#that’s all. i’m about to take pics with her. cutie little selfies with me and my bestie bu
starjxsung · 5 months
And yes, the side blog must be so refreshing because I would not mix up my workplace (lmao?) with interacting with fellow people and just personal stuff in general.
I'm giving my friend a small perfume, an earrings combo, and a set of press on nails!! The handwritten letters as well, a few K-pop printables, and that's about it, I think? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE IDEAS BECAUSE I WAS SO CONFUSED MY GOD. btw help me with what I should write in the damn letters 😭😭😭😭😭 I've asked her, but she's like, "IDK ITS WEIRD TO ASK YK FISJ" help (again).
Take a listen to "Duniya" from the movie "Luka Chuppi" THE LYRICS ARE THE CUTEST OMG. And did you like "Janiye"? BTW DID YOU LISTEN TO "chammak challo" SINCE IT WAS TRENDING A FEW MONTHS BACK OR SOME?? That's all star, stay safe 💓💓
Side blog era is so slay………. I love it here I’m never going back (jk) (unless)
STOP THOSE GIFTS ARE SO CUTE. I’M MELTING SHE’S GOING TO LOVE IT ALL SO MUCH ???.?.?.?.!.?.?.!.!.?,? I say write about good memories you guys have together and then make a few suggestions for her trip!!! One of my friends made me a box of letters once and included little notes like “take a selfie when you read this” or “take a pic of your view right now” and she told me to put them in a little album and then when I got home I shared it with her and it was so so cute !!!! I’m sure anything that will make her smile and think of you will make her so happy while she’s on her trip 🫶 SOOOO CUTIE she’s so lucky to have a friend like you frfr I would kill for a friendship like that
THANK U FOR THE SONG RECS POOKIEEEEE I WILL LISTEN TONIGHT 🫶🫶🫶🫶 I loved the last ones I keep them on my work playlist !!!! also I had not heard Chammak Challo but I DID look it up on tik tok and I just spent an embarrassing amount of time watching the choreography to it I LUVVVVV ITTTTT SMMM
I love you angel I hope you have the best week !!!!! 🫶💞💓💗💖💕
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ivcsisms · 4 years
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new york’s very own ives serrano was spotted on broadway street , with a striking semblance to danna paola ! you may know her as @poisonivy or hitting the front page of tmz as social media star joins top 1% of only fans earners after just one day on the platform. according to tmz , she just had your twenty-fourth birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being manipulative , but also alluring . things that would paint a better picture of you would be strawberry champagne, rose petal blunts, and red glossy lips paired with gold jewelry . ( cis female + she/her  ) 
    ♡ — ›   𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲 / 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬    &   𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬    &   𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬    &    𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜 
hi cuties !! i missed u guys sm !! i was around before the revamp so some of u already know me / ivy but to those that don’t hello i’m tay !! i can’t wait to meet y’all n ur muses soo i’m jus gonna get into it and give this a like if u want me to come bug u for plots !! or if u wanna hmu on discord u can find me at tay#6638. if u want a very long-winded, overly detailed account of everything in her life u can read the bio / stats page i linked above but if u don’t want to read all that shit here’s the basics: 
okie so the first thing u need to know abt ivy is that she is literally always lying like.. her name isn’t even rly ives ! it’s her middle name but still. she started using it when she was a stripper ( which she started doing like on her eighteenth birthday ) and her stage name was poison ivy, and then she created her online persona using the stage name and everyone just knew her as ivy so she went with it
she wanted to hide her real identity at first for like safety reasons but then as she became more and more popular she kept lying to hide her shady ass past bc she’s definitely been arrested a few times for like possession and petty theft/shoplifting type shit and also she doesn’t want anyone to know that she grew up poor, and that all of her money doesn’t come from a trust fund like she says it does
and that’s because most of her money comes from scamming and blackmailing rich men ! also from being a sugar baby but generally most of her money comes from being manipulative and using her looks for evil. she always jokes that her job is literally jus being pretty !
she got most of her ‘fame’ from instagram and other social media, and she’s done a little bit of modeling but more than anything it’s just like being the face of a campaign or a brand ambassador or smth bc she’s too short for the runway so u know like mostly print stuff. 
but most recently she’s been in the news for blowing up on only fans which honestly is the platform she’s probably most excited about being popular on bc u know.. money. she started the account like... mostly as a joke just like ha ha what if i had an of and she posted some pretty tame like lingerie pics and made a bunch of money super quick and just decided This Is What I Do Now bc she was a stripper for a while so it’s not like it’s anything that new to her
definitely spends too much time on tik tok !! social media in general tho too, she’s like always on her phone and is one of those people that can’t just hang out without posting selfies/videos on every social media site and then not-so-secretly obsessing over the engagement on it 
since her fame doesn’t really come from like ... talent ( i might make her a singer again later but for now she’s just Pretty ) she’s always doing crazy shit to keep her name in the press, whether it’s feeding into dating rumors or starting public fights with people, she’s always just trying to stay relevant and get attention ( plus the insta engagements lead to more sponsorships and brand deals sooo... all press is good press to her ) 
she is so selfish, and will always put herself first in any situation. she literally will throw u under the bus or take advantage of u without even thinking twice ok she’s so used to being manipulative and self-centered that she doesn’t even realize she’s doing it sometimes 
that being said she’s super charming and tries to keep a bit of a balance with her reputation, like people expect her to be pretty erratic and unpredictable, but she tries to at least seem nice most of the time so that she isn’t just like... universally hated. she’d much rather be hated by a small group of people that have a reason to hate her but have a mostly ok public reputation, ya know ?? 
and some people definitely have good reasons to hate her bc she takes advantage of / steals from her rich friends a lot ( not her good good friends but like acquaintances ) 
if you actually manage to get through her walls tho she is a super loyal friend and will literally do anything for u, it just takes a lot to get there like she doesn’t open up to a lot of people and is super super selective of who gets to see her be vulnerable and express her true emotions. like how she’s really feeling bc she can fake cry on command so she can be tricky and make u think she cares when she rly just wants something 
she’s also a huge partier and much more pleasant when she’s drunk or on drugs, except for the times when she gets too drunk and will pick a fight with anyone who is unfortunate enough to cross her path. 
she’s very toxic in relationships and therefore never seems to stay in them long, but also dating people / making people think she might be dating someone more famous than her is one of her favorite techniques for getting attention, so she tends to jump around a lot and have those awful on again / off again type relationships 
she’s also bi so her ass is rated e for everybody 
a lot of times she pretends to be dumber than she really is so people don’t suspect her of being the manipulative mastermind that she is, and also she’s so good at lying that sometimes even she believes her own bullshit. she also purposefully keeps an air of mystery about her, especially when it comes her her childhood/background type stuff, she’s just really vague and will usually change the subject when it comes up 
she wakes up every day and chooses chaos, that’s the gist of it really !
so i have this connections page from before and i’m still fixing / updating it BUT it has a lot of rly good ideas on there but here are just some like general ideas i would love !!
pr relationship / flirtationship / fake enemies ( like they pretend to hate each other or fight on social media for the attention ) 
exes on bad terms ( ig they could be on good terms too but i like drama ok ) 
someone she stole from 
someone that hates her for some other shady shit she did
party friends !!
mom friends that will make her Chill tf out 
bad influence friends ( either they bring out the worst in her or she brings out the worst in them / peer pressures them to do things ) 
on again / off again exes !! 
fwb / casual hookups 
friends to lovers or even better is enemies to lovers,, pls 
nd of course just like general friendships !! fake bitches need friends too !!
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kingdomofkitten · 5 years
The Wedding: Epilogue: The Honeymoon
*some time later, in a hotel in Okinawa, late at night…*
Retsuko: *washing her face in the bathroom, and then drying it off with a towel* Ahhhh…I needed that. *grabs her ring, and puts it back on, before walking out, to see her new husband sitting on the bed, checking his phone* Whatcha looking at?
Haida: Ah, just some photos I took from the reception. Got this rather flattering pic of Fenneko. *shows Retsuko a photo of Fenneko showing both middle fingers to the camera, and sticking her tongue out*
Retsuko: *chuckles* Ah, always a charmer, that gal.
Haida: Yeah. *scoots over, to let Retsuko sit next to him* Speaking of, she got my phone, and took this while we were dancing. *shows a photo of the two, slow dancing, and looking at each other, happily*
Retsuko: Aww! You were just so handsome in that suit.
Haida: Eh, I’d say you were the better looking of us there.
Retsuko: Oh, stop. ^^ *they then see a picture of Ikari with a ginormous grin on his face, and food all over his mouth* *GAAASP!* AWWW! *covers her mouth* Haida, why did I give birth to such a cutie? Why? It’s not fair, he’s cuter than both of us!
Haida: I know, I know. Speaking of, I need to text Fenneko, ask if Ikari was put to bed yet. *texts her* … *gets a text back*
Fenneko: *text* Snug as a bug in a rug. *sends a photo of Ikari fast asleep in his bed*
Retsuko and Haida: Awww…
Retsuko: I miss him already…
Haida: Hey, we’ll be back in a few days! Don’t worry, we’ll see him again soon. :)
Retsuko: I guess. *they go back through the photos, see her parents and Haida’s, with bottles of Sake* Ah, there’s my parents! They look so happy to be there! And yours, too!
Haida: Looks like they all took the same philosophy: any event, good or bad, just drink up!
Retsuko: I always wondered where we got that from.
Haida: Now we know. *finds a photo of the wedding cake, with Kabae sneaking off some pieces* Ha!
Retsuko: Give those back, you thief! *they find a selfie from Tsunoda, AND a thigh pic* Oooof course.
Haida: Yeah, Fenneko can keep those to herself. *sees a photo of Resasuke* Hey, it’s Space Cadet! Always good to see him.
Retsuko: Yeah. Honestly, he dressed up pretty nicely for this!
Haida: *with a smirk* Just a shame about him being your-
Retsuko: *turns very stern* Do you WANT a super quick divorce?
Haida: *gets scared, and reverts back* Right, sorry. *finds a photo of himself and Ryuu, wearing shades, and doing some cool poses* Ah, just a couple of boys out and about!
Retsuko: You two a bunch of cool guys now?
Haida: We were always a bunch of cool guys, he just had to find it in him, and accept it.
Retsuko: Hmhm….actually, that does remind me, I was wanting to ask you about something. Something that has kind of been on my mind for a while, and I really started thinking about it when you were talking with Ryuu.
Haida: Oh? *puts his phone down* What is it, honey?
Retsuko: ...how do I put this...I’ve been finding that taking care of Ikari has been a truly rewarding experience for me. It just gives me a bunch of joy knowing that I can be his mother, and it kinda puts me in a bit of a high that I hope I get to be in for a good while. Not only that, but you chatting with Ryuu, especially about being younger brothers and having big siblings sort of made me think about our own family a bit, and how it could always grow…
Haida: ...grow?
Retsuko: ...what I’m trying to say is...well, not right NOW, one little rascal is enough for me right now. Ikari gives me plenty to work with.
Haida: Heh, you and me both.
Retsuko: But! When he gets just a little older, like, 4 or 5, maybe 6…..you wanna….try for another baby?
Haida: ….what?
Retsuko: Y-you know, have another kid, turn Ikari into a big brother, stuff like that...I mean, that’s what I was thinking, I’m not sure about you. If you don’t want to, that’s fine, I gue-
Haida: Of course I want to! :D
Retsuko: ...huh?
Haida: Being a dad has been, though definitely tiresome, honestly pretty fun! It’s a responsibility I like to have, especially with you. So, if it’s something you want, I would love to make this family a little bit bigger. :)
Retsuko: ...aw, thank you, honey! *kiss him* I was just worried you might consider it too much to handle.
Haida: Me? Nah, I’ll take a hundred kids!
Retsuko: *laughs* Is that so? How about 50 thousand?
Haida: How about an actual challenge? ;) *the two laugh, before kissing once again* Mmmmm~ *breaks the kiss* But yeah, if you want to have another kid soon, we can do that. I’m down.
