#sakakura gets the wrong person
aparticularbandit · 7 months
thinking about like.
chisa and sakakura were investigating hope's peak during dr3, right. and like, i'm including chisa and munakata in oafc. in theory, this means sakakura should be there, too, but i'm honestly not sure that he is.
because see, here's the thing. junko only escapes getting caught in dr3 because she manipulates sakakura and brainwashes (and lobotomizes) chisa.
but i'm not having chisa brainwashed/lobotomized in the fic.
and i'm playing with her a bit in terms of how she interacts with junko and the whole situation. these three have been disillusioned by hpa even before finding out about the izuru kamakura project. they still believe in what hpa can be, but are convinced of corruption from within - corruption that chisa specifically finds. because i'm taking away the remnants' brainwashing and instead having junko step in and do things that hpa should be doing but isn't, chisa as a result has a higher opinion of junko - to the point that she would be a character witness of the sort who would say that's not the junko i know, junko would never do that. (and then finding out that junko is, well, junko would just. that's a spike of despair on top of believing that she'd failed her kids because they were dead (assumed) and then because junko corrupted them and drew them into ultimate despair when she finds out they were alive. like. there are layers of despair to chisa that i'm playing with that i like!
but sakakura wouldn't have any such reason to believe that junko was better than what he sees, and his and munakata's research should pull up the same as it was before. and, sure, junko could pull the same strings she does in dr3, but like.
wouldn't it be more effective for him to be dead.
like - dead before munakata even asks him to go talk to junko (because if he got killed while trying to look into her, that would be bad, and she's not that dumb). like junko assesses the threat before it even gets to that point. and just. he needs to be gone.
there's an entire group of rioting students. there's an entire mob. maybe someone just. lets the mob in. maybe mukuro just. hides in the mob. or peko, at fuyuhiko's request, because junko says this guy is a threat to her and she's scared of him and fuyuhiko's not going to see another sister of his die because he didn't act.
and then sakakura is out of the way.
and munakata will listen to chisa.
and then that's another layer of despair for chisa later, when she realizes that one of hers is the reason her other best friend is dead. (especially if going with the peko and fuyuhiko route.)
and then that's another layer of reasoning for munakata to want junko dead, because she's the reason that his other best friend is dead. (which leads to greater conflict with makoto and more reason for kyoko to just not tell anyone anything about what she's learning because she doesn't trust any of them.)
adds conflict. adds layers. makes things more personal to the characters getting added in.
also means i don't have to write sakakura. ;D
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danggirlronpa · 1 year
I love hearing your dr3 opinions tbh so 🔥🔥🔥
I got this creative writing degree for ONE reason and that's to THINK ABOUT DANGANRONPA
I actually don't think brainwashing was a bad story beat in and of itself. Brainwashing is a horrifying thing to come to terms with! I think Chisa's brainwashing was very effectively done, and a lot of the brainwash-oriented deaths in Future Arc harkened back to the Despair Disease and the horror of not being in control of your own body really well. But I think it was a poor choice to use it as an overarching theme, and in particular (and this isn't controversial at all) to apply it to the SDR2 kids. Brainwashing is effective as a type of horror, but only when the consequences of the brainwashing itself are displayed, and not when it isn't a very personalized experience - "world wide brainwashing" is just a really lame plot device in general. Brainwashing only works when you get up close and personal into the character and how the brainwashing effects them. Brainwashing a group of people and calling it a day just ends up feeling like a cop-out.
It's honestly hard to have controversial takes about DR3, just because the fandom is, in general, pretty critical of it, and I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing - it's lacking a lot as a conclusion to the series. But I do think that in that large amount of critique, we lose some really genuinely compelling things about DR3. Like Juzo Sakakura, who is one of the best characters in the whole series, and I'll commit minor crimes in his name. And other stuff. But mostly Juzo.
Send me a 🔥 for a controversial take!
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prompt-master · 1 year
I MUST ASK. How would you rewrite Chisa Yukizome? Her actual personality and how she is as a despair? (personally i feel like she should've been more subtle ngl) and idk maybe a convo b/w kyosuke and juzo or something them remarking on how she hasn't been the same since her class died but they assume it's trauma or depression NOT THAT SHE'S SECRETLY A DESPAIR ADFADSFDAS bc ngl that makes more sense than them not seeing she's acting totally different and not giving a shit-
Well first off, even tho its vital to the plot of dr3 I kinda super mega hate the brainwashing despair shit, so I'd immediately cut that put. I think she'd be far more compelling if she was solely manipulated and spiraled into insanity the hard way
Def agree that the reactions around her especially from Munakata and Sakakura would need some more depth to make her feel more fleshed out AND more dangerous. Her being this mole character felt kinda flat and forced to me? And I mean don't get me wrong, I like the idea, but the execution was meh
I especially love the idea of this seemingly hopeful and wonderful person secretly giving very bad advice and leading them astray. I think that could have been used more as a concept. Like, have you ever thought about how the sweets trio really doesn't suit the FFs memo AZ a beacon of hope? I'd love if Yukizome convinced them to allow the sweets trio in, knowing that they'd just be toxic and set them back.
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tobiasdrake · 2 years
Honestly, while we're on the subject of the DG3 anime, I've got a bone to pick with that whole Junko thing too.
The question of whether "She just did it with mind control" is a good explanation or a disappointing one has been discussed to death. Personally, I'm on the latter side. I want every aspiring writer to hear this: Mind control is the worst possible explanation you can ever give for a character's motives, in any context.
When you boil "Why did character X do Y?" down to mind control, you have made your story weaker. Always. Stop doing this.
But that's not actually my beef. I agree with that beef, but that's not my beef.
My problem with the anime's handling of Junko is that, in the process of turning everything into mind control, they also screwed up her background.
When Junko finally reveals herself in the last trials of DG 1 and 2, what we're seeing from her is very specifically Mask Off Junko. We're getting to see her true self. But it's implied that there existed, for a time, a Mask On Junko.
Junko Enoshima was able to attend Hope's Peak Academy for two years without anyone ever being the wiser about her malevolent goals and aspirations. She can't have just been strolling down the halls shoving knives in everyone's faces and ranting openly about despair.
Like. The Ultimate Fashionista had a convincing enough Mask On persona that, when things did ultimately go south, she was able to pass the interview and be selected as one of the students to be sealed into the school. Junko Enoshima was picked to be a part of the world's final, ultimate hope in the face of society's collapse.
The anime tries to explain this by having Junko blackmail Sakakura, threatening to out him as gay if he doesn't go along with her plans. Which. Uh. Gross. But, setting that particular story choice aside, it just doesn't feel like she could have been acting like this for two years without anybody ever noticing, and it especially feels wrong that she'd pass the interview with all these suspicions surrounding her in the first place.
The person who is probably a terrorist leader responsible for the end of the world but nobody has ever quite managed to prove it would not be selected to be part of the last ultimate hope. They wouldn't be able to move against her, but they also wouldn't pin all of their hopes on her like this. It's completely ridiculous to depict Junko as being Mask Off all the time.
And what really gets me is that the anime doesn't even do Mask Off Junko correctly. Mask Off Junko routinely gets bored of her own persona and invents a different one. It's one of the most psychotic things about her, and it's great. And by "routinely", I mean every few seconds or so. She switches up her personality constantly.
We see very little of this in the anime. It's there on occasion, but for the most part Anime Junko has one consistent set of mannerisms across every scene she appears in. She's dumbed down to just Generic Psycho whose only particular quirk is that she's prone to constant violence.
This all just feels wrong. It's written like she just showed up a few months before the Tragedy, started killing everybody, and nobody could stop her. And that's completely inconsistent with what we know the character's background to actually be, and her personality is completely inconsistent to what we know the character's personality to actually be.
They didn't write Junko Enoshima for this anime. They wrote Monokuma, and slapped a Junko Enoshima skin over him. But Monokuma is literally just one of the characters Junko plays.
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Breathing (In A Way)
More Ghost AU stuff
He really hated this place.
The only thing he could see from the window in Makoto's office was the sea. The only thing he can see from the entire building is the sea.
When he first saw the place, he panicked and tried to get away from there by any means necessary, even though he knew that it wasn't going to work.
And he knew what happened that made him act like that.
The place had dredged up bad memories.
Of all the death he caused.
And of his slow demise.
A month already passed since Makoto and his classmates became members of the Future Foundation, but just being in the building still caused him to think worst case scenarios.
What if someone puts a bomb that makes it collapse and everyone di-
He knew that his thought processes were becoming illogical, but his mind was already broken. His death just made it clearer.
He had just realized that he fell asleep on his desk.
Thank god he finished all that paperwork beforehand.
But now, his back hurted.
His throat feels dry. He needs to go drink something.
He looked around the room, trying to find his ghostly friend, without success. He thought that he was just in another room, until he noticed a figure under his table.
He wasn't surprised. He already knew about Utsuro's dislike of the building, and the reason why.
He crouched down, to get a better look on him, and said in the gentlest voice possible.
"Hey, Utsuro..."
Right now, they were in the cafeteria. It took some time to coaching him out of the desk, but Makoto was able to do it.
At that moment, the only people in there were him, Makoto and Aoi Asahina.
He was ok with that.
He didn't like the other members of the Foundation.
He could understand their distrust towards him. After all, he was one of Junko's biggest and most dangerous followers.
But he hated how so many of them treated Makoto in the same way, just because they were always together.
And he specially hated how Kyosuke Munakata and Juzo Sakakura treated him.
Those two always acted like he had brainwashed Makoto into becoming a Despair.
If he wasn't incorporeal, he would have punched them in their smug faces time ago.
Makoto didn't deserved that treatment.
Even with those who didn't treated Makoto like a mole in-the-making, he still couldn't trust them. One wrong move and he was sure that they would throw Makoto inside a cell.
He only could trust the other Class 78 survivors.
At that moment, he realized another person had gotten inside the cafeteria. Chisa Yukizome.
She was just talking with Makoto, but he felt uncomfortable about being close to her.
He always felt something... off about her.
He didn't knew why, but her actions towards Makoto always looked... manipulative... to him.
There was something wrong with her, or it was his paranoia talking?
He wasn't sure.
They were back into Makoto's office. He had fallen asleep on his desk again, this time while reading the files of the 15 members of the Ultimate Despair the Future Foundation wanted to find more than anyone.
Fourteen of them were once members of Hope's Peak's Class 77-B, the last one was the result of the Izuru Kamukura Project, something that Junko talked about once in one of their encounters.
A experiment where Hope's Peak Academy's committee erased someone's identity to substitute it with every talent they were able to get and study.
He knew that Makoto was planning something. A way to get them out of Junko's control.
He also knew that, whatever he was planning to do, is going to put him in hot water with the rest of the foundation.
He looked at the clock in the wall. It was three minutes before midnight. They're going to need to leave soon.
He sat down onto the table, waiting for him to wake up.
But what he heard was Kyoko opening the door.
Makoto was too tired to really register the trip from the Future Foundation building back home.
Unfortunately, he was not.
Because the building was in the middle of a island, the only two ways to getting out is, or with a boat, or with a helicopter.
And today, they didn't have the latter.
He spent the entire trip trying to not look nor think about the water surrounding them, but it didn't help at all.
He hated it and he was glad when they were back on land.
Kyoko had left Makoto on his bed. Kyoko had to wake him up for them to return, but he had fallen asleep the second his head touched the pillow.
He decided to stay at his side. Kyoko would be on the living room right now, working on something.
He was going to have the entire night to be alone with his thoughts, something that he was starting to get tired of.
But there wasn't nothing else he could do.
He thought of the ones who died in his killing game.
If there's an afterlife to go to after all, they will be there?
And, they will be angry at him?
Anyways, he was ready for whatever punishment they might give him once he meets them again.
He looked to the window, at the starless night sky. His questions may never be answered, the only certain thing was that he was there.
It was going to be a long night.
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deathcage · 3 years
So I was talking to Ash about this last night, but since I adore and write BOTH Mondo Oowada and Juzo Sakakura I wanted to talk about their similarities and differences because this really does sum it up 
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The similarities are so obvious that most people who are barely into the series can usually point them out - besides the physical similarities, their characters are driven and defined by guilt complexes, enormous secrets, and a crushing sense of responsibility.  Both suffer from low self esteem.  It’s also worth mentioning that it’s pretty likely that both are gay - Juzo is canon, but Mondo is also literally a gay stereotype in Japan.  
