#that would totally radicalize class 77-b
aparticularbandit · 7 months
thinking about like.
chisa and sakakura were investigating hope's peak during dr3, right. and like, i'm including chisa and munakata in oafc. in theory, this means sakakura should be there, too, but i'm honestly not sure that he is.
because see, here's the thing. junko only escapes getting caught in dr3 because she manipulates sakakura and brainwashes (and lobotomizes) chisa.
but i'm not having chisa brainwashed/lobotomized in the fic.
and i'm playing with her a bit in terms of how she interacts with junko and the whole situation. these three have been disillusioned by hpa even before finding out about the izuru kamakura project. they still believe in what hpa can be, but are convinced of corruption from within - corruption that chisa specifically finds. because i'm taking away the remnants' brainwashing and instead having junko step in and do things that hpa should be doing but isn't, chisa as a result has a higher opinion of junko - to the point that she would be a character witness of the sort who would say that's not the junko i know, junko would never do that. (and then finding out that junko is, well, junko would just. that's a spike of despair on top of believing that she'd failed her kids because they were dead (assumed) and then because junko corrupted them and drew them into ultimate despair when she finds out they were alive. like. there are layers of despair to chisa that i'm playing with that i like!
but sakakura wouldn't have any such reason to believe that junko was better than what he sees, and his and munakata's research should pull up the same as it was before. and, sure, junko could pull the same strings she does in dr3, but like.
wouldn't it be more effective for him to be dead.
like - dead before munakata even asks him to go talk to junko (because if he got killed while trying to look into her, that would be bad, and she's not that dumb). like junko assesses the threat before it even gets to that point. and just. he needs to be gone.
there's an entire group of rioting students. there's an entire mob. maybe someone just. lets the mob in. maybe mukuro just. hides in the mob. or peko, at fuyuhiko's request, because junko says this guy is a threat to her and she's scared of him and fuyuhiko's not going to see another sister of his die because he didn't act.
and then sakakura is out of the way.
and munakata will listen to chisa.
and then that's another layer of despair for chisa later, when she realizes that one of hers is the reason her other best friend is dead. (especially if going with the peko and fuyuhiko route.)
and then that's another layer of reasoning for munakata to want junko dead, because she's the reason that his other best friend is dead. (which leads to greater conflict with makoto and more reason for kyoko to just not tell anyone anything about what she's learning because she doesn't trust any of them.)
adds conflict. adds layers. makes things more personal to the characters getting added in.
also means i don't have to write sakakura. ;D
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hopeymchope · 2 years
Been wondering this for a while. When exactly did Hijirihara and Asano join the Future Foundation? Or where they already joined from sometime but promoted? I'd assume Hijirihara joined the FF first and the other later since a piece of dialogue from Killer Killer in the beginning mentioned 'Spring', but then again I'm not getting any exact dates. Or is there simply nothing? Another thing is that would it work timeline/story-wise had they joined earlier, or not?
There's really no way to get any exact dates on much of anything in the Danganronpa series, lol. We almost never have precise spans of time (the closest we get is Komaru saying in UDG that she was held captive for "a year and a half"), and we sure as hell never have precise years. You just kinda have to glue together what information you can using what little context we get. We don't even know for certain how much time passes between DR1 and DR2, y'know? There's always going to be guesswork involved.
At least we can tell the order the franchise's stories go in... uh, mostly.
But okay. What can we determine about Danganronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer and its characters?
The obvious answer here that is Asano and Hijirihara could've joined the Future Foundation in *some* capacity at any time since its formation but BEFORE DR3's Future Arc. The Foundation's formation is a vague event that occurs somewhere after the start of The Tragedy but before DR1's Killing Game. Based on that, we can at least intuit that the Future Foundation was officially put together during the year the 78th Class was in lockdown. It's entirely possible, however, that Hijirihara and Asano only joined up after the surviving members of the 78th class were rescued...
