.
                    The window was open.
                               The lock was in your hand.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 5 years
HIStory’s ranked (no one asked, but here i go)
so i was sittin here, talkin to myself about the HIStory series’ and was like ‘hey, i should rank them’ (which i’ve seen a few other people do, but mines a lot more rambling than there’s because i can’t shut up lol) 
so here’s my views lol (ordered from worst to best, imo):
6) My Hero (HIStory1) -
probably universally acknowledged as the worst episode, and i’d be inclined to agree with the masses on this lol... not only is the tone and humour of this series so weird and disjointed, but the entire story line literally makes no sense lol?? it’s unclear who the audience should be rooting for (especially as it goes out of it’s way to paint our protagonist as really unlikable lol, not to mention the love interest is the dullest character ever conceived like ???), as well as this the ending feels completely unrelated and bizarre... 
i think this concept /could/ have worked if the guy the woman was inhabiting (which sounds weird without context, but like she’s dead lol) was somehow also inside his head? or if she got to see his memories or whatever & tries to adjust her personality to match the guy’s, causing love interest!dude to fall in love with the guy... (like i could go into more detail, i basically hav an entire au written in my head lol, but yh...)... that way, her letting go of him in the end would feel so much more well set up? especially if she was generally more understanding and likeable.. 
i think overall this series just fails in telling a decent story lol... & the cringe is even beyond what i can handle lol
5) Obsessed (HIStory1) -
people might be surprised to see this one so low down, especially since i know a lot of people really love this series (& if u do, no hate to u btw, ur allowed to like whatever u want idc), but i realllllly don’t like this series... like at all ...
the plot is weird anyway, which isnt inherently a bad thing, but then u add on the really bad couple and it’s just...... bad lol... like everything about their relationship is built on lies and deceit, and even more so than that it’s built on a lack of mutual respect and fundamental trust for each other! tall guy (i don’t know names soz) feigns memory loss in order to get closer to short guy (btw, the scenes with them being domestic were really sweet, & i firmly believe this could have been an alright series for the actors if the story line wasn’t so bad), short guy’s whole existence in that universe was a lie lol (like i know there’s no easy way to tell someone ‘lol well i’m technically from the future’ but still), then there’s the whole resolution at the end & it’s just so ??? frustrating lol!
nothing bugs me more than seeing conflict in relationships (on screen or irl) that could be solved simply by TALKING TO EACH OTHER GODDAMNIT & isnt lol... my other issue with this series is the fact tall guy 100% forced himself upon short guy in the tent & like we’re just supposed to accept it cos ?? he’s saying no and pushing away but actually he wants it because he loves tall guy ?? like fuck no i’m not accepting that lol! 
basically, bad & bizarre story & characters, & gross tropes just makes this hard for me to watch and enjoy lol... i think, like in my hero, this could’ve done with being a different story altogether lol... (maybe tall guy actually did lose his memory & he falls for short guy all on his own with no predatory intentions?? idk something like that)
4) Right or Wrong (HIStory2)
this one & my number 3 are very much tied tbh, but this one is just slightly lower just because i’m not as big into the couple as i know a lot of people are... & it’s not necessarily the age gap, cos i dont actually mind age gaps in pairings (just as long as the younger one isnt a minor, obv... and also i think any gap that’s 30+ years is a bit weird lol..).. i think my big problem with this is i dont really see why younger guy (again, i have no idea of any of these characters’ names lol) would fall for the older guy? like the older guy is obvs going thru some issues, and hasnt been taking care of himself or his kid properly because of them, but like we dont rly see a lot of why he’s a great guy? like we get the sense young guy is attracted to him, but like love is more than just thinkin they’re hot lol... idk lol this might just be me tbh i just couldnt see why he’d be interested lol
i did like the whole family side though, and showing how a man who was previously with a woman can still end up with a guy (bisexualityyyyy (or some variation of that thereupon)) is something you dont always see in media, so i thought that was pretty cool! (even if the ex-wife thing was kinda lame lol...) 
i think overall i see what this series was going for, and that it actually did an alright job in some parts... the biggest problem is that it’s kinda just forgettable lol... maybe that’s why people like obsessed so much lol? maybe it was a train wreck but ohh boy at least u wont forget it in a hurry lol!
