#that vodka cran was so fucking strong. can you tell. i would have another but i have to drive home in probably like 3 and a half hours
myattman · 5 months
Thinking about him (the boy I met at rtx)
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thran-duils · 3 years
And Those I Can’t Charm, I Can Kill (P.1)
Title: And Those I Can’t Charm, I Can Kill (Part One) Summary: Fem!Reader x Mafia!Tony Stark. Too many fringe gangs were making ties and your father noticed. He reached out to the Stark mob for an alliance, offering up a piece of his territory at first. When Stark told him he had enough land, your father offered up the next best thing: you. He knew Stark needed a wife and what better way to solidify a relationship between the two mafia families? You were not naïve, you knew the life and you were trained with guns and negotiations. Your father had made sure of that. The two of you had seen each other on multiple occasions at mafia get togethers and knew of each other. Stark accepted the transaction but little did he know he was going to get a little hellion handed over to him that would not kiss the ground he walked on. He would grow to love it too. Words: 1,656 Warnings (more WILL be added, I am sure): Eventual smut, power dynamics, sexism, smut, public sex, fingering, dom/sub powerplay, kidnapping, violence, death, knife kink, gun kink, angst with a happy ending
Author’s Note: READ the intro! This chapter starts there.
Introduction || Part Two || Masterpost mobile || Fanfic masterpost
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You barely remember the wedding ceremony. There had been no courting, no engagement whatsoever to speak of between you and your now husband, Tony Stark. Your marriage was a business transaction between him and your father. The ceremony had been short and sweet, the reception being the thing people were most concerned with and between your father and Tony, the food and drink had been exceptional. You had kept your head about you, not drinking too much, and turning down drugs that had been offered. Tony had done the same, much to your surprise. He was being as cautious about you as you were being about him in turn; neither wanted the other to get the jump on them.
A town car, driven by one of his men, had come at the end of your night to take the two of you to the airport to your honeymoon. On the drive, the car was quiet, the pair of you on your phones or looking out the window, with small comments about the reception sprinkled in. Neither of you were pretending this was anything more than it was at this point; you were practically strangers, only having crossed paths a couple times a year before now.
Plus, you were not inclined to speak with him considering what you had been told by one of your bridesmaids. Tony had apparently been bragging about how he was going to get you into bed on the honeymoon. One of your girlfriends had happened to overhear him speaking to a handful of his men in what was supposed to be a private conversation. There had been comment from another about your ‘rack’ looking ‘delectable’ in your wedding gown and that term had made you gag. Another told him it should be ‘easy’ to get you on your back considering your reputation for clubbing. You despised the men in this business sometimes.
He had not gotten you into bed on the honeymoon. Much to his extreme annoyance; he had trouble hiding his temper, that much you had figured out already. You had kept yourself occupied with local attractions and the pool for the weekend.
His mansion was foreign to you and even after a month, you had still not settled in. And he was still trying to strong arm you with his comments and behavior to be submissive. Just like he was doing right now with his trying to order you around to get him and his men drinks. Fat chance. You stayed relaxed on your floatie, hearing June, your personal favorite of the servants because she was not an idiot and could hold a good conversation, gathering up the champagne to take over to them.
Later in the evening, you came out of your closet, finding Tony walking into his. He was uncuffing his dress shirt and he stopped seeing you.
“That’s a nice dress,” Tony commented, his eyes running over you quickly, eyes only lingering at the tight fabric around your hips for the briefest of moments. “Mind telling me where you’re going?”
“Y/N.” There was warning in his tone.
He had an annoying habit of tracking you whenever you left the house. Whether or not he thought you were going to betray the marriage deal, cheat on him, or he was just a control freak – the last being very likely considering the sexism in the mafia – you were unsure. But it drove you up the wall he wanted tabs on you all the time.
Sighing as you dug through your clutch to make sure you had everything you needed, you told him, “I’m going out with my friends.”
“Where?” he pressed.
“The Bungalow,” you answered seeing your friend texted that she was outside. “It’s in Santa Monica.”
Tony chewed on the inside of his cheek, staring you down. You looked up at his silence finding the glower being aimed at you.
“What?” you asked exasperated.
“Be back by midnight.”
“You’re not my fucking parent, Tony.”
Tony rose his eyebrows in annoyance at your tone. “No, you’re right. I’m your husband. And as your husband, I’m telling you I want you back home by midnight. It doesn’t look good if you’re out partying until 3:00 in the morning all the time. That shit is gonna stop sooner rather than later.”
“It’s almost 8:00 and it takes a half hour—”
Tony cut in, “Then it sounds like you better stop arguing with me and get going.”
Clenching your jaw, you turned away from him and stomped out of your bedroom.
“Maybe invite your friends here next time! It’s not like there’s not a bar and pool here,” you heard him call after you.
You were suppressing the urge to scream as you descended the staircase. Just because you were married did not mean your life had to end. In the hall, you ran into one of his guys, Bucky, meandering with a drink in hand. He spotted you and gave you a smile. You forced an extremely fake one for a split second before storming past him out the front door.
Instead of forcing your friend to have to drive you home so early in the night and cutting their fun short, you risked taking an Uber by yourself back home. There were still cars outside which meant mafia members were still over. It was ten after midnight. You had had half a mind to invite your friends home, prepared to throw Tony’s words back at him about the pool and the bar. But you were afraid that the mafia would still be here and that had proven to be a legitimate fear. Plus, if Tony had lost his temper, you did not want to put your friends in that awkward position of witnessing that.
You slammed the front door as loudly as you could and immediately made your way towards the kitchen to make yourself a stiff drink. Throwing your clutch onto the kitchen island, you kicked your shoes off as well, leaving them haphazardly on the tile. You could hear music and voices coming from down the hall in what you assumed was the billiard room.
The vodka cran was stiff just like you wanted, and you took a huge gulp, leaning on the counter.
Natasha walked into the kitchen, and she paused seeing you before smiling; you returned it weakly.
“Looking for the chip stash,” she told you as she moved towards the pantry. She rummaged around in there and emerged with a couple bags. She asked, “Are you going to join us?”
“No, thank you though,” you told her. “I’m gonna watch Netflix. That’s what people do when they’re forced home before midnight, right?”
Natasha looked uncomfortable and said, “I… suppose. Well, if you change your mind then we’re in the game room.”
“Thanks,” you said again and she left you there, like she could not wait to exit that awkward conversation.
Tossing the chips on the table, Natasha told Tony, giving him a cringing look, “You really pissed Y/N off. You gave her a curfew?”
Bucky rose his eyebrows as he grabbed one of the bags. He slowly opened it, waiting for Tony to respond.
Tony looked down at his watch and realized it was in fact almost 12:30. He had lost track of the time. “She’s home, then?” Natasha nodded and he smirked in triumph. “Good.”
“So, did you?”
“She doesn’t need to be out dancing in clubs all the damn time now. It’s embarrassing and frankly insulting for me,” Tony responded. “She’s not available and she shouldn’t be acting as such. She’s got to respect me. If my own wife won’t, then what’s stopping everyone else from not doing it either?”
Natasha chewed on that and shrugged. “I can see that. But maybe you shouldn’t be so gloating about the fact she obeyed your rule. You should thank her for listening to you. Just my opinion. Might help melt down the ice a little bit.” Tony scowled and she pressed, “You know I’m right. Her coming back when you asked should build some trust, right?”
Tony said after a few beats, “In the morning.”
“No, now.”
“Who is whose boss, here?” Tony asked her, cocking his head incredulously.
She nudged him and he let out an exasperated sigh as he got up from the couch, putting his drink down on the table.
“You said you had next game right?” Rhodes asked as Tony walked by. He was playing against Wanda at the pool table.
“Yes, and I’m going to kick whoever’s ass it is,” Tony answered, leaving the room.
Tony walked into the bedroom, finding you under the covers, watching Netflix.