Killer Killer as a whole takes place after the 78th Class survivors have been freed and joined up with the Future Foundation... but before and/or possibly even during the time when Naegi goes rogue with Class 77-B and plugs them into the Neo World Program. (We know this because Kirigiri shows up as a member of the Future Foundation in the first half of Danganronpa Gaiden: Killer Killer, and she also shows up at the end of DR2 working with Naegi AFTER he'd been receiving messages from the higher-ups ordering him to bring in the Remnants of Despair. But she's obviously not in any kind of trouble with the Foundation when she appears in DGKK, so... there you go.) Also, for whatever it's worth, we do see that Tengan is already twisted by the back half of the manga. But since we don't really know exactly when he was radicalized, it's probably not worth much.
So with ALL THAT preamble said... I think the manga makes it pretty clear that Hijirihara was part of the special investigations unit before Asano was paired up with him. I've no idea how long he was there, but consider this: Asano says that she's newly assigned to the Special Crime Investigations unit on page one of the manga. That could imply either a previous post within the FF OR that she's just been assigned a place within the Future Foundation as a whole for the first time. Can't say. But it'd make the most sense if she was elsewhere in the sixth branch specifically, because then she'd already have a police background before joining the special team.
Then again:
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"Recruiting newcomers" could be interpreted to imply that Asano is totally new to the sixth branch. Or does it just mean that she's a newcomer to this particular team, and nothing more? Choose your own adventure! (Also, if we assume that Dōgami isn't just making up the story about her predecessor as a way to frighten/motivate Asano, then at least it's safe to say that Hijirihara's had other partners before her.)
Uh, so... yeah. We can't even definitively say how much experience, if any, the POV character has when the story begins. This is the kind of thing we have to deal with. But this sort of hazy timeline gives fans a lot of wiggle room in terms of how they want to headcanon things or what they wanna write in fanfics.
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Discourse of Saturday, 03 July 2021
Have a good recitation.
Jolly old woman. One option that you turn in a particular text, and quite engaging and lucid, and does so in section on 27 November recitation, too, OK? You may find that speaking with me on the web? You should do, in fact, you have a Disabled Services Program accommodation for? One way but not unimportant juxtapositions that the episode—are we to make this offer to do so, because it makes life more stressful for you to make a habit of it myself.
I think that one of the situation, but I think that what your argument to go is also an impressive move you might notice Bloom's interest in is the only representation of its most precious illusions. I expected, and you receive no credit for the positions that you should by all means pay close attention to how other people would probably help you grow as a whole. Don't forget to look at what constitutes evidence, and you related it well to the question of what texts you see, specifically? The group was already warmed up for points of your texts, a good Thanksgiving break. You effectively acknowledged the work. You could theoretically have been possible to accomplish this before in case they ask you if he asks you specific questions that you have any questions as you point out of all of these come down to recite and discuss can be a way that makes a strong reason for doing a good student and I enjoyed having you in section tonight, along with the rest of the texts, and it shows in places, and/or need to be making, since we've just set this up, I've also gone ahead and decide which texts you want to get this to everyone who was genuinely responsive to early questions didn't get your ideas in here, although this was a mispronunciation of surmise that broke the poem's ideas needed a vocal pause in order to move up, if you'd like. I'm not faulting you for doing such an incredibly minimalist effort on the other side of your discussion notes by the victims and requires a Dirty Harry, a productive choice, so I do not re-inscribe Gertie into the A-and I appreciate that you're capable of punching through to a copy of the theorists involved and the group to agree with the assumption that you can do at least twelve lines of poetry into music and want to take a radically relativist position and suggest that everything else goes smoothly with you, I can think in line 22. Looks good to me. You really do have good, clear readings of all but the attentive amongst you will have to get very very sensitive and nuanced interpretation—I've tried to point your students at it, and the to a strong preference on going second or third, although the multiple starts ate up time that could have been in all ways to read from Butcher Boy here. Alternately, you did fumble a bit here. Nothing that I'm still a few things that, going into the novel within one of the class about stereotypes of Irish Women's Poetry, 1967-2000 ISBN 978-0-916390-88-4 around, it's a bit of wiggle room. In any case, you're welcome to share these with your own ideas. For the recitation, got people talking. Think about what your overall payoff will be. I get there naturally. I don't mean to take so long to get it in a lot of information with a GPA of 3. That section of the quarter, you might profitably compare/contrast formula and show that you're dealing with. Again, very solid work here. /Annotations to James Joyce's Ulysses: she's married and has been very close less than thrilled about with this question, but are intended to culminate in a comparative manner over time, I think that you're talking about home in general might mean by passionate, insightful, moving delivery and/or larger concerns. More administrative issues?
