#that’s basically them lolol
chasiufan · 4 months
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Warmup doodles I did a week ago that I still like so I’m posting here…. Grown ass man
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sweettoothselfships · 10 months
if you had to steal one of your f/os’ FIRST names for yourself what would you take
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killjoy-prince · 7 months
House M.D. but it's when a character says the name of the episode
#house md#prince's talk tag#flashing#repitition#so as i was watching this show i noticed they'd say the episode title in the episode#so i wanted to see how many times they did it#the people on livejournal who made transcripts of the episodes are my saviors and without them this would of been so much harder to do#thank you all for your service and i hope wherever you all are you're having a great day#sometimes they would use a variation of the word like in the episode poison they would say 'poisoned' or 'poisoning'#i did not include those instances#there was an instance in 'merry little christmas' where they do play the song in the show#but since ella fitzgerald was not a character in the show i did not include it#where as in the episode 'joy to the world' the students are singing it in the concert so i did include that#i apologize for the tonal whiplash when you get to that part but it did make me laugh#one of the times kutner says 'locked in' is overshadowed by the POTW's voice over but i assure you he says it and thats why its in there#out of the main characters from the one who said the title the most to least are#House > Foreman > Wilson > Chase > Cuddy > Adams > Cameron and Taub > Kutner > Thirteen and Park#this took a bit to do lolol its probably been done already but i wanted my own#there is a chance im missing some on technicalities but idc. im fine with this#there are two more i wanna do but with a character saying another character's name but ill do that some other time#EDIT: When I was making this video I was unaware that the Pilot episode went by two names: 'Pilot' and 'Everybody Lies'#Basically everywhere I looked the first episode was only referred to by 'Pilot'#which I found weird bc i remember seeing somewhere that the last episode was paired with the first episode in terms of title#but i couldn't find hard proof so I decided to leave it out at the time#well i checked again last night and yea the pilot IS also called Everybody Lies so I updated the video#I also think it goes well with the fact that House does say 'Everybody Dies' in the finale so another reason to fix it#AND he says it without Wilson while he and Wilson say the title of the pilot sooooo yea hehehehehe
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smoothshine · 1 year
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At last, beautiful people, I AM ALIVE!!
Life has been tough for these last couple of weeks, but I finally got the time to finish this piece for @chewytran's DTIYS!
Hopefully I won't crawl back under the rock and die (again, lolol), but my schedule is killing me right now, so we'll see. In the meantime - hope you enjoy this little peace offering, hehe :33
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 10 months
your hands have always held their own
Heist!Mark x reader | Words: 1,063 | read on AO3
Heist!Mark finally asks his partner in crime out on that date.
It was early evening and you and your heist partner sat nearly shoulder to shoulder in your shared living room. The sun hung low, just barely brushing its rays against the clouds, tinging their edges amber and yellow.
Recently, there had been a lot more of these calm afternoons where you would sit together, discussing everything and nothing, perhaps watching TV or whatever videos took both your fancy; sometimes you simply watched the sky until you felt sleepy. Occasionally one of his hands might come up to play idly with your hair (a more affectionate gesture than either of you had ever previously initiated, but you didn't really mind, and neither of you mentioned it).
'This next heist…’ he started, ‘it's supposed to set us up, pretty much for life. And it got me thinking—'
'That's dangerous,' you interrupted.
'Yeah, maybe for you,' he quipped back, eyebrows raised mockingly, but there was no malice in his voice.
'Anyway,' he continued, voice softening. 'I was thinking about the future and stuff. Like, what do we do after this? And as nice as it would be to be able to relax and just enjoy the rest of our lives without worrying about the next spot to rob, I think I would kind of miss doing these jobs with you.'
That got your full attention. He wasn't quite meeting your eyes — instead, a loose strand on his clothes was apparently very interesting — but something about his words and the gentle sincerity with which he'd spoken them took you a little off-guard.