You told him scornfully, “I know, I know. I was ten minutes late. I’m sorry. In my defense, I took an uber home because I didn’t wanna make Jasmine leave early. So, they got lost for a few.”
He held up his hand, his brows raised. “Easy, tiger. Ten minutes is not a huge issue. I was just… coming up to check on you.”
“Well, I’m fine,” you muttered, eyes going back to the television.
He pointed at your glass and asked, “Want a refill?” You eyed him suspiciously and he said, “Just asking.”
“No, thank you. I had enough at the bar, and this is gonna be my last.”
Tony nodded and said, “Right. Well, be sure to drink water before you go to bed. And thanks by the way… for listening to me and coming back on time.”
“You’re welcome…” you told him, confused as all hell at his out of left field behavior.
He nodded again and clapped his hands before turning on his heel and walking out.
“What the fuck?” you said under your breath to yourself.
Since when was he that calm?
Slowly, you sunk back into the pillows. You shot another look at the door, wondering what had gotten into him.
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld @holl2712 @agustdowney  @biiskuitx @buttercupfangirl
Fic tags: @patheticallysentimental​
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-Ride Or Die
Leave a request
For @slightlynumb
It was a Friday night you and Oscar actually deciding to go out instead of throwing or attending another party. You heard of this little hookah lounge/bar in the city that was suppose to be a really good time, it took a little bit of convincing but Oscar finally caved and agreed to come. You get dolled up and throw on a tight black dress with a pair of flashy highs heels, a birthday gift from Oscar a few months ago.
“Ready papi?” You ask as you grab his attention from where he sat in the kitchen, already pre-gaming.
He turns his head to look at you, licking his lips as he stands up,”Damn mamas.” He compliments.
“You like?” You ask as you give him a spin, walking up to him after to give him a kiss.
“Hm I’ll like it better when it’s on the floor tonight.” He says and tugs you closer
“Last time you said that you ended up ripping one of my favorite outfits.” You remind him as you wipe off a piece of lint that sat on his shoulder.
“Well it was my favorite too apparently.” He chuckles, giving you one last kiss before the two of you head out, leaving Cesar and his friends home alone, out in the back yard.
“There’s a spot, in the back over there.” You say and point it out to Oscar. He pulls in quickly and let’s you fix your makeup in the mirror before coming around to open your door and help you out,”Thanks.” You smile and take his arm, letting him lead you through the parking lot and inside of the building. The lights inside a red hue, music blasting, and bottle girls/waiters/and hostess moving about as well as people dancing.
“You guys can follow me.” A pretty petite girl with barley any clothes on says, you smile and follow her to a small corner booth, sliding in after Oscar.
“Can I get you guys started on drinks? You can also head up to the bar at any time to order. It’s pretty packed tonight but I’m going to try my best to keep up with everything.” She warns.
“You’re fine, I completely understand. Can I get a vodka cran with lime?” You say to her.
“Absolutely and for you?” She asks turning to Oscar.
“Let me just go ahead and get the bucket of Coronas.” He replies, placing his hand on your knee.
“Got it. Will you guys be doing hookah?” She adds, you shaking your head no in response,”Okay, drinks coming right up.” She smiles before hurrying off.
“It’s a nice spot.” You say into his ear, Oscar agreeing as he looks around.
“Yeah, not to bad.”
You dance in your seat to the music, sharing a cigarette with Oscar who was nodding his head along, the server coming over and setting the drinks down on the table a few minutes later,”Can I get you guys anything else?”
“Nah, we’re good.” Oscar replies and reaches for a beer from the bucket of ice. She nods and disappears once again.
“Fuck.” You say with a scrunched up face as you try your drink,”It’s strong, but I like it.” You laugh, holding the drink out for him to try.
“Straight vodka.” Oscar agrees after taking a sip and chuckles. He finishes off the cig before downing the first beer and letting you enjoy the rest of the drink to yourself.
You guys stay for about two or three hours until deciding it’s time to head out. You stumble through the parking lot, having drank another mixed drink along with some of the beers. Oscar was completely fine and you were on the more tipsy side.
“Be careful mami.” Oscar laughs and reaches out to steady you, his last beer in his hand. Not wanting it to go to waste.
“I’m fine it’s the heels.” You giggle, which wasn’t a lie. You were still aware of what was going on, everything was just a bit more funny to you. You walk a few paces ahead of Oscar, when a car begins to back out of a spot, nearly hitting you as Oscar grabs your arm to pull you back.
“Aye! Watch where you going pendejo!” Oscar shouts to the driver as he slams his hand down on the trunk.
“I’m good papi” You tell him reassuringly as the car turns off and a couple steps out angrily.
“What the fuck is your problem?” The big buff white guy says, closing his door and coming around. The brown headed girl staying back.
“My problem is that you nearly hit my fucking girl.” Oscar, or now Spooky more likely says,”So you better apologize to her and get back in your car and go.”
“Or what? It’s not my fault your bitch can’t see where she’s walking.” He says smugly, puffing out his chest.
“What the fuck did you just call her!?” Spooky says and takes a step closer, causing you to step in between them.
“Hey, chill out. He’s not worth it.” You say and put your hands on your boyfriends chest to lightly push him away. Knowing that if this escalated nothing you would say would stop him from absolutely beating the shit out of this frat boy stereotype.
“You better listen to her.” He says tauntingly
“You need to get the fuck away from us.” You snap and turn to angrily shove the guy. His girlfriend now coming over with wide eyes,”You better get him cause if he even lays a finger on my boyfriend I’m gonna help whoop his ass and then I’m going to whoop yours.” You tell her seriously. She doesn’t respond to you and grabs her guy’s arm, trying to tug him back to the safety of the car, urging him to drop the issue.
“You better listen to your bitch.” Oscar mocks, pissing the guy off and causing him to reach around you to try to grab him by the shirt. You instantly claw his arm away, your nails digging in deep. Oscar manages to get a swing in and it lands on the guys cheek.
“Get away!” You shout, more so in annoyance as the guy nearly trips from the blow, only to try to come back over to get his own hit in. The girl now staying to the side, shock written all over her face,”My god.” You groan and take the bottle from Oscar and spin back around to smash it against the guys temple. His large body falling to the floor, a bit of blood coming from his head. His girlfriend shrieks and goes to his aide, Oscar grabbing your arm and running to his car.
“Come on Y/N!” He says and unlocks it, pushing you in before climbing into the drivers seat.
You roll down your window and lean out of it, Oscar backing out and heading towards the gate,“Hey! Don’t say we didn’t warn you.” You laugh and stick your tongue out as he drives by the guy that was now in a sitting position, flicking him off in amusement, Oscar grabbing the back of your dress and pulling you back in.
“Next time let me handle it.” He says as he speeds away from the scene,”I don’t need you getting hurt trying to defend me, what if that bottle didn’t take him down? Then what?” Oscar asks, glancing at you for a moment. His tone more concerned rather than angry.
“But it did take him down, so relax babe.” You smile and lean down to take your heels off,”So just calm down and thank me for coming to your rescue.” You tease in a sing song voice, knowing that Oscar wouldn’t really need your help if it came down to it.
“My rescue? That’s cute mami.” He smirks, letting you put your sore feet up on the dash.
“Fine. Don’t admit it, but can we talk about his girlfriend? She didn’t defend him for shit.” You giggle and let your head rest back,”I wasn’t really going to try and fight her, well maybe.” You shrug.
“That’s true. I guess it’s better to have a ride or die than a lil bitch for a girlfriend.” Oscar laughs.
“I’m your ride or die baby!” You grin and hold a closed fist out to him playfully.
“Ride or die, para siempre(for forever).” He agrees, hitting your fist with his amusingly before focusing on the road again.
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All Shades of Blue
Summary: Y/N falls completely head over heels with the blue-eyed stranger at the bar. And he has no idea.