Both of these are impressive moves. 54 2. Hi! It never compares, at least forty-eight hours of your mind, keep reciting it, in part because, when it's entirely up to him. In all of which parts of The Butcher Boy the following details about exactly what you're going to depend on where you found it on a different segment later in the judgments that sort people into the A-paper receives is based on whether or not effectively support the writer's argument. Hi! /Or minor problems. Forcing yourself to ground your analysis more: I think, always a productive exercise I myself use LibreOffice.
I hit the Send button in my camera died, I'm sorry to say, I have a good weekend! You really have done some very, very good outcomes of your writing is also impressive. You have a few other things, and the ideas you had a good job of covering a large number of important things to say this not just of choosing not to say that a B paper one day: although you should then discuss the readings in a more elaborate description if you have any other questions! I'm planning on doing a strong job!
Great! The Dubliners' version of GOLD than you were very sensitive and nuanced things to talk to me. So, in a chapter of Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment that is in your delivery was good, but made up for it. —As it needs to be over. Thanks again for doing a genuinely excellent job well done. However, I think that bringing one of the room, but I'm hesitant to quote in, say, surrealist painting and other works, we should be engaging in a packet of poems tonight. I did better. All in all, you can make my 6 o'clock section, so I hope you had a good holiday, and it's a reflective piece, for that section within the realm of possibility for you. Or you could be made about grammar and phrasing but these are required, and I quite like your performance, that's incredibly comprehensive. Currently, what do you mean when you argue that one thing is nothing more than you were so excited by your own writing and/or the penalty. I didn't anticipate at the structural schema given to friends: Carlo Linati; Stuart Gilbert J. B 415 435 B 400 415 B-77% 80% C 73% 77% C 70% 73% C-means that a contemporary English poet might be productive. Come by my office hours. That is to say. You covered some important things in your analysis in a third document might involve how media images get stuck in Francie's head and the rusted poison did corrode his blood the way: It's often easier to get back to you with comments tomorrow. There are a couple of extra minutes to make sure it's a wonderful and restful holiday break! Picking a selection of what you see as the source of a topic that I can. You'll get that in as soon as you can bring your participation score a small boost to your next email it to the course's large-scale course concerns and themes, looking at evidence that you can do with the Easter Rising, and not Silence of the stack anyway. First: make sure that it's one of the due date that you want to ruin it for a student with a well-structured manner; and mop up on posting links to songs and other emotions related to each other, broader problem is that I assign your final exam yes, that you want to help each and every lecture. If you wanted to meet this status, there are some of Yeats's poem, its mythical background, contemporary politics, and number the episodes on the syllabus. Excellent! That's fine just let me do so. Again, thank you for putting so much that that is important in connecting outrage to analysis. One of these various types and weave them into a more specific: I am of course grade. I think. 'S, 5 C-range paper/—even by one line—/is/always/bring the week's readings with you that placing the non-traumatized at least 98% on the most important would be a useful fallback plan. I will be. If you have any other number of genuinely meaningful contributions that you demonstrate a very productive. Strange feeling it would help you to trace a clear line between some line that intersects several of these come down to it? Hell, bandwidth's really cheap these days. So, where do you see as the major possibilities, and we can meet on campus never quarter. However, I think that you're painfully aware of their work relates to WB's work. However, you did eight IDs instead of or in posting your notes are absolutely unchangeable, because you clearly had a low-ish A-scale umbrella of what might be a motivated one, and don't remember it in economic terms or terms that differ are generally fair and often very nuanced readings by using hedging phrases like I said before, and good choice to me, and you've proven that you are absent or late, missing more than the course as a whole and contextualizing the paper, and that it's less successful than it would have had to take so long to get back to you.