3) Stay Away From Me (HIStory1) -
i’m a bit torn about this one, cos there are parts of it i actually really like (them going from rivals/enemies to being good friends to being more), and other parts i really didnt (the stereotypical squealing yaoi fangirl friend)... & tbh, i kinda wish this had just been a show about the budding friendship between the 2 guys... it almost feels too forced to me that they’re made to ‘fall in love’ when i actually think them both becoming less selfish and learning to respect each other as step brothers & friends is actually already a really great story (& i know that it doesnt fit with the whole ‘HIStory’ thing, but stories of platonic brotherhood/’bromance’ are just as important as gay representation... isnt a /substitute/ for representation, don’t get me wrong, but it’s always so beautiful to see decently portrayed non-toxic friendships between guys... ok this is a rant for another day tho shhh)
i think maybe why i like this one more than the other HIStory1′s is because kinda nothing happens lol... it’s not overly complex with weird unexplained magic things happening, it’s just a simple story lol... is it still tropey as hell? of course lol! but i think the ‘realism’ of the world really helps, and i def think this was incorporated more into HIStory 2, which i’m really glad about...
overall, this is a relatively harmless series & is actually quite sweet at times... the kiss is awkward as fuck tho (there, i said it lol...)... it suffers the same forgetability as right or wrong tho... 
2) Crossing the Line (/Boundary Crossing) (HIStory2) -
ok, so here’s a series i 100% love & totally agree with the hype around lol! i hav no interest in volleyball (or any sports tbh), but the way this show handles the friendships and dynamics between the characters is really well done, especially for a series that’s only 8 episodes long! i also really love that none of the characters really fall into any stereotypes (which is a great improvement from HIStory1 i can tell u lol), and are given the space to actually have some growth & nuance at times?! 
(nuance? in MY HIStory series?? it’s more likely than you think!)
the main couple have really amazing chemistry, and the way they get together doesnt feel too out of place or that it’s going to fast, it just sorta flows really nicely... even the side couple are pretty well done (though i wasnt that big into them on my first watch, just cos the whole overbearing older brother thing was kinda annoying... i liked them more as the series went on tho...)
i kinda dont have any major complaints? which is bizarre cos i always hav complaints about things lol... maybe my complaint would be that they all look way too old and attractive to be whatever teenage age they’re supposed to be lol... (but tbh that doesnt take anything away from the story so i’ll forgive them lol...)... i think maybe i wouldnt consider it my favourite because the story line didnt grab me like the number 1... but i really cant fault it in terms of what it delivers lol, legit such a well put together series!
1) Trapped (HIStory3) -
lol i think anyone who’s been following me for the past few months aren’t in the slightest bit surprised this is my number one... i just love it too much lol!
from the incredibly well written and well acted characters, to the interesting and engaging (even if a bit ridiculous) plot, to the beautifully told romance , it really has it all doesn’t it!!! & i think even if this wasnt an enemies to lovers thing (aka one of the most godtier of all fanfic tropes), there’s so many things going for this series that make it worth watching! i have a few complains about editing choices and a few bad trope plot points which were just unnecessary (plus the fact we missed out on a lot of background info on some major characters lol...), but like despite everything this series rly struck a chord with me deep down in my soul lol
i could go waaay more into detail (and maybe i will one day lol... tho not rn, i’m v tired), but the gist of the matter is: i really love trapped lol
Even though i’ve complained quite a bit here, i am so grateful for the HIStory series’ for bringing really interesting, and a little mad, stories with gay characters and story lines, with a big emphasis on happy endings! there are so many lgbt stories/characters in things that end up dying or just have bad endings, which just sends this horrible message that lgbt people aren’t worthy of having happy endings, which is completely untrue! 
So i look forward to future HIStory’s, even if some of them are gonna be bad (& maybe none will live up to the trapped!shaped bullet firmly lodged in my heart lol)
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evenstevensranked · 7 years
#26: Season 3, Episode 13 - “Boy On A Rock”
Louis is under the impression that Twitty's ex-girlfriend Allison is hitting on him judging by the looks they've been exchanging. A plot filled with wonderful miscommunication ensues! Meanwhile, Steve volunteers at LJH and Ren competes against Tom for a spot to march in the annual Rose Parade. 
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This one opens with Steve driving Louis, Twitty and Ren to school. Steve takes the opportunity to tell them that he’s signed up to be a parent volunteer at their school, to Louis and Ren’s absolute dismay. It’s pretty great when Louis asks if he’s going to embarrass them and Steve says “Well, that’s probably unavoidable.” Well, at least he knows. But, since he knows he’s embarrassing.. why can’t he make a conscious decision to dial it down?! 
We see that Twitty is talking quietly on the phone to someone before he hangs up and reveals it was Allison and that they just broke up. I love this bit because it comes across as refreshingly grown-up. Another thing that feels more High School than Middle School to me. It’s also a very nice moment for Louis and Twitty’s friendship. Louis is super comforting and soft spoken here all “Dude, I’m sorry...” Awww. I love it. 
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At school, the flag core is rehearsing their routine for the annual Rose Parade. Coach Tugnut tells them, “Hey! Don’t get too cocky. One miss-twirl and, well..... We all know what happened to Shamski.” This is so funny. Whatever “unfortunate incident” happened to this Shamski guy has opened up a spot on the team. Literally no one else wants the spot other than Ren, so Tugnut is about to give it to her by default -- until good’ol Tom Gribalski comes jogging into the picture, late due to Opera Club running overtime, hoping to try out. Tugnut tells them both to practice and they’ll hold official tryouts after school. 