( I also still think Munasaka was directly capitalizing on Ishimondo’s popularity let’s be real. ) 
I usually sum up the differences as Juzo is Mondo if he had a brain and was meaner, Mondo is Juzo if he was stupid and extroverted.  BUT I don’t think that ties up all of it.  
I’m gonna get the most obvious difference out of the way first.  And that’s literally just...fun.  Mondo values fun.  Sakakura has fun, but only with like...two people.  Only doing pretty structured things.  Knocking over trash cans and hitting cars with bats and acting a hooligan isn’t anywhere near his wheelhouse.  
But that is the most surface level difference, I think.
I wrote before about how Sakakura thinks about Despair:
Despair, for them, is not an interpersonal war.  It isn’t a question of losing one person, one more person, or seeing an array of bloody deaths within the confines of a game.  You have to remember that the two of them have years of memories that Naegi does not.  They were outside the school when the world fell apart. Their perspective is inherently broader.  
Is that a good thing?  Not necessarily.  The loss of that interpersonal perspective on Despair is what drives the core conflict of DR3 between Munakata and Naegi.  But I do think there’s a lot of worth in how Munakata and Sakakura think.
Because they aren’t preventing individual deaths.  They are preventing extinction.
This perspective of willingness to steamroll absolutely anyone who “jeopardizes” what he believes is the only path to a fixed world is where he and Munakata differ from the rest.  And that is the biggest difference between Oowada and Sakakura.  What ends justify what means.  What matters more - humans as a species, or humans as individuals. 
I will give one specific example.  Hajime Hinata.  
Now, I’ve mentioned before that Sakakura does not actually believe a damn word he says to Hajime.  It is solely to keep him out of harm’s way.  But what he says, regardless of intent, is vicious.  It’s brutal.  A line is crossed.  And that is a line that Mondo wouldn’t even tiptoe near.  Because he can’t turn his empathy on mute like Sakakura can.  The end doesn’t justify the means.  
There’s also this.
Mondo Oowada is one of the most forgiving characters in the series as a whole.  In IF, he is one of the first people to give Mukuro the benefit of the doubt and help her.  Even Chihiro is like um are we sure about this.  I have absolutely no doubt that if Mondo made it to DR3, he would be unreservedly on Makoto’s side based on ethics alone, even if he wasn’t his friend prior.  It’s the principle of keeping them alive is a risk we can’t take vs no more bloodshed, if we have a chance to save them we need to take it.  Neither viewpoint is wrong.  But they are fundamentally incompatible. 
ANYWAY.  I really wish we got to see them interact.  I think they would have been really interesting foils playing off of each other.  BUT this got long as hell so I’m going to stop there <3 if you read this far ilysm
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bokushingu · 3 years
I want to eventually write a little bit about every astrological placement I gave Juzo BUT right now I want to focus on why I gave him a Capricorn rising specifically
Now, Capricorn is known primarily as the sign of hard work.  If you ask somebody who knows very little about astrology what defines a Capricorn, they’re most likely to mention their work ethic or no fun allowed attitude.  This is true of any placement in their big three (sun/moon/rising) and can affect the person differently based on where it’s placed between them.  
So what does that mean, exactly?  Branch Six needs to unionize. 
They have the highest turnover rate of any branch in the Future Foundation.  Sakakura expects the same work ethic he has from his employees, leading him to “work them like dogs” until they literally work themselves to death or drive themselves insane.  It’s not for no reason, of course.  He is wholly devoted to his ideals ( which yes, do line up with Munakata’s, but exist on their own outside of his influence ) and believes that giving anything less than 100% of yourself to this job is directly endangering the future of the human race and knowingly risking global extinction. 
But there’s another reason I put his ascendant in Capricorn.  And it has to do with his chart ruler. 
A chart ruler is the planet that rules your rising sign.  It sets up the rest of your chart and sets your dominant planet.  For example, my rising sign is Gemini, making my chart ruler Mercury.  And yes, a bitch loves to talk. 
But Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. 
Saturn is the planet of karma.  Saturn’s return, which happens around every 27-32 years, is considered to be where people who have not learned their karmic lessons the easy way will learn them the hard way.  I’m right on the edge of mine right now, so trust me!  I know!  And while Saturn’s lessons hit everyone hard, Capricorn and Aquarius placements get hit the hardest by nature of being ruled by that planet.  
Capricorn and Aquarius risings do not have the luxury of making small mistakes. 
And think about Sakakura in terms of luck.  He was widely hated at the start of DR3 because he tended to be the catalyst for much worse things than he actually did.  I will not count what Enoshima did to him, because I’m not going to fault a gay man for reacting to homophobic blackmail - but what I will  count is the incident with Hinata. 
Justification aside.  Reasoning aside.  Whatever his reason was, whether or not you think he was out of line, that doesn’t matter.  Because Hajime Hinata was preparing to turn down the Kamukura project up until that point.  Sakakura going the wrong way about attempting to protect him from being killed as well was the catalyst for creation of Izuru.  That is big shit.  That is Saturn shit. 
No small mistakes.  
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SEES, the Investigation Team and the Phantom Thieves as SHSLs/Ultimates Part 3:
Up next is everyone’s favorite protein guzzling boxer, the white-haired lightning bruiser, the guy who I still haven’t forgiven Atlas for bastardizing in their spinoffs (particularly the arena series), Akihiko Sanada.
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Seriously, the poor guy did not deserve the simplistic treatment of his character in Arena. ...Though than again, the sad truth is that seemed to happen to most of the cast, huh?
ANYWAY, enough about that, you’re not here to hear me gripe, you’re here to hear about how he’d fit into the DR-verse!
Akihiko Sanada:
SHSL Boxer/Ultimate Boxer: As we know from DRV3, Ultimate titles can be used more than once. It’s why I honestly like the SHSL moniker more, it doesn’t imply the same level of insuperable expertise as Ultimate does. Regardless, we know Akihiko is an amazing fighter with his fists; frankly if you’re able to punch out Eldritch Abominations from the human psyche with nothing but boxing gloves you probably deserve Ultimate Boxer. Plus, he is the boxing club’s leader.
Akihiko has probably the absolute WORST reputation out of all the students for breaking things in the dojo. Mitsuru and Shinjiro hold far more shame over this than he does of course.
Just like in Persona canon, Akihiko has a LOT of female admirers in Hope’s Peak. Even plenty of girl’s from the reserve course are probably head over heels. He reacts just as he does in canon. (I would almost want to see someone write up interactions between him and Miu because seeing him getting flustered from how explicitly thirsty she would be over him would be hilarious.)
Not a relationship thing because I really don’t know enough about her to do a full one, but I do think the dynamic between Akihiko and Tenko Chabashira could be extremely interesting. Anyone who knows more about her, feel free to write up how you think their interactions and views of each other would be and do let me know.
Major Relationships within the DR cast: -Sakura Ogami: Akhiko and Sakura are sparring partners and have an immense mutual respect. I imagine their first meeting was somewhat comical in a way, Akihiko striding right up to Sakura despite his issues speaking with girls, and asking for a fight with her, having heard of her abilities. I can’t honestly see him beating her outright without using his Persona powers (considering how she actually defeated Mukuro in DR: IF and how Kodaka said she could defeat Juzo, though admittedly Akihiko isn’t just a normal human) but I do think he’d give her a good match and the two would hit it off immediately. Expect a lot of talk about about training and protein. However, I think Sakura would be a major driving force for Akihiko to re-examine himself and how he views strength. After all, Sakura isn’t just strong, she is very wise and I have no doubt she’d challenge Akihiko to try and help him figure out what strength really is and why he desires it. She may become a sort of ‘sensei’ for him. (I also find the idea of Sakura eventually asking why Akihiko doesn’t seem to have issues interacting with her despite his very clear issues interacting with girls hilarious because there is no way Akihiko could answer that without saying SOMETHING wrong. Shinjiro would mock him remorselessly.) If I’m being honest, this is even a sort of crack-ship for me, the only thing keeping it from a full ship the fact that Sakura is in a relationship with Kenshiro and the fact that I’m too invested in Akihiko/Mitsuru. -Akane Owari: I’m sure absolutely no one is suprised by this. Just like Sakura, Akihiko and Akane are sparring partners, though their relationship is far more a rivalry than Akihiko’s with Sakura’s. Not that the two aren’t friends, they are, but Akane’s personality lends itself more towards the two being intense rivals. However, I happen to think that how they formed their rivalry is VERY different to how Akihiko and Sakura first engaged each other. Akane had to challenge Akihiko, not the other way around. I see this happening for two reasons. First, Akane is known as the Ultimate Gymnest. Akihiko likely would not have immidiately thought of her as a fighter the same way he did Sakura. Second, Akihiko’s own issues with dealing with woman would have been a roadblock at first because Akane is far more obviously feminine than Sakura is. I think this would have caused an initial roadblock for Akihiko, one that was easily overcome though after Akane challenged him to a fight. And this time, Akihiko would have absolutely won. The two actually have an inverse relationship to the one Akihiko has with Sakura, as Akihiko would honestly be the one teaching Akane, both about fighting and about the nature of strength. I have no doubt Akihiko would challenge Akane’s own beliefs on what strength means, just like Sakura would do for him. I can also see a repeat of how in his social link with Hamuko he sees her like he used to see his younger sister and could have a very similar case of trying to protect Akane, particuarly due to her somewhat oblivious nature. As you could imagine, that would go about as well as you’d expect. However that mess would resolve itself, Akihiko would have once again taken another step to moving forward and being at ease with his past, while I believe Akane would learn to be okay with showing vulnerability and being helped. Also, you can’t convince me that Akihiko would TRY (emphasis on that word there) to help Akane with school work. He is a good student after all.  -Nekomaru Nidai: Yet another ‘I’m sure you all saw this coming’ case. Nidai and Akihiko are yet again sparring partners, though in Nidai’s case it’s less for him and more for Akihiko’s own development. In all likelyhood, he’s probably why Akane even got interested in Akihiko as she probably heard about the boxer from him. For his part, Akihiko has a decent bit of respect for Nidai, even if he finds his... openess about some topics a bit much. He also is, just like everyone else, a major fan of Nidai’s deep tissue massage. (I can also see Akihiko bothering Shinjiro to try and help Nidai with his Dyspepsia in the form of some cooking help though I have no doubt that would piss off Teruteru. Of course, Shinjiro might even see that as a bonus... but more on that later.) -Byakuya Togami: Not really a major relationship, but it is worth a mention. Togami is one of the few people Akihiko is outright disdainful of (and perhaps even despises, but that might be a bit much for him). This is of course due to Togami’s insistence on asking Mitsuru to help produce Togami’s heirs which infuriates and disgusts Akihiko. (Whether this is simply due to how good of friends the two are, the amount of respect Akihiko has for Mitsuru or perhaps is something more is entirely up to interpretation. Again, MAJOR Akihiko/Mitsuru shipper here.) For his part, Togami doesn’t view Akihiko as anyone of import or as being worth his time. Funnily enough, that specificaly wouldn’t bother Akihiko too much on his own, he wouldn’t really give a damn what someone like Byakuya thinks of him. It’s just his attitude towards everyone and the stuff with Mitsuru that caused the immense disdain. - Juzo Sakakura: Juzo is a difficult case. While he may not have any issues with someone else getting the Boxer moniker as well, his entire general attitude clashes with Akihiko’s immensely. Juzo is used to throwing his weight around and near bullying others to get what he wants, as opposed to Akihiko who is an upstanding guy and, while competitive, would never go about acting like Juzo does. Juzo is also a VERY prideful man, so getting called out on his s*** may not go well, and Akihiko may very well call him out on his s***. Doesn’t helpt that I’m certain Akihiko could beat Juzo in a fair fight.  All this being said though, Juzo would honestly admire several of Akihiko’s qualities, for example how Akihiko protects others without thought of his own safety. Ultimately, I think Juzo would have some respect for Akihiko but would never admit it and Akihiko ould respect the man’s skills but recognize that he’s very much flawed and that there isn’t much he could do about it.
Now, that’s it for Akihiko. But before I go, there’s two things that needed to be covered.  The first is that I need to quickly circle back to Mitsuru because there is a MAJOR relationship that I forgot to discuss when I was writing her profile up.
