#still trying not to be upset even though I basically got an apology for the nonsense
peachsunset · 10 months
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notsoattractivearenti · 9 months
I'm All Yours (Mason Mount x Fem!Reader) 🔞
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WC: 1.2K
Warnings: SMUT, oral sex (m receiving), curse and vulgar words. MINORS DNI
A/N: i think we all know why i wrote this one 🫣🤭 this was meant to be a fluff but somehow i started to write smutty lines and there was no turning back lmao blame mason. yes this is short, not proofread and i'm not good at writing smut btw so apologies in advance if this isn't decent 🫣 tho i hope you guys enjoy and i’d love to hear your thoughts thru ask/reply/reblog 🫶🏻 apologies for any errors! feedbacks are highly appreciated 🤍
After 5 weeks out because of the injury he picked up at the Spurs game in August, Mason was finally back on the field for a game against Crystal Palace for the EFL Cup. Throughout the recovery process, he was very determined to heal and get better than before because he didn’t like being away from the pitch for so long. All he wants is to give the new club and the fans the best performance – and getting injured was really upsetting for him, but he didn’t want to let it mess with his head. During his comeback game, he played really well during the first half before getting subbed off – he even did an assist from a corner kick which was perfectly finished by Casemiro with a header goal. Watching how he had gained his confidence back after injury and got to prove that he is a deserving addition to the team – unlike what some people said – made you feel even prouder than you’ve ever been of him.
When he went home after the game, he couldn’t stop telling you how good it felt to go back and win. He was also very happy he was able to make an assist, though he is now aiming for at least one goal for the next game.
“You know, Mase, the fans were very happy with how you played,” you told him with pride, “I’m delighted that you’re back, you were amazing.”
“Thank you, my love, I’ll keep trying to deliver. I’m going to give the best I can. For the fans, and most importantly you.” He smiled.
Little did the fans know, he had an advertisement video with Nike Underwear – which had been prepared from a while ago – and now ready to be posted. After the incredible game he just had the day before, uploading the video felt like perfectly timed to treat his fans. 
You weren’t present on the set when Mason and the Nike team shot the video, but you saw the pictures he had on his phone – for your benefit, he said teasingly. Since the first time he showed you those pictures, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of his phone. You slowly and carefully checked them out one by one, zoomed them in and out because you didn’t want to miss every little detail. 
“Fuck…” you panted.
“Mason… These are… Insanely hot.”
He was sitting next to you and noticed how your pupils were dilated, your breathing became heavy, and how you kept biting your lip – you were basically drooling over his pictures and he was really satisfied by your reaction.
“Uh, baby, you good?” He asked as he grinned cheekily.
“What?” You glanced at him for a second. “Oh, I...”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence. Those pictures just made you speechless – that man drove you crazy. And before you know it, you were feeling all hot and heavy and your pussy was dripping wet.
“Baby, I’m gonna need a minute…” You whimpered. “Now all that I think about is how bad I want to suck your dick and have your cum in my mouth. Thanks a lot, fucker.”
“Well…” he kissed your neck, then whispered in your ear, “I would very much love that.”
You looked at him and tried to make sure he really wanted you to give him a head. He assured you by unbuttoning his pants and pulled them down.
“Whenever you’re ready, Y/N.” 
You kissed him on the lips and immediately kneeled between his legs and started by rubbing his massive bulge to build up the arousal. Mason still had his boxers on, and when you felt his bulge became harder, you gently pulled them down.
The second his boxers came off, his dick was already fully erect and you couldn’t wait to have it inside your mouth. You started by spat on his hard dick and stroked it up and down. As your hand moved all over his dick, he bit his lip and let out a few moans.
“Mmm… Fuck… That feels good…”
You kept stroking and gave his dick tight squeezes a few times too.
“Y/N… Stop teasing, please…” He growled.
“Tell me what you want now, baby.”
“I want my cock… Inside your fucking mouth…” He begged.
You began by licking his dick up and down for a short while, then swirling your tongue on the tip. His breath hitched – the way your tongue felt around the head made his heart pound and he was feeling all flushed. You dipped your tongue into his slit, and he clenched both his fists and thighs. 
“Ohhh… F-f-fuck…” He panted.
With your hand still stroking, you slowly put his dick deep into your mouth. You started moving up and down at a slow pace, and gradually changed your pace. As you engulfed his dick within your sloppy mouth, he gripped your hair and you were making eye contact with him which he loves so much – he always thinks the eye contact made the action a lot sexier and he isn’t wrong.
“Don’t stop, baby…” He bit back a moan.
The faster and deeper you went, the more intense the waves of pleasure he had. When you moaned, he could feel the vibration coming from your throat and it gave a sexy touch.
“Y/N…”  he murmured, “I’m fucking close…”
The moment you heard him you sucked faster than before and his body began to shiver. He squeezed his eyes shut, soaking the pleasure in.
“Yeah, cum in my mouth.”
“I’m about to cu- ohhh…”
Suddenly, time stopped ticking and his vision faded to black. An explosion of pure bliss just hit and left him breathless. At that moment, he filled your mouth with his cum for you to swallow.
He lied on the bed and was breathing heavily, unable to speak even a word.
“Good fuck, Y/N,” he exhaled, “that was amazing.”
You got up and smiled, now about to clean up. “Mmhmm.”
As you cleaned up, you playfully asked him, “Mase, have you eaten a lot of fruits lately?”
He laughed. “Yeah, I think I have. Tasted sweet, didn’t it?”
You licked your lips – which were still covered with his cum – and nodded in agreement. “Love it.”
When the advertisement video was ready, he showed it to you before it got uploaded.
“Woah, you’re going to post this with no warning?” You jokingly asked.
“Yeah, no… Why?” He was confused for a moment.
“Mase, you do know how people are going to react, right? You’re literally wearing nothing but underwear and they can see your bulge? They’re going to go crazy, my love.”
He finally understood why and chuckled.
“Oh baby… I surely don’t mind.” He winked.
“Ugh, please.” You playfully rolled your eyes.
“Hey, don’t worry,” he stood in front of you and gently lifted up your chin, “you are the only one who gets to see and experience the whole show whenever you want to.”
He gave you little kisses starting from your forehead, nose, cheeks then a big one on your lips.
“Just so you know,” he added, “I’m all yours, Y/N.”
You blushed and laughed when you heard him say what he said. 
“Mmm… Lucky me.”
taglist: @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream @swimmingismywholelife @chilwellspulisic @bracedes @lovelynikol16 @thoseboysinblue @lizzypotter14 @masonsrem @landoslover
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AITA for being upset at how my former friends treated me?
tw: suicide and animal death
So for some context this was a very close knit friendgroup, for several years, of about 10 people, including me and my then partner. Also, everyone here is an adult.
Basically, one day I was in a really really bad place mentally. A beloved family pet was going to be put down soon, this dog had been a part of my life for almost half my life, and I was inconsolable and struggling to cope with this. During a discussion about some random interest I got too mean/harsh about it and it turned into an argument.
I know this was not justified and my grief wasn't an excuse, and I knew it then too and apologized to the people involved, and was met with overwhelming support, I was told "it's ok, we understand you're going through a rough thing right now, we're here to support you and you'll always have a place in this group"
Then my partner messaged me. They had not been part of the discussion at all, but they told me they felt hurt and wanted us to take a break. However, I misinterpreted that as a break up (combination of language barrier and me already being in shambles. This miscommunication is not something my ex can be blamed for)
This was an extremely serious relationship, we had been together for 2 years at that point and had a lot of future plans and such, so that on top of already grieving made me have a mental breakdown.
So, I vented on my personal tumblr. My vents did not mention/vague/allude to the situation at all, they amounted to "I feel terrible I can't do this anymore" and could very well have been only about my dog, or just about my depression in general. I also should point out that my ex doesn't use tumblr at all, so I didn't think he'd ever see those vents, and I certainly didn't want him to. And I also would not have reacted like that if I had known it was a temporary break. I know I still shouldn't have vented on a public blog, and it was hurtful no matter what. I wasn't thinking clearly at the time.
The next day, after our dog was put down, I sought support from my friends, but was suddenly met with "we're not impressed with how you've acted, get therapy, bye" and was kicked from the group. Several of them blocked me everywhere instantly.
Unbeknownst to me, someone had sent my vents to my ex and they had shown them to the others, and they'd drawn the conclusion that I was upset about a temporary break and was venting to try to guilt my ex into getting back with me. And not a single one of them brought this up to me. Again, we'd all been friends for several years at that point and this was literally the day after telling me I'd always be a part of the group and they were here for me. I couldn't even defend myself because no one would tell me anything, I asked many times but was told "you know what you did" even though I clearly didn't. I thought they'd all changed their minds about the previous day out of nowhere, or that this was because of (what I thought was) the breakup. I only learned what they actually thought much later. Oh, and my ex told me I needed therapy and he never wanted anything to do with me again (which is when I learned I'd been wrong about the breakup).
Again, I know me venting was harmful no matter what, so in that regard I am the asshole, but I still feel like there's a difference between what I did and deliberate manipulation, and surely people I'd been friends with for years could have spoken to me before assuming things?
So at that point I'd lost a beloved pet, my partner, and most of my close friends, within a day. So at that point I tried but failed to commit suicide, and was hospitalized.
While in the hospital, I didn't get a single word from any of my friends, except for one person. Supposedly, everyone had been "worried out of their minds" when they saw my suicide note. But not worried enough for a single word.
Even the one person who talked to me got extremely defensive and angry if I so much as implied I felt hurt by the group's actions. They even tried to hold it over my head how "despite everything you did X and Y were super worried about you" as if being worried about someone comitting suicide is some kind of heroic saint.
I asked to be allowed to talk things out with them, but was told "the others aren't comfortable associating with you", so I had to write a fucking google doc letter. I explained the situation from my perspective, apologized for my actions etc, but also made it clear that I felt hurt and didn't think their reaction was justified and that they should have at least talked to me first, and that I was very open to talking things out in person if any of them wanted to get back to me.
None of them did. Apparently they were writing a formal collective response letter to me. At which point I had enough of the silent treatment and said that if any of them had anything to say to me they could do so in person. Which made the group extremely angry because I was "silencing" them.
About three people got back to me, and all of their responses amounted to "we don't owe you an apology, our actions were justified because we thought you'd done something bad and we were just trying to protect [my ex] and the fact that you're upset about it proves you are bad" one of them compared me to their abuser.
They also said they'd been "having issues with my behavior for a long time now", I wish I could elaborate here in case it'd impact judgement, but I can't because none of them specified, and NOTHING of the sort had been brought up to me previously.
So. Again, I know I am the asshole to some extent, because regardless of my mindset me venting on my tumblr was still harmful, but I also feel like I was treated unfairly and cruelly by my former friends. AITA here?
