#that uh. doesnt immediately throw in shipping
upsidedowngrass · 1 year
wheres liam gets home fic . wheres liam recovery .. please
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mspaintlover · 1 year
i;m so sick of swatch/ton im gonna throw up for real
#IM NOT GOING TO CLAIM ITS LIKE MORALLY WRONG OR SOMETHING I JUST DON'T LIKE IT. IT DISINTERESTS ME DEEPLY#It just makes 97% of anything ever made or related to swatch disinteresting to me immediately its frustrating#i know they have canon character tensions going on between them which is fine but i dont get why exploring them by default has to ship#^sorry i saw cool art that was tagged ship#also sorry to put this here but i don't want to put Fandomy Complaints on my main and this is my swatch blog#.bmp#uh..#complaining#??#i just don't get it but maybe its becauyse im Swatch Brained but like i feel like maybe. it doesnt have to be about spamton sometimes .#maybe swatch can be their own character outside of half of a ship dynamic idk#<- also ALSO. i wrote up a huge thing about how Swatch wouldn't have like severely and permanently disfigured spamton#by throwing him in burning acid. which i intended mostly as like 'swatch isn't just Mean Butler/Barista and nothing else' because i was sic#of them just being used as a prop villain for Spamton#but i really didn't mean it as like. they were closer than they seem in game or that they didnt clearly hate eachother's guts#they very much do not like eachother . like Swatch is SO mad he stole the NEO body they made it clearly meant a lot to them#no doubt they have some bullshit going on but to me making it romantic or whatever doesn't add anything to the interpersonal conflict#this why it is my mission to make swatch art that is not ship sorry
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unknownspecies · 1 year
Maple x Hanma ult post
ship names: mapna, hanple, hanmaple, uh, blondies, hama, hama-burger, hama-ndcheesesandwich, maple syrup ;) , high fructose corn syrup, sugar, eggs, spinach, strawberries, bread-
maple is a tsundere in this relationship, she pretends that he doesnt do anything to her but in reality shes sooooooo flustered and shes blushing constantlyyyyy oooooooh (moonface emoji)
hanma, of course, takes full advantage of this to see how much he can push her. always gets her flowers and compliments her constantly (it gets annoying frfr). you can tell he’s absolutely whipped for her its not even funny
since he becomes a photographer, he’s definitely always taking pictures of her. but his favorite types are the ones where shes not aware, so he captures her natural look (he has a hidden scrapbook)
okay now maple whatever selfship lore you had for him (and i know you had a loooot ;) ) scrap that entirely because thats not true, its fake and horrible. im giving you the real deal okay, im canon ur not
Yall definitely met in barista au
youre the barista
and the moment he walked into the coffee shop, you immediately hated him. why? i don’t know, you tell me ;) maybe it was how stupidly attractive he looked, maybe it was the swagger (nonexistent tell you i don’t know where you got that from) that he walked with, or his stupid grin. who knows?
either way, maple hated hanma, but hanma did not hate maple :>
Timeskip 200 years because maples playing hard to get and hanma finds her interesting enough to keep chasing after her (crazy i know)
even after they’re dating, maple still pretends she hates him while hanma’s even more smug because he’s got a gem by his side (and hopefully on her finger soon)
oh my goodness, imagine you guys get into an argument
he comes into the shop expecting to see her because he always comes on a friday and he’ll never break that tradition, and maple’s there standing, arms crossed and foot tapping waiting for him
there’s an angry look on her face but his coffee is already ready and waiting for him. except when hanma stretches out his hand to get it, maple takes off the lid and spits in it ! before covering it back up again, swirling it around so it mixes in and giving it to him
well two can play at that game
hanma uncovers it again and, without breaking eye contact, chugs it. the he holds up the coffee lid and makes a show of licking the bit of coffee that stuck to it too before saying something like
“would that cost extra, my love? that might become my new usual., although i prefer your spit just by itself” before winking and walking out the store
🧍‍♀️ you throw the cup at his head by the way
okay thats all i have
for noew >:)
@maplehanma come here u whore
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bytchysylvy · 1 year
Oasis: 1, Latikam: 7, Casarin: 10, Hydrel: 18
(oasis) What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Approximately 10 minutes. This assumes "nothing" does not include keeping a watch out, navigation, watching to make sure casarin is paying attention, making snide comments and flipping off other pilots while on the ship. If he's being responsible she likes to go harass alex in the back. On land she's always wandering off on her own away from casarin either picking up essentials he's forgotten again or non essentials lol. She can also be found playing "lets throw bricks at susarikas" (he loves it) to pass the time.
If there's NOTHING to do, she's trapped just waiting, she'll usually pull something she uh found in the street (finders keepers) and carve into it with her knife. No this is mine, see its got my name on it and a little pony too, oh and on this side its got a snake eating a watermelon.
(latikam) What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
The thing with living for centuries is that at a certain point, everything and nothing causes nostalgic, its the experience of every vazuvyr. BUT latikam has lived through the occupation AND does not live in his homeland anymore, in a way he is a child who remembers past lives but cannot apply any of it to this one. The biggest trigger is that mokubat learned how to cook from vokutlvek, and while they have their different styles every now and then something lines up, he can taste his brothers work in his sons. Its... a lot. Thats the taste he's known through centuries of heartache and love and pain and joy and healing, yet for once he's not here for it. The person who's always been there to run to, lay his head on, and protected him isn't there this time. Somehow disorientating and grounding at the same time.
Seeing casarin and hydrel also remind him A LOT of vokutlvek and azrem. Their stupid little dramas, playing footsies at the table, shoving food into his mouth. Latikam said "I know what you are".
(casarin) What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
God why did you have pick THIS one for him how did you hone in on this choice. My man keeps repeatedly telling a very specific lie about how okay he is. "haunted" probably isnt the word Id pick exactly. During sf its less of the burden of knowing he lied and more of the fear of someone finding out the truth. And in act 2 when someone confronts him about it he doubles down on "everything is fine" until he's dragged kicking and screaming to the warm saucer of milk. At the end of his life he looks at those years and realizes how stupid he was for putting himself through it and not asking for help, especially now recognizing fjinmars and adaen saw the problem and wanted to help him but he never gave them the chance, but at this point he's too preoccupied by the good run they had and how thats going to be gone.
A specific instance he told this lie to his mother, who he never lies to because she is telepathic, clocked him immediately and he broke down about the whole thing. The thing that hurts him is that he doesnt know why he lied, mama never made him feel bad about this before, he just... felt guilty and embarrassed about all this. idk.
(hydrel) What embarrasses them?
The austisms. He's had people "just tease" him for his expressions and taking things literally and when he's last to the joke. Doesnt like to ask what people mean by things because that usually makes it worse. It's not obvious in the main script but its worth noticing how much differently he acts with his family vs with casarin. Weird. Sure its nothing. Also bringing up past incidents is the fastest way to get 🧑‍🤝‍🧑-- points with him, VERY embarrassed when he realized after the fact he overreacted or was rude when he didnt mean to be. Just let him learn and move on.
Also extremely embarrassed if you catch him farting lmao. How dare you accuse him of having a bodily function. I want a bestie divorce.
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gusherbug · 3 years
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ok .. so sorry but i made a self insert oc that totally isnt for self ship reasons
this is janine, and. yeah just a self insert with too much lore. they’ve got a lizard in their pocket at all times. the lizard’s name is jiblets (he doesnt need heat hes ok in there)
there is too much lore hang on. most of it is her mind level
janine is just. like the oldest intern at the psychonauts (20s + she/they), they were gonna give her a mentor but there was an incident before they could assign one, janine isnt great at controlling psychic powers, and for unknown reasons they accidentally made a huge sonic boom in hq that injured a few people
they were like “OH FUCK?” and kinda like compton, committed herself to psychoisolation from guilt and the fear that if it happened again, someone’s injuries might be fatal. she refuses to leave her chamber, but does allow visitors. 
she made friends with raz before the incident and immediately adopted him as a younger cousin type deal, and he visits her in the chamber sometimes. he’s offered to go into her mind and figure out why she lost control of her powers, but she insists he’s had so much bullshit happen that he doesnt need to feel obligated to help them
her mind is a rlly 90s style arcade with cabinets that correspond to important memories of janine’s, where you can win tickets from them to buy prizes (that are p.. expected, toy lizards, shitty game n watch ripoffs, plushies). the prize counter is worked by a sorta 16 bit rabbit plushie sprite person. raz would see an employees only backroom that has 3 locks on it, and realizes that at the prize counter, you could redeem tickets for keys.
there are windows there, but nothing is outside, just darkness and sometimes shooting stars
screens of arcade cabinets that raz has beaten would switch to an eye that stares him down which is kinda about the paranoia thats growing as raz gets closer to unlocking the back room
some of the prizes at the counter are large plushies of various psychonauts and people janine is friends with. the price of each one in tickets corresponds to how much she trusts that person, with the most expensive ones being ppl she trusts the most. when he enters, the two most expensive ones are hollis and raz himself. each of the psychic six/seven are there with varying prices, but ford is very pointedly missing
the mental representation of janine appears in random areas of the arcade, and when raz looks away, theyre gone and are now in a different spot. they play claw machines and cabinets, sometimes sitting in a corner with a gameboy or drawing. they dont answer any questions about the locked back room.
claw machines in the arcade are all rigged. its impossible for raz to win a prize from them. the prizes are mostly locked plastic chests, psi pops, and packages of candy hearts
the more keys raz redeems tickets for out of the 3 keys, the more eyeballs begin to appear around the arcade. the floor pattern changes to them, more appear on the cabinet screens, and they follow and stare raz down.
raz can finally get into the back room with all 3 keys, and there is... a lot back there. all the emotional baggage in the level is back there in a cluster, the shelves are packed with locked novelty treasure chests, and one last claw machine. he finds the plush of janine herself in there, with a price tag of one ticket, as she barely trusts herself. 
raz is sucked into the claw machine for the final boss, where the claw tries to grab him and throw him to the ground to damage him. the claw has three prongs from a massive eye with a blue iris. enemies in the machine include nightmares, judges, and doubts, all with excessive eyeballs to stare raz down. the claw is filled with more novelty plastic chests, and if raz lets the claw smash into them, they open and he hears janine’s paranoid thoughts and self doubt shoot out as a psychic beam. these will damage raz, but are easy to dodge. raz needs to direct enemies into the claw’s eye when it tries to grab him and misses, lingering on the ground for a moment
when the boss is defeated, one final novelty chest remains, without a lock. it’s patterned with hearts with muffled thoughts coming from inside. raz goes to open it, and janine immediately intervenes and expels raz from their mind.
raz tries to ask her why so many feelings and thoughts are locked away, but she won’t answer and tries to change the subject back to video games or something else. 
uh. ok thats a shitton about her mind level actually. i may do more later? itd probably be a level raz has to enter twice to go back and unlock some of the chests and free the repressed feelings and thoughts 
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mazojo · 3 years
Ah no it’s okay! We all get busy sometimes!! And yeah, uh I find it very disturbing that this fandom goes so hard on the “Tsukasa abused Amane/Mitsuba.” Theory because it’s.. it’s gross. Who looks at a kid who was legitimately traumatized at like the age of four and decided that this kid, because he did something bad to your comfort character, is suddenly this huge bad person with no redeeming qualities like? The two twins are brothers, two halves of the same whole, if Hanako the murderer gets to have a happy life then like, so does his literal victim? So does the kid who sacrificed himself for his own brother? So does the literal child who was abused in the red house (we can’t stop defending Kou over tossing baby Tsukasa around and acting like he’s at fault for everything when he doesn’t even know what’s going on), and then told that he was going to die and if that wasn’t all, he DOES die and if he’s a Yorishiro like we assume, lord knows what Tsukasa has been going through stuck in a boundary of all places.