Retsuko: Awesome! *stretches, and yawns* Well, I don’t know about you, but I am pooped! Had a long day today.
Haida: Same. *the two crawl into bed, where he notices the side she’s sleeping on is the side where the window outside is, and as a result, the moonlight is shining on her* …. *smiling lovingly*
Retsuko: ...hmhmhm, what are you looking at?
Haida: Ah, not much. Just more evidence that I married one of the most beautiful women in the entire universe.
Retsuko: *her face goes bright red* Darn it, Haida! Why must you always say stuff like that?! >///<
Haida: I say it because I believe it’s true! You may not see it, but every time I think I am finally getting over how you are, there’s something new about you that just takes my breath away. It’s not my fault you’re pretty much just perfection bottled up in a red panda.
Retsuko: Oooooh, you! I am tired as hell right now, but I’ll just let you know, you and I are gonna have some sex in the morning.
Haida: I can’t wait! *grabs a box of condoms* Came prepared!
Retsuko: Wonderful!
Haida: Yeah….good night, Retsuko. I love you.
Retsuko: Good night, I love you too...hubby~ <3
*The two cuddle up, and fall asleep in each others’ arms, now enjoying life, as a married couple. Who knows what kind of ups and downs they will now have to endure? They certainly don’t know. But they’re willing to take it on. But until then, they must sleep…*
Thank you all for joining along!
What next?
....I dunno, probably some silly filler stuff. I need something short and cute, as opposed to long and cute. :T
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katieamazeballs · 6 years
SYTYCD Tour Recap
Y’all.....this is a face of distrust and regret. Like any good recap, this will be lengthy so it is going after the break.
First things first, we bought these tickets a few months ago for Abs, me, and 2 of my coworkers.  One coworker has since left the company but was still going to go until about noon yesterday when she was informed she had to work mandatory overtime at her new job leaving me with Abs and my coworker I’ll refer to as A.  Let’s just say I had my hands full with those two.  All day long A was walking around the office making grabby hands because she said she needed to warm up for grabbing Slavik.  This is the same coworker who wants to go to DWTS with me and wonders if Artem will let her rub his abs.  Coincidentally, this is the person who killed my dream that one day Abs would become a reasonable adult.  I had high hopes that she would be sane during the bus meets........
 Pre Show......We went for a quick dinner at Panera where A laid out her plans to Abs and swore Abs to secrecy so that she wouldn’t warn anyone that she was planning to squeeze some cheeks.  We got to the theater about 6:15ish for a 7:30 show.  We parked and found the buses and sat on the benches watching for dancers.  We did see Cole, JayJay, Lauren, and Chelsea but it was too close to show time for them to come over so they all shouted hello and said they’d see us after. 
Showtime.......We got inside the theater, bought Abs her shirt, and climbed Mt Everest to get to our seats.  Then we laughed at our my ability to find the most hysterically amazing nosebleed seats.  But hey, me and A were like “Sorry, Abs, cheap seats for the win!”  They were actually FABULOUS seats we saw everything and no one got altitude sickness.
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 Intermission.....Abs and A were still talking about Slavik (I wish I could have snuck a picture of A’s face when he danced his solo.  It was hysterical.  The thirst is real).  While they were going on I looked down and saw security and the police and we all cracked up.  We were texting the rest of the office in the group chat and they were all placing bets on which one of us would be arrested and who was gonna have to bail us out.  I am sure this isn’t as funny to you guys but we were crying laughing after Abs and A’s conversation.
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 Post Show Bus Shenanigans......OMG Y’all!  OMG!  This was the best bus experience!  Aside from the drizzly rain which we hid from in a doorway outside of the bus.  There were only about 15-20 of us out there and everyone came out to see us.  We were standing with 2 ladies in ballgowns and the sweetest family with the cutest daughter.  The one lady was obsessed with Lauren.  Like “name your car after her and get a vanity plate with her name and season number on it” type obsessed.  She was intense...and really really tall. 
First out was Cole and Slavik.  They came over after stashing their things on the bus and Cole immediately looks at the crowd and yells “Who’s gonna give me a hug?  I need a hug!”  Abs came to his aid right away.  Abs released Cole from her grips and Cole looked at me and was like “OMG!  It’s Katie!  You’re a superfan!  Thank you for always supporting me!”  The Ballgowns jaws dropped and they were like “OMG!”  He gave me a huge hug and thanked us for coming out and started asking  the adorably sparkly little girl next to me about her favorite dances while he stood there with his arm slung over my shoulders.  I never got a picture with Abs and Cole....whoops.  He ended up walking by us about 5 or 6 times stopping for hugs each time. 
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While I was talking to Cole I was oblivious as to the horror happening behind us.  I turned around and saw this......
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Y’all.....this is a face of distrust and regret. The Ballgowns were talking to Slavik and Abs and A were cackling.  I said “Oh God, what did you do?!?!”  Apparently A got two juicy handfuls of Slavik.    However, he was SUPER nice and laughed as well.  Abs pitched her ship name and he was all about some Javik. It is of note that lots of people wanted autographs and The Ballgowns had a sharpie.  Cole kept coming back to borrow it because Slavik wasn’t coming back in our direction....not without security at least.
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 Next out were Cyrus and Lauren....The Ballgowns were EXCITED!  Cyrus came over to us first and he’s so nice!   He had his fanny pack…who decided these things needed a come back.  They should be exiled from making decisions ever again. He did the robot with Lil Miss next to us and it was the cutest thing.  After we talked to Cyrus we turned around and The Ballgowns were showing Lauren the pictures of the car.  Lauren mentioned that Faith the Merch Lady had told her that they would be waiting for her.  She was very pleased to meet her superfans as well. 
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  Abs made her dance pose.  It was super cute.  
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Then came Darius and JayJay.  I freakin love me some them!  They were both FULL of energy and so fun.  Abs and JayJay are new besties and JayJay says we’re twinsies because of the mustard yellow tops we were wearing.  FYI….Darius absolutely owns the stage and even prettier in person. JayJay pulled a Cole and had to stop and hug his new bff every time he walked by. 
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 Genessy came next and made her way very quickly down the line.  I’m not sure if she didn’t feel well or was tired or just doesn’t like crowds but she basically just took a quick selfie and moved on.  She was out and in in about 5 min.  She did stop to hear Abs Javik pitch and said she’d run it by Slavik…..they created a monster and it’s hysterical.  She’s so damn proud of her ridiculous ship name.  
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Then came Evan.  He went pretty quickly through also but talked a bit with the sparkly cutie next to us because she taps.  I have still never figured out why he doesn’t dance in Juice and lost my nerve to ask him. Dude can tap like a dream though! The only thing that bothered me was that his taps were dubbed in the audio, which is strictly logistical because duh they have to, and he was slightly off both times and that kind of thing annoys the shit out of me.  It was like when the sound and the lips don’t match on the tv.  It’s one of my biggest pet peeves.  It also made me feel a little bad for him as a performer because I know that dancers/singers/anyone really switch it up here and there and he won’t ever be able to.  Man that man’s feet can move.
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Hannahlei, Jensen, and Magda all came out together and honestly, I initially felt a little overwhelmed because OMG they’re all right there!  All the girls Abs and I wanted to meet!  However, we most definitely did get to meet with each of them.
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Abs was VERY excited to report that she’s taller than Hannahlei.  It’s the little things in life when you’re a short person. 
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And Jensen....who is every bit as exuberant in person as she is on TV.  Pure sweetness and energy.
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And then the queen herself.....Magda!  She went to The Ballgowns and the adorable girl next to me while we were taking pics with the other two.  Once they walked away she did the cutest scream/squeal and fangirled while I almost passed out because HOLY CRAP!  It’s Magda!  Her stage presence is absolute fire and she is just the sweetest in person.  We talked and hugged and talked and hugged. 
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Me and my idiot fan self is all “I’m KatieAmazeballs” and she laughed and said “I know exactly who you are!  I’m so glad to finally meet you!”  Y’all.....Y’ALL!  Night was freakin made!
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After Magda and I talked (she was the only one still out there because the massive crowd of 20ish had pretty much dispersed) Abs and A had figured out we only had Chelsea left.  Abs asked if Madga would go get her.  She said she’d go find her but that she may not come out because she hadn’t been feeling the best earlier.  She went to the bus, got up on the first step, and yelled “Yo, Chelsea!!!!!  Get out there and meet your fans!”  Out came a very perky Chelsea who apologized that she was stuffing her face with pizza in the bus instead of meeting fans.  She asked if we had any questions about tour life and Abs wanted to know how bus life worked.  She explained the lay out of the bunks and Abs said she couldn’t do it because she’d roll out.  I said I couldn’t because I’m ridiculously claustrophobic and she said there’s actually more room than it looks and that it doesn’t bother her claustrophobia at all.  Then Abs asked if anyone snores.  Chelsea said she doesn’t know because once she hits her bed she falls asleep pretty fast so she’s never noticed....but outed JayJay as a sleep talker.  Abs is truly his kindred spirit. 
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(Peep the security photo bomb.....lol)
Now that we were done, we made Abs stand here for this picture because pre show she was ahead of us and was super grossed out by the “male toilet” right out there in the open. 
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We came around the corner and died laughing because apparently my kid has never seen a pay phone before.  Then she picked it up and immediately freaked out because “IT’S RINGING!!!!!”  That was the moment I realized she’d never heard a dial tone before.  Kids these days.  Lol.  We were still laughing on and opening car doors when we heard this CRUNCH that sounded like someone crumpled about 6 water bottles at once.  We jerk around and some dude had his car on top of the damn yellow pole.  Then we speculated the whole way back to the office (where A’s car was) about how he was gonna play that one off to the insurance company.  Now to today.  It is overcast and dreary and A and I are so tired but everyone at work is much relieved that we both made it out without handcuffs.
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Meeting Chris x2 and Seb
This is a long post but it has some good stuff if you’re a big Chris Evans and/or Sebastian Stan fan. Also, some good Stucky/Evanstan stuff going on. ;) 
May 24th: Meeting Chris the first time.
So, I’m going to do my best to compile this info and all the pics and videos. It might be useful for other fans and there are some cute Seb and Chris videos and pics here, so why not?
So, on Saturday the 24th, a friend and I decided to go down to the stage door and hopefully see Chris. We are seeing the play soon, but we knew our best chances to see him would be to wait on a different night. We got there pretty early and were the first in line. After waiting for a while, the anticipation really started to build. 
We were lucky enough that he did come out and sign that night. He signed my little action figure’s shield.
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 He is definitely a pro at signing fast, and you can tell he’s a bit nervous by all the people. But he really does seem to care and want to give back, but you can tell by his body language he is a bit anxious, which is totally understandable. He looked like such a cutie and was very nice. Said “you’re welcome” when I said thank you and looked me in the eye briefly which was wonderful. All I could manage to say was thank you over and over, tbh. 
 He waved goodbye to us briefly as he got into his car. Overall, it was a really sweet and lovely experience, and he really does look adorable in person even with the mustache! He’s real cute, y’all.
Here are a couple links to the videos I took of him that night:
March 26th: Meeting Chris again and meeting Seb.
So, we were pretty happy with our Chris encounter. We know he’s really busy and such a big star that even getting a small moment like that with him is really amazing. We are going to see Seb at Wizard World in Philly, so we weren’t too concerned about more meetings or anything, but....then....
I saw on Twitter that Sebastian had been to the little red carpet for the official opening night of “Lobby Hero.” I texted my friend like, “OMG seb is going to see Chris tonight!” So, she was all, “are we gonna go?” and like, duh, of course we were. 
Let me just preface this by saying we were already pretty hyped after that Marvel poster with Bucky and Steve which had been released this same day. This one:
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Anyway, it just seemed like there was a buzz in the air. So, I met up with her at the stage door again. We debated about which door Sebastian would come out of and made friends with the stage hands who were like, “well, we don’t really know,” but they were nice about it which was sweet of them. Think they thought we were a bit odd but also you know, harmless and nice. The one guy did say that he saw Sebastian earlier taking photos with fans and that he was just a really nice guy. 