What are these acronyms?
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ox1-lovesick · 2 years
ᥫ᭡ 투바투 ── reaction to you being close with another member
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ꜝꜝ🍓 pairing. txt x gn!reader genre. fluff, angst, crack warnings. swearing (?) wc. 100-200 each
ꜝꜝ🍓 synopsis. how txt feels about you being close with the other members
ꜝꜝ🍓 a/n. back with another reaction cause writing is hard 💀👎 hope you enjoy !
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i think we can all agree that yeonjun is the type that get's jealous pretty frequently 💀 he just wants your attention to be on him and him only at all times 🫶
of course he was ecstatic that you got along so well with his friends and how they basically adopted you into the group the second you walked through the door
although what he's not so ecstatic about is you and taehyun giggling amongst yourselves like the rest of them aren't there 🤕
with taehyun being one of the more shy and conserved members, he was both in awe and really happy that you were able to get him out of his shell and that taehyun could be comfortable around you
and he still is, don't get me wrong. he just wished the two of you would tone it down a notch
he's not exactly a fan of seeing you two cuddling with each other, cooking with each other, reading with each other, joking around with each other 😟
so when he comes home later that day and sees you both huddled up on the couch together watching some animal documentary while sharing snacks, he's not very happy
that was your thing, the thing you did with him almost every night, he should be there all snuggled up next to you devouring a pack of oreos instead of taehyun 🙁
he's not toxic of course and isn't going to cut you off from each other, but he will shove himself in the middle of you to create a barrier and assert dominance
although that doesn't seem to do the trick because even as yeonjun is literally ontop of you, you continue talking to taehyun about killer whales and what not like he isn't there
he swears his blood starts boiling when he sees taehyun feed you an oreo, right infront of his face too 😟
unfortunately loses his cool a little and tells taehyun to back off before stealing the packet right from his hands
immediately feels guilty though because taehyun decides to leave, leaving him with a very angry partner
and although you are really upset with him for talking to taehyun like that, you decide to let him explain himself because yeonjun isn't one to lash out for no reason
after you both talk it out and come to an agreement, you drag him over to taehyun's room so he can apologize
and then all three of you head back to the couch to finish your documentary (with taehyun sitting at the other end of the couch this time)
being the leader of the group, i think soobin would be very hesitant to introduce you to them because he feels like he has to be sure of himself and the relationship
after all why would he waste his member's time if he wasn't ?
so when he finally does decide that it's time, he's so relieved that all of them really liked you 💔
although when one of them startd to like you a little too much for his liking, it creates a problem
beomgyu was a ray of sunshine, there's no doubting that
he was kind, he was caring and most of all he was funny, what wasn't there for you to like about him?
soobin didn't like your new found interest in gyu not one bit.
he's so nasty to beomgyu when you two are together HELP ME
if beomgyu tried to hug you he'd physically pry him off you because he should be the only one touching you 🤨
of course he's only pushing his luck because it's beomgyu and beomgyu finds it funny, he's not actually so jealous that he doesn't want beomgyu breathing near you (maybe he is)
with that being said beomgyu will do everything in his power to provoke him
he'll sling an arm around you, give you cheek kisses, hold your hand when walking in crowds or have it on the small of your back, feed you and a whole bunch of other things just to get soobin angry 💀
will 100% try and extend on the joke or just laugh with you both and it embarrasses him every single time 😭
tries to make jokes like that with you but they're mostly based off a one time experience so you never get them 💀
get's especially jealous when beomgyu sits himself ontop of you and you play with his hair because that. should. be. him.
would probably yank beomgyu off you and angrily lay on your chest and put your hands in his hair
if you don't start playing with his hair too he will cry
but beyond his temper tantrums he finds your relationship with gyu really cute :(
watches you two fondly from afar when you're playing around with each other
will often encourage you to invite beomgyu along on your trips together
especially if you're doing something beomgyu likes or is interested in
he'll be the one holding your hand though beomgyu can figure himself out
beomgyu finds you and hyuka adorable
you could literally kiss kai infront of him and he'd coo (not really but you get what i'm saying)
he loves that you become more energetic around kai, especially if you're more quiet and peaceful but even if you are already a pretty lively person kai just brings out a different side in you that he loves to see 🙁
will sit in a corner and watch you two bounce off the walls together
the others would whine about how when they so much as look at you beomgyu get's angry but kai could do just about anything with you and get a free pass
he would melt on the spot if he finds you and huening playing with his plushies or cuddling them 💔
there are some times when he gets a bit jealous like when you baby kai and coo at him or cuddle up to him because he wants to have things that only he can do with you
please hold him too he might actually start crying
or when he's in need of your reassurance and affection, he wants you to himself in those moments and kai respects that and leaves you two alone so there's not really much reason for him to be upset
loves when the three of you gang up against the others
teasing soobin or calling yeonjun old together are his favourite activities
you obviously have a handshake that you all have to do every time you see each other 👆
aswell as many inside jokes that always leaves the other 3 scratching their heads
as long as you give him just as much of affection as you do hyuka all is well !!
he tries to play it cool, he really does, but on the inside he's dying
"oh you're hanging out with yeonjun today? that's cool, be safe" and then you leave and he's ripping the whole apartment to shreds
it's cute sometimes like when you and yeonjun talk about dogs or something but not when he's holding your hand and flirting with you
he does set boundaries of course and yeonjun is respectful of them, but in all honesty? taehyun just wants you to himself 😟
will never get angry at you though it's yeonjun who's the problem
even if yeonjun's just existing in your presence he's still a problem
you could fall asleep on yeonjun's shoulder and he'll be like "👹👹👹"
poor yeonjun won't even do anything and he's still angry
both of you find his jealousy very cute though and tease him
and he'll let it slide most of the time because you're there, but later he's spitting in jun's coffee
although taehyun seems to be constantly enraged by you two he does find you both really cute
is especially soft when you take care of each other, such as preparing meals for the guys together, helping take care of each other when one is sick and so forth
really appreciates yeonjun looking out for you when he can't be there to do it himself or in ways that he can't
and ultimately happy you = happy terry so as long as you're happy so is he
he loves the fact you and soobin are close hello ???
his besties are besties ??? what more could he want !?
will 100% buy you all friendship bracelets and necklaces and you MUST be wearing them at all times 🤨
has a group chat with the three of you in it where you bully the others
loves wearing matching outfits with you two as well!
especially on halloween and things like that you all rock up to the party as the totally spies girls
genuinely not a jealous bone in his body
you and soobin are cuddling??? he'll get a blanket and cover you both
you and soobin are feeding each other? he'll put more food in your plates
you and soobin are going out together without him? that's cool, as long as you bring him back food 🫶
you could peel soobin's perilla leaves and he's still so unfazed
the others are a bit scared by it tbh
there are some times when hyuka wants your attention on him and not anyone else, so as long as you give it to him he's as happy as ever !!
sometimes he can get a little annoyed or frustrated like when he wants to tell you something or do something with you but you get distracted by soobin, although that's something that you two work out together
overall he's just ecstatic that two of the people he loves most love each other too 🙁🫶
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© ox1-lovesick ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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missyandthemisfits · 10 months
The Black Bulls x Chubby!Reader
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How would they react to developing a crush on a chubby magic knight??? Heck if I know but I got some ideas-
- If there's one person on this list of suitors who just straight up does not care about size, it's this one right here
- You're strong, you're a great cook, and he has fun with you- that's all this one cares about, really
- Unfortunately, he's not the brightest bulb and he doesn't exactly get it when he's being approached romantically, so they're gonna have to spell it out in some way shape or form 
- It is only after you two are together that he realizes 'You know what? I think I've had a crush on you for a while now'
- Such a cute dork
- Not gonna lie, he's gonna want someone whom he can lift so he can fLEX on everyone-
- That said if you're cute and sassy enough, man is hitting the workout sessions HARD, just to be able to carry all that gorgeous around town- basically the ultimate flex
- He obviously is the first to confess albeit extremely flustered and surprisingly full of self doubt 
- He's actually kind of insecure, especially about his looks - go easy on him 
- Honestly? Very into someone on the plusher side and for completely selfish reasons at that - huge, HUGE cuddler once you get him down long enough (plz wrestle him he wants it so bad)
- Is ever so slight the tease, doesn't help that he's incredibly subtle about it either 
- Makes a point to be around you damn near 24/7 so that way when he's not around, you definitely notice (calculated) the lack of lighthearted teasing
- Believe it or not, 100% makes sure he's got a fighting chance before confessing - he can't afford to be rejected by someone who means this much to him (can't handle that)
-Also be wary, randomly grabs you just... all the time, consciously and unconsciously. You've become his single yet constant source of comfort 
- Forgive her she means well, but may or may not unintentionally offend by offering up diets and routines and walks around town together - I SWEAR she's only trying to be kind
- If you're honest about your feelings on it though, she feels just AWFUL and apologetic and buys you many, many gifts to try and make up for it
- Truthfully, you guys just kinda ended up becoming an item one day - rumors of a drunken kiss still floating around town, unconfirmed 
- Doesn't mind it too much all in all, especially if you spoil her
- He's a little apprehensive about it at first, his mind barreling back into the teasing of how scrawny and weak he is and he's not entirely confident in his ability to shall we say satisfy -
- Buuuut quickly says 'Screw it' when he realizes how amazing you are, on and off the battlefield 
- When I say this man cannot WAIT for the end of every night just to hold you??? I MEAN IT
-  Very soft for his soft s/o, would give them the moon
- You already know she doesn't care like come on
- And honestly, she may try to pressure you into many, many impromptu snacking sessions. Food is cooked by her 97% of the time, always. 
- However if you have any personal health or fitness goals, Charmy is more than capable of curtailing menus to be healthy AND tasty so that's a plus for sure - but you will have to drag her along if you want her to walk with you
- Again, the relationship just sort of happened - even you two aren't quite sure when
- Sorry lovelies but this man's first ever comment may be about your weight, granted he was already upset about Asta and Marie earlier but STILL - no bueno
- It's only after he starts getting to know you that he realizes what complete ASS he was during that first meeting. Will eventually apologize for that, it's said very softly and he sounds kind of annoyed but he's more annoyed with himself than anything 
- It's gonna take quite some time to worm much of anything that isn't full of sarcasm out of him, let alone a confession, unless you decide to take that first step
- Hope you're ready for the slowest of burns -
- If you think this awkward bean would EVER judge you on your weight, or anything for that matter, think again!
- Absolutely adores you for you; all your dimples and folds, all your past trauma, every facet of you is something he wants to learn more of and explore - absolutely all of it
- He develops a crush pretty early on but good luck getting that confession out of him 
- Absolutely will nOT confess until you do because he needs to be 1000% sure he's not gonna scare you off like he did the others...