At the end of the day, they’re all children and wanting them to have a happy life and a happy relationship shouldn’t be so bad and “toxic”. Like sorry but if you hate a traumatized kid finding love because he’s not acting like a “normal” traumatized child (ex: crying) then MAYBE you shouldn’t be in the fandom. Everyone thinks there’s only one way to process trauma (the crying, remorseful, sobbing, etc way) when there’s millions of other people who act JUST like Tsukasa? Who never cry and find their trauma “laughable” because they’re quite literally so hurt that they can’t find it in themselves to cry? Sometimes I get annoyed that everyone has this standard rule of how to process trauma and because Tsukasa doesn’t follow the rules, he’s bad
Yeahh its so weirdchamp people hate with this burning passion a kid who,,,,,, was literally abused and traumatized?? Like I get constructive criticism and again, I think all characters in tbhk are stuck in this very gray area to themselves. I think people should be more critical about their favorite understanding all of them have their faults at times. Like, Kou is my favorite character from the franchise but he has dont some questionable things here and there and although they come from a good place, he doesnt act 100% on the right the entire time. Same can be applied to the "antagonistic" characters everyone throws crap upon because it makes them more human, Tsukasa being a kid and acting like one while the fandom expects him to act 100% like a grown up is just sad :((
And yeah agreed !! I believe trauma comes in different forms and we shouldn't impose out own believes and ways of dealing with conflict and bad situations on characters just because we dont live through them. Its very frustrating because I think that by doing that you are immediately disbalidating someone else life experience. Like yeah o f course Tsukasa is fictional but there are people who identify with the way he is and reacts and by painting it in this bad light immediately comes to tear down someone else and :(( in here we dont stan character nor ship hate
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catradoraism · 4 years
R/ylo vs Catradora: What Do We Like About Enemies-to-Lovers Romance? (or: I Can’t Believe Someone Paid Me $6 To Write This)
I am never putting this much effort into discourse again, i dont even like discourse whoever commissioned me for this i hope this is worth ur money fdjndjdnfd
(tw: mentions of r*pe and abuse)
Ok les get into it yuhh. Enemies to lovers 101 
1. Power balance.
Despite everything shadow weaver says (and what catra believed), Catra and Adora are equals, it’s reiterated over and over again in the show. Even in the theme song itself where Catra and Adora are butting heads, they’re clearly intended to be framed as equals. R/ylo, in spite of all narrative attempts, never really seem to come off as equals. It is just not executed well. They tried.
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imo, r/ylo was doomed the second they had literally their first conversation. there's a lot of things a pairing can do to each other during the enemies stage of enemies which falls under ‘Extremely Awful But We Are Enemies So This Is Kinda Expected’ territory. it’s why theres always attempted murder and sometimes even a bit of stabbing during this stage but this is not abusive (a word antis seem to love to throw around a lot, i’ll get into why this isn’t abusive later). however, there is a certain (but hard to define) line that if Crossed, the enemies should never have a romantic arc. kylo crosses this line in their first interaction.
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the director of the force awakens, jj abrams described this scene as a “violent mind r*pe.” considering hes,, the Director, it shows that r/ylo was not at all intended to be seen as romantic. At all. (until tlj but addressing that later). (and death of the author whatever but if the author intends this to be a violent assault scene and you choose to ignore that? yikes). not to mention, the fact that this scene is an allegory for r*pe uh,, don’t ship them? also kylo is fuckin 30 and rey is 19, that only adds to the power imbalance. the line “you know i can take whatever i want” is enough to make my skin crawl. 
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as this person puts it it’s not romance, this is violation, and That is what immediately established the power imbalance between them.
as a standalone scene, if rey and kylo were only meant to be enemies, this scene wouldve been fine. Its unnerving and highly disturbing, but in the context of an enemies relationship, fine. But considering how they’re being set up to be love interests, Not Very Good!! Also the dyad was an incredibly lazy narrative tool can i say that. It was.
This is such a dumb fucking sentence to write but this is a catradora/ r//ylo comparison so whatever - catra never crosses this line. Yeah she fucking ended the world and indirectly killed angella but she doesnt do anything like this to adora which is a low fucking bar for love interests im aware Okay but i am talking about their relationship as Enemies. Would like to reiterate, im not saying “do not violate ur partner” is the bar here. I am saying that violating ur Enemy is perhaps a Bad setup for a romance. there r a lot of enemies to lovers romances that work bc they dont have this set up.
2. The Fallout
“You’re nothing. But not to me.” / “Let’s be honest, all of this is your fault.”
before I talk about these scenes let’s address smth. an enemies to lovers dynamic, despite what antis say, is not inherently abusive. this is because abuse occurs in relationships that are rooted in trust (I’m aware there’s a more general definition that is used to define all forms of mistreatment in general but for the sake of this argument I’m referring to relationship abuse). For example, mean classmate who you hate tells you that you are worthless. Hurts yes, may lower your self esteem, shitty thing to do but you wouldn’t label them an abuser. If your SO however, said you were worthless, THAT’S emotional abuse. Technicality and semantics i know but they’re important distinctions to make. This is why people can’t say Catra’s actions towards Adora were abusive without taking into consideration the context of their relationship as Enemies. The antagonistic nature of the enemy relationship cannot be classified as abusive since there is no trust during the enemies stage. If Catra and Adora were in a romantic relationship during the earlier seasons then yeah that would be abuse and i sure as fuc wouldnt be a catradora blog lmao. But they were enemies! So their current romantic relationship?? Not abusive. Wow. What A Concept. Now let’s discuss these scenes.
“You’re nothing. But not to me.” / “Let’s be honest, all of this is your fault.”
On the surface? These scenes are parallels, they’re both attempts at manipulating the hero AND they’re in the final lines before the Fallout. but lets look closer at the words and the context of r/ylo and catradora’s relationships during these scenes.
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at this point in time, rey trusts kylo, he just killed snoke and they fought off the ?? soldiers ?? together. Here he demeans her, tells her she’s worthless, and says but Not To Me. by doing this hes basically saying oh ur nothing but babey, i am the One who can validate u mamas lemme show u how to get that sexy self worth can u tell i stopped caring fnjdjd. But yes the implications of this line suck bc 1) kylo is saying she’s worthless and that He is the only one who sees her as having worth, 2) since rey and kylo trust each other during this scene (and this scene is also romantically coded, he basically proposed marriage), this can easily be seen as a sign of emotional abuse (isolating the victim from their friends/family, attempting to make them depend solely on the abuser’s perception of them). and bc there is trust, kylo can manipulate rey into feeling guilty. now i know the r/ylos say “read between the lines” bc he’s not saying rey is worthless he’s saying rey means something to him, he is just projecting. and yk what? i agree, i don’t think kylos intentions were malicious i actually agree w their interpretation of this line However. the impact of the words will always outweigh the intention. that may not be what kylo truly means but it’s what rey hears. an unintentional guilt trip is still a guilt trip. it’s kind of the same way someone may threaten to hurt themselves if their partner leaves them, their intentions while not necessarily evil, are still extremely harmful and is Guilting. impact > intention. 
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bad. yeah catra fuckin sucks for saying this. demeaning adora. but at the point of fallout, unlike rey and kylo’s fallout, catra and adora don’t trust each other. the guilt trip here is not so much abuse as it is more classic enemy behaviour. also, unlike r/ylo, catradora are still equals. the r/ylo power imbalance kinda makes their fallout scene more gross bc he’s basically exerting power over rey,, again. but catra and adora are always on equal footing. Catra never had the upper hand on adora in the same way kylo did for rey (again referring to the torture scene and many other scenes) now lets look at rey and adora’s reactions
“Don’t do this Ben. Please don’t go this way” / “Now live with it.”
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rey’s reaction is rly heartbreaking here, she trusts kylo and believes there is good in him so she begs him not to go down the path of villainy again. this scene parallels a common experience with abuse victims, they see their abuser reverting to their old ways after a period of Good, they think everything will be fine again until, regression.
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adora on the other hand, doesnt trust catra and severs her ties. Unlike rey who is placed in a vulnerable position and is reluctant to give up, adora gives up on catra. If im being honest the entire fallout scene in s3 is the reason why catra’s “you have never given up not even on me” confession line didnt rly?? Resonate w me. Like the climax of s3 WAS that adora had to give up on her. Its much more complex than that i know, like adora gave up but still had hope? Idk this isnt a meta about that scene its just smth i thought id bring up. 
Ok so to summarise fallout scenes
Character A and B trust each other and A who has constantly exerted power over B and does so again to guilt B into staying. bad
Character A and B are equals but A goes way too far and the ties are completely severed. better. then they start their separate arcs and wooooo redemption
3. Accountability.  
“I did want to take your hand. Ben’s hand.” / “If you think hiding from the people you hurt is gonna make you feel better, then we’ll drop you off the nearest planet and you’ll never have to see us again.”