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Louis is in class about to take a quiz when Allison walks by the door and starts cheekily smiling at him. I swear to god this is so freaking funny. Louis does a double take because... why would she randomly stop and stare at him like that?! There’s this sultry, instrumental Spanish flamenco music playing and it kills me. 
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The girl is literally biting her lip... what de heck. 
Of course, this is all it takes for Louis to start thinking he’s God’s gift to earth and that every woman ever must be after him. He goes to talk to Tawny about it and says Allison gave him “The Eye” which is great. Tawny thinks he’s being ridiculous so Louis is all “Sounds like you’re jealous that ~the ladies~ are checkin’ me out.” Oh my god. Tawny says “We had our little thing, and now we’re just friends. I’m fine if the ~ladies~ are checking you out” -- which we know is a lie but okay. Again, this all feels very high school to me and I love it tbh. 
Later in the cafeteria line, Allison gives Louis another look. THE MUSIC KICKS IN AGAIN AND IT’S MY FAVORITE THING. This melody gets stuck in my head constantly. I just hum it and laugh to myself because it’s so dramatic and overly romantic sounding for this situation. Louis is now totally convinced that he’s not crazy and she’s definitely into him. Tawny’s had enough already and flat out asks Allison if she’s been checking him out and she says “I have. I like his look.” WELL, DANG. It’s amazing because as soon as she says that, one single chord from the flamenco guitar plays as she walks away and I die every time. This counts as music humor to me. 
Louis gets lost in his thoughts and it zooms into his brain to show us these two elderly men chillin at a Deli discussing the current drama of Louis’ life. WHAT?! 
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This show is so freaking random. I don’t even know where they come up with this stuff. I used to think these guys were stupid and pointless, which they kinda are. Especially since we’ve never seen them before and they’re only featured in this one episode. But, the more I thought about it.. the more I started to find it hilarious. One of them thinks Louis should go for it and date Allison, the other thinks it’s wrong because she’s his best friend’s ex. Um, I agree with the latter. Twitty and Allison broke up THAT MORNING and Louis is already considering going in for the kill. I cannot. He’s insane. But that’s already been established many times and these Deli men are just the icing on the cake. 
Just then, Steve busts out of the kitchen shouting “HOWDY, KIDS! STEP RIGHT UP TO BIG STEVE’S TEXAS BARBECUE!” Are you kidding me right now? Yeah, ya know how I said if Steve knows he’s embarrassing he should just do his best to dial it down? It’s like he purposely turned it up to 11: 
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I love how Shia does the shirt-over-the-head thing to hide from the embarrassment, lol.
Cut to the flag core tryouts. Ren tries her best, but of course, Tom blows her away. Some stock music that reminds me of “76 Trombones” from The Music Man plays while he does his routine, lol. Steve is now on trash duty and comes over to Ren and asks how it went. She says she’ll probably be watching the parade from home again and Steve is clearly a little mad. You can tell he’s gonna do something about it which... come on, man. Let the better person win. Coach Tugnut goes on to say one of my favorite lines when Tom asks which one of them made the team: “Well, I could tell you that right now... But it would be better for your character if I were to prolong the agony for a couple more hours.” So good. Tugnut says quite a few gems throughout the series, tbh. 
Tawny is me once again and confronts Louis about him seriously considering getting together with Allison. She, too, agrees that it’s way too soon. It cuts to the Deli guys and one of them just says “What does she know?! Ehh, this corned beef is too fatty!” which just makes me laugh. Louis suddenly agrees about it being too soon and says he’ll put a stop to whatever’s brewing between him and Allison IMMEDIATELY. Just then, Allison approaches him and it takes all of 0.5 seconds for Louis to completely cave. 
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The flamenco music is playing again here, btw. 
Honestly, y’all gotta hear what this music sounds like for yourself so it can be hilariously stuck in your head too:
Louis goes to the bathroom to talk to himself (and the guys in his head) out loud, as you do when you’re in crisis. Speaking of the bathroom, ya know how I’ve mentioned a few times that Louis moved up to 8th grade in Season 3? Well, this scene is one of the few that definitely confirm it!! The door clearly tells us that he’s in the 8th grade bathroom. Ayyyy!
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Still not sure why the bathrooms are segregated like that tho??? Is that a thing?