- Hand holding is must, it comforts him so 
- Truthfully anything more than light sweet touches will send him to the moon, so be wary of feinting if you go in for a smooch
- So very, very shy this one is
- Doesn't actually care about your size, only about how you treat others and most importantly yourself - won't stand for negative talk and bombards you with "T-that's not true at all...!" followed closely by an entire assortment of things that make you so great in her eyes
- Just... so damn sweet 
- You'll definitely be the one initiating anything and everything romantic, to include a confession so uh yea 
- Just LOVES holding onto your arm once she's comfortable enough, both for support and as something of physical affection 
- Yeeeea dubs you something akin to 'Chubs' upon meeting you, there's like...no way around that. He's mostly harmless tho...mostly
- Truthfully tho he's actually really attracted to curves - not that he's ever gonna tell you that (not without a teasing smirk and remark, anyway) 
- He's gonna be dropping the most subtle hints that he's interested in you and the harmless flirting is eventually gonna turn into legitimately pining on both sides so you just flat out tell him one day "If we're gonna keep going like this, we should at least be official..."
- He was content with a situationship of sorts, but a relationship certainly has it perks - ones he could get behind given time 
- This sweetheart is just ecstatic he's found someone with such a plethora of mana (or no mana at all, your choice), someone he can actually be around for more than a few seconds - he does NOT care  
- Helps if you're nice, but won't shun you away if you have a mean streak- he's not that type of guy
- Believe it or not, he's actually the first to cave and confess his undying love - and no that is not an exaggeration he genuinely falls very hard and very fast 
- His biggest dream is to be able to hold you in his admittedly frail arms, caress your hair, and whisper sweet nothings to you as you drift to sleep
- He'll keep that dream close to his heart until he can make it a reality
- Not one for judgment, but also not one for romance so this one might be tough
- She's a sucker for people who are upbeat and positive though so if you've got that going for you, you stand a really good chance of at least grabbing her attention 
- Slowest of slow burns here, folks 
- You'll be the one administering the confession , as well as many complements, to a very adorably flustered Secre and boy is that priceless 
- She very much enjoys pockets, will constantly have her hands in yours for comfort - a little weird but very cute 
- Yes absolutely she has a preference and it's definitely not chubby- no offense (please do not take offense I for one think you're amazing)
- It's gonna take someone with a strong backbone to handle the condescending frowns and holier-than-thou attitude that comes along with crushing on this one, you've been warned 
- It'll take a while of chipping away at her steely exterior before she's ready to give way to the fact that yea, you're pretty darn cute 
- You confess several different times before she gives it a real go - hang in there 
- May come as a surprise, but he doesn't really care about size - just about the character of your person 
- So yes he's all for someone on the curvy side, actually one of the few that compliments you outright upon meeting you
- Probably puts you through a serious of subtle tests to see how suitable you really are and how compatible you may be with him (cause let's face it, he plays for keeps) but he's very honest about the fact that he's interested in pursuing you romantically 
- Touches are feather light in public, but he very much likes to have his hand at the small of your back or gingerly around your waist 
- A man who knows what he wants and is not afraid to pursue it? Hell.Yes.
- Excuse me but this guy dreams of having some short, curvy so and so on his arm - someone he can really grab onto
- He's got this glint in his eyes that almost creeps you out at first but is quickly squelched by the invitation to drinks
- It only takes 2 more trips to one bar or another for him to know he wants to start talking to you on a more personal level 
- Will grab ass anywhere, anytime so just... keep that in mind
- Less of a solid confession, more of a drunken offer, something along the lines of "Hey, we should totally make this a thing. This us thing or whatever it is-,"
- He's slurring and you're positive he won't remember a damn thing but he remembers everything, all the way down to how gorgeous you looked that evening 
A/N - I want you all to remember that no matter WHAT size you are; you deserve love, happiness, and to feel good in that beautiful skin you're in! <3
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mitskijamie · 3 months
Tbh most of the guys on the team weren’t really victimized by Jamie beyond his general obnoxious and self centered presence. They deserved an apology for the toxic locker room (and Sam and Nate deserved 1000 apologies), but most of them were in his clique, and Roy was the only one who stood up for Sam and Nate, so acting like personal victims of his evil (10 year old bully actions) is a bit silly imo.
Also “you got us relegated” ? Skill issue idk
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I really think the majority of them were more upset about being relegated than they were about anything Jamie did to them or to their teammates. They all started yelling at him after Isaac brought up the relegation, which made me think that that was really the big issue for most of them 🤷‍♀️ also Jan Maas explicitly said "I don't know you, but I don't like you," so there was definitely an element of mob psychology/follow-the-leader there lol
The toxic locker room environment was definitely largely Jamie's fault, because he was like. the queen bee, obviously, but the only reason he was able to create that atmosphere was because people were following his lead. In s1e4 Ted was talking about how the team was "divided" between Roy and Jamie, meaning that Jamie was not actually a rogue lone bully traumatizing everyone else, but rather the popular ringleader of a large clique that included at least about half of the team.
Everyone who was involved with Jamie (with the exception of Isaac, who did undergo substantial character growth) basically shirked accountability for their roles in the toxic environment by switching up and scapegoating him after he came back to Richmond, which sucks because there were a whole lot of them who were also contributing to that environment who I thought really owed apologies as well
I'm not trying to defend Jamie or his actions, I just wish we saw more accountability from everyone who stood there and watched/laughed while Jamie fucked with their teammates or even actively bullied others for Jamie's entertainment (COLIN.) I don't think that encouraging and enabling bullying is actually much better than being a bully yourself, which is precisely why I think Jamie still owes Nate a personal apology even though he wasn't the one actually messing with him
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lost-walmartbag · 1 year
Prom with Kyle Broflovski
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Warnings: N/A
Background: In this one-shot, you and your boyfriend Kyle go to prom together
Status: Request Open
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Kyle was Wendy's vice president on the student council. Your prom was coming up but Kyle still hadn't asked you if you wanted to go. You did want to go but you wanted Kyle to ask you as cheesy as it was. You tried dropping hints that you wanted to go but it didn't seem to stick. As every day passed it made you more and more upset to the point where the prom was a week away and you were just flat-out ignoring Kyle. Kyle noticed you were upset but because he was so busy planning the prom he didn't have time to talk to you about it.
One day at lunch you were sitting with the girls while Kyle was across the room with his friends. Clyde stood up on a table drawing everyone's attention to him. He cleared his throat and looked over at Bebe.
"Oh Bebe, sweet Bebe, would you do me the honor, Of being my date to the prom, my lovely flower? I've been hoping and dreaming, for this moment so long, To dance with you all night, to the beat of our song. Your smile, your laugh. your beauty so fair, Make my heart skip a beat, and forget all my care. I promise to treat you like a queen, with love and respect, and make this night unforgettable, a memory to protect. So Bebe, my dear, will you say yes to my plea? And make my prom night, the best it could be." Clyde recited his poem he was clearly nervous and it was a bit cringy but Bebe was beyond happy.
She stood up at rushed to him hugging him tightly. You felt a bit sad as you watched them happily hug and laugh. You look up seeing Kyle staring at you like something finally clicked in his head. You get up and excuse yourself to the bathroom leaving the cafeteria. Kyle followed you out and caught up to you. He grabbed your hand making you turn to him. Before you could get a word in he cut you off.
"I'm so sorry. I should have known what was bothering you. I'm so stupid." He said blushing.
You turn your body entirely to face him and stayed quiet just watching him apologize. He blushed heavier and got on his knees and even though no one was around it was beyond embarrassing.
"Please forgive me.." He said looking up at you and making you hold in a laugh. You couldn't hold it in anymore and just start laughing so hard your stomach hurts. "I'm trying to apologize here," Kyle said clearly embarrassed.
"I'm sorry I'm so sorry." You say in between laughs and try to gain your composer again. "It's ok baby you've been busy and I probably should have just talked to you."
He stands up and kisses your head. "No, I should have known love. So let me make it up to you." He said standing back and looking at you. "Y/N will you go to prom with me?"
You smile and kiss his cheek softly. "Of course love."
After that because Kyle was so busy planning you took charge and handled everything for both of your outfits. You decided on a floor-length silk green dress. You managed to find a place to get your dress and Kyle's tux in such a short time. you got him a basic black tux with a green undershirt with a black bowtie.
You didn't have anyone to go dress shopping with you and because Kyle was so busy you barely were able to get him to try on his tux. His mom caught wind of it and had him take a few hours off of the prom organization to try on his tux. It was fun to be able to see him in his tux and see how much he loved being in it.
The day of the prom was hectic, to say the least. Kyle was late and only had an hour to get ready because of the time he spent setting up for prom before he and Wendy were forced to leave to get ready. You were at his place to get ready as his mom was doing your makeup. So when Kyle burst through the door he didn't even notice you in the living room with his mom.
He ran straight upstairs clearly worried he would be late. You and his mom laughed hearing him running around upstairs in his room. Once you finished getting ready you walked upstairs and entered his room seeing him trying to put on his bowtie.
"Hey, it's ok if we're a bit late." You say walking up to him startling him a bit.
You help him with his bowtie as he looks down at you blushing a bit.
"I just want to make this day perfect for you." He said with a sigh.
"As long as I get my dance with you I'll be happy." You say smiling up at him and ran your fingers through his fluffy hair.
"I'm glad you're here with me." He said hugging you close making you giggle.
"Let's get out of here. And once we get there don't stress out trying to make things perfect. You already did." You say kissing his cheek and leading him downstairs.
Once you both get down there his parents take no less than a million pictures of you two together. Once you two were finally able to get to school you looked around seeing all of Kyle's hard work coming together perfectly.
"Everything is so perfect." You say smiling up at him.
"I tried to put your favorite color everywhere." He said smiling.
You felt so happy being with Kyle just being able to dance with him made all the work you put into the last week worth it. Kyle tried to sneak off to make sure everything was running smoothly but you made sure he couldn't so that he could have fun.
"Ok everyone it is time to announce prom king and queen!" Wendy said drawing everyone's attention.
"I have to get up there to crown the king and queen." He said pulling away and going on stage before you could protest.
"Our queen is.." Wendy said opening the envelope in her hands. "Y/N L/N!"
You let out a gasp as people started clapping and cheering as you walk on stage. Kyle smiles at you clearly not surprised you had won as he places your crown on your head.
"I never nominated myself." You whisper to him. He let out a quiet chuckle and gives you a wink.
"Now time for our prom king," Wendy said opening another envelope. "Kyle Broflovski!"
Kyle looks surprised and looks at you seeing your smirk. You had submitted Kyle's name for King a week prior just as Kyle did yours. You took the crown from his hands and placed it on his head with a smile.
"Now clear the floor for the royal dance," Wendy announced making people leave the floor.
You and Kyle head onto the floor as a salsa dance plays. You groan and smile. "You plan this too?" You ask him causing him to nod and smile as he twirls you and dances with you.
