#that'd cause an impression HAHA
anonzentimes · 6 months
What's your favorite thing about Nagito?
anon. ANON. ANON!!!! oh my goshh that's such a hard question!!!!! thank you so much for sending me an ask though they make my day haha!
The thing about Nagito is that he's one of the few characters in the world that I couldn't even think of anything I hated about him when asked, so being asked the OPPOSITE having to choose something between practically everything about him is sooo AUGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!! HOW. how does anyone even do that.
There's so much to love about Nagito!!! I loved his mannerisms and the way he speaks even upon first impressions. I loved him all the way through the entire game, start to end, after and before his mental breakdown! And then when I learned beyond the surface level of information about him it was SO OVER!!!!!!
I loved him at first because he made me feel something at a time in my life where everything felt the same, and because I really enjoy the way he talked. But there's SO much to him you'll completely miss if you don't have enough media literacy or don't look beyond surface and it's SO goddamn cool. Like, what do you mean some people who play will always live with the misinterpretation he's a malicious psychopath??? SOME WILL NEVER EVEN KNOW ABOUT HIS LUCK CYCLE??? That's so ridiculous!!
But my main point with bringing that up is, I've always loved everything about Nagito. Even before I was able to articulate and understand why, I always loved him. And I'm beyond happy that I CAN articulate why I love him now.
Maybe if I actually met him I'd be a little frightened and say the moral grayness of his character is something I dislike, but from a writing perspective it's a different story!!! From a writing perspective he's the perfect role for an antagonist that isn't actually malicious and he's so amazing for it.
I've said it once in this ramble and I'll say it again, there's so much about Nagito to love! He's funny, he's kindhearted, his luck cycle is such a cool concept, he's a perfect antagonist that isn't as self aware as most and doesn't have malicious intent, his coping mechanism and beliefs due to his tragic life caused by his luck cycle is so well done, he's extremely intelligent, he's very pretty, like he's got everything I love about a character lol.
I adore a lot of fictional characters and there's no other character truly like Nagito Komaeda, he's really special and specific to the world of Danganronpa! He's amazing and I love everything about him. My favorite thing about him, is him!!
(in short I can't decide one thing because that'd be like abandoning a child HAHA)
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22degreehalo · 6 months
The more I think about it the more I'm just. obsessed with aroace Yuno!!!!
Like c'mon... 'The wanted wanting the wanter /isn't that just too perfect?' She's not doing this compensated dating because she needs the money or has any huge past trauma, there's something else attracting her: it's that normal relationships feel so fake and dishonest (meanwhile even if her clients get feelings for her, it's not her fault because she was upfront that this is a transactional thing) and with these types she can have full control of what goes on and when and where and why!!!
Which is Also making me think of. Complicated slightly fucked up Yuno+Kazui friendship.
And FIRST OF ALL I'm. very new to this fandom and haven't read Most of the drama CDs hahahaha so this is just my first impression BUT
so she approaches him early (i have no idea if any of this is canon im sso sorry this is just what I want. right now.) because guys like him are common clients (either bc they're divorced and lonely or want to feel young again or whatever) but he's just easygoing abt it but Firm No. ('I'm old enough to be your father.' 'Haha, yeah? Isn't that the point?') And genuinely doesn't seem interested which is kinda annoying but whatever.
So she kinda tries or or two approaches with him, like playing the more sexy role of her second MV, but still he's not giving Anything back At All, and honestly it's weird that she's even trying this hard? Normally it's the other way around??? Like it's not like he can even pay her in here so.
She stews a bit and wonders if she does genuinely have feelings for him finally which'd be both annoying and a relief, and honestly it just Fits that that'd be how these things go lmao that she finally has real legit feelings for a guy with no interest in her. (And Mahiru is probably super excited about it bc this is early when she's still perky and happy and wanting to push them together.)
Maybe at some point Kazui does admit that he feels lonely without someone physically there with him to touch and be close to. So Yuno finally gets him to lie in her lap or vice versa or whatever. But it feels sorta weird. And he gets a bit somber. And wonders aloud if this is what it would've been like to have a daughter.
And she just. Gets up and leaves.