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Yeaahhhh babey lets talk about all the reasons wrong with THISSSS. Very clever i think. Treating ben and kylo as if they were separate entities lmfaooooo. They r the same fuckin person. Ive seen it in r/ylo chatacterisations, kylo is the evil villain and ben is the soft boy. Kylo ren is his evil persona yes, its a mask he puts on to hide his true emotions (catra does the same, she has a villain persona she puts on) but to treat kylo as if he was a separate being to ben??? Uhhhhh bad. It basically relieves him of all accountability for his actions bc it ‘wasn’t him’. This isnt rey’s intention ofc, shes trying to strip that villain persona away and make him more vulnerable. But unfortunately the impact is that ppl see kylo as a separate entity, ben didnt kill han solo, kylo did, ben didnt slaughtered a bunch of ppl, kylo did. U see the problem here?
“If you think hiding from the people you hurt is gonna make you feel better, then we’ll drop you off the nearest planet and you’ll never have to see us again.” 
Yeah i have my issues w catra’s redemption, like most ppl i wish angella’s death was addressed, as well as catra being terrible to scorpia and her part in taking over salineas. I thought catradora’s development was for the most part, well executed but they certainly sidelined a lot of issues i wish couldve been explored in favour of catra and adora’s reconciliation. Its not rly a surprise that they would be the focus considering they are the main conflict of the show and therefore would have centre focus reconciling but yeah wish the other issues were addressed. That being said i think catra readily takes accountability for what she’s done and faces it head on (obvsly not all of it but yeah mostly what shes done to adora), i also never rly saw her redemption as a complete one, it seemed to be framed as the beginning of a lot more work to be done, but shes getting there. 
Also kylo is a grown ass man who commits murder as his first act on screen and catra (while she did horrible things and was an awfully toxic person) is trapped in a vicious cycle of abuse and is humanised pretty much every season. Choose ur fighter lmao
In summary. r/ylo bad, catradora good. Thank u for coming to tedtalk was this worth $6? I have no fucking idea
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I failed you/Analogical
This is a superhero au like thing the characters may seem a bit out of character so :(
Logan woke up tied to a chair, seemingly alone, though mixed with the dark and not having his glasses it was hard to tell. He struggled, trying to get free, in the end it was a futile effort. "You're awake." Logan froze as the voice rang throughout the room. Suddenly the light was turned on, making Logan hiss as his eyes tried to adjust. A man put his glasses on him. Two men stood before him, one wearing a purple vest, black button up, with a grey duster coat, he had purple gloves and black dress slacks. Logan couldn't see his face due to the purple and black wooden mask with only eye holes and tiny holes at the bottom for speech and breathing. The other man wore a green shirt with a leather jacket, and skinny jeans. Much less formal than the other. "Who are you?!" Logan hissed as he once again tried to get free from the ropes that bound him. Making the man in green gasp. "You don't remember me? Well you know my brother, Roman?" Suddenly it clicked. This was Remus, a.k.a theDuke, who had murdered 15 people (that's just the victims they know for sure belong to him) age 20. Remus slowly moved over to Logan, sitting on his lap and wrapping his arms around his neck. "I can't wait to torture you~!" Logan paled, that was a major possibility. No one knew where he was. He told them he wouldnt be back till late, which means they would only start to question it tomorrow. Another man walked in, wearing black and yellow, dressed in casual attire. Remus snapped his head towards the door. Immediately getting off of him and moving to stand near the man in the mask. "Remus. What have I told you about touching our victims?" Remus only bowed his head as the man leaned against the door. "Logan Ethan, or better known as The watcher. Age 21." The Male obviously knew who Logan was. But Logan had no clue who he was. "Who are you?! Why am I here?!" Logan struggled even more, but to no avail. "Fine, fine, you want to know who I am? I am the behind the scenes like type! Much like you, except I don't fight much, I help my people escape when need be. You though, you should be more careful! It was too easy capturing you." Logan struggled even more. "Why am I here?!" "Tsk, tsk. I expected more politeness from you. Besides, you have information that we need. Anxiety will make sure we have that info soon!" The man dragged Remus out of the room. Anxiety? As in the famous murderer?? Anxiety walked up to Logan, swiftly kicking his chest. Logan braced for impact, but it never came. He slowly opened his eyes, to see Anxiety towering over him as the chair was now propped against the wall behind him. "Where is Thomas?" Thomas, was a small child, he was found by Roman, and brought with him. "I don't know-" anxiety slapped Logan, causing Logan to grunt in pain. "Where.is.Thomas." Logan stayed silent. Anxiety sighed, turning to a table. "Not talking huh? Nothing a little," he turned back towards Logan, knife in hand. "Persuading won't change." Anxiety walked up closer to Logan, dropping his knife with a giggle. "You know what? How would you feel about not having that little super power of yours?" Logan kept a straight face. They couldn't take his power could they? Anxiety scowled at him. "If I wasn't in such a hurry to find Thomas, I could torture you." He pulled up his chair now leaning over Logan, who blushed slightly. "You wanna know my super power, smart boy?" Anxiety leaned in next to his ear. "This." Logan screamed, writhing in pain. It felt as if a thousand knives were being stabbed into his whole body times ten. After a few minutes it stopped. The pain was gone, and anxiety stood up. Yanking the chair back into its original position. "Thanks, Lo. I can find him now." Logan blushed at the nickname, but glared at anxiety as he left the room.
After a few minutes Anxiety came back into the room, cutting Logans ropes and putting a gun to his head. "Now, Lo, let's go get Thomas, don't try anything. Talyn has their sights on whats his name? Ah, yes. Patton." Logan nodded, and anxiety slung his arm around Logan, stealing his glasses in the process, and covering his eyes with his hand. After they were out of the building, and maybe a few blocks away, anxiety returned his glasses. The were in an ally. "Logan, we have got a long walk ahead. Tell me about yourself! It's not like I have a gun against your back or anything." Logan sighed. "Why do you wanna know?" Anxiety pushed him further. "Look, chances are I'm gonna shoot you! But probably less likely if I get attached don't ya think? Speak up." Anxiety pressed the gun further into his back. "Fine. I live with my friends, Patton, Roman. And my boyfriend Virgil, doesnt live with us sadly." They turned down an ally. "Continue." "Uh, Virgil is a great artist, I love his work. Of course they all have their talents! Patton can cook, and Roman is a great singer." Logan continued to talk about his friends and Virgil especially. Anxiety finally hushed him. "We're here." Before Logan could react Anxiety tied him to a pole. Anxiety held the gun at Logans forehead. "Remember, Talyn." And with that he watched as Anxiety went over to the fence where Thomas was playing. Anxiety took off his mask, but since his back was facing him he couldn't see. Thomas saw him and jumped up and down. Saying something unaudible. Anxiety quickly put his mask back on. "Thomas, buddy go home, I'll meet you there, meet the others." Thomas nodded running past Logan running back he direction they came from. "Hey you!" Anxiety whipped around facing an officer. "Who are you? Take off your mask." Anxiety nodded, bowing slightly. Before standing back up and shooting the man. "Oops, my hand slipped." Anxiety giggled. "B-back...u-up-." "Ba-back up?" Anxiety laughed kicking the radio away. He walked over to Logan, in tieing him. Chuckling he waved Logan off. "You can go, it was fun!" Logan taking advantage of the situation ripped off Anxietys mask, throwing it aside. Anxiety hissed angrily turning back around. "Vir-Virgil?" Virgil rolled his eyes. "No, your it's your fairy-fucking-god-mother!" Virgil glared at him. "What happened?" “I’ve become what they told me I was.” His dead eyes seemed to bore directly into his Logan's soul. “For that I was bound for this path." Virgil walked over and picked up his mask. "And they were right!" Virgil put on his mask, dragging Logan with him. "And your not gonna tell a soul that I'm 'anxious little Virgie!'" Logan stopped. "What?" Virgil spat, angry that he had stopped. "Virgil- I.... I'm sorry... I failed you."
Hope you enjoyed!
@autumnpleaves 💜
Thank you to @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 for the ship! And I'm sorry its crappy :/
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findrahil · 4 years
and finally 003 + finrod
any/all the people i ship romantically with this character: uh. well, i am notoriously not picky (except with a select few characters) so here we go: finrod/amarie, finrod/edrahil, finrod/beor, on occasion finrod/barahir, ALSO where the fuck did i put it that one au where finrod singlehandedly stops the fall of numenor by seducing ar-pharazon
my favourite non-romantic relationship for this character: god. finrod and anyone. just,,, good vibes (if i had to pick, him and finarfin because i think they’re quite similar so that’s interesting to explore)
my unpopular opinion about this character: boy did a damn fool thing not immediately trying to sort something out with thingol and instead just automatically going to his death, like what sort of damn fool planning is that, no common sense at all!! >:(
one thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: wish he had some common sense that he got to officiate celegorm and thingol’s wedding in our ‘everyone has some common sense and doesnt commit murder for a Shiny Rock’ au
my favourite friendship for this character: i have to Pick one??? god. ok... *throws dart at board* EDRAHIL
my crossover ship: starting to think i just don’t know what these are
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 4 episode 12
Notes by me
- tealc going on missions alone? They fully trust him now. He is officially 100% an earth adoptee I dont make the rules
- a new airplane!
- fancy airplane my bad
- every time Sam starts getting too complicated with her explanations and someone interrupts her to say she isnt speaking English or whatever is literally just an excuse for the writers to come up with whatever plotline they want and not explain it
Which is fine. More bat shit plot lines for me
- the triumphant music
- jacks "wahoo!" This airplane has 100% Wahoo factor
- "sorry sir I got caught up in tealcs enthusiasm"
- when Sam says they can kill a mother ship with this airplane and hammond smiles like this
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- auto pilot said space or bust. Maybe its an AI? Wouldnt put it past Sam to accidently invent Ais
- "tealc wouldnt do this intentionally" AHDKDKSBSKW DANIEL DEFENDING HIS BESTIE
- "cheyenne, we have a problem"
- apophis: this is your pilot speaking. Pls keep all hands and feet inside the space craft at all times. The peanuts and ginger ale are NOT complimentary . our flight will take us past Saturn so make sure you have your cameras out! Oh and you will run out of air and slowly die a horrible death in the vastness of space. Thank you for choosing apophis airlines. God of chaos out ✌
- love booby traps bc it has the word boobies in it
- X301 is the name of the aircraft if youre interested in that sort of thing
- AHA! tealc just said they had no use for booby traps bc there had never been a traitor before him!! Proof he is the first jaffa defector
- them just floatin in space
- jupiter!!!!