You two salsa dance happily as the crowd of students watches. As the song ends Kyle dips you making a few students clap and cheer. Once the song changed people flood the dance floor. The night was perfect while Kyle was worried about not making everything to your liking, but the minute he saw you in your dress and held your hand it all felt so trivial. He was more than happy to be able to have you by his side while it was all so cheesy it definitely was something he can look back on with a smile.
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A/N: Two stories in one day I'm slaying I think. Anyway hope you enjoyed will def try to get more and more stuff out, love yall 🩷
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invidiia · 1 year
love your writing! general yan chuuya + akutagawa hcs?
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❐ - yandere!chuuya and yandere!akutagawa (separate) headcanons
note ; did yall see brian's (akutagawa's eng va) tiktok??? he's finding all the weird shit we've said, speaking for the fandom at least 😭i lowkey feel so bad for him LMAO. but i should say thIs now, if anyone who voices the bsd characters finds these posts i will literally disappear and probs cry myself to sleep for the rest of the month. other note? WHOEVERS MAKING THE SUBMARINE X BSD FICS ON AO3 PLS STOP BC I CANNOT BREATHEEE
prompt ; general yandere headcanons for ryuunosuke akutagawa and chuuya nakahara (both separately)
warnings ; yandere themes, kidnapping, murder, drugging, stalking, obsession, guilt tripping
masterlist - rules - previous
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chuuya is incredibly overprotective. this man has awful trust issues - being betrayed by the people he cared so much for in his past, he just can't risk anything this time.
he's constantly keeping an eye on you, even before he can admit to himself that he loves you. but after he confessed, he understood why he wanted to protect you so much, even if it took time to come to terms with that fact.
if you rejected him, then he tries to tell himself that he would get over it, and that he's been betrayed so much, so why be so upset over simple rejection? you even let him off easy, so there was no reason to be so sad, right? you were still friends.
but chuuya was still upset. his love, no, obsession, didn't go away. he convinced himself it took time to get over something like this, so he took a month doing things to get you off his mind.. but he just couldn't. every single thing reminded you of him, nothing could take you out of his head.
he came to terms with the fact that you just didn't love him, but he didn't care. chuuya knew he was obsessed, and between removing anything that reminds him of you and seeing other people, nothing was working.
so chuuya did what he thought would be best at this point - not to mention, it wasn't his first option, - kidnapping you. being in the port mafia, it especially wasn't difficult to get a hold of some kind of sedative, or any drug for that matter.
obiviously, he didn't want to do this. chuuya could try to convince himself it was for your protection and not his own muse, but it didn't stop the fact you were basically his now. at first. he'll tell himself not to hurt anyone for you, but the moment you're in public, and another man walks up to you and begins to ask for your number, he's already snatching you away without thinking.
chuuya is definitely the type to give you gifts upon gifts, putting money to good use as an apology to you. but even though you tell him the best apology gift would be to let you go, he just gives you something else. you want to go back to your own house? maybe one day, but do you want a dog? they're better company that being by yourself all the time.
he understands you. he knows you want to be free, because he knows what it's like. but chuuya can't just let you go. he's lost so many people, he doesn't want to lose you, too.
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akutagawa will avoid you.
upon meeting, he just thought you were just too bright for him. the man knew he was no good.
he doesn't want to corrupt you, therefore, he stayed away.. but akutagawa found himself following you everywhere. maybe he wanted to protect you of some sort, keeping himself hidden until a weird individual cornered you in an alleyway. thirty seconds later, a dark, black monster thing of some sort that slammed the other into the brick wall next to you. the next thing you saw was a glimpse of a tall man in a coat walking away. you thought it'd be the last of it, but no.
akutagawa spends time stalking you, from picking up objects you dropped after conveniently being there, to putting a knife to the throat of the person who got your coffee order wrong. you told them you were allergic to that specific ingredient, were they TRYING to kill you?
it takes akutagawa so long to even bring himself to talk to you. a simple 'hello' takes hours of looking at himself in the mirror and saying it to make sure he doesn't screw it up and look weird while he actually says it. (same aku, same.)
he'll do anything for you. you could ask him for anything, he'd go get it just because you asked. akutagawa doesn't care if it hurts him, or other people, he craves your love and validation, and reassurance that you don't hate him.
at first, he denies how much he wants you, he tries to tell himself that he needs nobody, especially not you, not someone he needed. but akutagawa could barely run from it, he was so obsessed. he will continue to deny his feelings, but it doesn't stop you.
if you try to run from him, he'll remind you why you're even alive in the first place. if it weren't for him, you would have been dead in an alleyway forever ago. nobody would have saved you that time. who else would treat you the way he does?
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yarameijer · 5 months
Hi again 👋,I am here after reading chapter 42 of accidental reverse and it's epic,it was definitely worth the long wait,I am a sucker for tenma&shuu and tenma& shindou friendship,so,I can't wait for the next one, How's recovery going,well I hope. love from Hana
So,one thing that really bothers me about inazuma eleven is that they gloss over relationships that are important.I get this anime mostly focuses on soccer,but still,I thought about and tenma got betrayed 4 times in the series,4 Times,That's insane
First,shuu: I don't like that they completely glossed over this in the movie,I get that they didn't know each other for long,but tenma trusted him and shuu clearly knew they'd be playing against each other,being part of the team that beat raimon up, completely disregarding tenma's reaction,not patting an eye at tenma's best friend being locked in a cage like an animal.no matter how you look at it, that's a betrayal,I know the "fixed things"at the end of the movie,bit, tenma must've been hurt that someone he trusted betrayed him from the very beginning but shuu didn't apologize and I hate that.
Next, taiyou :I talked about this one in my previous post,What Taiyou did even without telling gouenji about anything interesting tenma told him(because that's not canon),what he did is a huge betrayal,Not telling tenma when he knew of his involvement in the revolution,acting cold and rude during their match,lying to his friend's face, completely disregarding his friend's feelings.That's a huge betrayal and I wish they payed attention to it,it was overshadowed by shindou breaking his leg and again tenma must've been hurt.
Next,Fei: this one's self explanatory,He apologized and I guess he betrayed all of raimon,but again,He and tenma were definitely the closest and he was hurt.
Next,The one that hurt him the most, tsurugi:I don't think I have to explain this and my hand's tired.
Not to mention that tge team treated him horribly in the beginning,like,shindou literally beat a junior up and I know he was upset,I know he was angry,but that doesn't excuse it,He's older and he should've taken it easy on a newbie who helped them before.and he never apologized.
Kurama was definitely the worst,He was rude,cold and blamed tenma for literally everything wrong in the club which is ridiculous and he never apologized.
The rest of the team, basically stood by and watched,The only ones on tenma's side from the very beginning are shinsuke and Aoi,which is why I love this trio and I think it should get more love.
So,my point is that everyone treated tenma horribly,no one apologized except for Fei and those betrayals must've hurt.
I want these guys to realize they messed up when they see tenma being hesitant to tell them something or see him more comfortably sharing things with, let's say,earth eleven more than them, specifically Taiyou and shuu.
Could you write a drabble about it.
Sorry,this is so long.I read A.R chapter 42 and came to vent.
Love you ❣️
Oh boy do I have feelings about this.
Through the years of writing stories, as I grew older, I started looking deeper into the characters' mindsets, to try and give them a more realistic and individual representation. This means it isn't always in line with what is shown in the anime, but I don't really mind. Tenma's character is pretty interesting to me because of three reasons: his cheerful attitude, his insecurities, and being allowed to move miles away from home at age eight.
The first two are quite well known in the fandom already and more people have experimented with it, but it's the third one I rarely see. Someone even told me it wasn't a big deal.
Is it really, though? What would such a thing do to a child? What kind of family situation would it be for parents to allow their eight-year-old kid to move several hundred miles away, for years? I get that he wanted to play at Raimon and that they were supporting him - but he started that school at age 12/13, so why would he be sent to Inazuma Town four years before he could even attend Raimon? It doesn't mean Tenma's parents are bad or abusive, but it does imply there's a more complicated situation, one that could actually explain quite a lot of Tenma's insecurities. It's just something that's been keeping my mind occupied lately, and I'm planning to use it in my stories more. 
All in all, I feel like Tenma's character can be quite complicated, without a ridiculously complicated and tragic backstory. It just doesn't fit, y'know? And it's a bit too cliché for me. Putting that aside for now, there's also one more specific characteristic I've given the Tenma in my stories: he has a hard time opening up, which means I'm not sure whether the issues you mentioned are ones he would just talk about. The Tenma I'm writing is much more likely to try to deflect a topic so I don't think I can fully 'finish' this? The issue won't be resolved by the end of the drabble because healing takes time, and I think I might build on this idea in future chapters more. I'll try my best though! And I didn't include Earth Eleven cuz they didn't seem right for this role. Instead Aoi gets some more love XD
So, just a warning, I have an idea for the start of this drabble but beyond that, my mind is blank. I have no idea what I'm about to write so bear with me here, and let's hope it's not too messy.
Tenma has never had a lot of friends.
He told his yearmates, once, when they were hanging out at his house. Kariya and Hikaru had been talking about the team, about how much fun every day was, about how they weren't used to it. Tenma, relaxed and content and safe, agreed.
They'd been surprised, a little disbelieving. They were nice about it! But Kariya's, "For real? Could've fooled me!" had stuck with him, no matter how teasing it had sounded.
It's the truth, though. Before Raimon he'd had Aoi, and one or two people he would sit with during lunch at school, but that was about it.
He loves Inazuma Town, now more than ever - but making the switch from his relatively small seaside hometown to this busy Tokyo district was hard, harder than he'd admitted to anyone but himself. It's not that he didn't want to, but... Aki always got so sad when Tenma was sad and he could see her brightening whenever he said he was happy (and he was!) and okay. He didn't understand it fully back then, but he thinks he's starting to. Aki had been so young.
(Sometimes he's guilty, for putting more weight on her shoulders. For making her look after him when she was barely in her twenties.
Sometimes he's angry at his parents for putting such a burden on her. For ever getting it in their minds to ask their young cousin to be responsible for an eight-year-old child.
Sometimes he's angry at them for allowing him to go in the first place.
Most often, though, he's angry at them for making him want to.)
Tenma was in a new town, living with a relative he barely knew, and painfully shy. His soccer obsession didn't exactly help - everyone likes soccer, of course, how could they not when seeing all those hissatsu? But they don't live and breathe it like he does, like his teammates do. When the kids in his neighborhood found out that soccer was all he ever focused on, they lost interest in him pretty quickly.
(Most of them, at least, and the ones who didn’t - well, their interest wasn’t exactly a good thing.)
Aoi was an exception. But, Tenma has long since realized, Aoi is absolutely crazy in her own, hidden way (she'd have to be, to put up with their team's shenanigans).