We met a couple other women there who were also there to see Seb. They had met him before and said he was amazing. We ended up splitting up, so my friend and one of the other women went to the audience doors and the other two of us stayed at the stage door.
This is when things get wild.
Like two minutes later the audience starts spilling out the doors. I am looking over at my friend cause I just had a feeling, and she starts yelling at me. I literally book it over there, and there is Sebastian.
Now, let me just say I know he is beautiful, but wow he was even more beautiful in person. I don’t understand how? But he is very tall (which I didn’t expect) I felt he towered over us. He smells sooooo good. Like it just emanates from him. It’s impossible not to notice. As you can see from the video a different fan posted with the guy yelling at him about it. haha.
I honestly was pretty starstruck by him, but he is also just very nice and like patient with fans. Lots of people were trying to get his attention, and he always looks a little lost (awww he’s so cute). But, if you could get his attention, he will pretty much do what you want. So, I went over and asked if I could hug him, gave him a sidearm hug, and took some selfies with him. He is pretty accommodating about pictures, like he leans down and smiles a bit, and you can tell he wants you to get a picture. 
My pics with Seb:
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My friend looked blurry in the pics, so she ran back to him and was all, “my picture was blurry can I have another.” So, he said yes, and I took this lovely video. The one of him steadying my friend’s hand to help ensure her picture didn’t turn up blurry again.
Here’s the twitter link to her post about it: 
A gif of him steadying her hand:
And a gif of him looking at me taking the video haha:
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The link to that gif if it doesn’t load:
He walked off into the distance after that. He didn’t even get into his own car or anything which shocked us. He is very sweet and stopped with pretty much everyone who got his attention about a picture. He mutters a lot of “all right, all right, okay, okay, thank you, you’re welcome.” With the cutest, softest, muttering voice. 
Here is that video with him telling everyone to go back and see Chris:
Now, Chris again:
So, apparently, not a lot of people listened to Seb about going to meet Chris, silly people. But, this worked in our favor.
There were only two teenagers who had been there with us earlier and their parents waiting at the stage door at this point. So, we figured it would be a great chance to meet Chris again in a more chill setting, so, of course, we were gonna stay. We all decided that we would ask him for a group photo since the crowd was so small. I think maybe only 5-8 other people end up there waiting for him. So, these teens parents were all there to take a picture if he agreed.
Honestly, I’m shocked more people didn’t wait. But, I think most of the audience was like VIP people and celebrities who didn’t care much about meeting Chris per se.
The stage manager guy told us to get our cameras ready, and Chris came out. He seemed much more comfortable and just seemed overall happy. He just had an adorable energy and seemed happy we were there, and it was just really sweet. The girl we didn’t know asked if he would take a group photo with us, and he was all “there aren’t many people here so sure!” Awww. 
Here is the video I took of him:
He let us take multiple pictures before walking away. The best part for me is I ended up leaning back a bit to fit in the pictures and he lightly grabbed onto his elbow and he did the same to me, and just wow, I will remember that forever! haha
I feel like Chris is a hard one to get a picture with because he doesn’t love the big crowds and tends to not do pictures when there are a lot of people like that. So, I feel very, very happy!!! He is honestly adorable and the biggest nerd and so sweet in all the best ways.
Here are the pics:
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So, yeah, we were just so freaking giddy and happy and loving life at this point!!!! I moved to NYC a week ago, and I can’t believe this all happened, tbh. 
Then, we saw this picture get released:
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And we were freaking out! because we finally got a new Seb/Chris picture! And, we were there that night and saw them both. so, we were feeling like we got to see this iconic Stucky/Evanstan moment play out a bit, and that was exciting for our shipper hearts. Definitely just a big awwwww moment that Seb went to see Chris’ play on the official opening night, and we got to see them both! <3
So, that’s how it all went down! They are lovely people, adorable, cute, beautiful, and kind. Looking forward to seeing Sebastian again at Wizard World and being able to meet him in a more chill setting. I didn’t think it possible, but I LOVE THESE BBS EVEN MORE NOW!!! <3 <3 
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every1studio · 7 years
a new beginning // MXM
hello all! this is a BRAND NEW scenario blog (I’ve moved from @wanna1studio). To start off this blog; I’ll be writing a piece with MXM. AM OPEN FOR REQUESTS AS WELL
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genre: fluff + friendly rivalry between MXM
ficstyle: bulletpoints / oneshot 
summary: with all your hard work and perseverance, you started working at Cafe Hallyu Doin’ where many celebrities come by. although you respected the celebs, you weren’t too big of a fan to ask get a chance to talk to every celeb that comes by. but one day you notice them starting to go out of their way to talk to you... 
note: I still have my old account open to finish “JBJ SHAREHOUSE” series and I want to keep some of my works up so that people can still read them. But I’ll be taking requests on this blog (:
“congrats, y/n!!! I wish I got accepted to work at Cafe Hallyu Doin’...” 
your friends congratulated you for getting accepted
Cafe Hallyu Doin’ is an exclusive cafe made for celebs/rich people so they can comfortably get coffee and hang out with other celebs/rich peope
its above a celebrity salon so many of them get coffee or something to eat from the cafe before/after their appointments
you thought you only got accepted because you weren’t too big on fawning over celebrities
(you were in it for the pay; THE PAY WAS TOO GOOD TO NOT APPLY)
FLASHBACK (to the interview)
“so y/n, who’s your celebrity crush?”
“I don’t really have time to have crushes with celebrities.. don’t get me wrong they are all very good looking, but looking at good looking people aren’t going to pay for my rent or college tuition.”
after saying that all the interviewers started to nod and scribble something down
“please be on the lookout for a call to let you know if you got the job”
you finished up your avocado-smoked salmon toast 
“okay guys I gotta go to work now.. I’m closing tonight so I’ll see you guys in class tomorrow”
you heard your friends say
“crazy kiddos, you know I won’t do it”
walked out of the restaurant and you heard your friends saying how it was a waste and all but they wouldn’t make you do anything you didn’t wanted
before you walked into the building, you took out to wear your STAFF ID CARD lanyard
the only way you could get into the cafe was through the salon
and the only way to get into the salon is with an ID card, appointment card, or you’re a literal celeb
“oh it’s you! so it seems like you got the job, congrats!” you saw the salon’s receptionists; twins; boy and girl
you saw them when you came in for your interview last week
“thank you...I’m surprised you see a lot of people everyday, how do you even remember me?” you blushed
they both giggled
“it’s because we don’t see a lot of new faces; we usually get our regulars and you’re incredibly cute, who wouldn’t remember you? I’m Jun and this is my sister, Jane”
you were flustered; “um.. nice to meet you both of you.. I’ll be heading up then” 
you bowed slightly and rushed up to the cafe
you bumped into someone and looked up to say sorry as quickly as you could without being rude
“I’m so sorry, I’m going to be late on my first day. I’m sorry”
it was the first day at work and you didn’t want to be late by even one second
“hey you dropped your-” 
you were already gone
the person picks up your cell phone 
“ya we should give it back to them” the person next to the person that you bumped said
the one that picked up your phone smiled, “I don’t think they knows us, should we photobomb their phone?”
the other guy smacks him in the head, “THAT’D BE RUDE.. wait who do we know who to give it to, we barely saw their face?”
they clicked your phone to see if your lockscreen would give them a clue
you had a picture of you and your long-haired Scottish-fold cat 
the guys fight over your phone as they also make their way up to the cafe
up in the cafe, you didn’t need lots of help since you worked at many cafes before
all you needed to do was learn how to make their specialty items and specific etiquette to dealing with customers at the cafe
“you’ll do good. from what I see, you’re respective and polite. you have many skills, I’m glad to have you on the team” the owner sticks his hand out to shake yours
you took it with two hands, “thank you for speaking highly of me, I won’t let you down”
“I need to bake some cakes so if you need anything, I’ll be in the back. Wonho (the owner’s son) will be coming in soon as well so don’t worry”
you nodded and helped out the customers at the front
they seemed to be huffing and puffing 
(were they that thirsty to rush here for drinks?)
“hello, how may we help yo-”
“(huff) you bumped (huff) into me earlier (huff)” one says as he leans over the counter
(oh no... you can’t get a complaint! you just got this job!) you started to get worry but you didn’t lose your composure
“I am so sorry, sir. is ther-”
but the guy next to the guy who you bumped into interrupted you
“you (huff huff) dropped your phone (huff)” he hands your phone
you were relieved it wasn’t anything like he wanted to sue you for touching him
“oh thank you so much” you reach for your phone with two hands but he jerks it back
“but I’ll only give it back if you give me your number”
you saw someone come up from behind them and grab them by the ears
“I’m so sorry if they caused you any problem, I’ll go deal with these kids asap” 
“YEAH MANGER HYUNG!” Youngmin cries in unison
the manager lets go of their ears, “does she even know who you guys are? please introduce yourselves before kiddos”
“Brand New, hello, we are MXM”
you clapped in response to them
“so uh... miss y/n.. if I were drink what would it be?” Donghyun smiles
but he flinches when the manager threatens to pull them away
“hmm.. Donghyun if you were a drink then you’d be an iced cold-press Vietnamese coffee” 
“what about me?” Youngmin scoots Donghyun over
“Youngmin.. mmm.... you’d be a light caramel frappe with an espresso drizzle..”
“ooohhhhh we’re so sophisticated” Donghyun says
honestly you just went off by their hair color and outfits that they wore
they paid for their drinks and waited for you to make them
instead of waiting like how normal people would for coffee, they acted like little kids
“okay but like what are you doing now?”
“how does that machine work?”
“can you add more condense milk to mine?”
“ya kids can y/n please do her job in peace?” the manager looked really stressed so you made an iced americano for him (on the house bc the man was getting grey hair from stress when he didn’t even look that old)
when the boys got their drinks, they used your phone to take a selfie
“let’s take a selfie to commemorate your first day on the job!” Youngmin says as he stretches his arm out
you looked back at the owner and he gave you an okay sign
“y/n!! we’ll be back tomorrow! it’s only just the beginning! I’ll make sure I’ll win your heart!” Donghyun waves
“ya not if I win it first” Youngmin nudges Donghyun
you bowed as they left bickering
“whoa, I’m surprised y/n stayed professional the whole time, huh dad?”
“so who do you like more y/n ah?”
you turned to look at the owner and his son both have their heads in their hands 
it seemed like they viewed the whole spectacle as if it was a drama
“you know Dad? if I was y/n, I’d chose Youngmin”
the dad looks at him, “what? I’d chose Donghyun!”
oi vey
you never answered them 
(so this happened) you posted the pic in the group chat and you were bombarded with questions in all caps
every since that one day, those boys have been visiting the cafe every single day to the point where they consider you as their friend
they even made you change your lockscreen to the one that they took with you the first day you guys met
but really... who would you choose?
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verllaine-blog · 7 years
A guide to the fandom of French politics/lolitics
I found something similar going around in the Spanish lolitics fandom (I think?) and thought it was kind of funny, and what with French politics going world-wide since the elections in May and Macron making himself heard around the globe (and before you come at me, he’s also got his flaws too, I’ll fully agree with you there), I thought it would be cool to open up the wonderful fandom of French politics (and our ships!) to our international friends. So sit tight, this is probably going to be long!
First off, who are the big names you’re likely to find the most often?
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Emmanuel Macron
° Not surprising since he’s our new president.
° He’s actually pretty smol. Especially when standing next to other taller world leaders.
° He’s a lot younger than the other members of the French politics fandom. (He’s 39).
° Can’t take selfies.
° (It’s even a song).
° He looks like a pretty cool guy but does have some shitty policies he wants to put into effect (*cough* doesn't necessarily plan to stop nuclear energy jobs even though they are polluting *cough*).
° Literally seems to think that he’s some kind of king/God.
° Loves Europe & the European Union (like, Emmanuel Macron x the EU is as canon as Emmanuel x Brigitte).