She's had guys say stuff like that before. Sometimes cause they pitied her and wanted to 'save her', which was frustrating, and she'd cut them off immediately. Usually because it was some kinda fucked-up incest roleplay, which she enjoyed; more than most roleplays, actually. The sweet lovey-dovey rps are okay but kinda false and make her feel weirdly guilty; the more messed up ones, she can relax in. Fucked up familial relationships, fucked up romantic relationships: what's the difference?
But Kazui actually meant it. No ulterior sexual or compassionate motives.
She apologises later saying that it's because they never hashed out their red flags or what the scene would be about, but she's the professional here and she didn't make sure that happened so it's her bad. And he just seems to accept that, and says he doesn't want to overstep her boundaries. And seems to mean it.
There's some commonality between them. A willingness to hold themselves back. To not talk about things that people don't want to talk about. This dance of fake affection, until it's impossible to tell what one's true feelings are anymore.
She likes having her relationships set out in clear words, without the actual emotional honesty of having to delve into her own psyche. But now she sort of wants to share things with him, and she has no idea what to do with that. And on his side, he senses some similar circumstances between them, but he still isn't yet able to be honest about what he knows about himself deep down. But maybe if he was, he could talk to her.
There's some talk abt sex among the prisoners. These two are expected to have the most experience, but she's kinda like 'sex is okay. It feels good and it's a means to an end.' And he's weirdly mysterious about it all but claims that his perspective is closest to hers, which confuses everyone else.
And............somehow from that they end up being able to have a conversation about Not Wanting What Society Wants You To Want and the weird relationships you have with all that and the ways you do or don't get what you Actually want, an d it's all very good and meaningful but idk I haven't thought that far yet hahahaha that's as far as I got before I had to type it all up :')))
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p5x-theories · 4 months
Hey same anon asking about the Third Palace
And yeah I did see about whom it's related to and is quite surprised myself.
As for my own thoughts of what's going on with that, my initial impression upon seeing it was that of a dam.
Now usually in stories involving a dam and the antagonist being it's owner, the damage they're causing is preventing water & livestock, so maybe the distortion is of somebody either denying people of something or possibly an internal conflict of not moving on?
Though the idea of it being a temple and the Ruler being a Indiana Jones figure sounds interesting, knowing who it is, perhaps it's a metaphor for somebody trying to "escape" from a dangerous life style or maybe trying to find "the one thing" to help balance out their life?
(Same anon as this ask.)
Yeah, a dam seems like the much more common interpretation, haha. Maybe I just wanted to imagine something a bit more exciting. Though also, I realize I was unclear, but I was imaging the Phantom Thieves would be the "Indiana Jones" in this case! I think that'd mean the Palace ruler feels like the owner of the temple, which the Thieves are disrupting somehow, heh. Sort of like Futaba's Palace, in that sense? Though I suppose it's a bit "early" for her Palace equivalent to show up.
That said, a dam has a lot of more immediately obvious ways to read it, like you said. I agree with your two suggestions- either a structure denying resource(s) from others, or something that's stuck in place and not moving on- but I do think there are two other possibilities as well?
For one, dams can also hold back a sort of impending disaster, especially if a town is built down where the water used to flow in a more uncontrollable manner. It could be that the Palace ruler sees themselves as the only thing preventing some "flood"/disaster like that? Or even as the one who gets to decide/control when that disaster happens, like they're holding others hostage to it/blackmail.
The other that comes to mind is that dams can also be used to generate electricity, and the icon itself even shows some water coming through. It could be that the Palace ruler sees themselves as someone harnessing some "natural resource" (perhaps exploiting people) in order to "power" something else (whatever that exploitation is going towards). Given their job, I could see how this might be the case.