Tenma isn't very experienced in the friends department, as surprising as many people seem to find it. He's never really cared, to be honest. He'd had Aoi and Aki and Sasuke and he found out early on that a lot of people just don't care. Fighting that never worked out for him, so why bother?
The sudden call has him looking up, brought back to the present.
Shindou has twisted around in his seat. He looks vaguely annoyed. "Finally. What's got you so distracted?"
Tenma blinks. "I'm sorry, senpai," he responds automatically, surprised by his own absentmindedness. He didn't expect to be so caught up in his daydreams with his entire team around him - the noise level in the bus is, as usual with them, high, and the air is filled with a familiar excitement at the prospect of a match, especially after so long.
"It's fine," the strategist sighs, a smile finally pulling at his lips that Tenma would almost call fond. "Just don't zone out all day, alright? We can't afford that when facing Arakumo Academy."
"Right," the captain agrees easily.
He expects that to be the end of it because Shindou is turning around in his seat again, leaving Tenma to his thoughts once more - but it isn’t.
"This is the second time you're distracted when we're playing against Arakumo," someone else drawls - Tsurugi, who's seated on the opposite side of the bus aisle, arms crossed and lounging in his chair like a king. "I'm starting to suspect a pattern."
Tenma, for lack of a better reaction, smiles and shrugs. He doesn't know what to say to that, because it's true.
Their last, and first, match against Arakumo wasn't his finest moment, he’ll readily admit.
Thankfully Tsurugi doesn't care much for his lack of reaction, focusing once more on the book he was reading. Tenma watches him for a moment, and then looks out of the window again.
He knows it's bound to get his mind wandering again, and he's not in the mood for another scolding, but there's not much else to do. Shinsuke next to him is playing a game on his phone, Hayami and Hamano in the row in front of him are discussing homework. Everyone else is either caught up in their own conversations or seated too far away to comfortably converse with.
Tenma starts tapping a mindless rhythm on his knee to keep himself in the present. He's restless. Hopefully the match will get him out of his head - he's not even sure why he's so distracted.
(That's a lie.)
He should be fine, right?
Everything's fine.
It all worked out.
School has started again after the summer holidays - of which he spent the first half in space. It still feels unreal to him, despite over a month having passed.
Not much else happened during the holidays. He'd caught a plane to Okinawa and stayed there pretty much until school started again, only returning to Tokyo a day and a half before. It had been nice to be back home, spending most of his time on the beach or exploring the familiar streets or practicing soccer by himself. He’s gotten sufficiently tanned, as well, and it was pretty funny to see Tsurugi’s annoyance at that once he got back.
This is their first match after the break - school's been in for only a week - and beneath the excitement, there's some nervous energy too. Arakumo is one of their most challenging opponents and they all know it.
At least it's only a friendly match instead of anything tournament-related, so the usual pressure of winning (especially when trying to lead a revolution against a deluded tyrant organization) is absent. Maybe, Tenma muses, that's why he's so distracted.
The fact that this is the first time he'll be playing against Taiyou since their argument doesn't exactly help. They've talked about it at length, and they've tentatively been texting and even hung out once over the summer, but there's a sense of discomfort that they're still trying to get past. Tenma, if only in his own mind, can admit he's worried about how any competitive interaction will affect them.
He doesn't want to lose Taiyou's friendship, but…
The brunet sighs and shakes his head. At this rate he's just going to keep on being distracted, and inevitably disappoint his team. He doesn't want to take that risk for their first match after such a long break.
Or, any match, really.
Especially not after-
(He still cannot help but feel a bit jumpy, after all the arguments with Shindou during the Grand Celesta Galaxy, after Tsurugi’s kidnapping, after, after, after.
It had felt like he'd been on thin ice when he first joined the team, but that sensation had slowly but surely faded as he found his place.
Now, after, he hates that he's once more double-checking his every action. Hates that he's lost the sense of security in where he stands that had been near unshakable before the Grand Celesta Galaxy.)
Tenma is, once again, brought back to the present, this time because their bus is slowing to a stop. A glance out of the window tells him all he needs to know, and he hides a grimace.
Seems like they have arrived at Arakumo Academy.
Raimon reaches their destination right on schedule, Shindou is glad to note. They'd left early so they'd have enough time to get ready and go over their strategy before the game starts, as they usually do, but Arakumo is a challenging enough opponent that any extra time is welcome.
They're guided over the campus in the direction of the soccer stadium and Shindou takes in the sights with mild interest. It's been a while since he's visited Arakumo - their previous match had been in one of Fifth Sector's stadiums. The prestigious academy hasn't changed much. It certainly lives up to its reputation, not quite as large as Teikoku's buildings, but nothing to look down on either. It's got a more serious appearance than Raimon, with red-toned walls and roofs with cloud patterns.
However, Raimon is here for a match, not to play tourist, and soon they find themselves in their assigned dressing room to get ready for the match. It's as the team is entering the room, getting ready to change out of their training suits, that a ringtone disrupts the usual chatter.
It's uncommon enough that Shindou finds himself glancing up, involuntarily raising his eyebrows as Tenma scrambles for his phone. He catches the captain's gaze and Tenma shoots him an apologetic look while he answers the call. “Hello?”
Shindou turns away and smiles at Kirino on his other side as he reaches for his bag, but despite his wish to give his captain some privacy, they’re right next to each other. It’s impossible not to overhear the one-sided conversation.
“I apologize, this isn't really the right time,” he hears Tenma say, sounding genuinely sorry and surprisingly formal. “I'm playing a match in-”
The brunet falls silent for several moments after the, assumed, interruption. Shindou unzips the jacket of his training suit and shrugs it off his shoulders. He's already wearing his uniform underneath the track suit, so he won't take long changing.
Next to him, Tenma starts talking again. “I understand, but I,” and falls silent yet again. Shindou frowns.
Something about the way his captain keeps on halting in the middle of his sentences seems a little odd. Shindou finds himself halting his movements, unable to keep himself from looking over at his young friend. It's not on purpose, but he's always believed in the worth of information, and something about the increasing tension in Tenma's voice raises his guard.
‘’Yes, I do understand, but is it really not possible?’’ The brunet in question is clutching his phone, lips pulled into a frown while his other hand holds on tightly to the edge of the bench. Whatever he's being told clearly affects him, and whatever reply he receives has his shoulders drooping visibly as he says, ‘’I know, but it was scheduled months ago…’’
It takes Shindou a second to classify the tone in Tenma's voice - not disappointed, but… resigned?
Whatever this conversation is that Tenma is now being forced to share with the entire team, it doesn't reassure Shindou in the slightest.
And it's clear he's not the only one. Although they're trying to hide it, the strategist notices several of his friends shooting worried glances at their captain, and the usual rambunctious chatter is muted. It’s by accident that Shindou and Tsurugi lock eyes over Tenma’s head, but it’s clear to both - they’re equally confused.
Tenma hasn’t hinted at any issue to either of them, and Shindou doesn’t quite know how to feel about that realization. He doesn’t mean to assume, but… well, as far as he knows, the brunet is an open book.
Especially to him and Tsurugi, or so Shindou had thought.
(Tenma respects him, he knows. It's clear the young brunet values his opinion, but he's also comfortable enough to approach Shindou with his issues and insecurities. To ask for help. To let himself be vulnerable.
Shindou appreciates that, could even say he's honored by the faith the brunet puts in him.
So to find out there's apparently something - a situation that seems to be the norm rather than the exception, based on Tenma's reaction - that has such an impact on the brunet, which he hasn't even hinted at towards Shindou nor Tsurugi…
Well, it throws him off more than he thought it would.)
The captain doesn't seem to have noticed the slowly increasing attention on him, too focused on whatever conversation he's having. One that's clearly not going well. “Are you certain?” he asks, sounding dull, and Shindou grimaces. That sounds very different from the Tenma he's used to, and it feels wrong.
‘’I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to complain.’’
That is…
Shindou has to look away from Tenma then. He can’t stand the sight of him so muted, so wrong, and he gets the feeling he is intruding on something he has no right to know about.
Instead he exchanges a look with Kirino next to him, the defender appearing just as startled as the strategist imagines he himself looks.
‘’Alright. I understand.’’ The words are mumbles but where they would otherwise have gone unheard, now the team has become silent enough for it to be picked up. ‘’Right. Goodbye, then.”
Tenma hangs up and drops his phone carelessly in his bag. Then he sighs softly, staring at the ground for several seconds before getting to his feet with the intent to get changed.
Shindou debates saying something, thoroughly unsettled because he's seen Tenma worried, sad and even angry a few times, but this… this is somehow worse. Clearly upset about something and yet shrugging it off completely at the same time. He's got no idea how to handle this new side of his friend, and he doesn't like it one bit.
He doesn’t seem to be the only one doubting themselves, something hesitant in the air as the team waits - for what, Shindou can’t quite tell. For Tenma to explain? The captain doesn’t even seem to notice their focus on him as he pulls off his suit jacket, but the strategist can’t help but wonder if that’s really the case. Either the brunet is so lost in his own thoughts he doesn’t notice the unusual quiet in the changing room, or he’s pretending.
It’s Tsurugi who breaks first, and Shindou feels a little relieved. Whatever issue Tenma may be facing, his guess is that he'll most easily open up to either Shinsuke, Tsurugi, or Shindou himself. He's never asked for the details but he knows Tenma and Tsurugi share a lot - Tsurugi about his brother and his time as a Seed, and Tenma about his insecurities.
“What was that all about?” the striker mumbles from the brunet’s other side, a quiet offer to talk about it.
Tenma stills in the midst of securing the captain's band around his arm.
He doesn't even look at his best friend and there's a sudden, horrid feeling of dread in the pit of Shindou's stomach that he doesn't know the origin of.
“Nothing to concern yourself with,” Tenma says evenly, and that's it. He goes back to changing like nothing happened. Like his team didn't just watch him act more cautious and restrained than he did while they traveled to the future.
He hadn't even hesitated.
Hadn't even seemed to consider talking to his team - and sure, that might not be considered odd if it were anyone else, but this is Raimon. They are arguably closer than any other team, after everything they've faced together. It's their whole thing, their never ending support of each other and their strong bonds, the reason they've made it this far, and if there's anyone who enforces that stereotype, it's Tenma.
And yet he hadn't even spared Tsurugi a single glance as he'd answered.
Shindou doesn't know what to think.
With the sudden, painful, and most importantly unusual sense of awkwardness in the air, Raimon finishes getting changed. Coach Endou shows up not long after, as bright and enthusiastic as he always is, and at least that manages to lighten the mood a little. He repeats their strategy once more, supported by Haruna refreshing the most important data on the Arakumo team, and the boys listen intently to his advice until he dismisses them with a few minutes to spare.