Scenario: “It’s love at first sight but they don’t remember you after a drunk night out.”
Word Count: 3896 words
A/N: It’s important for me to tell you that I’ve never been in love with someone I’ve dated, but I’ve fallen in love with people I didn’t know on the regular. This is for Maya’s (a.k.a. @prettyyoungtragedy) 10K (WTF) Challenge! Congratulations on the milestone - that’s a number I can’t even begin to fathom in any capacity (people, dollars, puppies). I am completely in love with the stories you tell and the way that you tell them. I hope you all enjoy this! (The ending is a little open ended, I know. I don’t intend for this to have a second part, but you also never know what could happen).
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Y/N quickly raised the shot glass to her lips, slamming back the hard liquor before the rational part of her brain could talk her out of it. She could not, however, hold back the scowl on her face or the shudder that wracked her body as the tequila burned her esophagus on the way down. She placed the shot glass back on the table and immediately reached for her double spiced rum and diet soda, hoping it would prevent the tequila from making a second appearance. One of her closest friends, Natasha, gathered the three shot glasses in her hand and slid of her stool.
“That was sufficiently awful,” Natasha said, a bright grin on her face. “Another round?” Y/N nodded her head, taking another long sip from her drink as she looked over at their friend, Wanda. The younger girl’s cheeks were already flushed from the little amount of alcohol they had consumed, but she nodded nonetheless, requesting another vodka cran.
“Maybe just a single this time, Nat,” she called after her. Wanda shook her head, her long dark hair moving against her bare shoulders. “She’s not going to listen to me.” Y/N smirked as Wanda rubbed a hand over her face, before turning her attention to her friend. “Now. Are you going to tell us what’s behind this impromptu night out?” Wanda raised an eyebrow as she watched Y/N take a drink to save herself from answering the question. “Not that this wasn’t desperately needed, but we all know that Y/N L/N doesn’t go out on Friday nights.”
Y/N sighed, ducking her head before saying, “Winifred told me not to come in tomorrow.”
Wanda’s jaw dropped at Y/N’s admission. “Are you fired? Do you think she’s firing you?” Natasha arrived back at the table right at that moment, three fresh drinks in her hands.
“Wait, you got fired?” Natasha’s eyes widened in surprise, before she shrugged. “I mean, this is probably a blessing in disguise. You fucking hated that job. And that stone cold b-”
“Guys,” Y/N finally interrupted. “I didn’t get fired. At least, I don’t think she’s firing me.” She took a deep breath. “I think she’d going to promote me.”
Natasha and Wanda both looked at their friend, their expressions blank, if not a little confused. They glanced at each other quickly, before Natasha said, “wait, then why are we getting wasted?”
“You made it sound like we were drinking to forget something bad. This sounds like a celebration, Y/N!” Wanda exclaimed, her voice now adopting a more excited tone.
Y/N raked her fingers through her hair, finishing off her old drink and quickly moving on to the next one. “I know I should be excited, but damn it - I’ve been Winifred's assistant for a year now. I basically run her life. And I feel like I’m constantly working. I can’t tell you the last time I went on a vacation.” She threw her hands up. “What even is the point of working to make a living if you can’t enjoy any of it? I barely have a life now, what’s it going to be like when I have even more work to do?” Y/N dropped her shoulders as Wanda reached her small hand across the bar table to squeeze her friend’s hand. “I figured it would be nice to have a last hurrah with my best friends. Before Winifred Barnes takes over my life even more than she already has. God, I couldn’t even tell you the last time I went on a date.”
Natasha raised her drink, smirking at her friends. “To saying fuck you to Winnie Barnes tonight. To friends and alcohol and getting Y/N laid before she’s forced into a life of celibacy.”
Wanda and Y/N laughed loudly at the redhead, raising their glasses nonetheless to cheers in solidarity.
Y/N felt loose. She felt free and uninhibited and happy. Though she supposed five doubles with a few tequila shots peppered in there would do that to a girl. The bar had been empty when the girls first arrived there a few hours before, but as the clock approached midnight, more and more bodies poured in from the New York streets to take advantage of the cheap drink specials that were offered until midnight.
Wanda was in the middle of telling her girlfriends about her most recent date, some musician who called himself ‘The Vision’ - Natasha and Y/N tried their very best not to laugh in their friend’s face at that - when a large body on his way to the bar stumbled next to their table, the attached arm reaching out to brace himself on Y/N’s shoulder. Y/N let out a small yelp at the surprise intrusion. The man immediately righted himself as soon as he caught his footing and looked down at Y/N.
“Jesus, I am so sorry. Y’okay?” Y/N nodded - not even a drunk frat boy could dampen her spirits at this point - and she turned to tell the man not to worry. Her words caught in her throat when she met his bright and earnest blue eyes, his deep brown hair falling around his cheeks. His eyes were so blue - Y/N wasn’t sure if she had ever seen that shade before. Her initial thought was that they were almost a cerulean blue; though, the longer she looked, she realized there were darker flecks of something like steel or royal blue near his pupil, and a lighter ring around his entire iris that she would akin to baby blue or even sky blue. His eyes reminded her of early summer mornings at her family’s cottage and she felt an immediate sense of calm when he looked at her.
The sound of Natasha clearing her throat pulled Y/N from her own mind. That was when she realized she had been staring a little too long at this guy.
“Yeah, sorry, I spaced out for a second there.” She grinned sheepishly at the man, who returned her smile effortlessly. “I’m okay. Don’t worry about it.” He gripped her shoulder before moving on.
“Guys,” she sighed, a stupid grin on her face. “I’m in love.”
Wanda and Natasha grinned at each other, before leaning forward. Wanda’s eyes twinkled with alcohol and mischief when she said, “go buy him a drink, Y/N. Or introduce yourself. We did say tonight was about getting our girl laid.”
Y/N felt her cheeks flush at the thought of approaching her blue eyed soulmate. “I can’t.” She shook her head. That annoying, rational part of her brain was breaking through the haze caused by the alcohol; it was having her second guess the part of her that was urging her to introduce herself.
“Y/N, you are a strong and independent woman,” Natasha told her, her voice stern. “You can approach a man. You can buy him a drink, you can ask him out, you can take him home if you want to. Fuck the gender rules. Do what you want.”
Knocking back the last mouthful of her drink, Y/N nodded her head, Natasha’s quick pep talk doing exactly what she needed it to.
“You are so right, Nat. I’m gonna do it.”
Y/N stood from her stool, eyeing where the blue eyed man was standing, his broad back facing her. He appeared to laughing with an equally large friend. She squared her shoulders, bidding a “wish me luck” to her friends and walking in the direction of the bar. She took slow steps in his direction, her mind running a mile a minute -
‘Okay, okay. You can do this. Just take a deep breath and introduce yourself. The worst thing that can happen is that he’s not interested and then you can walk away knowing you tried. Oh god, what if he’s not interested. What if he doesn’t like my face? I mean, I like my face. I think it’s a decent face. No, it’s a great face. I have a great face. And a great personality. I’m funny. People like funny, don’t they? Of course they do. That’s why those Netflix comedy specials are so popular. Am I too drunk for this? Maybe I’m too drunk for this. I can walk a straight line though. It feels straight. That’s probably a good sign. Yeah, that’s definitely a good sign. You’re just drunk enough to loosen up. Have a little fun. God knows you need fun. I wonder how much he benches? He could 100% pick me up with no effort.’ -
Y/N could hear his deep voice break through her inner monologue as she approached the bar. Her soulmate’s friend - a blond with eyes not quite as blue - looked over the brunet’s shoulder, smiling as they made eye contact. She returned his warm gesture with a polite smile, immediately walking past them and making a beeline to the hallway left of the bar where the washrooms were.
‘You are an idiot.’
When Y/N pulled herself together, she left the washroom, abandoning her mission of speaking to the blue eyed man.She was just going to have to look elsewhere for a warm body to bring home tonight, one that was a little less intimidating.