‘...I hadn't really thought much about it. About what happens after.’ And it was true, you hadn't; nothing past the first few wild, exciting dreams that sprung to mind when reading the amount of money the pair of you were being offered for this particular artefact. No real, solid plans.
‘I think I'd miss it too,’ you continued quietly. ‘But I mean, who's to say we can't do a couple more every once in a while, just for the fun of it, y'know? We don't even have to go after anything that valuable. More like just… for old times’ sake.’ You caught his gaze and he smiled, a little fond and a little hopeful, dark eyes twinkling.
‘Yeah, cool… So, uhm,’ he averted his gaze again and you couldn't help but find his uncharacteristic hesitance and bashfulness adorable, wondering what was on his mind that was making him act this awkward.
‘So I was wondering, once this heist is over, if you'd maybe wanna go out sometime?’
‘Sure, is that it?’ you question, oblivious. (Or maybe not wanting to get ahead of yourself. Surely there's no way he meant it like that.)
Your crime partner’s head perked up, eyes wide and looking directly into yours, as if searching for something.
‘Umm, yeah?’ you say, incredulous. ‘What's got you so nervous? And… surprised? We go out together all the time.���
‘No, buddy, you don't get it…’ he said, sat looking a little like a kicked puppy. The look of disappointment that crossed his face broke your heart and instantly made you regret your words.
His hands returned to fidgeting and oh, you wanted to take those hands in yours and ease the nerves from his palms, thread his fingers through your own, press your lips to his knuckles.
Mark sighed. One of his hands came to rest on his knee while the other carded through his hair. You found yourself wanting to do the same.
‘Listen…’ he began again, eyes downcast while his hand came to rest in his lap. ‘We've been friends for what feels like ages now, working together for even longer. I know we butt heads at times, I can be an idiot and you can get on my nerves but-’ Finally his eyes met yours, and the affection in them made your breath catch in your throat.
The sun was setting by now, casting a gorgeous orange glow through the room and over his features. It made his eyes appear almost golden, and it suddenly occurred to you that no shiny trinket you could steal could ever possibly be worth more than the look those eyes were giving you in this moment. You internally cringed at the thought, but you couldn't deny it was true.
‘You're really important to me,’ he said earnestly. ‘I don't always agree with you but I always trust your judgement. I probably trust you more than anyone else, to be honest. You're my best friend, and maybe I'm wrong, but I think there could be something else here? And I wanna try being more? If that's okay with you.’
‘You mean-’
‘Yeah.’ He took your hand, said your name, foregoing any of his nicknames for you. ‘I love you — I always have, as a friend, but I think I have feelings for you. So, if you reciprocate even a little, let me take you out. On a real date. And if things don't work out,’ (you didn't miss the small flicker of something sad as he added that part) ‘well, we can still work together. And we'll still be friends, right?’ he asked hopefully.
You could feel your heart thrumming wildly, from his words, the intensity of his gaze and the warmth radiating from his hand to yours.
You took his other hand, the one still atop his knee, and replied softly: ‘I'd really love that, actually. To go on a date with you, I mean.’
The smile he gave you was genuine, unlike the typical cocky. It was wide and crinkled the skin beneath his eyes. You briefly wondered whether he could feel your racing pulse through your intertwined hands.
‘Then it's agreed. After the heist.’
‘After the heist,’ you promised.
Inevitably, you would run into problems and possibly danger in your next heist, as you usually did, but you trusted Mark, and you knew you could count on him when push came to shove. You knew that you would follow him anywhere, and the two of you had a better chance of conquering any obstacles you faced if you were together, as you always had.
The sun dipped beneath the clouds, the room was warm, and things felt comfortably the same and yet like this was a turning point for the pair of you.
You were sure this heist would be one to remember.