There's chatter in the changing room again, the excitement at the prospect of a match against a team as challenging as Arakumo resurfacing, and yet Shindou still finds himself watching his captain.
The brunet doesn't join in on any conversations, lips thin and shoulders still a bit tense.
He approaches Aoi.
The girl looks up from where she's preparing towels for the boys for later, her smile fading the moment she catches sight of him in favor of a frown. “Are you okay?” she asks.
Tenma mutely shakes his head, eyes downcast.
Aoi reaches out for him, catching him by the shoulder. She seems worried, but there's something in the way she approaches the brunet that seems to speak of experience.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Tenma, finally, cracks a smile. “Later,” he tells her. “Wanna join Aki-nee and I for dinner?”
The girl immediately brightens, both at the offer and the prospect of supporting her childhood friend. “I'd love to. I'll let my parents know, do I need to text Aki-san for you?”
The whole interaction speaks of familiarity and care. Shindou, objectively, knew they were friends, childhood friends. Knew they live in the same neighborhood, knew they hang out together often.
Knowing is different from seeing.
The way Aoi had immediately seen something was up, the way she'd known exactly how to react. How Tenma talks to her so easily when he'd seemed painfully uncomfortable with the team, had, in fact, approached her himself because he wanted to talk. The easy invitation for dinner, something they're apparently both so used to that they hadn't even considered that either Aoi's parents or Tenma's guardian could have any problem with the sudden change of plans.
There's a trust there. A trust that, until ten minutes ago, Shindou had believed to extend to the rest of the team.
As the two first-years keep talking, Tenma smiling once more, the strategist is suddenly struck with the feeling he just intruded on something private yet again. He turns away sharply.
And catches Tsurugi's gaze once more.
Seems like he wasn't the only one keeping an eye on Raimon's wayward captain - and from the frown pulling at Tsurugi's lips, it's clear the striker recognized the same thing he did.
Tsurugi is far too good at masking his emotions, but for once Shindou can make out the confusion - and dare he say the hurt - in his eyes.
Though neither of them says a word, there's a quiet understanding between them.
For all that Tenma seems to depend on them, in the span of a single phone call it has become painfully clear that there’s a boundary that neither of them had been aware of before.
And Shindou can’t help but wonder why that doesn’t surprise him as much as he thought it would.
Okay, so I tried to include Taiyou like you asked, but he didn’t want to be written. Neither did Raimon really realize they ‘messed up’, as you said, rather it’s a slow suspicion creeping up on them. This is sort of the start of the process in which Raimon realizes, ‘oh, wait, something isn’t exactly right here’.
That’s also because I’ve got some more things planned for them. Tenma has issues, but he’s also not the person to acknowledge them, or blame Raimon for their actions - but it still bothers him unconsciously and I’m hoping to build on that. Rather than outright telling Raimon, or even showing there’s a problem, he’d prefer to ignore his own feelings on the matter. He’s just not the type of person to keep grudges or blame others.
And then there's the rest of the team to consider - there's other people who still have opinions on what happened at the start of the year, but simply haven't brought it up while they were dealing with evil organizations and time traveling. Midori, for example, won't stay silent forever, and she's certainly no fan of how Tenma and Shinsuke were treated in the beginning.
Also, that phone call is actually important, but in the AR timeline is also something Tenma only faces during the third-year, AKA two years from this point in time. Very slow-going, basically, which is again why this drabble doesn't really solve anything.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed (despite the long wait, sorry about that)!
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fullsunstrawberry · 7 months
Who in nct dream members do you think you'll have:
• Healthy, consistent, and serious relationship
• Slow (progress kind of) relationship because one is so shy
• On and off relationship because of constant LQ
• Friends with benefits (kind of) relationship because one cant commit
• Rationship where y'all don't have much time with each other because of work
• Relationship where one is always childish
• Strictly business (arranged) relationship
(hope you understand what I mean. my mind is in shambles rn)
Jaemin (Healthy, consistent, and serious relationship): I just feel like he is the most mature when it comes to relationships. He's the type to not let you fall asleep upset AND DEFINITELY NOT IN SEPARATE BED!! It doesn't matter how big the argument is, prepare to stay up and solve it so y'all can move on. He's in this for marriage baby
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Renjun (Slow relationship because one is so shy): He's the type to fall in love with a friend. He was shy when you guys first met and then he got used to your company. But then he starts to fall for all your tiny little traits that he finds adorable. Then he gets shy AGAIN! Leaving you all confused as to why...
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Jisung (On and off relationship because of constant LQ): Definitely his first relationship and you guys started off as friends. It would take him a little bit to adapt to the new relationship. Which is a struggle for you. Every little argument that occurs he asks if you are breaking up with him...sometimes you just had enough and say yes before leaving. But every single time he apologizes. You forgive him because he usually learns from his mistakes and won't do it again. looked up what LQ meant cause I had no clue what it is and still don't
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Haechan (FWB relationship because one can't commit): I feel like he would be in a friends with benefit situation because he's really busy but wants to get some stress relief if you know what I mean. Tells himself he can't commit because he's too busy and it will just be another distraction. Says all of this but will definitely fall first. Gets all jealous when you bring up going on a date with someone or hooking up with someone else. He would 100% become very clingy out of nowhere and make you question your feelings
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Mark (Works too much): i feel like this one was a given…this boy is always doing something. But he wouldn't want a FWB relationship because he likes having a connection with someone. He would apologize constantly even though you told him it was okay. Basically moved all his stuff to your apartment so when he gets home he can see you even just for a little bit. Definitely expect a lot of love songs written about you.
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Chenle (Relationship where one is always childish): but in a good way, he feels comfortable around you. Most of the time you guys have a playful relationship; playing video games, board games, forces you to play basketball, and watch the games. But he also has a serious side to him. If you are having a bad day he will try to make you laugh but when you don't even crack a smile, he knows it's serious and will spoil you with what every you need.
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Jeno (Strictly business arranged relationship): I feel like either him or Jaemin would be asked to be in an arranged relationship for the public eye but Jaemin would be against it. Jeno wouldn't really care. But he didn't know just how much time you two had to spend together because this boy is gonna fall...and he's gonna fall HARD. Gets delulu and basically acts like you are in a relationship all the time even when you're not in public. Prepare to be confused!!!
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Hoped this helped your mind a little bit...Had me thinking too
love these who in nct dream questions
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sugar-omi · 11 months
cove and his pregnant wife!mc where she’s having lots morning sickness and sometimes can’t make it to the bathroom in time and she’s just all upset cause she feels so insecure
and cove just sits there and holds her hair every morning, rubbing her back and cleaning up some of her messes while she just apologizes
and he assures her he doesn’t mind, how she’s stronger than he’ll ever be because he would never be able to carry a baby and still care for everyone in her life and do all the things she does
just some fluff and comfort for a super insecure reader :,))
i enjoyed this idea sm more than i thought so mayhaps i.... got carried away,,,
pls cove w pregnant mc and just dad!cove in general is so GOOD i love him sm, he'd be such an angel w preg!mc let alone as a dad. man i wish we could get a dlc like that id actually scream n i'd never play anything else 👐👐👐
tags : comfort, pregnant fem/afab reader, reader has at least shoulder length hair, 1st trimester, morning sickness (vomiting), insecurities, drabble + hc's
synopsis : your pregnancy is running you through the ringer, cove is here to help you feel better
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even when you find out you're pregnant, you're still taking care of so much
you do your usual chores and work / school on top of that
you still do things for cove that he insists he should be doing for you instead
like cove insists on doing all the cooking, or at least the majority so you have a break and can take care of yourself as you and your body goes through this adjustment
or the cleaning- don't even worry about putting the clothes in the washer, he'll do it before he leaves!
of course you tell cove you're pregnant, not incapable and he understands and lessens up but still hangs around in case you need something and does things that makes your day easier
however when you start experiencing bad morning sickness, cove insists on taking over more of the things you do since you're always so drained after spending the night throwing up
the first time it happens its in the middle of the night, around 4am and he wakes up because you're struggling in his arms...
cove grumbles, face pinched as he blinks through blurry vision. "wha..."
you grunt and huff, shoving cove on his back and that makes his eyes go wide as he lays there with his arms open and hanging in the air, as you run to the bathroom.
his shock doesn't last long though when he hears you heaving and he trips on the covers trying to get to you.
cove blinks through blurry vision, not even thinking about his glasses but subconsciously thankful he can at least make it to the bathroom without turning the room upside down.
you're leaned over the toilet bowl, trying to keep your hair out of your face but between throwing up your dinner and wiping your spit away in between waves its a bit hard, especially since you just woke up.
cove sits beside you, gathering your hair in his hands as he leans over you for a hair tie,
and he brushes your bangs off your sweaty forehead.
the ponytail leaves a lot to be desired, but that's something for another day
he starts rubbing your back, massaging your shoulders and placing loving kisses between your shoulder blades while you pant over the bowl, spitting.
it's quiet for a minute, a lucky break before another wave of nausea hits.
you spit and clear your throat before you mumble weakly. "sorry..."
you leave it at that, thoroughly embarrassed and stressed that you pushed cove so roughly earlier and now you're sick like this in front of him.
it doesn't make much sense, you've known each other for more than 15 years so you've seen each other in basically every state possible, especially since you've been married and dating for a good few of those.
cove smiles at you, trying to soothe you visually as well. "its okay, don't apologize about anything."
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the next time you throw up, you're taking a nap on the couch and when you wake up you feel very queasy..
before you can do anything more than sit up from the couch, you end up throwing up on the floor.
you clutch your shirt, feeling a bit weak after such a long nap and a rude awakening but you push yourself up from the couch and drag yourself to the kitchen for some paper towels.
it's a bit hard, you're still nauseous and a headache is coming on but you snatch the roll off the counter and make your way back, trying to wipe it up quickly before cove gets back from work. thankfully, it didn't get on the rug, so it shouldn't be a hard clean.
but of course, another wave of nausea comes over you, finally making it to the bathroom this time.
when cove finally comes home and hears you in the bathroom, he puts down the food and flowers he brought home for you and finishes cleaning up for you.
you come out, having brushed your teeth twice before you deemed it good enough to finish the day with for now.
cove smiles at you, having just finished up wiping the floor with a wet rag.
you welcome cove home with a kiss on the cheek, but go on to fret. "you didn't have to clean it up i-" you start choking up a bit. "I could've finished it..."
cove takes you in his arms, seeing that you're starting to get teary eyed. "its okay, I wanna do it for you."
you wrap your arms around him and let his body heat comfort you and his solid arms wrapped so nicely around you helps ground you and calm you down.
"so uh.." cove rubs his arm. "I brought food, I don't know if you want any now but I have flowers too!"
he picks them up from the coffee table and presents them with a sheepish grin, looking for approval.
you smile and take the bouquet.