She worked her way through the crowd, her arrival back to her table drawing attention from her two friends and a couple of new additions.
“Y/N!” Natasha greeted, with a broad grin. “We thought you had gotten lost.” Y/N smiled softly at her friend, her eyes darting to the tall blond and brunette that had joined their table.
“Who are your friends?” Y/N asked, pulling herself back up into her chair.
Natasha turned to the blond man, her hand resting on his forearm. “This is Steve. We work together. He’s a junior partner with Stark.” The blond man - Steve - rolled his eyes, but the grin never left his face.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” he said, sheepishly.
“Modesty isn’t a good look.” Natasha leaned forward slightly, winking discreetly at her friend as she said, “and this is Steve’s friend, Bucky.”
Y/N took a deep inhale before turning to the tall and ridiculously thick man standing far too close to her. He was smiling down at her, his eyes full of mischief. “It’s nice to meet you. Again.” Bucky chuckled at his own attempt at a joke.
She forced a chuckle, lifting a hand to meet his in a handshake. “Hi, Bucky. I’m Y/N.”
“Can I buy you a drink, Y/N?” Bucky nodded down at her empty glass. “Looks like you’re running a little low there.”
“Sure,” she said, letting out a breath. “That would be great.”
Y/N’s fingers fumbled with the keys in her hands as she tried - unsuccessfully - to unlock the front door of her apartment. The alcohol she had been drinking all night was having an obvious effect on her motor skills. The large hands roaming over her hips, her waist, her stomach, and the undersides of her breasts, and the pair of soft lips trailing along the side of her neck, weren’t doing anything to keep her focus. She let out a soft squeal when he nipped at the underside of her jaw and pushed his hands away from her.
“Okay, okay, you need to hold on.” Y/N pushed her hair away from her face, her chest rising heavily as she fought to settle her breath. “I don’t think my neighbours would like it very much if we continued this in the hallway.”
“But doll, you’re taking so long,” he complained, raising a hand to run a finger down the side of her neck. His lips quickly followed the short trail he created along her skin. “And I want to ravish you.”
A soft groan slipped from between Y/N’s lips at his words. “Okay, okay,” she relented and breathed a sigh of relief when her key slipped easily into the lock. A quick turn of her wrist opened her apartment door and Bucky’s lips were back on her.
He turned her between his palms, meeting her lips in a feverish kiss, their heavy breaths mingling. The door slammed shut behind them, with Bucky wasting no time, lowering himself to grab the backs of her thighs in his hands and lifting her from the ground. On instinct, Y/N wrapped her legs around his hips, unable to stop the moan from leaving her at his display of pure strength. Her fingers of one hand found purchase in the collar of his t-shirt while the other gripped his shoulder while he easily carried her weight.
“Bedroom,” came his gruff voice against her lips. Y/N hummed in reply, relishing in the feeling of his soft lips against hers. A moment passed without Bucky moving when she realized he had been asking her where her bedroom was.
“Right, shit, sorry.” Y/N broke the kiss, shaking her head and Bucky found himself grinning at her. “Down the hall, the only door on the right.”
“Aye, aye.” And this time, he moved quickly, now desperate to get every article of clothing off of the girl in his arms.
Winifred Barnes was going to be the death of her. When the ringing of her cell phone pulled Y/N to consciousness only a few hours after she had fallen into bed, completely spent and exhausted after a few rounds with the guy from the bar. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as rolled over and picked up her phone.
“This is Y/N.”
“Meet me at the office in thirty minutes.” Winifred’s voice was sharp in her ear. Without a goodbye, her boss promptly hung up on the other end.
Her head was absolutely pounding, and her mouth felt drier than any desert. Taking a deep breath, Y/N eased herself into a sitting position, trying her best to ignore how the room felt like it was spinning. As she slipped out from underneath the blankets, her sole focus on getting herself a cold glass of water, Y/N realized the she was alone in her bed. Her immediate reaction was to roll her eyes. Of course the first guy she had brought home in over a year had ditched her before the sun had even come up. Sending a quick text to her girlfriends, Y/N sped through her morning routine, praying that a shower would be enough to mask the lack of sleep she had gotten and the excess of tequila she had consumed.
Y/N: Turns out Blue Eyes didn’t realize that we were soulmates. NAT: Explain please NAT: Also please enlighten us as to WHY you are awake at this hour? WANDA: That sucks! Tell me he was worth it tho? Y/N: When Winifred calls I answer. Y/N: He was completely worth it. Which makes it even more annoying. And completely devastating. WANDA: Text us later when you have an idea of when you’ll be done. Maybe the three of us could have a night in? NAT: I’m in.
Twenty-two minutes later, Y/N was looking - somewhat - like a real human being and was flashing her i.d. badge at the security guard who watched the elevator. He regarded her momentarily, before bidding her a brief ‘good morning’. She slipped into the empty elevator, letting her body rest against the side and closed her eyes, saying a silent prayer to whoever might be listening in the universe that Winifred wouldn’t keep her in the office for her entire Saturday. She was pulled from her own thoughts when a loud voice called, “could you hold the elevator please?”
It took every fibre of willpower Y/N had not to let the door close in the newcomer’s face. Holding back an eye roll and a snarky comment about being on time, she placed her hand in front of the door’s sensor, waiting impatiently.
As she focused on balancing the coffee she had picked up on her way in for herself and Winifred along with her laptop bag and purse, she felt the person slip by her into the elevator. Y/N immediately dropped her hand, pressing the button to close the doors with a little more aggression than was probably warranted.
“Thanks for that. I’m running super late.”
Y/N, once again, held back the urge to roll her eyes. Instead she plastured a smile on her face, turning to face the man. “No problem. Happens to the-” She felt her mouth dry up as she took in the man standing next to her. It was him! The man that had slipped from her bed before she had woken up. The man whose facial hair she could still feel between her thighs. “You!”
His eyebrows pulled together and his jaw loosened as he looked at her, his confusion completely evident on his face. “Me?” The complete lack of recognition on his almost annoyingly perfect face sent Y/N into immediate panic mode. She squeezed her eyes shut, letting a small glimpse of the embarrassment she was feeling show on her features.
“Sorry,” she muttered, shaking her head. “You’ll have to excuse me, I thought you were someone else.” She smiled sheepishly at him as the confusion slipped from his face and was replaced with something more comforting. “It’s way too early, and if I’m honest I’m a little hungover.”
He didn’t remember her. This man had taken her in ways she had barely known were possible; she had fallen asleep with his thick arms wrapped around her, told her best friends she was in love and he didn’t remember her. Nat and Wanda were going to mock her mercilessly for this one.
She felt the flush deepen on her cheeks as he chuckled, ducking his head to run a hand through his hair. “I hear ya. I’m not feelin’ so hot myself.”
“Rough night?” Y/N kept her gaze on the coffee tray she was holding, hoping she sounded nonchalant. Just two strangers conversing casually about their Friday night activities. Activities that had nothing to do with one another.
“You could say that.” Then he leaned in, his voice low as if they were conspiring together. “But let’s keep that between us.”
Y/N smiled tightly, nodding quickly as the elevator doors opened on the top floor of the building, and she stepped out without another look at her elevator mate. She heard his heavy footsteps following behind her at a slower pace than her heels clicked against the floor.
Y/N was hyper aware of the man from last night, from the elevator - she wasn’t sure exactly how to refer to him in her mind. Especially since she couldn’t recall his name at all, something uncommon - following a few paces behind her. What the hell was he doing on this floor? Winifred would probably claw his gorgeous face off for disturbing her so early. Even though she clearly had no problem pulling Y/N into the office at an ungodly hour.
Winifred was sitting behind her desk as Y/N approached, a smile stretched across her cheeks as she greeted her boss. “I brought you coffee.” Winifred simply quirked an eyebrow and returned her gaze back to the stack of papers in front of you.