° Likes cordons bleus (and I get him, cordons bleus are amazing), chocolates and eating off the kid’s menu and is essentially a child in an adult’s body.
° Apparently even the official cook at the Elysée palace makes him little cordons bleus. (And he loves them).
° Is probably going to be annoying in the upcoming five years but we currently kind of like him. Or at the very least, he hasn’t fucked up too bad yet. (But please don’t cozy up to Trump too much).
° Is far better at speaking English than most French politicians (and possibly even the current US president) and uses expressions that are probably twice his age and that nobody uses anymore.
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Manuel Valls
° He’s from Spain Catalonia but he’s French.
° Our former Prime Minister. Apparently he tried to join Macron’s party after the elections?
° The scapegoat who gets blamed for everything, even stuff he isn't fully responsible for.
° Had flour thrown on him that one time.
° Often angry, but he does smile sometimes. (They’re actually rays of sunshine)
° Really did try to save the Parti Socialiste but didn’t manage and ended up quitting it. Is more of a center-left candidate??
° Dealt with a wide variety of shit ranging from terrorist attacks to being slapped across the face.
° King of the style game and sometimes wears see-through shirts. (cf La Rochelle, 2015).
° Was kind of friends with Macron (he was the one who convinced Hollande to hire him before they started to work together).
° People are beginning to realize that their hatred towards him was misdirected, which is nice. Hell, some are even beginning to appreciate him, which is even better.
° Gave that one really amazing speech at the Assemblée Nationale on January 13 2015 and got a standing ovation for it.
° Probably chilling off somewhere now? Or is he still trying to join En Marche?
° Has a cute Cairn Terrier called Homère. He even used to bring him to his meetings at the Elysée palace.
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Benoît Hamon
° Former member of the Socialist party. He tried hard to save it, he really did.
° Is basically a Hobbit.
° Has lots of cute pairs of glasses.
° Good with kids.
° His real name is Baenoît Hamon.
° Even shared a picture of his kebab once and it was way more popular than President Macron’s official portrait.
° Deserved so much better.
° Is an actual cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure.
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Arnaud Montebourg
° Toll ™.
° Often seen hanging out with Hamon.
° A rebel, he resigned from his post as economy minister from Hollande’s government.
° Is a drama queen.
° Loves everything with the label “Made in France”.
° Has fluffy looking hair.
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Phillipe Poutou
° Far-left anticapitalist.
° He literally has no chill and will destroy you if you give him the opportunity.
° Popular among the young voters (I think???).
° Can also be really cute and adorable when he doesn’t vent about the evils of capitalism.
° Too cool to wear an actual suit.
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Jean-François Copé
° Sometimes wonder whether he’s an actual politician or not.
° Is sometimes problematic ™
° Says chocolatine instead of pain au chocolat (which is downright wrong >:(( ) (Question à part: ça se dit où "chocolatine" exactement?? Ca va bientôt faire quinze ans que j'habite en France et je suis jamais tombée dessus?? Ca a toujours été "pain au chocolat" chez moi???)
° Never really scores any higher than 0.5%.
° Always enthusiastic and up for a good laugh.
° Memes.
° One of the rare right-wing politicians to actually be part of the fandom since everybody else ranges from the center (Macron & maybe even Valls) to the far-left (Poutou & Mélenchon).
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Jean Lassalle
° He’s not really a big name, kind of a centrist?
° Has a heavy accent and loves his region very much.
° Lives a down-to-earth-appreciate-everything kind of life.
° Is probably one of the only politicians to actually be a really adorable person in real life.
° Appreciated by both his fellow politician colleagues and the general public. (Which is a real feat here).
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Christiane Taubira
° The Queen ™
° She's from French Guyana.
° Everybody loves her.
° She’s amazing, that’s all you need to know.
° She won’t let you mess with her: she might be smoll but she’s always ready to brawl (and clash you in the Assemblée Nationale).
° Has the law legalizing gay marriage named after her, like how cool is that???
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Jean-Luc Mélenchon
° He's on the far-left.
° He's the hologram guy, loves modern technology.
° Has developed a legit game called "Fiscal Kombat", where the Mélenchon character fights other French politicians to make them give back money, counter frauds and earn as much cash as possible to implement his program.
° He's actually from Morocco.
° Is either angry or will take a great satisfaction in publicly clashing you.
° He has no chill and will call you out to your face.
° Always up for a fight and lives off drama.
° Is a sore looser tho.
Our international players:
Justin Trudeau
° The French speaking cousin ™ (with a slight accent)
° He’s not French but he’s basically considered as part of the fandom.
° Like Macron would say, he’s “part of the club” (yes, he really did use that expression).
° He got on well enough with the previous government,and currently has a thriving bromance with Macron.
° They probably diss Trump together in French.
° We’re all looking forward to anything more they can give us.
° Can also be spotted on photos with François Hollande and Manuel Valls.
Theresa May
°  The annoying friend from across the Channel.
° Brexit with Benefits ™
° Likes football.
° Speaks English only.
° Probably a source of conflict over Europe and the EU.
° Still the English member of our Franco-British (or soon to be English-only?) bromance.
° Hopefully introduced Manu to the wonders that are Fish & Chips.
Barack Obama
° He may no longer be president but we still love him.
° Had a soft spot for Hollande’s poor English.
Angela Merkel
° Proud member of the pro-EU squad.
° Holds the flag for the Franco-German bromance.
° Was bros with Sarkozy and seems to like Macron a lot.
° Also an avid football supporter.
As for our ships, well here’s what we’ve got to offer :))
The French only ships
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Vallande: François Hollande and Manuel Valls
° I don’t know, it’s the first of the political ships I really heard of.
° Apparently it was a thing??
° Basically the president and his Prime Minister.
° There is legit real fanart out there if you look hard.
° They seemed to be happy when they were together sometimes, so I guess there’s that??
° Unfortunately they then broke up when Valls left Hollande’s government to run for the left wing primaries. I guess not every pairing can have a happy ending :(
° **Edit: I just happen to have found an entire blog dedicated to the ship (Vallande is real les amis), and it's the most unlikely thing ever but also fucking hilarious! (Je ne sais pas qui est derrière ce Tumblr, mais... Merci, pour le coup, ça m'a bien fait rire ^^).
° **Edit 2: Guys, just... Check the “Vallande“ tag, I promise it’s worth it. ^^
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M&M’s/Vacron: Manuel Valls and Emmanuel Macron
° Probably the most popular/biggest ship in the fandom for now.
° They have a complicated ™ relationship.
° They used to be kind of friends??? But Macron essentially stabbed Valls in the back by using Valls’ declining popularity and problems to push himself forward. ° I’m not even sure where they stand at now. Probably former colleagues?
° Although Valls did immediately back Macron after losing the socialist primary final to Hamon (whether that is to be taken as a sense of affection/friendship/something else towards Macron, I’ll let you decide for yourself).
° We still ship them though.
° All the more so because there are lots of pics (and non-photoshopped ones I might add) that are out there.
° (Perhaps they even ship themselves, who knows?)
°  Oh and Vall's official nickname for Macron when they were in the same government was "Microbe", which basically means germ (if you translate it literally) or squirt.
° We also have AO3 fics and fanart. (Seriously, the M&M's fandom is amazing :)).
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(Add Myriam El Khomri and you get an OT3).
(But Valls and El Khomri look more like embarrassed parents and Macron their overly-enthusiastic five year-old).
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(Or you can add Najat Vallaud-Bellkacem if you’d prefer). 
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Cinnhamonbourge: Benoît Hamon and Arnaud Montebourg
° The Cuties ™.
° Also quite popular in the fics and fanart territory.
° Fluff, fluff and more fluff. (And possibly the occasional angst, but it's mostly fluff).
° Team “Looks like a cinnamon roll and actually is a cinnamon roll”.
° Well Hamon is, Montebourg can get a little more angry at times.
° But they like each other, that’s the most important part.
° Both are now former members of the PS, Montebourg quit in 2014 and Hamon only a month ago.
° Used to hang out together a lot.
° Probably diss Hollande (and Macron’s) government together.
° Organize cool-looking parties.
° Like flowers.
° Probably drowning their sorrows and crying over the state of French politics together. (With a bottle of fine champagne).
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(You can even add Valls if you want an OT3, not sure they’d get along tho).
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(Is Macrontebourg also a thing? Just askin’) (Although we all know Arnaud and Benoît belong together).
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Along with Montebourg, apparently Hamon and Taubira were also good friends :)
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Marine Le Pen x Florian Philippot
° I think this is also a thing?
° They’re basically the Evil Power Couple of French politics.
° Probably want to dominate France and are secretly building a “Grand Villain Manifesto” for the 2022 elections.
° They can stay together as long as they don’t bother us.
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° Apparently people also ship Le Pen and Mélenchon???
° Is it a hate-ship??
° (Je n'en sais rien vraiment, mais je suis tombée dessus une ou deux fois… Je ne sais toujours pas trop quoi en penser ^^).
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Team Destroy Capitalism: Nathalie Arthaud and Philippe Poutou
° Like the ship name suggests, they hate capitalism.
° The far-left bros.
° They’re full of bitterness and full of salt.
° Arthaud is Angry ™, elle est là pour NIQUER SES MERES.
° Often angry. Just a reminder.
° Poutou has no chill and will fight you even though he’s only a factory worker for Ford, who works REALLY HARD.
° (But he’s cool). (He can also be really nice and really cute).
° Arthaud will also fight you, especially on capitalism. Arthaud x Capitalism is probably her biggest NOTP.
° Team Tiny Candidates.
The international ships
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Merkozy: Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy (aka President Bling Bling ™).
° I wasn’t really following politics all that much back in 2007.
° Apparently they were like BFF’s, and are one of the early bro-ships in French politics??
° The Oldie but Goldie, I guess that’s what we could roll with?
° The Smol bros.
° I don’t know whether they are still in touch or not but let’s hope so, because Merkel’s huge smiles are literal rays of sunshine.
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Don't ask me, but there was also something with Hollande.
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And Valls.
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And she seems to be climbing up the new BFF scale with Macron too.
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Hobama: François Hollande and Barack Obama
° Obama seemed to get along well with Macron’s clumsy predecessor, maybe his poor English even grew on him after a while.
° “Ah na wol spriking in French because ay oblairge ay oblaïge to do that.”
° President Classy ™ and President Awkward ™.
° They both exited the world stage at the same time at the end of 2016, right before shit got real.
° Might be keeping in touch and maybe even mounting a scheme to take out the Crazy Orange Cheeto (okay probably not, but let’s just imagine for a second that they are really doing this?)
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(Obama was also friends with Sarkozy, if you were wondering).
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Macdeau: Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron
(C'est bien Macdeau le "nom officiel"? Parce que j'ai vu des choses du style Macreau, Trudon et Trudō également)
° Highly anticipated bromance that came about shortly after Macron won the election.
° Basically became canon in Taormina when they met for the G7 Summit, and we got the pics of them strolling along in the flowery gardens. (Looking extremely similar to that one scene in Game of Thrones between Margaery and Sansa)
° Trudeau is Toll ™ and Macron is Smoll ™.
° Always smiling.
° New pics and Twitter posts are always welcomed and widely shared. ° They’re always happy together and as long as their bromance is thriving, so are we. 
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(( But if you’d rather ship him with Valls, then there’s also canon photos you can use too :) ))
Then we've also got this but:
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Does it
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Really warrant
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An explanation?
(There aren't any pictures, but just in case you were wondering, our friend Mister Donald the Crazy Orange Cheeto also rooted for her during the elections).
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Maycron: Theresa May and Emmanuel Macron
° Also a G7 baby.
° Speak English together.
° Trying to mend bridges between the UK and France. (Because from what I’ve gathered, neither Sarkozy or Hollande were apparently great friends with David Cameron).
° Give affectionate hugs.
° Probably butt heads over topics like Europe and Brexit since May wants out of the EU and Macron is arguably one of the EU leader who loves the EU the most (like I said, Macron x EU is as canon as Emmanuel x Brigitte).