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astronnova · 2 months
don't know if you still like scatter & wilt, but if you could make it canon (friendship, romance, doesn't matter) how would you do it within the story and if you could bend the canon?
see, thats where you're wrong. i've never stopped liking scatter & wilt. i've been on the scatter and wilt train since i was 14. im over 18 now. the locomotive will not be stopping either. im in this for the long haul
SO LIKE .... okay, in my head, i'd loooove canon s&w, but also i don't think them being a Canon Romantic Pairing would be the best. when i write stories i perosnally don't write that many romances, and in a show like RWBY i think there shouldn't be any focal romances (esp. since the showrunners have proven time and time again they have no idea what the hell they're doing). the show should focus on the character relationships but ... not romantic. dear God not romantically
IF I WERE TO MAKE S&W (of any form) CANON THOUGH... first we gotta overhaul the whole show. its garbage. we gotta restart. go back to beacon we're starting over.
hell FIRST fix is to make adam & blake not romantic ex's . he was her mentor, she looked up to him, he's like one or two years older than her. adam is mentored by sienna, who stokes the fire of his rage against the humans. blake and adam's falling out is over blake still choosing to see the good in humans while adam rejects them due to his past. he is NOT, i repeat NOT a crazy incel ex. WE ARE NOT DOING THAT HERE! ❌❌❌ NO SIR!
making adam crazy over blake only instead of keeping him focused on his ideals (like v1-(early)3 adam) keeps the faunus subplot from being swept under the rug like it is in canon
THE NEXT FIX. ruby's main struggle is her trying to come into her own as a leader. she has stage fright, she's socially awkward, she was bumped up one grade (ONE, not two this time), and her teammates don't take her seriously because of her lack of field experience despite her being a combat and intellectual prodigy.
the thing that drew me originally to s&w was their shared themes of red/black and roses, specifically rose petals played a huge part in their semblance. both left behind rose petals after using their semblance of speed and disintegration respectfully. it was very , very cool. 14 year old me then thought about how they could be narrative foils too. SO THATS WHAT WE'RE DOING LOL
adam is really interesting as an antagonist because he perfectly foils all four of the main girls. yang and adam with anger issues that are reflected in their semblances (even though v1-3 yang never had issues but whatever), blake for obvious reasons, WEISS for obvious reasons (seriously missed opportuninty), and finally ruby due to their opposing leadership roles.
adam is someone who is comfortable in a leadership role, he knows what he's doing. he's had plenty of experience and those that follow him know his capabilities and greatly respect him. he's an excellent leader, and he's devoted himself to his ideals and fights for his cause. he inspires others to fight with him and follow him. ruby, on the other hand, has no idea what she's doing.
she's awkward, she stutters, and not even her team take her seriously, much less other people. hell, ruby doesn't even have a concrete reason for wanting to become a huntress at this early point, all she knows is that she wants to be a hero and that her mother was her hero and a huntress, so that means being a huntress is being a hero. she doesnt know what being a hero means yet though
adam on the other hand knows what being a hero is, to him at least. its fighting for the people that can't fight for themselves, for the oppressed. using his strength to tear down those that abuse their strength and make them suffer in the opressed's place
apart of me wants to say that adam believes humans should instead be oppressed for. like. narrative reasons i guess? but also heres the thing i am aware that i am not able to do this subplot justice and def cant write up a nice draft on my first try right here. so i am going to politely leave it there for anyone else with more experience with this topic to attempt adding on if they wish. i think the main point im trying to make is that adam's idea of heroism needs to be strong, yet also he has to be wrong in some sort of way which is what separates him from the protagonists. he Goes To Far, or something. i dont know. i dont think i can write that well enough at this point in time too
so all this set up comes to this: their relationship. i think having ruby and adam meet outside of any combat related circumstance would be a pretty cool way to have them introduced to eachother, and opens up the chance for dialogue. i can't see them attempting to talk during a fight, and the only fight i can think of happening with the white fang is the breach in v2 where ruby and adam could meet. but at that point, ruby would either know about adam through blake and be wary, or blake would see adam and point out who he is. my point is that i think they need to meet outside of their own circles for a real chance at having them converse with narrative weight. could also make it a stressful scene where the audience knows whats going on while ruby does not.