- "we are incapable of nudging"
- love davis being here btw love him
- this is so stressful im streSSED
- tealcs lack of emotion is stressing me out too
- mission failed :(
- jupiter so pretty what the fuck. Why dont we live on HER
- daniel kinda useless in this ep sorry bro youre taking a back seat this time lol
- anise talking in codes and Daniel not even noticing and getting mad at her😌 we stan a dumbass
- Sam's black outfit can step on me
- Sam and Daniel by themselves 💜 on a mission to save their besties💜💜💜
- when their hiding in the bushes and the rings transport them right into the ship you guys are so bad at this
- that shot of Sam protecting Daniel I'm swooning
- JACOB!!!!!
- when he starts yelling at them
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- hhmmm dont like that
- not having our own ships really sucks ass btw
- ok as soon as sam mentions Jack and tealc are in danger jacob said Say No More
- "ive already done that freezing to death thing" ice cave flashbacks
- tealc offering to go into kelnoreem to conserve air for Jack I'm slipping im losing my grip
- "we are brothers"
"Back at ya"
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- I'm crying this is the end of me
- "if we are to die... we die well"
- hyper space for the big ship is really cool
- obligatory star trek reference
- Jack sad he doesnt have anyone to talk to
- will they get to them in time?? WILL THEY???
- when Jacob says that the human race is a baby compared to the tokra and Sam goes thru the five stages of rage
- why would they leave Daniel in charge of deception this is not gonna go well
- "whod you say you were?"
"Uh....the great and powerful Oz"
The Great And Powerful Oz Potter, you were named after the dumbest thing Daniel Jackson ever did-
- the way jack said "carter!" When he saw her 😭
- *throws a pen at tealcs head*
- "did you know your ships bigger than ours???"
- when they get beamed and immediately keel over
- MVP Jacob carter!!!! (And selmak)
- when the sgc hear that theyre all alive and they all start cheering and throwing shit. A mountain family
Jack Oniell whump: slow speech, fatigue, passing out, unconscious, lack of oxygen making his brain fuzzy(played for laughs)
Tealc whump: fatigue, unconscious
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microcroft · 4 years
I would like to personally thank you for pulling me into vindell hell I'm finally finishing bones due to the pandemic so this is *finger guns* a-okay with me
vindell!!! holy shit!!! i still havent finished bones because as a psych major i feel personally victimized by what the bones writers did (which i wasnt when i stopped watching back in like 10th grade? i think? but still, its the principle of it all) damn i miss my boys vincent and wendell. sorry i probably am never gonna be writing any more for them at least for a very long time because its been years since i watched the show so my ability to write the characters is very weak and i really am only able to write about stardew valley anymore  but i appreciate that the work i put into that little ship is still goin strong!!! heres something: Vincent survives but only after hours and hours of intensive surgery (oh god imagining the medical bills physically hurts lets hope brennan throws in some money, hes gonna be like “crap why couldnt i have been shot back in england?”). all the other interns are there for him at the hospital but wendell hardly seems to leave his bedside. throughout the rehabilitation process wendell is always there for him too, wheeling him around the hospital, helping him learn how to walk again and eventually driving him back to his crummy apartment nearly all the way in annandale even though it was 4 pm and traffic was horrible. he cant live on his own anymore, at least not for right now, wendell immediately offers to rent an apartment with him ( “my lease is almost up and i hate my neighbors anyway, plus it will be cheaper than living on my own” ( he lied, his lease wasnt almost up)). Wendell helps him break his lease and move out of his crummy apartment to a new one in falls church and then continues helping him even more. He understands, he doesnt push him to do more physical therapy on the days where the pain in his back is worse, doesnt coddle him when he wants to do things on his own, doesnt push him to answer if he is ever going to go back to the internship or not. one day vincent turns off the tv, and turns to wendell and just asks “why?” of course, wendell doesnt really understand the question. vincent elaborates. wendell gets nervous and quiet for a moment. 
“we were good friends before, vincent, and then when i heard you got shot it felt like i did too. i really couldnt stand the thought lose you. I almost realized why way too late. I didnt want to give up any opportunity i had to spend more time with you, hear more of the random facts you have stored somewhere in your brain, at first it was mostly just reassuring myself you were still alive, but once that fear faded away i really just wanted to be close to you because youre my best friend, vince.”
“what did you realize?” vincent asks softly
“what?” wendell pales
“you said “I almost realized why way too late” what was it that you realized wendell?” 
wendell is sweating now
“um... uh... I guess you deserve to know... I dont expect you to feel the same way, its completely fine... I realized that I love you, vincent, romantically, and well, platonically. I didnt want to make things weird between us, im more than okay just being friends with you but i understand if now things are awkward and-”
“hey wendell?”
“huh?” wendell says nervously
“shut up for a second” he says curtly
“can i kiss you?” vincent asks, sliding closer to the other on the couch.
wendell chokes
“is it okay if i kiss you?” he asks, not wanting to just spring it on him, consent is always important
wendell cant figure out how to form words so he just nods shakily
vincent launches himself at wendell over the gap between them on the couch hissing a little in pain due to his blatant disregard of his own healing ribs and wounds. none of those things mattered right now though, because wendell loves him too, has loved him for months and now its time to make up for the lost time. 
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mycatmoo · 5 years
The Great Escape (Oumota Weekend)
Oumota weekend
Villain vs Superhero
“So this is it. The final battle.” A voice said out of nowhere as Kaito, Maki, and Shuichi entered the final room of the villains lair.  
“Huh?” Kaito asks, looking around the dark room. He could barely see a foot in front of him, and he most certainly couldn’t see their enemy.
“Such a shame too. This is the most fun I’ve had in a loooong time.” The voice says with a dramatic sigh.
“Show yourself, Kokichi. We know its you.” Maki hisses.
“Maaan, still quite bitchy, huh, Maki Roll? Weell, if you INSIST. It is quite boring to have a conversation with people who cannot see me.” Kaito waited with baited breath to see the person the three of them has been chasing for a long time.
For some reason Kaito didn’t understand, he felt excited to see the smaller boy, but also anxious. Seeing him again would mean they would have to fight, and this fight would mean that they would never get to see him again. And something about the thought of never seeing Kokichi again made Kaito feel… hollow.
They waited a bit. Then a bit longer. Then a little bit longer. But still, he didn’t show up.
“Uh… where is he?” Shuichi asks, looking around. After that, they heard a “nishishi” come from behind them. Turning around, the three saw Kokichi in all his glory, wearing his cape and hat.
Immediately, Maki whipped out her gun, and pointing it at Kokichi.  
“Aah come on Maki Roll! Don’t be like that! After all, the villain is supposed to give a villainous monologue before the big fight! It would be no fun if you put a gun to my head beforehand!”
“So give that monologue so I can shoot you and get this done with.”
“Maaan. You always were a buzzkill. Definitely my least favorite out of your little band of heroes. By the way, where’s Kaede and Rantaro? Seems strange that you’d leave them out.”
“They stayed in case anything went wrong.” Shuichi explained.
“Well then wouldn’t it have made more sense to bring Kaede along instead of you? After all, if what you’re thinking does happen and I wind up defeating you, wouldn’t it make more sense to have “the heart” there to keep you all going instead of “the smart guy?”
“What are you going on about this time?” Kaito asks.
“Oh, you know. Just me being me. Just spouting out random nonsense that comes to my brain.”
“That has to be a lie. You never just “spout out random nonsense that comes to your brain.” Maki growls, eyes narrowing.
“Aaah man. Ya caught me. Yes, there was a point.” Kokichi says with faux disappointment, his smile still present on his face.
“So what were you talking about?” Kaito asks, putting his hand behind his head in confusion.
“If you beat me I’ll tell you! After all, I still haven’t given my villainous monologue!”
“So get to it.” Maki growls.
“Alright alright, you don’t have to rush me!
Oh would you look at the time, seems I gotta blast.” Kokichi says with a laugh.
“Well, as it turns out, I’m not actually the final boss! The boss has finally entered the room!” And with that, Kokichi runs to the door, throwing it open then slamming it shut. Kaito hears a click come from the door, and when Maki (after chasing after Kokichi) tried opening it, she found it locked.
“Its locked.” She simply says. Then, the three of them were pounded with a blinding light. It took a bit, but soon enough, Kaito adjusted to the light.
“Thaaaat’s right losers! The dude you were following all this time? He was just a ploy! I am the actual mastermind behind everything!” A voice announces. Turning to the front of front of the room, he could finally see the rest of the room. It was like a throne room, with massive windows, elaborately decorated, and a red carpet leading to massive throne. And sitting on the throne was a woman, about their age, with pinkish-blonde hair in two ponytails.
Kaito immediately recognized who it was. It was the woman who had helped them multiple times throughout this journey.
Junko Enoshima.
“Gotta get to the secret door, quickly.” Kokichi mutters, rushing around the floating airship that his “boss,” Junko, calls her villainous home.
He knew from the beginning that Junko was the big bad terrorizing the city. After the first bank robbery where the only thing left was a simple black and white bear hairpin, he knew it. And he knew he had to stop her.
He was one of her first “followers”, and got to the second highest rank rather quickly.
She didn’t have a clue about his plan to stop her.
As he ran through the passageway leading to the throne room, he could feel his heart rushing. His brain was working in overload. He could stop worrying that his plan would fail.
That any of those three would get hurt.
That Kaito would get hurt.
At the thought of Kaito getting hurt, he shoved the feeling into a box labeled “repression.”
It wouldn’t matter what his opinion of the “hero” was, he had more important things to worry about.
Soon, he got to the door. Grabbing a taser gun attached on his pants, hidden by his cape (he left his hat on the run here) he opened the door slowly. Looking around, he saw what he estimated would happen. Junko giving a monologue while holding Shuichi to her, holding a gun to his head. Kaito, with his sword drawn, was trying to talk her out of it, while Maki looked around for a solution.
Junko had her back to him. Good. He could work with this.
Walking out slowly, he sneaks closer to Junko, making sure he cannot hear his footsteps.