Tom is in one of the stalls practicing his flag routine and Louis is shocked. He’s all “TOM! What were you doing in there?!” but Tom turns the tables “The better question is, who are you talking to out here?” Gotta love how Louis owns his craziness and explains “OH! Well, there’s these two old guys who hang out at a Deli in my head and help me out with lifes little problems.” Fantastic. Louis asks Tom where Templeton Park is and we get one of the best moments ever. (Tumblr won’t let me embed more than one thing, so click that link to see what I’m talking about. Tom is the GREATEST.) So, yeah. Louis finds out that people call it “Temptation Park” because it’s a popular makeout spot. Seriously, these kids are in high school ok. I refuse to believe otherwise. 
Basically, to shorten and simplify this subplot: Steve bribes Tugnut with donuts so that Ren will get the spot on the flag core... which she does. Ren finds out and gets mad because she a very fair-and-square person. So, she in turn bribes Tugnut with a cheese calzone to ensure Tom gets the spot instead... which he does. THE END!
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Ren handing her flag over to Tom -- whose life has just been made. 
Louis is a nervous wreck around Twitty because he obviously knows that he should not be messing around with Allison in any way shape or form. So when Twitty asks if he wants to hang out later, Louis makes up some bogus excuse about needing to go sock shopping with his dad. Wow. As usual, Twitty knows that something’s up. 
CUT TO ~TEMPTATION PARK~! The miscommunication culminates here and I love it so much. Louis meets Allison at the park and she lays out a blanket for them and everything. They get comfortable and she asks “Soo, you wanna try something fun?” and Louis’ voice cracks so bad when he answers “.......su..re....” Oh my freaking god. He’s totally thinking they’re about to makeout or something and it’s too much. It only gets worse when she asks him to slip into a bathing suit she brought with her. I’m dyin right now. The guys in his head are all “No good can come of this!!” - Ain’t that the truth. This is where Louis draws the line. He tells her that Twitty is his best friend and what they’re doing is VERY VERY WRONG. Allison is confused out of her mind like “....what are we doing?” Then we get one of my favorite Louis quotes: 
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I cannot get over how CONFIDENT Louis is?! He thought he could easily make a 36 year old woman fall in love with him. Now he assumes Allison can’t resist his gorgeousness as if he’s 1997 Leonardo DiCaprio. Chill, Louis. 
It’s here that we finally learn the real reason why Allison has been checking him out and invited him to the park. She explains “I don’t want to date you, I want to paint you!” Louis is crumbling, oh man... And it only gets worse. She says she wants to recreate her favorite painting “Boy On A Rock” and she was staring at Louis so much because said boy on the rock is literally Louis:
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I swear, if Shia had to actually sit for that painting... that is iconic and yet another poster that should exist if Even Stevens ever becomes as big as Seinfeld. Which it won’t. But still. I’d buy it. It’s actually a real painting by Dan Haberkorn, who was the art director for the show. He has it up on his website in high quality! It’s amazing. I so wish he’d sell prints/posters of it! Gah. 
Allison just keeps going on about the similarities between Louis and the painting: “See? Not really handsome, kinda of quirky, a little off...” “OK I GET IT!” Louis interrupts, lol. That must’ve been a wakeup call. Since Louis stopped their non-existent relationship because of Twitty, Allison tells him he’s a very good friend. I like that. They’re cool after that and Louis poses for the painting. (cover photo) I love the quote here: 
Allison: “Louis, you look perfect. Except you’re missing one thing...” 
Louis: “My dignity?”
Twitty happens to be passing through the park and sees Allison running her hands through Louis' hair to make it look more like the original painting. Twitty gets pissed at Louis for lying which leads to the most ridiculous chase sequence. The way Shia runs is so funny, omg. There’s also some stock song that’s sung in gibberish or something that plays here and it always gets stuck in my head, too. Which sucks because there are no actual lyrics, lol. Louis falls into some mud while running which irks me every time. That poor bathing suit! 
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He ends up wandering into the middle of some girl scout meeting. They call him a mud monster, accidentally toss a cake on his head, and start chasing him as well, lol. These chases are also amazing because Louis is screaming the entire time, and we all know how great his scream is. Twitty eventually catches up to him and I love this dialogue so much:
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Twitty: "So, why're you running?"
My mom and I quote this at least once a week. This is a nice scene, though. The two of them have a heart to heart. Louis basically says it was stupid to let a girl come between them, so they agree that “from now on it’s friends first” -- Disney’s way of saying “bros b4 hoes” which is definitely what two 14 year old middle school boys would say instead. 
Then the girl scouts catch up to him again and the episode fades out on Louis running from them: 
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Some say he’s still running today...
And that’s it! This is one of my personal favorites, guys. I LOVE the Louis plot here, haha. I’ve said before, I’m a sucker for teen drama and seeing Louis spiral into insanity over girls will never not be entertaining and endearing. I think this episode is funny, solid, fast-paced, and quotable! AND again, it’s a personal fave. This one has a lot going for it imo. It kinda kills me to place this one at 26, juuuust shy of the Top 25 (which, can you believe we’re about to hit the Top 25?! I can’t!) but yeah. I like this Ren plot too because it involves Tom and he is the best. 