ruby might meet adam at night in vale, in a shady back alley as she takes shortcuts to get back to beacon while blake talks to weiss or yang about her past mentor. blake could describe how much he loathes humans, and that he would hurt a human on sight simply because, overlayed with ruby seeing adam in an alleyway or something. the audience is on edge, blake is on edge, adam is on edge, and ruby is clueless. having the scene end with adam not attacking ruby and instead having him leave her unharmed releases the tension from the audience while also having them immediately question blake. was blake embellishing the truth? or was she simply telling her truth? especially for a character who's whole thing is lies and misdirection. could be interesting i think.
any conversation adam and ruby do have would be their opposing views on what being a hero means, and what you have to do as a hero. more so, ruby not knowing what heroism means to her besides it being ideallic while adam is much more jaded and set in stone about what heroism means. gimmie that juicy narrative conflict. the conflicting ideals. thats what im here for.
if there is a reveal for ruby that he is adam of the white fang, or his past with blake, or anything, you could easily slot in a betrayal element (but id rather save betrayal for cinder and ruby) or something. maybe the white fang aren't as antagonistic as they are in the show proper (to the point of Evil Pokemon Organization for the sake of it), or something, but i could see adam mentioning at some point that a leader must be a rock, or something along the lines of why he succeeds in leadership. maybe during a fight? who the hell knows. he plants ideas in rubys head about heroism, that maybe heroism isnt just upholding the law or upholding the current system. he makes her, and the audience, think. thats the important part
eventually at the end of an arc, or something, i think ruby would be able to answer him confidently about what it means to be a hero to her, and that their definitions are similar, but not the same, and that is why they'll remain on opposing sides until one budges. and both are incredibly stubborn. i think ruby's conclusion of what being a hero is, is to help those that cannot help themselves and to see the good in the world no matter what. one of her key traits is her optimism compared to everyones pessimism.
maybe some reasons for adam's interest in ruby is that optimism of hers. he used to be younger and idealistic too, but the world is cruel and he has seen the worst that the world has to offer, stuff like that. he finds it frustrating, or maybe even annoying, that the system that thrives off putting him and his people down creates naive shut ins like ruby. maybe he then respects her and sees her as an equal after she figures out how she sees the world. or something. ruby sees the good in everyone despite the horrors people throw at her, and maybe she inspires him to do the same. idk
this is all not even talking about the can of worms that is weiss and adam. which is also so interesting to me but they just didnt tickle 14 year old me's brain so. im stuck with the Rarest Rarepair. all aboard lol
i find it so interesting how they could be represented by monty's distinction, ruby is scatter, and adam is wilt. two different ways for dealing with conflict despite their similar appearances of something traditionally sweet and loving: roses
now if i wasn't just writing a story with an exploration of themes and you just told me to take what i want and force two characters together to make out, yeah id have ruby and adam tongue sloppy. who's gonna stop me
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kwyoz · 9 days
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the arm still bothers me sm, but i refuse to continue trying to fix this.
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hiddencircus · 12 days
oh yeah!! requests today might be late since i don’t think ill be able to get them by the queue time! i will post them today just later than usual!!!
