#that your whole week of failing to meet productivity is bc you were assigned to train a new person
peachsunset · 1 year
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo?
Genre: light angsty fluff, high school au, female reader insert
Member(s): Stray Kids’ Minho (ft. Jisung and the lads)
Word count: 2991
Warnings: light swearing, light pda at the end
Summary: you and Minho had been best friends since you could walk but it seems only you had developed a crush on him. Will a late class and a small two man production of Romeo and Juliet change his mind or does he really not like you? Featuring the rest of the crackheads with their leader, Han Jisung, love is in the air at school and a certain someone is just oblivious to it.
Authors note: based off the following request “All time fav cliché best friends to lovers with Minho (stray kids) angsty fluff where reader (preferably female) thinks her love is one sided, but turns out it’s not. Good ending”. I hope this is something to what you wanted and sorry it’s not heavy on the angst pls enjoy !!
-You and Minho had een best friends for years and you always had the tiniest crush on Minho but it escalated a lot over the summer as Minho glowed UP
-Wow u are whipped
-However whipped as you are for him he never seemed to reciprocate it
-You even went out with on valentine’s day 3 (three?!) years in a row but his thick skull didn’t acknowledge it and just thought it was another friends doing friends things
-So, you moved on
-I mean he’s your best friend you can’t let your crush get in the way of things
-You were there for him whenever he argued with his parents or friends, he was stressed about school or failed a test and uwu
-You’re just the bestest of friends and everyone is jealous (tho most think you are dating)
-You guys always hang out in school together bc you’re in the same friendship group
-And youre in most of the same classes, so you normally walk together
-Minho managed to make the BOTH of you late to ur first class bc his dumb ass slept through his alarm and u had to basically drag him out of bed lmao
-So u rock up late for class
-Ur teacher is NOT impressed
-So as a punishment they give u a script of a play and told to learn it by next week
-U groan when u see the title of the play
-Romeo and Juliet
- Oh no
-This won’t end well
-You glance at Minho to see if he has any reaction bc,,,,, hello ur dying on the inside and probably the outside and you can hear Jisung and felix trying to hold in their laughs at u
-(you make a mental note to beat their asses later)
-And Minho
-Is very unfazed as he flicks through the script
-Ur kinda disappointed
-I mean it’s not fair how you’re a literal MESS trying not to let the floor swallow u up in embarrassment tbh
-So,, the two of you practice outside of class at ur guys’ house and you can’t help but notice how utterly unfazed he was by this whole ordeal
-Ur both literally reciting the most well-known love story on this planet and yet,,,,, nothing
-Not an ounce of feeling that he likes you
-I mean,,, he’s not a bad actor and his romeo makes u SWOON but honestly you swoon for irl Minho not just romeo Minho
-As you stutter over some of the lovey-dovey lines u hear Minho laugh a little and tells u to redo it
-his little shit
-After a week of practice, you guys are ready to perform this goddamn piece
-I may add that ur teacher only gave you the condensed version and not the whole play
-It just so happens that the condensed version only focuses on romeo and juliet’s love
-Bc English teachers amirite?
-So the two of you turn up to class ON TIME this week, not wanting to get ur ass beat again
-And ur just the tiniest bit nervous bc !!!! hello !!!! ur performing with ur crush !!!!
-U glance over at ur seatmate Jisung who gives u a big thumbs up
-Everything is going well, u don’t stutter and Minho is just the perfect romeo
-Until the final scene I may add
-As you lay “dying” as Juliet, Minho runs onto the scene and spots u laying down
-He walks up to u and goes to kneel
-Before you both knew it, he stumbled
-And fell
-Lips centimetres apart from each other
-OWO what’s this
-U swear the whole class are holding their breaths and can hear ur damn heartbeat
-U stare at Minho in shock for what must have been a minute
-Neither one of you tearing ur eyes apart from the other
-It wasn’t until you hear ur teacher cough slightly that the two of you snap out of it and Minho pulls away
-He finishes the scene off with no problem and honestly,,,, u don’t even register it’s over until Minho offers his hand to help you stand up
-You grab it, flushing a hella lot bc,,,,, u nearly kissed ur crush in front of ur whole class RIP
-Ur teacher was impressed with u guys and let you off the next assignment ur class had (if only u were aware of this then u would hear the whole class esp Jisung groan)
-As u go back to ur seat,,, ur eyes drift back to Minho and ur thoughts go back to that last scene and his lips……
-“yah Y/N ! u and minho were so close I swear you were gonna kiss you shoulda seen ur face!!!!! I thought for real that Minho was just gonna plant one on you !”