In case you missed the last entry you can read it here. 
Thanks for reading! 
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hwallsgrl-archive · 7 years
kconla ‘17
this is more or less a post for my own reference bc i tend to forget things rlly easily... and i really don’t want to forget this weekend!! sorry if this is unreadable.. like i said, it’s mainly for my own reference ghfjdksn
friday convention: pretty uneventful seeing as it’s only the first day... me n my friend lined up to try for the w1 hitouch but we were told to come back at 2pm. we had heize’s audience engagement to go to at that time, so we just ended up buying w1 banners and nametags anyways bc tbh.. we didn’t have a chance at winning LOL.. (i heard fansites bought all the merch tho? so at least we got our stuff before that madness). a lot of people were selling their heize passes, so the rest of our party bought them to go in and honestly.. it’s a loss for the people who sold them !! heize is one of the sweetest n down to earth people i’ve ever met/seen... someone in the hi-touch area got her an olaf backpack and she was so excited!! she also said she really liked the vibe of la and that more people showed up than she expected (which broke my heart HJKDS). she also describes herself as a “srapper/ringer” bc she says she likes both singing and rapping... im gna fast forward to the cosmic girls audience engagement which was.. life changing tbh.. they’re all so pretty and cute irl, but bona couldn’t make it for some reason :( yeonjung sang miracle + secret, dawon did eunseo’s “hing~”, and meiqi did luda’s “mollah-ah”. they were also asked who they wanted to switch bodies with and from what i can remember, dayoung wanted to switch bodies with dawon (bc in her words, dawon is “hot, tall, and sexy” HJFSHLJ), and luda wanted to switch bodies with seola (bc she’s really pretty.. and i agree!! all of them are!!!) cheng xiao is my bias but unfortunately she didn’t say much..... also every idol whose never been to la wants in n out but i don’t blame them, it’s good!! i didn’t have that great of a view either bc the people in front of me were already tall + they were against the barrier which adds another inch or so to their height.. but overall it was a cute n fun audience engagement!! we went home afterwards bc there was nothing else left to do..
saturday convention: we went early bc my friend had sf9′s audience engagement so while we waited for her to finish that, me n the rest of the party just went around the convention hall and got free stuff :’)) when she came back, we went to juncurryahn’s meet and greet. he’s rly nice and talented, but i don’t watch his videos so i didn’t know what was going on majority of the time... afterwards we were going to get food and i was going to line up for seventeen’s audience engagement, but on the way out i saw people already lining up outside? when i asked what was going on, a guard told me to wait in the indoor waiting area but when i went there, vixx’s audience engagement hadn’t gone in yet. i asked the woman scanning bracelets but she told me to go outside. when i told her the situation, she then said i could stay inside. thirty minutes later, more people came in and started complaining so she told us all to.. go back outside lmfao... when i headed back outside the guard said the waiting area was full, so i’d just have to sit around until they started letting people line up again... i did meet a few more carats in line tho so i guess? it’s fine.. i also got a mingyu fan from one of his fansites, like u! it was super hectic inside bc a lot of people were crowding me and i was getting anxious, but the carats i met in line were nice enough to check up on me every few minutes to make sure i was okay... and seeing seventeen..... made my heart stop.... i couldn’t get a good view bc 1) im short and 2) people brought posters and constantly held them up whenever their biases talked.. it was a good experience but the only thing that bothered me was people screaming whenever a member tried to talk... i’d hate to be biased but seeing dino in the same room as me was the most memorable.. like he actually glows irl and he’s so handsome and pictures don’t do him justice!!!!!!! also junhui? ethereal. he can’t exist like.. he’s too handsome. they then played a dice game where each number means they have to do a certain thing.. dino got freestyle dance (how fitting...), seungkwan and wonwoo got fav pop song (when we were young + see you again, respectively), jeonghan and joshua both got aegyo, dk got random dance (and he threw the dice inflatable into the crowd and.. mightve hit someone ? idk i only heard him apologizing!!), and mingyu got sexy dance (hgfjdkl it was funny bc he started off fine but got rlly awkward n shy). everyone and their mothers are hip hop team stans btw... after that i left to go find my friends at the mwave stage, where they were doing signed album giveaways. oh my girl was having a fansign at star square in thirty minutes and i happened to be near the barrier where they walked by... in the midst of waiting for oh my girl to come out, my friend’s number was called for an album and he got the night version of astro’s dream pt 01 signed by all members!! literally 3 minutes later oh my girl came out and??????? they’re so pretty i was FLOORED.. i could only get a good look at jiho’s face before a guard stepped in front of me tho.. but i did see all the other member’s side profiles and? i love girls. wow. once that was over, we went to go get food and line up for the concert when the friend who won the album said he didn’t listen to astro.. and he gave it to me....... i started crying