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c-sand · 10 months
i've been getting a lot of "tbh, the walking dead fell apart once they killed beth for no reason" tiktoks :')
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wellhalesbells · 10 months
HAHAHAHA, I should clarify that I just mean for super hero-y ones. I mostly watch the first one and rarely watch the second (or anything after...... or remakes, lol), I think the only Marvel one I've seen in recent history is Thor: Ragnarok. Actually, the Spider-man franchise pretty much encapsulates how I interact with Marvel properties: I saw the first trilogy because it was new and exciting at the time, then they remade it too fast and I refused to pay for something I just saw, that was so recent in my memory from the release date I could still remember exact scenes from it (THERE WERE ONLY FIVE YEARS BETWEEN SPIDER-MAN 3 AND THE REBOOT - THAT IS NOT ENOUGH TIME FOR ME TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THAT AGAIN. HOW IS THAT ENOUGH TIME FOR ANYONE TO GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THAT AGAIN???), then I watched the first Tom Holland one (fourteen years I can vibe with) and nothing that followed because that's generally when the gimmicks and cameos start in lieu of good story-telling, or they make it dark and gritty because that's the only way to ground this superhuman, right (I assume a random white guy: "Should we fridge a lady? Yeah, we should probably fridge a lady"). The first one generally at least tries to have a soul because they have to introduce the character and make you care about them but many of the ones that follow (the few I've seen from when the MCU was just starting out and I had hope *coughs*Iron Man 2, Thor 2, etc.*coughs*) are just cash grabs that don't try because you already love this character and there they are, right there, so money please!
Meg 2 however..... EPIC, NO NOTES. It knows if I was a shark girl, I was probably a dinosaur girl and it gambled correctly. That's what you're watching this for? Have three sharks and an unnecessary (probably stupid expensive) dinosaur intro that is nearly completely irrelevant to the story but that you will also not want to live without and for an extra special bonus: oblivious husbands and their brilliant daughter. Like. You got me nailed, my dude. Will watch every subsequent sequel, no questions asked.
#i do understand that spider-man is a bullshit studio thing#and that it's a marvel property that belongs to sony and i implied everything is under the mcu umbrella#(and i honestly don't fault them for remaking it. instead i just don't understand how there was an audience for it???)#but they're all guilty of the same shit for different but also EXACTLY THE SAME reasons#they want to fleece money from me. because that's how it feels: like i'm being swindled#they're not earning my money through good content but instead through brand recognition and shared cultural touchstones#YOU CAN'T HAVE MY MONEY MOUSE#sony you can when it's miles (that is a sequel i DID watch and that DID have a soul imo) :))))#something similar (cash grabs) are pretty much the exact reason i stopped reading marvel comics too#capitalism ruins everything#for a moral everyone knows *snorts*#also generally the sequels have bigger budgets and just to quote freckle...... sometimes things that are expensive are worse#great things sometimes come from people having to work within constraints and when you aren't given any....... terrible things can happen#like bbc sherlock lolol. AHEM#basically if i watch a sequel now it has to be a character i am VERY invested in so i'm willing to be burned - deadpool or miles#or it has to break containment from people who will go see anything with a marvel sticker on it to people who..... won't#and still recommend it - like ragnarok#(i wonder if NOT going the dark gritty route and instead having a fun story with a conflict that wasn't dependent on outdoing every#other conflict that came before it in this whole universe had aNYTHING to do with its success. hrm. it's a mystery!)#normally i would answer this privately but i had to explain about the sony thing so you would know i KNEW about the sony thing and then....#tag explosion and now it has to be public and i'm sorry i went on a mouse rant. I HATE THE MONOPOLY MOUSE I JUST DO.#IT'S BAD AND IT MAKES BAD LAZY THINGS THAT KILL CREATIVITY (AND NOW ALSO FUNDS GENOCIDE SO)#!ask
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 6 months
i have so much fun with ffxiv bc like. me and my friends that play have a wol team and we roleplay tons when we're able to all be on at the same time
sure it takes forever to actually progress bc we're all having hours-long scenes after story events to work out the impact on everyone and, in some cases, who was impacted more than the others (like thorgeim being the one who got framed during that one incident, whereas the dragoon wol had a lot of specific stuff during heavensward, etc)
i'm told there's some shit later on that Complicates the wol-team idea but i don't want spoilers and i'm confident we can work it out when we get there so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#we basically all rp together bc we don't want to get story spoilers from randos...can't even visit venues without that being an issue :(#but it's nice having a static party for basically every story dungeon and fight#we're at....early-mid stormblood now i think? after like...two years lol though part of that is just not having time to play#so many maxed out sidequests and lore things tho...it's great#stirring up trouble#we have another friend who doesn't roleplay but does have some fun insights from time to time and has many helpful tips#and their character is thorgeim's wifey lmfao. they're both so grossly over-the-top affectionate lolol#and then one more friend who basically never plays with us these days but when they do it's like. Top Tier Roleplay. i love...#currently trying to convert other friends to ffxiv (though realistically we're not gonna be on much for a bit but still)...join us...#become part of the wol team....lets get a whole sentai group going lmfao#that or join our all-viera side group bc that is. definitely a Thing. massive tonal shift from the wol team lol i love them sm#the bundie brigade!! their whole gimmick is doing all their fighting in their skivvies basically to show how tough and/or agile they are#they started out as just being silly side characters and became MUCH more than that...oops we gave them lore and trauma#ugh ok i need to stop yelling abt this now. it is Bed Time and i have shit to do tomorrow.#i should draw and post them at some point tho...i love them sm....