It was Kaito who saw him first. He looked about ready to say something to Kokichi, but Kokichi put his finger to his mouth in a “shh” way. As soon as he got close enough to Junko, he raised his taser, and shot her square in the back.
With a scream, Junko let go of Shuichi as she fell to her knees, shaking from the taser.
“Shuichi!” Kaito immediately exclaims, rushing over to the shaking boy and throwing his arm over his shoulder.
“Come on you three!” Kokichi immediately yells, rushing over to the secret door.
“Wait, what about Junko?!” Kaito immediately calls.  
“There is something MUCH more important to worry about right now!” Kokichi yells back, throwing open the secret door and turning around.
“And why should we trust you?” Maki asks with eyes narrowed.
“Just trust me. I’ll explain later.” And with that, Kokichi rushes through the door, not looking back to see if the three of them was following. With Junko out of commission for a little while, he could focus on the more threatening person to his plan. Monaca. His mind set, he rushes over to the control room of the ship.
Behind him, he could hear three sets of footsteps. So they WERE following him. Good. His plan was going swelly.
In fact, it was going too swell. Something about that didn’t sit right with Kokichi.
Soon enough, the group was at the control room. Putting his eye to the eye scanner, Kokichi opens the door. Peering inside, he didn’t see the little girl.
“Come in. I’ll explain.” Kokichi says, walking into the room. Letting the other three enter, he closed and locked the door.
“Why did you lock the door?” Maki asks, glaring at Kokichi.
“Relaaax. Its locked from the inside. Press the red button and you can leave.” Kokichi sighs dramatically, walking up to the computer. “Aaaanyway. As for the reason I stopped you from killing Junko and ending this here, well… It’s simple really.” Kokichi says, digging in his pocket for a flashdrive. Finding it, he sticks it into the computer, turning it on.
“If you DID kill her, it would initiate plan two of her Destroy the World plan.”
“What?!” Kaito exclaims.
“How would killing Junko be the start of a plan two?” Maki asks.
“All of her followers would be enraged… They would follow her plan to end the world if she died…”
“Ya. That’s why we have to defeat her without killing her.” Kokichi says, half paying attention. He had to take control of the ship and manage to pilot it to where DICE was hiding. From there, the police would swoop in and arrest everyone inside.
This plan would only work today. He fought tooth and nail to get all of the Remnants of Despair inside the ship today, and this was likely his one shot.
Only a few people knew of the secret door, and Junko would likely be able to narrow it down to him.
“Need help with that?” Kaito asks, surprising Kokichi slightly.
“Nishishi. I doubt YOU of all people would know what to do here!”
“Well it looks like you’re having some trouble with that.”
“Aaah. Does Kaito-chan CARE for me? The guy who was harassing you for how long?”
“Well it’s obvious that you are actually a good guy!”
“I prefer “anti-hero” y’know. Their more fun than just a boring old good guy. Just like you!”
“Aaaand… Got it.” Kokichi mutters.
“Got what?” Shuichi asks.
“The wheel to this thing it based off your fingerprints. And it doesn’t recognize my fingerprints. I had to hack the system to reset the fingerprints. Sooo.. does any of you know how to drive an aircraft?”
“Wait, you don’t know? Isn’t all of this YOUR plan?” Maki asks.
“Uh yea. I know how to drive one of these things. But I just saved your asses. I think it’s time I get a break.”
“...Fine. I’ll do it.” Maki says with a sigh.
“Great! Put your fingers on that thing!” Kokichi announces, pointing to a small circle near the steering wheel. Putting her fingers on it, a robotic voice announces;
“Fingerprints detected. Allowing access to steer the ship.”
“Alright, where am I taking this thing?”
“Here.” Kokichi says, pulling up a map on the computer, inputting an area, and setting it to give directions.
“Alright. Lets go.” Maki sighs, grabbing the steering wheel, allowing the computer to give her directions on where to go.
When Kaito saw Kokichi sneaking up behind Junko, he felt his heart skip a beat. At first he felt anxious, scared that Kokichi was going to shoot one of them. But then he realized something when he pointed that gun at Junko.
He was on their side the entire time.
Suddenly, so much made sense. From the multiple encounters he had with Kokichi, he said many cryptic things. But now, seeing this, he realized their meaning.
He was alluding to his plan, and how he was going to betray Junko.
So, without another thought, he followed Kokichi.
Why did his heart skip a beat when he realized this?
And now, looking at the smaller boy sitting in the corner with his eyes closed, though not really sleeping, he saw him in a new light. And why is Kaito’s heart beating so fast?
“Uuh Kaito? Can you stop staring? Its kinda creeping me out.”
“Oh shit, I’m sorry.” Kaito says, quickly turning his head away.
“Neeheehee.” Kokichi says. Despite trying his best to make it not seem like he’s tired, Kaito could tell that he was. Scooting up to the smaller boy, he attempts to strike up a conversation.
“So, all this time, you were just playing Junko?”
“And you were on our side the entire time?”
“Well I wouldn’t say I was on YOUR side. I was on MY side, which just happened to align with your side.”
“So about that conversation we were having before you ran off?”
“I told you. I’d tell you what I meant if you beat me, and you didn’t, sooo…”
“Ah come on, man!”
“What? You wanna fight? I still got my taser!”
“If either of you fight then I am turning this ship around.” Maki growls.
“Sorry Maki Roll.”
“Stop calling me Maki Roll.”
And the conversation started up again from there. Granted, Kokichi and Kaito DID get into an argument. Like pretty much every other encounter they’ve had. But whatever, it’s kind of expected at this point.
Eventually though, there was a knock at the door. Then another. Then a lot more.
“Huh. Guess she finally decided to show up.” Kokichi sighs, getting up and pulling out a small taser and a strange bomb. Walking over to a small trunk, he removes two strange hammers, handing them to Kaito.
“Who?” Shuichi asks.
“Monaca. She’s the technician of the group. She’s the person I was most concerned about.”
“What are these?” Kaito asks, looking strangely at the hammers.
“Electrohammers. Hit a touch, they can knock out any electronics. Monaca’s power comes from primarily from electronics, so these will be useful. And these.” Kaito says, holding up the bombs. “Are electrobombs. They block out electromagnetic waves.”
“Ah. So we’re going to have to fight robots?” Shuichi asks, grabbing a hammer.
“Most likely. Maki, don’t stop steering. No matter what.”
“I can’t promise anything.” Maki sighs.
“Alright. Let’s do this.” Kokichi says, holding up the taser, facing the door just as it opens. Just outside the door, Kaito could see a little girl with green hair.
“Huh? You technician, and the one you were most worried about, was a little girl?” Kaito asks incredulously.
“Don’t judge a book by its cover. I’m pretty fearsome.” Monaca says with her creepy smile. “You did so well, getting to this point. It took us a while to realize that you incapacitated Big Sis Junko and that you were here.”
“Nishishi. Glad you’re proud of me.” Kokichi says, putting his hand behind his head.
“Too bad that all that work was for nothing. You are a traitor, and I will not let you get in the way of Big Sis Junko’s plan.” And with that, 5 robots appeared behind Monaca. “Have fun.” Monaca says in a sing song voice, stepping behind the robots.
“Okay, the electrohammers will only be able to knock out one of exisals. There are 6 inside the trunk. I’m going to go for Monaca.” Kokichi whispers to the two boys. “Lets go.” And with that, the three of the charged.
Kaito immediately went for the exisal closest to him, a yellow one. They didn’t seem to expect this, and Kaito managed to get a clear hit on the exisal’s leg. With a sputter, the robot slumped to the ground. While he didn’t see it, Kaito felt Kokichi run past him, and past the exisal. Next to him, Kaito saw Shuichi knock out a pink one.
“Good job Shuichi! That’s my sidekick!” Kaito called with a thumbs up.
“Hey knuckleheads! Focus on the robots instead of your bromance!” Kokichi shouts, nearly dodging an arm of a red exisal swinging at him.
“Kokichi!” Kaito yells, running inside the control room. Throwing his used electrohammer, he grabs two more, Shuichi grabbing one, and runs back out. Charging at the red exisal harassing Kokichi, he swings at it, knocking that one out. He could hear Shuichi knocking out an exisal behind him. “You alright?”
“Yea, thanks.” Kokichi says without thinking, charging after Monaca, who ran away. Quickly taking out the last exisal, Kaito chases after Kokichi, throwing his two electrohammers in a random direction again.
“Stay with Maki! I’m going to help Kokichi!” Kaito yells to Shuichi as he runs. He didn’t wait for a response. Despite trying his best though, Kaito wasn’t able to keep up with Kokichi. Soon enough, he lost track of him.
Skidding to a stop, Kaito has only one thing to say. “Shit.”
Without another thought, Kaito starts running again, this time following his gut. And it seemed like his gut was right, as he soon heard a loud bang and a scream.
“Kokichi!” Kaito yells, running to where he heard the scream. Quickly, he throws the door open, and sees a simple room. Kokichi was kneeling, holding an area in his stomach, with Monaca standing over him, a gun in her hand.
Without another thought, Kaito rushes Monaca, pulling the gun out of her hand, and shoving her away from Kokichi.
“Stay away from him, you brat!” Kaito yells, standing in between the two of them.
“Kaito…” Kokichi says weakly, before Kaito heard a small thud from behind him.
“You’re too late. Kokichi is going to die.” Monaca says cheerfully.
“Fuck you!”
“That’s a harsh thing to say to a kid.”
“I don’t care! Just come here, you brat!” Kaito yells, rushing at Monaca again, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.
“Let go of me!” Monaca cries, kicking and screaming. Not affected by the weak kicks and punches from the 8-something or other year old, Kaito gently picks up a knocked out Kokichi, rushing back to the control room.
“Shuichi! Help me!” He says as soon as he gets there. Upon seeing the heavily bleeding Kokichi, Shuichi gets to work, attempting to slow the bleeding. Kaito puts the still screaming Monaca in the corner, blocking the doorway.
From there, Kaito was mostly in a daze. Before he knew it, the ship landed and police rushed inside. They put Kokichi in an ambulance, and he was rushed to the nearest hospital. And before he knew it, Kaito was passed out at the side of Kokichi’s bed, head resting on the side of his bed.
