#that's MY annie bananie!!
formulaonedirection · 2 years
opinions on your annie bananie? x
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Y'know about those deep fried turkey accidents?
I say Sasha tries one thanksgiving with the usual results
[The break room at Sasha's job, Sasha is talking with some co-workers]
Co-worker1: So this year I'm going to be deep frying the turkey, I saw some videos on it and it looks simple and delicious.
Sasha: Huh, I heard about that...maybe we can do that this year too--
[Sasha's phone rings, she sees it's Anne and answers]
Sasha: Hey, Annie-Bananie-
Anne: We are not burning down the house by deep frying the turkey. We already have enough problems when Marcy cooks, we don't need to add onto it.
Sasha: How did you know what I was talking about?
Anne: It was a kitchen sixth sense I got from my parents. Just to reiterate, you're not messing up my kitchen. Love you.
[call ends]
Co-worker2: Wow, how'd see know?
Sasha: My girlfriend's a goddess, of course she knows all.
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princesssarisa · 30 days
That recent post about sharing your pet's silly nicknames has made me want to share pictures of my two dogs again. And their many nicknames, some of which came from me, some from other people.
They're both gone now, but they'll never be forgotten <3
When they were with us, I was still living with my parents, so they belonged to all of us. Each one was most attached to one of my parents – the one whose coloring was the most like theirs, interestingly enough – but I'm pretty sure they both loved me too.
Here's sweet, gentle little Heloise, or Ellie, as we usually called her: a.k.a. "Ellie-Bellie," "Elsa-Belsa," "Eleanor," "Bunny," "Fun Bun," "Fluffles," "Flufflebunny," "Fuzzy Pie," "Little Lamb," "Furball," "The Mutt," "Love Dove," and "Pookie Pie."
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She was a rescue dog, so we never knew her exact breed, but we think she was a bichon-poo. She was my mom's baby.
And here's feisty little Annie, a.k.a. "Banana," "Annie Bananie," "Ann-Fann," "Little Pickle," "Skunky," "Skunky Monkey," "Little Ferret," "Little Rat," "Ratso," "The Beast," "Pup," "The Sand Skunk" (because she loved the beach), "Teddy Bear," and "Fuzzy Bear."
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She was a cockapoo, and she was my dad's special girl.
If I get a third dog, though, it will be all mine. :)
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thesinglesjukebox · 1 month
She's the press conference, we're the conversation...
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: As previously noted, all of Olivia Rodrigo's art-punk moments are perfectly calibrated toward critics who wish that 1993 never ended, but it's a schtick that works. If Rodrigo was not a tremendously skilled performer, both as vocalist and actor, this would feel tedious. The way she sneers and whispers and whines functions incredibly in her system; the music is slightly too pristine (Dan Nigro, for all of his skills as a producer, has still not figured out how to make distorted guitars sound not-Mutt Langeian), but Rodrigo's calculated derangement elevates her surroundings into something glorious. It helps that the lyrics -- co-written by Annie Clark, who tried and mostly failed to access this kind of heat the last three albums -- are actually caustic and not just fake-mean. The spite is self-directed, the call coming from inside the house. [9]
Alfred Soto: Annie Clark's responsible for the intentional melodic cul-de-sacs in the verses, I assume, while the star and Dan Nigro took care of the chorus' expected clatter. I wouldn't mind "Obsessed" on the radio played between "Like That" and "Fortnight," but she's done better than its metaphoric flatness. [6]
Oliver Maier: Didn't realise there were other bonus tracks, I've been too busy rinsing "so american" [8]. This one is another showcase of Rodrigo's efficient songwriting style: funny, expository verses line up the pins for a bowling ball hook to come screaming down the lane and annihilate them. [7]
Andrew Karpan: "Obsessed" is her sharpest rawk record yet, containing the best application of this guitar riff I’ve heard in a decade. In elevating her conceit to a literal ex-lover battle royale, perhaps something of a gender-twist on Scott Pilgrim, she turns it into something that provokes, like all good Olivia records do. A torch song for nostalgia culture, trapped by the soft, easy comfort of foreclosing on the dreams of yesterday’s future, trapped inside a past whose sounds it will never escape. “I remember every detail you have ever told me, so be careful, baby,” she says. Don’t say we weren’t warned.  [7]