° Share a passion and enthusiasm for football. May can even be a little bit too enthusiastic sometimes ;)
° Probably also vent about the Orange Cheeto to one another.
And as a Franco-Irish member of the French lolitics fandom, I'm also really happy to be able to say that
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French politicians
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Seem to have an ongoing bromance
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With their Irish counterparts
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That doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon :)
And if you really want to go deep down, here are the over-the-top-not-really-serious-recurring-pairings you can also find:
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Benoît Hamon x Kebabs (It’s pure, it’s lovely, and believe it or not, it’s way more popular than you’d think more popular than Macron at any rate).
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François Fillon & "Rends l'argent" (we basically want him to give back the public money he stole).
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Eva Joly x The Green Glasses
° Kind of an older pairing, since it goes back to the 2012 elections (she didn't run this year).
° Joly usually wore red glasses, but to represent her Green Party (EELV), she campaigned with a pair of green ones.
° Basically what she was remembered for.
° Maybe she still wears them?
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Emmanuel Macron x Cordons bleus (the truest OTP of this 2017 presidential campaign and we understand him, those things taste like heaven).
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François Hollande x Being Akward (pretty much what you can resume his five-year presidency as).
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Benoît Hamon x His glasses (they even have their own Twitter account apparently at LunettesBenoit).
Apparently he loves them so much he went and bought a bunch of them right before the presidential race began.
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Marine Le Pen & Being a scary arsehole (basically she hates anything non 100% French, was high on drugs or something during her debate with Macron and couldn’t make coherent arguments. Blames immigrants, non French citizens and Muslims for everything wrong in the country).
She’s basically our equivalent of the horrors known as Donald Trump, Geert Wilders, Frauke Petry and Nigel Farage.
(Unsurprisingly, she's also friends with all of them).
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French politicians in general x Being assaulted with food ingredients: whether it’s flour, eggs or the hand that whisks them up in the form of a slap, Valls, Macron, Le Pen, Sarkozy, Fillon and Hollande have all had it thrown at them. ^^
Après, si j'en ai oublié d'autres, n'hésitez pas à les rajouter, histoire de faire répandre nos ships et la fandom politique française à l'international! C'est ma toute première contribution, donc je n'ai probablement pas donné une liste exhaustive :))
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sahu4you · 4 years
बेस्ट फेसबुक कमेंट फोटो (Facebook Comments in Hindi)
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इस लेख में आज हम आपके साथ फेसबुक से जुड़ी एक बेहतरीन ट्रिक शेयर करने जा रहे हैं, फेसबुक हर किसी का उपयोग करता है जहां हम अपने दोस्तों से जुड़े रह सकते हैं और कई नए दोस्त भी बना सकते हैं। जहाँ हम अपने दोस्तों का स्टेटस और दिनचर्या के बारे में जान सकते है।
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Best Comments for FB in Hindi फेसबुक पर फोटो और स्टेटस डाल कर हम अपने साथ जुड़े मित्रो के बता सकते है की आज आपने क्या नया किया तथा अपनी तस्वीरे उनके साथ साँझा कर सकते है। जहाँ पर आपके मित्र उससे पसंद और उसपर रियेक्ट कर सकते है तथा अपने विचार टिप्पणी (FB Comments) कर सकते है, क्या आप बोर हो चुके है "Nice Pic" और "Nice Photo" जैसे कमेंट से? तो हम आपके लिए कुछ नया लेकर आयें है। हर कोई अपने दोस्तों को अपनी DP पर फाडू टिप्पणियों से आकर्षित करना चाहता है। इसलिए मैं अपने पाठकों को हिंदी में Best Stylish Comment List प्रदान करने के लिए एक विचार लेकर आया हूं ताकि वे एक भयानक और आउट-डेटेड टिप्पणी छोड़ सकें। फेसबुक स्टेटस शायरी हिंदी में - Facebook Status and Shayari in Hindi Facebook ID Refresh कैसे करें? Unfriend All Facebook Friends How to Use Z-Shadow: Hack Facebook Account भारत में फेसबुक यूजर की संख्या बढ़ी है और फेसबुक यूजर्स प्रत्येक दिन 350 मिलियन नई तस्वीरें अपलोड कर रहे हैं। जिनपर लगभग सभी एक ही कमेंट करते है वो है "Nice" इसी के चलते हम आपको एक पूरी की पूरी Facebook Comments List देंगे जो आपके कमेंट को खास बना देगी।
Best Facebook Comments in Hindi
Best Comments for Facebook: यह स्मार्टफ़ोन और इन्टरनेट का युग है और हर कोई अब स्मार्ट है क्यूंकि उसके पास इटरनेट और एक स्मार्टफ़ोन है। चूंकि इंटरनेट भारत में सस्ता होने के कारण बहुत सारे लोगों ने सोशल मीडिया पर अपने प्रोफाइल फोटोज, दोस्तों और परिवार के साथ फोटोज को पोस्ट करने के लिए सक्रिय होना शुरू कर दिया। फेसबुक और इंस्टाग्राम सबसे लोकप्रिय सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म हैं। मैंने "List of Stylish Names for Facebook" एक सूची तैयार की है। इसकी जांच अवस्य करें। नीचे मैं Best Comments For FB की एक विशाल सूची दे रहा हूँ जो की हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में उपलब्ध है , उम्मीद है आपको Comments on Facebook Pictures in Hindi का यह लेख पसंद आएगा। Most Used Comments for FB Fantastic!! Always Smart! Innocent Look! Evergreen Charming Personality! Dashing Adorable Slaying Beautiful Rockstar What A Pic Yr Who Is This Cute Baby Cuteness Overload Cute Baby Facebook Pic Comments In English Cool Dude Smart Boy Handsome Boy Superb Number One !! Pretty Good Stuff Ahhaaa!! Yeah, My Bro! Nice Pic! Gentlemen! Fantastic!! Always Smart! Innocent Look! Evergreen Charming Personality! Dashing Adorable Slaying Beautiful Rockstar Hey, My Shirt... You Promised Me To Return It Soon Comment for Beautiful Girl Pic on Facebook What A Pic Yr Who Is This Cute Baby Cuteness Overload Cute Baby Hi Bro Nice Very Nice Oh After A Long Time Long-Time No See Cutie Pie Baby Crazy Evil. Your Charm Is Irresistible!! Champion Studious (Just Kidding Don’t Take It Seriously) Partner In Crime. Romance King Looking Nice Nice Picture Mind-Blowing Pic You’re Best And All Other Is Bad Best Comments for Girl Pic on Facebook Best On Facebook Oh! You Are The Best Girls Will Die For You Upload Selfie Best Selfie Ever Selfie King Of The World Aaaaaahhhh! Teach Me How To Take Selfie Like You I’m Gone Mad Behind You Girls Made For You Brother Which Girl Is Standing Behind You? Boss!! You Look Energetic. You Have A Great Smile. That’s A Fantastic Pic. Impressive Picture Handsome As Always. You Look Strong And Confident. This Picture Is Lit. That’s A Killer Pic Bro Your Smile Makes Me Happy. Best Comments for Girl Pic on FB Great! You Should Start Modeling. That’s A Perfect Gentlemen Pic. This Picture Made My Day. Nice Biceps. Looking, Great Brother. Looking Damn Handsome Bro. Million-Dollar Pic Looking Like A Star. Keep Shining. I miss your smile. You’re too pretty. This one is awesome. You look super cute! I love this look on you! How are you always so perfect? You have my heart. Create your own happiness. Your mind is just as sexy as your beauty. You’re the better part of me. Beauty is power; a smile is its sword. Best Funny Comments For Fb Pictures You Are So Cute When You Smile. When I Talk To You, I Can’t Stop Smiling. You Are My Knight In Shining Armor. I Love It When You Use Your Big, Strong Arms To Pick Me Up. From The Heart: You Give Me Butterflies Through Your Laughs And Smiles. You Know How To Rock My World. God Sent You Into My Life. You Are A Gift From Heaven. Everything Is Better With You Around. I Can't-Wait To Spend The Rest Of My Life With You. With You As My Boyfriend, I Couldn’t Possibly Ask For More. I Wanna Hear You Say “I Made Plans For Us.” Giving You My Heart Is The Best Thing I Ever Could Have Done. I Can Explain Why I Love You, But It Would Take Forever. Whenever You Hug Me, I Never Want To Let Go. I Hope That When You Read This, It Makes You Think Of Me! If I Could Use 2 Words To Describe You, I Would Say The Best. I Didn’t Choose This Life. I Chose HIM. The Life Was Just Part Of The Deal. Saying Goodnight To You Is So Hard For Me To Do. I Love You More Than You Will Ever Know… You Make Me Want To Be The Best I Can Be. Best Comments For Profile Picture or DP When You Hold Me In Your Arms My World Stops For A Moment I Feel So Safe When I Am In Your Arms. I Just Want To Thank You For Being My Reason To Look Forward To The Next Day. I Am So Lucky To Have You As My Boyfriend. I Want Us To Last… I Want Us To Stick Together… I Want To Know Everything About You. You Have Shown Me What True Love Feels Like. You Always Know How To Make Me Smile. I Still Get Butterflies Even Though I’ve Seen You A Hundred Times. You Could Never Bore Me. If Loving You Is Wrong, Then I Don’t Want To Be Right… You Look So Handsome Today. I Want To Be Your Last Everything. My Heart Belongs To You And Only You. All I Need To Turn A Bad Day Around Is A Hug From You. Every Little Thing You Do Makes Me Fall Deeper In Love With You. I Wish You Were Here So We Could Cuddle And Fall Asleep Together. While We Are Not Perfect People, I Do Think That We Are Perfect For Each Other. I Would Love To Have Your Arms Wrapped Around Me Right Now! When God Made You, He Was Thinking Of The Perfect Companion For Me. Best Comment on Pic for Boys Super Look. Looking like a star, keep shining. Look like a pro – bro Awesome Brother Reacts Too Much Amazing Smile Handsome as always. Dashing look!! Looking damn handsome bro. Million-dollar pic Looking like a star. Your beauty is irresistible! Your eyes are mesmerizing. You have grown bold. Cutest girl on the planet. You look energetic. Always U rocking with your cuteness. Shine like a star girl. You look strong and confident. This is so dope. Captions for Girls on FB There is great beauty in simplicity. You really look gorgeous in this one. She had a galaxy in her eyes, a universe in her mind. My heart just skipped a beat after watching this. Those eyes mean the world to me. There is a princess inside of all of us. You look so stunning. I must destroy you with hugs and kisses! If we were in the Middle Ages, I’d fight a dragon for you. I can't get my eyes of this pic. The reason why I smile. I can fully be myself with you. Beauty cannot be measured in megapixels. True beauty comes from within. I may be perfect but she is still better. Fantastically awesome. Impressive, improvement is visible. I could kiss you forever. My supermodel. It's always a treat to see your pictures.