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You can probably guess who I’m talking about:
Kyosuke Munakata: How I missed this the first time shocks me. Seriously, Kyosuke is so similar to Mitsuru I’m embaressed this slipped by me. Let’s start with the obvious: His own talent reflects what Mitsuru spends a lot of her time dealing with as a student. She is the Student Council President at Gekkokan in canon and I said in her profile that she would get involved in student goverment here. It’s only a matter of time before she runs into Kyosuke, particuarly if they ever went to school at the same time. In such a case I could see Kyosuke taking on a sort of mentor roll for Mitsuru and even a sort of big brother one where Mitsuru would likely confide in him if she felt overburderned and stressed with her own numerous responsibilities. Afterall, we do know that pre-tradgedy he is described as being kinder than his post tragdey self so I could see him taking on Mitsuru as a kohai/younger-sister. Plus, he would also be a great sword fighting partner for her. (Note, this fobviously would happen only if they attended Hope’s Peak at the same time, which would make it near impossible for her to also have relationships with the 78th class. The only way this could really theoretically work was, assuming the typical 3 year high school system used in Japan, Mitsuru and her year were all the 76th class, meaning that she’d be a first year when Kyosuke was a senior and would then be a senior when the 78th class came along. Which could work and liekly wouldn’t change much of her already established relationships).
Now for the second bit. You probably all notice that I’m dealing with Pre-Tragedy stuff for everyone so far and haven’t touched Post-Tragedy. The first and most honest reason is that I kinda forgot to touch that bit when I was writing everyone. The second bit though is that it’s honestly VERY hard for me to see the tragedy happening if the Persona cast were in the DR world and the Persona-verse rules were still in affect. With the way the Collective Unconciousness works I can’t see Junko winning without eliminating SEES, the IT and the PT and well... she’s good, but she’d be fighting ALL of them on their turf. The same group we know are capable of taking down gods. And hey, worse comes to worse, Door-kun can door-kun or something. Besides the fact that someone like Akechi would have absouletly no qualms about just murdering her. And once again, not a whole lot she can do about the way he goes about killing people. 
This being said, I may make an addenendum post later which details what would be going on with everyone post-tragedy. Spoiler though: everyone pretty much becomes shadow operatives full-time for a long while and they sort of are their own third-party group, seperate from the Future Foundation. I’d go more in depth though if I do make a follow-up.
Anyway, you all can probably guess who’s up next. We did two of the the original three members, up next will be the third. Shinjiro Aragaki will be coming soon... hopefully. My next semester is starting later today and it is a doozy. I am going to do everything I can to make sure this continues, but it will be slightly slower.
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hello! could i get a yttd, dr, and/or (s)dra(2) matchup, please? I’m pretty easy to get along with, and outgoing, according to my friends. im a very pda heavy person, and i show it whenever possible. Im naturally very charismatic, and i find it easy to get my way, but i often doubt my authenticity because of it. Usually im a very truthful person, but i can lie when it matters. im a very emotional person, but i dont like to stress out my friends with my emotions. (1/2?)
+ yttd/dr/(s)dra(2) anon here again! i care deeply for my friends and i try to help them whenever i can. usually this is more in the way of advice. despite having a fair amount of friends, though, i’m officially an introvert (infj). //thank you and have a good day!!// (2/2)
yeahhhhhh you could totally get a matchup!! you sound suuper sweet!! thank you so super duper much for requesting, your matchup may-or-may-not be under the cut !!!
i’ll warn ya though, the length of this one varies a whoooole lot. my matchup-motivation(matchivation, as i call it) has been at a low lately, super sorry that you’re on the receiving end of that! i’ll get out of my slump soon, proomise !!
-mod tsu (kinsidering icons)
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first off, from your turn to die, i match you with...
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kazumi mishima!
this section contains spoilers for your turn to die, as well as the island mode spin-off, your time to shine! okay, PLEASE hear me out on this one. i was originally going to put mai here- so this is definitely a jump. however, specifically based on your mbti type, i think mishima is a better fit. let me explain. despite being a little strange, i think that people can find it easy to get along with mishima. he’s very close with nao, of course, and even before the second trial he manages to develop a friendship with gin, and become on good terms with sara, kanna, joe, and somewhat reko. in the island mode, while it may be customary since he’s the protagonist, mishima does also get along rather well with the rest of the cast. plus, he’s typically the one that’s more willing to ask questions about the others in a friendly way, or more willing to be personal with the rest of the cast. it’s clear that he cares very much about other people, and i think that corresponds with your MBTI type. to quote the website’s specific description, INFJ types, “take the actions that they do because they are trying to advance an idea that they truly believe will make the world a better place.” while escaping from an island is a somewhat extreme example, it still applies. i wouldn’t say he’s exactly pda heavy- but kazumi is very actively affectionate for other people. he drinks with keiji, um... and works out with shin? however, it’s clear that in all circumstances, he wants to help and has the best intentions in mind. in terms of you, i’d say he definitely shows affection whenever possible, though maybe not in physical form. in terms of getting his way... i would actually say that he does, too. first off, going back to that charisma you both have, it makes the two of you seem rather reliable. plus, i think both of you know when what you’re asking for is too much, and in general those good intentions seep into what you ask other people for. haha... i could definitely learn something from you guys. he is rather truthful i’d say, especially in how much he cares for others. i think that the two of you would also be rather trusting, not being paranoid or wary unless there’s a good reason to. however, he can lie when it matters. in the beginning, kanna is much more stressed about her sister’s fate than she is later on in the game. kazumi lies for her sake, and tries to help her resolve and morale, by saying that there’s nothing she could have done to save her sister. obviously, kugie passing wasn’t kanna’s fault, but that was one of the only arguments kazumi could have given to her at the time that it wasn’t. that’s definitely a time when i’d say lying matters. maybe you’ve lied to spare someone’s feelings before, too ,,
well... the bad thing about hiding your feelings is that it’s hard to conclude whether mishima is hiding his own. after all... if they’re hidden, we wouldn’t see them so often. however, it’s clear that he thinks more than one might imagine at a glance. he cares deeply for his students beyond a surface level, and it’s clear that he’s attached to other people. he indirectly gives up his life for the sake of nao’s safety, and in the second chapter, his AI only blames himself for the grief his death caused nao. pluss... unless it’s with one of the kiddos(gin, kanna, etc), mishima is more the type to suggest ways to improve yourself, rather than just emotional support n beefing you uup. liiiiike, bring up your time to shine again, mishima’s obviously the one leading everyone to their epic island survival. right. BUT, in his affection events w/ shin specifically, the two of them work out together since shin mentions being really weak. whenever he facez a problem, his first thought is how to beat it into the ground. and maybe you feel similarly!!! with that productive mindset!! if you do... i promise that it’s super duper clear to everyone that you care so much, and they love-love how much you’re able to look out for their well being!!!!!! both of you do that!!! i’m going to explore your MBTI a little more real quick!!! buckle up, readers !!! buuuut before we do, mishima’s totally got a lot of friends. like, full stop, he finds it easy to get close with people on both the island and in the death game. however i think that mishima’s definitely more of an introvert than an extrovert. fiirst off, other than the whole art is the introvert’s ideal activity thing(plus, infj’s are said to be creative + artistic!! double kill!!), he also... gosh. how do i explain it. he more seems to like people than actively seek energy from them the way extroverts do, yaaa know? plus, wiith that advice thing you mentioned, INFJ’s tend to be future-focused people. i think that mishima’s a really goal-focused kind of guy. pluus, the both of you are bit reserved in yourselves(liike what you said about doubting your authenticity), and it totally seems like you value closer and deeper relationshipsz. aalso, the two of you may be a little hard to get to know, and can maybe be too sensitive to things(you mentioned being emotional). lastly, i think the both of you can totally be idealists- and as the 16personalities website says, you’re not “idle dreamers”. i wouldn’t be surprised if the both of you care for other people a whole lot, and try your best to help them and in general make the world better through other people. if that makes sense!
second off, from danganronpa, i match you with...
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chisa yukizome!
like before, this part contains spoilers for danganronpa 3, the end of hope’s peak academy! it will have spoilers for future and despair arc, as i haven’t watched hope arc. ...though kaede akamatsu is a close second! honestly, while i did settle on chisa, i think you’re like if kaede and chisa did a funky dance and fused together. you’re still really like chisa though!!! the two of you both seem pretty easy to get along with, and definitely outgoing. however, i think that even with your eccentricities, you don’t really overwhelm people! you may a little here or there by mistake, but you’re sure to reel it in if they tell you about it- at least, that’s my guess. plus, i’d also guess that the two of you have good communication skills. as someone who seems to care deeply about people, both of you would probably make an effort to make sure you’re understood by the other person, and that the other person is understood in return. this also goes along with you seeming good at telling how others are feeling. plus, chisa isn’t someone who’s afraid to get physical with other people. this is shown when she physically picks up nanami in the first episode, and her pulling kyosuke and sakakura to her in an old photograph of the three. plus, while it’s not exactly affectionate... teruteru was on the receiving end of some ropes. she does seem to show this very often, as even when she’s not physically affecting people, chisa is still perfectly willing to get in others’ faces. i’d imagine that when she was younger, she might have been more like ibuki in that she just couldn’t restrain herself from expressing the affection in her body. i’d also agree that chisa’s rather charismatic. she’s able to get all of class 77-B on her side in the span of one day, and gets very close with even fuyuhiko after a few months. all of them miss her dearly when she’s sent off to the reverse course. jumping topics a little, i think that she also finds it easy to get what she wants. starting off with class 77-B, of course her charm let her get close to all of them- but her general determination makes it easy for her to know how she wants to face something. maybe you’re also the type to have ideas and a plan, and then roll with it if something goes wrong! neither of you seem like the type to go off of pure impulse, though- maybe educated intuition, but to make a funny joke, neither of you seem particularly trigger happy. you’re both the type to take a second and think before you make a decision, but you’re not the type to think too hard about most things. at least, that’s what i’m getting.
next up, we come to the reason that i went with chisa instead of kaede. i think that with your more goal-setting and process-based mind, you wouldn’t overthink a lie you’re telling and realise that it has to get done. i could be totally wrong, but if chisa sees it as necessary, she can create various well-meaning schemes. for example, while it’s not really a great one, whenever she’s brainwashed by junko she basically gets the future foundation taken down due to her acting skills. while i think she has a strong sense of right and wrong, i think that if she needed to lie she’d know it’s for the greater good. like mishima, maybe you’ve had to do something like that before- sparing someone else’s feelings, keeping someone away from trouble. so on. chisa is definitely someone i’d call emotional! her students can make her jump from protective, to frustrated, to overjoyed all in the span of a few minutes. these are all things she uses to her advantage, though i think that if she didn’t believe these emotions would be beneficial to communicating, she wouldn’t express them. you might feel the same way. for example, if you were in a situation where someone was acting unjustly, it would be more obvious than a situation where... say, you’re having personal issues that you can’t fix. i think you’d try to keep it to yourself if you didn’t think it would be beneficial. you deserve to vent !! it’s okay anooon ! lastly, i think chisa cares very deeply about those close to her. she gives a lot of advice to people like hajime and chiaki, who have their own struggles. plus, she’s not afraid to give sakakura a piece of her mind when he flies off the handle a little bit. in general, she’s also rather consoling of and friendly with munakata. even koichi, a big part of their relationship is how they encourage each other to do their best. chisa also tried to dispel nagito’s self-demeaning comments, which is... definitely a feat. even if chisa does have a lot of close friends and students who she’s on good terms with, a lot of her deeper thinking and planning happens when she’s alone. plus, even she could get overloaded by trying to overcome too many people. and just for a bit of spice, INTJ’s and chisa both are very idealistic and active about this idealism. plus, they also have strong beliefs and are unwavering on them, enjoy helping others(but need space to recharge), understand the good and bad in the world and want to make it better. i’m keeping them coming, chisa also has the traits of being very sensitive to the needs of others, being very creative, and being focused on the future.
and lastly, from danganronpa another, i match you with...
