#that'd be sweet
pushing500 · 5 months
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Ask, and ye shall receive! Ratchet is a very good millitor who serves double duty as the colony's Chief of Security and as one of Mechi's (many) mechanical butlers. It is very diligent in its patrol duties and can often be found carefully inspecting the holding platforms where Ms Clarabelle (the sightstealer) and Kitschy Flamingo (the fingerspike) are contained.
Nobody will hurt its boss, no sir, not while Ratchet is still functional!
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(The picture in question)
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nattikay · 2 years
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it’s established that tsaheylu allows the participants to share physical sensations, so do you think that if Jake and Neytiri bonded while she was pregnant he’d be able to feel the baby move like she does?
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misstrashchan · 8 months
In RWBY weapons are a part of a person, an extension of yourself, as Ruby puts it in V1. So, a weapon can say a lot about a person in how it appears and what it's used for.
Looking at Crescent Rose compared to our other main characters' weapons and it's immediately one that stands out from the size alone, it immediately draws our attention, it usually takes up the screen.
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Like Ruby, it's striking, awe inspiring and larger than life. It's beautiful, resilient and strong, but evolves to be more adaptable during the Atlas Arc, when Ruby herself has to be more flexible and think outside the box, and her worldview is consistently challenged. It's also very easily the most intricate and complicated design, by her own admission:
"I guess I did go a little overboard in designing it..."
Which, while on the surface means it looks cool and flashy, it's also incredibly complex, just like Ruby.
And as we know from V9, a weapon like that would also be a heavy one to carry at all times too, and it weighs on her. Just like being "Ruby Rose" means to shoulder all the responsibilities and entanglements that come with being who she is, a huntress, a leader, a hero, a spark of hope and light who inspires others. In the end her resolve as a huntress and in who she is, and her purpose, is renewed and stronger than ever before, and wields her weapon once more with confidence.
That doesn't mean her burdens have gotten any lighter though, in fact upon returning to Vacuo, because of her message, all of humanity is now looking to her. No matter how strong, confident and resolved she is, that's a heavy weight for one person to carry alone.
Which brings me to Oscar's weapon, the Long Memory. Which is a cane, smaller, simple and straightforward, but has it's own hidden light stored inside. A cane is meant to take someone's weight by design, that's it's purpose. To be something that's leant on as a crutch when you're hurting to alleviate the pain by taking the pressure off yourself, so moving forward is made easier. Because everyone needs that support sometimes and it's okay to be weak, it doesn't make you lesser, it just makes you human. And it is incredibly human for us to care for and lean on one another for support. That vulnerability leads to our greatest strength as humans.
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The one who carries the heaviest weapon vs The one who has a weapon that can be leant on to take pressure off yourself. Ruby who carries a heavy burden and Oscar being someone that can be leant on for support. ooooooohhhh the cymbal ism of it all.
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sdmtrx-art · 11 months
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rius-cave · 7 months
So this random AU popped into my head (Idk if anyone’s done yet it or not but) I wanted to share it anyway since Adam going through some sort of angst is good s h i t 👌👌👌
Adam being stuck in a Groundhog Day sorta time loop of extermination day with Niffty killing him over and over again and him waking up in Heaven again afterwards and it ending up in one of two possible ways
1. Him realizing what’s happening and knowing that the only way to stop himself from dying is if he stops the extermination from happening (Maybe becoming a little bit less of an asshole now that he understands how the sinners feel having died over and over himself now?)
2. He never picks up on the fact that he’s stuck in a time loop and just keeps dying over and over again
OOOOHHH STUCK IN TIME MY GOOD OL' FRIEND don't think I've heard that one before for Adam, tbh!
Option 1 is definitely more fun. Imagine you're Charlie and one day Adam is like haha fuck you and everyone else in Hell we're going to kill your shitty friends, and then the extermination day comes and he just calls it off and is super apologetic and you're just ?????????????
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missm0rgue · 5 months
I now possess three out of four legendary Elements Of Chaos (my Danger Days CD just arrived and I'm so happy)
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Now i need Bullets 💔💔
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thebuckandeddiething · 13 hours
just wondering if Oliver sends the pictures to Ryan first or does he post them when he feels like it and gets "❤️???" texts back
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lifeofmarvvel · 2 months
If Hidgens grew up in Gotham he'd totally have become a rogue
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binah-beloved · 5 months
Birbna going through a molt... Maybe she'd let you help her with pin feathers. You ought to be very careful - they hurt when disturbed. But if you open the pins gently, you can free the stuck feathers and soothe the pain. Brushing Birbna's wings with a soft hairbrush, only to find out later that many birds only trust their mates to preen them anywhere but the head.