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when cove wakes up in the middle of the night, he finds you crying in the kitchen.
even if you were crying quietly, when he flipped over in bed and realized you weren't there, he immediately got up to find you.
you startle, surprised to see your husband up.
you start wiping at your tears, although it's fruitless since he's already seen you.
cove puts his hands on your shoulders. "what's wrong? are you okay?"
you nod, affirming that you're physically okay. or well, at least as okay as you can be with all this morning sickness. (why call it morning sickness if you're going to wake up from sleep at 4am and can't even take am afternoon nap without an unpleasant surprise!)
you sniffle, covering your face from cove and turning your body the other way.
you cant face him, you're so overwhelmed..
"y-yeah I just.." you huff, tears of flusteration coming over you again. "I'm so tired of being sick! I can't even sleep without throwing up, and I definitely can't trust myself not to throw up in public!"
you're getting really worked up now, and your hands are waving in the air as you animate your frustration. "I'm just so tired of being pregnant, I hate this.." you sigh, dragging your hands down your face, and you let yourself sick to the ground.
"im excited for the baby, but I'm so over it already..." you curl in on yourself. you feel guilty, as much as you love the new addition to your family already and are looking forward to the new stage of your life, you hate how sick you've been and you hate how cove has to take care of you and clean up after you.
it makes you uncomfortable even though there's love in his actions and you feel it, but it's hard when it feels like there's no end to this..
cove sinks to the floor beside you, pulling you into his lap, and you hide your face in his t-shirt, holding tightly onto his hand.
you sit in silence for a moment as cove thinks about a way to comfort you. he's not good with words, but clearly, that's something you need right now, and even so, he wants you to know just how much he loves you.
"I think you're really brave, and strong y/n..." cove starts carding his fingers through your messy hair.
"I could never carry a baby, and I'm not just saying that." cove laughs light heartedly, "even if I could I'd be way too scared.. but you're doing a really amazing thing, and I wish I could make you feel better."
cove is starting to fret a bit himself, he really wishes he could take everything for himself and make you feel better.
"you've always taken care of me, putting up with me crying all the time, letting me vent about my parents and all the things I struggle with.. you always wait for me, like when we shared a bed for the first time." you both laugh a bit at how much of a fail that was at first.
"and even now, even though you're carrying our baby, you take care of me in any little or big way as you always have." he urges you out of hiding, wiping away a couple of stray tears coming down. "its amazing. you're amazing. i know it's tough, and I wish I could do something more about it..."
cove starts to cry, so it's your turn to laugh and wipe away his tears. he takes your hand on his cheek and leans into your touch. "its my turn to take care of you. okay?"
you nod, still sniffling but this time it's because you're so moved by cove's determination to explain how much he loves and appreciates you.
"cool. now, what do you think about ice cream in bed?"
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A Little Broken Dream
Dream wandered the halls of the castle. Everyone was busy, and Dream was bored. He wandered for a while, before spotting the bundle of lavender he’d given Nightmare. It reminded him of something, but he didn’t know what. It made his head hurt to try and remember. He could vaguely recall having an argument with Nighty, and Nighty was sulking about it. He remembered going out to the southern glen, where the lavender grew. He was going to get some as an apology… but the memory was hazy, really hazy. He found that his feet were moving, maybe going to the flower field outside the castle would help him remember? He wasn’t supposed to leave without the others, but not being able to figure out what the memory was frustrated him. So he walked, remembering as he went. 
Nightmare was really upset that fateful day, and Dream wanted to make it right. He got to the flower field and remembered arriving at the glen. He knew which flowers were the best, and he made sure to take his time. A big handful of the prettiest flowers made for a more sincere apology, so he spent a very long time picking lavender. When Dream was done, he walked in the direction he would need to go if this really was the southern glen, back to where the tree would have been. 
He remembered a deep feeling of wrongness in his soul, as if something bad was happening. Anxious, he sped up, almost running, when suddenly, Dream was enveloped in the memory, as if it were happening then and there. Nightmare was standing in front of the stump that had been their Tree. The village was destroyed, with dust and blood everywhere, there were even corpses lying around. 
The village was dead.
The Tree was dead.
His brother was…
Dream looked at Nightmare. Though the goop covering his body was not new to the little skeleton, his soul filled with shock. This was the day… This was when Nighty turned into what he was now. “What happened?” He couldn’t stop himself from asking. His brother looked hurt, and furious. “You did this.” Nightmare looked so angry, so upset. Dream couldn’t believe it. He hadn’t been there when it had happened. He dropped the bundle of flowers, falling to his knees as the memory faded. 
Nightmare had to go through that all alone, because Dream wasn’t there. 
He’d failed. 
He’d failed as a guardian, and as a brother. 
The little skeleton sobbed, unable to believe he’d basically abandoned his brother when the worst thing that could ever happen did happen. He just knelt there, crying for who knew how long. Eventually, he ran out of tears, his magic level too low for him to be able to cry. Still, he sat, his soul breaking into a thousand pieces. It made him feel sick, knowing he’d done such a thing. 
It was then, finally, that Nightmare appeared. Seeing how broken his brother was, he came closer. Dream was too lost in thought to hear him, his mind hazy and his skull aching. With how low Dream’s magic levels were, it made him feel much worse than he would have ordinarily. Nightmare’s hands, firm on the little skeleton’s shoulders, snapped Dream back to reality somewhat. “Dream, what happened?” It was clear Nighty had asked the question several times, and he sounded very worried. “I failed.” It was the only thing Dream said, the words that repeated over and over in his mind. 
Dream was vaguely aware of Nightmare CHECKing him, making sure he was alright. The next thing Dream knew, he was in Nightmare’s arms. When had Nighty picked him up? He had no idea. Dream didn’t have enough magic left to form tears, but he still sobbed, shaking and whimpering as his brother held him. Nightmare wrapped his arms firmly around the little skeleton, offering soft comforts to his tiny brother. Dream didn’t know what the larger, goopy skeleton was saying, but Nighty’s gentle tone helped him calm down a little. 
Once Dream’s whimpers became less frequent, his shaking less violent, Nightmare teleported to the castle. With how low the little skeleton’s magic levels were, Nightmare knew he had to get Dream to drink something, before his dehydration became dangerous. Cross was the first to spot Dream, and immediately Nightmare was met with a rush of questions. Nightmare’s answers were short, and there were some questions Nightmare couldn’t answer. Nightmare explained that Dream was severely dehydrated at that point, and Cross was quick to get the tiny skeleton something to drink. Dream drank it very quickly, still sniffling. 
Once Dream had finished, he looked up at Nightmare, with massive wobbly eyelights. “I’m sorry.” The words were small and tearful, as Dream was crying again. “Sorry? What for?” Nightmare didn’t know what was wrong, his focus was on Dream. He was severely caught off-guard when Dream curled into his chest, and mumbled, “For not being there.” 
One Small Dream belongs to @calcium-cat
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midnightsun-if · 10 months
okay another classic -- how would the ros react if an mc who usually smooched them bye, rushed out in the morning and forgot to kiss them!
Koda: “Wait!” The sharp cry causes you to almost slam into the door, but a strong arm around your abdomen halts that unsightly fate. Instead, you’re gently turned around and a soft kiss is placed to your brow. Koda’s bright eyes, paired with a beaming smile, reminiscent of the sun. “You forgot to give me a kiss goodbye. So, I thought, that I’d give you one instead. Smart, right?”
Scarlett: “I think you’re forgetting something, beloved.” It’s said in a manner that’s almost flippant, you’ve known her long enough to not it’s anything but. Scarlett, still in her elegantly reclined position on the chaise lounge, stares at your over the brim of her wine, dark nails standing out against crystalline glass. Her head tilts, a cascade of dark auburn locks falling over her shoulder. “Something I’ve grown quite accustomed to receiving. Whatever could that be I wonder?”
Cyrus/Cyra: They try to compartmentalize it, focus on the basic facts of the morning: you had woken up late, meaning you got a late start to the day, which made you rush through your normally laidback routine. Everything was rational, ticked off every imaginary box that they could think of, but that didn’t stop the ache in their chest at the absence of one of the few things that made them excited about the morning, about facing the long day ahead of them. They’d just have to try harder at looking at the facts… Maybe that would help.
Quinn: Almost crashing into you, a charming grin lopsidedly tugs their lips upward, sapphire eyes sparkling with warmth. “I got you the snacks you like.” Their nose wrinkles playfully, arm lifted up to show the haul they had acquire from the recent vendors in the Plaza. However, their mood shifts downward when you can only offer them a smile in return, along with a quick apology, before disappearing into Aurelian. “Hey?!” They call, even though they know you couldn’t hear them. “What about my kiss?”
Caden: They fidget in their seat, not knowing if they should stop you, but at the sight of your frazzled form, mind clearly a thousand miles away, they halt their tongue, even as you disappear out the door. The absence of your presence, of the kiss that you always bestowed onto them, more stifling than they’d ever believed it could be.
Sloane: Getting upset over something like this is stupid, you dumbass, their mind hisses. Anger tightens their features, fist balled against their thighs, as they try the breathing exercises Scarlett had shown them, but nothing would work; something they were all to aware of. It wasn’t your fault, they know that, but it still didn’t stop the sharp ache within their chest. This is why you don’t get attached. You start expecting things, start believing, and this is where hope gets you. Disappointed and all alone.
Blake: Before you’re able to get too far, gentle hands cup your cheeks and kiss is placed to your lips. Violet eyes, that seem to shimmer so much more close up, filled with adoration, are the first thing you see when you open your eyes, Blake’s smile completely infectious. “Are you trying to kill me, angel? You know I can’t survive my day without my good morning kiss.”
Reginald/Regina: It’s not until the door slams shut that their head pops up from the book propped in their lap, various papers scattered across the tabletop before them. A frown tugs at their brow, a niggling feeling at the back of their mind that something wasn’t quite right this morning, that they were missing something important. “What am I forgetting?”
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Was I the AH for making a joke no one told me they didn't like?
This happened back when I was 12.
I was pretty... not popular, but friends with a lot of semi-popular figures in a certain fandom. I know you aren't supposed to be on social media until you're 13 and all that, but it was a good while ago [2019ish] and I was a kid who never made friends IRL.
One of my friends [16, I think?] had a delusion [it was a diagnosed disorder they had and told me about, if I remembered I would tell you, MAYBE OSDD but I think it was something else] that they were one of the characters from the show the fandom was about.
I had other friend groups into the same show, and I would often make jokes "pretending" to be one of the characters [usually just posting a memed up version of a screencap and mimicking the speech pattern of the character], which would land well and make them laugh, so I saw no issue using this joke around the friend with delusions [who I'll call Lucas]. I only did it twice.