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setsuka chiebukuro!
like the other two, this part contains spoilers of danganronpa another 2. though yoruko kabuya is a close second! to start off, i think setsuka is definitely easy to get along with. she’s very good at holding up a conversation and making other feel welcome, and maybe your presence is similarly welcoming or warm! she’s rather laid back, even in the killing game, so i think that you would definitely be similar to her outside of that dangerous situation. plus, i’d absolutely call her outgoing too! she doesn’t hesitate to talk to other people, and is the main moodmaker of the group. that’s her biggest concern in the killing game, honestly! maybe you’d also be more focused on calming everyone down and uniting other people, in a situation like that. plus, i think she is also pretty pda heavy! she tends to refer to the rest of the cast as kids, taking on a more mature demeanor. she also does a lot of hugging and head pats, and isn’t afraid to get in the water to swim with other people. if i’m right, she physically pulls sora, yoruko, and the others into having a pool and costume party with her. if she doesn’t she’s at least pushy- she knows how to get other people in a good mood and doesn’t hesitate to do so. this is shown with the parties she throws, how she organises everyone to meet at the satsuki land parade, just in general. she tries really hard, and i think you can also have a very active kind of moodmaking ability! she’s very charismatic, and maybe you relate to her more joking and easygoing attitude! from how you talk, it seems like you can make people feel relaxed just by being around you. and honestly i kinda love that? like, toss me some chillness pleeeez i think that she can find it easy to get her way, too. while more stubborn characters like hibiki and nikei she can’t get through to, that’s typically because they refuse to let her. even so, when she directly confronts hibiki’s closed off attitude in chapter 2, she manages to break through her cold facade. even if that’s just a little, she is ultimately the biggest factor in getting hibiki to warm back up to the rest of the group. she is rather truthful, though i think she can doubt herself at times too- i’ll get into that later. she can lie at times, like keeping nikei’s secret of his voice status, though this is like the others where she only lies and hides things when necessary.
next up, setsuka is also rather emotional. she clearly shows concern for all of the group members, and is willing to take on the role of everyone’s big sister for their sake. like, her entire role in the game is making other people happier and more at ease in the killing game. i just... that’s it. she also hides her distress and discomfort, however. whenever everyone’s showed their motive video in chapter 3, setsuka is obviously very upset by it, but she regathers her resolve and encourages everyone to keep going in spite of this. the only person who has the same amount of composure as setsuka puts on is sora, and sora’s motive video did essentially nothing except confuse her. it’s clear that she doesn’t want to stress anyone out, and puts a strong emphasis on the needs of other people. it’s obvious that the two of you care very deeply for your friends, and want to keep them safe. she also tries to help everyone whenever she can, as she tries her best to be helpful during trials, and as we just went over she’s very devoted to being a moodmaker. a lot of the rousing, invigorating speeches and words in the game are given by her, and through her actions she also does well to keep everyone’s morale high. setsuka also has more private conversations with people one-on-one about how they can handle their own worries, hibiki being the prime example. however, like with the other characters, i also wouldn’t call her extrovert. she seems to love people yes, but a lot of her conversations are more meaningful. it doesn’t seem like she talks to others just to talk, but she has clear intent whenever she does so. i think this makes her lean more to the introvert side. and finally, it’s MBTI trait lightning round time! INFJ’s and setsuka are both actively idealistic, want to make the world a better place, very happy to help others, need space to recharge, are sensitive to others’ feelings, focused on goals and the future, holders of strong beliefs, have strong imaginations, and want to get to the heart of issues so that people don’t have problems to fix. also, INFJ’s and setsuka both want to rule the world with kindness and love.
the show concludes...! here’s a word from our sponsors. from yttd, you also remind me strongly of joe tazuna and mai tsurugi, as well as lightly of nao egokoro, and anzu kinashi! from dr, you also remind me very strongly of kaede akamatsu, strongly of mahiru koizumi and ibuki mioda, as well as somewhat of aoi asahina, hiroko hagakure, yuta asahina and sonia nevermind. from dra you also remind me strongly of yoruko kabuya, and somewhat of akane taira, emma magorobi, haruhiko kobashikawa, and satsuki iranami! also, this is just based off of vibes, but you also remind me a little of hibiki otonokoji and shinji kasai.
ehe... i’m sorry, i feel like there are a lot of minor matchups... especially from only three(technically 7, but) games... but i hope this matchup was still helpful..! thank you so much for requesting, once again...
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nanamicide · 4 years
A life of her own - chapter 3
Read on AO3
Dear diary,
My name is Mukuro Ikusaba and I
How do I even start this? I guess it doesn’t matter who I am, or who I address when writing this. What matters is what comes out of this, how I feel once I’m done figuring things out through keeping this journal. I know I probably should have written as soon as I got out of my first therapy session, but I didn’t feel like it. There was so much going on in my head that I couldn’t look at the blank pages of the diary without a certain feeling of dread. I’m not sure how to explain it, but there was something frightening about the emptiness of the pages. I guess it reminded me of me, of how I felt.
It doesn’t mean that I’ve suddenly stopped feeling empty today, though. This hasn’t left at all – in fact, it may have gotten worse. I just felt the urge to write today, if only to try to ease my mind. I don’t know if it’ll work, but I have nothing to lose.
They’re going to kill her tomorrow. I’ve known she would be executed since they arrested her, and they told me about the date a few days after – I’m not sure how many. My days have all been looking the same, and everything I’ve been feeling since then made me lose sense of time. This should get better with my therapy sessions taking place every two days. I think it should help me keep track of days, at the very least.
Anyway, she will be gone for good tomorrow. Today, Sakakura-san came in my room and asked me if I wanted to see her again, telling me that Gekkogahara-san thought it would help me come to terms with what’s happening. I said no, though. I don’t want to see her. I don’t want to talk to her again, even with someone else around us. I think it would hurt too much. I don’t know how she’s feeling, but I also don’t want to know about that.
Deep down, I know she’s happy about what’s happening. I know she’s getting a taste of despair through failing to achieve her goals. I guess I don’t want to have actual proof of it. It hurts to think that by dedicating my entire life to her and making her happy, I’ve prevented her from getting what she always deeply wanted. It’s ironic, isn’t it? And now I’m running away from it. It’s better to pretend that she’s rotting away wherever they’re keeping her, crying as much as I have – somehow, it’s less painful. At least I can keep telling myself I’ve done everything I could for her, and that I’ve only done right by her my entire life.
But who am I kidding? I don’t even really believe in that. Like I wrote above, I know she’s probably the happiest she’s ever been. I just don’t wanna see it. I don’t have the strength to face her – not when I am so miserable over losing her. I don’t want to have proof that she’s much happier without me. She’s all I ever had. I could have had a much different life if I hadn’t supported her in all her endeavors, and knowing that this doesn’t mean anything to her fills me with awe.
I’m not angry at anyone for what’s happening anymore. I’m only angry at myself that I didn’t give up on her as a child – I mean, I’m not, but at the same time I am. It’s complicated. I’m honestly quite confused as to how I exactly feel about her. If I’m honest with myself, I know that she would have eventually killed me the way she killed Matsuda-kun – except it wouldn’t have been to make herself feel despair, but to make me feel despair. What I’m trying to say is I know she didn’t care about me and I was just some sort of tool for her to get away with the things she was doing. In that sense, I feel stupid and wish I had realized this much sooner so I could have told her to fuck off. When I think  about this, I wish I had stayed in Fenrir and made friends there. But when I think about her as my sister, as the person I swore to protect after our parents died, I wish I could still protect her today. I wish I could do something to make Munakata-san reconsider. So, it’s just hard.
In any case, she’ll be dead tomorrow, and I’ll be left with myself. That’s also scary. Despite what Gekkogahara-san said about me having so many possibilities, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. And I feel like tomorrow, I’ll really be out of excuses to just be sitting here doing nothing. But still, there isn’t anything I really want to do. Well, I don’t know, really.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this too, to be honest. And this made me think about the academy as a whole. We’re scouted based on a talent, something we’re super good at. I was scouted as the Ultimate Soldier, but this doesn’t help me. I was always her soldier. And she’s gone, so I have no reason to focus on that anymore. Sure, I’m good at fighting, killing, deceiving. It was part of what I did with Fenrir. It was part of what I did for her. But I don’t think I want to do this anymore. I don’t want to be doing things for other people. I want to do things for myself.
That… That felt oddly good to write. I guess that even if I don’t know what I want to do, and even if I’m not sure who I really am and who’s going to be there for me, I still have myself.
Tomorrow, Junko will be dead, and I won’t be there to see it. Because I don’t want to see it. Because I need to protect myself. I need to save myself – I’m all I have.
“How do you feel now that she’s gone?”
The words kept playing in Mukuro’s head. She wasn’t sure how to answer the question. In a way, it was as though she’d run out of tears in the days after the arrestation – as though she didn’t need to be sad over what had happened to her sister anymore. She sighed, looking up to the ceiling. How was she supposed to explain what was going on in her head?
“I… I don’t know,” she said, her eyes following the fly that was circling around the chandelier. “I don’t feel sad, really. I mean, I do, but not more than I did when we first were separated, you know? Now there is just no way for us to be reunited again, so it feels pointless to cry. I had time to prepare for this. Munakata-san and Sakakura-san were honest enough about what they were going to do. Besides, it’s not the first time I lose a loved one, or that I have to face death. When I was in Fenrir, a lot of my brothers and sisters in arms died. I guess I’m used to it.”
She lowered her gaze to meet Gekkogahara-san’s, feeling slightly embarrassed with how much she’d just said. This was only their second session together, and she was having a hard time believing the Ultimate Therapist had gotten her to speak that much. Yet, she knew keeping that journal had something to do with it. Letting her thoughts out, whether orally or in writing, gave her some sort of relief that she couldn’t get from anything else.
“But isn’t it lonely?”
“Yeah, it is,” Mukuro sighed. “I wasn’t trying to imply that I don’t miss her. I really do, actually. I think I’ve just come to terms with the fact that I’m alone now.”
“It’s confusing, isn’t it?” Usami asked, tilting her head to the side the way she always did when she was asking a question that would be a tad bit more personal than the others.
“Yeah, I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about any of this. Still, this helps, really. I’m grateful you’re giving me a bit of your time. I promise you aren’t wasting it at all.”
As she said this, Gekkogahara-san made Usami frown, and Mukuro couldn’t figure out why. It made her feel like she’d said something she shouldn’t have said, and this took away any sense of comfort she’d been feeling since the beginning of the session. She looked down at her lap, bouncing her leg and cursing herself for ruining things again. Everything was going so smoothly, why did she have to say the wrong thing?
“Ikusaba-chan,” the white rabbit called softly.
“You have to understand that this isn’t about me wasting my time or not. This is about you recovering from everything you’ve been through for the sake of your sister so you can live a normal life. It’s not healthy for you to be worried about how I feel about the progress you are or aren’t making. Everything about this is wholly about you.”
Mukuro looked up at her therapist, confused. She wasn’t sure how to respond to that. She was right, though. There was definitely a part of her that was worried Gekkogahara-san would consider this a waste of time and end up giving up on her – a part of her that wanted to please her so she would stick around. But she didn’t know that was a bad thing. She’d always thought that doing whatever made others happy with her was what she was supposed to do. She’d always assumed that this made her a good, kind-hearted person.
“What do you mean?” was all she managed to ask. She was terrified of what she would hear in response.
“You have to find yourself, Ikusaba-chan! You have to be true to who you are regardless of what you think others want from you. Only then will you really be able to be happy and stop feeling like an empty shell when you lose whoever gets close to you.” There was a pause, and Mukuro was ready to speak again when the Usami’s high-pitched voice interrupted her and continued. “This isn’t going to happen soon, though. You have years and years of conditioning and unhealthy dependency on your sister to unlearn. It isn’t going to be easy. It’s going to take time. But it’ll never feel like a waste of time to me. It is my job to guide you through the many changes you’ll be going through in the upcoming months and years.”
“I… Okay, yes, I understand,” the soldier said softly, even though she didn’t really understand what Gekkogahara-san meant. Sure, she wanted to please her to keep her around, but it wasn’t as bad as what she was saying, was it?
“Good,” Usami replied, smiling and clapping her tiny white paws. “This will be enough for today! Still, I have one piece of good news to share with you today.”
“What is it?”
“Since your sister is no longer a threat to the academy, and given that you have been extremely cooperative with me, you are now free to roam around the academy if you please! The only thing that is off-limits is talking to Mitarai-kun, Komaeada-kun, Tsumiki-chan and Kamukura-kun. I don’t think any of you would end up plotting against the academy, but Munakata-kun seems to think it’s safer if you don’t interact at all. I personally see no harm in this so I had no reason to disagree with the idea.”
Mukuro gave her a small smile. Being able to walk around might help her a little, after all. Staying isolated in her room all day couldn’t be good for her, especially when she used to have such an active lifestyle.