she tries not to let you see, not to force you to bear witness to this... mess. Binah knows she's hideous now, a warped beast of feathers and eyes and claws. you shouldn't have to deal with this. it's her burden to bear, her punishment
but alas, you're perceptive, as you always were, following the scattered feathers to where she's tucked herself away, hunched over and scratching erratically at her skin. she stiffens when you approach, then slowly slumps and extends one of her wings at your gentle request, trembling when you begin to carefully run your fingers through the feathers
you use the utmost care as you straighten bent feathers and remove loose ones, Binah leaning more and more of her weight on you until she abruptly sweeps her wings around you for a close hug. you're so gentle with her, so sweet and delicate despite how she's a monster now. or, more of a monster than she was. her claws run through her feathers, plucking a particularly glossy one with an iridescent sheen and pressing it into your hands. you'll keep it, won't you? to show that you're hers, and she's yours?
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shaywrites-ifs · 3 months
Why did Yael cheat on MC 🤔 ?
Sorry, anon, I thought I'd answered this.
Officially and technically, they didn't. For starters, the two were absolutely never going to work in terms of status and official relationships being recognized. The Marked was never going to be allowed to marry Yael, and knew this. The whole thing is sort of a miscommunication, at the very least.
As children (so when MC was at their worst, health wise) Yael was sweet and there was a promise to marry when they were older. Yael, however, did not take a promise they made as children seriously, whereas it brought the Marked a lot of comfort. Especially as Yael was charming/personable/flirty and, perhaps intentionally perhaps not, encouraged MCs feelings. Especially because Yael wasn't serious about anybody ever, but again a soft spot for MC.
Until Yael met their wife. Then suddenly they were very serious, and the Marked saw what special really was, with Yael.
It's a bit of a grey area on how shitty Yael truly was, as well as MC. But this all went down during some of the most tumultuous and heartbreaking time the MC had, considering as all of this drama was happening and bitter petty feelings were flying around, their dad was assassinated.
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candyunicornsateme · 16 days
I've always had an extremely vague k2 idea that basically boils down to "summer bonfire with friends" and "white trash and kissing in the woods at night"
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takofuus · 6 months
I will absolutely scream at you for making me want to draw your Keptr again
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Their name's Keptr but nowadays I call them Kermit
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cherrygarden · 2 months
thinking about solo songs 1d should sing on their reunion tour. like yes each of their songs are finished products and great as they are! but there's some that would be amazing with a harmony and also thematically, to sing it on stage with all of them?? i'm crying just thinking about it
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aesfocus · 1 day
I closed the PSDs I made for the 31days of psds without saving, 4 fucking times in a row.
There isn't anyone I can whine to about this so instead I am gonna whine to EVERYONE. I stopped saving when I stopped releasing PSDs and it's hard to get in the habit of doing it again.
So have a photo of Sweet Pea playing with Ronso as the whine tax.
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She's become fast friends with him, she wants to be playing with him allllll the time and is so excited to see him. Thankfully Ronso is a very high energy dude, but he does take a nap right after they play, he's 9+.
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gayofthefae · 8 months
Wait you guys......
Mike and Will are in love
No because like they're just...they're just a wholesome childhood friends to lovers slowburn I'm gonna rewatch like "aww you don't know yet".
Mike and Will are in love.
They fell in love from ages 12-16(?). That's so cute. What the hell. I just randomly starting thinking about it like it's just some show I just heard about or something and I'm like "aw cute trope". What a cute trope wtf. That's adorable. Two twelve year old boys in the 80s and they fall in love over the course of many years as they grapple with internalized homophobia and homophobia in their small town? That sounds like a GREAT show where can I watch it? That's adorable.
Mike and Will are in love. And...that's just the premise. That's just the premise of their plot. If you came up to me after you watched episode 1 for spoilers and you were like "What happens to Lucas? Dustin? Mike? That girl they found? The kid who went missing?" I could just be like "Dustin gains confidence and becomes besties with Mike's sister's boyfriend after they break up, Lucas meets this girl who's introduced next season and they're really good for each other, the girl gets adopted by the police chief and then into the Byers and has a great found family and independence arc, and the boy who went missing survives and he and Mike fall in love!"
And that'd just be like...right. I'd just be telling you what happens.
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anachilles · 2 months
firehouse!au 🚒🥃 ships as:
*gets their order made slightly incorrectly and wasn't gonna say anything about it* - buck, croz, dougie, kenny
"excuse me, he asked for no pickles" - bucky, joe, everett, rosie
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