saturday concert: HJFKDSLHJFK IT WAS WILD TBH!! the pre show was really good w/ juncurryahn playing crush’s beautiful on the violin and dancing to not today.. then it was krnfx and he beatboxed a few songs.. also lydia paek joined him for bs&t which was cool!! the first mc’s for the night were scoups, joshua, and vernon and i kind of.. lost my shit HJKDSLHJFK.... i don’t rmr the exact order but i do know that sf9 was the first act and they performed fanfare, jungle game, and easy love. also when they did the whole robot acrobatics thing in jungle game? my face was like :O the whole time!!!! chani looked like a cute lil pumpkin and zuho... is spicy... after that was cosmic girls and I LOVE!!!! THOSE SPACE ANGELS!!!! SOO MUCH!!!!! they performed happy, i wish, and secret (though i really wanted them to perform miracle...) i’m not a big fan of girl’s day but they’re sooo beautiful and they performed i’ll be yours, something. and ring my bell.. i knew nothing about suju d&e but they did 3 songs! the only song i can recall the name of is oppa oppa, which is really catchy... vixx’s act was really good!! they performed shangri-la, black out, and fantasy, but i was thinking about haknyeon and ravi’s lil head twirl part the whole time ghjdfkl.... vixx had a thing called ‘pinata time’ and got photo session, and they made cute poses around the stage so fans could take pictures of them. seventeen was the last act and ................ it was life changing, truly... they performed don’t wanna cry and I STARTED CRYING BC I LOVE THOSE BOYS SO MUCH AND WORDS CAN’T DESCRIBE HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO ME AND HOW MUCH THEY’VE DONE FOR ME.... they had a pinata time and got everyone in the venue to dance to mansae which made me tear up again... they shot signed tshirts into the crowd in reserved seating!! mingyu + jun + woozi had to share a gun and after they shot one shirt, mingyu was trying to put the other shirt in and almost broke the gun HJFKLHJSDK... jun was interacting w/ the crowd all while woozi n mingyu were trying to figure it out.. like he was just shrugging and being his cute bubbly self.. eventually a staffer had to come up and help them lmao.. they also performed boom boom and aju nice which put me in the happiest mood!! i wanted them to perform pretty u which is like.. my fav song.. but i would have started UGLY CRYING so i’m glad they didn’t... somewhere in between cosmic girls invented the song i need u and sf9 covered sorry sorry... both groups danced together for the last chorus or so for sorry sorry..... also all of svt’s units performed a song! performance team did swimming fool, vocal did habit, and hip hop did check in. but saturday’s concert was amazing and seventeen.. really did change my life..... i also hope hoshi is feeling better !!!
sunday convention: got lost on the freeway and we all started freaking out bc we thought we’d miss wanna one at the innisfree booth. fortunately we made it in time, but the booth was already packed and there were people pushing and shoving. the security was really rude and told people near the back “if you cant see anything you’re wasting your time, what are you doing with your lives??” though i get he was doing his jobs.. there’s better ways to just tell us to back up lmao... i also i stood next to a baejin fansite (cheese bae) and they gave me a banner! my friend and i got claustrophobic and left, but i’m glad i did bc the people in front of me were a good 7 inches taller than me and when wanna one showed, the pushing got so bad that kcon threatened to end the session. the rest of the party stayed and said that they were only there for 5 minutes and that they looked visibly upset (understandable bc of the whole airport incident. i don’t blame them if they hate la lmao). they did get a blurry video of baejin and daniel tho so.. they airdropped that to me. we did pretty much everything the convention hall had to offer and no workshops/panels really interested us so we just hung around the toyota booth for astro... there i got a sanha fan from a fansite, but their name isn’t on the fan so i can’t find them :(... kard was said to make an appearance at the state farm booth right next to the toyota one, so it got crowded and my friend and i left. we just sat in the entrance hall near an outlet until astro came out, and we stood near the elevator so we could see them walk out... sanha is unbelievably tall. like.... what’s he so tall for. why. also while waiting i got a taeyong banner from leetaeyongbar! we then decided to go back inside to hopefully see wanna one at star square, so we went to the area where we stood for oh my girl. luckily not a lot of people cared to stand in the back so we got right up by the barrier. i also talked to a wannable and she was rlly sweet!! i mentioned getting anxious abt crowds of people against me and she also made sure i was okay, which is nice.. also a fansite stood behind me and i told her that if i was in the way, she could just let me know.. i dont know which fansite she is but she was nice n was thankful!!! wanna one came out and i only got a good look at guanlin (who is tall, but not sanha tall) before staff stood in front of me.. after they walked by a bunch of people left so i got closer and waited for them to come out... i’m glad i stayed bc i actually saw them walk out... and jisung!!!!!!!! waved!!!!!! in our direction!!!!!!!!!!!! my heart almost burst out of my chest bc he’s so handsome irl and he’s so cute and he looked really happy... after that we left to line up for the concert