Best Comments For Facebook in Hindi 2020
लड़कियों की फेसबुक पोस्ट पे Nice Pic, Nice Photo Comment करने का Trend तो ऐसा है गालिब… कुछ लड़को का बस चले तो वो लड़कियों की कब्र पर भी जा के लिख आये नाईस कब्र डियर ना राईट . . ना फाईट . . अपना कंमेंट आया की वातावरन टाईट.. आज के इस घुटन भरे माहोल में सिर्फ कस्टमर केयर वाली ही है जो गरीब से गरीब आदमी से भी इज़्ज़त से बात करके VIP वाली Feeling देती है. आपको देख 👀 के 😍 लड़कियाँ 👩🏼 अपने ☝🏻 नाम 💍 के साथ 💋 आपका 🙆🏼‍♂ Surname 🕶 जोड 💑 लेती 👅 है 🌷 पता 🏹 नहीं ⛱ क्यू 🤷🏻‍♂ अपने 🏃🏻‍♀ बॉयफ्रैंड 👫 का 😉 दिल ❤ वो ➰ आपके 😎 लिये ✔ तोड़ 💔देती😜 है 💯 ✋🏻#ए_साइड_हट_भाई_comment_करने_दे😜😜 #Pagle_Hero_Hai_Tu_Hero😍👌🏻 हुकूमत #Google का ख्वाब है, #Youtube भी ला-जवाब है! अगर#Facebook कि लड़कियां शबाब है, तो “Mera” …… Bhai Facebook ka Nawab hai 😎😎 #गंभीर_कर_दिया_आपने_तो_हमे_ऐसी_तस्वीर_डालकर #जीतनी_तारीफ_करो_कम_है😉😉_क्योकि_फोटो_आइटम_बम_है😎😎 #खाली_पन्ने 📋 की तरह है #जिन्दगी 😔, फिर भी साली 😉 #Colourful 😘 है… #टक्कर 😏 लेना तो दूर, #सोचना 😒 भी #मत ❌.. क्योकि ये #बन्दा 😎 #Attitude_proof 😏 है.. 👰पगली 🌄 रोज़ रोज़ अकेले की 📸 Selfie लेने से 🤔क्या फ़ायदा.. ☝ एक बार 👰तेरी_👨मेरी_Jodiवाली💑 फ़ोटो 📸खिंच.. फिर👀 देख 👰 तेरी 👭 सहेलियाँ भी 🗣 कहेगी….🎻👌वाह वाह👏 रामजी 💑जोडी क्या 👌बनायी तु अगर. #Hug.👫 करे तो👉 #Kiss..💏Bhi करना पड़ेगा. Ab हमारे #मासुम Se . #प्यार Me. #बाबु. इत्तु सा…. To. ..#GST भरना .. 😍..पडेगा ..😍 प्यार❤तो एक ☝पल में हो जायेगा पगली…😘लेकिन लड़की👩‪#‎Life time‬⏰साथ देने👫वाली होनी😍चाहिए…‪ #‎Life ‬की‪#‎वाट‬👊लगाने वाली❌नही😒 Best Nice FB Comments In Hindi #चेहरे Pe #हँसी Or #आँखों मैं नमी #Hai. सब #कुछ है Mere #पास बस #Jaan एक तेरी #Kami है.. पगली मेरी #Photo को इतना #Zoom करके ना देख #Confuse हो जाएगी की फोटो Like करू या Save करू #Pagal Tere #Siwa Me #Choclate Kisi Ko Na Doon #Dil To Bhut …Dur Ki Bat Hai #दूसरों_की #मानोगे तो मुझे #बुरा ही #पाओगे, #लेकिन #खुद_मिलोगे तो #वादा_रहा , #मुस्कुरा_कर जाओगे… फिर से कई प्रेम कहानियाँ जन्म लेने वाली है, #School और #Coaching जो फिर से शुरू होने वाली है.. मेरी #Girlfriend को दुसरे के साथ देखकर मैं कभी बुरा नही मानता क्योकी मेरी #ममी ने कहा है खेले हुए खिलोने #गरीबो मे बांट देने चाहिए… #SmaRt तो МAiबचपन से ही Нu अगर #चेहरे पर #रुमाल भी लगा लुं तो #लोग मुझे मेरी #Aankho_se पहचान लेते हैं..! FB Cool Comments In Hindi सुनो #लड़कियो जरूरी नही हर #Smart लड़के की #Girlfriend हों । Ek लड़की मुझे Boli Ek To तू #Cute_#Smart फिर भी #Single मैं बोला #संस्कार Pagli संस्कार #बाजी ��ुरू होने दे #खेल बना देगे जिस दिन #मैदान में आ गये #��ेल बना देगें अपनी औकात में रहकर #Style मारा कर Pagli क्योंकि जितना तेरा #वज़न है । उतने तो मेरे पापा के #Property क़े कागज़ हैं ।। #अंग्रेजी की किताब बन गए हो तुम, #पसंद तो बहुत आते हो पर #समझ नहीं आते. बहुत #सोचा #तुमसे बात नहीं करुँगा फिर #सोचा #झगड़ा किससे करुँगा #ओए सुन #पगली.. तू ना मिली तो मै मर #जाऊंगा…. किसी और पर… Cute Love Cooments In Hindi Subha Shaam Ek Ek Bar#Dekh Liya Kro Meri Jaan #Doctor Ne Kha H Dva Time Pe Lete Rhna माँग लूँगा मे तुजे #तकदीर से..?? क्यू कि….. अब जी नहीँ भरता तेरी #तस्वीर से.. “मैं तेरे नसीब की #बारिश नहीं जो तुज पे बरस जाऊ, तुझे #तक़दीर बदलनी होगी मुझे पाने के लिए !!” लड़कियों की बात छोडो मुझे तो #टीचर भी कहती हैं, वहाँ से उठो और मेरे सामने आकर बैठो !! कौन कहता है कि #India मे #Fσgg चल रहा है.. #Fαcєвσσк और #Whatsapp खोल के देख #India 🇮🇳 मे सिर्फ #Attitude_Status_Only_Boys चल रहा है… #लौटकर आया हूँ #फिर_से #मैदान में, #अंदाज_वहीं है, सिर्फ #तरीका_बदल गया है… #ब्लॉक कर दे मुझको वरना #प्यार हो जायेगा तुझको #मिर्ची लगी तो मैं क्या #करूँ #रिजेक्ट एवरी PrOpOsAl,,,, एंड #वेट फॉर Me !!! प्लीज #खटकता तो उनको हूँ जहाँ मैं #झुकता_नहीं, बाकी जिन्हें अच्छा लगता हूँ वो मुझे कही #झुकने नहीं_देते ।। #खटकता तो उनको हूँ जहाँ मैं #झुकता_नहीं, बाकी जिन्हें अच्छा लगता हूँ वो मुझे कही #झुकने नहीं_देते ।। दोस्तों के लिए Best Comments For Fb Friends आप अपने फेसबुक फ्रेंड्स फोटो पर कॉपी और कमेंट कर सकते हैं। आशा है आपको 2020 Best Facebook Comments in Hindi अच्छी लगी होगी, तो पोस्ट को सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर करें। Read the full article
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: YumeTwins September 19
 It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve done anything here un-related to Gacha Gacha crate. I kind of had to take a moment to step back and remember how different these were, but I’m excited because I missed doing them; checking out new makeup items, eating yummy snacks~
With that let’s get started!
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“Can you believe it’s already September? We’re sure you have been working so hard all year long so you deserve a break! Gather your friends and go for a weekend getaway! You deserve it! To help you with your trip we’ve put together a box of travel items that will make your trip more enjoyable and of course more kawaii! We hope you love this month’s Weekend Getaway box and have a great trip!“
Photo Contest
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This month the contest was a simple selfie pic with one of your favorite items in this months box. First place could win a Pokemon Pouch and face towel, while runner-ups won a Pokemon File, all featuring an adorable vacation-themed Pokemon image.
Yume Prize
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September’s Yume Prize features a lovely combination of Cinnamoroll and Little Twin Star products; such as a cute plush, ramune, figurines, pouch, a really cute ballpoint pen, etc.
It might just be me, but I feel like at the tail-end of summer, these items have a cooling feel to them. Looking at them makes me think light, refreshed, and I like the mix of practicality with them.
Sumikko Gurashi Plushie Bag
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Our first item is a necessity whether you’re going out, shopping, or heading out for a little trip; not only is it very roomy, but it’s super-soft and snuggly during those less-than fun moments. The plushie comes on a pair of straps, which can also be put onto one hook rather than both, or removed entirely to transform the plush from a bag to an adorable cuddly friend~
From this line is the basic 4 Summiko; Shirokuma, Neko, Tokage, and Penguin?. I say this all the time I know, but for the sake of anybody new around here, I love Neko and Shirokuma the most, but besides them I usually get Tokage, then Penguin? Tonkatsu I rarely ever see. But sometimes I don’t like Neko’s color scheme, and Tokage’s is always really pretty looking.
Maybe I have a secret third favorite Sumikko and didn’t know~
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(I miss my cute ♥ ranking, so I think I’ll be using it again.)
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The plush fabric is very soft, the stitched details are perfect and clean, the inside is a nice, soft lined fabric. The straps are kinda meh but I think the kinks will work themselves out once I let it stretch out (I’ll be hanging the purse somewhere after this).
I’d love giving this a 5-heart (which means perfect or amazing in my ranking system) but when I originally got this I had problems with the zipper. By that I mean it wouldn’t work, because it wasn’t connecting the zipper-track together. But somehow, I fiddled with it prior to working on this review and now it works. No clue how or why, but I’m going to be very careful with it. I’m very excited to use it~
Sanrio Travel Bottle Set
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Next we have these cute little travel bottles, which come in handy whenever you go away or visit someone, or just want to compact the items in your car or purse. They can be filled with lotions, shower gels, shampoo, oils, etc, and because of the little stopper on top the hole the product comes out of is blocked when the lid is on to ensure it doesn’t accidentally spill out.
In the box, the sets were My Melody or Hello Kitty, both featuring a basic character head topper with a cute, simplistic print on the bottle. Hello Kitty has pale pink dots, brown lined text and images of hello kitty, and cute bows colored light blue or pink.
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Right now I’m not someone who has a use for an item like this, but you never know when something might come up- and because I hoard/collect anything of Hello Kitty I’m not frowning at a brand new item I don’t have yet~
I think these are cute and fun, and like I said they can be really versatile even if you aren’t going somewhere. Like, if you were lending someone some product until they can get more, or maybe they wanted to try something you have so you wanted to give them some. I don’t know, the point is, there are numerous things you could do.
Kawaii Reversible Pouch
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This nicely sized pouch is perfect for all kinds of things; stationery, makeup, toiletries, etc. It has 2 separate pouches allowing for some organization too, and I’m sure you noticed those buttons right?? Well, besides have 2 separate drawings on each side, you can also open it to reveal 2 different sides : D so essentially you get 4, really cute images to play between. It’s like doubled, four separate pouches in one!
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These are just 2 of is sides because I didn’t realize this feature until just now while I wrote this.
Besides my Doraemon, there was also a variety of Sanrio characters and Pokemon too.
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It’s a thin pouch but it’s plenty spacious, and I like how there’s 2 sides to it rather then it just being 1 big pouch because you can organize the items a little. I also love the pretty gold zipper and buttons, which give it a nice high quality touch in my opinion. The images are very sweet looking and fun. I usually don’t use my pouches (not because I don’t want to, I just never think to. It’s a weird habit I really wished I stopped because I have several items I never use cause I’m used to shoving what I need in my pockets), but I’m going to try to use this one. I really like it!
Shiba Luggage Tag
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For travels a luggage tag is one of your best friends :3 they come in handy to keep track of what items belong to you in case of some freak mishap or if someone just happened to have the same set of luggage. They include a card or slip of paper that you write down your personal information on, along with whatever little details you think matter (like if you’re at a hotel you could write down its name, or the room #).
These tags feature an adorable shiba design. Each costs 480 yen from wherever they were sold (according to the tag on the package), and are rubbery. 
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I’m rating it high purely because its a perfectly fine lugging tag. I don’t really care all that much for it because I have a few others already and I probably won’t be using any of them. But they make great gifts and my friend loves dogs, I might give this one to her.
Also this is just me being nit-picky, but I’m not a fan of the... art style for them they use. I don’t know why, I just don’t like it.
Rilakkuma Bonjour Hanger
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Our final item made me pretty nostalgic for the old YumeTwins box because we used to get blind box items in them (and some of the others). I LOVE adorable Japanese blind box items (we need a blind box box now :D) and I miss seeing them.
Anyway, this one is a cute Rilakkuma series featuring the group in Paris, France! There was 7 in total; 3 Rilakkuma and 3 Korilakkuma, and 1 Kiiroitori. My favorite has always been Korilakkuma, but how can you not love Rilakkuma too? But I’ve never been a huge fan of Kiiroitori, there’s nothing wrong with him but he’s never really struck anything with me either.
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This item isn’t necessarily a travel necessary item as much as it is enjoying someone on their own travels :3 it’s kind of cute in a way when you think about it like that. The charm is a nice quality metal and has bright, clean colors; and I’ve always had a soft spot for France (next to Japan I’d love to visit it one day).