“Does that mean I can go back to class?”
“No, it is way too soon for that!” Usami was shaking her head energetically, keeping her arms crossed against her chest. “This will not be possible for months, but I’ll be sure to let you know when we make the decision to let you be a regular student again.”
“Okay, thank you.”
“Now, now, it is no problem, Ikusaba-chan! I need you to remember that.”
Mukuro nodded and got up, heading towards the door as she said goodbye to Gekkogahara-san. This hadn’t been the easiest therapy session to go through, but knowing that she could go for a walk around campus had definitely lifted her spirits. She would figure out what had scared her so much when her therapist had seemed disappointed with her later, probably through writing in her journal. For now, she only wanted to go on a little stroll and get some fresh air.
Mukuro had stayed outside much longer than she’d expected. The sun had finished setting and the cold night breeze was hitting her, making her wish she’d brought a jacket. Still, this wasn’t so bad. Most students had retreated back to the dorms, which meant that even though she was out in the open, she was still alone. And she enjoyed that – she’d always had, as young as she had been.
There was something so liberating about walking around in the cold, the only source of light being the moon. In these moments, it didn’t matter to Mukuro what anyone thought of her. There was no one to see her, no one to judge her and tell her how much of a failure she was. She was hidden in the dark, alone, and she felt fine. Even when her sister was still around, she’d cherished these moments.
She eventually sat down on a small patch of grass, crossing her legs. She mentally replayed the therapy session that had taken place earlier and sighed. She still wasn’t able to understand why Gekkogahara-san had reacted the way she had. She should’ve been pleased and happy to hear that she thought therapy was useful, right? So why had she seemed so upset with her when she’d said this?
She closed her fist around the grass, pulling on it. No matter how she looked at it, her therapist’s reaction made little to no sense to her. The theory Mukuro could come up with was that Gekkogahara-san had said this because she didn’t want her to get better – because just like her, she didn’t believe that she deserved to live a good and happy life after everything she’d done. Yet, even though that thought kept popping up in her head, she couldn’t believe it. She wasn’t too good with people, but she could usually tell when they weren’t to be trusted. Gekkogahara-san looked genuine. She wouldn’t be going through all these things just to see her suffer. Mukuro knew it.
She lied down on the grass and closed her eyes, chuckling to herself. Everything she’d done with Junko-chan could have been labelled as crazy, but at least she’d been able to understand it. Now that she was doing things regular people were supposed to do, she couldn’t make any sense out of it.
“How ironic,” she whispered to herself. “Junko-chan may have raised a few fair points in her constant criticism of me. I really am worthless and unable to do things right, aren’t I?”
Despite the harshness of her words, Mukuro wasn’t sad. Instead, she felt… happy? She wasn’t sure if what she was feeling could be qualified as happiness, but she was definitely experiencing something positive, since she found her current situation quite funny, all things considered.
Deciding to not give it too much thought, the solider indulged in the feeling. And she laughed, and laughed, and laughed, until she was breathless, lying down alone underneath the moonlight. Maybe it was hard for her to figure out what was going on around her and what her new interactions meant, but it definitely wasn’t so bad. Yes, she thought. I may pathetically fail again, but I can finally have fun with things. Maybe seeing me live a normal life from wherever she is now will give Junko-chan even more despair.
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After years of misremembering DR3, I finally found a real, fatal flaw in Chiaki Nanami
Making her less of a Mary Sue, amirite?
Context: Komaeda is convincing everyone not to go after Yukizome, because Enoshima is too strong and it’d be too dangerous.
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It’s actually working. Shockingly enough, his classmates are listening, and they’re starting to think that they should indeed be mature and stay safe.
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Now, what does best-girl-did-nothing-wrong-Nanami do wrong, exactly?
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Fuck everyone over, because we all know what happens next.
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Well said, Komaeda.
So here it is. DR3 Nanami’s one (1) flaw. I’m glad I finally found it, since it finally makes her a proper Danganronpa character.
[Half my followers have left the chat]
Jokes aside, here’s what I actually think of what Nanami did. And yes, it does reveal her flaws.
(Putting a cut here in consideration of tumblr mobile users)
As we know, she has seen Mitarai’s state and witnessed Komaeda almost getting killed. On top of that, Yukizome told her it was her own job to take care of the matter. But still, Nanami decides to convince her classmates to go back with her and risk their lives.
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Because she wants to go. She’s the one who feels indebted to Yukizome, because she made her life better. Of course, there’s the whole “it brought us together” motive, but Nanami’s speech makes it fairly clear she’s thinking about how she felt.
Nanami probably knows she can’t fight by herself, but there’s something else she knows: she’s not a loner anymore. She’s the class rep, everyone loves her, and everyone follows her lead, because they’ve gotten used to her organizing events. She doesn’t have to say much, she just has to sound like her heart’s in the right place (because yes, saving Yukizome does sound like a nice thing to do) and everyone will go along.
With no consideration for the danger she’s putting them in - literaly none, as she doesn’t even mention it, though we’ve established she’s aware of it - she’s pushing them in the direction she wants them to go. Basically, she’s using them.
Some could argue she’s just giving herself a pep talk, with no intent to convince the others anymore than she’s saying what she thinks is right, and it just so happens the others believe in her. This would play in her favor, not making her manipulative. And it is possible - however, it doesn’t take away that it’s careless. Because she’s aware of the danger, she’s aware of her position towards the class, and she still takes the risk to have them risk their lives with no room for hesitation.
If anyone should have informed them they should be careful, it should have been her, because she had witnessed the danger. Of course, Pekoyama and Komaeda tried - but in no way do they have the power she has over the class. So yes, by being so careless and selfish, she undoubtedly screwed everyone over.
All of this proves that while Nanami is a sweet person, with positive motives and the capacity to smartly bring people together, making them feel good, she has flaws and her views are sometimes a little warped.
Does that make her well written? In my opinion, nope.
Everything about Nanami’s character in DR3 feels awkward. I’ve probably talked about it before, and it’s no use to explain yet again why I don’t like a character that’s so immensely popular, but I personally do think she’s inferior to the usual DR character. Re-watching DR3 makes me realize that stuff I thought was weird or bad does work - nothing comes out of nowhere - but, while I appreciate some scenes surrounding Nanami, her lack of characterization simply can’t be justified.
Sure, Nanami is FAR from being the only character whose backstory isn’t explored or even mentioned, but the other characters in that situation aren’t put under the spotlight. No, DR3 doesn’t mention Nidai’s family life, but DR3 also doesn’t make a point of exploring Nidai’s feelings and making him the reason ANYTHING happens. Nanami is a main character in the anime, however, we have no idea why she feels a certain way or what train of thought leads her to evolve. In many scenes, she just acts the right way because she’s great, and that’s it.
That’s why she feels bland and “too perfect for no reason”, even though scenes such as the one I’m showing quickly gloss over elements that could reveal her personality. And that’s what’s so frustrating about Nanami in DR3: on top of being a sadder version of her SDR2 counterpart, she could have been better.
I wouldn’t even complain if she were just a bad character - but she is useful, I can get what her character’s supposed to be, it’s just not well done. If Nanami does indeed have selfish motives she doesn’t even realize, thinking it’s all about protecting everyone’s happiness and not just hers, there should be a least one scene where she or someone else realizes  the flaws in her motivation. But nope, it’s all just up in the air, Nanami meant well, Nanami did well, she just wasn’t lucky.
Her moments with Hinata were extremely sweet, but at the end of the day, had no influence over his decision to become Kamukura. “Being able to be proud in front of Nanami” is just an excuse that doesn’t make any sense, because nothing she did could lead him to think this way. Like hey, DR3, if you were going to use Nanami so much, you could at least have used her well. (Even Sakakura’s speech, which seemed to make him take his decision, didn’t really mention anything of the sort. But that’s a story for another day.)
As for this scene...
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Well, it doesn’t really matter whether Komaeda’s bullshitting or not. I ain’t trying to make you like the guy. If he was indeed trying to manipulate his classmates into going, he’s equally wrong as Nanami - but it could also be assumed that he’s trying to convince himself he wanted them to go, seeing as he looked displeased when Nanami contradicted him.
By the way, some characters could potentially still have gone, such as the Imposter or Kuzuryuu, but that wouldn’t be the whole class, changing a lot of the story.
Aaaand that’s it. This post if probably really useless, especially in 2019 with the DR fandom dying and all, but I wanted to be fair enough towards DR3 Nanami by expressing that one realization I just had that she wasn’t supposed to be totally bland. It’s just bad writing of a potentially good character, rather than bad character creation.
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danganromps · 5 years
Top 5 problematic characters
Oh dang, there are a few. This is the one post that’ll probably annoy people, so discourse mode engage. (I’m not really that woke, I’m like…half asloop, so if you think I’m wrong, I probably am :D)
5. Chihiro Fujisaki (DR1)
Now I love Chihiro and that’s no bad thing. But the way his story played out has some somewhat awkward interpretations. For a start, he dressed as a girl because he was weak. That, for me, is probably the most problematic thing - simultaneously implying women are weak, as well as that if you’re not a strong man, you’re practically a woman. It’s just all a bit awkward - though remarkably, the anime dealt with this a little better than the game, if memory serves.
4. Shirokuma and Kurokuma (DRAE)
This one is probably more unintentional than the others. When you meet Shirokuma for the first time, he delivers a “I’m your ally. Look, I’m all white, see?” like he’s just been pulled over by a cop and it’s super awkward. Kurokuma, I’m sure, is intended to be a bit of a pastiche of gangsters, which is fine. Just, compared to Shirokuma’s “white is your friend” gimmick, it’s easy to get the wrong idea.
3. Angie Yonaga (DRV3)
I’ve mentioned this many times before, so I’ll keep it brief. Angie deserved better than to be portrayed as “weird Pacific islanders and their silly religions”.
2. Juzo Sakakura (DR3)
Juzo is the personification of the “tragic gays” trope. I got all excited when we finally had a canonically gay character…then they made it the whole reason that Junko got away with despairing the world. Of course, you could argue that it’s not trying to say that being gay is something to be kept secret, more that Juzo himself had unjustified shame and Junko is evil and played on that. Which makes sense, and is a great way to show Junko as a horrible person, but it remains that the only gay guy in the entire series was partly responsible for the end of the world because he was gay.
1. Daisaku Bandai (DR3)
OK, I am vastly underqualified to talk about the way racism differs and what’s acceptable in different countries. But Bandai literally looks like some outdated cartoon representation of a black person in 1950s America. It’s hugely uncomfortable.
But anyway, yeah, I still love DR. Please don’t hate me.
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imaginedanganronpa · 6 years
How would the V3 girls react to making up a really BS lie to get out trouble and only to discover not a minute later their said lie comes true? It’s played for comedy.
This was super fun! It was a bit challenging coming up with scenarios for each of them, but I hope you like it!
Also: I know some people get uncomfortable or Triggered by it so Pregnancy-Mention Warning in Kirumi’s part!
The V3 Girls Lying To Get Out Of Trouble & Then Their Lie Comes True!
Kaede Akamatsu
She was beginning to feel increasingly frustrated anddiscouraged because none of her pieces seemed to land recently; none of them had been sounding right and she was hitting a writer’s block.
Piano was her passion but she was feeling incredibly flustered. Kaede was goingthrough a spell where she just wasn’t happy with anything she wrote or produced.
She’d been cooped up in the Music Room all day, working on an elaborate piecefor one of her classes; but it just wasn’t working in her favor and she was over it.
She slammed her fists down onto the keys in a fit of anger, causing the pianoto falter. A few of the keys where her fist landed popped up and broke off of the instrument.
Kaede had just broken the precious piano - she didn’t even mean to hit it that hard! Nor did she realize what she had done until it was too late.
Apparently, the crash was louder than she anticipated because a passingadministrator – Juzo Sakakura – had overheard her frustration and poked his headinto the room.
Her face turned red and began to twitch, cursing to herself in her head.
“Ms. Akamatsu… what is going on in here?”
Kaede was a perfect student, she couldn’t afford to get in trouble forsomething like this! She’d never gotten in trouble before! Giving a bit of a shy, awkward smile, she scratched herhead and innocently batted her eyes at the man.
“You see, a… cat! Yeah, that’s it! A cat got loose and… jumped on the piano… and broke it.”
Juzo furrowed his brows, not impressed with her obvious lie. Before he could interrogate her further, the unthinkable happened.