“Ngh..” Kokichi groans tiredly. He couldn’t feel anything. He couldn’t see anything. And he was too tired to process anything. It felt like forever where he laid there, nothing happened, before he slowly opened his eyes. It was blurry at first. Okay, for a while. But soon enough, he got his vision back. He got his senses back. And he could finally feel stuff. He felt something in his arm. He felt warmth from the blanket. Soon enough, Kokichi realized he was in a hospital.
It took him a bit, but soon he remembered what sent him into the hospital in the first place.
“Kaito…” Kokichi whispers, too tired to be any louder. His voice was cracky, as if he hadn’t used it in a long time. Which was likely.
...How did he survive?
Managing to look around, he saw Kaito, sitting on the side of his bed, head on said bed, sleeping. He looked so peaceful.
Kokichi could feel his heart flutter. And this time, he was too tired to bury it. His box labeled “repression” burst open. Kokichi couldn’t help himself after that. Despite being tired, he slowly and shakily raised a hand to Kaito’s face with a tired smile.
When Kaito stirred slightly from the touch, Kokichi’s hand gave out. He started drifting off to sleep again. But Kokichi had one last thought before sleep consumed him again.
That he loved Kaito, and since Kaito was the one worriedly by his side when he was hurt, he likely did as well.
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hiraethstill · 5 years
IMMEDIATE assault by eijun's handsome face
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every time the OP comes on im like where are the babies? THERE THEY ARE @ firsties
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the way i GASPED
haha poor audience member doesnt know sawamura is mostly good at swinging from the bunt stance
eijun... you have every right to be frustrated
ugh... the way he looks when he was a doormat to the ace... i feel this too much my chest hurts
"if i had pitched like furuya did today i wouldve been subbed out" TOO TRUE AND OUCH
lmao did eijun learn to run bases from mochi? now i want this
uhhh the announcer was wrong? the STANDS were all cheering and happy, it was mostly the dugout that was surprised
bc this is level of trust he gets from first string sigh
sorry all my frustration is here
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HAHA OKAY BUT why does this look gayalso sawamura's little "na!" with the pew pew is so cute wtf
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his lil cheeky face in the corner im hashjdlkdgj
haruichi and toujou in that shot look like they'd been helping him practice batting and it paid off 
hslkhg eijun and his "hips!" i cant
nice eijun is safe
haha i never know who to root for bc i love all the bois
okay but
has anyone ever talked about how cool amahisa's eyes are???
i mean
look at this
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so cool
yoooo wtf amahisa's voice in this part is really appealing??? damnn
so... kanemaru's a capable batter even if he's not top tier, why you gotta keep making him bunt
oh well, i like that face you're making kanemaru
it's okay kanemaru you did your best
cmon mochi bring him home!!!!!!!!!!
yeah thats right mochi + other batters, give him the run support he deserves
"did he shave his eyebrows? he looks like a strong fighter" are you just checking him out
you'd want him to do those jump kicks amahisa
omg i feel the tinglings... of a rarepair... amakura.....................
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what was i saying about his EYES??
come the fuck ON dont leave eijun stranded on second!!!!!!
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(and u rite yall amahisa is yabai)
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whoaaa that slowmo pitching sequence!
oh hello eijun upping the tempo and looking great doing it
wow this super HD sparkle miyuki
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EIJUN IS BEAUTIFULLLL and lowkey this looks like the OP
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okay sun we gettin a lil cap happy
another pretty eijun shottttt
N* H* TT * R
i feel like i jinxed him sorry eijun
also i LOVE when the stands yell OSH OSH OSH back
wow toujou's voice was. so cute??
noriiiii i love you so much and thank you
furuya silently reflecting huh?
awww theyre all patting him i wanna pat eijun too
kanemaru's eyes are gray??
kousei-san.......... mayhaps i have.......... Feelings about this
"gureato" man tahara is great
kuramochi, amahisa, hyuuga from knb, alla dem yankees
oh my god is that suddenly shaved head amahisa still in first year he's so smol
wow kousei is so eccentric haha i love it
omg yakushi cameo!!
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wow this is so pleasant to look at and idk why??
his eyeeesss
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and this too omgg
omgggg are they who i think they are
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sorry mimei that was too much tension in a single glance not to be homoerotic
go shirasu-senpai!
wellll shit, rip zono and rip seidou
142 pitches???????? are they throwing out amahisa's arm imma fight
"that wouldnt be any fun" uh you do realize you're talking about a person's physical health right audience member???
the. ace. is. not. the. only. player.
its okay this is the peanut gallery they dont matter in the long run
omg are the first years wearing their school uniform slacks
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taku always worried about everyone and sawamura looking rather nice actually
omg was that a little bow eijun made at amahisa before moving on?
"something i want to ask you" are you boutta ask him out amahisa
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im sorry i love eyes too much
and also! eijun getting the recognition he deserves!! buuuut from another team rip
cmon eijun he's trying to be nice tbh
lmao koushuu and shirakawa should meet... resting bitch face club 
"i've never seen kousei-san take interest in another pitcher" THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS TO UNPACK IN THIS STATEMENT
my sonsssss
yes asada and kuki, be free! go move around!
asdkfh i just squee every time taku
and these lines on koushuu look so nice??
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intense son
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he's so happy and fired up to see koushuu fired up im
wholeass Sons™
lmao koushuu getting mad for sawamura
my inexperience... yes kataoka
teito and inajitsu coaches lmao
500K rivals to fwb to lovers
ive always thought kunitomo's neck crack is so funny
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mochi looking mighty fine in this shot
aw... ejun sitting alone....
just wanna say oda and kuroki very lesbian in the ED
ooh mei batting
sawamura and furuya watching so intently!!
aw... eijun turning to harucchi for support
oh man third years...
SUMMARY (7/16):
eijun DOUBLES!! 
rip seidou tho 
amahisa's eyes??? pretty??? 
taku offering to carry eijun's bag + serious senpai face 
careful amahisa your gay is showing 
koushuu mad on eijun's behalf lmao
inajitsu vs teito next!
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ah yes, that tension-filled mimei look
ooh this parallel of mei and mukai #1s
why does mei look so young at bat lmao
rather nice shot of mukai tbh
omg that tiny background akamatsu is adorable
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WOW i love this shot
hell yeah mei kicking ass and taking names
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boi... what you doin
kuraharu rights too!!
wow mochi's voice, never over it
lookit mochi bein a good senpai
ooh eijun finally said no huh
mochi and harucchi look so concerned tbh i am too
mm and miyuki and furuya too huh
oowada always cracks me up lmao
esp when mine is so grave next to her
oh so mukai likes gambling? im not surprised lmaooo
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omg the way tetsu says carlos sounds all proud and im soft
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omg two RBIs too good job shirakawa!!!
omg im so glad mei encouraged itsuki
have i ever mentioned
inui x mukai RIGHTS
that toujou face... some toujou and mukai art i saw comes to mind
also is carlos actually wearing his compression undershirt holy wow
he didnt used to at least
omg was that a little tiger next to inui SO CUTE
oh my god "mei-san mei-san" too cute
yoo mei you okay there
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okay why does he look so good please
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do you know how many times i had to rewind for this screenshot
shirakawa also looks good frustrated fuckle
mei stop shakin off signs dammit
ooh nice akamatsu shot
seidou shares one (1) brain cell in this screen
much too short a game damn...
ive heard we were robbed of itsuki's blush??? cause hello i need catcher catcher goodness with him and inui
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omg... they're literal children
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hahaha anyway im just laughing at carlos being a momentary harada
"mei-san" !!!
mei x mukai... so chaotic
wow amahisa looks so nice???
lmao they really didnt HAVE to put harucchi in the bg when miyuki's talking to furuya but they DID
miyuki... looking at mei too long not to be homo there
eijun :c
oh man
that really hurt
the face of a SON tho
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"so you are human after all" so many things i want to say about this
sawamura... doesn't seem to hold a grudge against furuya at all and honestly wow...
tho its def not furuya's fault i think thats a mark of him being pretty mature!
anyway im glad furuya wants to watch the video too
also nabe!!!!! i wonder how close eijun and nabe are and how many times eijun has bothered him for the videos haha
ochiai, a backup catcher... interesting
"he must overcome this on his own" do you know how many problems there are with this statement
yeah it wasnt fair
"for better or for worse" are you kidding
oh furusawa lmaoo
and nabe just patient over there
oh hello masayui and kanetou
anime fist clench
oh man miyuki introspection......... i know where this is going.........
appreciating sawamura's hard work and optimism!!!!!
how many more times does he have to prove it to you
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loveLY but also reused?
and the shadow of miyuki in the background... WOW
three months............. until the third years retire...........................................
im not okA Y............................
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all the things this smile hides
wow too many sons
SUMMARY (7/26):
mei kicking ass and taking names 
mukai and his fooken BLEP 
inui/mukai rights 
mei + mukai actual CHILDREN 
carloshira stop attaccing sun challenge f a iled 
eijun @ harucchi :c 
three months... 