“I’m meant to have an early meeting, but apparently no one in this world knows what it means to be on time. Including my assistant.” Y/N glanced at the clock on the wall - she was five minutes early.
“Is there anything I can do for you right now, Winifred?” Y/N chose to say instead, knowing that pointing out her lack of tardiness to her boss wouldn’t help her case. 
“I’ve forwarded you a few emails. I don’t have the time to respond. Take a look at them, will you?” With a quick nod, Y/N turned on her heel and collided with an extremely solid chest.
“Whoa there.” A pair of large, warm hands gripped her biceps to steady her. “You alright, doll?”
At the pet name, she had vivid memories of his rough voice in her ear, calling her doll, telling her how good she was, how good she felt. Before Y/N could respond to his question, Winifred’s sharp voice sounded behind her. “You’re late.”
Y/N felt a twinge of sympathy for this guy. Clearly he knew nothing of the wrath of Winifred Barnes if he had the nerve to show up late for an appointment with her. She was about to offer to get him a coffee, or tea, something to save him from her boss, but her words caught in her throat when a bright grin appeared on his face.
“Oh, c’mon, I’m not that late.”
“Late is late, James. I thought I raised you better than that.” James rolled his eyes in a manner that Y/N could only describe as affectionate. Meanwhile, her mind was running a mile a minute. Her soulmate - her gorgeous, funny, blue eyed soulmate, the very same man who had fucked her senseless only a few hours before - not only did not remember her at all, but was her boss’s son? This was far too much for Y/N to process.
“If you’re quite done groping my assistant, shall we get going?”
Completely ignoring the coffee Y/N had placed on her desk, Winifred pulled her blazer around her shoulders, propping her purse into the crook of her elbow. “Y/N, set up a lunch with Maria Hill next week will you? And I’ve finalized the guest list for the fundraiser for the children or the homeless, or whatever it is that Stark is trying pull more money for. Make sure that’s sent Sarah before you leave.”
Sharon, Y/N mentally corrected, but kept her mouth shut. “Was… was there anything else you needed me to do today, Winifred? Your phone call this morning seemed… urgent.”
Winifred fell silent, regarding her assistant cooly. Y/N tried not to squirm under her gaze. “No. That will be all. Lock up when you leave. James and I have a breakfast reservation and I’ll be out for the rest of the day.” Y/N bit the inside of her cheek to prevent her from telling Winifred where exactly she shove her breakfast reservation. Instead she simply nodded.
“Have a lovely breakfast.”
Without another word, Winifred turned on her heel, strutting toward the elevator. James, however, remained where he had been standing, regarding his mother’s assistant as she took a deep breath.
“Sorry about her,” he said finally, breaking the quiet that had settled around them. “She means well.”
Y/N smiled thinly, nodding at the tall man. “You should get going. You’re already late.”
“Right,” he said, sheepishly. “Have a good day, Y/N. It was nice to meet you.” With a small wave, he turned away from her, picking up his pace to catch up with his mother.
Y/N let out a deep breath, her hand coming up to push hair out of her face. “What the actual fuck?”
Y/N: You guys are not going to believe my morning. NAT: Considering it didn’t involve hot and dirty morning sex with your soulmate, I can’t imagine it’s too exciting. WANDA: Nat, don’t be rude. I’ll be off at 5, let’s meet at my place around 7? Can we order from that Indian place around the corner? I could really go for some curry! Y/N: Sure thing! It’s a date.
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sunkissedpages · 6 years
We’re Only Kidding Ourselves- Part Nine || Tom Holland x Reader
A/N: sorry this part is hella short but this week has been hectic and I wanted to post something anyway! Also sorry there’s no smut in this part bc sex when one person is fucked up and the other isn’t is not cool (also I didn’t feel like it was the right time but that’s besides the point) but it will happen! Eventually!
Prompt: Enemies to lovers au (from @marvelellie‘s 1k writing challenge!!)
Summary: You work as a production assistant for the Spider-Man: Far From Home crew, or rather as Tom Holland’s handler. The two of you don’t get along very well to say the least, but you won’t quit and he can’t fire you so you’re stuck with each other.
Warnings: swearing, angst (but when isn’t there), mentions of sex, vomit (sorry y’all)
What I listened to while writing: beerbongs and bentleys + the Black Panther Soundtrack bc parties...ya know
Word Count: 1.7k sorry it’s so short (title of ur sex tape)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight
You were already on board to get tipsy, but after watching Tom’s dance moves, you were ready to get shitfaced. The best word to describe his dancing was: white. But he was making an effort, and you respected that.
The bartender looked pleased to see you again. “Another round?” he asked, already reaching for the rum.
“How’d you know?” you teased.
“Lucky guess.” He grinned. His smile was equally as dazzling as the diamond studs in his ears. He poured your drink, capped the rum, and slid the glass across the bar, western movie style. You caught it with ease. “So you’re here with the group that rented out the bar?” You cocked your head at his accent. He was American and it made you wonder why he was all the way across the world working in a club in Italy.
“Yeah that’s us unfortunately.”
He made a face. “Why unfortunately?”
“The event’s mandatory for staff.”
“At least there’s free booze.”
You shrugged. “I’m not sure if I’m actually supposed to be drinking,” you admitted and flashed him your PA pass.
“Well I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
“Thanks,” you raised your glass to him and took a sip. You struggled not to make a face. Shit was strong.
“I don’t think I got your name,” he continued.
“It’s y/n.”
“D.J., nice to meet you.”
You grinned. “Likewise. It’s kind of ironic that you’re behind the bar.”
“Never heard that one before,” D.J. chuckled with a smirk. “So how long are you in Venice for?”
“Until the 5th.”
“Hey, if you’re not busy after this-”
You were distracted from whatever D.J. was saying by a cold hand on the small of your back and you jumped, but relaxed when you saw it was just Haz.
“Did you get the drinks?” he asked expectantly. You were confused. He hadn’t asked you to get him any drinks. He’d abandoned you at the door like ten minutes ago. He was smiling at you warmly, but it didn’t meet his eyes.
You stared at him blankly. “You didn’t ask me to get you anything.”
Haz looked at D.J. and chuckled. “She’s already had too much to drink, going and forgetting why she came over here. I’ll just take this one from you, love.” He took the glass from your hands and brought it to his own lips.
As soon as Haz called you ‘love’ D.J. stiffened. Sure was an English saying, but D.J. didn’t know what context Harrison was using it in. Haz didn’t call you love very often and it was the worst possible time he could’ve. Now things were awkward.
“Do you want another one?” D.J. asked you.
You opened your mouth to speak, but Haz went ahead and answered for you. “She’s good, thanks mate.”
You took a deep breath to keep yourself from exploding on the spot and dragged Harrison by the sleeve of his jacket back into the crowd out of earshot from D.J..
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Are you serious?” Harrison asked, equally angry.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?
“Please, y/n, he’s a bartender in one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world. He’s only looking for a quick fuck.”
“And who says that’s not what I’m looking for?” you demanded.
Harrison looked embarrassed. “It’s just not like you.”
“Why, because women can’t have one night stands?”
“No that’s not what,”
“And I need you to fight my battles for me?
“No, y/n-”
“Listen, I haven’t been laid for months because I’ve been working for your best friend, a twenty-two year old child, who takes up my entire fucking life! Do you know what that does to a person? So maybe when I get the opportunity to have my brains fucked out by a stranger I want to take it!”
“Can you lower your voice?”
You let go of his arm. “Yeah, whatever. But next time you ditch me at the door don’t interrupt me when someone starts acting interested.”
You stalked past him, bumping his shoulder and made your way back to the bar where you ordered another drink for yourself. D.J. didn’t hesitate to pour it for you.
It wasn’t the first time Harrison had done something like that and you always figured he was just a protective friend, but his timing was terrible. You didn’t let his weird behavior throw you off for too long though, because the alcohol was finally starting to take the edge off and Zendaya was beckoning you over to dance with her and who were you to deny her?