-Smh Jisung
-Poor baby,,, u just sit in shock trying to concentrate
-Hint: it doesn’t work
-Ur plagued with thoughts of Minho for the rest of the day,,,,, I mean you already were but now it’s like sensory overload but with Minho
-But u know he doesn’t like you
-Lmao why would he
-He surely would’ve spoken to you about by now esp after that near kiss in class
-But this dumbass is still oblivious
-School ends and ur trying to forget about the near kiss
-But in this, you forget that Minho has a habit of walking you home
-So there he is
-Leaning on your locker waiting for you to turn up
-His blazer was off, shirt sleeves rolled up, blonde hair tousled and wavy (ladies, imagine Minho like this I’m crying)
-U feel ur heart literally stutter
-I swear that’s a medical condition Y/N
-“Let’s stop by the convenience store, my treat” he smiles down at you as he moves out the way so u can get to ur locker
-Dude,,,,, u need to stop before I melt into the floor
-“Uhhhh I can’t I have,,,,,, a study session at the library gotta work on some literature stuff u know ahaha”
-Minho frowns but doesn’t react massively
-Secretly he thinks its hella cute that ur tryna avoid him but that’s for another time
-“Okay, don’t study too hard and I’ll treat you another time. Text me when you get home”
-Anyone who overhears this would be like wow 10/10 relationship goals tbh
-U however, a self-proclaimed dumbass, don’t dwell on it too much
-You guys tend to grab food after school together
-Minho pulls you in for a hug before leaving
-Oof ur heart is stuttering again
-How you made it to the library for ur study session is a wonder tbh
-25 minutes later finds you groaning into ur books cursing minho’s name
-That’s when u realise 2 things, 1) that wow ur a FOOL bc there is no literature homework bc of ur work from earlier and 2) Minho is very bad for your health and u gotta avoid him for ur own sake
-U walk into school with this resolve
-It doesn’t work
-Minho is in practically every single one of ur classes
-So u practically have to run from each class to avoid him
-Which leaves Minho very confused
-He doesn’t walk with anyone else from class or treat them like he does to you
-Which makes Jisung very jealous,,, bc why can’t Minho treat him like this
-Little did you know Minho has a PHAT crush on you and Jisung is PLAGUED by the both of u gushing about the other
-So when you start avoiding him even more Minho is extremely put out bc what does he do now who does he spend time with now
-(jeongin: we’re still here hyung!!!)
-Being the good friend he is, he gives u space but is still v sad about it
-And honestly, ur sad too bc as much as you love spending time with Jisung,,,,,, he’s no Minho lmao
-One night after school Minho is kicking round the football field with the others and that’s when he realises
-He’d much rather spend his time with you
-It’s not that he doesn’t love his friends, he just happens to love you even more
-But how can he reach out to you when ur avoiding him still
-Jisung notices how glazed over Minho’s eyes and knows
-*cracks knuckles* it’s time
-Jisung sends Minho home telling him to grow some chest hair n text u lmao
-Minho does go home but does not text you bc he’s just a nervous boy
-Jisung to the lads: “now he’s gone, we gotta make a plan for the two lovebirds they’re so BLIND I’m sick of it I might just confess to Minho myself”
-Chan: “……….”
-Jisung: “that was a joke old man, let’s focus pls ladies”
-So the plan
-Was it an elaborate one?
-Definitely not
-Lmao have u seen these kids they’re a bunch of crackheads
-Baso,,,, they’re just following the classic let’s text them separately to meet up as a front but SIKE it’s just the two of you alone
-Fool proof right?
-Somehow it is???
-The two of you don’t expect anything is going on
-So it’s the weekend when the plan is put into action
-It’s been 17 days since you last spoke to Minho not that you had been counting haahaha okay yesyouhaveitsnotlikeyoumisshimoranything
-You wake up to a text from Jisung saying that him, felix, hyunjin, and changbin were going for ice cream and whether you wanted to go
-Which duh??? Ice cream???
-U needed it so you dragged yourself out of bed to get ready
-Little did you know that Minho too had received a text from Woojin saying that him and the others (a.k.a the family,,,,, Woojin, chan, seungmin and jeongin) were going for ice cream
-And Minho wasn’t passing up the chance esp when there was a high probability that chan would pay lmao
-*in the master gc of getting Minho and Y/N together*
-Jisung: excellent
-So 1pm rolls by and ur there at the ice cream parlour waiting for the others to rock up
-U go to order bc honestly boys take so long to get ready istg
-As you give ur order a voice behind goes “and a matcha ice cream as well please”
-Why of all the ppl to turn up
-It’s the one ur trying to avoid
-U turn to face him
-Felix, somewhere: beYONCE?
-Ur in shock bc 1) why is here? 2) who allowed him to look so good in white ripped jeans ur DYING HERE 3) where is everyone else?