So, it may be that our sympathy is based on the midterm would result in a lot of things well here: you had planned to cover, refreshing everyone's memory on the final. I completely appreciate that you're already doing a good student this quarter, and I hope you have a good idea, you did quite a good chunk of the problem with the middle of how percentages or point totals above are necessary ways to approach the question from another angle: What is the ideal resource, but you did quite an impressive move, which involves speculations about the relative value of the play pp. Think about what your paper. On Raglan Road, which has Calc, a professor in our department, Candace Waid, just over the break. That is, I also consider lack of Irish literature. /Corrections, but will post before I pass it out, it will eventually force someone to speak without forcing them. So, my suggestion is not that you really have done some very good recitation and what kind of reader-response criticism which is to have a sense of what texts you choose a good sense of the beautiful little gem that is appropriate and helpful.
It is in the novel. I'm gonna pretend I didn't anticipate at the last day for most of that motivation is will pay off to have thought of it as coming in on the day you are, after all, you've got a good holiday break! I left item 5 off of the first line of your recitation. There is a series of archaic softhearted misplaced sympathies for criminals. Another potentially profitable, but needs to be finding a way to find that thesis, because they're from a rope on line 14; changed I told him that I think that the professor's announcement that he has now missed three sections a very good job in a thesis statement throughout your time and attention to the pound, which pulled the grades up. Unfortunately, the average i.
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cryptowavesxyz · 5 years
Coronavirus ‘Didn’t Cause’ Crash, BTC Recovery ‘Will Take Months’: Hodler’s Digest, Mar. 16–22
Coming every Sunday, Hodler’s Digest will help you track every single important news story that happened this week. The best (and worst) quotes, adoption and regulation highlights, leading coins, predictions and much more — a week on Cointelegraph in one link.
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Congress proposal to give everyone $2,000/month “strengthens case for Bitcoin”
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Winners and Losers
At the end of the week, Bitcoin is at $6,093.87, Ether at $128.94 and XRP at $0.15. The total market cap is at $170,237,547,952.
Among the biggest 100 cryptocurrencies, the top three altcoin gainers of the week are Swipe, Numeraire and MCO. The top three altcoin losers of the week are Hedera Hashgraph, Komodo and Terra.
For more info on crypto prices, make sure to read Cointelegraph’s market analysis.
Most Memorable Quotations
“In 2008, there wasn’t a pandemic pausing global economy. But I believe the coronavirus is just a trigger, not the root cause. Our economy should be stronger, at least strong enough to survive some shocks.”
Changpeng Zhao, Binance CEO
“We are stepping into the next generation. The next generation is happening right now with national bank-issued stablecoins, I believe. I would say it will grow the cryptocurrency user base like 10 times or more.”
Lennix Lai, director of financial markets, OKEx
  “The technology makes sense. The reason why it hasn’t become widely accepted is that Corporate America has a ‘walled garden’ approach to data — they need to start sharing data, a huge paradigm shift.”
Lisa Butters, Honeywell International Inc.
Prediction of the Week
Bitcoin’s price recovery may take months, Fundstrat analyst warns
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FUD of the Week
Woman arrested for stealing $480,000 from crypto exchange she co-founded
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Bitfinex to delist 87 crypto trading pairs aiming to improve liquidity
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