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boiohboii · 1 year
why do i feel like noble peace prize winner!reader has an older daughter (jennie) and or youngest son (ni-ki) that they reveal ??? I’VE JUST ENTERED MY TOTO WOLFF ERA THIS IS WHY I’M LIKE THIS BC 😭
The fans would be so impressed by how none of them suspected it, like there was no hint... they only got to know cause Sam is an idiot who has no idea how to hold his tongue, like he was spotted out and fans asked him what he's doing and he's like "i'm with my sister 😊" and everyone else is like 👁👄👁 "you're with who now"
Obviously the grid knew, like these kids come to the Mercedes garage to annoy the hell out of toto (most toto meme material is from these 2, say thank you baby wolffs)
Netflix wants to make drama ofc 🙄 so they try to get the 4 wolffs in an episode but haha, no, baby girl wolff wants her privacy hence why toto beats the producers who try to talk her into being in an episode or something
Toto is so protective of her, like he just always wants to know where she is, where she's going, who she's with.... but she is not a daddy's girl... the wolff family reversed the saying tbh, sam is such a boy's dad while (i think her name would be either gia or lena.... I like gia 👀) gia is such a mommy's girl
Yn would be the cool mum to her kids, she's the one who leaves the door unlocked when they sneak out and distracts toto when they make too much noise trying to sneak back in
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nefertsukia · 8 years
imatekuani replied to your post “Me, trying to write my résumé: can I include writing smut and blogging...”
meeting new people all around the world/knowing new cultures? XD
I can see them asking where I’ve traveled to. XD “erm... i’ve been to Spain...with my parents...shopping... I attended a wedding in Paris and another in Baveno and, er, let’s see...I’ve been to London a few times? oh and Wales. I’ve been to Wales and Ireland. Man, Ireland was great. Two and a half days but I got wasted a week’s worth.”
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akane171 · 2 years
I'm not changing the subject and I AM writing a Karamel fic right now (A One-Shot), it's just been a really busy time lately, so I haven't gotten around to writing more than a few sentences🙈😖
I don't believe that 0🧐🤨 And hey, I AM writing!😖🙈 
Yup, the song definitely has one ugly crying over Karamel, doesn't it?🙈😭
Yess, staying healthy of the web💃🏻💃🏻
That would be the dream (we will probably never get)😭😍🙈 I'm even totally fine with a story focusing on relationships if it's friendship or family-ship instead of romantic ones🙈🙈 (BROTPs are the BEST😍🙈)
Yess, he's just brilliant and Ohhhhhhh, Westworld😭😭 "Dad, I'm all the way down now. I can see the bottom. Don't you wanna see what I see?" 😭😭😭😭😭
While I agree that a story shouldn't go on longer than it calls for, yours does seem to wanna be longer😉 Best just follow the muses' judgement😉😉😂😂
 Yo, don't stress it😂 And haha, well, if you need a nap, you need a nap💃🏻🤷🏻‍♀️ Siesta time for you 😉💃🏻
Ohhh, Yup, definitely sounds like the kind of video fans would make with Poets of the Fall's Songs😅🙈
Haha, true🤷🏻‍♀️😂
...Meeeeehh... But becoming "Skynet" sounds like much more fun😖
A CaptainSwan and Karamel crossover😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 That'd be SO awesome😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Evil!Regina was a cool villain, I admit😁 I liked her semi-reformed "I'll RELuCTANTLY work with you but only cause I don't wanna die or let Henry die" version a lot, too😂 Anti-heroes are fun (Probably the reason I loved Hook from the get-go, too, tho he is kinda a special case)😁 
Well, CaptainSwan's daughter was named "Hope" (which funnily enough was fanon long before the show did it). And hey, Kara's all about hope (Paragon of Hope and so), so another thing fitting to both CS and Karamel😂 
Ohhhhhh, 1. OMG, THAT SONG IS SO LIT!😍😍😍😍💃🏻💃🏻 2. That would be so epic😍😍 We need a Pirate AU inspired by that song already!😱😱 3. Lol, strangely enough the song also made me think of Davy Jones/Calypso, Will/Elizabeth and Killian/Emma 🙈
Btw, I don't know ANYTHING about Bridgerton but YouTube recommended me a scene of Anthony and Kate that made me think SO much of EarlyS2!Karamel 😂😂 It's them arguing and frustrated and Anthony asking if he has done sth to her(Kate) or why the heck she dislikes him so much to which she replies he vexes her😂 And there's another where he calls her the bane of his existence and object of all his desire😂😂 Like, their arguing and reluctant feelings made me think of Karamel's arguments soooo much😂😂 (Not sure if the link works but here: https://youtube.com/shorts/LyJj3g8NTEw?feature=share) 
Anyway, stay safe and happy rest-weekend!😁
Yay! Progress is still progress!