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caelin-ismycity · 6 years
Please tell us more about Tellius ships
god theres a lot of ships with how many bitches there are in this game- like id have to play through the game some more which i plan on doing anyway to write an essay-ass anthology of all the good shit here but for now i can shoot off my faves
yall already know i like myself some elihec and one reason is cause of their lil rivalry/best friend relationship yknow- you can look at those losers romantically or not and it’d still be some Good Shit. 
same logic with ike/boyd honestly- especially with there bantering asses in the beginning and generally how boyd tends to think of ike immediately when it comes to finding a sparring partner or just helping him out during their quest with the tri-arrow attack discussed with rolf and oscar.
another scene i found cute was after ike and others disobeyed titania and sought out the bandits alone and when greil is about to rip into ike about disrespecting orders, boyd’s the first one (i think its been awhile since i played that chapter) to step up and take the blame (admitted by him to be pretty out of character which i like to interpret as boyd just being flustered that hes caught caring for ike beyond their competitiveness)
unfortunately, not only is fe9 hard to play legally because of its stupid price, but even if you did sell your soul to buy the game intelligence systems has cursed my household by not allowing ike and boyd to have any support conversations, nor any interactions all together beyond a certain chapter, so ike/boyd is one of the rarest pairs you can like in this series especially considering the most popular ship is ike/soren with the tellius series
ike and ranulf meet uhhh god i dont rememebr honestly- but they meet about halfway into the game when ike and co properly become associated with the beast laguz where ranulf, considerably, becomes a reoccurring ally to the greil mercenaries.
couple reasons why i love these two- one being the whole laguz/beorc thing ight (lemme get on that in a sec). i.e., ike is big on joining laguz and beorc together, and ranulf doesnt really seem to mind them (i say ‘doesnt seem to mind them’ because, if i remember right, ranulf has real issues trusting beorc and even tells ike that if he naively trusts people he’ll end up hurt). ergo, id imagine that ike would love to get to know more about the laguz alltogether and ranulf himself (he’s clearly curious considering h is supports with lethe as well). additionally, their C support is fuckin cute as hell with ranulf taking pride in making ike laugh/smile at one of his jokes (which tbh i thought would set the grounds for a lovely af A support but instead i get ranulf calling ike a nitwit for trusting him so easily so thanks intell).
another big moment for me is how ike hardly hesitated to defend ranulf from the other beorcs after he was discovered in that one really racist town (its the one where you get zihark and board nasir’s ship y’all know the one) even if it jeopardized the possibility of them escaping the town quietly (double points for ranulf insisting on ike leaving him alone and ike essentially telling ranulf to fuck off with that shit)
its utter trash that ranulf joins the mercenaries at the very end of the game (maybe chapter 25-26? you get JUST enough chapters to achieve their A support), not to mention he pops in-and-out of the gang’s path to actually talk to ike. but im grateful there’s some content for these two, even if there isn’t as much as i would like
again yall know i love that rivalry shit but this time it’s extremely one sided on kieran’s part (oscar more-or-less just dealing with it and not making a fuss about it). but damn if there isn’t potential, especially when you can take kieran’s insistent rivalry as some form of admiration for oscar (not to mention the possibilities of their past with oscar originally working alongside kieran)
double points for kieran’s insistence that oscar come back with him to work as a crimean knight again (obviously more because kieran’s genuinely astonished oscar would willingly work with lowly-payed, unknown, not-pristine mercenaries). you can really just take it as kieran really lowkey missing oscar but being too prideful to admit it
ill also be damned if oscar cooking with kieran/teaching him how to cook wouldnt be the tightest shit to watch; i cant tell if kieran would be too stubborn to let oscar fully mandate what he does, begrudgingly listens to oscar, or is utterly impressed with oscar’s culinary skills and insists that ‘only someone as amazing as his rival would obviously be fit with abilities like that’
not exactly phat on my radar but it is cute as hell considering how easily concerned rhys becomes of kieran (and for good reason to the fucker regularly bludgeons himself with an axe and he wrestles bears jesus christ man), so its easy to imagine rhys making the excuse to kind of baby kieran to make sure he isn’t seriously hurt on or off the battlefield to just look/watch him
its also pretty fun to imagine rhys going with kieran when the dumb bitch proudly tells the army he’s about to go bear wrestling and rhys getting to see kieran ;lightly’ clothed to fight a fucking bear
im pretty sure in their A support, rhys tells kieran that if he isn’t more careful then the army’ll lose their most valuable soldier to something as stupid as a self-inflicted axe wound. its obvious that rhys said something along the lines of that (as well as a couple of other things in that support) because he acknowledges kieran’s self importance, but its also cute to imagine that rhys was able to use that fact to his advantage to tell kieran how much he means to himself (bonus points if, alternatively, rhy’s dialogue would follow some shit like ‘I- uh... We can’t lose a soldier as important as you, Kieran.’)
another lowkey one (considering shinon and gatrie are absent for a decent portion of the game post initial chapters), but the one support i did manage to get of them was enough to sell me- cause frankly i find the idea of shinon teasing gatrie about buying them dinner and gatrie just being like “hhrhrum” as he begrudgingly agrees to be endearing; i.e. the sinon mentallity being ‘If you’re going to throw your money at everything, you might as well spend it on something worthwhile’ aka ‘lets just have a nice dinner together instead of you buying some random girl three bouquets of roses’
they also have a pre-planned attack together (albeit quickly mentioned to titania) like cmon they bondin yall they conversin
finally i love how shinon’s taller than gatrie- like this isnt necessarily ship-related i just finally have the opportunity to say it. like shinon could absolutely tease gatrie about it like ‘what did you say you wanted a kiss? ? ? i cant hear you from down there’ and gatrie just playfully punches his arm like ‘bro- dude- cmon please i missed you all day just bend down for two seconds’
i’ve been typing for a while and ive got the attention span of a brick but these are the ships i think of the most. during my second playthrough ill be damned if i dont develop more but feel free to send in more ship shit
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harfblarf · 7 years
more rick and morty nonsense-- this time, rest and ricklaxation
i havent seen any posts outright pointing this out so: we know that toxic morty contains a lot of morty’s insecurity-- “I don’t want to be on camera I’m ugly”, “my voice is annoying”, so on-- and that he’s scared he’s gonna be in hell, but he also outright states that he "just want[s] to die”. Also that he’s in pain. 
Other things Toxic Morty says:
“I believe you” to Rick, with no hesitation-- Morty’s occasional blind faith in his grandpa is viewed as toxic? Healthy Morty certainly doesn’t just play along with Rick’s ideas
“*screams*”-- panic
“yes rick, i-i agree rick”-- stutter, capitulation, submission, avoiding confrontation
“i think my voice is annoying” in response to rick asking what morty thinks of him discovering electricity-- vaguely self-centered in a depressive way?
“i dont like confrontation”-- yeah no kidding
“i-i dont like this, this is scary” fear, aversion to violence
“i’m a piece of shit but I got the tank” obedient, self-hating
leans on dash much like healthy morty did, looking resigned
“jesus christ it hurts”-- unlike healthy morty makes no effort to reassure others
Toxic Rick :
“you can die when I say so”-- controlling
“why am I bragging about that, I have nothing to prove”-- insecurity
hey where did toxic rick get fucking glass test tubes
*destructive tendencies*
“I’m gonna rip your throat--”-- violent boi
“you little sociopath/okay shut up morty”-- considers healthy morty a sociopath, doesn’t want to listen to morty talking about people hating him (did not shut him up previously, only now)
“don’t negotiate with that little turd, you’re the rick, you need to show dominance!” insecurity, desire for control at any cost
angry when his plan goes downhill, angry about remerging
“I got a lot more use out of that thing than he ever did” considers his sexuality a toxic thing, bound to his anger and irrational attachments?
“fuck you summer” no respect, no apology
“alright fuck this time for plan b”, but leaves beth alone
fucking throws healthy morty out of the ship. not his morty, not his problem, i guess?
brags at a very uncomfortable toxic morty
“trapped in your brain... with delusions”
“relax, quit your bitching, you’re gonna be fine... grandpa’s here”-- that same arrogance that makes him call himself a god, is what assures him that he can help toxic morty
“just do it you piece of shit!” angry but resigned to the only solution he can see (small picture)
Healthy Morty:
“mind if i put on some music?”-- considerate, nonpresumptive
the whole “one song a day�� thing-- optimistic, planning, looking to the future
“if anyone could [calculate happiness], Rick”-- deep respect for Rick, respect for intelligence, flattery
“thanks rick. I love you”-- affection for his grandpa, appreciation
“if we’re all bored, wouldn’t the common denominator be you?” this is a clever joke, but it’s mean. cleverness/humor is prized above consideration and kindness
“I knew you could” and the rest of this montage-- uh so Healthy Morty provides the confidence Normal Morty is missing to a bunch of people. if that’s not symbolism idk what is; plainly Morty considers supporting and helping people Healthy
“*doesnt react to being called a loser, not even to deny it*” I wonder if this is like, self-acceptance
suave but still in an awkward way? like he drops a pickup line on jessica with an awkward forced laugh
“happy to help rick”-- but no surprise, no real emotion. like it’s forced
“bad phone, chuck it”-- acceptance of simple answers
“if something’s worth saying, it’s worth eye contact”-- considers reliance on technology unhealthy? interesting especially considering his interactions with Rick and all his tech
“you shouldn’t have to deal with that, man”-- curiously, despite making it his job to stop other people from being in pain (helping all his schoolmates), he advises against helping the Toxins
“I think i know what to do. *snaps phone in half*” destruction of property, choosing simple solutions
“things are good... taking that away from me? that wouldn’t be healthy.” manipulation, selfishness, self-preservation
“world’s greatest grandpa, for reals” more manipulation
awkward chattering, spouting shallow wisdom
“pronounce it however you want, words are just things” lack of judgement
“please, thank you, we’re having a conversation”-- shoos away the waiter to make jessica less awkward, being rude to the waiter in the process. singleminded, simplistic solutions
extended metaphor of jessica to a planet, including some like very specific shit, “what’s the equator, what are the holidays”
“talk to me.” demanding, assertive
really... loud? and aggressive, and awkward and emotive; very little self-control
lacking attachments, passions, “life is a highway”, “no sparks no damage”
...really long metaphors with stacey too. u ok morty?
“bad parts of us, which includes our dishonesty” (emphasis mine); morty has no question that deceit is bad. of course, that’s what a manipulative little shit who believes in lying “for good reason” would say, too, so.
stacey will “do anything for you morty”? weird, probably more evidence of his manipulation. quickly earned her devotion
“kill him rick!” morty considers his violence and willingness to retaliate “healthy”
bites toxic morty-- willing to use unfair/dirty fighting techniques just like toxic rick did
also grinning while he attacks him
casually stops and leans on the dash, blank-faced, when beth appears. again, no passion, no emotion at all
also healthy morty was in the driver’s seat and only settled once he was in control
“we gotta stop him”
the one to explain why Healthy Rick shot Toxic Morty again
“you’re a better man than me Rick, I’m healthy enough to admit that”-- healthy morty to regular rick. what does it say that both toxic and healthy morty view rick as superior? man, that’s kinda fucked, even if healthy morty’s actions here are totes dickish
“have I ever lied to you? that’s right, and ask around, I never do” manipulaaaaaation
uses jessica as yet another extended metaphor
draws attention, revels in it, offers falsely specialized attention to people to earn and keep their affection (the wink, the friendliness with “dwayne”)
“red pill or blue pill”
“totally understand dwayne, you’re the boss”, then cuts to... jargon that makes his coworkers happy. i strongly suspect at least part of a lie here, or an omission of truth
the boy is really obsessed with organic carrots, who knows why
“is that how long it takes for rick to trace my location” but he’s smiling, not scowling, he’s... at best amused, at worst unbothered, i guess?