If my current phone had a cellphone strap piece I’d definitely be using it now.
♡ Cutie Ranking ♡
Content - 5 out of 5. Keep in mind I rate these items based on practicality, if they work as intended, quality, etc. Besides the purse giving me slight issues (which might have been my fault, I don’t know) I felt like everything was great. I don’t see myself using a few of the items but I do like the items.
Theme: 4 out of 5. The items fit the theme very well, as did the Yume Prize items, but I’m kind of bothered by the fact this was a september box and it felt more like a summer one to me. I also feel like I’ve seen this theme a handful of times and I was kind of bored with it.
Total Rank: 9 out of 10. The items were fine, but I was a little disinterested in the theme for this month. It’s not bad, but I want something different.
♡ Cutie Scale ♡
1. Reversible Pouch
2. Sumikko Gurashi Bag/Purse
3. Hello Kitty Travel Bottle Set
4. Rilakkuma Hanger
5. Dog Luggage Tag
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bubbakanoosh · 8 years
your comments are the opposite of funny, stop adding them to posts asshole.
I will say I laughed my fucking ass off when I got this.. I just cannot understand the anger in your question.   I swear, I went thru my own blog to see if and what I “ruined” for you that made you so livid.  So my mom once told me when I was young… wait, this sounds like Simple Man.  What is the band that sings Simple Man? Fuck… I know this, and I am feeling stupid for not knowing it.   Anyways, I feel Simple Man is there best song, followed by Freebird, then Tuesdays Gone and yeah.  Sweet Home Alabama is an overrated tune.  There, I said it..  if I am going to get hate mail for anything, is because of that.   Sweet Home Alabama is a song that I think is overplayed and overrated.   And don’t get me started on the Kid Rock monstrosity he released… sweet merciful crap that sucked.   I killed Freebird on Guitar Hero.   Loved that game, loved Rock Band more.   My bands name in Rock Band was Unicorn of Justice.  Don’t ask how that came about, it just involved Magic: The Gathering.   Anyways, I sang lead in the band, or I sometimes played base.   But yeah, Sweet Home Alabama is a no no.   Okay, I am going to take a wee break here because I am writing this on the train.   I and now heading to my car and will finish when I get home.   In the mean time here the lyrics to Rump Shaker by Wreckx-N-Effect:
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
Check baby check baby one two three fourCheck baby check baby one two threeCheck baby check baby one twoCheck baby check baby one
It’s called the rump shaker, the beats is like sweeter than candyI’m feelin’ manly and your shaker’s comin’ in handySlide em across from new york down by your VirginiaTicklin’ you around Delaware before I enterTurn to seduction from face hips to feetA wiggle and a jiggle can make the night completeNow since you got the body of the year, come and get the awardHere’s a hint, it’s like a long sharp swordFlip tail, so let me see you shake it up like diceThe way you shake your rump is turnin’ mighty men to miceBut a plus got a surprise that’s a back breakerNow let me see you shake your rump like a rump shaker
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
Check baby check baby one two three fourCheck baby check baby one two threeCheck baby check baby one twoCheck baby check baby one
Yup yup it’s teddy, ready with the one-two checkerWreckx-n-effect is in effects but I’m the wreckerOf the track ‘bout the honey shakin’ rumps and they backs inBooties of the cuties steady shakin’ but relaxin’The action, is packed in a jam like a closetBeats bound to get you up, cold flowin ‘like a faucetNot mean to make you sit, not mean to make you jumpBut yep make the hotties in the party shake your rumpI like the way you comb your hair (uh!)I like the stylish clothes you wear (uh!)It’s just the little things you do (uh!)That makes me want to get with you (uh!)
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
Shake it, shake it, shake it now shake itShe can spend every birthday butt nakedBody is soft, makin’ me want to squish herMore just than a game, a rumper like a sub-wooferShake it to the left (shake it) shake it to the rightI don’t mind stickin’ it to her every single nightCome on, pass the poom poom, send it to poppaShake it baby shake it baby shake it don’t stoppaLet me see you do the booty hop (hop)And now make the booty stopNow drop and do the booty wop (ooh)The way you shakin’ your reals, will appealIs makin of a whole lot of billsBut I ain’t into trickin’, just to treatin’And I ain’t into treatin’ every trick that I’m meetin’(nah nah nah nah nah nah nah)Yeah, shake it baby, shake it now shake it like that
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoomAnd a poom-poom, just shake ya rump
Okay, I am back.  I hope you have that song in your head because it has been in my head since I used it in a comment the other day.   Anyways, back to what I was trying to say about my mom… she once told me that you cannot like everyone, and everyone cannot like you.   And you know what? Those are the truest words you will ever read on tumblr.   I know there are people in this world that do not like me for whatever reason, and on the flip side there are people out there that Lynyrd Skynyrd!!  That’s the name, fuck… it was driving me crazy.  I knew if I didn’t get it I would lose sleep.  Fuck, thank god..  Anyways, tehre are people out there that I don’t like.   You clearly don’t like me because you think a) I am an asshole and b) the opposite of funny.   To be honest, I sometimes don’t think I funny either.   And i know there are poeple that follow me who don’t either, and they erase my comments and actually write better ones.   There is this one pic I posted with John Waters about sometimes cute and dumb is ok.  I wrote a comment on it that I hated, and others did too because it;s long gone.  I get constantly reminded about how bad the comment was because it always shows it when it gets liked or reblog. Fuuuck.  See, I can hate on my comments because they are mine.   And, all my comments are out in the open public so people can see.   I don’t think I am an asshole, I am just really really blunt and sarcastic.  My brutal honesty gets often confused with asshole-ism.   But like I said, at least I am speaking shit not heading under a cloak of invisibility.   I don’t even know what the fuck you got mad at? I don’t make comments on anything personal someone posted like a story, or selfie or whatever… I just comment on pictures.   And it;s not you in the fucking pic.  I don’t know if you a male or female, but maybe you are a male and my comment cockblocked you or something.    And you probably have a name like Sir-King-Hung-Alpha-Wolf-Lord followed by Tiger Emoji x 3.  Why the hell do you have a tiger emoji? Fuck you are making me hate imaginary you.   Anyways, it’s just a fucking picture on Tumblr.  TUMBLR!!!  This is a site that has theme days like Hang Out With Your Wang Out Wedsnesdays where guys submit pictures of there cocks while on a LA-Z-BOY lounger, or Puss’n Boots Tuesdays where chics show twat pics while only wearing a pair of Uggs, or Freaky Fridays where you submit pics showing that anything could be a dildo if you are brave enough.   It’s a fucking website of silliness, and my comment are being added to pictures that is not you.  If I am destroying your fantasy, I am sorry but ou need to step away from the site for a bit and just breath.   That being said, this site is silly but I met some pretty awesome people here that I can consider great friends.  I know my frienship will still last if I post a picture with a comment on it, and someone else reblogs it by adding there own comment.   I am not going to hate life and the world and the people who reblogged it.  You know why? Well, I am an adult.  What I say on pictures is not mocking the love between you and your one, I am mocking the photo because most likely the photo is fucking dumb,  And much like people, we are all allowed to like different things.   Poeple out there like feet and coffee, and I can call some of these people dear friends.  I don’t hate them, I question their judgement, but I don’t hate them.  So, next time you want to reach out and call someone an asshole, be brave and say it too my face (or un-anon’d) and maybe we can have an intelligent conversation about it.   I doubt that will happen, you will probably continue to bitch and whine and fuck, I dunno.  I think this is ending on a boring note… I am going to make dinner now, I think I am going to make grilled cheese.   I fucking love grilled cheese.  I bet you hate grilled cheese don’t you? I am shaking my head in disappointed right now.   
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socialweirdia-blog · 7 years
#1 - trouble is online now
capmccall is online now. lacrosstiles is typing.... lacrosstiles aaand, it is uploaded now. another masterpiece of the genius beacon hills boy, the one and only Stiles Stilinski! lacrosstiles have you seen it??? capmccall dude, i'm on it, i just got here. :"D capmccall give me a sec
lacrosstiles so?? SOO??? capmccall you are an idiot xD capmccall i'm dying LoL lacrosstiles i'm not an idiot, i'm just a misunderstood artist, bro. :( lacrosstiles but thanks :'D you are my number one fan. capmccall i think you are your number one fan, tbh. capmccall what r u doing? capmccall  stalking Lydia again? lacrosstiles stalking is such a strong word, bro! i'm not a creep. lacrosstiles but fyi, Lydia updated a new pic on insta. lacrosstiles and she is GORGEOUS!!!! lacrosstiles my future wife <3 capmccall and you're offended when i call you a creep xD capmccall and we lost Stiles...
allisilver is online now capmccall Hey, Allison! :) allisilver Hey :) capmccall How are you doing? I didn't see you in class. allisilver I didn't think anyone will notice it :) but I'm a little sick so I stayed home. capmccall That's not good :( So... I guess you won't be coming to the game tomorrow... allisilver I don't know. If I'll get better I'll definitely will. And I also promised Lydia to go with her, and a promise to her is some kind of sacred swear, so I'm lack of any other options. :D capmccall :D capmccall Well, yes... Lydia is kind of a control freak. But you seem to handle it very well ;) allisilver Well, I'm trying my best. ^^ allisilver I think I'm going to bed now. capmccall is typing... allisilver Thanks for writing me, it was really nice of you. Bye, Scott! capmccall is typing... allisilver went offline. capmccall I hope I'll see you tomorrow, tough. It'd be really good :$ capmccall sent a screenshot. capmccall god, i shouldn't have sent that... i shouldn't have said that... STILES! lacrosstiles oh, you're such a cutie <3 awww! lacrosstiles it SO ROMANTIC!!! capmccall how will I look into her eyes after that??? lacrosstiles chill scott! it's not even that bad. i'm through far worse things. capmccall really? lacrosstiles ... urgh! as if you haven't see my failures before! and, as I've said, it's not bad at all! lacrosstiles and, it's obvious she likes you too. capmccall you really think that?? :O lacrosstiles i'm positive about it. JUST MAKE A F***INK MOVE FINALLY, MCCALL!!! capmccall you know what? you're right. i'm gonna ask her out. lacrosstiles daaats mahhh booooi!!!!! capmccall shut up, and go to bed. big day tomorrow. lacrosstiles okie-dokie Romeo ;) capmccall went offline. lacrosstiles went offline. - × - × - × - allisilver is online now. allisilver sent a screenshot. allisilver is typing... allisilver OMG! Isn't he cute? He's so sweet, Lydia. Do you think he likes me? Or maybe he's just this nice with anyone... allisilver But then why would he write something like that? HE HOPES TO SEE ME! God, this is so sweet and exciting! lydiamartin is online now. lydiamartin It only means one thing. lydiamartin We're going shopping. You need a cute dress ;) lydiamartin I'll be there in 20 minutes. Be ready! allisilver is typing... lydiamartin went offline. allisilver I have enough clothes already, Lyds! allisilver Whatver I guess... Scott walked up and down in front of the bench, never taking his eyes off the people who came to see the game. He was tensed. Not only because the game was important, but because of Allison too. Scott made a promise to himself, and to Stiles too, that if she will be there he'll ask her out. And as scary as it was, Scott really wanted to ask the girl out. "Do you really think she'll come?" Scott asked again, and all he got as an answer was an exaggerated eyeroll from Stiles. "Of course she will." he said sounding a little frustrated. There was pressure on Stiles right now, and even though he cared about his best friend's happiness dearly, he had other things in his mind that enjoyed priority. This was his first time to play in the starting lineup. He played in games before, but he was a substitute so far. He got in the starting team in the last moment, and he didn't have time to tell this to his father. He figured it'll be such a huge surprise for him, and he'll make his dad proud. If he makes to the game though. He kept typing another messages to him, asking where he was. "How do you know?" Scott asked still restless. Stiles opened his mouth to say something witty and sarcastic as usual, but that was when his phone made a little noise, and a notification appeared on the screen of his phone. [ lydiamartin posted a picture on Instagram ] "Really, dude?" Scott asked as he watched Stiles opening the application. "Really, dude?" Stiles mocked as he held up his phone and showed it in Scott's face. "You're not the sharpest, right? If Allison comes, she comes with Lydia, bro." And indeed, not only Lydia was on the selfie, but Allison was also there smiling shyly, and it made Scott grinn stupidly immediately. "Now that's kind of creepy." Stiles teased. "Don't drool on my phone, bro." "They're already here then. Where do you think they sit?" he ased looking up again. Stiles examined the picture for a while, looking for some kind of lead. Then he looked up and soon spotted the girl, and pointed at their direction. "Look, they are there!" he said to Scott, who seemed liked a deer caught in a headlight, especially when Stiles started to wave at them like an idiot. "Lydia! Allison we are here!" he yelled from the top of his lungs, still waving. Until Scott caught his arm and tried to pull him away. "What the hell are you doing Stiles?" he asked, clearly a bit upset about Stiles' little action. "I just made sure everyone sees everyone." Stiles replied with a pout rubbing his arm. "And couldn't you find a more discreet way to greet them?" Scott didn't sound any friendlier. "Oh, and the losers spotted us." Lydia said with stoical expression on her face. She made a face, and rolled her eyes as she sighed. She held up her hand just a tiny bit, and with a clearly forced meant-to-be-sarcastic smile on her face, waved them back. Allison on the other hand found Stiles' wholehearted enthusiasm really entertaining and cute. She chukled and waved them back mouthing a 'hello'. "Good, now everyone is watching us." Lydia huffed as she looked around. "But I thought you liked attention." Allison reminded her with a little frown, bust she was still smiling. "That's true." Lydia agreed. "Maybe you should thank Stiles." Allison tried. She honestly didn't understood why Lydia kept him pushing away. Although Allison was the new kid in school, and she didn't know anyone that well, Stiles seemed like a great guy. Maybe he was a little hyper, but he was honestly caring and funny, and he was following Lydia around like a puppy, which Allison found really cute. "Well, I greeted him, I think that's a prize already." Lydia said disdainfully. Allison frowned, clearly outraged. "Lydia!" she scolded the strawberry blonde. "He's a nice kid and he would do anything to just be your friend, or talk to you once in a while. You shouldn't treat him like that!" "Well, I have a boyfriend. I cannot give him false hope." Lydia defended herself, with an innocent expression on her face. "Maybe you could just talk to him first. You know, be friends with him." Allison said softly. "Please... Just try it once." "I cannot promise anything." Lydia replied a little dramatically, but Allison kept staring at her, so she sighed, and finally said "Alright, I'll be friendlier with him, and reply his messages once or twice. Promise!" she sounded a little frustrated. "Thank you." Allsion smiled thriumphantly. "But I still think he's creepy." the other stated.