That's your problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i will believe when I read it :)))
Yep, thanks =='
That's why I like war stories. Only dudes, usually no romances, just brotops and a lot of deaths....
I think Ben has a kink for playing tragic characters...
My muse is a bitch, don't bring her into it ==' No but seriously, as i mentioned once, my English doesn't allow me write how I wish, so it's betetr to make things simple. And shorter.
Did you hear Poet's newest song?
....mhm... skynet... and she claims she and Lw don't murder kangaroos. MHM
Hmm, but what? Canon crossover? Or throwing them into high school or college and watch the mess? Any ideas? :P
As i said, I enjoyed her untill I had enough? She reminds me a little of, cringes, Lobotomizer, especially the same "i did horrible things but weirdly I'm cultivating the victim complex, uwu". But for sure she was much, much much more complexed that Lobotomizer and was not shy of admittting how horrible she was.
Oh, that's sweet! Hope and Maya, being the best pals then? :D
oh... bridgertons... let's say I read two first books (because people recommended it soooo boldly) and i was... absolutely... not.... impressed. It was so... incredibly... dumb? And like, the author tried to make it oh so modern but still in regency era, but ended with all male characters being machos with fragile egos assholes and all were unhealthy possesive? But I haven't watched the show but yeah, the lines are cool :D
Thanks! Hope your weekedn was nice too :D
Oh, the songs!
"Starlight" by Starset - well, the title already fits them xD reminds me a little of the last Nightwish album,w hat is a good thing and I added it on my spotify ^^ will check them more!
Aww, MELISSA <33333
The Greatest Showman"? I didn;t see that coming xD But I like the songs form that.
"Style" by Taylor Swift - thanks to you YT is giong to recommend me her songs,huh ==' not my style, I'm afraid, and no karamel images generating by my brain while listening. But probably that would change after 5th listening what IM NOT GOING TO DO!
"Let light overcome the darkness" by Our Last Night - I was wodnering for a sec who was singing, a man or a woman xD Overcome the darkness should be official karamel theme xD
"For you" by Liam Payne and Rita Ora - wanna laugh? This is the first time I listened to a song made by any of them xD Fits Mon-El more than Kara, I think? With that "I wsn't looking for loveb untill i met you". Still, nice
"I'd come for you" - they have weird vids, i swear xD but awwww anyway.
Trying not to love you - lol, is that you Kara? xD
"Enchanted"- you are killing me :') anyway, soulmates, right???
"Carry You" - .... Kara at the beginning of s3, I guess? =='
And the rest I think I already covered!
-Broken by Seether and Amy Lee :))) SUFFER
-Snuff by Slipknot (So if you love me let me go, And run away before I know, My heart is just too dark to care, I can't destroy what isn? t there)
-My Theraphy by Kamelot
-How did you love by Shinedown
-Wicked Game by Stone Sour ACCOUSTIC AND LIVE
-Orion Light by Bare Infinity (Look to the sky for the winters comet Lighting the path bright for you to see Hold the memory of her smile For love will set you free)
-Ain't no Sunshine by Bill Withers :))))
-Take my breath away by Berlin so you won't accuse me of too much angst :P
Stay safe *hugs*
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ikunagae · 7 years
Reimu and Marisa's daughter... well goin off of Trans Marisa that'd make Reimu the one carrying the child which is hilarious as Reimu already has enough to complain about, and having a child doesn't help her at all, and it'd be when she's beefy and not starving so a good impression of Meira of the a butch mom (def wouldn't have trouble moving like Sumireko cause of strong thighs), but still just do normal things. 8 months pregnant and she's still resolving incidents and nobody wants to fight her
the youkai were like “haha! reimu cannot possibly resolve this incident while she is pregnant!” however unfortunately, pregnant reimu is just even more desperate to solve this garbage ASAP so she can just go back to hanging out at home with the girls. rip in peace
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