“you miss someone that loved you so much you never had to love ‘em back” holy shit morty
“you didn’t hang up”--”huh. how ‘bout that.” then to surprise into mild consternation when the fucking voltron drones show up
“do what you gotta do”-- despite not wanting it, recognizes the inevitability of rick getting him to remerge
apparently healthy morty told his girlfriend that he was “capitalizing on his lack of conscience by becoming a stockbroker”. interesting
Healthy Rick:
“heheh, this universe”-- considers the universe impressive/beautiful/awe-inspiring (compare to ‘the universe is a crazy chaotic place’)
“that is an interesting concept... listen to me, trying to calculate happiness over here”-- respectful of others’ ideas, still brilliant and trying to improve on them, recognizing that math/science isn’t the solution to everything
“here’s something no science could measure: i’m real proud to be your grandpa, morty”-- pride in his grandson, acknowledging the limits of science
“morty, a moment of your time?”-- so polite hot damn
“what if the toxic parts of us have their own identities-- their own will to live?”-- inherent respect for the value of life
“i’m accountable to my toxins”-- considers responsibility and facing it healthy
“locked ‘em in a cage *hits it while smiling as toxic rick swears*” my guy what the fuck; theoretical emotion, no actual immediate empathy
upset, sad about toxic rick’s deception
“sorry summer” considerate, apologetic
“summer get out of here, go”
“we can resolve our issues, we don’t need to resort to over-the-top--”
“just leave her out of this”
“it’s okay girls, i’m so sorry” takes the time to be reassuring and apologetic when danger is still afoot for the world, offers to cook??
“not our right to stop them”
“your morty”/”i know you give a shit dummy, because I know I don’t”-- i think this is again about “not my morty not my problem”, and that Healthy Rick doesn’t care about Toxic Morty
“merge with me and you’ll know how to save him”... except once they merge there is no saving him, is there? just preservation to merge him with Healthy Morty
“I had all my problems removed-- my entitlement, my narcissism, my crippling loneliness, my irrational attachments” -- things healthy rick considers unhealthy are identified, but he’s still doing this in part because healthy morty insisted it was the right choice, and he’s still proud to be morty’s grandpa
“you’re literally incapable of seeing the bigger picture” so large-scale thinking is considered healthy?
“if i ever gave you the wheel, we’d be dead in five minutes” and isn’t that true, because toxic rick is willing to sacrifice himself for morty, and is too arrogant to think anyone is a threat to him? he would get morty AND himself killed if toxic rick was always in charge. no, letting toxic rick guide him is inevitable, but being controlled by him is unacceptable
Regular Rick: 
“man i really overthink shit when I’m angry”
“now it’s time we re-merge your little ass” interestingly his priorities were a) fix planet (what morty asked him to do), b) remerge morty (save toxic morty)
“that kid is a real piece of shit” (about healthy morty only)
“part of me really wanted to [save you], toxic morty. part of me really wanted to.” 
“tiny american psycho”
“kept asking ‘did you get a new morty yet?’“/”because you kept drunk-dialing me and crying about it!”/”I WASN’T CRYING” /in the background “I didn’t care” (what a liar)
Conclusion: as funny as most of this episode is, it strikes me that what Rick considers unhealthy, Morty considers healthy. Healthy Morty is violent, lacking a conscience, manipulative, domineering, sexual, and lacking in passion and attachments (he does, after all, abandon his family, not just Rick, for three weeks). Yes, he’s also less of a coward, not suicidal, and helpful, but compare to Healthy Rick. Healthy Rick is similarly lacking in passion and attachments, but he’s nonviolent, honest, less arrogant and less willing to impose his will on the world, nonsexual, and calm. Everything Healthy Rick isn’t, Healthy Morty is. It’s a fascinating insight into how Rick’s lies and denial are fucking up Morty’s perception of what is “healthy” and what isn’t. He has come to view violence, foul play, manipulation, lack of emotion/conscience, and dominance as valuable skills, even necessities, instead of the shameful attributes Rick views them as.
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Siren Song (Part 1)
Fandom: Lucifer(Fox)
Character Ship: Lucifer x Reader
Word Count: 1262
Request: “ HEY! I saw your post and wanna request smthn. Could you do a Lucifer Morningstar x reader where she's bisexual and when Luci first meets her he gets a weird sense that something isnt particularly human about her and after being drawn in by her charm and personality (not even noticing that they never have sex and he doesnt even miss it bc hes with her), he finds out that his initial suspicion is right and she's a mythical creature-siren, werewolf, etc, your choice. Thanks lovely! (And plz tag me)” from @the-fastest-mutant-sith
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You jumped at every sound that dared cross your path as you walked down the sidewalk in LA, causing odd stares and whispers to be shot your way. The big city scared you to no end but you could not live in the small city in which you had previously called home for the hunters have found you and you needed to run.
You were a siren - the last of your kind. Your species have been hunted down to near extinction for centuries in order to possess the beautiful, iridescent scales in which you harbored whenever at sea. The killing of sirens began to become controversial and trade involving the scales dropped, so tales were invented of the sirens using their enchanting voices for drawing sailors and then killing them. This gave the killing of sirens a purpose and thus, the slaughter continued until there were only you and your sister.
Soon sirens were all but forgotten through the years and you began to think your torment was over but then you were discovered by scientists. At the time it was you, your sister, and a few lone sirens, who had since moved to land with the creation of motorized boat; your fin getting caught in the motor and slicing you open.
Ever since scientists discovered your existence you had been on the run. Your sister thought you would be safer in the deep sea again and just a few weeks into being back at sea your sister was captured in a fishing net, it wrapping around her neck. You fled back to land, the sea reminding you of her. Even though you refused to join the sea you still kept it in close proximity, your apartment looking over the Californian beach.
It was nearing nightfall as you head back to your small apartment - your shift as a secretary at a small law firm completed for the day. As you had to turn down an ally way, you held your canister of pepper spray tightly in your hand, a chunky ring with two sharp kitten ear - like triangles sticking out the top. You were prepared for anything that would want to do you harm. You thought you were prepared until you felt a hand rip the pepper spray from your grasp, another hand gripping your wrist, preventing you from punching with the ring.
You heard the pepper spray being tossed behind you, the hand that tore away the canister now covered your mouth. You tried to scream out, attempting to bit at the being's hand. A deep voice whispered in your ear. “Can’t enchant me if you can’t sing, you filthy siren.”
You fought harder, unsure if he was a hunter. He felt at your ring, pulling it off and tossing it away. He spun you around in his arms, promptly throwing onto the ground. You screamed, turning onto your back, looking up at the man. It was too dark to see his face but you could tell he was decently tall, beefy, and surely strong. “My family have hunted your kind for years.” He growled, stepping towards you as you attempted to scoot away from him, your hand smashing a shattered piece of glass. You screamed out, clutching your wrist as an iridescent white liquid spilled out from the wound, the blood of a siren. The blood of a siren wouldn’t last long, being on land would turn your blood back to a crimson red. “They thought you were all gone. They said you were extinct, but I knew they were wrong, there had to be more of you. Five Oceans, seven seas and countless lakes and coves to hide in… I knew there were more of you!!” The man nearly screamed, pulling a hunting knife out of his pocket, pointing it at you.
“There’s only me left!” You cried, trying to crawl away from him.
“Lies!” He called. “Where are all you hiding?” He reached down, grabbing your ankle and preventing you from moving away.
“You hunted us down to nothing!” You whispered, trying to kick away his hand. He took the hand that carried his knife, placing it under the hem of your pant leg, ripping up the fabric, a foot or so. With the skin of your calf revealed the man, whose face you could now see - a dark, unkempt beard accompanied by blue eyes and a wicked grin. His eyes instantly found the small patch of scales that remained on your skin even when on land.
Again he took his knife, roughly scraping it against your beautiful scales, snapping them off of your skin. You screamed out, tears pouring down your cheeks as another figure appeared behind him. “What’s going on here?” The voice questioned, causing your assailant to spin around, knife out in front of him.
“Get out of here, man.” The hunter demanded. “Mind your business.”
“Let her go, man.” A deep, British voice retorted, swiftly wrapping his fingers around your assailant's throat. He immediately dropped you, just in time since he went flying back into the wall.
Of course. You heard talk among the angelic community, being an angelic creature yourself, of Lucifer's escape from hell. You knew he was in the LA area, you even knew he owned a nightclub, what you didn’t know was that nightclub was one wall of the ally.
With the threat neutralized you had time to focus on your wound and missing scales. Your calf was on fire, all evidence of scales were gone and your hand now bleeding red. You sighed in relief, your cover would not be blown. Looking down you winced at how deep the gash on your hand was, then catching Lucifer’s eyes. “Lucifer.” You breathed.
“Yes,” he confirmed, “can you stand?”
You attempted to sit up but the wound on your calf throbbed, causing you to yelp and plop back onto the floor, shaking your head at your ironic savior. He nodded to himself, rolling up his sleeves and adjusting his pant. He bent down to your level, placing his hand under the bend of your knee and above the small of your back, lifting you up. “Try not to bleed on the silk blend, dear.” He groaned, taking you in the back door of his club, missing the crowd of people and heading straight up to his penthouse.
He gently laid you on his bed, placing a pillow under your neck and your injured leg. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a phone and swiftly typed on the screen. He tossed the phone onto a stray chair. “What did he want from you?” Lucifer asked.
“I - uh- don’t know. He sounded crazy.” You lied. Lucifer gave you a doubtful glance, sitting on the bed next to you.
“Let me see.” The man asked, reaching for your hand. Gently and consciously you laid your hand on his open palm, wincing at the movement. Seeing the depth of the wound he sucked in a deep breath. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
“Just my leg.” You whispered, looking down at the missing layer of skin.
“What was he doing?” Lucifer asked himself just as a woman, you knew to be his right-hand man or...woman rushed in the room. She held a thick, scary blade in her hand.
“Where’s the 911?” She asked, viscously.
“Right here, Mazie.” He sighed. “I meant like an emergency kit, like gauze and bandages.”
“Oops.” Maze laughed, putting the blade onto the side table. “What’s her deal?” She groaned.
“I’m not quite sure..” Lucifer stated, eyeing you up curiously.
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