Z grabbed you by the hand and twirled you around making the world spin around you. You giggled and stumbled into her but she was there to steady you. You danced side by side to the beat, conscious of all the eyes on Zendaya and D.J.’s eyes on you. Light refracted off of the sequins on your dress like a disco ball bouncing all over the room, drawing attention. Zendaya was a much better dancer than you. Hell, she was professionally trained. Maybe you should have been intimidated, but you were having too much fun.
You couldn’t really think straight, but if you could you’d probably be in disbelief that you were having the time of your life with Zendaya in a club in Venice. You were a lucky bitch.
Everyone at the party was absolutely cleaning out the bar. People lost their shit for free alcohol and had zero regard for the inevitable hangover they’d all have tomorrow. Tom was going at a steady pace, tipsy, but not quite drunk yet. You weren’t sure if he was trying to avoid getting sloppy at a press event, or if he was just unaffected by what he’d already drank. You knew the boy could drink. He and Haz were the opposites of lightweights, unlike yourself. Their English blood allowed for them to consume enormous quantities of alcohol with little to no consequences, which meant that they must’ve really gone buckwild in Prague. You were supposed to be keeping an eye on Tom, but at this point you were more gone than he was.
“Aye, might want to slow down,” Tom advised, taking a glass out of your hands somewhere around round four.
“And you might want to fuck off,” you slurred.
“Yeah, I’m not giving this back,” he scoffed and brought the vodka cran to his own mouth. What was it with these boys and them taking your drinks for themselves?
“Wait no, Tom-Tommy,” you pleaded “please?”
Tom paused the glass at his lips and raised his eyebrows at the nickname, but you weren’t even aware you’d said it. He chugged the rest in one go and you gulped as you watched him. You stood in front of him with your arms crossed. “Wanna dance?”  
“Not really,” you pouted.
“Come on,” he laughed and pulled you to the dance floor.
“Tom!” you protested, but he swung you around by the hand, spinning you out and back to him. He caught you with his chest, bringing his other hand to your hips as he swayed you to the beat.
“What if people take pictures?” you whispered.
He shrugged. “They won’t. And even if they did, people can dance with friends.”
“But we’re not friends,” you reminded him.
“Right,” he amended through a tight lipped smile. “Well, people can dance with strangers.”
You let him sway you to a few more songs in the dim light. It was kind of pleasant. He did all of the work. His hands were soft and gentle on your body. If only he wasn’t such an asshole.
“The silver looks nice on you,” Tom whispered into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine despite how hard you fought it.
“Is this your way of saying you’re always right?”
He smirked down at you. “Just take the compliment.”
After the third song you started feeling sweaty. The room was spinning- and not in a good way anymore. You laid your head on Tom’s chest and closed your eyes, willing it to stop.
“You okay?” Tom asked, pulling back and gripping you by the shoulders.
“I don’t feel very good,” you said and watched Tom’s face go white as a sheet. “Mr. Stark.”
“That’s not even the line,” Tom rolled his eyes and chuckled at your bad attempt at a joke, but stopped laughing when you actually gagged. “Okay, let’s get you out of here,” he urged and pushed you through the crowd out into the fresh air.
As soon as you were outside you beelined towards the bushes hunched over them, retching. Tom winced, came up behind you and twisted your hair back between his fingers, rubbing your shoulder soothingly. The action surprised you, but you didn’t push him away.
He stayed with you as you hurled. Tears were streaming from your eyes, but he just spoke to you softly saying it was okay, you’re going to be okay, and that everything would be okay. You straightened and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. 
“I’m sorry you had to see that,” you groaned.
“Don’t worry about it,” he shrugged. ”Happens to the best of us.”
“God, I was supposed to be working tonight, not getting plastered.”
“Why...did you get so wasted?” Tom asked hesitantly. You didn’t answer right away. “Was it to get enough courage to sleep with that bartender?”
You whipped your head around so fast it made you nauseous all over again. “How is that your business?”
“We share a room.” He had a point.
“I mean, I don’t know. Maybe? Why does anyone drink?” you weren’t sure why you were admitting all of this to him, but you couldn’t say it didn’t have anything to do with the alcohol. 
“To forget,” Tom said casually, catching you by surprise. 
You didn’t know how to respond so you just cleared your throat. “You should get back inside, Spider-man.”
“I’m not leaving you out here by yourself, y/n.” He watched you sit on the edge of a brick planter, arms crossed.
“Then send Haz or Harry out, you have to go back to the party you’re the, the-”
“The golden boy?”
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Absolutely not,” he smiled. “They’ll be fine for a few minutes without me. Here, let me get you back to the room.”
“No, Tom I need to stay,” you argued weakly.
“You’re in no condition to.”
“Why are you acting like you care about me?”
“Who said I didn’t?”
UM YOU DID TOM!! but that’s for next week. Sorry again that this part is shorter than usual but lmk what you think I always appreciate feedback!
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octobersmoony · 6 years
Salty and Sweet ch. 5
A/N: Heres the moment we’ve all been waiting for! xo B
Warnings: mild swearing
Jane pulled into her driveway, closely followed by Sweet Pea on his motorcycle. As she got out of her car, she noticed Sweet Pea observing her home. True, it was small and quaint for the Northside, but that’s all she and her mother could ever need and afford.
“I’ll be right back out, I’m going to change.” Jane called to Sweet Pea, and he gave her a nod.
“Make it snappy, shortcake.”
Jane rolled her eyes and ran up the stone steps to her house, noticing her mom was gone from work. She used this moment to run upstairs to her room and pull on a black long sleeved bodysuit with a low-ish neckline and a pair of high waisted ripped jeans. She completed her look with a pair of silver hooped earrings. As a last minute decision, Jane decided on some deep red lipstick. After spritzing herself with her vanilla scented perfume, Jane made her way back outside to Sweet Pea.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” she said, and his eyes flicked up to meet hers, traveling from her lips to her chest, then quickly back to meet her gaze.
“Dont you look spiffy,” Sweet Pea commented, and Jane found herself blushing once again. He handed her his spare helmet and she tugged it on over her curls. “You better hold on, Princess.” he scooted up to give her space to climb on behind him, and she swung a leg over and found herself holding the seat. “Hold onto me, you goon.” Sweet Pea laughed.
Jane let out a nervous chuckle before gripping either side of Sweet Pea’s denim vest.
The pair pulled out of her driveway and sped down the road, across the tracks and into the Southside. Jane loved the feeling of the wind on her face as Sweet Pea cruised along. It was a rush of adrenaline, really. She’d never been on the back of a boy’s bike before.
Eventually, they stopped near a driveway of a house that was already crowded with some bikes and beater cars, there were people out on the lawn, red solo cups and cans in hands. Sweet Pea shut off the engine and pulled his helmet off, which encouraged Jane to do the same, but not before She caught a whiff of a strong scented shampoo. Damn he smelled good.
“Here we are,” Sweet Pea swing himself off the bike and held the handle bars while Jane hobbled off, nearly losing her balance when her food got stuck on the seat, but the tall Serpent was quick to catch her. “Did I leave you weak in the knees, little girl?” he said with a grin, and she gave him a sour look before straightening herself and letting go of his arm. Sweet Pea kicked out the kick-stand and put both of the helmets back on his bike. The house was thrumming with the beat of a song that came from inside.
“Hope you’re ready for a Southside party. Don’t go getting too drunk, it’s my ass that’s watching out for your ass.” Sweet Pea nudged her with his elbow as they made their way past the groups outside, and Jane watched as they all greeted Sweet Pea. She kept herself mostly behind him, trying not to attract much attention. The pair had barely made their way inside before Sweet Pea was engulfed in a hug.