sunday concert: sunday’s crowd was a lot bigger than saturday’s, and i’m pretty sure everyone there was a got7 stan... while in line i saw papa tuan (mainly bc he was dressed as their lightstick, which was cute)!!! inside the venue, the girl sitting next to me as also an aroha so we talked abt astro while we waited for the concert to start!! the preshow was a band called iamnot (correct me if i’m wrong, i couldn’t read their logo ghjfdk) and they were really good.. i liked their act a lot!!! the night’s hosts were mark and jackson, and they did a good job hyping up the crowd (tho everyone in there was a got7 stan so.. who wouldn’t be hyped lol). when they were calling up all the artists, heize brought the olaf backpack on with her and my heart!!!!! exploded w love for my mother!!!!!! once again i don’t remember the exact order, but i do know that the first act was kard, who performed don’t recall, hola hola, and oh nana. we also sang happy birthday to somin who teared up :’)). also j.seph is super cute n shy........ heize performed don’t know you. after a small ment, a sign asked us to turn on our phone flashlights... the music for star started and heize started to cry bc of all of the lights hjgfdklhg :( she only performed two songs... oh my girl performed coloring book and closer, and yooa is sosososo pretty!!! arin is super cute too!!! also binnie doesn’t have bangs anymore and my heart almost stopped!!! my robong DIED during coloring book bc me, being the fool i am, reused batteries from my carat bong... the aroha next to me gave me her spare batteries which was so nice of her... but then her robong died during closer so i gave back the batteries bc i knew astro as her ult, n she needed those batteries more than me LOL.. when wanna one performed, the girl saw me with my banner and she asked to record for me and i’m so grateful!!! they performed energetic and burn it up, and i think me and my friend got on the screen for like 2 seconds HJKDLSHJGKL... astro did a collab with kim taewoo and they did so well!! the dance was super energetic but their voices still sounded so good!!! kim taewoo then performed and his voice was really nice.. i can’t recall the song names but i believe his last song was love rain? astro performed should’ve held on, breathless (with a transition into polaris), and baby!! sanha was soo cute during the ment :(( they also had a pinata time and made tshirts to throw to those in the pit. they also had tshirt guns and shot those to the reserved seats... also i recorded the performance for the aroha next to me in exchange for the w1 videos... nct’s stage was.. so hype.... they performed firetruck, limitless, and cherry bomb!! some of the mics weren’t working during the ment so mark leaned over to let taeil use his in-ear mic and everyone in the venue went wild... also sicheng’s self intro was “my name is winwin!!! today.. we winwin!!!!!!!!” HJFKSLHJSF HE’S SO CUTE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I’LL FOREVER BE SICHENGSGIRL NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I CHANGE MY URL.... once again, the aroha next to me recorded nct for me and i later recorded got7 for her.. jj project performed, and they did never ever, hard carry, and?? correct me if i’m wrong but confession song?? idk.. they had a pinata time as well and a lucky fan got proposed to by three members, who i think were bambam, jaebum, and jackson. somewhere in between, wanna one came out again in navy colored school uniforms and perfomed never and nayana.. and i teared up during the latter... after the concert was over, me n the aroha airdropped each other the videos... i never got her name but she was super sweet and im glad i got to sit next to someone who didn’t consider my screaming obnoxious (she apologized for screaming during astro and got7 but.. we get each other LOL)
overall i’m so happy that i saw 6/6 of the groups i stan at my very first kcon!!! it’s rlly a memory i want to keep forever.. but i probably won’t go again in a long time (unless ofc.... wanna one or seventeen decide to come again :’))) )
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maetaamong · 6 years
Random Tag
Tagged by my favourite monbebe and aghase @cinnagyeom-roll​ <33
1. How’s your day?
Not too bad tbh, a little hectic tho. I woke up late and was almost late to class but my teacher was late too so I technically wasn’t late. But I had a really productive first 3 classes and then my last class was interrupted by a lock down drill and we had to go take attendance in like 3 different places. But overall not bad.
Plus the CBX comeback is so funnn!!
2. Have you already, drank, ate, rested enough today?
I have eaten one (1) sandwich, haven’t drank anything all day, and am running on 8 hours of sleep. So a normal day for me? (it’s 3pm as I’m writing this btw)
3. 3 things you love about yourself?
1. How well I work with animals, I can read them very easily :)
2. How easily I can make myself happy after something upsetting happens
3. I like to think I’m pretty friendly??
4. 4 songs that make you smile?