Leah Isobel: I usually enjoy Olivia's intellectual approach, but "Obsessed" feels so precisely, studiously engineered to be the kind of song that teenagers call "sapphic" that it ends up losing me. [5]
Taylor Alatorre: "I like [Olivia] with the melodies, I don't like [Olivia] when she acts tough." [3]
Nortey Dowuona: Somehow this is not the most unflattering portrait of a theater kid whose talent and charm won't win them the undivided loyalty of their partner, and by extension their audience, that we're covering this week. But at least in four years/four months/yesterday we won't be regretfully disavowing it, so full points! [10]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: Teenage romance at its most entertaining: unhinged, mean-spirited, and untethered from reality. Olivia, ride those "la-da-da-da, da-da-da"s all the way to the bank. [8]
Mark Sinker: My favourite bassline, my favourite MBV callback, my favourite mood… [10]
Isabel Cole: For me, Rodrigo’s defining moment as an artist remains the opening of SOUR: not “brutal,” which is a bop, but the little intro, where she cuts off some dramatic strings to announce before the guitars kick in: “I want it to be, like, messy.” I find that moment endearing because it feels like she’s trying to convey that she’s aiming for a certain artistic rawness, but doing so in a way that undermines her goal by calling attention to the effort involved in striking the pose. It's a sweetly teenaged thing to do, the musical equivalent of cutting up your jeans just so. Unfortunately, the reason I think about it whenever I hear one of her songs is that I can never quite shake the sense that she’s playacting at all these big emotions. Her vocal affectations -- bananies-and-avocadies whisper-singing, a deliberately tuneless wail -- are common enough in the pop girl universe, and I have nothing a priori against them, but on her they always feel like affectations, lacking pathos or bite. She sings like she’s doing an imitation of someone else, even though she writes her own songs. Sometimes she serves up a jam regardless, but on “obsessed” the hooks are not landing. The track is too muted for tension or darkness, too polished for its own rock-star fantasies. [4]
Katherine St. Asaph: I hate that I don't hate being pandered to this hard. [9]
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vihrago-a · 1 year
annie bananie my wifey . . .
shes giving you a big smooch
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pacinothot · 2 years
happy birthday my always beloved annie bananie i love you loads mwah kiss kiss kiss
love you even more nadia mwah
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hoshyeoms · 5 years
I haven’t said this in awhile, but wow I really love @imjaebumaf so much 😭😭💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙
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Annie Bananie, you are by far one of the best people I have ever met. I know we don’t talk a whole lot cause we’re both so busy, but I love that no matter what we can pick up a conversation from months ago like we were talking 10 minutes ago. I will always be so proud to be your friend, and am so thankful to have met you when I did. I’m always cheering you on for absolutely everything!!! You made it through school, now whatever life brings to you, I’m still here waving my pompoms!! Gosh I just love you so much and sometimes I just gotta make a post talking about how much I love you cause it’s just so dang much!! Thank you for being the best!  💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙 💕💜💚❤️️💝💘💙
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mozzarella-stickz · 2 years
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy: Klitz x F! Original Character
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Summary: Klitz, Annie, and Eli have a sleepover. When Eli falls asleep, Klitz and Annie talk.
Warnings: some NSFW themes (talks of masturbation, Eli making horrible sexual jokes)
“Hey Annie Bananie!”
“Eli, it’s been years, you can stop calling me that!”
Annie rolled her eyes, letting Eli and Klitz into her house. Ever since she had been friends with the boys, Eli insisted on that stupid nickname.
“Hey, Annie,” Klitz said with a soft voice and a smirk that made her half-melt. “What’s your game plan for tonight?”