“Pea! Man! There you are, you’re my best friend. Did you know that?” A stocker boy said as he swung his arms around Sweet Pea. Jane recognized him to be boy he was always with, the classier one from the other night at Pop’s. “Who’s this bombshell?” he indicated Jane as he let go of the taller boy.
“Fangs, cool it. She’s my plus one tonight. Meet Jane.” Sweet Pea introduced her, and Jane found herself really enjoying the way her name sounded on his lips.
“Jane, I’m Fangs. Here on the Southside, we hug when we’re drunk.” Fangs then proceeded to give Jane a bear hug. “Here, have a beer new friend Jane!” he pulled a can from the inside of his leather jacket. Jane graciously accepted it, surprised to find it was cold.
“Thanks, new friend Fangs.” Jane cracked the cam and took a sip, earning a raised brow from Sweet Pea. How could he tell she wasn’t a beer drinker?
“There you guys are! We were just about to leave, Fangs hates being at parties without his Sweetie Pie.” a rather short pink haired girl had joined them. “I’m Toni.” she said when she caught Jane’s gaze on her, and extended a hand. Jane shook it, returning the smile.
“Nice to meet you, I love your hair!” Jane exclaimed, then indicated to the purple in her own. That earned a grin from Toni.
“Purple, love it. You fit right in, it’s about time too. Being the only girl in a group of guys gets boring sometime.” Toni laughed and threw an arm around Jane.
Jane had never really be involved with a group of friends before. Just the odd friends and Freda. Shit, she forgot about Freda. Oh well, she’ll love this story on Monday morning. She took a moment to observe the three who were deep in conversation about the goings on of Talon’s party before Jane and Sweet Pea arrived.
After a couple moments, Sweet Pea took her by the sleeve when Toni and Fangs challenged each other to a game of beer pong. He led her into the kitchen where there was numerous bottles of alcohol and different mixes, and a whole cooler full of beer. “Let’s get you something better than beer.”
“Are you joking? I love beer.” Jane joked, taking a final sip, but failed in keeping a straight face and reacted to the bitterness.
Sweet Pea chuckled and pulled the can from her grasp and set it down for a hammered individual to finish. “How about some rum and coke? Vodka cran? Straight whiskey?” he grinned, pulling on the charade as bar tender.
“Vodka cran, kind sir.” Sweet Pea obliged and filled the red solo cup a quarter of the way with vodka, then the rest with cranberry juice. Jane accepted the cup and stuck her pinky in instinctively, like she would at home, mixing the drink before popping her pinky into her mouth to suck the remains off.
“Are you trying to attract me right now?” Sweet Pea asked, leaning against the counter. “Because if so, it’s working.”
Jane grinned up at him. “Not really, I needed to mix.” she shrugged, taking a gulp from her cup. “You do a good vodka to cran ratio.”
Sweet Pea smiled, and suddenly the house was quiet and it was just Sweet Pea and Jane in the house, the two of them caught eye to eye, and Sweet Pea raised an arm to tuck a curl behind Jane’s ear. Butterflies flew around her stomach and she found herself taking another drink from her cup.
“You’re cute when you’re nervous.” He told her, and she was all of a sudden forced to put her drink on the counter before Sweet Pea cupped her cheek in his hand, pressing his lips to hers. Jane felt herself kiss back, half startled but half craving more of him.
“Excuse me?” came a shrill voice from the doorway of the kitchen. Jane and Sweet Pea quickly pulled apart to find Savannah standing in the door way, looking furious. “Pea, I told you about this party and you take a Northsider and kiss her? At the party? Where I told you to come?”
“Fuck off, Savannah. Go fuck Talon or some other sorry idiot.” Sweet Pea shout back over the sound of the music, and Jane pulled back as he pushed back from the counter and towards Savannah. “You can’t keep inserting yourself into my life whenever you damn well please.”
With a scoff, Savannah spun on her heel and stormed out of the kitchen.
“I’m sorry.” Sweet Pea turned back to Jane, eyes apologetic. He extended a hand to her. “Let’s go find Fang’s and Toni.”
Jane took another gulp from her drink and graciously put her hand in Sweet Pea’s, which was big and warm and comforting. She allowed him to guide her through the body-crowded living room and to where Toni and Fangs were sprawled on the couch. Sweet Pea and Jane plopped down on the edge, dangerously close to one another. Instead of inserting herself into the conversation, Jane let the vodka clear her thoughts of Savannah. Soon her head lulled onto Sweet Pea’s shoulder.
“Hey, are you okay?” came his deep voice as his hand gently shook your arm.
Jane lifted her head to meet her gaze and found him swimming around in her vision. “I’m ready for home.” she told him. She should have remembered vodka made her sleepy.
Sweet Pea nodded and the two said their good byes to Toni and Fangs before he slipped her hand back into Jane’s and he guided her back out and onto his bike. He fasted her helmet on before his and gave her head a tap.
“I’m sorry I cut your party short.” Jane told him as they climbed back onto the bike.
“That’s okay, just make sure you hold on to me tightly, Sleepy.” Sweet Pea gave her a reassuring pat on the hand when she fisted her freezing hands into his denim vest pockets.
The two cruised back into the Northside soon enough and back up Jane’s driveway. Jane noticed her mom still wasn’t home from work, which would make it easier for her to go to bed quicker.
“Can I have your number?” Sweet Pea asked Jane as he helped her off his bike. “I think I’d like to take you out again.”
“Yeah, uh, here.�� Jane took his phone and plugged her number in under the name ‘Princess’. She handed it back with a wink. “Thank you for taking me tonight. I like your friends. And your lips.” she let the vodka add, earning a chuckle from the raven haired boy.
He quickly dipped his head and caught her lips in his once again, finishing what he started at the party. This time the kiss grew deeper as he wrapped his arms around her waist and her arms twined around his neck.
It seemed as though sparks flew from between the both of them, Jane intoxicated by the taste of him instead of the vodka cran. Then her thoughts got to her. Flashbacks of the blond haired boy who took advantage of her previously. Quickly, she pulled back, and both pairs of arms dropped to their sides. “I’ll see you at school.” Jane gave him a smile, an extra kiss on the cheek and quickly ran into her house, leaving a confused but happy Sweet Pea staring after her.
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exyghouls · 7 years
only a little human
TFC-NET’S 2017 Spooky Creation Event: .
↳  monster!neil
(read it on ao3)
Neil Josten was a monster. That’s what everyone told him at least, and he started to believe it.
Blood didn’t taste good. He needed it less often as a hybrid, but he ran the risk of starving if he lost track. Most of the time, he remembered. Flesh was trickier; he could avoid the gore for a while if he drank enough and didn’t get hurt.
Neil Josten was a scoundrel, a mutt, the unwanted bastard of right and wrong but much more wrong. That’s what he told himself, at least.
Blood was a necessity. It burned sliding down his throat and sat sourly in the stomach of a being who shouldn’t exist. The flesh couldn’t be easily substituted by cuts of beef or pork. It all needed to be fresh, warm, raw. It tasted disgusting and was too stringy for his liking.
Neil Josten was made a monster by his father. He wasn’t in any way proud to be what he was and knew he would never find comfort in his life, but he was near impossible to kill by design. Cigarettes were one of the few things that made him feel alive, filling him with a better burning.
Being recruited by the Foxes was a nightmare, but he was going to need to move soon anyway. Millport was a small town and only so many people could go missing within a fifty mile radius before suspicion arose.
His magnetism was easily unnoticable, but some felt it if they were searching close enough. It was faint to humans, but Andrew seemed to realize it from the second they met. It was doubtful that he knew what it meant, but confusion painted his face for just a second.
He had made a promise to himself long ago not to kill if he didn’t have to. It was easy once he gained control and he tried to minimize his need as much as possible, but there came a point when he lost control, needed to hunt, and he wanted to be conscious. The first night in Palmetto, he had to leave Wymack’s.