lacrosstiles Hey Lydia! :) So how was the game? lacrosstiles I am finally playing the starting lineup, and couch said it's final so... lacrosstiles is typing... lydiamartin The game was good. Jackson played really good. lydiamarting ...and you weren't as awful as I thought you'll be. lacrosstiles stopped typing. lacrosstiles is typing... lacrosstiles Oh, you actually replied! And thanks, that's very kind of you. lacrosstiles You looked beatiful tonight, by the way. :) lacrosstiles But,you always look amazing, so it's not a real surprise. lydiamartin Thanks. lacrosstiles You know, maybe we could talk more. lacrosstiles I know you're busy with school an everything, but maybe just here, you know... lydiamartin I don't want to get your hopes up Stilinski. lydiamartin But now that you made it to the field, maybe things will change... lydiamartin Just a little bit!!! lacrosstiles You made this the best day of my life! lydiamartin went offline.
lacrosstiles hahaha, guess who's not a loser anymore?? lacrosstiles Lydia actually replied to my messages! we talked! and she said things might change between us from now on. capmccall Stiles, she might not meant what you meant by this... you know that right? lacrosstiles Scott, don't ruin the perfect moment! capmccall i'm just trying to save you from getting your heart broken. lacrosstiles now she'll reply, maybe now i can show her i'm the one for her! i just got a chance!!! lacrosstiles everything is going according to the plan. lacrosstiles you're so quiet... what happened with Allison? capmccall i asked her out on a date. capmccall she said YES!!!!! lacrosstiles wow!!! congrats bro!!!
- × - × - × - lacrosstiles is online now. [You have 10 unread message(s)] capmccall are you doing this? capmccall please tell me, you have nothing to do with this! capmccall get it off until someone sees it! you'll get in trouble! lydiamartin You took creepiness to a whole new level, Stilinski. lydiamartin Maybe you should see a doctor or something... jwhittem STILINKSKI, YOU'RE DEAD!!! allisilver Stiles, is this really you? Is that a kind of fanpage? allisilver So far I was supporting you, and I hoped you and Lydia be a thing but... this isn't cute anymore. jwhittem i told you to stay away from lydia!!!! jwhittem GET THAT PAGE OFF!!!
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These Insta-famous felines prove how photogenic black cats truly are
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This is Ode To..., a weekly column where we share the stuff we're really into in hopes that you'll be really into it, too.
It is my personal (and wildly biased) belief that black cats do not get the love or attention they deserve.
Black cats are sometimes dismissed at pet adoption agencies, according to the BBC, over concerns that they won't photograph as well as other cats. But the black cats of Instagram are proof that this is simply not the case. 
SEE ALSO: 8 of the best automatic cat feeders to keep your pet fed and happy
Coal-colored cuties like chicagoblackcat, Tingeling of tussetroll_and_tingeling, backpackingkitty, and all the cats featured on black_cats_ig serve as reminders that black cats are just as photogenic and adorable as any other Insta-famous animal. 
Stephen Lopez runs the crouchendcatclowder Instagram where he documents the life of his handsome black cats Mr. Bob and Miss Molly (and his tabby cat Alfie,) in London, England. He said in an email that black cats are wonderful and because they're generally "underdogs" and they "tend to shine more to stand out and get attention."
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Mr Bob and Molly enjoying a late summer play time in the garden 🖤 . . #housepanther #gatosdeinstagram #catoftheday #excellent_cats #cat_features #topcatphoto #gardenparty #catstagram #catloversclub #instacat_meows #ネコ #bestcats_oftheworld #cutecatcrew #catstocker #cats_of_world #catloversclub #cats_of_instagram #blackpanther #livingmybestlife #instakotik #sundayfunday #panther #blackcatsrule #ねこ #catsofinstagram #balousfriends #fierce #meowdel #cutecatskittens #instakitty
A post shared by @ crouchendcatclowder on Sep 9, 2018 at 10:23am PDT
"Cats are not meant to be adopted for Instagram (says the guy with a cat Instagram account) so choosing a cat purely based on social media likes is horrendous!" said Lopez. "And, as with anything, lighting is key and once you get a good pic of a black cat, it looks amazing!" 
ASPCA debunked the myth that black cats are rarely adopted with a 2016 study showing that about 31 percent of adopted cats are black. However, non-black cats still have the highest combined adoption rates. On average it takes 10 days longer for black cats to get adopted, according to the BBC. And now unfortunately, the desire to have a camera-ready pet could be to blame for lower black cat adoption rates. 
"It's [the need for a photogenic pet] become more serious now because people live their life on selfies," Christine Bayka, owner of the cat adoption center the Moggery in Bristol told BBC. "Black cats are now less popular because they don't show up well in pictures." 
I'll shamefully admit that when my partner and I first decided to adopt a cat, we wanted a tabby or a calico. But as fate would have it, we fell in love with a black cat.
plz look at my large adult son pic.twitter.com/xtk72D8D5D
— Amanda Luz (@ahenning91) June 1, 2018
Since adopting our cat, I've become obsessed with a variety of black cats on Instagram and have become a total black cat convert. I mean, what's cuter than a cat that resembles a tiny panther?
Need examples? I'd like to direct your attention to these photogenic cuties:
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Mom submitted this photo for the 2019 @harmony_house_for_cats calendar. Mom chose it. I did not. I was thinking, something a little more sophisticated would be better but she said this shows my personality the best and that’s why she chose it. She said to trust her. “It will be the best little 1.3” x 1” photo anyone has ever seen!” I highly doubt that. 😼 But I love her so I guess I’ll trust her on this one. If you want to be in the calendar I’m in, the link is in my bio. That would be cool if we filled the whole calendar up! Link in bio and in stories! 😸 The calendar supports @harmony_house_for_cats (that’s the shelter I was adopted from 😺) so their kitties can get the care they need and be all healthy and ready to impress the potential adopters! Submissions are due tomorrow, September 1! 😺 As far as photo submissions go, I recommend you require final approval. Purrents don’t always make the best photo choices. • • • #calendarboy #meowdel #blackcat #cat #rescuecat #excellent_cats #gato #gatonegro #buzzfeedanimals #catsofinstagram #citycat #citykitty #mikita #kitty #housepanther #minipanther #topcatphoto #dailycat #bestmeow #cat_features #chicagocat #instacats #chicagopets #pamperedcats #instacat_meows #kedi #kawaii #booper #chicagoblackcat
A post shared by M I K I T A 💙 (@chicagoblackcat) on Aug 31, 2018 at 2:29pm PDT
Mikita, a little black cat who hails from Chicago, Illinois has a brilliantly shiny coat and the teeniest mew I've ever heard. 
His parents Andrea and Rich even have a website for Mikita where they share health tips and recommendations for cats.
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Adorable! 🖤🐾🖤 Photo: @danii_the_cat . . . #blackcats #blackcatsig #blackcatsofinstagram #iloveblackcats #catlovers #blackcatsrule #blackcatlover #blackcat #cats #kitten #catsofinstagram #blackkitten #blackkitty #meow #kittensofinstagram
A post shared by Black Cats IG (@black_cats_ig) on Apr 5, 2018 at 12:50pm PDT
Then there's Black Cats IG, your number one spot for — as its name suggests — gorgeous photos of black cats.
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I climbed my first fourteen thousand foot peak with my daddy @jjyosh yesterday. There’s nothing this kitty won’t do. Any of my feline friends want to climb the next peak with me?
A post shared by Simon Yosh the Adventure Cat (@backpackingkitty) on Oct 1, 2018 at 10:10pm PDT
Simon, the adventure cat is widely known for his love of hiking, swimming, and the general outdoors. But he's also a brilliant little black cat with a sweet face and an even sweeter personality. His account's worth checking out.
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"It's a good thing my winter coat is on, let the weekend begin" 🍁☻🍁 #fluffball #tgif #sillytingeling #funnycat #scottishfold #blackcat #instacat #catsofinstagram #instagramcats #instagram #instagood #cutepetclub #cutecatcrew #theellenshow #EllenRateMyCat #catoftheday #fluffypack #pawpack #pleasantcats #animalsco #catmyboss #bestmeow #meow #meowbox #katter #cats #catsofworld #nc_cuties
A post shared by Greta 🇳🇴 Oslo 🇳🇴 Norway (@tussetroll_and_tingeling) on Oct 5, 2018 at 2:09am PDT
Tingeling is a black Scottish fold with a zany personality. He lives in Oslo, Norway with Tussetroll a golden shaded Persian, and together they hike, play with their cat nip toys, and lounge in cozy little boxes. 
Tips for photographing black cats
Contrary to popular belief, it's not hard to photograph a black cat. I do it all the time — too often, some have said.
If you're wondering how to take the absolute best pictures of your black cat (or, dog!) the UK-based pet adoption agency RSPCA made this super easy guide to follow:
Now that you’re privy to all the love, affection, joy, and beauty that black cats have to offer, allow me to direct your attention to some great black cat rescues, Black Cat Holistic Rescue and Black Cat Rescue. You can volunteer, donate, and even adopt a black cat of your very own at either rescue. 
You can also ring up your local animal shelter and offer up your services and donations to cats of all types. 
WATCH: This smart feeder will stop your pets from mooching off each other
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