“Well, Matt called me a minute ago saying he and Danielle were going out tonight, which is fine, so he won’t make it. I guess we can order some pizza, maybe watch a movie or two, and chill?”
“Sounds good.”
“How come Matt’s allowed to skip!” Eli whined. “Last time I had to leave early you threatened to rip my spine out.”
“Matt has other priorities,” Annie responded with an eye roll. “Your only other priority is your right hand.”
Eli huffed and Annie walked past him in the doorway, heading towards her bedroom.
“I’ll be right back. I hate wearing jeans for longer than necessary.”
As soon as Eli heard the door to Annie’s room close, he spoke up to Klitz.
“You have to tell her tonight,” Eli told him. “Because if you don’t, I might.”
“Really, dude?”
“I mean it. I see the way she looks at you. Did you not see her get all blushy when you said hi?”
“I just thought she was excited.”
“Yeah, she was practically creaming her panties.”
“Dude, that’s disgusting.”
Eli shrugged.
“All I’m saying is, go get her. You’ll never know until you try.”
Annie’s door opened, and she rushed to the top of the stairs.
“Hey guys, sorry!” she exclaimed, emerging in an over-sized Star Wars t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts. Klitz’s face went red. That was 100% his shirt he had left the last time they had hung out.
“Hey Annie?” Eli spoke up with a mischievous smile. “Isn’t that Klitzy’s shirt?”
Both Annie and Klitz went tomato red.
“Ummm…maybe?” she laughed nervously. “I just thought…I wear baggy shirts…it was mine?”
“Mhm, right.”
“Whatever. You don’t mind, right Klitzy?”
Klitz shook his head no, his brain about to explode. She was literally wearing his shirt. He slept in that shirt, went to school in that shirt, masturbated to the thought of her while wearing that shirt.
“Who’s ready for pizza!“ Annie exclaimed as she rushed down the stairs, eager to get out of the conversation.
Klitz let out a sigh, it was going to be a long night.
Hours later, the pizza had been eaten, they had already watched both Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and The Breakfast Club, and Eli had passed out on the floor, his Vivid Video hat over his face, still clutching the remote.
“He looks so peaceful when he’s not being fucking annoying,” Annie said with a laugh. “Too peaceful. I wanna kick him.”
“You and me both,” Klitz said with an awkward chuckle.
“Whenever he sees us together he always makes fun of how my face grows red and it looks like I wanna kiss you.”
Klitz went red, and his heart sank. Annie had said it in a way that made her seem disgusted with even the idea of kissing him. He should have known someone as pretty, smart, and funny would never fall for a guy like him.
“Really?” Klitz tried to play off like it was some funny joke.
“Yeah…I mean he isn’t wrong…but..”
Annie let out an awkward little smile and chuckle before she groaned. She stood up from the couch.
“I made this awkward. I’ll-I’ll go to bed. I didn’t mean to…”
Klitz stood up from the couch, placing his hands gently on her waist. He looked down at her with admiration, before kissing her gently. Annie was taken aback for a moment, before returning the kiss. He tasted like pepperoni and Diet Coke, which honestly, didn’t taste too bad. Klitz pulled away with a smile.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long,” he admitted, tucking a strand of Annie’s hair behind her ears.
“I thought it was so obvious.”
“I thought I was being obvious! I’m wearing your shirt for God’s sa-“
“So you did know it was mine.”
Annie flushed again, and hid her head in her hands. Klitz pulled her out of her self-made shell gently.
“Keep it,” he said, kissing her forehead. “It looks better on you.”
Annie and Klitz both jumped back in shock as Eli pulled his hat off his face, jumping up from his cocoon of blankets on the floor.
“Eli!“ they both yelled in unison.
“You guys finally fucking made out!“ he said excitedly. “My work is done!”
“You are such a jerk!” Annie yelled, yanking his hat from his hands and smacking him with it.