Downtown Palmetto was a strange place for him, but he managed to run into a dark-haired man who was willing to sleep with him in exchange for a couple vodka crans. He smelled like alcohol and was far past intoxicated, making the burn that much worse.
Abby was mortal. She saw the charmed restraints holding his wings down as nothing more than maimed flesh.
His biggest fear living in Palmetto was that his new team would find out what he was. For now, he used charms and restrictive wear. It kept him looking human. He changed out alone in the locker rooms; not only was his torso made of scar tissue, but his wings would be too visible.
Andrew was never convinced. Neil found that out every time he was brought back to Columbia, never forced after the first time but always warned.
The first time Andrew knew something for certain was probably when he found Neil on the roof one day at the beginning of January.
He knew it was dumb, but he couldn’t leave that night and he needed something, anything to curb the hunger until he could hunt. He sat on the roof and sunk his teeth into his own arm, feeling the sharpness of them rip through tissue. He held them there, stale blood on his tongue. His flesh was human and his but tough to get through, like he was denaturing, rotting.
Barely alive but impossible to kill.
Andrew had found him up there, blood down his shirt and skin torn from bite wounds. His claws scratched lines through his jeans and into his ankle as he gripped it to try and stay grounded. The restraints were heavy on his chest and hindering his breathing.
Neil managed to unhook his teeth and say with a full, lisping mouth, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I don’t think you will,” he said, tapping his armband once.
“Those things won’t do anything to me. You should just leave and forget about this.”
Andrew scoffed. “What a stupid thing to say.” He looked at Neil’s arm, all the skin that was still intact stained pink. Dark red and rusted brown ran down his chin and out of his arm in waves--not pulses. Only the truly living had pulses.
“Any questions before I run off?” He willed his jaw to return to a human form, for his teeth to retract. Slowly, they did, and he could feel his blunt human set replacing them. The worst part was always the pain of his jawbone shifting.
Andrew cocked his head. “Don’t run.”
“That isn’t a question.”
“I know.” He stepped closer, slower every time he saw Neil flinch, and sat across from him. “What are you?”
“A monster.”
He seemed to consider it. “Do you regret being a monster?”
“I can’t. It wasn’t my choice.”
“Then whose was it?”
Neil closed his eyes and focused on anything but the smell of Andrew. “My father.”
“Do you love being a monster?”
“No.” He held up his arm, showing off the damage he had just done.
“Then you’re not a monster.” Andrew looked to his arm and his mouth. “You’ve been starving yourself.”
Neil scowled. “You’re reacting too calmly right now. What, you’ve had run-ins with the supernatural? Are you a teenager who wants to fuck a zombie in a graveyard?”
“Depends, where’s the closest graveyard?” he asked. His take on a joke, and one that Neil didn’t appreciate. “I’ve had more than enough run-ins. I’ve been expecting this. What exactly are you?”
Neil sighed. “Why would I tell you anything? Truth for a truth, cough it up.”
Andrew made a face. “I was in foster homes with fae more than once. But that’s not what you are.”
He shook his head. “I’m a mutt. Vampire, wolf, ghoul, fae, you name it. I’m a hybrid experiment designed to be unkillable, not functional. It’s surprising that I am.”
“I wouldn’t call you functional.”
Neil flipped him off and stood on shaking legs. “Get out of here, you smell like blood.” He wanted nothing more than to undo his restraints and stretch out his wings, let himself take a deep breath.
“Speak for yourself.” Andrew stood after him. “You need to eat. What are you going to do?”
Shrugging, he managed to stumble over to the door. He pulled his sleeve back down over his arm, hissing. His teeth were already shifting back into place. Andrew stepped closer and he sank to the concrete, his knees getting weaker.
Andrew had kissed him before. Now, he knelt down in front of him and said, “Look up at me.”
With strain, he did. Andrew was too close. He knew his eyes were probably terrifying; he let them go blue, his wolf showing itself in the only way it could, but he knew that they were nearly black now.
“Can you drink without killing someone?”
He nodded. “Won’t turn, won’t kill.” His speech was slurred now, along with his lisp.
“Where do you bite?”
He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, trying to withstand the pain in his gut. “Anywhere with a pulse.” He was hardly decipherable, but Andrew seemed to get it as he leaned in and tilted his head to the side.
“You’re an idiot.” Neil was looking him square in the face now, and fuck did he smell good. Blood burns but it smells heavenly. “Why would you do this?”
“Neil, yes or no?”
He looked up at Andrew through his eyelashes, too tired to properly raise his head. Andrew, with his rarely changing expressions, looked sincere and determined.
“Yes.” He managed to pull himself up enough so he was at level with Andrew’s neck. “It won’t hurt bad.”
“Just do it.” He managed to sound bored at a time like this.
His pulse was hammering. Neil didn’t need to feel for it. With a final breath, he bit down. Andrew made a noise like shock, but it wasn’t quite pain. His mouth filled with blood and he enjoyed the relief he got for a moment before the burning set in.
His throat was on fire. His stomach felt like it was getting stabbed and he felt his temperature go up, which would have been fine if he were just a vampire. His wolf kept his temperature up though, so the natural reaction ran him a fever.
Andrew’s hand gripped his forearm, the one he hadn’t been biting, and Neil unhooked his teeth soon after. He licked the blood pooling behind, lapping at Andrew’s neck until the holes were barely visible and the bruise looked like a hickey.
Andrew stared at him for a moment. “Did you take enough?”
“Enough to keep me upright until I can hunt.” He searched Andrew’s face for some sign of regret or fear. “Thank you.”
“You have a neck fetish.”
“Can you blame me?” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He could retract his teeth easily now that he had gotten something in his stomach. Andrew stood and he got up after, brushing loose gravel off his pants.
Neither moved for a few long seconds. “What does hunting entail?” Andrew asked.
“I need something more than blood. Not often, but sometimes.”
He nodded once. “Eden’s is inconspicuous, if that’s what you need. Roland is fae.”
“I noticed.” Roland noticed him too, but they had a silent agreement not to mention it. “Does he--?”
“No. His friends come in sometimes though, have their fill. You could get in and out.”
“I don’t kill.” He put his hands loosely in his hoodie pocket. “Not humans, at least. Not when I’m hunting. I just go to Blue Ridge.” The mountains near Palmetto had enough wildlife that he could easily find something.
Another short nod. Andrew turned and left, leaving the door open behind him. Neil followed, still weak, his skin burning up. At the dorm, Andrew went about making hot chocolate while they talked and Neil washed his face in the sink. “How often?”
Neil understood the question well enough. “About once a week for blood. Everything else, only every month or two. Depends on if I’ve been hurt. That’s partly how my body heals itself.”
Andrew narrowed his eyes. “You’re a wolf.” He seemed done with asking questions, instead leading Neil to answers.
“I don’t change with the full moon. It’s inside of me, but not strong enough to break out against my will. And my ghoul face is what needs flesh, not the vampire. The fae needs lifeblood.”
“You said there was more.”
“I’m only a little human,” Neil said, taking the mug that Andrew had slid to him. Hot chocolate was usually too sweet, but it was greatly appreciated now.
The whir of the fridge was a calming background noise as Neil fought his instinct to run from the truth. He had wanted to give truths for truths before, but he found that he didn’t mind sharing this for nothing in return.
Still, Andrew asked, “Don’t you have anything to ask me?”
“I think saving me from being my own chew toy until I pass out is trade enough.”
Andrew glared. “That isn’t how it works.”
He resisted rolling his eyes. “I don’t have anything to ask right now. I’ll save it for a rainy day.” Neil looked up and saw Andrew standing across the counter, leaning his elbows over and staring at him intensely. “What, scared?” he teased.
He scoffed as he stood upright. “You wish I was,” he said, dismissive. Neil was about to make a witty remark, but Andrew walked around the counter and asked, “Yes or no?”
He couldn’t help smiling a little. “Yes.”
Andrew kissed him like he could never be scared.
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