A black cat hopped up on the keys and started to walk back and forth on the piano; Kaede had never seen it before in her life, it was a complete lie and she didn’t know there was actually a cat in the Music Room!
Nonetheless, Juzo stared at it with a perplexed expression and proceeded to shoo it off of the piano. “Oh well, I guess that Ultimate Animal Breeder kid brought another one of his pets to school, I could’ve sworn you broke it but then again, you wouldn’t do something like that, Ms. Akamatsu.”
She awkwardly laughed and nodded her head, the redness around her cheeks becoming brighter. “Yeah! Never…”
Juzo wished Kaede well and walked out of the Music Room by her side with the black cat in his arms, insisting that they’d repair her beloved instrument soon. 
All she could do was wipe the sweat from her brow as her heart-rate declined. 
Maki Harukawa
When it comes to sports, Maki isn’t the most athletic person– she dislikes watching them but allowed Kaito to drag her to some stupidbaseball game that he insisted they go to. How could she say no?
She already had a bad attitude since she didn’t want to be here, scowling at the men on the field and wishing she was anywhere else.
They’d been sitting close to the field and more than once, she had to duck outof the way of flying baseballs; that really didn’t help her sour mood.
The middle-aged woman sitting in the row in front of them suddenly stood and lost control of her drink, which spilled all over the front of Maki’s shirt.
In a heated moment of irrational irritability, she stood and screamed at stranger. “The Hell, do you want to die?!” 
Kaito tried to console her and get her to calm down butMaki wasn’t having it. After successfully getting her to sit down, she realizedwhat she’d done and a sinking feeling formed in the pit of her stomach.
The lady apparently complained to one of the venue’s staff, who approached Makiand Kaito with security… taking her comment as an actual threat. Not wanting to ruin Kaito’s day, Maki franticallythought of an excuse.
“Uh, well, I was just angry because a… baseball hit me and gave me a really badheadache, I’m sorry.”
They clearly weren’t buying it, preparing to escort the pair out of the stadium; when all of a sudden, a rogue baseball flew towards the stand and right at them.
She didn’t even see it - the ball was moving so fast that a blink of an eye would miss it. 
As Maki stood and got ready to go with the men, it clocked her in the side of her head, right in the temple. Her knees began to shake and she stumbled backwards into Kaito.
The lady she had screamed at let out a soft giggle, in which Maki gave her a terribly wicked look. She figured that was karma coming back to bite her.
The security stood there, baffled and unsure of what to do. 
Kaito jumped in, trying to play along with her obvious lie; “Those damn baseballs just keep hitting you, huh?”
That was all it took to get them to leave her alone. The two sat back down, and now Maki was in an even worse mood. She buried her chin in her palm and stared forward blankly, rubbing circles in her temple with her other hand.
Kaito gave her an encouraging pat on the back, thankful that they got away with it. “Yeah, I just wish I didn’t have to actually get hit to do so.” She muttered under her breath.
From that point on, she vowed to never go to another baseball game.
Himiko Yumeno
Himiko had been practicing her magic on school-grounds forhours now, purposefully skipping class in order to so. She thought she was being discreet, in an ‘undisclosed’ location.
She had an upcoming show!… I mean, mage exam, that she had to practice for; it was a big deal.
Although, skipping class was an immediate detention sentence and mages can’t afford to get detention! Himiko had never gotten in trouble in her life, and she blamed it on her charm and ‘magic’ when in reality she’s just never gotten caught.
Two burly teachers approached her, catching a glimpse of the small girl standing beneath a cluster of trees. She was located on the edge of school-grounds and yet, was still discovered.
Concerned as to why she was skipping class, they called out to her from a distance. Himiko became flustered, ready to cast a magic spell on them to make them forget they ever saw her.
When that didn’t work, she went with her backup plan - to use her deception magic and get away with it… in other words, she was going to lie.
“Oh! Uh… I’m not skipping, my doves got loose and flew out the window while I was in class. I’mjust… recollecting them! A mage can’t lose her trusted animal-helpers, you know.” Himiko hadn’t even stepped foot in class all day.
They look quite puzzled, their eyes moving upwards in search of the ‘missing’white birds that didn’t exist.
A small, unconvincing smile spread across Himiko’s lips as she really tried to sell the boldface lie.
As if on cue, two of her doves flew out from the loose cage hidden under herjacket and towards a nearby tree. 
“Oh, no!” She exclaims, “I mean, ohyes! There they are!” Her legs started moving before she realized it as she bolted towards the tree.
Her acting skills really aren’t the best, so she over-dramatically screamed at the doves from up-above. Himiko commanded that they come down from there immediately but to no avail.
The teachers watched the strange act, eventually shrugging it off and leaving the magician to do… whatever it was that she was up to. They really didn’t have time to deal with Himiko’s shenanigans.
As they walked away, she pats herself on the back. “I knew my magic could fool them!” She thought to herself as she praises her doves for helping her.
Tenko Chabashira
Tenko and Himiko had been walking through campus freely,with Tenko’s arm wrapped around her smaller friend in a defensive manner. 
The two girls had hardly been paying attention, when all of a sudden a man approached them, without saying a word.
He was simply brushing past them, walking in the opposite direction. 
Apparently, Tenko took that in the completely wrong direction and assumed he was making moves on them, and she wouldn’t let some male disrespect them like that!
She’d barely caught him out of the corner of her eye, and her reflexes greatly surpassed his own. Tenko grabbed him by the arm, flipping his body and tossing him over her shoulder. 
The man landed on the cold concrete with a thud, the wind was knocked out of him and he stares at the girl in shock. Himiko seemed to take the words right out of his mouth, “Tenko! What was that for?!”
Within seconds of flipping the man, two campus security guards rushed over to the situation and confronted Tenko. “Ma’am, you can’t assault fellow students like that!”
She realized she was in too deep very quickly and retracted, unsure as to how she was supposed to defend herself. She became fearful and nervous, blurting out the first excuse that came to mind.
“I-I was just protecting my friend!” Tenko grabs Himiko’s arm and pulls her closer to her side; the magician stares at the taller girl, confused as to where this was heading.
The security guards looked unimpressed and tend to the man still laying on the ground. 
“U-uh, that man was hitting on her and she was really uncomfortable so… it was self defense! H-he wouldn’t leave us alone.” Tenko stutters, continuing with the act. She nudges Himiko with her elbow to try to get her to play along. “Oh, yeah…”
As she says this, a second man pulls his car over to the sidewalk and rolls his window down. Partially leaning out of it; he looks the two girls up and down with a smirk.
“What are you two ladies up to tonight?” His smug expression sends chills down Tenko’s spine and makes her feel sick to her stomach.
The security directs their attention to the man in the car, telling him to drive away before they give him a ticket and adding that, “Harassing those girls was completely uncalled for.”
Looking disappointed, the man frowns and rolls his window back up, disappearing around the corner. 
Tenko may not be able to stand men like that, but in this moment she was thankful that he showed up. She grabs Himiko’s wrist and jogs away from the scene before the security guards can return to the original man she’d injured so that they could still get away while the opportunity was there.
Miu Iruma
Miu was minding her own business, unusually quiet this morning. She was walking through campus, completely zoning out whilst on her way to class.
As she treads down the sidewalk, the cold air caused goosebumps to rise along her skin. It was especially windy during this time of year and Miu wasn’t a fan if that.
Out of nowhere, a button on her top popped loose which caused part of her chest to become exposed, but she was too zoned-out to realize. 
Just as this happened, her classmate Gonta Gokuhara passed her and his face turned bright red, eyes wide. The much larger man stopped dead in his tracks and became increasingly flustered. 
“What the hell are you staring at?” She snaps at him, confused as to why he was giving her such a weird look.
Once she finally realized what happened, it was too late. She covered herself with her arms as one of the nearby teachers approached her cautiously. 
“Miss, indecent exposure isn’t allowed in public, especially not on school-grounds!” They scowl at her and Miu is feeling incredibly embarrassed.
Compulsively, the Inventor tried saving her skin. “It was the wind, I swear!” She exclaims as she attempts to re-button her top.
“The wind blew your top open?” The teacher replies, obviously not believing her lie. Miu frantically nods, not wanting to get in trouble since it would look bad on her record.
Plus, if she got in trouble for indecent exposure, her class - especially Ouma Kokichi - would never let her hear the end of it.
Don’t get her wrong, she knows her body looked good but… that’s something she wants to avoid.
Just before they can write her up, a strong gust of wind forms and blows her skirt up, flashing anyone who was in her vicinity.
Miu was so busy with buttoning her top that nothing was covering her lower-half, and that, too, was exposed for all to see.
A small scream escapes her throat and she embarrassingly pulls her skirt down once more.
Now, both the teacher and Gonta were staring at her in disbelief. Poor Gonta didn’t want to see any of that! He frantically averts his gaze, his entire face now red, and storms away from Miu.
The teacher, on the other hand, blinks a few times to process what was seen; Miu shyly and impishly grins at them.
Apparently it worked, because all they could do was nod, turn, and walk away without another word.
Miu cursed at mother nature. “Just because that’s what I fuckin’ said didn’t mean I wanted it to happen!”
Angie Yonaga
She draws inspiration from the most peculiar places. A lot of her paintings stem from dreams she’s had.
For some reason, Angie feels a sense of deja-vu over the painting she’d been working on currently.
It was a topless woman holding a small dog, resembling an old Renaissance painting; she was someone Angie has seen in her dreams before and finally mustered up the courage to paint - maybe if it became a reality through her art then the odd dreams would stop. 
Angie is convinced that the woman is from a vision she’s had, but she isn’t quite sure why. 
Sitting on a bench under a shaded tree, she wasn’t concerned with anyone seeing her painting since it was modern-day art. She certainly didn’t have a problem with it.
One of the staff-members on campus pokes her head over Angie’s shoulder to see what she was up to, and becomes increasingly disturbed by the artwork she was creating. 
“What… can’t you be a little more discreet?” 
Angie turns her attention to the flabbergasted woman behind her. With a small grin, she shakes her head. “Oh, no… is something wrong?” She’d seen this lady around before and believed she was new to the building.
“I don’t think anyone wants to see that, it’s nudity! Do you want me to write you up?” Her booming voice was somewhat intimidating.
Drawing her eyebrows together, Angie juts her lip out. “But… I’ve seen this woman before. I’m only recreating what I’ve seen,” she hesitates, “don’t have an issue with me, have an issue with her.”
It wasn’t entirely a lie… but she was leaving out some key details here. Obviously, the staff-member wasn’t listening and whipped out a detention slip, furiously scribbling on the paper.
As she begins to hand Angie the slip and command that she head straight to detention, the two women were caught off guard by a stranger.
It was another woman, holding a small dog whilst wearing a white top… which was wet, and she clearly wasn’t wearing a bra.
She was asking for directions somewhere, and the staff-member stares at the stranger, completely shocked. “See!” Angie exclaims cheerfully.
The woman crumples up the detention slip and completely forgets about the Artist directly to her left, blowing up at the woman in front of her and telling her that she has to cover up because, “There’s children around!”
The woman didn’t even seem to realize or care that she was blatantly exposed in broad daylight. 
It was so specific that Angie just assumed it was the doing of a higher-power looking out for her, not wanting her to get in trouble for simply creatively expressing herself.
Looking up at the sky, she whispers, “Thank you, Atua!” before resuming back to her now-realistic painting.
Kirumi Tojo
Kirumi was house-sitting for a client; she was a lot morehands-on and developed closer relationships with her clients than most Maidsdo.
The woman she was helping house-sit was currently nine months pregnant and liable togo into labor at any given time, which is something Kirumi felt ready for.
The two women drove to a nearby grocery store so they could pick some things upfor the house, under the client’s request.
Kirumi, impatient and tired of waiting for the red-light, did something shewould never do under normal circumstances and ran the red-light. It was all done without thinking since she was in a rush, but she quickly grew to regret this decision.
Sirens and flashing lights appeared in her rear-view mirror and she quickly realized thatan undercover police-officer must have been in the car directly behind them and she didn’trealize it.
Kirumi looks at her client who is giving her the same wide-eyed, worriedexpression. Fumbling at the steering wheel, an idea pops in her head.
Now… Kirumi wouldn’t normally lie, but getting a ticket whilst on duty would look really bad to future clients and she couldn’t afford losing her title as an Ultimate.