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wowshiny · 1 year
if i had a nickel for every time a hair stylist recently
1. thought i was a high schooler
2. after realizing i am in fact older, asked what i study(/studied) in college, AND then
3. fell completely silent after i said materials science & engineering
i would have two nickels :,(
(maybe three if i count the last yr or so but definitely two in the past couple weeks sigh)
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marsbotz · 11 months
i loveeee making playlists this is a little known fact about me. my playlists r like my babies
#unfortunately i never finish them bc i csn never be fully satisfied w how the vibes and lyrics and everything match up#i do have a couple on my profile rn (LINK IN PINNED. LOL) but i have like a billionthst r like forever wips#i have twooo that r BASICALLY DONE i just need to do srt for the covers. and these are my ice emperor redo#and a jaya playlist … 🤨 but miserable version.#jaya DIVORCE playlist#that ones complex.#i struggle w making them understnadable for others lolol#my last ie one i wrote like a full google docs thing explaining each song choice in detail#but im hoping the new version is better. more understnadable#its abt my like complex interpretation of zane and vexs relationship.#the original went from like#them meeting to the intense codependency to the slow fallout and then like. zane After it all#the new one is kinda the same but shuffled round a bit. and condensed w different songs in parts#it has a LITTLE bit post vex. but doesnt dwell quite so much#immm not sure abt my jaya playlist it might need more refining.#but its like the idea of them almost feeling obligated to be together at first#and then slowly realising it wont work but its already hurt them both#but it has a good ending i think.#im kinda not sure on it but ill have to relisten. its kind of a rlly conplex thing in my mind so hard to wrap up in a playlist#other ones im working on rn are a birdrickkkk playlist. lol. and also maybe skybound??#im also hoping to be able to make more general playlists for each of the ninja that i can keep updating#my lloyd one is coming along nicely and the jay one. Has Songs in it. but the rest r like 1-2 songs each 😭 wtf#im gonna do some research. (listening to other ppls playlists and picking out the stuff i like)#im like superrrr fussy w my playlists thi LOL#liteeally i am that guy listening to playlists liek ‘he would not fucking be represented bu that’#BTW THIS IS KINDA FUNNY. is theres sooo many rick playlists w the desc liek ‘ugh i made a REAL rick playlist bc he wld NOT listen to mitski’#and like. true. but this isnt for him. ITS FOR ME#for the record. rick would listen to breakcore. thats my wisdom.#my rick playlist wld PISS those ppl off. lololllllll watever#IM OUT OF TAGS LOL ok thats my thiughts. byeeeee
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major-victory · 2 years
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Can't stop thinking about that one scene from the DTB drama CD........
(Click for less blurry quality)
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arihi · 2 years
Holding an ambient dread in me today. There’s always the scramble to try and figure out what’s causing it for me, especially because I’ve got no internal monologue and I often have to talk out loud and in depth into every little thing that’s happened just to figure out why my feelings are the way they are.