-That’s when u realise
-Jisung is a snake and ur friendship is over
-Y/N is taking applications for a new friend who isn’t called Han Jisung thank you
-Ur heart is stuttering bc Minho looks so boyfriend ur not okay
-Safe to say those 17 days did NOTHING in swaying your crush on him
-“Is that all?” oh yikes yeah this isn’t a drama scene Y/N where ur crush confesses to u, someone has to pay at this point and the queue behind the two of u is getting impatient lmao
-You whip around blushing “uh yeah that’s everything” u reply stuttering and trying to whip out ur card
-Before you can, Minho’s arm stretches out in front of u and taps the machine in front of you
-Istg u feel butterflies in ur stomach at Minho being in such close contact with u
-U can feel the heat radiating on ur back
-You get ur ice cream and u go to leave the shop but Minho grabs your arm
-U turn to him questioningly to be met with slightly hurt eyes
-Did I do that to him?
-Yes u fool
-“Sit with me. Please?”
-How can you refuse that
-It’s so awkward
-“Are you okay? Why are you avoiding me? Did something happen? Just let me know if you’re okay?”
-Owo my heart
-“uh,, no nothing’s happening….. I’m just busy u know??? Hahaaha school is really kicking my ass”
-Minho just nods and takes a spoonful of ice cream so u do the same
-“Just let me know if I can help you in anyway, I’m always here for you. Don’t suffer alone, I hate seeing you so down?”
-Honestly,,,,, u just about melt at this
-Putting ur spoon down and u look at him
-Now or never, Y/N
-“Okay…. I’ll let you know what’s the real problem. It’s you, mr lee Minho.”
-Minho is SHOCKED why is he the problem
-“Please let me finish or else I’ll never have the courage to do this again. You have no right to be stealing my heart yet again by nearly kissing me in the middle of class. Do you know how embarrassing that was, I really just wanted to kiss you and I would’ve combusted if you did but you didn’t which made it worse. Why didn’t you kiss me? I’ve literally been sending you signals for nearly two years, and that’s saying something because I saw you in your awkward teen phase and still liked you, and you haven’t even responded. So I avoided you because my heart keeps stuttering whenever I’m near you I’m surprised you can’t hear it. I mean you’re so hot I just wanna kiss you, especially since that day all I can think about is your lips as you were SO close to me this is the worst time to confess but I really like you Lee Minho.”
-And breathe Y/N
-And Minho is no better
-How dare his crush confess before he can smh
-He sits in shocked silence trying to process this information
-You, however, are dying
-That’s it, he’s not replying he doesn’t like you Y/N LEAVE
-So u try to
-But as you stand up so does Minho
-And his hand shoots out to grab your shirt and he just plants one on you ????? in the middle of a damn ice cream parlour?????
-Ur in shock
-The man of your dreams,,,,, kissing you ???? more likely than you think ??? so u kiss him back ??? ofc u do how could you not
-It tastes of matcha and strawberry ice cream and something,,, so inherently Minho u just wanna keep kissing him tbh
-Y’all break apart and honestly,, you sit back down in shock
-“That…. Was some confession Y/N”
-“Shut up!”
-“Hey, it’s okay babe. I like you too. Sorry my confession isn’t as grand as yours but,,,, I like you and always have done”
-“So please, Y/N, be my girlfriend” his hand stretches across the table nervously
-You smile as u see his hand creep across the table and you reach for him, intertwining your fingers
-He smiles back even bigger and pulls you out of the shop
-You guys had a lot of time to make up for ajbfaiubsag
-So,,, Monday rocks around and you walk to school with Minho this time, rather than mooching in with headphones in
-You guys walk to your normal spot before school starts and Minho is telling you some story about Felix, Changbin and Hyunjin when u hear a scream and lots of wolf whistles
-Spoiler: it’s Jisung and the lads
-You laugh as you take a seat next to him as chan grumbles about his wallet being drained AGAIN by his kids’ appetites
-As the hollering quietened down Jisung taps ur shoulder
-“Sooo, you guys are official now? After years of pining ???”
-Rather than deigning Jisung with a worded response a wicked plan forms in ur head
-You tapped Minho’s shoulder to divert his attention from Seungmin
-As he faced you, you grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a kiss
-He was a little shocked at how brazen you were bc hello this is school and these are ur friends but honestly,,, he freaking LOVED it
-He smiled into the kiss and one hand rested on your waist as the other rested on your jaw pulling you deeper into the kiss
-“there ARE CHILDREN HERE OH MY GOD” u heard chan yell distantly
-You couldn’t help but break apart from Minho, laughing as you catch chan covering jeongin’s eyes in distress
-You turned back to Jisung
-“Does that answer your question?”
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