As the officer approaches, he bends down and looks in the car at Kirumi’snervous face. 
The Maid immediately spits out the first lie that comes to mind, somewhat throwing her client under the bus. 
“He-Hello Officer… I can explain. You see, my friend here is going into labor and we’re trying to make it to thehospital.” Her voice was mixed, both calm and desperate simultaneously.
She gives him a half-assed smile and shrug, trying her best to woo him into believing her. Kirumi was an awful liar and didn’t want to deceive authority, but she thought her client would understand.
Her body language seemed to give her away, and the Officer doesn’t look very impressed at first, sighing and whipping out his clipboard to give the Maid a ticket.
As she said that, the woman in the passenger seat felt a sudden, intense pressure in her abdomen and wetness pool around her thighs. She screams in pain and Kirumi turns, completely horrified.
This wasn’t just good acting… had she just spoken this into reality?! Now she was actually starting to panic and the police officer grew pale.
The two women went into a frenzy as her client started screaming for Kirumi to drive her to the hospital promptly.
Maybe getting pulled over wasn’t such a bad thing since now, they had a police escort guiding them.
 Tsumugi Shirogane
Tsumugi had been standing around Comic-Con forseveral hours now, simply observing the numerous cosplayers and becoming excitedwhenever she saw a character she particularly enjoyed. She loves the atmosphere herself and found pleasure in being surrounded by anime and manga characters.
She was out of cosplay herself, of course, since she rarely ever wears the costumesshe creates. To anyone else, she’d just look like a plain, normal person, but seemed a bit out of place in the sea of characters.
Tsumugi was loitering, which in itself isn’t a major crime but some of thesecurity was concerned that she was making the other attendees uncomfortable.
After all, she was just staring at them which is… a little odd.
They approached the blue-haired woman in a cluster. “Miss… why are you just standingaround here?”
Tsumugi scowls at them, unsure as to what she could’ve done wrong, a bitoblivious. A part of her was going to tell the truth but for somereason, a compulsive lie just happened to slip out instead.
“I’m waiting for a friend,” she hesitates and the security guards stare at her unconvinced,“…who’s in a… Misaki Mei cosplay…” The questioning tone in her voice should have given awaythat it was a lie – Tsumugi is an awful liar.
She shyly stares at them, trying her best to appear confident.
Exchanging glances, they were seconds away from escorting her out of theproperty for loitering.
All of a sudden, an actual Misaki Mei cosplayer walks past Tsumugi, a smallgirl whom she’s never seen before, and hardly glances in her direction – probably moreinterested in the security than in Tsumugi herself.
She bolts past the guards in a desperate attempt to convince them that she wasbeing truthful, even though it was a boldface lie, and embraces the young woman. The Mei cosplayer looks frightened and confused, awkwardly returning theembrace. “See, look!” Tsumugi exclaims.
The security can’t really refute it and walk away silently, even though the girl clearly didn’t know Tsumugi.
It was dumb luck that a girl dressed as the character she lied about just happened to walk by. Tsumugi, realizing that she’s still hugging the complete stranger, jumps back and laughs awkwardly.
Thank you for reading! Side-note, if any of you all know who Misaki Mei is, you’re an OG. She was just the first character to come to mind lol.
- Mod Rantaro
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prompt-master · 4 years
Hello! This is a different anon, but I wanted to ask why your opinion of hc-ing Tenko as bi is, well, what it is! I personally see no problem with it, but don’t really get where it comes from as I also think of her as a lesbian
Np! Thank you for wording this so kindly!
As someone who doesn't just see her as lesbian but thinks she is canonically lesbian myself I can understand why someone may hear "bisexual tenko" and think something is wrong. I have a few reasons for thinking bisexual Chabashira (any other sexuality hcs for any of the canon gays in dr tbh) is perfectly fine!
1) it hurts no one! Chabashira is not real, the person has their reasons for headcanoning her as such, and it will not erase your headcanon or the fact that lesbian chabashira is the popular headcanon!
2) as with all canoniclaly dr characters (yes, even sakakura) there is no explicit DISINTEREST in the other gender. Its a bit more foggy with Chabashira of course since she does have explicit disinterest in males. BUT if you do her fte youll learn her bias is a LEARNED one, not just because she is lesbian. It is absolutely possible that one day she could overcome this bias and realize that she likes men as well! I personally do not think so, but I can see why others might!
3) Chabashira is a lesbian stereotype! Shes your typical man hating lesbian whos kinda creepy and drooly towards women. So some people prefer to think of her as bisexual because they dont feel comfortable supporting that sterotype. Which is absolutely understandable!
I still believe her canon intention is to be lesbian, but I see no reason to be against this headcanon.
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the-apocryphal-one · 6 years
More than a Waifu: or, an analysis on Chiaki
This was typed up for a thing over on reddit, and I decided to share it here because I already put several hours into it, no sense letting it go to waste, right? Basically, it’s an analysis on Chiaki (both of them) and why she’s an interesting and relatable character, beyond mere “waifu bait”, as she is sometimes derogatorily called.
I’m aware DR3 doesn’t have the best reputation among the fanbase, but I still think covering the Chiaki there is important for understanding AI Chiaki, and I genuinely like her. So, let’s start:
Chiaki in DR3:
We’re introduced to Chiaki Nanami in the first episode when she literally bumps into Hajime while playing her game. After a couple seconds, she mumbles that she’s okay and is ready to move on with her life when he asks if she’s playing Gala Omega. Her blank demeanor changes and she becomes super excited, talking about how it’s such a classic and asking him how many times he’s played it as she gets up in his face. At this moment, Chisa arrives to pick her up, and before she leaves, Chiaki tells Hajime she thinks having a talent isn’t a big deal—“all I have are games”, while he can “go anywhere and become anything”.
An intro should establish some character traits, and this does a good job—she’s into games, she’s got some social awkwardness issues (not noticing she’s literally walked into someone or that he’s holding his hands up when she enters his personal space), she’s kind, and she doesn’t think much of herself or her talent. She’s also got some cute, romantically-lit moments with Hajime, establishing herself as #1 love interest candidate and a potential friend/emotional support.
Over the course of DR3, she has an arc where she grows from loner to class rep (and no she did not do this in less than a day, there’s mention of multiple lunches or classes, so it took her several to put everything together), becoming the heart of Class 77 and bringing them all together. She doesn’t do this on her own, however, because she feels that she can’t make friends with games—it takes Chisa’s encouragement to get her to try, and later Chisa’s pushing and nomination for her to actually accept the class rep position. She also, as expected, becomes Hajime’s friend at Hope’s Peak, reassuring him whenever he dwells on his lack of talent. Unfortunately, she’s not able to do enough to help him, and after he gets beaten down by Juzo Sakakura in Episode 3, he goes through with the Kamukura Project, disappearing for a whole year.
Episodes 4-7 don’t show us much of Chiaki, probably because they’re very focused on first Nagito, then Junko, Ryota, and Izuru. When we do see her, she’s usually looking sad, playing a game as she waits at their old haunts. I have my grips with this section because Episode 4 should have had more focus on Class 77’s reaction to Twilight Syndrome, to say nothing of how the six-month timeskip in Episode 5 should have been an episode of itself, because that would have been a great time to show more of her leadership growth. The qualities exist, but like almost everything else, they’re brushed over. Her waiting around does, however, indicate she’s very attached to Hajime and either very patient, clingy, or both, which makes sense—her various comments in Episode 1 indicate she had no friends before HPA, and he was the first one she made.
Anyway, after Episode 7 and the Tragedy of Hope’s Peak Academy, the Reserve Course starts parading, Mikan goes missing, and to top it off, it’s raining. Nagito makes his return from his year-long suspension, telling everyone he saw Mikan on the grounds, and they all split up to look for him—Chiaki going with Nagito. They stumble across the real Ryota Mitarai and Junko Enoshima, where Nagito reveals that he plans to kill her so she can be a stepping stone for hope. Chiaki protests at the idea of killing anyone, but its all moot as Nagito spends too long on speeches and Izuru comes in and shoots him. Chiaki recognizes Izuru as Hajime, but he doesn’t recognize her, and while they’re holding gazes, Chisa comes in to rescue them! But she stays behind to cover their escape. So Chiaki half-carries Nagito back to their class, where she rallies them together to go back and save their teacher and Hajime! And here is where everything goes downhill for her, because of her.
First, let’s just start with the fact that she didn’t tell anyone where they were going, or even leave this to the authorities. We know they have cell phones, we see her using hers as a light, and we know there are police. Hell, someone should have stayed behind with Nagito, who is half-conscious and just got shot in the chest—probably Mikan since she’s the nurse. Nobody in Class 77 thinks of this, but I hold Chiaki the most accountable since she’s their leader. She was warned several times—first by Chisa herself telling her to leave, then by Peko coming in injured from her fight with Mukuro, and then by Nagito Komaeda telling them to give up (and while he says he was testing her, she has no way of knowing that at the time)—and she still charged in, without a real plan and without a way out if things went wrong. She genuinely believed they could do this, that the power of their bonds as a class would triumph and save the day like in one of her video games. So no need for planning, right? Wrong.
Her attempted rescue goes exactly as well as you’d expect—Junko outplays them, separates Chiaki from the group, traps her in a dungeon, and then brutally tortures her to death while making Class 77 watch. It’s still really sad two years later and I’m not going to cover everything she goes through, but even here she still shows her grit and determination as she struggles on through a lot of wounds to make it to the end. Which is a trap, of course, and she’s impaled several times over. With that, Junko successfully brainwashes Class 77 into despair—which is a sticky issue among the franchise, and one I’m not gonna get into more than to point out that it was a combination of the brainwashing and the death that made them Ultimate Despair; Chiaki’s death on its own wouldn’t have worked.
Izuru comes in to talk to her, at which point she starts crying as she talks about how she regrets not being able to help anyone, how she doesn’t want to die, and how she just wanted to play games with him again. After she stops moving, he then picks up her hairpin and cries too, and is seen carrying it around with him after. It’s been established multiple times in Dangan Ronpa that people who lose their memories still carry feelings; Ryoko is still in love with Yasuke, Toko and Genocider both share their feelings for Byakuya and friendship for Komaru, and both the DR and SDR2 casts reform their bonds very quickly. So Izuru retaining Hajime’s feelings for Chiaki follows the series’ trend.
That’s pretty much the end of her story, except for two things—one, her struggle, speech, and death motivate Izuru to examine hope as something that could bring unpredictability into his life, which is why he masterminds the Killing School Trip. And two, in said Killing School Trip, there’s an AI who scans the patients’ memories so it can form their ideal person. As it happens, the entire class had an ideal person in mind, leading to…
AI Chiaki:
AI Chiaki stays in the background for most of the prologue—she doesn’t make herself a huge presence, like the Imposter or Nagito. Hajime’s introduction to her is similar to her DR3 counterpart, in that she’s gaming and there are some long pauses where she doesn’t respond, but it’s also relatively different. For one, she starts to nod off near the end of the conversation, and for another she stays relatively calm all throughout it. I mention this because while she’s based off human!Chiaki, she’s not the same person as her, and has her own differences—two of them being, she falls asleep a lot (theorized to be because she’s an AI and ‘loading’, but there’s no real proof of that), and she’s far calmer and more rational. The fact they aren’t the same person is something I think needs to be emphasized, because I know there are some people who consider them the same character.
In the first chapter, she’s relatively minor, keeping to herself. The moment she first starts to stand out is at the party, where she offers to stand guard with Monomi, and after the Imposter is murdered, where she uses her knowledge of video games to suggest keeping watch at the crime scene. She’s useful throughout the trial, but her big moment comes around the time Nagito reveals himself to not be your “ally character” like you’d thought, which I think is good timing. She makes the deduction that the ‘killer’ found their way to the table using the lamp cord, which stops everyone from giving up and moves the case forward.