Klitz watched as his two friends fought, smiling gently. Despite the annoyance he felt at Eli for interrupting and watching him and Annie’s whole interaction, he was glad to have kissed her at least once. Once Eli had finally apologized, Annie sat back on the couch with Klitz.
“So,” she said, slowly. “Klitz? Would you um…would you want to go out with me?”
It was like a million fireworks had suddenly exploded in his heart. A chance with his dream girl?
“S-sure,” he said with a thick swallow.
Annie leaned back into the couch with a smile, resting her head on Klitz’s shoulder. Despite the awkwardness of the night, she was glad to finally have the chance with the guy she’d wanted for so long.
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lilac, sapphire & lemon
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sooo true i'm funny but i need to be studied under a microscope i can't deny it 🤟🏽😔🤟🏽
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Never wrote on tumblr-
But wattpad is alittle boring-
So imma expand my writting by writting here-
So small intro on me!:)
My name: Annie*close ppl call me Ann(SOME CLOSE PPL CALL ME BANANIE AND IDK WHY-)*
What i do: I write,sing,*sometimes* cosplay,draw*suck at it tho* and do alot of stuff online! Im also an internet mother!:>
Internet mother names you can call me: Momma,Mom,Mother,Mama*only some call me Mommy*
Gender: female!:>*thinking about going trans tho ngl*
Fandoms i know/am in:
*many more but i forgot :,D*
I can write smut if horny enough-
Idk why-
What I'll write:
Smut*only horny like above*
*and other*
What i WONT write:
Huge age gaps
Child x adult.that shits weird-UNLESS ITS A FAMILY FLUFF-
What i WILL write:
Family fluff
Pets x person*not a zoophila- more of a fluff thing where an animal comforts*
Character x !SIBLING!Reader FLUFF/ANGST
And more that isnt too weird-
Also kinks are weird and tend to get out if hand so if u request a kink plz dont make it a wild one :,D
Disabilities/things that make me "weird"/diffrent:
I have depression- apparently it makes me different
I cant be happy
I have anxiety
I think I may have tourrets syndrome but im not sure
I am a survivor of rape and abusive family*but my family still finds ways to hurt me:,)*
I tend to have "scratching fits"
I may have ADHD and OCD
I might be bi-polar but i havent been diagnosed yet.
Im Bisexual with a Lesbian girlfriend!
I have suicidal thoughts that come and go
Life hates me😩*it hates everyone ngl-*
I am gonna adopt you and you cant escape
I for some reason started a gang on wattpad and i am gonna be starting a cult like jelly bean or ayoden- cus idk:)
I am weird sometimes and change personalities depending on who im with,resulting in me not knowing who tf i am:D
Im the student whos "perfect" but have the worst life👍
If your adopted by me your getting daily checks
Im ugly💅
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homobiwan · 3 years
can’t believe you doxxed me by revealing my full name :((( (annie bananie)
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Thank you for tagging me! @xanzusx @beserk-ir
Nickname: Anz, BunBun, Bunny, Anna Banana, Annie Bananie, honey, sweetheart, cutie, etc.
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5'1"
Last thing I googled: "But I'm a Cheerleader" (it's a movie I saw on TikTok that I need to watch fjdiafos)
Followers: 572! (I am unsure how many of them are porn bots fjidaofs)
Song stuck in head: "We Don't Talk About Bruno" from Encanto and "Haus of Holbein" from SIX
How much I sleep: 5-7 hours (I wake up at 5-6am regardless of when I sleep so)
Lucky number: 13
Dream job: Voice actress/Broadway actress, or a fiction novelist. Something where I can be creative, though I intend to continue to sing/act/write in my everyday life too!
Wearing: camo sweat-pants, black T-shirt, gray crop-top hoodie (all soft clothes 💖)
Favorite song: Please don't ask me this I LIKE TOO MANY SONGS OKAY. For right now I'm just gonna say "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne. But also "Get Back Up Again" by Anna Kendrick. And "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" by Queen. And also "Sincerely, Me" from Dear Evan Hansen and "Michael in the Bathroom" from Be More Chill. Plus--
Favorite instrument: Saxaphone!! It's so pretty. I also like violin!