Admittedly I can think of a few things, but they’re not particularly important in the long run. My tendency is to figure out why as if it’ll solve it, or so I can intellectualize the feelings away, but emotions are so rarely cut-and-clean addressed like that. Having been so preoccupied with my past in the past, or dreading the future, it’s grounding to settle down and have moments of silence in the present. I’m on the couch typing this on my phone, the sunset is shining down on my face, whereas usually I’d hate it I’m just letting myself sit in it. Once I’ve figured out a few potential causes, it’s not that important to dive deeper and think myself into anxiety spirals. It’s okay to have an idea of it, and not rationalize away how you’re feeling. It’s okay to feel off, sometimes.
#introspection#it me#I think my main thing at least today is holding very little good will for others#I’m struck by how selfish and ignorant and outright malicious people can be#but it’s not as if I’m any arbiter of people’s behavior no?#on the one hand acknowledge how people are flawed and morally complicated in their actions#on the other hand acknowledge that I myself am also only human and that I don’t owe any grace or forgiveness to others either#and acknowledge that I extend a level of empathy to others that isn’t always warranted or fair#(what is fairness anyway?? lolol big question for another day)#basically yeah people are complicated and you’re not an impartial judge#but also you’re not supposed to be. You’re just an individual and you’re allowed to hold bad opinions of people#I say a lot but the best thing you can do for yourself is let go of the idea of universal fairness/standard of good as judged by others#and let yourself also be complicated and flawed and extend even a fraction of the empathy you grant others for yourself#I’m also very aware that my avoidant tendencies latch onto any perceived flaw in a person to justify my distance and that’s me personally#so it’s a balancing act of how much good will do I extend this person to make up for what I know is a flawed tendency in myself#and also knowing when to let it go and let myself justifiably dislike somebody#ANYWAY it’s not just people hating I also miss home and some other personal stuff has been on my mind#but it’s easier to vent this out in the notes as introspection as there’s an easier internal discussion to have on this#as opposed to more touchy and hard to broach topics like culture and intersectionality#and the flaw of communities whose individualistic tendencies make them festering pits more than any community outreach they attempt to be#the sun has set by now as I’ve word vomited in the tags#and I do feel better for it all
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killjoy-prince · 2 months
Why are the second bad relationship ends hard to get for the deep route boys ughhhhhhhhhh
#prince's talk tag#i know why and imma explain it bc its pissing me off#in casual route and another story the story modes dont offer a lot of opportunities to get hearts from the characters#where with the deep route boys you're spending time with them and you get hearts from them regardless of your choices#whether the hearts lead to a good or bad story end is irrelevant for bad relationship ends bc youre getting hearts anyway#and since basically ever option gets me a heart and i cant pick too many bad choices without risking getting the bad story end#i end up on the good end route which is NOT what I want#getting their first bad relationship end is easy. just dont do the chats from days 5-7#& since i dont spend time with them outside the chat until i pass the first branch i dont have to worry about getting hearts in the vn mode#but the second bad relationship end happens on day 10 after having spent time with them either in his penthouse or her old apartment#so what i have to do is get JUST enough hearts to pass the first branch and then i guess mix up my answers enough in the story modes#to prevent me from getting the good end#bc a lot of options give me hearts. theres only a handful of options that dont#i dont wanna look up a walk through but ughhhhhh i might if this keeps up bc i cant keep wasting hourglasses dancing the bad end tango#did i even explain well why its harder to get the ends with deep route than casual and another story?#tl;dr is deep route boys have 3 days worth of story mode where you can get hearts from them even if you dont do the chats#so its not enough to just miss chats after the first branch u have to keep track of the hearts you get to make sure youre on the right path#casual and another story's story modes don't give out hearts even when you're talking to the characters so its easier to get the bad ends#i literally only need two more endings (one from each deep route boy) and im set. just give them to me pleaseeeeee#OH the crucial point i missed: i cant skip the story modes like i can the chats. im forced to do them. thats why im suffering#sorry my mind is everywhere lolol cant organize my thoughts well
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