After this, she becomes more important during the chapters—she’s Hajime’s primary investigation partner in Chapter 2, she helps him investigate the hospital in Chapter 3, she puts together what she thinks is a map of the Funhouse in Chapter 4, she stops Hajime from going into the Final Dead Room in that same chapter, and she’s a trial-point-getter up until her death. Before I cover that, I’m going to cover something else—her personality, or why calling her a Mary Sue is just using a stupid blanket term that doesn’t even make sense—*deep breath*
AI Chiaki is strange. If you’ve heard the term ‘Manic Pixie Dream Girl’, she’s like that, except instead of drawing the protagonist in with her strangeness, she irritates him. She’s either falling asleep when they investigate a new area, or she’s got her head in the clouds. And when she wants people to go somewhere, like to or from the ruins in Chapter 2, she gets a little forceful about making sure they go to that place. In the first two chapters, Hajime makes several inward comments about how annoying or pushy she is. Even after he’s warmed to her, he still gets baffled by her train of thought, sometimes wondering, “what even is this conversation?” She’s also kind of childish, which makes sense since she hasn’t been alive very long—during the Chapter 3 investigation, she tries to pull a prank on Hajime by pretending she wants him to gouge his eyes out before turning on the light in a room, because it’d be embarrassing if he “saw”. It’s like something in a bad anime, and it falls flat on its face. The writing and drawings in her diary are sloppy and crude, more akin to what you’d see from a pre-schooler than a teenage girl. This quirkiness is endearing on the surface, but in-universe, it’s not.
Her Free-Time Events also show that she lacks a lot of basic knowledge about the world, like what Girls’ Day is or where milk comes from, and mentions the flaw tied back to that strangeness—she doesn’t get dating sims. Or, to be more serious, she doesn’t get people. In her words, she’s not good at games where she has to maintain relationships and guess what characters are feeling. She can be good at the latter (which I’ll mention below), but she also makes her share of misses (as mentioned above) and isn’t the greatest at knowing when to share her guesses. She’s nervous about how people will react when she does something, and feels she’s best standing on the sidelines. This is why she doesn’t take a leadership role except in trials—the Imposter tries first, so she doesn’t feel it necessary, and after he dies the group just…splinters. You’ve got Kazuichi and Nekomaru tying up Nagito, Akane running off to fight Monokuma, Fuyuhiko sulking on his own, Hiyoko bullying Mikan, they’re a mess. She’s good at games dealing with calculations, so she can handle the trials, but she doesn’t feel like she can handle her classmates, so she doesn’t try—and this ties back to her human counterpart well. Yes, human!Chiaki became class rep, but only after being pushed to by Chisa. Without that push, she would have stayed on her own, like AI Chiaki does. It’s a nice little character trait that got strengthened by the anime, in my opinion.
So she’s kind of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, except her strangeness isn’t what makes Hajime like and rely on her more—it’s the moments where she’s kind and sensible. Like her human counterpart, she has a strong moral compass, and whenever she displays it, that’s when Hajime’s impressed. She’s usually compassionate towards the murderers and even jerks like Hiyoko or pre-development Fuyuhiko. She’s insightful, if a bit insensitive, like when she suggests the reason Fuyuhiko lived isn’t because of luck, but because Peko deliberately sacrificed herself for him, while Fuyuhiko is in the room and feeling depressed that is Peko is dead. Surprise, surprise, being reminded that Peko died for him makes his mood take a dive and he just wants to be left alone. She also has a very firm stance on killing: it’s wrong.
Throughout the game, AI Chiaki makes declarations that she hates the murders and won’t allow it to happen, but she frequently fails to accomplish this. In Chapter 1, she stands guard, but she’s at the completely wrong area to stop a murder (and even if she were in the cabin, she probably couldn’t have stopped it anyway). In Chapter 2, she plays the game, but doesn’t get the special prize before Fuyuhiko. In Chapter 3, she tries to find a cure for the despair disease with everyone else, but a murder happens first. In Chapter 4, there’s nothing to be done except starve to death. Her efforts are either wasted or not good enough.
Chapter 5 is the first time where she really could have made a difference—the conflict of that chapter is that Nagito is seeking the Future Foundation ‘traitor’, which is her, and takes increasingly drastic measures to do so. First by blowing up the hotel, then by threatening to blow up an island, and finally by masterminding his own death to get everyone but the traitor executed. As Chiaki herself muses in the final trial, if the traitor had revealed themselves, maybe Nagito wouldn’t have gone so far…except she literally couldn’t, because it was against her programming. When she was able to earlier help, her actions weren’t enough to prevent a killing; now that her actions could have prevented it, she is unable to do them. All she can do is drop a butt-ton of hints that she’s the traitor, forcing Hajime to oust her in order to save everyone else.
And there’s the crux. For all her declarations, all her tries, she’s powerless. Her programming, her very nature, makes her powerless. She could break it enough to think that she wanted to save everyone, and that’s incredible, but she needed the others’ help to complete her sacrifice. If Hajime hadn’t gone along with her, or if her diary hadn’t been found to prove she was the traitor, would she have been able to convince them anyway? We don’t know. What we do know is that her thinking freely is a miracle, yet she was still bound by her coding.
Her execution probably highlights the differences between her and her human counterpart the best—while human!Chiaki is crying, gasping in pain, and screaming, AI Chiaki keeps a relatively blank face all throughout. She doesn’t panic or flinch when the huge tank is bearing down on her, nor when Tetris blocks are falling all around her. She tries to escape, but when she has nowhere to run, she accepts it. She goes to her death willingly and with a smile, whereas human!Chiaki had a more, well, human reaction of not wanting to die.
Finally, AI Chiaki makes an appearance to Hajime in the last trial, when he’s spiraling into despair and doubt over all the pressure being placed on him. She delivers a speech about how he’s not part of the game and can make his own future, while reassuring him that she knows he’s scared and that she will never disappear so long as they keep moving forward. She also acts more like her human counterpart here, reciting words human Chiaki told Izuru (“If you just do it, things will work out okay!”) and referencing that she knew him in the past. The scene is pretty ambiguous about whether she’s really there or just Hajime’s hallucination/memories, and I think it’s the better for it, honestly. However, some small part of her is able to help him defeat AI Junko, as shown by her declaring “no, that’s wrong!” in time with him, and she answers his thanks (after he’s gone, of course) with a declaration that she’ll always be watching them…from somewhere. It’s a poignant moment made more poignant when you compare it to last chapter; then, who and what she was—a traitor and an AI—stopped her from preventing a disaster, and it was only with Hajime’s help that she was able to successfully sacrifice herself. Here, who and what she is—Chiaki Nanami, Hajime’s emotional support/love interest/friend/potential ghost or hallucination—is what enables her to successfully prevent a disaster, and she’s able to lift Hajime up on her own.
She doesn’t show up in Side:Hope for more than a brief moment, and fun fact, it’s still ambiguous if she’s really there and if Hajime can see her or not—his dialogue is written in a way that could be construed as him talking to himself. Her brief screentime has her explaining what I explained at the beginning—that she’s an AI who took on Chiaki’s form from their memories—and that this is the future she gave her life for. She then fades away with a smile as Hajime rejoins the rest of the class.
Frankly, I think there’s a lot to love about Chiaki. She’s a socially-awkward gamer, which is something a lot of us either like (being gamers) or can relate to. She has an arc about growing from that loner to someone who can be counted on. She’s a sweetheart who does her best to help her friends succeed; sometimes that isn’t enough, like DR3 Chiaki, and sometimes she needs help herself, like AI Chiaki, but she doesn’t let it stop her from still trying. There are stumbles in DR3 Chiaki’s writing, but I still believe she’s a good character, and that both she and her AI counterpart have nice relationships with Hajime and Class 77. They’re great girls, and I hope this analysis helped fans remember what we love about Chiaki beyond “she’s my waifu”.
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shinobisage09 · 6 years
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. (taken from Pyropsychiccollector)
My Three Fandoms: Fairy Tail ~ Naruto ~ Danganronpa
The first character you loved:
Fairy Tail: Natsu Dragneel
Naruto: Sasuke Uchiha
Danganronpa: Chiaki Nanami/Junko Enoshima
The character you never expected to love so much:
Fairy Tail: Brandish Mu ~ :3 Solely became the best ever.
Naruto: Tayuya~ / Kakashi Hatake/ Kurotsuchi~/ Madara Uchiha.../ Minato Namikaze / Kushina Uzumaki / Konan / Obito Uchiha / Shisui Uchiha
Danganronpa: Kyouko Kirigiri (Literally 5 minutes into playing the first game I loved her lol) / Kokichi Ouma
The character you relate to the most:
Fairy tail: Cana Alberona
Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki. This was a picky one because it was a tie between him and Sasuke. And I have reasons for it, but I ultimately went with Naruto.
Danganronpa:  Hajime Hinata
The character you’d slap:
Fairy Tail: Lucy Heartfillia,... Anna Heartfilia..... (Earthland) Jellal Fernandes…. They need slaps with the infinity Gauntlet. at the least.
Naruto: Danzou Shimura. ...*sighs*. Danzou...is literally the bane of everyone’s existence. OR most. Even if you hate Sasuke... Danzou is the man who was like “Hey Shisui... I see you’re gonna use Kotoamatsukami to change Fugaku’s mind... err... I don’t trust you not using it on me... you’re an Uchiha... soo.. I’m gonna rip it out...and make Itachi murder everyone”. Oh and not only THAT but he was ALSO a major contributor to Nagato and Konan’s suffering since he convinced Hanzou that their Akatsuki was a threat and was why Yahiko die. @___@. And. Sakura Haruno. Like. Every little thing about her annoyed me. I mean don’t get me wrong, she was pretty cool after the timeskip, but she also annoyed me even more. Like. It was amazing. I mean I never understood the constant pining for a guy who repeatedly made note he had not an inch of care for her. at the least... and she screws Naruto around too, and like. C’mon.
Danganronpa: Byakuya Togami... Nagito Komaeda... Ruruka Andoh....Izayoi Sohnosuke...Juzo Sakakura...
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
Fairy Tail: Gray Fullbuster. See, at first I thought he was pretty cool ice mage... looked awesome, nice rivalry with Natsu. But as soon as Juvia perked around his character started...to drop. Now it isn’t so bad, but Gray... has the same problem as Jellal (i’ll get to him in a second), he’s not upfront...like at all. And because of this he just lets Juvia waste her time around him... and then he abandons her for six months... like, regardless of the reason, she almost died. And THENNN, just because Natsu gets involved with the Book of E.N.D. Gray goes sudden Sasuke all of a sudden and is like “screw you Natsu, I don’t care if I have to kill you for it. My dad said ---” and THEN it got worse in the Alvarez arc. That after ALL the years he was with Natsu was just like “Natsu is my enemy! He’s an evil demon who killed Juvia!” and then tries to kill him... when Natsu only went to kill Zeref.... . Jellal Fernandez (Earthland).  *sighs in agony*  I’ll...keep this short. See. Jellal was introduced as this badass mage who infiltrated the Magic Council. He had cool magic, was a fantastic antagonist... and then... he’s this soulless... lifeless... shell. All he ever did after that was brood and mope to Erza, and keeps telling her how much he hates everything in life. Doesn’t ever smile when one of the hottest girls is next to him. And it only got worse when he acted so sorry for himself that Erza has to be the one to defend him because he doesn’t have his own spine. For a guy who constantly says “I need to atone” he always acts like he wants people to pity him because he can’t man the f--- up and take responsibility. It’s often common that he’s compared to Sasuke, but Sasuke doesn’t make people pity him, and he takes responsibility. People like to say he lies to Erza to save her, but that’s WORSE. Because he can’t flat out say “No Erza, we can’t be together, move on”. Why is it worse? Because lying to her and being ambiguous makes it so she doesn’t want to move on “just incase” he change his mind. So not only has he destroyed his own badass character by having not a bone in his body, but he also destroys one of Fairy Tail’s best developed character because he refuses to let go of his hold on her. I say “earthland” because Edolas Jellal/Mystogan, is leagues better... who actually HAS a conscious, personality and accepts responsibility.
Naruto: Kankuro. See.... I don’t hate Kankuro... but, in Part 1 he was shown to be a bad ass with his Puppets... you know. And in part 2... Ughh.. Ever since Sasori kicked him around with no problem... Kankuro just... fell... I mean he hasn’t done else much since he’s Gaara’s aide, and still... Temari was still cool. 
Danganronpa: Nagito Komaeda (it’s not too weird, but at least I was open to his character before he went crazy…. Or showed his crazy. And then he went and acted like a dick to Hajime because he was Reserve Course, and then he got Nanami to throw that poisoned fire grenade…. >.>) <----------- Pretty much the same reason. 
Three otps:
Fairy Tail: Natsu x Erza.
Naruto: (My OTP isn’t accepted by virtually 98% of the world so I’m not going to bother post it)
Danganronpa: Makoto x Kyouko/Tanaka x Sonia~
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