1. Blooming Days - EXO-CBX
2. Shine - Pentagon
3. Rubber Band - iKON
4. La La Love - NCT Dream
5. Tell me one completely random fact about you!?
I’m right handed I own one (1) 14yo horse (she’s a mix don’t ask me her breed), one (1) 2yo Portuguese Water Dog, and one (1) 3 foot long Egyptian Uromastyx (he’s a lizard, just ask google for a pic)
6. Why did you create your account?
I originally made it to keep up with JackSepticEye and Markiplier cause I used to be highkey into that YouTube gaming life
7. Absolute dream job? (Like it doesn’t matter if that job doesn’t even exist!)
An animal therapist (physical) or animal breeding of some form
8. Which book would you like to direct a movie for?
Ready Player One because I adored that book and heard the movie version was terrible so LET ME AT IT
9. Do you want to marry one day?
I’d love to someday, I’m still way too smol to be thinking about that now though
10. Who is the person you trust the most?
I usually tend to keep difficult things to myself, but if I really need to ask for advice I’ll go to my close friends or guidance counsellor
11. Which internet friends do you want to meet in real life?
@xuhoon​ @whoozyuji​ @busan-daegu-hiphoplover​ @cinnagyeom-roll​ @supercriminalwolf​ @llavkey​ @thedaysix​ @achuu-nice​ @astrayminho​ @chuuyo​ @busanschubs​ @smittenbyschmidt​
12. If you can do a movie marathon with 1 random person, who would it be? (No matter if celebrity/idol/lives away/ isn’t alive anymore)
kdjsajdk @cinnagyeom-roll​ I agree, Bambam would be so much fun to watch movies with. But at the same time I would love to watch them with Ten...
13. You can choose 3 languages that you can suddenly speak, which would you choose?
“Korean, Chinese, Thai” Same Gyeom, same
14. Write down the first few words or sentence that comes to your mind, when you read/hear this word: HAPPY
I have like 29381293 thoughts running through my head at any given time and currently I’m listening to kpop whilst pretending to pay attention in Spanish class so um... I love you guys?
15. Do you prefer blue sky with sun or dark night sky with moon and stars?
Definitely dark night sky with moon and stars, I love love love looking at the stars and plus I’m very much a night owl
16. What were you scared of as a child?
The dark, snakes, and people
17. Are you still scared of those things?
I am definitely still afraid of the dark sometimes cause I live in the city and have this constant underlying fear that some wackjob from the streets has just walked into my house without me knowing and is now just chilling in the darkness of my room.
People are awful and although I am getting less and less scared of interacting with them I still get freaked out by a large majority of them
18. 1 thing you want to change about the world?
I wish people would keep hurtful and unnecessary comments to themselves, it’s something my mom does to me all the time. Like I’ll be listening to kpop in my room and she’ll come in and say “why do you listen to this, it’s so awful.” like wHY
19. What outfit do you feel the most comfortable in? What do you wear when you’re really yourself?
A large hoodie (the bigger the better), blue or black skinny jeans, and my timberland boots
20. Do you have tattoos? If yes what meaning do they have? If no do you want some and why?
I don’t have one yet cause I’m still a smol and my parents would disown me, but I am very interested in getting one. I’d love to get a small black horse shoe on the back of my left shoulder because it was an injury in my left shoulder that got me to stop ski racing and start competing in horse riding.
21. A hairstyle/colour you always wanted but were too scared to actually get?
I’ve never really been afraid to do anything with my hair. Once I wanted to dye part of my hair a galaxy mix of purples, pinks, and blues. So I did it. And then later I wanted to shave off the colours in exchange for an undercut that I could shave kpop logos into. So I did it.
22. Is there anything you would want to change about yourself?
mmmm I don’t think so?? I mean sometimes I wish I didn’t blush as easily as I do but at the same time I don’t really care??
I wouldn’t say I’m confident in myself, I’m more content than anything.
23. Do you think you’re loved?
My friends show me an astounding amount of love and support.
24. Which person that you don’t personally know, has influenced you the most?
Although I don’t technically stan him anymore I think I would have to say Min Yoongi from BTS (Suga). He was probably the one person who introduced me to kpop, and because of that introduced me to so many new people and things. And since then, little parts of me have been changed for the better :)
25. Name 5 things that would be definitely on your bucket list?
1. Move out asap :)
2. Meet my online friends
3. Learn another language for fun, aka not as a school course
4. Raise and train an animal on my own
5. Go on a trip with my friends
I’ll tag @howcaniwait @xuhoon @drowning-inkpop @achuu-nice @thedaysix @undinefin @whoozyuji @astrayminho @scene-stealers @khbdh @chuuyo @busanschubs @busan-daegu-hiphoplover @ilysmhanbin @hunbunnie @llavkey @smittenbyschmidt 
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