Aesthetic: Soft/Comfort, colorful/cute
Favorite author: I haven't read many actual books in a long time, but one of my fav authors as a struggling queer teen was Alex Sanchez. I'd also just like to throw Rick Riordan and Neil Gaiman into the mix.
Favorite animal sound: Peacock calls. I love trying to imitate them too!
Something random: When I was a kid I had a pet magnet. Like legit it was just a square magnet that I taped a paper smiley face onto, and I gave it a home of a metal box that other scraps of paper to represent a "chair," "TV," etc. Here's a picture.
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Tagging: whoever wants to do this!! And @andmoonbeamskisssedsea @clefairytea if you guys want.
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From: This baby unfortunately crossed the rainbow bridge..but this will always be my favorite picture of Annie bananie 🤍 @Witchywoman4201
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thegraystreaks · 4 years
Hi miss goose i think u should know that I am so incredibly fortunate to have met someone as kind and SO beautiful inside & out as u. U are such a DELIGHT to be around and every single time I talk to u or u join in a conversation on the gc i feel so much lighter just bc u are There and u have such a calming and fun presence and I am just truly in shock that someone as unique and wonderful as u exists and is in my life. I love u more than words could say miss Olivia xxx
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miss annie bananie........the way that i am so emotional i cannot speak..........thank u from the bottom of my heart
u are truly so kind and welcoming and talented and warm-hearted......i feel like i learn something new from you every day about love and friendship and writing 🥺🥺🥺 u are such a giving soul, it makes me want to be better 🥺🥺🥺 truly i cherish u so much, i have so much love for u that i dont know what to do with it
i have officially sent u 1000 kisses i hope u can feel them
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365text · 4 years
tag game
tagged by the sweet @study-van uwu
Nickname: one of my friends calls me “annie bananie” as a terms of endearment but usually no because annie is un-nicknameable LOL
Sign: a senti/simpy af cancer
Height: 5′1.75″ LOOOOL
Hogwarts house: pretty sure im like a lil ravenclaw / hufflepuff :~)
Last thing I googled: rainbow hemp flip flop reviews (i found a hole in my rainbows yesterday oops LOL)
Song stuck in my head: none because im perpetually listening to music :~)
No. of followers: a good amount leftover from my earlier days, tho i feel like 0.01% of them are still active LOOOL
Amount of sleep: i’m bad at sleeping so i get 5-6 hours on average ;u;
Lucky number: i don’t think i’ve ever had on O: maybe 8 hehe
Dream job: if i could do something to help people through the health sector that’d  be amazing
Wearing: thrifted large santa cruz beach boardwalk tshirt + hoodie :’)
Favourite song: impossible to choose, though i really love this one (even tho i am not religious something about the song just really speaks to me O:)
Favourite instrument: i.....played piano when i was younger :eyes:
Aesthetic: clean & minimal with pops of color and momentos :)
Favourite authors: i don’t think i have one heh i really love little women tho ! and mysterious benedict society c: 
Favourite animal noise: this is an interesting question i don’t think i have one either im sorry i have n O PERSONALITY
Random fact: my friend interviewed me for her podcast and upon finishing and me messaging her asking if i spoke too fast or if it made sense at X spot, she was like “u seem rly nervous about this” and i was like “yes i have a nervous disposition” A;LSDJFA;OIWEJF LOL
and now i shall tag @headgirlstudy & @philology-studies and anYone else who wants to do this just say i tagged u c: 
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formulaonedirection · 2 years
you're my bestie westie, my twin, my silly little goofer girl. you are kind and funny and warm and to know you is to know love and peace. i love you dearly and i cannot wait to drink earl grey with you <333
Annie bananie i love you dearly and when we link up we're literally gonna be unstoppable in our matching Morning Mist outfits!!!!!
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