The first time I didn't notice anything different, but the second time they started treating me like this character [who I later learnt but didn't know at the time Lucas recalled having memories of being in a romantic relationship with]. Lucas was the only person I knew who had these types of delusions, so I didn't know what to do and just went along with it until they, uh... "snapped out of it", I guess?
Soon after, I was added to a group chat with a few other people. All of them were 16, except for who we'll call Dawn, who was 12 or 13, and who was the leader of their whole group. I'll call the other people Rosa [someone who I had gotten in a huge argument with before for a reason I don't remember but I think she started it and I overreacted, if this was about that it'd probably be YTA or ESH, but I apologized and we didn't really talk anymore], and Nate [someone who I hadn't ever talked to outside of a large group setting]. Lucas was also there in this group chat.
They were staging an... intervention? They were basically making me explain my actions and were telling me how I was a horrible person for "tricking Lucas into thinking I was this character". Lucas wasn't very responsive to the situation, and I was pretty sure Dawn was the one who orchestrated the whole thing and roped Lucas into it, maybe as a confidant or something like that. Rosa brought up how awful I was to her before, and how she never forgave me even though I thought she did. Nate also brought up how "aggressive and violent" I was, citing one of the only times I had talked to him [which I thought was just a funny way to greet someone, akin to like "*knocks a door off its hinges and it explodes everywhere, I take several minutes trying to put it back together but it clearly isn't done well* Hi guys"], using a screenshot he had taken MONTHS prior and had been saving for that moment, he told me.
I was supposed to go out shopping, so I couldn't keep on checking my phone without my parents getting suspicious of me. I was also hyperventilating and kept on having to take breaks to make sure I didn't freak out. I kept on trying to reply to things in chronological order, and they were getting more and more progressively upset. I told them the first part about my parents getting suspicious, and one of them even told me that "your parents should know what kind of sick fuck you are, maybe then you'll understand your actions." Eventually, we DID go shopping, and I couldn't reply for several hours.
When I got back, Dawn and Rosa had made several call out posts on their social media each, and I had several DMs from other people about it. I couldn't read the posts, and all I did was deactivate my account. I couldn't post art I had done online until about a year ago, couldn't even think about the show until a few months ago when my friend wanted to try it out, and I still can't go onto that social media platform because it makes me so nervous and I can't breathe, afraid that someone will recognize me even now and "expose me". Lucas wanted to keep in touch, but they were a bit clingy and only came to me when they were having mental breakdowns. I couldn't handle the constant reminders, so I eventually deleted their number.
Note: while I am very safe about my identity online, these people [at least Dawn, since she said how old she was before me and even showed pictures of herself in cosplay online before, she WAS very 12] did know what age I was [I had lied about it before then to other people].
I still feel really bad about this, and I was wondering if I really was being an asshole. Maybe I was just being biased because I was the one being persecuted? I don't know. Maybe I was the AH because I was suffering from the horrible illness sweeping the nation called being 12 years old?
I'm sorry if this is a little silly, but I'm 17 now and this is still a part of my past I'm ashamed of.
Could you tag this post "12 year old confrontation" so I can find it? Thank you. Sorry, again.
What are these acronyms?
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lfghughes · 1 year
Jealousy, Jealousy
a/n: got a little carried away with my writing but writing a jealous jack was pretty fun.
warnings: some slight cursing here and there
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The talking stage with guys was always weird because sometimes you were just unsure where you stood. You and Jack had been talking romantically for a good month and a half now and it was all really simple. You two got to hang out a lot but you didn’t really talk about a lot of personal things, it was really just you two getting to know each other and with the way his schedule was there really wasn’t a whole lot of time anyways which you completely understood. You completely understood because your cousin who was one of your closest friends and more so like a brother to you played for the Islanders which wasn’t all too far from New Jersey so you got to see him pretty often. But you never really brought him up in conversations because there just wasn’t a reason to and you and Jack just hadn’t really talked about family that deeply. When Jack got you tickets to go watch his game that was against the Islanders you were actually so excited about the fact you’d get to see Jack in action but see your cousin too, maybe after even introduce them to each other but even though Jack got you tickets something was off about him. He had started being short with you and you weren’t really sure why the sudden change so you didn’t talk a whole lot and you didn’t bring up him hanging out with you and your cousin after the game if he was just going to be in a bad mood. But you still came out and watched the game, waving to your cousin as he skated by and then to Jack who ignored you once again. At this point you’re not even sure why he gave you tickets, maybe this was his thing for ending a relationship, he gave girls tickets to soften the blow or some weird boy thought. You watched the game intensely, noticing how much more physical Jack was being than normal and your jaw dropped when he got into a fight with one of the Islanders, actually not just any of them but your cousin to be specific. You were in complete shock over this. Once the game ended you waited in the usual spot where he would come find you after games and when he showed up he basically stormed past you. Yeah, you were not putting up with this today. You weren’t sure why now a month and a half later he was suddenly being a jerk and if he didn’t want this going further all he had to do was say he didn’t see you two working out romantically. So you followed him out to his car, sliding into the seat and he looked over at you like you were some stranger almost. “What your boyfriend can’t take you home or something?” He asked and your jaw fell slightly at the aggressive tone. “My boyfriend? What? What the hell is wrong with you Jack?” You asked as he pulled out his phone, searching for something clearly before he tossed his phone onto your lap. When you looked at the photo on his phone you saw it was you and your cousin having lunch a few days earlier. “Okay, I don’t get it?” You asked because it still wasn’t clicking in your head why he was upset about your lunch. “If you want to date other people that’s fine but I’m not interested in just being one of your many hockey boyfriends.” He snatched his phone back and sat back like he was waiting for you to leave his car. “Jack, what in the literal hell is wrong with you. That is my cousin. He plays for the Islanders and yeah you made a great impression on him tonight.” Now it was his turn to go silent as his jaw dropped. “Wait…What?” He asked quietly and you nodded your head, a little angry but also mostly hurt. “He’s my cousin, not a secret boyfriend and I can’t believe that’s what you think of me and you weren’t even going to ask? You had to make a big deal out of it for what?” You asked as you moved to get out of the car. “Wait no, shit. I’m so so sorry. God I am such an idiot.” He apologized, his hand going out like he was trying to stop you from leaving. “Yeah, you are.” There really wasn’t much else you could say to him. “I am so sorry, fuck. I should have talked to you. I really am sorry, please let me make it up to you.” He begged and you knew it had been a whole big understanding even if you were still hurt and angry. “Well for starters I think you owe him a big apology for that random fight you started. As for me, you have a lot of work to do but I really like you Jack so I want us to talk it out.” You told him and he nodded his head slowly. “I’ll do anything, I promise. I really like you too and I just I don’t know I got jealous because I thought you felt the same way and I was going to make it official with you but then I saw the photos but I should have talked it out. I’m so sorry.” You knew his behavior wasn’t excusable but Jack was a good guy a genuine good guy so you would forgive him. “It’s okay…Wait does this mean you’re still going to make it official?” You asked and he nodded his head at you. “I mean if I haven’t completely ruined my chances, yes.” The answer was yes from you too, you wanted to at least try and see where this could go officially. “Well my cousin is going to give you a hell of a time now for sure."
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snaililita · 18 days
Aightt,I had an idea for fluff dtk x (gn)reader who is Asymmetrical, meaning their appearance is Asymmetrical/messy n they're somewhat more chaotic. Basically a whole polar opposite of Kid. But yet they somehow work together,as if they complete each other(like reader helping Kid calm down when he's worried abt smth being asymmetrical too much,n Kid calming down reader when they act as if they got sugar overdose n would destroy everything on their way)
Basically yin n yang couple,,,
It can be a oneshot,or headcanon,or both,,I'd lov to read anything:))
OMG THIS IS BASICALLY ESU 72(my OC) AND KID ALREADY EJFKEKFK dw I got this in the baaaaag😔😔😔👏👏👏👏 This just an excuse to ramble about how much I LOOOOVE THIS DYNAMIC😩😩😩 (Pictures of Esu will be at the end if you're curious about her!)
Death the Kid x Asymmetrical!Reader~☆٭꙳
TW: Kid swears cuz he's potty mouth, other than that we gucci!!
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☆ You.
☆ YOU.
☆ You were HORRIBLY asymmetrical and so unbearably friendly. With your stupid outfit and uneven bangs. They were lopsided!! Oh it drove him CRAZY.
☆ But your overly friendly rear end just keeps on /showing/ up. You never seem to want to leave him alone.
☆ Everything about you two was different, even down to your colour schemes!
☆ He was a pessimist, you were an optimist. He was an asshole, you were a ray of sunshine. He was a ballerina, you were a punk. (/j about that one.)
☆ Even your combat styles managed to be opposites with him being far ranged and fast you being hand to hand and a little slower.
☆ But somehow, that made you guys work like clock work almost.
☆ Where he falters, you cover him. And where you struggle, he picks up your slack.
☆ For instance, he isn't the most social person but definitely knows how to carry a conversation where as you want to make friends, but you're extremely awkward.
☆ So he'll help pull up topics for you while you do all the talking for him.
☆ Me thinks you guys would have matching outfits, but in an opposites kinda way.
☆ Like he'd wear black and purple with yellow accents and you'd wear white and yellow with purple accents. You feel me?
☆ You're also kind of more on the dumb side, so he helps you with homework since he's the brains of the two of you.
☆ But you're infuriating little grin makes up for your dense noggin.
☆ You probably wear lots of colours opposed to Kid's monochromatic colour scheme. Like that one rainbow hair girl and the goth one, yeah that's you and Kid.
☆ I imagine you'd also try your best to straighten paintings with Kid but always be an inch off and he'd rant and rave at you.
☆ But he also apologizes after cuz he realises he was being a douche and you were just trying your best:(
☆ "Damnit, I'm sorry that was impolite. I... didn't mean any of that. You're much more than trash, I assure you."
☆ There was one time you made a bracelet for him, but he refused to wear it cuz it'd make him asymmetrical and unbalanced so you turned around and left.
☆ He thought he upset you so he went to find you, turns out you were making a matching bracelet for him to wear on the other arm so he'd stay balanced.
☆ God he loves you so much and doesn't even realise it. Boy is down bad.
☆ You guys really are like the sun and moon, a golden retriever and a black cat.
☆ Completely opposite, but that also makes you perfectly balanced. You two work together in perfect sync and fill in gaps the other leaves. Two pieces of a puzzle stuck together flawlessly.
☆ Like the little dancers in a music box.
☆ No matter how much of this you point out though, he'll still vehemently deny all of it.
☆ But like, you also do your best to fold toilet-paper for him so maybe you're not too bad. (He would die for you.)
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Heeeere's Esu! I'd lore dump for hours but that'd make this post ten times as long٩( ᐛ )و So I'll leave it with just the info in the reference! Hope you enjoyed the little thingy, stay hydrated and eat well!!! ✨✨✨
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